Playing Up Ch. 03 free porn video

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‘Let me get this right, you shagged him, three times in one evening, then walked out?’

Sian playfully pursed her lips and nodded, ‘Yep, that’s about right.’

‘Three times. Hot sex, a bit of a kink? Less vanilla, more…’ Clare fanned her face.

Sian grinned, ‘Depends where you draw the line at kinky. Light bondage?’

‘That’s nothing, Alex ties me up all the time. Proper ties, handcuffs, masks and we’re even getting a special-‘

‘Whoa, stop right there. Definitely TMI. Well, when I’m sober…’

‘So, bondage-lite for a start, a little domination. Sado-masochism?’

‘Spanking. That was go-ooood.’ Sian wriggled in her seat. ‘Which reminds me, his fingers went where they-‘

‘No!’ Clare started giggling, ‘Anal? On a first date? It took us months to go there!’

‘He really seemed to enjoy giving. He was so masterful.’

Sian and Clare were enjoying a lunchtime coffee in one of the cafes lining Harford Green. Sian had texted Clare on her way home on the train, while she was still on a sexually-gratified high. Clare insisted on meeting the next day.

‘So, what do I tell Alex? Is Rob messing you around or not?’

Sian sat back and contemplated the situation, ‘Tell him nothing. Nothing happened.’

‘Mindfucking? Keeping him hanging?’

‘Perhaps. I just haven’t decided how I feel yet.’

‘So, what will you do next time you see Rob?’

‘I’ve no idea. There’s a chance he thinks I’m a bit of a nutter, which would be embarrassing. I didn’t know how to react when he went all…I don’t know, cruel?’


‘Maybe more crude? A bit blunt. I wasn’t expecting to be romanced, things went a bit fast for that, but the way he spoke about what we’d done. I felt a bit hurt. And used.’ Sian stared into her coffee. ‘There’s also something I overheard, I don’t know whether getting involved is a good idea.’

‘Home game this weekend. You can’t miss that match, it’s a big cup game.’

Sian grimaced, ‘I’ll…I’ll just behave like it never happened. Neither time. Polite but friendly. Not think about jumping him again. Really not.’

‘You really think you can do that?’ asked Clare, raising an eyebrow.

‘I can try.’


This time Rob wasn’t teased for scratch marks down his back, instead they noticed a bite mark on his neck. The banter in the changing room after the showers wasn’t any better than before.

‘She must be a fox, mun. First scratches, now bites. Okay boys, do we know who this vixen is?’

Marcus could only shake his head honestly, he hadn’t seen Sian’s hasty exit. Gavin had his head buried in his kit bag so no one picked up his slight blush. Alex only glared at Rob, daring him to say something.

A younger voice piped up from the other end of the changing room, ‘From my place, I did see a woman in a red dress strutting out of his flat. Didn’t see her face but she looked vaguely familiar from behind. Hot too.’

Another voice groaned quietly, ‘What is it about scrum halves that made them so bloody irritating? If it isn’t Alex on a wind-up, it’s Damo the fucking kid. Why won’t he shut the fuck up?’

Damian giggled on regardless, ‘I’d so do her, on her hands and knees, so it didn’t matter what her face looked like.’

Rob wasn’t expecting the flash of anger he experienced. He wanted to keep Sian to himself, how dare Damian! To cover his feelings, he turned his back to the rest of the players and towelled himself off.

He’d awoken that morning still confused by Sian’s exit, unsure what to do next and embarrassed by his behaviour. Should he call her again after last night, or was that too much like stalking? Sent a text to say sorry for being rude? He should have sent one last night, maybe the time had passed?

He wanted to have a word with Alex, but he’d just shrugged his shoulders at him and mimed that he knew nothing. Fuck.

Even more worrying was that he was hardening every time he remembered his exploits with Sian. When he remembered when she must have bitten him, that first time that night as she straddled him, squeezing him tightly as she came. Screaming into his neck.

Last night he’d started changing the sheets but the smell of them together had got him so hard, he had to stop for a wank, which felt confusingly unsatisfying without her there. She definitely would have lent a hand or two, or even a mouth. Her mouth, with that flicking tongue, sucking and licking him like a lollipop. He wanted to see her on her hands and knees, completely absorbed in enjoying his body. That first time where she used her boobs and swallowed everything? He thought that was so hot and natural. She really loved to lick him all over too, her obvious enjoyment feeding his own arousal.

