LORNA AND GRACE. PART 7 free porn video

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LORNA and GRACE. Part 7
« What are you doing for Thanksgiving ? », asked Lorna, getting her desert out of her lunch bag.
“Oh…I have to go East to visit family”, replied Grace who was improving at lying.
“I thought your family was in Canada”, asked Lorna a little suspicious
“Some of the family immigrated to the US a long time ago”, replied Grace in a tone of voice which showed she didn’t care to pursue this topic any further.
“The Market is closed so maybe I’ll see what Alice and Janice are doing”, said Lorna maliciously hoping this would get Grace jealous.
“I’m sure you’ll find something interesting to do”, replied Grace, putting her half-eaten apple in her lunch bag.
“See you later”, said Grace over her shoulder as she walked away from the picnic tables.
The relationship between the two women had certainly cooled down over the last few months. Discovering a nest of lesbians so close at hand, so to speak, encouraged both women to be promiscuous. At first their relationship did not suffer much but lately they rarely even slept together. Lust and curiosity had had the best of faithfulness. Maybe it would come back. That’s what Lorna thought at least.
Late Friday evening, Helen’s large chauffeured- black car was parked near the train station.
“Here is the address you’ll need for Sunday night and the reservation for the hotel. My phone is on there so don’t hesitate to call if you get lost or sick or something”, said Helen
“Who’s Charlotte ?”, asked Grace
“She’s the one who will meet you in the lobby of your hotel on Saturday and she’ll take care of you. I’ll meet you on Sunday. Don’t worry everything will go fine”, reassured Helen.
“Is Charlotte nice ?”, asked Grace is a faint voice
“Yes…she is a few years older than you, but you’ll ….like her very much”, said Helen nudging Grace with her elbow and laughing out loud like she used to do backstage years ago.
“I’m so nervous”, admitted Grace
As the driver was used to looking straight ahead and never asked questions, Helen bent down and kissed the young girl on the mouth.
“You’ll be just fine. I’ll see you on Sunday. Now get out there and catch that train”, said Helen as the driver got out and opened the door for Grace.
Helen sat on the backseat of her car as the driver carried Grace’s suitcase to the platform and tipped his hat to her as he left.
“Here’s your chance, baby. Make a good appearance and you’ll be fine. Freeze up and it’s back to the Market for ever”, said Helen to herself as the driver walked back to the car.
The night train from Chicago to Boston and New York didn’t always stop in Belleville. There had to be a passenger. sleepers were expensive and Grace got settled in by the staff. She thought she would have a sleepless night but the movement of the train finally put her to sleep.
“Boston in 15 minutes, ma’am”, said the man
Grace didn’t need to be reminded. She was ready. As she got out of the station, she took the first cab to the Excelsior Hotel. She kept her instructions in her coat pocket and checked them once in a while. She expected to be nervous and anxious but she was surprisingly calm. She wore her most attractive dress, her wide hat and she looked great. Everyone was very nice to her and the men turned around after she had passed them on the sidewalk to have a look at her swinging backside. As she entered the hotel lobby, a bellhop took her suitcase and accompanied her to the main desk. The man at the desk gave her the keys and an envelope which she stuffed in her coat pocket. Grace felt important as she took the elevator with the bellhop to her room.
Grace realized how tired she was when she walked into her posh room. The smell of soap, the red rose on her pillow, the thick oriental carpet all reminded her of rest, fun and money. She disrobed and took a shower. Dressed in only her bathrobe she walked to the closet where she had put her coat and took out the envelope.
“ Meet me at 11 AM in the lobby. I’ll be in a blue dress. The rose is from me. Soon. Charlotte”.
It was already 10AM, so Grace hurried to unpack and dress in her tight white dress. She had also brought a pink one which was sexier. She was anxious to meet Charlotte whom she knew nothing about.
It didn’t take her long to find Charlotte. She was the most well-dressed woman in the lobby and the most sophisticated looking. The woman walked quickly towards Grace and hugged her, kissing her on both cheeks. Grace blushed. Charlotte’s short and curly hair covered her head and made her look like these “flapper girls” Grace had seen in the magazines. Her skin was white and her face a perfect oval. She wore a pale blue dress which showed the top of her small breasts and was tied to her waist by a white cotton belt. She was a bit taller than Grace but slimmer. Grace liked her immediately, in fact she lusted after her and Charlotte was very much aware of that. Grace’s new love-interest was twice her age but she sure didn’t look it.
