Black List VI: From The AshesChapter 12 free porn video

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Ratmmas leans to the side, moving only his torso and letting Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi fall harmlessly past. His massive hand in the form of a fist crashes down behind Errios’ skull knocking her to the ground. “Is that all you got little one?” he asks mocking her.

Errios, pushing up from the ground, wipes blood from her mouth with her free hand. “Oh you’re going pay for that one, mother fucker.” She spins around, throwing her sword evenly at the horseman’s feet. He jumps easily anticipating the attack and delivers a kick to Errios’ mouth that sends her reeling across the asphalt. When the Goji finally grinds to a halt, she lies there momentarily before slowly getting up. She spits out blood, letting the remainder trickle from her mouth as she lets out a low growl at her opponent. “Face me Tancheres instead of hiding behind your puppet,” she yells at Pierson.

“I would gladly oblige you, my dear, but you are beneath me unless you were to prove yourself and so far I haven’t seen that,” he answers her with a mocking smile.

“I’ll make that smile permanent when I cut it off your face,” she threatens.

“Big words that I doubt will come true,” Pierson laughs. “Finish this Ratmmas and be sure to give our audience a good show.”

Ratmmas nods and says, “As you wish, Master.”

Errios smiles. The smile is quickly stolen as Ratmmas drives his elbow into the Goji’s stomach. Errios clenches her teeth against the pain as it sets in.

The horseman leans in close to her ear and whispers, “Your mocking smile is not befitting of you.” He turns and grabs Errios up by the throat, lifting her up high into the air. The creature tightens her grip on her sword in a vain attempt at an attack at the horseman, but is quickly halted when he reaches out to grab her wrist in a tight hold. Errios struggles against the tight hold, clawing at the hand at her throat with her free hand. Both grips are like iron vises that tighten with every movement. “You’re vain attempts are useless,” Ratmmas mocks. “I do wonder the feeling of hearing you plead for your life.”

“Then ... you’ll just ... have to wonder,” Errios struggles to say.

The horseman laughs and uses his strength to twist the creature’s arm around almost to the point of it snapping and forcing the point of her blade in on her. Then with a rough thrust, he forces the sword deep into her abdomen. Errios loses her grip on the sword and tries to cry out in pain, but her scream is cut off by Ratmmas’ iron grip collapsing tighter on her throat. “I guess you aren’t one that begs for mercy, are you?” Ratmmas asks. “Really, it’s a shame.” He then takes the sword and rips it outward, shredding her abdomen open. Black blood spurts forth from the wound as her body shudders.

Ratmmas shakes his head and looks toward Pierson. “Finish this,” the colonel orders.

The horseman lets Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi fall to the ground with a clatter. He takes Errios’ near lifeless body, lifting her high into the air then slams her into the ground cracking the asphalt beneath her body with the impact. He stands hovering over her, smirking at her. “I truly hope for someone worthy of a battle.” He lifts his booted foot above her face ready to crash it down upon her face when the Goji’s hand suddenly shifts, grabbing the hilt of Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi. As Ratmmas notices the subtle movement Errios rolls from beneath the attack allowing the horseman’s attack to pass harmlessly and sink into the ground.

With the horseman’s foot caught momentarily off guard Errios limps up to her feet turning to face and attack her now defenseless attacker. As she drives the blade down at the horseman’s neck with a killing strike, three rounds tear into her chest to send her back and force her sword to sail across Ratmmas’ back instead, dealing a large ghastly wound in its wake. Pierson calmly stalks forward, firing round after round at Errios as she narrowly rolls out of the way, each bullet hitting asphalt and sending pieces ricocheting in various directions. The Goji manages to roll to her knees once the colonel’s gun clicks dry, but the man doesn’t back down.

The sound of an empty clip clatters to the ground behind Errios as she struggles to flee from the man. Her fight with Ratmmas has left her is no state to fight and now with Mythril somehow pumping in her body she definitely is in no condition to fight. Luckily for her, Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, the ancient sword has left Ratmmas in a similar state. “There is no sense in running,” Pierson taunts the creature as he slides in another clip. “These new bullets developed by the Black List are wonderful little toys. That feeling of helplessness you feel are the little pieces of synthetic Mythril flowing through your body. Now just lie still and take it like a bitch and it will all be over with.”

