Jamie's Descent Part 8 free porn video

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Chapter 8

I stared open mouthed at Lexi.

‘What do you mean we’re going to be auctioned?’ I hissed at him.

‘People bid for us and we get bought for the night. I can't believe your
Mistress didn't tell you.’

I shook my head and Lexi reached out his hand to hold mine.

The man on the stage began to speak again.

‘My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen. We will now begin the auction. Please
remember our rules, if you make a successful bid, you will be entitled
to take your prize to one of our rooms for the night. The prize will
perform whatever services you require during this period. However,
remember there is a zero tolerance policy to v******e. Nobody is to be
hurt or harmed in any way whatsoever. Any infraction of this rule will
lead to immediate disbarment. There is no exception to this rule.
Everyone clear? Good, then we shall begin.’

I started to shake and Lexi held my hand even tighter.

One by one, the other sissies and femboys were called up to the stage
and the auctioneer would invite bids from the audience. The bidding was
brisk and one or two of the prettier sissies were in great demand. It so
happened that Lexi and I were the last two to be auctioned, and the
auctioneer motioned Lexi forward onto the stage. I hated it when he had
to let go of my hand and walk up onto the stage. The auctioneer made
Lexi turn around on the stage and there was a general hubbub of noise as
the bidding started. It was brisk and there seems to be two bidders keen
to acquire Lexi. Finally, one bidder dropped out and Lexi turned to me,
smiled and mouthed ‘Good Luck’ to me.

‘Now it's time for our last prize this evening, and if I may say so, one
of the most beautiful prizes we have been able to offer. I am sure you
will be keen to bid for this lovely sissy.’

He motioned for me to walk up onto the stage and I did so with my legs
shaking. The level of noise in the room went up, and I even heard some
cheering and whistling somewhere in the room. The auctioneer gestured
for me to turn round, and I twirled around on one foot, the tutu flying
up more than usual to show my scarlet panties. This generated even more
cheering and whistling.

‘Quiet please, everyone.’

The auctioneer had to shout to make himself heard above the noise. The
spotlights were trained on the stage so I could not see the audience, I
could only sense there were people out there from the noise.

‘Your bids please,’

Various voices cried out bids, mostly male voices but a few female ones
as well. There were a lot of people bidding and the bids were getting
higher and higher. I tried to squint to see through the lights but it
was impossible. Some people began to drop out of the bidding and it came
down to four people who were bidding against each other. Eventually, all
the voices fell silent except one. The auctioneer declared the winner
and there was a lot of clapping and whistling in the room.

I was led off the stage by someone and into a room at the back of the
stage. Lexi was there, so I grabbed him and he gave me a big hug.

‘Where are the others?’ I asked.

‘They’ve already been collected. Your auction went on so long, we’re the
last ones here. I think we were bought by the same person.’

We held hands for a few moments before the door opened and in walked the
tall black man to whom I had earlier served a drink. He slowly circled
Lexi and myself and as he passed behind, I felt his hand slide across my
bum. He stopped in front of us and as he looked us up and down, I could
see his eyes flashing through his mask.

‘Very well, I think I have bought well tonight, even though you cost me
a quite of lot of money, especially you,’ he said pointing at me. I
curtsied to him and said, ‘Thank you, sir,’ which seemed to please him.
His accent was clearly American and his voice was deep and dark and
very, very sexy.

‘What are your names? You, the police boy first.’

‘Lexi, sir.’

‘And, you the devil girl.’

‘I'm Jamie, sir.’

‘Well, Lexi and Jamie, I think we should begin.’

He had a key in his hand and he led us out of the room into a hallway
with a large staircase leading up to another wing of the house. He
strode quickly up the stairs as Lexi and I had to scamper to keep up
with him. Lexi grabbed my hand again, and I was so glad he was here with
me. The stairs opened into a corridor with rooms off to either side and
the man walked in front us until he found the room he was looking for.
‘You will be first, Lexi. Put this on her.’

