- 4 years ago
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Chapter 10
Afternoon Delight
Once outside Ros took my hand and led me back towards Moira’s shop. ‘Where is this flat?’ I asked.
‘Above the shop, so we don’t have far to go. Isn’t that handy.’
‘Very. But Moira’s not likely to pop up and see how we’re getting on, is she?’
‘No of course not, but would it worry you if she did?’
‘No, I suppose not. It’s just, oh, I don’t know. Let’s forget it.’ I muttered, quickening my steps in order to avoid having to try to explain the irrational thoughts I was having.
We almost ran along the rest of the street and were both a bit out of breath by the time we got to a door a short way away from the front of the shop. Immediately inside was a flight of stairs and when we went up them I was surprised by how big the flat seemed to be but, given Moira’s flair for attractive things, not by how beautifully decorated and appointed it was.
‘Have a quick look around while I go to the bath-room, I’ll show you the place properly later.’
A few minutes later she reappeared and we stood for a moment, hand in hand in the door-way to what I presumed was the spare bed-room, each of us with a tense grin on our face, for all the world like two guilty kids.
Even though we were unlikely to be disturbed I closed the door behind us, turned and pulled her, almost roughly against myself and our lips clamped hard together, our tongues probing as our hands roamed frantically over each other’s body. Mine grasped her buttocks, my fingers digging through her skirt and into her flesh. Hers pulled my lips down even harder against her mouth as she slowly ground her pelvis against the hardness of my cock.
After a minute or two of that I broke from her, panting, tearing off my jacket and tie as I said.
‘I want you Ros – I want you right now!’
I saw that her face was as flushed as mine must have been, her eyes gleaming wildly and without any hesitation she too began to get out of her clothes. It was as though we were having a race to see who could strip first, each watching the other with an increasing hunger.
Ros was far quicker than I, her skirt and blouse were on the floor in a trice and I felt my still confined cock throbbing and jerking at merely the sight of her and when she took off her bra I saw that her superb breasts were already swollen, her nipples hard. Then, as I stripped off shoes, socks and trousers she slid her panties down over her hips and stood waiting for me, her eyes fixed on the hard bulge in my pants. As I pulled them down, my cock sprang free and when she saw how strongly it quivered and jerked her eyes widened and she said in a throaty voice. ‘Oh yes! You weren’t kidding when you said you wanted me! I can’t wait to feel it inside me again. Don’t waste time with preliminaries, just fuck me with it, fuck me hard Rob!’
Her words matched my mood precisely and once inside her, my already blazing need was heightened even further as she lifted and wrapped her legs around me, using them to grip me tightly, pulling me even deeper into herself.
We were both so wound up that it must have been only a few short minutes before the force of our shared need and my physical hammering of her, brought the onset of her climax, and, as that began I felt her pussy gripping me almost as tightly as her legs were and that triggered mine. The fact that Moira and perhaps customers were below us couldn’t stop the exultant shout that forced its way up through my throat as I felt myself pumping into her, my shout mingling with her own cries of ecstasy as we both mindlessly reacted to the overpowering sensations as we climaxed together.
But brief though it may have been it was still several minutes before either of us could find either the breath or the energy to speak, and her first words described exactly how I felt.
‘We both needed that!’ she gasped. ‘That’s what I call a fuck! And I like it!’
I couldn’t help myself chuckling at her earthy sense of reality.
‘You certainly couldn’t call it making love, and though I don’t think I’d want it like that every time, right then it was just what I needed. You are fantastic Ros!’
‘I’ll only take half the credit Rob. As I said, apart from anything else about you, just the way you are built makes it wonderful for me, you get so deep, it feels as though I’m being split wide open. I like that, and I can take it as often as you like, please!’
I found the way she talked exciting, I had never known a woman who could talk about her needs and reactions in such an honest way, and I liked that.
