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It was five o’clock in the evening, and Martha was happier than she had been in a long while. It wasn’t just that Bobby was taking her out that night for Valentine’s Day— OK, it was mostly that. She had been very surprised when Bobby had asked her out six months ago: he had never said more than a few words to her. But over time she had gotten rather accustomed to having him, and rather more annoyed by the legions of girls who trailed after Bobby at every turn. She had been one of those girls not too long ago, but Bobby was hers now and she wished the other girls understood that.
Despite her desire to mark Bobby as hers, Martha had been stalling for the last six months whenever Bobby brought up sex. She had rejected all of his pleas- “It’s not that big of a deal,” “It won’t hurt if your first time is with me,” “you’re a junior already and you shouldn’t graduate high school without sex.” She knew that Bobby had been used to having all of the sex he wanted before they started dating; telling him no was her way of making sure that he really cared about her and not just what was between her legs. There were times when Martha felt bad about stringing Bobby along, but she always brushed it off- it wasn’t like she wasn’t going down on him, she just wanted to wait a little bit longer before letting him take her virginity.
Tonight would be the last night of waiting. Martha’s family was on a ski trip for the weekend, so she had the whole house to herself. Martha had stayed behind, ostensibly because she had hockey practice on Friday, but really because of what she planned to do with Bobby later that night. She had gone to CVS on her way home and bought a box of condoms, but she hoped either that Bobby would be enough of a gentleman to buy his own or that the ones that she bought were the right size. She was very well acquainted with Bobby’s cock, but she didn’t know what condom sizes meant.
Martha retrieved her sexiest dress from the back of her closet, and her smallest underwear from the bottom of her drawer, putting them on. When Bobby had asked her where she wanted to go to eat, she insisted that they go to Bridgeport- she didn’t want anybody in Trumbull to know that she owned such clothing, let alone tell her parents.
Martha’s thoughts were interrupted when the doorbell rang. She was momentarily confused, but then remembered yesterday’s hockey practice. As she was leaving the rink, Coach Will had called her over and told her that he had good news for her, but that he wanted to tell her entire family. Martha, forgetting that her family had left for Vermont earlier that day, had told him to come over the next day at 5 (leaving her three hours before Bobby came to pick her up). Realizing that she was wearing her sexy outfit, Martha grabbed a petticoat and threw it over herself before answering the door.
“Hello Coach.”
“Hello Martha.”
“I’m sorry I forgot to tell you this yesterday, but my family isn’t actually home today. They’re up skiing in Vermont for the weekend.”
“Oh. Well, at any rate I just wanted them to be there when I gave you the good news. Are you going somewhere?” he asked, pointing at her petticoat. Martha blushed.
“Not exactly, not right now. Come in.” They walked through the house and sat down in the TV room. Will had been coaching girl’s hockey for 15 years, but he’d never known a talent like Martha on the ice. As Will sat down and saw Martha’s petticoat ride up her legs, he also realized that he hadn’t known a beauty like her in the 15 years since he’d left college. He briefly wondered if she was even wearing anything underneath her petticoat, but brushed the thought aside. He wasn’t supposed to think that way about his players- he had a stable home life, and he wasn’t about to jeopardize it by thinking about a girl as young as Martha. He tried to push his thoughts about Martha out of his mind, but his growing erection made this hard to do. He quickly spoke up.
“There will be scouts at the game on March 3rd. One from Harvard, one from BU, and one from Northeastern.”
“Really!” Martha couldn’t believe it. Scouts never showed up at divisional games. When the team had gone to states last year, there had been a few scouts, but she hadn’t done anything to impress them. She hadn’t heard from any athletic departments at schools with a decent hockey program: she was starting to get desperate.
“Yep, I told them that—“
“Did you send them my newspaper clippings? Did you tell them about the record I set last year for goals?”
“Now Martha, not so fast. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
“Oh come on, coach. I’m sure they’re there for me. You don’t have to pretend.” She smiled and leaned back in her chair, clearly pleased with herself. As she did so, her petticoat slipped even further, exposing more of her legs and some of her deep cleavage.
Will was troubled, although not surprised, by Martha’s attitude. There was no denying that she was the best player he’d even coached, and responsible for most of the team’s wins the last three years. But she had this streak of arrogance that he’d never been able to coach out of her. It was hard to tell your star player that they weren’t a star.
But as Will struggled to find something to say to bring Martha back down to Earth, he quickly developed another problem. As he looked over at Martha, he saw more of her thighs, and could swear he could see a speck of red underwear surrounding her slightly exposed crotch. He could also see the outlines of her gorgeous breasts, and was starting to wonder if she was actually naked under her coat.
“Martha, I’ll be blunt. These scouts have seen a million people like you.” That wasn’t exactly true, but Will pressed on, “What they’re looking for isn’t some girl who is good at hockey. They’re looking for a great girl who happens to be good at hockey. And nobody is impressed with you when you act like this.”
“Oh come on, coach. You know I could act humble if they actually talked to me.”
“I’m not sure that you could. I’m not sure you even know how to act humbly.” He kept talking, trying to look her in the eyes and keep his growing erection under control. “When was the last time you actually felt a bit of humility?”
Martha thought for a second. The last time she had been humbled was when Bobby had told her that she’d never learn how to be a woman if she didn’t learn how to have sex. She had been upset with him for saying that, but part of her still wondered if what he said was true. At any rate, she couldn’t mention that to her coach, so she said nothing.
“I can’t teach you to be humble. You’ll have to learn that for yourself. But there is something I can do to help. When March 3rd rolls around, I’m putting you on the third line. You better hope the scouts are paying attention and not getting hotdogs when you go on the ice.”
Martha’s jaw dropped. She couldn’t believe her coach would hurt his team just to prove a point. Not wanting to be in his presence, she stood up and walked upstairs to her room. As she left, her coat dropped to the couch.


