She Stole My Wife Ch. 04 free porn video

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Jimmy is back, better than ever.

Part 4 Jimmy Breaks Free

I slept well that night, and awoke Monday morning with my mind still in overdrive. I took the day off from school, and spent the day writing, recording, and sending finished material to a friend in the licensing and publishing business. Shortly after lunch, my fax machine rang, and went through the familiar start up sounds. My cell phone rang immediately as well. It was my friend.

The fax printed out a contract and all the needed paperwork to get my work licensed and copyrighted. I had sent 3 finished songs, and several fragments of ideas, all of which he loved. He had clients looking for material just like I had written, and encouraged me to finish the rest, because he was certain everything would sell right away. He also asked me to send all the stuff I'd written for school and church use over the years, anything I hadn't already published, and told me to begin arrangements of my new songs for school groups. He was so convinced these songs would sell, that my entire school music opus was likely to sell on my new songs' popularity coattails. I didn't argue, and that fax machine remained busy for the rest of the day, and indeed the rest of the week.

"What took you so long to start making money off this stuff, it's really good! I'm glad you're doing it now, and I'm thrilled you sent it to me, but I'm really ticked we didn't become millionaires together years ago! Jimmy, I've been after you for years!" His admonishment really hit home. All along, I could have had a bit extra in the bank, but I had always been reluctant to relinquish control of my songs. Suddenly faced with the financial difficulties surrounding a divorce on top of the costs of supporting a son with such significant developmental issues, I was forced to take this step into a second career. Besides, just think,, if I had pushed to sell my work back then, Andrea would be collecting half of the royalties as part of a divorce settlement. This way, it was all mine.

Driving home from school on Thursday, my agent called again. Two songs had sold to a prominent country star, who had been looking for filler on a new album. However, it didn't turn out to be filler. He liked the one I had written first, the "my divorce is final" song, so well he wanted to title the album after it. A third song had sold to an R&B singer, a young up-and-coming star. She was actually rushing to add it to the program of a benefit she would be performing the following evening, and she wanted me to attend. I'd have front row seats at the show, and an invitation to the after party. Who could resist? And Karen thought our big date would consist of no more than dinner and a movie.

I called to make dinner reservations, and reserved a room at the Plaza as well. I left Karen a message that our plans had changed, and she would want to dress up stylishly, but that our destination was a secret. Things were definitely looking up.

Friday I came home from school. Andrea and Kim came home later, chattering so raucously I could hear them over the water in the shower.. They were planning a busy weekend. I dried off, and took my time carefully shaving. I went to my room, and pulled out my most stylish suit. As I stood there naked, laying out my clothing, there was a knock on my door.

"Jimmy....oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you weren't dressed!" Andrea averted her eyes but walked right in.

"It's nothing you haven't seen before."

"Yeah, but I always saw it quite a bit softer, and flabbier, you're looking good!"

She stopped averting her eyes, and looked me over like she hadn't in years.

"Was there something you wanted to ask me?"

She abandoned whatever fantasy was currently playing in her mental cinema and explained to me that they had been invited to a cabin in the Poconos to go skiing that weeked. She wanted me to take Jeffy, even though it was her weekend with him.

"Sorry Andrea, something has come up. I have to be in the city tonight, and may not be home until late."

"Oh right you have a big date with Karen. Well you deserve it, you've been so good to us, and I don't want to be pushy." She paused in thought, and then asked "Would you mind if we left early tomorrow."

"I may not come home tonight. I may even stay out until sometime Sunday. I can't promise you'll even see me before the department meeting Monday after school."

Andrea was staring again. There was a time when I would have been quite turned on by that, but now she held no interest either sexually or romantically.

"You really, really look good, Jimmy."

"Thanks," I said as I pulled on my underwear, and began dressing. I don't know what disappointed her more, that I didn't get turned on by her, that she had Jeffy for the weekend and would have to pass on the skiing, or that I pulled my underwear on. Either way, a very long faced Andrea walked out of my room.

Just as I finished dressing, the doorbell rang. I heard Jeffy call out "Pizza Time!" in his inimitable sing song, but it wasn't the pizza man. My debut tonight had earned me car service, and as I came downstairs, Jeffy was showing a very elegantly dressed chauffeur into the entry way. The upper half of her ensemble was the traditional black suit, complete with white shirt, tie and black hat. But below, she was all about legs that never quit. They swept down from the tiniest of mini skirts. My suit was well tailored and very complimentary, but I didn't expect the look she gave me. If I was going to suddenly have a second career in my life that afforded me luxuries like chauffeurs, I hoped they would always be this luxurious...and sexy!

