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Granny used to cook amazing pies, my grandpa had been a cripple and he passed away while I was just 17, my parents had passed away long since and I lived with my Aunt May who worked full time, we were the only family so it fell to me to look after Gran in those next few weeks while she in Aunt Mays words “‘acclimatised’ to her single life!”
She stayed with us that first week, until the burial, and then it was to be back to her flat.
My gran was short a little overweight but I thought fit old bird, pretty in an oldish way, normally with a twinkle in her eye and a wicked sense of humour, which now despite her recent bereavement, was I was sure was only just below the surface.
I was now a sexually active lad, new at that time to sleeping with my Aunt, and was loath to be farmed out to my Gran`s place she being in her 80`s but you have it to do don’t you!
The day after the interment, I tucked myself into her “guest room“ an oversize cupboard of a bland little room at the end of the corridor with space for just a single bed a side locker and a small ottoman to put my stuff in.
We took tea together that first day and naturally as a sexually deprive youth [perhaps it was being deprived of my lovely sensual Aunt as I had not had any sex for all of about 6 hours! And we had had to be quiet with that so as not to wake gran.]
So I looked at my old gran as a woman for perhaps the first time not as my elderly granny!
She had shall we say an ample arse, and handy size tits, and I flittingly wondered about her wondering when she last had sex if I had known I wouldn’t have belived it. Surprisingly though I didn’t know it she was having like thoughts about me, thinking me to be a virgin or a near one obviously not knowing of me and her daughter, my sex mad aunt May!

