Nikmatnya Abg free porn video

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“kamu dari mana rul?” tanyaku kepada nurul ketika dia baru kembali.
“dari jalan-jalan.” jawab nurul singkat,tanpa ada menoleh sedikit kearahku.

cerita dewasa ya sudah aku pikir,nurul sedang males cerita dan lelah kali ya sepulang jalan-jalan..dan aku pun akhirnya memutuskan untuk tidur,setelah membersihakn gitarku, hingga pada tengah malam itu,badanku digoncang-goncang oleh orang disebelahku,dengan sedikit setengah sadar,aku bangun dan melihat siapa orang yang berani mengganggu tidurku yang
sedang nyenyak ini. dan ternyata adalah nurul

“ehh,kamu rul.. kenapa sii?”tanyaku kenurul sambil menggaruk leherku yang tidak gatal. dan juga dengan keadaan setengah sadar.

“kamu ngantuk ya?? aku mau cerita deh” jawab nurul penuh harap

“nggak kok,aku baru tidur gitu-gitu aja belom lelap banget” jawabku bohong,karna takut membuat sahabatku ini kecewa.

“aku udah gak perawan ri” ngomong nurul langsung tanpa basa basi sedikittttpun.

“haa kok bisa???” tanyaku kaget kepada dia. dan akhirnya dia bercerita kenapa kejadian itu sampai terjadi dan nurul pun bercerita kepadku malam itu. dan dalam hariku “kasihan sekali sahabtku ini”

ketika siang itu ia ingin mencari makan di sebuah warteg yang ada diujung jalan,tiba-tiba ada sebuah mobil yang berisi 3 bapak-bapak berusia sekitar 40an,berseragam P*S coklat-coklat,turun dan menghampiri nurul yang sedang berjalan sendirian itu untuk menanyakan arah jalan. karena memang nurul tau jalan itu,nurul pun menjelaskan arahnya,karena memang arah jalannya sedikit membingungkan akhirnya nurul diajak untuk naik kemobil nya dan menunjukan jalannya. gadis polos 15 tahun ini pun masuk kemobil itu. mobil berjenis jeep berwarna hitam ini,melaju ketempat yang ditanyakan tadi. ditengah perjalanan dia dikasih biskuit oleh bapak P*S yang duduk dibelakang,sedangkan ke 2 temannya yang duduk didepan sibuk melihat jalanan.

“Nih Dek Biskuit dimakan” tawar bapak-bapak itu kepada nurul.
“yaudah akhirnya karna emang gw laper,gw ambil aja tuh biskuitnya” lanjut nurul menceritakan ceritanya. akhirnya nurul mengambil sebuah biskuit dari bungkus itu. dan bapak bapak itu menawarkan aku air minuman soda. karena memang nurul seret habis makan biskuit yang sudah dikasih tadi,akhirnya nurul pun meminumnya kata dia.

Setelah 15 menit,akhirnya nurul pun merasa ada yang aneh dari badannya. payudara nurul serasa ada yang meremas remas,dan berasa panas dibagian situ. dan vaginya serasa banjir dan terus berkedut kedut. dia bercerita kepadaku ketika dia melihat kearah bapak yang ada disebelahnya,bapak-bapak itu senyum-senyum penuh arti,sambil meledek nurul “kenapaa kamu sange yaaaa anak kecil??? ” tanya meledek om om itu kepada nurul yang makin lama perasaan nya semakin kacau.

“ia omm,om kasih aku apaan sii?” tanya nurul kepada om om itu..
“Cialis sama viagra udah aku campurin keminuman kamu yang tadi anak maniss.. sange kan kamu jadinyaa,aahahhaaha..” jawab om om itu menyebalkan kata nurul. dan juga nurul bercerita kalau om om yang dibelakang itu ngasih kode ke 2 temennya yang ada didepan.
“broo,daripada lamaa nyari rumah tuh pecun,mending garap yang ada dulu aja nih. udah sange nih anak”

“ahh jangan omm,saya masih kecil,jangan dipakee om,masih perawan saya ommm” nurul memelas. namun kata nurul,bukannya jawaban yang dia dapat malah grepek an di tetenya oleh om om yang disebelahnya itu. ke 2 tangan om om itu langsung saja menyergap 2 bongkahan tetek milik nurul yang masih ada dibalik bajunya.