It was a good thing Rob had continued dressing while thinking of her, otherwise he couldn’t have closed his jeans for the erection now straining against the heavy denim. He grabbed his bag, slinging the long shoulder strap so it covered his groin area and departed, waving a hand towards the catcalls and flying comments.


Heavily muscled legs surged and worked together with purpose as opposing legs and hands grappled for purchase. Slowly, the heaving mass of bodies rolled forward and down. Shouts and cries rang around the field as the home crowd cheered the action in front of them.

Sian gasped along with the rest and cheered, ‘Yes! We scored! Woohoo!’ She grinned happily, nudging Clare next to her, ‘Nice pushover try.’

They watched as the players untangled themselves, patted each other on the back. One mud-covered hulk got more pats than the rest, a filthy Rob. Only his clean, white smile stood out from the rest of his face until he grabbed a water bottle and doused himself so his features began to emerge.

In the gap between one of the opposition players needing attention and restarting the match, Sian watched him put fresh tape around his ears, globs of Vaseline on and around his head. She wasn’t the only one watching him.

A girlish giggle intruded into her thoughts, ‘That Rob’s a bit of alright, isn’t he?’

There were several younger girls a couple of rows below, shivering in their fashionable jackets and gossiping about most of the players.

‘I dunno, my dad says he’s a bit of a journeyman, going from club to club and filling in. Nothing special.’

‘Durr, you idiot, I was talking about him being a bit cute, in a rough and muscley way.’

‘You’re the idiot, it’s muscular, not muscley. You’re supposed to studying for an English A-level!’

‘I’d rather study Rob. In my A-level Art Life Drawing class.’

The girls dissolved into giggles and Sian allowed herself a wry smile, tamping down the snakes of doubt. She didn’t care, did she? ‘Drink, anyone?’


‘Oh, bollocks,’ swore Sian as her tipsy fingers knocked the change off the bar. She steadied herself against a stool and bent over, picking up the coins.

Despite being knackered after another eighty-minute match and full of post-match grub, Rob’s body was still on sexual high-alert. The sight of Sian’s curvy jean-clad arse wiggling as he walked into the bar made him groan aloud and curse as his cock plumped up.

Luckily the only person in the vicinity was Gavin who handed him a beer and grinned at his predicament, ‘You have got it bad, haven’t you?’

‘Fuck, yes.’ Rob dragged his gaze away from the fascinating view, and stared into his pint.

‘So, what happened? You were getting on so well when I…interrupted.’

‘I blew it. Said the wrong thing the wrong way.’

Gavin nodded, ‘Been there, done that. Birds can be sensitive after you’ve shagged them. Need to give ’em a bit of a cwtch not slap ’em in the chops. You fucked up, mun.’

Rob raised his eyebrows at his young flatmate sounding so knowledgeable, ‘Ok, I know I’m going to regret this but what would you do now?’

nore her for a bit, mun. Play it cool. Get her coming after you once she’s no longer pissed off. You’ve already asked her out, why’s it up to you to do all the running?’

Rob frowned, not while he was still so horny. He glanced back towards Sian. She really looked good that day. For a change, her curly hair was twisted up in a knot, the slender, pale nape of her neck exposed above her dark red top. He wanted to kiss her there gently as he screwed her from behind.

Gavin carried on, ‘But before you’re able to do that tonight, you’ll have to go and knock one out. Calm down your hormones.’


Before he could continue further, the two of them were surrounded by several young girls, all swishing hair, high heels and giggles. ‘Hiya, I’m Tania, my dad’s on the committee. So…are either of you single?’


A couple of hours and several beers later, Rob was seriously considering Gavin’s advice. They’d moved on from the club to a local upmarket bar and Sian’s crowd were there also, on the other side of the room.

He was trying not to look her way at all, afraid that he wouldn’t stop in time. Now he knew what obsession was like. Incessant need to touch, to hold and to taste, he kept remembering events from the nights with her. When she had sucked him inside, ridden him like a horse as she searched for her own pleasure, or let him take control. Fuck, he was horny.

He had to stop it, before he embarrassed himself over her.

