The Babysitter (Matt And free porn video

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I had been babysitting off and on for my neighbor (a single dad with two little boys) off and on for the last six years. I’d since moved from the neighborhood, but I was on my way back for an evening of babysitting.
I knew the older boy (Jarrett) would remember me, I wasn’t sure if the younger one (Jon) would. I smiled to myself remembering how sweet both boys were and I knew we’d have fun regardless of whether they remembered me or not.
I’d barely pulled into the driveway when the front door flung open and both boys tore out the front door racing to get to me first.
I noticed that Jarrett slowed down slightly giving Jon the slight advantage.
“You’re here, you’re here!” the little one exclaimed throwing himself at my legs causing me to almost fall over.
“Hey now, who is this rough and tumble young man?” I said scooping him up.
He giggled and politely introduced himself to me causing me to laugh.
“Hey there Jarrett,” I said, “how’s it goin?”
“Fine.” He mumbled suddenly self-conscious.
I chuckled softly to myself; someone’s got a crush I said to myself. Not wanting him to feel and more self-conscious I reached out and punched him lightly on the shoulder.
“Hey!” he said rubbing his shoulder.
“Oh come on, that didn’t hurt.” I k**ded.
He broke into a goofy grin and laughed.
“Hey who left the door open?” a voice boomed from the doorway.
“Sorry Dad,” Jarrett said, “Jennifer’s here.”
“Obviously,” their dad said, “hey there, find the house ok?”
I laughed, “Um, no I got lost Matt, I only grew up four houses down.” I teased good naturedly.
He rolled his eyes and said, “Well, I got to be goin there’s money on the counter for pizza, there’s also ice cream and stuff in the fridge. You know your way around, I’ll be home around 10.”
“Ok, have fun.” I said walking into the house, oblivious to the fact that he was watching me walk away.
The evening flew, we played board games and video games until our eyes crossed and finished up the evening watching a bit of TV.
“Bed time,” I announced after the movie had ended, “both of you.”
I tucked the k**s in and realized it was just about nine o’clock, I went back into the living room and pulled a book out and read until the door opened an hour later.
“Hey there,” Matt said walking into the living room, “good evening?”
“Oh of course, they were good as gold.” I said standing up.
“Here,” Matt said handing me some money, “thanks again, I needed a couple hours to myself.”
“No problem Matt, call me again, I’ll gladly babysit again.”
I started to walk towards the door, when he stopped me “Leaving so soon? Can’t we catch up? I haven’t seen you in forever.”
“Um, yeah ok, I can stay for a bit.”
“Drink?” Matt said as he walked into the kitchen and poured himself a coke and mixed it with some whiskey.
“Sure,” I said, watching him out of the corner of my eye, he was devilishly handsome, stormy blue eyes, and full lips, hidden only slightly by his beard. “I’ll have what you’re having.”
“Whiskey? Really?” he said slightly amused.
“Yes,” I said taking the drink my fingers brushing his slightly, “what’s wrong with a girl that likes to drink whiskey.”
“Nothin, nothin at all, just usually a girl that drinks whiskey is usually a little rougher around the edges than you are.”
I laughed and took a long sip of my drink. It was strong, but the burn of the whiskey felt good.
“So how on earth did you get Jarrett and Jon to go to bed without a fight?”
I laughed and said, “Well, Jarrett and I played one of his video games and I made a wager with him, if I won he had to go to bed when I said, if he won he could stay up until you got home.”
Matt laughed and said “So you beat him. He must have been crushed.”
I chuckled, “Yeah, shhh don’t tell him, but I own the game we played and I’m quite good at it.”
“I see,” Matt said, “how bout you play me?”
“Sure, I’m game.” I said.
“And we’ll make it interesting,” he said suddenly, setting his drink on the counter. “If you win I’ll buy you any two video games you want. If I win you stay the night here, with me.”
My jaw dropped, “Wait, what?!?” I said.
“You heard me,” he said taking one step towards me, “you’re stunning Jennifer, I haven’t been able to get you off my mind all night, all I could think about was coming home and kissing you senseless.”
“Matt,” I said taking a step back towards the living room, “I, I can’t. I mean the boys….”
“Won’t know, and won’t care.” He said taking another step towards me, “besides if you’re as good as you say you are, you should be able to beat me no problem. Best of three rounds to make it fair.” He said finally.