Will was relieved to see that Martha was actually wearing clothes under her coat, and he was also glad that he got such a nice glimpse of her figure as she walked away. But mostly he was upset and confused. He hadn’t expected her to be so petulant because he didn’t think his punishment was all that bad: he would send her out with the first line after the first couple of shifts, and she could score some goals then. He followed her upstairs, where he heard her crying in her room. Maybe he had overdone it, but somebody had to put that girl’s ego in check- didn’t they? He decided that he would talk to her about something other than hockey until she came around, although at the moment the only subject he could think of was her wonderful ass.
“Can I come in?”
“The door doesn’t lock.” While that wasn’t a “yes,” Will realized that that was as good as it was going to get. He entered her room and saw her laying on her queen-sized bed.
“So what are you dressed for?” asked Will. Martha ignored him until the silence grew too awkward.
“I’m going to dinner with my boyfriend at 8.”
“Ah yes, Valentine’s Day. A holiday for the young and the beautiful.” Will hadn’t meant to add the word “beautiful,” but it was the only thing he could think of when he thought of her. After expanding and retracting for the last 15 minutes, his cock was now stuck in permanent erection mode. He tried to hide it, but he was standing up and there was nowhere for it to go.
Any hope that Will might have had that Martha wouldn’t notice his erection vanished when she looked up from the bed. He saw her glance at his cock, blush slightly, and look up at him with a slight smirk on her face.
Martha couldn’t believe that Will had an erection. She didn’t know what else she should have expected: she was dressed to give Bobby an erection, but that was Bobby, not Will. She compared Bobby’s cock to Will’s, and was glad that Bobby would be the first man inside her— Will’s cock looked like it might do some serious damage. As she thought more about Will’s cock, she came up with a solution to all of her problems.
“Coach, it’s time for me to be blunt with you. I’m not letting you do this to me. I’m going to change your mind, because I’m too good of a hockey player to be riding the bench. Maybe I do think too much of myself. But I only think as much of me as you do.” She stood up, and put her face up to his. “And right now,”- she grabbed his erect penis- “you think an awful lot of me.”
Martha put her hands around the back of Will’s neck and brought his lips down to hers. She pushed her tongue aggressively into his mouth, kissing him like she’d never kissed anybody but Bobby.
Will was taken aback when Martha came on to him. He had never been put in a scenario like this, and under normal circumstances he would have turned and ran. But after 15 minutes of picturing Martha naked, he forgot everything he had ever told himself about not wanting to lose his career. Right now he just wanted Martha, and Martha wanted him.
Martha turned Will around and pushed him onto the bed, climbing on top of him. Will could feel Martha’s warm crotch against his stretched pants as he ran his hands over her dress. He started to take his shirt off, but she stopped him.
“What are you doing, Martha?”
“Driving,” she said as she unbuttoned and unzipped his pants.
“Don’t you think I’ll need to have my shirt off?”
“You don’t need your shirt off for me to suck you off.” She lowered herself to his cock until her mouth was inches from the tip. Will was tempted to let her keep going, but instead he grabbed her and brought her back up until she was face-to-face to him.
“Hold on there, girl. You’re still not showing any humility right now. If you think that you’re going to get to define what gets you on first line and what doesn’t, you’ve got another think coming.” Martha glowered at him.
“What do you want?”
“I want us to get naked. You’ve been teasing me with that dress of yours and I want to see what’s under it. Hockey pads hide too much.” Slightly annoyed at the situation she found herself in, Martha took off Will’s pants as he took off his shirt, leaving just his boxers with his cock poking out. As she took off her dress, she felt Will’s eyes drinking in the sight of her body. They were now naked except for their underwear.
Will brought Martha up to him again and kissed her. He began nibbling her neck, and worked his way down to her breasts, taking her left breast in his mouth and sucking on it.
Martha enjoyed the attention she was receiving. But in the back of her mind, she realized that if she didn’t stop Will now, he might end up taking her further than she wanted to go. She wanted to suck him off as soon as possible so she could get on with her life and Bobby would still have a virgin to ravish later that night. Sucking off Bobby usually put an end to his whining about wanting to fuck her; surely the same would hold true for Will. She pulled Will off of her breast and ripped his boxers off. She looked at his cock and tried to figure out how exactly she was going to fit it into her mouth. It had been tough enough to learn to fit Bobby’s cock in her mouth without gagging, but Will’s cock was a different proposition entirely.
Realizing Martha’s dilemma, Will laughed. “You should probably lick it first,” he told her. She licked the tip, going from the base of the head to the top and back again, occasionally putting the head in her mouth. She had always gotten Bobby to cum in a few minutes from this technique, and was hoping to get similar results with Will.
Will was thoroughly enjoying Martha’s amateur attempts. But at this rate, he knew that he would never cum: he wasn’t particularly sensitive to blowjobs. Still, he was going to enjoy this one. “Move lower,” he instructed. “You should try licking the whole cock, not just the tip.” Martha continued down his cock, spending the next few minutes licking up and down his shaft. She quickly realized that sucking off a grown man was a different proposition from sucking off a horny teenager: she would have to find Will’s weak spot and exploit it.
“What do you want, Coach?” she asked in a sultry voice as she stroked his cock.
“Exactly what you’re doing.”
“What I’m doing isn’t making you cum.”
“Well then you’ll have to move lower, won’t you?” Martha hesitated for a moment before licking Will’s balls. She gave his balls a thorough licking before taking them in her mouth one at a time. She had never tried this before, but she was willing to lick Will’s balls if that’s what it would take to get him off. After a few minutes, Martha still hadn’t gotten Will to cum.
“What more can I do, Coach?” she asked with a hint of impatience in her voice.
“Move lower”
“Lower? There’s nothing lower: just some skin.”
“Then lick that.” Martha was grossed out at first, but realized that licking Will’s taint was probably not as gross as licking his balls. If that’s what got Will to cum, she would do it. She just hoped he wouldn’t make her go any lower: she absolutely refused to lick his ass. She started licking Will’s taint while stroking his cock, and was pleased to see Will start to breathe faster.
Will was worried. Martha was going to get him to cum, and we wasn’t ready to give her that satisfaction just yet. He had to do something.
“That’s it, Coach,” cooed Martha as she jerked his cock and licked his taint, “Cum for me. Show me how much cum is in these big balls.” She licked his balls for emphasis.
“Martha, what did I tell you about humility?”
“I’m sucking your dick! How much more humble do you want me?”
“A lot more,” said Will. He grabbed Martha’s head and pushed it down lower until her tongue was even with his ass. “Lick my ass, Martha,” he commanded. Martha tried to pull away, but Will locked his legs around her head. She tried to keep her mouth closed, but Will pinched her nose, forcing her mouth open. Finally, she gave in. She stuck her tongue out, licking around his ass at first, and then put her tongue on the entrance to his ass. It wasn’t quite as bad as she feared it would be. Martha moved her tongue up and down, and slid her tongue further into him.
“That’s it, baby,” said Will as Martha stuck her tongue as deep into his ass as it would go. “Lick my fucking ass, baby.” Martha saw that Will was on the edge of cumming. Pleased that she had found his weak spot, Martha pulled up for air before returning to give Will a hearty rimjob. She slipped a finger into his ass, massaging his prostate as she stroked his cock.
“Come on, come for me Will. I’ve been such a good girl for you. Come for the girl who knows how to get you off.” Will started thrashing violently about on the bed.
“TAKE IT ALL MARTHA!” Martha put Will’s cock in her mouth and felt the first warm jet of cum shoot into her mouth. She barely had time to swallow the first massive jet before the second one shot out, followed by a third and a fourth. Will twitched a few more times and then was still. Martha was proud to have finally gotten Will off, even if it meant she would have to wash her mouth out before kissing Bobby later.