She took my small overnight bag, and led me to the elegant limo. Jeffy had to investigate so I had her take us around the block once, which thrilled him to no end. Kim and Andrea were astonished at the style I was exhibiting, as I had always been thrifty with a family budget that was always jus in the black.

Karen was also surprised when we picked her up. Many eyes followed her as we strolled out of her apartment, and our foxy chauffeur held the door for us both. She was all a twitter about where we were going. Dinner was filled with guesses and questions, as she tried to determine what had caused our change of plans. When we arrived at the concert hall, the limo dropped us curbside, where uniformed ushers met us at a VIP drop. We were ushered directly to our seats, as the program was about to begin.

When she found out who we were hearing, Karen flipped. It was one of her favorite singers, and the chance to hear her live was a huge thrill. It got even better when we were escorted to front row seats, and better still when the concert began, and the singer winked right at us.

The concert was nearly over, when the lights dimmed, and the song I had written began. They had re-worked the groove a bit, taking it from the folk pop sound I had submitted on my demo to an R&B beat that really worked...I loved it. The singers eyes teared, and I realized just how much she really identified with the lyric. She looked at me as she sang the final note, barely 10 feet away from where we sat. As the final chord faded into wild applause, she mouthed "Thank You" to me and blew me a kiss. Karen was floored. I like I was floating throughout the up tempo finale. I didn't feel my feet touch the ground as we were taken backstage to the green room to be greeted by the musicians. My hand was pumped until it was sore. Karen was astonished at being able to meet her favorite artist, and I was aroused by the embrace and kiss she gave me. She apologized to Karen.

"I'm sorry honey, but his song has made me feel so good, I have to pay him back a little bit!"

Karen smiled, and said she'd forgive her, if we could come hear her again sometime.

"Sugar, you stay with this man, and you'll hear lots of me. I want first dibs on everything he writes."

The after party was a blur. Taking Karen to the Plaza was a blur. Taking Karen to bed was not. We no sooner had closed the door to our room, than she wrapped her arms around me and spread my lips with the hottest tongue I'd ever felt. She exclaimed repeatedly how much she had loved the evening, and could hardly believe that she had just heard her favorite singing star playing the song I had just written. She couldn't get over the fact that she had heard it before anyone else, in the solitude of my own studio. She continued kissing my face and neck as she gushed about the entire experience. Then she pulled my shirt open and began to undo my belt. I quickly responded, unzipping her sexy dress, and as she dropped my pants to the floor her dress lay along side. She moved to the bed, looking so fuckable. Her tits were bursting out of the little black bra, and her black panties complimented sexily her dark thigh highs. Her ass was lifted by her legs which pressed so daintily into the very high heeled stiletto shoes. She pulled me to the bed by the hand, and as she crawled on top of the satiny gold cover, she pulled me down to kiss her again.

Her skin was afire, and my mind was frenzied with desire, until I remembered how Karen had made love that night I watched through the peephole.

"Savor it," I thought, "make love tonight. Make love the way you saw her make love. She'll want it the way she gives it."

So I didn't let her pull me all the way down on the bed to her. I caught my weight on my hands and knees and suspended myself above her. I dropped my lips to hers and held them there in a kiss...a barely touching kiss. I felt her hands respond, moving to my back and gently brushing along the skin. This was what she liked.

I went with it, and continued to barely kiss her lips, then slid along her cheek to her neck, just below the jaw bone. I whispered in her ear. I thanked her for sharing that night with me. I told her how good it felt to have such a beautiful woman by my side, especially since no one had been there for months. I told her she'd never know how much it meant to me, and that I could never repay what she had given me. I lowered my body to my side, half of me touching her, but with my weight firmly on the bed. My skin felt tingly against hers, and I could feel her beautiful breast heave with each breath she took. She did savor the moment as much as I had hoped. There was no rush, and each caress felt like its own eternity, and a blissful one at that. Her lips were moist and soft, and her skin was warm and smooth. I wrapped my arm around her and unfastened her bra. It slowly dropped away in front, but I let it rest where it settled. I ran my free hand down the length of the side of her body, brushing her skin, not pushing beyond the base of her breast. I allowed my hand to drift below her waist, caressing her thigh and hip, brushing her butt cheeks but being careful not to grab or even caress them.

