Wife 1st Unusual free porn video

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There are thousands of men who fantasize about their wives having sex with another man, but very few will experience it quite like this.

Anyone ever had a younger man just take a liking to your wife? Surely some have, but I mean quite literally a guy who developed a serious crush on her. One who would have bathed a cougar if she asked? Well, my wife had such a fellow in her very recent life. He adored her. This infatuation was well within reason too.

I had become accustomed over the years to men of all ages being overly nice to my wife, and not just because of her sweet disposition either. Basically, any man producing testosterone finds himself staring at her. She's what most would consider the true definition of a MILF. Let's face it, how often these days do you see a knockout 39-year old woman, who is 5' 2", 110lbs, brunette, with absolutely perfect legs, perfect ass, and an unbelievably beautiful smile?

Now when I say a younger fellow, I mean that my wife was 39 and this young man was 22 at the time. She's not the type to take advantage of kindness and actually he's not the type who even knows he's going overboard for her, but it's so very obvious when he's always trying to please her in everything he does.

First of all he loves hanging out at our home because we never treated him any less because of his age. From the first time he met us, when he was nineteen, he just felt comfortable around us. His mother had been our neighbor for over s*******n years, but he had lived with his biological father until he was nineteen, moving in next door to be closer to the state university and to have more freedom.

From first sight, he was utterly in love with my wife, Kathy. Jack was a very intelligent fellow with a full-ride academic scholarship, but was a complete moron when it came to his love life. The funny thing is, if he had treated women as he treated my wife, they would have fallen at his feet. He was actually a rather handsome guy with an athletic build, but had been sheltered by his father and stepmother all his life. He didn't even go to his senior prom because his dad put so many restrictions on prom night; he felt it wasn't even worth the effort.

Over the few years he lived next door, he became very comfortable around us, and we with him; it was not uncommon for him to be lying on the couch in our basement watching TV when my wife or I got home from work.

Late one evening, around 1:30 AM, my wife and I finished watching a series of DVDs we had rented. We were both barely awake as the final movie was ending, when suddenly we heard a knock on the sliding glass doors leading from our bedroom to the back yard. My wife instantly panicked and rolled off onto the floor in just her panties, dragging the bedspread with her to cover her breasts.

I rolled in the opposite direction and grabbed my pepper spray from the night stand on my side of the bed. As I crept towards the door, I saw a silhouette of whom I was pretty sure was Jack. I barely plucked the blinds back and sure enough he gave a silly wave and smiled.

Kathy and I knew he had a big date this very evening, but wondered why at 2 AM he would be knocking on our door. As I slid the door open, he immediately began to apologize saying, "I'm so sorry to bug you, Mike, but I saw your lights on and, well, I'm locked out next door." I immediately told him to come in, and he glanced to his right seeing Kathy getting up off the floor with the bedspread tightly clutched to her chest. He again began to apologize for the intrusion.

Kathy began asking a flurry of questions, "Why would they lock you out? Don't you have a key? I thought you had a big date tonight? How'd that go?"

Being very comfortable with us he explained, "They locked me out because they are assholes. As far as my date, it went just like all the other disaster dates I've had recently... I didn't get laid."

Kathy chuckled and said, "If you keep thinking you're going to get laid on every first date, you're setting yourself up for disappointment, don'tcha think?"

He smiled and replied, "Well yes, but damn it, I'm 22 years old and have had sex four times in my life; and three of those were with the same chick, who insisted that I not only wear a condom, but that I take it very slow so as not to break the condom. Then when I finished, I was to be ultra careful not to even take the condom off unless I was five feet away from her because she said some of it might get on her... Now, does that sound like a wild and satisfying sex life to you?"

My wife and I looked at each other and grinned as if to say, "That was a little more information than we expected." Kathy jokingly said "Scoot over here; at least I can give you a hug." Keeping the blanket pulled close to her chest with one arm, she leaned over with her left arm and hugged him saying, "You have your whole life ahead of you stud-man, just stop trying so hard."

He chuckled replying, "Easy for you to say, you and Mike can bang each other ten times a day if you like."

She laughed and said, "Married people don't have sex ten times a month silly," as she jokingly rolled her eyes at me.

I could tell he had been drinking heavily for two reasons; one, I could smell it from across the room and two; he was in rare form, saying whatever was on his mind. We had known him for quite some time by this point though, so almost no topic was off limits and basically there was no subject we hadn't spoken to him about before.

Right out of the blue and in pure drunk fashion, he said "You know, I really do have enough common sense to know not to expect to get laid on every first date, at least with a decent chick, but I've not been really dating the most moral chicks in the state you know, and hell, I can't even get a hand job... even a simple hand job would at least keep my balls from aching, and she could still be pure as the driven snow."

I laughed and said, "I know it's late, but you're probably going to stay the night anyway, so let me get you a drink, I think you can use one." Actually I figured it might tire him out and he would want to go crash on the couch in the basement. Kathy just continued to laugh her hind end off at some of the things he was saying.

I walked to the kitchen and was gone approximately five minutes grabbing three glasses and a bottle of Crown Royal, and as I walked into the bedroom, I heard my wife explaining, "What in the name of good sense makes you think a hand job isn't sex; she would still feel like she was engaging in a sexual act, and feeling slutty."

He replied, "But I would be the only one getting off, and, well... Awe hell I don't know."

I set the bottle and glasses down on the dresser and jokingly said, "Are you trying to talk my wife into giving you that desperately needed hand job, you sneak, is that what I'm hearing?"

He laughed and replied, "Oh I'm sorry, Mike, we should have told you, our whole plan was to have you go to the kitchen for drinks while Kathy gave me a hand job... Thanks, Kathy, you made my night."

She laughed and said, "Oh you know me, I thought it was my female duty, felt sorry for ya."

I returned the joking sarcasm saying, "So basically if I had still been in there making frozen daiquiris, you might have gotten laid."

He laughed and replied, "You're the luckiest man I know, I would give both my feet to have that experience."

My wife smirked and said, "Okay boys, let's calm down. Poor Jack over here is already about to climax in his pants, let's not be cruel." We all continued to small talk and harass one another as we drank.

After thirty minutes or so, he began daring us to do shots, and my wife kept insisting that she had had plenty, reminding him that if he hadn't knocked on the door she would have been asleep by this time. After several more minutes my wife finally said, "Fine, fine, fine, pour the damn shots, just shut up about it already." She had already put down at least three double-shot mixed drinks, and I would know, I was pouring them. After several shots, my wife, along with what she had already drunk was quite buzzed. Jack was damn well getting hammered, but rather than getting more tired, it seemed he was becoming more and more awake.

At around 3:15 AM, he got back on the subject of, "Why can't a woman just give a guy a hand job on a first date?" I know this will sound insane to some people, but after having several drinks and shots, hearing it over and over and watching my beautiful wife lean into him innocently, I slowly began to fantasize about my wife giving him this coveted hand job he kept going on about. In fact, the more he spoke of it, the more I thought about it.