He handed something I couldn't quite see to Lexi who smiled and then
turned towards me. I could now see he held a collar in his hand; black
leather with scarlet satin ruffles above and below the leather. Lexi
moved behind me, slid the collar around my neck, fastened it and as he
locked it with a small padlock I felt a frisson of fear and excitement
run through me. I had seen them before but this was the first time I had
been collared, and it made me feel so wonderfully submissive. It wasn't
uncomfortable, yet it was tight enough for me to be aware of it all the

Lexi them fastened a plaited leather leash to the O ring on the collar
and handed me the end. The man moved behind me, pulled a blindfold
around my head and tied it at the back. He leant forward and whispered
in my ear, ‘You will wait out here until I fetch you. If a Master or
Mistress asks you to do something, you will do it here, but you must not
leave this spot. Nod if you understand.’

I nodded, trembling at the thought of having to wait outside the room,
blindfolded and collared, to be used by any Master or Mistress who
passed by. I felt Lexi briefly touch my arm and then he was gone,
leaving me in complete darkness, standing in a corridor and unable to
move. I heard the door open, and I thought I heard Lexi giggle before
the closing door cut off all noise from inside. I was scared and excited
in equal measure at being out in the corridor, obviously there to be
used as a plaything by someone in the corridor. It felt like hours but
it must have only been minutes before I heard someone walking down the
corridor from my right. I leant my head that way to try to hear more
clearly, but it sounded like whoever it was barefoot. I heard a soft
giggle, so I guessed it was one of the other femboys or sissies. I
jumped as I felt fingers brush across my bum and a voice whispered into
my ear, ‘You're very pretty. I wish I was as pretty as you. We could
have fun together if our Mistresses would allow it.’

I didn't know what to say, I wasn't even sure if I was allowed to speak
whilst I was out here. Fingertips gently touched my bare tummy and then,
suddenly, whoever it was had gone, giggling and skipping their way along
the corridor. I strained to hear something, anything, but there was
nothing at all. My initial fear had eased as I waited outside, trying to
imagine what Lexi and the man were doing inside, but I so much wanted to
be with someone. I had never felt so cut off and disoriented as I did
then, alone in the corridor. Then, I picked up the click clack of high
heels walking up the stairs at the end of the corridor, then coming
closer and closer towards me. Was this another sissy, or was it a

I turned in the direction of the noise, but I still couldn't see
anything. I sensed that whoever it was had stopped close to me and were
studying me. I jumped again as a hand touched my shoulder. I felt a hand
on the other shoulder and they pushed down firmly and I was forced to
sink to my knees. The end of the leash was taken from my hand and I felt
it tighten and pull against the collar. I fell forwards onto my hands as
the leash tightened even further. There was a sharp tug on the leash and
then another, so I was forced to crawl on my hands and knees as I was
pulled along the corridor.

‘Please, no. Please don't make me move, I was told to stay here.’ I was
sobbing by this time, scared about what would happen if the man came out
and I had disobeyed him.

The pressure on the leash stopped, and I heard her walk round behind me
and then there was a sharp sting as she slapped me on my bum.
‘I am to do whatever you want out here, but I must not move from here,
that's what I was told. Please.’

That got me another slap and this one stung badly. I had to fight back
tears, not from the slap but because I didn't want to disobey my
Master. I already thought of him as my Master, even if it were only
going to be for the night. I felt a hand on my head and I was forced
downwards until my face touched what I guessed was a shoe. The toe of
the shoe was pushed into my mouth and I quickly understood the intended
message. I started to lick the shoe, washing it with my tongue as well
as I could. The leash was jerked until I found the other shoe for me to
lick. My tongue was getting dry and sore as I licked the shoe, and the
lead was jerked a couple of times to make me get on with it, until the
second shoe was also removed. It seemed all my saliva had been used
licking the shoes clean as my tongue was stuck to the roof of my mouth.

I felt tears begin to sting the corners of my eyes and I felt alone and
afraid. The darkness of the blindfold, my isolation and completely
exposed position was taking me to the edge. I sniffed, trying to hold
back the tears. She must have heard it sensed it because the leash was
tugged hard and I felt two stinging slaps across my backside. I winced,
and bit my tongue to stop myself crying out. I sensed the Mistress bend
down in front of me and then a finger forced its way into my mouth. It
moved in and out and I sucked on it almost gratefully, so needy was I
for some comfort. I ran my tongue around it as if it was a cock, bathing
it as well as I could with my dry lips.