“You must be starving”, Charlotte said in a timid Boston accent
“I’m a bit hungry, yes, but I had breakfast on the train but it was pretty small”, answered Grace
“I’ll take you somewhere small and special”, giggled Charlotte as she grabbed Grace’s arm.
The two ladies, who could have been mother and daughter, ended up in an expensive little restaurant and chatted and ate lovely food for an hour. Charlotte looked like a college graduate and Grace like a shy first-year student. People were watching them and wondering. Grace was in another world, one she always wanted to be in: sophisticated, expensive, beautiful and sexy.
The conversation turned to sex halfway between the French toasts and the omelet.
As soon as Charlotte paid for the meal, they hurried back to Grace’s room.
Sitting on the bed, both women made a point of keeping their clothes on, although Grace had the urge to take it all off.
“So what’s this party tomorrow night ?”, asked Grace staring at Charlotte’s tits which seemed to look bigger than before.
“It’s in a villa, very rich part of town, and it’s a lesbian-only party, mainly older women”, answered Charlotte smiling,” When I say “older women”, I mean between my age and 70 years old.
“And you and I will be there….?” , asked Grace
“Yes..you and I…and maybe a few more younger girls…but mainly senior cougars, including Helen, and they will pair off and have sex, and fuck around, and chase younger women, and get into fights, and…”, continued Charlotte
“Get into fights ?”, asked Grace bewildered
“Oh yeah, you know they drink champagne, get a little tipsy and old quarrels are remembered and sometimes settled”, chuckled Charlotte, “It’s all very exciting actually, and also very sexy”.
“How many women will there be ?”, asked Grace
“Oh…I don’t know…20 or 30…and us”, answered Charlotte
“You’re not going to fight me, are you ?”, asked Grace somewhat seriously
“Probably not…unless you get fresh with my dates….but don’t worry”, answered Charlotte also half-seriously.
“You have to remember who were are”, began Charlotte looking right into Grace’s lovely eyes.
“we’re lesbian hookers”.
“Oh..I never looked at it quite that way”, stammered Grace, suddenly blushing
“I know,” reassured Charlotte,” but we’re high-class hookers, we get good money depending on which rich dyke we turn on, and we compete with each other. Some of the old cougars only like kittens like you, others prefer slightly older women like me and others go only for women their age. So yes…there are territories and you’ll learn to stake yours,” added Charlotte
To get Grace to relax and to get closer to her (Charlotte was not indifferent to the young woman), Charlotte changed the subject.
“Helen tells me you’re an “A” girl”, smiled Charlotte, “ and also a “P” girl.”
“Oh…she told you that, did she ?”, blushed the young woman, covering her face with her hands.
“Aren’t you going to invite me to the bathroom ?”, asked a smiling Charlotte who began to take off her blouse.
“Oh yes….”, answered Grace who couldn’t hide her excitement,” and we can come back on the bed for the “A” part,”
The two women disrobed quickly and ran into the room’s large white bathroom and closed the door. They sat in the empty bath and kissed and hugged while they sprayed each other. If someone had been in the room, he or she could have heard the shower, then moans and groans.
The two lesbians ran out about 20 minutes later and collided on the bed, giggling and grabbing flesh. Grace tried to go after Charlotte but the older woman turned the tables around, but Grace was quick and she tackled Charlotte who gave up and assumed the “on all fours” position ready to receive the younger woman’s appreciation of her ass. Charlotte had a narrow ass with long hard asscheeks which were tight and didn’t give the young aggressor a lot of room to slip her tongue in. Grace used both hands to pry apart the two stiff globes and buried her mouth, then part of her face between them. Charlotte let out a deep moan when Grace’s tongue penetrated her wrinkled hole. Grace was becoming an expert at making her tongue hard and pushing it as far as it would go into the dark canal. At the same time, the young woman slid a hand between the older woman’s thighs and rubbed her shaved cunt lips with her manicured fingers. Her hand was covered in Charlotte’s juices while she continued to twist her tongue inside the older hooker’s asshole. Grace managed to maintain her position as Charlotte had a strong orgasm, moving her ass back and forth and screaming.