My wife kept giving him the same generic advice, when right out of the blue, and I will never forget this moment for the rest of my life, I said without a great deal of thought, "Enough about the hand job. Honey will you please give him the hand job so we can stop talking about it?"

There was a very odd five seconds of silence before my wife finally replied with her chin hanging down to the floor, "Um, what was that, Mr. Mike?"

I just kind of grinned and said, "What the hell just give the poor guy a hand job before he jumps off a bridge. Then we won't have to hear any more about it." She kept her mouth open the entire time I was speaking in an utterly shocked manner, almost as if waiting for the punch line as Jack sat there looking like a deer in the headlights.

Finally Jack said, "Oh shit, are you serious... Oh shit, oh my God, you need to stop teasing. You're k**ding right?" My wife just kept staring at me almost the way someone does when they just heard a long joke and didn't quite get the punch line.

I immediately walked to the dresser and poured another shot for each of us, when Kathy finally said something. Still in shock and with a slight yet confused grin, she said sarcastically, "Oh my God, my husband has a few drinks and wants to watch me give a guy a hand job. I suppose if you pound a few more, maybe Jack can fuck me, how'd that be, husband?"

I calmly replied, "Oh calm down, don't you feel sorry for him just a little bit?"

She paused for a second and replied, "I feel sorry for starving c***dren in Africa, but I haven't sold my home and shipped them the money yet." Meanwhile Jack is sitting there hanging on every word continuing to wonder if he was actually hearing what he was hearing.

I handed her the glass, and she continued to glare at me with a combination of pissed off, confused, and oh shit, all rolled into one. Jack, still sitting on the end of the bed at Kathy's feet, said, "I swear I wouldn't tell a soul, Oh my God, this would be so...."

Just before he could finish, Kathy said, "Jack, just shut the hell up... just, shut, up."

There was this uncomfortable fifteen seconds of silence that felt like thirty minutes. I just kept a mischievous smile on my face as she continued to stare at me. I could tell she still wasn't quite sure if it was a joke or what. Within an instant her expression changed from confused to, "Ok, I'll play along, but I still don't think you're serious." I think to her it became like a game of chicken, to see who would swerve first.

She turned and looked right at Jack pointing her finger in his face and said, "If I even get a smirk from a neighbor, a friend, or one of your buddies, you will never be welcome in this house again and I will tell everyone you are the biggest liar I have ever met." He kept completely still and wide eyed as she spoke, and after she was done laying down the law, he agreed profusely, and I must say he looked mortified.

My then wife looked at me and said, "Hand me a T-Shirt." I reached into one of her dresser drawers and quickly handed her a T-Shirt. As I handed it to her she just let the bedspread fall from her perfect breasts as if it was just me and her sister in the room, and slipped it over her head.

After she put the T-shirt on, she sat there and just stared at Jack with her eyebrows raised, saying nothing. Jack looked around glancing back and forth from me to her, in total confusion and terror. She finally asked, "Do you want to do this with your pants on?"

He nervously jumped up, and began muttering "Oh right, sorry, I just, well, yes, right..." mumbling away in pure babble. As he fumbled with his pants, my wife threw off the bedspread from her legs and scooted down to the end of the bed.

This was without a doubt the most erotic moment in my entire life, watching a 22 year old man taking off his pants between my wife's legs as she sat there with her hands on her knees waiting. As he stepped out of his pants, he immediately grabbed at both sides of his underwear and slid them down. His cock was so rigid he had to push the front of his briefs out past his cock to get them off, and as the band of his briefs hung up on the head of his cock, his erection slapped back against his stomach.

Kathy kind of chuckled and said, "Excited are we?"

He replied, "You really, really, have no idea."

My wife then put her hands over her face and slowly pulled them down and said, "I need just one more drink, and then we'll do this."

Jack immediately agreed saying, "Oh hell yes, me too." I think my wife was buying time to see if I would finally flinch, or tell her this was all a joke, but I didn't. I poured the drinks, giving Jack about half a shot and giving my wife a double. I handed it to her, and she immediately held her nose and gulped it down, freezing for about twenty seconds as if the slightest thing would have made her throw it up. Jack too threw his back making a similar liquor face.

As they were throwing back their shots, I couldn't help but notice that Jack's cock was maybe only a half-inch longer than mine and about as thick, but the head of his cock was unusually large. I mean it was very disproportionate from the rest of his cock. It looked like a good sized plum you might find in the produce section of the grocery store sitting on the end of his cock. His cock was standing straight up too, with a wet shiny smear around the tip and a clear drip of per-seminal fluid at the opening.

As he finally got his act together and, having thrown back the shot, he walked in front of my wife not knowing what the hell he was doing, and she just glanced at me for a brief second, took a deep breath, and rather reluctantly and slowly reached up and put her hand on his cock. When she grabbed it, the head of his cock oozed out a large drop of clear slick fluid and she immediately said, "Oh my God, look how much stuff is coming out of you."

He replied and nervously chuckled, "I told you, I desperately need this." As she began stroking slowly back and forth, she was spreading the slick pre-cum all over the length of his cock. Although she hadn't commented on it, I know she was amazed at the size of the head of his cock. Not more than thirty seconds into it, he asked in a very out of breath way, "Is it ok if I lie beside you while we do this?"

She said, "I guess," and scooted up onto the bed on her left side as he slowly moved and laid on his right side.

As he lay down beside her, he rolled slightly to his right side and my wife rolled to her left. Once again she reached and began stroking his cock with her right hand almost in a pulling motion. After only a few seconds he acted like he was positioning more to his right side, and as he did, he put his left hand on my wife's right hip and onto her panties. Neither of them knew but I had made my way down to a chair by the foot of the bed and had begun very slowly and inconspicuously stroking my cock underneath my pajama bottoms. Keep in mind this was all taking place within a span of only few minutes. As I kept stroking my cock I began to notice he kept leaning in as if he was trying to kiss her, when suddenly my wife looked up from staring at his cock and they began to kiss.

Only seconds into kissing, he slid his left hand down between my wife's legs, and by the time she grabbed his wrist as if to say, "No," he was already feeling her pussy through the crotch of her panties. I had no idea what to expect because, although she still held his wrist, he continued to rub the crotch of her panties. Meanwhile she had stopped stroking his cock. They continued to kiss as he went from gently rubbing the crotch of her panties to trying to get his fingers under the side of her panties. He fumbled for a few seconds and finally managed to get his fingers under. He instantly pushed his middle finger inside her pussy as far as he could get it.

I kept stroking my cock as I watched in a combination of shock and complete erotic ecstasy. As I stroked I had to stop every few seconds or I would have exploded in my pajamas. Every few seconds I could hear my wife exhale with a sharp but low, "AAHHHH," when he would thrust his middle finger in deeply. The entire sight was driving me out of my mind with eroticism. I watched for maybe another minute, and then had a moment of temporary insanity. I rose out of the chair, walked over to the foot of the bed, grabbed the waistband of my wife's panties, and began to pull them off of her. The entire time I was inching them off, they continued to kiss. Jack pulled his finger out of her and was helping scoot them off the opposite side under her ass. I could only imagine what was going through his mind.

