TROY 1 free porn video

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I found this wonderful story on another site, attempted to contact the author on more than 1 occasion, to no avail.
I have proof read and slightly altered parts. Enjoy!

Troy and I started working at the same company together, went through
orientation together and even found out that we had been trained in the
same MOS in the Army though he was in a few years before me. We where in
our early 20's, well I was, Troy was in his mid-twenties I guess. Troy and
I were also build similarly--both tall, thin and I think a little better
that average in the looks department. Troy's girlfriend also started with
us in the same orientation group, but as time went by their relationship
started to change and in many ways so did my understanding of Troy. There
is one big difference between Troy and I that I should mention, well
perhaps more than one, in fact several, they include the fact that Troy is
Black, raised in the City of Detroit, living in Hamtramck and he comes from
money big money. I on the other hand am white, raised in rural Upper
Michigan, of moderate to lower income parents. Troy and I hung out most of
the time we where not at work, or he was not with Valarie, his girlfriend.

Valarie was about my age, and a strong willed black woman that spoke her
mind and did it her way most of the time. When she was around Troy
followed her lead, at least for a while. Troy soon learned that he could
bully Valarie into backing down if he didn't like the way she was handling
things. Over time, he became more demanding and controlling, he was always
dominating her and because by now she had fallen in love felt that she had
to do as "Her Man" said she most often caved in and did what ever it was as
he wanted it. There were times when we would be out on dates together that
Troy would have her suck him off in the back seat of my car with me and my
date in the front seat. Eventually Valarie couldn't take it any more and
demanded out of the relationship with Troy and when he started stalking
her, I got worried both for her and for my friend.

Troy had met me for a drink after work and during the conversation I
mentioned that I thought he needed to let Valarie go. He was upset and
asked what he had done that was so terrible that she would end their
relationship, a relationship that he felt was almost perfect. I tried to
gently point out that not everyone likes being bossed around and dominated
like he had been doing to Valarie over the last several months. He looked
at me with a sideways glance as if he was questioning the validity of my
statement. Then he said, some people like that thou right Paul? "I would
suppose so." I said. "Though I don't know anyone that could have put up
with your level of control." "Do I do that with everyone?" "How can you
stand to be around me?' He asked taking another sip of his drink. "Oh, I
don't know." I said trying to make light of some of the conversation, "I
guess I am just a push over milk toast kind of guy." I joked. I then
ordered another round as Troy answered my statement with what I thought
was--" No you aren't.--- But you could be." His voice trailed off and I
ignored the later part of the statement.

The next weekend, Troy called to invite me to a football party some buddies
of his from College were throwing at a Mansion on Grand Blvd. in Detroit,
one of the more affluent areas at the time. It is casual, so don't worry
about getting too dressy, in fact he suggested why not wear those new
Hiking shorts of yours, they looked so comfortable. I thought that was a
bit odd, Troy had never suggested what clothes I should wear and especially
not to a "guys night out" type of event, I shrugged it off and though about
it and he was right the shorts felt great on and because of the design I
didn't feel the need to wear underwear. Combined with a pair of summer
sandals and a tank top and I looked and felt great. Also a bit unusual was
the fact that Troy insisted that he come and pick me up for the party,
since I live over 20 miles away and he lived within a mile, it struck me as
foolish but again it seemed like such a small concession and I thought at
least I won't need to worry about parking etc. He arrived on time and away
we went.

Troy picked me up in what I assumed was one of his fathers cars, a
convertible Triumph with only 2 seats. It was fun to drive down the freeway
with the wind blowing in my long blonde hair, but it was tough to hear what
Troy was saying to me on the way to the party and I think I was just
smiling and agreeing with him, figuring that I would straighten it up
later. PAUL he yelled, why aren't you listening to me? "I'm sorry." I
said startled at his sudden outburst, "The wind is so loud that I figured
you were just making idle chit chat, that I figured was nothing important."
"What were you saying." I asked before he could become more critical. Troy
started telling me about all the guys that were going to be there and a
little bio of each one, then cautioning me on how to respond or not respond
to some of the guys and their personalities. "I know how to behave in
groups, Troy I am not a c***d." I said sarcastically. "You're right Paul, I
am sorry, I was out of line, its just that I haven't seen these guys in a
while and I want everything to be a perfect as I can make it." I could
understand that and I told him that I would not embarrass him, and that he
could relax.

