117. WENDY COLLECTING A YOUNG STUD. free porn video

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WELL WHAT HAPPENED WAS Wendy, as frustrated, hubby Trevor was still away in the Alaskan oil field, no doubt freezing the assets of some small oil company, found she was frustrated again, it didn’t take much, as she said to me the other day; I'm a classy woman outside of the bedroom...but once I let go I can be a very classy slut---no one would ever think I do things like this!
Trevor had kept in touch saying the job was going to be longer and slower than he had expected, but that`s not the same as being long slow and in Wendy.
She had had a wonderful weekend, a distant sensuous memory now, a month in the past and during which she had taken the virginity of three young men in a weekend which as her writer I had been asked to write about triggering I have no doubt copious small climaxes in the telling and the reading!
(It is story 113 “Wendy seducer of youth,” if you’re interested).
Two of the lads had been well endowed young black-bucks, and her taste buds told her size and colour would be a factor as she needed sex once more and she having a taste for it soon.
She gave it some thought as she laid abed her vibe buzzing and her fingers playing with her. She reasoned that a grateful young energetic and eager coloured male would fit the bill nicely and there must be some lad`s who fitted that bill in the local downtown ghetto.
The buzzing vibe was just getting to her as it died, she leapt up with a very unladylike oath, searched for a spare battery, failed to find one and slumped back on the bed in a more frustrated mood than ever.
She scrabbled in her nightstand, in a mood now, her wet pussy begging her release, she seized on the balls, benwa they call them, two conjoined balls with weights inside. She peered at them they were the only things sexual up here in the bedroom, them and that flat useless vibe!
She thought of her stash of toys way down in the laundry room, but knew Stella the housemaid would be cleaning downstairs so was not inclined to rush through the house desperately searching for batteries or toys without dressing and she was too near cumming for spoiling the moment.
She mentally cursed Trevor, never at home and wedded to his job, she did the same for the big black eunuch of a gardener, Sebastian by name, who had been engaged by Trevor as “he was no threat to her being religious” (and Trevor knew ball-less Seb having lost them in an oil-field accident!) She knew she would get no help there, her writer was a million miles away, and though willing was way out of reach, and her only men friends were husbands of her women friends, or friends on hamster both of which were just too risky. Nope the only thing left was either her clients (she still did consultations for the local college) which was both unprofessional and again risky, or to go find a lad from the ghetto, energetic lusty and desperate for sex, and though you ran the risk of an STD, it was a minimal risk if condom’s were used.
Yes, there was always dick available for a white woman there if she was discrete. She showered then began to dress, the climax not forgotten but postponed, but she would call at the store for batteries, before she returned, with or without a young dick.
Now what to wear, it had to be sexy or she would get nowhere, easy opened it paying to advertise, thinking she could then flash tits or fanny, but it needed to be casual in case she met an acquaintance or there was a problem. She toyed with a track-suit, checked out a skirt and blouse combo, a trouser suit, even a business suit, but each went back on the rack in the walk in wardrobe with a shake of the head.
She settled on a blue patterned button fronted sun dress, under which she put on her soft and comfortable electric blue platform bra, her matching tiny girdle to hold up the tan stockings, lovingly smoothed up her shapely legs, and a tiny pair of panties, behind which as an after-thought she slipped the benwa balls then smiled to herself as they began to pulsate their message with every slight move.
She looked at herself in the mirror 34c-29-36, not bad for a 56 year old, she did her hair, then tripped off down to see what Stella was doing and to ensure she was happy, then to the kitchen for a bite to eat, the balls beating a tattoo as she descended the long staircase, and strode the corridors.
Eyeing the kitchen table and thinking what would Trevor, or for that matter Stella, say about what she had let numerous lads over the years, do to her on that same table.
That brought on a smile, memories of that last weekend of sex and debauchery!
I took a conscious effort to keep her hand from her sex to quench the high need that first her celibate life since the trio, then the vibe and now the balls was creating, but she resisted knowing how the climax, when she finally allowed it, would be so much more huge.
Muesli and coffee, taken she found Stella and said she was “off to town for some supplies,“ the cleaner saying “OK mam” and that she “would let herself out as usual on her finish at one.”
She exited into the garage, decided on the van rather than her open top car, and waiting for the garage door to open she started up and set off. The vibrations as she passed over the cattle grid at the gate, and the cobbles as she entered the supermarket car park were something else, those balls bringing her to the boil and needing her to sit for a while to recuperate before shopping.
She bought a big box of batteries, and one box of each size of condom, some tissues, a coke and super size pack of sweets, paying on her card at the auto checkout to save any embarrassment about the condoms.
Luckily bagging the items swiftly just before Millicent Mc Donald who was a neighbour swept up to chat as neighbours are prone to do in a supermarket. They chatted for a while even having coffee together in the small in store cafe, Wendy being at pains not to open her shopping bag and praying the boxes of condoms could not be read through the pattern of the plastic shopping bags.
Finally they parted and she was alone in the van once more behind the tinted windows, out of the sun and the view of prying eyes.
Checking the time she slid into the traffic; then set course for the area known as `Harlem’ by the locals, it`s not the official name but it summed up the slum as well as any other name.
She passed over the railroad, the balls shaking themselves into action again as she passed over the rails, it was like crossing the equator as to the areas of wealth and poverty.
