Pay It Forward Ch. 08 free porn video

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Thank you, everyone who is reading this series for taking time out of your day to read something I wrote. I am awed, and appreciative of you and your support. I am now presenting Chapter 8, I hope you enjoy it.

There are two more chapters left. Chapter Nine is almost done. I’m excited to see where it takes me.

Again, thank you for reading.

Gianni called Mr. MacGregor as soon as he made it back to his apartment. He was nervous and so afraid of disappointing the one man that ever kept his word to him. Then he remembered what Mr. MacGregor told him when he was at the center. ‘A man faces his problems head on. He doesn’t hide, make excuses, or blame others. He might flounder a bit, but in the end, he stands tall and strong.’

So Gianni took a deep breath and dialed. Shaun answered and Gianni explained his situation. He didn’t reply at first. Gianni was nervous, as he waited. Then Shaun carefully spoke, ‘I wish you had waited before fathering a child. I am so proud of you for being the man I knew you would be. Know this I will always be there for you Gianni, always. I will gladly call Reverend Johnson and talk. Thank you for honoring me this way.

Gianni sighed, relieved. He wasn’t harsh or cruel. He understood. Just like Momma, they both understood. He wanted to talk to Ms. Delia, but she was asleep. She’d call him tomorrow and he’d get an earful/ Gianni bid his mentor goodnight, and went to bed. He couldn’t sleep as his mind raced trying to make sense of all the changes that had occurred this day.

Shaun called Reverend Johnson the next morning and made plans to drive over for dinner that night. They picked Gianni up and drove over to the Johnson’s home for dinner. Momma, and Delia instantly bonded with the Johnson women and quickly accepted Kara in the folds. As the women took Gianni and Kara to the living room to bond, Reverend Johnson invited Shaun to his office.

‘Well, Mr. MacGregor, I am glad to meet you. Your son is an honorable and strong young man. You did a great job raising him.’

Shaun smiled, ‘Thank you, but he’s not my son by birth. I met him several years ago when I became a mentor. He is a d=strong young man. His mother deserves the real praise for that.’

Reverend Johnson,’ Shaun spoke. ‘I am not much of a church goer, but what are you really feeling about this? I know Gianni, and he is not some careless philanderer.’

‘Wait my name is Otis. Call me Otis. I’ll call you Shaun. If that’s alright.’ he stated.

Shaun nodded. The two men continued to talk. Otis explained to Shaun what the repercussions of this pregnancy would be. However, as upset as he was about that, he was hoping that Gianni would do what was honorable and marry his daughter. Shaun didn’t see why they had to marry. With support from both families they would be fine. Once they really got to know each other, they could decide to marry. Shaun and Otis talked a long time before the two men agreed to disagree. Shaun felt marriage because of pregnancy was a sure way to disaster, but Reverend Johnson believed that marriage was necessary and right in the sight of God. In the end both men decided to let Gianni and Kara decide what was best for them.

He told Shaun of Gianni’s offer to cover Kara’s tuition for her final year. He was amazed at how mature he was. Shaun then sat back, and took a deep breath. He explained to this man who would now be an important member of his family from now on.

‘Gianni has had it hard. I almost lost him before I even knew him. He isn’t my biological son, but he is the son of my heart. He and his other brothers mean the world to me and I will move heaven and earth to protect them. That young man has stood on his own since he was fourteen years old. He was incarcerated when he turned fifteen.

His mother, Maria, signed up for a mentoring program through the courts and that’s when I met this angry, small, fifteen year old boy.’ Shaun chuckled, ‘He was so scared that he struck out at everything around him. He didn’t trust me at first, I had to earn his trust. He eventually learned that he could. I made that kid a promise and I intend to keep it. I gave him a card that said, ‘You will never be alone again. I will stand with you. If you make two steps, I’ll make four.’ MacGregor exhaled. ‘He called me and said you wanted to meet his father. That above all else is the biggest honor he could have given me. So, if he promised you that he would pay her tuition, it’s paid. She will finish school and both she and the baby will want for nothing.’

Reverend Johnson was stunned, speechless. ‘MacGregor, I will take care of my daughter and my grandbaby. You need not worry about that. I know Gianni is an upstanding God fearing young man. I have nothing but respect for him. After hearing about his beginnings my respect for him has grown tenfold. I am honored to welcome you and yours into the Johnson family. Now how about we go out and let the women know what we’ve decided.’ He suggested.

Shaun laughed, ‘Otis, you’ve been married for how long?’

