4.75 Seconds free porn video

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What was so special about May 17th? Nothing really. It wasn't my wife's birthday, our anniversary, or even the first day we met; it was just your average run of the mill Tuesday, and that's why I picked it.

My name is Keith and my marriage to Lisa after 12 years was starting to get a little stale, or should I say predictable. It's not like I didn't love her, she and the k**s were still the most important things in my life. However, that little spark, she use to have in her eye, when I mentioned lovemaking seemed to be missing lately. So being the hopeless romantic I am, I decided to give her an evening she'd never forget.

Monday morning at work, I pulled out the big guns, Cathy, Sheryl and Karen; three of the hottest single women at work.

"Alright ladies, if you could script the most romantic night of your life, what would it be?" I asked them.

They all started rattling off about midnight getaways to Paris, making love in a gondola in Venice or watching the sunset from a hot tub over looking the Swiss Alps.

"Easy girls," I told them. "I'm thinking more of a romantic night at home, or in one of the hotels downtown; something that won't break my bank account."

By noon, they'd come back with a list of ideas that were now more in my price range. I thanked them, bought them lunch and set down to make my plans.

They seemed to be almost as excited as I was, jumping up and down telling me I'd better not blow it because they now had a stake in how my evening would turn out. "Look, I'll supply the donuts, you guys bring the coffee and I'll tell you what she thought about it Thursday morning; well maybe not everything though" I said with a wicked smile.

The first thing I did, was to get Wednesday afternoon off so I could have everything in place before she got home. While I normally got home just before six, Lisa was always home by three thirty, so she could meet the k**s as they got off the school bus.

Tuesday night, I told Lisa that my parents wanted to take the k**s out to dinner and a show Wednesday; so they probably wouldn't be home until after 8:00 that night. The k**s were even more excited when I told them that I had a surprise for their mom and that they'd really be spending the night with grandma and grandpa; my parents always spoiled them rotten.

I left work Wednesday at about 11:30, with my trusty list in hand. Let's see, time off, k**s at moms; check and check. Next came the trip to the store. Let's see, a mushy card, tons of good chocolate and her favorite wine. The girls had given me an entire checklist of everything to do, all the way down to lighting and mood music.

The florist looked at me strange when I asked her for two pounds of rose petals, that is, until I told her what I was going to do with them. "You must really love your wife to go to all this trouble for her," she said as I left red rose petals in hand.

Finally I made dinner reservations for 8:00 at Lisa's favorite steak house. I thought that by 8:00 we'd need some nourishment, and if we decided to cancel, I'd make sure we had steaks in the refrigerator to grill on the patio.

Things were finally all starting to come together. I came home, hid my car around the back of the house and brought everything into the kitchen. "Let's see, 2:30, that gives me an hour to get every thing set up," I said to myself.

For the next hour, I iced the wine in the freezer, made a huge heart on the bed with rose petals and taking the chocolate bits, I spelled out the words "I LUV U" in the center. I filled the garden tub in the bathroom with water and sprinkled the rest of the rose petals on the top of the bubbling water. "T minus 20 minutes and counting," I said as I looked at my watch.

On my side of the bed, I put the wine in an ice bucket and on her night table I propped up the card next to her reading light. I dimmed the overhead lights, opened the bottle of wine and poured two glasses. I placed our portable cd player on the dresser and figured I'd start it after she came into the bedroom.

The last thing I did was to shower, shave and strip naked; "no use both of us having to get undressed," I said to myself. At 3:25 sharp, I heard her car pull up; I was more than ready.

I closed the bedroom door, stood at the foot of the bed naked, holding two glasses of wine and waited for her to come upstairs.

I heard muffled laughter and what sounded like a herd of horses coming up the stairs as they burst through the bedroom door. Yes, I said they; Lisa and her boss Rick.

Do you know how long 4.75 seconds is? It's like one huge gasp as your eyes meet hers, or three beats of a broken heart but just enough time to kill a romantic mood and trash a marriage.

It took Lisa's brain 1.5 seconds to determine something was different as she ran into our bedroom; with her shirt opened and her bra already off. Her brain then sent an impulse, to her voice box, which took approximately 2.0 seconds for her to mouth the words, "oh my god," and finally, 1.25 seconds to realize she was fucked; so to speak. If it wasn't the world record for trashing a marriage, it had to be close second.