As I got them halfway down her thighs I began to question why she wasn't saying or doing anything to stop me, but was so worked up I realized I was getting even more turned on because she wasn't. After I slid them down her beautiful legs and off her sexy feet, I made my way back to the chair at the foot of the bed. My excitement level was beyond any experience in my entire life. My hands were actually shaking. Before I had even sat down and put my hand down my pants, he once again was fingering her. I just knew Jack's nuts must be aching at this point with anticipation of the unknown.

He kept fingering her when suddenly he removed his finger from her pussy, and reached midway down her right thigh and pulled her leg over him as he scooted as close to her as he could. My wife still wasn't going along with the entire thing as much as he would have liked. I was sure he was trying to see if she might roll on top of him, but instead she had her right leg over him and he was rolled on his left side. They continued to kiss and with every second, he kept trying to scoot down further as if to angle himself to enter her, but again, she wasn't exactly making his life easy. In fact, I was thinking she was just teasing the hell out of him and perhaps still playing chicken with me.

Finally after about a minute, he had angled himself in such a way that he reached down and moved his cock to her crotch. The way they were lying, there was no way he could easily enter her. At one point he began barely pulling at her ass and slowly half thrusting his cock across the opening of her pussy. This went on for several minutes with him stopping suddenly on occasion, which I knew was to keep from shooting his load. I too had to abruptly stop stroking my cock many times or I too would have shot my load. The fluid leaking from the head of his cock kept smearing against my wife's inner thighs and pussy, so much that it looked like she had already been fucked by three guys.

He continued pulling at her ass trying to get any angle at all to put his cock in her, when at one point he reached over her ass and with his finger tips pushed the head of his cock against her slick pussy lips, and I just about passed out. In only a few seconds, I watched as the large head of his cock spread her pussy lips. As he kept pushing the head of his cock and thrusting his hips, it kept popping out, until at one point, he scooted maybe an inch further down, and this time when he pushed the head of his cock between her pussy lips, he slowly and carefully thrust his hips and I watched as my wife's pussy spread around the head of his cock until it stretched and finally enveloped it. They continued to kiss as he sat motionless for at least thirty seconds. I figured he thought he had worked so hard just getting the head of his cock in her he didn't want to end it with his worst nightmare at this point: a premature ejaculation.
It was at this very moment; I had an episode of good ole reality, like getting hit by a bus. It finally hit me that I was looking at another mans cock in my wife's vagina, without a condom, and I had basically orchestrated the entire thing. My better judgment had gone bye-bye the second she put her hand on his cock though. Still, there was an entire mixture of emotions from slight jealousy, to extreme eroticism, to impatience wanting to see more. After thirty seconds or so of them kissing and him lying completely still with only the head of his cock inside her, he pulled her ass with much more force than before and thrust his hips simultaneously. As he did, my wife let out a quick and slightly stressed exhale of, "AAHHH..." He thrust several more times and after the third or fourth thrust, he was inside her as far as he could get at this angle, and once again he lay motionless only kissing her and rubbing his hand over her ass. Even with this bad angle and the fact that my wife wasn't making this easy, he was inside her all but about an inch. The tube or shaft running along the underside of his cock was as large as my thumb and looked like it was about to burst open. Every vein on his cock was also standing out very prominently. My view couldn't have been better from where I was sitting.

Once again, after he felt like he could thrust a few more times without losing control, he grabbed my wife's ass, and began thrusting hard. This time he was squeezing her ass so tightly his fingernails were white and I immediately knew this time was very different. He went past the usual careful three or four thrusts and was really thrusting violently and pulling her ass into his thrusts. After about the tenth or fifteenth unbelievably forceful thrust, his entire body went bone crushingly rigid and the veins on the side of his neck looked as if they would explode. His hand was squeezing and pulling my wife's ass cheek so forcefully, it looked as if her pussy would split around his cock. About two to three seconds into what looked like him having a seizure, remaining completely tense and motionless... BOOM, I saw his cock convulse in strong erythematic pulses.

Suddenly my wife softly uttered, "Oh shit." His cock continued to rhythmically jolt and pulse. There was no doubt at this point she was being inseminated right in front of me. I knew she sensed that he was about to come when he went rigid, but it really didn't fully set in until she felt his cock jolt and deliver the first powerful jet of semen into her pussy. The feeling of watching this, knowing that with every explosive pulse of his cock, a thick jet of his seed was shooting against my wife's cervix. It was beyond imagination. It was truly, and in every way, the most incredible, erotic, nasty, taboo, sexual thing imaginable. No other experience I have ever had even came close. It was ten times more sexually breathtaking than the first time I had ever had sex.

After a few seconds of holding his breath, he let out a very deep, "AAHHHH... YEAAAH... AAHHH FUCK YEAAHH..." as he jerked his body. He was kind of half thrusting, and by this time my wife was ever so slowly moving her hips into his thrusts. It was as if he was trying to deliver every drop of his sperm as deep as he possibly could. When he was perhaps half way through inseminating her, I began to notice a slight amount of semen forming around the base of his cock and around my wife's pussy. He stayed in this tense rigid form for at least two minutes. The shaft on his cock, even after two minutes continued to slightly jolt sporadically every five to ten seconds. It was hard to say how much semen he had just deposited in my wife, especially after an entire night of sexual teasing from his failed date.

Approaching perhaps the third or fourth minute after he exploded inside her, my wife said, "Ok, Ok, OK... Surely you're done; you just put a hundred and fifty million sperm inside me. I don't think those few extra you're trying to give me will make a difference."

He embarrassingly chuckled replying, "Sorry, sorry... Oh my God... I swear I can honestly say that the few other times I've had sex in my life don't even count now."

She giggled slightly looking at me and jokingly said, "Oh... give him a hand job, don't you feel sorry for him... Nice hand job here, Mike, wouldn't you say?"

I laughed and replied, "Well maybe now we won't have to hear his poor little me stories, about how he never gets laid. I'm a witness now, Jack, I just watched you fuck my wife... and without a condom no less."

He just kept panting and blurting, "I can't believe how hard it was shooting out of me; I have never came so hard and so much... ever. The feeling just lasted and lasted."

Kathy quickly chuckled replying, "Yes, I know... It felt like a hot water bottle burst inside me."

Pointing her finger right in his face she sternly told him again, "Not a word mister, not a word to anyone." They lay there for about thirty more seconds with his cock still in her, as she again made sure he was crystal clear about not mentioning this to another soul, when she slowly rolled to her right and onto her back. As she rolled his cock slowly withdrew and the huge head of his cock popped out, as a thick ooze of semen instantly appeared and leaked down Kathy's ass. She just lay there on her back with her legs slightly spread, putting her forearms over her eyes, and exhaled heavily, as if she was trying to come to grips with what had just happened. She then rather muffled said, "Can you please get me some toilet paper?"

