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“kamu dari mana rul?” tanyaku kepada nurul ketika dia baru kembali.
“dari jalan-jalan.” jawab nurul singkat,tanpa ada menoleh sedikit kearahku.

cerita dewasa ya sudah aku pikir,nurul sedang males cerita dan lelah kali ya sepulang jalan-jalan..dan aku pun akhirnya memutuskan untuk tidur,setelah membersihakn gitarku, hingga pada tengah malam itu,badanku digoncang-goncang oleh orang disebelahku,dengan sedikit setengah sadar,aku bangun dan melihat siapa orang yang berani mengganggu tidurku yang
sedang nyenyak ini. dan ternyata adalah nurul

“ehh,kamu rul.. kenapa sii?”tanyaku kenurul sambil menggaruk leherku yang tidak gatal. dan juga dengan keadaan setengah sadar.

“kamu ngantuk ya?? aku mau cerita deh” jawab nurul penuh harap

“nggak kok,aku baru tidur gitu-gitu aja belom lelap banget” jawabku bohong,karna takut membuat sahabatku ini kecewa.

“aku udah gak perawan ri” ngomong nurul langsung tanpa basa basi sedikittttpun.

“haa kok bisa???” tanyaku kaget kepada dia. dan akhirnya dia bercerita kenapa kejadian itu sampai terjadi dan nurul pun bercerita kepadku malam itu. dan dalam hariku “kasihan sekali sahabtku ini”

ketika siang itu ia ingin mencari makan di sebuah warteg yang ada diujung jalan,tiba-tiba ada sebuah mobil yang berisi 3 bapak-bapak berusia sekitar 40an,berseragam P*S coklat-coklat,turun dan menghampiri nurul yang sedang berjalan sendirian itu untuk menanyakan arah jalan. karena memang nurul tau jalan itu,nurul pun menjelaskan arahnya,karena memang arah jalannya sedikit membingungkan akhirnya nurul diajak untuk naik kemobil nya dan menunjukan jalannya. gadis polos 15 tahun ini pun masuk kemobil itu. mobil berjenis jeep berwarna hitam ini,melaju ketempat yang ditanyakan tadi. ditengah perjalanan dia dikasih biskuit oleh bapak P*S yang duduk dibelakang,sedangkan ke 2 temannya yang duduk didepan sibuk melihat jalanan.

“Nih Dek Biskuit dimakan” tawar bapak-bapak itu kepada nurul.
“yaudah akhirnya karna emang gw laper,gw ambil aja tuh biskuitnya” lanjut nurul menceritakan ceritanya. akhirnya nurul mengambil sebuah biskuit dari bungkus itu. dan bapak bapak itu menawarkan aku air minuman soda. karena memang nurul seret habis makan biskuit yang sudah dikasih tadi,akhirnya nurul pun meminumnya kata dia.

Setelah 15 menit,akhirnya nurul pun merasa ada yang aneh dari badannya. payudara nurul serasa ada yang meremas remas,dan berasa panas dibagian situ. dan vaginya serasa banjir dan terus berkedut kedut. dia bercerita kepadaku ketika dia melihat kearah bapak yang ada disebelahnya,bapak-bapak itu senyum-senyum penuh arti,sambil meledek nurul “kenapaa kamu sange yaaaa anak kecil??? ” tanya meledek om om itu kepada nurul yang makin lama perasaan nya semakin kacau.

“ia omm,om kasih aku apaan sii?” tanya nurul kepada om om itu..
“Cialis sama viagra udah aku campurin keminuman kamu yang tadi anak maniss.. sange kan kamu jadinyaa,aahahhaaha..” jawab om om itu menyebalkan kata nurul. dan juga nurul bercerita kalau om om yang dibelakang itu ngasih kode ke 2 temennya yang ada didepan.
“broo,daripada lamaa nyari rumah tuh pecun,mending garap yang ada dulu aja nih. udah sange nih anak”

“ahh jangan omm,saya masih kecil,jangan dipakee om,masih perawan saya ommm” nurul memelas. namun kata nurul,bukannya jawaban yang dia dapat malah grepek an di tetenya oleh om om yang disebelahnya itu. ke 2 tangan om om itu langsung saja menyergap 2 bongkahan tetek milik nurul yang masih ada dibalik bajunya.