‘But right now I’d better go and clean myself up a bit, I don’t want to soak the mattress as well as the sheet. Then we’ll make some coffee, we were in such a rush to get out of the restaurant I never did get to drink mine.’ adding as she pushed me to one side and slid out of the bed. ‘And I’ve been very silly, knowing what happens when I’m with you I should have thought to bring a spare pair of panties with me.’
‘I might be able to help there.’ I said, getting up and fishing the small package out of my jacket pocket. ‘I’m assured these will fit, and I think you’ll like them.’
She ripped the tissue paper off and when she found what was inside she looked up and I saw a look of sheer disbelief in her eyes. ‘You darling! You absolute darling! What a lovely surprise Rob! Thank you, thank you very, very much. I nearly bought these myself, I felt sure you’d like them too, but I didn’t have enough money for these as well as the other things, and I thought they might be a bit, well, a bit too strong for what we have planned for tomorrow, with Mandy.
I’ll thank you properly in a minute. I must dash, I’ll start dribbling on the carpet if I stand here any longer.’
I found that the mention of Mandy’s name gave me a strange mixture of feelings. On the one hand excitement, at the thought of her lithe, supple body, her eagerness to both learn and excite – and the thought of seeing she and Ros, making it together, would be another fantasy brought to life. On the other hand was an odd, inexplicable uncertainty, a note of caution that left me puzzled.
But I didn’t have enough time to work through the odd thoughts because just then Ros appeared in the door-way, wearing the russet coloured set.
‘They fit perfectly Rob. I’ll keep the others for one evening, they’ll look even better in softer light.’
It was hard to imagine how anything could look better than the way she did right then. The colour was absolutely right for her, making her pale skin look even whiter, at the same time somehow bringing out highlights in both her hair and her sparkling eyes. As she’d said, they fitted her perfectly, if anything, too perfectly! Although the bra firmly supported the weight of her breasts, its design enhanced their natural shape rather than artificially moulding them. It left the deep valley between them fully exposed and the delicate fabric was so sheer that I could see the peaks made by her obviously still partially swollen nipples. The matching panties were cut to fit high on her hips, making her legs appear even longer, fitting snugly over her belly and the fleshy mound beneath and, as she slowly turned around for me, made an equally tantalising display of the twin cheeks of her bottom.
‘Beautiful Ros, you look absolutely stunning!’
‘I thought you’d like them, and the feel of them against my skin is lovely too. Thank you again, you’re really very sweet.’ she said as she bent and gave me a kiss. ‘Now, coffee?’
‘Yes please, but I’ll nip into the bath-room first, even though I haven’t any sexy gear to change into.’
‘You’re quite sexy enough as you are, I’m not sure I could cope with sexy gear too.’
After a quick wash and freshen-up, as I had nothing else to choose from and just in case we had an unexpected visit from Moira I pulled my trousers on, then went looking for the kitchen.
We must have made an
odd sight as we sat quietly sipping our coffee, Ros in her gorgeously sexy underwear, me in nothing but a pair of trousers. She told me about her long friendship with Moira, a friendship that had been no more than that for quite some time, only blossoming into a sexual relationship a couple of years previously, when both happened to be going through rocky periods in their lives, Moira in her marriage to Bill and Ros with some man she’d been seeing on a regular basis.
‘Bill was away, on business he’d said, Moira didn’t believe him, felt sure he was seeing another woman, I don’t remember why she was convinced of that, but she was. We arranged to meet for dinner, in the restaurant we had lunch at. We were there for ages, I think we were about the last to leave. We were both pretty emotional – and by then we’d both drunk a bit too much. As I sometimes did, I was sleeping here that night, driving back home in the morning and when we got back we had a night-cap as we sat and talked some more. The combination of emotion and booze obviously got to us and at some stage we both started crying, then hanging on to each other, just for comfort at that stage.
But then, well, one thing just led to another I suppose – and when I felt her reactions change, I simply led the way – it was her first time with another woman you see.’