Rick, seeing what was going down, turned tail and ran to the front door; he was gone in less than 45 seconds. I on the other hand, watched as Lisa starts to cry and fall to her knees.

I dump the contents of both glasses on the bed, walk over to my closet and start to get dressed; all the while listening to Lisa tell me how sorry she was, and how much she loved me.

It took me about five minutes to get dressed and tell her that it would be in her best interest if she was gone before I got back. I went downstairs, got in my car and left for the nearest place I could get a drink.

So here I sit at Tony's, finishing off my fourth beer wondering what my next move will be. At 6:30 I went back to my now quiet and empty house. The front door was unlocked and Lisa's car is nowhere to be found. After a quick piss downstairs, I head up to what use to be our bedroom.

Everything was pretty much like it was when I left. The garden tub was still running, wine, card, chocolate, were still there; untouched. Lisa's closet was open and so were a few drawers on her dresser. I sat on the bed and tried to clear my head as my cell phone rang. I turn it off without answering, because I wasn't in any mood to talk to anyone right now.

"I knew I should have replaced that mattress in the spare room," I said to myself as I woke up the following morning. I went through the motions of showering, shaving and getting myself off to work but I was more like a zombie as I made my way to my office.

"Well how did it go?" screamed all three girls as they ran into my office. "By the way you look, it must have been one hell of a night," Karen said with a giggle, elbowing the other two.

"Oh that it was," I replied as I gave them the short version of last night.

"Bitch," Cathy said a little too loudly.

"What are you going to do?" Sheryl asked.

"Survive and take care of my k**s," I muttered. "So, if you don't mind, please keep quiet about this, I don't want to be the laughing stock of the whole office," I told them.

They left, telling me how sorry they were, and that if I needed someone to talk to they were there for me. I thanked them and closed my office door.

Bank accounts, credit cards, life insurance policies, 401K; they were all closed or changed by 9:30 that morning. The next was a hard call to my parents telling them that Lisa and I were having a few problems, and I asked them if they could keep the k**s until the weekend. They were sorry to hear about it, and were more than happy to watch the k**s.

Checking my cell phone, I had twenty messages from Lisa; I trashed them all. Legal gave me the name of a good attorney that was reasonably priced, if that was possible, and I made an appointment for Friday morning.

You never really know how fucked you are until you spend two hours with a divorce attorney as he lays out your options; or lack of them. It's was your word against hers, Lisa and Rick hadn't done anything yet when you caught them and you can't throw her out of the house because it was her house also.

You know what really pissed me off, was the fact that she was more than likely to get custody of the k**s, the house, along with at least 40% of what I made after taxes. I was fucked and not even kissed. He suggested marriage counseling or at least a 90-day cooling off period before I did anything.

"Look Keith, your screwed no matter what you do." "You'll be paying c***d support for the next eight years minimum plus the house payments," "The only thing you can do, is bide your time and try to minimize your losses." "Look, if it was me, I'd move into the spare bedroom and make life at home as easy as possible if nothing else for your k**s," he suggested; and that's just what I did.

I took off early and move all my shit into the spare bedroom lock, stock and barrel. I bought a new mattress and tossed the old one to the curb. I never answered any of Lisa's calls but knew she'd probably show up at the house sooner or later, so I made sure I'd be ready for her.

I picked up the k**s on Friday, on my way home from work, and took them out for pizza. They told me what a great time they'd had but were glad to be going home. Lisa finally showed up about 8:30 that night. The k**s were all over her but she never once took her eyes off of me. By 10:00 they'd headed to their rooms and I headed for the guest room.

Lisa asked if we could talk later, but I told her I was not in mood, "maybe tomorrow," I said as I shut and locked the door. I heard a muffled cry as she surveyed what use to be our bedroom. I heard the sheets being pulled from the bed, and other noises, as I imagined her trying to clean up the room.

Saturday morning I noticed the card, rose petals and the chocolate in the trash along with an empty wine bottle. The k**s had breakfast, and headed out for their normal Saturday routine; friends and soccer. I wasn't really hungry, so I just made a pot of coffee.

Lisa came down just as I was finishing my first cup. I poured another, grabbed the paper and headed out to the deck.

"You know you're going to have to talk to me eventually" she said through her red eyes.

"Why Lisa?" "What can you possibly say to me that will explain what I saw Wednesday?" "How long have you been cheating on me with Rick anyway?"

