A Taxi Ride
- 3 years ago
- 33
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I drove a yellow taxi in New York long before Uber, Lyft, Juno, and so forth made the whole thing so app based. You had to hustle out there and know where to find passengers on your own. Also, there was no GPS to help you navigate. I had a map unfolded on the front seat and other maps in my bag.
Our fleet was mostly Checkers, but we had one Chevrolet Impala as an experiment. It supposedly had capacity for only four passengers, not five like the Checker with its weird jump seats. Passengers and drivers would often ignore the capacity limits. I suppose the insurance company would give us grief if there was a serious accident and people got injured. Oops, we only cover five people, not eight.
I liked the Impala anyway, even if didn’t have the great visibility of Checker cars.
On a mild Wednesday evening in October, 1978, I had the Impala and had taken someone from Manhattan to Jacobi Hospital in The Bronx. I usually cruised back on local streets looking for a fare. There was no point in driving back to Manhattan empty.
I was headed west on Lydig Avenue, a narrow crosstown shopping street. At Wallace Avenue, a dark-haired woman hailed me and she got in the back. She said, “I’m going to 79th and Amsterdam eventually, but first I’d like to be driven around for a while. It relaxes me and helps clear my head.”
That was the first time I had gotten that kind of request.
“Any particular place you’d like for that?”
“Start off with the Bronx River Parkway, go southbound. Don’t worry about the meter, just let it run up.”
I had gotten a brief look at her while she was in the street, and now I tried to glance at her in the mirror as I put the car back into gear. The Impala didn’t have the huge interior space of a Checker, so she was pretty close to me.
She was dressed simply but neatly with business attire of a blazer, white blouse, and a light-gray skirt. Perhaps the most notable item was her dark gray, brimmed hat. I looked at her face in the mirror again. She had a strong, New York-girl face with a prominent nose. It wasn’t at all dainty or “cute.” Her skin had a nice olive complexion. There was a certain intensity in her that I noticed over the course of the evening. I also would detect something else, a kind of sadness or anger that I think she was trying to hide.
We had just reached the first light at White Plains Road when she said, “By the way, do you like my hat? It’s new; this is the first time I’ve worn it.”
By this time I’d learned to always praise a lady’s hat or purse or anything else if asked for an opinion, “Yes, it really looks good on you.”
“Why, thank you.” Then she said, “How about my shoes? I have these nice strappy new sandals tonight.” She put one leg up on the back of my seat. The partition was slid back; I was often careless about that so I could hear what people were saying. I had only to glance over to see her black sandal right next to me. Otherwise her foot was bare – she had no stockings of any kind.
I called them “very cool.” I didn’t think cab drivers threw the word “chic” around very often. Then she leaned forward to look at the right side of the dash where there was a holder and a light for my hack license.
“So you’re Paul. I’m Minerva.”
“Nice to meet you.” She sat back and I noted an odd smile, more like a smirk. I had never known a Minerva and I wondered what her last name was. I imagined it being one that made for an awkward combination, something like Schumacher or Grobdruck. I had even known a kid in high school from the unfortunate House of Slutsky.
We had a few blocks to the Parkway entrance. “I guess it’s a bit lonely driving a cab, isn’t it?”
I wasn’t that good with cabbie small talk, “Sort of. You meet a lot of people briefly and then you hardly remember them in a week.”
“It must be hard if you have a wife or girlfriend, I mean with the long hours and all. If you don’t mind me asking, do you have a wife or girl out there?”
I had also learned that, when meeting a new female, one should be cautious about revealing one’s past or present romantic status. I did know that few if any women got involved with taxi drivers they met on a ride or elsewhere. It was not like Travis Bickle and Betsy the campaign worker. I decided to say, “It’s sort of unsettled right now.”
She laughed at that, “Okay, unsettled, I get it. I suppose I’m kind of unsettled myself at the moment.”
Just to be conversational I said, “Really, how so?”
“Well I used to be married, but I’m separated now.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
Again I heard that clever little laugh, “Don’t be sorry. He’s the one who's going to be sorry, you can be sure of that.”
At this point I was circling up the entrance ramp to the southbound Parkway; for the next mile or so we’d be passing the Bronx Zoo. I was managing my first impressions of this Minerva. Already I was wary of her, and I let her have the next line. I was guessing she was in her late twenties or even about thirty. I was twenty-three at the time.
“So Paul, do you get women who try to pick you up or do you try to get them yourself? I mean for more than a cab ride, of course.”
I had to improvise something. Already I knew that the low status of cab drivers didn’t make them desirable pick-up material. Probably the only women they ever banged in their cars were streetwalkers.
“Actually Minerva, it’s not an exciting job in that particular way. Maybe it happens sometimes, but it hasn’t for me.”
Now we were going over a soaring trestle above some subway yards; we could see the Midtown skyline to the south. We were near the first major junction point, the one with the Cross-Bronx Expressway. I said, “Do you want to take this?”
She interrupted, “No, just keep going south.”
Then she said, “I get it how this job is not exactly a pick-up paradise.” She seemed to be insinuating something about social class there, but I was hardly surprised by that.
She had more to say, “However, I bet there are times when girls do tease you.”
“Why would they do that?”
“Oh, just for the fun of it. You’re up there and they’re back here. You can look all you want but you can’t touch. You know, a little power game, for some kicks.”
I was getting unnerved by this the game but I was surprised at how fast Minerva made her next move. She said, “Like this,” and she put her feet up on her seat cushion, pulled her skirt up and spread her legs.
We were at the next junction - the Bruckner Expressway – and I had stopped at a traffic signal. I looked back, and there was enough light from the streetlamps for me to see up her legs and notice her bare bush. She had no stockings and no underpants. Like her face, her body was also not dainty. There was a certain solidity in her bare limbs that caught my attention.
She said, “Turn on the dome light.”
“Somebody might see you.”
“Fuck them. We’re going to be zipping down the road anyway. If they see me, they can jerk off about it later.”
I did turn on the dome, and as the signal changed I accelerated into the southbound Bruckner.
“So Paul, notice anything unusual?”
