Cu Matusa La Munte free porn video

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Salut,numele meu este Dragos ,iar astazi m-am gandit sa va povesteac intamplarea avuta cu matusa mea la munte.
Pe matusa mea din partea mamei o cheama Florina si are 34,adica dublu decat mine. Trebuie sa mentionez ca arat foarte bine.
Acum cateva saptamani parintii mei s-au decis sa mergem 3 zile la munte impreuna cu Florina si inca un frate al ei impreuna cu nevasta si doi copii.
Ziua plecarii a sosit,am ajuns si la mune unde ne-am cazat im urmatorul fel:
Mama si tata o camera.
Cei 2 copii o camera
Cealalta sora a mamei cu barbatul ei o camera,iar eu cu Florina intr-o camera deoarece amandoi eram siguri.
Eram cazati la Hotel Pestera,de langa platoul Bucegi,pentru cei care cunosc.
Prima zi a trecut normal,pana seara cand eram in camera cu Florina care imi zice ca se duce sa faca un dus. Eu am ramas in pat,uitandu-ma la televizor pana o aud strigand:
-Dragos! Dragos!
Ma duc langa usa de la baie si ii raspund:
-Adu-mi si mie hainele din pat ca le-am uitat acolo.
M-am dus,am luat hainele si am venit la usa.
-Intra,nu-ti fie rusine.
Am deschis incet usa si am intrat,matusa era chiar cu fata la mine in pizda goala si zambea. M-a vazut ca m-am inrosit tot ai mi-a zis:
-De ce te-ai rusinat,nu esti tu primul care ma vede goala.
Cei drept,mai auzidem vorbe desprea ea cum ca ar fii curva.
I-am lasat hainele si m-am dus inapoi in pat astsptand sa iasa ca sa ma duc eu sa fac dus mai mult cu gandul la o laba sa ma descarc.
A iesit,iar eu m-am dus imediat in baie fara sa-mi mai iau hainele.
Cand eram in cabina de dus si imi frecam energic pula ,m-am trezit cu matusa in baie ca mi-a adus hainele. Eram cacat pe mine de rusine,dar ea a inceput sa rada si a iesit. Nu am mai terminat nici dusul nici laba de rusine,m-am intros inapoi in camera sa ne culcam.
Stateam amandoi in pat cu lumina stinsa si discutam lucruri normale. Dupa o mica pauza de la terminarea canversatiei matusa imi sopteste usor la ureche:
-Dragos,am si eu o problema,ma poti ajuta?
Eu miras si putin speriat ii raspund:
-Daca pot te ajut,despre ce e vorba?
-Tu....Mai esti virgin?Nu trebuie sa te feresti de mine,nu afla nimeni ce discutam noi acum.
-Nu,nu mai sunt virgin,dar ce legatura are asta cu problema ta?
-Stii...De cand sunt singura acasa nu prea am mai avut parte de sex,foarte rar mai facem cand venea unchiul tau acasa ,si acum cand te-am vazut in baie ca te masturbai m-am gandit ca ti-ar place sa futi ceva...
Daca am vazut ca discutia incepe sa devina asa excitanta si ca matusa chiar e serioasa am inceput sa fiu si eu serios.
-Eu cand ma masturbam in baie,ma masturbam cu gandul la tine ca te-am vazut goala si nu am mai rezistat.
-Deci ti-a placut cand m-ai vazut dezbracata?
-Da,am zis eu cu jumatate de gura.
-Aaa,atunci hai sa iti ofer ceva.
Si a plecat la baie,lumina era stinsa si in camera era intuneric bezna.
Am auzit usa de la baie,iar dupa am simtit-o pe matusa in pat .
-Ce ai facut ,am intrebat-o eu.
-Nimic,doar m-am dezbracat.
Cand am auzit asta si la gandul ca matusa este dezbracata in pat langa mine ,mi s-a sculat imediat pula.
-Adica,esti goala?
-Da,nu asta ai vrut?
Nu am raspuns nimic,am incercat sa ma fac ca dorm sa pot sa o ating usor pe florina cu scuza ca "e din greseala",dar matusa mi-a zis:
-Nu iti e frig?
