Southbound Ch. 07-08 free porn video

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Original editing by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks. Any monkeying with it by me is my responsibility.


Chapter 7 Getting Involved

We were lying together after our second encounter. If I ever even knew what great sex was, I found out with a certainty that night. Fiona was dynamic in bed and made me realize what I had been missing. Our first time was rather short and unsatisfactory, but it didn’t appear to bother her. The second time seemed to go on forever. I didn’t really understand what a responsive woman was like. I had been with only one sexual partner in the last twenty-three years and had nothing to compare her to.

And I got my first ever oral sex. Carla absolutely refused to give me what I so willingly gave her. I simply accepted her decision and left the matter alone. Fiona had no such inhibitions. I had no idea what I was missing. Oh sure, I’d heard from guys how great a good blow job was, but this new lady in my life was making sure I now knew what I had only heard about from other guys. It seemed so much better when I reciprocated and she let me know in more than one way that I was pleasing her.

‘Uhhhmmm Fiona … I wonder … uhhm … can I get a second date?’

I was kidding, of course and she got that right away. She burst out laughing.

‘Only if you tell me your real name,’ she said, rolling toward me.

‘What do you mean?’

‘I saw your briefcase and the initials were G.B.A. What’s your real name?’

‘Gordon Bruce Andrews,’ I said in as thick a Scottish brogue as I could imitate.

‘I wonder if we’re related?’ she asked.

‘How so?’

‘Fiona Aileen Alexander, great granddaughter of Robert Allen McGregor of Kilmarnock, Scotland.’

‘Not too likely,’ I said, idly stroking a breast. ‘Gordon Hamish Andrews, my grandfather, was from Aberdeen. That’s some distance away.’

‘Well, we’ve both got oatmeal in our blood, so maybe that’s why we’re so compatible.’

‘I was always told it was scotch whiskey,’ I murmured, ‘but I was young and believed everything my parents told me.’

‘Do you have brothers or sisters?’ she asked.

‘One brother, Jamie, in Ontario. He’s been there since he finished high school. Married a woman who runs a stable for rich people who own horses. It suits him just fine. He’s become a country boy, despite the fact that he was brought up in the big city.’

‘Older or younger?’

‘Older by three years. We fought like most brothers do I suppose, but in the last fifteen years we’ve become close. We’re good friends now.’

‘I’m glad. That’s good,’ she said with a nice comforting smile. ‘I am an only child, so I never had a brother or sister to be around. Unfortunately, Tina is in the same situation. I hope when she gets married that she has at least two or three children.’

‘So, what about that second date?’ I persisted.

‘Oh, I don’t know. I mean, I hardly know you, sir,’ she teased.

‘Oh sure. I finally find a great looking woman who cooks like a chef and likes sports … and she blows me off.’

‘I certainly did, didn’t I,’ she laughed until I realized just what I had said.

‘That was a first for me,’ I admitted.

‘What! You’d never had a woman go down on you?’

‘Nope. Carla absolutely refused and I didn’t exactly come into the marriage with a lot of experience.’

‘Well then, sir, I am going to show you just what you’ve been missing. I could do with an encore performance from you too,’ she said, sliding down until her face was in my groin.

There was nothing to say and I lay back to enjoy a skill being practiced on me that was a completely new experience. I had no idea if Fiona was a superior practitioner of the art, but it felt like it to me. I was up and ready to go again much more quickly than I expected. Fiona examined her efforts, threw a leg over me and impaled herself on my erection in one smooth, constant motion. There was a sigh of pleasure from both of us.

She was amazing to watch. So much bigger than Carla and so much more voluptuous as a result. Her breasts swayed in rhythm tantalizingly just out of reach of my mouth, but well within reach of my hands. She rode me for several minutes before stopping.

‘Take me from behind,’ she said as she dismounted and assumed a position on all fours. This was another first for me. Carla would have no part of ‘doggie sex’ either.

Moving behind her, she helped me enter her once more. Immediately I noticed the difference in feeling as I began to slowly stroke into her.

‘Harder, Andy. Give it to me harder,’ she ordered.

Within a few seconds the sound of my hips smacking into her beautifully sculpted ass was resounding through the bedroom. I knew I wasn’t going to last a long time in this position. The sensation was too much to sustain this continuous aggressive driving motion. My God though, was it good while it lasted.

