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“kamu dari mana rul?” tanyaku kepada nurul ketika dia baru kembali.
“dari jalan-jalan.” jawab nurul singkat,tanpa ada menoleh sedikit kearahku.

cerita dewasa ya sudah aku pikir,nurul sedang males cerita dan lelah kali ya sepulang jalan-jalan..dan aku pun akhirnya memutuskan untuk tidur,setelah membersihakn gitarku, hingga pada tengah malam itu,badanku digoncang-goncang oleh orang disebelahku,dengan sedikit setengah sadar,aku bangun dan melihat siapa orang yang berani mengganggu tidurku yang
sedang nyenyak ini. dan ternyata adalah nurul

“ehh,kamu rul.. kenapa sii?”tanyaku kenurul sambil menggaruk leherku yang tidak gatal. dan juga dengan keadaan setengah sadar.

“kamu ngantuk ya?? aku mau cerita deh” jawab nurul penuh harap

“nggak kok,aku baru tidur gitu-gitu aja belom lelap banget” jawabku bohong,karna takut membuat sahabatku ini kecewa.

“aku udah gak perawan ri” ngomong nurul langsung tanpa basa basi sedikittttpun.

“haa kok bisa???” tanyaku kaget kepada dia. dan akhirnya dia bercerita kenapa kejadian itu sampai terjadi dan nurul pun bercerita kepadku malam itu. dan dalam hariku “kasihan sekali sahabtku ini”

ketika siang itu ia ingin mencari makan di sebuah warteg yang ada diujung jalan,tiba-tiba ada sebuah mobil yang berisi 3 bapak-bapak berusia sekitar 40an,berseragam P*S coklat-coklat,turun dan menghampiri nurul yang sedang berjalan sendirian itu untuk menanyakan arah jalan. karena memang nurul tau jalan itu,nurul pun menjelaskan arahnya,karena memang arah jalannya sedikit membingungkan akhirnya nurul diajak untuk naik kemobil nya dan menunjukan jalannya. gadis polos 15 tahun ini pun masuk kemobil itu. mobil berjenis jeep berwarna hitam ini,melaju ketempat yang ditanyakan tadi. ditengah perjalanan dia dikasih biskuit oleh bapak P*S yang duduk dibelakang,sedangkan ke 2 temannya yang duduk didepan sibuk melihat jalanan.

“Nih Dek Biskuit dimakan” tawar bapak-bapak itu kepada nurul.
“yaudah akhirnya karna emang gw laper,gw ambil aja tuh biskuitnya” lanjut nurul menceritakan ceritanya. akhirnya nurul mengambil sebuah biskuit dari bungkus itu. dan bapak bapak itu menawarkan aku air minuman soda. karena memang nurul seret habis makan biskuit yang sudah dikasih tadi,akhirnya nurul pun meminumnya kata dia.

Setelah 15 menit,akhirnya nurul pun merasa ada yang aneh dari badannya. payudara nurul serasa ada yang meremas remas,dan berasa panas dibagian situ. dan vaginya serasa banjir dan terus berkedut kedut. dia bercerita kepadaku ketika dia melihat kearah bapak yang ada disebelahnya,bapak-bapak itu senyum-senyum penuh arti,sambil meledek nurul “kenapaa kamu sange yaaaa anak kecil??? ” tanya meledek om om itu kepada nurul yang makin lama perasaan nya semakin kacau.

“ia omm,om kasih aku apaan sii?” tanya nurul kepada om om itu..
“Cialis sama viagra udah aku campurin keminuman kamu yang tadi anak maniss.. sange kan kamu jadinyaa,aahahhaaha..” jawab om om itu menyebalkan kata nurul. dan juga nurul bercerita kalau om om yang dibelakang itu ngasih kode ke 2 temennya yang ada didepan.
“broo,daripada lamaa nyari rumah tuh pecun,mending garap yang ada dulu aja nih. udah sange nih anak”

“ahh jangan omm,saya masih kecil,jangan dipakee om,masih perawan saya ommm” nurul memelas. namun kata nurul,bukannya jawaban yang dia dapat malah grepek an di tetenya oleh om om yang disebelahnya itu. ke 2 tangan om om itu langsung saja menyergap 2 bongkahan tetek milik nurul yang masih ada dibalik bajunya.

