B J Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 120
- 4 years ago
- 43
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Chapter 1
A Double Life
‘Yeah… that’s it…,’ the man somehow muttered out following a deep grunt, lodging himself deep inside the young girl beneath him. With a tight grip he held her perfectly still against his pelvis while his body shook, his grunts and spasms leaving no doubt to the teen girl that he had hit his peak and fallen over it. He was no body builder, but he was clearly in his mid to late twenties, worked out, and took care of himself, groomed and toned all about, his cock barely fitting inside the teen in front of her.
She simply gripped the sheets and stared straight forward as she stayed on her hands and knees on the edge of the nice, rather pricey hotel room bed, staring herself down blankly in the mirror. It wasn’t the first nor the last time she had seen that same stare from her own eyes while feeling a man whose name she didn’t know behind her stuffed inside of her young body.
Jessica studied her image in the mirror closely as if she were taking in the details of some stranger she may need to describe in the future. She took in the sight of her long black hair as it flowed down over her shoulders to where it hung free, the rest laying across and fanned out over her upper back. Her hair reflected the light quite well as she always worked to take good care of it, able to easily toss her head to the side and send her hair flowing to one side in a brilliant display of black and a hint of color. Straight and even, about four inches past her shoulders with just a hint of dark purple colored highlights on the ends, it was one of her many ways she showed the free spirited wild side she had hid throughout her high school years.
After all, she was nineteen now… a college student, an adult, who was able to make her own decisions. Her gaze worked across to her face. She gave a half-hearted smirk to herself as she stared, her skin was lightly tanned uniformly across her body with light freckles around her nose that would sometimes become more noticeable as she spent time in the sun. Her nose was a little on the small side, lightly turned up, and often times labeled as cute, though she was often one to disagree with such compliments simply from her modesty. She had a near perfect complexion for her age, in part due to some treatment for acne she had in her teens, and thus her face was often times a focal point of stares as much as her body’s shape was. A soft hazel color, her eyes were big and innocent, drawing people in with ease if and when she made that eye contact, be it during sexual moments or otherwise.
Keeping with her style she kept her eyes made up with a smoky look to go along with her general love for makeup. It was never excessive, but enough to give her the subtle slutty look to mix with her innocence. Her lips were always kept soft and were perfectly shaped and sized for both kissing and more lewd activities. Unlike her eyes, she worked more on keeping them just moist but avoided much use of lipstick, opting for a natural pinkish-red color of lip gloss. Her head tilted to one side as she looked over the rest of her a bit more quickly, her C cup breasts firm and hanging in her current state as her toned arms held her up on the bed.
Finally, Jessica spun her head to the side and glanced back the best she could, and the man behind her gave her soft, shapely rear a soft pat of approval while his other gripped the base of his shaft, keeping the condom in place around it as he slowly, regretfully withdrew from the tight warm sanctuary he had claimed.
‘Damn, girl… a guy certainly gets his money’s worth out of you, huh,’ he said in a tired voice. Jessica’s body was well toned all about, and she had the perfect amount of weight to her… not overweight, but she had just the right amount of meat on her bones, which much to her surprise, most of her clients were very into as her weight was well shaped and toned from countless years of dance practice through her teens.
‘Oh, well thank you. Only the best for you, cutie,’ she said back with one of her signature sweet smiles, accompanied with a soft giggle. It was almost always an act, one she had gotten quite good at.
The man behind her fell back to the bed and took a breather as Jessica slowly got up on her side to the edge of the bed, waiting just a moment before getting back to her feet. Her clothes were draped over the back of the chair at the desk, and she slowly worked to re-dress herself in the rather short black shimmering mini-dress she had come in wearing. He watched her all the while with much interest, of course, but she paid him no heed. She grabbed her cellphone from her purse and lit it up with a press of a button.
‘Fuck…,’ was her only word spoken as she stared at the phone in disbelief, giving a sigh and a shake of the head, and then quickly snatching up the money the man had left for her on the edge of the desk. A quick $200 never hurt anyone.
‘What’s up..? Gotta leave so soon? I’d gladly pay for another hour of you,’ he said in reply. She couldn’t complain about earning yet another two hundred, but the circumstances didn’t quite allow it.
‘Uh, yeah. Believe me, I’d stay, but something came up and I really have to go. Call me again though, ‘kay?’ was her reply.
‘Yeah, sure babe,’ he said back as he watched her quickly grab up her purse, slip on her little platform heels, and quickly make her way to the door. With a sigh, he closed his eyes and let his head fall back to the pillow, quickly falling asleep.