The reverend puffed out his chest, ‘My lovely Donna and I will celebrate twenty-seven years next month.’

Shaun chuckled, ‘Congratulations and she lets you think you are making the decisions. She’s good.’

Both men laughed and went to join their wives. Donna served dinner, along with help from Delia and Maria. There other two daughters arrived with their kids. Shaun and Delia loved meeting the little ones. It made them think about grandchildren of their own. And all of the women talked to Gianni and Kara.

Shaun and Otis sat quietly watching the interaction. Then Shaun decided to speak. ‘Kara have you seen a doctor?’

Slightly stunned, she answered, ‘Yes, sir. We have a clinic at school I saw someone there.’

‘OK, well we need to fix that. Delia, Donna, can you two find an obstetrician she can visit? Don’t worry about the cost, it’s covered. Gianni, when they get the appointment, you need to accompany her.’ Shaun suggested. He remembered when Delia was pregnant with Michal, that the first thing his in laws did was find the right doctor for her.

‘Yes sir, of course.’ Gianni answered, as Kara nodded in agreement with him.

Donna spoke and informed everyone that she had already called and set up an appointment for Kara, she was hoping Gianni would be able to come with them when they went. Then she smiled at the young couple who anxiously wanted to leave the room. They thanked her for her help and glanced anxiously at the door. Donna looked at her other daughters that had joined them, ‘Janice, Sharon, Kara, why don’t you young people leave us old folks so we can talk. You too, Gianni, go.’ They all laughed at how quickly all four moved.

Maria hugged her son Kara before they could escape. She liked this girl. And it was obvious Gianni loved her.

The four left to allow the older adults to visit.

‘Well, well, little sister. I see your halo is tarnished as well.’ her older sister Shelia taunted her.

Kara bristled. She never teased them, she supported them throughout their pregnancies. She was a about to retorted when Janice spoke up.

‘Shelia lay off. At least her guy stuck around. Besides from what I heard she was lucky. Kara, that party you went to. Is the stories about the girls being drugged and raped true?’

‘Yes, and if I hadn’t left with Gianni, I would have been too. I can’t believe how dumb I was to go there.’ She stated castigating herself.

‘Wait, you are not dumb. Those guys are the criminals, and when the police finish investigating, they need to go to jail.’ Gianni explained as he cupped her cheeks and looked deeply into her eyes.

‘Gianni’s right. They are the criminals, not you nor those other girls. We’re just glad you weren’t hurt.’ Both sisters said.

All three sisters embraced as a chorus of ‘Mommy, mommy rang from upstairs.

‘Hey you two need practice. How about you both babysit you
r niece and nephew this weekend?’ Janice suggested as she headed upstairs to get her twins.

‘Yea, she’s right. I’ll add your other niece in for good measure.’ Shelia added.

Gianni wrapped his arms around Kara and help her close. ‘Not this week ends guys. We’re visiting my family, but we might take you up on it next weekend.’ Kara elbowed him in the ribs.

‘Ouch, what was that?’ he asked rubbing his bruises.

‘I am not babysitting while you go out and have fun. Besides I love my nephew and nieces, but they are so mischievous.’ She complained.

Gianni laughed. ‘Sorry, baby. I won’t go out. I’ll stay and help alright. Besides I like kids.’

Kara held him close then she thought about it in seven months they’d be bringing their own baby home. Was she really ready for this? Was she ready to be someone’s Mom?’

Gianni sensed her tension and whispered, ‘I’m right here with you. We’re in this together.’ Kara relaxed in the arms of her man.

Soon Janice and Shelia came down stairs with their children. They were adorable. Gianni could not help but imagine what their baby would look like. He hoped it was a boy, but he’d be just as happy with a daughter. He really didn’t care as long as the baby was healthy.

Saturday morning came quickly. Gianni almost changed his mind about driving home. He wasn’t nervous about Momma, she’d driven to Bradford with the MacGregor’s to meet the Johnson’s earlier that week. He wondered how Kevin and Michal would treat him. Clemmie would skin him alive, as would Sharon when she got back. He smiled, Darren had mellowed since he met Sharon. He might not do him so bad.

Gianni drove up to his mom’s house first. He wanted to see his mom before heading to the Macgregor’s. Gianni pulled into their small yard and Maria met them on her porch. His two younger brothers rushed out to meet her new sister in law.

‘Gianni, she’s pretty. Why is she with you, dork?’ Juan teased.

Laughing Gianni shoved his brother. His youngest brother, Jose, joined in as Maria took Kara inside to feed her breakfast. She had to eat, ‘The baby needs food.’ she said.