Being a brash youth and not versed in the feelings of the bereaved or the ways of being tactful or as understanding as perhaps I should have been, I just burbled on with life and the things of the day. Luckily gran just understood and went with the flow. During the next few days we had the odd burst of tears and a couple of times she unthinkingly called me Fred, her late husband`s name, (I`m peter by the way) but other than that she had settled down well though even I sensed that the grief had not yet hit home properly.
Anyway it was the third day that I was there when gran came out of the shower room naked as the day, having forgotten my presence and it normally would have been her practise with old Fred to wonder about naked.
I was not going to protest and ogled her body as she walked down the corridor to her bedroom facing my open door. Her tits swang a little and yes they drooped a bit, well a lot in truth, her belly overhung her hairy puss and her legs had cellulite but she was female and to this young blood who had been kept from pussy for over a long 3 days, she looked both attractive and desirable.
She suddenly realised I was watching, but without a towel or anything to cover herself with, she, I assume decided ‘what the hell’ and came to my door. Asking if I approved of her old body, seeing a how I was stareing!
I answered perhaps a little red faced “you gran are really lovely” she blushed and said I was a sauce-box, and had I not seen many nude women before? Not thinking I said that “I had seen Aunt May but that was all!” remembering my promise to May, I quickly added that “it had been in an unguarded moment as she forgot to lock the bathroom door!”
Now I expected her to cover up and go a little red herself, but other than a touch of a blush she had no outward sign of being embarrassed.
I asked her about the letter on her right bum cheek apparently a burn scar, in the shape of a 2” high Z. “Can you keep a secret Peter?” She said in a near whisper, “I mean a secret for life, cos if what I want to tell you gets out, it will ruin me”
I promised whatever it was I would never tell a soul so she sat on my bed and after a quiet moment began to tell me of her colourful life. It was a revelation belive me, this little old lady who looked a butter wouldn’t melt granny had been a sexual lady in her time and was to my amazement still an active player!
As a girl she had been m*****ed by her own dad, and he had then also rented both her and her sister body`s to friends not to screw but to spank. Later this changed to being whipped for his profit. Her sister Lilly when they were 16, being whipped to death stopped that game though it was covered up by the local chief of police as he was on that occasion the bloke who wielding the whip!
Sadly by then Rose, my grandmother had got a taste for pain and missed the adventures.
She met and married Fred, the following year, and together, they had my Aunt Paula, Uncle Ted, my dad Ernie and then Aunt May. They were always hard up and it was a good thing the hospital gave her a hysterectomy after May was born, her and Fred being into sex in a big way.
Rose to make a few bob when times were hard would allow men to rent her body to use in what is now known as ‘a BDSM way,’ Fred of course, being by then a cripple and not able to work, he didn’t mind her enjoying pain but would not allow intercourse, until after her sterilisation, but his nimble pimping of his wife regularly kept them afloat in the hard times just prior to WW2.
The war took my Uncle Ted, at Salerno, and Paula and May had worked as nurses in the London hospitals, Paula being killed in a raid on her way home one night and May losing her fiancé in the same way. Sadly Ernie survived and married my mum but they died together in an accident when I was 8 and after a lot of wrangling I was placed with Aunt May.
The times were still hard so Rose had kept up with some of the more wealthy punters, Fred delivering her to them and nursing her after each adventure.
One of these had been a Duke, and he had a perchant for real sadism, every 6 months she would be his “guest” for a week of real pain and it was he later who had paid a lot extra to brand his initials on her arse. His name ‘Zeus’, sadly he had a middle name of ‘Petro’ and had offered the next time even more to brand her again in an even more painful place. She said she had had it done and here she stood up in front of me and challenged me to find the mark.
I carefully examined that old woman`s body with meticulous care, I raised her arms, I even lifted those lovely breasts and checked under each most carefully and enjoying the job as a bonus. Not one mark could I find.
She laughed then lay on my bed and opened her sex, on the inside of her right lip there was a small but perfect 5 letter word as a scar, it said Petro`s. My god that must have been oh so painful, I looked in awe now at this old woman.
She laughed at the look on my face, and then said she would tell me of that adventure after tea, if I wanted but she was hungry now.
I asked her if she would stay naked for me and she laughed again saying I will if you will Peter. It took no time at all and she quickly examined my by now stiff tool, approved, then kissed me and together we went to cook tea.
After we had eaten we repaired to her living room and with a brew of tea sat while she told me her story of the brands.
She started with the z, the Duke, was due to have her visit, Fred and herself where collected as usual and to the hall they went. As was the usual that first night they were guests at the dining table. The duke and the duchess always treated them as they would royalty, he as his hobby was inflicting pain and her ladyship in a spirit of as if it was not Rose it would have been her in the hot seat and she was not into taking pain though she loved watching and hearing a victim scream.
Each visit Rose had had the next 4 days in irons, kept as a prisoner and whipped every 4 hours both night and day. Royally fed and watered its true, and paid very well but deprived of sleep and unable to be comfortable for the whole time.
As the old Duke would say; Fred, her husband would, each time, “fetch her from incarceration and securing her for her chastisement.”
Then on the fifth day with the duchess in attendance usually she would be whipped continually till she faded into u*********sness before being sent home her body a mass of bloody stripes.
Strangely she looked forward to the “week away” more than anything else