“tetek ku abis riiii di kenyotin dan diremes sama tu orang,kurang ajar. tapi anehnya aku bukannya nolak ya,malah gelendot manja seakan aku nikmatin kerjaan tu orang,apa itu pengaruh efek obat perangsang yg dia kasih ya” lanjut nurul. aku hanya diam dan mendengarkan cerita dia.

“tuhhhh brooo,tetenyaa masih segerr brooo” om yang sedang mengerjai nurul sudah membuka dan menaikan BH nurul keatas sehingga memperlihatkan tete nya.

“ooo iaa broo,ya udah coyy cari tempat sepi aja terus kita garap gantian ni anak,anak gembel ini,kaga ada yang peduli juga”

” ya udah akhirnya mereka pergi cari tempat sepii,muter muter aja.dan selama dijalanan itu. tuh om om yang dibelakang udah nete sama ngobel gw mulu. gw sange,gw kocokin juga deh kontoy nya yang lebih gede drpd punya usman ri” cerita nurul dan nurul bercerita kahirnya mereka sampai di parkiran paling atas di sebuah gedung. dan ke 2 om om yang ada didepan tadi pindah kekursi tengah bergabung dengan om om yang tadi sudah colong start..akhirnya ke 3 om om membuka celana mereka masing masing dan antri untuk nurul oral. nurul pun mengoral mereka bergantian.

“aghhh enak banget sepongan lo masih kecil juga” ricau salah satu dari mereka. karena posisi nurul pada saat mengoral adalah menungging, maka tete nurul bergantungan dengan bebas,dan hal ini tidak disia-siakan oleh mereka semua. tete nurul diperas dan ditarik tarik putng nya seperti sapai yang sedang perah susunya. malahan ada satu om om yang sengaja kebawah nurul dan menyusu langsung ke nurull

“anjinggg brooo enak banget tuhhh netek gitu” kata salah satu om om itu.
“yoiii broo tetek anak abg,umur lo berapa heh? ” tanya om om yang sedang menyusu ke dia.
dan nurul pun menjawab “15 tahun om”

“15 tahun?? gileee body sama sepongan lo ga ada 15 tahun 15 tahunnya,ude sering lo ya?”
“belom pernah om” jawab nurul bohong sambil tetep nyepong.

akhirnya nurul dikangkangkangin oleh om yang pertama. pantat nurul dikeluarkan dari mobil dan setengah badannya tetep berada dimobil, “jangan dimasukin om,sakitt” rengek nurul, namun om yang pertama tidak peduli,dengan sedikit memaksa karena memang susah masuknya ke memey nurul. akhirnya jebol juga memey nurul. air mata keluar dari sudut mata nurul sambil bercerita.

“ahhhhh,,ahhh ahhhhh,oouchhh,hhhmmmppphhhffff” desah nurul sore itu
dan om yang pertama giat dan semangat menggenjot memek anak 15 tahun yang bulu jembutnya aja masih dikit banget “anjingggg,enakk banget memek anak 15 tahun,makan nih kontol gw. fuck you little cunt,fuck this big dick little whore” racau om om yang sedang semangat menggempur memek nurul dari belakang. dan akhirnya om om pertama itu mengoper nurul ke temennya yang duduk didalem, nurul didudukan mengahadap kedepan oleh dia.

“sebentar ya omm memek aku perihh bangett nihh,aku masih lemesss” rengek nurul. ” gak ada cerita,buruan,udah gak sabar gw ngerasain memek lo nih yang gemuk. dan akhirnya nurul pun berpacu lagi di kontoy om yang ke 2 ini.

“pook pook pokk pokkk pokk,ceplakk ceplakkk ceplakk ceplakk enak banget memek anak 15 tahun” bunyi pantat nurul yang beradu ke paha om yang ke 2 ini. 15 menit nurul beraksi akhirnya muncrat juga peju ni om om di pantat nurul. dan tanpa nunggu beristirahat om om yg ke 3 yang udah sangat sange melihat ke 2 temannya nunggangin anak kecil ini,langsung menarik nurul keluar dari mobil.