‘I’m just about there, Fiona,’ I admitted a short time later.

‘Just do it,’ she gasped back at me, so I did.

This time we were panting as we lay on the now sticky and damp sheet. Carla hated that while Fiona didn’t seem to care.

‘So, have you decided about the second date yet?’ I tried, making light of what we had just experienced.

‘Oh, I suppose I can see my way clear to maybe being with you again. Of course, there is one condition.’

‘What’s that?’

‘That you fuck me silly like you did tonight,’ she giggled, pulling me to her and holding me in her embrace.

‘Okay, I can do that,’ I chuckled, pretty sure I could, too.

She dragged me out of bed when we had caught our breath and led me to the shower. She had a nice big tiled enclosure in her attached bathroom and we enjoyed soaping and rinsing each other until the hot water ran out. Then we towelled each other dry. Neither of us bothered to put any clothes on. She was perfectly happy to walk around the house naked and I followed her lead.

We pulled the sheets off the bed and she stuck them in the washer and turned it on while I made the bed. That seemed to surprise her.

‘Huh! You really are domesticated aren’t you?’

‘I like to think so,’ I admitted.

‘That settles it, you definitely get that second date.’

‘Thank you ma’am, I’m most appreciative.’

‘What do you like for breakfast?’

‘You want me to stay?’ I asked in surprise. ‘Won’t Tina notice?’

‘Hah! You’re way too late for that. Whose idea do you think it was for her to stay with her friend tonight?’

‘So, you’re telling me you conspired with your teenage daughter to seduce me and keep me overnight?’

‘It wasn’t so much conspire as it was my daughter clearing the path for me to do what I wanted to do.’

‘Ah hah! I was a victim of your wanton plot all along,’ I said, trying to give her a disgusted look. It didn’t work.

‘You fought like a tiger to resist me, didn’t you?’ she smirked. ‘It took me all of thirty seconds to bring you to heel.’

‘True. You can chalk another one up to a weak man being led by a powerful woman.’

She flopped on the bed and held her arms in open invitation to me. I complied with her wishes. Who wouldn’t?

We’d turned off the bedroom overhead light and were basking in the low light of a small table lamp with her pale yellow t-shirt draped over it. I was borderline emotional at that point. This was such an amazing night, an amazing turn of events, that it was almost overload.

‘You aren’t weak, Andy. You’ve gone through a rough time and made it out the other side very nicely. I’ve never been there so I can’t imagine what a loveless marriage is like. It’s hard to believe that a guy as nice as you could have that happen to him. If you’re half the man I think you are, that woman is crazy.’

‘How about we agree not to talk about it? I don’t want to dwell on the past. What’s done is done. The future looks
a lot brighter to me right now,’ I said, holding her closely.

‘Hmmmm,’ was the only response I got and within a few minutes, she had fallen asleep. I reached over and turned off the light. It was just a shame that I couldn’t turn off my brain at the same time.

I didn’t know what kind of reaction to expect the next morning. I awoke an hour later than my usual time of six o’clock. It was still dark with only a hint of dawn and I was in need of the bathroom facilities. Carefully untangling myself from Fiona, I padded quietly to the bathroom in the hallway. I was going to have to return to the hotel for a shave and a change of clothes. I decided on a shower to at least be clean when I dressed.

I discovered some mouthwash and used it gratefully in lieu of brushing my teeth. I also found a package of women’s disposable razors and decided to borrow one in the hope that I could get a decent enough shave and wouldn’t look too rough when Fiona awoke. The razors were pretty much the same as the men’s variety except the plastic was pink instead of blue. Using the bath gel as a substitute for shaving gel, I managed a reasonable appearance when I was done.

It was twenty after seven when I returned to the bedroom to find the bed empty and light coming from under the door in the ensuite. Gathering my clothes and dressing, I waited for Fiona to appear. A few minutes later the sliding door opened and she walked out with a big smile and nothing else. This woman had no hesitation on being naked around me.

She strode over to me, wrapped her arms around my neck and proceeded to give me one of her deep, soul-enriching kisses.

‘Good morning, Andy,’ she smiled.

‘Good morning to you too,’ I replied, happy that she apparently had no second thoughts about yesterday. Then again, she wasn’t the kind of woman to have second thoughts. She pulled a robe out of her closet and put it on.

