Linus free porn video

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Where there is love there is life and without love there is no life. Well, love seems to be a mysterious thing: it caresses you and makes you happy; it hurts you and makes you wish to die. And for all those crestfallen people who lost faith in love, it is only an illusion we create for the moment to convince ourselves that we are not alone, although we were born alone, we live alone and we die alone. And this is where my story begins:

My name is Theodor, but everybody just calls me Ted (and my friends even Teddy), I’m sixt**n years old, 5’7” tall, not very muscular, but neither skinny, just enough to like my body, look good shirtless and naked too. I’m the typical suburban t***ager. I spend most of my time hanging around with friends, playing video games, reading and, of course, masturbating. Well, I might not be the typical suburban k*d, because I kind of knew always that I’m a little different and by different I mean gay. I realized at a young age that I’m into other men and started exploring my feelings and curiosities, but I’ve never had the chance to go further than jerking off together and stuff, until this very Saturday evening, were I had to b***sit the neighbour’s son.

Linus was a terribly nice, little e***t years old k*d everybody instantly falls in love with, due to his deep blue eyes, blond hair and the loveliest smile I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I’ve considered Linus and me never as really good friends and we didn’t really spend much time together in the past. He just used to hang around my house with my little brother. Well, but somehow he and I became friends. Not very close ones, but still friends. We would fool around, play video games and watch movies together and so on. He might have interpreted our friendship a little tighter, because it was obvious that he admired me for some reason. But be it as it may, I have to get back to the story:

The eve went down quite easily: Linus jumped right into my arms, as I entered his house, we played Super Mario on his stupid Wii U and watched one of the latest r*p*s of W*** D*****’s legacy, called “*******”. Everything went fine, till it was time for Linus to bathe. He struggled and told me he doesn’t need to take a bath and I tried everything to convince him otherwise and even forced him to take his bath by lifting him up and trying to put him into the bathtub myself. But it was pointless. “C’mon, Linus. Why won’t you take a bath?” “I don’t want to take a bath. It’s boring.” “Well, but everyone has to do things that they don’t want to do.” “Even you?” “Yeah.” “So, why don’t you take a bath instead, while I watch TV?” “Because I am your b***sitter and you have to do as I say.” “But I never listen to my other b***sitters either.” “Then listen to me as a friend and not as a b***sitter.” “As a friend?” “We’re friends, aren’t we?” “Of course we are!” Well, my commitment to him being my friend must have broken his resistance, because as soon as he finished his sentence, he jumped out of his clothes and right into the full tub. I, on the other hand, just sat there on the ground, paralyzed by what I’ve just seen. It might have been just a few moments, but those were enough to give me the hardest and also weirdest boner I’ve ever had. Linus had a gorgeous body, with pale and smooth skin, a cute little butt and a lovely little dick. I never saw Linus this way and thought of him this way either or even considered myself able to think of him this way, but he proved me pretty wrong.

I intuitively began stroking my hard-on through my pants while watching Linus bathing and rubbing shampoo all over his young body. I had to come up with a lot of self-control, or otherwise I would have come with every stroke. But all the fake composure became useless as Linus asked me to soap his back. I instantly shot my biggest load of cum ever into my underwear. Anyway, I approached the tub and Linus handed me the shampoo over and turned around. I put something of it on my hands and started soaping his soft and tender back, causing my dick to stand up again. At first I tried to resist the urge to relief myself again, but the more I rubbed and the lower I went, the harder it got. I always thought I could resist everything, but temptation proved me wrong. I slipped one of my hands into my pants, pulled my dick out and started to jack off, using the shampoo as lube. It was the most exciting and dangerous moment in my entire life so far. I jacked off just a few inches away from Linus, while rubbing his back. He just had to open his eyes and move his head a little and would have seen everything: me, my dick, me stroking my dick, everything. I was in heaven and hell at the same time and I loved it! And it didn’t take me long to finish. I only rubbed his back for a few minutes and jacked of for a few seconds, but it felt like decades and centuries. My body clenched and I came again, squirting all over my hand, the floor, the tub AND EVEN LINUS HIMSELF. Thank every known god he didn’t notice anything! I, however, couldn’t take the situation anymore. Linus’ naked body, me touching him and my cum all over the place were overwhelming. I just couldn’t take it anymore! I had to get out of there! Without saying a word, I ran out of the room, locked myself in the second bathroom and took a freezing cold shower in order to calm myself down.

I escaped reality and lost sense of time under the cold stream of water, only to be brought back to awareness by Linus knocking on the bathroom door. “Hey Teddy, is everything alright? You’ve been in there for a while.” “Yeah, I’m fine.” It was a lie. I was everything but fine. In fact I was on the verge of sinking on the ground, coiling up and starting to cry. My whole world was spinning around and sort of breaking apart. I did something, I would have never thought of being able to do or even think about: I became attracted to a little b**.