This time he had bid a high price to brand her, and instead of the whip he wielded the hot iron on her arse while coupled doggy-style with the Duchess.
She said the pain was off the clock and ‘her Fred came just watching and she said she loved the anticipation most and even the pain in a strange way.’
She received the high payment from the duchess at her own home a week later. Her ladyship asked her if she would consider next time having a smaller brand but in this more intimate place and for a fee of double that originally paid for the Z.
Fred jumped at the job, and it was agreed for the next visit. This was regardless of poor Roses thoughts on the subject. There followed six long months of apprehension and fear, which old Fred had enjoyed no end! He would make it worse as when they were having sex he would describe the z and the smoke and stench of the burning flesh, and how she had shrieked and how he was to hold her cunt open for the hot iron next time and how she would scream even more.
Thus when the time came to visit that time she enjoyed the trip to the hall, and the four days, but come the fifth it took both Fred and the butler to secure our Rose to the table.
The Duke loved every wriggle and every kick, treating it as sport, and even helped to secure what he described as the lusty filly.
His wife when the body was totally secure asked time with Rose and the men retired to watch as the duchess played with the dry cunt of the victim. It was her that fingered my gran to climax and then selected the lip to use, deciding where the brand would go by a pinch to the right lip.
Sheer terror now gripped Rose, he men returned and the duchess again pinched her chosen site as the iron was in the heat.
The duke mounted his wife; luckily she was short and he tall he took her doggy fashion, her face just below Roses very secure knees her eyes on the wet cunt of the crying and begging woman.
Fred now opened his wife`s sex, holding it open while laying on her stomach, rose now knew the brand was inevitable, the butler passed the duke the iron and the deed was done to the count of three. Rose said that it was the most intense and fantastic pain she had ever endured, within a millisecond the world had blacked out as she went u*********s. The duchess later said she climaxed just from the scream and her husband filled her as he never had before, as hot iron in hand he collapsed on her back. Fred leapt up from her to avoid that still hot iron the duke in his passion not looking where it went.
Rose said she was left secured for a while after she returned from the darkness, her closed sex now burning with pain on the inside, tears ran and the duke and duchess screwed like rabbits each time her screams rang round the room. He sent for his whip and beat her on tits and belly till the blood ran and he was spent.
They then released her and sent the pair home.
A few weeks after the duchess appeared again, first she asked to see the scar and having seen it and kissed it till both ladies climaxed she explained that they wanted to go a step further one day. She had watched Rose absorb the pain, she belived that Rose wanted still more. So this time she had a contract that suggested Rose may enjoy taking the utmost step and be snuffed out at some point. The sum involved was a fortune, and Fred no doubt was tempted. Rose however refused point blank and said that she wanted none of that now but would keep it in mind if she became terminally ill!
She would still come and visit for the half year week, but there must be no funny business, and though she enjoyed the brands there must be no more though she would consider other forms of painful joy.
The duchess went home but said if she ever changed her mind to not hesitate to call!
Fortunately Rose still had the doctor friend to fall back on and to him she turned for an income. He only wanted to whip her arse and tits, and paid well.
By now my tool was a stiff as a steel rod, she smiled and asked if I was up for some fun, would I like to try this sex game and sleep with her.
Does a duck float, within the hour we were in her bed and screwing like maniacs, her begging me to pinch her nipples to give her that twist of pain she so desperately wanted.
Her climax was fantastic, arched back, heavy breathing eyes rolling and a loud gurgling scream, that sent me deeper and my cum splashing her guts.
She remarked after that “I was no virgin to screw like that”, and said “I suppose that slut May has taught you whatever she knows, she`s done well” then laughed at my red face.
The next day May visited, and Rose, she had asked me to call her rose now saying gran was making her feel old! Rose sat us down and said she wished to talk to us seriously.
We all sat at the table, Rose at the head, with the inevitable tea, and cake.
She started by telling May that she had worked out we were lovers, May shot me a worried glance, but Rose jumped in and said “she had worked it out and had tricked me into admitting it by my red face, and no boy would screw like he screws without a good teacher!”
She went on “Look I`m not unhappy about it and your my only relatives, I will make no bones about it I am a fairly rich woman now, and I want to help us all enjoy what I have left of life.”
I hate this pokey flat, you Peter have no job yet, and you May hate your job and your home. So what say we pool our resources and sell up, move to a nice place on the coastline in luxury and live on what I make, Peter will explain how later. You May can be housekeeper, Peter can be our man about the house shared by us both, and can be my escort during my ‘weeks away’ with both of you nursing me back to health as my Fred always did!”
Aunt Mays jaw had dropped, and I suspect mine was a bit slack, I was being offered a job as stud to two mature women, and set up for life! It would all depend on my Aunt.
Rose began again that “she had found a place only ten minutes drive away, it had a fab view, four big bedrooms, a cellar, a nice easy to keep garden and an indoor plunge pool. And it was within her budget what did we say?”
Within the hour we were looking round the place, and within 24, we had signed for it and were putting both the flats on the market.
That evening I had to explain the “weeks away” to May who looked a bit apprehensive, not having till then known of her mother`s kink, Fred and Rose having covered their tracks well.
Together we were to enjoy more adventures, but that`s for another time, if we get enough comments