“tetek ku abis riiii di kenyotin dan diremes sama tu orang,kurang ajar. tapi anehnya aku bukannya nolak ya,malah gelendot manja seakan aku nikmatin kerjaan tu orang,apa itu pengaruh efek obat perangsang yg dia kasih ya” lanjut nurul. aku hanya diam dan mendengarkan cerita dia.

“tuhhhh brooo,tetenyaa masih segerr brooo” om yang sedang mengerjai nurul sudah membuka dan menaikan BH nurul keatas sehingga memperlihatkan tete nya.

“ooo iaa broo,ya udah coyy cari tempat sepi aja terus kita garap gantian ni anak,anak gembel ini,kaga ada yang peduli juga”

” ya udah akhirnya mereka pergi cari tempat sepii,muter muter aja.dan selama dijalanan itu. tuh om om yang dibelakang udah nete sama ngobel gw mulu. gw sange,gw kocokin juga deh kontoy nya yang lebih gede drpd punya usman ri” cerita nurul dan nurul bercerita kahirnya mereka sampai di parkiran paling atas di sebuah gedung. dan ke 2 om om yang ada didepan tadi pindah kekursi tengah bergabung dengan om om yang tadi sudah colong start..akhirnya ke 3 om om membuka celana mereka masing masing dan antri untuk nurul oral. nurul pun mengoral mereka bergantian.

“aghhh enak banget sepongan lo masih kecil juga” ricau salah satu dari mereka. karena posisi nurul pada saat mengoral adalah menungging, maka tete nurul bergantungan dengan bebas,dan hal ini tidak disia-siakan oleh mereka semua. tete nurul diperas dan ditarik tarik putng nya seperti sapai yang sedang perah susunya. malahan ada satu om om yang sengaja kebawah nurul dan menyusu langsung ke nurull

“anjinggg brooo enak banget tuhhh netek gitu” kata salah satu om om itu.
“yoiii broo tetek anak abg,umur lo berapa heh? ” tanya om om yang sedang menyusu ke dia.
dan nurul pun menjawab “15 tahun om”

“15 tahun?? gileee body sama sepongan lo ga ada 15 tahun 15 tahunnya,ude sering lo ya?”
“belom pernah om” jawab nurul bohong sambil tetep nyepong.

akhirnya nurul dikangkangkangin oleh om yang pertama. pantat nurul dikeluarkan dari mobil dan setengah badannya tetep berada dimobil, “jangan dimasukin om,sakitt” rengek nurul, namun om yang pertama tidak peduli,dengan sedikit memaksa karena memang susah masuknya ke memey nurul. akhirnya jebol juga memey nurul. air mata keluar dari sudut mata nurul sambil bercerita.

“ahhhhh,,ahhh ahhhhh,oouchhh,hhhmmmppphhhffff” desah nurul sore itu
dan om yang pertama giat dan semangat menggenjot memek anak 15 tahun yang bulu jembutnya aja masih dikit banget “anjingggg,enakk banget memek anak 15 tahun,makan nih kontol gw. fuck you little cunt,fuck this big dick little whore” racau om om yang sedang semangat menggempur memek nurul dari belakang. dan akhirnya om om pertama itu mengoper nurul ke temennya yang duduk didalem, nurul didudukan mengahadap kedepan oleh dia.

“sebentar ya omm memek aku perihh bangett nihh,aku masih lemesss” rengek nurul. ” gak ada cerita,buruan,udah gak sabar gw ngerasain memek lo nih yang gemuk. dan akhirnya nurul pun berpacu lagi di kontoy om yang ke 2 ini.

