Before My First Real Job Ch. 02 free porn video

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Elizabeth wasn’t playing around, she wouldn’t hold back and was relentless every time she spanked me. Each spanking was longer than the last and they were always terribly painful, leaving me bruised and sometimes bleeding. I don’t know if I was building calluses or muscle, but sometimes I wouldn’t bleed and it wasn’t because they were less severe spankings. I couldn’t believe people would spank children, but I had to remind myself they probably weren’t spanked anywhere near as much or as hard as I was.

The first time, leaving me in tears and sucking my thumb, worked well, and I made damn sure I was early or on time for every feeding after that. It was weird, I registered how well it worked on me and convinced myself that meant I must have deserved it. A belief I shared in common with Elizabeth as she had decided to spank me anytime I displeased her. She grew more strict and enforced more rules, so I ended up displeasing her often.

The second time she spanked me was for making a suckling sound only a few days later when she was on the phone while nursing me. That was my fault. She told me to stay silent, but I was hungry. The outcome was much the same, me sitting on my bruised bare bottom on the kitchen tile floor after the spanking of a lifetime, sobbing like a little child.

I distinctly remember the second spanking because she answered the phone in the middle of teaching me a lesson, it was my mother calling. Mom knew I was here during the evenings, she thought I was being tutored in business analysis by Elizabeth to help my career and called to check up on me.

“Yes, he’s here, June.” Elizabeth said over the phone as a hard smack came down on my bottom. “Oh that? That was just the TV. We are taking a break, this lesson is taking longer than expected.”

Elizabeth continued to spank by bottom repeatedly, while she talked on the phone to my mother. “Yes, I’m sorry he’s here so late, but he’s having a really hard time learning his lesson tonight and so I need to teach him more. Yes, I know how difficult he can be!”

The spanking was unbearable and I started crying. Elizabeth held one hand over the phone’s receiver and ordered me, “Put your thumb in your mouth!”

She continued spanking me hard. I didn’t know how long this was going to last and it had already been much longer than the first spanking.

“What’s that?” she said, back on the phone with Mom. “Oh, no, I said ‘Put your tongue in your mouth.’ Danny stuck his tongue out at me when I called him difficult. Don’t you worry, I’ll be sure to make sure he doesn’t do that again.”

Elizabeth wrapped up her conversation with my mother and sighed heavily.

“Danny, your mother doesn’t like it when you stick your tongue out at people.” she scolded me.

“I didn’t!” I pleaded, taking my thumb out of my mouth.

“Yes, but if she doesn’t like when you do it, that means you’ve done it before.” Elizabeth started spanking me furiously. “You don’t stick your tongue out at people!”

“I’m sorry!” was all I could think to say. Now I was getting spanked for something I didn’t do.

“We were almost done with this lesson but now you need to learn how to show people respect!” she yelled angrily. “Put your thumb back in your mouth, I know this is going to make you cry again.”

She was right. I cried much, much more that night. All for something stupid I never did.

I vowed I was done with my visits after that night, but again, I showed up early the next morning. I was very hungry, and ended up earning myself yet another spanking, even though my bum was still terribly bruised from the brutal punishment the night before.

I burped after she fed me breakfast and I guess it was close to her face. She used the hairbrush that time and I avoided sitting down anywhere for a week. Mom thought I was in a fight, even when I got home later that evening, since my eyes were still swollen so much from crying so hard. I considered going to the doctor, because I thought I might have needed stitches on my bottom.

The fourth time she spanked me? Hell if I know. I don’t remember, I couldn’t have been doing anything out of the ordinary. I was on my hands and knees scrubbing her kitchen floor when she came in from the other room, lifted me off the ground with almost one arm, while the other pulled my pants down, and I was over her thighs as she sat on the kitchen table chair, bare bottomed, screaming and crying.

“You never learn!” she screamed as she systematically came down in long strikes with her right hand. “I am going to start adding twenty spanks each time I need to teach you a lesson!”

I wasn’t exaggerating, each time was literally the hardest spanking of my lifetime.

I tried to call her bluff once. She was lying, it had to be way more than twenty. She was so strict and in love with the rules, I wanted to see if I could count the number of spanks of two consecutive lessons and see if there was actually a difference of twenty. It’d be a small victory, but at least it would be something to get her back with.


