Felicity Ch. 26 free porn video

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Chapter 23: What happens in Vegas…

OK, I knew I was a nerd. I have known since I understood what a nerd was. The problem was that I did not look like a nerd. I was tall, semi-handsome, had a deep voice, and did not need glasses.

But I was also a loner with a perhaps an unhealthy attachment to my iMac.

I was terminally shy with everyone and catatonic with girls. Twice I had paid professional ladies to take my virginity and twice I had failed to get the necessary erection.

I was a nerd.

Thankfully the mother of one of my few friends saw me for what I was and had the patience to allow me to shed my virginal status with her. Her kindness extended to the lessons necessary to be a good lover.

I learned my lessons well and by the end of her tutoring I had the skills.

Unfortunately I did not have the courage for the hunt.

Roll forward five years and I was still the same guy except I had a college degree, a good job, and had been laid by seven different women.

OK, three of the girls were drunk at the time and it is possible they do not remember me but I very much remember them so it counts. The others I will admit were nerdettes.

One of them wanted us to fuck all the time for nearly three months then went to a college a thousand miles away. She never moved back home.

She was the only one I had fucked more than twice, in fact we had fucked more than twenty times. She was the only one that I could have called a girlfriend although there was never really was an emotional attachment between us.

My job however was right up my alley. I had tried teaching physics but I lasted just one year. I now installed intelligent spot light systems in all kinds of venues all over the country.

I also worked by myself.

My boss Roger called me into his office on the Monday of Thanksgiving week and after I answered his question on special plans for the holiday with a ‘No’ he said, ‘Marshall, I have a job for you.

But before I explain it to you I want you to know that if this had come up in March or June I would have picked you anyway, you are my best lightrider. The fact that you are a loner by nature will help both of us.

We have made our biggest single sale so far, twenty-one units. They all need to be up and running by New Years Eve.’

‘I could put up twenty one units in two weeks. What’s the catch?’

‘You will need to work around the schedule of the venues. You will be rushed for a few days at a time and be completely idle for a few days at a time.

Your last four are scheduled for December 23rd but your room reservation is good until the twenty-seventh just in case.’

‘OK, when do I need to start?’

‘Today, your plane leaves in four hours. You are going to Las Vegas.’

I smiled, I had always wanted to go to Las Vegas. ‘Where am I staying?’

‘Amazingly enough right on the strip at The Imperial Palace. Our favorite numbers cruncher Petra figured that since fifteen of the jobs are walking distance away it would save us cab fare and save you heart attacks. She also got the hotel to give us a big discount for a thirty-day stay.

There is a three-day stretch we see in which renting a car makes sense. All you need is in this folder. Look it over on the plane. Your first installation is the showroom at the Imperial Palace itself.

The units are already in Las Vegas at each venue.

Daily progress reports to me on my cell phone please. Written reports when you can send them. Go, you have a plane to catch.’

As soon as I checked into The Imperial Palace I went to the showroom and checked out the unit. I made sure it was still alive then went up the scaffolding to see how big of a problem I had


In most jobs our biggest headache was getting the existing units out of the way. After they were gone the next problem was seeing that I had enough vertical clearance for the unit, In effect the units looked like there were two spotlights, a small one under of the other. The bottom part of each was the optical scanner and the motor that moved the spot. Anything in its way had to be removed.

Luckily our single units weighed less than the old spots so whatever support they had would do. Controlling the unit was by a remote control device so I had no wiring to do other than plugging it in.

I had the unit at the Palace running in just over one hour.

Thanks to the Pacific Time Zone I had a lot of time to explore.

After a shower I went out on The Strip and soon ran into a lot of people handing out business cards from women that wanted to make my stay memorable. I took a few thinking it was free Vegas memorabilia.

Then I walked on to see The Bellagio fountains. I stayed for three shows and loved the first two but by the third my interest was in how it worked.

I purchased a ticket to the Eiffel Tower at The Parisian just so I could look down on the fountains from above.

I thought I had it figured out when I heard a lady read to her kid from a guidebook a paragraph that detailed how the fountains worked. I could not have been more wrong.

I treated myself to the Bellagio buffet and it was as fantastic as its reputation. I ate too much.

I looked around at the sights inside the hotel then yawned.