Jessica pulled up in her little Volkswagen Beetle outside of the bar she had been directed to via the text message she received earlier. That car was one of her true loves, one that always accented that side of her that still adored anything cute in nature.
It was roughly an hour past midnight, and though it probably wasn’t in her best interest to be wandering around the city in her current outfit, her best friend Paul had left her little choice. She opened the door and swung her legs together around to maintain a lady-like image, and stood up. The lights from the bar’s sign blinked a bit, and she knew pretty much right away that it wasn’t a five-star restaurant. It was then that she realized the air had a slight chill to it, typical of an early spring night where she was, and thus not wanting to waste any more time than necessary getting to the bottom to things. And so, she flattened her dress out to be sure it covered the inch or two of her thighs it was intended to, and she walked slowly to the doorway, her purse on her shoulder, her hand ready to grasp the mace in the event it was needed.
Before she could even make it halfway to the door, it flung open and Paul was quickly pushed out. ‘Is this piece of shit yours?’ was all one of the employees asked as he shoved Paul out of the establishment.
‘Well, he’s a friend of mine, yeah. I’m so sorry about all this,’ she replied with a sigh, a look of disgust on her face, both from Paul’s behavior and the employee’s look as he eyed her cleavage. It was more than visible in her top, but she had only intended to be seen by her client, not strange random guys in public. ‘C’mon, Paul… let’s get you home.’
‘You certainly have a way of pickin’ your friends, little girly,’ the guy from the bar said with a flirty tone, which she easily dismissed and ignored. She just grasped the arm of the inebriated Paul and helped him stumble over towards her car. He seemed plenty out of it, not immediately seeming to understand where he was or who he was with. The man behind them gave up and walked back in, letting the door close behind him. She pulled Paul along with her to the car, getting just a few feet from the car door before she felt resistance. Paul had stopped.
‘Jessica…? What the FUCK are you wearing?!’ he blurted out, his words a bit slurred as he looked her over with a hint of amazement and surprise. It was true, slutty minidresses weren’t her usual attire by any means. She was the type to
wear ripped jeans and a random t-shirt, or a tank top and shorts- granted, rather short jean shorts to display her legs, arguably her greatest assets, but never anything that was deemed slutty, though her current outfit certainly took the cake.
‘It’s a dress. What does it look like?’ she retorted in a plain tone, as if nothing was out of the ordinary.
‘Yeah, but… damn, you just go around dressed like that? I swear, I’ve never seen you wear anything like that. What were you doing, working the corner?’
‘Yeah, fuck you, Paul. I was working the corner, and I almost nabbed some rich black dude before your drunken ass called me. So shut up and get in the car, unless you want to walk home. Got it?’ she fired back sarcastically, just wanting this night to quickly get over with.
‘Yeah, I’m sorry. I’ve just had a few beers…’ was his half-hearted response, either too tired to argue with her or too drunk to really care or think in depth about what she said. He just opened the door and fell into the back seat, lying across it and curling up a bit before Jessica slammed the door and made her way around to the driver’s door. She got in and started the car up, her gaze glancing up to the rear view mirror as she tilted it down to view Paul.
‘So, it’s a Tuesday night and you’re hanging out at some bar alone, getting smashed. Perhaps you’d like to explain to me what that’s all about?’ she asked, the irritation in her voice overwriting her concern as her hazel eyes glaring intensely back at him via the mirror.
‘What do you care, anyway? You’re out… doing God only knows what, working corners and shit. I know you’re not just sitting at home watching TV in that outfit,’ he replied, a hint of irritation in his own voice. It wasn’t much of a secret that he had always liked her, but he never openly said so to her directly. Jessica, however, didn’t show any interest to him or anyone else. They had a complex relationship dating back to early on in high school. They quickly became best friends, watching after one another throughout various rocky relationships on each side, and being there for one another to talk to when things eventually came crashing down. However, for whatever reason, that spark wasn’t there.
It wasn’t that Paul was unattractive, either. He was by no means a jock or well-built guy, and was maybe more in line with Jessica’s style. His hair was curly and about shoulder length, requiring little work as the natural look of leaving it alone often times looked best. Jessica was all legs but only about 5’6′, while he wasn’t much taller at about 5’8′. He was a little on the skinny side and a tad artsy too, being into any kind of music one could think of, loving to read, write, and so on. She always admired his creativity and amazing breadth of talents, but as her body developed into something even the popular guys at school would stare at with noticeable lust, she developed a shallower attitude and aimed her radar at them, even if they didn’t quite offer her the same intellectual stimulation. Perhaps she just didn’t like the idea of risking such a valuable friendship at the merciless hands of a relationship. However, Paul’s current situation was more of a focal point of issue at the moment.