I looked back again, “Yeah Minerva, you’re not wearing any panties.” I sounded surprisingly churlish. “Why is that?”
“I guess it just makes me feel so damn sexy. I’m such a hot woman that I have to express it however I can.” Now she leaned forward on the back of my seat and said quietly, “But I do have a back-up pair in my purse. I girl should always have a spare, just in case.”
Just in case of what? But I didn’t ask. She went back to her legs-spread position with her feet up on the seat cushion. I figured I would let her have the next word, and I didn’t have to wait long.
“So do you like me being nude under my clothes? Do you like my pussy? I mean, it’s hot and bare and more than a little damp, so I assume you do.”
I felt uneasy. I didn’t trust Minerva; I knew she was toying with me to satisfy some less than savory needs of her own. That was what bothered me about Minerva’s display of herself.
I couldn’t come up with a response, so I said nothing. Meanwhile, I kept to the right-hand lane so I didn’t have to deal with the faster traffic in the other two.
Minerva wasn’t dissuaded by my silence. She said, “Being separated, I do get horny at times. Quite a lot, in fact!” I heard another of those snarky laughs, “It’s hard to date guys who aren’t – well, who are satisfactory by my standards anyway.”
On this elevated section of the Bruckner, she had a new gimmick for me. She pushed her skirt back down; then she got her feet on the floor and turned around. That was so she could wave her ass at me.
“Look at my nice, tight skirt. And it has a zipper in the back. You know what you’d see if you pulled that down?”
I called her on that, “Your asshole, I assume.”
“Oh, you’re crude.” But I could tell she wasn’t really offended. “By the way, does this skirt make my behind look too big?”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
That made her laugh, “So you like girls with some flesh on them?”
I decided to give her a backhanded compliment, “Yes, Minerva, and you’d be one of them.”
“Then I’m the girl for you.”
Yeah honey, go on a date with me and we’ll confirm that.
Soon she sat back in her skirt-up, legs apart position. She reached into her purse and pulled out something, “You know what a dildo is, correct?”
Just because I was a cab driver didn’t mean that I was stupid. “Yes, I know what it is.”
The one she pulled out was a white plastic tube. “This isn’t one of those that's shaped exactly like a penis. There’s something – I don’t know, vul-gah about those. And it's not a vibrator, but it’s certainly thick enough to be effective.”
Just as she positioned it against her crotch she said, “I’m not one of those girls who uses vibrators; no electric assist for me. Completely manual, hands-on; that’s more than adequate. And this thing does have a substantial thickness to it as I mentioned.”
I wasn’t completely sure why, but I was finding her very annoying. Do I actually dislike her?
She asked, “Paul, you’ve seen women masturbate before, haven’t you?”
“Of course I have.”
“Right, one of those unsettled girlfriends of yours,” and she laughed. I thought, this chick better give me something really good as a payoff when she’s done with her stunt. She continued, “It’s fairly simple, I just move my trusty joystick in and out while my other hand circles my clitoris. Not too close, just around the edges. Here, I’ll show you.”
I had driven to the southern edge of the borough. If we were really going to 79th Street I had several bridges to choose from to enter Manhattan. I decided to stay on course and follow the road around until it turned back north and became the Major Deegan Expressway. Minerva would tell me if she wished otherwise.
Minerva, however, was busy pleasuring herself. I would catch her in the mirror, and I would turn my head as often as I dared. My curiosity got to me in spite of myself.
She had to tell me her thoughts, “I like imagining this guy at work, the boss of my boss. It would be a real coup if I could score with him.” Why, do you plan on screwing your way to a promotion? I wanted to say that but I didn’t. I was also bugged that she seemed to be done flirting with me, if that was the correct term for it, and she had moved her focus to this guy at her office.
She continued in that vein, “It’s not happening yet, however. He likes these little blonde twats; he can’t appreciate a voluptuous brunette like me. Give me some time, though, I’ll bag him.”
I had to know, “Are you thinking of him now?”
“Oh yes, very much so.”
I noted again that I wasn’t the object of her present fantasy. But what did you really expect?
I had seen other women do this to themselves and it had always been entertaining. Of course, it was usually followed by a vigorous screwing which, for me, made for a great second act. I was already surmising that this Minerva might not offer much more on this particular evening. When we were passing Yankee Stadium I was feeling more detached from whatever she was doing back there.
My mind wandered, and I thought of Joan Didion’s Maria Wyeth driving aimlessly around Los Angeles’s freeway system. It seemed one could do that on New York’s expressways too, but a nighttime excursion offered the best opportunity.
I thought of going east on the Cross-Bronx Expressway, which would take us in a big circle back to our starting point. However, I distrusted that road; it was one of the most treacherous highways in the country. I stayed the course and continued north. I thought of the straight shot up to Montreal 370 miles away.
Minerva’s legs were far apart and her feet were still up on the seat cushion. She didn’t have anything to say to me but she was moaning about somebody named Don. I assumed that was the studly managerial guy she wanted to bang for office success.
It didn’t take her long to climax. I knew women could do it fairly quickly when in the right mood, and Minerva seemed motivated now. Just before she came she cried out, I think, “Oh Don, you have a huge penis, my cunt is open for you!” That was followed by something unintelligible. Then she collapsed back into her seat and relaxed.
I hadn’t been driving particularly fast but we were nearly at Van Cortlandt Avenue at this point. She said, “So I bet you’re turned on. I assume you have an erection now?”
Despite my pose of indifference, I had gotten aroused anyway. I decided to tell the truth and be as casual as possible about it, “Yeah, Minerva, I definitely have one now.”
She giggled and said, “How about you take it out and show it to me? Just exit the road somewhere.”
I tried to gauge how to handle this. I decided to be coy or clever or whatever. “If you’re so eager to see my dick, how about we park and I go back there with you? You won’t be disappointed.”
“Oh no, you’re staying up there. I can look over the seatback.”
I was keeping track of how far north we were traveling. In a few minutes, we’d cross the city line into Westchester County; I had to turn back soon if I didn’t want to go too far afield. Minerva had more plans. “If we do park, you can jerk-off for me. I want to see how far you can shoot it. Maybe get it onto the speedometer.” Yeah, and who gets to clean that off? I will.