-Nu,in camera chiar nu era frig,mai ales ca eram si inveliti.
-Mie imi e putin frig,nu vrei sa ma strangi in brate sa ma incalzesc?
Nu am apucat sa raspund nimic ca deja m-a luat in brate si ma lipea de tatele ei mari.
Eram foarte excitat asa ca m-am gandit sa ma las purtat in jocul ei si m-am intora cu fata la ea sa ii simt mai bine sanii pe piept.
Fara sa-mi dau seama am atins-o cu penisul erect pe picior si ea a observat asta.
-Vad ca iti place ,a zis ea razand.Nu vrei sa il scoti tu afara sa il vad si eu mai bine.
Fara sa stau pe ganduri mi-am dat si eu pantalonii si tricoul jos si am ramas dezbracat. Matusa s-a dus si a aprins becul.
Eram amandoi dezbtacati in pat tinandu-ne in brate. La un moment dat mana matusii aluneca pe pieptul meu in jos si se opreste pe pula. A inceput sa mi-o frece usor ,iar buzele s-au lipit brusc si am inceput sa ne sarutam . Fara sa-mi dau seama,matusa a intrerupt seria de saruturi si a inceput sa-mi suga pula in timp ce ma privea in ochi. Mi-am facut si eu curaj si am inceput sa-i ating sanii ,iar dupa putin timp pizda,moment in care am observat ca era uda.
Am ridicat-o si am pus-o peste mine. Si-a fixat singura pula la intrare in vagin si am inceput sa o fut in timp ce o tineam de tate.
Era foarte larga si din cand in cand mai scotea cate un geamat .
Dupa cateva minute de futut in acea pozitie am luat-o si am pus-o in genuchi pe un scaun ,cu dorinta sa o fut in cur.
-Pot sa te fut si in cur?
-Normal,ce intrebare mai e si asta.
Si am inceput sa o fut usor in cur,pana cand s-a largit putin si am putut sa o fut cum trebuie.
Nu a durat mult si am simtit ca imi vine sa ejaculez. Am scos pula din ea ,am luat-o de gat si am trantit-o in pat. M-am dus deasupra ei si am inceput sa-mi frec pula pana am ejaculat pe tot corpul ei.
Ne-am intins amandoi in pat,iar Florina ma intreaba:
-Ti-a placut?
-Foarte mult.
-Deci mai repetam si maine?
Si m-a luat de mana sa mergem sa ne spalam.
Ziua uramatoare am fost toti sa facem un gratar,iar in timp ce ceilalti pregateau focul noi doi ne-am decis sa mergem la o plimbare prin padure. Prin noi doi ma refer la mine si Florina. Am purtat dialoguri normale,pana cand matusa mi-a zis ca o scapa "treaba mica".
-Trebuie sa fac neaparat treaba mica.
-Si nu te las eu?
Matusa si-a dat imediat pantalonii jos si a inceput sa urineze fara sa se gandeasca ca sunt langa ea. Ma uitam fix la pizda ei si ma gandeam cum am futut-o cu o seara in urma si ca abia astept sa se faca iar seara.
Matusa termina,se ridica si imi zice:
-Pe tine nu te scapa?
-Ba da,zic eu dornic sa-mi etalez putin pula in fata ei.
Si scot pula din pantaloni si incep sa urinez,o observ pe matusa ca se uita la pula mea cu un zambet pervers pe fata.
-Flori,diseara mai facem si noi ceva?
-Eu nu prea mai vreau sa astept pana diseara,nu vrei sa mergem noi acum la hotel,sa-i lasam pe ei sa faca gratar?
-Ba da.
Si ne-am intors la locul unde erau ceilalti ,iar matusa le-a spus ca se simte rau si ca se duce la hotel,iar eu m-am oferit sa ma duc cu ea.
Ajunsi in camera ,matusa m-a luat direct in brate si a imceput sa ma sarute. Nu am lasat-o mult timp si mi-am scos pula din pantaloni sa-mi faca o muie.
Ma uitam in oglinda si nu-mi venea sa cred ca propria matusa imi sugea pula.
Mi-a supt putin pula,dupa care se ridica in picioare si zice:
-Tu crezi ca eu sunt proasta? Doar eu sa-ti sug pula,hai sa ma lingi si tu pe mine.