‘Look. I was out with some friends, OK? We went to that new club downtown, and I just wanted to dress up is all. Sorry if you find that inappropriate, but I left early to pick your ass up. I’m taking you home, and I don’t want to hear you say another word,’ she said seriously, and he took note.
Not another word was spoken as she drove off. It was a good thirty minute drive from where the bar was, as he lived on the outskirts of the city in the middle of nowhere. Hers was easily the only car on the road after leaving the city limits, and her high-beams illuminated the street as she went along. She stared straight forward, her hands gripping the steering wheel extra tight as her mind wandered all about. She thought about earlier in the evening, the guy she had been with, and the way she freaked out from the alarming text from Paul. She also thought about her family… her mother, her dad, her brother. Then again, how worried she was about Paul and his lifestyle. With a glance back into the rear-view mirror, she could see the top of Paul’s head as he seemingly slept away, and she just let out a sigh and shook her head before turning her attention back to the road.
Just a short hour later, Paul had finally been dropped off at home without any further issues springing up. She had woken him up and he was able to walk a bit better after some rest and made his way into his house. Neither spoke a word to one another as he left.
Then, it was time for Jessica to head home. As usual, she knew there was no way she could go back home dressed the way she was, considering the remote possibility of her family still being awake. Regardless, that wasn’t a risk she was willing to take. She was planned to do what she always did, and that was head over to her employer’s house to change before heading back home. After arriving, she got out of her car, grabbed her bag from the passenger’s seat, closed the door, and headed to her employer’s front door, ringing the doorbell.
One typically wouldn’t ring the doorbell at 3:00 AM, but her employer, Sandra, wasn’t the average woman. She was in her mid-thirties and actually looked a little older. She was taller and a bit thinner than Jessica, but a bit classier, which is what initially attracted Jessica to choosing her as her employer, she wasn’t some sleazy pimp-like character looking to solely profit, but also watch out for her girls. She had auburn hair and dressed to match her classy nature, always seeming to wear knee-length dresses colored either red or black. She wore high-heels regularly and her hair was always thoroughly done to perfection. Her skin was a bit pale but not ghost-like, and any man around her age or a younger one who preferred older women would surely find her quite the catch, as she had always been single.
Sandra opened the door after about half a minute, not before looking out the peep hole, and smiled.
‘Good evening, Jessica. I was starting to get worried with how late you are, but I assume you got paid well for those hours,’ Sandra said.
‘Well… not exactly. It was only an hour, but I had an emergency to take care of right after. Sucks though, since he was definitely more than willing to pay for another hour or two,’ Jessica replied. She made her way inside as Sandra let her in, and she threw her bag on the floor before kicking off her heels.
‘Yeah, that’s a shame. You got your personal troubles worked out though, right?’ Sandra asked with a typical genuine concern in her voice.
‘Well, somewhat… things are all right for now, anyway. Just a friend of mine who can’t seem to take care of himself, is all.’
‘He’s definitely lucky to have such a good friend like you, Jessica. And really, so am I… you’re easily the biggest money-maker I have. Speaking of which… I have a few more booked for you this weekend. I know you don’t usually like working during the week, but I really appreciate you picking that one up.’
Jessica turned for a moment and smiled at Sandra. That was another reason she felt lucky to be working for her, the constant support and encouragement that’s often difficult to find with any job, escorting or not.
‘Well, I gotta go change and head home quick before my dad calls the cops. He thinks I’m still a kid sometimes, you know,’ Jessica said as she grabbed her bag. She headed to the downstairs middle bathroom which was right near the entrance to Sandra’s home and closed the door, opening her bag up, and getting her casual clothes out that she left home in earlier that afternoon.
Jessica came out of the bathroom moments later, wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a t-shirt with her college’s branding on it, and a pair of sneakers on her feet. She walked quickly to the door and snatched up her heels, and ga
ve Sandra one last smile, who had stayed to keep watch at the front door while Jessica had changed.
She reached into her pocket and handed Sandra a one-hundred dollar bill, the 50% share that Sandra often requested of her after a job, while Jessica kept the other hundred. Sandra snatched it playfully from her hand and wriggled it in the air triumphantly, as it simply added to the sizeable stash that Jessica had already earned her.
