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It was exciting as well as naughty, sneaking our way over to the fence
between the compounds. Sure there were those little plastic inserts in
the chain link to prevent people from seeing from one side to the next.
And I was giddy as I followed them into the bushes, only to discover
that there were actually sections cut out, big enough for a hard cock.

I could hardly believe we were about to just suck off a bunch of random

"Where are they man, I need a fucking blowjob," we heard someone saying
on the other side of the fence.

"Relax will ya, didn't you hear the cars." Suddenly there was a hard
cock sticking through one of the holes.

Jasmin, Penny, Mona and Petra all giggled as they began adding extra lip
gloss. We took out ours and began touching up our lips with an excited
giggle. It was hard to believe that we were about to just blow a bunch
of random cocks through a fence.

She rattled her lip gloss tube inside the open hole. Petra was already
on her knees sucking hungrily. I hesitated only to have Jasmin pulling
me down next to her. She giggled only watching for a second before she
too was slurping a hard cock. Even in the twilight I could see it was a
huge black cock throbbing in front of me. I was in a trance as I wrapped
my long nailed fingers around him.

I felt giddy, deep down I was craving this hard wonderful throbbing
cock. I leaned in my lips nibbling, the precum coating my tongue as it
swirled around the head. The taste igniting a desire so strong, so deep,
so a****listic. I heard gurgles and slurps not knowing or caring whose
they were, all I wanted was the hot lava filling my mouth.

Suddenly it was spewing out, the hard cock thrusting into my mouth from
the other side of the fence, jabbing into my throat. Suddenly it was
gone and a new cock took its place, from the corners of my eyes I could
see the others there sucking away. Samantha gripping the fence as she
pushed her face against it, a hard cock driving into her throat as she
glugged and gurgled. Something kicked in and I began competing trying to
take them deeper, faster, hungry for all of their yummy cum.

I felt full, complete by the time they were all done. I had cum in my
hair all over my face, on the front of my blouse. We were hugging and
licking each other's faces clean.

"Oh shit," giggled Petra. It was after 9PM. We all giggled as we ran to
the cars to hurry back to our barracks. I couldn't believe how fast we
were driving. Then at the gate we ran into trouble.

Dr Fielding was standing there with the guards. "You eight will go get
cleaned up. I will see you in my office at 06:00 hrs." she turned around
and left without another word.

As we crossed from the parking lot to the barracks we were aware that we
were now ten minutes late in returning. As I followed Jasmin through the
door Margaret was standing there waiting for us.

"In the common room now," she commanded. Head down I followed the other
five, aware that Georgia and Chrissy were sitting there waiting.

Margaret motioned us to have a seat, and waited as we smoothed our
skirts under us as we sat down. I was suddenly conscious of the drying
cum both in my hair as well as on the front of my blouse and of course
the grass stains on my knees.

"Do you know why all of you are here at this particular moment?" asked

"Because," began Danielle.

"No not you little Sissy Gurl," interrupted Margaret. "Chrissy, Georgia
any ideas?"

They were lost, yet looking at us with a bit of shock. Their noses
wrinkled in disapproval before finally Chrissy asked, "Because those six
were being naughty?"

"How were they naughty?" asked Margaret.

"Well just look at them, they've got jizz in their hair and all over.
And they have grass stains all over their knees," answered Georgia
finally. "They deserve to be in trouble acting like total sluts."

Before any of us could protest though Margaret held up her hand. "No one
is in trouble. On the contrary, they are here to show you what good
little Sissy Cum Sluts they are becoming." She half turned as she
pressed a button on a remote then another as the lights cut out and a
video began to play.

I suddenly realized that the eight girls kneeling at the fence sucking
cocks were us. The screen split to show the other side, forty eight guys
ranging from s*******n to twenty one years old were lined up at the
fence slowly stroking their cocks to keep them stiff as they waited
their turns.

We were sent to our rooms to get cleaned up and go to bed. In the shower
I washed my hair and put it up under my shower cap. Then used the hair
remover on the rest of my body again. Scrubbing it in gently, feeling it
tingle as it worked down into the pores. The hair follicles dissolving,
slowly gradually becoming permanent.

After rinsing off I began moisturizing, my skin soaking up the body
lotion. I let it have a few minutes to really soak in before slipping
into my babydoll nightie and turning out the light.

We were awakened at 04:30 to do our Jazzercise in the common room. It
was a fast brisk workout that left us tired and wobbly kneed, but it
felt good. Already I could see the changes taking place, my waist was
thinner. My legs more shapely, my body was more limber than before I'd
come here. The cool down stretches proved that, as I leaned over hugging
my face to my legs just below my knees. Today was micro mini-dress day
again. I was limber enough now that I didn't need help getting the
zipper up in back.

I stepped into the new black four inch heels with the open toes and the
T straps. Then hurried to do my makeup. Long lash mascara, bright pink
lip gloss, soft, pastel pink eye shadow. I was slipping on my silver
bangles after twisting my earring studs five times, wondering why we
weren't allowed to wear waterproof mascara. It would have been less
embarrassing last night not to have it run all over my face while I was
sucking cocks.

At 05:45 Jasmin tapped on my door. "Shake your ass girl we got fifteen
minutes to get to Dr Fielding's office," she reminded me as I grabbed my
purse and laptop case.

We were very conscious of everyone watching us as we met up with Petra
and Ingrid at the front doors to Admin. Ingrid looked almost frightened
as we slid our IDs in the slot for entrance into the building.

At just one minute till we were standing in front of her desk waiting
for her.

"Congratulations Team 1A," she smiled as she entered from behind us.
"You four are ahead of schedule. So I've decided that you will be
advanced to Oral Conditioning along with your Mentors. Also I am about
to ask you some very important questions. I require a yes or no from
each of you, understood?" our mentors? Did she mean Jasmin, Penny Mona
and Petra?

"Yes Ma'am," we answered.

"Your Mentors have already answered these Questions. So Alexis,
Danielle, Ingrid and Samantha, do you wish to surrender your free will
to the Vision Quest Slut Training Program?"

I thought for a few moments before answering, "Yes Ma'am." the other
three answered yes as well.

"Do you now wish to begin Accelerated Hormone Replacement Therapy?"

"Yes Ma'am!" I answered with enthusiasm before she finished with the

"Which will jumpstart your breast development over the next two weeks to
reach a small 'B' cup before leveling out to a more regular rate of
development," she finished.

"Yes Ma'am," I answered again. Wow two weeks to attain what took
Katherine a year and a half. I was smiling happily.

"Do you agree to voluntarily accept the Phase Two, Oral Sex
conditioning, no matter how rough or forceful or humiliating it may

At our blank looks Jasmin said, "You'll learn to be a Cum Slave like the
rest of us."