We were at a point where if I didn’t keep my hands still, placed down beside my head during the spanking, she would hit my knuckles with a ruler for as many spanks as I was due. I needed my hands, I learned not to make her do that very quickly. Besides, if (when) I started crying, Elizabeth would make me put my thumb in my mouth.

She had become very good at spanking, and would sometimes use both hands alternating very quickly and still incredibly hard. She was giving me the ‘rollercoaster spanking’, as she called it, the time when I was trying to count and I couldn’t keep up. The amount of pain I was in, counting was hard enough.

I didn't know how to make the spankings stop but still keep the breastfeeding, and I needed to keep the breastfeeding, so I kept showing up everyday. I do know the spankings were getting longer. Much longer. The last time the sun was still up when we started, it must have been six. I remember being over her knee, crying with my thumb in my mouth of course, and staring out the window at the moon and stars before it ended.

One time I tried to get out of a spanking by floating the idea that I’d have to find someone else to feed off of. She made sure I knew that was out of the question by threatening to tell Mom all about our escapades, and then spanked me until both her hands were red and her arms got tired of swinging the hairbrush. I don’t think she was keeping count that time.

I started hating her. I didn’t know how to get out of this. I mentioned once that maybe it was time I grew up and learned to eat real food. She again threatened to tell Mom everything and pulled my head into her breast.

“I can feed you now or a firm spanking will be at hand and then we’ll try again after.” she said so matter-of-factly.

We’ll try again after. It sounded like it was a chore that she was responsible for.

“I won’t let you starve to death, dummy.” she smirked as she cuffed me over the head.

I obediently sucked the milk out from her nipple. I remembered how much I used to love nursing from her, now it just felt like an exercise and since my bottom was always being spanked, it always hurt. Even during the feedings all I could think about was how much my bum hurt. I used to comfort myself sucking my thumb by pretending it was her nipple, but now I started taming the feeling of embarrassment feeding off a breast as an adult by pretending her nipple was my thumb. Thumb sucking was still embarrassing, but it felt less humiliating than nursing.

The days she spanked me always felt the most confusing. She’d spank me and I’d still be in tears while paying her for the feeding, convinced I’d never come back again. I always did. The conflicting feeling of not wanting to return and always returning was compounded when one day I showed up and she had a ‘gift’ for me. Elizabeth handed me a brown box, when I opened it and pulled out the cloth contents, I stared in dread at the man sized onesie I held. Or should I say, the woman sized onesie. It was white and had pink shoulders and roughly patterned with rainbows, unicorns, and shooting stars, with a giant pair of pink hearts sewn over the chest.

“I’m sorry, Danny, but if you are going to act like a little baby, you’ll be treated like a little baby.” Elizabeth said pragmatically. She shrugged her shoulders and continued, “And if you are going to cry like a little girl, you will be treated like a little girl! So help me GOD, if I catch you not wearing this in my home!”

I assumed she would let me change from my real clothing into the onesie when I arrived, but a quick spanking as soon as I showed up at her front door in my jeans and t-shirt the next day, and I understood I would have to change before my arrival. I caught on quickly, and started wearing my onesie under my clothes everyday. When I showed up at Elizabeth house, I would quickly take off my regular clothes and hope to god she would answer the door and let me in before any neighbours saw me.

Again, the first time I showed up at her front door in my pink and white onesie, she gave me another spanking for being untidy, having my clothes bundled in my hand. I brought a bag the next day, but received a spanking for that too.

“A plastic bag, Danny?!” she screamed out during the spanking. “Little girls don’t carry around plastic bags, they carry around purses!”

I knew what she wanted me to do, I went to the nearest woman’s outlet store and bought what I thought was the manliest looking white purse. Of course it still looked terribly feminine, but at least I only had to carry it at Elizabeth’s home.

After about a week of wearing a onesie everyday, Elizabeth again randomly pulled me over her lap while I was dusting the coffee table.

“Typical filthy boy!” Elizabeth screamed after a very long spanking while I sucked on my thumb hard wondering what her problem was this time. “This onesie is disgusting. You need to have this dry cleaned professionally! And you can’t just wear the same onesie everyday!”

I had no idea where Elizabeth had found my current onesie, but I found a website online where I could order them and have them delivered. I didn’t want any human interaction buying these things, so that worked out well. They weren’t cheap, but I ordered a few. I made sure they were all clearly meant for girls, I knew otherwise would just earn me another spanking and I’d have to buy more after.