She made the first move towards a more aggressively passionate pace. I felt her hand pull my head closer to her, and her kiss intensified on my lips. Her tongue parted my lips, and began to explore my mouth behind them. I felt her other hand slide beneath my waist band, and move my underwear off my hips. She began to cup and massage my butt cheeks, but I held onto my slow steady pace.

Her kisses became even more intense, and she rolled towards me, pressing her pelvis against mine. With my briefs at my knees, there was no hiding my excitement, and she wanted my body free and accessible, so she slid her foot up and drove my pants completely off. Here hands also reached down to her own panties, and she slid them to where she could wriggle free. My hand had wandered close to her breast in its travels, and she quickly freed her hand to take mine, and press it to her breast. She gasped as my hand engulfed her rock hard nipple. Her tits were incredibly firm, considering their size, and I delighted as she guided my hand in a massage. She finally placed my hand so her nipple was wedged between two open fingers, then grabbed my ass again and pressed us together. I slid my free hand underneath her, cupped her ass and pulled back.

"Where'd you learn to touch a woman like this?"

"From watching you, with Kim and Andy."

She must have been impressed, because she grabbed me tightly, and kissed me deeply. She rolled me to my back, and wriggled her hip to align her sex with mine. She slowly slid me into her dripping wet heat, and I moaned in pleasure. She held herself there, with me deep inside, pulsing her sex around my. We continued to kiss. Strangely, I felt no urgency to begin to thrust. I felt amazingly satisfied just holding myself inside her, both of us throbbing. Again, she decided when we had waited long enough, and the combination of me filling her and her pulsing herself around me must have spurred her to action, because she began to come shortly after beginning to move. She thrust her hips wildly against me, and bit down lightly on my tongue, which was deep in her mouth. She shuddered and writhed through an intense climax, and then came to rest against me.

"You didn't come." She whispered in my ear.

"You did!" I whispered back.

"Don't you want to?"


She resumed her kiss, and began to gently undulate her hips up and down, allowing me to slowly thrust in and out of her juicy pussy. I was still in no hurry to finish. There was definitely something to this "savor the moment" approach. Karen loved it too. She whispered and cooed the entire time, telling me how wonderful I felt, and that I could go all night if I wanted. I felt my body well up in that familiar preparation. But unlike any other time I made love, I didn't explode. I felt the orgasm welling up with enormous energy, and then it began, and then it sustained. It continued to press my body into places I hadn't gone before. I could feel the climax in my toes, in my shoulders, in m very hair. It didn't wash in waves as usual, it just pressed against every cell in my body. Karen felt it too. She was excited at first and began to cum herself. However as her orgasm subsided, I was still locked in the energy of the moment. She began to worry.

"Are you ok?"

I was speechless. My eyes too must have been glazed over, and seemed unresponsive, because she became more obviously worried.

"Jimmy...Jimmy, are you alright!!??"

Her frantic voice broke the spell, and the waves that had built up then began to break. I felt myself spew deeply into her, and began to thrust hard against her. The energy I was releasing was incredible, and soon drove her back to climax. We writhed and kissed and hugged and scratched and clawed and grabbed and sucked and fucked through the most powerful moment I had ever experienced. When the eruption passed, she looked into my eyes still concerned. Then her mood broke and she grinned.

"Welcome back."

"You too," I panted.

"I never..."

"I know." I panted still.

She rested her head on my shoulder, and we fell asleep there.

The sex Karen and I shared that night was incredible. True to my suspicions and hopes we rode the high of the evening through the weekend, shopping, sampling the city's diverse cuisine, drinking champagne, and fucking at all hours of the Saturday, Saturday night and Sunday morning.

Monday's school day was easy to take. I spent every free moment writing. The department meeting was uneventful, though I kept filling my notebook throughout. I was oblivious to the fact that Andrea's glare should have born a hole in me. At the end of the meeting, a somewhat troubled Andrea asked me if she could ride home with me, Kim had taken the car. I agreed and she followed me to my car.