We pulled up to the circle drive on the side of this huge Mansion and a
valet took the car as we walked to the front door and were greeted by one
of the hosts, Marcus. Marcus was a big guy, he filled most of the doorway
he was standing in as we approached and took a step back as he took my hand
and shook it allowing us to pass. "You must be Paul." "Welcome" he
said. "I have been looking forward to meeting you since Troy first told us
about you." I hadn't realized that I had been the subject of conversation
among my friend and his buddies from School but I held my tongue chalking
it up to Troy's recent problems with Valarie that by this time had started
to spill over into his work.

We were ushered into a large entertainment room with one very large screen
and several other smaller ones on each side, the room had about12 to 15
guys all in their mid to late 20's. I was, at 22 the youngest and while it
meant nothing to me at the time, I was the only white guy there and there
were no women. Everyone else was dressed in Casual or Business Casual
attire and I was not the only one in shorts thou I must say that the shorts
I had on were cut shorter that most of the other guys in the room and I
realized at that moment that they really highlighted my long tanned but
clearly white legs, with sandals on my feet they made my legs look a mile
long. I knew this because the entire West wall in the room we had entered
was covered with floor to ceiling mirrors and the ceilings were tall in
this room. I could hear the pre-game starting on the main screen, as Troy
grabbed us some drinks and directed me to an open section of room with some
empty chairs and a small table for the drinks. I felt like most of the
eyes in the place were trained on me, my legs and by extension my ass, as I
caught a few guys smiling and giving me sideways glances. I chalked it up
to the fact that I was the only tall white Blonde guy around so I stood

Normally I just drink beer and Troy knew that I normally just drank beer so
as he approached me with what he told me was a Hurricane, and that Marcus
was the Rum distributer for the Greater Detroit Area, all as he was walking
up so that I would feel obligated to accept it and give it the "Old College
try" and I have to admit it was very tasty, in fact the first one went down
so well and so fast that I begged Troy to get me another one and I as I did
I realized how "Girly" I had sounded asking him that. While Troy was
getting my next drink, a friend of his came up and took his seat,
complimenting me on my shorts and my smooth shinny legs. I don't have a
clue what possessed me to do it but I stuck out my toe and straightened my
leg, lifted it up and ran my hand seductively down my leg from my ankle to
my thigh, as I said something like, "Oh these, do you like how sexy they
look?" I couldn't believe how sexual I was starting to feel and how girly I

The room was lit softly and I felt a warm body on top of me, with a
fantastic wave of pleasure rolling over my body. As my mind was able to
focus and make sense of what was going on around me, I realized that I was
naked, on a bed with Marcus our host, sliding what felt like an arm up my
ass. I seemed to have rejected the prospect that his cock was inside me
because part of me believed that if he had his cock in me it would hurt or
something and this was heavenly. I heard soft moans and grunts in the
distance but soon realized I was making them. I was helpless to respond or
react to what was going on around me. I also soon realized that Marcus and
I weren't alone somewhere in his house, we were on a large table in the
middle of the T.V. room I remembered from before. "Look who is back with
us." I heard a voice say and Marcus then look down into my eyes and told me
what a great Fuck I was. I must have looked really confused and I was
trying to understand what was happening at the same time wanting to
concentrate on the pleasure that I was feeling in my ass. I had never
thought that anything could feel this way, I felt complete, happy,
fulfilled, sexual I was in ecstasy and I still was not sure how I got to
this place or exactly what was happening to me. Relax Marcus said, we
slipped you a little something to help you relax and enjoy our little
party, you will be fine, just relax and enjoy my cock and the cocks of all
these other guys, cause I know they are going to enjoy this ass.