"Oh yes, I love cum," I answered followed by the other three.

"Even if they tend to be abusive?"

I blinked a few times before answering. "It's not abusive to be given
something you crave."

"You know that cocks aren't the only superior thing you'll be
servicing," she grinned. "The full females on the mission will enjoy
your tongues too when they visit. You'll be expected to learn to please
a real pussy."

"Yes Ma'am," I was enthusiastic.

"In that case sign here accepting that you are now the 'Property of
Vision Quest'. To cook, clean and to fuck and suck on demand."

I skimmed over the brief page, realizing that I was accepting to become
a sex slave, and seeing that I was also not without protections or very
expensive compensations. My hand shook with a bit of excitement as I
signed my name dotting the 'I' with a smiley face.

I noted that Phase Three was Anal Conditioning. And then Phase Four was
listed as Optional SRS, sexual reassignment surgery, where we would have
our penises turned into vaginas like a real girl. I could feel the
excitement already, I was going to get to experience what it was like to
be Katherine. Except I wouldn't have to worry about Periods or PMS.

After we'd all signed she gave us our new daily schedules, then sent us
to Medical.

It was the most intense physical exam I'd ever had as the Doctors and
Nurses spent the next hour conducting it. The first thing they did was
draw blood, lots of blood. The physical itself started out just like any
other I'd ever had, then I was directed to a new exam table.

Jasmin beside me giggled seeing the stunned puzzled look on my face when
I saw the exam table.

"Is this your first GYN appointment?" asked Dr Melrose as she patted the
table indicating I was to sit between the two adjustable stainless steel
foot rests. "Lay back and put your heels in the stirrups. And try to
relax, I'll be gentle."

Why were we seeing a Gynecologist? Had my mom and sister gone through
these exams before?

"Here you are Doctor," the nurse sat a tray of instruments on the little
stand next to her.

"Go ahead and inject the Biomed Chip," stated Doctor Melrose. "It'll
help take her mind off what's happening down here."

I saw as she fitted a thick half inch wide rubber band onto some sort
claw like device with four finger like things that opened up stretching
it when she squeezed the handle.

"Just lay back and be a good girl," she said as my tears rolled down my
cheeks. The Biomed Chip had hurt like hell when it was injected into the
muscle at the base of my neck on the right side.

I lay back and felt as her hand began caressing, massaging my groin
area. Then felt the cold of the steel fingers as my balls were fed into
the device. I whimpered in momentary pain as band slipped off to snap
around my balls. But it soon went away as they began to feel numb. What
had she just done to me?

"Don't Worry you'll still have them. And yes they'll still work. The
band has a chemical compound that is time released. You'll still be able
to squirt your cream when your prostate is stimulated. But you won't be
able sustain a full erection," I was told. "It will last about six weeks
before it comes off on its own."

Next she inserted the long rounded end of a nozzle on a tube of KY into
my Anus, squirting it up into me. The nurse was busy coating another
device with the stuff. Then she set in the metal tray and guided my feet
out of stirrups and began readjusting them. They pulled a little pin and
they flipped down as padded rests flipped up.

"Ok sweetie, flip over. Knees on the pads," I was directed.

My knees were about a foot apart and my ass was up and exposed at eye
level for the Doctor as she sat on her stool helping the nurse fasten
straps just behind my knees.

"This is going to be a little uncomfortable at first, but you'll get
used to it," said Doctor Melrose as I felt my knees being spread open

I heard a whimper and turned my head to see Danielle, the device that
the Dr called a Speculum was inside her ass and the Dr was slowly
opening it up. I didn't have time to wonder about it before I felt the
icy cold stainless steel device sliding up into my own ass.

I guess our playing with the anal toys helped, but still I felt like I
was being ripped open as the muscles stretched. What seemed like an
eternity later, after having her examine everything? And having my
Prostate milked, the semen collected for testing. The device was
removed. My knees were released from the spread open position and I felt
like I was so empty.

"You have a very healthy Sissy Pussy," commented Dr Melrose. "I see no
problems with the rest of your training." I know my abused asshole was
slowly closing back up. And I felt degraded, humiliated and empty as I
knelt there waiting. What would it feel like after we reached the SRS
stage and I had a pussy like Katherine's for the guys to use too?

Then Dr Stone gave me my first Booster shots in both my ass cheeks, a
mix of Hormones and Anti-Androgens designed to maximize our initial
development. Before we left she handed us each a Tootsie Pop for being
such brave, good little Sissies.

In addition she gave us a list of our new daily diets that we were to

We had to hurry now to get to breakfast aware that our new diet was very

Breakfast; G****fruit and Blueberry Muffin or a Bagel and Cream Cheese
with a large glass of milk for breakfast.

Lunch; our choice of Salad

Dinner; was either Fish or Chinese.

Between meal snacks were Granola Power Bars. And we were no longer
allowed to drink Soda. From here on out it was juice, milk, water or

We hurried after the late breakfast to get to our cleaning class. I'd
always thought of cleaning as just dusting wiping down counters
vacuuming and mopping. But here I was learning that was here on earth
and only in places that didn't really care about health codes. We were
now being trained to clean in an enclosed sterile environment. The
cleaning also included changing and servicing the air circulation and
water filters, the O2 Generators, and the waste disposal system.

The last half of our morning was spent in cooking class.

Each day we would learn one new dish, which would be made to serve up to
fifty six people. Once we left earth we would be on the same diet as our
men. We were expected to memorize the recipes. We didn't know that come
lunch we would be serving the guys from 1A, our assigned colonization
group until we were half way through with preparing the meal.

Afterwards we were told that we were free to come up with our own
additions to add more flavor. Also we were expected to clean all the
pots, pans and dishes before putting them in the sterilizer.

What I thought was our new classroom building turned out to be a full
scale replica of the Habitat that we would be living in on Mars, which
explained our having to swipe our IDs before entering or exiting a
section. Also why there were two separate doors, and the second would
not open until the first was closed, they were simulated Airlocks.

The only rooms we were not responsible for cleaning were the Doctors
living quarters. They were actually just add-ons so that they could be
on hand to evaluate and instruct us as a team. There were eight rooms
with six living spaces and two with four spaces. Our rooms were the same
size as the guys, but we had more room because it was deemed as one of
our rewards for being the servants and care takers to the men.

Our first afternoon was spent in moving our personal things to our new
rooms. Then after dinner at the Dining Hall Dr Stone called us to what
would be the Recreation room in our habitat.

"We are starting out in regulated groups," she said. "There will be
three shifts each day while you are here. But there will be four on each
shift who will be off on alternating days. So while we are here, they
will alternate days as a shift. A1 will have the first evening of
entertainment, followed by A2 and then A3. And then you will have a day
of free time before the rotation starts again. Once you've learned to be
properly submissive throat sluts, we will begin your anal training. Of
course in the mix you will also learn to serve the females who will
visit from the main base." She gave us each a stern look.