‘What would you like for breakfast?’

‘Well, I usually just have fruit juice, cold cereal and coffee. Would that be okay?’

She was shaking her head, but still smiling. ‘It’s just another thing that makes me think we were destined for each other. That’s exactly what I have each morning.’

We took our time with breakfast, engaged in small talk, but with undercurrents of what had happened the night before.

‘You think our being together was preordained, huh?’ I suggested.

‘After last night, you betcha.’ I got another deep kiss and as fate would have it, that exact moment was when the back door to the kitchen opened and Tina made her appearance.

‘Ooops,’ she said in surprise. ‘Sorry.’

By the look on her face, she was far from sorry.

I was all set to disengage, but Fiona held on, trapping me in her embrace.

‘Nice going, Mom,’ Tina grinned. ‘Way to go, Andy.’

‘It’s Mr. Andrews, young lady,’ her mother admonished.

‘No problem,’ I said. ‘I don’t stand on ceremony. I’m okay with Andy.’

‘See, Mom, I told you he was cool.’ With that she headed for her room.

‘I’ll lose this battle, won’t I,’ Fiona said with a slight frown.

‘It’s not a big deal, Fiona. I’m not her dad and I’m not some authority figure she has to be polite to. I’m just her mother’s boyfriend.’

‘What do you mean, ‘just’?’ she snapped. ‘I don’t take on boyfriends regularly I’ll have you know. You’ve got special status. Don’t screw it up.’

She sounded pretty indignant, but I caught the undertone of humour that gave her away.

‘So, adjusting for a poor choice of words, can I assume I still rate as your boyfriend?’

‘For now,’ she said, still trying to suppress the humour.

I didn’t let the moment pass and pulled her in for another kiss and she responded immediately. We were good.

‘What’s our plan for today?’ she asked when we broke.

‘Uhhm … well, to tell the truth, I didn’t have one. Last night was a big surprise. What would you like to do today?’

‘I thought we’d spend it together. I can show you around Livermore and Pleasanton. Tomorrow is a work day, not today.’

‘Starting tomorrow,’ I said, ‘I’m going to begin introducing you to your new accounts. As of January first, they became yours. I sent you the background and volume sheets as well as samples. I hope they arrived.’

‘Just a minute,’ she said, walking to a closed door at the end of the hall. She was back in less than a minute, carrying the computer printouts and the samples.

‘There’s about one point three million in sales in those five accounts,’ I explained. ‘Two of them are full ten percent commission accounts and three are five percent. We had to meet some competitive pricing last year and that cut our margins.’

‘Even if they were all at five percent, I would still see sixty-five thousand in commissions. That’s a huge boost in my earnings. It’s going to make choosing a college for Tina a lot easier.’

‘There’s growth potential at three of them as well,’ I mentioned. ‘I don’t see why you wouldn’t earn over a hundred thousand from them. However, I would like to go over your existing accounts from Statewide and make sure they fit our strategy.’

‘Sure,’ she agreed. ‘I’m positive there’s a couple that won’t, but they aren’t very big, so that won’t hurt too much.’

‘Okay, then I’ll want to go over some key accounts that we haven’t been able to approach for one reason or another. They will make up your future business opportunities.’

Fiona was shaking her head. ‘Boy, did I pick a winner when I hooked up with you.’

‘I’m feeling the same way … and I’m not just talking about last night,’ I said just as Tina reappeared. She had the good grace to look slightly embarrassed.

‘I’m off to Janey’s. We’re having breakfast at IHOP. See you later,’ she said, kissing her mother on the cheek, then coming over to me and doing the same. I saw the look she gave her mother, almost daring her to say something. Fiona held back, but the look she gave her daughter would probably result in some sharp comments later that day.

‘What am I going to do about her?’ Fiona groaned as the back door shut.

‘Watch her grow into a beautiful and smart young woman right before your eyes. She’s having a bit of fun with you right now. Don’t be too harsh with her.

‘She’s been trying to play little miss matchmaker for a couple of years now. She even had the nerve to sit me down a few months ago and give me a lecture. She warned me what would happen when she went off to college and I was all alone in this big empty house with no one to care for.’