“pook pook pokk pokkk pokk,ceplakk ceplakkk ceplakk ceplakk enak banget memek anak 15 tahun” bunyi pantat nurul yang beradu ke paha om yang ke 2 ini. 15 menit nurul beraksi akhirnya muncrat juga peju ni om om di pantat nurul. dan tanpa nunggu beristirahat om om yg ke 3 yang udah sangat sange melihat ke 2 temannya nunggangin anak kecil ini,langsung menarik nurul keluar dari mobil.

“gilaa riii memek gw berasa robek riii. merekaa jahattt bangett rii. gw ga dikasih istirahat sedikitpunn” cerita nurul

“tapi enak gak??” tanyaku penasaran
“enakk.rasanya lebih mantap daripada cuma dikobel sama

dan nurul pun melanjutkan ceritanya,kali ini ia diterlentangkan dia atas kap mobil oleh om ke 3 itu

“aduhh panass om disinii” “nihh pake ini aja buat alas” nurul diberikan baju daleman nurul untuk meredam panas kap mesin. dan setelah nurul sudah mengangkang di atas kap mesin,om ke 3 ini membersihkan memek nurul dengan tisu basah terlebih dahulu,darah bercampur mani terceplak di tisu basah.

“aaaaahhhhh perihhhhhh” ketika alkohol dari tisu basah menyentuh memey nurul. Setelah bersih om ke 3 ini menjilati dan mengucek ngucek memey anak 15 tahunnn ini dan nurul menjambak jambak rambut om ke 3. dan om yg pertama pun bergabung dengan menghisap dan memberi tanda merah disekitaran tetek nurul.. akhirnya om ke 3 ini memasukan rudalnya ke memey anak 15 tahun

“pppttt” memey nurul kentu ketika dimasuki oleh kontoy om yang ke 3 ini

“ceplokkkk plokkk plokkk plokkk” “agghh aghh aghhha aghhh aghhh aghhh,,ahhh ommm omm ahh aahhh ahhh ahh” desah nurul yang sedang digenjot dengan cepat dan kasar oleh om 3 itu. om yang pertama tidak tinggal diam,dia terus menggesek gesek klitoris nurul dengan jarinya. dan nurul pun orgasme untuk kesekian kalinya. setelah puas ngewe memey nurull,nurul disuruh jongkok dan ke 2 om om ini mengocok batang kemaluan mereka sampai keluar..

“ughhhhh gokil nih anak,gw sampe gemeteran gini dengkul gw ahahahaha” percakapan ke dua om om ini

“coyy buruan bersih-bersih terus pake baju,kita cabut terus,ude mau jam setengah 3 nii.. balik kekantor kita””

dan ke dua om om itu buru buru masuk kemobil bersama dengan nurul juga. namun jahatnya,nurul hanya disampaikan didepan gedung itu, memang sih nurul diselipkan uang 150 ribu sama mereka. namun kejadiann ini membuat nurul sakit dan sedih,karena tidak kepikaran oleh nurul akan kehilangan keperawannannya dengan cara seperti ini.

Nurul pun nangis denganku sepanjang malam sambil bercerita. aku hanya berusaha mendengarkan dan memahami keadaan nya tersebut.. dan aku berfikir,kalau aku gimana ya akan kehilangan keperawananku?? mudah mudah han gak sesadis dia dehh…dan aku pun memejamkan mataku, belum sampai sejam aku menutup mata,ada sebuah tangan yang membekap mulutku.

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The Spirit is WillingChapter 3

I would have preferred to stay up all night, just to see if the alcohol would wear off, but that would not have been proper as Amelia. So all things considered, it would be best to go to sleep and hope that we would wake up, in the morning, and find ourselves back in our own time. I was plenty scared but I didn't want the other guys to know how much. I knew that Rob could handle it, and Eddie could probably handle it, but Marty might wind up as a basket case. He needed somebody else's...