Marcus started stroking deeper and harder and I saw my long tanned legs
d****d over his shoulders. His cock was now being withdrawn and then
slammed back to the very bottom of my ass. I could feel every vein every
inch of this muscle making itself more and more a part of me. As his pace
increased I found that I was longing for him to fuck me and fuck me because
it felt that this was what I was made for. Soon I felt Marcus get even
bigger inside me and I could tell that he was about to anoint my formerly
virgin ass with his potent male sperm. Then I felt it, hot juice being
injected into me with such a force I started to scream and convulse
uncontrollably, my body wanted and needed this seed. He pumped and pumped
his hot cum into me and I thought for a brief second that he was making me
pregnant. After he was spent, he started to withdraw his snake from my
moist hot insides and as he did I realized that he was taking away
something that had become part of me. He couldn't do this to me, not make
me need it and then take it away. "NOOOOO." I cried please don't take him
out, I need him in there, please I was begging just a little while longer.
I would have done just about anything not to have had that lovely piece of
man flesh taken out of me, but slowly his long black cock slid from my ass
with a plop and some rush of cum following.

"No." I continued. "I need to have that inside me, please put him back.", "I need it in me"
"Wow you are a hot little slut all of a sudden aren't you Paul." I was
still foggy but I recognized the voice of my friend Troy moving into
position above me. I felt my lower body being lifted up and a pillow being
placed under my bottom. As I settled on to the pillow I felt a new cock
being inserted into my empty ass. Not as long as Marcus, but a little
thicker, Troy started telling me how he had decided to do this to me when I
sided with that Bitch Valarie instead of him. He was going to show me
domination and he had 15 buddies to help him. Marcus got to go first
because he got the d**gs and the place to play, and Troy was going second
because he wanted to enjoy an almost virgin ass. I was in shock but I was
also to involved in the pleasure I was getting from the new cock sliding
deliberately in and out of my body. Earlier in the day I could not have
imagined taking another mans penis into my body and here I was a few hours
later and it was all I wanted.

"I have to admit." Troy sneered, " I thought you would have put up more of
a fight, even with the d**gs we gave you all they do is break your
inhibitions. Hell you didn't even need them to take full effect before you
start acting like the slut you are. But I won't spoil the surprise, you
can watch it later on the video tape we made of your seduction. I had
barely gotten back with your second drink and you were already showing your
ass and body to anyone that asked to look." I then realized that I could
see my image on the large screen over Troy's shoulder, as he pounded my
hole with his large thick meat. The camera angle shifted and I saw the
point of entry as his large black cock drove in and out of my tight white
ass. My ass started to spasm and I felt my body shake as one of the most
intense feelings I had had rolled over me and I tried to pull Troy deeper
inside me. "Fuck that." I said. "I don't care how I got here, just don't
stop asshole, FUCK ME. YOU started this now damn it Fuck me and cum in my
hole like Marcus did. "I FUCKING LOVE IT" I screamed, YOU HEAR ME I love getting fucked, I
don't want this to stop." At that point he knew he had me, "What bitch?
Tell me again what do you need?" I hesitated for a second contemplating
for a moment the response and the ramifications of it. "You NEED hard
Black cock in your tight man pussy. Don't you! DON"T you bitch!" he shouted
as his pace increased and he started breeding my hole as well and at that
point I screamed as I pulled him deeper into me. "YES, god damn it YES I need
Big, hard black cock fucking my tight hole." His cum too felt hot as it
filled me up and once again for a fleeting moment I felt sad that he could
not make me pregnant. As much as I should have been angry and embarrassed,
I wanted to Troy to dominate me and use me and my body in anyway he wanted
as long as it felt as good as it did at that point. Applause erupted
through the room, and as I prepared for Troy's cock to be taken from me, I
was rolled over and placed on my knees with a pillow under my hips now and
my ass exposed for all to see.