‘She sure as hell cares about you, that’s obvious,’ I said. ‘Be grateful, Fiona. She loves you and she wants you to be happy. She seems to have decided that I’m harmless, so she’s okay with us.’

‘Are you harmless?’ she asked, coming into my arms once more.

‘That remains to be seen,’ I said, twilling my imaginary handlebar moustache.

‘Here’s a newsflash, Buster. I ain’t no Little Nell.’

‘No, you sure as hell aren’t,’ I chuckled.

That led to another long kiss before we put the dishes in the dishwasher and headed out for the day.

We spent the day touring around the area, stopping to sit in the park and share a lunch we had bought at the supermarket deli counter. It made for a very pleasant day.

When we parted that afternoon, we made our plan for Monday.

‘I’ll meet you at the plant. I’ve got a couple of quick things to do before we leave. While you’re waiting, write down a route that will be the most efficient for you on these new accounts. I’ll make a couple of phone calls before we leave the office. I’ve already contacted the customers to let them know we would be coming. I plan to give them the full treatment of what the Tracy plant is going to be, so we’ll be lucky to get three done in a day.’

‘Okay, I’ll see you then,’ she smiled, climbing into her older model Taurus station wagon. It probably had a lot of miles on i
t and was ready for replacement. I felt confident it was something she could afford to replace fairly soon.

Chapter 8 Making It Work

I spent much of the next three days introducing Fiona to the five accounts I expected her to manage. Explaining the changes to the Tracy plant to these customers, I told them what it would mean in terms of product opportunities for them. They knew of Statewide, of course, but none had done business with the firm and luckily, they didn’t have a strong negative opinion of it. My job was to let them know that it would be a Flex Tek company and would be producing the quality and service they had come to expect. I made sure they had the brochures on the new equipment to understand this was going to be a ground-up renovation.

I can get a little carried away when I talk about Flex-Tek and our philosophy with customers. Those who have been with us for a while know me and understand where I’m coming from. Where I have to be more careful is with people I don’t know well … or not at all in some cases. Coming on too strong, I might be putting them off. I would have to be particularly careful with Fiona’s customer base. The last thing I wanted to do was to alienate them.

‘You’re really something, Andy,’ Fiona said at the end of our first day. ‘You are a true believer in your company and what it can do. The people we saw today don’t need much convincing. You’ve already proven yourself. It’ll be a different story with my accounts. They’ve heard we have new owners, but they don’t know anything about you. On top of that, you’re not American. You’re going to have to let me lead when we talk to them.’

‘Sure. I know I tend to oversell at times. You’re right, I am a true believer and when we get Tracy up and running, you’ll be one too. It’s fun to have that much confidence in the people you work with. That confidence is passed along to the customers and when you come through for them, it just reinforces their belief in us.’

‘The world according to G. B. Andrews,’ she laughed. ‘The Elmer Gantry of the packaging business.’

‘Go ahead and laugh. You’ll see for yourself.’

‘If these first two clients we called on are any indication, you don’t have to convince me. I’m waiting to see how my customers react when you pass out some of those samples. That’s going to be a real revelation to them.’

‘Our customers seemed to accept you,’ I said. ‘I didn’t see any problem with your handling their accounts.’

‘No … I didn’t detect any concern about that either. So that took care of one of the coffee roasters and the chocolate company. What’s next?’

‘We’ll see East Bay tomorrow. They have a large variety of product they pack for private label. Some of it is straight commodity film with an over-label, and some, for the bigger companies, is printed. East Bay will do trial packages, small test market runs, airline food service packaging and that sort of thing. Not huge volume, but if we can service them and make a dollar, we’ll take the business. They know that and we’ve bailed them out a couple of times when other suppliers have let them down.’

‘So this should be a fairly easy call then?’

‘Yes, more so because the buying department is run by a woman. I know she’ll be really pleased that you’ll represent us. She’s always on my case about hiring women. I told her I have two women in sales in Canada and I’m always on the lookout for talent. I half expected her to recommend someone, but when I challenged her, she couldn’t come up with a name. So tomorrow should be an interesting morning. I’m sure Maureen will give you the full tour and you’ll see just how diverse they are.’

‘You have two women in sales in Canada?’ she asked, sounding surprised.

‘Yup. They are two of the best three sales people I have … or had, I should say.’

‘Huh! Is that why you wanted me to work for you?’