"You will not be fucking them with your little clitty's, is that clear?"

"Yes Ma'am," we answered.

"You will be pleasuring them with your tongues, and lapping up the semen
that the gentlemen deposit in their pussy's while they are pleasuring
them in hopes of impregnation. Their title will be Mistress to you."
that made sense because the men were to be called 'Master' or 'Daddy'.

Slowly the first group of sixteen filed in.

"Remember Gentlemen, you can be rough and forceful, but you are not
allowed to really harm anyone," Dr Stone reminded them. "Ladies, you are
not permitted to refuse services, and the gentlemen are allowed to
punish you for misbehavior. Just follow your Mentors example."

"On your knees," said Jasmin as she pulled me down beside her. "Hands
behind your back, so they can bind our wrists."

"Bind our wrists?" I asked.

"Slut training always starts out in bondage. You have to learn to let
them have total control of you," said Dr Fielding as she joined the
session as an observer. "And Ladies, at no time do we want to hear the
word 'NO' unless you are in actual duress, is that clear?"

They split up four to each pair of us. Their names were on their shirts
and I saw Ian, Mark, Jesse and James as they began binding our wrists. I
realized that if we really tried we could easily get out of the

Now they were in a semicircle in front of us, "Jasmin is this little
Alexis?" asked Mark with a grin as he began opening his pants.

"Yes Master," I responded. The guys elbowed each other into position.

"Finally we get to fuck that pretty mouth without a fence between us,"
said Jesse as Mark pressed his stiff cock to my lips.

I let my lips open trying to use my tongue to get it wet first. His
fingers laced in my hair, he pulled me forward pushing all the way to
the back of my throat holding it there as my saliva kicked into
overdrive. My hair being pulled stirred a memory, my clitty stiffening
in my pantys as he began pumping in and out. The head driving in deeper,
slamming the back of my throat forcing it to slowly open up as I gagged.

I remembered the sensation of my hair being pulled, how hard I'd gotten
the first time. I'd never told anyone about it before. Katherine had
caught me wearing her pantys and had grabbed my hair pulling it as she
said, "I love it when a guy pulls my hair while he fucks my ass." She'd
then forced me to jerk off before she'd let go of me. From time to time
she'd give my hair a little tug giggling at the instant hardon. Now I
understood it for what it was, a sexual trigger.

I felt myself sliding over the edge as I drove my mouth down on that
beautiful cock every time he pulled on my hair. Suddenly my nose was
against his stomach and he held me there as I gurgled and gagged.

"Stick your tongue out and lick his balls little sissy," commanded Jesse
in my ear as I continued to gag for air. Opening my mouth as wide as
possible I extended my tongue. The saliva drooling off the tip as I
licked it across those bloated balls. He released me to come up for air,
then I was slammed back down. This time I needed no instruction as my
tongue swirled around coating those balls with spit. The first jet was
deep in my throat, but the rest was blasted out to cover my face as Ian
used his fingers to hold my eyes open. I was crying real tears as the
jizz splashed into my eyes, stinging like hell. "Always keep your eyes
open like a good obedient cum slut," he instructed. Mark stepped away
and then it was Jesse's turn, as I blinked letting my tears wash some of
Marks cum from my eyes. My mascara was already a mess on my face.

Jesse was bigger than Mark, but not by much. Still I had to force myself
to take it all into my throat. It was only the second time I'd sucked a
black cock, but I felt proud of my accomplishment when he splattered all
over my face.

James and Ian now lifted me and Jasmin up onto the table, on our backs
with our heads hanging over the edge, I didn't need to be told what was
going to happen now. Our throats were now lined up wide open just like a
pussy. They could truly throat fuck us in this position.

Instead of just fucking us until they came, they took turns. Our faces a
sloppy mess of saliva and cum before finally all of the guys were spent
for the night. I realized that we'd been lined up all eight of us
together as we were throat fucked.

"Now you can let us watch you clean each other up," suggested Ralph.

God my throat was sore, my jaw ached. And I had cum and spit everywhere.
But still we obeyed and began licking each other's faces clean.

Holy shit, I thought, can we ever learn to please all forty eight at
once in an orgy? My clitty already tingling at the thought. I was
suddenly aware of the sticky mess in my pantys. I'd lost track of how
many times I'd cum, and all without ever touching myself, how could I,
my hands were bound behind my back the entire time.

Dr Stone passed out little spray bottles of Cloraseptic, to help with
our sore throats she explained.


Our morning Jazzercise now took place in the Gym portion of our habitat.
Our Jazzercise outfits were simply a pullover sports bra a pair of Booty
Shorts and our tennis shoes. But we were allowed to do more than just
Jazzercise. We had treadmills and Elliptical bikes. Since we were now
living here our only meal outside was the evening meal at the dining
hall. We were all eating the same things for breakfast which made it
easier to fix for the guys at the same time.

I guess our voluntary start in fixing breakfast was met with approval.
There were certainly no complaints from anyone.

We'd just finished our third day here, and were supposed to have this
fourth day free to ourselves after our morning exercises. My nipples
were sore as hell, my breasts puffing up behind the breast forms. So I
took them off and used the cream we'd been given. I could already
guestimate them to be about an 'A' cup in size. Then I pulled on a Genie
Sports Bra and my shortest skirt and sneakers before going to the gym.
Jasmin and I were going to the PX in the afternoon so I could get my car
and I needed to work off a lot of excitement.

I saw Jesse and Reese, two of the shift leaders as they were hitting the
weights. They were watching me closely as I stepped onto the treadmill
and began my jog.

Jasmin soon joined me on the one next to me and we were chatting away as
we settled into our regular pace.

Suddenly the speed changed before settling back as I found myself
pressed against the forward hand bar. Reese's hard throbbing cock
pressed firmly into the crack of my ass.

"Oh how much I want to be the first to tap this sweet little pussy," he
breathed heavily into my ear. His cock was driving me wild and I looked
over at Jasmine. Jesse was right behind her as well, her skirt up in
back, she gripping the forward bar as she leaned over it. Then he ripped
her pantys pulling them to the side. His throbbing hard cock already
bobbing in time to the pace. Jesse gripped her hips then in a feat of
acrobatics he was thrusting into her. I realized she'd stopped running,
lifting her feet to the side rails. Now she was being fucked by Jesse as
he ran but the treadmill was slowing down to stop.

Reese's hard cock pressed between my cheeks was making me horny, I kept
imagining what it would feel like thrusting in and out of my gurly
pussy. I was panting harder, not from exertion but from lust. I knew we
were not supposed to leave a stiff cock unsatisfied. And I wanted to
feel him in my ass, my throat needed a rest at least for today.