I pushed my thoughts away, stepped out of the shower, dried myself, put my clothes back on and left the bathroom and headed back to the living room, where Linus was sitting on the couch, zapping through the TV program. I sat down next to him and tried not to think about, how cute he looked in his Superman pyjamas. “What took you so long? You must have been really dirty.” I almost choked on my own tongue and thanked Bhunivelze Linus doesn’t understood ambiguousness. “I kind of was.” I replied to him. Linus, on the other hand, continued switching through the programs, till he came to one of those channels, which usually should be locked due to adult content, but his mother must have forgotten to. Ere I realized what was going on, Linus and I were watching a porn movie together, whose moaning echoed through the whole house. It didn’t took me long to realize, what we were watching and within seconds I snatched away the remote from Linus and turned the TV off, hoping he didn’t see enough to come up with questions. “Why was the man putting his wiener up the other man’s bum?” I miscalculated pretty much and thought I must have been cursed or something like that. Things like this just do not happen randomly. Never. But be it as it may, I was doomed somehow or other.

I was in shock, but Linus just looked at me enquiringly and I tried not to look back without having an appropriate explanation. “Well Linus, this is, um, something, um, you have to be, um, older to know about.” I stammered. “Why?” “Because it’s a grown-up thing.” “Am I not grown up enough?” “Certainly not!” “But you are?” I remained silent. “Ok. If you won’t tell me, the Internet sure will.” “Wait!” For Etro’s sake! I had to tell him. Somehow. Something. It’d be better if he hears it from me. Who knows, what the Internet is going to tell him. “Well, this is similar to what your parents do, when they’re alone in their bedroom.” “You mean love?” “Yeah, kind of.” “So those two guys love each other?” Sod it! Why do I have to have this conversation? “Of course.” Lying seemed way better, than explaining the principle of porn to an e***t year old.

Linus and I just sat there staring at the black screen and out of nowhere, Linus asked me the questions, I never ever expected to hear from him. “Teddy?” “Yeah.” “Can you turn the TV on again?” “Um, sure. What do you want to watch?” “Can we watch the two men making love?” My heart stopped beating. “Why?” “Because I’d like to know what love looks like.” He didn’t make this easy for me and neither was the boner, which I had, since the first second of the porno. “Please, Teddy.” He literally bagged me to watch the porn. But the worst thing was that he was staring at me with his deep blue puppy eyes and I (how could it be different?) fell hopelessly for them.

I took the remote and turned the TV back on, but the sound off. (No one likes to hear a porno.) But Linus definitely liked to watch it. He stared at the screen, overwhelmed by all the things he saw, but didn’t understand. I, however, had no eyes for the two men. I had something better to look at. Looking at the naked men having sex made Linus’ little dick grow, which he intuitively began rubbing through his pyjamas and I did the same with mine. “Why are their wieners so big and hairy?” “This happens, when you get older. Your wiener grows and becomes hairy.” “Does this happen to everybody?” “Of course.” “Even to you?” “Yes.” We both sat there in silence. “Do you want to see?” Linus looked at me and nodded and I moved right next to him, slipped my pants down to my ankles, stepped out of them and leaned back, exposing my hard and standing 7 inches to him. His jaw popped down and his eyes were full of amazement by the look of my privates. “What do you think?” “It’s huge to me.” At this point I took off my shirt and showed him the rest of my hairy body. Well, I have to say, that regardless my young age, I inherited the body hair of my father and he’s the most hairy person I’ve ever seen. Linus, however, was truly fascinated by my hairy belly and chest and even ran his fingers through my fur, which sent shivers down my entire body. “Do you like my body?” “I think so.” Silence. “Can I see yours too?” Without saying a word, Linus stood up, stepped out of his pyjamas and sat back on the couch revealing his gorgeous body to me for the second time. I couldn’t help myself. I caressed his smooth, pale, little body with my hand, which he seemed to like, while jacking off with the other. “What are you doing with your wiener?” “I play with it. It’s what every b** does. Do you want to give it a try?” “Ok.” I let go of my dick and Linus took over. His little hand barely fit around my shaft, but he soon covered it with his other one. Linus was jacking off my dick and I was in heaven again.

The TV was still running, but no one of us cared anymore. Linus was playing with my hard dick and I moved my hand down his lap and did the same. His tiny, stiff dick was so lovely, felt so incredibly smooth and looked so fragile in my hand. We wanked each other off for a few minutes till I was close to cum. I freed my dick from his hands and kneeled down in front of Linus and between his legs. “Should I show you what else b**s do with their wieners?” Linus nodded and I moved my head down his lap and took his tiny dick into my mouth. I caressed it with my tongue moving my head up and down and kissed and licked his bell-end, while playing with his little, smooth balls. Right from the beginning Linus was groaning and moaning lustfully. It got more and more intense, till I felt his dick twitching. Linus clenched, buried his hands in the pillows of the couch and came. Even without shooting a load of cum, it was a way better climax than I’ve ever had it myself.