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It was another typical day at the Happyville high school. After a long day of classes, Emma and Emily had the cheerleading practice, and now they were heading home. They hit the highway, and just before the exit to the rural roads to their farms, they heard a clunking noise from Emily's hand-me-down old Volvo sedan she got from her mom, and they pulled over. With their nice cheerleader uniforms still on, they get out of the car. There was some smoke coming out of the trunk. Emily opened it...

4 years ago
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Peter and Dash A Turn Part I

This story includes references to characters from other stories I've written that are posted on Fictionmania. You really don't need to know the names to follow the plot, but it helps broaden the experience. Peter and Dash: A Turn By Wolverine Mesmerize and Peter walked calmly down the busy city street. It was the middle of the summer, but Peter still wore a jacket, something that had become a uniform for him ever since he returned from the other universes. And ever since Laura had...

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Peter and Susie Ch1

“Come on Susie we talked about this, you agreed it would be fun.”“Yes well talking and doing are two different things, l’m nervous, l’ve never done anything like this before.”“You agreed we should spice things up a bit, we don’t want to get bored with each other.”“So you are bored with me then,” she said accusingly, “what are you saying, that you fancy someone else, that tart that works in the office perhaps, she looks like an easy lay with her false boobs and short skirts.”“Don’t be silly...

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Tim and Abbie 62 The celebration at Peter and Sarahs house

Tim and Abbie 62:  The celebration at Peter and Sarah’s houseOblivious to what is happening elsewhere this evening, on his way home, Peter makes a similar stop but at an off-license instead.  Purchasing a top-shelf bottle of Scotch to celebrate his news about his new position at Microga.Arriving home early, Sarah greets him with a look of concern on her face about what might have happened.  Seeing Peter raise the bottle in the air, she knows whatever it is must have been good and starts jumping...

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Auntie Wendy Makes Peter Punish Tina Part Two

Wendy walked over to where Jessica White was still holding onto her sobbing niece’s wrists and laid the small leather spanking paddle down, smiling as she picked up her large, wooden spanking paddle with the eight round holes in it that ran down its length in two rows of four. She held it up and made sure that Peter got a good look at it before she returned to where he was standing, still in shock at spanking Tina. The dark-blonde-haired French Mistress leaned over and kissed him softly on the...

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Ann and Mysterious Peter

One spring day in 1922 Ann closed up the shop where she worked. She was keen to run her own shop but it would be a several years before a legacy from an aged aunt would allow her to do this. For the time being, aged just 20, she continued to learn the ropes from Mr and Mrs Hunter.The next day she was closing up again but this time Mr and Mr Hunter were present. They called Ann to the storeroom at the back of the shop.Ann entered and closed the door.“Now, Ann, last night you forgot to lock the...

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Auntie Wendy Makes Peter Punish Tina Part One

Several months had passed since Peter had been punished by Auntie Wendy and her friends, Sylvia Davies and Natalie Bolton. She had wanted to punish him again soon after he had recovered from the hiding that he had taken from the ladies, but this had to be postponed indefinitely as her husband had stayed at home rather than heading abroad again to play golf, or meet his fancy woman, or whatever he did during his months away. However, he had finally left for ten weeks that Monday morning and Mrs....

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Foursome with mum peter and nicola

I had been struggling all month to work out what to do for my mother’s birthday, I was searching the internet high and low and eventually found a deal for a night stay with a couple of spa treatments. I went ahead and booked it for the following week of her birthday. Being a surprise, I didn’t tell her until the night before we were going. Dad was working away on this particular weekend, so I thought it would be nice to get out and enjoy a bit of much needed relaxation. Telling mum, the night...

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Peter Susie Ch 2

Susie looked over Peter’s shoulder, her legs still round his waist his cock still buried inside her. Her grip on him tightened as she saw Harry descending into the pool. Her eyes were fixed on his cock, it looked just like some of the ones she’d seen on the porn sites, it was bigger than Peter’s, not much longer but definitely thicker, the shaft curving upwards to a bulbous head that looked almost the size of her tiny fist. The thing that startled her more however was that Harry was completely...

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The Chronicles of Narnia XXX The White Witch Peter Edmund

WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!!!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This work is copyrighted to the author ? 2007. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your...

3 years ago
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I got to meet Peter North

My wife Stacey and I were in desperate need of a getaway from everything. Our lives had become too hectic with work and our c***d. We decided that we were going to go to Montreal, Quebec. Not the typical place that we would pick but something told us to go there. As we were packing, she wanted to know if we could make this trip all about sex. As usually we do some sightseeing wherever we are and only have sex maybe once while we are on vacation, as having a little one around makes intimate time...