The `Harlem’ area was run down, tall blocks of elderly red brick apartments adorned with steel fire escapes prominent at the front of each landing and trash cans in the dusty streets. Folk predominantly black, sat on wide front steps taking the sun, it being free, mostly old men and a few women some with babies, while k**s, mostly girls skipped and played ball. Music blared and as an old car or two lay quietly disintegrating at the kerb-side one man slowly pushed a broom over the stones.
The place spoke of hard times, little work and less money, cramped conditions and sheer poverty, a total contrast to her recently left side of the tracks.
She knew where the ball park was, and that`s where the boys hung out so she drove slowly on, dust eddying behind the van on the hot road, causing the lethargic sitters outside on their steps to glance up in indifference and lethargy.
She stopped at the basket ball court, the one amenity the stingy council had provided for these folk, it had been a successful amenity, built in the hope of distracting the boys from their usual pattern of boredom crime.
The lads had built up their own basket ball league and had a team or two, which if there is not a lot to do was a distraction, attracted the majority of the lads in the area.
She parked at the high wire fence between two blocks of bleachers and sat calming herself and watching the play. It was stuffy in the van despite the air conditioning and anyway she knew she could not be seen through the tinted glass so she opened first the dress top then her windows.
A bunch of lads sat at the bleachers to her right, they were absorbed in the game, though most glanced idley, at the intruder in the van checked it was a presentable white woman then had a second take.
One of the cheekier lads shouted down “hey lady come and join us if your wanting to watch us fit black boys paying ball” the group laughed surprised at his bravado, Wendy got out fetched the bag of sweets and the coke then climbed up and sat down right next to the shouter.
He went quiet as to his immense surprise she took her seat and he found himself sitting eyeing her well dressed shapely if middle aged body. Then he stuck his hand out offering to shake her paw. “Leeroy Jones mam, and these are my friends, and he then reeled off the names of the bunch like he was a machine gun, she took in only the last one which was Teddy, she thought fittest of the pack, nodded a hallow, and took a drink of the coke!
She offered round the sweets which were gratefully accepted and remarked “it was a hot day” before undoing another button on the dress and opening her knees giving Teddy and the lads sat below her a quick view of her stockinged legs and a hint of electric blue.
The home team scored and the lads led by Leeroy, raised a cheer, Teddy and Leeroy being perhaps a year or two older than the rest, they were the obvious leaders of the pack.
Teddy asking if she was a talent scout to which she with a smile she said she was “but not for basket ball,” and into his eye came a glint of lust and understanding as she smiled at him in a way that gave conformation of her mission.
This situation went on for a while, the home team obviously way better than the rest the score became rather one sided. Not that she was interested, as Teddy had worked out her mission and was paying as much attention to her as to the game now.
Leeroy had not got the least inkling yet as to her reason for attending the game and continued to clap and cheer, backed by the rest of the lads in the bunch. So with Teddies eye contact, and a nod at the van, she stood said she was having to go now and started to go down the few steps. Teddy rose and offering her, his own hand, and shouting above the clamour of another basket scored that he would be back later, while holding her door on the van like a gentleman.
He was in the passenger seat in a second and before Leeroy knew what was happening they were off.
She raised the windows to keep out the dust, and they cruised back past the still sitting folk, and over the tracks, not a word had been said between them till she gave a little moan as the balls did remind her of their presence, he looked at her quizzically and to hide her embarrassment she smiled and said “she would soon need another seat on this van she could feel the springs.” To which he offered to rub it better later and she smiled muttering “I bet you will!”
Once clear of the town centre she stopped the van in the lay bye, and turned to the lad, “Now buddy, let`s get thing sorted,” she said, “first how old are you?”
“17 mam” he said respectfully.
“And still a virgin?” This said with a smile.
“Your joking lady I lost that, years ago”
“You got any medical problems?”
“No mam, I am clean!”
“And can you keep your trap shut?”
“Yes mam”
“Fine, my name is Wendy and I`m going to screw you till you cry uncle this afternoon!”
He smiled at that then with a shake of the head said, “You don’t say mam, well mam, we may need all night and some as well for that”
“Its Wendy to you and wont your family miss you?”
“No mam not till tomorrow perhaps, if at all.”
“Ok anything you won`t do, before we get to my place Teddy?”
Yes mam, um Wendy, I don’t do s**t, not even for a nice piece, like you!”
“Good thing, neither do I and I can`t stand my arse touched either just so you know, so think on young man. Now, on with this blindfold and we will go and play”
He slipped on the proffered blindfold and as they set off he asked, “No old man then?”
She said he was away “but with his temper better they never met”, so Teddy replied emphatically “Yes mam!”
It was a load of bull but she felt a bit safer if he thought Trevor was a quarter back with a temper.
She drove the long way round to confuse him and finally shuddered over the cattle grid with Wendy bighting her lip as the balls vibrated violently.
She parked in the garage, backing in and then closing the door electrically before she led the still blindfolded lad carefully into the house, where she took the thing from his eyes.
He gawped about the bright light hard on his eyes, the kitchen bright lit and bigger than any home room he had ever seen, his own home a pokey place in the brownstone blocks they had past shared with his mom and four other k**s.
He asked if she had a big family to warrant this size kitchen and was surprised at her silver laughter as she said no there were only hubby and her. She poured him coffee, him still amazed at the sheer decadence of the home, then she led him to the patio, where he sat at the table, open mouthed at the size of the garden and the pool.
“Would you like to swim Teddy?” she asked, but he shook his head saying he never learnt.
“Well that`s just leaving fucking then, are you any good as a stud?”