Errios, struggling with every breath, pushes out every distraction until she finally reaches what she had been crawling for. She grabs a hold of the manhole cover, and using the last bit of her strength, rolls to her back and swings the cover around to use as a shield catching each of the bullets Pierson fires at her. The momentum of the action sends her over the edge and into the darkness below where her body is then swept away with the current.

Shock of unexpectedness flashes over Pierson’s faces and he rushes over to the opening and peers in. “Fuck!” he says to himself. He fires the remainder of the guns clips into the darkness and then turns back toward Ratmmas, who is by now just slowly picking himself up off the asphalt. “Next time I give you orders,” he reprimands the horseman, “I expect them to be carried out effectively. Now let’s get going. We’ve got a few lose ends to clean up in this piss ass country.”

Ratmmas nods and steps in behind the colonel as a Black Lexus LX11 pulls up on the street five hundred feet away. The wound on his back begins to seal up leaving behind no sign or scar that it was ever there.

“Would any of you like to explain what the fuck just went down, down there?” Raven Cassidy asks looking away from her pair of binoculars.

The members of the TDF sit at the top of a building overlooking the square, giving the team the perfect view of the entire complex. Since they were given orders to lie low and not noticeably get involved, none of the team members moved to help any of the innocent people below even though each member fought the urge to do so.

“From the looks of it, chaos,” remarks Jonathan. “And it looks like Section 8 did our job for us.”

“You know Grines isn’t going to let that one pass,” Melissa says looking over at her partner.

“Yeah I know,” he says looking back at her. “We’ll follow after Errios to confirm if she’s dead or not. You two try and follow after Pierson, but stay at a distance. The last thing we want is to be caught here when we’re not supposed to be here.”

The team slips down from the building, splitting off in opposite direction with Raven and Sage heading off in the direction of Colonel Pierson and Jonathan and Melissa toward the nearest sewer entrance. Both agents drop into the darkness of the sewer, splashing water noisily. Instantly, lights attached to their assault rifles flash on, illuminating the tunnel walls.

“Ugh, the smell here is terrible,” Melissa says, making a sour face.

Jonathan flashes her a smirk. “It could be worse. It could be New York.”

Melissa laughs at the remark. “Thank goodness for that. “Which way do we go?”

“I’m guess from the flow of the water, to the east here,” Jonathan says flashing the light toward the ground. “Any chance of getting a signal and a map of the system?”

“Let me check.” His partner pulls out a tablet from a pouch and after a few moments she says, “The systems pools to a central hub before empting out into the river.”

“So chances are we may or may not find her before her body hits the river,” he comments.

“Then I guess we need to get moving then.”

“Ladies first,” Jonathan says smiling.

The black Lexus LX11 carrying Colonel Pierson and Ratmmas comes to a halt two miles away. Hidden in an alley, the engine turns off and the door opens with Ratmmas as the first to step out followed closely by Pierson. The massively built warrior looks around the empty lot, “It doesn’t appear that he has made it here yet, Master.”

“I hope the coward hasn’t chickened out,” Pierson sighs. “I really would have to have you hunt him down. I really fucking hate this country as it is.”

“Yes, Master,” Ratmmas says folding his massive arms across his chest as he leans against the wall.

Down the alleyway and out of sight, Raven and Sage pull up to the curb in their Silver Audi Q5 rental. “Satellite imaging shows the Lexus pulled into the alley up here on the left. It looks like it a blind alley so it’s gonna be difficult to slip in and out unnoticed,” Raven says looking up from the laptop in her lap.

“We’re gonna have to make due,” Sage says, looking forward through the windshield to the opening of the alley. “What do you suppose they are waiting for?”

“Beats the hell out of me,” she answers setting the laptop in the back seat and replacing it with a small bag. Unzipping it reveals a large pocket of guns.

Sage looks over to her lap and says, “Let’s keep it light. We don’t need to start a fight here.”

“You’re still not sure these guys are the bad guys are you?”

“I’m still not comfortable on believing our own guys are the bad guys no,” he answers. “But we’re here to do a job and I’m not into being hung out to dry if I can avoid it.”

“Yeah I know what you mean,” she says solemnly. “So what do you want? The MP5 or...”

