Come Conobbi Sissi E Cornuto. free porn video

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"Ho continuato ad incularla per diversi minuti, godendo della nuova posizione e offrendo a lui lo spettacolo ravvicinatissimo delle mie palle compresse sulle..." Questa è una storia realmente accaduta.
La zona dedicata al nudismo non è di facilissimo accesso, soprattutto nella parte dove gli scogli permettono una certa libertà di movimento, senza il continuo assillo di essere osservati da gente sgradita, a meno di non desiderarlo espressamente.
Quando sono arrivato in questa spiaggia di nudisti, ho percorso un trecento metri prima di vedere Sissi e marito. Questa coppia era piacevolmente distesa al sole, lui nudo, lei in perizoma, nei pressi soltanto un guardone, seminascosto da un masso, che non dava alcun fastidio.
Ho disposto il mio telo a non più di 3 mt dai due (la piazzola non permetteva una distanza maggiore), ma volutamente ho ignorato la loro presenza, e, con assoluta disinvoltura, una volta nudo, ho fatto un bagno, ho letto il mio quotidiano, ho preso il sole... senza dar adito a comportamenti che potessero in alcun modo turbare sia la loro, che la mia quiete.
L'unico accorgimento è stato quello di dispormi in modo di offrire alla vista della signora la mia nudità integrale, a cosce "casualmente", spalancate, e attendere una qualche reazione di lei, continuando a godermi il sole in pieno relax offerto dallo splendido scenario naturale, e fingendo di leggere con una naturale indifferenza . Lui invece, leggermente coperto da un masso, poteva vedermi solo chinandosi in avanti.
Nel breve volgere di qualche minuto Sissi, voltandosi con un gesto in apparenza casuale, si è accorta della mia posa, e ha dato il via ad un sottile gioco di sguardi, in cui i suoi occhi si muovevano agili dal mio sguardo alla sua rivista, e i miei ricambiavano spostandosi dal mio quotidiano al suo corpo, che nel frattempo lei cominciava ad offrirmi alla vista in pose che divenivano progressivamente sempre più inequivocabili. Aveva cominciato a provocarmi. Non potevo far finta di nulla, e con la mano, senza distogliere lo sguardo dal mio giornale, cominciavo a massaggiarmi il petto, il fianco, il pube, l'interno cosce.
Improvvisamente, con un gesto deciso, lei si è liberata del perizoma, ha offerto alla mia vista ciò che io offrivo alla sua, e ha cominciato a spalmarsi accuratamente la crema solare, indugiando a lungo e con perizia sul suo abbondante seno splendidamente abbronzato, sull'interno cosce e intorno alla zona pubica, titillando ogni centimetro di carne, tutt'intorno. Meravigliosa la sua patata totalmente depilata, unta di crema, dischiusa e offerta oscenamente alla mia vista.
Il marito, un po'discosto, fumava, con finto disinteresse, una sigaretta.
Potete immaginare quanto la scena fosse eccitante, e la mia erezione all’eccitamento era più che evidente ….... ad un suo sguardo inequivocabile e determinato ho risposto aprendo un sorriso pieno di malizia e a quel punto si è alzata sedendosi accanto al marito, dopo avergli sussurrato qualche parola... ha cominciato a masturbarlo, seminascosta dallo stesso scoglio di prima.
Tutto quello che ho fatto a quel punto è stato prima alzarmi, passare accanto a loro, non fermarmi e proseguire verso l'acqua, per fare ancora un bagno veloce che rinfrescasse i miei bollenti umori, ma soprattutto per accertarmi che dal mare non arrivasse nessun ospite sgradito, ed infine tornare al mio posto.