“Complaints have been few, lady!” he growled so she said for him “to give her a moment then she would see how good she thought he was!”
She went off to the toilet, not to use the facilities though she did, but more to retrieve the balls!
A good wipe of the wet bit, quick spray of the deodorant, and ready to fuck she appeared beside the table again in just a few seconds.
“Wendy mam can we fuck out here first please, I just love it here.”
She shrugged then as he rose to his feet she kissed him, and the game was on.
Tongues entwined, lips crushed, hands roamed on backs, the time for talking over. His hands groped at her breasts, squeezing, caressing, exploring. Her`s in turn tracing first his butt, then his bulge, impressed by the package on offer.
Buttons began to fly, lips still together, her soon in her electric blue bra, blouse forgotten on the floor, hot fingers tore at his shirt, it too soon on the floor, his muscled top half fit and lean, the product of his upbringing, street wise and with a fat free diet.
Her eyes ran over him, the lips temporarily parted. He released the bra and she shucked it off her breasts to his joy shaking as she did, in a most provoking way. She was he mused in better shape than he had expected, in his experience most white women after a stud being in their 30s, or the older like this one, but shrivelled, slack titted and just in need. He had never refused any of them, sorry for the old ones and enjoying the younger ones like any young stud would. The blue bra lay on his shirt, unnecessary rags in an interracial tryst.
Her hands flashed to the skirt waistband his to his trouser belt in an unspoken understanding of their needs. He quickly bending, to remove his shoes socks and the jeans from his feet, her just dropping the skirt and stepping out daintily. Arms again entwined, the electric blue panties contrasting against her pale skin tone perfectly, his eyes big brown saucers as he appraised her smooth body, the hose held up by the tiny thin straps and clips flexing with every move against her white legs.
He knelt down kissing at her belly then the rim of the panties, she holding his head with both hands, she knew at that moment that she had picked the right lad from the crowd.
His hands caressed the cheeks of her silk covered butt, his tongue slithering over the blue satin in a most satisfying way, seeking the sexual valley, damp though it inevitably was, taking its time, using the sensation of satin on soft lips, seeking the taste of her womanhood. She groaned, he semi stood swung her masterfully to the table end and allowed her to rest back for its support.
She placed her elbows on the hard wooden surface, coffee cups flew as she leant back letting her body silently tell him know he was in charge, she was his, raising her hips for him to ease the tiny wisp’s of satin away down the long nylon clad slippery legs and away to oblivion.
Her now revealed sex, emitting a faint scent of woman, mixed with the recently added deodorant, it drove him wild, his prick tenting the white boxers in an amazing display of male prowess, not that she could see it her eyes shut tight taken with this moment of lust as his tongue touched her skin once again and probed for her clitorise.
Like an electric shock the contact was made, her hands clasped at his head one over each ear, his dark tight curls under her thumbs, as the tongue began its dance, she began to moan once again, long hard groans of pleasure, head writhing from one side to another a look of sublime enjoyment printed on her flushed face, as her breathing quickened.
They both knew instinctively she was about to have the first orgasm of their time together, it was to be the first of countless more though she didn’t know it.
Suddenly it was on her, gasping “yes, Yes, Yes,” she began to experience the usual climactic symptoms, they had been together sexually less than ten minutes and she was there, she knew the afternoon would be a high spot now as she gasped, she grunted and she groaned while he kept relentlessly tonguing sending her higher and higher into ecstasy-land.
Suddenly he stopped, and she lay remaining eyes closed, coming down from the wondrous high, he sat at one of the seats, smiling and waiting her return.
Finally she opened her eyes, smiling up at him and hearing him say “that`s one to me lady!”
She laughed then grinning replied “yeh, but that`s what your here for! She then sat up took his hand and leaving the clothes s**ttered as they were, went through the house and up the stairs to her room.
He shook his head remarking on the sheer size and opulence of the place, carpets deep and lush under his bare feet, soft lights, polished furniture, and a marked contrast to the home he knew. Her room a palace, to his shared room, a super king size bed, en suit bathroom, shower, walk in wardrobe, it reeked of money and white man`s money at that.
They again welded their lips together, before she slid down his boxers, the thickest longest tool she had seen for a while sprang into sight, her gaze fixed itself on the giant then she fell to her knees and greedily gobbled the huge foreskin into her hot mouth.
He laughed, then commented that “all the white women do that, it`s so they can mentally avoid having teddy`s one eyed monster in their bodies, most of the black wenches just take it as normal, but you whites are just not used to a real cock.”