Martha brought her face up to Will’s and gave him a long, full kiss on the lips. “Did you like that, Coach?”
Will said nothing, but ran his hands down her back, finally settling on her underwear. “I never said I wanted a blowjob. I said I wanted us to get naked. And right now you’re not naked.” He flipped Martha over and got on top of her. He started kissing her again, and Martha felt his still-erect cock pressing against her underwear. Will licked his fingers and reached down into Martha’s underwear, rubbing her clit as he kissed her neck. Martha said nothing, so Will kissed down her body, briefly stopping to suckle her breast before reaching her mound. He took Martha’s underwear off and began licking her pussy.
Martha quite enjoyed getting eaten out. Bobby had never done it for her, and while she didn’t miss what she’d never had, now that she knew how good it could feel she would have to remember to ask Bobby to service her. Will was hitting all the right spots, around her entrance and inside her. She held Will’s head to her pussy and guided him to her pleasure spots. Will had his mouth full of pussy, so Martha took the opportunity to thank him for his efforts but tell him that now that they were naked and she had serviced him, he really needed to go before Bobby arrived. When she mentioned Bobby, Will abruptly stopped eating her out and looked up at her.
“You’re not really worried about Bobby, are you?”
“You’re not worried about Bobby. You’re worried that I’m going to stick my cock inside of you. Mostly, you’re worried that you’re going to like it.” Will got out from between Martha’s legs and got on top of her.
“I won’t like it, and I don’t want it.” Martha wasn’t sure whether she believed either of those statements.
“I didn’t ask you what you wanted.” Will guided his cock to Martha’s entrance, pushing against her clit and rubbing it around.
“STOP! You can’t do this.”
“And why not?”
“I’m a virgin. What am I supposed to tell Bobby?”
“Not a good reason. I don’t care about your high school romances.” He pushed his cock slightly into her.
“You can’t do this without a condom.” Martha reached over to the nightstand where her condoms were, but couldn’t reach it. Even if she got them out, she wasn’t sure they’d fit. But anything she could do to stall Will would be worth it.
“Yes I can. I’m a clean guy. Unless you have a problem?” When Martha said nothing, Will moved his cock around more. “Didn’t think so.”
“I’m not on birth control.” This got Will’s attention: he paused his penis activities and looked at her. He lowered his mouth to her ear.
“I guess I’ll just have to be careful then.” He slid his slippery cock into her moist hole, making it all of four inches before he hit a barrier. He hadn’t believed her when she said she was a virgin: he just thought she was trying to get him to stop. But it appeared that this goddess of a woman was not actually a woman yet. A single thrust of his cock changed that.
Martha screamed out, but Will silenced her with a tender kiss. He rubbed her clit as he slowly slid his cock from her sheath. He wiped the single tear from her eye and slowly slid his cock back inside her. After a few minutes, the initial pain subsided and was replaced by a fair amount of pleasure. Martha started to enjoy having Will’s cock piston in and out of her, even slapping his ass a few times to show her enthusiasm. She was disappointed that she hadn’t managed to get him to wear a condom, but she was too busy enjoying herself to care: in the end there was nothing wrong with having him pull out and cum on her: she kind of wanted to see what a massive Will-sized load would look like splashed all over her tits.
Will looked down at the gorgeous girl whom he had deflowered and whom he was now sliding his cock in and out of. He had felt a twinge of guilt when he took her virginity, but he was mostly glad to be cutting her ego down to size. Certainly any regret that he might have had disappeared when he realized that she was enjoying the sex quite as much as he was. He had never been inside of a girl this tight, and before long he was ready to cum. He kissed her.
“I’m getting close, baby.”
“Do it, Coach. Cum for me. Cum all over my tits. Shoot your huge load all over me.”
“I told you I’d be careful,” panted Will as he reached his climax. “I’d be careful to shoot my load as deep inside you as possible.” He pushed his cock as deep as it would go, and flooded her fertile womb with his potent seed.
Martha panicked as she felt the same warm jets that that had previously filled her mouth filling her unprotected womb. She tried to think when her last cycle had been, if she was truly as vulnerable as she feared, but the feeling of being filled with warm cum make thinking difficult.
Will leaned in and kissed Martha before pulling out and retiring to the bathroom to clean his cock. Martha wanted to follow him in and yell at him: what he had done was wrong. But if it was so wrong, why did she feel so satisfied? She looked down to see a trickle of cum running down her thigh, and thought about the millions of sperm that were right now swimming their way up her system. She cleaned the mess up with a tissue and rested her head on her pillow. As she thought about all of the sperm Will had filled her with, she drifted off to sleep.