I persisted, “As I said, I’ll come back there for that. You can give me a hand, so to speak.” I tried to sweeten the deal, “I’ll rub your cunt and clit at the same time if you like. I’ll even go down on you after I’m done with myself.”
“You will not!” I thought I had offered some pretty good terms there. “As for yourself, you’ve already got two hands. You don’t need mine, so stay in the front.” I already knew that in chick-speak “you’ve got two hands” meant, quite literally, “go fuck yourself.” Her voice softened, “I do have some hand lotion if that would help.
I gave myself a couple of moments to consider her offer, “No, I think I’m going to take a pass on that.”
“Why, you watched me? That was like a free peep show for you. They pay to see that downtown.” Somehow the gender dynamics of “watching” were different when the roles were reversed. I would do it for a girlfriend but not a stranger.
I tried to explain that to her, “For a guy to do that, in front of a woman – unless he has something going with her – then it’s kind of humiliating. And you and I definitely don’t have anything going.”
“Really? You’ve got some nerve. You’re an arrogant little creep, you know that?”
First I had to decide on a turn-around location. There was an interchange at McLean Avenue that would work fine for that. Then I had to think of a comeback to her statement. My usual tactic in life was to placate people, but now I decided to get dramatic.
“Actually, Minerva, you are a cock-teasing little bitch, that’s what I think.”
“I beg your pardon?” I knew it was not a good sign when a woman said that.
“You heard me.” I went for more nastiness, “Also, you seem to be a whore at work, screwing the managers to get promotions you probably don’t deserve.”
She handled that with more restraint than I had expected. She was fuming but fairly quiet about it, “I don’t have to take this shit. Take me back, drop me at that diner at 231st and Broadway.”
I had entered the road again and we were going back south. “All right, 231st it is.” For the first time that evening, I drove with some hustle. Minerva sat silently, arms folded, staring out the window.
At 231st I pulled up across the street from the diner. “What’s the fucking fare?” I was impressed with her venomous attitude.
“Seventeen forty-five, miss.”
She pulled some bills out of the wallet in her purse, “Here, take your damn money, asshole.” She hurled her roll into the front seat and bills fluttered onto the cushion. She stayed in her seat as I said, “Hey honey, I hope you get that promotion.”
I counted my take: six singles. Something was amiss. Usually when people couldn’t pay they would just got out and left. They might say, “I’ll be right back” or “I’ve got to go upstairs and get some.” Then I’d never see them again.
In one or two cases they would put whatever they had available into the money slot to placate me. In all these situations – fortunately, they didn’t happen too often – I had little recourse. I wasn’t going to get out and chase them. Calling the police would be a waste of time. In those cases, I had to make up the shortage myself. I knew some would come back in the 49% of bookings that was my paycheck.
But Minerva just sat there as if daring me to do something. Something about her arrogance reminded me of the Phyllis Dietrichson character from Double Indemnity, although she wasn’t blonde as Barbara Stanwick had been.
Since she was sitting there, I did say something, “You’re still here? You do know this is not even close to being enough.”
She seemed quite calm, “So what do propose to do about it?”
“I was going to ask you the same thing.”
She thought about it a bit and then said, “Just keep driving.”
I almost asked her where to go, but I didn’t. I considered the long trip down to 79th Street she had first proposed. I had stopped the meter, but out of sheer habit I almost turned it on again. Instead, I just shut it down entirely. I knew the light on the roof would be on now.
I wandered west to Bailey Avenue and then I headed up the hill on Van Cortlandt Avenue. I figured I’d go back to Lydig and get rid of her.
Along the way, she said, “Since I’ve been such a naughty lady, you should give me a good, long spanking.”
I was so surprised that I pulled over to the curb. “You’re playing with my head again.”
“No, I’m completely serious.”
I dared ask her, “Do you want it now, and on your bare behind?”
“Of course, that’s the only way it could be effective. We just need a spot with some privacy.”
I called her bluff, “I know a good place; we can be there in a few minutes. It’s behind the subway yards.”
I drove to the back of the Jerome Avenue yards. There was a tall cinder-block wall that hid the tracks. Cars had to park head-in on this particular block, so I pulled into a gap and turned off the engine and lights.
“This looks pretty good,” she said.
“Leave it to a cab driver to know where to go.”
I still suspected that this was a prank. In a moment I said, “I have to get in the back with you.”
“Then come on over.”
I shrugged and went back there. There was more light from streetlamps than I would have preferred. Anyway, we could see each other fairly well.
I said, “I’m right handed, so you know how to place yourself.” I was still prepared to find that this was all a stunt and she’d laugh at me. But she did get herself into position. She put her feet on the floor and placed herself across my lap. Then she reached back and yanked her skirt up. I already knew she wasn’t wearing panties. She kept her hat on.
That seemed to be the point of no return. I wondered if I might be in some amazing dream, but I was pretty sure that wasn’t true. Minerva was not a skinny girl. I gazed at her rather ample bare hindquarters. Her legs were rather far apart and her genitals were visible. I was sure that she did it deliberately. Women often didn’t shave back then, so she had a hairy brown pubic bush.
“Minerva, you have a splendid ass. It’s too bad I have to punish you on it.”
“That’s what we’re here for.”
I said, “This is going to be long and hard, as I mentioned.”
“Go ahead, I deserve every bit of it.”
I had spanked girls before during various BDSM games. But none of those had been as abrupt as this, so I had to focus my mind on the task. Since everything was ready, I gave her a big slap on each butt cheek. There were now red marks on her; she wriggled and said something like “ouch” or “ow.”
She wasn’t physically restrained, so she didn’t have to stay there, but she did. I decided against a warm up and began a steady beating of her ass. She moved around a lot and made a considerable amount of noise.
I decided that some verbal chastising was in order along with the spanking, so I stopped for a moment and said, “I know it hurts, but you’re never going again without the full fare, correct?”
“Of course, I’ll never do it again, I promise. I know I need to be disciplined.”