The finger was removed, and I felt more alone than ever; at least the
finger had been some form of human contact. The leash was jerked upwards
once more and as I was still on my hands and knees I had to scramble to
get to my feet. The blindfold was still tightly bound around my knees
and I had no idea of which direction I was facing. I heard the Mistress,
for I assumed she was such, drumming her fingers on something as if
impatiently waiting for someone or something. I jumped as I felt her
hand slide across my tummy and under my top. Her fingers found my nipple
and pinched it between her nails. I winced but managed to stay silent.
Her fingers found my other nipple and repeated the action, only this
time harder. I gasped this time but didn't actually cry out as I had
wanted to. The pinch was hard and I could feel it stinging.

The leash was jerked hard once more, and I was pulled along, tottering
on my heels.

‘No, please no, Mistress. My Master told me to stay here, he is coming
to fetch me. I must be here.’

That earned me a slap on the legs and was about to cry when the pressure
on the leash stopped. Someone knocked on a door and I heard it open
somewhere in front of me. I was now terrified that I had disobeyed my
orders for which I would be severely punished. The leash was pulled
again, and I had no choice but to move forward again into the room. I
heard moaning from inside the room so I knew there were other people
there. The leash went slack, and I felt it fall loose.

Someone undid the knots of the blindfold behind my head and it dropped
away. Light flooded into my eyes and I was forced to shut them tight
after such a long time in darkness. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I
was able to squint and make out some blurry shapes in front of me.
Gradually, the shapes sharpened into figures; one kneeling on the bed
and the other on all fours in front. It was only as my vision cleared
completely I could see it was Lexi and the Master. My hand flew to my
mouth in surprise as I saw the Master, kneeling naked on the bed, with
Lexi still in his outfit on his hands and knees in front of him,
energetically sucking the Master’s cock. How could this be? I had ended
up in the Master’s room after all. I turned around and there behind me
stood my Mistress Fiona, with a smile playing around her lips.

‘Jamie, you did well,’ she said, ‘I am pleased with you.’

‘Thank you Mistress’, I said and curtseyed as I had been taught.

‘I told you I would be close by. Your Master over there is an old friend
of mine. I wanted to test you to see how you respond and you did very
well. Now get over there and help your little femboy friend with your

‘Yes Mistress, as you wish.’ Mistress pushed me to my knees and tugged
on the leash so I had to crawl over to the bed. I could see Lexi’s head
bouncing up and down on Master’s gigantic cock. I had never seen a black
cock before, but as I reached the side of the bed, I could see it in all
its glory. Lexi looked so beautiful with his long wavy hair and his
slender pale figure. He was trying to get as much as he could in his
mouth but he couldn't take it all. He was slurping and gasping as he
tried to get more and more inside. The Master looked magnificent, his
sleek black body well toned and his muscles seemed to ripple beneath his
skin as he moved. I wanted to see what his cock tasted like and it
wasn't long before I had the chance.

‘Stop,’ the Master ordered, ‘Let the little slut have her turn, maybe
she can do better.’

Lexi looked at me with anxious eyes whether for him or for me I couldn't
tell. Mistress pulled me up to my feet and shoved me on to the bed.

‘I hope she's as good as you say,’ growled the man.

‘Don't let me down, sissy,’ Mistress said to me as she pushed my head
towards his cock. I swept my hair out of the way and looked in amazement
at its size. It must have been ten inches fully erect, thick, and
glistening from Lexi’s saliva with the veins standing out. I licked my
lips nervously and glanced at Lexi who was now sitting on his knees on
the bed looking like a renaissance angel to me. He smiled to give me
encouragement as Mistress Fiona pushed the back of my head and I almost
fell onto the cock. It felt hot and very hard, slippery with saliva and
I used my tongue to slurp around the bulbous head. I had to open my
mouth wide to get the head inside and I knew my jaw would be aching by
the time tonight was finished. I closed my eyes and began to slide more
of the cock into my mouth. I had never had anything this size in there
before, even the dildos I had practiced with had nothing on this. I put
my hand on the root and I was barely able to get my hands around it.