Maria refused to leave her home until her new daughter had eaten. After Kara couldn’t eat another bite, they all rode with Gianni to the MacGregor home. As soon as he drove up. Clemmie took off like a shot, leaping into Gianni’s arms, greeting him enthusiastically.

Kara frowned. ‘Who was this girl jumping all over her man?’ She didn’t like it one bit.

‘Clemmie, let go girl. Kara, this is my big sister Clemmie. Clemmie , this is the love of my life, Kara.’ Gianni quickly introduced the two women. At this point everyone had rushed out to meet her. Gianni proudly introduced her to the rest of his family. He looked around. He knew Darren and Sharon were away, but where was Kevin.

Shaun noticed he was looking for his brother and he told him he was on the way. Gianni smiled, and could not wait for her to meet him. They went inside as everyone was asking a million questions, about their wedding, the baby, where they’d live.

Michal held Clemmie close, a part of him jealous that they weren’t pregnant yet. But if he had his way, they’d be married and she’d be carrying his child soon.

As everyone was talking, Kevin walked in. He stood in the background and admired the newest member of the family. She was pretty. He could see why Gianni would be attracted. He had yet to talk to her, but he would before he left. He’d make sure she understood that he was going to protect his brother.

Gianni looked around and saw Kevin standing once again alone in the shadows. Kara was listening to stories by Clemmie about their antics. Clemmie called Darren and let him and Sharon meet Kara by phone. Gianni didn’t get a chance to speak with his brother, but he was sure he’ll get an earful when they got back.

‘Hey, big brother, what are you doing, hiding out? ‘he teased as he stood beside him.

Kevin smiled, ‘She’s very pretty, Gianni. I know we all gave you the talk. How did you manage to knock a girl up your first time?’ Kevin asked teasing.

‘Ha ha, what makes you think it was my first time, big brother? Only one of us is still a virgin?’ Gianni teased right back.

Kevin laughed, really. ‘I didn’t think you took your nose out of a book long enough to notice let alone, fu-‘ Shaun walked in and stopped them. ‘Boys, women and children are present.’

Laughing Kevin said ‘The youngest person in this room is Jose, and he can teach us a thing or two.’

Shaun and Gianni laughed, as everyone turned to see what they were laughing about. Delia looked at her husband and knew. She glared at him and signaled that he needed to control himself. Properly chastised, he looked contrite.

Kara saw Gianni standing and moved over to him. He took a deep breath. ‘Baby, I have one more person I need you to meet. This is my brother Kevin.’ He held his breath.

Kevin assessed the lovely woman standing nervously before him. ‘Hello, Kara. Welcome to the family.’

Gianni release a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. Kara felt the tension leave him as she realized how important the man before her was to him. She smiled and Kevin was stunned she was truly lovely. ‘Kevin, I am so glad to finally meet you.’ She answered so sweetly.

‘Oh my goodness! You’re breathtakingly beautiful, Kara. We now have another woman that will wrap us around her finger. Gianni, this baby needs to be a boy alright. We have enough women controlling us.’ Kevin joked. Everyone laughed.

The day progressed and before long it was time for them to drive back. Delia and Shaun offered to let them stay, but Kara had to be at church early the next morning. So they hugged everyone goodbye and promised to drive back over soon.

‘You have a black sister and brother.’ Kara asked. ‘I could strangle you. You know I was worried about that.’ She fussed

Gianni held her hand as he drove and gently kissed her knuckles. ‘Kara, I told you not to worry. They would love you, because they love me. Yes, my family is eclectic, but we love each other. That’s what matters most. We don’t see race in our family. OK.’

Kara sighed, ‘I wish my folks were…’

‘Baby I know, when the people in your church look at me, all they all see a white boy, but I don’t care. Your parents are struggling with my race as well. The only people who seem to like me are the twins. Kids amaze me, they don’t see race like adults. Sweetness, none of that is important. All that matters to me is what you see. Tell me love, what do you see when you look at me?’ he asked curious as to how she might answer.

Kara looked at him. Then she smiled and answered, ‘I see the man I’m falling in love with.’

Dumbfounded, Gianni locked at her, ‘Damn girl, don’t make me pull this car over.’ He whispered, as he kissed her knuckles.

‘Kara, Kara’ he whispered. And then he continued to drive them home. Neither spoke for a while. They simply enjoyed being in each other.