Quindi, sporgendomi leggermente dalla mia posizione, l'ho nuovamente guardata negli occhi: mi fissava spudoratamente, sfacciatamente a bocca dischiusa, mentre continuava a segarlo.
Il suo sguardo e la bocca semi aperta non mentivano su ciò che desiderava: era eccitatissima, era lasciva, desiderava ardentemente qualcosa, e non intendeva nasconderlo.
A quel punto andarmi a sistemare accanto a lei è stato del tutto naturale, a cazzo durissimo, e con movimenti lenti, mi sono seduto proprio nello spazio libero che mi aveva lasciato, senza dire una parola mi sono seduto alla sua sinistra, lei in mezzo, il compagno a destra. Silenzio, solo i nostri respiri rivolti al mare poco più in là. Lei, con il cazzo di lui nella mano destra, non ha perso tempo. Ha afferrato con la sinistra il mio arnese durissimo, e finalmente, come se impugnasse due trofei, ha cominciato a masturbare i due cazzi con studiata lentezza, volgendosi a guardarli estatica, voltandosi da destra a sinistra, soppesandoli con le mani e con lo sguardo, ripetutamente. Alle sue mani sui nostri cazzi hanno risposto prontamente le mani di entrambi noi nella sua fica, voluttuosamente offerta alla nostra avidità, a cosce spalancate. Il compagno ne ha aperto le grandi labbra con due dita, e mi ha guardato. Ho colto l'invito e ho portato medio ed anulare alla bocca, facendovi colare un lungo fiotto di saliva, e mostrando tale gesto ad entrambi. Poi con le stesse dita affiancate e piene di saliva l'ho penetrata con decisione, affondandole totalmente nella sua fica, e trovandola già fradicia, le ho chiuse ad uncino e ho tirato con forza verso l'alto, per diversi lunghi secondi.
Un gemito soffocato con difficoltà, i suoi occhi che si chiudono, il suo capo gettato all'indietro, e infine il suo bacino proteso in avanti, per facilitare il mio affondo: ogni cm del suo corpo, ogni suo movimento tradiva una carica sessuale bisognosa di esplodere, e un desiderio furioso di cazzo.
Sollevandomi sulle ginocchia, e sostituendo velocemente la mia mano sinistra alla destra nella profondità della sua fica, ho offerto il cazzo durissimo alla sua bocca semiaperta. In un attimo l'ha ingoiato, continuando nel lavoro di mano, senza mollare quello del marito. E l'ha ingoiato tutto, sino alle palle lisce, massaggiandole con fare esperto, guardando il marito in viso, esibendo la sua abilità di moglie pompinara al cornuto inerme.

L'ho scopata in piedi da dietro, lei puntellata contro lo scoglio. Poi l'ho scopata con lei sistemata su di me, a smorza candela, approfittando dei suoi piedi sui massi per affondare il più possibile sulla mia asta bollente.
L'ho sollevata, girandola verso il nostro scoglio, splendido compagno di giochi, perché vi si appoggiasse.
Mi ha offerto il culo, proteso all'indietro, pulsante.
Ad ogni fiotto di saliva che ho lasciato colare tra le sue natiche, un sussulto di piacere. Un brivido nel suo corpo. La mia mano sinistra che ne afferra con decisione un fianco, la destra che massaggiandole l'ano spalma la saliva per bene: tutto intorno al buco e poi... si... dentro, prima uno, poi due dita, ancora saliva e ancora dita che esplorano, che girano, che aprono, delicatamente ma senza esitazioni, per prepararlo con cura al nuovo ingresso. A quel punto l'ho aperta con il mio cazzo. La cappella che si poggia sul suo sfintere, qualche secondo di attesa, il suo corpo che si protende all'indietro, il fiato trattenuto, lo sguardo di lui che guarda mentre sembra incantato a menarselo ritmicamente, e infine l'affondo, improvviso. Un urlo liberatorio, il suo, e le mie spinte lente ma continue, lunghe, complete, totali, dalla cappella alle palle e ritorno, senza tregua. Ad ogni affondo un urlo soffocato, il cazzo turgido e venoso che si fa spazio, che apre, lui che si china per guardarsi la scena dal basso, senza smettere di masturbarsi.
Una lunga e profonda inculata, a tratti feroce, rumorosa, fatta di palle che sbattono violentemente sulla sua fica, fatta di carne su carne a ritmi incalzanti, a tratti lentissima, il mio cazzo che sprofonda e gode del calore delle sue viscere, assaporandone ogni millimetro come fossero un umido guanto di carne.
Le sue dita si afferravano agli appigli offerti dal masso. Il suo bacino si muoveva per offrirsi meglio al mio cazzo e la mia gamba sinistra si spostava in alto, sul masso, per cambiare posizione e offrire a lei un piacere nuovo, e al cornuto visuali sempre diverse.