She looked up and asked of its size, and he proudly said “11 inches root to tip and thick as a baby`s arm and you mam, are going to wonder about the wisdom of collecting this young stud before this day is over.” He hauled her to her feet as if she was a featherweight and swung her onto the bed.
He pushed her legs apart then again started with that prehensile tongue wrapping itself around her clit, probing her wet and getting wetter channel, and nibbling at her lips in a way she felt was irresistible.
She knew she was as wet as she would ever be, so she hauled at his ears as if to ask him to cover her body. She knew this would hurt her but she at that second did not care, he could pierce her inner organs with that huge prick and she would not have cared. She had to have it all of it and now!
He hovered himself over the woman, the tip of the long black truncheon just wetly touching her lips. She fixed him with her eye and whispered “please” and he began his decent, an inch two, three, her legs spreading to her best ability, the terrible phallus began to stretch the woman more than she ever remembered,
She whimpered, biting her lip as he added slowly oh so slowly to her pain , 5,6,7inches, her legs felt like they were dislocating, her cunt yes her whoreish cunt stretching like never before he was so thick. The pain now out of the scale, as this thing invaded her body, inhuman gigantic it was like a live a****l, stretching her, going deeper every second, deeper than ever before, god could there be more, could she take more 10, 10½, 11, she was near to passing out but still his big brown eyes smiled down at her taunting her teasing her to scream, call for mercy, beg him to remove it, but she was defiant his weight now on her fully pubic bones mashing together.
He waited a while, then began to withdraw, teasingly slow the great piston slid back, then began its inward run again, slowly oh so slowly again, and then again, each stroke a little longer, each stroke a touch faster, she felt like a rag doll, the piston hit her cervix for the first time on the fourth stroke, speed picking up, she could feel her body bruising inside, thrust bump thrust bump each stroke now hitting home like a hammer in her guts, he had the movement of a huge steam engine, she knew he was way bigger than anything she had endured before.
She was however, loving every moment of the assault, never had she felt so used so completely full so massively charged with sexual emotion. He was ramming himself home now desperate to have her cry out and ask him to stop, it was a matter of pride, few white women could take him and if they did a few strokes had always been enough!
This woman, this Wendy, this white bitch was taking him and though not with ease she was going to stick it to the bitter end if it killed her.
He tried to up his game harder and harder thrusts, but he had no more to give, there was no more speed to his hips, no steam to his piston, and with a cry he began to fill her body with the seed she so craved, pulse after pulse squirt after squirt, his hips forward his tool hard against her guts each glob of his hot white cream pulsing into her like grease from a gun.
She began to scream as she felt his last thrust holding itself against the end wall of her sex, the seed hot and potent as it pushed itself from his tool and spewed into her in a torrent, she climaxed again, and again each time harder and more intense. They clung together her nails digging into his shoulders as she screamed her way to oblivion.
She came too to find him still embedded, still on her chest still kissing he, she had only been gone milliseconds but she knew he was not to be denied as again he began to move, slowly so slowly once more, she hissed at him “do your worst Teddy you know I`m not beaten yet” and again as she floated away she repeated, “I am not beaten yet!” he smiled as she again returned, by now he was in his stride once more, bump, bump, bump, bump, regular consistent steady, her bruised interior aching and painful now but she was determined not to be first to say stop. Bump, Bump, Bump she began to scream again and again he began that hard last thrust. His climax triggered by her scream her belly filled with his seed once more, it was just sublime, painful, climatic and wonderful all rolled into one, she again made it over the top, her fingers in danger of breaking into his fleshy shoulders, as she gripped him while her frenzy gripped her once again. Desperately she clutched at her consciousness, and managed it, but only just. He collapsed onto her like a spent force, so she rolled him onto his side; the monster tool slowly tore itself from her body, it was painful progress, aided by the thing losing its stiffness if not its girth.
She staggered from the bed and too the bidet where she sat slowly draining herself of his seed, desperate to regain her breath, and regain her sanity.
She returned after the water jet had done its duty, drying her sex on the towel, and then returning to her man, who lay a spent force, snoring. Her belly felt bruised inside and she could hardly walk for the soreness, but she put on a brave face and her track suit, then called him saying perhaps that`s one all Teddy boy shall I take you home !