All the way home, she pumped me about my weekend, looking for details. I didn't answer with any kind of detail, so her questioning intensified. As we got closer to home, she asked point blank if I were getting serious with Karen, all the while suspecting that she was the reason for my bright mood. I pulled the CD that had been playing out of my dash, and handed it to her. It was a burn of the recording of the benefit concert. My song had been playing. It was autographed, Dear Jimmy, thanks for the song! I stopped the car and strolled across the yard to the front door. She sat in the car staring at the CD in disbelief.

Karen and I didn't last long as lovers. The sex was great, but we didn't connect on the other things that were important in a relationship. We still remain friends, and we still enjoy fucking each other once in a while, but have agreed to avoid being serious, and to stay out of the way of each other's serious loves.

My song hit the charts a month later, and became a huge hit. The country singer also did well, with both of my songs hitting the country top lists. Shortly after that, royalty checks began to appear from my licensing agreements. I would never again have money problems. I frequently hired my favorite limo driver to take me into town, to ball games, and once to a weekend getaway...requiring her to spend a couple of nights in my cabin.

I never again needed anything as pitiful as my peephole, though I am grateful I had it during those months while I was trying to get my head together. It's odd, but it seems money makes you much more attractive, and suddenly women who would have thought you too old, too gray, too thick in the waist think you're pretty hot. I had plenty of money to take a willing date to a high class hotel, or on a weekend escape. I had Karen around, and my chauffeur was always pleased to drive me anywhere, around the block or around the corner, or on an "overnight trip" with no other passengers. I went to parties, concerts and premiers with the entertainment crowd, and managed to be well traveled in conferences and festivals for my school music publications, which had caught on as well.

Women were everywhere, and I enjoyed sampling every size, shape and flavor. I had undergone a great deal of pain, frustration and humiliation in recent months, but was making up for it rapidly. So many friends and colleagues didn't understand why I chose to live like I had, but I couldn't let Jeffy's world blow up so suddenly. I could endure insults and snide comments for his sake. I could endure the hell of losing a loved one in such a humiliating way. I could endue the hell of having to live like I had. Those things paled in comparison with the thought of Jeffy believing he wasn't loved, or that he no longer had a safe place to call home. I had to stay within myself until I could give him a stable home.

Suddenly, I didn't look too stupid to those same fools who had ridiculed me, instead of standing by me as friends should. I was hanging with an entirely different crowd. I went nowhere without the company of a sexy woman, and that was especially tough to take for those guys who were locked into marriages that had grown cold with age. They had laughed when they found out I had been toasted at my wife's divorce party, but had gulped their ridicule away whenever they saw me with one of the women I met at that same party. The attention I garnered was a cause of extreme jealousy in Andrea as well, that her friends, the very women who toasted my divorce now took advantage of the freedom that party celebrated by regularly coming over to see me instead of her. How ironic was that.

My world had turned around completely, and I had nothing to do with initiating the change. Change was thrust upon me, and nothing was ever so painful. But I took my time dealing with it. I watched change evolve, I learned its course, and I made the best of it. I dried my tears before anyone saw them, I didn't let them see my pain. I was stronger for it in the end. I found sides of me that had been buried and lost in the routines of day to day life. I liked those new sides. I'm not sure I would have ever found them if Andy hadn't left me, so in a real way, that toast which was so uncomfortable to hear at her divorce party was momentous in my life as well. It was my freedom too. I was torn up about it then because I had no idea how valuable that would become. Andy had been holding me down. I was too comfortable with her, and had probably needed to find a new edge in my life. I was better now.

I still had a long way to go, and grow. I had all that I wanted. I kept thinking that. "I have all that I want." But one thing was still missing. I had everything except that one thing that was so important to me about Andy when we were married, someone to share my life and grow old with. Some day, I'd have to work on that.

to be continued...

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Sheela Ki Maa

Hi friends, shivam here, Banglore me rehne vali kisi bui aurat ko meri zarrorat mehsoos hogi to muje bass ek baar msg kare on Aapne meri last desi hot sex story padhi aur bohat sare response bhi diye, isliye mai apni kahani ka agla instalment leke aapke samne aaya hu,aap sab to mere aur sheela ke najayaz rishte ke bare me jante hai, hum dono ne kai mahino taktak apna ye khel jari rakha, kabhi sheela ke ghar me, kabhi mere ghar me, kabhi kitchen me, car me, terrace pe, koi bhi aisi jagah nahi...