I felt someone grab my hair and pull my head back and pressed a semi hard
cock to my lips. At first I resisted because I had no clue what to do or
how to do it. Soon my natural talent or instincts took over and I opened my
mouth and took my first cock into my mouth. I don't know what I was
expecting if anything, but I found that the texture and taste was very
exciting and I started enjoying sucking cock almost from the first second
it parted my lips and slid into the back of my thought. Suddenly a very
large cock was slammed into my newly empty ass and started fucking me hard
and deep, and I moaned loudly, as another 'electric' wave of pleasure washed over me.
With every stroke in from the cock in my ass, resulted in my
mouth being driven further down the shaft of the cock in my mouth. Until
this point I had known who my lovers were, here and now, I had no clue, nor
did I care. I was in Heaven and I had everything I needed or wanted, hard
black cock to keep me filled up. I was now more aware of the comments
being made about this horny white slut that was going to eagerly take all
they could give (him) then another corrected that I was now more of a "she"
than a "he", and to reinforce his point he added, you didn't hear her shout
that she needed to Fuck something. I know that I would be willing to
accept almost any degrading act if it meant that that my mouth and ass
would be filled with hard thick black and Hispanic cock to fill me up. I
overheard some of the guys suggesting that they should dress me in a pink
mini dress and walk me on a leash the 8 city blocks between the bar and a
broken down warehouse where they would strip me naked, and have every man
woman c***d and b**st tear up my tender and throbbing hole. One of the
guys cam up to me and whispered in my ear, that after walking 8 blocks in a
sexy outfit, there will be a hundred more hard cocks to **** my hole. I
needed some rest before I could even think about it, but think about it I
will, cant hardly wait to get used again, but that will have to be another

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Sometimes We Need A Little Restraint

“Ah, I see you’ve arrived. Delightful. Please let me take your coat.” You coquettishly slowly unfasten your coat, button by button and as you reach the last one you turn round with back to me wriggle your shoulders and the coat slides off into a heap on the floor. I gasp. You are wearing your thigh high, very high thigh boots almost covering your legs completely and the skimpiest pair of briefs. “For modesty” you explain to me. I do the gentlemanly thing and pick up your coat and d**** over the...

3 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 46 Show Me

After Suzanne left to make dinner at her own house, Katherine, Susan, and Alan continued to hang out. Once again, Alan was driven to distraction by the clothing, or lack thereof, on Katherine and Susan. Eventually, Susan insisted to Katherine, "With dinner coming up, I must insist you at least wear something to cover up your privates." Katherine griped, "And are you gonna keep on wearing that erotic apron?" Susan sounded indignant. "No, I'm going to change into something else too....

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DevilsFilm Rebecca Vanguard Gwen Vicious It8217s Okay We8217re Just STEPSisters

Rebecca is quite upset when she finds out her stepsister Gwen has been using her vibrator. Who does that? That is such a bad enter of personal space. When Rebecca confronts her stepsister her only excuse is that she had broken her own vibrator. Grrrrrr — Rebecca is mad. Later in the day, she finds her stepsister, as usual, doing herself with the vibrator. Coming into the room to apologize for how upset she got earlier she just can’t stop staring at her stepsister’s clean...

4 years ago
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nasty at the movie place

this story starts off when i was about 19 and i wanted to look at sex toys besides the ones on the internet.i wanted a small viberator since my other one broke.I remember seeing this place that sold them because of the big signs said for adults only.I get dressed in a small mini skirt and tank top and pulled my hair up one afternoon thinking mostly gurls my age or older would be the only ones there so i wasnt scared at all because i noticed there was always about 10 cars so i was thinking women...

2 years ago
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The Honey Dew ListChapter 3

Supper turned out to be a Middle Eastern beef kebab with plenty of rice, pitas, falafel, and hummus, as well as a very excellent Greek salad (including kalamata olives, yogurt sauce, and feta cheese). Unlike Damien, who was newer to this, Cassidy and Tammy had grown up eating a lot of kebab, shawarma, falafel, and similar foods, because of Maryam’s Syrian origins. Even so, Damien being Damien, he had a fondness for exotic and foreign cuisine that allowed him to embrace this cosmopolitan...