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4 years ago
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Wendy Sara and Ann Part 3 FMF

"Oh god darling, at little deeper pleasssse.""How's this!" as I thurst all the way into Wendy tight pussy. I was holding out to tease her."OOOOOOh, yessssss, nnnnnninnnng" As Wendy's hips jerk off the sheets with the force of her orgasm. Her pussy is pulsing all over my cock and I can hold back no longer as my cum streams into Wendy's cunt.I roll her legs back so I can get maxiumu penetration into Wendy's hot vagina. My erection is starting to build again as Wendy toys with my ass hole. I'm...

3 years ago
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Fiction Wendy reveals her slutty past

When we were exploring sex I had thought that me who was leading the way or was I being played all along?We had a healthy interest in sex as all new couples do. We both enjoyed giving oral and of course receiving, although it wasn't as frequent as I would have liked. Wendy kept her pussy trimmed and had let it grow out a little over time. I mentioned to Wendy that I missed giving her oral and she asked what was stopping me. It was much nicer when she had trimmed fully due to the unintentional...

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Wendys Adventures

At the LakeI have never told this, or any other, story about my wife, as she is entitled to privacy. But with this being an anonymous story board, I thought I would tell a few of her escapades.My wife's name is Wendy. A cute name for a cute girl.We met when she was a senior in college and doing an internship in my office. I had a girlfriend at the time, and although Wendy and I were attracted to each other, we didn't go out together, except for lunch a time or two a week. Usually, the other...

2 years ago
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Wendy and Miss West

She picked up the paper first thing on Tuesday morning, as she had done for the previous 6 weeks hoping to find the right job. She searched the ads quickly and the only job offering flexible working hours was as an assistant to a manager just out of town. The ad wasn’t very uninformative. There were no clues as to what the company did or what her role would be. But the hours and rates of pay looked good so she gave the number a call. “Hello, Pam West speaking.” A well spoken lady...

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Realtor Wendy

Wendy knew what she was doing, she had a craving to meet up with young guys, especially young black guys with their rampant sex drive and as she had found more often than not were blessed with big black cocks. Wendy had known for a long time that her husband wouldn’t be able to satisfy her sexual desires and cravings. Wendy had managed to find a style which suited her perfectly as the woman who craved sexual encounters with young men. Most days she would wear a tight fitting vest top, no bra...

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In the summer of 1991 I had just gotten out of the army and returned home to Atlanta with the intention of getting my engineering degree at Georgia Tech. I had spent a year in school there before I went into the service and now all I wanted to do was get back to school and finish what I had started, so I enrolled in summer classes that June. I had two goals that summer. The first was to get back into student mode as quickly as possible and the second was to get laid as often as possible. As it...

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Guidance Counselor Wendy

Guidance Counselor WendyWritten by Izuzu with input from me WendyWendy is a mid-50s auburn-haired bombshell with short hair that works as a college guidance counselor. She counsels first-year students on what classes they need for different majors. She likes her job and gets along with all of her co-workers. However, interacting with young college students is her favorite part of the job.Wendy is married at home with a husband. Wendy's friends and family believe that she is a faithful wife to...

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Wendy the cheating black cock loving slut

Wendy has been managing to put in one extra session at the gym each week for some time now. She was beginning to notice how toned that she looked and how well defined her legs were, especially when she wore any kind of heel. The extra sessions had been on different days and times than Wendy's normal routine and deeper had experienced how quiet the gym could be at times, or there were times that she could feel all the eyes on her, undressing her as she revelled in the attention. Wendy had become...

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Part 3 I sat in the room with my daughter. I was crying . . . she was crying and neither of us could speak, just holding on to each other. Finally, I felt Wendy starting to pull away from me, I could not stop her - not after all she had been through, I opened my arms. "Why . . . why didn't you try to get me back?" Wendy asked me, "Why did you let me stay there with HIM?" I shook my head, "I did try Wendy, but you and your mother just vanished, I tried everywhere to find you, but...