His hands came up under my breasts pinching my nipples. "Don't, don't
tease me Master. Oh god I want to fuck. I want your hard fucking cock in
my, in my virgin pussy so bad," I panted. "Please don't tease me Master

Without warning he wrapped one arm around my waist and slapped the stop
button. "Grab the control unit little slut," he growled with desire. His
hand already pulling at my shorts and pantys.

I heard a groan beside me and looked to see Jesse hammering into Jasmin.
Her hand outstretched holding a bottle of lubricant toward us. I didn't
have long to wait before I felt it squirting onto my tight, excited
pucker. Then his cock thrusting between my cheeks spreading it around.
More lube, and then the head pressing against my tiny hole.

I gasped as the head popped inside, biting my lip to keep from screaming
as my tears rolled down my cheeks. It hurt, it felt like he was ripping
me apart. But I'd asked for it, I'd begged him for it even.

But why wasn't he slamming into me the way Jesse was fucking Jasmin?
"Slow baby gurl, take deep slow breaths," he was playing with my clitty,
slowly easing in deeper and deeper. "That's it gurl just push back onto
it. Wiggle that little ass a little bit more." The pain was going away
slowly, as I felt myself opening up to him as he finally slipped all the
way in. Oh god how it hurt and felt like heaven at the same time.

He slow stroked in and out until my clitty cream splashed out onto the
treadmill. Then he pulled out and flipped me around so my ass was barely
on the hand bar. "Guide it in Sissy Gurl, help your daddy get his big
cock in your tight little pussy."

I couldn't believe how much easier it went in now. "Grab the rail Sissy
slut," he thrust in hard as he stretched my legs up over my head. "I
want to watch your face when I cum in your sissy pussy."

I still had tears of pain rolling down my cheeks, but I was moaning with
pleasure. My whimpers of desire escaped moments before I started
cumming. "Fuck me Daddy Reese, give me all your hot Daddy Cum. fuck my
pussy," I squealed out loud as he started slamming in hard, short fast
thrusts, his cock blasting his seed deep inside me as my body began to
shake and convulse. More of my clitty cream squirting out onto my tummy
as he slumped forward over me. His lips covered mine, his tongue driving
in deep just before the bright lights came on. Someone else had just
entered the room.

"Alexis?" I heard her voice.

"Y, yes Ma'am," I was still trying to catch my breath.

"Was that consensual? You aren't scheduled for that training yet," she

"Yes Ma'am I, I really wanted it. Please don't be mad. Please don't take
away my car," I begged thinking that I might be punished for it.

"Reese, don't think we didn't notice you intentionally being gentle,
thank you." She turned back to me again, "No one is going to punish you
Sweetheart. You were ready for it or you wouldn't have begged him to pop
your little cherry."

"Thank you Ma'am. I can't believe I was so scared for no reason."

Cupping my cheek in her palm now she said, "There was plenty of reason
to be scared. But only if you weren't ready. Now run and get cleaned up,
you have a visitor."

I barely made it to my room before my guts churned and I couldn't hold
it any more. Now I understood why they were telling us that we should
'Douche' each morning after our exercises. I hadn't been emptied out
before my hot beef enema.

I quickly showered and changed into what I was going to wear to the PX
with Jasmin. Of course she was waiting in the hallway for me.

"So who is it that came to visit?" she asked full of curiosity.

"I have no idea," I admitted as we hurried to the Rec room, I was still
sore from my first fuck and knew that it showed in my walk.

As we entered I saw her head turn away from the guys as they sat trying
to hit on her.

"K, K, Katherine?"

"Well look at you," she grinned. "I have to admit, I never expected you
get past the first week."

"I'm here aren't I?" I felt a bit high and mighty now.

"Oooh, so catty for someone who used be my little brother. Tell me do
you still get a hardon when I," she reached up and pulled my hair then
grinned at the instant reaction, my clitty getting almost stiff in my

"Miss Horn!" it was Dr Fielding. "You were allowed here for a visit, not
to mistreat Alexis."

"Oh please, I've known about this little sissy since he started jerking
off in my pantys," giggled my sister. "Besides I'm more critical to the
mission than he is."

"She!" growled the guys in the room to her startled surprise.

"For your information we have nine other Cybernetics Majors anxious to
take your place. However, we cannot so easily replace your sister, keep
that in mind."

After a moment of realization she swallowed and said, "Look I'm sorry
Alex, I just," began Katherine.

"It's Alexis now, and I am very proud of who I have become," I told her
as I tossed my head.

"Ok, truce, please?" she finally asked.

"Truce," I reluctantly agreed.

"Truce, now what did you want? Today is my first day off of training and
I need to get to the PX to pick up my new car," I told her.

"It's about Mom and Dad." She was suddenly looking as if she had
something serious to say.

"What about them?" I asked.

"They ummm, the house was hit in one of those meteor showers last week,"
she said.

I'd known that the meteors were large enough to cause damage. They had
to be to be visible as they entered the atmosphere. But none had hit any
real populations before.

I sat there stunned just staring at her, not knowing what to say. We'd
not seen any news from outside, sure it had been available but we'd been
too wrapped up in our training.

"They're gone?" I asked.

"I'm sorry. The whole neighborhood was destroyed," she said. "Sam's
parents were over there with them watching when the meteor shower
started. They're gone too."

"My Mom and Dad?" gasped Samantha.

"We're so sorry that you found out this way," began Dr Fielding.

"They never got to see me the way I am now, all pretty like Katherine.
Like the girl I should have been," my tears started to flow down my
cheeks and the guys in the room were there instantly.

"They knew," admitted Katherine. "They, they've been tracking your
internet usage for over a year. They even had spy cams installed in the
house to be sure you weren't doing hard d**gs and making videos online."

"They never said anything," I was wiping at my tears, smearing my
mascara even more.

"They said they were waiting for you tell them. But, but they weren't
ashamed of you," she had both my hands in hers now. "They told me after
you left that they hoped this summer camp would be good for you, help
you to find out who you really are."

"Did my folks know about me?" asked Samantha a bit frightened.

"No, your folks would have freaked out if they saw the way you are now,"
Katherine admitted. It was true, her parents were so anti-gay they'd
probably have had her committed or something.

I felt a bit numb inside. My parents had known and been waiting for me
to discover this side of myself and come out to them.

"Jasmin, stay with her today," said Dr Fielding. "Alexis, you take the
time that you need to process everything. I have to go find out why we
were not informed about this."

I knew she meant about our parents being killed, and I felt a little
better that she was concerned. Then I looked over at Samantha, if we'd
not been here we'd have probably been killed too.