I finally nodded my consent and we went into the living room.
I won the first round easily, almost too easily I thought to myself, I shook the feeling from my mind and round two started. I lost miserably.
“Wait a minute.” I said “How many times have you played this game.”
“Only a couple.” Matt responded quickly, “Round three?”
Halfway through round three I knew I was gonna loose. I shook slightly and eyed the door, I was close enough to make a break for it, but knew I would have to do so now, and not at the end of the game.
My purse and keys were right beside me, Matt was very engrossed in the game so when I made my break for the door he was shocked.
I ran out the front door, leaving it open, not realizing he was hot on my heels. I had barely reached my car door when he grabbed me from behind, spun me around and pinned me against the door.
“Tryin to renege on our bet?” he said his knee wedging itself between my legs.
“No, I mean yes, I mean Matt, think about this I can’t possibly spend the night here with you.” I avoided eye contact, knowing if I looked him in the eye I’d be done for.
“Why can’t you?” he said trying desperately to make eye contact with me.
“Because, I, I can’t. I’m not what you want, trust me.” I said finally looking at him.
Two piercing blue eyes stared into mine. “Trust me,” he said softly, “you’re exactly what I want.” His mouth dangerously close to mine, I could smell the whiskey on his breath mingled slightly with the beer he must have had earlier.
I thought he was goin to kiss me then, but he didn’t, he turned my head and whispered into my ear “Into the house sweetheart, a deal’s a deal.” His tongue gently licked the rim of my ear.
I jumped at the contact, and notice he wasn’t going to move until I started walking towards the house.
I sighed to myself and made my way back towards the house. Scared to death, but resigned to the bet.
We got back into the house and I made a beeline for the kitchen for the fridge, for a beer or something to calm my nerves.
I saw the bottle of Jack on the counter and poured myself a healthy measure into a glass. I turned in time to see him standing in the doorway an amused grin on his face.
“More whiskey?” he said.
I drank it down straight shuddering slightly as the liquid burned my throat.
“Come here.” He said finally.
I couldn’t move, I was rooted leaning against the counter.
“Ok,” he said shrugging his shoulders as he walked towards me, “I’ll come to you.”
He stood only a breath away and gently grasped my chin in his hand. “I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” he said just before his mouth closed over mine, his tongue teasing my lips until they opened, his tongue tasting and taking what he wanted.
I moaned softly when he picked me up and carried me effortlessly back into the living room and set me down on the sofa.
“Tell me darlin’ what do you want?” he said his hand resting on my upper thigh stroking me gently.
“I, nothing,” I managed to say looking away, “a deal’s a deal. I’ll stay the night.”
He chuckled and said, “Don’t be coy sweetheart it doesn’t become you. You melted into my kiss; I know you want more than you let on. Now tell me.” His fingers traveled upward and deftly undid the snap of my jeans.
“I don’t know,” I finally said, “I’m too young, too inexperienced for you.”
“You let me worry about how experienced you are,” he said, “besides tonight is all about you and your pleasure.”
His hands found their way down into my jeans pulling at them, sliding them down my hips, to my ‘horror’ I felt my hips lift on their own assisting him with the removal of my jeans.
“Good girl,” he whispered into my ear, “now lets see how wet I can make you.” He bent his head and licked under the waistband of my panties, taking it between his teeth and pulling at them until they too slipped down my legs, pooling at my feet.
“Goddamn!” he hissed, “you’re, you’re, wow!” he finally said.
I blushed hotly, “No, I’m not.” I said.
“Yes darlin’ you are. Trust me, I can’t believe how beautiful you are.”
I blushed again and tried to cover myself with a hand.
He realized my intent and grasped my hand in his pulling it up over my head. “No, I want to look,” he said, “if you’re this beautiful here; I can’t wait to see you up top.”
He reached over and turned on the stereo system. k** Rock came ripping through the speakers and he turned down the volume slightly and then turned his attention back to me.