I was baffled, it was just ten PM. Then I remembered, time zones. My body sensed midnight and my body knew the clocks were lying.

I went back to my room, and in five minutes I was asleep.

I was wide-awake at four AM. I forced myself to stay in bed until five, gave up and took a shower. At five thirty I was searching for a cup of coffee.

The hotel had a diner that feature steaks and eggs for breakfast. They also had prime rib….. for breakfast.

I had three spots to put up that day and two of the clubs were open to me until four. The third would be available to me after five. I had them all done before seven that night.

As I went back to my room I saw a girl my age emerge from a door. A man was handing her some bills and she smiled at me as she walked away.

‘Oh, wow. A hooker,’ I thought.

I looked at the stash of flyers I had gotten the previous day and tried to pick one. They were all way too pretty for someone like me although it was possible that I was just too much of a coward to call one.

I decided that what I really needed was a shower and took one. Unfortunately that got me wide-awake.

I was naked in bed when I decided to see what the hotel services where and noted a selection of adult movies, they were eight dollars each.

But I was on a company credit card. Petra would point it out to Adrian and he would probably frown on that.

I decided I needed more information but also decided not to call because they would know my room numbers then my name,

I dressed and went to talk with the concierge but stopped when I saw she was a lady and was talking to a girl about my age.

‘Mom I just don’t understand it, the club says no sex but everyone expects sex and I have to fight them off,’ I heard the young woman say.

‘Baby you can handle it. You will have your masters in four weeks and will get a real job. All of this will fade into a weird memory.’

‘I know Mom but we need the money.’

‘We will be fine without the money.’

An older couple stepped up behind the girl and she gave her Mom a kiss and stepped aside.

She saw me staring at her and stopped to give me a chance to say something


‘I didn’t mean to, umm, service, eavesdrop, but I was urrr… service uhh, wondering ahh, kind of, offer, umm, you service?’

She smiled at me, a real smile. ‘Buy me a cup of coffee?’


She was the prettiest girl I had ever been seen with. She was tall, slender, part oriental. Her mother was Asian, likely Korean.

I got us
coffee and strawberry pie and we sat in the shop.

She related, ‘Dad lost his job as I started on my third year at UNLV and it looked like I would have to drop out. Mom arranged for me to be a dancer at a club.

I was awkward and shy but people liked me anyway.

The girls told me of a service the club provided but I was too shy to consider it until tuition and fees were raised.

The ‘extra services’ allow the girls to keep all the money as long as we do not have sex. The ones that do have sex are not allowed to share with the club. The club owner wants happy customers but wants to stay OK with the law.

There have been girls that have found their names off the schedules for that.

The no sex part is clearly stated but one in five customer still thinks that is what they are paying for.

I just had three of those in a row. The one tonight got mad and I had to lock myself in the bathroom until security came up. When they got to the room they found the guy naked, passed out on the floor outside the bathroom.

I told them who I worked for and they said go home. I came here to vent on Mom.

‘I am sorry you had a harrowing experience.’

‘It’s OK, it will be better tomorrow. Now what did you want to ask me?’

‘Well, I…can wait until you are better. I was waiting to ask the concierge a question about certain charges and billing. It can wait until the morning.’

She gave me a big smile and said, ‘You wanted to know if you could charge dirty movies to a different account? Yes you can but you do not need to. The bill will say ‘Other Incurred Charges.’

I felt myself blush and I stammered a thanks.

‘Are you vacationing? You don’t strike me as a gambler?’

‘Oh, I am not. I came to do a job.’

‘You’re a hit man?’ she asked me with a grin.

I returned her grin and noted I was suddenly at ease with her.

I said, ‘Not exactly. I am installing smart spotlights.’

‘How can spotlights be smart?’

‘Ours has a face recognition camera, the spot will follow anyone you designate automatically. The operator stays on the ground with a remote control unit. That was a concession to the union, the spots do not really need operators at all.’

‘You mean you program it on me and a spot will follow me everywhere I go?’

‘Yes, we have spots that can follow two or three people no matter how many other people cross their path.’

‘Where have you installed them?’

‘Well, one of them is in the small showroom here. They used it tonight.’

‘Show me please.’

We stood and we went backstage at the show room.