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Peter North Encounter

My wife Stacey and I were in desperate need of a getaway from everything. Our lives had become too hectic with work and our c***d. We decided that we were going to go to Montreal, Quebec. Not the typical place that we would pick but something told us to go there. As we were packing, she wanted to know if we could make this trip all about sex. As usually we do some sightseeing wherever we are and only have sex maybe once while we are on vacation, as having a little one around makes intimate time...

2 years ago
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Peter and Dash A Turn Part II

Peter and Dash: A Turn, Part II By Wolverine Peter awoke with a start, his nightmares were becoming more and more realistic. He always heard a woman cry out in pain and then a feeling of remorse, but now it was becoming like an opera, a tragedy. Peter reached over and felt for his wife, Laura. Her hand patted him with reassurance and he fell back on his pillow. Laura flipped over and reached her small arm across his chest, her brown hair building up around his face. He brushed...

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Peter and Dash Homecoming

Hopefully I'll be able to finish off the characters from the Tucker stories here. Then we can get on to much better and more interesting stories. Peter and Dash: Homecoming By Wolverine Almost a year before this story begins, a young man named Tucker came under the possession of a strange entity. The entity corrupted Tucker's soul, his sister's (Whitney), and his mother's (Sherry). Murder, lust, prostitution, and the loss of souls were only a few of the sins they committed. A young...

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Night Skies Hotel Peter And Dash

Author's note: This story was written with permission from Solari, the creator of the wonderful Night Skies Hotel universe. Night Skies Hotel: Peter and Dash By Wolverine CHAPTER I: TWO DAYS EARLIER Shane was in heaven. Ever since he had arrived at the Night Skies Hotel a few hours ago he had been surrounded by beautiful raven-haired women with green eyes. They were perfect in every physical way and every last one of them, even the maids, moved seductively at all times. It...

3 years ago
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Please read, but I can't bring myself to say enjoy. Peter By Samantha Jay (c) February 2002 Part 1: In the beginning. "Samaritans, I'm Sam. How can I help you?" "You can't, nobody can," a voice said. "I'm willing to try, if you'll let me. What can I call you?" "Peter," the voice replied. "Hello, Peter, I'm Sam," I said. "I'm going to kill myself," Peter said. I pressed a button, which lit a lamp on the supervisor's desk. "Why do you want to kill yourself?"...

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Peter and Paul

“Peter and Paul” Peter knew this would be his very last chance to go the Model Plane Exhibition at Earls Court. Georgina would never go after the last time; his brother was his only way out. There was no way she would let him go on his own anyway. The house was quiet, Peter took the opportunity of ringing his twin brother, If Georgina found out too soon all would be lost, including his relationship with her. “I...

4 years ago
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Peter and Dash The Agency Part One

Peter and Dash: The Agency Part One By Wolverine Michael rushed through the moonlit forest. Every footstep he took gave the tell-tale crack or snap of a twig. The limbs were low for the 6'3" man. He had to duck to miss the branches, making his steps louder and heavier. Michael was tired, but he couldn't stop now. Even dying from exhaustion was better than the fate behind him. Pain roared through his sides. He had to stop. Michael looked around for a hiding spot. He saw very little...

3 years ago
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Mature Mom Shilpa And Masseur Peter 8211 Part 3

Massaging Shilpa’s breast was the best part for Peter. Her big dark brown areolas were also very inviting. In between Peter was lost in mature breasts rubbing her areola dots and her nipples were erect. Again he spread the thick lotion over her areola. Then repeated the action on her other nipple switching rubbing her breasts, areola and pulling her tits softly. She felt her body quiver with sensation. Although she knew his actions had more sexuality, she felt herself surrender. Where this goes...

3 years ago
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The Dirty DoctorsChapter 20 Peter Gets Into It Hard

Peter asked, "What are you watching? Are you watching Linda?" Madam Rose said, "Yes; and the girl in forty-seven." Peter asked, "Is she like my wife?" Phil said, "No fucking way, no one is like your wife. This girl in forty-seven is just jerking off guys." Peter asked, "Can I see?" Madam Rose said, "Sure, take a look. Look, all she is doing is jerking the men off while they take pictures of her and filming her for that guys' glory-hole website. She is doing it because she is...