2 years ago
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Uzma 8211 Part II

Weekend per main uzma k gher k bahir ja ker khara ho geya or dua kernay laga k Uzma ko koi pick kernay na aeay balkayh wo public transport use keray hsam tak main wahan pamphlets distribute kerta raha sham ko Uzma gher say bahir nikli or under ground station ki teraf chal pari or us ki dressing daykh ker tu shaed koi andha bhi apna dick kera ker lay khayr station k pass pohnch k wo khari ho gai main yah daykh ker hayran rayh geya k k wahan wo jis car main baythi wo mayray aik class fellow k dad...

4 years ago
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SlickChapter 2

My wife Jude and I had recently celebrated our twentieth wedding anniversary. At the time, we had one kid in college and another set to graduate high school soon. I was contemplating retirement and Jude was bored. She had been a stay-at-home mom for the past ten years and, with the kids all but gone, she was looking for something to do with her time. It should have been an occasion for us to think about our future together. Instead, It became all about Jude. It was around that time that Jude...

3 years ago
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Adventure Level Got Raised Substantially With Niece

Hi, I am Sunil. This sex story is about my sexual encounter with my niece madhu. I am 27 yr old married for last 1 yr. Madhu is 19 yr old. We had our first encounter around 1.5 yrs back. Before that day, we were just like normal siblings. We use to talk only when we met and that too rarely. I still remember our first day. It was on whatsapp. It was late night and I wasn’t feeling sleepy. I was randomly scrolling through my whatsapp, checking who all are awake and I saw her online. So I dropped...

1 year ago
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Analized Whitney Wright Does What She Has To Do

Whitney Wright sucks at her job. Her boss calls her up late at night for a simple task. Her useless teen self can’t do anything right. The young assistant is about to be fired, but then she flashes her tight pussy and ass to the grown man. Whitney knows she doesn’t have many skills in life, but there is one thing she is definitely good at. The young whore knows grown men will pay to fuck her holes. She is the fantasy of any married man who is in a hotel on a business trip. She waits...

3 years ago
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Diary of a neighbourhood peep 3

16 Queensferry drive24/08/13 09:11She always goes to the gym on Saturday morning at 09:00 until 10:35. She's late this week, disrupting my plan. Her husband has already left for his habitual round of golf that will keep him out of the house until 13:00. I still have plenty of time to enact my plan. I know her secret and she'll have to buy my silence.09:26.She finally leaves for the gym in her favorite skin tight lycra trousers and hot pink boob tube. Her fine form clear for all to see. I...

2 years ago
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Mature Extreme Tranny Prostitute Part 2

‘Yes, but I’m not messing about. If you would like to come then follow me now. I will explain what will happen when we get outside. ‘ The folder was quickly passed around the five of them, each of them looking at each other- silently asking – should we or shouldn’t we? Dave stood by his car knowing that at least some of them would come. Eventually, one by one they emerged and started to walk over to Daves car. I moved the sofa into the centre of the room. It was now facing directly away...

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Jenns request

Jenn's sky blue eyes rolled to the back of her head and glazed over, unseeing, her chest heaving as orgasm claimed her entire body. I could feel her convulsing on my cock, buried deep inside her drenched sex as I pumped cum deep inside her, her skin glistening with sweat, her wrists held down by my hands. I had cum almost as hard as she had -- I was quivering as I came, and felt her gushing on my cock and legs. I released her arms and cradled her head as I collapsed onto her chest, feeling her...

3 years ago
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A Robin Hoe Hero 1

It all started when Robin posted this picture in his faceb**k status, one night: As we all know, the famous social media platform is used for people of all kinds to connect and share content; Robin was just one of the millions of them. But what made him decide to share this photo and its story on faceb**k was going to launch something of a magnitude that he never could have forseen coming. He was the kind of guy that othe rmen considered lucky; somehow, his timing very often allowed him to be...

2 years ago
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stoping by the nursing home

Working night patrol and my partner called me to the nursing home. Arrived and worker directed to the break room. Were several women sitting around talking with my road partner. He introduced me to the women there and informed me to stop by and check on them. Is normal for a security check in this part of the city. Had a snack coffee and nice conversation. We left and talked later that morning. He tells me Rose liked how I looked. Rose wanted to take you in a room and work you over. I laughed...