Linus was breathless and overwhelmed by excitement. I, on the other hand, leaned forward and gave him a kiss on his lips, before I stood up right in front of him, pointing my dick at him. “Now it’s your turn.” Without hesitation, Linus moved forward, wrapped his hand around my dick and took the top of it into his mouth, caressing it with his tongue like I did. I put my hand on his head, ran my fingers through his golden hair and eventually moved my hand to the back of his head, moving it forward and shoving as much of my dick in his mouth as possible without making him choke, which was only about 3”. But having those 3 inches licked, caressed and shoved down his throat was just enough to bring me over the edge. I grabbed his head and shot my load into Linus’ mouth. He got nervous, didn’t know what to do and tried to get away and even gagged a little. “Everything’s alright. Just let it happen and swallow it. You’re doing great.” Linus calmed down a little and surprisingly swallowed most of my cum, leaving only a little to run down his chin. Once I shot my load and he swallowed it, I let go if his head and he slumped back onto the couch, trying to figure out what just happened. I leaned forward, licked my cum off his chin and gave him another kiss, but this time I put my tongue into his mouth, playing with his tongue, while tasting my own cum. Once I was done, I retook my place next to him, wrapped my arm around him and gave him time to handle the situation, which must have seemed quite weird to him.

“Did you just pee in my mouth?” He asked after a few minutes. “Of course not.” “But what was it then?” “It’s called cum. It’s something your body produces when you grow up.” “Is it supposed to be swallowed?” “People wouldn’t swallow it, if it were harmful. Did you like the taste of it?” “I don’t know. It tasted kind of salty.” “It’s alright. You’ll get used to it.”

Linus and I sat there naked on the couch and watched the regular TV program till it was time for him to go to bed, what he, needless to say, refused. “But you have to go to bed. How else should you regain your energy?” “I’m a k*d. I’ve got lots of energy.” “Yeah, because you sleep up to 10 hours every night.” “Whatever.” That was it. I lifted him up from the couch, carried him into the bathroom, brushed his teeth and carried him into his room and put him into his bed. “And now be a good little boy and sleep.” Were my last words, before I turned off the lights, closed the door and headed back to the living room, where I turned the TV and all lights off. I was about to go to bed, but out of nowhere Linus showed up, telling me can’t sleep due to the darkness, the monster under his bed and all the other stuff little k*ds are afraid of. I took him by his Hand and leaded him back to his room. “You don’t have to be afraid of anything. The darkness is just the absence of light and monsters don’t exist and if they’d exist, I’m pretty sure they would have something better to do than hiding under your bed.” I put him back into his bed and was about to leave, as he asked me to tell him a bedtime story. Well, I was tired as hell, but I just couldn’t deny him anything. So I turned on the bedside lamp, grabbed the next best book, sat next to him and started to read out at a random page: “Her hair was as a wet fleece of gold, and each separate hair as a thread of fine gold in a cup of glass. Her body was as white ivory, and her tail was of silver and pearl. Silver and pearl was her tail, and the green weeds of the sea coiled round it; and like sea-shells were her ears, and her lips were like sea-coral. The cold waves dashed over her cold breasts, and the salt glistened upon her eyelids. So beautiful was she that when the young Fisherman saw her he was filled with wonder, and he put out his hand and drew the net close to him, and leaning over the side he clasped her in his arms. And when he touched her, she gave a cry like a startled sea-gull, and woke, and looked at him in terror with her mauve-amethyst eyes, and struggled that she might escape. But he held her tightly to him, and would not suffer her to depart.” Linus fell asleep quite quickly and I just sat there watching him sleep and admiring his beauty and thinking about the past few hours.

My whole life fell apart within one simple evening. All I have thought, I’d know about myself was a lie, a wishfully illusion. I had absolutely no idea of who I was anymore. My whole, short adolescence I thought I knew exactly who I was and whom I love, but all the certainty and all the confidence vanished. But the painful truth was what it was. I fell in love with Linus, with his deep blue eyes, with his cute smile and his beautiful body. Well, I waved farewell to my old self and welcomed my new me and that very me put the book away, turned the light off and cuddled up to Linus under his blanket. It then kissed him on his lips and fell asleep, dreaming a wonderful dream.

I woke up the next morning only to find Linus under the blanket sucking my dick. “Good morning.” I said to him while running my fingers through his messy hair. He just said “Hi” and kept on caressing my dick with his tongue, trying to put as much of it into his mouth as possible. It was kind of adorable watching him struggling with my big dick. But regardless his clumsiness, he did it quite well. I, however, didn’t want to be left out, so I positioned us in a way, in which we could suck each other’s dicks at once. We continued this way until I was close to cum and right before that, I freed myself from Linus, made him lay on his stomach, got behind him and started rimming and licking his little pinkish butt hole. It was unbelievable how smooth it was! I licked his freckle passionately and shoved my tongue and my finger from time to time up his anus, while inhaling it’s thrillingly scent. Linus didn’t even ask me what I was doing, he just lay there and enjoyed. I, on the other hand, was in heaven again and only one thing could make my bliss divine.