Gianni drove up to the Johnson’s home and helped Kara from the car. He walked her to the door, and was hoping to get invited in, but she was tired and needed to think. So he kissed her good night and went back to his apartment.

At his apartment, Gianni was alone and had time to think. Was he really in love with this girl, or was he in love with the idea of being in love? If she hadn’t gotten pregnant, would they be together? He was expected to marry her in six weeks, was he really ready for that? Too many questions and doubts raced through his mind. Hours after climbing into bed, Gianni Russo knew one thing for sure. She was carrying his child and he would support them in always.

Kara went into her home and straight to her room after Gianni dropped her off. She knew he wanted to come in, but they’d spent the whole day together, and she needed space. She heard Daddy practicing his sermon. Mom and grandma were not home. Her sisters weren’t th
ere either. She started to call Shelia, but decided not to. She thought about Janice, and wondered why things were so difficult with her.

She rarely visited, and when she did it was usually a family dinner and she always took the twins and left immediately afterwards. She knew Dad was part of the reason, but all Janice had to do was tell him who fathered her children.

Not wanting to think anymore, Kara decided to watch a movie. She found one of her favorites and popped it in. Two hours later, Mom and Grandma came home.

‘I stopped by the girl’s today. They’ll be at church tomorrow.’ Donna explained to Otis as she waked into his office.

‘That’s nice. We can all show a united front. I’m calling Gianni to make sure he comes as well.’ He stated.

Donna smiled. ‘You like him, don’t you?’

Her husband nodded, ‘He’s young, but he’s honorable. She will be cared for and loved. Never thought I’d like the guy touched my baby girl. I just started tolerating Shelia’s husband. Janice, I just wish…. She’ll trust me enough one day to tell. Now Gianni, he’s a good guy, Donna. I can respect that.’ He concluded.

She nodded in agreement as they saw in his office. He worked on his sermon and she read for a while. They were waiting for Kara to come home..

Kara walked in and they all wanted to know how the visit went. They liked Gianni’s family and were excited to hear what the rest of them were like.

Soon everyone was tired and they all went to bed. Kara couldn’t sleep. She pondered, Did he really care about her, or was it just the circumstances. She thought of her sisters. Rodney was scared, but eventually he stood by Sharon and they married. Alicia was born and they seem to be happy enough.

Janice never named the father of her kids. And no guy ever came around. She moved out right after she had them. Kara knew in many ways she was lucky, but part of her wished she could be as strong as her sister.

A wedding date was had been set, and the day was fast approaching. Sharon and Darren came home and learned of the pending nuptials. She and Clemmie drove to meet Kara. The three women met for lunch, along with Kara’s sisters. All five women became fast friends. They were all excited for Clemmie and her move to LA. Clemmie had put in a transfer request and was in the process of securing a position at a sister hospital on the west coast. She and Michal decided to have a winter wedding, to tie into the Christmas holiday. Their wedding would be after Gianni and Kara’s. Michal had returned to his job, but he would be home to watch his younger brother marry.

Kevin was floored, all of his brothers were marrying, except him. He wasn’t too worried, because right now he was focused on his career.

Four weeks passed, and Gianni was in class. He’d secured a small two bedroom apartment for them, and it was close enough that Kara could visit home as much as she needed too. Although they were together, and expecting, the two hadn’t been intimate since the night there child was conceived. It wasn’t for lack of attraction, but opportunity.

Reverend Johnson said no messing around, and he meant it. Gianni moved to the new apartment from the faculty apartments. This weekend, he and Kara, along with their mothers were shopping for basic furniture. Gianni was nervous, because he was on a strict budget, but shopping with Clemmie, Mom, and Ms. Delia had showed him women often went over limits.

Kara arrived at the apartment Friday after she got out of class. She loved the small spacious abode. Also she found herself in a state of rampant horniness.

He’s my man right. I want him, and tonight he’s mine.’Gianni, I missed you today? I thought you were meeting me for lunch at Chik-Filet.?’ She asked.

Gianni could not breathe. He wanted this girl and the past four weeks hadn’t helped. Her family was diligent about them being alone together. Usually one of her sisters, or a lady from the church would be with her. Tonight she’d shown up at their apartment alone.

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Pay for the Bridal Shower

Paying for the Bridal Shower It was the day of my fiancé’s (Tina) Bridal Shower. It was in the evening and was being held at a fancy Indian restaurant. I had to attend the event, because I had to play the usual Bridal Shower games. I knew I was going to be the only male there out of all the girls participating. I wasn't fond of the idea, but I knew I could kill time by the restaurant bar. I was at one corner of the bar, and started to have my first drink of whiskey and coke. I...