The dry cleaners was different. There was no way to drop them off and pick them up without avoiding human interaction. The man at the dry cleaners always scowled at me, avoided eye contact, and I could hear him muttering foul things under his breath when I was around.

My life had devolved to spending hours each day in a girls onesie, doing chores, or getting spanked. And in brief moments, nursing from a woman who was more like a wetnurse during this time than anything else.

Then one time I had the bright idea I just wouldn’t show up for dinner. I was so hungry I tried eating solid food to no avail. I thought of asking Mom if she could help, but as far as she knew I was eating solids now, and it had been months since she nursed me and I could tell by the size reduction in her breasts that she had stopped producing. So I went to bed hungry.

The next morning I woke up so hungry I thought I was dying. I knew I couldn’t skip breakfast, and again I threw up the food I tried downing. Elizabeth was right, I’d starve to death without her. Reluctantly, I made my way to her house, not knowing what punishment would await.

I was almost surprised that she let me inside.

“You must be very hungry?” she said, almost taunting me. “I don’t think I’m going to have enough milk to fill you and I had a lot of time by myself last night to think about things.”

She almost sounded hurt, was she upset that I hadn’t shown up because she liked the company? As far as I knew she didn’t really have any friends, and there weren’t any family photos of relatives in her home, other than her kids who she barely got to see. The things she did to me and made me do, maybe she was just desperate to fulfill her kinks and still had real emotions. I started feeling bad for her.

“We’re going to need to find something else to feed you with, and since you need a warm fluid coming out directly from a woman’s body, there is only one thing I can think of giving you now.” she stared at me almost waiting for me to answer.

I stopped feeling bad for her. She couldn’t have possibly been thinking of… No. No way. I have never had any desire or ever had any thoughts of that, even that first night I masturbated endlessly thinking of her doing terrible things to me. I had to have been wrong, that is just disgusting.

She rolled her eyes, and as was her favourite way to drag me around, grabbed and twisted my ear. I crawled beside her as fast as I could as we made our way down the hall, towards the bathroom. This couldn’t be happening!

I stopped in the hallway and sat on my bum. Elizabeth had kept walking forward fast and had such a grip on my ear I thought it might tear off and go with her. I didn’t care. This crazy bitch was not peeing in my mouth!

Elizabeth turned around to face me, her arms crossed and silent. She usually kept her hands on her hips when she was upset with me, I always found it daunting. Her standing there with her arms crossed was even scarier.

There I sat on the floor, on my hands, knees, and bum, like a dog when it sits. I didn’t have time to think about what she may do to me, her leg pulled back and kicked me so quickly, I didn’t fully realize she had kicked me in the balls until I was lying on my side, convulsing as I clutched my privates.

“If you think your hands are going to protect you, you have another thing coming, mister.” she said, crossing her arms again. “Are you going to come with me now?”

I wasn’t about to get kicked in the balls again, so with all my strength I rolled back onto my hands and knees and crawled beside her. She clenched my ear tightly again, and we continued on our way to the bathroom.

“In the bathtub.” she ordered me once we arrived. “Lie down on your back, head under the faucet.”

I didn’t know what to do, I was dying from hunger, I didn’t want her to kick me again, and if I just left, she’d tell Mom about this and then I’d be in real shit.

“You’ll feed me normally after?” I asked timidly.

“Oh, Danny. After this you are going to be so very full!” she giggled.

Now what the fuck was the point of this?! Still, nothing changed, I couldn’t leave, I couldn’t stay and not obey. I started crawling into the tub.

“Hurry up!” she barked.

I rolled into the bathtub and lay on my back.

“Close your eyes and open your mouth.” she said softly.

I didn’t know what else to do, I closed my eyes and opened my mouth. Maybe she just wanted to teach me a lesson and submitting was all I needed to do. I heard some shuffling of clothes and then I could feel her stepping into the tub, I could feel her feet beside my face. Okay, maybe she was just trying to make sure I knew she was serious and would do it next time.

I could hear her moving, and even though my eyes were closed, I could tell she was crouching over me. I could smell something sour and fishy. I had always heard stories that vaginas could smell bad, but this was downright foul. I nearly gagged just from the smell, she must never clean this thing! This had to be the farthest she was going to take this, what kind of freak would pee in someone’s mouth?! I thought I was right, she was just trying to scare me, because I lay there in silence with my mouth open for almost another minute.

Then instantly, something warm and salty splashed into my mouth. It was horrid.