As I continued I got a bit blunter, “Also, you’ve been quite a bitch and also a cockteaser.”
“I’m sorry; I’ve got to control that bitchiness.”
“You got that right.”
He behind became redder and redder. I put my left hand around her waist to steady her, but I didn’t complain about her movements as some guys might. I figured if she was getting an ass whupping, she should be allowed to express her pain. At one point she whipped her head around and her hat came off and landed on the seat.
I found I was enjoying this, like I had in the past with the other girls. I had a big erection. I didn’t care if she noticed it poking up inside my pants.
“Do you have to do it so hard?”
“Well you asked for it, so you’re going to get it. Consider this as collateral for the debt you owe. And it’s going to go on for a while.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“Yeah? I ought to take my belt off and whip you with that.”
“Not tonight.”
I caught what she had said. If not tonight, then when?
After some more of this, I noticed that her yelps were sounding more like moans. Instead of bouncing around, she began to gyrate her hips against my crotch. She moved forward and raised her buttocks higher so I had a better swing on them. I had seen similar reactions from other girls. I was sure now that she actually liked it. I decided not to mention that yet.
Then I looked at her pussy and it was confirmed. Her vulva was dark, swollen and wet with fluids from her cunt. More come out of her and started to drip down. Her vagina was gaping open.
I figured it was her show and I would have to see what happened next. But I decided to move it along by rubbing her, both on her sore backside and on her unmarked hips.
“Oh please, don’t toy with me.”
“You want more whacks?”
“More, yes. Although that rubbing is so nice.”
When she was ready, she said, “I want you to fuck me; a real one, not a finger fuck. Take me from behind.”
“If that’s what you want, I’m ready to do it.” The customer is always right.
She got off me and placed herself face-down on the seat. One of her legs went down on the floor. As she raised her pelvis, I undid my pants as quickly as I could. The headroom was tight but there was enough room for me to hunch over her. I was glad I wasn’t trying this in a Volkswagen Beetle.
There was little foreplay as such; everything we had just done was more than adequate. I slipped my cock right into her. I worried that my pressure against her beaten ass would bother her, but she never mentioned it. It was all very basic. I thrust forward and she pushed back. We both made a lot of noise. I held her around her waist to move her as needed. I was finally in the pussy she had displayed and boasted about before.
We were so charged up that it took less than ten minutes for both of us to come. I remember her being slightly ahead of me on that. Maybe her yelling inspired me to ejaculate sooner.
Afterwards, for a few seconds, we just stayed like that. Then she slumped forward and uncoupled from me; she turned over and lay face up on the seat. She didn’t look at me; she stared at the ceiling. I kneeled on the floor, catching my breath and trying to imagine what move, if any, came next.
Finally, she turned her head and said, “You look a little stunned.”
“That’s because I am, and I have good reasons for that.”
She laughed and said, “Look at what you’ve done.” She spread her legs and I could see my creampie inside her cunt. I figured she was still running this show but I had to ask, “Are you ever going to 79th Street?” I didn’t ask how she would pay for that, but I wasn’t going to just leave her at the Bedford Park elevated station.
“No, take me back to Lydig and Wallace. But first I have to get some panties on.” When she sat up, she went through her bag. She took out a rather ample pair of underpants; they were white with pink dots.
“I wouldn’t want your cum to be running down my thighs.”
“Yes, you have to think ahead. By the way, are those from Sears?” I tried to sound sarcastic but I failed.
After donning her panties she said, “May I sit in the front with you?”
“Wait a minute, am I supposed to drive over there with the meter off?”
Maybe she had earned it already. I remembered that expression, hash, gash or cash, nobody rides for free. I thought it was puerile, but I recalled it now. Without my permission, she got out and entered the front. I shrugged and did the same, placing myself at the steering wheel.
Then she surprised me again, “Actually, silly, I do have the money, enough to pay for the first ride and also the trip to Lydig.” I looked at her face and dark eyes, and I had some emotion I couldn’t quite define. It feels like the beginning of love, but that’s impossible.
“All right; let’s go then.” I started the engine and backed the car out. When I passed through an intersection I saw that we were on Paul Avenue at 205th Street. It was sort of my lucky street.
She touched her head. “Oh, where is my hat?”
“Don’t worry; you left it on the back seat.”
She was chatty on the trip, but with normal conversation this time. She found out that I lived on Rhinelander Avenue, which wasn’t far from Lydig. I wondered if she actually lived there or if she had some other reason for being there. It was a fairly short drive, and I offered to take her to the front door. It was on Wallace; she lived there after all. I still didn’t know what was at 79th Street; maybe it was just a pretext to start the journey.
I had a moment, I admit, when I was worried. Would this be the last time I ever saw Minerva? Now that she was finished with her adventure, would she get rid of me and go back to her regular life? I had just met her this evening, but now I didn’t want to lose her.
However, when I stopped in front of her building, she had yet another surprise for me. She leaned over, put her arms around me, and kissed me warmly. I kissed back, but I didn’t know what to say.
She solved the problem. She said, “You’re taking me out soon, aren’t you?”
I had nothing to lose. “Sure, but I have a strange schedule; I’m off Thursdays and Fridays.”
“So make it Friday.”
“We can go to Arthur Avenue.”
“No, City Island. I want seafood.”
I agreed, and then she said, “Do you have your own car or are we going to need a car service?” She meant cars that responded to radio calls; yellow cabs were scarce in The Bronx.
“I have a car. It’s this really weird thing, a 1975 Austin Marina.”
She found that funny. “Why did you buy that?”
“Because it was so cheap. It does represent the worst of the British auto industry.”
“It’s not going to break down, is it?”
“I can guarantee nothing.”
She wrote her phone number in a little notebook I always had with me; then she kissed me again and got out. She said through the open door, “Am I kinky enough for you?”
“I think you’ll do just fine. I do have one question for you. Those times you got angry and gave me a hard time; was that all playacting?”
I could see she was a bit worried, “No, not all of it was faked. I admit, I enjoyed that.” Then she brightened. “You think I’m a very bad girl, don’t you?”