“I got this baby right here,” Sage says pulling out a Desert Eagle from his holster.

“Alright, suit yourself,” she says smiling. “Shall we?”

He nods and they exit the vehicle. Sage looks over the hood and says to her, “Don’t forget to lock up.”

Cassidy laughs briefly. “Yes dear.”

They rush over to the mouth of the alley and take one quick look around the crowded street before peering down the darkened alley. The path is littered with dumpsters and trash cans reminding Raven of the many alleys in her home town Detroit. The two agents slip into the shadows passing from barricade to barricade and shadow to shadow and are about half down the alley when a pair of lights suddenly flash at the mouth of the alley. Sage throws a hand signal at her before diving into a pile of trash bags disguising himself as best as he could so quickly. Raven follows suit on the opposite side, huddling in the corner of a dumpster in an attempt to make herself look as small as possible.

A moment later, a Citroën C6 whizzes past and then hits the brakes screeching to a halt seconds at the end of the alley. Sage and Raven are on their feet within seconds slipping the remainder of the way as fast as they can without stealing any attention to themselves. The French prime minister jumps from the driver’s side and rushes over to open the door for President Valois who stumbles out and almost falls, if not caught by the horseman, Ratmmas. Valois looks up with relief from his sweat filled face. “Thank ... thank...” his face instantly goes pale and his hands begin to shake.

“Let the fool go,” Pierson orders the horseman who quickly obeys and steps back.

Valois, with the grip of support gone, falls backward against the car and onto the ground. The prime minister moves to replace Ratmmas and aid the president to his feet. “These are the Americans that you brokered a deal with?” he asks.

“Just give them the briefcase, Léon,” Valois says through panicked breaths.

“Yes, listen to your boss, Léon, and hand over our payment,” Pierson mocks.

The prime minister casts the colonel a glare of pure animosity. “Fucking Americans,” he says with his thick French accent. “You think you can just come over bully anyone around and get what you want.”

Pierson just nods slightly and smiles and the smaller man leaves the French president’s side and walks around to the back of the car.

“What’s going on?” Raven asks Sage as they peer through a pair of binoculars.

“Looks like an exchange. Maybe a payment of some kind.”

“What the hell would this guy need money for? Was the whole thing staged?” Raven asks dropping the binoculars. Then she looks at Sage incredulously. “You better get your ass on board if you still think this guy is on our side.”

Sage pulls away his pair of binoculars. “Oh you better believe whatever the fuck is going on here it ain’t right. This guy is crooked as shit.”

“So do we sit tight or bust this guy’s ass then?”

“I don’t know how you Detroit detectives did things, but the CIA should have taught you something girl, and right now we ain’t got shit on this guy yet.”

Raven just smiles. “I don’t know what the CIA taught you, but I’m all about shooting first and asking questions later.”

Sage was about to burst out laughing and has to forcibly catch himself. “I think I’m going to like you girl.”

The trunk of the car pops open and the prime minister reaches in and pulls out a black brief case still cursing to himself the entire time. He steps out from around the back side of the car and looks over at Valois. “What are we giving the Americans, government secrets? This is too small for money,” he says accusingly.

“It is nothing of importance to us, Léon,” Valois explains. “They are looking for more terrorist in our country that we have harbored for many years right under our noses.”

The prime minister stops short. “This entire fiasco wasn’t even cleared with Parliament nor were any plans or dealing with the Americans.”

Valois takes to standing a little taller suddenly forgetting his earlier fear in place of courage at the thought of being a hero in the eyes of his country’s people. “Fuck what Parliament would have to say about this, Léon,” he says taking a step toward the man. “The Black List is just another right wing terrorist group behind the NWR and I will not let this country take the rap for housing those bastards all this time.”

“The Black List?” Léon asks curiously. “They’re not terrorists.”

“Of course they are,” Valois argues. “Now hand over the brief case and we can be on the way.”

“Is there a problem here?” Pierson asks interrupting the apparent argument between the two men.

Valois quickly looks to the colonel then to the horseman and back. Sweat starts to trickle down his face and suddenly his collar begins to feel just a little too tight around his neck. “No, no. Léon is just having a little misunderstanding and feeling a little out of the loop.”