I instantly choked and shook my head to move out of her stream, Elizabeth grabbed me by the hair, slapped me in the face hard and yelled “No! Open your mouth!”

I couldn’t. She slapped me again, and again, and I finally opened my mouth. A mouthful of pee squirted into my mouth immediately and stopped. I stayed still and kept my mouth open, but I couldn’t help but cough it out.

“Swallow it!” she commanded, she was screaming now.

I had coughed most of what was in my mouth out, but I didn’t want her to slap me again so I tried swallowing. It was the most disgusting thing I had ever tasted, though I hadn’t really tasted much aside from breastmilk and none of it tasted good either. This was different. I continued to gag and started dry heaving.

“Oh, don’t be so dramatic.” she sighed. “I'm giving you a mouthful at a time. One squirt, one quick swallow.”

I’ll give her this, the lady knew how to control her bladder. She squirted just a mouthful into my mouth, I gagged and coughed it out again. This time she punched me, a hard right hook above and to the side of my eye. I couldn’t believe this was happening, I didn’t know how to get out or make it stop, so I opened my mouth again.

Another mouthful of piss splashed inside and this time I was able to swallow it quickly. A second mouthful immediately filled me and I swallowed that too. I gasped for air.

“Good boy!” she exclaimed with a huge horse smile as another mouthful filled me. I swallowed, but this time the piss kept flowing. She screamed, “Keep swallowing!”

I did my best to do as she commanded but it was too much at once, most of it overflowed and poured down every direction over my face and into my hair. The pee started flowing over my nose, to my eyes, to my forehead and hair, then back over my chin and neck. I swear, Elizabeth was aiming her piss all over my face!

The stream died down to a trickle and she squirted the final drops onto my chest, over the pink hearts on my onesie.

“Poor performance, Danny.” she said. Even though my eyes were still closed I could picture her with her hands on her waist, shaking her head. “I wish I had more to train you with but we’ll just have to wait until next time.”

Oh no! Spankings were one thing, but I was never going to do this again. I would do every little thing she wanted, perfectly, to make sure of that!

The faucet turned on and cold water washed over my head. I was partly thankful that it washed away the piss, but it was terribly cold and the pressure was heavy on my face. I couldn’t breathe and felt I was choking, but I think I heard Elizabeth say something about staying still, it was hard to hear. I could make out she was washing her feet under the tap, then the water stopped and she stepped out.

My onesie was completely drenched, and not all in water.

“Take a shower with your onesie on.” Elizabeth ordered me. “After you wring it out you can throw it in the garbage. I will send you the website so you can buy another one because that one is ruined now. See what you made me do!”

Another slap came across my piss covered cheek.

“After you clean up,” Elizabeth continued, “I do not want you touching my towels. You go stand in the backyard under the maple tree, naked, until you dry. Then you can come in and I will feed you.”

I guess she realized I hadn’t drunk enough of her pee and was still hungry. I did everything as I was told. I was thankful her backyard had a lot of trees and was very private. Elizabeth washed her hands and left the bathroom. I finally opened my eyes and turned on the shower.

Alone in the shower, I fell to my knees and started crying.

Just my luck, the one lady I found that is producing breast milk and let an adult pay her to nurse him turns out to be crazy.


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The Unreality Pandemic

The first signs of the Unreality pandemic were whispers on various sites on the internet. At first people claimed it was just creepy internet stories. When the pictures and videos arrived, they claimed it was special effects made with state of the art A.I algorithms. When hour-long live stream videos where victims answered questions arrived, critics went silent. Some governments began saying it was nothing to worry about. Some governments were quiet, too quiet for them to not be doing something...

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Dwight The Realtor

"So, what do you think, Jim?" I asked as we walked down the hall."It's okay," he answered, looking around."What's wrong with it? Dwight, how many square feet is this place?" I pondered, peeking at him."Roughly 18,000 square feet, with three bedrooms, and two full bathrooms too, among other things. It has been on the market for more than a little while; I guess it does need a little fixing up. I don't think it would cost more than five grand to get everything, but that has discouraged...

Oral Sex
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The Realtor

Marci, As you know, Danny and I have been looking for a new house. I know I have already sent you a million questions, but this time I really need your advice. Something happened today and I don’t know what to do about it. Since you are a realtor, I need your professional opinion on something. I wish you still lived here as it would have made this whole process much easier…and today wouldn’t have happened. Although I haven’t yet figured out if that is good or bad. Danny wanted to use one of his...