“Baby, I don’t think it, I know it!” She grinned at me. I said, “I’ll call you and pick you up on Friday.”
I watched her enter the lobby, then I drove off. I wondered what I was getting into. How emotionally stable is she? She has done some eccentric things tonight. Plus, she was older than I was; I guessed by maybe six or seven years.
Maybe she was impressed by my spanking and fucking abilities, but that didn’t explain why she had chosen me in the first place. I doubt it was my photo on the hack license. Maybe I had been picked at random for a stunt that had developed a momentum of its own. I mused, well, this will be one date where I know she’s a sure thing.
I was going to cruise across Fordham Road and enter Manhattan via Washington Heights. If I didn’t get a fare, I’d head downtown from there.
Then I realized that I had enough of this uptown scene. I got on the Bronx River Parkway again and hurried to Manhattan as I had tried to do earlier.
Damn, I still don’t know what her last name is.
Hi guys my latest sexual adventure happened recently that id like to share with u . Im a married pakistani in my mid 30s with a husband who allows me to indulge my high sex drive when needed with other men as long as i divulge my experience with him and also try and keep it safe ........The following story Is 100 percent true but I'll change the name of the person involved. So it was a Friday night and lately I've been carrying out my grocery shopping late in the evening as with work and other...
My wife Anna and I had gone to a wedding. We left the reception at about eleven at night and decided to take a taxi as we had had many drinks. Taxis were few and far between. When one finally stopped there were two other men waiting, they asked if we could share and we did. Anna sat in the back seat between the two men, they did not speak much english. The taxi driver was middle eastern and did not speak english well either so I sat up front with him to better give him directions to our hotel....
My wife Anna and I had gone to a wedding. We left the reception at about eleven at night and decided to take a taxi as we had had many drinks. Taxis were few and far between. When one finally stopped there were two other men waiting, they asked if we could share and we did. Anna sat in the back seat between the two men, they did not speak much english. The taxi driver was middle eastern and did not speak english well either so I sat up front with him to better give him directions to our hotel. ...
It was a beautiful warm day ,the breeze was cool. I had to go and run some errands before my husband got home. I got went to bathroom and took a nice warm shower. I also shaved under my arms and between my legs. As I began to shaved my pussy I started to feel for a good fuck. So I stopped and masturbate f or a few minutes. Then continued to shave my pussy clean and did my legs . When I was done shaving , I soap up myself once more and then rinse wrapped in my towel. As I walked towards my...
I have always been a ‘tit man’ as my ex wife liked to put it. She herself was pretty busty being a slim size 10 and 34D when we married. But then as the years went by she became a size 18 and 44G, a little big in all directions, even for my tastes. But I have always liked to look at busty girls whether in porn or when I see them out and about. And with fashions nowadays and being a taxi driver this has given me plenty to see! Particularly when picking up from the clubs at 2 or 3am. The...
They stood kerbside waiting for the taxi to appear. This man, Mike, who had appeared so suddenly in her life that morning, had quickly gained her confidence, now stood alongside her, although no one else would know.Anna Morgan’s thoughts turned to the crazed madness that had recently surged through her body. God, she could have been thrilling herself for all these dull years, and with her own fingers. It was all due to Mike’s appearance, and her own dream meeting with his mysterious priestess,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI worked overtime that night. It was around 10 pm when I decided to call it a day and go home. I flagged a taxi and sat beside the driver. I usually sit at the back but for some reason, that night, I chose to sit in front. He was an average looking man who is probably in his early 30s. I don’t usually talk to taxi drivers but that night, I initiated a conversation. “Hi, long day? Or you just started your shift?” He looked at me like I was a madwoman. He was probably...
MasturbationMy drunkenness was now making me very sleepy as the taxi sped along the motorway. “Lynn! Lynn!” Clare shouted as she shook my arm, “I’m getting out now, will you be ok?” “Yes, yes…sure,” I mumbled as my eyes blinked with the sudden light. “I’ve got her address. She’ll be fine.” I heard the elderly Asian taxi-driver tell my friend. I looked forward and spotted his dark brown eyes staring back from the rear-view mirror as he adjusted it. Not realising what he was doing I...
I had gone with the girls to a local dance club that night.Everything looked to go so well…I had first seen that man in the dance floor. Something about him really caught my attention and I was getting aroused by the minute.In order to get a closer look at him, I dragged some of my girlfriends onto the dance floor near that guy. At that closer distance I liked what I could see even more: he was in his early thirties; was tall and well built and athletic, He was really a handsome guy; but the...
100% fiction! I have lived on my own for a few years now and since my dad died so has my mum. Since live near to each other we decided to pool our resources and so I decided to move back home. The first night I moved back coincided with a family party so we both got ready and jumped in a taxi to go to the hall where the party was being held. It was a great night and we both enjoyed meeting up with family members we have not seen for a few years. At the end of the night we ordered a taxi to take...
IncestEric would like it known that his friend does most of the work, he just helps out. The Taxi Makes More Rounds By Eric and a Friend It's day 14. I've been driving this awful, smelly, evil taxi for two weeks now, and it should be the time for my life-changing ordeal to take another turn again. Let me start from the beginning. Two weeks ago, I was a middle age stockbroker. I put heart and soul into the job, and that left me with no social life, no family, very rare dates and no...
The Taxi Makes Its Rounds By Eric and a Friend (Eric's note: This was written almost totally by my friend. I just did some polishing, editing and minor changes) I should have known there was something wrong with Nick the day he took a taxi to my apartment just to tell me that he had passed his bar exam. I really shown have known! He could have just told me over the phone, but Nick has been like a child for most of his life, he couldn't wait to share the news with the whole...
A sequel to Cinderella's Taxi From Eric: 90% of this is from my shy but talented friend, though I polished and edited it. From Gambler: My reason for writing this is that the initial story ending seemed weak enough to stand on its own, but what really happened was that I was too tired to go on in the morning after writing it for about 6 hours (while downloading MP3 files from Napster and watching TV with one of my eyes in the same time, a real multi-tasking person I am!). I...