I let off of Linus’ bottom and made him kneel on all fours. I then got behind him again, spitted on my dick to lube it and positioned its tip at his anus. “Ok, Linus. This is going to hurt a little at the beginning, but you’re going to love it. Just relax and everything goes down fine.” Linus nodded and I started pushing. It took some effort to get past his tight compressor, but it was worth it, seeing my dick slipping into his butt inch by inch and hearing Linus cheering in achy pleasure while biting into the pillow. I grabbed a hold of his pelvis and kept pushing till my dick was all in and enclosed by his clenching anus. It felt amazing! I kept it in there, giving Linus some time to get used to the pressure and pain, which he seemed to need, because he was somehow about to start crying. Well, one little tear ran down his cheek though. I leaned forward, wiped it away and gave him a kiss on the very cheek. “Everything alright, Linus?” It took him some time to form an answer, but he finally managed it. “It hurts.” He said in a weepy tone. “The pain will turn into pleasure, once you got used to it.” I said, gave him another kiss and got back behind him. I grabbed again hold of him and started fucking. I pushed my dick out of his little butt and shoved it up again over and over again. At first Linus was puling and tearing a bit, but with each thrust he started to relax and embracing the pleasure I gave him, till his crying got replaced my moaning. I fucked him for a few minutes and then changed positions. I lay down on my back and made Linus sit down on my lap facing me. I guided my dick back into his butt and started humping him again. Linus jumped up and down riding my dick, while I caressed his smooth body and jacked him off with my hands. Time went by and I was about to cum. I grabbed a hold of him again and started to fuck him harder till I couldn’t take it anymore. I cried out in sheer pleasure and buried my hands into the mattress as I shot my load stream after stream into Linus’ butt. I was breathless!

As I lay there, gaining my breath back, I could feel my cum leaking out of Linus’ butt, running down my softening dick and landing on my balls. Linus, on the other hand, just stared at me with his wonderful blue eyes and I couldn’t resist but pushing myself up and giving him a deep kiss. I know, I use this phrase way too often, but I really was in heaven. It all started as a simple job, but I ended up falling in love (and losing my virginity to the very love). My world and heart fell apart and feared to get lost in the endless scenery of time and space and darkness, but Linus put them back together and caressed them with love. He was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, but the universe, cruel as it was and still is, had other plans.

As soon as I started kissing Linus, the door of his bedroom opened up and, how could it be different, his mother stepped in and as soon as she realized what was going on, she started screaming, fainting and calling the police at the same time!

From that point on my life burst asunder. I got arrested, convicted by court and put into remand home and therapy for several years. It was terrible. I got blemished as c***d m******r, beaten up by other inmates and, of course, all the other stereotypical things too. But I somehow survived and as I got out I had only one thought and wish. Linus. I had to see him again, which was easier said than done. Because as soon as my trial was over, Linus and his mother moved away and changed their surnames, making it quite difficult for me to find them.

Years passed by, but I never gave up hope and my persistence paid finally off, because I found Linus living at the other end of the country. Well, most people would call it obsession or lunacy, but I just call it love.

It was early December and snow was falling down from the sky piling up on the houses and trees, bathing suburbia into a white haze. Linus was in his garden with his wife and c***d building snowmen and fooling around. (He got married. I couldn’t believe it as I found out.) Linus was in his garden enjoying the winter and I was standing across the street watching him doing so. The moment I saw him I wanted to storm up to him, embosom him and never let go of him. But I guessed his wife would have killed me once I set my foot unto the lawn. So I just stood there watching him and waiting for him to notice me, which he finally, finally did. It might have took him some time to recognize me, but he somehow knew that it was me, because as soon as his wife and k*d went back into the house, he walked towards me and I did the same, till we finally met halfway at his garden fence. “How the actual f*** can you dare it to come here?” “I missed you.” “Well, I didn’t miss you. And now get lost, before someone sees you.” “Linus! Just listen to me! Please!” He was about to go, but my call made him stop, although he didn’t turn around to face me. “All these years you were the only one I could think about. My days, my nights, my dreams and my live were all about you. Not one moment went by without me thinking about and remembering the wonderful time we had together. All the fun, all the laughter and all the love never left my mind and memory. And once you left, my live became pointless and the only thing that kept me alive was the hope of seeing you again someday and you still loving me. Linus, you are the love of my live. I loved you back then, I still love you and I will always love you.” Silence. Silence. Silence. “How dare you.” Linus said while turning around and approaching me. “How dare you to do this to me! All these years I have never wasted a thought about you and almost forgot you, but now you came back into my live, waiting in front of my house and watching me and my family!” Tears started building up in his still deep blue eyes. “You have no idea of what you did to me!” He slapped me in the face while saying this. “I was an innocent c***d back then!” He slapped me in the face again. “You never loved me! I never loved you! We never loved each other! You pathetic lunatic just used me and wasted your life hunting down an illusion! And just internalize one little thing: All about you is nothing but a pitiful lie and this very illusion and its truth hates you and wishes to never see you again! Never!” And with these words, Linus turned around and walked back into his house without turning back even once.

My world burst apart for the last time and everything became pointless again. My entire life seemed to be nothing but a crestfallen illusion, a pitiful lie I told myself for years and years. Linus never loved me and I lied to myself. The time we spent together faded away and became nothing but a dying memory painted in different shades of grey. But, be it as it may, I still love him and I will always love him, even if he hates me. Well, according to him I might be a lunatic, but even a lunatic knows, that an unrequited love is worth nothing but burning tears and sorrowful laughter and without love not even nothing is worth anything. I think it was Oscar Wilde who once said, that a life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. My life was a dead flower of love. The sun that once kept me alive darkened and I got thrown out of heaven and Eden at once and all I could do now was to forgive and forget, to forget and to die.