The nearest gents were on the other side of the bar, on his way past he saw her laughing and smiling at two besotted chaps from a rival team. He scowled and hastened to the sleekly-decorated loo area, managing to nab a larger stall in the corner which even had a small window to the side covered with heavy damask curtains. Locking the door and leaning back against it, he unzipped immediately, his hands going to his already-hardening cock and tightening balls. He only just held back a groan from the temporary relief of touch.

A pool of spit and he easily started working himself. Up, down, squeeze, twist. Oh, that was so good. His mind replayed images of the two of them together. Sian smiling up at him as she held his cock, and her tongue on him that first morning. God, he was hard. Coming between her gorgeous tits. In her mouth. Her swallowing him up. Him restraining her, and her moans as he did what he wanted to her luscious body.

Pre-come oozed from the head, running down, mixing with his hand, making him more slippery. But not as slippery as her… Rob bit his lip and groaned as he came, spurting over the floor and narrowly missing his clothes. He breathed deeply as the last tremors shook him. Done.

In those few minutes, the loos had become busier which luckily had covered any noise he made. Unfortunately, impatience banged on the door, ‘Hurry up mate, there’s blokes dyin’ for a piss ‘ere.’

Rob panicked, looking around for something to wipe his cock and hands off on. He patted futilely at the empty toilet paper holder. There weren’t any spare rolls either. A light breeze from the small window gave him an idea. He waddled over to the curtains, selected an area hidden from view and carefully wiped himself enough to close his trousers. He rearranged the fabric, hiding the evidence apart from what was hardly visible on the floor.

A quick wash of his hands in the sink and he was presentable again, and a lot less horny. Thank fuck for that!


It was a strange evening. Sian pretended she was enjoying herself, certainly flirted with more men than she usually did. Rob was around, she thought she had caught a few hot gazes before he had looked away and turned his broad, club-shirt-covered back to her.

With her hair up, she couldn’t rely on her normal tendency to hide behind it. The crimson silk top with the deep cleavage and cinched waist paired with her jeans and red strappy heels made her feel girly and confident. And perhaps the vodka had helped a little with her confidence? She felt sexy and indestructible.

‘Wanna join us at a club? We’ll treat you,’ offered the taller of the two youngsters chatting her up.

She laughed and shook her head, ‘Nah, thanks. You’re both charming but I’m not in a clubbing mood tonight.’ And the last time she went clubbing, who did she meet? She caught a dark glower from the man in question as he barrelled past.

The boys took her refusal with good grace, leaving her with kisses on both cheeks and promises to go for a drink another time.

A short time later while she was leaning back against a pillar on the periphery of a conversation, Rob came out of the loos, moving a lot slower that time. She watched as he rejoined the Harford players in their red matching shirts. One of them she knew, Gavin, shot a glance her way, said something and bumped knuckles with Rob.

Hmmm, what was going on? While she was pondering, Rob turned to face her way. He laughed at something one of the others said, clinked his bottle and looked around.

His gaze passed over her without stopping, without acknowledgement. Ouch. Sian felt as if someone had physically slapped her. Ice trickled down her spine. Was he embarrassed to be seen with her? Even looking at her?

Fury grew within her at the thought, her inhibitions swept away by the alcohol she’d consumed. Fuck him and his attitude. A few steps was all it took. ‘Hi, Rob.’

Rob’s face was nonplussed, ‘What do you want?’

Sian leant in to murmur in his ear, ‘I want you. I want to lick and swallow you down like an ice-cream, to suck you like a lolly. I want you inside me, for you to fuck me and come until you feel like you’re turning inside out. I want you hard and fast, and slow and deep. And after we finish once, I want you to fuck me again, and again, and again.’ She nearly moaned but held it back. ‘But I know you don’t want me, and what I want…well, as my mother used to say, ‘Want, want, doesn’t get’. So I’ll go to bed alone and think of how good you smell and how you might feel inside me.’

She slowly straightened, avoiding his eyes. If she hadn’t aroused him, she’d aroused herself. She headed for the loos, intent on tidying her make-up and using the loo before making the trip back to her flat.

Leaning over the mirror, she noted the flush in her cheeks. Just seeing Rob and thinking what they had shared was enough to do that. She rinsed her hands under the cool water, quelling the impulse to hide in there all night.