1 year ago
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Mommys Girl! I have never been disappointed with any site in the Girlsway network, and I doubt Mommy’s Girl will be any different. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Girlsway, it is an American porn studio that produces exclusively lesbian porn. More specifically, Girlsway tends to focus on narrative-driven, high-quality lesbian porn to be exact. It is, for me anyway, in the incredible stories and extremely high-quality production of the porn where Girlsway really sets itself apart from...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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I got in front of them and pointed to Tiffany, who started this great number. After it was over, the crowd really liked it, then I called out, “Hey Mom, join me on stage, please?” She came out in a gorgeous pale-yellow dress that was rather modest. “This is my mother Janice, everybody. She sings much better than I do. She is singing with me the wintertime classic, “Baby, it’s Cold Outside.” She took my arm and the number began and we wandered around on the stage singing... Singing and a...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 320 Jess and Paula

Time to clean the pool before something else pops up. It will need it to handle the increased load of people using it. Chrissy and her friends decided that it was an excellent time to raid the refrigerator in the garage since that was a gray area concerning needing to dress appropriately. Mom bought a commercial one when Chrissy and Trudy started to bring friends over during the summer. They stayed out of the fridge in the kitchen as a result. Mom had hired some service that came every few...

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This is a memorable incident which happened in my life after my wife had delivery and our son was 1 year old. We used to live in Bangalore at that time. It was January when my wife got the news that her grandmother was unwell and this had prompted her to leave urgently for her hometown in Haryana. It was all of a sudden so we decided I, our son and the maid would come a few days later as I had some business to take care of and couldn’t leave with her. The maid also took care of the baby, and so...

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She had planned it with him; the sex in the car. She was moving out of state, her mother would be driving. He chose to go with her, he had no family but her and couldn’t live with out her. They had sex a few times before when passion took over them. This time they planned the sex, they wanted to have sex in the back of her mothers van. She knew her mom wouldn’t notice, being deep in thought or listening to music. He looked at her, a wicked grin across his face as he sat in the 2 nd row of the...

4 years ago
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Being Sissy To My Brother In Law

Jenny knows I love to wear her sexy undies and lingerie but obviously apart from her it was a secret kept from everyone else. One day while jenny was out, I was feeling particularly randy so went to our bedroom & rummaged through her panty drawers. My hand felt the smooth shiny material of a pair of red satin tanga panties and I immediately got a twitch in my flaccid cock. Satin are my favourite. I thought maybe a pair of stockings would be good too. These were in the wardrobe drawer and on...

4 years ago
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Walters Huge MistakeChapter 9

I picked up Audrey to take her to school. She seemed a little bit miffed when I refused to fool around with her before leaving her house and driving the two of us to school. She was telling me during the drive over that she had been looking forward to getting a good fucking before school and she was a little mad that I had refused her. "That girl called me last night and she really wants to do some stuff with us. Mostly with you I think. She's probably just using me in order to get access...

3 years ago
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A Dream Come True

I was feeling lustful so I rolled to my side, spooned against my wife and slipped a hand into her panties under her nightgown. I pushed my long finger down the contour of her sex, she grunted then pulled away from me. No playtime. Well shit, my hard-on would have to starve again. Anita’s sleepy refusal to let me screw her at 5:30 in the morning set my mind back to my dream; who had fired me up during the night? The dream faded to another moment of frustration as I readied for work. ...

1 year ago
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ThotsBay Forum

Did you know Thotsbay has a forum? It isn’t uncommon for a free porn site to have a message board, but it isn’t all that common for those message boards to be hopping places. The one on Thotsbay is different in part because there’s actually something going on in there. In fact, it’s arguably a cornerstone of the website, where you can see and crank off to a lot of the material before it even hits the front page.I already wrote an extensive, lengthy review of, so I will focus on the...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
3 years ago
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Learning to Swim Part 2

I was seventeen and only just learning to swim. My parents were paying for me to have lessons but Miss Phillips, the attractive and very hot teacher, had the parent’s permission to spank me, Ed or any of the three girls if we did not do what she told us. We were all the same age but she had caned both Sarah and I on our bare backsides during this lesson and because I had been unable to control my erection she had given my cock six strokes with a bendy plastic ruler. Before leaving the pool...