“Oh I’m feeling more than out of the loop, Mr. President,” he says as he pulls out a SP 2022 pistol and points it at Pierson. “I’m sorry you American pig, but I must ask you to get in your vehicle and leave my country before I put a bullet in your fucking skull.”

Ratmmas is about to move, but is settled when Pierson holds up is hand to settle him.

“What the fuck are you doing, Léon?” Valois asks nearly jumping out of his skin.

“Correcting a mistake and saving your ass, sir.”

“Go ahead and shoot me, Léon,” Pierson taunts the man. “But do not think you will make it out of this alley alive.”

A drop of sweat trickles down the prime minister’s temple and he takes a split second to look down to Ratmmas. It is all the opportunity Pierson needs. With rapid speed he has a pistol pulled and fired. The bullet strikes the prime minister between the eyes, dropping him flat to the ground. Raven begins to leap up from behind their cover and is barely stopped by Sage and kept from blowing their cover in the moment. “Hold tight damn it,” he says.

“What the fuck for?” she counters.

“We’ve got the French president still over there, alive.”

“Fuck him, he’s just as fucking part of it as they are,” Raven argues.

“There’s something fishy going on here, Raven, but that jackass ain’t deserving the same fate as his friend there.”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she says as she settles back down.

“What’s going on?” Valois begins shouting.

Pierson ignores the man and walks over and picks up the brief case opening it up as soon as he has it. He riffles through the pages quickly stopping once he sees something that catches his eye. “Château de Chambord. Clever Sternigan, very clever.” He turns to Valois. “Are you certain that this information is accurate?”

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We laughed all the way down to the kitchen. I pulled the chair out for Claire and we went about our business. I made her a salad and brought it to her, then made us each a cheeseburger and grabbed some chips and took it to the table. Lastly I poured us a couple glasses of water and realized I was the only person moving at all. The ladies seemed perplexed over Claire’s ‘ensemble,’ but nobody actually said anything. Claire looked up and said, “Are Charles and I the only ones having lunch...

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Black List II Russian WinterChapter 9

“I am reporting to you from Gaborone, Botswana,” the reporter begins, smiling at the camera. “Many of the cities including Pretoria have been taken over and are now in control by the Russian and Chinese coalition. Many of the people fought back against the invaders and were easily killed. Their bodies are now left in the streets to rot beneath the hot sun to serve as an example not to fight back. With the borders secured, no traffic can come or go from the country. This reporter was able to...

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Black List V AscensionChapter 15

Spencer and Julie were booked on an American military cargo plane. When the plane lands in Andrews Air Force Base, the two agents are met at the plane by an awaiting black SUV. Spencer recognizes the young driver as one of the newest recruits into the TDF. They climb into the vehicle and are taken to the headquarters. The two agents go straight to Grines’ office. The large man sits at his normally organized desk which is now scattered with files and folders. “Come in, have a seat and close...

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MILF Real Estate Agent Becomes a Whore for Listings Part 1

The real estate business can be very lucrative, but most agents aren’t that successful. I got some good, although morally flawed, advice when I started my career in real estate, that helped me to be very successful. Looking back now, two years later, my husband, Mark, has accepted our somewhat perverse lifestyle, for the obvious monetary rewards that it provides.My name is Shari, and I grew up in a religious, upper middle-class family in the Jacksonville, Florida area. After completing my...

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Excusing myself from the ladies for a moment, I went back upstairs to take a shower and shake the ‘Claire-webs’ from my mind. I quickly got dressed and went to, (real!) to see which steps I wanted to add to our various routines and there was a knock on my bedroom door. Rather than my usual ‘come in,’ I asked, “Who is it?” “It’s Claire, Charles ... Annie and my mom said I should come up and talk to you. We need to talk.” “Just a minute — All right?” I was feverishly...

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Last year, being thirteen-year-olds meant we danced on Tuesday, but this year (2013) since we both will be tuning 14 in late July, we’re probably moving to Thursday nights. However, we got a letter from Jimmy with the upcoming Cotillion schedule. Things have changed considerably; Monday is now 17/18-year-olds, Tuesday 13/14-year-olds, Wednesday 11/12-year-olds, Thursday 15/16-year-olds, Friday is the 9/10-year-olds, and Saturday at ten am, will be the 7/8-year-olds. This was explained by an...