I only half heard what she said and asked her to repeat it. She rose up on her elbows and reached down with her right hand to stick her two middle fingers slightly into her pussy and, with a sarcastic look, held her hand out and spread her fingers apart to show me his semen sticking between her fingers, and said "Um... Some toilet paper please."

I walked into the bathroom and shortly after told her there wasn't any and asked her to come into the bathroom to help me find it. When she got into the bathroom, I shut the door and she quickly went to sit on the toilet, but I grabbed her by the arm, and said "Wait, come here."

I slid my pajama bottoms down and moved her over to the sink and she immediately said, "No way, not now." I didn't say a word. I just began to kiss her and push her back towards the sink counter as she continued to say, "Mike, not now, maybe later." When I had her back against the sink, I lifted her ass up onto the sink, as she struggled somewhat to get off the counter, and then in a split second, I positioned my cock against her pussy and forcefully thrust. In one motion I flew into her soaked pussy all the way up to my nuts. I was so turned on by how slick, warm, and full of semen she still was.

Within ten to fifteen thrusts I looked down to see my cock covered with semen and it was sticking in streams from my pubic hair to her pussy. I didn't last but maybe a minute, when I ejaculated harder and longer than I had in my entire life. After I was completely finished she grinned and whispered, "I think someone might have enjoyed me fucking Jack as much as he did."

I took a deep breath trying to catch my breath, and replied, "Actually, I didn't realize at first how much I would, but yes, it was a mind blowing experience, beyond words." She just giggled, slid off the counter, grabbed a towel, and held it to her crotch.

She said, "Go back out. I will be there in a few minutes." I kissed her and walked out as she shut the door.

Jack was lying on the bed still up on one elbow and said, "Oh my GOD Mike, you are the luckiest man on the face of this earth."

I just laughed and replied, "Oh, buddy, you have no idea."

Jack ended up staying the rest of the night, which by this time was almost 4:00 AM, and begged to sleep in the same bed with us. Eventually Kathy gave in, but insisted that he not try all night to get more, telling him he was lucky to have gotten what he had, and she needed to get some sleep. As you probably well know, one thing led to another, and once again my hormones got the best of me on two occasions. I turned the lights back on and watched him fuck her in an incredibly forceful missionary position, where he managed to last about a minute the first time, and maybe five minutes the second time before blowing his load inside her.

I must say that watching him nail her in a natural position, thrusting the entire length of his cock inside her pussy and slamming against her body, was even more erotic than watching him struggle in an awkward position like the first time they fucked. Unless you have been in exactly the same scenario, you have no idea how erotic it is to see another mans nuts pressed against your wife's ass as he tenses up and shoots jets of seed deep inside her vagina, watching her hands on his ass as you notice her wedding rings, seeing her completely spread eagle, allowing him to flood her pussy with millions of sperm.

Before ending this recounting of the most sexually erotic moment of my life, I figured I should explain how it actually ended. Several times after that night I tried to get her to fuck him again, but she said no, telling me she thought I was enjoying watching him fuck her more than I enjoyed fucking her.

The last little piece of this experience I was able to enjoy, before it all ended, was when I came home from work early one evening, about a week after this had taken place, and walked into the bedroom to find Kathy under the bedspread with her hair messed up looking out of breath. I kind of became slightly paranoid with my imagination instantly running away, thinking, "Damn maybe she just fucked him, and he ran out when he heard me pull into the driveway." Either way, I figured I would let this little erotic fantasy spinning away in my mind go wild.

I quickly began tearing off my pants and shirt and, as she noticed what I was doing, she quickly sprang up in the bed clutching the bedspread tightly to her, saying, "Mike I know what you want, but I can't right now. I'm just getting up from a nap, and have to run some errands."

I finally got my pants and underwear off and grabbed the covers from her and said, "No problem let's just have a quickie."

As I began kissing her, she had her legs tightly crossed, and when I tried to put my hand between her legs, she forcefully grabbed it and said, "Not now, Mike."

At this point my paranoia was killing me, so I overpowered her hand and slid mine between her crossed legs. Instantly my fingers slid into her pussy because her crotch and inner thighs were absolutely soaked and slick. As I continued kissing her, I rose up and forcefully spread her legs apart and then leaned down and slid the head of my cock between her slippery pussy lips. She laid on her back with both hands over her face as I pushed effortlessly all the way inside her. The smell of semen was overpowering coming from under the bedspread. As I began slamming inside her, I said, "It's ok, I wanted you to fuck him."

She instantly replied with a very worried tone, "He just wouldn't stop asking, over and over and over."

I looked at her and said, "I would be twice as turned on if only you had said you fucked him, I wouldn't even care if you told me you're fucking him without my knowing." I continued to stare at her, and she began looking away and biting her lip."

I grinned as she glanced back with a worried look saying, "My God, Mike, I would have never dreamed in a million years you would have had a fantasy like this."

I just kept grinning and staring at her, and then mischievously asked, "Anything else you want to tell me?"

She took a deep breath, squinted her eyes with a smile, and said, "We might have fucked more than once."

I chuckled and replied, "More than once?"

She remained quiet, still grinning as if to gauge my reaction, and said almost in a whisper, "Ok more than once, and let's please leave it at that."

My cock was about to explode as I began hammering her more forcefully than I ever had since I met her, As I continued to slam inside her, I kept asking, "How many times? Come on, how many times did he fuck you?"

She was moaning loudly after multiple times of my asking and pounding against her body, she said in a strained and labored voice, "Every day." I was erotically out of my mind with ecstasy when she said it, when out of the blue she quickly got a furious, almost possessed look on her face as she grabbed my ass and spread her legs twice as wide. Things began coming out of her mouth unlike anything I had ever heard. I didn't even think she was capable of saying some of these things.

As I pounded her inhumanly she began saying, "You like hearing that? You like knowing I enjoy his cock being inside me... You know he gave me his semen three times today... You like knowing I'm constantly carrying his sperm inside me... You like knowing he fucks me like a whore when you're not here... You like knowing how much I love it when he inseminates me... You like knowing I stopped taking my birth control... You like knowing how much more he fills me...You like knowing that two of his friends came over with him a few days ago... and they all took turns coming in me. You like knowing one of them was black and he was so large it felt like he was coming in my stomach?"

Everything she was saying sent me into a moment of pure sexual insanity. I grabbed her hair, pulled with one hand, and thrust so hard I picked her up off the bed with the other as I began shooting every drop of semen I had in my body into her womb. I continued coming and holding her ass off the bed as I pulled her hair. She screamed at first but then began moving her ass in my hand moaning slightly. We stayed like this for a minute or two until I just couldn't give her anything else, and I collapsed on top of her.

We must have lain there for five minutes saying nothing at all before she finally said, "Just know, Mike, I'm done with this... Did you have all of your fantasy you could handle? Is that fucking enough for you? You need to tell Jack, and I mean tonight, that this is the end of your little fantasy. No more fucking when you're not here, no more fucking when you are here. It's done."