"This was only the second time, you've got to believe me hon" Lisa sobbed.

"Why am I having a hard time believing you and by the way, you lost the privilege of calling me hon or anything else that rings of love," I spat at her. "We'll co-exist for the sake of the k**s until I can figure out what is best for me and them; you already made your choice it seems." At that, Lisa ran into the house and I finished my coffee and in a rage, ripped up the paper.

For the next two weeks, work sucked but at least it wasn't as bad as my home life. Someone blabbed at work and now all I got were those pity looks, from all the women in my office, every time I walked by them. My boss wanted to know if I needed any personal time off, but I told him I was handling it, and that I needed work to keep me sane.

The k**s knew something was up from day one and asked if they'd done anything wrong. "k**s, your mom and I are going through a little rough patch but everything's fine, believe me," I told them; but it wasn't.

Lisa tried to get me to talk and even once tried to seduce me, but I felt nothing for her any longer. I was feeling lower than whale shit when Sheryl came into my office Thursday just before 5:00.

"Grab your coat, we're going out," she announced. I looked up to say something but she stopped me in my tracks. "Maybe you don't understand, this isn't a request; grab your damm coat, we're out of here," she announced.

Anthony's wasn't crowed when Sheryl and I arrived. Sitting at a table in the corner were the other two of the fearsome threesome; Cathy and Karen. After ordering drinks, Sheryl started in on me.

"You got to snap out of it Keith" she started. "You've been walking around like a dead man for the last couple of weeks, and even though everyone's been covering for you, your going to get yourself in deep shit, if you don't get your head and ass wired together."

"I've had a few things on my mind, so why don't you just lay off," I almost shouted back at her.

"Back off shit head, this isn't Lisa you're talking to," Karen replied. "What the hell do you want Keith, or are you just going to wallow in self pity the rest of your life?" she continued.

"I want my damm life back." "I want it to be like it was before all this crap happened," I said looking at my drink.

"I thought you said your marriage was stale and you wanted to liven it up," Cathy asked. "Do you really want to go back to your boring life, I wouldn't." "Do you still love her?"

"I love and hate her at the same time." "I'd like to choke the life out of her and Rick for what they did to me" I shouted. "I just don't know what the hell to do or even where to start," I said.

"Let's eat and then figure this out," Sheryl said as she motioned to the waiter. "The first thing we need to do is level the playing field." "Lisa is still in your house and is going back to work everyday." "Rick on the other hand goes home to his loving wife and k**s even though he's fucked up your marriage," Sheryl spat out. "It's time you took back your life."

By the end of the night, I felt better about my situation and they were right, I had to do something, I couldn't let this go on any longer; it was tearing me up.

Lisa wanted to know where I was when I got home. "Out, what's it to you?" I yelled as she went off to her bedroom crying.

I met with my lawyer, Randy, the next day. "I thought you were going to wait on the divorce," he asked.

"I am, I want to sue the company Rick and Lisa work for and then hit Rick with an alienation of affection lawsuit" I told him.

"Look Keith, you have no hard proof, I told you that."

"I know, but they work for a publically held company, and with all the shit in the news lately about corporate mismanagement I don't think they'll want any bad press." "Besides, even though Lisa was off the clock, don't most managers work until 5:00?" "And isn't there usually a morality clause in most corporate bi-laws about a married boss fucking a married employee they supervise; especially when he's on the clock?"

Randy said it would take a couple of days to get it written up and the papers served, but would give me a heads up when it went down.

For the next three days, I was the Keith of old. I joke with the people at work, had fun with my k**s and even started talking to Lisa again; which made her life a little easier.

Thursday Randy called and said their company had been served, but I asked him to hold off on Rick's papers, until we settled with their company. By the following Tuesday, Randy and I were sitting in the conference room, across the table from the CEO and H.R. manager.

"We've read the paperwork and it seems that you have forgotten to include any documentation of the alleged incident," the H.R. manager started. He then said something about frivolous lawsuits and was quite surprised when I stood up and started to leave.

"I guess we'll see each other in court then," I said as I rose from my chair. "You know, we'll be taking depositions from all the office employees," I said calmly. "How many of them do you think knew what was going on?" "All I have to do is find one or two," I told them. "And, how many managers do you think are going to protect Rick when their asses are on the line?" "Good day gentlemen," I said as I walked out with Randy.