2 years ago
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The Little Mink AKA My ex wife before we married

It felt really good laying on the soft blanket in the sunshine on a crisp Fall day! Joy had been admiring herself in her full length mirror in her bed room after squirming her little round buns into the tiny green plaid hot pants. They were so short the hem of the leg holes all but disappeared into the very slight cleft of her pretty buns. She added a white halter top and a pair of sandals and headed to the small pasture in the woods her family owned a quarter mile away. She lay there soaking...

4 years ago
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Rachels Jouney from virgin to nympho

Rachel had always thought of herself as ugly or a plain Jane but secretly dreamed of being a sex object that drove men insane.  She envied the other girls around her.  Rachel watched them take command of the rooms they entered, in some way or another, and dreamed that it was her.  She stood in front of the full length mirror in her bedroom, looking at her 15 year old body and dreaming of cock.  Rachel ran her hands down her naked flesh, from her neck and down through the valley of her huge DDD...

4 years ago
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Another AmberChapter 4

Shortly Roger arrived at the address Gordon had given him. Leon was home - drunk. Roger woke him the easy way. Pain is a great awakener. Leon was wide awake in short order, still drunk, but wide awake. "You took a girl from here to a slave training house fifteen months ago. Where is it?" Roger asked, directly. "Don't know what you are talking about," the drunk replied. The pain that he got then was both more intense and longer lasting than what woke him. He lay there and gasped and...

2 years ago
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20 Years Of Infidelity Chapter Two

2 ((((Another chapter re-written...))))              The next morning in the kitchen Jason was all over me as soon as we heard the water running for his dad's shower. He was developing a real knack for deep kisses that was beyond his years. His hands were definitely attached to a teenager though as I found my tits and ass pawed and squeezed. When he broke our kiss long enough to ask if he could stay home again today I was finally able to get control of his hands and holding them away had to...

2 years ago
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Mistress Nicole Knows

The following story has been edited by Curtis. Thank you, Curtis. Mistress Nicole Knows The bar, much like any other. Dimly lit and smoky. Nothingodd there, yet through haze he could clearly see that this one was different.He knew it as soon as he entered. His first instinct told him he should leave- immediately - however his curious nature begged him to stay. He looked around; there were no women customers. That wasn't anything unusual,since many bars around this part of town catered to 'men...

2 years ago
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Mermaid nonporn

Mermaid Have you ever seen a mermaid? I have. And near Cork, too. It was on a lovely sunny Sunday morning last September. I went out the country, near Macroom, to pick up two girls and go to a kinky bondage rope tying workshop together, near Limerick. They were not ready, as usual, so I drove over to my favourite location in the whole world……..the beautiful Mullinhassig Waterfall, (so much better than Niagra Falls, where the view is obscured by the souvenir shop!). The area is a beautifully...

2 years ago
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Jessicas Seat of Learning

Jessica made her way to lunch with her friends on a crisp autumn day. It was a Friday so she was looking forward to the three day weekend. As she was walking down the hallway, she felt her phone vibrate so she took it out of her pocket and looked at the screen and what she saw jolted her out of her teenage conversation.I just looked at your grades online and I noticed that you have had a lot of missing assignments lately. We need to discuss this. I will be home at 5:30. Be ready for me or we...