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WENDY NIGHTINGALE.???“Wendy's a nice girl.........................” That's what everyone always said. She was the sort of person you liked as soon as you saw her, and so bright and intelligent. Plump, 5'6” and so, so pretty. With the most vivid green eyes, you ever saw. She wore glasses and had the most stunning breasts ever. When she moved to our area on her 50th birthday she always had a smile on her face, and no-one ever saw her husband, so she could be a widow, or divorced...... After all,...

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WENDY NIGHTINGALE.???“Wendy's a nice girl.........................” That's what everyone always said. She was the sort of person you liked as soon as you saw her, and so bright and intelligent. Plump, 5'6” and so, so pretty. With the most vivid green eyes you ever saw. She wore glasses and had the most stunning breasts ever. When she moved to our area on her 50th birthday she always had a smile on her face, and no-one ever saw her husband, so she could be a widow, or divorced...... After all...

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Wendy Takes in Her Boarder

Wendy awoke just past 5 a.m. Kenneth lay spooned behind her an arm around her so that a hand cupped one breast. Wendy wore nothing and luxuriated in the warm expanse of Kenneth's body pressed against her. Reluctantly she pulled herself away and padded into the bathroom. She sat and peed. There was slight irritation of the extremely tender walls of her vagina. No surprise. He had made love to her into the night, first visiting each of her erogenous zones including ones she didn't know she had...

4 years ago
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Wendy Sara and Eve part 4

Sara must be sore and tired after her first anal sex and first lesbian sex."Doug I know it's late and we're both tired, but can you come in and talk about tonight?""Sure Sara.""Will you fuck Wendy Monday night?""Yes, is that OK with you?""God yes, I wish I could be there , Wendy is soooo sexy, but I have to work till 9.""Maybe you could join us after work.""I don't know besides I think I may need a night to recover from all the sex tonight!""You WERE the center of Wendy and my attentions...

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Wendy does community service

Wendy had been searching for something to fill her spare time and had volunteered to help a charity renovating homes in disadvantaged areas. The people she met at first were mainly organisers for various tradesmen that would be need to complete the projects and she shadowed a lady called Linda for her first couple of projects with Linda being the one to hand over the houses to their new occupants at first. As summer was in full swing Linda had planned to go away for a week or two which...

2 years ago
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Bound Wendy

Wendy squirms. I enjoy watching her squirm. She sits on her own settee in her own living room with bondage tape wound tightly around her ankles, calves and all the way up to her knees, where it meets a black pencil skirt. Her arms are behind her back, bondage tape wrapped tightly from wrists to elbows. More tape is wrapped around her torso, holding her arms in place and wound around a silky forest green, high neck top, forcing her ample bosom to bulge.I sit in an armchair opposite and watch her...

3 years ago
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HH10 Areeya Wendy and Ramon who becomes Ramona

HH10: Areeya, Wendy, and Ramon TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request, and is about...

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Wendy After the Gym

Wendy After the GymWendy had been cheating on her husband for a long time now. He was away working on oil rigs for weeks if not months at a time and Wendy had needs.Wendy had been working rouge young men for some time and while she always dressed professionally while at work, she often met some guys she knew while out shopping or maybe at the gym. At first, she was flattered by the attention and would role play a situation in her mind as she masturbated on her own. Her first time with a young...

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Wendy-Don-TylerWendy had been cheating on her husband for a long time now. He was away working on oil rigs for weeks if not months at a time and Wendy had needs.Wendy had been working rouge young men for some time and while she always dressed professionally while at work, she often met some guys she knew while out shopping or maybe at the gym. At first, she was flattered by the attention and would role play a situation in her mind as she masturbated on her own. Her first time with a young man...

3 years ago
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Wheres Wendy Chat

Something Completely Different! It was supposed to be Brandy's Chat But it became: Where's Wendy??? On Sunday July 25, 1999 1PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal This was a Wendy moderated chat for Brandy, but Fictionmania was having problems again. Mindy was trying to fix her servers and rescue the log of the chat she held yesterday. (She did!) So I signed on to help Wendy out by starting the log for her. Well it became something else quickly! + Anne-Mal has arrived. + Mindy has...

4 years ago
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Wendy is given the perfect solution for her sexual

Wendy is English and comes from Edwalton in Nottingham and is 41 years old. She’s been married to Richard for 22 years They met at college and they have just the one boy who is now 21 and living away with his girlfriend in the USA.Her husband Richard (known as Dicko to his pals) is the same age but has, of late, become a real lad going out drinking and her sex-life with him has been virtually non-existent for quite a while except for drunken fumbles when he gets home from the club. To say the...