Martha awoke an hour later wrapped in Will’s arms. Will had drifted off to sleep beside her after piling his clothes in the corner and throwing hers in her hamper. She looked at the clock, which said 6:30. She sprang out of bed, startled.
“Bobby’s going to be here in an hour and a half. I have to get ready. I have to shower, get dressed- where’s my dress?
“It’s in the hamper. Look, you’re not going anywhere. You don’t think Bobby will be able to tell that you just got filled with some guy’s cum? The second he goes down on you he’ll know, and then you’ll be in trouble.”
“Then I won’t have him go down on me- it’s not like he ever has before.”
“What about your virginity? Are you just going to explain that away?” Martha hated him for saying it, but he was right. She would have to think of some lame excuse to tell Bobby. They would have to put off Valentine’s Day. She found her phone, and went back over to the bed to call Bobby. She laid down on her stomach next to Will, who climbed on top of her and started giving her a back massage. He even started massaging her butt. Taking a deep breath, Martha dialed Bobby’s number.
“Hey babe. You ready for tonight?”
“Bobby, there’s something I need to tell you.” Will started kissing down her back while massaging her butt.
“What’s up, babe?”
“Tonight’s not a good night.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that—” Will had made his way down her back and had just slid his tongue into her asshole. She hit the mute button on the phone and turned around.
“What are you doing?” she hissed at him.
“Returning the favor. Relax, Martha. You currently have an angry boyfriend who needs an explanation.” Martha shot him a glare and unmuted the phone.
“Look Bobby, I’m having girl problems right now.” As she said that, she felt the head of Will’s cock push against the tight entrance to her ass. She slapped his cock away but it came right back to push against her ass.
“Girl problems? Shouldn’t you have known that before we made reservations for tonight?”
“No! I can’t predict my cycle. It just came a little early this month. I wanted tonight to be the night we finally made love, but we’re just going to have to put it off for a few days.”
“But what about your parents? They’ll be home in a few days, and then what?”
“I don’t know, we’ll figure something—” This time Martha didn’t get the chance to mute the phone- she dropped the phone into the pillows as Will slid his cock into her ass. She screamed, hoping that Bobby wouldn’t hear through the pillows.
“Teaching you to be more humble.”
“I can be humble without your cock in my ass.”
“I’m not sure that you can.” Will was enjoying watching Martha get upset: she was very sexy when she was upset. “Better talk to Loverboy.” Biting back screams, Martha retrieved her phone from the pillows.
“What’s going on, Martha?”
“What do you mean, what’s going on?” Martha was terrified- Will had done so much to her already; he better not make her lose Bobby as well.
“I heard a muffled noise, and then I heard you yell at somebody.”
“I dropped the phone in the couch cushions. I don’t know what the yelling noise was: I certainly didn’t yell at anyone.” As she said this, she looked back at Will, who smiled.
“Alright, well...”
“We’ll have to figure this out later. I’m really sorry about the reservations.”
“Can I at least come over and be with you?”
“That’s sweet, but no. I have to go. Love you, bye.” She hung up the phone before Bobby could say anything else. She looked back at Will, who started laughing even as he continued to slide his cock in and out of her ass.
“That wasn’t funny!”
“I don’t know, I think it’s pretty fucking hilarious.” Even as he said this, Will stopped laughing and started shouting with pleasure. Martha recognized the look on his face: for the third time that night, he was cumming. At least this time he wouldn’t be cumming in her pussy.
“Hurry up and cum in my ass, Coach. I want you to fill my ass with cum.”
“OH FUCK MARTHA! I’M CUMMING!” Martha couldn’t tell how big of a load Will shot in her ass, but she was overwhelmed by the unique sensation. She wasn’t sure she would ever want to feel this sensation again, but at least Will had pulled out of her ass.
Will rolled over to the side of the bed where he had been sleeping thirty minutes ago. Martha lifted up the covers and snuggled up next to him, laying her head on his chest. She kissed him lightly, trying to figure out how this man could go from pounding her ass to snuggling with her in a matter of seconds. She didn’t feel too secure, though: Will’s cock was still hard. She figured she should deal with the problem pre-emptively.
“I don’t know what you have in mind, but if you think you’re going to stick that dirty dick in me you can forget it: I’ll bite your dick off before I let it inside me again.”
“Not very humble, Martha.”
“I don’t care about humble. It’s not happening.”
“What if I were to have a clean penis?” Martha thought about that for a second. She definitely didn’t want Will’s cock in her ass again, but she had enjoyed feeling his cock in her pussy. As upset as she had been when he came inside her, she had secretly enjoyed being filled with his cum. One more load couldn’t hurt, could it?
“OK, go clean your cock and I’ll think about it.”
“Still not very humble. I give the orders here.”
“You said you wanted a clean cock.”
“I did. I just want you to clean it.” Martha rolled her eyes and reached over to grab a tissue from the nightstand, but Will grabbed her and rolled her onto her back. He got on top of her, positioning his cock in her face. He held her nose to open her mouth, and slipped his cock into her mouth. Like when she had licked Will’s ass, Martha found herself not as disgusted as she had thought, or at least so horny that she didn’t care. She spent a good five minutes licking his cock until it was the cleanest cock she had ever seen. Before long, desire overcame her: she needed to have Will’s cock back in her pussy.
Martha flipped Will onto his back and aligned her pussy with his cock. Will’s cock slid right in with the help of the massive load he had dumped in her earlier. She clutched him tight to her for a couple of minutes, and then brought herself to a 90º angle with him and began riding his cock. She ran her hands through her hair as she felt his cock rearranging her organs. He grabbed her breasts with both hands, but she moved one of his hands down to her belly so he could feel exactly where his cock was hitting.
“Yeah, you like having my cock way up inside you?”
“Oh God, yes”
“You like when a real man stretches your pussy with his cock?”
“Yes, yes”
“Show me where you want me to cum.” Martha moved his hand up to her womb.
“Right here, baby. Right where you came last time. Right where you’re supposed to cum.”
“OK, as you wish.” Will gave one last thrust and held his cock in position, shooting several ropes of cum into her cervix. Martha leaned down and kissed him.
“Don’t ever leave me.”
“I won’t.”

They fell asleep like that, new lovers in a tangle of bodies. If one of them woke up during the night, they would nudge the other awake and have a good romp before falling asleep again. By the time Will woke up the next morning, his balls felt emptier than they ever had been, and sore beyond belief. He wasn’t sure if he would ever be able to cum again. As for Martha, she felt like her pussy had turned into a wet, gaping hole: where there was once flesh and nerve cells, there was now only cum.


When Martha awoke the next morning, she felt Will’s big arms around her and remembered the previous night. She also saw that Will had put an almost empty Brita filter on his nightstand, along with an empty glass. She went to the bathroom, and when she came back Will had woken up.
“Morning Coach.”
“Good morning. Sleep well?” Martha laughed.
“You get thirsty last night?” said Martha, pointing to the nightstand.
“Something like that, yeah. Look, last night was too good: my balls are about to fall off. I should probably leave here before my cock writes a check that my balls can’t cash, but I’d like to shower with you first.”
“Sure thing, Coach.” They walked into the bathroom and turned on the water. When the water warmed up, Martha entered the shower and Will followed her. Will stood in the back of the shower, under the water. He washed himself off and cleaned the large amounts of dried cum from his cock.
“You done, Coach?” asked Martha playfully as she leaned over and kissed Will, cupping his balls to emphasize the double entendre.
“Are you humble yet?”
“I think so. Let’s see,” said Martha, counting on her fingers, “I’ve licked your cock and balls, licked your ass, massaged your prostate until you came, let you take my virginity, let you lick my ass while I was on the phone, taken your cock in my ass, cleaned it, and taken so many loads of cum in my pussy that I’ll be pregnant for the next ten years. Pretty humble, I’d say.”
“Well if you’d say that, then that’s not pretty humble. You have a ways to go. Get down on your knees.”
“Are you serious? You can’t possibly have more left in the tank.” Still, Martha got down on her knees in front of Will.
“Do you trust me?”
“Good. Close your eyes and open your mouth.” Martha complied.
Will let out a stream of piss into Martha’s mouth. When her mouth was almost full, he stopped.
“Open your eyes.” Martha opened her eyes and looked up at Will with a look of total devotion.
“Swallow.” She did, and smiled up at Will.
“Do you have any more for me?
“Maybe. Do you want it?”
“Yes. I want all of it. Unload your bladder, I want you to pee all over me.”
“That Brita filter was full earlier this morning. Twice. You want all of that?”
“Oh God, yes. Cover me in your hot piss. I want to be the girl who gets dirty for you.”
“You asked for it.” Will unloaded all over her. He covered Martha’s tits and moved down over her stomach. He flipped her around and covered her back, down to her ass. But he spent most of his stream on Martha’s face. For thirty seconds he alternated between peeing in her mouth and peeing on her face to give her a chance to swallow. She put her hand on his hip, encouraging him to give her everything. Finally, the stream stopped.
“Get yourself cleaned off, young lady.” Martha stepped into the water, and washed her face. After Martha rinsed out her mouth, Will turned her around and gave her a long, passionate kiss. He left the shower, got dressed, and saw himself out before Martha finished her shower.