“gilaa riii memek gw berasa robek riii. merekaa jahattt bangett rii. gw ga dikasih istirahat sedikitpunn” cerita nurul

“tapi enak gak??” tanyaku penasaran
“enakk.rasanya lebih mantap daripada cuma dikobel sama

dan nurul pun melanjutkan ceritanya,kali ini ia diterlentangkan dia atas kap mobil oleh om ke 3 itu

“aduhh panass om disinii” “nihh pake ini aja buat alas” nurul diberikan baju daleman nurul untuk meredam panas kap mesin. dan setelah nurul sudah mengangkang di atas kap mesin,om ke 3 ini membersihkan memek nurul dengan tisu basah terlebih dahulu,darah bercampur mani terceplak di tisu basah.

“aaaaahhhhh perihhhhhh” ketika alkohol dari tisu basah menyentuh memey nurul. Setelah bersih om ke 3 ini menjilati dan mengucek ngucek memey anak 15 tahunnn ini dan nurul menjambak jambak rambut om ke 3. dan om yg pertama pun bergabung dengan menghisap dan memberi tanda merah disekitaran tetek nurul.. akhirnya om ke 3 ini memasukan rudalnya ke memey anak 15 tahun

“pppttt” memey nurul kentu ketika dimasuki oleh kontoy om yang ke 3 ini

“ceplokkkk plokkk plokkk plokkk” “agghh aghh aghhha aghhh aghhh aghhh,,ahhh ommm omm ahh aahhh ahhh ahh” desah nurul yang sedang digenjot dengan cepat dan kasar oleh om 3 itu. om yang pertama tidak tinggal diam,dia terus menggesek gesek klitoris nurul dengan jarinya. dan nurul pun orgasme untuk kesekian kalinya. setelah puas ngewe memey nurull,nurul disuruh jongkok dan ke 2 om om ini mengocok batang kemaluan mereka sampai keluar..

“ughhhhh gokil nih anak,gw sampe gemeteran gini dengkul gw ahahahaha” percakapan ke dua om om ini

“coyy buruan bersih-bersih terus pake baju,kita cabut terus,ude mau jam setengah 3 nii.. balik kekantor kita””

dan ke dua om om itu buru buru masuk kemobil bersama dengan nurul juga. namun jahatnya,nurul hanya disampaikan didepan gedung itu, memang sih nurul diselipkan uang 150 ribu sama mereka. namun kejadiann ini membuat nurul sakit dan sedih,karena tidak kepikaran oleh nurul akan kehilangan keperawannannya dengan cara seperti ini.

Nurul pun nangis denganku sepanjang malam sambil bercerita. aku hanya berusaha mendengarkan dan memahami keadaan nya tersebut.. dan aku berfikir,kalau aku gimana ya akan kehilangan keperawananku?? mudah mudah han gak sesadis dia dehh…dan aku pun memejamkan mataku, belum sampai sejam aku menutup mata,ada sebuah tangan yang membekap mulutku.

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Meri Behan Ki Mast Jawani

Hi frdz. . I am Gagan brar from Bathinda, Punjab. Meri age 22 year hai aur main B.Tech ka student hu. Main es site pe daily behan bhai ki story read karta hu jisse muje be meri sister hot aur sexy lagne lagi aur main daily uske bare main soch ke muth marta hu. Meri family main 4 member hai meri mom, dad main aur meri choti behan. Toh pehle main apko apni behan ke bare main bata du. Usda name navreet kaur hai te sab usnu nav bolde ne usdi age 19 year hai and vo college main B.Com 2nd year ki...