I was at my desk Wednesday when Randy called. "They want to settle or as they put it, what will it take for this mess to go away," he told me.

"Well I've asked for $250,000.00, lawyer fees and for both of them to be transferred to out of state branches; that should cover it," I told him. "Tell them the offer is good until Thursday noon, after that we go forward."

Wednesday afternoon I received another call from Randy. "They've agreed to the fees and transfers, but are offering $150,000.00," he told me.

"Randy enough of all the haggling, tell them the price is now $300,000.00 and if they come back with another counter offer, it'll go to $400,000.00; maybe this will put it to bed," I told him.

Thursday at 3:30, Randy called to tell me that my offer had been accepted and that he'd have the forms over to me by 5:00 for my signature. True to his word, at 4:30 a package was delivered to my office.

"The man said he's waiting for it," my secretary told me.

Reviewing the paperwork and the enclosed check, I signed the papers and handed it over. "If anyone is looking for me, I've left for the day," I told her as I walked out of the office. In the car on the way home I made a quick call to Randy; "serve Rick tonight and do it at his home."

I was on cloud nine, by tomorrow I would have my pound of flesh and could move forward with life.

"All right everyone, grab your coats because we're all going out to dinner tonight," I said as I walked through the door. Lisa was looking at me and not moving when I piped up, "come on Lisa, you too." A huge smile came across her face as she ran to get her coat.

We talked and laughed over dinner just like we'd done for the last twelve years. Life was good again, well almost. When we got home everyone thanked me for the great night out and headed for their respective rooms.

Lisa moved in close, kissed me on the cheek and thanked me for tonight; "it really meant a lot to me tonight," she said. I told her that tomorrow night we would have a nice long talk, so for her to get some sleep; she'd need it.

"You son of a bitch," Lisa screamed as she came through the door. "You knew last night what was going to happen today didn't you," she yelled.

"Not exactly Lisa but pretty close," I told her. "Where is the job they offered you?" I inquired.

"Tennent NJ, where ever the hell that is." "It seems that my services are no longer needed here, and that it was either NJ or I'm out of a job," she explained. "I told them that there was no way I was transferring there, and that's when they handed me a severance check and gave me twenty minutes to clean out my desk," she now sobbed. "I gave them eight years, and in 20 minutes I was out the door," she said as she sat in a kitchen chair sobbing.

"Where's your buddy Rick being transferred to?" I asked.

"Flint Michigan," she said now staring at the floor.

"Boy, the armpit of the Northeast, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy," I said now smiling from ear to ear.

"Well Lisa this is now how the next phase is going to play out," I said as I pulled my chair next to hers. "If you still want to be a part of this family, here are the conditions." "First of all, you need to get checked out for STD's and bring me a clean bill of health." "Next you will submit to a polygraph test and to help you out, I'll even give you the questions in advance," I said as I pushed the paper across the table.

"As you see, they start off really easy but get harder as you go down the list." By the time she got to the last group she'd started to cry.

Am I the biological father of my two k**s?

Why did she cheat?

When we had sex, over the last couple of months, who were you thinking about, Rick or I?

How often have you lied to me over the last couple of months?

How many affairs have you had?

Do you still love me?

"Your appointment is tomorrow at nine," I told her. "And if you pass that without too many surprises, we've got a marriage counseling appointment for Saturday morning at 10:00."

Lisa just sat there crying looking over the questions. "I can answer them now if you'd like," she told me.

"I think I'll wait until tomorrow," I told her. "It's just that I don't trust you anymore and I'd like to start off fresh; without any more lies if you don't mind."

I didn't like all her answers but in my mind she did pass. Did I trust her, hell no. Do I plan on staying with her, well the jury is still out on that one; but we're working at it. The worst thing is that we haven't made love in the last five months and that's what I really miss. We have sex once or twice a week to take the edge off, so to speak, but it's not the same.

Rick took the transfer to Flint Michigan. I send him a Christmas card last year from Florida with the caption; "glad your not here". Oh by the way, his wife and k**s are still here. I guess the sunny south won over a cheating husband; go figure....

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Gil Comes Back For Seconds

Gil kept calling Judy at work, wanting to get back with her. He had no idea that I knew anything about their first sexual experience. Judy called me from her work to tell me that Gil had been calling her. She wanted to know what I wanted her to do. Of course I wanted her to do something with him again. Our story time, when Judy went over to his house was great, I wanted more. At this point, I had never seen Judy with another guy. I told her that I would have to think about it and let her know...