‘But not yours.’
‘No, not mine. Anyway, after thrashing about on the settee for a while we decided we might as well be comfortable, so went to bed and carried on from there. God knows how many times we came that night, it was as though she’d never had sex before, I suppose in that sense, sex with a woman I mean, she hadn’t, she took to it like the proverbial duck to water!’
‘And since then?’
‘Oh, occasionally. Her problem with Bill was all in her mind, maybe the discovery that she didn’t have to rely on him for sexual satisfaction gave her a bit more strength to have it out with him. It turned out that what he said was the truth, he wasn’t seeing anyone, he had a lot of business pressure just then, was too worried about that to be able to think about much else. And of course once her eyes were opened to other possibilities she realised that her shop gave her the ideal opportunity to meet other women with the same inclination. That took the pressure off Bill while he sorted out his business problems and it wasn’t long before he was back to normal again, so then she had the best of both worlds going for her.’
‘Does Bill know?’
‘Oh yes, though it was some time before he found out. I don’t think he was too keen at first, saw it as a threat to his masculinity I suppose, probably thought that one day Moira would up and leave him for some woman.’
‘Well, mightn’t she?’
‘God no! Neither of us is like that, we both like men too much, well the right man. And Bill is her man, there’s no doubt about that. The other thing is just a nice extra, the garnish, not the main course itself, if you understand what I mean.’
‘I think so.’
‘As I said, it took Bill a while, but once he accepted that her female friends were no threat I think he got quite a buzz out of it. He likes her to tell him all about it, when they’re in bed together, Moira says it really gets him going, he always gets a hard-on and is much more vigorous than at other times. So she gets a double benefit.
That’s another difference between men and women.’
‘What’s that?’
‘Most men like the idea of seeing or hearing about two women together, don’t they?’
‘I guess so, it turns on most of the men I’ve known.’
‘Yet I’ve never met a woman who reacted that way to the idea of two men together. Odd isn’t it.’
‘Yes, that’s true, and I’m not sure I know the reason for it either. Would you like some more coffee?’
‘Mmm, please.’ I replied.
Although I’d been interested in what she’d been saying and found the idea of she and Moira together stirring, it was nowhere near as stirring as simply sitting opposite Ros. Although for some reason I’d tried not to be too blatant about it there was no way I could stop my gaze from drifting back to the display of her breasts. The flimsy bra not only added spice to what was already a quite delectable feast for the eyes and although it was nothing like it, it reminded me of the strange harness she’d worn, and that brought back memories of the electrifying sensations I’d got from having my cock rubbing up and down that gorgeous valley.
When she stood and went to refill our cups the feelings that had been stimulated by those thoughts were strengthened by the sight of the rest of her, the jiggle of her bottom as she crossed the kitchen, the way her panties clung to the generous curve of its cheeks. So, even though we continued chatting as we sipped the second cup, my thoughts were elsewhere, and it wasn’t long before I became acutely conscious of the fact that my body was responding to those thoughts, responding strongly.
Ros couldn’t have missed the way my eyes stared at her more and more hungrily, nor the way the conversation gradually became more and more one sided so perhaps she was half expecting what happened when she later got up to clear away our empty cups.
Again my eyes followed her as she moved across to the sink but although she must have heard me getting up from the table she gave no sign of it. Even when I stood close behind her, close enough to pick up the fragrant smell of her, she made no move, simply carried on slowly washing the cups.
Quite unable to resist any longer I slipped my arms around her, my hands cupping the heavy fullness of her breasts then bent and kissed her neck and as my fingers squeezed and fondled her I felt both our bodies responding as she pressed herself back against me.
‘I want you again!’ I whispered gruffly, pressing myself closer, and, hearing the urgency in my voice, she replied.
‘I guessed as much.’ Adding with a low chuckle as she turned herself to face me. ‘I’m glad I didn’t get around to re-making the bed.’