‘Just your mouth, you little slut,’ I heard his voice say. I took my
hand away and letting the head slide out of my mouth I began to lick up
and down the shaft, from the root to the tip. I took each one of his
massive balls in mouth and rolled them around, but couldn't get both in
together. I felt his cock twitch, so I guessed I was doing something
right. I licked my way back up the shaft, flicking my tongue against the
sensitive spot just under the head which generated a little hiss of
pleasure from him. Encouraged, I repeated the action and received
another hiss.

‘In your mouth now slut, show me how good your are.’ I stole a glance at
Lexi to see Mistress was fixing a ball gag into his mouth and I could
see the worry in his eyes. I knew Mistress wouldn't hurt him, but I
couldn't tell him so. I turned back to the cock and slid it through my
lips, careful not to brush it with my teeth as it was so large. I slowly
began to bob up and down on the cock, trying to take a little more in
each time. I began to gag as he got deeper in my throat and I had to
come up for air before my head was pushed back onto it. I tried to relax
my throat, and I gradually took more and more of it inside. I knew I
wasn't going to take it all, but I didn't want to show up my Mistress so
I kept going as long as I could. My jaw was beginning to ache now, and I
hoped he would cum soon so I could take a rest.

Instead he began to raise his hips from the bed forcing more and more of
his cock into my throat. He was making little sounds from somewhere in
his throat and I guessed he was getting close. I started to accelerate
mu movements and at the moment I had him deepest in my throat I felt his
cock twitch and I knew he was cumming. He roared and his bucked as his
cum poured into my mouth. I tried to seal my lips around his shaft and
managed to keep most of it in my mouth, but he had cum with such force
some of it forced its way onto my lips.

‘Do not swallow,’ he ordered, so I sat up, my mouth full of his cum,
wondering what he wanted me to do next.

‘Take the faggot’s gag off for a moment, Fiona.’ he said. I turned to
watch as Lexi’s gag was loosened and he looked relieved.

‘Give him my cum.’ the man said to me. I looked to Mistress for Fiona
who stared at me and said, ‘Do what you're told you slut.’

I edged over to Lexi, who was looking shocked, my body trembling at what
I would have to do. Lexi’s eyes were wide as I approached him and he
opened his sweet red lips and as mine touched his I pushed the Master’s
cum into his mouth. A little splashed onto my outfit and Mistress Fiona
used her finger to clean it up and pushed it into Lexi’s mouth. She
quickly tightened the gag again, and I saw Lexi trying to swallow what
he had in his mouth.

I turned to look at the master and he beckoned me over to him. He slid a
finger into my mouth and said, ‘You have a skilled mouth, you slut. I
will be needing it again later’.

‘Fiona, my love, she is as good as you said. I congratulate you.’

‘Thank you Leon, that's is high praise from you. What should we do with
this pair now?’

‘Can she fuck as well as she sucks?’

‘Oh yes Leon, she is skilled in more ways than one. Why don’t we get her
to fuck him?’

Oh my god, she means me to fuck Lexi. I couldn't see him and didn't want
to turn around without permission.

‘That’s a good idea, I could do with a drink as well. Get on the floor
faggot, then on your hands and knees.’

‘You, sissy slut, get behind him and fuck him, hard.’

I was trembling as he said it but I knew I had to obey. Lexi had climbed
down onto the floor in front of the bed and I slid down there too. I
looked back to the bed and Mistress Fiona had slipped off her clothes
and was laying there with Master Leon. As I watched, she poured two
glasses of champagne and handed one to the Master. She kissed him and he
put his arm around her and pulled her close. Their two magnificent
bodies seemed to merge into one beautiful, glistening black shape.
‘Go on, get on with it,’ he growled.