It was back in the shower and then both women had a short snooze on the soft bed.
“Remember to wear garter-belts”, said Charlotte, “that’s where the old hags put the bills. If you have to go under the table, wear a scarf”.
The women kissed and Grace got further directions for tomorrow’s party. She then left to go back to her hotel.
Grace had a small and early dinner at the hotel dining room. She was more informal in her clothes and dressed in a white blouse and a plaid skirt which gave her the look of older schoolgirl. Her roll in the hay with Charlotte had made her even hornier. She felt slutty and followed every attractive woman with her eyes. Charlotte had told her that the neighbourhood was safe at night and that there was a lot of action between “good people” inside and outside clubs and bars. Older office women hung around the alleys to pick up young girls. The usual fee for a quickie was $10, more if they went to a hotel. She was also learning the signs and body language. “Never look a man in the eye”, had warned Charlotte. “Always wear a silk scarf around your neck and if possible another one tying your hair”, was another way lesbians recognized each other.
For once Grace was alone, had no escort and had nobody to meet for the evening. She took her purse, tied her two scarves, put some perfume and high heels, and was out the door. She heard a few whistles on the street but smartly didn’t acknowledge them. Grace headed for the club-row where Charlotte had told her many of the lesbians and homos hung out. The Canadian girl was in the big US city now but she surprised herself with her composure and imagination. “I must have it in me”, she whispered to herself smiling.
She entered one club and walked through it slowly making sure the women saw her. Then she pretended to hesitate and took the long passageway which led to the exit into the alley. After the third club, she heard heels behind her in the hallway but continued walking until she reached the alley. The alley was semi-lit by the street lights at the beginning and end of it. In the middle it was rather dark until your eyes got used to it. It was not wide enough for a car and was used during the day as a walkway between two brick buildings. A few feet from the door, on the other side of the alley, one man was kneeling in front of another man who was leaning against the brick wall. Grace didn’t see much but figured out what was going on. She smiled to herself.
“They seem to enjoy it”, said a rather deep voice behind her
“Yes…I don’t blame them”, answered Grace turning around to face the lady with heels.
She was tall and slim, regular shape and size for a blonde. Grace couldn’t see her well but her face seemed attractive. She wore a pearl necklace, a dark blouse and a rather short skirt. She was easily in her 50s maybe even 60.
She took out a cigarette.
“Do you smoke ?”, she asked
“Sometimes”, answered Grace,”I’ll have a puff of yours”.
Grace took a puff of the long slim cigarette and added her red lipstick to the woman’s purple one.
“Nice”, remarked the woman as she got her cigarette back with the colours.
Grace took the lead.
“You want to go somewhere or do you need it here ?” , Grace asked
“Let’s do it here. I have to go back to my husband”, said the woman quite naturally.
Grace put her back to the brick wall and the tall blonde bent over a bit so they could kiss. Both women had the dress code for that type of action. Grace put her hand under the short skirt and found a moist shaved cunt. The woman fumbled with Grace’s longer skirt but smiled when her fingers penetrated the hooker’s trimmed cunt crack without having to go into useless panties. They tongue-kissed and Grace got used to the taste of alcohol in her trick’s mouth. Expert fingers from both women did their job. They never broke their kiss as they masturbated each other with vigor. They ignored two couples who walked by them and commented. Grace reached behind the woman and touched her asscrack which set her off immediately. She graciously continued manipulating Grace’s clit until Grace moaned. The two women stepped back a few feet to rearrange their skirt.
“What’s your name”, asked the woman
“Grace”, answered the new hooker
The woman stuck a bill in Grace’s blouse pocket.
“I work at Mansfield’s, the clothing store a few blocks from here”, said the woman quickly, “If you’re ever around during the day, ask for Joyce”.
“I’m from out of town but I may be back soon”, said Grace as she walked back into the street with her new friend. A car stopped in front of them. The blonde winked to Grace and opened the front door.
“I looked all over the place for you”, she heard a male voice scream
“I sure hope……”, the door slammed and Grace lost the end of the sentence.
Grace took out the $ 10 bill and put it into her purse. She walked back to the hotel. She needed to get some sleep and get ready for tomorrow night. Her lust had been satisfied for a little while.