“I want to watch you,” he said, “as I make you wet, leave your eyes open.” He took a single finger and pulled it through his mouth wetting it before he slid it between my kitty’s lips, barely touching me.
I groaned and started to close my eyes stopping when he hissed a quiet no.
I locked eyes with him, blinded by desire as he rubbed my clit and fingered my pussy.
“Damn girl,” he muttered, “you’re gushing, I have to do something about that.” He slid back on the couch and bent his head and just barely licked the outer edges of my cunt lips.
I gasped and involuntarily lifted my hips, causing his tongue to dip inside flicking against my clit.
“You like that don’t you?” he said pulling away from me only briefly.
“Yes,” I gasp, “yes.”
“More darlin’?” he said as his tongue probed me deep, flicking across my clit, pulling it between his tongue and lips causing me to moan loudly.
“I could sit here all night sweetheart, all night” his fingers joining his tongue as he wrecked sweet torture on my body.
“Please,” I managed to moan, “please Matt.”
The use of his name made him stop, “What is it baby?” he said, his fingers still deep in my pussy, “What do you want?”
“You, please.” I moaned again.
He chuckled and said “I haven’t even seen all of you yet, we have all night darlin’ and I do plan on taking all night.”
I sat up and yanked my sweater over my head, clad only in my lacy black bra now, I went to undo the clasp, but he stopped me.
“Let me,” he said as he licked his fingers clean, causing me to shudder, “I want to see them up close.”
He smoothed his hands over my breasts and chuckled when he saw the tiny silver rings that passed through each of my nipples.
“When did you do that?” he asked slightly amused as he tweaked one of the nipples through the lace causing it to pearl.
“About six months ago.” I groaned.
“Hmmmm.” He said, “I want to see them up close, but first…” he trailed off as his mouth closed over my right breast, pulling the lace and ring into his mouth between his teeth.
My hands immediately went to the back of his head where they laced together holding his head against me.
“Hmmmm.” He moaned his tongue and teeth worrying the flesh, “I gotta pay attention to the other one darlin’.” He said as he kissed and licked his way over to my left breast.
“Goddamn,” I moaned loudly, “please Matt, please.” I whimpered as he unhooked the bra with one hand and slid his other one down again to stoke the fire again.
“Please what baby, be specific.” He whispered into my ear.
“Please,” I sobbed my body on fire from his touch, “you know what I want!”
“Do I?” He teased softly causing me to moan again.
“Matt!” I hissed, “Yes, you know exactly what I want.”
“I want to hear you say it sugar.” He whispered into my ear before biting the lobe gently. “And be specific.”
“I want you to take me, I want you to fuck me.” I moaned
He pulled back for a moment and studied my face, flushed and sweating slightly, he kissed my forehead tenderly.
“That’s my girl.” He said picking me up and carrying me down the hall to his room.
The bed was massive and soft as he plopped me down. He was quickly naked, he came back and laid down next to me. My eyes were closed as I gently teased myself, keeping myself wet and ready for him.
“Jesus!” he hissed watching me.
I opened my eyes briefly and watched as he rolled the condom on his cock. I closed them again and continued stroking until I felt him press against me, I started to move my fingers out of the way but before I could they got pinned pressed against my clit.
“Keep goin sweetheart.” He said as he moved slowly filling me full.
I moaned as my fingers continued to stroke both my clit and the side of his cock.
“Mmmmmm,” he moaned, as my other hand slid down his body and gently cupped his balls. “You are a very naughty girl, very naughty!”
I smiled and pressed a hot kiss against his neck, biting him gently. “Your fault.” I said.
“Oh yeah?” he said moving faster my moans getting louder.
“The boys…” I managed to moan, “what about the boys?”
“World war three couldn’t wake them, don’t worry.” He whispered into my ear, “I want to hear you cum, scream for me baby.”
It was coming, I knew it. My legs tensed my body started to shake and I couldn’t stop it; a guttural scream, primal and primitive came from my throat.
“Boy am I glad Jarrett likes that game.” Matt said moments later as we lay wrapped in each others arms
“What?” I said.
“How do you think I beat you?” Matt said, “Jarrett and I play that game ALL the time, it’s how I get him to go to bed too.”
I couldn’t help but laugh as I snuggled closer, finally falling asleep.