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The Realtor

Marci, As you know, Danny and I have been looking for a new house. I know I have already sent you a million questions, but this time I really need your advice. Something happened today and I don’t know what to do about it. Since you are a realtor, I need your professional opinion on something. I wish you still lived here as it would have made this whole process much easier...and today wouldn’t have happened. Although I haven’t yet figured out if that is good or bad. Danny wanted to use one of...

Straight Sex
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Encounter With The Realtor Her Lady Friend

I've got a neighbor bitch that has set me up with a key to go in her house and feed her cats and fish while she's gone. I also water her fucking plants outside. And on occasion one of her bitch friends will stop by during my duties at that house. But nothing has ever come from it, in that the bitches just turn and leave when I say that my neighbor bitch is gone on a trip.I have though gotten a lot of fantasy masturbation sessions when I freak about one of those friends of her's coming inside...

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The Realtor

I’m not a big-time investor, but I like to dabble in real estate, rental property.  If I can purchase a house at a favorable price, the rent can cover the mortgage.  I wait a few years, hope it appreciates, and sell for a profit.  Happily, the realty market here in the suburbs of Washington, DC has consistently been strong.  It’s been a winning strategy.I was researching a house that had been on the market for a long time.  The asking price had been reduced more than once.  The area was...

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First Time Footjob

It was decades ago, but I’ll remember it like it was yesterday. We had just finished our night of heated foreplay. I was exhausted. I had spent the last hour sucking, kissing, fingering, and kissing the most beautiful vagina I have laid my eyes on. I needed to rest after a long night in heaven. Anyway that is when the story started. I was lying on the bed with my shirt off. My shorts and underwear were on. I was about to go to sleep when (name changed) Lisa wanted to continue where we left off....

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iXXX Handjob

Sometimes, you don’t want to see a group of dudes doubling down on some hot piece of ass. Nor do you want to watch lesbians making out like the world is about to end. You want to stick to the simple shit, like a handjob. If you’re in the mood for handjob videos and enjoy a huge as fuck resource, you need to check out precisely a tube site; it’s a place you can go to see handjob videos from other sites and sources. Think of it like an index pointing to handjob videos from...

Handjob Porn Sites
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Tittyhawk The Wrath of Commander Titjob

in The Wrath of Commander Titjob Evolution. Selecting mates based on favorable characteristics. In the not too distant future, Humans have begun to evolve. The favorable characteristics? Sexual prowess. The next evolution of Mankind is here... ...and it wants to fuck your brains out. Willing or no... Book 1 The City. Bustling with activity... and crime. And the HAWK. 5'3” tall with raven black hair, large perky breasts and pale skin like marble, Tittyhawk is the Dark...

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A Summer Job

The summer before I left for college, I was trying to make extra money. Besides my full time job at a nearby Amusement Park (Action Park for those who care), I had put flyers in the mailboxes of my neighborhood offering my services for yard work, pet care, etc. As it was summer, a number of people had called me to care for their pets while they went on vacation. Around the middle of July, a couple that had recently moved into the neighborhood called to see if I was available to watch their...

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Training Jobbers

The Underground Women’s Fight League (UWFL) is a premium fight club for wealthy viewers. The use of the word “fight” is somewhat of a misnomer, as they mainly cater to what their fans like to see: one-sided brutal beatdowns. There are two stables of participants which clearly differentiate their roles - “fighters” and “jobbers”. Patrons can still bet on the matches, but never on the outcome. Instead, they make bets on how long the jobbers can last, how many blows the various parts of their...

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You were a pretty innocent guy before you became a porn addict but the transition was swift and dramatic. The first time your brother showed you porn it was a decidely homoerotic affair. He held his phone while you were both shoulder to shoulder in your shared bedroom, each sharing an earphone so your parents couldn't hear and sitting on the bed. You were both already hard as he scrolled through the videos and suddenly the tension in the air became too much to ignore - he stopped scrolling on a...

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I have been sat for ages trying to think of an eye-popping, gripping title for my sex experience giving ass jobs but truth be told I couldn’t think of anything more truthful and simple than the actual truth, I love giving Assjobs and although I am still fairly new to them, it’s my new favorite thing to do for a guy and it has always made the guy I’m with moan with joy.WHAT IS AN ASSJOB?Just in case you don’t know and you have stumbled across this article, a quick breakdown is that an Assjob or...