I turned to Lexi, and he was looking at me over his shoulder, the red
ball gag in his mouth. He was nodding his head at me and I knew then he
was OK with me doing this. I crawled up to him and I gently pulled down
the tight shorts he had on, and I could feel my cock harden as I saw his
tight little bum come into view. His lovely wavy hair tumbled down over
his shoulders as I bent forward and kissed each cheek, leaving a little
red mark on each. I pushed his cheeks apart, bent forward and ran my
tongue up from his ball sack to his tiny little rosebud. He shivered,
but I think he was excited as I saw his cock began to swell. I licked
around his hole and then poked my tongue inside and he jumped as he felt
me inside. I wanted to open him up a little, so I licked my finger and
slid it inside and moved it around. He gasped as he felt my finger
penetrate him but he pushed back a little. I added another finger and he
took that too.

‘Enough,’ I heard Mistress Fiona from the bed.

My cock was now hard as I slid down my panties, kicked them off, then
off slid forwards on my knees until my cock was at his sweet rosebud. I
tapped my cock on his hole to let him know what was coming, I spat on it
to give some lubrication and I slid into his hole. He bucked and
tightened up, then relaxed and I was inside him. He tried to say
something, but the gag turned everything into grunts. I began to move in
and out of him, my cock sliding in and out of him. I heard him grunt,
but then he began to move back against my thrusts, a sign he was
beginning to enjoy it.

‘I said fuck him hard, this is like a tea party. Tell me when you are
about to cum.’

I started to pick up the pace and it seemed Lexi was responding, so I
started to thrust harder and harder. He was arching his back and still
trying to move against me. I managed to stand up and thrust down on him,
he fell forward onto his arms and I could get more leverage this way and
plunged my cock into him from above.

‘Much better.’ I heard from the bed.

My knees bent I was now hammering into Lexi and he was grunting and
moaning through the gag. I could feel my climax building and I knew I
was close.

‘Can I cum, Master?’ I almost screamed.

‘Not in him, on his face.’ I had no choice but to obey. I pulled my cock
out of Lexi and moved round to where his head was. He rolled onto his
back and I stood over him, his beautiful eyes wide as I masturbated
myself. My legs almost buckled as my orgasm shook me, cum spurting from
my cock to cover his face. He had closed his eyes as the cum flowed onto
him and now he opened them, looked up at me and winked. I had to conceal
my laugh as a cough, in case they heard it on the bed.

‘Very good, now clean him up with your tongue. Pussyboy.’

I slid to my knees and licked my cum from as much of Lexi’s face as I
could reach. I had long become used the taste of my own cum, but licking
it from someone else’s face was a new experience. I should have been
disgusted, but to tell the truth what I just had done was one of the
most exciting things I had ever experienced. I finished as much as I
could and knelt by Lexi, waiting to be told what to do next.

‘Leon, do you mind if I use the femboy’s tongue?’

‘Fiona, be my guest, I’ll have a go at this lovely sissy of yours. I
promise not to do too much damage.’

I shuddered at the implication of his words. I guessed he was going to
use his huge cock on me, and both fear and excitement surged through me.
Excited because I had never had such a big cock before, and fearful of
what it might do to me. I was here to serve my Master and I would have
to do as he ordered. My senses were reeling when he grabbed the leash
and pulled me onto the bed next to him.

‘What do you want me to do Master?’ I asked. He stretched out a hand and
stroked my leg, running his fingers up my leg, over the top of my
stockings and under my tutu. My panties had been discarded so his
fingers went straight to my cock and enveloped it. He was staring me in
the eyes as he stroked and rubbed it into life. I had not expected this,
but he seemed to be content playing with me and I was getting
increasingly excited. He rolled my balls in his hand and he squeezed
them hard enough for me utter a little girlish squeal.

I looked across the bed to see if Mistress Fiona was watching but she
had removed Lexi’s ball gag and he was now between her legs licking and
sucking her exquisite pussy I knew so well. I felt a pang of jealousy to
see Lexi’s tongue where mine had been, but I shook it off, I was sure I
would be back there soon enough. She had her hands on the back of Lexi’s
head and was pushing his face into her pussy.

‘Don't look at them, look at me.’

‘Sorry Master, I mean yes, Master.’

He moved his fingers from my cock to the basque I was wearing.

‘This is very pretty, but I think it's time it came off, don't you,

I reached around behind me and I could undo the fastening and it fell
away leaving me feeling very vulnerable. I shivered when he stroked my
little breasts with his fingers and I was transfixed by the contrast of
his black fingers with my white skin. He saw me looking, ‘Have you ever
had a black man before?’