Cheating Wifes
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Kevin and I Seconds

[10/23/2011 7:39:40 AM] kevin6666: :) [10/23/2011 7:39:46 AM] Jon: lol, yep [10/23/2011 7:39:52 AM] Jon: forgot that was fucking hot [10/23/2011 7:40:07 AM] kevin6666: lol yeah [10/23/2011 7:40:14 AM] kevin6666: did you cum hard? :) [10/23/2011 7:40:20 AM] Jon: mmmm fuck yeah [10/23/2011 7:40:35 AM] Jon: damn ur such a slut for black cock, u find me every time [10/23/2011 7:40:47 AM] kevin6666: hehe yeah. fuck yesssss, i need it bad [10/23/2011 7:41:11 AM] kevin6666: you hard...

3 years ago
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Wifes Friend Comes Back for Seconds

My wife recently fucked a friend from work and I got to watch them. She was so hot and seductive, it was as if she was someone else when she fucked him. His name was David and he really knew how to please her. From the looks on their faces when he pushed his cock in her pussy, I knew she enjoyed him. I decided I would come up with a plan to be able to watch her perform with him again. David works with my wife, so it was easy to track him down. I called him at work and asked him if he could...

1 year ago
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My first wife got me hooked on sloppy seconds

First of all before we married, Christine told me she has a pee fetish. I liked this a lot, she would wait until desperate to pee a few then either sit on the toilet and pee through her panties. This made her horny and she would masturbate to orgasm with her hand inside the wet pants. I would get to fuck her after licking the pants and I loved this. My first sloppy cum fuck came just before we married. We spent the evening a a couple we had recently met and were all a little tipsy. Someone...

2 years ago
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Wifes Friend Comes Back for Seconds

My wife recently fucked a friend from work and I got to watch them. She was so hot and seductive, it was as if she was someone else when she fucked him. His name was David and he really knew how to please her. From the looks on their faces when he pushed his cock in her pussy, I knew she enjoyed him. I decided I would come up with a plan to be able to watch her perform with him again. David works with my wife, so it was easy to track him down. I called him at work and asked him if he could come...

Wife Lovers
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Sloppy Seconds

My husband and I have been married for eight years. My husband is ther greatest and I will do anything to please him. He is fifty years old, maakes very good money. I am thirty years old, about 110 lbs, I bleach my hair blonde, shave my cooch, have nice boobs, and work out everyday. I am a model and have modeled for many department stores. I have slept with alot of men before I met my husband and know my way around the block. One night my husband wanted to meet me at a bar, I waited for him...

3 years ago
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Sloppy seconds

About me I'm off work because I was in an auto accident so I'm home all the time and see a lot of what goes on around here. Being bi sexual, well any way I get turned on by porn that shows hard cocks plus I have traded blow jobs a few times but I could never kiss another dude. It's just that hard cock looks so sexy to me and when they squirt cum that turns me on. On this night I heard Ty coming down the stairs with his bike and he was with a girl, I had to see what was going on so being...

2 years ago
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It was the best time of the year if you were a sports fan thought Jake. That was because the MLB season soon would be into the World Series while the NFL season was just starting and soon would be joined by the NHL and not much later the NBA. Spending his time watching sports on television was a nice way for Jason “Jake” Palmer to forget about work for a while. Jake was a Senior Claim Analyst for a large insurance company. Watching sports enabled him to forget for a while the duties and...

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Gil Comes Back for Seconds

I have to tell the most exciting story, that Judy and I ever did. To this day, every time I think about it, I still get a hard on. It was the first time I got to see Judy with someone else. Gil kept calling Judy at work, wanting to get back with her. He had no idea that I knew anything about their first Tris. Judy called me from her work, to tell me that Gil had been calling her. She wanted to know what I wanted her to do. Of course I wanted her to do something with him again. Our story time,...

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By the Second

By The SecondI woke up just a few minutes before my alarm went off in my usual state of desperate wetness. The darkness outside my window reminded me that dawn was still an hour or two away, and that I was lying in my bed, alone, wearing a tee shirt and panties, stuffed to the brim with my twelve inch long ?Monster? Vibrator, a plastic sex toy containing a powerful motor that was, regretfully, completely silent at that particular moment. It was operated via a bluetoothBluetooth application on...