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Caught my young neighbor giving a blojob

That late evening, I was coming back from my office, where my Boss had tied to my desk under a huge pile of paperwork.I was really tired, wishing to get home and take a warm shower.Ana was not there; she flew to Buenos Aires, to visit her mother.As I approached our driveway, I heard some groans and muffled moans from a couple there hiding in the shadows of the alleyway of my next house neighbor…I was curious, so I took a quick look; but I then was totally shocked, as I noticed it was Lana, our...

2 years ago
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Best Friend gives the best Footjobs

Yesterday my best friend was at my place. We watched some movies on TV. I was on the end of the couch ans she was laying down. I had her feet on my lap. I couldn't resist looking at them, the whole time. She noticed at a moment, that I was looking at those perfect feet and she asked me, why I was looking...I told her that her socks were kinda dirty (it was dark so she couldn't tell). So she removed her socks and put her bare feet on my lap again. At that time I knew, I couldn't just look. I...

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Knobsworth not a jobsworth

This was when I had only been a taxi driver for a few months... I was recently married and the world was good, I had a window cleaning round and it made me about £25 a day,After a few more than several years, my wife had gone fat and she never had given me a true full swallow BJ . Now back in 1978 that was pretty good money, no boss but myself , an old Singer Gazelle with a replaced and yet unpainted front wing..probably worth a fortune now but it had the effect of making me look like Hard...

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being a dj dreamjob

yes.its a dreamjobplaying musicpeople having fun...............dancing...... drinking ....fucking all the girls is a dream for every mansometimes its true can fuck all night your is airport ,,car music.... airport...again....hotelrooms.............[boring hotelrooms] but sometimes there is a bright star........... smiling at you.. a lovely lady her smile is true and honest eyes like an angelthe hotelroom isnt...

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Eric was looking down at his best friend Jordan, all five foot six of him. His friend’s piercing blue eyes stood out from his long black hair looked greasy and unwashed mostly due to him wearing eyeliner. That and his old Metallica shirt and baggy pants. They were having another argument about money, just like they seemed to be having weekly now. Eric sighed pinching his nose before talking. “Look, I know the job market is tough right now though my patience is wearing thin, Jordan. Your band...

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April Fools Diary Mr Jobsworth

13 May 202112 May 2021I was so super-doopery excited last night that I could barely sleep. Not only was I a plugged princess and a conquesting adult, but tomorrow I was to start my journey from perky, pokie, sodden-cunted, schoolgirl to a future life as a worker bee receiving money for servicings rendered. For tomorrow was Careers Advice Day and I had a morning appointment with the Career Advisor, Mr Jobsworth. What would I be? A blogger? A vlogger? A cunty snogger? An influencer? A...

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You Are A Jobber

You are the newest wrestler at L.E.W.D. Lustful Erotic Wrestling and Debauchery. You are new to the world of wrestling. And while you’ve always had a passion for it, that doesn’t exactly translate into talent or physical prowess. As a result, the only wrestling company that’ll give you a chance is this crude company. However, you’ll take any chance to get a taste of wrestling, even if that means working for a perverse promotion like this one. LEWD is known for it’s more unsavory wrestling....

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Handjob Hub! Every man has a dream to find the best porn available on the web. But, this is not so easy. How many times have you searched for some high-quality porn videos, but you ended up on some shady, outdated tube from the nineties? Although the number of tubes is rising day by day, the number of high-quality tubes is decreasing. But, don't worry, The Porn Dude is here to help you find the best porn content ever and handjob videos are definitely among them.I can guarantee that there is no...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Reddit RandomActsOfBlowJob, aka r/RandomActsOfBlowJob! Are you looking for a random hookup, and you just don’t know where to go? Well, did you know that Reddit basically has it all? You should have known, I’ve said that so many fucking times that I feel like a broken record. Specifically, r/RandomActsOfBlowJob/ is the subreddit you are looking for, and I think everything is pretty much explained in the name.At the time I was writing this, there was a whole coronavirus outbreak, so the subreddit...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit JOBuds, Jerk Off Buds, aka r/JOBuds! How many times have you been lying in your bed awake, horny, and wishing you had someone to interact with while you jerked off? Ideally, that would probably be a female, but what about the dudes that enjoy jacking off with other straight men? Hey bros, ThePornDude is inclusive of all kinks, and if you enjoy jacking it with other straight dudes while you watch straight porn, think straight thoughts, and help the two of you ejaculate like a good bro...