1 year ago
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Paybacks are hell

This story contains a transsexual, rape, and dominance. If that’s not your “thing”, look away now. It was only days until the school prom. It would be decided who would be crowned the dance queen of that year. It wasn’t only a great honor; the winner would receive a study diploma worth 100 euros. A 24-year-old girl named Anna was a big favorite as the winning candidate. She was absolutely perfect. She had long black hair, a pretty face, nice long legs; everything about her was just...

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I was setting at home one night in late September when the phone rang; it was Doug, a friend that I had gone to school with who had moved south after he got out of school. Doug told me that he was going to come home the second weekend in October and that Mark and Les, two other old friends and party mates, were going to come back at the same time. They wanted to check into a hotel for the weekend and spend the weekend chasing hot college pussy like we use to. I said that it sounded good I...

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PayBacks A Bitch

It was almost evening when Jim got home from work. His wife's car was in the garage but she was nowhere in sight. As Jim laid down his brief case the phone rang. "Mr. Jim Hall, we have your wife and if you want her back you will do as you are told. Do you understand?" Jim answered yes. "Go to your mailbox and look inside for further instructions," said the male voice at the other end of the line. " I will but you better not hurt her," Jim said and hung it up after hearing the other person hang...

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Paybacks Are A Bitch

"Fuck you, you fucking low cunt she screamed." " Fuck You,Fuck You,Fuck You That Hurt"Over and over again. Each "Fuck You" was punctuated by a flying object.Both pillows whistled past my head, followed by the bedside clock, my wallet from the nightstand and 2 mobile phones.Jesus she was angry.I tried to explain.. but she wasn't in any mood to listed... I pleaded..."It was an accident"... really. My cock went up her arse. I was just fucking her doggie style and pulled back to really ram it home...

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Payasi Padosan Ke Sath Pahla Experience

Hi dosto mera name ravi yadav hai or me chandigarh ka rehne wala hun meri umar 25 sal hai or me ik smart ladka hun mera lun 6″ ka hai aab aap sab ko jada bore na karte huye me sidhe apni story par aata hun jo ki meri pahli story hai ye baat 2006 ki hai jab me engineering college me 1st year me padta tha,us wakt meri umar 19 sal thi or mene kabhi kisi k sath sex nahi kiya tha or mujhe sex k bare jada knowledge bhi nahi thi,aab me apni story pe aata hun mere gaon me ik didi rehti thi vo kabhi...

2 years ago
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Paybacks A Witch

Hi all. I have done yet another story even though the responses to my stories have slowed down to 1 or 2 intead of the normal 8 or so. This story is one of my more creative works and is original to say the least. Also I have set it up to be a new universe but I will tell more about that after the story. I hope you enjoy it and please if you liked it let me know, I always reply if you take the time to send me a short msg. Thanks, ROBO --------------------------- PAYBACKS A...

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Paybacks A Carnival of Mirrors Story

Paybacks - A Carnival of Mirrors Story By Jerrie526 My thanks to Bob H for this tempting little universe to play in. I hope that I do his area justice. * * * * * * * August 17th, 2003 Hank 'The Snake' Preston was feeling ecstatic after his latest conquest. Not that anyone would ever call him 'The Snake' to his face unless they didn't value their lives. He was one of the most unscrupulous men that ever walked the face of the planet. A man of moderate height, he...

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Paybacks Can Be Heavenly

Paybacks Can Be Heavenly By Sheila Anne Morgan Kristen and I had worked together at the same company since we both graduated from college four years ago. We had a friendly relationship but had never been romantically involved, as we both had heard what happens to workplace romances that go bad. Over the years we had bet on the outcomes of the games of our favorite sports teams. At first it had been small cash bets but we...

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Paybacks A Bitch

Payback’s A BitchAuthors Note: Hey Guys. This is only my second attempt of a story so any feedback or ideas will be greatly appreciated. The more reviews/feedback I receive the more inspired I’ll be to write that little bit quicker. Thank you to the people who reviewed my first story ‘Taking Advantage of A Betrayed Lover? and I hope to be able to come up with some more ideas for that and finish it soon. Anyways thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy.The Morning After. Jasmine’s House....