Infine, accorgendomi delle sue ginocchia sempre più affaticate, l'ho accompagnata al suolo, adagiandola a pecora, ho disposto le sue cosce intorno al capo del marito inebetito e ansimante, senza mai uscire dal culo di lei.
Ho continuato ad incularla per diversi minuti, godendo della nuova posizione e offrendo a lui lo spettacolo ravvicinatissimo delle mie palle compresse sulle sue natiche. Quando infine ho capito che la posizione più comoda facilitava il crescendo del piacere di lei, la nostra eccitazione ha raggiunto il massimo godimento: " si, si, siiii, vengo, così mi fai venire, si, si!!" lei era uno spettacolo senza pari, la sua voce roca mi implorava di non smettere, il mio sudore grondava sulla sua schiena, si mescolava al suo, ed i nostri liquidi, i nostri umori, finivano a spruzzi disordinati sulla faccia di lui, congestionata in modo inverecondo ed ora anche totalmente bagnata. L'odore di sesso, di carni eccitate, di corpi accaldati, era violento, pervadeva le nostre carni mescolate e non chiedeva permesso. Era lì, tutto intorno, ed era pregnante.
Pulsante il suo piacere quando infilato tre dita nella sua fica tirandola verso di me, affondandole il cazzo più dentro possibile: ha urlato e urlando ha liberato il suo orgasmo, e quest'urlo ha accolto la mia sborra, uno due tre schizzi prolungati, contrazioni violente che l'hanno riempita, senza che potesse far nulla per evitarlo, bloccata com'era tra il mio cazzo e la mia mano, sotto.
Siamo rimasti immobili, con il mio cazzo che lentamente arretrava, per "risucchiare" il mio sperma verso il basso ed accompagnarlo all'uscita.

svuotarsi completamente dentro di lei procurandogli un orgasmo indescrivibile.
Rimase dentro ancora qualche minuto con i nostri corpi abbandonati uno sull’altro e ancora ansimanti, Sissi si sentiva piena del mio sperma, mentre io avvertivo che il mio cazzo andava perdendo vigore e lentamente scivolava fuori dalla sua vagina.
Nello stesso istante il cornuto si avvicina a noi avendo notato come lo sperma cominciava ad uscire dalla vagina di sua moglie che scivolava lungo le cosce.
A Sissi gli venne spontaneo baciarlo in bocca, poi gli prese la sua mano e la poggia tra le sue cosce tutte bagnate di sperma.
Il cornuto appena ebbe accarezzato il seme del mio cazzo avvertii una erezione e bisbigliando una frase nell’orecchio alla moglie abbandonarono la spiaggia dalla troppa eccitazione del maritino……………… Seppi dopo qualche giorno da Sissi………..che mentre facevano ritorno a casa, con lui che continuava ad accarezzagli le cosce invitando la moglie Sissi a fermarsi in aperta campagna, il Cornuto volle sentire con la sua lingua tra cosce della moglie, leccare e succhiare la vagina ancora calda di Sissi, il cornuto tenne a lungo la sua testa li dove io l’avevo inondata di sborra.

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Into to Sissies XIV

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Games That Sissies Play

GAMES THAT SISSIES PLAY! By Sylvia Who? Cousin Ann's eleventh birthday party was one occasion I was never likely to forget, although it was many years ago. A written invitation had arrived a couple of days beforehand and since it was a midweek party and Mum was working late, so she suggested I take the opportunity to go along after school even if only for the tea. "What with all those sissy girls!" I countered with apparent disgust, but finally tempted by the promise of jellies,...

2 years ago
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Don Venutos Sissies

Don Venuto's Sissies! Players: Capo De Matzo, counsel to Don Venuto. Don Venuto also known as the Godfather; Mario Venuto, son of Don Venuto; Ms. Rosa Cappella, professional dominatrix; Carol Evans, mother of Mark Evans; Mark Evans aka Martha Evans; Helen Andrews owner of the Little Miss Muffin Boutique; Ralph Summers, a friend of Mark, aka Robin; Steve Franks, friend of Mark, aka Susan; Sandy Summers, Ralph's mother; Tracy McCall, Mark's girlfriend. Jack Summers, friend of...