Slipping my hands up her back I ran the fingers of one hand through her hair, pulling her tight with the other as I kissed her, our tongues intertwining as our mouths and bodies jammed together. Although we were both acutely aware of our need we weren’t driven by quite the same desperate urgency we had been when we first arrived and savoured the growing pressure that built as we continued kissing and caressing each other. But in time even those pleasures paled by comparison with the thought of what others lay in store and I broke from her encircling arms, took her hand and led her to the bed-room.
The bed was as we’d left it, the covers thrown off and the sheets tangled but we gave it only a passing glance as we hurriedly stripped, came together for another kiss then literally fell on to it, our bodies becoming as entangled as the sheets. As I used one hand to grip the fleshy swell of her bottom and the fingers of the other closed more gently around one full breast I felt her hand snake down between us to find the hardening length of my cock. Then my low groan of pleasure mingled with her soft sighs as we lay there fondling, caressing and thrilling each other.
Our kisses gradually became more feverish, our caresses more demanding and sensing that her need was at least as great as mine, I rolled over on to my back, pulling her over on top of me. Realising what I wanted she got up on her knees, straddling my legs then, steadying the shaft with one hand and spreading her pussy-lips with the other she guided the head between them and pushed herself slowly down on to it. I lay quite still, moaning softly as I felt my cock being drawn up inside her.
Having taken it all she paused, kneading my belly and stomach with one hand while the fingers of the other teased the sensitively swollen nub of her clit, squirming with delight as she pressed herself more tightly down against me and I heard the growing tension in her voice as she said. ‘That feels lovely Rob,
stay still, don’t move just yet.’
Although I was able to resist the urge to start thrusting I couldn’t control my cock reacting to the feel of the warm tightness of the lining of her cunt and she gave me a half smile as she felt its throbbing surges. ‘Aah, that’s nice. It’s giving me a lovely, full feeling, and the way it’s throbbing is very exciting too. If you could hang on long enough I’m sure I could come this way.’
That idea intrigued me and although the pressure inside was growing the thought of being able to give her so much pleasure with so little effort was sufficient incentive to try control it, so I replied. ‘I’m in no rush Ros, you’re in charge, take your time.’
So for several minutes she just sat there, fingering herself as my cock twitched inside her. At first I lay quite still, just watching the effects of the increasingly intense stimulation being reflected on her face. But the way her breasts were gently swaying became more and more tempting and when I saw the nipples stiffening from her growing excitement I couldn’t resist reaching up and lightly running the tips of my fingers over them.
My caresses were the additional stimulus she needed and I saw her face and neck redden as she wriggled herself hard down against me. Then, as my cock pulsed even more strongly in response, she arched herself backwards and gave a series of rising moans as she felt her climax approaching. By then her nipples were jutting stiffly and taking them between my fingers and thumbs I pinched and rolled them, she gasped, then gave a series of deep grunts as the orgasm finally shuddered up through her.
The feel of her cunt’s rhythmic contractions very nearly took me over the top too. I felt my achingly full balls tightening, their contents churning and it was only the fact that I knew that if I could hold on a little longer there would be an even stronger one to come that enabled me to stop myself climaxing with her.
‘Oh Rob, that was fantastic!’ she said once the crisis had peaked. ‘And even though they’re nowhere near as strong, there’s still a series of waves rolling through me. I know it’s selfish of me but, can you hold on a bit longer?’
‘I think so, I’ll try.’ I muttered through gritted teeth.
‘It’ll be worth it, I promise.’ With that she cautiously lifted herself until she had just the bulging head of my cock inside her. Then she began to slowly move up and down. At first, just tiny little movements, letting her pussy-lips graze over the sharp rim and part way up over the head. Down again until it was just inside her. Pause. Then up again – pause – down, pause – up, pause. Over and over and over again. It was sensational.