2 years ago
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Sheri the Tourist Gets Used

Sometimes you never know when things work out. There I was in a bar in Sydney on a Monday after a committee meeting debriefing about the day’s events. We had had a few drinks, when I heard a woman with an American accent at the bar order a drink. She was sitting by herself. I guessed she was in her sixties, but certainly well dressed and well-presented overall. I could see that she had a delightfully ample chest. Her gaze seemed to be inviting, so I did the appropriate thing and said hello...

2 years ago
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Published by Wife4sperm

To my husband: I love being a naughty slut for othersI'm at the skate park surrounded by the group of guys. We were down in the pit of the park and couldn't been seen by passersby. There are six or seven I'm not sure. They are all naked and leering at me. I look down and find myself with just garters, stockings, and high heels. Jason is the clear leader and is standing there. His thick cock is right in front of me. He helps me down to my knees and I lean in to kiss his cock. My hands cup his...

5 years ago
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Shela ka biaah aik army major arun sey howa aur unkey han aik ladrka aour aik ladrki paida howi. Ladrka badr tha aour ladrki chotti. In bachoon key baad arun ki sey ki chahat kam honey lagi. Shela ney subhi kuch ker dekha mager aik wakat aisa aagia ki arun maheno shel ko na chodta. Ahista ahista uska dhian baher ki aourton ki terf honey laga aour wo yeh sub kuch chupa ker nien kerta tha bulkey shel ko na serf pata tha ki uska pati kiya kerta hey bulke arun baher ki aourton ko ab gher laney laga...

2 years ago
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Shelia The Shark

They called her Shelia the Shark, oh not to her face of course, but it was certainly whispered behind her back and she hated it! She had been tagged with the moniker because as one of the five prosecuting DA's in the city she alone ate up defense attorneys and didn't bother to spit out their bones! She was especially ruthless when it came to prosecuting murder cases, and of special interest to her were those involving innocent women. Tuesday, Current Year Shelia Ross sat at her desk and...

4 years ago
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Sheena Jungle Queen Ch 02

I woke the next morning to Sheena’s sweet kisses. Once my eyes were open the golden jungle goddess smiled at me and kissed her way down my body. My arms and legs were stiff and numb from having been immobilized all night but I could not have cared less. I certainly didn’t feel any discomfort as Sheena slid her sweet lips all over my shaft with the same amazing intensity of the night before. To my utter delight Sheena mounted me again. I watched her lovely tits bounce evocatively as she slid her...

3 years ago
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Sheryl and the Straitjacket Incident

Chapter One "Hey, pass me that flow coefficients sheet, will you?" "No prob. The laminate flow one, right?" I slide the piece of paper over to the right, and Sheryl cranes her neck down just a tad to get a better look. A few strands of hair fall out over her left ear; with fluttering heart, unsure of what her reaction will be, I restore the wayward strands back to their regal perch. She turns her head towards me. I'm delighted to see that she's smiling. "Thanks, man." I'm a...

3 years ago
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Sheela teacher tho naa sex experience

Hai naa peru ramky! Nennu ikhada meeku chepe visayam real ga jarigindhi.adhi naa 10th class chdive rojulu,maa teacher peru sheela ,thanu chala andamuga untundhi, valla native place challa duramuga untundhi,sheela okkare oka room tesukuni job chesthundhi.maa class lo 4 members thana dagara tution chepinchukunevam. Sheela ki monthly some tution fees kuda ichevallam.roju 4:30pm nundi 6:30 varaku chepedhi.e incidedent oka roju jarigindhi,aa roju enduko naa friends evarru tution ki raledhu,neenu...

3 years ago
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Sheena Jungle Queen

Our project was meant to preserve the African jungle, The irony of tearing down a stand of old growth forest to set up the satellite data links we would need and the structures to house our operation was lost on none of us. We justified it by the fact that once our buildings and antennas were up we would be able to monitor wildlife over a broad area, spot poachers in record time, and preserve the habitats of large numbers of species both threatened and endangered. We had support from several...