This was the last time I saw Linus. Well, this was the very last time I saw anybody.

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xoxo Future Part 5 Screaming with everything in her Anya shoved her shoulder against the door, ‘stupid move’ thought Anya seconds later as she cradled her throbbing arm and shoulder. “Fuck you both” screeched Anya not even caring that she sounded like a crazy cat lady. “Bastard’s didn’t even leave me water” mumbled Anya as she surveyed the room. Against the right wall was the horrible wardrobe that couldn’t hide a mouse in it, and a surprisingly descent dresser with a huge mirror....

3 years ago
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Black neighbor boy

Black neighbor boyPart IWe had been married for almost 5 years at the time this story takes place. We were quite happy, and apart from the odd row, got on just famously. I worked a lot, including weekends away, but I didn't worry too much for Mary because she had lots of friends and activities to keep her occupied.One afternoon, things at work were slow and I decided to surprise her and come home early. As I was getting ready to pull in the driveway, I noticed a bicycle in the driveway. I...

4 years ago
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Hanging For The Weekend

Hanging For The WeekendA Self-Suspension Fantasy Please note, this is fantasy, and to try any of the tricks in this might kill you. I can?t warn you any more clearly than that. It seemed like a good idea at the time.Which would explain why, arriving home on a Friday night, I had tossed my work clothes into thehamper, dressed instead in a ragged strip of grey cloth angled across my hips, and run goose-pimply and bare- breasted around the empty house making preparations.Hanging motionless by my...

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After twenty years of marriage, you can read the signs. Cynthia was preoccupied much of the time. She had to work late a several times a month. Her interest in her family seemed perfunctory, at best. I had hoped it was a phase, or a chemical, or hormonal thing that women go through. After a few months of hoping, I decided it was time to learn the truth, regardless of the pain that went with it. The agency came very highly recommended. They were thorough, discreet, and very professional. I met...

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Things Mothers Do for their Daughters

   THINGS MOTHERS DO FOR THEIR                           DAUGHTERS         Olivia Miller is a single mother raising twolovely daughters the best way she knew how. She has struggled working two differentjobs to make ends meet and give the two girls a good home life since her husbanwalked out on them over twelve years ago, althouugh  she tried datingonce and during the few weeks of courtship she did have one occation to havesexual relations with the man but just like the many years with her...

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Pats new friends

Pat asked to stay a few more minutes. We were in a dimly lit car park. Pat had heard it's a meeting place for people wanting to have fun.Dogging is the word she used.No sooner had I said, "Let's go," than headlights appeared behind us. The car parked about half a dozen car widths away. Nothing happened for a while; then, the side window came down.I could make out the outline of a man, "What's happening?"Pat told me to be quiet and rolled her window down.The man opened his car door and...

2 years ago
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She Said I Was a Good Man

Edited by Barney R. I met Sara shortly after I was mustered out of the army after three years of service. I was going to night school and working full time in a factory. That Friday I had an exam in my class and when finished I could leave. I finished the test about the same time as a friend of mine and we decided to go down the street for pizza and beer. We had been in the pizza parlor for about 15 minutes when I saw her. She was standing up after getting out of the booth that she and her...

1 year ago
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Family AffairChapter 6

George was now settled into his bed, feeling very content, and totally satisfied, sexually, that is. Esther lay next to him, sleeping soundly. George was glad of that, there was no way he could possibly be more fulfilled. He lay there relaxing, thinking of Cindy, that wonderful little cunt. Her soft body was something he had not experienced since he was... well, a number of years ago anyway. What a tender sweet pussy she had, and those tits of hers, they stood up with the strength that only...

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Jenny the horny

The first time Jennifer came over, I thought nothing of it. I was eighteen, moving quickly towards independence, and frankly, not the least bit concerned that my parents didn’t trust me enough to watch over my seven year old brother. I don’t blame them, because aside from occasionally doing some homework, all I ever did was play video games, listen to heavy metal, and read comics. It’s not that they didn’t think I was a total hellian, it was just this issue of responsibility that seemed to...

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AudryChapter 6 Friends

Our friend, George Lemmer, was coming to visit... and Audry was far too pregnant to do much cooking, let alone entertaining. She loved being pregnant, but hated the "waddling stage", and not being able to care for a guest. George had hinted that he'd really like a long ride up into the Cascades, and maybe a chance to try deer hunting with a rifle-only shotguns were allowed where he hunted in the east. We already had three hunting parties on the ranch; one group out on the leased grazing...

2 years ago
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A Rave Suprise

Zander grinned some,seeing his ex shitfaced drunk. Weaving in and out of the people being stupid. which was a black t-shirt "It wasn't me...This time"in dark green lettering,some baggy bondage pants with straps and chains hanging off them,and a pair of old combat boots on. His dark red hair was extremely messy. Finally getting into the room she stumbled into.No one was there.Perfect.He walked up behind her and started kissing her neck hard.He was groping her tits in his hands. Sarah was leaning...