The comedian’s show had ended and the only ones there were the cleaning crew. I had her stand on stage and turned on the controller. I got a picture, zoomed in on her and pressed, ‘Choose.’

I turned on the spot and she was bathed in light. I asked her to try to run away from it and she did.

Everywhere she went the light stayed on her even when she ran into the seats and tried to hide behind a large lady. Everyone was laughing and the lady tried to steal the spot but could not.

I turned the light off and hit cancel. She rejoined me on stage and said, ‘That is an amazing thing you put up there.’

‘Thank you but all I do is the installing. My boss is the genius. I have a few more to install around town including two and three target units. I will be in town into December.’

As we walked back to the lobby we introduced ourselves. ‘My name is Holly, the woman you saw me talking to is my Mom Liz.’

‘Oh, hi. I am Marshall. Very happy to meet you,’

Her mother was walking towards us and I saw Holly surreptitiously shake her head no at her Mom. Her Moms fake smile turned into a real smile for me.

Liz asked her daughter if she was ready to go home.

‘Yes, but meet Marshall. He is installing smart spotlights and has one up in the small theater. That thing is amazing, I tried to run away from it and couldn’t.’

‘Oh, Carrot Top is going to love that. Do we need to get you something to eat before we go home?’

‘No, he got me strawberry pie.’

‘Next time you are buying strawberry pie make sure I get one,’ her Mom said to me with a giggle.

We waved goodbye and I returned to my room. I got in bed naked and picked up the remote. I was stunned to realize I did not want to watch a ‘dirty movie,’ I was in too good a mood. I turned on the TV to the channel showing Vegas attractions and made notes on things I wanted to see.

I had twenty items on my list before I fell asleep.

As I headed out the next morning I looked to the concierge’s booth and looked for Liz. She of course was not there.

I installed three units before five and went back to my room and the shower.

After I dried I looked at my list and divided it by ticket required, spending money and free.

I had decided to go see a show and went to the concierge desk with my list to get a ticket prices. Liz was there and recognized me.

‘Marshall, did you watch a good movie last night?’

‘No, I watched the Las Vegas attractions channel. I decided to go to a show.’

I handed my list it to her. Liz told me which ones were available for that night and their cost. Exorbitant was the price for all of them.

She sympathized and said, ‘We have not seen any of them ourselves either. You can however have a good show in your room for less than half that much.’

‘Mom! You are soliciting for me!’

Holly had been standing behind me.

‘Marshal deserves the best we offer,’ her mother said with a cackling laugh.

‘Witch,’ she called her mother as she moved me away from her booth. There were people behind us laughing.

‘Coffee?’ she asked.

‘Sure. You don’t work tonight?’

‘I did, already. I had a woman earlier.’

‘Hmm, uh, what is it you, umm, do?’

‘I keep the client company while they masturbate.’


‘Fifty dollars a session. Are you interested?’

I was of course but had the feeling it was a trick question.

‘Maybe but I was wondering how much you would cost me for being my date to a show. I would rather not go alone.’

‘Which show?’

‘I gave your mom a list and she was looking to see what is available.

‘Lets go find out.’

‘I will need strawberry pie. Go ahead and I will be there shortly.’

When I joined them Liz gave me a big kiss for her present and hid the pie behind her booth.

Holly said, ‘We are going to the Cirque Mystere show. Mom got us VIP passes so no charge from her or me. We do have time to get dinner and you will pay for that.’

‘Good deal. Where are we going to eat?’

‘Mesa Grill in Caesars.’

‘Good, that was on the list.’

She kissed her mother and her mother kissed me and off we went.

The food at the grill was very different and two hours later I still had not decided if I liked it or not and neither had Holly. She had a phone call while we were at the restaurant and she agreed to something.

Our seats at the show were on the third row and both of us loved it. The people in lizard costumes walking headfirst down a wall freaked me out.

After the show Holly said she had a client upstairs and we separated. I was hoping for a thank you kiss but had to settle for a wave. I wandered around a little but soon went back to my room. I waved at Liz as I walked by. She was not surprised Holly was not with me.

I had taken a shower and was naked in my bed trying to get my cock interested in picking a porn movie when I heard a knock on the door and Holly say, ‘It’s me.’

I put shorts on and let her in.