“tetek ku abis riiii di kenyotin dan diremes sama tu orang,kurang ajar. tapi anehnya aku bukannya nolak ya,malah gelendot manja seakan aku nikmatin kerjaan tu orang,apa itu pengaruh efek obat perangsang yg dia kasih ya” lanjut nurul. aku hanya diam dan mendengarkan cerita dia.

“tuhhhh brooo,tetenyaa masih segerr brooo” om yang sedang mengerjai nurul sudah membuka dan menaikan BH nurul keatas sehingga memperlihatkan tete nya.

“ooo iaa broo,ya udah coyy cari tempat sepi aja terus kita garap gantian ni anak,anak gembel ini,kaga ada yang peduli juga”

” ya udah akhirnya mereka pergi cari tempat sepii,muter muter aja.dan selama dijalanan itu. tuh om om yang dibelakang udah nete sama ngobel gw mulu. gw sange,gw kocokin juga deh kontoy nya yang lebih gede drpd punya usman ri” cerita nurul dan nurul bercerita kahirnya mereka sampai di parkiran paling atas di sebuah gedung. dan ke 2 om om yang ada didepan tadi pindah kekursi tengah bergabung dengan om om yang tadi sudah colong start..akhirnya ke 3 om om membuka celana mereka masing masing dan antri untuk nurul oral. nurul pun mengoral mereka bergantian.

“aghhh enak banget sepongan lo masih kecil juga” ricau salah satu dari mereka. karena posisi nurul pada saat mengoral adalah menungging, maka tete nurul bergantungan dengan bebas,dan hal ini tidak disia-siakan oleh mereka semua. tete nurul diperas dan ditarik tarik putng nya seperti sapai yang sedang perah susunya. malahan ada satu om om yang sengaja kebawah nurul dan menyusu langsung ke nurull

“anjinggg brooo enak banget tuhhh netek gitu” kata salah satu om om itu.
“yoiii broo tetek anak abg,umur lo berapa heh? ” tanya om om yang sedang menyusu ke dia.
dan nurul pun menjawab “15 tahun om”

“15 tahun?? gileee body sama sepongan lo ga ada 15 tahun 15 tahunnya,ude sering lo ya?”
“belom pernah om” jawab nurul bohong sambil tetep nyepong.

akhirnya nurul dikangkangkangin oleh om yang pertama. pantat nurul dikeluarkan dari mobil dan setengah badannya tetep berada dimobil, “jangan dimasukin om,sakitt” rengek nurul, namun om yang pertama tidak peduli,dengan sedikit memaksa karena memang susah masuknya ke memey nurul. akhirnya jebol juga memey nurul. air mata keluar dari sudut mata nurul sambil bercerita.

“ahhhhh,,ahhh ahhhhh,oouchhh,hhhmmmppphhhffff” desah nurul sore itu
dan om yang pertama giat dan semangat menggenjot memek anak 15 tahun yang bulu jembutnya aja masih dikit banget “anjingggg,enakk banget memek anak 15 tahun,makan nih kontol gw. fuck you little cunt,fuck this big dick little whore” racau om om yang sedang semangat menggempur memek nurul dari belakang. dan akhirnya om om pertama itu mengoper nurul ke temennya yang duduk didalem, nurul didudukan mengahadap kedepan oleh dia.

“sebentar ya omm memek aku perihh bangett nihh,aku masih lemesss” rengek nurul. ” gak ada cerita,buruan,udah gak sabar gw ngerasain memek lo nih yang gemuk. dan akhirnya nurul pun berpacu lagi di kontoy om yang ke 2 ini.