1 year ago
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BangBus Penelope Kay Hottie With Perfect Tits Fucks for Money

This week, we pulled up on this chick that was on her way to the mall. At first, she didn’t want to talk to us, but eventually she started opening up once she saw we had a stack of money. Eventually, we convinced her to hop inside the bus after giving her a grand to let Tony lick her toes. From there, it wasn’t difficult to get her to do whatever we wanted. She soon got naked, this chick had a perfect body with amazing natural tits. Eventually, it all lead to her getting fucked. Tony stretched...

2 years ago
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Making a SlaveBoyChapter 6 The Private Party

David was on his way back to the kitchen following his talk with Mrs Lewis, Sheila, or maybe it was Mistress now — he didn't know what he should call her, he only knew that he suddenly felt as if the world had miraculously been lifted off his shoulders — when he was met by Kelly. Kelly was a round, jolly kind of girl, a little bit loud, especially when she laughed, and she had the dirtiest laugh imaginable. Her eyes immediately dropped to the tight package of his trunks. "Jackie is looking...

4 years ago
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How she got the part

I'm the casting agent for a big Hollywood studio, stars are made when I cast a lead in a movie. But with so many options for to pick from, how do I know who I should pick. Well, when it comes to actress's they prove themselves worthy. I hear a knock on the door as I search the net for my next conquest's history. "Your next appointment is her," my assistant said after barging in. "Wait for permission next time please" my tone annoyed yet playful. A cup of coffee in her hand. As she moves to the...

1 year ago
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Kaali Niki Ke Sath Masti

Hello friends, I’m devil (name changed of all the characters in this story for privacy reason.) Age 23, I’m from gadchiroli, Maharashtra near Nagpur city. Me ek life enjoy karne wala ladka hu. José sirf enjoy karne ke naye naye bahane dhundne ka shouk he. Me bahot hi bakbakiya type ka banda hu. So, story start krte he, mera ek friend that jiski haal hi me shaadi hui thi(bhag kar). Me usko Milne subah due baje gaya. Mene dekha ki uske room pe do ladkiya thi. Ek ekdum goori maal toh dusri kaali...

3 years ago
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16 June 2007Chapter 4

Dan parked the car, and Wendy and Abby began their walk hand in hand along the path. Dan and Brad followed, enjoying the swaying side to side of their sexy, short skirts. They could also see the many stares the two sensual women received from admiring men. Abby loved Wendy and took every opportunity to express it. Every time they paused, she risked being caught and snuck a sensual kiss. Wendy suggested they let themselves be seen kissing, and stopped by a large maple tree. They noticed...

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Extra Credit

‘Well there is one thing you can do.’ My ears perked up immediately. ‘Yes, yes! I’ll do anything,’ I begged. I had just finished giving Mr. West a long story of why I really needed some form of extra credit, I was prepared to do anything, even if that meant throwing away my morals and begging. ‘Come over here,’ he said in a rush. I nodded and went over to his side of his desk. He turned his chair towards me and wiggled his pointer finger, signaling for me to come forward. I took steps...

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Remember the lovely Barbara Eden who played the genie Jeannie in the old 1960s sitcom with Larry Halman as Astronaut Tony Nelson with his friend Frank Healey and Doctor Bellows. Well I once fantasised it was me as the Air Force Officer ven though I was only ever a lowly sergeant and wife Sarah, blonde like Jeannie was “my Genie”. After all Sarah worked her magic on me often, unlike Jeannie who only needed to hold her arms together and shake her lovely head to cast a spell Sarah had to use her...

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The Ranch Chapter 6

Now, I could spend the rest of this story talking about the evening in the whirlpool, but that isn’t really what this is about. Suffice to say that I was stuck in between two girls who are so much in love and who know each other so well that they could get each other off anywhere. It was amazing to be in there with them and just have them playing over and around me. They put me to bed later and I slept like a baby. I think I woke up around 11am. I realized when I did wake up that I had started...

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Truck Stop Tranny Sluts

My girlfriend and lover Candi and I were driving back to her place for some steamy tranny sex after a night of partying at a tranny/gay bar in town when we passed a truck stop on the highway. Buzzed and horny as we were, we laughed about stopping in the lot and doing so hookin’ as a means to get us some trucker cock. After a minute or two of silence, Candi said lets do it and before I could answer she was turning back for the truck stop! Candi and I are both bisexual crossdressers and we pass...

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A Tale of Two Moms Book Two

A Tale of Two Moms – Book TwoAnother biographical fantasy by DizzyDStory Codes: Fb, Ff, bb, mom-son, mom-dau, inc, voy, mast. oralThis story is purely a work of fiction, and while parts may depict actual occurrences, it is not intended to by biographical. It is protected under law, and conforms to all legal statutes and is protected under the Byrne Convention.This is a repost of Book Two, in preparation for the release of the awaited Book Four.Enjoy! DizzyDChapter OneShelly Davis couldn’t...

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Boring Day Turns Into A Passionate Evening

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hello Readers, I am Rahul, a bisexual Top, I like getting sucked especially by CD’s, the males and bottoms, This happened to me when I was visiting New Delhi on business. After work, I kind of got bored after coming back to my hotel room and decided to explore and see if I could get lucky, and boy did I get lucky. I went to a bar and was eyeing the crowd sipping my beer when my eye caught a beauty, she too was sitting alone and...