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Sara The Bad Babysitter

Mr. and Mrs. Crudele were going to have a much needed night out. Since the arrival of their little bundle of joy four months ago they hadn’t had a night out together and in fact they rarely had a few hours sleep in a row. But tonight they had plans for a quick supper followed by an evening at their favorite club. Mr. Crudele had obtained the name of a young woman from a subordinate at his company who said that she was very reliable and came highly recommended. He had called her and she was...

2 years ago
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Babysitter Gets Caught Then Gets Schooled

Introduction: Kayleen is one that likes to be in everyones business- like booze. But after Jimmy and Beth Lawson catches their babysitter in the act, they teach her a painful & valuable lesson. But its the lesson that will forever stick with her for the rest of her life. Beth and I have been married now for twenty years, and still going strong. You could say that were a loving, warm-hearted, deeply passionate couple. We couldnt have asked for anything more, a nice home, three beautiful kids. In...

3 years ago
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Babysitter Gets Dismissed Then The Anniversary BreedingTaboo Begins

Introduction: After Kayleen got schooled and dismissed, Jimmy & Beth teaches the twins how to fuck a REAL woman. FROM THE AUTHOR: This is really the fourth & final installment of Babysitter Gets Caught, Babysitter Gets Schooledseries. After Kayleen leaves, thats when the twins decided to help breed their mom. So their dad teaches the pm a lesson on how to seduce an older woman. Be sure you read the EPILOGE at the end of this story. There might be a spinoff, depending on the reviews. Thanks and...

2 years ago
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Our Babysitter and Her Mother

Our Babysitter and Her Mother By Wonder_Dad - Story #11 - Downgraded AgainThroughout our marriage, the wife was getting restless wanting time alone, either with me or with her girlfriends. I placed an ad in the local newspaper seeking a babysitter. I thought we would be swamped with responses, but after two weeks, there had been only one call. We had decided to interview all candidates in person, before making a choice. We met with the young lady, but she was really way too young, barely a year...

1 year ago
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Babysitter Worth Keeping 12

Babysitter Worth KeepingBy Wonder_Dad - Story #12It was quite a stroke of luck after attempting to find a babysitter that would satisfy our requirements for our two k1ds for so long. The girl, Justine, a young girl of 17, whose jet-black hair complimented lily-white skin, was finally hired. I knew little of her, but was learning quickly thanks to advice of her mother, Tatyana. Justine was truly a carbon copy of her mother in looks, but not in actions. I will not digress and re-tell my previous...

2 years ago
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The Babysitter

The Babysitter She gave a light tap on the door, knowing that there was a baby in the house probably trying to sleep. The tapping was loud enough to alert the child’s mother who was sat in her living room. The house had been silent so the sound startled the young mother who, up to now, had been playing through the infinite possibilities of the night ahead in her mind. The more she thought about it, the more nervous and edgy she made herself. At least her 3 year old son, Callum, had drifted off...

1 year ago
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Bedding The Babysitter 3

Note 1: All characters are at least 18 years old. Note 2: Although I recommend you read parts 1 and 2 first, here is a summary of this series so far... Part 1-Megan, a dominant but caring lesbian, seduced her cute and innocent babysitter Jenny. Part 2-Megan takes her new submissive lesbian shopping, makes a fantasy come true with a cheerleader that Jenny had dreamed about forever and took her to a special lesbian only bar. Bedding the Babysitter: A Cheerleader's Recruit What a weekend. Jenny...

2 years ago
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To The Matt Part 1

A man in his late 20s/early 30s stands tall in the ring, looking strong as she faced a crowd of 15,000 people in the sold-out arena as well as millions watching at home. The man was short, barely 5'9" tall and weighing in at just over 160 pounds. He had muscular arms and a flat stomach showing strong abdominal muscles while sporting slim legs. He was hairless everywhere except for the long dirty-blond hair on his head. He waited for the music to fade and the cheering to stop, the...

4 years ago
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To The Matt Part 2

The two couples' honeymoon ended all too soon, with the foursome tearfully telling the Blacks about Hank and Lillian's upcoming bundle of joy. As expected, Jerry and Carey Black were happy for the couple and offered their help in any way possible. Carey knew they had things planned so didn't inquire about their living arrangements, only asking that Hank support his child as much as he could. Lillian told her parents about their future grandchild and got the expected shunning from her...

2 years ago
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The Slow Seduction of Matt

He started dating Josh in high school and never stopped. They were the perfect couple. They even sometimes finished each other’s sentences. They were together for eight years before they moved into a house together while going to college nearby. Bills quickly overwhelmed them so they interviewed quite a few roommates as potential candidates to move in with them to help them out with paying off some of their debt that had accumulated. They just needed a few hundred more dollars a month to get...