‘Take your shorts off and get in bed,’ she said.

Stunned I did as she said.

‘Don’t cover up.’

I was soon watching her take most of her clothes off and begin to cares
s her body. I had the hardest erection I had ever had.

‘Don’t touch yourself yet.’ She urged me.

She was kneeling at the foot of my bed nearly naked, pinching her nipples and caressing her pussy under her panties.

She began to masturbate.

‘Touch yourself but don’t cum.’

She was suddenly careening to an orgasm and she moaned, ‘Now.’

I shot my load in less than thirty seconds. She had her orgasm before the last of my cum oozed out of me.

We stared at each other for a few moments, and then she said, ‘Get dressed. You owe me coffee and pie.’

We got dressed and we sat in the shop drinking coffee and eating pie, coconut cream that night.

‘You have now seen what I do for extra cash. Are you upset?’

‘I am happy and empty. I hope the housekeepers don’t charge me extra.’

She laughed and said, ‘That was a lot more stuff than I normally see. You are more likely to get offers.’

‘Do you usually have orgasms?’

‘No, although that was my third today. I did cum with the woman. In fact I broke a rule and let her kiss me and touch me.

Cums for me are very rare with guys, they cum quickly, a lot sooner that it takes me. I held you back because I wanted us to cum together. I do fake it very well. And no it wasn’t.’

‘I owe you fifty bucks?’

‘No, I made one hundred today and enjoyed myself. It was a good day.’

‘The second client was respectful?’

‘Not really. It was the same woman from this afternoon.’

I lived in a town full of bisexual women so her revelations were just barely mildly interesting to me.

‘Where are we going tomorrow night?’ I asked with hope.

‘Nowhere. Mom said nothing on your list is available. It is Thanksgiving Day.’

‘Oh, are you and your family celebrating?’

‘No, Mom has to work and Dad is in Reno, he found a part time job there. They get very busy when skiing season starts.’

‘I would be honored if you shared dinner with me tomorrow.’


‘Yes. Honored.’

There was a shade of surprise in her face and a small blush that I did not understand.

‘I have a girlfriend that does not have anything planned either. May she join us?’ she asked me in a small voice.

‘Of course, it’s Thanksgiving.’

‘Thanks. I know just the place but we will need a cab,’ she said enthusiastically.

‘Mom works at three tomorrow. Would that be OK with you?’


When Liz came over for her Holly told her about our date for Thanksgiving dinner. I did not understand the look Liz gave me.

At three the next day I was introduced to her friend and we went to a place called Aunty El’s. It was somewhat northwest of the strip and was a restaurant for locals. They had a complete turkey and fixings dinner on special and the three of us ordered that.

It was delicious.

Holly’s friend was a very cute black girl name Rhonda that was a schoolmate of hers. They also worked at the same club. Her mother was working serving drinks to gamblers at Wynn’s.

Rhonda was great company to Holly and pleasant company to me.

Aunty El herself came over and kissed both girls on their cheeks but did not stop so I was not introduced.

‘She probably thinks you are a client. I will straighten her out,’ Holly said.

As we were ordering dessert I ordered two dinners to take out. Rhonda was confused but Holly knew and gave me a big kiss.

‘The dinners are for our Mom’s,’ Holly told her.

Rhonda sobbed and buried me in kisses.

‘Hey, hey, he’s my date,’ Holly said.

I may have blushed.

Aunty El kissed my cheek as I paid the bill. I got a very fine smile from her.

We dropped off Rhonda at Wynn’s then went to the Imperial. Liz was on break and we took her dinner to the break room. She gave me a hug and a wild kiss and I left Mom and Daughter together.

Turkey has the power to put you to sleep and I was mostly asleep in bed when Holly came up. She went straight to my bed and we lay down. Within three minutes we were asleep.

Liz and Rhonda’s mom Elaine awakened us.

When I opened the door they noticed that Holly and I had been sleeping in the same bed and in fact Holly was just waking up. They also noted both of us were fully dressed.

Elaine hugged me and thanked me. Liz hugged and kissed me. Rhonda jumped into my arms and tried to devour me. Holly got up and slapped her ass.

The three walked out and Holly gave me a long satisfying kiss and followed them.

I had four spots to install scheduled for Friday. As it turned out my last one was at the club Holly worked in.