They let Katherine stay with us the rest of the day as we finally went
to get our cars. We weren't allowed off base but we got to drive,
exploring not just the main post but the outlying areas as well.

By the time it started getting dark I'd put my feelings and thoughts to
rest. My parents would be proud of me if they'd known what I was doing

We stopped at the gates and Katherine said she'd see me again, soon.

"Miss Horn," said the guard at the gate. "You need to hurry to the 1A
complex. Something is happening."

As we passed the other three simulated habitats I noticed a flurry of

"Good you're back. Did you get everything sorted out?" asked Dr

I could tell she was holding something back and answered, "Yes Ma'am.
What's happening?"

"Everyone is waiting in the Rec Room. I'll tell you when we get there,"
she promised.

We hurried to the rec room seeing the big wall screen was lit up with a
view of the stars.

We found seats and joined the others in waiting.

As she stepped in front of the screen Dr Fielding said, "It is time for
a full disclosure of our mission. We've run out of time to do things the
subtle way." She keyed a remote in her hand and the scene changed.

I was trying to place the room filled with strange people when the
camera caught the emblem on the front of a podium. "Chancellor Helms,
everyone is gathered waiting," she said.

Holy shit this was being run by the United Nations.

"Everyone is aware that Comet 'X' passed through our system last year.
As you have seen it brought with it several groups of Meteors, meteors
that are too large to burn up in the atmosphere." The scene behind him
showed the results from several showers. I barely recognized the remains
of my old neighborhood after seeing the name displayed on the screen.

"The leading body of the United Nations began planning ten years ago
when 'X' was first spotted. Our plans and preparations have been
constantly changed and upgraded as more information as well as long
range tracking of what is now headed towards our solar system."

He paused and the scene changed to a huge ship being built in orbit, but
it wasn't the only one.

"There are four ships currently being built in orbit. Constantly kept on
the back side of the planet away from possible impacts with the meteors.
These ships are designated as Vision Quest One through Four. The first
one will be colonizing Mars in hopes that at least part of human
civilization might survive in the event these showers should cause an
extinction event." The scene changed now to show even more meteor's
entering the system, larger meteors.

"Mars was chosen to be the sight for Vision Quest One, not just because
it was closest to Earth, but because by all our calculations it will be
out of range of the worst of the Meteors. The other Ships of the Program
will be seeking other possible colony sites on the planet further away
from the first colony. Vision Quest One, is now set to launch in two

"Good luck to everyone who has volunteered for these missions. We hope
to stay in contact but in truth, you will be on your own once you

We all sat there stunned by this new turn of events. Things were
happening faster, the situation was more dire than we'd believed. For
the most part, those like myself hadn't been aware of the real purpose
behind the mission.

VQ1 was the central colony, where the population would be Ninety percent
'Genetic Female'. I could understand why they were grouping them all
there. I also understood just how important was my own part of this

After breakfast the next morning we were all called to the common room
as a group. The guys let us all sit in the front row, some even jostling
to hold our folding chairs for us, like gentlemen.

"Listen up everyone," Dr Canfield who was the leading Psychiatrist got
everyone's attention. "There have been a few last minute changes. I know
that originally you were to be split into groups of two girls to twelve
guys. Psychological studies however have shown that the odds for
compatibility within the group improve when the groups are made

She paused to let us begin to think about what she was saying.

"Since each group of males will be in effect owning their assigned Beta,
we've decided to let the Beta's draw straws to determine who they will
serve." There was a commotion and she held up her hand to stop the

"This doesn't mean that they can only serve those six. It does however
mean that only the men who own them can give permission for them to
service one of the other groups. We know how you like your group
orgies," she grinned. "Now, ladies line up. You will each step forward
and draw one name from the jar at random." She produced a jar. Then had
us draw numbers to decide who would go in what order to start out.

We reached in one at a time and drew a piece of folded paper, handing it
to her as she marked the appropriate name on her ledger. Then Jasmin who
was first stepped to the back of the line and it was my turn to draw

Finally we each had six people whom we were responsible for. An
assistant stepped in with a new list.

Ladies, please step forward and receive your copies of the ownership
papers. Gentlemen you will sign accepting joint ownership and
responsibility for your Beta Sluts 'safety, health and welfare'."

After everything was completed Dr Canfield said, "After today's training
is completed each groups Beta Slut may begin rearranging the living
quarters accordingly. Gentlemen please be sure that your things are
ready to be moved before you report to training."

I looked at my list to see that we were listed as being in the third
room. I had Dale, Mike, Jesse, Cole, Frank, and Reese. Reese was also
listed as the group leader or Lead Alpha.

He backed me against the wall, his hands coming up to my breasts. I
winced at the pain as he rubbed his fingers over my overly sensitive

"Don't wear your forms today. You don't need them anymore," ordered

"But they hurt Daddy," I whimpered. I knew the guys enjoyed being called
Daddy. I even enjoyed calling them Daddy, they were my protectors, my
masters, my owners, my Daddy figures.

He produced a tube of OraGel. "Use this, but be sure you wash it off by
17:00. All your Daddies are going to make you feel better tonight," he

"They are sore because they're growing bigger," said Dale the 1A groups
Medic. "You do want them to get bigger, don't you?"

"Yes Daddy Dale," I whimpered. Dale had been through several of the
Militaries Combat medic schools since arriving here. Before that he had
gone to Medical school starting at the age of sixteen.

"Be a good little beta now, you're going to get lots of special
attention tonight," promised Frank.

"Yeah your Daddies are going to break in that tight Beta Pussy," added
Mike as they all headed out to begin the days training.

"You lucky bitch," giggled Petra. "You got three BBCs."

The others only had two each in their groups. Of course from our
previous oral training we all knew that the rest, even the two Asians,
Yoshi and Nuri were nearly the same size. All the hype about oriental
men having tiny cocks was just that, bullshit. At least as far as those
two were concerned. They might be shorter in height but they made up for
it with their huge cocks, they also liked bondage.

We started our maintenance classes, learning to service the air filters.
Adjusting and servicing the O2 generators. Then it was off to
Hydroponics, and Gardening.

Under Reese's watchful eyes, the guys were careful as I knelt on the six
foot square Ottoman in the center of our new room being spit roasted.
Unlike before, I was now learning another valid reason for our daily
Douches. The guys were enjoying going ass to mouth and I was finding
myself enjoying it as well. I was sure glad that the Lube they were
using was Strawberry flavored.

But soon I could no longer taste it, the only Lubrication they were
using after the first one tapped my ass was my copious amounts of spit
coating their cocks. It seemed like hours as my clitty cream squirted
out with each change of cock. But finally one by one each one finally
reached forward grabbing my hair as they slam fucked me till they came
in my ass.