3 years ago
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Coming in Second

There are advantages and disadvantages of being the latch-key kid of an over-the-road trucker and a nurse. The biggest advantage for a young man at that age is having a safe, comfortable place to have sex with his girlfriend - in his own bed. Dave was taking full advantage of that. Amy writhed, moaned, and groaned in orgasm as he pounded her pussy. He was nearly to the point of no return. The advantage of having a girlfriend on birth control is that he was able to explode inside her. Amy let...

2 years ago
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‘Show me,’ I whisper. ‘What?’ ‘Show me.’ ‘Show you. . .?’ I whisper even lower. ‘Will you show me the way she touches you? That’s my question. God, I just want to know.’ He laughs. He laughs loudly, turning onto his side and facing me. This absolutely devastates me, his laughing, and I turn away from him. I do not have the strength to stand up and run away. I do not have the strength to scream, ‘Stop.’ So, I resort to the only action my body can bear. I let the infinite storehouse of tears...

4 years ago
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When my mistress informed me that she would be going away on a business trip for several months I was secretly quite pleased at first, until she informed me that I would be staying with a friend of hers; Mrs Chappell. The dread set in, I knew any friend of hers would not bode well for me. My thoughts turned to my recent dealings with another friend of hers, Miss Allison and I inwardly shuddered. I was not told when she would be going, but about three weeks later, on the appointed day,...

2 years ago
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Misty Was My Second

I had recently lost my virginity to an escort I had found online. She was a pretty enough black girl who went by the alias of Dark Angel.The thing I would soon realise was that having sex is like having Pringles: once you pop, you just can’t stop. The urge to have sex again was strong and difficult to ignore. Of course, I still had the same problems as before: going out in the world and finding someone to have sex with was a process wrought with obstacles I refused to face.There was a simple...

3 years ago
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An Offline Encounter the Second

Violet stood before Eric as he sat in the lap dance section of the club. Totally naughty things were going on behind her eyes, he could just tell. She crawled into Eric’s lap seductively, her long waves of blond hair spilling onto his chest, and he reached out to put his hands on her thin waist, running them up to her small breasts, directly over her soft, pink nipples. A rush of warmth flooded downward while she began working herself on top of him. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling...

2 years ago
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An Offline Encounter the Second

Violet stood before Eric as he sat in the lap dance section of the club. Totally naughty things were going on behind her eyes, he could just tell. She crawled into Eric’s lap seductively, her long waves of blond hair spilling onto his chest, and he reached out to put his hands on her thin waist, running them up to her small breasts, directly over her soft, pink nipples. A rush of warmth flooded downward while she began working herself on top of him. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Pride and Prejudice and Fucking Part the Second

[The story so far: Elizabeth Darcy, nee Bennett, is staying at the house of her sister and brother-in-law, the Bingleys, while her own husband is away on business. Before they are parted, Elizabeth takes her husband’s member in her mouth for the first time, and is rewarded with a tasty mouthful. That night, Jane confesses that she and her husband had been watching this supposedly private act, and Jane pleasures her sister with a candle. Finally, while hoping to observe her sister and...

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Part the second

Okay, continuing on. As I said we weren't a rich family but back in the day house blocks were quite large and we had a big yard. It was divided visually halfway down by the garage so beyond that was completely out of site. We never had the money to go off to movies or such so play was in the yard and the parents were used to us disappearing for hours to play hide and seek or chasies etc.So when we got the chance my sister and I would head down the yard to play, if only our parents knew what we...

3 years ago
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If I Told Her to Take Her Clothes Off She Just WouldChapter 16

Towards six we went down to the kitchen to make dinner. “What shall we have?” I opened the cupboard where I keep the pastas and rice. Faye was nudging up next to me. “I don’t mind.” “Do you want to cook it?” “Oh. Okay.” Faye looked into my face, with a mixture of joy and apprehension. I put my arm round her and she leaned into me. “Spaghetti with bacon bits in it?” she offered shyly but proudly. We had dinner, thanked Faye, washed up then curled up together on the sofa. Alice picked up...