Time to go. Sian girded her loins and opened the door, seeing the exit clear for her escape. A few steps and she would be-

A strong arm circled her waist and she was pulled into a corner. She clutched at Rob’s biceps and squeaked in shock.

‘What the fuck made you think I didn’t want you? What do you think this is?’ Rob pulled her hips into his, forcing her against his bulging jeans. ‘I’ve only just come, then you whisper that litany of sex in my ear and I’m ready like a schoolboy again.’

Sian couldn’t stop herself rubbing against him, the ache increasing. She sucked in her breath with a gasp, trying to focus on why this was such a bad idea but Rob’s continuing torment was reminding her body of how good he felt.

‘Well?’ Rob was breathing heavily too. ‘Look, I’m sorry I was so rude to you, I really didn’t mean for you to take offence. I like you,

‘I thought you were embarrassed to be seen with me?’

‘I thought you wanted things to be kept quiet.’

Another push of his hips and she gasped, ‘I don’t fucking care, just don’t stop!’

The bellowing voice of the landlord rang out, ‘Oi! You two, keep it family-friendly or take it home!’

Half the bar, including the Harford boys, turned around to look for whoever was misbehaving.

‘Aye up boys, we’ve found the mystery woman.’

‘What’s up with that? They look good together. Can I watch this time?’ Damian grinned expectantly.

Sian hid her face in his neck with embarrass

Rob whispered mischievously in her ear, ‘Remember biting me there? As you sat across my cock, my hands-‘

‘Shut the fuck up before I come on the spot,’ growled Sian back.

‘I was serious, you know I’ve been ready for you all day, I’d only just calmed myself down shortly before you whispered in my ear and I was off again like a teenager. You don’t play fair.’ He punctuated that with another press of his hips into her, and a surreptitious squeeze of a breast.

‘Neither do you!’ she gasped.

‘Well, you’ll just have to wait.’ His hands moved to gently cup her face and he stared into her eyes, smiling lightly but seriously. ‘We need to have a chat before we jump into bed again.

Sian nodded in agreement as her arousal calmed to a simmer.

He lightly kissed her, ‘Let’s say a few words before we head off. Ready?’

She nodded and he took her hand and led her over to his friends as her confidence spiked. He wanted her to be by his side! He wasn’t embarrassed to be seen with her! She felt like a freeing weight had been lifted from her shoulders.


‘So much for your advice, Gav.’

‘It worked, didn’t it?’ Gavin grinned at them both. ‘Kill or cure, I was hoping she’d have a bit of a tiger in her.’

Rob scowled, ‘You twat.’

Bravery had obviously been an additive to Gavin’s beer, ‘Before I forget to say it, nice tits honey.’

‘Glad you liked them, you’re not seeing them again. I’ll rip your balls off if you dare.’ Sian glanced at his crotch as Gavin winced.

Damian overheard that, ‘Ooh, feisty. I like ’em hot. Fancy a threesome, Rob?’

‘Damian, I have one thing to say to you.’ Sian crooked a finger.

Damian grinned as he leant in towards her, his eyes dropping down to her cleavage, ‘Yes, sexy babe.’

Sian rolled her eyes, ‘A small matter you can help me with.’

‘Anything for you, gorgeous. I have plenty to spare, and not so small at that.’

‘Do…..Fuck. Off.’ She smiled angelically at him.

He blushed as all the rest of the boys guffawed at his embarrassment.

Rob chuckled and kissed her lightly, ‘I think that’s said it. Let’s be off.’

She waved happily to her friends as they exited the bar, hand-in-hand.

‘Want to go for that meal I never treated you to?’

Sian couldn’t hide her surprise, ‘I thought we’d be heading back to either of our places?’

‘I meant it about slowing things down. Let’s have a go at it. A few proper dates, maybe some that don’t end or even start in bed. See if we get on as well as I think we will.’

‘Great plan, agreed.’ She beamed.

‘As long as we shag often enough that you wear me out, I’ve been climbing the walls since I saw you last. Been rock hard most of the time with the need to be inside you.’

Sian gasped, and pinkened with arousal. ‘Rob!’

He held open a restaurant door for her, ‘Tapas, talking and teasing for the next hour. See if I can get you as hot for me as I’ve been for you.’