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Mandys sickest stories Mandy reloaded

Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...

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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

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Candys Dandy

by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...

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Sissy Outed Brandon to Brandy

This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 10 Armand Mixes in the Hernandezs Affairs

Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

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by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...

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The Innocence of Grace

Max Dexler sat on the edge of his desk idly leafing through a collection of CV`s. “Is this the lot Sue” “Yes Dad” said Sue returning with two coffees. “They`re a pretty sorry bunch, but there is one you might like” “And her name is…” “Grace Halifax Dad. The least qualified but weirdly the most appropriate” “Grace…Grace… Grace… ha here she is” said Max thumbing through the CV`s. “22 years old, and she`s a University student studying Pharmacy. That could be interesting. It`s been education...

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My Grace

My Grace by Pamela ([email protected]) I'm a pretty good-looking guy and women flirt with me a lot, so it's always been easy for me to have girlfriends. The problem is, these relationships are never very happy and never last very long. In fact, many of the women I date are disappointed in me because I'm not decisive. I don't make up plans for things for us to do or take control by suggesting which restaurant to eat at, or which show or movie to see. I seem to them like I'm...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 13

Chapter Thirteen - Grace Attains A Milestone I crawled out of bed and semi-staggered into the bathroom. My head hurt a little, probably from too much wine the night before. I stripped out of my gown and stepped under the hot spray of the shower. It felt wonderful. I washed using Grace's scented soap. I reached behind me and pulled on the butt plug, finding it was firmly encased inside of me. As I moved it, the grip loosened and the phallus began to slide out of me. I washed it...

3 years ago
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Grace And The Hotel Pool

We had long dreamed of this weekend, and it was finally here. A chance for us to drop out of life for a few days and let go, to submit to our unbridled fervor, to test and push limits, and maybe even live out a few fantasies. The hotel provided us a haven to do whatever we wanted, and we did.*Grace and I pulled up to the hotel just after lunch time. We had called ahead to book an early check-in, as we were both eager to start our little vacation. We got our room key from the front desk and...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 33

Chapter Thirty-three The next morning when I awoke, I wondered if things were going to seem strange, each of us knowing what we were intending to do. Grace, for her part, seemed fine. In fact, I'd say that there was an extra bounce in her step. She woke up before me and made coffee, serving me a cup as I was getting out of bed. "Good morning!" she greeted me cheerfully as she gave me a sweet kiss on my mouth. "Did you sleep well?" In fact, I had. I felt rested. "Yes," I...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 34

Chapter Thirty-four Snuggled tightly in Grace's embrace, I slept like a baby that night. None of the torment I often felt in the past when I suspected Grace had been with a man gnawed at me. No. This time, even though I knew that she had been with a man, it seemed that my presence, my awareness, indeed, my participation, in the act, converted it into something different. It did feel, as Grace described it, as though the act was more about us, as a couple, than about her being fucked...

4 years ago
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My Fall To Grace Chapter 25

Chapter Twenty-five - Dinner With Friends Something internal woke me early. And I knew what it was. I wanted to get over to Grace's as soon as possible. In the shower, I shaved my legs and underarms smooth. I dressed in jeans and a golf shirt. Underneath, I wore a pair of plain white nylon bikini panties, a short, white slip, and a pair of black nylon stay-up stockings, a wide lace band at the top. I slipped my black high heels into a gym bag. I had a little surprise for Grace...

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Episode 63 Jade and Grace

IntroductionThis pure fantasy story has been written for two xhamster friends julialover (Mark) and mackeral (Uncle Mack) and their real or imaginary little girls Jade and Grace.None are related, but Jade always calls Mark 'Daddy' when she hasn't got a mouthful of cock and Grace calls her pervert 'Uncle', especially when he is eating her out.Jade and Daddy have been relocated from the US to Plymouth England to make the story work.Jade and Grace attend the Marine Academy in Plymouth; this takes...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 31

Chapter Thirty-one I awoke in the morning to the sun pouring into my room. It was going to be a beautiful day. I was thankful for that. I wanted every part of the day to be perfect for Grace. The message light was blinking on my phone. Someone must have called. Playing it back it was Rhonda telling me she, mom and Mrs. Andrews were eating breakfast on the back veranda. I got up and quickly showered, dressed in khaki shorts and a golf shirt and went down to join them. They all...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 14

Chapter Fourteen - The Question I fell asleep, cocooned between the bosoms of Grace and Mandy, their faux penises poking me, serving as a constant reminder that I'd submitted to them during our lovemaking. When I awoke, the touch of thick cocks pressing into my body let me know that they were cradling me between them. They slept soundly on either side of me. I grabbed each of their pricks and began to slowly, gently, jack off the protruding end, causing the portion inserted inside...

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Chili met Grace during his last semester of college at a university in Maryland, a couple months before he would graduate in the spring of 1978. He met her at his dorm, or ‘mod’ as it was called, which was pretty much known as party central around the complex. It was a very modern dormitory for its time: it was co-ed and consisted of apartments housing four or six students in each. Chili’s housed six, with two double rooms, two singles, two baths and a kitchen and living area. Chili’s five...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 19

Chapter Nineteen - The Engagement Party (Author's Note: To aid in chapter transition, I am including a brief portion of the end of Chapter 18 at the beginning of Chapter 19) "Did you get back in time to see Sissy?" Rhonda asked me. She seemed extremely interested in Grace's maid. I knew my sister would know if I lied to her. I never was able to hide anything from her if she asked the right question. So, I said, "Yes. I did her see her. In fact, she left just before you guys...