‘Your results said you were the best and your boss said you were the best, so it didn’t seem like much of a risk.’

‘Lorne said that?’

‘He did and he wasn’t kidding. Now that I’ve received a bunch of positive feedback from your customers as well, it’s a no-brainer.’

The smile on her face said she was pleased with the praise from her customers. That means a lot to any salesperson. You can never hear you were doing a good job for them too many times.

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Good Luck Charm

Tammy was having a hard time sitting still. She was sitting in the passenger seat of Carter's car, a place she had become well acquainted with in the past three months they'd been dating. But this was different. She glanced sideways at him. He kept a complete poker face, staring straight at the road ahead, one hand on the wheel, even remembering to check his mirrors. She, on the other hand, was just hoping no passers-by could see her face through the completely non-tinted windows. She had a...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Spit Roasted

"Stand in the corner," she said. I hesitated for just one second. "Stand in the corner now you fucking sissy!" she yelled. I quickly went to my designated corner and bowed my head with my nose barely touching the wall. "Hands behind your back," she said authoritatively. I put them back and was instantly handcuffed. I was shocked; I hadn't done anything I thought I might be punished for. I had woken Mistress as she preferred and brought her breakfast and coffee in bed. I had...

4 years ago
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The Janitor Extra 1 Part 2 Dirty House Call

It was time for another dirty house call. He hoped that mother and daughter, Deb and Claire, were ready because today he was fired up. The ladies at the office were good, but he found his new experiances outside just as enjoyable, and he wanted more of it. Not only was it good practice, but he simply enjoyed how he could manipulate every day persons like them, the sense of power and mental dominance like a drug to him now. He simply couldnt get enough. As he entered the apartment, he...

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The slut sister pt 2

She stood there at the end of my bed in a silk night gown smiling sexily at me as she twirled her blonde hair in her fingers, she hadn’t even taken the gown off and I was ready to rock and roll, my eight inches ached to be released from my boxers. “You just going to stand there?” I smiled. She let the gown drop to the floor and stood there running her hands up and down her toned body, she was amazing. She got on the bed and crawled in between my legs, pulling my boxers down. She sat admiring my...

3 years ago
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Part 1

So there I was. Being dragged to a party by a casual friend whose date bailed out at the last minute. I didn't want to go. Some friend of a friend of a friend knew someone at the party and said she should come but doesn't know anybody and didn't want to go alone. You know how it goes. I didn't mind though. We used to have a thing years ago, her and I. Just out of highschool. Hot summer nights, back of my car biting, grinding, nibbling teasing fogging up the windows. I still remember her...

2 years ago
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Aladdin and the Magic LampChapter 6

Now that she had made up her mind she was looking forward to the experience. Aladdin was the only man she had ever had and a little forbidden thrill ran through her at the thought of taking Salman's cock inside her wet little pussy. "After the last meal come to my chambers, I feed Prince Jumah soon after that and he sleeps for a good amount of time, I think that would be the best time. We must be discreet Salman, no one must ever know." Jasmine cautioned the Djin. "My Princess I can...

1 year ago
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Smashed Lucky Bee A Studious Smashing

Stanley Johnson has recently split from his wife, which has also meant leaving his stepdaughter, Lucky Bee, behind. Lucky has always had the hots for her stepdaddy, and now that he’s single she sees her chance. She goes to Stanley’s apartment under the pretense that she needs his help studying. Stanley tries to tell Lucky to go away, but she’s so insistent that he eventually lets her in, allegedly for only 20 minutes. During their impromptu study session, Lucky is clearly...

4 years ago
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This Little Piggy takes 2

I rolled my head and arched, opened my eyes….and screamed. Master stood there in my bedroom doorway watching me, arms crossed, sexy arrogant smirk on his face. I stared, frozen, as he said to the man standing next to him. “Filthy whore always has her hands in it.” He walked over and grabbed one ankle pulling me to the edge of the bed, running his hand up my leg. I opened my mouth and gasped, lifting and spreading my legs prettily. He shook his head and grunted a short laugh as he...

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My Whole Family Needed Me 21

My Whole Family Needed Me 2 I felt like I was in the matrix. I was awake but I felt like I had to be dreaming. My beautiful younger sister was passed out next to me in her cum-soaked bed. Our Cum-soaked bed! I couldn’t believe how I had taken complete control of her last night and fucked her twice. I was never a stand-up guy but I’m starting to realize where they all come from. I wanted to be there for her and make her...