‘Hmmm, I’m already there that shouldn’t be difficult,’ Sian promised, whispering. She glanced down as they were led to a secluded table, ‘There’s one more thing I need you to tell me though.’

‘What might that be?’

‘Is that stuff on your shoes what I think it is?’


I hope that you’ve enjoyed Playing Up. Please vote and leave feedback, I love to hear from readers. There’s more about the Harford Scarlet series on my profile page, and Rob & Sian feature in a couple of my other works. Tx

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This is raghu, I am from hyderabad, this story is about my sexual encounter when I was in my 12th standard. I am a doctor now in hyderabad and my age is 23, this story happened 5 years ago during my examinations. I was generally interested in becoming a doctor since my childhood so I was obviously not interested in maths. In my +2, maths was mandatory for us. I tried tuition with various teachers but nothing worked out. There was a woman in my neighborhood named preeti, she is 42 years of age...

2 years ago
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Elevators are the best

I had stopped at the mall on my way home from work on a Friday night to buy _Half Life 5._ After I parked in the garage under the apartment building where I lived, there were a few people waiting for the elevators. Id seen them in the building before, but I didnt pay much attention to them, I just couldnt wait to start slaughtering alien invaders again. As it was, I had a boner fantasizing about _Gordon Freeman,_ the hero of the game, getting it on with _Alyx Vance,_ his female sidekick. I was...

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Dance Parties Lead To A World Of Swinging 8211 Part I

Hey everyone, this is Nabeel from Pakistan. I’ve been fond of reading and enjoying to so many stories that are uploaded here regardless of the real or fake nature. And after such a long association to this site, now I’ve planned to share my real life experiences with all you people. So cutting short let me introduce myself. My name is Nabeel and I am a graphics designer by profession and working in an MNC. I’m married to my beautiful wife Afia who is running an NGO for women rights. We have...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetLabs Alyssa Bounty One More Chance

ALERT: We need your help! These TS Labs updates are our way of putting out new stuff for you. Your feedback drives everything, so if you love it, please tell us. If you hate it, please let us know what we can do better. We’re counting on you so please tell us! On that note, here’s the latest scene. Alyssa is rushing to her first job as an assistant to millionaire George Uhl, and when she arrives late, George warns her he will not tolerate such mistakes any longer. After promising to...

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Discovering Irsquom a Cougar Part 7

After I left the school, I started to think about how Sunday's little party could be made a little more special. As always I thought about how wonderful the sex was going to be. There were five cocks to serve four pussies. On the other hand I really wanted make this into a real party. I suddenly had a thought and a smile slowly spread on my face as I got on the highway. I had noticed that there was a store in the next town over that specialized in sexy lingerie, sex toys and porn videos.As I...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 968

This one is compliments of Joe S The Boss The different parts of the body were hanging out, just talking about stuff, and the Brain said, “You know, I should be the Boss of this outfit since I do all the thinking!” The Hands immediately disagreed. “We do all the work! Not only that, y’all would get mighty hungry if we didn’t shovel food in your mouth! We should be the Boss!” The Legs spoke up. “Heck with all that! We carry the load! We want to be the Boss!” The Asshole said, “I’ll SHOW...

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Moving to a New LifeChapter 5

Lesson one came very quickly the next morning. Vicki gave Brad an order. Brad had plans and his plans were not what his mother wanted him to do. At first Brad didn’t question her. He started doing what she told him. “You never ask me why, you always decide what action needs to happen.” She handed him a paddle for lesson two. “You need to discipline me. I need to be spanked for not doing what I am supposed to do.” Brad looked at her confused, he had never thought about hitting his mother. “I...

2 years ago
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Across the AlleyChapter 3 Court Wife and Money

About two months later, my lawyer called me on Monday to remind me that we had an appointment with a Court Clerk on Tuesday. Since the divorce was uncontested and we had already agreed on a property settlement, the court clerk would interview us and make his recommendations to the judge. Tuesday came, I met my lawyer in front of the Court Annex Building, and we proceeded to the Clerk's Office. We spent the next three hours explaining why I was getting a divorce and what my financial status...

3 years ago
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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 15 Building A Float

We fell into our school routine through the fall. Becky decided I was dirt, and, except for when she had to, she stopped talking to me. Kristina seemed to work through her guilt and anger, and was pretty much back to her old self again. Molly was skipping school with some regularity, and on the days she did show up, she was looking paler and thinner than ever. I noticed that she had taken to wearing much heavier makeup, perhaps to try to cover the dark circles that were forming under her...