I could tell from the changes to the expression on her face that the friction of my cock-head rubbing against the most sensitive part of her was having a powerful effect and saw she was having increasingly difficulty in maintaining those very controlled movements. At the same time I was doing everything I could to fight back the rising urge inside myself, but the stimulation was so intense I was finding it almost impossible to stop myself from thrusting upwards. As I fought back that impulse I felt my body tensing, arching, muscles locking, and my cock straining jerkily as a series of powerfully throbbing pulses surged up through it.
At first I thought she was going to take herself all the way to her climax with those subtly tantalising movements and very much doubted I could hold on for that long. But, just as I was about to give up trying to control myself, she began to drive herself up and down, faster and faster. I heard the bed creak protestingly beneath us as her pounding grew wilder and, picking up her rhythm, I finally began to ram my cock up into her as hard as I could.
Our combined actions forced my spearing cock right up into the very deepest parts of her cunt and it wasn’t long before she gave a loud screech as a climax far more powerful than the first began to rip through her.
Knowing that my own wasn’t far off I continued thrusting up into her long after her peak had passed, but, just as I felt the seething mass in my balls starting to come to the boil, she found the strength to stop me. ‘Let me do it for you lover.’ she managed to say between rasping gasps as she slowed the speed of her previously frenzied ride and pushed herself right down the full, throbbing length. By then my cock had become truly massive and although Ros must have felt as though it was splitting her wide open she took every inch of it.
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Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! Chapter 33: RIGHT...
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Author’s Note I am deeply indebted to ‘searchingforperfection’ for his editing skills, without which this would have been a lesser story. The story was inspire by ‘The walls’ a short story by Mark Billingham. You wouldn’t call Maidstone a pretty town. It used to be a market town, where local farmers brought their livestock and produce to sell. Little of the old town remains. The markets have long since been replaced by shopping malls and office blocks. The river, which is its most picturesque...
I SUCKED THIS THIRTY AND DISGUSTING MECHANIC’S COCK My husband and I were shopping, strolling the streetswalking looking for the best bargain, watching price tags at every window we stopped in, in Caracas downtown. I was wearing low-neck T-shirt… which showed my tanned tits a lot, because I had gone to the beach recently, wishing to show off. I stopped to see something more, while my husband continued to walk ahead by himself to buy some sodas for us to drink, coz we were thirsty. ...
We were at a friend's cottage, all sitting around the campfire one night. There were 3 couples total, and we had all been drinking quite a bit that day. One of the couples walked out on the pier to look up at the stars. That is why one of our other friends got the idea to go push them into the lake in all their clothes as a joke. We knew we should stop him, but figured what the hell, it would be funny to see. As he tried to walk slowly down the pier so they didn't hear him, they caught on. The...
"Who are you, and why are you in here?" "I'm William Henry Harrison, and I need water, badly. I have been here for three days with no food, no water, and I have not been allowed to contact my attorney." "Just a minute, you say you've been here for three days?" "That's correct. By my count, it should be sometime late Sunday evening, or early Monday morning, the fifteenth." "Wrong, Mister. It's Wednesday afternoon, the eighteenth." "Then I've been here for seven days," I...
When Rebecca left me to go shopping with Carly, I lay on my bed thinking about the amazing sex we'd enjoyed. I must have drifted back to sleep though, because when I woke it was after nine. I slipped out of bed and went to the kitchen, turned the coffee machine on and made myself a cappuccino. I wandered out by the pool and sat at the table enjoying my coffee. It was a perfect summers day, warm with a cloudless blue sky. I was having difficulty concentrating, and kept asking myself how...
IncestSynopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with Mz. Dominica. Saturday night, out for dinner and dancing, one of Mistress' friends took a liking to the little she-male slave, and tried to steal him away for the evening. Dominica turned the tables on her, and demanded the laces from her leather outfit as tribute. Mountains of Rubber, Chapter 8, Knotty By jessicablank The feel of the cords brushing against her face brought Daniella...