I felt so alone, so abandoned laying there with my pussy stretched open,
their cum dribbling out as I curled up on my Ottoman, my new bed. I
realized for the first time how tired I was, they'd been fucking me for
over an hour.

Daddy Reese leaned down and wiggled a butt plug into my ass. Then he
scooped me up in his arms, "You're sleeping with me tonight." I lay
there with his arms around me, feeling safe, loved, and complete. Like I
truly mattered to someone. This was my purpose, my new life. A life I'd
chosen freely.

It was nearing the end of the first week of our accelerated training.

We'd just begun fixing the noon meal when alarms began blaring, by now
we'd learned to recognize the different alarms. We hurried to scramble
into our pressure suits as the atmospheric breach alarm continued to
scream. Each of us rushed to our assigned response stations to begin
searching for the simulated breech, the alarm finally fell silent as the
men rushed in to help check out everything.

We were puzzled now, we'd not found one single simulated breach.

"Well done everyone congratulations," stated Dr Fielding over the
intercom. "What you just experienced was a Meteor Shower Alarm. Had this
event been in our vicinity the alarm would have continued until the last
one had fallen."

"Our vicinity Ma'am?" asked Danielle.

"VQ-3 was making a test run of her engines. The micro meteors were too
small to show on radar," was all she said.

"Everyone please try to enjoy tonight. At 06:00 hours you will begin
working in four separate shifts. You already have the basic skills
needed, the rest will have to be learned enroute."

We hurried and finished making lunch, the guys watching us closely. We
were still trying to process the fact that one of the Vision Quest ships
had just been damaged.

Then after we ate, instead of going back to the simulated Farm and other
work areas three of the groups began moving the furniture around in the
Rec Room.

I could feel my excitement, how many times had I knelt on one just like
this while I was being throat trained. This was my bed, my place to curl
up and await my Daddies pleasures. I looked around at each one, a
feeling of pride coursing through me, I was their Beta. They were now
going to claim me together, no more holding back, my ass was now going
to be open for their pleasure as well.

"Remember," began Reese as he addressed the other two teams. "Alexis is
ours to do with as we please. But if you hurt her, you lose the
privileges of her services."

I knew it was going to hurt, I also knew that by hurt he meant causing
me real harm. Something that could do real damage making me unable to
perform my services.

We started as usual with the Blowbang, all the while they were working
the toys in and out of my ass. Adding spit for lubrication to be sure I
was as ready as I could be.

I don't know if they drew numbers first or what, but Daddy Reese held
onto my hair. His cock bobbing to one side as I felt the first hard cock
pushing into me as Daddy Jesse fed me his cock. My tears began to flow,
it hurt so much. But I knew it would soon turn to pleasure he kept
making eye contact with the two in front of me.

"You're doing good Baby, move that tight little ass. Show your Daddies
how much you want to please us," encouraged Daddy Reese.

My nipples felt like stinging aching fire as they groped my small tits
and pinched my nipples while slam fucking my ass from behind. Their
forward thrusts driving me forward onto the cock in front of me, the
cock slamming deep into my open well trained throat.

I was wiggling my ass, rocking my hips to fuck that wonderful cock in my
ass as my tongue lapped at the bloated balls slapping my chin. I'd
fallen over the edge of the abyss between pain and pleasure. This was my
life, my meaning, my purpose, and I loved it. I was proud to be a Beta
Fuck Slut. I began to cum and was rewarded by Daddy Jesse's cum flooding
into my mouth, spraying my face, as Dale's cum blasted deep into my ass.

He was quickly replaced by Mike who scooted up then pulled me into a
sitting position atop him. Now Dale had his cock in my mouth, Cole right
next to him.

I struggled to move my ass, as I now had three cocks to suck and fuck my

It seemed like hours later when the guys all jumped into the shower
before heading out for their six hour shift. Each one stopped to kiss my
lips as they left.

"Get some sleep Alexis, your Daddies are proud of you," said Reese as he
carried me to our room and lay me on my own bed.


It had been three days since our new routines had started, and still the
guys were wearing me out between shifts. And I was totally loving all
the special attention even if it was just my guys again.

I lay there on my new bed, covered in their cum, dreaming about getting
fucked all day, every day.

It was dark in the room when I heard the door sliding open before the
lights came on. I rolled over, expecting to greet my team, but instead
there was a strange brunette standing there. She had a large duffle and
her purse and laptop case on her shoulder.

"Are, are you Alexis?" she asked in a strange accent, and looking

"Yes, are you sure you're in the right place?" I asked.

"I'm Monty, Monique I mean," she answered as she looked around at
everything. I could see that she was frightened. "I was told to find you
and that you would help me," she dug out some paperwork.

I turned on a reading light and started to scan the papers.

"Are we really going to live on Mars?" she asked.

Her name was Monique, she'd been transferred from team 3C to be
incorporated into team 1A. But she'd only been in phase one of her
training less than two weeks. VQ-3 had been based in Australia though,
so why was she here? Was their ship too damaged to make the trip?

"What's all that stuff in your hair?" she asked.

Then I realized that I'd fallen asleep before showering, I had dried cum
plastered in my hair and flaking off my face.

I just grinned and said, "Protein, pure protein. And you are going to
learn to love it." In reality I was beginning to feel a bit jealous,
these were my men and Vision Quest was now expecting me to share them
with her.

She was still looking around so I told her to just put her stuff on my
bed while I took a fast shower. I was learning to be really quick,
everything was rationed just the same as if we were on Mars.

I heard the chime for attention as I shut off the water. "Yes?"

"There is a full assembly for Group One in twenty minutes," said Dr
Carmichael. "Please be sure to bring Monique with you."

"Yes Sir," I answered.

I was just buckling on my three inch Cork wedges when Mike rushed into
the room. "Alexis, grab your laptop and shake that ass we gota, whoa,
where'd you come from?" he focused on Monique.

"Mike what's happening?" I asked.

"Australia took a direct hit yesterday." I could see the grim look in
his eyes, we were just four days from our own launch to go up to Vision
Quest One and get settled in.

Then I heard her whimper, and looked to see the tears rolling down her

"Hey it's going to be ok," Mike began to comfort her and I began feeling
jealous again.

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Khristen and the Pack

"Kristy, honey, could you get the Peterson file for me?" Daddy asked, looking up from his desk."Sure," I grumbled. I hated working for my dad at the kennel. All my friends gotto run around after school. My dad, on the other hand, thought this would be apositive experience for me, and insisted that I spend some hours after school and on the weekends working in the family business. I figure he also had a secondary motive. Puberty was beginning to influence my eight teen year old body, so my pert...

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This is truly what you would call paradise. There were so many beautiful girls and since it was always really hot here they went around pretty much nude. We were what some would call stranded. We all lived on little huts on the edge of a small lake in the centre of an island. I sat on the beach, it was getting late. I looked around to see what girls were still had not gone to bed. I stared in amazment as I found a hot chick named Sarah still sitting on a log across from me. I walked over to her...