1 year ago
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New endeavors with Mother

Note : This story is completely fictional! It is Tuesday afternoon, when I walk into the kitchen, just home from work. My mother, Carla, is standing at the sink, washing vegetables. She is wearing a pair of blue gym shorts and a white tank top t-shirt. I walk up behind her, and encircle her with my arms, sliding my hands under her t-shirt and holding her tummy. I kissed her softly on the back of her neck, inhaling the sweet sent of her perfume. “Butch!” she murmured, “Your home early! I didn’t...

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Keeping BrotherinLaw Close to Family

100% fiction! I am the middle sister of three girls that were raised in a respectable upper middle class family in the mid-west. My father worked hard to send us to the best schools and we all found hard working men that we eventually married. My older sister , Eliz, married an attorney, I , Jenn, married a banker and my youngest sister, Lynn, married a medical student. Other than my youngest sister, we all lived with in 50 miles from our parents and home. After Lynn's husband Drew graduated...

3 years ago
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His Favorite Girl

"Hey Coco watch where you are walking sweet thing!" Hunter hooted as his boss nearly dropped beer all over his uniform."Hunter O'Neal, you know my name is not Coco. It's Cindy!" Cindy said placing her hands on her hips and turning around."You let all those other boys call you Coco. Why can't I? I work here at this club every night with you, and I can't have a little bit of fun?" Hunter asked again popping the top off two beers and sliding them down the bar to a guy at the end.Cindy glared at...

Love Stories
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Lost Empire 50

0003 - Conner- Thomas                              0667 - Marco - Brown                   0097 - Ace - Zimmel                                    0778 - Jan                     0098 - Lucy                                                    0798 - Celeste  -  Shelby (human) 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick      0908 - Tara - Mara               0125 - Lars                                                   0999 - Zan                        0200 -...

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Too Tough To Tame Ch 03 Final

First… Sorry it took so long to upload this story. It was completed a long time ago when I uploaded Chapter 1 & 2… I just got lazy & didn’t upload earlier! This is the final chapter in this three part tale… I hope you all enjoy! Because of certain issues with certain people here on Lit, I’ve blocked all comments! I’ll explain on my main page if you’re at all interested… and, as I’ve stated before all stories are the sole copyright & property of venomlegions! Any similarities between...

2 years ago
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My Sissy Life Part 10

Part 10 After a while I heard the doors open, shut and the van started to move. I heard my brother saying to my father that he was happy that Uncle John was coming over tonight. "I haven't seen him in along time, it will be cool to talk to him some more," Jim said. I could hear my family talking to each other as we rode home but I couldn't really make out what anyone was saying exactly. After a while I felt a bump as we pulled into our driveway. The van stopped and everyone...

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The Big Limousine Disappeared

This story is paired with my story ‘The Climbing Tree!’ For the greater part of the text they are the same story, however the two tales have different outcomes. For the convenience of the reader I have clearly marked the point of divergence, where the individual stories go their separate ways. If the ‘The Climbing Tree!’ is fresh in the reader’s mind, they may prefer to scroll through to page five and only read the latter part of the text. My sincere thanks go to Grisbuff and Davnel for their...

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Real stories 1 BBW at the Bar

Okay, this is the first of many real stories to come. I always think honesty about sex is hot, so I promise to share nothing but 1) What actually happened and 2) What my honest perceptions were at the time. I'm 27, but this story happened right after i turned 26. So, this one time I was visiting my friend down in central Illinois. He's a pretty good friend of mine, not really as smart as I was, but he is unbelievable with the ladies, a great wing man. I've always felt like I could use a bit of...

3 years ago
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Sleepover with a brat

He was so engrossed in his thinking that he almost didn’t notice the tiny hand of his little sister reaching up over the counter to grab a bag of chips. “Get out of here!” he shouted at her when he did notice her. “Come on, you don’t need all of this. Why do you get everything and I get nothing. Mom even said I have to go to bed early tonight.” “When you’re old enough to have sleepovers, you can ask Mom for anything you want. Tonight is my night,” he explained. She clenched her fists and...

2 years ago
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Girl FagChapter 30

"Hey!" Little Steve caught up with me after my art class, just as I was getting ready to ride my bike over to the high school for shop. "Hi," I smiled at him, stopping and leaning up against a locker as kids walked by on their way to their next classes. "I missed you during lunch," he leaned up against the lockers too. "Yeah, I took the morning off," I laughed. "What's up?" "I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight? Have dinner at my house or something?" He was...