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Intro to Sissies XXIII

Authors note: I keep trying to end this, but it looks like there will be two more chapters. I suppose chapter 25 would be fitting. Then, I will edit and rewrite all of this and make it a single story. In the meantime though, another chapter. Thank you for reading. Thank you for comments... This one is nasty... This one is cruel... Intro to Sissy XXIII Joan's eyes beaded open, worried. Where am I? My head... oh, my fucking head. It hurts and I need to go the bathroom and...

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Intro to Sissies XXIV Sissys End

Intro to Sissies XXIV: Sissy's End "Drink all of your breakfast, useless. You know you need your juice." Mandy had up ended the gallon jug of come juice and force fed it to Joan, and Joan was sucking it down as fast as she could. She hadn't really eaten in days, just a little come here and a lot of come there. Yesterday, Mandy had completely forgotten to give her her come juice, and last nights alcohol had hit her hard; her head hurt now. Joan was on her back, in reverse sissy...

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Camper Van BBC His Sissies

“What did you do today, sweetie,” inquired the concerned father.“I went to school and went to the book fair,” answered the man’s eleven-year-old daughter.“Did anything interesting happen at school?”“Oh, I got a gold star for my math homework.”“That’s fantastic, Alexa! You’re so smart!”“Thank you!”“Anything else?”“I caught three outs in the P.E. kickball game.”“You’re a rock star, sweetie.”“Thank you!”“Alright, I’ll let you get back to your homework. Give mom the phone.”“Bye, Dad!”“Hey,” the...

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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 1 Sissies on the Town

Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 1 Sissies on the Town by Tawny Suede Note that this story stands separate from other stories I have posted "If you hunky men will excuse us for the moment, we girls have to go... powder our noses!" Robin said as she scootched around on the cushions of the private booth. Jamie rose and joined her. Their dates watched the two girls' rounded asses sway back and forth as the two sissies walked off to the washroom on their four inch heels! "Fuck," said...

4 years ago
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School For Sissies

SCHOOL FOR SISSIES by Throne Clark sat uneasily on the hard wooden chair. He was a small man and the chair had longer-than-usual legs, so that he had to point his toes downward to make them touch the floor. The effect was to make him feel like a naughty student who had been sent to the principal's office. Once again he glanced at the slim female receptionist with her neat cream colored blouse, eyeglasses with large round frames, and auburn hair pulled back into a severe bun. She...

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the sissie maker

''Please please mike you said you would never tell anyone please dont do it im so shy''''Cindy you are my girl dont worry , you are going to be just fine''i could not get over the idea other would see me in my disney Elsa pijama, a pijama daddy had a hearth shapped hole braided just for me last xmass before making me into his sissy secret girl, infront of sissy training porn , making me watch and accept i was his little girlall because i was found watching his bbc move for me in his sweatpants...

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Intro to Sissies VII The Meting of the Punishment

Author's note 1: Please review the stories. It doesn't have to be long, but there is no measure here, on how many actually read this stuff. I don't know if I am writing for only 1 person, me, or several. Author's note 2: Bad reviews are good too. I don't know if this will ever end, I have about another 20+ chapters in mind. School, Work, Fridays, Marie, and so much more, but if no one cares, why bother, unless I am only writing for me, in which case there is lesser urgency. But...

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Intro to Sissies XXI

Author's note: This is a boring chapter - no kinks, just deep think. I keep trying to end this story, at least part one, but one thing leads to the next. The party, of course, will be the end of part one. And that's finally getting closer. PS. Thank you for the comments. The advice is accepted and taken, but one thing I can't change is the grammar. If the grammar is wrong, it's actually meant to be wrong. Believe it or not. The whole series is first draft, but I do review it before...

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Intro to Sissies XXII

Joan Phillips saw a tear fall from Mistress Satin's eye, even as her song faded and the lights dimmed and the doors opened and the noise from the street and the men that had been waiting, entered. They met eyes, briefly, and then Mistress Satin looked away, walking off the stage, looking tired, vulnerable. He wanted to go to her and comfort her, but he was beneath her station, the pecking order; she was like a colonel, while he was but a private. He grimaced. I am in the sissy army, he...