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Hi indian sex stories dot net friends So my name is Vipul. When I came to this website decided to post my experience. I wanted to fuck my aunt, my teacher, my neighbor. But I knew all that is just a fantasy. So I thought about my maid. Her name is Savita. She has a good figure. Nice ass and boobs are good. Not that big but for me, it doesn’t matter. She is in her 30’s. I knew maybe I could offer her some money and ask her. But I was really scared and I didn’t have the guts to do it. So I never...

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Family LettersChapter 79

Dear Willow and family, I know that I can't do everything. The question always is: Have I done enough? Have I expended all my effort on something that will help. Or am I just standing in the way? One thing I know is that I don't want to stand in the way. With that in mind I've been looking over the specifications of the armor you described. You or someone sent me a bookmark in the archives so that I didn't have to search for it. That was especially helpful as having to find something is...

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Six Times A DayPart 137 Dont Stop Til You Get Enough

Next door, and a few minutes earlier, Alan and Heather had finished their ice cream cones. But the silence between them continued and started to get awkward. Taking the initiative, Alan finally asked, "So. You wanted to talk?" Heather, though, was still pensive and lost in thought. After a long pause, all she said in response was, "Yes." But nothing else was immediately forthcoming. To break the quiet, he finally added, "Okay ... Whatever it is, I'm here. Ready and willing to...

1 year ago
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FamilyHookups Ember Snow Ember Snow sees her step dads BBC and cant help but taste it

Ember Snow just needed to talk to her handsome black step dad really quick, but when she walks into his room she gets a HUGE surprise. He’s naked and his massive BBC is hard as a rock! She’s shocked, but intrigued. They have a little talk about it and she offers to help him with that hard cock that doesn’t seem to be going away. He’s not sure at first but once her lips are wrapped around his fat cock he can’t resist. He fucks her wet teen pussy just like she wanted from the start, mom doesn’t...

2 years ago
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Just A Bit Of Fun Part 3 Margaret Gower

Just A Bit Of Fun Part 3 Margaret GowerBilly had been swimming, he came home and put his wet trunks and towel in the hamper in the bathroom. “Hello Billy,” his mother greeted him as he came into the living room.“Hi mum, what are we having for tea?”“Just egg and chips, is that okay?”He nodded enthusiastically, this was his favourite. “Can I have fried bread with it?”“Yes, of course you can, but I have something to ask you.”He had just helped himself to a biscuit and had taken a large bite of...

1 year ago
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Sweet Revenge Part A

15/11/'04 Monday 8AM It was a sunny monday morning when I left my Ashley with a goodbye kiss as I headed to work as usual, knowing what she would do behind my back after I disappeared. (read previous story "The Slutty Wife & the Handsome college Stud") I drove to work, my organ semi - erect, thinking about my babe fucking the athletic twenty year old next door. I did not know why I had that smile on my face and whether I should feel stupid or guilty about it. Just when my thoughts were drifting...

3 years ago
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The Park

There is a park in my home town that has become a gathering place for guys looking to score in one way or another. They park and sit in their cars for awhile and then head off into the woods via a two track path looking to either give or get; at least a blow job. The first time I went to this park, I got out of my car and headed into the woods, there were 7 or 8 cars in the parking lot with 4 of them empty. I found the going hard at first as it's difficult to walk on a dirt path in...

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Bother in law fucking my Mother part2

Watching my brother-in-law fucking my Mother - Par "Ashley, whatttt? my mum gasped. "Aunty, please undress. I want to see you naked" Ashley groaned. Mum just lay on the floor for a moment. Then, still panting, she got up and started stripping. Within minutes, she was standing in front of her son-in-law, totally naked. Both our eyes bulged as we took in her body (though he had the better view). From the side view, I could see her curvy long legs going up to a round full arse, up to a slightly...

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Nerdy Girl Episode 3 Staying The Night

I looked at Kathryn in my groggy state, trying to figure her out. Was she offering to put me up for the night because she was concerned that I might fall asleep and wreck out on the way home... or because she was getting addicted to sex and wanted to try for another round in the morning? At this point, it didn't matter to me.“Well, sure, I could stay.” If the thought of not dying tonight wasn't enough, the possibility, even probability, of a naked willing woman, even a nerdy one, wanting to get...