March 3rd rolled around, and Will was outside the girls’ locker room two hours before the game was supposed to start. He was starting to panic: Martha still hadn’t showed up, and the scouts were here already. It wasn’t like Martha to be late, especially on a day like this. He heard giggling coming from the locker room, and thought he heard Martha’s name being mentioned. He pressed his ear to the door.
“—her offseason started early.”
“If it was Bobby, I’d have done the same thing.”
“Not without proper precautions, you wouldn’t have.”
“Look, there’s nothing we can do now. We’re going to have to go out there without her. She decided to go get herself knocked up, now she has to deal with being sick for months.”

Will got a text. “Call me? Love, M.”


Same as spqr cheetos Videos

2 years ago
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Scarface Tamed Part 2

Scarface tamed Part 2 By Faye Croft You should read Part 1 first!! After Amanda and Rebecca had finished supper that Monday night, and Scott had eaten his meagre helping of leftovers, he was consigned to the kitchen to wash up and clear away. His bottom was stinging from the thrashing it had taken, so standing up was preferable to sitting down, and he stood at the sink washing dishes and wondering how he had got himself into this mess. He loved Rebecca with all his heart, but...

3 years ago
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My Horny Rabbit

**Be Sure to make it Fun and Customize your story!** It was a bright Saturday afternoon at the Smith household. Karen was in the laundry room working on her delicate items, Ed was working as usual in his office, and John was left to his own devices to enjoy the sunny day. Karen is a mature, yet beautiful 47 year old. She is a size 2, 32 B breasts, with shoulder length brown hair and has a set of big blue eyes, as does everyone in the family. She's 5'4 and kind, soft, and most of all loving....

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231 Holiday surprise Part 2

231 Holiday surprise Part 2 My son relishing the pocket money agreed to sister sit once more so at seven that evening we were at the homestead, Joe as usual met us at the gate, we both noted his wrists had leather cuffs with d rings and he was only wearing the briefest of leather posing pouches. He led us to the back of the house where Eve and Trevor where sitting at a pick-nick type bench, one of those with integral bench seats, where we all had a beer. Trevor wore just his swim suit, Eve was...

1 year ago
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The change

I got up before him and put on his boxers. When he got up he asked, and the demanded his boxers. I threw him a pair of panties, clean white hipsters, which he reluctantly put on. Just seeing him in the hipsters, and thinking about the weeks to come got my juices to flow again. I teased him for a while before we ended up back in the bed again. The panties and boxers were dropped, and I rode him to our common satisfaction. We got out of bed again, and he looked at me almost seeking approval...

1 year ago
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kate 7 continued

We went back down stairs, she sipped the tea which had now gone cold, make me another one please she saidI ran down and made another when I came back she was in the bathroom just taking her bra off, put it on the bath please she said,I watched as the bra straps slipped down her arms , and the cups slipped away exposing her breasts, her dark nipples erect, Her fingers went into the waist band of her knickers and pushed them down over her thighs until they reached her knees then she let them fall...

3 years ago
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Vacation with Girlfriend 2

OK, so my girlfriend says lets go to the room for a drink. (My girlfriends name is Debbie, the guy who’s cock I sucked was José, and the other guy was named Danny.) Again she wants to go back to the room, Jose and Danny say ok lets go and get up, as does Debbie. I still sitting there and I’m thinking what the F*** just happened. Am I really going to go back to our room and have sex with these two strangers?I get up now my cock is like a limp noodle and I say, “Wait a minute”.Debbie says come it...

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Playing With The Boobs Of My Sister

I am a 20 years old Indian boy. My name is Ananta Basu. My home town in India is Calcutta. My father, Nanigopal Basu is a suucessful lawer at Calcutta. My mom, Aruna Basu is a singer and ateacher. I have one sister too. Rubina, my pretty sister is 25 years old. She lives with her husband at Delhi. My father (‘Baba’ in bengali) is 50 and my mom (‘ma’ in bengali) is 44. Rubina and I are the most precious things to my parents. They love us more than themselves. Naturally, they were very sad when...

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The Study Cubicle

The following story is more-or-less true. It takes place at a Long Island-based university whose main campus is on a main road named after a compass reference and whose admission policies are generally concerned with confirming your pulse and checkbook balance. Not that the place does not provide a good education, it simply isn't known as inexpensive or picky. The buildings are all brick except for the really old ones and the roof of its student union once collapsed under a snow load. Email me...

2 years ago
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Cuckold a real life lesson

Plain and simply put my wife fucks outside our marriage. I'm not complaining and in fact it's my fault. I introduced her to the idea after years of watching guys check her out when we where out. At first she thought it was a set up or a test but once I had convinced her that I actually wanted for her to have sex with a guy outside the marriage she gave in.Now years and many lovers later we have settled in to a true cuckold lifestyle. She has grown as a hot wife and now she has a stable of studs...

3 years ago
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Fucked Neighbor Aunty 8211 Part 1

Hello dosto mera naam ravi hai (name changed) . Mein 19 saal ka huu or by profession mein guitarist hu. Or 1st year mein huu… !! Dikhne mein simple sa ladka jisse koi bhi ladki ya aunty apne bed mein maslane ki liye ready ho jaaye..:d chalo ab mein story per aata hu kyuki mera body description aap ko story mein hee mil jaayge aage..!!! Ye baat bss kuch mahino phale ki hai . Mene 12th karne ke baad drop le liya kyuki mujhe ca karne mein thoda interest thaa. Isliye mein jaada tym ghar per hee...

1 year ago
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PyxChapter 2 Modeling Discipline

As we entered our suite, Pyx stood with her mouth open. "It's huge," she whispered. My suite, while very nice, was not huge. It was about thirty feet by ninety feet, with tan carpeting and dark wood trim. It had a wet bar, dining set, an entertainment center, and, in the corner, a desktop computer. A long beige curtain covered the right and back wall. "And there's more," piped up Vonda. She pointed to the swinging door next to the bar. "Over there is the kitchen." She went to the...

3 years ago
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Rosie’s Story It had all started so innocently. Both Jon and I were quite happily married with no real worries. It wasn’t an exciting marriage and it was much the same as my own mother and fathers. Very comfortable and very settled. Jon was not a very big man and neither was he demanding. I remember telling my mother about him and she had told me “You are a very lucky girl Rosie.” She was right. It was a little boring but a I was lucky. I worked in a small office in a local factory and it came...

4 years ago
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Winter Journey Became Pleasurable Hot

I am Raj and I welcome you to my sex world. Jan/2015 Aaj new year party tha.. Mein apne doston ke sath party kia in a pub @ bhunashwar…. der raat rak party chali.. fir subah room main aya.. and took rest cause next day i have to delhi to attend a interview. Night 10pm- Mein Utkal Express se delhi jane ka A/C mein booking karwaya tha, unfortunately mera ticket confirm nai hua.. so, fir v mein A/C mein baith gaya TC se baat kar ke. Mera hangover avi tak utra nai tha.. so me jaldi so gaya. Subha...