Gay Male
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Beside the Brook of SorrowsChapter 11

The village was a happy place for the next few cycles of seasons for Two Bears and his family. The winters were mild and the hunting and gathering continued as before, yielding a plentiful supply of food, and all else that the village required to prosper. Through all of that passage of time, Two Bears worked diligently and assembled together all that he could find in order to make the metal for his tribe. Had he been more willing to leave the village for longer periods of time, he could have...

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Hot Mother in Their Grasp

The high school boys, all 18 years or over, had certainly got the gorgeous, blonde, mature mother under their control now, and there was just nothing she could do about it. By threatening her on just one occasion, they had led her into a scenario of situations where they had been able to enjoy the wonderful fruits of her body endlessly, and on each occasion the sexy wife and mother had eventually given in until she was literally crying out for more.And it was easily understandable why the young...

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Chat Room Lovers Ch 3

(Chat Room Lovers, is a sequence of stories that are meant to be loving, sexual, and most of all, erotic) She woke up the next morning, ….finding him missing she became panicked. As she jumped from the bed she headed for a cold shower to help relieve her fears. Quickly she relieves herself and jumps into the shower. Looking out the frosty glass she sees a shadow figure near the door. ‘Is that you Hon?’ She called out. ‘Yep, sweetie, How you feeling this morning?’ He asked. ‘A bit panicked,...

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I Enjoy Her Body Ch 02

I’m driving around wondering what / who to do. I wonder how much time I have left controlling her. I’m so excited thinking about the possibilities of how I can experience her hot body further. As my mind wonders, I reach down and push her fingers under her skirt and slowly start to rub her pussy. It starts to get wet very quickly. I move her silk underwear to the side and start fingering her pussy. It feels so good and I keep tasting her wet pussy by sucking on her fingers. I want to fuck her...

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Reluctant NeighborChapter 5

She dressed carefully for the party. She had luxuriated in a bath for over an hour, had shaved her legs carefully and under her arms, and had creamed her face and made it up very carefully. She decided at the last minute not to wear a girdle, giggling to herself as she made the decision, even though her black, clinging dress did look better with one. She made herself one small martini just to steady her nerves and sat, listening to the stereo, and drank it and inhaled deeply of her cigarette....

2 years ago
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Curiosity Part I

“Alright, Jason, that concludes your orientation. You can go ahead and get started,” said the chic manager of the retail clothing store that catered to juniors.“Thanks, Melanie! I’ll talk to you soon.”Shortly after she disappeared Jason was walking the perimeter of the store performing his security detail. Standing at just under six-feet-four-inches and weighing about two hundred forty pounds Jason Pitts, caught the attention of one of the sales associates.“You gonna keep us safe from all the...

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Fantasy Vacation Chapter 14

  Chapter XIV   Back on deck Carol and Lori were exchanged small talk about everything from cloths, men and sex.   Lori was the first to bring up the subject of marriage and sex. ‘Are you and Don married, Carol?’ Lori asked.   ‘Oh no, we’re not married!’ Carol replied. ‘I’ve been divorced for two years and I met Don about six months ago. I was out looking to buy a new car and we meet at the car dealership where he works and have been dating since.’   ‘How about Mike and Terri?’ Lori asked...

4 years ago
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Young Amy fights her desires

Now it was Monday afternoon, and school was out. It had been hard to keep her hand from between her thighs during her classes, but somehow she had managed. Now walking home, she could feel the wetness of her panties and her pussy and clitoris straining to be...what? Rubbed. Yes, rubbed. Amy found herself increasing her pace to almost a run in her hurry to get home. Her mother would be gone, and she would be home alone. She wasn't really going to do anything sexual, she told herself. She just...

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Everyones favorite Babysitter

Introduction: I think this story has to appeal to alot of men and women, enjoy As told to me directly from the young lady herself about a year later…enjoy it. Hi my name is Debbie when I was a senior in High School I used to baby sit for a couple that had a new baby, she was one year old and her name was Destiny. It was an easy job cause all I had to do was feed her a bottle and put her to bed when they went out. My 18th birthday had just come and gone and I graduated just a few weeks before...

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One Dark NightChapter 11

We had all slept pretty good and felt rested.The only thing sore on us were our tattoos and peircings. We headed out to Dan and Linda's.Linda invited us all upstairs, the shop wasn't yet open.She made us coffee, it was the best cup of coffee I had had in a long time.It was a charming apartment, all sunny and bright, eclectically furnished with colorful drapes and pillows and beaded curtains.I loved it.Her cats were so friendly and jumped on our laps. Dan finished his coffee and went down...

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Letters from Sky Part 12

Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 11 © 2008 by ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday, May 16th (morning) Hi, Marsh Sorry I didn't get to write you last night, it was because I have to write Daddy, and don't have much time before Lisa has to go to bed. And OK, I also get busy messing around with them like I can't alone too. But Zack...