‘Okay, I really need to go. Thank you so much, Sandra… really, for everything you do,’ Jessica said sincerely.
‘No, thank you! Now head on home. I can’t have my star employee getting in trouble,’ Sandra replied teasingly, giving Jessica a smile back as she walked out the door, and closed it behind her. With that, Jessica headed to her car and jumped in, turning it on, and speeding near recklessly out to the street and back home.
The door to Jessica’s house opened very slowly and carefully, as Jessica was mindful to not make any sound that could alert her family to her extra late arrival home. It was nearly four in the morning, and no doubt her father would have her head. She slipped in stealthily and closed the door quietly behind her, bag over one shoulder and her purse over her other, and made her way up the stairs one soft step at a time.
Jessica made it into her bedroom and closed the door behind her quietly. She made it safely back without being found out, just as she knew she would. However, one person was aware of the hour she came home, her younger fifteen year old brother. After she walked by and went into her room, he stopped peeking out of his bedroom door and closed his door as well. He turned away and leaned back into his closed door, thoughts racing through his head of how he should handle the situation. Would he tease her about it? Blackmail her and get some extra cash for the weekend? Sell her out to their parents? Not say a word? Or perhaps be the good brother, and just quietly ask her and show concern?
He smirked to himself and decided it was pointless to decide on such matters tonight and he made his way to his bed finally. He knew something had been going on with his sister, and tomorrow was the day he was going to finally find out what that was. His eyes closed and a few more fleeting thoughts of the fun to be had dashed across his mind before he fell asleep.
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Lesbian Porn SitesI started having sex with guys before I had sex with girls. My friend who would stay the night when I was younger was my first sexual encounter. Fast forward 30 years. Married with k**s. Happy life and everything. But there is something about sex with another man that is so much better. I often use apps to find hookups. I’ll make an excuse to go out after finding someone online. I’ve had a handjob, sex, & blowjobs in pretty much every place you can think of. Automatic car washes, Home Depot...
The dream was different this time. I’m standing in the corner of a small dark room with no windows or any other form of light. Then I am suddenly aware of the fact I am not alone in the room, regardless of the fact I can’t see or hear anyone, I’m positive that there’s someone, or more unsettling for me, something in this room with me, standing directly opposite me in the other corner of this room. Not speaking, not moving, and just standing watching me, doing nothing. Despite my best efforts to...
So this is my true story about when I first sucked a mans dick, this took place early in 2020.So I had been curious for a long time, I would go on many websites for years talking to men about meeting up and giving them a BJ, but nothing ever came out of it, either they were too far or it just didn't happen for what ever reason. But one day I had seen a post from a guy that wanted to have a bit of fun on one of the websites I would frequently visit, I messaged him and it turned out that he lived...
Author’s Note: Tim413413, as always, has my thanks. Stories write themselves, I have yet to teach them to edit themselves. ***** The kingdoms met again the next day, this time with Uri. Our dislike for each other was present in the room although it was tempered by the two kings. Uri was informed of our progress, and he had insight I did not expect. He had a tactical mind and bettered the plans. It was hard to accept his contributions, and separate them from my dislike. I did so, for the...
A SERIES OF SHORT STORIES by Jenni Gee FREYJA'S SURPRISE Although I am dressed in the smartest and newest clothes I can afford, or at least what my poor plastic will allow, I feel shabbily dressed in here. Whenever I am in Paris, no matter how I try I can't resist coming to this designer boutique to look at what I would wear if only I had the money. The styles! The quality fabrics!. Naughtily, sometimes I try on a dress or two! There! There is a woman that not only can afford the high...
BisexualWell I guess I've lurked long enough, now I'm posting my first fiction in years. All comments and criticisms are welcome. I do hope you enjoy this story. Spazz A token story by Jean Rea All rights reserved Sunday 25 March, 2005 "Good morning Judith and Angie, I've made some mods to the vocorder. Heeheehee" "Ummm I still need to work on the laugh function, I guess." "Gee boss I guess so. That sounded like that old kids video "The Iron Giant" "Angie...
Hii guys mai sonia sharma ek baar phir hazir hu aap logo kai bade bade lund sai khelne kai liye to kya bolte ho guys kya aap taiyaar hai apni slut kai saath ek jordar night gujarne kai liye ohhh. Wait sorry guys mai aap logo ko x mas per wish nahi kar payi so happy x mas and happy new year too , to dosto yai meri ek new story hai jo mere saath x mas day kai kuch der pahle hui. Guys jo log mujhe nahi jaante wo meri previous story read kar sakte hai but phir bhi mai kuch details de daiti hu apne...