She was reserved but quite furious at the moment. Thirty minutes or so later she confessed that everything she said as I fucked her wasn't true, but did admit she had fucked Jack before I got home, insisting that it was only because I kept begging her to, and she felt she had to find a way to pay me back and/or make me get a grip. I was truly losing it and becoming addicted to watching her fuck. Let's just say she's pretty smart and I got the point. I called Jack later in the evening, and told him, "No more," and he agreed. After he returned to school from fall break, we only saw him a couple of times in passing and only at a distance with maybe a short wave.

The experience may have ended, but the fantasy is still very much alive in my mind. I have to say it improved mine and my wife's sex lives more than anyone could ever imagine

Same as Wife 1st unusual Videos

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1st Time

her to be a swinger? Well, the story below tells of the 1st time I was a slut: I was 17 and a junior in high school. I worked at MacKenize’s bakery, in Schwagmenn’s grocery store in Metarie, LA in the summer of 1977. It was the one located on Veteran’s Highway. I never thought of myself as desirable to men, but I was starting to see that change. Workers would buy doughnuts and hit on me. I went out with one of them and really liked him, but he did not pay me that much attention on the date. He...

3 years ago
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Middle eastern wife 1st time in glory hole

We are a middle eastern couple. I am 45 years old and she is 37 years old. We have a very good life style, our sex life is also so good as we both are liberal .When it comes to sex between both of us. We tried role play with so many fantasies, we tried toys and dildos, specially I wanted her to feel a massive cock size without involving any one. our dildo is 8 inch long and 2.5 inch wide.We are typical middle eastern couple. She is shy apart when we are together in sexual intimacy.After saving...

4 years ago
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My 1st Sexual Encounters

1987-88 12-13YRS old I was sitting in the lounge room on a sat morning when my mum chased out a boyfriend & she was totally naked. This was the 1st time I had seen my mum or any woman naked in the flesh. I can still picture mum’s hairy fanny, her slightly small saggy tits. Later that day when everyone was out I went looking through mum’s draws & stuff looking for any porn. I found a Mayfair mag & some of mum’s satin lacey knickers. This was the 1st time I tried on a pair of mum’s...

2 years ago
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My 1st time with a man while dressed and 1st anal

The following story is true.I have been dressing in my wife's sexy clothes at home off and on for a while because I love the feel of hose and panties. My wife and I are swingers, actually we do mostly cuckold swinging but I am free to be with women if I want. I have sucked some of her dates cocks beside her. I love being on my knees beside my wife sharing a cock. One time we met a guy and she had came down with a bad headache, we explained that she did not feel like doing anything but we...

2 years ago
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1st time in Germany True Story

I posted an earlier story about losing my virginity. Xhamster seems to be cutting off parts of titles and I meant to say only names have been changed and the story is true. This follow on story is also the same. Names have been changed but the events are true. As mentioned in my 1st story, I graduated from Basic Training and was assigned to Fort Stewart Georgia for my 1st assignment. I lost my virginity there to a Monica a white BBW that was 19 years older than me. Once I went over to...

1 year ago
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My 1st time ever

I was 18 years old. It was my ever. My name is josh miyahi. I was going out with my girlfriend, Ashley for around 7 months. We were crazy about each other but weren't too physical. We had never felt each other under are underwear or seen each other naked. I had only felt her over her bra. I had never seen her breasts either. She hadn't ever felt my cock. She was my 1st love and also 1st kiss. It was the same for her. I am 5foot 10inches, fair skin, long straight black hair, light brown eyes, a...

First Time
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Raghav8217s 1st Sex At A Spiritual Place

Hello Girls and Aunties… My name is Raghav. I live in Anathapuram/A.P. I’m a Smart, Handsome & Charming Boy with 5’8” height. I look Average (Weight = 54kgs) but I have a 6 inches Penis and only this matters to satisfy all the girls and aunties. For me, the length of the Penis doesn’t matter but the way you approach and how well you can satisfy the Women only matters because it is nowhere written that all those with 8 inches or 9 inches or 12 inches Penis can only satisfy women. I generally...

4 years ago
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1st Incest Sex Experience With Sex Lordest Cousin

As i told you this was my first story plz ignore mistakes. This story is about me n my cousin Sneha. She is daughter of my aunty (mom’s sis).I have crush on her from my childhood. Hardly we get chance to meet at festive of rakshabandhan at mama’s house. Mama lived in M.P. Aunty lives in Indore. She visits our house only my cousins have holidays. Let me introduce my cousin my love. She is 20yr old with bomb figure 34-28-36.She fair in color. I’m of 22yr n m doing engineering in Pune. Baat 1yr...

3 years ago
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1st time sucking cock

this is a totally true story about my introduction to sucking cock,it was an amazing experience & though Im married & haven't done this often I cant wait to do it again.To make a long story short I was out with a group of friends for a get together we have annually,on this given night while out, we ran into a mutual friend of everyone(except myself,I knew of him but didn't know him personally)as the night progressed we were bar hopping & "steve"asked if we would like to go to his...

3 years ago
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My 1st Threesome

My GF of 2 years, in the 1st year always asking me if id like to participate in a threesome with her, FFM. Well as she was previously a lesbian on 8 years i can understand the reasons. But i have always been faithful and honest, not wanting to push the boundaries, only fantasise about them.She has a friend in her own country which i will call Dee. I had a dream about having sex with this friend, well i told my GF this and she then went and told Dee which was nice of her...Dee then decided that...

2 years ago
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My 1st sex experience with virgin student Sofia

Usually I’m a late riser. One day morning my mom was screaming at me to wake me up. Someone had come to my room. I woke up reluctantly and wringed my eyes and took my specs. Then I saw the man. He was my neighbor. I knew him. He said, “Are you a maths tutor? “ I replied yes. He asked me that if I had time to teach his daughter. I knew her too. She’s Sofia. First I told him that I had not enough time but I didn’t refuse his offer. I was agreed to teach her from the next month. On the very 1st...

2 years ago
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Gave my 1st Blowjob

If any of you have read my previous posts you'll know ive had a fantasy of sucking cock. Ive had it for quite a while, but i never felt i could meet with a man on his own, I would rather it be with a couple. In my head it just wouldnt seem as "gay" if there was a woman present, it would be just something that happened in the throws of passion. I could suck his cock for a while and if i didnt like it i could move away from that and go back to fucking his wife.But as some of you can imagine its...

2 years ago
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1st Sex With Syamala Aunty Part 2

Hi readers, This is Rajesh from vijayawada. I’m a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories from past 5years but never posted a story, this is my first narration so please excuse me for any mistakes and encourage me with your feedback on   Nenu telugu vala koasam ee story Telugu rastana…This my 1st sex of my life … Story starts now.. this story is very long so I decided to divided into parts …This is 2nd part of my the story…   Na Peru Rajesh memu vijayawada unade valam ma family lo 3 member...

2 years ago
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My 1st Sexperience With Virgin Swati

Usually I’m a late riser. One day morning my mom was screaming at me to wake me up. Someone had come to my room. I woke up reluctantly and wringed my eyes and took my specs. Then I saw the man. He was my neighbor. I knew him. He said, “Are you a maths tutor? “ I replied yes. He asked me that if I had time to teach his daughter. I knew her too. She’s Swati. First I told him that I had not enough time but I didn’t refuse his offer. I was agreed to teach her from the next month. On the very 1st...