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Hotel Maid Gives Me a Special Treat

I stayed in a hotel in South Africa and liked to have fun with the maids.I was "working" one morning and so to keep privacy she brought her cleaning cart into the room and closed the door. This is against the rules as they must be seen when they clean, but she figured I should not be disturbed, so my trap was set.As she cleaned I had a good look at her. Under her uniform she had a good body, nice firm ass. I talked to her, asking how many rooms she does every day - small talk to relax her. When...

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CHAPTER 2: THE BALDWINSThe weekend seemed destined to be entirely too long. It was just a normal Saturday/Sunday weekend but after that time in Mr. Baldwin’s office on Friday it was too long to wait. No, I didn’t leave the office with any expectation expressed to me about the future much less as soon as Monday. He gave me no promise or hint. He expressed how happy he was with me, how pleased he was. I had undressed in his office in the afternoon when others were working. I had sucked his cock...

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UniversityChapter 20

We only saw Mark and Allison once more before flying down to Melbourne. We were coming home from food shopping and they were strolling on King, hand-in-hand. I guessed that they had come to some sort of an understanding. We registered at our hotel, near the Victoria Markets, and walked down Swanston Street towards the Yarra. We stopped near City Square for a quick bite and then to the docks at Princes Walk. The guidebook said one had to book in advance, but Melbourne River Cruises were...

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Alone With my Sister Chapter 1

This first chapter has allot of buildup, so for those of you who for some reason don't like that kind of thing, sorry. Also, this is my first story, so I'd love some feedback. Thanks. __________________________________________________________________ "AAhhHHHAa!" I heard my sister scream. As I look towards her door from across the hallway through my open door, I quickly stand up to help her. As I approach her door, I hear her scream again. I push open the door, and I see my blond,...

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Taming Ms Turner

It's your senior year of high school and the last thing you want to worry about are your grades. However, you are on the verge of failing your history class and that would prevent you from graduating with the rest of your class. Fortunately, the class is taught by an attractive young woman named Ms. Turner. She's new to the school, so you hope that she's not wise to your scheming ways and might cut you a break. Determined to raise your F to a D, you wait until school is over on a Friday...

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The Japanese Contract

The Japanese ContractSome women merely walked into a crowd, while others made entrances, Kay Sommers emphatically belonged to the latter group, and her entrance invariably was spectacular. She stood now at the entrance to the international airport for Tokyo and every oriental head turned to stare at her when she deplane from the Japan Airline flight from New York. Kay was well worth their stares and knew it and reveled in the admiration that was her due. Tall and willowy, with shimmering...

1 year ago
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Dyked Amilia Onyx Dolly Leigh Selena Stone Cam Cuties With The Booties

Amilia Onyx is a webcam OG and she is showing her friend Selena Stone how to get down and dirty for the cam to make some bread. They get their first tip and Amilia knows what time it is. They turn around and start shaking their booties, turning every guy in the chatroom on right away. It is not long until they get their second tip, and the ante is upped. Amilia spanks Selenas ass and the fun has officially started. They let the guys know that their friend Dolly Leigh is coming, and she has...

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The Perils of Partying Hard

College: A place of higher learning, where young adults come to broaden their horizons and ready themselves for the real world... At least in theory. For many, college is a place to go wild and enjoy yourself before having to face the responsibilities of adulthood. Unfortunately for an unlucky pair of coeds, they're about to go a bit too wild. Soon finding themselves stark naked in the worst of places, will they manage to make it through this ordeal with their dignity intact? Let's take a...

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The Inspection

Officer Tanya works for U.S. Customs at an international airport in the southern U.S.. Her colleagues call her a radical feminists, because of the way she wield power. Most wanted to call her a “bitch” but wouldn’t dare because they knew she would respond with two fisted disagreement. No one messes with Tanya. Tanya perfected a formula for humiliating men at work. She instructs her workers to bring any male who’s carries pornography to be brought to her for interrogation. She had nothing...

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Milking Time B2 Chapter 12 Clyda Jordan Part

Chapter 12: Clyda & Jordan Part 6Clyda opened her eyes in shock as she heard Jordan's latest request. "You have got to be fucking k**ding me!" exclaimed Clyda. "You aren't human girl." "Didn't Dee Dee and Tiffany tell you that I was crazy about cock, Clyda?" asked Jordan. "They didn't tell me that you had a bloody terminal case of it, love," retorted Clyda. "Well, I think I've got one last good load in me for you," continued Clyda. "You've got to realize that we're not all rampaging...

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Emma Ch 29

XXIX Life was certainly changing at Emma and Charlotte’s flat. Emma and Maisie had at last found a house in a quite well-to-do part of the city, and had moved out to live together there. Emma seemed quite reluctant to move to somewhere so expensive, saying that it tied her more than she wanted to the kind of income she was now bringing in, but Maisie was insistent, and as always Emma was unable to resist any of Maisie’s requests. Their move was not a sudden affair. The two of them had been...

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The Artist Is A WizardChapter 4

The first thing I noticed after I got back from my excursion to that world, was that the girl seemed to smell and look dirty. She needed a bath, badly. The second, was I was very drained and hungry. I almost collapsed. Guess traveling to wherever I did and back, took it out of me. It hit me suddenly, like a rush. I had been worried we might not be able to communicate, but whatever power allowed me to travel to and from the other world seemed to include the language. I had wondered about...

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