2 years ago
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Internal AffairsChapter 3

'Hillary I need a couple of hours off this morning," Roger said. "Of course is everything alright?" she asked. It was obvious to Roger that over the course of the past month, she had developed a bond with Roger. A bond between the high school nerd, she had been a nerd without a doubt, and the kid nobody liked. They bonded from the necessity for human contact. They would have never been friends, if not for their mutual outsider status. "My sister is going to be passing through town. It...

2 years ago
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My CoWorker and Her Daughter Part 2

Yesterday, Saturday, I had taken my co-worker of several years to a bookstore and dinner.  Anne, I found out, is in an open relationship with her husband.  She invited me into her home, and after getting out of our clothes and some playful banter, I proceeded to go down on her on the living room couch.  That’s when her daughter Tammy unexpectedly walked into the house and caught us.  To make a long story short, I serviced both of them orally while they did things most mothers and daughter...

4 years ago
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Another Proposal

Another Proposal based upon a story by Snoopbone. "Alright Marlo let's get this over with. You said you had a financial offer to give me here and I'm want to hear it now before I walk out that door like I did on our relationship six months ago." Jimmy was standing there with his hands hanging loosely down sides passing his rotund stomach and ending on his chubby thighs. Marlo and Jimmy had been dating for five years and lovers for four of them. Jimmy had fallen on hard times as of...

1 year ago
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Lusty Lauren Spokane GF for hire P

Getting my attention was Lauren's post of her "specialty"….Lauren was a "squirter"! Very busty (44DDD), 5 feet 8 inches and a solid 200 lbs….she was a PAWG. Her facial features were amazing, she had dark brown eyes that were shiny and bright, she wore her make-up as though she was a consultant at the maw-up counter at Nordstrom's. Her skin was pale white and her smile was wide and showed her vibrant and carefree attitude.We met at the Red Fin sushi restaurant in downtown Seattle right next door...

4 years ago
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Alice The Dirty Whore Part 5

Alice the Dirty WhoreBy Mad Jack69Synopsis: This is a fictional story of a sex addicted whore and her depraved sexual cravings. It covers most perversions. In this the fifth chapter Alice and Daisy take Jack to new depths of depravity and humiliation. And the couple get drawn into the clutches of an exclusive sex club for societies élite and most wealthy. (MF, M+F, MM, anal, prost, whore, cream-pie, ws, strap-on Fdom) Chapter 5 The Engagement PartyJosh was very pleased with himself as he...

1 year ago
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It’s been 6 months since the last time I got laid. Even then it wasn’t anything to write home about. Needless to say frustration doesn’t begin to describe my mood. And work, work today was a joke. If it could go wrong it did. So here I am at seven thirty - a full two and half hours after I should of clocked out, climbing from my vehicle and trudging up my walk. You. You are upstairs banging away on lord only knows with your hammer and nails. Sometimes I think you do it to annoy me. Others...I...

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On my way home from work one summer evening, traffic was horrendous so I decide to to take a route along the ocean to avoid the congestion. This route takes me by a very popular beach, its a little longer but never any traffic. Cruising along a the beach highway is somewhat desolate, but a scenic easy drive. I see up ahead a young woman in a bikini top and very short cutoff shorts. She has her thumb out hitchhiking, being the gentleman that I am, and not seeing anyone else around, I pull over...

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Okay. Call me stupid if you want. But I am still alive aint I?Maybe my plans didn’t go exactly according to plan, but it was only a slight oversight. And thanks to Jack, it all ended well.It was the weekend before last, and I set myself a challenge, as I often do. It wasn’t, perhaps, the most sensible of challenges, but, in my mind, once I think of an idea, it burns in my head until I do it.A little about myself I guess would help.I am 36 years old, and an outright masochist. No matter what...

1 year ago
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Truth Or Dare No Mercy

“Piper, I’m telling you, they’ll be down for it. They've even agreed that they’ll play by the rules.” My friend is on the other end of the phone line. She’s trying to convince me that the slumber party I’m having tonight should be a small get together. That she knows a few guys who’ll come. She promises it’ll stay small, and that we should play games, maybe drink if anyone can get any alcohol, and just have fun. My parents out of town for the weekend, and I’m left alone, after promising not...