1 year ago
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Sheri and Jeanette Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Jeanette followed her cousin downstairs. She had to make an effort not to cross her arms over her chest. Her nipples were hard, knowing that they were going to ask Ethan to fuck them. "Where is he?" she said. "I don’t see him yet." Jeanette nudged Sheri and pointed. "Look, there he is," she said, leaning closer and lowering her voice. "Check out his pants. He’s already got a woody. Let’s ask him. That woody will fix that funny feeling inside you."...

2 years ago
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Shepard and Veetor

~Hey, am silling working on my other story right now , but I have been thinking about wirteing this for some time now. Am thinking of putting this under Non-Erotic, seeing as this is much more about love, than sex. If you don’t know the story line to the game mass effect I wouldn’t even try to read this, but your welcome to. Just know this is about Female shepard and Veetor (the quarian she saved in mass effect2. P.s. mass effect is a game played in the furture and quarians are just another...

2 years ago
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Sheetal and Nisha Love Part 1

hi sweethearts this is raghav from hyd reply comment at … iam a big fan of iss since the website has been establised iss has shared many moment of lonelyness turning it to hot. about me iam a simple guy with lot of simplycity and knowledge abt market statergy and fund management.with 30 yrs around 65kg weight,5.10″height,weatish skin and people do say tht i have a very masquline voice while my body shaped like a college going student. this is about a shetal of 23yrs wheatish tone around5.6″...

1 year ago
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Sheri and Jeanette Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Sheri and Jeanette ran to Sheri’s room, giggling. They shut the door and bounced on the bed. Jeanette’s excitement overflowed and she couldn’t stop giggling. Sheri touched her hand. “Guess who I went out with.” “Who?” “Richie Jeeter.” “Oh my God. You really went out with Richie Jeeter?” Sheri nodded, grinning. “On our first date, we went to the school dance. When we were dancing, he was feeling me up. Then, after, he drove me up to the lookout. I was...

4 years ago
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Shelia and Thomas

Chapter 1 — Shelia and Thomas Meet It was late at night and Shelia was lonely. After dumping her boyfriend two months ago, for cheating, she had finally gotten over the ‘all men are dogs’ theory and wanted to simply have someone appreciate her for her. Not wanting to just meet someone at a bar she had started complaining to her girlfriends about there not being any good men left. With their agreement she sank deeper into her loneliness. Work was always the same. There was Mark in Marketing,...

2 years ago
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Sheena by Jennifer Lorissa-Leigh "I tell you, Arnie, something's going on in there." Jeremy spoke as he and his friend looked upon the university's Institute for Human Sexual Studies. "I know Jerry went in there, and never came out." "Maybe he just quit school and went home to Nebraska, like they said," Arnie suggested. "What could possibly be in there that would cause someone to disappear?" "I don't know. Some kind of foul play's going on... maybe one of the...

2 years ago
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by Jennifer Lorissa-Leigh"I tell you, Arnie, something's going on in there." Jeremy spoke as he and his friend looked upon the university's Institute for Human Sexual Studies. "I know Jerry went in there, and never came out.""Maybe he just quit school and went home to Nebraska, like they said," Arnie suggested. "What could possibly be in there that would cause someone to disappear?""I don't know. Some kind of foul play's going on... maybe one of the professors is a serial killer, or something...

4 years ago
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Sheena8217s Defloweration

This is my first submission to this site and if you like it please leave a comment so that and I get to know your feelings. Any suggestions are also welcome in form of comments. all dialog are in Hindi while the narrative is kept in English according to your comments I would come up with complete Hindi or complete English version as soon as possible. Now enjoy the story. I hope you enjoy the experience like I did. Another summer day in Delhi and the mercury was shooting above 40. Sheena was...

2 years ago
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Sheena Ryder 200 420000

I love this new globalized world we're living in, where more and more people are pumping out mixed babies. It's already become clear that these mixed folks are generally sexier than their purebred counterparts. That's why all the pure breeds get mad about it. Competition is getting tough, and the mutts are winning.That's why when I heard that a new half-Puerto Rican and half-Greek bitch was entering the industry, I was all eyes and ears. That sound's like a blend I need in my life right away....

Twitter Porn Accounts
2 years ago
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Sherrys Test Ch 20

This is a continuation of the Sherry’s Test Series. It will make more sense if it is read in order but each chapter stands on it’s own. This chapter contains light spanking and humiliation in a family environment. It does not contain any sex. It is mainly about submissive females and dominant males. This story is meant as a completely fictional, unrealistic fantasy and the characters bear no resemblance any real person. Feedback, votes and comments greatly appreciated. I put a lot of effort...

