The Black Seas Ch. 21 free porn video

Tortuga, 1706
The Hades’ Whore glided swiftly into the bay of Tortuga with the wind at her back. The port was as lively as it had always seemed to Rusalka. She stood atop the bowsprit glancing from ship to ship in search of Blackbeard’s.
What she didn’t see or was even aware of was the Flying Dutchman slowly sulking up upon her. Davy Jones stood on the deck with a wide grin spread across his face. He knew none of the Hades’ Whore’s crew knew they were there. His crew—all wicked creatures from Hades—waiting silently and patiently for their captain’s orders.
Rusalka gazed from ship to ship when she suddenly spotted three forms in a long boat about to board a ship. She squinted. Even with her superior vision, she had to focus to see the figures at their far off distance. Right away she recognized Mary, then Jack.
Her heart nearly leapt from her chest at the sight of her brother. The demon side of suppressed the feelings and emotions of her human side. It was the first time in many years that her inner turmoil fought.
She spun to shout orders when the first cannonball ripped across the deck. A crew member caught it in the center of his chest and was propelled backward, through the rail and over the side.
Another cannonball was headed at her and she was forced to dive to the side as the place she was standing at erupted into a shower of splinters further effectively cutting off any orders she was to give.
She slammed into the deck and took a moment—one she didn’t have—to get her bearings. Around her the crew scoured frantically. Weapons in hand they began to take on defensive positions releasing a torrent of bullets across the expanse to the attacking ship.
Return fire ye maggot bellied dogs! Rusalka yelled as she jumped to her feet. Force them in and prepared to board!
The crew shouted their acknowledgement bringing their frantic actions into an organized attack. Cannons from the Hades’ Whore returned fire, ripping new holes into the enemy vessel.
Rusalka and her crew only had so much of a view of their enemy. The darkness enveloped the attacking vessel as the clouds in the sky kept the moon at bay. Regardless, her crew continued firing cannons and guns at the unknown enemy while receiving just as much in return.
Rusalka had no control over the seas but she could have sworn she felt the water moving her ship toward the attacking ship. Fear, which was something unusual for a demon, slowly crept up through her.
The fear took a firm grip of her when the clouds finally broke allowing the moon’s light to shine down upon the bay. Before her ship the largest ship she had ever seen. Probably the largest ever to set sail in the Caribbean, she reasoned.
Davy Jones. She whispered.
As if the air carried her whispered across the deck and sea to the enemy captain, Davy Jones suddenly turned his head and locked gazes with her.
She blinked to clear away the sight and fear, grasping to take control of her own emotions. When she opened her eyes she fell back startled and finding her sword in her hand unbelieving how quickly it was there.
Davy Jones stood before her with a most vile grin.
Sorry lassie but yer time has come. He said drawing forth his blade.
Rusalka suddenly overcame the fear of the Demon Lord. She knew a Demon Lord could spread the emotion like a scent from a flower and caught unaware it was very effective. But something inside her fought against it, reinforcing her will against it.
Davy Jones reached up to bring his sword down upon her. Rusalka acted even more frightened, seemingly cowering before him. But just before his blade made contact her sword met his.
The clang of metal on metal startled him slightly and it was enough for Rusalka to recovered her feet underneath her and gain a small piece of ground between them.
Clever lass. He mocked. But ye are no match fer my power.
Rusalka answered with a strike at the demon’s midsection. Davy Jones stood his ground and whipped around his sword to answer with a loud clang of metal. The force of the impact sent Rusalka’s sword wide and nearly from her grasp.
She had to tighten her grip against the sudden and unexpected force. Rusalka let the momentum carry her forward and into a spin that brought the sword around level with Davy Jones’ chest. The sword swiped through the air where the demon should have been.
Rusalka brushed away the disbelief and skidded to a stop with her sword held high to guard against an attack that didn’t follow. Instead, Davy Jones stood in the spot she was just at. His sword held away and down at the deck from his body. A thin line spread horizontally across the Demon Lord’s chest and a small trickle of black blood flowed from the cut.
Very unexpected. He remarked. I cannot remember the last one, demon or otherwise able to strike me.
Ye need to get out more. Rusalka spat.
The remarked prompted laughter from the demon. Perhaps ye are correct in that assessment lassie. Ye would make a good member of me crew but orders are orders.
Rusalka couldn’t have known the truth behind the remark or the circumstances surrounding the matter. She quickly pondered at his meaning but shoved the thought aside. She wouldn’t allow it to be used as a distraction.
She moved to strike out at the demon when the deck beneath her shuddered causing her to lose her balance. She fought to keep her feet beneath her and was successful. Upon looking at Davy Jones and seeing how sure footed and solid he was she knew it was his doing.
Her accusations were confirmed a second later when the roar of hideous creatures erupted from her side. The shouts of the Hades’ Whore’s crew matched the roars as both men and beasts crossed decks and collided.
Rusalka glared at the demon. He returned the glare with a wide smile. She reinforced her grip on her sword and dug her heels into the deck. She trusted her crew to keep the creatures back even if it meant they had to give over their lives.
Then she charged as if slung from a catapult. Midway through the distance that separated the two demons, Rusalka called upon her innate abilities over fire and her sword flared. Like all Djinn or Ifrit she had a small measure of control over fire. It wasn’t much but it could be the edge she needed to beat Davy Jones or flee from him.
Their swords met. The metal clanged and the vibrations reverberated through her arms. They pressed close, pushing off each other. The flames licked at them—the heat intense.
Pathetic. Davy Jones growled. Ye dare think yer powers are stronger than mine?
Before Rusalka could answer the flame engulfing the sword winked out abruptly. The blade itself instantly cooled as if it was never set ablaze.
Rusalka’s mind raced for something—an answer, a strategy, something. But nothing came except for the instinct to survive. So she fought.
Pulling away she threw a torrent of strikes, keeping her movements in tight, close circles. Davy Jones’, however, were wide and beautifully flowing.
The battle, that of which Rusalka was unable to observe, was not going well for her human crew. The creatures were far more agile and durable than their human opponents. Regardless of their limits the crew fought with every ounce of strength and courage they had.
If Rusalka could see the battle her human side would have praised them for their commendable effort. The demon side of her could care less seeing them as expendable since they were very replaceable.

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