2 years ago
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Rune Fucktory 4

You open your eyes and let out a long, drawn out yawn as a tiny sliver of sunlight filters through your window onto your face. You grumble in disaproval and shift onto your side, pulling the cover over your head in an attempt to hide from the morning sun. "Goood mooorniiing..." you hear the familiar greeting of your narcoleptic butler calling from above you. So much for sleeping in. Reluctantly, you throw the covers off of you as you start to rub the sleep from your eyes. It takes you a minute...

2 years ago
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Married man across the street

I’d lived on the same street for almost 4 years. My first and only home since moving out at 19. Just opposite the road was the Hardman family. Husband, Wife and 2 teenage k**s. The husband John, soon welcomed me to the neighbourhood on the first day. He’d wake for work at 6:20am everyday where I’d see him get dressed through the large bedroom window and wow what a treat that was. He had short dark hair, a distinctive nose, great eyes and a smile to die for. He was definitely a large guy getting...

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My Brothers Nurse

Sonya lived in a loving, close knit family. She loved both her parents dearly and was even fond of her younger brother, Mat, even though he always commanded all the attention.Sonya was a shy character who offered nothing extraordinary to those around her, though she was loved by those closest to her, both friends and family. If Sonya was not in her room playing her clarinet, she would be studying at the library or reading poetry on the decking in the back yard. To look at, Sonya came across as...

1 year ago
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My Brother My Lover Ch 06

Callie stood in front of Nathan anxiously waiting to take the towel off his body. She'd been longing for his cock all day. Just kept thinking about how he'd feel inside her mouth. She'd done oral sex with two guys in her entire life, but she'd never dared swallowed. Swallowing was always sort of an uncomfortable deed for her. But with Nathan, that would all change. She loved him and wanted everything he had for her. "Let me kiss you Callie," Nathan said in a husky tone as he pulled her little...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 14

The latest email from my real-estate agent reported that every retail lot along the south side of the freeway had been sold and a third of the lots fronting the north side of the freeway had been sold. Even eleven large commercial lots north of the freeway had been sold. Having them already zoned for commercial and manufacturing made them very easy to sell since the buyers wouldn’t have to buy the property gambling that they could get a zoning variance. Having a nearby highway and the...

2 years ago
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You never forget your first time

Although this story occurred while I was a minor, we shall assume I was 19 years old. Please enjoy!I changed my shirt about a dozen times that night. The red? The blue? Does it even matter? I was so scared that he would look at me and be disappointed. I had spent about six months talking to this big, burly guy, Barry, online and tonight we were going to meet. I didn't look at all like the skinny hairless twinks in porn, and I looked nothing like those beefy men. I was thin, but had a bouncy...

1 year ago
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Not Enough Seats

I went on a picnic three weeks ago with a mixed group from school; some I knew well and others I didn't know at all. When we drove back to our dorms, there weren't enough seats in the van. I ended up in the very back sitting in the lap of a guy I didn't know. It’s was about a thirty-five minute ride back to campus and during about twenty minutes of the ride, I think I orgasmed three times.I was still in my bikini sitting on this guy’s lap who I'm sure was a little buzzed like I was. His hands...

1 year ago
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5 One in the Hand Is WorthChapter 22

Wes took one look at me coming through the door and turned me around to go to the fitness center. As we walked, my mind was so preoccupied I probably would have stepped in front of a bus if he wasn't flying wing-man. I expected him to be the strong and silent supporter again, but he surprised me a bit. We were trudging along about half way there when he broke into my fragmented train of thought. "Gerri okay?" he asked. "Um ... yeah, I ... I think so." "Is she upset about breaking up...

1 year ago
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Sharing my Asian wife with a stranger

The warmer weather is approaching, the city is opening up again, your work is going well and you are starting to attend business meetings once more. It’s been the end of a long and successful week, and your client has thrown in a night at a nice 5 star hotel in the city overlooking the harbour. It sounds like fun, so we check in after work, freshen up and head to the bar for a sunset drink.You are wearing a dress that falls just below your knees, showing off your slim figure, your soft brown...

2 years ago
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Wifes dog one

Introduction: Wife and husband find dog out while hiking My wife loves her doggie (m/f..f/bigdog) My wife and I had been hiking in the mountains East of Modesto when nothing seemed familiar to us. We had gone about three hours on the trail and were headed back. I couldnt see even one point of recognition. After looking for the right trail for an hour or so We had to admit that we were lost. It wouldnt have been so bad just being lost but the sun was getting lower and lower. Even though it was...