3 years ago
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The Light Behind The WorldChapter 30 Maelstrom

Eru and I stood at a small kiosk that itself stood just short of that mysterious highway I had seen and heard being used through the darkness when we'd first found his world. While I had in theory gleaned an understanding of the written language along with the spoken one during my sessions with Construct, in practice I was able to pick out individual words fairly well, but complete sentences and making sense of what I saw written before me was still a struggle for me. As Eru selected...

2 years ago
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Dear Diary ndash He was so cute

Hot summer day I was planning on taking a walk thought the woods to the lake to see if the local boys were hanging out like the normally did. I dressed in a cute white sundress with butterflies and bumble bees on it, black lace pushup bra, and black lace panties (visible from under my sheer dress). Did my makeup put a cute pink bow in my hair and set off. About 20 yards down the trail I heard “Hi Michelle” turning to look seeing one of the younger neighborhood boys emerge from the woods. I was...

4 years ago
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Weekend in London

“Let' s see what sexy fun we can have” I say. I book a hotel in central London for the Friday and Saturday. You pack your suitcases for the weekend but I am waiting for a chance to do a little unpacking. While you have a bath I open your suitcases and remove all your underwear, pants and long dresses. I only leave you with 3 miniskirts, 1 see through blouse, 2 low cut tops and a few pairs of stockings and suspenders. I replace the missing clothes with a few towels. We set off...

1 year ago
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Complete Fun In The Park In Bangalore

Hello Everyone. I am Ravi staying in Bangalore. I want to keep writing all my stories here and share my fantasies with readers. I would request you to share your feedback on my email id ravi.fro For all pretty women in Bangalore, please feel free to contact me over my email. I assure you that confidentiality will be strictly maintained. This story is all about a long back while I was doing my project work in Bangalore. My classmate Meena (name changed for confidentiality) also came to Bangalore...

3 years ago
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Zuviel Rotwein

FMM, bi, dom, cuckZuviel Rotwein, Gazonga, Winter, 2018Ich machte die Bekanntschaft von Thomas per Internet. Oft schon hatte es mich sehr erregt, wie fremde Männer meiner Frau den Hof machten. Mit den Möglichkeiten im Internet nutze ich die Chance Bilder von Ihr, die ich heimlich gemacht hatte, sympathisch wirkenden Interessenten zu zeigen. Auf den einschlägigen Internetseiten zeigte ich sie vor und erhielt fast immer überschwängliche Antworten von Männern, die oft derb beschrieben wie sie...

3 years ago
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In a name

Now he was alone in his two story home, which had been owned by his wife’s parents, with its large living room, kitchen, dining room, a bathroom, and den downstairs and a master room, with two other bedrooms and two bathrooms upstairs, forced to not only to cook his own meals and wash his laundry with his other chores, he had to watch, feed, and clothe Jacklyn until she could care for him and herself until she got married and left. Jacob could not deny that even at four his daughter was...

4 years ago
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My GF first sex

In high school I felt like the only virgin around. All my friends were doing it, and while I went out with guys all the time, I never met anyone who I really wanted to fuck. I wanted my first time to be special, and all the guys I dated were just too lame.Still, I was horny as hell. I masturbated all the time, in the morning, after school, at night, I even locked myself in a plane bathroom and fingered myself. I became obsessed with cumming, it just felt so good. I would go online read a nasty...

2 years ago
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The Centaur Expedition

November 2011 While handsome in every respect of physique and striking in appearance - they were not very bright, although in contradiction, they were skilled artisans in stone working and also in creating exceptionally detailed glazed story tiles and murals. Not having much intelligence beyond a nine-year old human child gave them signal minded focus upon the immediate task on hand, allowing creation of incredible works of art in stone, tiles and murals. Centaurs also were very aggressive...

2 years ago
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The Softening of Jessie Part 24

The "girls" finished up their nails and got ready for bed. Ashley noticed Jessie putting on his headphones. Was that where he received his subliminal messages from? "Hey Jess, can I listen to what you have in the cd player?" "Ok, but I gotta have it back before I go to sleep." "You listen to this every night?" "Yeah, I can't fall asleep unless I am." Ashley put on the headphones and pressed play. The music was soft and relaxing, but had jumbled voices throughout the sounds....

3 years ago
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Street Life 2 How I Became Me

Street Life 2: How I Became Me By Innocent Guilt Isn't it funny the simple little things we miss everyday in life as time goes on. That favorite little friend that gets forgotten. The innocent little smiles that are replaced by facts and knowledge of what the real world is. Everyday we go through life thinking these very things and never act upon them. We forge new friends whose only goal is to make money. The games we used to play are replaced with reports and credit card...

3 years ago
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For My Neighbor II His Side

Sunday, Feb 21Dear Alexander,For years have we been pen pals and not afraid of sharing our darkest secrets in order to get them off our respective chest, even though we have not once sat face to face, let alone been able to look into each other's eyes. We have shared stories, fantasies, and dreams at times beyond disturbing; fantasies we would not dare talk about with anyone else. So it is this time again, my friend.Here and at this moment, I allow myself to tell you a story that has been...

4 years ago
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Wonderful Journey With Bhabhi 8211 Part 7

Hi friends thanks for your response and positive comments. Read part 1,2,3,4,5,6 but this one you read it. In previous part I licked her whole body. After going to my room I dressed up quickly and run to bhabhi s room and unlocked her main door she was in the bathroom and came out by wearing kurta and legging she came and sat on bed at that time my bro hurried to room and asked me: Bro: Rohini are you alright? Rohini: it was bit head ache. Bro: come let’s go to hospital. Rohini: no not...

3 years ago
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I Think Youre Right Ch 5

Abby arrived a few minutes before Dr. Maddow. Dressed in a white blouse and black slacks, the sexy redhead shook nervously.“You’re sure this is safe?” she asked Jessica.Jessica, sporting a now preferred skirt suit, squeezed her friend’s shoulder. “Of course, Abby. I’ve been working with him for weeks and I’ve never felt better. I’m completely over the asshole.”“I’ve never been hypnotized before,” Abby said. “Will he make me bark like a dog or something?”“I can stay here the whole time if you...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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The Cuckolding of Neil Dodds Part 7

Claire awoke at six o’clock next morning. The bedside alarm was set early and pulled her away from Karl’s warm body. It also took her away from his huge erection that pressed against her bottom. She was used to waking next to a male with an erection pressing into her but nothing compared to Karl’s size. She rolled back to him after turning off the alarm and kissed him. She took hold of his cock and gave him a gentle squeeze. She so longed for his cock again; she longed for him to roll her over...