Straight Sex
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What Happens in Vegas PT2

Tim told Toni, I would be out for at least another three hours along with her mother, and that would be enough time for her to fuck him at least a couple more times. He started smiling again telling her; well you did what you came here for. You will be pregnant by morning if you aren’t already, just not from your husband. Next time you plan to do something like this you need to be careful what you let someone else hear. You also need to watch what you show because you looked great in this...

1 year ago
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Bad Moon RisingChapter 3

The party was interesting in its own right, even without my former boss, Nina Aram. She was definitely there, though. She didn’t disappoint at all. In fact, she showed up in her smoking hot best, a black, a very short, tight, and low cut dress, “fuck me” pumps, and sheer stockings for some reason. I wasn’t sure why she did that last part, but I had the distinct feeling that she had more surprises waiting for me under that dress. Of course, I didn’t present myself immediately, watching to see...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 341

The flight after the job seemed even longer than the one going to the job. I was dreading the confrontation with the Deacon. I figured that I couldn't have fucked up too bad, since they didn't hit me with the big bang. Because of that I began to think, not only were there degrees of sin with these clowns, but with the kind of investment they had in me, possibly the only death sentence was for being found out. Maybe the only way they were allowed to eliminate me was if I let myself get...

3 years ago
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Heaven Shown By Indian Sex Stories Reader

Hello everyone, this is again mr.X.I am going straight away to my experience with a reader who is around 27 years old , has curvy hips , perky tits, and a beautiful ass. Feedbacks are welcomed at This happened after she read my story and just gave a feedback. We started sexting for few days, as our conversation continued in a good way, after getting complete confidence on each other we met in her place for having a beautiful sex. I am in the garden city and am in my mid-twenties.The heroin...

2 years ago
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Wife Gets Even Chapter 2

Amy said, “So I think you are going to need to take next week off from work. I guess you could go to work with your new look if you want to but I am doubting you will want to subject yourself to the ridicule and questions about your look. You should get some sleep so you are ready to go in the morning. Have coffee made by seven and make sure you shave your face and body again.”I simply nodded my head in agreement and said, “Okay.”I was up at sunrise and made sure I brought coffee to Amy by...

3 years ago
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Volunteering With Nedra

Introduction: From legitimate community service work, with one thing leading to another, my relationship with Nedra progressed delightfully into us becoming fuck buddies. First, some background. Im 55, a business owner who has control of my schedule and am financially secure. I live in a seasonal resort town where the local or year round population is small enough that almost everyone knows or, at least, knows of, everyone else who owns a business or does community work. After 5 years of...

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Aftermath Confessions Chapter 1 of 7 The Prelude

This is a follow up to a previously published story called The Unexpected Threesome. Please be forewarned, while there is no bisexuality in this chapter, there are references to the bisexual (MFM) threesome which took place in the previous story. If the mere mention of bisexuality between men offends you, please don’t read. Also, if you’d be interested in seeing an illustrated version, just drop me a line at ____________________________ Aftermath Confessions: Chapter 1 – The Prelude I woke...

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Minerva Ch 02 of 10

Minerva By Denham Forrest, The Wanderer Minerva chapter 02 I was twenty-one that summer, and I was making one of my twice yearly obligatory visits to my only surviving relatives. Uncle Ernie – my father’s brother – and aunt Gertrude his matriarchal wife – and latterly my surrogate mother – at their rather grand hotel on the south coast. To say my Uncle and Aunt were old fogies would be putting it mildly, but they had always been very good to me. Their hotel, set high on the cliffs...

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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch1 part 1

Chapter-1 Part-1 It was in one of the big amusement parks that I first met Anna. Being alone and out for a good time, I contrived to secure the seat next to her on one of the many rides; an acquaintance was soon struck up and at the close of the festivities I was awarded the privilege of escorting her home. She lived on the other side of the city, and upon seeing my car, together with Joseph the chauffeur, her eyes grew wide, and at first I thought she was about to refuse to go with me and...