3 years ago
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On the side

Being in chastity constantly starts to make me extremely horny. After several days of being alone I just couldn't help myself. A dildo wasn't going to do it. Due to the kind of parties we have had I knew there was a gay couple down the street. I was dressed as a French maid when I first met them. Chris was the younger one, my age. Mark was a little older, they were slim and in good shape. Chris was a little taller and more blonde. Mark commented on my outfit, heels, stockings, chastity cage,...

2 years ago
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Beginnings Chapter 2 Formalities

When I awoke the following morning, my eyelids steadfastly resisted my initial attempts to open them. My night’s sleep had been punctuated by a patchwork of semi-lucid dreams which had left my head feeling furry. Within moments my mind turned back to my meeting with Veronica the previous evening. I spent several seconds lightly rubbing the heels of the palms of my hands against my unwilling eyes in an attempt to hurry along full consciousness. For a few seconds I played with the possibility...

2 years ago
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Andy Ch 03

*Author’s note: This is Chapter 3. You should read at least Chapter 2 for some backstory. Fun fact: I’ve received many comments saying my story is not realistic, fair enough, but I actually take inspiration from real life events that me and my friends have experienced* ***** ‘I’m pregnant.’ she said. Andy didn’t know what to say, and he didn’t have time to say anything because she kept talking. ‘I found out almost four months ago. For the longest time I didn’t know if I should tell you or...

4 years ago
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The cruelty of Time

Susie’s purple hair with silver highlights, leather skirt and jacket and regulation Doc Martins might not be everyone’s idea of the perfect granddaughter, but she was the only one that Donna had. After years of being alone, Donna found herself energised by Susie’s sassy wit and go anywhere, do anything attitude.It came at a price, because there was no subject that Susie ever regarded as off-limits.“I mean,” Susie would say, “what exactly is the ‘correct’ attitude that I should take towards a...

Love Stories
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The Cherry PopperChapter 15

Susan watched how the others responded as she introduced Pete and Linda to the rest of the party and then told everyone about what they wanted to do. When she announced that Linda wanted to get knocked up by someone other than her husband she saw her father and brother lose interest in Cindy's nipples and red furred slit like the other girl no longer existed, and she saw Chris's cock spring erect in Janet's hand. As Dave and Steve led Linda to the couch Janet turned to Chris and gave him...

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Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca Part Nine Rebecca Prepares Daisy for Her Master with Some Help

Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Part Nine - Rebecca Prepares Daisy for Her Master with Some Help In Part Nine of Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Stevie (now Daisy) shares his view of what has been happening since Ms. Rebecca called and invited him (her) to visit Ms. Rebecca and Master Mark at their new home in an exclusive area of town. Alone, I was cramping from the enema Ms. Rebecca had finished administering a few minutes ago as I waited for her to answer...

3 years ago
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Sexual adventures with Emily and her family

Emily did let me know in advance that Bruce didn't know about all of her sexual history, so I let her know I wouldn't talk about anything unless she brought it up first... the last thing I was going to do was get her in trouble, but I was curious how much he did know... after all, Emily and I were quite the little sluts back in school, lol. She moved to California shortly after college and met Bruce soon after... and now almost 16 years later I'm about reunite and meet her family for the...

3 years ago
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My Sexy Lovers Night Out

I am in TN for business, the last week of March, and with beautiful sunny warm weather forecast and decide to have my lover fly down for a little spring relaxation. I pick her up Thursday, mid-morning, at the Knoxville airport and drive her back to the hotel. Our room is a suite and has a large king sized bed. A quick hug and a few deep kisses and I have to be off to see my customer. I tell her to get out there by the pool, that they have just opened up, and get some sunshine and relax.

4 years ago
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Church Ladies PT 2

After that night at home and of course after that weekend alone as well she came in to work all prepared to find Catherine and see what was going on as far as she was concerned but she didn’t. Seeing as it was Monday, she came in that morning and of course wondered if Catherine was already in however Sarah’s schedule dictated that she had way too much to do. Sarah didn’t even look around for her. She didn’t look for Catherine at all. She didn’t even know if Catherine was there yet. In truth,...

4 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 95

Two weeks later, Emma was standing in the center of her empty apartment. Thanks to her short time living there, it looked identical to when she’d moved in, walls still clean and white, carpets (cheap, but new) unstained and unfaded. She’d opted to leave behind most of her furniture. That included her living room sofa, the kitchen table set, and pretty much everything in the bedroom save for the mattress. Brent’s house was fully furnished so she had neither the need nor the space for any of...

1 year ago
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Daily diet of my wifes creamypie

All my life I've enjoyed watching porn. When I married my wife Andrea I tried several times to get her to watch it with me but she didn't care for it. One evening after dinner as she and I relaxed on the deck I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She was wearing white Terry cloth shorts that showed half of her dark tanned ass. And as always she was bra less, her hard nipples were visible through the thin white cotton tank top. She was setting directly across from me and had her legs bent so that...

1 year ago
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Transvestite Bondage

"Please don`t make me beg for it…" he said,"…please." He knelt face down on the carpet, his hands tied behind his back, his ass jutting in the air; his pantied ass, clad in the shiny, smooth, black nylon, lace-trimmed women`s knickers. The high-heels of his shiny patent leather shoes pointed up towards his tormentor, their straps taught round his ankles, the smooth toe-caps polishing themselves on the thick, white pile carpet. The black nylon suspenders stretched across his soft, white, shaven...

3 years ago
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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 46

Krissy 10:42 am, November 4th, 2006 4:42 am November 5th, 2006 (local time) "Karl, set up the first PowerPoint." Karl moved the mouse and clicked it a few times. "Ready when you are." I started my presentation. I knew Karl would have my back with the tech gear. "As I stated, ion drives are not science fiction. They have not been since 1998. Ion drive though is a bit of a misnomer. Electricity provides the spark to get things started. Yes, just as the spark plugs in your car engines...

2 years ago
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The Arranged Encounter Part 2 Setting Sail

A few weeks ago I had met David for the first time. After weeks of chatting that meeting was meant to build the final trust needed for him to share his wife with me, his beautiful wife of more than 25 years. The meeting went well, as expected. Men are drawn to trust and follow me. Women are drawn to trust and want me. I don’t say that out of arrogance, I’ve known I was a true Alpha male since I was 21. My early experiences both in my professional life and my sexual life helped me understand my...