2 years ago
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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 8B

In early June of that year she graduated with honors and a Bachelor's degree in special education. The ceremony was held on a Sunday afternoon. I was staying at my godparent's restaurant in downtown Memphis at the time and was able to get a ride to Memphis State with Aunt Frances, who grumbled about having to make a special trip all the way out there. When we car on the main boulevard that bounded the campus, Aunt Frances sat behind the steering wheel, frowning in bewilderment. "Where are...

2 years ago
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The Mother of Dragons

The "Mother" of Dragons. Disclaimer: A song of Ice and Fire, its characters and locations belong to George R.R. Martin. The Game of Thrones TV show belongs to HBO. SPOILER ALERT! It was almost 20 years ago. It was in a cold night with storm. The night Daenerys Targaryen was born. Her mother, Rhaella Targaryen, died after giving birth to Dany. But there was a secret in Daenerys Targaryen's birth. Rhaella was in great pain, but she knew that she could stand it. She already had...

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The Dramatic Saga of Peter Q KleeshayChapter 12

"Wow, Chad, you sure do look angry. Are you angry, Chad?" Pete spoke flippantly despite the concerns of his family and friends. "Grrrrrrr..." Was the best Chad could come up with. Pete began his mental manipulations as he continued. "I can't say that I blame you, really. I mean, the idea that anyone would want to hurt me makes me mad too. And those damned Sonarians don't want to just hurt me, they want to kill me!" He removed the restrictions on Chad's movement. "Don't worry,...

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If you like feet

Well I love feet, sexy, stinky, smelly feet. I love girls that wear flip flops because I love to check out their feet. I want almost nothing more than to put those smelly bad boys in my mouth, around my nose, to just rub my face all around their steaming stinky feet. Gosh..just thinking about it gets me hard..ugh..Anyway..Today was a normal day. One of my classes has this girl named Courtney. She's good looking, you know, she's thin but she's got nice curves, gorgeous eyes, smells great,...

3 years ago
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Emend by EclipseChapter 21

September 14, 1975 “Where’s Benny?” “He’s around,” Tim answered. Cathy was genuinely concerned about Benny. She wondered if his absence had anything to do with the sudden sale of the lawn mowing company. She was convinced that Tim and Benny had a fight, and that Benny had left. “You keep saying that.” “He wanted alone time. I’m giving it to him,” Tim said. “I need to know what happened to him.” Tim replied, “You and Sandra wanted alone time, I gave it to you. Benny wanted alone time, I...

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Anything she wanted

Lacey was gorgeous, what made her dangerous was that she knew it. I had known her since our freshman year of college and had always wanted her. I was no slouch with the ladies, but Lacey was always the one that I wanted. Like all beautiful women she had her pick and seemed to enjoy keeping me at arms length and teasing me every chance she got.We shared a small house and she was never shy about showing skin or keeping quiet when she was enjoying herself. From the first time she accidentally...

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A Tortured SoulChapter 28 Trust

She raised her eyebrows at me. “You don’t mean...?” She nodded. “Fuck me in the arse, Paul. Ram it through my back door. Bugger me. Bum me. Use the tradesman’s entrance. Plug the chocolate pipe—” “Okay! I get it,” I said, grinning as I wondered how long she’d spent looking up all those euphemisms on the internet. “I get it, Ness, but are you sure about this? You know it can hurt like all bloody hell, right?” She nodded. “From experience. But what if it’s done right, huh? What if it’s done...

3 years ago
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Good Birthday Vibes

”Not bad, not bad at all!” I mumbled to my mirror image as I gently brushed through my hair.After what felt like a week of bad hair days, my thick blonde mane had finally decided to cooperate and now framed my face with soft curls. I was getting ready for a night out. It was my husband Tom’s birthday, and we were soon supposed to meet up with some of our closest friends at a nice restaurant just a couple of blocks from our apartment. However, my mind was preoccupied with rather naughty thoughts...

2 years ago
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First Trans experience

It was about 15 years ago and I thought to myself, Hmmmm I do love transexual porn, I mean I really love it! So I embarked on my search for a transexual that would rock my little world.Adult Work, ALT and other sites skimmed though to find just the perfect Tgirl for my initiation, as I searched and watched videos, photo galleries along with reviews from fellow punters, I came across Joanna Jet, a fully fledged porn star whom, with long blonde hair, gorgeous body and a cock that simply stood...

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