4 years ago
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Sheik Omar Ch 02

Sheik Omar had been taking good care of the golden haired girl he had found in the desert alongside the crashed airplane. He kept feeding her small sips of water and was surprisingly delighted to notice that during the night she had been peeing all over his best robe he had dressed her in. Because at least that meant her kidneys worked again. So he had removed the robe and washed it as the dry desert air would dry it in an hour and had bathed her again in one of the lakes in the oasis. When he...

3 years ago
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Sherris black sex instructor part 2

After several months of incredible sex with Richard, Sherri accepted a date to go with him to a friends bar on the outskirts of town. She wore a tight, stretchable, body hugging black dress that clung to her body and showed everything she had. Richard insisted she wear no panties or bra and she happily obliged as she said she felt so alive and very sexy. Not to mention horny and wet!They drove for a short while to a house in the hills just outside of the city limits. It was an older house...

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Shelia and Thomas Ch 02

Chapter 2 — Shelia Returns Home Shelia had made a decision. Tonight she would have her satisfaction. For the first time she was going all out with a man where she would be in control. Thomas was excited beyond belief. For the first time he looked at what she was wearing. Monica (as he knew her) wore jeans and a sweater. It was a cool night. Her curves made the outfit stunning. Sexy in that casual way real woman are Thomas was breathing fast. Shelia was getting aroused. She was taking...

3 years ago
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Sherrys Test Ch 17b

This is a continuation of the Sherry’s Test Series. It will make more sense if it is read in order. Each chapter stands on it’s own but this chapter is a continuation of 17a and it would be good to read that first. It is meant as a completely fictional, unrealistic fantasy and bears no resemblance any persons spanked or unspanked. Feedback, votes and comments greatly appreciated. I put a lot of effort in writing this, so please take a moment to vote and comment. – – – – – – – – – – – – – –...

4 years ago
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Sheena receives an unexpected punishment

My busty girlfriend Sheena called me, saying she was home alone during the afternoon. She asked me if I was free to enjoy a good time at her house. Sheena had always been a fun time, but since her divorce, she had been even a better lover. She convinced me, saying some other girlfriend had given her a brand new huge dildo as a present and so she wanted to use it for the very first time with me...The bitch really knew how to stimulate me sexually. She used to play rough enough to get me off...

3 years ago
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Hi friends thank you for your comments on my mail for my stories. Now I am telling you the next experience which I had with Sheela aunty. I would really appreciate if you could give me your comments about the same good or bad. My mail is After mt girlfriend left suddenly I was really upset and was slowly getting over it and moving on with life when suddenly after about 3 months I got a call from Sheela aunty. I was really surprised to receive her call and we chatted generally as to how was I...

4 years ago
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Sheena yude shankhojam reji othukki

Orikkal Mum-Bah yaathrak aayi Sheena boarding formalities complete cheydhu, yennal yendho shaankedhika prasanam moolam flight thaamasiche poakoo, pasangers ne avarude flatil poakaan anuvadhichilla, Air port nu aduthulla Hotelil yella yaatra kaarkkum free accommodation offer cheydhu, problem solve cheydhaal immediate aayi flight purappedunnadhinaal yaatrakkarkk avide thaamasichu wait cheyuka alladhe mattu maargham yillayirunnu; mattonnu confirm ticket ulla yaathrakaarkk maathrame accommodation...

1 year ago
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Sheri and Jeanette Part 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! Ethan dropped her panties. “You’re so beautiful,” he said, staring between her legs. He put his hand around his woody and moved it back and forth. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Jeanette stared at his penis. “Yes. I’ve been a virgin as long as I want to be. I want a penis in me and I want you to put your’s there. But you better not hurt me. You know I’m a virgin.” “I’ll ease it in slow and gentle. I’ll take it real easy. I won’t hurt you a bit.”...

3 years ago
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Sheetal Mami Ka Gussa Hua Shant

Hello everybody, mera naam vikas hai, age 21, height 6 feet, size 7 inches aur mai delhi se hun bhenchod.Mai sabhi ko pranam karta hu aur females ko bahut saare fun ke lie invite karta hu.Mai iss ka fan aur ye meri pheli story hai, bhul chuk maaf Ab sidha story pai aate hain Mera naam vikas hai aur mai 21 saal ka, delhi ka launda hu. Ye baat tab ki hai jab mai 19 saal ka tha. Mai mere college ke exams ke baad ki chuttion mai apni nani ke ghar jaane ka plan bana raha tha. Yaha mai bata dun ki...