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“Back to the Countdown, all right?” I hopefully asked. That settled them all down, at least a little. Claire said, “You were at 14, Charles.” “Thanks honey,” I said with a kiss. “Number 14;” 955,000 Sarah “Marilyn Monroe” pose “What’s that mean?” Kalista asked. I said, “There was an actress in the 40s, 50s and early 60s named Marilyn Monroe, Kalista. She exuded sexuality and one of her many famous pictures was with her bent over in a low-cut all-white dress, with her ‘girls’ pushed...

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Calista Four Kaidran Quadrant

Calista Four, Kaidran Quadrant By: Malissa Madison 4/7/2013 Churl remained as close as possible to Calista, his body language emitting both extreme joy as well as Sorrow. Before him on the bridge of the Equinox stood one who was in name the same as his lost love. And yet she seemed so indifferent to his presence. Could she not see how much he already loved her, and what of their kit at home with his parents on Helconia Prime? Alice Dalton studied the Kaidran, who was studying...

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“Yes, a Terrible Tango routine,” I said. “Must find just the right music,” as I started rummaging through our music collection. “What about ‘Hernando’s Hideaway,’ Charles? We have practiced to it a couple of times?” Claire suggested. “No, Claire ... it’s a great song to Tango to, but I want something that works for only you and me ... so nobody else will dare dance to it, after we do.” “Aren’t we getting a little full of ourselves, Charles?” mom asked. “No Mom, the music is important;...

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Things were breaking up and our group quickly surrounded us, as we exchanged hugs and kisses. I looked around and didn’t see Kalista anywhere, at least not until she was in the air, on her way to me and I caught her. I won’t be able to hold her much longer, she has gotten taller and thus, heavier; I certainly wouldn’t say that to her face. She went for the deep kiss, but Annie and Sarah were there in time, to stop it from happening. After signing autographs for over half an hour, Annie...

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After we got home, I changed into a swimsuit and practically jumped into the spa. Being that everyone else was of a like mind, within a half hour, I was joined by my entire C.A.S.K of ladies. Kalista came up to me and asked, in an alarmingly sexual tone, “Whatcha doin, Loverboy,” and she sat down on my lap, spreading herself out in a leisurely manner. “Well, Special K, you sexy lump of clay, you, I was looking at the final leg of our US SST tour.” I had my laptop on a stool...

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When they saw us walk up to their ticket windows, there was a scream from within, and they called their supervisor who gave us all free passes for the day. Ever-present Sarah showed me she had autographing pens with her. First thing we did was to take the Behind the Scenes Tour that showed off their zoological support area, and Jonathan, our guide, made a prideful point of mentioning all of the endangered species they had at their park. After the Tour was over, our guide, Jonathan stayed...

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We all laughed for the next hundred miles or so as we headed towards our, 31st City Salt Lake City One Night SLC Marriott City Center We arrived in Salt Lake City about three am. Sarah had gotten us a large suite with two queens and a rollaway. We’re performing at the Salt Palace the day after tomorrow. We were emotionally drained from the last six hours of things happening, so Kalista got in the rollaway, provided I give her a goodnight kiss, which I did, and I crawled into bed with my...

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“I am so excited,” Annie said. “How do you calm down when you get this excited.” Michael knew, so he walked over to her and gave her a nice kiss, possibly the best kiss they had yet shared. She touched her lips and seemed calmer. “He certainly takes after his father,” Kallie said. “Charles did that to Sarah once, and she was never the same again.” “Five minutes please,” our tech girl announced through my headset. I passed that along to the gang. Turning to my wife, I said, “Ready for...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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Black List VI From the AshesChapter 21

Washington D.C. two hours ago... Sitting in a black Range Rover in President’s Park, Delgrious and Detective Angela Veris waited as the clock ticked down for their time to strike. Positioned in various spots around the White House and within a five block radius sat squads of Sanguine Consortium soldiers. When the clock struck zero, no amount of preparation or guard would be able to repel a strike on the president. Angela strummed her fingers against the outside of the Range Rover’s door as...