1 year ago
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RawAttack La Sirena Busty Slut La Sirena Fucked In The Ass

La Sirena is a naughty minx with big tits and a perfectly round ass. The curvy beauty finished her photoshoot but energy is still bursting through the roof. The sexy cat ears, stunning lingerie, tight collar, and seductive high heels make La Sirena the sluttiest and most beautiful feline out there. She also has a tail buttplug shoved inside her asshole to complete her cat cosplay. All the teasing and talking with Tyler made La Sirena horny and wet. Tyler helps the lustful cat strip, revealing...

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Monday Morning

It's Monday morning, the weather's horrible. Rain pelting down, wind blowing so hard you can barely walk through it. You're up early trying to ready yourself for the short but terrible commute to work. I lay in bed, completely spent from our early morning love making session. The only words I can say come out as a muffled whisper that sounds vaguely like a plead for you to stay home and continue what you started. You kiss me gently on the mouth and slip out the door with a smile.As I lay in bed...

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Bill and Haley and DeenaChapter 39

Bill’s turn: I’m lying in bed in circumstances I only dreamed of vaguely in my hormone-pumped adolescence, a naked teen cutie on either side of me. The only reason we weren’t sticky was that we’d licked and sucked each other clean. “You’re thinking, aren’t you, baby?” the brown-headed one asks me. The silent one nestled again my chest on the other side is blonde, and her hand is idly fondling my depleted dick. “I am...” Deena exhaled. “Lemme guess ... You’re in the aftermath of orgasm,...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 04

Peggy was jostled as the train lurched forward and pulled out of the station. She was heading back to the Bordeaux Region of France to meet up with her husband and his golfing partners. As she fell back into her seat and looked out the window Peggy reflected on her time in Paris with her new friends, Marcel and Mathilda. It was an unbelievable extended weekend of new and exciting sexual adventures with many different and attractive partners. On Wednesday she made love with her hosts. They...

4 years ago
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What Have I Done

My wife and I married at a young age and had little money while our c***dren were growing up. While we lived in a modest, suburban area, we could not afford luxuries such as vacations and extravagancies. We felt pangs of regret each time we heard our friends discussing their camping trips and ventures to Disneyland, and vowed to try and save more money to do nice things with our family.This is harder than it seems: both of our c***dren had essentially grown up by the time we were able to afford...

1 year ago
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Boys will be Boys Whats a girl to do

My earliest memory of a flasher was as I played on my own in my backyard. I was p*****n and to access the green, I had to walk down the side of the building and under the ground floor window, that looked onto the back-green. The neighbors teenage son was standing at the window looking at me, then he went away and when I looked again, he stood naked and wanking himself.Of course back then I hadn't a clue what he was doing, but I remember feeling strange, looking at his nudity.He looked different...

2 years ago
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Mistaken Identity

Although there is no actual sex in this story, some of the content may be considered to be 'adult material' for that reason I would advise you to assume it has an x rating and decide accordingly whether or not to read it. This story remains the property of Anyport, please do not post it to any archives without the authors express permission. If you are under age or sensitive DON"T READ ON, if you see yourself in the story, DREAM ON. please enjoy. ...

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Sex with My dream girl Anushka Shetty

Hi I’m Nesh. This is a fantasy story. I am a big fan of actress Anushka and I love her sexy structure very much. Anushka is my dream girl with whom I want to have sex with. Every time I see her on TV I would get a hard on and I will jack off immediately. It was a summer day and our family was getting ready for a family tour to London. After night fall I got into the upper berth to sleep. There I saw a magazine which had sexy and glamorous pictures of actress Anushka. I am a very big fan of...

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Felix becomes Felicity Chapter 6

FELIX  becomes FELICITY Chapter 6 ..I put the gingham dress on that fit well and completed the ensemble with the shoes and cardigan. I looked like a fully grown woman in a school girl outfit. My breasts seemed to project and fill the dress with the buttons on the front tight. The fabric belt pinched in my already slim waste and the skirt part of the dress flared slightly emphasizing my hips and bottom. The cardigan was short and tight fitting.  Umm I thought I look pretty hot, I giggled and...

1 year ago
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Hotwifing pt1

I could feel the head. He smeared it up and down where his mouth had just been, slick with my spit and now some of his Jon never joins in. He never even speaks. He always sits quietly in the corner of the room, watching. He wants to be there. He wants to see. Sometimes I see him with his cock out, but even that is a rarity. Usually he strokes it through his pants, edging the whole time. It’s as if he wants to be a fly on the wall and for us to forget he is even there. It’s usually a...