4 years ago
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Wendy is given the perfect solution for her sexual

Wendy is English and comes from Edwalton in Nottingham and is 41 years old. She’s been married to Richard for 22 years They met at college and they have just the one boy who is now 21 and living away with his girlfriend in the USA.Her husband Richard (known as Dicko to his pals) is the same age but has, of late, become a real lad going out drinking and her sex-life with him has been virtually non-existent for quite a while except for drunken fumbles when he gets home from the club. To say the...

2 years ago
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Such a Drama Wendy And Friends Punish Peter Again Part One

My spankings at Mrs. Taylor’s house continued after I had left school. She had summoned me to her home every six to eight weeks or so during my time in the Sixth Form, most of the time with just her, sometimes with a special guest in attendance too. There had been a couple of occasions where Pauline Manson and Jane Wardell had joined Auntie Wendy to discipline me; my ex-Maths Mistress, Louise Walton had also popped over once again and, most interestingly for me, Rachel Lindley, the lesbian PE...

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Such a Drama Wendy and Friends Punish Peter Again Part Two

Auntie Wendy continued to hold me down over the table as I continued to cry and sob. She looked across at Natalie and Sylvia and nodded towards her crook-handled dragon cane that was lying next to me on the dining room table.“Ladies, why don’t you each give him at least six of the best with the cane and I’ll go and fetch some cream and plasters for his poor bottom,” she spoke softly as she got up and released the hold that she had on me.The tall, blonde-haired Natalie Bolton picked the cane up...

3 years ago
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With Wendys Consent

As you recall, as I certainly do, and often, early April of my junior year at college was very...interesting. Dear, sweet Wendy, my gorgeous and sexy girlfriend, had vacationed cross-country with her parents, and I'd headed off to a speech convention, which turned into my first experience fucking another guy.No, really.Don't get me wrong, there is no way I'd leave Wendy for anyone else, regardless of their experience or sex. She is, for me, the ideal woman in so many ways. Happy, vivacious...

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Charles and WendyChapter 2

10th February 1990 "Dust to Dust, Ashes to Ashes", it was the same vicar that took the service for Margaret last year, with a lot of the same people stood round the grave. Mum's funeral. The second funeral in five months. Another empty space in my life. Dad took it badly. He and Mum had been married 36 years. Dad had known that Mum was ill, but not how ill. We found out that the breast cancer which had affected her early last year had spread and she had refused treatment because she...

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Wendy8217s erotic story

Ben is a very good friend of mine. We met in scouts when we were younger and became fast friends. As well as all the normal scouting trips, we also would get together during the summers whenever one of our moms was willing to give us a ride across town. Ben went to a private school so weekends and summers were the only times we really had to hang out. Wendy is Ben’s little sister. Wendy was always the cutest little kid. When I first met her she was maybe six years old, and she was always bubbly...

2 years ago
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Wendy not her first rodeo

Wendy not her first rodeo;It seems so normal for Wendy now, her husband is saying goodbye as he leaves for work, three weeks this time. Her ritual begins, a quick clean and tidy of the house, a shower to wash away any thoughts of who she pretended to be. Today she slipped on some heels and a little silkrobe. Wendy tied it tight, it felt great against her skin and came down to just about cover her pussy when she was standing. It was a fine morning and having breakfast in front of the open patio...

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Wendy after the party

Introduction: Wendy did not expect this party This is what happened one night at a party. Wendy my wife is 35 weighs about 135 pounds and is 58 her tits are a D cup. We have been married for 15 years and have two kids but from the way here body looks it is hard to tell. She has always been very conservative about her dress and showing off her body. I had always wanted her to show off more and had even tried to get her to talk about it while we were having sex but she would always say she...

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WendyI was walking through the mall and I saw a woman I thought I had seen before, but could not place her. I kept going as I was shopping for stuff for the house. I was furnishing my basement with some furniture and carpeting. I stopped at the food court and she was eating a burger and fries and I normally eat at the same restaurant so I ordered and got my food. I was walking past her and she looked up at me and she said “I think I know you don't I?”I was trying to place her face and then it...

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Wendys Photo Shoot

***Nineteen-year-old Wendy wants to give her husband a sexy photo shoot for his Birthday. But things aren't as they appear.***This is the third story about my beautiful wife Wendy. The other two, Bachelor Party and Bachelor Part 2, have her submitting to different type of sexual games. This story precedes the other two and goes back to our early days as honeymooners. Let me first describe my beautiful wife, at the time of this story, she was 19 years old, 5'6", 108lbs, 34C and a natural redhead...

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Shy Sophie Episode I The Night with Wendy

It’s my first day of the creative writing course at college and I am sitting all by myself with nobody to talk to. Everybody is laughing, joking around and engaging with one another. Not me though, I am just too quiet and timid to join in any conversation. All my life I have been shy and to this day I am no different. I thought that college might just be the thing to gain confidence but I feel as anxious as ever. The door opens and this girls comes in and sits next to me. She says her name is...