Aidra Fox and Aria Lee are ready for a hot and wild time together. Their outfits are spectacular and they look absolutely beautiful together in their bright fishnets and sexy matching lingerie. Aidra gets all up in Arias pussy loving how wet she already is once those panties come off. She can not wait to kiss her and let Aria taste just how sweet that pussy is! The girls use their double dildo doing a little deep throat challenge before using their toys on each other. Aidra and Aria really know...
xmoviesforyouAt 45, Rachel Staunton was a force of nature. Stepping off the train from Nice, she looked like she had just stepped out of a salon, instead of getting off of a five and a half hour train ride from the south of France. Her hair, worn tight against her head, was perfect, not a strand out of place, showing off her round face. Her makeup was impeccable, lipstick and cheekbones by the book. You had to be intimate with her to see the depth of powder and concealer that covered the dark circles...
"Now listen very carefully as I will say this only once. I want you to look very closely at my boot. You will notice that there are pieces of fluff sticking out of the zipper. I want you to start at the heel and work your way all along it to the very top removing that fluff with your tongue as you go" As she spoke Mistress rang her finger along the full length of her high heeled stiletto boot from its base to the very end of the zip adjacent to her naked thighs. This delicate movement...
"A holiday?," you ask. "Yes, just for you. A whole month!" You flip the pages of the classy and elegant brochure and can't suppress gasping. As the young wife of a multi-billionaire, you are used to luxury, but the pictures you see are still breathtaking. The location looks beautiful, the sunsets are stunning, the resort seems to offer everything you'd ever want and expect from a holiday on an island. It's perfect. It's beyond perfect. "I told you I have a few very busy weeks ahead, darling,...
Jodie Adams is an attractive young woman in her early twenties, with a magnetic personality and heaps of sex appeal. She has come from a wealthy British family and created celebrity status for herself as a model. She is an ‘It Girl’ and the tabloids follow her every move at all the best parties and media events. Jodie has a defined, chiseled face, perfect cheekbones, big blue eyes, and a cute nose. Her feathered blonde pixie hairstyle is almost white.Her perfectly tanned endless legs are...
Straight SexStanding in the doorway, the room looked like a disaster had struck. Access panels were open. Workers and technicians were involved in various mysterious jobs. There was a babble of voices, each seeming to be louder than the others. A loud voice, not yelling, but carrying over the chatter of various repairmen and technicians. “Attention on deck Captain on the bridge.” All conversation stopped, while most everyone stood up in at least a semblance of attention. Some, particularly those with...
Hello iss readers..!! This is love again back with another erotic real story of how i fucked my bhabhi while bhai was out..!! I hope this story will definitely make guys and gals masturbate more and more..! And girls and aunties needing sex in Gujarat can mail me up freely..!! You won’t be disappointed, that’s a promise..!! Well to start with, me a 22 year old guy..!! Recently completed my studies and into business now. I have a 6″ long thick dick that can drive any girl crazy..!! I am...
My precious diary. I hadn't thought about what I'd do with it once I finished that last entry, and got ready to ride Lightning. I didn't know where to put it. In the end, I finished up sitting on it, perched up on top of Lightning in his beautiful saddle. For a little while, I rode around the glade, and Lightning taught me how to ride. But what he showed me was all based on commands — and I'm not going to command my friend to do anything. But still, it was good practice for me to get used...
The rain had been falling non stop for three days. Roads were flooded making it almost impossible to move about. Most businesses had stayed closed because of flooding, the school was still open but most of the kids wished it was closed, the local river was overflowing, the pumps at the chemical factory were coping with the flood waters, that was the official statement released by the management of the factory but many local people suspected the pumps were not coping and when the alert sirens...
My Little Mermaid The very moment that I laid eyes on her I knew that I was in love with her. She was my ‘Little Mermaid’ fantasy girl. Every since I first saw Princess Ariel in the ‘Little Mermaid’ I had dreamed about just such a girl. There I was in that bar when I first saw her swimming topless in a big aquarium in the center of the room. It was love at first sight. She had on one of those topless costumes that made her look like a Mermaid and she had great tits too. She was very...