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Samanthas cock

I can’t really say when it started. I just know that I have been fascinated by the sight of cum shooting out of cock for as long as I can remember. My first attempts at masturbation were pleasurable enough. In the dark, under the covers. I first time I ejaculated in the daylight I was hooked. I could not get enough of that feeling and the sight of that cum!! I jacked off everywhere- home, school, woods behind my house, everywhere. I soon discovered the various magazines that my Dad had...

2 years ago
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Adventure with Friends

Fifi and I met at her house at noon. Her family was gone for the day to the beach, she pretended to be sick. We had a date set with some cool guys to listen to music and party. We showered and took out our girliest lingerie. We wanted the fellows to come on to us. We both work panties, bras and a garter belt. Along with Hanes Silk Sensation Stockings and pointy toe pumps. Short slips completed our lingerie. We made each other up, glam and sexy with scarlet nail polish and lipstick. As a boi, I...

1 year ago
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Meri Teacher Mom

Hello indian sex stories dot net friends, mera naam Raman hai or mai Punjab se hun. Meri umer 22 saal hai or mai yaha roj chudai story si pad ta hun socho mai bi 1 kissa share karu apke sath. Ye sex kahani meri maa ki hai. Jo ki ab chuddkada ban chuki aa hai.Meri mom dekhne me bahot sexy hai, unki figure 38-36-38 hai. Wo bahot hi bold lady hai. Ye chudai kahani tab ki hai jan mai 18 saal ka tha. Ayo sex kahani par ate hai. Mere papa jyada kaam me busy rehke hai or mom pishle 5 saal se kisi...

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wife and sister fucked hard

Introduction: by a friend this is Ali. I am a 32 years old married man. I am married and my wife Niha is 28 and she is a housewife. She is a beautiful lady. Where ever she goes, the guys around wont take the eyes away from her. I am very lucky to have her. Her size is 36-28-40. She has a nice and firm breast and round bubbly ass which swings while she walks and many persons around the street waits to watch the moment of her ass while she walks for the nearby market. She always wear Sari and...

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Home Maid

Home Maid by dzdomme We're going to college in the Fall, Jill and I. Well, that might be a bit misleading. I won't be enrolled in the college or take any classes, I'll be going with Jill as her uniformed sissy maid. I couldn't possibly attend a real college, as I was not allowed to graduate from High School. Even that's not entirely true, Jill has said I am going to be taking several cooking courses through a local community college, as well as sewing lessons, and attending...

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SandcastlesChapter 54

The rest of the shops went the same way. I would deliver the girls to the shopkeeper, then go back to the limo to 'talk' with Sally. Janey, and her backups, kept watch. At one point I asked Janey how much she had shared with Simone about the first visit to The Guild. Had she told her everything? "Not exactly," was her reply. "Meaning... ?" I led her to continue. "Meaning the Rosen's devices will probably come as a shock to her." Grinning at her devious omission, I asked,...

3 years ago
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The Bordunes Chapter 2

Chapter Two Rose O’Toole Part 1 Dark circles shadowed Rose O’Toole’s green eyes. Three worrisome weeks at a boarding house in New York’s notorious Five Points section left Rose with fingernails gnawed down to nubs. On that April morn, she tied her long, auburn hair into a neat bun, bundled her few possessions in a sack and bid farewell to the boarding house, praying never to return. The streets of New York stank of such rot and disease that Rose feared that even if she scrubbed her skin raw...

4 years ago
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College life spring semester 8

*******************Kris got his towel to dry off with and dressed in his shorts. I swear hewas getting bigger by the day with a really defined chest, roundedshoulders, defined biceps and triceps with a well designed tattoo aroundone, rock solid abs and that distinctive V-taper with nice cuts down intohis shorts along with solid cut legs. It seemed as though all of us hadlost our razors over the weekend as well with all of us sporting facialhair growth."I think you enjoyed coaching," I said to...