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Payel as the

Payel schooler homework e mon dite chesta korchilo. Tar kache math tough ekta subject. Mon tao tar valo nai. Du chokhe jeno rajjer bishonnota jomat bedhe ache. Matro 3 mash age road accident-e payel tar baba-ma ke hariyeche. Kishori meyeti ekhon sompurno nishshongo. Dur somporker ek chachu take nijer kache ene rekhechen. Suhan chachu payel ke khub-e valobashen. Kinto majhe majhe payel-er mone hoy chachu ektu beshi-e ador koren. Chachu shobshomoy take kole niye joriye dhore ador koren. Payel-er...

2 years ago
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Payari bhabhi

Hello readers i’m (pabby) here again. Aaj mein aapko ek aur hot story bataunga. Hum ek baar out of station (mere chacha ke ghar) gaye the mein mere papa, bhaiyya, bhabhi or nandni bhabhi (mere tauji ki bahu). Hum wahan pahuche thodi der mein jub mien sub logo se mil liya to mien toilet bhaga kayon ki mujhey toilet bahut joor se aa raha tha. Mein teji se toilet ke aur bhaga. Mien darwaje ko teji se khola or under gaya udhar meine upni bhanhi ko niche sae nunga dekha. Unhone bhi mujhko dekh liya...

3 years ago
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The wave crushed my body against the surfboard, and I felt how I began to slide off it into the sea. I came up spitting and coughing a few yards away feeling the adrenaline coursing through my body. I looked up and saw John surfing a wave and he made it all the way to the beach before he simply stepped off the board and picked it up. I took mine under my arm and began wading through the water towards the beach.“Dude, you look like an elephant on that board,” said John and handed me a bottle of...

Straight Sex
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Paybacks Are A Bitch Chapter 1

"I don't know... I just don't know. I've gone over our books a dozen times. There's just no way we are going to make this month's payment–not with the way the economy has been around here," Charles said.Charles Davidson and his wife Honey owned and ran a small landscaping business which, when they first started it, did pretty well.So well, in fact, that they felt comfortable getting some bigger (and more expensive) equipment to take on bigger jobs and contracts with commercial properties. But...

Wife Lovers
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Paybacks Are A Bitch Chapter 2

"Nicholas! Wha-what are you doing?" Honey asked, alarmed."Mrs. Davidson, you have agreed to come work for me to pay off you and your husband's debt to me. That is all well and good. But that is for future payments. It does not cover this month's payment–which is, I might add, overdue now."Like any other lender, there are penalties for missing a payment or being late with it. So we are going to take care of that late penalty tonight. I will tack this month's payment back onto what you owe me,...

Wife Lovers
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Paybacks Are A Bitch Chapter 3

Honey opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around the swollen tip of his cock, momentarily fighting the urge to gag at the salty taste of his manhood, at the drops of precum that had formed there waiting for her, and at the idea that she was tasting a strange man's hard cock.His hand was firm and insistent, pushing her harder onto his enormous cock and soon he was deep in her mouth, groaning with relief. His girth filled her mouth and his length made her gag as she felt him at the back of her...

Wife Lovers
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Paybacks Are A Bitch Chapter 4

Dressed now, she sat in the dressing room waiting nervously to come on stage and take her clothes off for men. The club wasn't very full; it was still too early for the main crown to hit. There were about fifteen or so men in the audience.That was good for her–Honey was nervous and didn't want to dance for the first time in front of a packed crowd. It was still early, and the lunch crowd had already started to dwindle. Things wouldn't start to really pick for another couple of hours or so,...

Wife Lovers
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Paybacks Are A Bitch Chapter 5

It would be another couple of songs before Angel came back out on stage, and Michael busied himself by watching another of the girls dance. She was good enough and he gave her a tip just because she tried, but his mind was on the girl coming up next. Finally, the DJ announced Angel coming back to the stage, and when she burst out of the curtain waving to the guys, there was a roar from the crowd that no one could mistake. Angel–Honey–had completely won the hearts of the men there!Angel's second...

Wife Lovers
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Paybacks Are A Bitch Chapter 6

Honey had been working at the Pussy Cat Club for Mr. Sarantos for a little over a year when one day, Honey and Charles were sitting down to breakfast. It was a fairly ordinary day; the weather was nice, Charles was getting ready for another day of work, and Honey would soon be headed to the club to start her shift.She had been able to keep her "second life" under wraps and Charles had no idea his wife was a stripper. The landscaping business had kept him pretty busy and even though work had...

Wife Lovers
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Paybacks a Mother

Copyright © 2002, Phil Phantom Crystal was now having sex with her new step-father on a nightly basis, and the sex that began as clandestine anal rapes a month earlier was now full, diverse, lengthy, very mutual, very satisfying, and done with her mother's knowledge if not consent. Her mom didn't like the situation, but couldn't or wouldn't put a stop to it. Crystal felt badly about that, but gradually came to feel that Bill had the right to make love to whomever he pleased as long as...