2 years ago
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Sherrys Test Ch 18

This is a continuation of the Sherry’s Test Series. It will make more sense if it is read in order but each chapter stands on it’s own. This chapter contains light MMF/F spanking and humiliation in a family environment. It does not contain any sex. This story is meant as a completely fictional, unrealistic fantasy and bears no resemblance any persons spanked or unspanked. Feedback, votes and comments greatly appreciated. I put a lot of effort in writing this, so please take a moment to vote...

4 years ago
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Sherri takes pity on her Guinea Pig8217s enforced celibacy and gives him some pleasure

An original story based on a real-life experience. Sherri turned off the living room TV and yawned as she walked into the kitchen to fetch a bedtime Diet Coke, her firm breasts outlined under her t-shirt as she lazily stretched her arms upward. As she opened the refrigerator door a blast of cold air raised goosebumps on her bare legs; just panties and a shirt was Sherri’s standard nighttime garb. The noise of the refrigerator door was followed almost instantly by a high-pitched...

4 years ago
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Sheela Ki Jawani

Hi guys I’m shivam, I’m 5’7″ fare complexion guy with an average body and 7″ dick, I’ll write this story in hindi, so that every reader understands it better So ye story start hue 2 sal pehle, basically mai mysore ka rehne vala hu vahi pe maine apni graduation ki, during my education I had a huge crush on a girl name sheela, vi ek bihat hi khoobsurat ladki this, bhari bhari si thi, uske body me sabse zyada akarshit karne vali cheese use aankhe this, but mai use kabhi apne dil ii baat nahi kar...

2 years ago
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Sheena DefeatedChapter 3

No matter how hard they pressed her, Sheena wouldn't tell them what happened to Dooley. Maybe she didn't know. She was in shock when Gene got her to camp. "You think she killed him?" Louie asked, after Sheena had been allowed to go to sleep. "Yeah, somehow I think she did," said Gene. "With her hands cuffed behind her?" said Akbar. "Yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but I think she managed to off the poor son-of-a-bitch without using her hands." "Crocs got him," Tremain said...

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Shelley Comes To Stay

Josh is twenty and lives at home with his parents. He is a student, at a local university and commutes in for lectures, so he can save money on accommodation and so on. In this way he will not leave university, several thousand pounds in debt. His room at his parent's house is a spacious double room. He has all the tech and modern conveniences he needs, a nice big double bed and a en suite bathroom, so the only reason he needs to leave his room is the get fed. Josh’s parents, Steve and Bev,...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Sherris Tijuana Trip

I had known my wife Sherri was a bit of a sex fiend since before l married her. Her confession to me about her past and the things she had done did not push me away, rather it attracted me to her even more. She had a need to degrade and humiliate herself in various ways that usually involved groups of men in different scenarios. But really, she was down for pretty much anything, and it became my job to help her find outlets for her needs. Let me also preface this story by saying that Sherri was...

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Sheenas wild brutal punishment

Friday afternoon I joined Camilla at Laura’s home. Our good girlfriend had invited us to have tea and to kiss and tell for a while.There we found Sheena, a blonde bimbo with perfect curves and a very slutty smiling face. We were all around our late thirties; but the stupid bimbo was just barely legal.After having some drinks, the whole conversation centered around sex toys and sexy outfits or anything that had to do with sex. A week ago Laura and me had done some good purchase at the mall,...

2 years ago
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Sheena Ki Chudai Kamasutra 8211 Part IV

Hey all ISS readers !! Friends I am back with my another adventure. Jo log meri story 1st time padh rahe hai unhe me bata du ke aap mere story ke previous chapters jarur desi sex adventures – part 1, sex at Sheena’s home – part 2,Kaamasutra sex with sheena part-3. Now im writing the Kaamsutra sex with sheena part 4. Me apne bare me fir se bata du ke me ek handsome, fair, tall, medium body age 19 ka boy hu. My tool length is 7.5 inches . I love sex, and I even love it more when I do...

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