3 years ago
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Fucking the two hottest Indian TV stars pt2 Kav

This happened after a month of the first story when shooting had started for my show featuring Shweta Tiwari and Ragini Khanna. They were both rolling their eyes at me after that wonderful fuck fest a month ago. After that I had been busy and had not been able to meet them. On the set on a Saturday, they both came to me and said," Sid we are having a party at Shweta's place to celebrate our new show. You are invited too". I accepted the invitation and at night I went to Shweta's house and was...

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Weekend at Sleepy Creek

Cabin One Michael had not been to Sleepy Creek Cabins since his honeymoon five years earlier. Sleepy Creek, a bed and breakfast that featured four cabins tucked into the Virginia mountains provided the perfect level of comfort and isolation for a week of pure enjoyment for Michael and his new bride. They had stayed in Cabin One, which featured a full kitchen, covered back porch, king bed and full size Jacuzzi that had a view of the entire grounds. From the back porch, and the Jacuzzi, Michael...

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28 Minutes Til Saturday Night Live

We stood on 3rd Avenue, the snow sheeting down, and I wondered how anybody could think about getting naked in this weather. Sandi and I stood on the movie line, like other couples swathed in layer after layer of clothing that almost kept the biting wind from raising goosebumps on us. Gloves, scarves, boots, hats, zipped-up coats and parkas, sweaters, and thick plaid shirts erased any evidence of sexual differentiation. We stamped our feet, stuck our hands deeper into our pockets and prayed the...

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Shy wifes first touch by stranger

My wife is a very attractive brunette; she has full breasts and a full figuire, one that I have always found very sexy and attractive. After 10 years of marriage I wanted to satisfy a deep desire and that was to see her having sex with a stranger. Marne has always been very shy sexually, very committed and loyal not one wishing to venture outside of the confines of marriage. I decided the best would be to take her out dancing and then see if I could get her interested in another bloke this way....

2 years ago
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Glamour Shots Chapter 3

I took my car, an Infiniti G37, the previous year's model. Sometimes we traded vehicles for various reasons, but today I took my own. I loved driving it, and for me it was the perfect combination of power, sportiness, and luxury, and yet not so ostentatious that I felt like it stood out in a crowd; it fit my personality very well in that regard. I turned to a classic rock station on the radio. They were playing something instrumental, no lyrics; Stevie Ray, I was pretty sure. As I drove I let...

Wife Lovers
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The Last Lockdown Ends

The bedsprings were rocking and the headboard was crashing into the wall. The noise was quite amazing as the bed was put to the test.The reason was obvious. Sprawled on their backs with their legs open two attractive women were both being vigorously fucked by each other's partners. Had there been a top shot from a camera in the room, it would have caught the sight of two pairs of toned buttocks driving hard cocks into a pair of clearly moist pussies.The noise of the bed being rocked was matched...

Group Sex
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gang bang

Gang Bang 101 - A Guide To Doing Your First Gang Bangby AlfrikA great many women (and men, for that matter) have a fantasy of being the center in a gang bang - an event where several people are fucking one person simultaneously or in a train. And though many have this on their sexual bucket list,very few actually go through with it (for a variety of reasons).Those who do find themselves facing a daunting task. Gang bangs are rarely spontaneous events, save for the occasional bang that happens...

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Traveler Copyright 2000 by Samantha Michelle. Permission given to post on FictionMania and Crystal's, and Sapphire's. Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are your reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or...

2 years ago
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How I Fucked Rajita Aunty And Her Mother

Welcome back, folks ! Sorry for being late in uploading the hot sex story. This is a story how I banged Rajita and her Mom. Please do leave your comments at And invitations are always welcome in Thane/Mumbai/Chennai After fucking Rajita’s Mom – Kusum I had a wild desire of having a threesome. A wild fantasy I had never imagined before of Mom Daughter and me. It was a dream come true. This gave me frequent desires for fucking both of them and I masturbated thinking this. During one of those...