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“MOTHER!” She was on a roll, so Sarah kept going, “Sorry Claire, but the truth is the truth. Most girls your age are getting ready to go to high school and plan to sleep with every boy they meet, until they find the one to bring home to Mom and Dad. You, however—hit the mother lode; he’s cute, he’s smart, he treats you like he’s known you for a dozen years, but it’s been barely over a year and a half, from when you first met.” “I know I didn’t originally understand what was going on with...

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FIFTEEN YEARS LATER (2032) “Charles?” K said, now 28. “Yes, Princess?” I responded, now 33. “Everybody’s gone, leaving us alone.” “Where did they all go to?” I asked. “Claire, Annie and Sarah with Rose and Michael, along with Ken and his brood, went to check on the newest Charles & Claire Dance Studio in Pittsburgh. On their way back they were going to Columbus for the day, to check on the studio that Brian and Susan, and their family, are in charge of.” “That leaves us all alone,...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Calista Four Stage Two

Calista Four, Stage Two By: Malissa Madison During the next week I had been given Duty time Chores on top of my off duty chores. I also met the other five officer's apprentices onboard. I was throwing myself into my work with added vigor hoping Momma wouldn't ask me about Stage Two again. I'd been thinking a lot about it and also about Patricia's behavior, and in my mind I linked the two together. I was sitting on my bunk in just me pantys when Momma finally decided to ask why...

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My girls all came up to me wondering exactly what I was going to say. As usual, I said that I didn’t know yet, I’d planned to wing it. The cameraman was getting instructions through his earpiece and I got Claire and Kalista on either side me. He backed up a bit and gave me a 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1. The reporter handed me her mike, and I said, straight into the TV camera in front of me, “Ladies and Gentlemen, and kids of all ages, from the Pacific to the Atlantic. Welcome to the Columbus Mall, in...

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By the time I looked it up, Claire had gone back into our room, Kalista was looking for a suit and the ladies went back to their room to change. “Charles, I may need you to put some sunscreen on me, later?” Kalista said swishing her hips as she went into her bathroom. She knows how to turn me on! I got up and saw my fiancée walking out of our bathroom, with a delicious red bikini on. “Come on X Man, we want to get there before they leave for the day,” Claire said. As quickly as I could, I...

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Breaking the mood, Sarah said, “He’s not the greatest dancer ever, but he’s darn close. Thank you for stopping by,” she added, rubbing my back saying, “She’s not too far from the truth, Charles?” I leaned into Sarah and cried for a bit. Fed, showered, and dressed - we showed up early for our second Carnegie Hall Performance, these folks paid $2,500 each to see us, so we really needed to be jazzed and ready. Walking up to Michael, I saw he’d actually put on the T-shirt we got him. “Hey...

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The Announcer came on: “Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls; school’s out and guess who’s back joining us? Charles & Claire!” A wonderful round of applause came up from the crowd, the returning kids smiled at us, the new kids glared at us. “But they are last today, so let’s get started.” He went on to announce the first competitors and it began. Things were moving along, I felt a bit more nervous than usual. Claire came up to me and said, “Charles, remember we’re waltzing today, this...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

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“I plan to ask her to marry me at graduation, not to marry me at graduation. I know many teenagers as well as older folks seem to think two or three months is plenty of time to be engaged. I hope to be engaged for two full years so when we turn twenty, that year’s McArthur Family BBQ could become our Wedding Day.” “I know you usually hold it in June, Sarah, but that year it could be the Sunday between my and Claire’s birthday’s in July. Could that be planned? Maybe you can get that dunk tank...

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About three hours later, we’d gone through our new routines, polishing them all up a bit—also going over every routine we’d won a trophy using. Some of those were quite fun, since we hadn’t performed them in such a long while. “LUNCH!” The three of us all came in to see a layout of food that was amazing; we had lasagna or meatloaf to choose from. Also, there were Pan-fried home-made French fries, which is a specialty of the ladies, and the usual Salad Bar, but it had more things to choose...

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We got home and Sammi, with her daughters’ help, got out the photographic equipment. Michael and Rose helped set it all up, under her direction. My son may have a crush on Samantha! Sarah was on the Internet, looking at something, as Kalista and I went up to change. We got into our matching red outfits we’d purchased while in San Francisco for IGB event. After our pictures were taken, Rose and Michael wanted to have theirs taken, so I told them to change into something they dance in, while...

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