“pook pook pokk pokkk pokk,ceplakk ceplakkk ceplakk ceplakk enak banget memek anak 15 tahun” bunyi pantat nurul yang beradu ke paha om yang ke 2 ini. 15 menit nurul beraksi akhirnya muncrat juga peju ni om om di pantat nurul. dan tanpa nunggu beristirahat om om yg ke 3 yang udah sangat sange melihat ke 2 temannya nunggangin anak kecil ini,langsung menarik nurul keluar dari mobil.

“gilaa riii memek gw berasa robek riii. merekaa jahattt bangett rii. gw ga dikasih istirahat sedikitpunn” cerita nurul

“tapi enak gak??” tanyaku penasaran
“enakk.rasanya lebih mantap daripada cuma dikobel sama

dan nurul pun melanjutkan ceritanya,kali ini ia diterlentangkan dia atas kap mobil oleh om ke 3 itu

“aduhh panass om disinii” “nihh pake ini aja buat alas” nurul diberikan baju daleman nurul untuk meredam panas kap mesin. dan setelah nurul sudah mengangkang di atas kap mesin,om ke 3 ini membersihkan memek nurul dengan tisu basah terlebih dahulu,darah bercampur mani terceplak di tisu basah.

“aaaaahhhhh perihhhhhh” ketika alkohol dari tisu basah menyentuh memey nurul. Setelah bersih om ke 3 ini menjilati dan mengucek ngucek memey anak 15 tahunnn ini dan nurul menjambak jambak rambut om ke 3. dan om yg pertama pun bergabung dengan menghisap dan memberi tanda merah disekitaran tetek nurul.. akhirnya om ke 3 ini memasukan rudalnya ke memey anak 15 tahun

“pppttt” memey nurul kentu ketika dimasuki oleh kontoy om yang ke 3 ini

“ceplokkkk plokkk plokkk plokkk” “agghh aghh aghhha aghhh aghhh aghhh,,ahhh ommm omm ahh aahhh ahhh ahh” desah nurul yang sedang digenjot dengan cepat dan kasar oleh om 3 itu. om yang pertama tidak tinggal diam,dia terus menggesek gesek klitoris nurul dengan jarinya. dan nurul pun orgasme untuk kesekian kalinya. setelah puas ngewe memey nurull,nurul disuruh jongkok dan ke 2 om om ini mengocok batang kemaluan mereka sampai keluar..

“ughhhhh gokil nih anak,gw sampe gemeteran gini dengkul gw ahahahaha” percakapan ke dua om om ini

“coyy buruan bersih-bersih terus pake baju,kita cabut terus,ude mau jam setengah 3 nii.. balik kekantor kita””

dan ke dua om om itu buru buru masuk kemobil bersama dengan nurul juga. namun jahatnya,nurul hanya disampaikan didepan gedung itu, memang sih nurul diselipkan uang 150 ribu sama mereka. namun kejadiann ini membuat nurul sakit dan sedih,karena tidak kepikaran oleh nurul akan kehilangan keperawannannya dengan cara seperti ini.

Nurul pun nangis denganku sepanjang malam sambil bercerita. aku hanya berusaha mendengarkan dan memahami keadaan nya tersebut.. dan aku berfikir,kalau aku gimana ya akan kehilangan keperawananku?? mudah mudah han gak sesadis dia dehh…dan aku pun memejamkan mataku, belum sampai sejam aku menutup mata,ada sebuah tangan yang membekap mulutku.

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Life After Death 8211 A Lovable Son8217s Duty

Hi friends this is my another story please do leave comments Everything we had is just vanished we are no more good we are no more a perfect family, yes we are no more proper family because head of the family my father is dead , what shall we do now without my father he is been with me all my life guiding in a proper direction he scolded me when I am wrong and corrects me he praised me when I did good things he hugs me when I am sad he shares everything that happened in his life , how can I...