Wife Lovers
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Confessions of Maria 1

Let us start with the most recent confession of Maria to Father Peter:M: I have tried hard to be a good girl in the last 24 hours. I went to church on Sunday morning and prayed on my knees for deliverance from sin. But on Sunday night I found myself trying on my school uniform and looking at the mirror.F: Did you remember how little you sinned when you last wore it?How much you´ve changed, my c***d! Today you were a good girl, Maria!At least you prayed in church today and took a break in...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Kali Roses Found Out How My StepSis Makes Bank

My stepsister Kali Roses is blonde, thicc as hell & never has any money issues. When I (Johnny Love) see her live streaming her phat ass to the whole world, all of a sudden everything makes sense. As I watch her touch & finger her perfect pussy, I start getting hard. She doesn’t seem too pleased when I blow my cover and she catches me, dick in hand. She says her fans want to see her get fucked on camera & if I do that for her then this can be our little secret. OK! She...

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Business Trip Pt 6

we laid in bed together resting for a short while before Marcus led me by the hand to the shower, pushing me inside he closed the door behind us and forced me to my knees in front of him, my eyes staring up at my now Master i hugged his legs and instinctively began to kiss his thighs when he grabbed my hair and pulled me back, slapping me hard across the face and looking down at me with a stern look he took his free hand and held his semi hard cock with it "now drink this up bitch" he said as...

3 years ago
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Chodoner Sorgosukh

Hi !! This is Roly again coming here to share a true story which is heard from one of my sweet friend. One thing I should say that I am male of thirty two, so plz male members should not reply as I am not a gay and I hate gay sex….I always share true stories , nothing but true .I have heard this story from one of my girlfriends (only friend) , her name is Nita (names changed) , she told me about the sex encounter of her elder sister Rupali….Now I am starting this story in Bengali. Nitar baro...

1 year ago
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Make A Wish Part 2

MAKE A WISH Part 2 Copyright Kristy Leigh, 2003. All rights reserved. 1. The sun was starting to brighten the window when Danny began to feel more like himself. Vaguely conscious of his settling mood, he felt his heartbeat slow to more normal parameters, his fright and anguish receding like the morning tide. His feminine persona withdrew as well, gradually disappearing into the secret galleries of Danny's mind. There was no line of demarcation, no visible boundary between...

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Neighbors Teasing WifeChapter 7

Meanwhile, over at Joan's house, the rest of the plan was being carried out. Don had accompanied Joan to her place, bringing his tool box, totally unaware of the job she really wanted him to do. "So what's the problem, Joan?" he asked. "Bad switch? Loose wire?" "No, Don." She grinned. "That's not really it. I don't want you to fix my wiring. I want you to fix me." "Excuse me?" he said. "Let me make us a couple of drinks, and I'll explain," she said, leading him over to...

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The Cabo Connection

Damon: I’ll bet you’ll get up to some trouble in Cabo.  I smirked at the text that flashed up on our chat-log from the computer screen. He was always teasing me. Ashleigh: No trouble. At least not the good kind of trouble. I’m going with my boyfriend don’t forget. There was a pause, and while I anticipated his next words, I took a sip of the vodka soda I was prone to drinking while I spent my online hours chatting with my favorite virtual stranger, DamonX. I leaned back in my computer chair and...

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Morphic Adaptation Unit The Stripper

Morphic Adaptation Unit - The Stripper A stripper gets a visit from an unusual government agency. The agents are interested in her past - and her very unusual anatomy! ********************************************** Morphic Adaptation Unit - The Stripper The insistent beat of the music seemed to flow through the girl, animating her every move. As she danced, her body moved as if the music were part of her, her body writhing erotically with the reverberations of the...

1 year ago
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Bad Dreams 1 Part 2

bad Dreams 1 : Chapter 2 The guard told to stand by a door and wait. “Gor will be coming to get you.” “Yes Sir.” I stood still and waited what seemed like hours wondering where I was and what was going to happen to me, when the door opened and a huge man or alien walked in. I must explain that these humanoid aliens looked exactly like a human in every respect except they had no hair what so ever and had a face and teeth like a canine. “I am Gor, the senior of this facility. I will teach you...

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MyPervyFamily Keely Rose Stood Up Stepsis Still Gets Fucked8230By Me

You are not going to believe this… this is literaly the 3rd time he’s done this. This stupid guy keeps standing me up. I’m sorry about that, you want me to get you ice cream or something to cheer you up? Nah… I (Johnny Love) have a better idea. Let’s play a game. Let’s do something fun like truth or dare. Ah… ok. Wait what, you (Keely Rose) want me to take off my pants… but you’re like my stepsis. Exactly… we’re not technically...

1 year ago
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Lingerie Shopping

My boyfriend's birthday was coming up and I wanted to wear something sexy for him so I went out shopping for an outfit for dinner and some sexy lingerie for after. I really enjoy shopping and was having fun hitting different stores in search of the perfect outfit.Once I'd found a sexy looking blue dress with a very short skirt, I tried it on and loved the way it hugged my body. The dress was tight but in a good way, it made my tits squeeze together just right showing lots of cleavage, and the...

4 years ago
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My Story

My story Looking back it is a bit hard to tell what was the turning point in our relationship. We are a mid to late 40's couple and I'm a few years older than Chris. Where I'm rather small, a 5'2" in stockinged feet, Chris towers over me with a 6'4". I have all the right feminine contours (Chris loves my 34 DD's) and he shows his former soccer body with justified pride. He's a bit hairy, especially on his chest and I love to play with those tiny curls just before I fall...

3 years ago
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Life Changing Road Trip Part III The End

Rick had just left to go hang out with my wife Stacy at the creek. I was in the motor home making dinner.  Five minutes earlier, I just had my mouth around Rick's enormous cock.  I sucked him until he came in my mouth and on my face.  As he stepped out of the RV to go see Stacy, he casually told me to make dinner.  I'm not sure who I hated more at that moment, Rick, for telling me to suck his cock and then make him dinner, or me, for sucking him and now standing here making dinner for Stacy,...

Wife Lovers
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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 4 Preparing Bait Can Be Such A Satisfying Activity

Fink had long since retired to his penthouse office. His scientists had assured him that the youngest Summers was well on her way to become the slut he envisioned her to be. In the meantime, he sat and looked at a TV monitor on his desk. Cordi was proving herself as the bimboslut he had made her. She taught her captive audience the joys of slutdom. Fink watched the Sunnydale teen-girls. He imagined them returning one by one. Maybe some would bring their mothers. Fink chuckled to...

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Scooter Pie Part 1 of 2

Charlie had just showered and dressed at the country club after a Saturday afternoon round of golf with his buddies Karl, Duke and Willy. Normally they would tip a few in the club lounge after playing eighteen holes but this day was a little different. It was Karl’s fortieth birthday and he had just recently separated from his second wife so the guys decided that on this day the nineteenth hole would be at a strip club on the other side of town. Across the tracks. The red light district. Titty...


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