‘No sir, I haven't. You're my first.’

‘After tonight, everything else will be second best.’

I heard Mistress Fiona chuckle. ‘Leon, you are so fucking arrogant.’

He laughed in response, ‘Let her decide, Fiona.’

I heard Mistress Fiona began to moan, so I knew she was close to
cumming. Master Leon returned to me and his fingers found my nipples and
he twisted them sharply.

‘Oww,’ I couldn't stop myself exclaiming.

His hand went back to my cock and continued to stroke it. I was
breathing heavy now and if he went on much longer, I would be in danger
of cumming again. He pulled my face up to his and kissed me, his tongue
forcing its way into my mouth. I put my arms up around his neck and
kissed him back, my excitement growing all the time. I was completely
under his control and I felt so delightfully, ecstatically submissive to
him. His hands were all over me and his tongue was invading my mouth. At
that moment I would have gladly done anything for him. My whole being
belonged to him; he owned me and my only thought was to serve him. He
wrapped his arms around me and I felt his muscles contract beneath his
beautiful black skin as he pulled me tight to his body. He pulled his
tongue from my mouth and I moved to his chest, my lips finding his
nipples. I licked and kissed them, and they hardened beneath my tongue.
He hissed as I nipped one with my teeth, ‘Be careful, slut.’ But he
didn't stop me and I did the same to the other nipple, all the while my
hands were roaming over his ripped chest.

I could hear Mistress Fiona moaning and grunting now as Lexi continued
to service her pussy. I knew her juices would be flowing and would be
coating Lexi’s face. I hoped I would be told to lick them off his face
too. She screamed, ‘I'm cumming,’ arched her back and pulled Lexi’s face
even tighter to her pussy as her orgasm ripped through her body. I hoped
Lexi was enjoying it as much as I did with Mistress Fiona.

I slid further down Master Leon’s body and reached his cock, which was
lying up against his chest.

‘May I lick your cock, please, Master Leon?’

‘Go ahead, slut.’

I started at the root and ran my tongue lightly up his massive cock. It
twitched as I repeated the action, slower and with more pressure. This
time I kissed the tip and his cock started to grow, so I lifted it from
his chest and swallowed the head. He put his hand on the back of my head
and pushed down. It wasn't fully hard, yet it filled my mouth already. I
held the shaft in my hand and I marvelled at how small my white hand
looked against the darkness of his cock.

‘Fiona? Have you finished with the faggot yet?’

‘Yes, why?’

‘Why don't we do them together?’

‘Mmm, that's a good idea.’

‘Both of you, on the floor, on your hands and knees facing each other.’
he ordered.

Lexi and I crawled onto the floor and lined up facing each other as we
had been told. Lexi’s beautiful feminine features were coated In
Mistress Fiona’s juices and I so wanted to lick him clean, but I
couldn't unless I was told. I watched as Mistress Fiona put on and
adjusted the strapon she had worn for the show. She knelt down behind
Lexi and there was fear in his lovely eyes as he realised he was going
to be speared by it.

I looked over my shoulder and master was kneeling behind me, stroking
his cock to its full length. I shuddered, thinking about what it would
do to me. I saw Mistress apply some lube to her cock and to Lexi. She
threw it to Master who I hoped would use some too. I felt his finger at
my hole and he smeared some onto my rosebud, I prayed it would do some
good. He placed his hands on my back and I watched Mistress do the same
to Lexi. I saw her nod and his cock tapped at my entrance. I tried to
relax but fear got the better of me and I tensed. He pushed once or
twice but then slapped my bum hard and I squealed and involuntarily
relaxed and he was past the muscle and inside. I gasped as his cock
stretched me wider and wider. I thought I was going to be ripped apart
and then he began to move it in and out. I had to bite my lip as the
pain shot through me. He picked up the end of the leash and began to tug
on it, drawing me back onto his cock as he thrust forward. I looked at
Lexi’s face and he was feeling the same from the effect of Mistress
Fiona’s cock. Then, something changed and his cock began to move in and
out more smoothly. Unbelievably, I had stretched to take the girth of
his cock. It still hurt as he plunged in but there was a growing
pleasure as well as he filled me up. I could feel him going deeper and
deeper and I was being thrust onto Lexi’s face.