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A Night in Gateway

Over 50 years later, the 900 year old demon lord meets an attractive half elf, Chalise, in search of a cure for those falling ill to evil. Shion finds that he can imbue her with his demonic essence, which will in turn, give her the skills she needs to cure the innocent. They began to travel together and before long, fell closer than thought possible. ******************************************** Chalise stormed into the room, for once, not angry with the events of the day. “Shion!” She...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 445 Deacutejagrave vu Again

The boy has his towel around his neck, and the girls have theirs around them. All three kids were from different families, and none were eating in the dining area tonight. Ellen went to the cabin to get beach blankets that I laid them on after re-rolling them in their towels. I borrowed some of the dishtowels to roll up to make pillows for their head. Ellen went over to nudge them from time to time to get them to wake up, but they would roll over to go back to sleep. “Daddy,” Ellen told...

3 years ago
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A Stitch In TimeChapter 4

In one sense, every day is the first day of the rest of your life. December 26, 2006, though, was a little bit more. Christmas was over, and I woke up to find myself in the same room, in the same body, and in the same life in which I'd found myself the day before. All of which were three years older than they were when I'd gone to bed on December 24. My first thought as I woke up, stretched, and sat up in bed, was that if Mom were still alive, she'd reinstate spanking just to make sure my...

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Two Lovers in Lust

I lay dreamily with my head in his lap enjoying the clean smell of manliness that drifted from his pants. I desperately wanted to taste him. I needed to feel him swell between my lips. I needed to hear him moan with satisfaction as he raised his hips to meet my lips. I seductively licked my lips as I imagined what it would be like for him to shoot streams into my mouth, swallowing all that he could give me. I wanted him night and day. I rubbed at his sleeping member intending for it to spring...

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The Hypnotic Adventures of BeautyChapter 4 Happily Ever

My name is David Rothman, and this is a story about the three most impressive women I've ever met. Now, one of those ladies I already knew. Wanda Perkins, a fellow grad student at Berkley. Sharp, pretty, witty, and a total bitch. Well ... she could be, when she wanted to. I had pursued her during the past two years ... and I'd even gotten her to go out with me once. We both had a really good time; but when I had tried to kiss her goodnight, she turned me down flat; and she'd refused to...

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Bye Bye Boston

My name is Bethanny. I'm 29 years old and I have brown shoulder length hair, about 5'6", slim with a tight little 38D – 24 -36 body. I workout at the local gym a lot to keep in top shape - and to show off my body to all the hunks that go there as well! I'm probably most proud of my tits though, aside from being enormous on their own, they have thick dark nipples and when excited they stick out at least 1" and are as round as the end of your little finger. Through the years there have been many...

Wife Lovers
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How I make complete gay

hello is all this is my 100/: true stroyi am born in pakistan .and i have is one cousin is near to my house is boy .i am is 9 years old .he may be 15 years old .i don't know what is gay sex .because i am very young age .my cousin is boy .i am go to sport with my cousin. i am playing sports with my cousin .and another boy.when game is finish .all boy going home .and my cousin not going home .he say just wait after going .i am say ok .he put hand in my body .and slowly slowly .he get cock .and...

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Aunties IslandChapter 7 The Voices of Submission

Hello there. My name is Wendy Weizenbaum (I LOVE writing that name!), and Brenda asked me to write about the day I met her ... and Willie and Dee and ... everybody. And since I can no more refuse Brenda a request than I could stop breathing, I'll do so. I begged her to let me leave out the sex and other embarrassing stuff ... but she was insistent that I make a complete record of it. So, here goes. I got up about seven and made my bed. Lot of good THAT did. The room was a PIT! It was just...

4 years ago
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Hot Basketball Player Chapter 2

I was in my office after practice and Mary, Annie best friend, came in. She said, "She would like to talk to me about what Annie had told her ". I said , "What did Annie tell you?" She said, "What you and her did last night in here. I want to get in on what you two were doing." I said, "I don't know what you are talking about." She just smiled at me and started pulling her top off. I said, "What are you doing?" She said, I want what Annie got last...

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TimeslipChapter 4

I hope Jessica is a good cook, the grub in here is bland and that's complimenting it, the sooner I'm out the better. Billy in the other bed is starting to pick up a bit, we had a brief chat, he's still brooding about his financial dilemma, I wish I could help him some way he seems a decent chap. Uncle Ron dropped in the following day and I told him about the visit from the cop and what he had to say about Fr Ryan. He told me that the cop was Ray Cook and that he was a good friend of his...