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Future sissies

I was born a Class A citizen 22 years ago on June 13th. As a Class A citizen, I have certain privileges not afforded to others. Before I go any further, let me explain. There are three types of citizens. Class As, like myself, are males that have been designated at a young age to play the dominant role in society. These are the politicians, athletes, manual laborers, etc. We are chosen based solely on masculinity and certain physical features, such as height, strength, facial structure and...

2 years ago
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A Tale of Two Sissies

A Tale of Two Sissies By Sandy Brown This story is a tribute to Sandy Thomas. For those of us who came of age before the internet and sites like Fictionmania, Sandy Thomas books were a lifeline for us. I sat at a small table in the dimly lit bar, sitting directly across from one of the most beautiful looking middle-aged women I had ever seen. She passed my most demanding standard, which was, "Would I would love to look like her when I am her age?" Yes, I had instantly...

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Sissies love big black cock

Welcome to the story you crazy sissies and you strong aphla black males. This is from edithis and I want to bring here so you guys can write or read or for the real reason you're here to masturbate. Get your hand, dildos, lube, and whatever else you need to jerk it off. Time to begin the story up. (Thanks for all of the likes and support on this story. I just posted my 400 chapter on this story. And it's all for you my sissies sluts and you hung alpha black makes. Thanks again and hopefully we...

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Intro to Sissies VIII The Meting of the Punishment Part Three

Intro to Sissies VIII: The Meting of the Punishment Part Three By latexslut John Phillips felt, more than saw, over one hundred pairs of eyes, turn and look at him. He was looking at Goddess Chanazene, and the ladies of color on either side of her. sissyspikes diminishing wailing was sliced off with the thunder of a very heavy door shutting. Chanazene smoked her smoke, sipped her wine, feeling a little woozy, a little upset at herself. Mistress Whip was getting out of line...

4 years ago
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Alpha Males Vs Earth sissies part 1

Alpha males vs earth sissies revolution part 1 "Pink or blue?" "Or should i say light pink or powder blue, we cant make you think blue is a boys color, it can be feminine also... or a sissy yellow... hmm." the deep alpha manly voice asked his soon to be sissy prisoners as he and the other alpha men laughed. the captured "men" were asked. "It doesn't matter soon to be sissies," the tall, huge super alpha man said grinning as the captured men of earth struggled. "You'll look...

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Introduction to Sissies III

Introduction to Sissies III By latexslut John Phillips sat swaying in his chair, trying for now, to look docile, sleepy even, looking at the floor. He was afraid to look at Chanazene's eyes, Mistress Chanazene, he reminded himself warningly. Rocking in pain, roiling in emotion and with a feeling of edging fear creeping up on him, like low tide rising. It wasn't the pain of the blows he had received from the two lovely ladies besides him that hurt. The pain was in his mind and...

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Introduction to Sissies IV

Introduction to Sissies IV By latexslut Chapter 4 Now they were in an elevator, latexsissy, John Phillips and Ms Orange. The vault had closed and the elevator was descending. "Ca I thuck you, mithter?" latexsissy asked him, but then another drop of come appeared on its right pointed fingernail. She looked at it hungrily, waiting for it to fall. "No, latexsissy, you can't," Miss Orange said sternly, but lightly. Turning to John, she said, "sissyuseless, she will...

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Sissies Revenge Characters

Sissies Revenge; Characters By: Malissa Madison Sissies Revenge, formerly Wayward Son Crew; Captain Sissy Pirate Deanna, Exiled Princess of Herma Alexa, 1st Officer, Sentient Artificial Intelligence, SAI, created by Deanna Grace, Communications Debbi, Chief Pilot Cinda, Security Officer +++++++++++++++++ Hidden Treasure, formerly Rock Monkey Captain Sissy Bambi, Pirate Dizzy, 1st Officer, SAI in an Organic Cat body Lola, Communications Bitti,...

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Rules for obedient sissies

Rules for obedient sissies:1. A real sissy whore is always ready to be fucked at anytime and anywhere2. A real sissy whore shows sissy clitty and cunt at every opportunity3. A real sissy whore begs to be fucked hard4. A real sissy whore sucks anything that's offered5. A real sissy whore must be prepared to be fucked in any position6. A real sissy whore does as told no matter how dirty and low the task7. A real sissy whore plays with herself as instructed for others amusement8. A real sissy...