‘Kiss each other,’ he ordered. Lexi and I were being rocked forward at
every thrust so we touched lips as best we could. We tried our best, but
we were being hammered so hard, it was almost impossible.

‘Swap.’ said Mistress Fiona. Master Leon slipped his cock out of me
past the muscle which was now trying to keep it in. I felt air rush in
and almost laughed in relief. I felt Mistress Fiona stroke my back once
and then her strapon was inside. There was no resistance and I could
only imagine how wide I had been stretched. Her strapon was big, but it
was no match for his cock and I felt sorry for Lexi as I saw his face
contort as the Master impaled him. At least he had been opened up by

The fucking began again and although the strapon was smaller, it was
less pleasant than the real thing. It was unyielding and lacked the
warmth and life of a real cock. By this time I was exhausted and my mind
started to reel from what was happening to me. I thought for a moment I
might black out but managed to hang on. Lexi was almost crying, and I
wanted to give him some comfort but I was so spent I didn't know how to.
I had lost all sense of me, and I was simply an instrument for someone
else’s pleasure. Incredibly, my cock started to harden, and I felt the
warmth of a climax began to grow from my groin. In spite of everything I
was turned on by what was being done to me. I started to grunt from the
pounding and the excitement building within me. I started to leak and
then with an almighty spurt I came, my cum flooding out of my engorged

At the same time, Master Leon roared and came inside Lexi; I watched as
his eyes rolled up and I thought he was going to collapse but he shook
it off and somehow managed to smile at me. How he found the guts to do
that I don't know, and my heart opened up to him. We both fell to the
floor, exhausted and incapable of anything else. I looked up to see
Master and Mistress high five each other and then embrace.

‘Leon, that was awesome, it's been a while since we had such a wonderful
session. We should not leave it so long again.’

‘I agree Fiona, and thank you for recommending this little sissy, I
think I will spread the word about her. You have a winner there.’ He
looked down at me, ‘Well, slut, was it good for you? Actually I don't
care one way or the other, but I think you will remember your first
black cock won't you?’

I tried to smile and said, ‘Yes, Master. Thank you Master.’

Mistress Fiona was dressed again by now and pulled me to my feet by the
leash. I was wearing only what remained of my tutu and nothing else. I
looked around for my other clothes and she said, ‘Don't worry about
those, we haven't got time to look for those.’ She pulled me out of the
door with me trying to cover myself. She slapped my leg with the end of
the leash, ‘Stop fussing, keep your hands to your side.

‘What about Lexi, Mistress?’

‘His Mistress will be on her way to collect him, why do you care?’

‘I like him,’ I said, my voice quavering.

‘Oh for God’s sake girl, you are impossible. Wait there.’ She turned and
went back to the room. I stood once more in the corridor, naked except
for the tutu. One of the other sissies walked past, giggling as she
looked at me. I made a face and she laughed as she ran off.

Mistress Fiona returned to the corridor with Lexi, who seemed to be
having trouble walking. I was sore as well, but he seemed to be worse
off. I took his hand and we walked behind Mistress Fiona.

Mistress stopped and knocked on a door. It opened and a tall domme
looked out. I could see past her into the room where a cute looking
femboy was standing, naked, gagged and collared.

Lexi said, ‘Mistress, what do you want me to do?’

‘I'm busy,’ she said, ‘wait out here until I'm ready.’

I saw Mistress Fiona raise her eyebrows, but she could do nothing. Lexi
belonged to the other Mistress. The door was slammed In Mistress Fiona’s
face and she turned round with a face like thunder.

I heard a loud noise at the end of the corridor as someone burst through
the door, ‘Run, get out, it's a police raid.’

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My Descent Into Subliminals ndash Chapter 10

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Jamies Descent

This is a grown up story for grown up people. If you're under 18 please don't read this. If you don't like to read stories about transsexual people, please don't read on. This story is copyright nikkie 2003 and should not be reproduced in part or whole without my permission. Please let me know what you think of it, as all comments are welcome. [email protected] Jamie's Descent Part 1 By Nikkie What did we do before e-mail? How did we manage to get through...