2 years ago
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Educating Marri Ch 04

Monday passed in a haze. I went to classes and even did some research in the library. Thankfully, I didn’t run into Lori anywhere. I didn’t think I could face her after running out like that. That night I once again found myself in my room at Torch, pulling on an outfit Beverly laid out for me. It was a ridiculously cheesy schoolgirl uniform, complete with saddle shoes, knee socks, white cotton bra and panties, and of course the obligatory pigtail holders. Something told me I just might be...

2 years ago
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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part IX

Julie’s email was perhaps the last thing he needed that morning. It had him on edge most of the day. It was her promises of things to come that did it. The promise of a surprise when he met her at the airport and the promise of fucking Jeff and Alan. To make matters worse he happened to bump into Jeff on the way to work. He had stopped by the newsagents and there he was coming out with his morning paper. They chatted briefly and then a woman walked passed them. She was attractive and had nice...

1 year ago
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Shannon looked in the bathroom mirror as her stepson fucked her from behind. Her heavy DD breasts were being clumsily groped through the blouse. A few buttons fell off and a big breast was revealed. His thick shaft stretched her mature pussy as David thrust in and out. Rapidly. His big balls slapped against her pussy. She arched her back and pushed her big ass out to meet his eager thrusts. His hands on her hips, grabbing her love handles, as his tempo increases his hard cock twitches inside...

2 years ago
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An online Meeting part 2

His teeth hooked on to my bottom lip and pulled it towards him. His tongue smoothed over his teeth marks and he kissed me harder. He pulled me from the door and pulled my shirt over my head. Unsnapping my bra, his mouth left mine, and kissed a trail to my breast. His mouth covered my breast and took my nipple in to his mouth. He started to suck hard on it leaving his mark around my nipple. I moaned loud and ran my fingers in his hair. He looked up at me, smirked, and switched to the other...

2 years ago
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Fictional fantasy 6

I am on vacant in Central America. My wife has gone shopping in a near by town and I find myself walking alone down an empty, expansive stretch of beach. Walking just above the shore, up and down some small, rolling sand dunes. I stumbled onto to two, younger nude sun bathers. I was shocked and embarrassed and looking away saying, "Sorry, sorry." However, before I looked away, I noticed how tan and fit both boys were. Their tight flat stomachs leading to thick dark pubic hair and dark skinned...

1 year ago
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First Experience

Joe and Donna had been together well over three years with Joe being the elder of the two at the age of 21. Donna was his junior by three years having just turned 18. Joe had long kept it secret how long he had waited for Donna to be “legal”. Donna was a beautiful 5’4 130 lb blonde. She was on the voluptuous side with both her chest and butt being on the bigger side, but this was something Joe had grown to love, especially when she wore tight shorts or a tight skirt with a tight shirt, which...

First Time
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Miss Cassandra camp fantasy

I was a small brat , mommy had trouble with me , school had problem with me and was going to a discipline camp before college mommy couldn't deal with me at home she said sending me away for 2 monthi was upset and dropping my bag on a bunk bed cursing at the world for being stuck at this off city camp Miss cassandra waited for all of us to be there we were 5 , white little brat teens all looking upsetshe made a speech , telling us we were bad student blablabla and were here to remedy to that...

2 years ago
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The Sampson Syndrome Part 6

A Different Kind of TV Star It was late in the evening when Johnny awoke. He found Sandi and Mary staring down at him. Both of the women had discovered the mistake made which resulted in Johnny receiving permanent makeup. Mary had already explained to Sandi that the procedures were irreversible. While Johnny was still sleeping, Sandi had cut his hair evenly giving him a sexy shoulder length do. Sandi had asked Mary about the dangers of cutting his hair. Mary looked at the sleeping...

2 years ago
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DchasChapter 14

When he saw everyone was finished with breakfast Jim tapped on his coffee cup to get their attention. "We would like to form three groups this morning. Hopefully we can focus on some immediate issues for the next week. Let's have Sarah's group plus Tara, Erin and Claudette start an accelerated training program this morning on Donna's systems. The nominal leaders will be Sarah and Rusty. Then Bob and Stan can lead another team consisting of Stan, Julia, Nancy, Susan, Alice, Jean, Andy, and...