Master was driving me to the mall, it was rare he ever let me know where we were going, and even rarer for him to take me to the mall. I knew today would be something special. When we arrived he when to the trunk and removed a rather large black bag. "Shall I carry it for you, Sir?" I politely asked. He slapped me across the face and barked, "You will not speak unless spoken too." My face stung bright red, and people in the parking lot look on at us akwardly. I lowered my head and...
Carlo almost flipped to Carol in that moment. Almost. "I can't have what I want Mrs... Tanya!" he/she stumbled. The words came out in a rush, a tumult. "How can I have what I want? I don't know what I want. I want to look like you, but I'm a boy, well, a man, I suppose.. I don't think I can NOT be what...... What do I want? How am I..............? What do you..........? Why did you kiss me like..........? I look good to you? Like this? I'm a pervert, aren't I? How can any.....? How...
After finishing up with a patrol shift, police officers Erik, Darrel, and Josh are stunned to find Officer Kira Queen with a baton up their new boss, Detective Dallai Evelines pussy. Instead of being ashamed and asking for forgiveness and discretion, the two whorish cops invite their colleagues to join them, and the office orgy begins. To begin, the 3 male cops stuff their black and white cocks into the mouths and pussies of Dallai and Kira. When the two whores and nice and warmed up, the DPing...
xmoviesforyouMy Mother, my Lover. Her Satin, my Sin by: Georgina The house was quiet and still. I was on my own and the evening shadows were lengthening as the sun sank in the west. We, mother and I, lived alone since father had left us two years before, to find himself, as he intimated to me, but as far as I was concerned that brutish, oafish and generally awful man could stay lost for ever. We were very happy in our solitude and had drawn close together after the awful times we went through till...
"My lover." The words reverberate through my head. What have I done? Not only did I just fuck my sister, but I came in her too! I felt so dirty, but thinking back, I don't think I could have stopped myself. It just felt too good. Geo moaned on top of me, and I felt it all the way to me flaccid cock, still in her. My sister rolled off me, and I saw Dixie getting between her legs and sucking my cum out of her. "Mmm, your brother's cum tastes soo good!" Dixie mewled. A hand...
Emergency Room by Debbie Cybill Thanks to my wonderful wife Jeannine, I spend most of my life en femme, except when I am at work, when I have to wear pants. Jeannine is all that any cross-dresser like me could want in a wife. Apart from all her other qualities, which any man would want in a wife, Jeannine is not just supportive of my xdressing, but positively encourages it, even enthuses over it. I am simply not allowed to dress as a man around Jeannine, not that I would...
Hi friends its saif(anus) from mumbai am 29 year old married person dear freinds ajj mai jo story share karne jaraha hun woh darasal 1 sal purani hai ,bahut din se share karna cahraha tha per himmat nahi huwe actully par ajj maine irada kiya ki mai apni sachi kahani dusron ko sunao aur unku bhe maze dun jo maine aur meri gf ne liye hain .Meri shadi ko 4 sal hogaye hain mera 1 ladka bhe hai 2 sal ka mai apni zati zindagi me bahut ziyada khush hun khus isliye ke meri biwi bahut ziyada khubsurat...
The friends slept until about 05:00 hours. Sean and Lee got up first. Drako was hungry and needed a wee-walk. They went back to bed, and Sean made slow, gentle love to Lee until she was a quivering mess in the bed. Happy with his efforts, he cuddled up to her as she shivered in his arms. “Good morning, my love,” he said. Lee sighed and cuddled into him tighter, “Yes, my lovely man. Every morning I wake up with you is a good morning.” Debora and Tony had Kyle playing piggy in the middle,...
Hello all, the readers of ISS. I am going to share with you a very recent experience I had with a Cuban boy; I fucked him over the last weekend. I am not going to burden you with the details of how I got him but only want to share with you his short story, how he discovered his elder brother being a cocksucker and a bottom boy too. I think it would be better if you heard the story from Alexandro Persilla (Alex) in his words and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I guess I was far hornier and...