1 year ago
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Tim And Abbie 69 Grace And Sam

Driving to pick up her car left at Abbie and Tim’s the night before, Sam tells Grace about the game the day before and how awesome everything had been.  But more than the food, drinks, and great football game; the talk between Luke, Tim, Brian, and him about his construction business.  His concerns about meeting all the requests at the level he wants.Brian offered terrific suggestions on the financial side and Luke on managing higher volumes of supplies and staff.  Tim was just supportive and...

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Altered Fates The Fall to Grace

AF: The Fall to Grace By Julie Hannah and Grayson had been friends for years. They had been intimate for a while and had decided they were better off as just friends. One of the things that had cemented the friendship was a common love of mountain climbing. They had climbed cliffs together in three different states. In a sport where relying on a partner could be the difference between life and death, they had come to know each other even more intimately. This...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 8

Chapter Eight - Mandy's Party She walked into her bedroom, leaving me on the balcony to ponder what had just happened. I was feeling very good about myself, but uncomfortable about her invitation to clean out her pussy. After a while she called out to me. "Danni!? You better come get a shower so you can get dressed." I stood to enter her bedroom and as I walked in I saw Grace sitting in front of her vanity working on her makeup. She was putting it on thick tonight. She...

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Tim And Abbie 68 Abbie And Grace Playing DressUp

Earlier in the week, Brian called Tim, inviting him and the rest of the ‘gang,’ including Sam, to a football game on Saturday.  Not just any football game but a match between ‘their team’ and the one that Brian roots for.  They are terrific seats as they are comps from the bank.  Brian also is hiring a van and driver to take them to the stadium about fifty kilometers away.Matt, Luke, John, Peter, Mark, Tim, Sam, and Brian will make a day of it.  The van is picking everyone up in the morning and...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 6

Chapter Six - Every Day Something Different The next morning I woke up early enough to hand wash my soiled nightgown before I left for work. The load of sperm from the previous night was encrusted in the nylon. I filled my bathroom sink with warm, soapy water, and soaked the gown. I then turned on the shower and stepped in. I hadn't planned on shaving my legs this week, but the lingerie sets Grace had purchased for me each included stockings. I knew they'd feel funny if I had...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 17

Chapter Seventeen - Meet The Parents Grace and I woke up the next morning and went into the shower together. While we were in there, Grace teased me a little by playing with my balls. It felt weird having my cock area being manipulated, but not feeling any touch on my penis. On the other hand, just Grace's fingers playing with my balls excited me, causing my penis to react, giving me my first taste of what I could expect to happen every time I became aroused while wearing...

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Grace Notes Part 1 of 2

Chili met Grace during his last semester of college at a university in Maryland, a couple months before he would graduate in the spring of 1978. He met her at his dorm, or ‘mod’ as it was called, which was pretty much known as party central around the complex. It was a very modern dormitory for its time: it was co-ed and consisted of apartments housing four or six students in each. Chili’s housed six, with two double rooms, two singles, two baths and a kitchen and living area.Chili’s five...

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Ellie and Grace Ch 4 of 4 Complete

Ch 4/4 CompleteChills ran down Ellie’s spine and Grace could feel her shiver. Grace’s breath tickled her ear which tickled other parts of her body, though not noticeably enough that Ellie registered her body’s response. Grace’s face was so smooth against her cheek and it made Ellie wonder how smooth the rest of her body would be. She blushed at the thought. Then, she felt Grace shift once more, only this time she pulled back from the hug to pull her legs underneath her on the couch. Her knees...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 32

Chapter Thirty-two The past few days must have caught up with me for I fell into a deep sleep. When I awoke, Grace was sitting at a small table by our window overlooking the ocean, sipping a cup of coffee. There were muffins, fruit and juice spread onto the table where she'd obviously called for room service. Grace was dressed in a short red skirt and lacy white top, beneath which I could see she wore a red lace bra that showed through the thin white fabric. She had on black high...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 12

Chapter Twelve - Grace Does Dallas Redoux I don't remember at what point my worry turned to sleep. I don't even know how long I'd been asleep when I felt Grace stroking my penis. Her long nails gently scratching my shaft felt amazing. "Time to wake up sleepyhead. I need you to help me pack for my trip. Hurry! Get up!" I pressed back against Grace, grasping her dildo between my thighs. I couldn't believe I was trying to get her to do me again. "Come on baby," Grace spoke...

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