4 years ago
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Runaway DreamChapter 10 Annus Mirabilis

"Hi. No, don't get up." I smiled and whispered and it was easy for me. "Sit down ... down..." There were two guards, big security men with uniforms and guns and radios. There were cameras too, recording us, and we didn't worry about them so much, not yet. I had something to do finally, because I was so good at this sort of thing and getting better all the time. I'd just walked in, through the metal detector and behind the desk as if joining them. The two men had only stared at me and...

3 years ago
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Tight Jam 2 The Blackmail

TIGHT JAM 2 (The Blackmail )Don Abdul ©2008 While Peggy was young, sexy outgoing, Constance was a prudish 52 year old bitch who seldom smiled, especially with the staff, regardless of how nice and cordial to her they were. The interesting thing about her though is that despite her cold attitude she had damn sexy body. In fact, most of the guys in the office actually fantasized about her voluptuous heart shaped ass and gorgeous full breasts. She became Peggy’s step-mom when her father re-married...

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Always Ask Permission Ch03

As always it is better to have read the first two chapters before reading this one. May I also reiterate that all the characters in this series are 18 or over.Marta gets her reward.It was late afternoon before reality began to creep back in. With Mrs C, my elderly cook, away until tomorrow and Rosea ‘busy’ elsewhere, Marta and I had the house to ourselves. I had allowed Marta to display her dominant side with her daughter but now I was determined to make sure she still knew her place. During a...

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The Fall of the House of Melkham

Brigid McAllister was just 13 when her Uncle Davie loaded her up onto the wagon near Clones and drove her into Dublin one misty June morning in 1907. She had no idea why they were going, and she imagined it was just a rare day out to the big city. She thought her widowed mam was silly sobbing over her and hugging her fit to crush her, telling her to be a good girl, after all, she’d only be away a short while. When they reached Dublin Davie took her into a bar, ordered himself a draught of ale...

4 years ago
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Pleasure and Pain part 3

It was my turn again and I was nervous as Hell. I didnt have much choice though did I? Not if I wanted to win that hundred thousand. With only a moments further hesitation I clicked on the card and watched it turn over. I visibly sagged with relief when I saw it said pleasure. There you go Justin, Jillian said supportively as she clapped me on the shoulder. I rolled the dice. 2. Crap. Well I suppose any number on a pleasure card was better than pain. Have a player of the opposite gender...

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Milky Adventure 8211 Part 8 Trip To Auntie8217s House

In this part of the story, Riya goes to her Aunt’s house: The trip was uneventful, they unloaded their luggage. As Riya paid the driver she was conscious of his eyes taking in her figure and her curves. He licked his lips as she counted rupees into his hand, and then they were gone. Riya’s auntie welcomed them, she was a stately lady in her mid 50’s, soft-spoken and gentle, nothing seemed to upset her quiet countenance. Riya had always thought she would like to be just like her aunt. Being in...

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Chrissy was mad. She was fifteen years old and she hadn't been on a single date. It wasn't because she was unpopular. Lots of k**s at her school liked her and wanted to be around her. It wasn't because she was ugly. Her 5" 6" frame supported breasts that were a handful each, tipped with sharp little pencil eraser sized nipples just made to suck on. Below that were her thin waist and hips that any baby-bearing woman would love to have. Her cute little pussy lips were pink and plump and nestled...

2 years ago
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A New Beginning

It's a slightly cool evening, and we've just finished a lovely meal at our local mutually favorite restaurant. We step outside, and I take your left hand in my right, leaning in to lightly kiss your neck, and inhale that lovely fragrance that is all you. Devious thoughts constantly running through my mind, but for now, it's good to take time and enjoy the sweeter things. We walk idly, slowly, down the sidewalk, approaching an alley to the left. Passing the corner, I pull you to me, lifting you...