2 years ago
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Test Driving Wendy Part Two

Returning to the living room, I saw that Mel and Sue were sharing one sofa while Steve was on another, so I distributed the beers and seated myself between the two girls. I was rewarded by my wife snuggling up to my right side and Sue snuggling into my left. We all relaxed with our beers and watched Jake do Wendy.Wendy was on her knees in the centre of the area with Jake kneeling upright in front of her feeding her his cock. She was gobbling with great relish and rubbing his balls at the same...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Aunt Wendy

Wendy cheated was with an 18-year-old young black student. Aunt Wendy was a cougar. Wendy accepted this well before the first time she crossed the line and had sex outside her marriage. She preferred a young man’s hardness, stamina and vitality to her husband. Her husband has no idea that she has been fucking younger men. Wendy’s husband is a good father, provider and companion when he is actually present. Yet he was lacking as a lover. Her sex life had become became ordinary and unsatisfying....

2 years ago
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Wendy And The Witch Doctor

© copyright 2002 by Stormbringer "There goes the neighborhood," said Wendy looking out the window. Stan looked up from his dinner. His six foot tall, buxom blonde wife was framed in the sunlight staring out the window. She could have joined the Swedish bikini team she was so beautiful and stacked, everyday he was reminded of how lucky he was and today with the sunlight shining on her was no exception. "What do you mean?" he asked. "It looks like the new neighbor's a black...

4 years ago
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Wendy college guidance counselor

Wendy is a married college guidance counselor. This is the story of how Wendy gives extra care and guidance to special students. Based on real events.Wendy was thinking about sex as she held a pen between her lips and nibbled on the end. Her marital sex life had become infrequent and passionless. She was in her mid 40’s, 5'6" 129 lbs, 34c-29-35, brown eyes, auburn hair cut short and took good care of herself. Wendy worked out hard for her body. She kept her pussy trimmed and does kegel...

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Night out with my friend Wendy

I was very nervous about tonight.I was going out for drinks and a dance with my friend WendyWe have known each other for years, and that is the problem. I know how she loves young black cock, and the place she has picked for us to go is well known for young black cocks looking for white wives to fuck.I dressed as conservative as I could without making me look like a vicars wife. It was hard to hide my large milky breasts out of site, as they look so big on my small frame.I have to wear loose...

3 years ago
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Duke and Wendy

Duke and Wendy sat on a Glider slowly rocking as they watched Carlos and Tom unsaddle their horse's. Duke at 54 and Wendy only 45 were retired Vegas Star impersonators. Duke whose real name was Victor was a dead ringer for John "Duke" Wayne, he had the same size, stature, gravely voice and was a Texas born real cowboy. Wendy was a Dick Girl, a Trans with long black hair, hormone and silicone large breast, hip and ass implants which gave her an incredible shape. She appeared as Cher. They had...

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Wendy and Clair Part III

"So, sweet Clair, how bad do you want to come? Hmmm? Not only will you do anything I ask, you'll beg me to tell you to do it. I could send you home now but you want to stay no matter what, isn't that so, Clair?" Wendy was lying on her back on the bed, stretching lazily after having cum all over my face. I had finished cleaning her cock and balls with my tongue and was panting like a puppy, waiting for her next order, eager to please her no matter what she might ask. "Oh yes Wendy,...

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With Wendys Guidance

It happened in my sophomore year of college, away from home and on the road for my college debate team. My girlfriend Wendy was almost four thousand miles away, back East to visit her family over the spring break.We had started up in November, dating a couple of times before falling in love, and later into bed together. We spent most school nights apart, and the weekends from Friday on through Sunday afternoon in my dorm room, or her apartment, fucking like crazy. Now, in early April, every...

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Wendy8217s FuckWeekend

From top to bottom, Wendy was sexuality. Her long brown hair, deep brown eyes, luscious red lips, pert breasts, slim waist, tight ass, and long legs all added up to a body that was to die for. And she knew how to use it. Simply walking across a room was all that was usually needed for Wendy to excite the baser desires of every man in it (and, truth be known, not a few women as well). Since the age of fifteen, her unofficial motto had been “A day without an orgasm is a day...

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Adventures of Sue and Wendy

My friendship with Wendy goes way back to our childhood together. We have known one another since grammar school. Like all children we hated each other back then. Wendy was always the tall skinny black girl that was soft spoken and reserve, probably because she was the only black in the school. I, on the other hand, was quite the little butterball with a reputation for being very outrageous. I could pull it off because I was considered a tomboy and the all the boys were my pals. Time though...

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