2 years ago
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Twin Vacation Part 2

The next morning, I woke up with a normal morning hard-on. I began replaying the scene from last night in my head. My twins sister’s ass in a thong under me while soaking her panties in my cum. Her coming into my room sitting on my stomach rubbing herself spilling her girl cum all over my stomach. I was shooting another load on to my stomach in no time. And then it hit me: I never cleaned her juice off me last night. So now my body was covered in both our juices. That thought made my cock...

1 year ago
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Teddys WorldChapter 26 Back in New York Talking to the Nypd

It’s so good when somebody loves you back. Mara was very happy as I turned her over to Nightwing, and Sandy. I was happy as I caught Min and pulled her to me. After she went wild a few times, she was told she couldn’t be with me without supervision as when I had sex with her, all knew I was done for the night. Min tried to get away as she has been spanked more than a few times by the harem because she takes so much energy to please her. Even though she is a mirror image of me when it comes...

3 years ago
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Vodka Rocks Surprise

One warm summer afternoon, a long time ago, I found myself wandering off to the local supermarket. It was good to get out of the flat and into whatever gentle breeze was on offer by way of fresh air. I didn’t want much. Which was just as well because I couldn’t afford much. My dole money was enough to cover the basics, but little else. Fortunately we tend to eat less in warm weather. Three years of working hard at university had earned me a respectable degree, which, bolstered by the...

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Desert Heat Pt 19

Desert Heat – Part 19Friday, Aug. 3, 1985Like normal, I was awake about half an hour before Pepper’s alarm went off. After going to the bathroom, I just sat in a chair across the room and watched the two sisters sleeping naked. They had turned during the night and the Pepper was cuddled up behind Ginger with her arm over her. They truly looked like identical twins and I couldn’t help but think how lucky I was to love both and make love to both. But I couldn’t help but wonder just how long...

4 years ago
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Some Kisses are Meant to be Stolen

Stolen Kisses:I went to fetch my jacket, it was a great party, but time to go.When I turned, Natalia, the host's twenty-year-old niece, was there with the door closed behind her. Without a word, she moved toward me. I froze. As she got closer, I saw her inhale sharply, her eyes opened a little wider and she had a small smile on her lips.She came close and closer, and then she reached up and kissed me, leading with her tongue! She said, "Come by tomorrow, after lunch," she said with that...

1 year ago
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This was his life now

This was his life now. CBA He was smart. Smarter than the police. Smarter than the FBI. Smarter then everyone. No one could catch him. He had been doing his thing for years and years. Hell, he had been in his early twenties when he started. Even back then, he was always ahead of those who wanted to stop him. You see he had developed quite the system over the years. He owned a bunch of cargo trucks, and he used them to sell cheap goods up and down the Western coast. The...

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Sin Baby Sin

Standing on the balcony over looking the beach, wearing my light pink sundress feeling the early morning breeze caress my soft skin. I feel my papi come up behind me. He gently strokes my straight black hair before pushing it to the side, lowering his full lips on to my neck and kissing me softly. “Good morning mami,” he whispers against my neck. I reach back and run my fingers through his short black hair, “Good morning baby.” I turn around and look up, staring deep into his brown eyes before...

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My Loving Aunty

Here is a little background on my Aunt Lois. She has been married twice, both have failed. Her first because she is barren, meaning she can't bear children. Her second was because her husband was a complete asshole. Now not being able to have kids of her own, she always spoiled us kids. Mainly the boys though, she never did like the girls of our family. She is short, around 5'0 and weighs no mre than 115 lbs. That should tell you she has an extremely small build, her bust is a 34 B at...

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The Ensigns of Detection Ch 01

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

1 year ago
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Emperors BodyguardChapter 11 End Game

Almost as soon as the Nelson shut down the comm came to life. I ignored everyone and opened the Dragon comm, “This is Crimson Dragon. I am making an approach to Saras Duchy. Nightshade, I need an escort.” “On its way Jason.” My alarms went off and suddenly the Dragon fleet flared with shields, “Shields Tinker!” I was busy changing course, “Going to emergency reentry Kitten.” Albert and Molly burst through the back hatch as our shield flared white with plasma fire, “Sit the fuck down...

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