Sorry this is so long....For the next two weeks or so we continued fucking two or three times a day. She would come home from work and tell how many times she got fucked during the day. She would be extra horny if she got fucked late in the afternoon right before she came home. Her supervisor and her supervisor’s boss would not worry about making her cum. They only cared that they dumped their load in her.During the two weeks she would ask me if I knew where we were going to go so I could...
A week after it all started, my flatmate decided to go to his hometown. He left on a Friday evening after college. Auntie realized that I will be alone in the flat for a week and become super excited. I could now openly have After Manu left, Auntie came in the evening with Rahul. She made nice mutton curry, and we all ate. I had also bought some whiskey which is always a great combination with mutton. After about 8.00 PM, Auntie said to Rahul that it’s too late to go home. He can just go and...
Meeting Mother, Part III By Sandy Brown Emily took my hand, and together we walked out of my bedroom and downstairs to Mother. I stood there with the two of them, wearing the pink sweater, and the almost-matching lipstick, feeling a swirl of emotions. I had spent years trying to put my girlish, sissyish side behind me, to find a 'normal' girlfriend and live a 'normal' life. And I had felt like I had done that, even though I knew, somewhere in the back of my mind, that I had put a...
"Mary! Mary! Tell dis boy I ain't got time to fool wid him!" He glowered at me over his cup of coffee, took a drag from his cigarette, then spoke again. "Why you always wanting to hear them stories I tell anyway boy? Shit, you know em better than me now, old as I is." I waited, knowing if I spoke it would only delay the telling, I'd become adept in drawing out a story from Mister Buddy. "Ah Hell, you ain't gonna leave till I tell it to ya again are you Boy?" A long pull from his...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Three: The River Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading! Tuesday, August 11th, 2071 – Chasity “Chase” Glassner – Sierra Nevada, CA The sun rose, shining through my window. It roused me from my thoughts. All night, I had sat on my bed, staring at my hands, the pain slowly fading from my spanked ass. But the hurt in my heart only intensified. Joab had been the first person in a long time I had cared for. He was strong and passionate. He...
I grew up with six sisters, three older and three younger. I have seen all six nude and I've also seen my mother nude many times (but that's a different story...mom was a neighborhood prostitute, along with three other mothers). I was lucky enough to have had sex with two of my older sisters and even taught one younger sister how to suck cock. Those stories follow. Kathy Kathy is two years older than me and we were always close, so it was no surprise that we learned about sex by...
He was travelling in the wilderness after Beaumont, the next town after Newcastle, before he finally caught up to her. He didn’t approach her right away, just followed her at a distance, keeping an eye on her whenever she could. She seemed like she could handle herself, and he didn’t interfere. Once she was ambushed from the forest when traveling down a road. She handled them quickly and efficiently, drawing a talwar sword from her scabbard and fighting them off gracefully. He had considered...
Hi ISS readers earlier episodes lo ma step mom nagamani nannu ela torture chesedo meeku cheppaanu. Ee episode lo nagamani maro vilasam meeku cheptanu. Me feedback ni ki pampandi. Aa roju ma dad business trip meeda bombay veltunnadu. Nagamani ma dad mukku pattukuni pinduthu main door varaku theesuku vachindi. Ma dad nagamani venaka dog la vastunnadu. Nagamani navvuthu thondaraga ravaali gadida annadi mukku saagadeestu. Thondaraga vastanu maharani. Nee penta thinakunda okkaroju kuda vundalenu....
When I woke up that morning, Illiana was again playing with my body. This time she was very softly tickling my belly button. I looked to the side and saw that Illiana was smiling at me while she kept on running little circles around my navel with her finger. "Hi," she said with her happiest voice. I turned my body towards her, and we moved closer to each other. I gave her a very passionate kiss, and I felt how her breasts touched mine. While we were kissing, she put her right leg over my...
Hi my Name is Shivu, I am from Karnataka, I have a affair with my mum and sister, .In my home we three mum me sister, mum is 44 years ,sister was 32 working in one of the govt department of Karnataka and she is not married .she and my mum looks like sisters. This happened one day I came from my school due to a strike in the school. I saw a very pain full seen in my life. I just came to home ,the front door was closed from in side, I thought my sister kamalakka may be in the office. I notice...
IncestSummer was over and I went back home. That is where I learned about sex. and how people fuck just for the fun of it, man that was mind blowing, lol So one weekend in November my oldest sister came home from college. My parents used the opportunity to go visit a sick relative since Jackie would be home to watch over me. Well I thought it was going to be an awesome time with her, but she had other plans. She called up her boyfriend to come over and I got bored. The first night I heard strange...