Eric's Note: A large majority of this tale was written by my friend. I changed the ending, polished some and added dialogue. Hell is a City Much Like New York, a Taxi Ride Story By Eric and Friend Don Mason looked at the pink slip he just got and for the first time of his life, he felt as a total failure. At the age of 54 and working for the last ten years in mid level management to one of the international life insurance companies, he had thought his job was secure amid the talk...
(Eric's note: I edited, added a little bit, and put a little extra in the ending, but this is 90% my friend's work. It is a very poignant tale.) Cinderella's Taxi (A Taxi Ride Universe Tale) By Eric and Friend The twin girls were almost ready for bed, but their bodies were still full of energy at 9pm. It wasn't easy for their sitter to get them ready for bed in the first place. Even after begging and bribery, the twins still wouldn't get in the bed and sleep like the angels four...
Natalie heaven sex story’s cheating with the taxi driver and anyone who wanted me Hello everone it’s natalie hear agein with a nother sex story off my my real life experiencesThis story is about me cheating on one off my boyfriends or fuck buddy with the taxi driver and then telling my boyfriend to lick the taxi drivers cum out my ass and anyone else who wanted me This story take place meny years go was 23 at the time I was 22 when I meet ( F ) For story purposes boyfriend name is ( F ) and...
Introduction: He drove – while I sat in the back with his wife I had been driving my big yellow and black checkered taxi most of the day. It was starting to get more crowded downtown. I honked a few times to make room. I pulled over to take a break. I was parked outside this very upscale restaurant. I looked out the rear of the parking lot. There was a taco truck selling some Korean barbecue. I got a few tacos to go. I drank a cold beer as I waited in the back seat of my cab. The restaurant was...
I had been driving my big yellow and black checkered taxi most of the day. It was starting to get more crowded downtown. I honked a few times to make room. I pulled over to take a break. I was parked outside this very upscale restaurant. I looked out the rear of the parking lot. There was a taco truck selling some Korean barbecue. I got a few tacos to go. I drank a cold beer as I waited in the back seat of my cab. The restaurant was very busy. A few limos pulled up and dropped off some rich...
I had been driving my big yellow and black checkered taxi most of the day. It was starting to get more crowded downtown. I honked a few times to make room. I pulled over to take a break. I was parked outside this very upscale restaurant. I looked out the rear of the parking lot. There was a taco truck selling some Korean barbecue. I got a few tacos to go. I drank a cold beer as I waited in the back seat of my cab. The restaurant was very busy. A few limos pulled up and dropped off some rich...
It was about an hour later that I jumped out the back seat. I walked around the back of the parking lot. I was taking a piss in the back alley of the restaurant. I was only wearing a tight black shirt. Some cargo shorts. Some black sandals. I pushed my wet cock back in my black boxer briefs. I looked around as I walked back to my cab. I was maybe five feet from the back when I heard a loud noise. I then heard some people shouting. A couple guys were whistling. I looked up in front of my cab....
I was at uni on a night out with my housemates... heres what happened.We all went out on the Saturday night for a few drinks and then decided to head to the club. At this point we were all quite drunk except one girl Felicity who was wasted ! Felicity was 19 and dressed like a complete slut wearing a tiny white vest top with no bra and the shortest red kilt/skirt youve ever seen. She topped it off with a pair of red high heels to match the skirt and as she stumbled her way to the club you could...
My wife Ellen was having a girls weekend staying over at a friends place. I'd stayed home on Friday night, but on Saturday, I decided to go for a beer down the pub. When I got there, I saw a mate of mine, Dave, with a couple of his golfing buddies, laughing and whooping it up. I grabbed a beer and went to join them and asked what all the laughter was about? Turned out one of Dave's buddies was a taxi driver and he'd been telling them how he'd scored with one of his fares last night. Seeing as...
Cheating WifesMe and my fella went to a couples club one night. We rented a room in a hotel so we wouldn't have to drive after we got drunk, as we knew we would. We have never been to these clubs before and were nervous We aren't swingers but have often fantasized about being watched flashing and my guy wanted to see other guys fondle me from time to time I dressed in a very short, black dress. It was a halter style dress that tied behind my neck and was very low cut, showing off my lovely new 34D tits....
You had more than your usual two drinks and let me know well before we left the bar that you were definitely in the mood to be naughty. It had started out very coyly with you rubbing that area just above your breasts while looking away. You wanted me to notice and I did. When you folded your arms under your breasts, no one could have accused you of pushing them slightly forward but you did. You continued to make the most casual of conversation. With your arms folded under your breasts like...
MasturbationIt started with an argument. Karyn, one of the secretaries at work, is always getting into some kind of flaky movement -- psychics, UFOs, whatever. Her latest one was witchcraft. Well, she called it something else, but that's what it amounted to. Anyway, we all started talking about it over lunch. I was skeptical, like I usually am about Karyn's ideas. But one of the other guys, Pete, started really getting on her case about it, so I ended up in the middle -- doubting Karyn's stories, but...
María was a Latin girl 21 yo., 1.70 mts. tall, slim, short, golden-haired, brown eyes. Her skin bristled each time she remembered those facts that had taken place barely weeks ago in her town. Here is her story: She used to go out and drink beer with friends, but loved to do this frequently. One of those days she dated buddies, she drank too much. She was a girl who accepted and confessed that drinking too many beers made her horny a lot, and wished to fuck like a cheap slut the first male...
Quickie SexThe Private Life of a Taxi Driver is, sometimes more private than you think. Taxi driving doesn't just start by taking a Passenger from point A to B, It's not so true, because in the daytime you may have a more controlled fare on the hour but at night it is normally weird people. Sometimes you have to do more than you thought you would bargain for. You will ask why? Well let me explain! People are sometimes paying you to take them from one point to another, but also want you to be their escort...
EroticThis follows on from the rest of my stories……Straight after Daddy left our house Nina sat down next to me, she started to tell me that she wasn’t angry anymore and that she wouldn’t be kicking me out as she still loved me but she wasn’t interested in me sexually as I can’t satisfy her, she told me I had never made her feel the way daddy had today. Nina said we would act as if everything is normal for our k**s but that Daddy owned us both now, and we must do what he says.Nina then said Daddy had...