3 years ago
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Watching through the Night

Friends of ours, Albert and Anita, had an unexpected errand to run that required traveling to a city 400 miles from our town. My wife, Michelle, and I talked with Albert and Anita about taking trips to the major cities in our area since we always have fun when we're together.They asked us if we would like to join them on this trip, explaining that it was unplanned, and they couldn't afford to do more than get there and head home. We had no actual plans for the weekend, so we agreed to go.Anita...

2 years ago
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Fantasy To Fuck Hot Aunty

Hello guys and girls of indian sex stories dot net. Mera naam rohan (badla hua) hai aur meri umra 21 saal hai mai ghaziabad,u.P rehta hu. Meri body skinny hai height 5’7” hai aur luad ka size itna hai ki kisi bhi aurat ko satisfy kr skta hai. Dosto ye meri pehli sex story hai toh galtiyon ke liye maaf krna. Is story ki heroine meri mummy ki frnd renuka ( name change) hai. Unki umra 42 hai sundar gori aur figure 34 30 34 hai. Ab is figure ko dekhke aap bta skte hai ki voh kitne sexy hongi! Ab...

4 years ago
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Passionate Rough Sex In The Biology Lab

It was a rainy day, perfect for passionate rough sex. Riya lied at home that she had to submit a project and would be late from college. She got ready, put some make-up on, shaved down there, and wore some comfortable yet fashionable-looking clothes. She left home with a folder filled with useless papers and her handbag and did not consist of a single book. After college was over, she sat in the library for about an hour, waiting for people to leave. It was 3:30 pm students along with most of...

3 years ago
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The Postman Rang Twice

Ten years after we began our joint venture, my brother, Jillian and I, after downing the better part of a bottle of Jack Daniels, reviewed the lot in life we'd dealt ourselves. Michael seemed content enough, modeling for and promoting our project, doing the accounting, driving the motor home and letting Jillian collect his sperm. I was content enough screwing all those generous Johns and Janes, filming the proceedings and then producing all those, ever-so-profitable videos. Last but by no means...

3 years ago
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Threesome Mystery On New Year8217s Eve

Hi to all Indian sex stories readers This is your sweet hearted girl Shreya back again with another story.For new readers I’m Shreya 21 yr old sexy girl in Bangalore with email id Guys I said that i’ll post a video of my session with Abhi. Abhi has deleted the video because his neighbour’s son keep playing in his mobile and he feared be would have watched that and said to me I slapped for that and sorry this is 100% true .This time I’ll try to reply to all .I apologize for my laziness in...

1 year ago
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Cheryll Birthday

100% fiction! Cheryll was taking a shower in my bathroom because the shower in her room had lost water pressure the night before. She is a beautiful 18 year old who looks just as her mother did when she was her age. She has a beautiful caramel color, with shoulder length hair and piercing grey eyes that she had gotten from me. I stood there staring through the shower doors watching as she slowly soaped her body, enticingly bending to wash her legs so that I could see the soap sliding down the...

2 years ago
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Back on the Ice

Hello all, Here’s the second chapter in the ‘Mark Gaines’ and Hilary saga. If you haven’t already read it, you’ll want to check out ‘Keeping Ice on the Wound,’ before you read this one. For the rest of you, my fun, friendly fans, I hope this meets your expectations. PennLady… Looks like the puck is heading across the blue line, and, there it goes! Oh, it’s in your zone! Happy Reading! M. ,) *** ‘See?’ Mark Gaines was beyond excited as he glided past the bench at practice. His coach,...