3 years ago
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Always and Forever Chap 2

Introduction: Courtney and EJ try again. Oh my gosh, I thought. I just had sex for the first time. Which means Im not a virgin anymore. This is insane. That was intense, my boyfriend, EJ said interrupting my thought and rolling off of me. Yeah, I replied. Your mom probably wants you, huh? I think so. Is this the last time I get to see you til fall? No. Im going to visit you in Jamaica. Okay. After I turn 18, I want to travel around Europe. I said as I looked up into his eyes. Will you...

2 years ago
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GhostChapter 5

Tears were streaming down Marek’s face as he held Heather tightly. “Jesus honey, I don’t know how you came through that. How can some one do that?” “I didn’t come through it love,” A pair of cool lips brushed his own, “I died, remember.” Marek grimaced as his mind conjured up images based on Heather’s description of the final hours of her life. His couldn’t even imagine the torture that she had endured at that woman’s hands. “Okay love so you want revenge, I can understand that. So how...

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Nikis New LifeChapter 12 Friday Night Lights

Max did not have a lot on his plate today, but he did want to check on the package he had ordered for Niki. It was supposed to come in tomorrow. He wanted to make sure there were no delays. Back at home, after spending a few hours killing hordes of zombies, he finally got around to checking on the delivery time of his package, nodding as everything appeared on schedule. As he was about to return to his game, he got a text. Seems like Mr Proussad was ready to collect on his promise ... He was...

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Fucked my Teacher

When I was at college we had a really enthusiastic teacher called Ms Johnson, she was a hot tall woman in her mid thirties, with short brunette hair and slim fit body which she often showed off wearing small t-shirts and tight jeans.Now she usually taught art, but one day one of the other teachers organised a field trip to a local forest, and she volunteered to help out.As it happened I was also on that field trip, as it was part of our geography course, and when Ms Johnson turned up in the car...

1 year ago
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Aggybook 2Chapter 47

"Commodore, Crypian McDermid. I have just received signal orders to report to the Admiralty with my staff for discussions regarding possible operations in this area. There is a memo from Evan Cochrane personally asking you attend quote as an observer unquote. A nice touch, that, I thought. When would it be convenient for you to travel?" "Let me mull this over for a bit ... Crypian, I'm going to try something. I'll com you back. Clear." McCock extracted his PDA and entered a com...

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Bikini Party

One of the benefits of having a pool in the backyard that is private and surrounded by greenery is that you don't always have to be clothed appropriately to enjoy the water. Although our house was always open for visitors and the friends of our kids, there were times when my wife and I could enjoy a quiet uninterrupted swim. On those warm nights when the kids were asleep, it was so refreshing to strip off and have a naked swim before going to bed. There is something erotic and exciting about...

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HunterChapter 3

The next day was more of the same as far as hogs went. I figured that I had enough rabbits with six to test the market. If Mr. Benson didn't want the rabbits, I would try to peddle them myself. Sam and I headed for another empty field where I expected to find some wild hogs. It was near the farm of my near neighbor, Jeb Hanson, and I had heard that he was troubled by wild hogs. I planned to drop by to see him about hunting on his property next week. Sam was as eager as I was to find hogs,...

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Obsession Lust and Perversion Chapters 17 18

Alisha was up early Monday morning, and having finished breakfast and feeling really good, she was headed out to the ranch. Her cell phone rang. She looked at the Caller ID and saw that it was Brian Carter, a guy she met online a few years ago. Brian was from San Francisco and was an ex Navy Seal. They had chatted for a long time online and later met up a few times and had some really good sex. He had a really different cock. It was about 7 inches long and at least 3 inches in diameter....

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Azure and Crimson Magical Girls of Light Season 1Episode 2 The Purple Crystal

Gertrude Müller never gave much credence to rumors that floated around. The teens in Darmfurt were so encumbered by a lack of hardship and trouble, that their exaggerations far exceeded the bounds of believability. Like they said on the news, there’d been some kind of incendiary device at the school which blew up a few cars. That was plenty enough to be concerned about, she didn’t see any reason why they’d go on to say there were some super soldiers fighting a monster. More than that, what...

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