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The club of sissies

Most people dont think such a thing could even existyet it is all too real, some of us are owned by black dude and you wont believe how many of us there is , how many are getting part of that secret club on a daily basislocked up in the branded club, sissy chastity cage our location shared at all timewe fall prey to them my story was not different from lots of other owned white boyi met a daddy on a cam site , i like his bbc and he feminized me for couple of weeks, until i received the kit he...

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Intro to Sissies XXV Final Chapter

Intro to Sissies XXV: Sissy Final The last chapter of, "The Total Sissification of John Phillips" By latexslut Home. His gate. His walkway. His grass. His flowers. And ahead, the massive front door to His house. He had made the money to buy it, live in it, love it. And now, under the full moon, it beckoned in bright shadows, darkly. The porch lights were off, the walkway lights were off. There were no lights on in the house, except for the ones in his and Marie's bedroom upstairs....

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Intro to Sissies VII The Meting of the Punishment Part Two

Intro to Sissies VII: The Meting of the Punishment Part Two By latexslut Goddess Chanazene stood, glass in one hand, the ever present cigarette in the other. "Welcome, again, gurls. I trust you have all behaved. And for those of you that haven't, well, you get to spin the wheels." She did a slight bow, and the gurls in the temple began to clap, timidly. They had been taught to do so, but still, the meting of the punishments always brought something bad to someone, even if...

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Intro to Sissies XVII

He tottered out, in his thigh high boots, leather skirt, lame' blouse, under which you could just see the plastacene bra and his corset, his gorgeous make up, lovely tousled hair, feeling the plug try to push out of him, his loins pent up, his eyes with those silly blue contact lenses announcing as slut rolling around; his double ropes of gold, his necklace with the lipstick dangling around... He swirled his hair and met a wall. Of sullenness. Mistress Satin was leaning there against...

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Summer Sissies at Sweetwell Park part 1 of 5

Summer Sissies at Sweetwell Park by PRIM Chapter 1: Nice boys and naughty boys "Mother, I can't wear this to go to church. It's too sissy. Take it off me at once." "Don't speak to your mother like that, my boy," said Thelma, holding onto the collar of his coatee in spite of her son's efforts at wriggling. "Wait until I have brought out your blouse collar and arranged it nicely around your shoulders." The boy waited with thin patience. The collar was very...

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Alpha Males Vs Earth girly sissies part 2

Alpha Males Vs Earth sissies; part 2 A few weeks later.... "Stacy... are you ready to come out and show your new feminine self to me your new master?" The strong alpha male called from outside her girly room. Jack/Stacy stared at slender self in the mirror still not quite believing what had come of herself.. The servants had taken their time get "her" ready... slowly stripping away the earth masculinity and showing the inner girlishness all earth men naturally have, but has...

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Introduction to Sissies VI

Introduction to Sissies VI By latexslut John Phillips was dressed now, and on his knees. The high heeled boots, all of 4 inches tall, were too high for him. The stockings caressed his shaved legs gently and the corset gave a support to his back and stomach that he had never felt before. He was sure he didn't like it, though it felt embarrassingly comfortable, and his cock said different, and kept trying to push out against his panties. It embarrassed him. Get down, get down!...

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Sissies owner p3

Daddy told cyntia to wait in the carHe needed to unload and i was going to learn how he liked to **** his sissy daughterHe locked the restroom door pushing me back in when i tried to leave and throw me on the toilet seat bend over''you are just a fucking slut now, you never gonna be a boy again ''unlocking my chastity belt , my toy plug buzzing removed and pushed in my mouth, locked the straps on my head , gagged and ass uphe fucked me like a worehard and fast making me squeal on the toilet his...

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sissies at the beach

I txted my sissy sister and went outside waiting for he to pick me up , in my beach dress bikini on plugged and cage so small i feel my tiny clit squeezed useless , like a good girl My sister found me on craiglist curious to tryits been 3 weeks and we are so much alike , helping each other shaved and het girlyi saw her car and smilewe are finally ready to go out and....maybe suck a cock together''helllo cindy!''''hi Caro!''''ready to go ?''''yes ''we drive to the beach talking about it , would...

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