4 years ago
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Vacation on RehomeChapter 28

Euphemia smiled, saying, "Business should always be first, my dear; THEN I will strip and you can take me to bed. I may not be pregnant yet, either. Isabella is in her own bed at the moment, resting. Her period has started, and she is in pain, not having taken the pills she was prescribed before, because now she wants to get pregnant. It will be another couple of days before she is fit enough to have you inside her again, darling, so you are forced to just have me to make love to. Sad,...

1 year ago
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A private message on a Sunday afternoon

This little snippet turned me on so much, I just had to share...cumspicket wrote:hey stud, how's your sunday? Just watched your cumshot again. God damn that's a fuckin nice cumshot. I'd love to jerk you off. I love seeing a guy shoot his cum. I'd have you sit in a comfortable chair, me kneeling before you. We're both naked... I massage your inner thighs, slowly and firmly... up your waist, intentionaly passing by your cock and balls, rubbing your tummy... circling your belly button, down to...

3 years ago
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Maggie May

An eruption of cheers from all around her ended the thoughts that swirled in her head. The crowd shoved her from every direction as they tried to get closer to the rope that kept them off the track. Thirty four year old Liza Penwell wanted to be almost anywhere but standing right there on a sunny weekend morning. "Here they come!" "Who's in the lead so far?" The words were so loud that Liza cringed. Liza took a step back as the mass of bodies moved forward once more. Shoulders and...

1 year ago
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MylfBlows Sofie Marie A MILFs Lascivious Lips

Sofie Marie is not a prude by any standards. In fact, she is quite the slut! When she catches our stud jerking off to her sexy body, she barely skips a beat. On the contrary, she is super turned on. She wants to help him get his rocks off, so she gets down on her knees and uses her perfect dick sucking lips to pleasure his throbbing shaft. She wraps her lips around the tip of his cock and then works his shaft with her experienced hands. Then, she licks his asshole, giving him the rimjob of a...

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A Dogs Life

Things had really come to a head when Miss Molly, Cristie's pet Tarantula, deciding that she was being wronged, started out on a life of her own. Cristie and her parents had been enjoying a weekend of camping in the Webley National Park, when Molly forged away and into the camp for the elderly next door. Molly wasn't your ordinary Tarantula, (is anything ordinary today?) she was the souped up version with more brains than she needed. She liked the color red and warm places, and spying Miss...

2 years ago
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Sexually Frustrated Wife part 2

(True Story) Here we go again. I just love fucking this young horny MILF. I was 5 miles from Debbie’s home and called her on my cell phone saying that I would be there in 10 minutes. She said that she would be in the shower but would leave the garage door open, to just drive in and enter the house from the garage but to push the close button on the wall right next to the house door. Debbie said to make myself comfortable, get myself a drink and wait on the sofa for her. I replied ok and...

4 years ago
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Fucking The Wife Who Doesnt Like SexChapter 5

Two weeks after the unremembered encounter with Jessie, Catherine heard a knock on the front door and when she answered it she was surprised to find Jessie standing there, holding a large package in his arms. "Good morning, Miss Catherine," Jessie greeted her. "I have something here for you. It's something special that your daddy and momma left for you." "The did?" she replied. "Yes, mam, they did. I was told not to give it to you until now though." "I wonder why?" "I have no...

3 years ago
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Babysitter Gets Caught Then Gets Schooled Lessons Two Three

Introduction: After Jimmy takes Kayleens innocence, breeds & seeds her. she gets set for another lesson- swallowing protein. Then Jimmy teaches Kayleen how a real man pounds a real woman. And then.., all hell breaks loose. Me, Beth and Kayleen took a breather to catch our breaths. Then Beth says to Kayleen, Now that my husband filled you up by shooting his pearly-white spunk deep inside your young, fertile womb, youre gonna give him a blowjob. Then I chimed in by saying, And not only are you...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Babi Star Let8217s Make a Deal

Hey my little pervert ‘daddy’… you like it when I (Babi Star) expose myself and tease you with my bare teen pussy? Wait what the fuck… is someone there!?!? Juan Loco is that you?? It’s not what it looks like. Why are you making videos for people you don’t even know? There are crazy people out there… I don’t think this is safe, and I know your dad wouldn’t approve. So what now… you’re gonna rat me out to my dad?? Wait… are...