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Have you ever heard about My Free Paysite? Well, now you have, and there are a couple of reasons I decided to tell you about this place. Now, if you have already visited the site, you might be thinking “Why the fuck are you reviewing this place”, but the answer is quite simple; because I think it’s worth to review, and that is the only crap that matters.However, I must say that the person who created the site has probably just come out of the programming school, because that is literally how...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Are you ready for some Black Payback? Before you answer that, I should warn you this ain’t your typical premium interracial site. They say that payback is a bitch, but I’d argue that the girls on the receiving end of these BBCs are more worthy of the name. If you’re looking for tales of romantic jungle fever, you’re wandering around in the wrong part of the hood. This is hardcore sexual payback, end of story. Get ready for some motherfucking has been hawking their...

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
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Paybacks are such a bitch

"Hi, Baby, sorry I'm late, but I had to run an errand after work." she said as she kissed his cheek before sliding into her seat at the table. She could see the irritation in his face and she smiled inwardly. He was irritated. She came breezing in almost an hour late after she had called him to meet her at their favorite restaurant and told he had better not be late. She reaches over with her foot and runs it up his thigh, "Oh Baby, you aren't pissed at me are you?" "Actually, yes I am. You are...

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Pay for the Bridal Shower

Introduction: Real StoryGirl-friend comes up short paying for the bridal shower. Girl-Friend steps in & has a talk with the owner. Things get out of hand from there.....Disclaimer: This story contains cuckold, old vs younger. Paying for the Bridal Shower:It was the day of my girl-friend’s (Tina) Bridal Shower. It was in the evening and was being held at a fancy Italian restaurant. I had to attend the event, because I had to play the usual Bridal Shower games. I knew I was going to be the...

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"Repayment" "Come on it'll be fun!" Cassie insisted as we stood in her bedroom. "Just let me tie you up just a little. You aren't afraid are you?" she said. It was a bit embarrassing climbing onto her bed, being totally shaved and wearing her pink satin panties along with a garterbelt and a pair of glossy sheer nylon stockings but in knowing I would be getting all the fantastic sex I could handle later I went along with her all to her delight. She was a fantastic mistress and was...

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Repayment        Ryan glanced up at the clock and saw that it was finally midnight.  It had been hard to wait this long, but he had set rules for himself for a reason.  Walking across his marble floors he looked out the floor to ceiling windows that stared out over the peaceful Pacific ocean.  The moonlight danced off the ocean that washed against the cliff far below.         Going over to a door with a biometric lock on it Ryan used his full hand print to open it.  He didn’t have neighbors...

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It was around 8:00-9:30pm, and I was on my way to a party. It was a nice night, so I decided to walk, and as I was walking past the park I heard a scream, so I ran to investigate. I saw a young woman being chased by two men, so I ran to help her, when I caught up to the men I punched the bigger one in the face, breaking his nose. As the second one ran at me I dodged him and pushed him into a tree, knocking him out. As I went up to the woman to see how she was, I realised how beautiful she was....

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Repaying a Debt to Goddess Danielle

REPAYING A DEBT TO GODDESS DANIELLEI live on a very large and secluded estate in Costa Rica, though I can't say that my life is easy, or that I'm sitting in the sun sipping a tall cool drink.  Quite the opposite actually. I had run afoul of the IRS and was $200,000 in tax debt. I was facing heavy fines and probable jail time which I was not prepared to serve. The only choice I felt I had was to call and ask a very wealthy acquaintance named Danielle, living in Costa Rica for help. I explained...

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Payal Gayi Baj 8211 Part I

Hi friends mein Payal delhi ki rehne wali hu aur aaj mein apke samne apni kahani leke hajir hu umid karti hu ki apko meri kahani pasand ayegi mein ek middle class family se blong karti hu meri family me sirf mein mera chota bhai 11th class aur mere dad hai meri mom ki death ho chuki Hai kafi waqt phele cancer ki wajah se sorry mein apko apne bare me batana bhul gayi meri umar 21 years old hai aur rang gora aur mera figure 34 28 36 hai aur mein graduation kar rahi hu ab mein kahani pe ati hu hum...