4 years ago
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Winners Choice

Introduction: After 5 months of dating the winner of a poker game gets to choose his prize I choose . . , Jake paused. . . . a blowjob! It was really pretty stupid on my part when you think about it. I was wearing nothing but a pair of panties and I decided to raise the bet by saying If you win, you get to choose. Anything, anything you want. I knew the moment that those words left my mouth what Jake wanted to put in my mouth. Trevor and Liv had both folded and were just watching the hand...

2 years ago
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Taking The Babysitter

"You know dear," I blurted, "if you’re going to ogle my husband like he's a piece of meat, you may as well get a closer look." Debbie, our babysitter for the last two years, blushed scarlet and averted her gaze. Granted, Michael was looking just fantastic tonight, flashing his white teeth and dark eyes in a grin that lit his face with burning sexual desire. That probably had something to do with me saying what I’d said. That, on top of the fact that we'd been teasing each other about her crush...

3 years ago
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Gay Massage

Hai readers i am regular reader of this site i like this site very much. The stories are very nice to read and i visit this site regularly. Now i am narrating my experience when i studied in college. My friends used to play cricket in sundays. We will go to the cricket gound and play circket. We also watch live telecast when cricket matches are relayed in tv. On one sunday when playing cricket i fell down while catching a ball. There was no outside injuty but my back portion was paining like...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Moonlight Passionata

When he finally broke off the kiss, Sheila could feel in her soul just how much the pine scent filled the landscape. She knew her blouse was ruined from the pitch that was ground into her back when he pressed her against the widest tree in the patch of woods behind the barn but she didn’t care. She was wet, the moon was making his hair shine, and she could think only of getting him to tame her wet hunger. He moved around behind her and began to run his fingers through her hair and then let one...

2 years ago
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Modern Family Mannys PillsChapter 2

Author’s Note: This second chapter was written by my collaborator in this tale, Eddie Davidson. Luke wasn’t the brightest bulb in the socket. He was eager to please and enthusiastic. He was also easily suggestible. He had to be because the mind-control pills that were in the tea were entirely placebo. Luke didn’t know that, and he had no idea how long it would take to wear off. He knew he had fucked up, though. The girls had confiscated his remaining tea. It was clearly marked as a...

2 years ago
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Sandra My Love Ch 1

My name is Lee. I moved to Dallas, Texas last year to take a great job at a big corporate accounting firm. Computer operations supervisor. Everything was going fine and then I started getting very home sick. Dallas is great but, when your disabled and in a wheelchair it can be very hard trying to find a lady to go out with. There is a lot of big strong cowboy types. A lady really has to be special to go out with a disabled person, in a wheelchair and both legs amputated. I was going nuts,...

3 years ago
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Travels With Miss LucyChapter 2

Lucy was playing with her pussy on top of the white leather sofa dressed only in her signature high heels and black leotard that was so tight that the fabric rode up into the crack of her ass and almost disappeared. Her pussy didn’t seem to mind the attention and it was purring like a kitten with all nine lives. She had a jet black pussy that was like a furry lump of coal with two glowing eyes right in the middle. The pussy’s name was Scotty and he was a he with a capital “H”. I knew his...

2 years ago
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Fancy FrancieChapter 3

I laughed. She giggled. “No, nothing like that. Charlie told me some of the story about the past, and since that was many, many, moons ago, I, personally, was hoping the animosity may have moved on as well.” Cheryl became quite somber. “I never had any animosity toward him. That was all my mother, God rest her soul. I didn’t quite know what was going on, as most kids don’t. I was quite young at the time. I know my mother never said a kind word about Charlie’s father, but Charlie, from...

3 years ago
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My Wet Sunitha Aunty

Hello again my wonderful readers.Those of whom that likes incestuous relationship might very well like this story of me and my aunty.Let me start of with introductions.I am Nurat and i am now 19 years old.My aunty Sunitha who is the wife if my moms brother is about 40 years old,but has a body of a 30 year.She is an average woman with voluptuous breasts and a saggy little ass.Seeing Her hot curvy body is enough to make you cum.She has a daughter a few years younger than me.Her husband works...


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