2 years ago
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Daughter of My 1st Love Maid 8211 Part I

It so happens that sometimes this daughter, of my 1st Love maid comes to do the household work, when she is either not well or has to go out. And whenever I go out of station, I make it a point to call my 1st Love maid on her mobile every time and many at time this daughter picks up the phone and recognising me passes it on to her mother. My 1st Love maid’s name is Vedna (changed) and her daughter’s name is Kamna (changed). As such Kamna, I am sure, is quite aware that there is an affair...

1 year ago
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My 1st sexperience with virgin student Swati

Usually I’m a late riser. One day morning my mom was screaming at me to wake me up. Someone had come to my room. I woke up reluctantly and wringed my eyes and took my specs. Then I saw the man. He was my neighbor. I knew him. He said, “Are you a maths tutor? “ I replied yes. He asked me that if I had time to teach his daughter. I knew her too. She’s Swati. First I told him that I had not enough time but I didn’t refuse his offer. I was agreed to teach her from the next month. On the very 1st...

First Time
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April 1st

It was late March and I was reading the newspaper and I found some interesting information from Wikipedia about April Fools’ Day I thought I’d share it before telling my story. April Fools’ Day is celebrated every year on the first day of April. Popular since the 19th century, the day is not a national holiday in any country, but it is well known in Canada, Europe, Australia, Brazil and the United States, and it is celebrated as a day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each other....

2 years ago
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My 1st Mature

This story is completely true. A while ago i was in a pub after work down my local and after about my 3rd pint a group of 6 mature women walk in so as im male i look over and give them the once over. 1 caught my eye so after a while she came up to the bar to order a bottle of wine so i say the usual chat up lines but none of them worked and my mates laughed. When she walked back to her mates she must of said something because they all looked at me and giggled like a school girls. So after...

4 years ago
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My 1st 3 Some

I had met "Ted" back when the aol  chatrooms were still good, when I was alone I'd post in one of the local m4m rooms looking for cock. He answered my ad one day had me meet him at some beach so I could suck him in his truck. Ted was a big bear type but was very hot  , when I got into his truck we made small talk for a while,then he pulled his cock out told me suck it.It wasn't a very big cock , maybe 5-51/2 but was pretty thick , I loved he held my head pushed his cock into my mouth , he...

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When I was 17 ( in 1972 ) I worked in a grocery store. At that age if it was female & breathing it was fair game. I started chatting up a young black girl 3 yrs, older than me. After a few weeks of flirting, she asked me to her apartment.Got there on a fri. nite & it was 420 time. During our smoking & talking I admitted I,d never been with a black chick.This was 1972 in a very small south costal Texas city so this was considered very taboo at that time. She smilled, stood up &...

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1st sexual experience Summer of 1958

I have been ask if I was m*****ed by an older man because I sucked my 1st cock when I was only 13? NO I was not m*****ed by an older man. My 1st experience was with a boy I went to school with, he was also 13. Ricky had a tent set up in his back yard. The summer of 1958 and I used to spend a lot of time in the tent with Ricky as he was my best friend. We were not very popular with other k**s in school,we both wore glasses and were small for our age. One sleep over nite we were talking about...

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1st Foursome mfmf

I'm a musician and had joined a new band. Very successful band that traveled and has a great rep, but not a national act anyone would know. Cover type of band. Most everyone in the band had either a sexy wife or hot girlfriend. I heard some of the members in the band would fool around maybe even swing. My girlfriend and i had a nice sex life, had been together for about 6 months, but fucked almost every day. She was 29 and I was 28 at the time. I have a smaller cock only about 5-6 inches, she...

4 years ago
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My 1st interracial threesome

I met a guy and he came to my hotel after meeting him on a social network site. He was 6'2 and around 225 pounds military man. We instantly hit it off when he came into my room and gave me a passionate tongue kiss. He then dropped his pants and I sucked his hard 7 1/2 inch cock, he then ate my sweet ass pussy until I couldnt take it any more. Then he topped me and gave me a huge load. About 3 weeks later, he said he wanted some more, I told him that I was super horny and always wanted a 3sum. I...

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How do i get my 1st sex with man

hi.my name is chamara silva.people call me neha.im from india.but I was in sri lanka.this story tell how I get my 1st sex with men.one day I went my friend house by bus.the bus was full of people.but I was midlle of the bus.after few minitse I get somthin around my back.it was rubbing something.i looked back suddenly.it was men rubbing his cock inn my back.i think he was just 45 years old but in bus nobody can see it.i get so sucked from it.after bus stop at the stand.we all get down from the...

4 years ago
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my 1st time as a cuckold

i always wanted to see my wife/gf getting fucked by a big cock. maybe the fact that my cock is not quite 5 inches has something to do with it... anyways, i asked my 1st 2 wives to do it with no luck, then i met Bonnie. with long slim legs and 38DD's she was a knockout! after dating for just 2 weeks i confided my fantasy of watching her getting fucked by a guy with a huge cock. she looked at me , smiled, and told me she knew just where to go- a seedy adult theater. i told her that i'd go in 1st,...

2 years ago
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1st tym in milan

hi my name is jp im 24 yrs old that was the 1st time i experienced sex with other guy its about 50yrs old he is italian citizen the name is lucio.The start of was on june 2010 story is when im there in place of doumo square i sat in the side of one statue there bcoz im waited my cousin and then the time has pass my cousin was late one men sat beside me and then we chatted to each other he asked me where im from and i was said from asia we had long time to chat each other and then he asked me if...

4 years ago
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My Sujatha My Love And My 1st Girl

Hi readers I am Ratheesh age 23.From Kerala. This is the real sex experience that happened to me before 2 months. The story is about my dad’s elder sister’s daughter. Her name is Sujatha she is 45 years old with 34 28 36. She is very sexy woman. Her husband is abroad he is a heart patient they have 1 son he is 18 years old studying engineering. Sujatha has a great sexy oily body with the color of ghee. She has great shaped boobs that have proper curves. Has a sexy navel hole which looks sexy...

4 years ago
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1st Experience With My Love

Hi to all my readers this is Harry presenting his 1st story expressing how i took the virginity of my ex. Talking about me i am harry form Ahmedabad living in Jodhpur for my course in B.Sc. I’m a proud owner of 6″ long tool; average body, but attractive personality. My ex was quite towards fatty side but i liked her huge 38 size boobs and enjoyed them to my max. We met in our college and became close friends with passing time as we lived in hostels which were in college campus. We used to spend...

3 years ago
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My 1st Mature

This story is completely true.A while ago i was in a pub after work down my local and after about my 3rd pint a group of 6 mature women walk in so as im male i look over and give them the once over. 1 caught my eye so after a while she came up to the bar to order a bottle of wine so i say the usual chat up lines but none of them worked and my mates laughed. When she walked back to her mates she must of said something because they all looked at me and giggled like a school girls. So after being...