2 years ago
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Stayover at Grandparents House

I remember years ago when I was young, maybe 18-19yo, I stayed around my Grandparents house one weekend as my parents were away and they told me to bring a couple of movies to watch and one of the movies I liked (and still do) was called Roadhouse starring Patrick Swayze, anyway (if you have not seen it) about halfway through the movie Patrick Swayze spends the night with this Sexy Blonde girl (although to be honest I thought she as a bit skinny, but had awesome tits), but I forgot about this...

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Harold Saves Her Husband Part 02

Harold Saves Her Husband Part Two Copyright Oggbashan November 2013The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************“Why is it called The Dancing Room?” Lisa whispered to Queen Serena. I could hear Lisa’s question and...

1 year ago
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Special institution for naughty girls 18 to 22 Con

Continues from Chapters 12/13Its said she never left the institution has a private room there is still wanked off every night and under strict discipline from her mentor, the head wardress.Jacinda for some reason had gone under the radar with regard to corporal punishment. Although because of her looks attracted and received a lot of sexual correction.Like Janet Jacinda was also made to report for a good wanking Off daily. She also recieved an even more severe administration of cunnilingus....

2 years ago
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My Life as a Slave Chapter 3

In TrainingWell, that pretty much set the pattern of my life for the next two years. Rachel was very pleased with me when I got home that night and handed her the letterfor her that the Doctor at the clinic had given me for her. She had me stripped and standing in front of her as she read it."Dr Blackwell tells me that you are accepted on the clinic's stud register and compliments me on the quality of your sperm. She says that with regular controlled ejaculations and the right diet and this...

2 years ago
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Ten Day Cruise Chapter 2

The next morning I woke up and looked over at my brother.  He was up, leaning against the headboard and reading one of my novels.  When he saw me watching him, he blushed and put the book down.  I was going to say something, but I didn't.  I got out of bed to go to the head.Glen and I met our parents for breakfast.  We talked about our plans for the day while we ate.  I enjoyed the fresh fruit and warm Danish roll I selected.  We drank coffee while Dad told Glen and me about the spa and the...

4 years ago
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Whats Wrong With Me 2

I hesitated a moment, relishing in the boy’s terror and just staring at him, doing all I could to prevent the tingling sensation between my legs. Once I was back in control, I let-out a loud whistle. The dog’s stopped barking immediately and the kid looked over his shoulder just in time to see the three big, black beasts glide from between the trees and lay down right where the sandy beach started. Then he looked back at me and took a shuddering, deep breath. He opened his mouth to say...

3 years ago
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Sex wid my younger sister

Hie iss readers… My name is imran orginally frm hyderabad, am 22yrs old, height 5’10, handsome n have 3girlfriends but i never had sex wid my girlfriends.. Dis is my first sex wid my own younger sister n she is 24yrs old, 5’6 height, very beautiful, 36-24-36 figure n many boys proposed her but still she dont have any boyfriend. As am her brother she loves me a lot. I dont want to waste ur time let me start da story. One day when i say my sister in her transparent nite suite, mere nazr to hat he...

1 year ago
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19 Sal Ki Girlfriend Ka Doodh Piya

I am rahul from Mumbai.This is my true love(sex) story.Yeh story mujhe mere girlfriend ne bataneko kahahe kyun ki iss kahani ke baad mera aur meri gf priya ka bahut acha mehsus (erotic) hota hai isileye meri gf chahati hai ki app log bhi apne gf ke saath aisa karein .Apki gf aur apko bahut accha lagega. Pehle me batadun ke me apni girlfriend ko bahut pyar karta hun.Abhi me 1styear pg me hun laken 6 months pehle mere sath ye kahani hui. Meri girlfriend aur me ek sath graduation padh rahethe...

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