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The Descent of a Man

The Descent of a Man By Janet Baker Here I was, John Baker, standing in the vestibule, virtually immobile, wearing my maid's dress and ballet knee length boots, festooned with chains, a rather cruel chastity belt under my dress, waiting for my mistress, actually my wife, Alice, to arrive home after shopping. I was instructed to be ready at three for her arrival. It was already four and I was in misery but I could do nothing but follow orders. I am afraid that when she arrives...

2 years ago
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Jamies Descent Part 5

Jamie's descent Part 5 By Nikkie "Smile," said Fiona brightly, "you're on candid camera." Vanessa and Lisa watched the video feed as I looked straight at the camera. They saw my wild, make up smeared face, slack with exhaustion and spent lust. They saw me try to say something and then Lisa clicked off the feed. They had worried if Fiona had gone too far when Jamie blacked out but in the end it had worked out really well. It had turned into one of their best ever set ups. The film...

3 years ago
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Daddys Descent Daughter Rising

Daddy's Descent; Daughter Rising By Emily Rose Heather was anxious to turn the key and enter the house. Although she felt very complete in her life now away at college, she loved and missed her father and sometimes didn't get to see him for months on end now that she went to school. She was anxious to surprise him with her visit. He thought she went to spring break but her plans had fell through. He had been a good...

2 years ago
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Jamies Descent Part 6

Jamie's Descent By Nikkie "Jamie, I would try to get some rest now. Vanessa will along later." With that, Fiona blew me a kiss and left the room. I heard the key turn in the door as she left, so I was stuck here. The room was windowless and I suddenly realised I had no idea of the time. I was so disorientated that I could not tell if it was day or night. I lay down on the bed and tried to get some sleep but the events of the day just flooded my mind. How had I reached this point in...

2 years ago
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Jamies Descent 7

Jamie's Descent "Harsh word, blackmail. I would never use it myself." Vanessa stood up, grinding the cigarette out on the floor. "I will give you 24 hours to make up your mind. I hope you make the right decision, Jamie sweetie." She strode across to the door and paused as she got to the door, "I think Fiona wants to come and see you again. She has quite the thing for you." She closed the door and I heard it lock behind her. "My God," I thought, "what have I got myself into?" I...

3 years ago
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Jamies Descent Part 9

Jamie's Descent Part 9 This chapter is dedicated to Lexi, who used to be a twink, Tristan I live for feedback [email protected] Vanessa smiled to herself as she viewed the edited version of the film she had made of Jamie getting fucked. Jamie obviously had no idea that she had been filmed but Vanessa was already very pleased with the result. This film together with a similarly edited version of Jamie's first session with Fiona would form the basis of the marketing plan for...

3 years ago
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Jamies Descent part 10

Jamie's Descent 10 Nikkie Silk I have neglected this story for a while. People do ask about it so I've added anther chapter. I hope you enjoy this. New readers I suggest you read the earlier chapters first. I stared open mouthed at Lexi. "What do you mean we're going to be auctioned?" I hissed at him. "People bid for us and we get bought for the night. I can't believe your Mistress didn't tell you." I shook my head and Lexi reached out his hand to hold mine. The man...

1 year ago
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A Devils Tale Jacquelines descent

A Devils Tale: Jacqueline's descent Part OneJacqueline stared at the bruiser of a man sitting across from her at the table. He appeared to be in perfect shape and a man who took care of himself. Probably in his mid-30s but could've been much older for he had an aura of real self-confidence not the false bravado of the young. She wondered if he was some sort of professional athlete but if so she did not know him. He was the only one still in the game and she had just raised him everything she...

4 years ago
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Ansleighs Descent

Ansleigh’s DescentSteve Oak glanced up at the clock on his large oak desk, noting that it was already 6:00.  He’d been at the office almost 12 hours trying to get ahead of things so he could take some much needed time off.  He’d switched with one his subordinates and was off to Virginia Beach to conduct a couple of focus groups.  He hadn’t done one in years.  That was what his staff was for.  But the opportunity to spend a long weekend at the beach, especially with the company paying for part...

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