2 years ago
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My Japanese Love Part 5

Introduction: Most of this part is nothing but sex. Its another calm before the storm Part 6 is in the works now I slept so peacefully that night. I woke up alone. Amya was already up and making breakfast. I got up and get dressed. Akira was already up and gone. This was good because I had to take a piece of furniture over to a client at 9. I really didn’t want to go over smelling of sex, that and if Akira is anything like Amya I’m not going to have any energy at all. Amya had just finished...

1 year ago
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Adventures of Flint Hardwood Bounty Hunter

Winter 1862 I looked out the window of the stage coach as the snow started to fall, the first snows of winter feeling a little sorry for the driver. I hated the damn snow. After this job was done I take my money and head west, California maybe. There sure as hell wasn’t anything left for me back home after the war. The snow sent a chill down my spine but luckily I had two lovely ladies to keep me company. I glanced down at them. A French lady from and her daughter. I had paid their way in...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Reading some of the stories on here I feel that my little ditty is going to be quite boring but it is completely true and may interest one or two.I know it's not good but for the last 9 years I have been having an affair with the wife of a friend...lets call her Angela.Initially it started as friendship but developed. It took us quite some time to start a sexual relationship and initially it wasn't that good mainly because I had to use the dreaded condom.After a number of years I steeled myself...

1 year ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess7e8 Lady Elizabeth Westinghouse 38

We open with an aerial shot of a fantastic stately home, surrounded by green countryside and trees. The building is three stories tall, very square, with hundreds of windows – historic, beautiful, grand. Then we’re inside, cutting from one shot to another that highlight the antiques, the paintings on the wall, the furniture. Then we’re outside, watching as a beat-up transit van makes its way along the lone gravel driveway from the large gated entrance to the front of the home. Back inside,...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Moms FriendsBrandon and SashaPart 2

The telegram from Jeri unnerved me a little. I'm sure that she and Brenda meant well, and a night in bed with the two of them would be perfect here in Paris under ordinary circumstances, but these were no ordinary times. I have fallen in love with Sasha, and I had to let them know that sex was out of the question. The band had a three-night engagement in Paris, so I could have passes held at the door for them. I quickly composed a reply to give them this information. Jeri, thanks for the offer,...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Shove it up my ass

Lola was a 40 year old woman who had been married to her husband David for 15 years now and it was fair to say that their bedroom activities involved a quick straight fuck. Lola was getting bored of the same sex routine and fancied a change so she began looking at adult sites for something to heat things up in the bedroom. The first thing that captured her eye was a pair of handcuffs’s coated in leather, she’d always dreamt about being tied up for rough sex but David never took the hint. She...

1 year ago
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Some Day was our mantra Mya made it come true 2

Women are the smarter sex, and that saved my life. I own a small store and I sell mineral specimens to collectors. Also jewelry and Grateful Dead memoribilia. I'm not a DeadHead, never been to a concert, but my partner has been for thirty-five years. He spends all but six weeks or so each year on the road. Mineral shows all over the world and he knows thousands of dealers. I run the store. I have four women that work for me and they all look at me like I'm there father or grandfather. I love it...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Eleanor Ch 13

Sibbe watched as the two remaining hired guards returned from the woods, their footsteps slow and their faces wore a grim mask. She knew they had failed in their task of capturing Anika and Varin. She scrutinized every movement as they passed glances to one another before stopping at the steps as their two satchels landed at their feet with a resounding crack against the stone work. ‘There is your food for the day and night. You are being paid a vast fortune for your work and I expect to get...

2 years ago
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The Storm Part 2

It was a humid summer’s night as the heavy rain poured, bouncing against the window. Thunder could be heard rumbling in to the night, whilst flashes of lightning could be seen flickering through the curtains. Two hours had passed since our embarrassing quickie earlier in the evening, in which my mother had heard me and my boyfriend Aiden fucking from down the street. Now alone, me and Aiden were snuggled watching TV, me still wearing his over-sized football shirt from earlier. "Alone at last,"...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Reality Bent School

Jessica always imagined that by 19 she would be working towards her dream career as an architect. What she didn't expect was that, in order to combat the rapidly rising unemployment rate, the government would legislate another three years of mandatory general education for young adults, starting with her age group. Even worse, the process of finding an "institutional college" was out of her control, and the system had sent her to a boarding school that was hours away from her parents’ home. It...

2 years ago
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A distant threesome affair

It started a rainy afternoon, at home,sitting in the livingroom on the couch , accompanied by Margot, my companion in those days.She was a teacher in a privat school and lived with her husband in a small appartment in the vicinity, having all freedom to live her sexual life. Her husband did not bother, or - as I sometimes suspected - made her tell him all details of her adventures, to his voyeuristic delight.Margot and I never even mentioned his name.This rainy afternoon we both were erotically...

1 year ago
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First anal

A guy who longs for his ass to be fucked is afraid of realizing that he is gay, he goes to the transsexual bar and meets a girl who later turns into a shemale, this is when his dream is coming true…Andrew was a very simple guy. He was not aggressive, very quiet and nice. Actually he was not quarrelsome, just a man of peace. But we all know that still waters run deep. Over the past few years, Andrew had longed for being penetrated. Vehemently. He needed to be bent over something and fucked...

1 year ago
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Ensuring the Family Tree Has Branches IIChapter 9

Philip had given one of his newest interns the word to be in his office bright and early the next morning. Her name was Cindy Nash, and he wanted to fuck Cindy so badly he could hardly wait for the next business day to arrive. Cindy had only been there in his company for a week, and he'd been checking her out from the day they'd first hired her. Cindy was only 18 years old, fresh out of high school, but she wanted to work in his company and learn as much as she could about the business they...

2 years ago
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NobleChapter 34

We turned the news on and were shocked at what had happened and what was currently happening too. VBIEDs or (Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device) had been used against several Nuclear Power Plants across the country. Most of the east coast was destroyed, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Southern California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North...

3 years ago
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In Your EyesChapter 3

They walked to the front door of the Winery the next morning, hand in hand. Amanda was practically bouncing as they walked into the reception area. "Hi Cheryl!" Amanda said excitedly. "Oh, uh, hi..." "Amanda. Amanda Wilcox at your service! This lug is with me. He is doing the software integration!" Cheryl looked at John and remembered him from yesterday. "Oh yes, Mr. Marshall. Mrs. Phillips is expecting you." John started chuckling, and Amanda knew why. "Cheryl, please call him...

3 years ago
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Post Workout Routine

She walks on the sidewalk with her legs in sync. Her hips swing left to right and her ponytail bounces to her motion. Her head is slightly tilted down at her phone as she changes the music she's playing. The late afternoon sun beams down on her exposed shoulders.The light reflects a small coat of sweat on her arms and chest. She adjusts her loose, neon pink racerback tank top and pulls up her black leggings. She looks at her and left hand and rubs her finger over her wedding ring, then smiles....