2 years ago
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Family LettersChapter 55

Dearest Willow and family, Violet reminded me with her last letter that there really are other people there with you. I've sent up a suggestion to every command that I have contact with that they make sure that the concubines of the various Soldiers and Seamen (are Space Navy members still Seamen?) are kept in the information loop. I suggested that until we could prove otherwise that we treat such communication as if the Sa'arm didn't hear it. I suspect that the reason that spouses have...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Kuleana Payton Preslee My Neighbors A Lesbo

Kuleana asks her roommate Bernard Sanchez if he found a date to bring to her birthday party. Bernard says he hasn’t been able to find anyone, and he doesn’t want to attend the party without a date. Kuleana doesn’t want Bernard to miss her party, so she suggests that Bernard can ask their neighbor Payton Preslee to be his date. Bernard doesn’t think that’s going to work, because he’s pretty sure that Payton is a lesbian. Kuleana doesn’t believe him, and...

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ENHANCEXX By Persephone © 2/28/2013 Congratulations! You have purchased "EnhanceXX" the all new next generation male enhancement formula. Men, have you ever said to yourself, "It takes me all night to do what I used to do all night?" Well not anymore! Just one of these tablets and certain male part be able to go all night or all day. Achieve a happier and more fulfilled sex life. Recapture the drive and stamina of your...

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Sie wusste nicht mehr, wann es angefangen hatte. Irgendwie war Josie da hineingerutscht, sie hatte mit niemandem darüber geredet und würde es auch nie machen. Denn das, was sie tat, war vollkommen unmoralisch und schlimm. Naja, eigentlich machte sie ja gar nichts. Oder fast nichts. Das junge Mädchen, das gerade letzte Woche 18 geworden war, saß in einem tiefen Sessel und atmete schneller. Gleich würde es wieder so weit sein. Gleich würde das Telefon klingen. Und sie würde es wieder abheben,...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 16

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part Sixteen By Danielle J Synopsis- Tom Slater receives messages from the Swan Song committee and Gabrielle Tanaka at the same time she prepares for a move to Hong Kong. I must express my thanks to Puddin' for helping me prepare this story chapter for publication. Also thank you to Linda Beth, Xoop, and Janet for their help. ***** "Hiromi-san, should the next Oyabun ask you to work for the family, would you do it?" "Of course I would do that,...

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A Jessie McClintock Story GHOST

This appointment tonight filled her with a modicum of hope. Her doctor had made her believe this could be the solution. It had to be. Because Melissa wasn’t sure she could survive another day. Not. One. More. Day. Not like this. The street numbers flew past, but then she stopped. She’d gone too far. She back tracked and still couldn’t find it. But it had to be here. It had to … There, a barely visible alleyway descending into pitch darkness. Away from the...

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The Artists Apprentice

Introduction: This is my first attempt at telling a story from the female perspective. I will be anxious to see what you think of the effort. Thanks and enjoy. I was a little nervous, no, anxious more than nervous or apprehensive is a better word for the way I was feeling. After all, this was the biggest day of my life to this point and all of the art world would be looking at me, or at least my work. I was to open my showing at a prestigious New York art gallery this very evening and I just...

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A Slut In Hand

A slut inhand... "Cheryl!" Icalled out as I entered, "Yes, master!",my wife came from the kitchen. "Did youremember my friend is coming over with his wife today? On dinner?" "Yes, master,I am preparing the meal just now, it'll be ready in a few minutes." Iflopped on the couch and she went on taking off my shoes and other dutiesthat she has like a good slave, "Is there anything else master desires?" "No, justwanted to check that you didn't forge and to remind you that they'll be herein a...

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Emilys First Solo HolidayChapter 4

DAY 08 – The second day of my ‘enslavement’ Will didn’t wake me by fucking me. We were both woken by Harry telling us to get our lazy butts off the bed. When Will woke he looked disappointed, I know that I was. “Will, you go and shower in our room, you know how long girls take to get ready” Harry said and Will slowly grabbed his clothes and walked to the door while I got off the bed, smiled at Harry, and went into the bathroom. Harry followed me to the door and stood there as I sat on...

3 years ago
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The Nudist And His PupilChapter 5

My double major in English and Information Systems and Technology helped me tremendously. After graduation, I decided to try to stay afloat via freelancing. I gave myself six months to make things work. After that, I thought I would have to try to find permanent employment with one specific company. I soon learned that it was tough to launch into my own business without establishing myself as a competent and reputable employee, so I altered my plans and got hired by a company that sent me out...

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