Reddit NSFW List
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Blowjob It! There’s nothing like getting the good glark-glark from some kinky bitch. I’m talking about getting domed - getting some head. Fucking that eager throat-pussy. Whatever you fucks call it, I just want hot videos of sluts slobbering on knobs. And I know you eager fappers love that shit. Just wait until you get to experience the real fucking deal. I don’t even take whores back to my place if they don’t go down and deepthroat cock. If I’m going to eat some pussy and ass, then I need that...

Blowjob Porn Sites
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r/GirlsFinishingTheJob/, aka "Reddit Girls Finishing The Job"! If you’re on Reddit frequently, then you know that there’s no shortage in supply of hot NSFW subreddits for you to check out and enjoy. One such subreddit is /r/GirlsFinishingTheJob and it’s absolutely amazing if you ask me. Sure, I might be The Porn Dude and I might like to just go to a porn site straight away, but if you’re looking for something specific and you’re into community posting, then this place is much better than what...

Reddit NSFW List
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AC Tugjob

*** Disclaimer: THIS IS A CUCKOLD STORY INVOLVING OLDER AND YOUNG SEX. If your not into this, I suggest you don't continue reading. It was a getaway trip for my girlfriend and me to Atlantic City. She is 24 years old and I am 26. We are both of Indian descent and both are fulltime students in college. We needed a break and headed to Atlantic City for a mini weekend vacation. My goal was to have sex throughout the weekend and spark our sexual relationship. I always pestered her to be kinkier and...

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The story I am about to mention happened a few years ago. I had received this new offer which required me to relocate to an altogether new city to which I had to agree as the pay was good. The first day was pretty okay with lots of formalities and introduction rounds. The next few weeks were going to be of training. Initially I had trouble to look for a new house. But I soon found a two bedroom flat with an attached terrace. One month for me to settle down with all the gas and telephone...

3 years ago
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Realms of Eden A Warrior Rises

Foreword Thanks to those of you who were kind enough to read and comment on my first submission of Realms of Eden Book 1 – Sydney comes of Age (it’s in the Sci-Fi section). This is a rewrite of that book but from the story teller’s perspective rather than first person. My characters told me that they didn’t think they got enough time in my first book having to rely on Sydney’s view to get them noticed – so this is for them. I have introduced a new character, expanded out some of them and...

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Family Reunion in Realms

{Author's Note: Is based on story where we all begin starting from family correct? I am correct on this, but not stroke my ego let go further. Idea is also that family reunions depending on how we update ourselves how families goes and how they live, people die and fact of matter why we go out our way to meet greet is distract you could always email, keep in contact with text messaging. Even chat which helps too. Keep in Messaging with family helps long way... However in Realms...

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Your name is it important? I guess it could be. IN realms there are some places where you have great way of working out on range, sometimes not so fortunate you get stuck in place too long your surrounded by monsters and they choose to vore you or worst case scenario world decides to change your fate and end up in different fate. Names I offer to whom it concerns: Prince Dawn(25) luckless with ladies Caroline Wheat(18) immortal Sarah Hastings(18) naive virgin Thomas Basking(21) virgin unknown...

2 years ago
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Realms work and play

Modern world scifi world: comes into two chapters or ideas that you stem into I branch it off according so you get general feel of story: Modern world scifi planetary: You can do all lot things, there are vending machines, objects get sent on invisible tablet system called E-hub which was created by brightest mind and thinks not by saki. Saki if anyone remembers from previous stories of Realms is descendants of main god, Saki King of all creation. He angel many feather feat one evidently...

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The Realms

According to some theories in physics there exist an infinite number of worlds. Each of these worlds would have their own history and even their own laws of nature, some being very different from our own. These worlds all exist side by side and rarely interact, but with infinite worlds there are infinite possibilities. This is a story of when few of these worlds reach out into are own and grabs few unlucky sorts. One was very similar to ours while the other very different. The demon lord ruler...

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Kind of Magical Realist Fairy Tale

Kind of Magical Realist Fairy Tale Copyright 2000, Melissa Virus This one's only my second try, so please, continue to try and be gentle. Know that there is an explanation. ***************************************************************************** Alissa was kind of young; I was eighteen and she was sixteen. You know, not young enough that it was sick or anything, but . . . just this side of the line separating good and bad taste. In retrospect, our relationship was...

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