4 years ago
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Full Figured Chic Ch 12

Sasha didn’t even know some of the aches deep in the muscular crevices of her feet existed, till the skilled hands reached through to sooth them. As the fingers moved through and explored different parts of each tired foot, different parts of her body responded and relaxed. She realised the woman must be practising a form of reflexology, using the feet to relax the entire body. Pressure just below each big toe released tension immediately in her neck. The magic she wielded in the middle of her...

4 years ago
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The Party

Julie knelt by the front door.  She maintained herself in the position that she knew he wanted; hands behind her back, knees wide apart, back straight, shoulders back head tilted down.  She had been waiting in this position for half an hour, she did not know how much longer it would be.  Her Master was elsewhere in the house getting ready for the party.  Her knees were sore and she had a small itch on her cheek that she desperately wanted to scratch - but she kept still.Around her neck a...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Pleasure With Stranger Aunty

Hello, folks, if any girls and aunties in Chennai or Tamil Nadu want some fun email me in this is my real true sex story, whereas everyone says the same but its really true. I tell you about myself, my name is Kalai, from Chennai, 26 years old and height 5 8. I chose the title of this sex story for the benefit of those females who live in Chennai so that they can satisfy their needs easily. Now, come to the sex story. I’m very horny from a very young age, I don’t know exactly since when? But...

1 year ago
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SchoolgirlInternal Iris Rose Super Sexy Schoolgirl Iris Rose Creampied By Stranger

Scandalous little schoolgirl, Iris Rose loves wearing ultra-short miniskirt that highlight her tight teen ass. Soon enough, she attracts the attention of Mr. Pete who offers to give her a ride home. As soon as they get back to Pete’s place, he kisses her madly while fondling her nubile body, caressing her perfect tits and slipping a finger in her pussy. He watches as Iris waxes his big cock in her mouth, even gagging and choking on it, much to Mr. Pete’s delight. She really knows...

4 years ago
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Drugged Into SinChapter 8

It was several days before Jimmy went to see Christine again. He couldn't forget what had happened, how she had made love to Price and seemed to enjoy it, and how he himself had been humiliated by another one of the girls. He knew that he was involved in a tangled situation that would be extremely difficult, if not impossible to get out of, but he had to try and he had to try to get Christine out of it also. Price called him again after a few days and told him that they had arranged for...

2 years ago
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Can I Tell You Something

Can I Tell You Something? By Maria Ski I have a secret. Ok I know everyone has secrets, but I have a secret that I've kept from my family and especially my sister. I find it very hard as she and I share a lot of secrets with each other. And so far none of the secrets we share have been divulged to anyone. It's down to the mutual trust we have for each other. But it was on a wet Saturday... Mum and Dad had gone out for the day. The rain was gently drumming against the windows....

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La Bella and Il Mostro part 1

Jutta Meyer was an only child. Her mother died in childbirth and she was brought up in Amsterdam by her loving, doting father, Lukas. She was beautiful, precocious, and strong-willed from her earliest days, and Lukas indulged her in everything.  Not to say that she was spoiled, for she was hardworking, earnest, and unselfish as well.  But, where other girls of her time in Amsterdam would have been discouraged from indulging in “unladylike” things, her father was quite the opposite. Jutta...

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Choir Director Pt 2

The Choir Director Pt 2It's been two weeks since the first time Joshua fucked me senseless and we have gotten together at least four days a week . Joshua said that his brother will be here on Friday and when I heard that my pussy got so wet you might have thought that I was in the shower . I wanted both of them to fill my holes as often as possible . When I told Joshua he laughed and said girl we are going to fuck you so much you may not be able to walk, Rashawn would love to fuck your...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 11 Dont Call Me That

Elizabeth Grey - Part 11: Don't call me that. By Carmenica Diaz When I last saw Mel, Mandy and Cleo, they were sitting sadly in the bar and drinking. My feet were hurting as I walked down the halls of the hotel room so I slipped my shoes off and carried them. As the door to the hotel room Angela and I shared swung open, I was surprised to see Sean leap to his feet. Angela was seated in the chair and she shrugged her shoulders as I closed the door. 'Miss...

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