2 years ago
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To The Matt Part 3

Matt was taken aback by Vince's offer, it was almost like a dream to him. There was no warning, no way to alert him that he was going to be promoted, no indication that his hard work was paying off. Vince was Vince and his word was law, Matt Simpson had been promoted from the Next Evolution Wrestling roster to Global Championship Wrestling main roster. He thanked Vince and walked off, needing time to comprehend how his life had just changed with the stroke of a pen from Vince. He got...

1 year ago
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Stepson Mattwith New Years Story

Anyway, it was the morning that Matt was supposed to come back from school for Christmas break. John was supposed to be there, but he was called away to work that morning. So, it was just me when Matt came home. I kept busy by cleaning and starting on dinner. Matt knocked on the door. I went to answer it and there he was in jeans and a black leather jacket. We said our polite "hellos" and he took off his jacket and had on a white long sleeve shirt. As he went to hang up his jacket , I...

2 years ago
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Stepson MattOne Hot Summer ReprintUpdate

The mysterious phone calls from women John claimed were his secretaries continued off and on, but how could I use the excuse of him cheating as a reason to leave him when I've been getting Matt's cock for almost a year now? I tried to put all that out of my mind as I got ready to welcome Matt back home. It was just a dinner at the house, but I figured I would make the effort to make it nice. Matt and I have actually talked enough - outside of me moaning or commenting him on his enormous...

2 years ago
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Stepson Matt Home on College Break

Anyway, it was the morning that Matt was supposed to come back from school for Christmas break. John was supposed to be there, but he was called away to work that morning. So, it was just me when Matt came home. I kept busy by cleaning and starting on dinner. Matt knocked on the door. I went to answer it and there he was in jeans and a black leather jacket. We said our polite "hellos" and he took off his jacket and had on a white long sleeve shirt. As he went to hang up his jacket , I...

3 years ago
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Naughty Babysitter

Introduction: OK readers, here comes a LONG story that I have been working on for a while. I dont think this will become a series unless I get requests for it. Tina comes home early and finds a surprise in her bedroom, the babysitter masturbating on her bed. She could just fire the girl, but decides to punish her, while living out one of her fantasies. Paul and Tina have been married for about 6 years, and have a 3 year old daughter. Instead of taking their daughter to a daycare, they have a...

3 years ago
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my new babysitter

The new babysitterAt this time i want to tell you a story of when i got a new evening my parents chatting and came up with the idea of going out on a romantic dinner for two being they were married for about 11 years and didn’t get the chance to go out much for some alone time for a long time now,being i was sick often and hadand therapy and other activities and a baby sister my mom had her hands dad brought up the idea of perhaps having dinner just the two of...

2 years ago
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Stepson MattOne Hot Summer P 1

Matt texted and said he was on his way. I had a nice roast and all the related stuff cooking in the kitchen. Just then, John called to say that an emergency came up at work and he would be home late. He insisted that we start dinner without him and he would be home as soon as he can. "Sure, dinner's already on and Matt's on his way, so I'll take care of things here," I said while wrapping up the call and trying not to let on that I suspected other motives. There was a knock on the door....

2 years ago
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The Babysitter Rules

Jessie Flanders checked the time on her cell phone as she neared the elegant Carter home. She was a minute early for her babysitting job. As she made the turn onto the Carter’s front walk, a cab pulled to the curb and blew its horn. She reached the door and was about to ring the doorbell when it popped open. A good looking woman in her late thirties dressed in dark slacks and sweater peered at her over her glasses. “Are you the babysitter?” she asked. “Yes I am,” Jessie said. “The sitter’s...

3 years ago
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Sandy Debbie Matt and I Wife Swap

MY STORY: My wife and I have been married for about five years, and while we are very monogamous, a recent event changed my mind about monogamous relationships. As an Army Officer I am expected to attend certain social events, and while my wife is not a social butterfly she goes along with me, because she knows the political importance of being the “prim and proper, socially connected” Officer’s wife. My Battalion Commander was throwing a Party at the “O” club (short for the Officer’s Club)...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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The Misfortunes of Twinks II Part 1 Mustang Matt

"2004 Cobra SVT: 'Screaming Zinc Yellow' Mustang Cobra SVT Supercharged. All stock except for upgraded exhaust, Hurst shifter and light bar. 46,000 miles. Tires have 3000 miles on them. Needs nothing. Looks great, runs great. Just needs a good home. Just sitting in my garage looking good and not getting any use. Only put 2000 miles on it in 10 months of ownership. Accessories: Power Steering, Power Brakes, Power Windows, Power Locks, Power Mirrors, Power Seat - Driver, Antilock Brakes,...