Gay Malei remember the first time i jerked off with my cousin this was in the 80's . my cousin was older then me he was 18 i was 15 but he was slow so he actually had the mental capability of a 15 year old so we got along great . i remember he just got back from a quick summer vacation to visiting his brother who was in the army and stationed out of town . i came over that summer morning thinking we would probably go swimming at the local pool, watch movies or sit around jamming to music that morning...
My stomach turned as I slowly pulled into the space in front of the Starbucks about an hour away from where I lived. I stepped out of my car and walked inside, catching sight of the nearest empty table. I made my way towards it and sat. I rested a hand against my chin and felt the sweat building on my forehead as I thought of...her. I'd known her for almost two and a half years, but only over the internet. Where was she? She had texted me moments ago saying she was already in here. My...
Quickie SexA STORY ABOUT TWO KINKY CROSSDRESSERS HAVING LEOTARD AND PANTYHOSE ENCASEMENT FUN. I used to work in a hosiery/lingerie section in a department store. The manager was always impressed at my expertise on hosiery. During my shift customers would often leave with a fresh pair of tights or fishnets whether they needed them or not. They had no idea that in private I enjoyed crossdressing, calling myself Polly, and hitting on hunks in skintight stocking masks, in order to sit and rub my skintight...
Right from the Start: Chapter Sixteen - By: Beverly Taff Simon: The main character; Dorie Lou: The girl next Door who has now married Simone; Mrs Jane Benson: Dorie Lou's mother; Sandra: Simone & Dorie Lou's lesbian friends; Mary: The 'bi' while her spouse Sandra is lesbian; Toni and Paula: Their Italian lesbian friends; Mrs Webster: Their old form Teacher Doctor Wendy: Simone's Endocrinologist Doctor Julie: Simone's Psychiatrist. Sophia & Alicia: Mary and...
After a simple meal, Betty and I go sit out on the front step and watch the sunset through the trees with a glass of wine. As it is getting dark there is a small chill in the air so i retreat in to the cabin and light a fire in the fireplace. Betty then shows up with a bottle of tequila. Even after a couple shots, the conversation is very limited and very generic, more about work then anything. However, feeling the effects of the tequila you both decide to call it a night. The cabin has one...
the woman from next door came over for coffee, so I made her coffee & decided to take a shower , she is so hot with her tight shorts & tan all over I couldn't help myself when I got out of the shower I got so hard when I seen her out of the crack in my bedroom door I started sliding my hand over my cock until I couldn't help myself & started masturbating harder until she heard me moaning, she asked me if everything was okay but I hear her & when she came into the bedroom I was...
Everyone knows about the pollution level here in Delhi after Diwali. Instead of fog, people live in ‘smog’. So, on one such ‘smoggy’ day, I took an auto to the nearest metro station. While coming out of the locality, there was this girl waiting for an auto. Usually, the auto drivers do not stop after taking a passenger, but then he did. She also wanted to go to the same destination and the driver asked me if it’s okay. I hadn’t really seen the girl but I was okay with it. I shifted to the...
"42, 43, 44, and 45," counted the Professor as he stacked the bananas into the storage hut. "Not a bad haul, Gilligan." "There were more," said Gilligan sadly, "but the Skipper squashed some." "Well who's fault was that?" bellowed the Skipper hitting Gilligan with his hat, "What were you doing running in here like that?" "I saw Ginger and Mary Ann and I had to tell you quick." "You see Ginger and Mary Ann all the time Gilligan. That's no excuse for running in and dumping...
WELL WHAT HAPPENED WAS Wendy, as frustrated, hubby Trevor was still away in the Alaskan oil field, no doubt freezing the assets of some small oil company, found she was frustrated again, it didn’t take much, as she said to me the other day; I'm a classy woman outside of the bedroom...but once I let go I can be a very classy slut---no one would ever think I do things like this! Trevor had kept in touch saying the job was going to be longer and slower than he had expected, but that`s not the...