3 years ago
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What Its Really Like to Pegging

Sure, you may have heard of pegging from a certain episode of Broad City, but what's it really like to play the role of penetrator as a woman? Here, three anonymous women get real about pegging — a dynamic-flipping sex act in which a woman has anal sex with a man via a strap-on dildo.Have you tried pegging with a serious partner or in a casual relationship (or both)?Woman A: Only with serious partners who were very into it already. I wouldn't be averse to doing it casually; however, both of my...

2 years ago
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Project Gaia Chapter 5

Introduction: Scientist visits a very fertile island Something on this island is very different. I havent felt the same since a bit after we arrived. I was always an example of ethics and conduct, and now here I am driving around sitting next to the woman I was meant to observe. Id done plenty of observing, and plenty more, having just a few hours ago made love with Ali in a tropical paradise and now all I want is to do more of the same thing. Something on this island has changed me. Its like...

4 years ago
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Just My LuckChapter 10

That is the way Tammy found us in the morning, me on my side, and Nicole on hers. Tammy pounced on Nicole, and said, "No fair, he came back when you were on duty. It was supposed to be me." I rolled over and said, "Now, Tammy, you got to sleep with me the other night and we just slept. Nicole, tell her what I said last night." "Our boss said that he would not touch either of us unless we gave him written permission for him to make a pass at us. Until then it was strictly business. What...

3 years ago
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Study Break

Emily is a junior in college studying Chemical Engineering. She's 5'6", a little chubby, with pale white skin, a plump ass, and large breasts. Her long brown hair is usually in a braid or ponytail, but she leaves it flowing if she's going out to a bar. Her boyfriend since the summer before freshman year, Thomas, is just a hair taller than her and also on the heavier side. Emily lives alone in her dorm, but spends a lot of time at her boyfriend's apartment or in her best friend Casey's dorm...

4 years ago
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SkinFlick SlutChapter 2

"Come in my pussy," I begged. Phil nodded as I told him I wanted to be fucked. But I was so wet already I'm sure he wasn't surprised! He put his arms around me and started easing me toward the couch. I smiled as we neared it. He was going to fuck me, good and hard, on his office couch. Phil eased me back, pushing me gently onto the couch. I sat down on it, my legs parted, and looked up at him as his cock jutted out toward me. It looked so gorgeous -- I couldn't believe how fast he'd...

3 years ago
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First BI Experience

This story is part true, and part fantasy. Hope you enjoy. It may seem strange that at 50 you realize that you are bi. Perhaps an explanation is required. At 50 years old, with kids all grown and after 30 years of marriage, my wife asked for a divorce, saying she wanted to be free to do some of the things she wanted to do when she was younger but couldn’t because of marriage and kids. After my surprise passed, we divorced on friendly terms, and she moved out of the house. Since I had the...

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Why do things always Happen to Me

Before I start I realize there are not a lot of men running around with a 12'' cock. And so I have dubbed this as a fantasy and as a Farce. Enough said now to the story. My name is Samuel Longfellow I am the owner of one of the largest Security Companies in the state. That is how I make my money(seven figures annually) My passion is wildlife research and have a fellowship at the local College. I do my research on my 680 acre farm. Now my downfall is I was cursed with a 12''...

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First part: Girl Scout Troop 6969 It was several months after the events related in Girl Scout Troop 6969 and winter break was upon us. Becky had decided to come home rather than go someplace warm like Florida. It was really nice having Becky home as I had been missing the girls. When she walked in, it was like she had never left for college. I took her out to dinner the first night to celebrate. Of course, the next day Maria, Jamie, and Lindsey showed up to see Becky. It was uncomfortable...

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Through the Glass into the Mirror

You can get a lot done in ten years, and for us, we strived for mediocrity.  It was not as if we gave up on life, we were only thirty; we just liked to flirt with how familiarity bred contempt.Straddling me, the bed groaned, and the dismay of that familiarity dampened the sizzle of excitement.  In the gloom of the morning, her body cast a half-light silhouette. "Put the light on?"Marianne shook her head; I would not push it, I never did.  Preening her wavy black hair, perfectly kempt, Marianne...


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