2 years ago
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Stepson MattHot Summer Continues

John wasn't being as careful as he used to be. His excuses seemed more obvious than ever and he's now out of town on most weekends. It didn't seem like John wanted to end the marriage. It was more like he didn't want to have to explain another divorce to his friends or his boss. He was vying for a big promotion and wanted to make a good impression. Matt knew he would be busy as the weeks before school started up again grew closer. He had been fucking me every single day for the past few...

2 years ago
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My date with Matt part 2

pushed me onto my back so he could play wit my tits. I looked at Matt and smiled while he massaged my tits and played with my nipples. I was aroused, he leaned over and began sucking my nipples. I loved watching Matt suck on my nipples. Matt kept working on them. I started rubbing the back of his head. Matt ran his hand down to my stomach, then down to my pussy lips and began gently rubbing his fingers over them.I kept running my hands through his beautiful blond hair. I have...

2 years ago
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Matt And Lilly Rainy Horseback Ride

For several minutes, Lilly nuzzled against Matt, their naked bodies entwined, her head on his chest. Her racing heartbeat slowed down. A tear dripped from the corner of her eye, the product of an emotional release from the intensity and intimacy of their coupling. Matt had her wrapped up in a cocoon that felt safe, sensual and warm. Matt’s thumb wiped the tear from Lilly’s cheek, and they kissed softly. After they had recovered and snuggled, it was late. The moonlight shone brightly in the sky....

2 years ago
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Stepson MattBaby Daddy

So many thoughts ran through my head as Matt and I were naked in his father's bed. He continued to pump his cock in and out as I wrapped my legs around his waist. John had already emptied his seed in me this morning. Matt had yet to make his regular deposit, but he was getting close. It was hard to really have a serious debate when a hot, muscular young man was busy fucking me. I grabbed onto Matt's muscular back and thought, "Damn, this could be the father of my baby." I should have been...

2 years ago
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Matt and his sisters 2

The three of them glanced at each other and couldn’t hide their quiet joy. “Don’t get any ideas!” Their dad said sternly reading their minds. “No parties while we’re away! You can have a couple of friends over but that’s all, understand” “Yes dad” All three replied in unison. “So, we’re going to try and make the most of the weekend and we’ll be back late Monday” “How late dad?” Asked Matt. “Well, it’s a three hour drive and we want to just take it easy and stop for lunch and sightsee so...

2 years ago
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The adventures of Tom Matt

“Man I feel like a kid at Christmas” Matt told Tom. “I know so who is going first?” Tom asked. “Let’s flip a coin” Matt said pulling a quarter out of his pocket. “You call Tom it”. Matt flipped the coin and Tom called out heads and both boys watch the coin fall to the floor and land on heads. “Sweet I’m first” Tom said as he pulled off his shirt and jumped back and landed on his bed. Tom sat on his bed with just the gym shorts he was wearing and wanted for Matt to get the stuff ready....

1 year ago
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Somebody Had To Take The Babysitter Home

Mike’s night was falling apart.“But honey, this is supposed to be a romantic evening with,” he struggled to phrase it with finesse, “an intimate ending. How are we supposed to do that if you end up falling asleep before I get back home? Can’t we just call her a cab?”His wife, Cindy, sighed in response. “Sweetie, someone needs to bring Megan home, and I’ve had too much wine, so it’s going to have to be you,” she explained as she looked at him with a face depicting the annoyance of telling a...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Engaging The Babysitter

I walked towards the door and saw her through the small window. 'Oh, there she is the barely legal dazzling brunette I have babysitting my son. What I wouldn't do to give a ride, and I don't mean in my car. Shit, she is wearing a dress like that to a babysitting gig? Is she trying to turn me on now?'I opened the door and saw her through the glass storm door. She just smiled and waved for a few seconds, and I had to return the favor.I opened the storm door too. "Hello, Alli, you are looking...


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