So I received a text from the girls, asking me to come out last night. (Sunday) with it been the bank holiday, and not been out in some time, I said yes.Hubby minded the k**s and gave me the hall pass lol.Went into town (Dublin city) hit a couple of different night clubs, and had a great night.Obviously loads of flirting went on lol, but nothing really worth following up on.Think last orders was about 3am, which was 3 pink gin cocktails.There was 4 of us in total, 2 from north dublin and 2 from...
Another original story from me featuring a taxi driver and a passenger unable to pay her fare.Comments always welcome on [email protected] of a Taxi Driver I have always been a ‘tit man’ as my ex wife liked to put it. She herself was pretty busty being a slim size 10 and 34D when we married. But then as the years went by she became a size 18 and 44G, a little big in all directions, even for my tastes. But I have always liked to look at busty ladys whether in porn or...
I welcome all comments both good and bad so please feel free to leave them. Or if you prefer email me direct on [email protected] with your comments or ideas for stories. Confessions of a Taxi Driver (Part 1) I have always been a ‘tit man’ as my ex wife liked to put it. She herself was pretty busty being a slim size 10 and 34D when we married. But then as the years went by she became a size 18 and 44G, a little big in all directions, even for my tastes. But I have always...
Just into the new year Garry and Susan arranged to see some friends in the city. They had booked a meal and later went dancing with their friends. They also had arranged to get a taxi home from the city. It was going to cost them but it would be worth it just to get home. At the appointed time the taxi arrived at the pick up point. Susan and Garry were pretty sloshed after their night out. But they scrambled into the back seat of the car and bade their friends good night. They were hardly...
Straight SexShe wonders what is it with posh restaurants that makes them serve such small portions. God, for that price she could have eaten so much more in a normal place. And it wasn’t such high quality either. She actually could have done it better herself at home. But anyway, she reminds herself, she isn’t there for the food. With a sigh, she looks up from her empty plate to his face. He’s still looking at her. At least he’s stopped trying to make small talk. She hates that. “Take your panties...
ExhibitionismThe wife Claire and I had been out for a drink and it was the end of the night and we decided to get something to eat and take it home, we normally ring out local taxi firm but as we left the pizza shop there was a taxi sat waiting, I asked if he was free and he said jump in. Claire had had a few and I was feeling ok, Claire when tipsy gets really cheeky and flirty, this young lad must have been 22 at least, she decided to wind him up and started to talk dirty to him, I told him don't worry...
We were waiting outside for are pre booked taxi, myself and mum had been to a friend’s 50th birthday and was heading home. We were waiting outside the venue on a lovely summers night it was just before 11.30pm and we were talking about how nice it was to catch up with old friends, and how funny it was to see Dave still hitting on mum after all these year, even if it was a good friend of dads. We were both merry standing around waiting for are taxi to turn up. Mum was still a very attractive...
It’s in the evening hours, while returning from office in a special bus service a beautiful women board in the bus. She stand behind me by holding the rod on the roof of the bus. As the bus is getting crowded gradually the space between us is decreasing. After some time I can feel the touch of her hand in my back. She holds the rod in one hand and cover her breast by other. After some timae when the bus step in to high way it took more speed and it become difficult to keep balance with one...
TxM6– Taxi Murders Murder ‘Cross the Bridge Taxi man Henry Whitman drove the George Washington Memorial Bridge 20 times every day. West to east and return — the span creaked under him. He had predicted long ago that someday the bridge would fall down like ‘Humpty-Dumpy.’ He never tired of the span during early morning hours. Sometimes the sky was an almond green to yellow to brown to orange to scarlet. ‘Just chemicals in air’ he told any fare, and then he laughed silently, and his fist...
We froze as tom stared at the situation in front of him: in the luxury taxi, along the back . Me on the floor naked, my sisters hand around my dick. Lucy lying on her back across the seats, naked, my girlfriend janes pussy in her face, the juices on Lucys mouth. And my girlfriend, stretched out naked over Lucy, her face between Lucy's thighs, which she was now resting her head upon as we froze, waiting for toms reaction, hoping he...
This happened in the mid 1980’s when I would have been about nineteen years old. The details are accurate, the dialogue is to the best of my recollection. I used to regularly visit a nightclub, which was about two miles away from where I lived. It was common practice for me to get drunk, try unsuccessfully to ‘get off’ with a girl and then stagger home. It was also not unusual for me to hitch hike home and more often than not, I would be picked up by someone who worked at the club and knew me...
Oral Sex"Hello, can I order a cab please ?" When everyone else was heading back home, Rachel's night was just about to begin."Certainly, what name and destination ?""Miss C. Payne, for St. Helens." She had a wicked sense of humour that was often lost on those around her."At this time of night a journey that fare will be in excess of £20 ?""That's not a problem.""Be with you soon, thank you." The taxi reception girl rang off with a voice that wouldn't have been out of place in a posh department...
I’m a bi guy in my early 30’s and have been with a couple of guys before this night So I’m was on a night out with a few friends and it was time to go home so a leave the club a head to a local taxi pick up spot. I get in the first taxi and tell the driver my address. He is a guy in his late 40s maybe early 50s. We make our way and begin chatting and before long it turns into him asking me if I got lucky tonight to which I replied “no not even a blow job “ the pair of us laughed he then says he...
Another dangerous taxi driverVictor and I had attended a very nice joyful party that summer night.We have danced for hours, chatted to some friends and had really had a good time.But as I danced with some of my girlfriends, my lovely Victor had visited the bar; more times than I had waited.Then later that night I found my sweet husband was “out of order”…When it was time for me to leave I hunted him up, easy enough, because he was at the bar still and suggested that it was time to go. No way...
Once More Around the Park, A Taxi Ride Story By Bashful The first two weeks I spent in this gross body of this fat, ugly man were the worst. In fact I ended up in Bellevue City Hospital. For those not familiar with New York City, that's where they trundle the financially challenged off to when they can't deal with reality any longer. In other words, it's the city's charity nutcase ward. The night it happened, I wanted to get out of the cab and grab my body, to make the evil...