4 years ago
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April 1st

It was late March and I was reading the newspaper and I found some interesting information from Wikipedia about April Fools' Day I thought I'd share it before telling my story. April Fools' Day is celebrated every year on the first day of April. Popular since the 19th century, the day is not a national holiday in any country, but it is well known in Canada, Europe, Australia, Brazil and the United States, and it is celebrated as a day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each...

3 years ago
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Wifes 1st BBC

I know most guys are afraid or intimidated of there lady being with a BIg Black Cock. I have to admit when I was younger, I was but as I got older and started exploring the swinger life style it was never an issue. Then soon enough I started enjoying watching "wife first time with a BBC" porn and in the back of my mind I start having this fantasy about my lover being with a BBC. Many years later my wife and I were started exploring adult clubs and the swing life style. Being bi myself, we...

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Wifes 1st Adult Porn Theater Experience

This is a story of the first time I took my wife to an adult theater. I had been asking her to go for years, but she always said no. This was our anniversary. We went out to dinner. She was wearing a short dress with a low-cut top showing some cleavage. I asked her to wear a garter belt with nylon stockings and semi-high heels. She is a mature woman and looked hot for our anniversary date. She is a redhead has a set of 38Ds and a nice round thick ass. While we were having dinner,she drank a...

3 years ago
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Wifes 1st BBC

Mark is 6’3” and 200 pounds of muscle. He is an ex college athlete that keeps himself in great shape. He works in finance and is very intelligent which makes him even more attractive to both of us. After their first night together it didn’t take long to set the next date. Anne wanted me to be a part of the evening but I was a little unsure. I asked Mark how he felt about it and he said he was fine as long as I didn’t get jealous seeing the two of them enjoying each other. When the day...

3 years ago
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Day of Reckoning 1st BCT

By 0330 hours the Rim-Cats are prepared to commence their operation, the three Battalion Combat Teams prepared themselves for their task while the Templac Combat Battalion slipped out of the port’s gate led by Major Rolando Katapatan known throughout the regiment as Marangal the ‘Rightous One’. Jeez Colonel, if you’re going to have fun all night while the rest of us do the work for you let us know in advance. He just finished the thought when a command tank joined his side by side. ‘Do you...

4 years ago
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My 1st Wife and Traitor Jane Fonda

We who lived through and where in the Service and in Vietnam when you went and sat on the Commie Tank still remember and have Not Forgiven You In Anyway. You are a Traitor you will always be a Traitor. Not so much the Hanoi thing but the other acts of Treason and the Fact that you where not a bimbo and fully knew what you where about and what you where doing. Traitor Jane Fonda you are Guilty of Treason against the United States of America, during a Time of War and you are going to Hell,...

3 years ago
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MelindaMerm My 1st Big Cock

So I decide to write an ad on Craig’s List. The ad went something like this: First off, I am new to this. About me: I am a 30 year old female. I am 5’ 3” 120 lbs brown hair and blue eyes. Guys hit on me a lot so I guess fairly attractive,lol. So why am I posting here? I have been having a fantasy that I want to act on. I have never been with a well endowed man. I have a steady boyfriend so I am only looking for some no strings attached fun. This would be a “one- time only” fling for me...

3 years ago
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My 1st Sex experience with a female in my life

first time in my life had a sex with a female when i was 17 year old. this is the story about that 1st incident.at that age i was masturbating 2 -3 times everyday about thinking a woman. she was then 38 years old [ 21 years older than me ] and a married wife of 2 c***dren and her husband was not with them. he was working in another country and this family came to locate in our neighbourhood without husband.this woman [ im calling priyanka from here ] bought a land with a half built home very...

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laylays 1st

**This story is pure Fiction & isn't True!**Baby Sitting!8yr old girl “lay lay” Comes downstairs after putting pj’s on! (shes only wearing her pj top & nickers) as lay lay jump across sofa her skinny legs wide open 4 few secs! “Revealing a hairless pink pussy!” covered only by thin cotton fabric! Sitting next to me on sofa with her legs across mine her smooth legs & cute white ankle socks! As she wriggled around her legs rubbing between mine & my hands resting against her legs...

3 years ago
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My 1st time anal mmf

My 1st time anal was done on me was with a bi-couple I met on Adultfriendfinder. They lived in the country in a nudist colony. That was quite an experience showing up there. C met me naked at the entrance gate. That was kind of shock but it is what it is. We had agreed to lots of oral fun & me fucking her. I got to their place, I walked in and met B, she too was naked. She was an older brunette with medium tits that sagged a bit with a shaved pussy with a little landing strip. The pics I...

2 years ago
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My new cuckold wife 1st fuck backstory to video

This story takes place Vegas Wed Oct 5th 2016 at Aria hotel Casino. This is the back story to the Video "My New Cuckold Couple 1st fuck video". Its best if you read this then watch the video. I just finish work and go to my room wash up and go to the tables and play blackjack. I have a hour and 45min until my poker game starts. So I start playing and I'm sitting in the 5th spot out of 6. To my left in the last spot is this bad bitch who looks Colombian with a huge rack and beautiful face...

1 year ago
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My 1st experience with a Special Girl

Let me tell you something about myself. I'm your average Hispanic male. I can honestly say I'm not gay or attracted to men. In contrary, I'll truly get turned off by that scene. Im also turned off by hair/hairy skin and bad hygiene (who isn't... LoL). It's just not for me. Yet something about a cute shemale with a booty is something i cant resist. I found myself enjoying shemale porn. A cutie with a booty takibg it up her booty hole. My favorite scenes involve a passable tranny (Ts Foxxy,...

2 years ago
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my 1st time with anothe guy pt3

I was laid back on the sofa stroking my hard cock when I heard " oh danny, sorry I didn't think you'd still be here" it was mr smith back earlier than I thought"oh shit" I cried as I jumped up and scrambled to pull up my white briefs, the rest of my clothes folded on the dining table out of reach"whoa,whoa calm down ,its ok! calm down, its alright no need to be embaressed" he said in a soft tone of voice as I unsuccessfully tried to tuck my hard on into my briefs" i've told you before all boys...

2 years ago
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The 1st Orgy I ever Hosted

have been having these parties for a while now and a lot of people always ask me what happens at the parties. I mean from novice swingers, to people that frequent swing clubs. I guess because bisexual men being such a taboo, they figure something different happens with us than with every place else. I have been to several swing events too and the only difference with us is everyone get naked and plays. So let me tell you what I saw last time.About 6:00 a lady we had never met before, that was...

2 years ago
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Tim and myself 1st trip to Hedonism 2 in Jamaica

Tim and myself 1st trip to Hedonism 2 in JamaicaBy: blondeslutforblacks It was 1998 and we have settled into our lives as a BBC cum loving slut and my supportive hubby Tim. Our lives had changed a bit since I became a BBC lover. Tim’s had started a new business and it was really doing well. It did afford us the ability to allow me not to have to work which meant I could spend my days looking for BBC. Tim came to me one day and asked if I wanted to go to Jamaica and of course I said yes. I...