2 years ago
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I got to meet Peter North Part 3

My wife and I were taking a vacation in Canada. We were staying at a beautiful hotel, and they upgraded our room to the presidential suite. The first night we were there we ran into Peter North. That night was the most memorable night that Stacey and I had. After getting some much needed sleep, after all that fucking, sucking and cumming that went on, but when I awoke, but Pete was not in the bed and Stacey was curled into a ball like usual. I crept out of the bed to not disturb Stacey. I went...

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Peter and Dash The Agency Part II

Peter and Dash: The Agency Part II By Wolverine The fight was a blur to Dash. Bunny had lunged out of the forest at Peter before he could even sense her. These agents were good. Luckily, Peter had been able to utter Dash's name in the scuffle, throwing Bunny back and allowing Dash to emerge. Bunny lunged at Dash as he gained control which prompted him to roll out of the way. She missed and Dash took the opportunity to take her out with a sword slash. Surprisingly, before his sword...

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No Turning Back Ch 02 Peter and Sam

Peter and Samantha ‘How was your weekend?’ Samantha asked, coming into the kitchen. She was wearing a light summer skirt and a lacy blouse, her black hair pulled back from her green eyes. ‘I never got the chance to ask last night or this morning.’ ‘It was fine,’ Peter answered, non-committal. He wasn’t sure how he was going to tell her about his experiences with Eric. They had an open, comfortable relationship, but their promise to each other was it all had to be open and honest. He’d now...

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Raising Peter Chp 6

In the privacy of their own home, Kamea was allowed to experiment and try anything sexually she might be curious about. However, her parents did make it clear that Evan would never penetrate her with his huge penis, not her vagina, rectum or her mouth and that she should always keep in mind that her virginity could only be given once. Maylea told her about the sex toys they already had and they would get more along with DVD’s and books. They would teach her everything they knew, not only about...

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Revisit to Uncle Peter

I haven't seen my Uncle Peter in The Netherlands for a couple of years and working full time for a large television network has not allowed me any time off, but this summer I would take a leave of absence to visit my favourite uncle. I have fond memories of years gone by and as he meets me at the airport I give him a long hug and the first thing I remember is the scent of his aftershave which brings about a little tingle between my thighs. By the time we get to his house it is late and I am...

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Denise woke early in anticipation of things to come. She had already packed the car with all that she needed for the day and, after breakfast, set off for the rented property where she had arranged to meet a new lover called Peter. They had agreed that Andy (a professional photographer) would be joining them to record the events on video and in pictures.On arriving at the property Denise unpacked the car and she felt a sense of excitement as she lay the contents of her luggage across a bed in...

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Adventures of Peter and Louise A Memory from Lou

My name is Louise, a 52 year old attractive, slim brunette. Peter my 55 year old partner of six years, says for my age I still have a body of a twenty year old, which I do keep in shape and in our few years together. Peter and I have enjoyed a great swinging sex life and he has pushed me sexually in directions I would have never dreamed of, however I have always had a fantasy or two which have not yet been fulfilled…until recently.Peter and I love going away to Zante in Greece for a couple of...

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My friend Peter and his mom

As a youth of 18, I always dreamt of having sex with someone, but it was only a dream. I used to watch porno sites and also blue films. Once my best friend, Peter told me about ISS and when I read stories, I kept on dreaming of wild sex. I used to visit Peter quite often. He stayed with mom, Rita, who was about 40 years old. His father was away in Gulf for job. His mom was very sexy. She had a great figure. I started lusting for her, but chances of fucking her were remote. But, I kept on...

2 years ago
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She Makes Peter Turn

Did she have a hidden agenda? Was her Ishtar to dominate white men driven by some racial hatred or need to seek revenge for her enslaved ancestors? By all outward appearances, that would appear to be the case. But Mistress Ishtar was far more complex than superficial appearances would allow. Black, strong, confident, and proud, there was no mistaking that the Domina was proud of her African heritage and took pleasure in reducing her white submissives to whatever it was that they feared the...

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