The Taxi: Love is the Reason By Bashful I walked out of the building, followed by the security officers. I was carrying a box that originally held copy paper and it now held the former contents of my desk. The desk I had occupied for six years. I'm not ashamed to admit I was crying It was probably the best job I had ever had. I loved it, really loved it. I looked forward to going to work everyday up until about six months ago. That was when Judy Spence came to work for the...
It was a Saturday night. I've just been out clubbing with some friends and having a few drinks, I was pretty drunk. I wore a tight black dress; it clinged onto my body revealing everything, it even reveled my black thong mark and also my 34DD tits. I didn't wear a bra so you could faintly see my big nipples through my black dress. I wore some stockings and high heels. I had long black hair with red bright lips. It was 4 am and the end of the night, my friends went home and I was alone in the...
ReluctanceHello, my name is Anita and this is the first time I have posted on this site. This is a true sex experience. You can send your feedback on This happened with me 3 months ago. I was living with my mausi and had to attend a wedding in Punjab. However, since my mausi was unwell and sick, she was not going to attend the shaadi. Before that, let me tell you about myself. I have a very nice figure with creamy white skin, pink nipples and 36 size breasts. I have had sex in the past and enjoy it a...
Hors d'Ouerve He invited her to dinner the next day. Maybe they could go to this new Italian place, he said. Of course, she accepted. They would meet in the lobby at 6:30. In the cab, going uptown, they talked about work. His hand moved across the space between them during the conversation. As he spoke he began to draw circles on the back of her hand, circles that alternated with strokes. His touch was so light, like just breathing on her skin. It was, of course. exactly the way she touched...
Jim settled in for another dull night of driving around drunken college students and sleep deprived night shift workers. That was until he looked in his side view mirror and saw a hot pair of legs in high heels walking towards his Taxi. He immediately sat up straight and so did his cock. “Alton Towers please came a soft voice as his passenger slipped into the back seat. “Sure thing,” Jim looked back, trying to get a good look at the full package which to his delight was smoking hot! The top...
This happen about 10 years ago and was the turning point in out lives.Having been with my girlfriend many years, now wife, we always believe having a strong sex life is very important. We haven't pushed the boundaries too far as she prefers the one on one style of sex, but I would always try to encourage her to have sex in public places with a bit of risk to height the mood.She's very petite with amazing 30DD pert breasts and loves wearing low cut or tight tops with mini skirts. Sometimes this...
Jim settled in for another dull night of driving around drunken college students and sleep deprived night shift workers. That was until he looked in his side view mirror and saw a hot pair of legs in high heels walking towards his Taxi. He immediately sat up straight and so did his cock. “Alton Towers please came a soft voice as his passenger slipped into the back seat. “Sure thing,” Jim looked back, trying to get a good look at the full package which to his delight was smoking hot! The top...
Straight SexIt was Saturday night. Adam and his friends had just left the club. Their t-shirts stuck to them as they entered the cool air. Carly ran to the usual bench on the street outside. Adam and Kev sauntered over, pushing her along to sit down."Fuck me, I'm knackered," Kev puffed out, as he collapsed on the bench. All three of them eyeing up the exiting revellers. "How the fuck do girls get away with wearing so fucking little?" Adam laughed. "Cause lads are easily pleased," scoffed Carly. Both...
Gay Maleawake, if no one else. Only me and Jane, my girlfriend (5"8, caramel skin with Brown hair, healthy C cup) were awake. The others: my sister lucy (red hair, white skin, and, if I had to judge, low ccup) and Sophie(5"7, light brunette with a massive 36D), will, and tom, were all asleep. We were taking a taxi from, essentially, one side of the state to the other. Crazily expensive, yes, unnecessary, yes, but thankfully shauna had very rich...
So if you have read my story about my “gay taxi ride home” you know the taxi driver had left me his card and told me if I ever needed a lift or wanted an encounter with him and a group of his taxi driver friends I should give him a call. Well one Friday night I’m sat in a pub alone after two of my friends had gone home early that evening and left me on my lonesome. So I remembered about the driver and open my wallet and pull out his card before sending him a message saying “sat in a pub...
“Well, by the look of it, you have three holes and no money for a taxi. We have three cocks and plenty of money. Look at it as a business transaction.”From that point of view, it made sense to Mel. She was stuck in town on a Friday night, 7 miles from home, and she’d had her handbag pinched while she was dancing. She was in the taxi rank, trying in vain to persuade a cab driver to take her home on the promise of payment from her dad once she woke them up and got in the house. She’d lost her...
As a girl raised in a big city, I had my first sexual experience very early. For women, losing their virginity can be very uncomfortable, and I was a little disappointed in my first "attempt" at sex. But as time went on, and as I went through several relationships, things have begun to change. I also realized that if I took the initiative in the beginning, I could very easily let my partner know what I liked. Sex was slowly becoming my favorite pastime. I wasn't afraid of experimentation, in...
Back home trip on a taxiWe had attended that boring party, but it was really necessary for Victor. The company head was already gathered there and it was fine for a sure promotion on my loving hubby career.I had chosen a black chiffon dress, a very sexy one. My back was bare and my legs well shaped by some five inches stilettos. I was sure I might have caused several swollen in the party that night.Everything was going really boring, until I started feeling tired and exhausted from the days...
For those of you about to read this story, you may want to check out my first story entitled "Singapore Slinged" as it will help you understand my girlfriend Linda a bit better and in turn make this story more enjoyable. Enjoy!After our little 'experience" in Singapore, me and my girlfriend Linda's relationship in the bedroom went through the roof, just the images of that night alone were enough for me to get in the mood to pound her for hours on end. Although what Linda done in that hotel room...
Hubby and I had attended a very nice joyful party that evening.We danced for hours, chatted to some friends and had a good time.But as I danced with some of my girlfriends, my lovely Victor visited the bar; more times than I had expected. After a while, I found my beloved sweet man was completely “out of order”…When it was time for me to leave I found him still at the bar; so I suggested him it was time to go back home.No way was he driving us home. We had to leave our car overnight, because I...