3 years ago
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1st time meet

[Desmond2tu][/user]It was the middle of the Summer..temperatures were already high. Liam, a very well packaged, passionate, lad about-town in his late 30s is driving, to meet someone for the first time,in the next town. His fat cock is swollen already in his Calvin`s. You see although he was brought up well and most of his family were naïve about sex only having a few partners each in their lifetime, he was different. Although many people claim to be obsessed with sex, he actually was, totally...

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My 1st encounter with real boobsschool friend

Its a true incident, not a made up story.I hope u all would appreciate it, & comment & rate it.Hello everybody, I want to share all my sexual incidents with all of you, which started early at the age of 12. I was a cool, very friendly, peace loving guy in my class, & also the tallest guy in the class. I was being instructed by my parents never to have a girl as a friend once I entered class 8(2002 yr). But you all will be surprised that the no of girl as friends as compared to...

1 year ago
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1st time with her

i had been divorced for about a year, met a (divorced) woman in a chat room on the net. we got to be pretty good friends,talked about her k**s, jobs ect. her bday was coming up, i asked her what she wanted. her answer was for me to take her out to dinner, well thats gonna be difficult, we're 1400 miles apart. the more i thought about it, i said wtf, why not? i told her i'd be there sometime on friday, when i got close i'd call. she figured i'd never show, or come up with some lameassed...

2 years ago
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True Story Our 1st date Still together

I've decided I should post here to let everyone know how we met..... you can never judge a book lets say.... so here is how our 1st date went.I had an ad in a popular dating site and was getting a bit hacked off with it. Plenty of offers, but nothing that really floated my boat. I knew what I was looking for.... someone who was, underneath it all, more like me..... willing to swing!!So, one morning I checked my mail and found a message from an older lady. She looked really nice, quite plain on...

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1st Class Coach Me Chudd Gai Me

Diwali k aggey ki raat thi mujhe mumbai se ahemdabad apne ghar jana tha. Mumbai me mera college hai aur me apna mba kar rahi hun. I was very tired that day and mujhe bahut zyada nind aa rahi thi. I was waiting fr my train at the station and wishing that train jaldi aa jaye. Jese hi train ayi me apne 1st class coach me ja kar beth gayi. Kyuki mere father railway me hain me 1st class me hi travel karti hun. Thodi hi der me vaha ek ladka aya jiski height average si thi well built tha and he was...

4 years ago
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Farheen 1st Experience

Hi iss ke site ke deewano, main bhi is site ki fan hoon aur kai saalo se is site ki story padh padhkar apne aapko mast huyi hoon aur apna ek real experience share karne jaa rahi hoon aapke saamne. I will 1st intro myself mera naam Farheen (name changed) hai aur main mumbai mein rehti hu, i m single and my figure stats is 36(boobs) 34(waist) 40(hips) hai. Bohot saare ladke mere body parts ko dekhte the mujhe achcha lagta tha par i always had an attitude of my figure, ab main sidhe story par aati...

3 years ago
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Gita Anty ke sath 1st experience

Hi,Me a punjabi hot guy with a young and dashing personality, size 8″ length 3″ dia.here I would like to tell you a real story of mine, but let me put this in hindi as it will be much more enjoyable. Baat un dino ki hai jab mai 1st year mai tha.. Aksar mai college se late he ghar aya karta he, but aj jab mai ghar aya to ghar par mere liye 1 surprise that… Hamre family friend Anuj Uncle apni nai naveli dulhan ke saat hamre ghar aye huye the… Wo bhi chandigarh mai he shift ho gaye the… Mai unhe...

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1st BBC Back Seat Hook Up Sex Pts13

1st BBC Back Seat Hook Up Sex ``````````````````````````````````````````````~ Pt.1 ~8/27/2020```````````````MAN Oh MAN! I can't believe I did it...I Invited a Man to my car late at night & Let Him have his way...Fuck the Pandemic! Im Horny! No Parties and "scene" to mention nowadays. So I reached out with grasping hands to my social networks.I've had countless fellas hitting me up, and have kept in contact with a few. There is a great site here in LA for Gurls and the Men who Luv them...

2 years ago
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No limit Aaliya 1st Pussy and Threesome

This is Part 2 of "No limit Aaliya" Read part 1 first, called "No limit Aaliya - 1st time Hijabi Whore" Please comment what you thought, and feedback is much appreciated! This is the 1st time I'm writing, I know I will have loads of improvements to make, so please be considerate. Any requests as to how depraved you want Aaliya the Hijabi Whore to get, please let me know via comments or PM! Aaliya was sitting in sex ed class, staring in shock at what was transpiring in front of her. The youth...

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Wifes 1st story to me

It was a dark n kinky night. A thunderstorm was rolling in. Warm n wet. I was home alone waiting for u to arrive. I was so excited to show u the new lingerie I'd bought. A sexy little black n red corset with matching thong n garter belt with stockings. N high heels. I got all dressed for u n turned off all the lights, lit candles and put on some romantic music. I try to wait patiently. But I'm so excited for the dirty fun I know is to come. My pussy starts tingling and getting all wet at the...

3 years ago
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White Couple 1st BBC

This is 100% true names changed of course. A little about us I am 27 white male 6’1 250 tatted up, blonde man bun, big beard & baby blue eyes. Becky is a 25 white female 5’6 150 long curly brown hair, 36D, perfect round ass & full perfect lips. We have been together for 3 years. about 6 months ago after we had sex we was talking about sexual fantasies & things that had happen. Becky told me that she lost her virginity to a black guy which instantly got me rock hard. We talked more about it. She...

3 years ago
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White Couple 1st BBC

This is 100% true names changed of course. A little about us I am 27 white male 6’1 250 tatted up, blonde man bun, big beard & baby blue eyes. Becky is a 25 white female 5’6 150 long curly brown hair, 36D, perfect round ass & full perfect lips. We have been together for 3 years. about 6 months ago after we had sex we was talking about sexual fantasies & things that had happen. Becky told me that she lost her virginity to a black guy which instantly got me rock hard. We talked more about it. She...

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My 1st BBW Experience6

        I just finished cutting my neighbor Mrs Robinson grass. She's 57. She looks good too for her age. 5'8 180 pounds. Her husband died from lung cancer 2 years ago. One of her kids stays about 2 hours away. The other 2 live out of state. So I help Mrs Robinson out when I can.                      I was riding my lawnmower out of Mrs Robinson's driveway. A black Nissan Altima with dark tinted windows stopped blocking my exit. The front passenger window rolls down. Excuse me sir. I hate...

3 years ago
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My 1st gay sex

I was 14 and my sports teacher Mr B married and 45 asked to stay back and help him with the gear. We went to pee and he caught me looking at his cock and asked if I want to touch it When I said I did he locked the doors to the change came up behind me kissing my neck and put his hands down my shorts playing with my cock and slid my shorts off. I got a little scared as I could feel his cock through his shorts against my ass and I wasn't sure what was going to happen. He took his top and...

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