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Pay to Play Chapter 1

I don’t like being a prostitute.I just happen to be very, very good at it. No other job I’ve tried to pick up has paid half as well as bending over and thinking of anything else.I spy a car idling nearby, usually a good indicator of an interested but reluctant individual. They were my favorite. The illegal nature of the whole encounter usually kept things quick and brief, because they didn’t want to get caught.I saunter toward the vehicle, the headlights catching my tight black leather shorts...

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Pay What You Owe

Geoff would always see her walking past his apartment. Being a normal 25 year old guy, he couldn't help but stare. Jennifer was gorgeous, and the perky 19 year old blonde was usually wearing clothes that showcased her magnificent figure. She had spoken briefly to him as they passed each other from time to time. One Saturday after meeting in the main office, they began chatting as they walked back to their building. Jennifer spoke about ordinary things, and then asked Geoff if he knew where...

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Payback is a Bitch

It all started when my wife and I were going to go to a wedding back in my old college town. My wife, April, attended college there with me and knew a lot of the locals. With the added company of our old college buddies, it was too much like old times to pass up. When April and I were packing for the trip I noticed she packed the dress that she knew I loved. It was a VERY tight fitting strapless dress that stopped about 2 inches from her knees. The material was so tight that she could not wear...

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PAYBACK   PAYBACK!ByAnne Gray(Illustrated by Dan) ?Well welcome back to the land of the living Jessica.? I stood in front of the girl as she finished coming out of the drugged stupor and struggled to sit upright on the loveseat.? Her wrists, covered in long kid gloves, were crossed and firmly bound behind her back.? More white cord around her ankles, just above the black pumps with 4? heels, held her legs together.?? All very basic, but effective. As she shook her head to try and clear...

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Paying It Forward

It’s been a while since we’ve had something good to write about. Once the pandemic hit, well, that pretty much killed a lot of fun to be had. Finally, here we are many months later and things are starting to change a little. Some folks are beginning to travel again, national businesses are looking to grow their customer bases, blah blah. This one came out of left field, but damn, it’s a good one. Even my wife gets hot thinking about it. As always, names are changed to protect the people who...

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Pay Back as a Bitch

I pulled up out on the street in font of the Derren’s place, turned off the lights and walked to the front door. The kids my sister was looking after were only about five or six years old so they went to bed real early and she just sat around watching cable on their plasma screen. Mrs. Derren was a total witch who was so paranoid that the only reason Clare got the job was because her and our mum went to school together, Mr Derren on the other hand was pussy whipped so badly that I actually...

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Pay Any Price

                               Pay Any PriceStephen Underwood knew something was amiss, when his step-daughter Morgan, didn’t respond to his call that he was home.  Morgan was perhaps the most responsible 16 (and a ?) year-old he’d ever known.  Hell, she was more responsible than most of the adults he knew.  Normally when he’d arrive home from work, he’d find the statuesque young beauty already hard at work in the kitchen, fixing the evening meal.  Stephen had told her repeatedly that she...

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This is the sequel to ‘I Warned You.’ I hope you enjoyed it and didn’t take it seriously. There is only a mention of sex in this story. I decided to keep it in the category of the first story for consistency. Please don’t take either of these stories seriously. There is no permanent damage done to anyone. Just read and enjoy. ***** Payback For those of you who read about what my wife did to me in the story ‘I Warned You,’ I’m here to let you know that I did not go gentle into that good...

1 year ago
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Pay Back

So that, dear friends, is why the President and I both hope that you will support him as he tries to pass the all important spending cap legislation now before the House, thank you for your time, good night." Jennifer Boyle, the wife of the president, made her way through the clapping throng on her way to the rear exit of the grand ball room in the Century Towers Hotel. A limo with a phalanx of Secret Service agents were waiting to escort her back to the White House, while she and her body...

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Pay Back0

When I was in my early 30’s is started to get into gambling. I we go out and play the slots at the local casinos. That soon got boring. So, I tried my hand at poker. It was fun. But, I was a very poor player. My interest then turned in horse racing. I found a bar that was nearby that offered OTB. Soon almost like clockwork I was there every day. It was nice to go there and place a few bets, drink some and relax. One day I met this guy who came in to play the races too. We started...

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Pay Day

Pay-Day We were lying in bed snuggled up together spooning. Zelda gently stroked my cock through the sheer panties I wore and I felt my erection growing. Turning around my hand drifted down to her warm wet pussy that I wanted to suck and lick “not yet lover” she said, “have you forgotten what day it is?”, then I remembered “pay day”What’s pay day? – it’s the day the milkman, paper boy and lawn man come to get paid for the month and I organize the payments. “If your quick you’ll just be ready...

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