A week’s gone by, the memory of the incident vague in your mind. You can’t remember much, not even the house where the encounter occurred. And yet, you keep having these wet dreams of getting fucked hard over and over again. And you find your fingers deep in your pussy every morning. I have another package arriving. I lick my lips in anticipation of the expected date of arrival, hoping that you’ll be the delivery girl again. You ring my doorbell, holding the package, wearing your uniform. The...
Laurie Simmons sat at the kitchen table reading a book, while her mother stood by the sink washing breakfast dishes. It had been a week since she had visited that man's apartment selling cookies. She had been pondering the idea of going back to see him. He frightened her a little, but she had enjoyed the taste of his huge cock inside her mouth. Besides, she was bored and needed some excitement. At that moment, the doorbell rang. She ran to open it and greeted two of her friends, who lived...
Because our combined concert in Melbourne with AC/DC had been such a huge hit, Alberts was working on a similar gig here in Sydney. They had settled on using the Hordern Pavilion out at the showground; this one would have us playing together for all of the sets. The dates were set for three consecutive nights near the end of the month, which gave us a few weeks to work together with the other guys. We decided for the next couple of weeks we would all get together at Crystal; there was plenty...
Euro Teen Erotica welcomes another American teen babysitter to the DDF Network roster today, lil Carolina Sweets. And so sweet she is that her boss Ryan Driller has her sign a nondisclosure agreement to make every bit of her petite teen body his. The young nympho can’t deny her attraction to Ryan nor her longing to take his hard cock deepthroat and in between her creamy white thighs, and signs over ownership to her 32B natural tits and shaved pussy right over to him resulting in an epic...
xmoviesforyouIt had been a few days since my 48year old neighbour Sally had been over to my place. She had been such a great fuck, a really nice tight pussy, a lovely tight ass and tits to die for. I was going to make sure I had more fun with her. I picked up pen and paper and wrote a note.'Sally, be over my place tonight at eight, I want you in your shortest skirt, tightest top. You are not to wear any underwear and I want you in 4" heels, from Master Mike'I walked over to Sally's house. I was just about...
Charlotte moved into the Sand Pines home that weekend. We rented a van and moved what little furniture she had along with her clothes and other personal items. There was barely a morning's work to get it all done and have her settled in our home. Yes, I thought of it as "our home" now. She had been a big part of bringing it to life and I loved her contribution. "So, we are in agreement then," Charlotte said as we sat in the forward lounge of the ferry to Horseshoe Bay. "Two children,...
The party was in full swing -- as were the three women hanging before the assembled mass of Clubmen and Femmes. They had only been up for a few minutes, but already I was aching in the cock. One by one, Jacob let them down from the gallows so that I could take them once more before they expired. Redheaded Cameron. Blonde-haired Kelly. And finally: beautiful, blonde Carol. One by one, I raped them, and finished with the mother. Pulling her off me, I sprayed my semen upon her tits and...
Author’s note: I started writing this a long time ago and enjoyed the way it was going (At least in my head). I’ve held off posting this first chapter because I wanted to get more done, but I’m curious to see if people are really interested in this story line before I go too much further. Please feel free to comment. I do read them. I also make an effort not to delete any comments that people make, as long as they’re not offensive. In other words, I’m old enough to take constructive criticism...
The doorbell rang. I glanced up at the clock in surprise. 10:12 pm. A bit late for trick-or-treaters. Thankfully, I had some left over candy still in the plastic pumpkin and I was still dressed in my costume. Tonight, I’d decided to be a little daring, and had dressed up as Kitty Girl… well, perhaps Kitty Slut would be a more apt description of my ensemble. I had my ears on, and I’d taken the time to blacken my nose with make-up and draw whiskers on my cheeks. Oh, and of course I had my collar...