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Sharing Cindy Chapter 30 Fun in Florida Pt 2

Introduction: Our vacation in Florida continues with more fun. Sharing Cindy Chapter 30 Fun in Florida Part 2 The fun continues on our Florida Vacation. Our trip to Florida was turning out to be something very special. The fun that we had on the boat with Tonya, Robert and Teddy in Clearwater would have been enough to make the trip a success. (See Chapter 29) I know I was definitely going to have fond memories of Tonya for a long time to come. After leaving Clearwater, we headed down to...

2 years ago
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Lost at Sea Book 1 Where Theres a Will Chapter 12

“Fuck,” Will swore. Will tried to turn, but his foot slipped on something. His bourbon from earlier. He ended up catching himself on the bar, but he was off balance. Inside him, he felt something seem to slide.Caine stood up.The whole room went quiet. To Will, everything seemed like slow motion. He knew this feeling. It felt like the world was sliding sideways, and he was a bystander in his own body. He tried to say something, but it was like he was moving through molasses. He only had time to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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418 things aint always quite as you may fantasise

418 things ain`t always quite as you may fantasise .This story started about September last year, when I had a friend request from a couple SAYING; My profile on here clearly states I am a bi lady in my mid fifties and seeking a lesbian couple from preference for mutual sex [though what it doesn’t say so, in reality to have a good tryst with another woman again I would at a push agree to sex with her husband] but most hamster folk live on hope anyway. I`m Mid fifties as I said, I live alone, in...

3 years ago
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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 9

“Nice,” said Liang about the townhouse. It had been built originally in the late eighteen hundreds, but refurbished and changed in the 20s, including the art noveau entrance. The open, shaped metal slat elevator also reflected that soft, decadent style. Definitely attractants. “We like it,” said Joe, unlocking the door. Joe and Cheryl greeted their kids with kisses on cheeks, and their wife with kisses on mouth and a hug. “This is Liang,” Joe introduced her to his family. “Hi,” the kids...

2 years ago
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Eager Wild WifeChapter 2

Kate smiled wickedly as she hung up the phone. She had heard everything. Like a hungry cat, she licked her lips. "I'll bet Ryan is as horny as his wife." She stifled a giggle. Quickly, she fixed her make-up, sprayed herself again in perfume, then opened the top three buttons of her blouse. A generous amount of creamy tit flesh peeked out. "Whewwww," she sighed aloud nervously. She eased back her chair. With her heart pounding in her throat, she rapped quietly on Ryan's office door,...

3 years ago
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Domination of Liz part 3

After the weekend I spent dominating Liz lit a fire in me that I didn’t want to let go of. My desire to dominate her, to own her and to have her totally as mine drove me. I was driving home from work and had just hung up the phone after talking to Liz about our upcoming camping trip this weekend. It had been five months since our last weekend away and our Dom/Sub thing had continued since then. My desire to up the stakes was driving me crazy. I knew I wanted her, wanted to claim her and make...

1 year ago
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Uni with Sandra part 8

My name is Danni, I'm 27. This is the eighth story based on my diaries and memories from when I was a teenager.Sandra and I shared a house with another two girls in our first year at university. My earlier stories were about my introduction to girl on girl sex and progression to three-way, four-way and then to five-way sessions when Fiona joined our group.I've written about the first two five-way sessions we had. We had two more before the end of out first year. The third was a similar...

3 years ago
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A Cloak of Lies Ch 05

She was fascinating the way her body flowed with the water as if she were part of it. Each graceful stroke of her soft arms propelled her along the surface, in harmony with the nature that surrounded her as well as the fiery sunrise catching on her wet skin. Then she disappeared under the surface, sliding beneath the water as her blond hair followed, ebbing away slowly until it became one with the water. Her head broke the surface, leading her body up into the sweet air of the new day as the...

4 years ago
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Moms Friend helps out with bath O Panama

(Just a Fairy tail Everyone is over 18 years.) We were coming home from church one day and mom just invited her 2 best friends over for dinner to hang out and talk. I wasn't feeling to well for some reason and I became light headed, dizzy, and really hot I told mom as she was sitting at the dinner table with her friends which are all divorced Hispanic Milfs. One of her friends was a woman from panama, pretty face, small titts, but a big ass to make up for it. The second friend was a small 5...

4 years ago
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A Train Ride to Love Ch 05

Sarah and Maggie entered the firm of solicitors at dead on ten o’clock, and Maggie marched over to the receptionist’s desk and handed over a business card. ‘Hi there…’ She smiled at the young woman behind the desk in a friendly fashion. ”SCraMBle Computers’ – Sarah Chester, and Margaret Belling… we’re here to see Mr Conrad, we’ve a meeting booked for ten o’clock.’ The receptionist looked down at her appointment book. ‘Ah yes… the computer people.’ She looked up at them both, and then stood up...

4 years ago
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Fifteen Forever Girls from Outer SpaceChapter 16 Presidential Suite

“Okay,” Mia indicated the agents. “Let’s get their guns and wallets and radios, and dump them at the top.” “They might die,” Grace objected, as she struggled into her robe. She was afraid one of them was dead already, at least. She was trying not to think about it. Mia was hunting through the pockets of the one who’d shot Mo. She pulled out something from his ear. “Okay we’ll use one of their radios to tell them. They must know it’s gone wrong already.” They took the lift to the top,...

2 years ago
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Guardian Angel Ch 03

This was my first ‘real’ attempt at writing a romantic caper story with a sexy leading man and plucky heroine. I was 20 at the time. * * * * * * * * * * The night was cold and foggy. The moon was barely visible in the mists of the seaside area where a man walked alone. Raphael Cabrezi made his way down the deserted dock, his eyes searching the darkness around him. He was looking for someone, a man that was both widely known of and a complete enigma. The man who had hired him. As he walked,...

1 year ago
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I heard you

As I walked by the bedroom door, I heard the whizzing and buzzing that emanated through the air and vibrated against the hollow wooden door. This sound was not the fan that was busy blowing and turning, nor was it the air conditioner cooling the house down. I carefully placed my ear to the frame of the door to hear what might be stirring. I heard the motor turning and purring through the dark room. I held my breath but could not stop my heart from racing to hear some faint sound that you...

3 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 4

"We should do the whole thing." Yann was excited. "Take the walls out of the second floor and create one big orgy room - pillows, curtains, the works. We could get a team in here and take out everything but the load bearing walls and -" "I had no idea how tacky you were!" Juan said drolly. "The second floor is ours and I don't want to live in a Pier 1. You do that in your room." "But I want the guys in uniforms. Blue for Housekeeping, Red for Maintenance, Yellow for...

3 years ago
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My sister Laura

My life was never the same again after going to my big sister, Laura's house one saturday for our weekly piss up.Here is what happened...We started to talk about our sex lives after a bottle of wine, now to describe my big sister, she has short brown hair, blue eyes, size 12 with great tits (the first time i saw them was on a family holiday when she wore a white bikini top, her nipples shown through the fabric, this incident started my infatuation with fucking my big sister, luckily for me, she...

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