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The mall is too expensive, but there is so many cute things there! Arielle always struggled to pay for clothes, even when she shopped at the sale aisle in the juniors department! The same could not be said for Alana though. She always had stacks of cash bigger than she was. How was this possible? It turns out she has been webcamming, and people pay a hefty premium to see tiny girls toy with themselves. Alana offered Arielle to do a session with her, and they could split the money! The girls...

5 years ago
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I Was Sitting At My Wedding on a Friday NightChapter 6

The alarm went off at 4:45AM and I untangled myself from my soon to be wife. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, taking care to wash my face and mustache. This was the first day of the rest of my life. I looked back to see ‘She’ looking at me with a wan smile. After pulling on my coaching staff polo shirt and my sweat pants I kissed Kendi and went to the kitchen to toast an English muffin, with a little crunchy peanut butter. I filled my water bottle before stopping to look...

2 years ago
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Seducing my best friend

I was staying at my best friend Sean’s house Friday night; his parents were out of town for the weekend and he had the house to himself. Sean was a sophomore too, and he had been my best friend since middle school. He stood six feet tall and had a beautiful face with deep brown eyes. I had feelings for him for the previous few months, but I never said anything, not wanting to ruin our treasured friendship. I let myself in that afternoon and saw him on the couch just watching TV. I came and sat...

4 years ago
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Twelve Days of Christmas

Twelve Days of Christmas by BobH (c) 2010 On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me A set of black lingerie. * And it was a big surprise, let me tell you. When she and her twin brother had set off for Europe to visit family in the Balkans for the days leading up to the holidays, Katya had told me at the airport what she had planned. "So that you don't forget me I've arranged for a gift to be delivered to you on each of the eleven days...

3 years ago
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Vegas Night

VEGAS NIGHT By Harry Krytzer Coming out of the bathroom, toweling off his hair, Jack was startled to see his wife preening in front of the mirror in their Las Vegas hotel room. She was looking over her left shoulder and straightening the seams in her sheer black nylons. The sight of her in strappy high heels, nylons, garter belt and bra was exciting and startling. "Baby, you look fantastic; but we don't have time for sex right now, we're going out." "I know we're going...

3 years ago
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Journey Bliss Before Exam 8211 Part 1

Hey everyone ! This occurred many months ago. I really appreciate your criticisms and suggestions at Please feel free to write and opine. I write detailed sex stories, I beg your patience. For an exam I had to travel away by train with a day journey. My friends had other city as exam centre. I usually like train travel, especially air conditioned, it makes the long haul journey much comfortable. As soon as I reached the station, I bought water. When the train arrived, I boarded after...

2 years ago
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My fantasy carol

eCarol.This is a true story and one that became my main wanking fantasy.I'm 49 now and so this was 35years ago I used to babysit for carol my mums friend, one day I was in carols kitchen with my mum ,they were chatting and I was just there ,the talk got onto videos which were a new thing then suddenly carol said that Steve had also got a couple of blue films and looked up at a small cupboard high up in the kitchen basically telling me where to look,although she hadn't took her stare away from...

3 years ago
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Caught by the Tide Ch 05

‘Well?’ I demanded, my initial horror turning to anger as he continued to gaze back at me in silence, his eyes sweeping the length of my body as if he was drinking in the very sight of me. ‘Daniel?’ The sharpness of my tone seemed to bring him to his senses. ‘Becca, I’m sorry.’ He looked and sounded uncharacteristically ill at ease. ‘I know that I’m the last person in the world you want to see–‘ ‘Too damn right,’ I shot back, clutching at the duvet I’d thrown around myself, suddenly...

3 years ago
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Kathys Awakening

The First EncounterKathy was a pretty girl for 16, she had a small waist, nicely developed tits, jet black hair and bedroom eyes as brown as can be. Not to mention a sweet little ass.She had never even kissed a boy because she had never even thought about boys. She was to be a freshman at the Catholic high school in Patterson, New Jersey. Patterson wasn’t a very nice town and she had to take the city bus to get there.Patterson students had to wear a uniform, a plaid skirt, white long-sleeved...

First Time
3 years ago
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The perfect women for me

I love cum, anal, giving blowjobs but for long periods of time, hours on end, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, just not enough, ever. The thing is only 1 person knows that im gay (besides the one night stands in towns I have only been to once), my c***d hood bff Lisa, now 23 we still talk every day. We share storries, talk about sexy men, even compare dicks we have sucked, or taken, cumshots we have seen, kinky times we have had. We have been comfortable naked around eachother since we were 9. Im not...

4 years ago
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My Mom8217s Secret With Black Man

By: Lovely I lost my father in my early age, when I was very young. My father was a high official in an oil company. After expiry of my father, my mother got the job there. We have a palace like Bunglow. My mother was only 26 when she became widow. She was a gorgeous lady, very beautiful to look, very reserve in nature. She was 5.7 ft in height, her vitae was 34-28-36, her nose very sharp, with rosy lips and beautiful big black eyes, fair silky skin. Every gentleman surely likes to have a look...

4 years ago
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Forever Her Sissy Chapter 6

This is a work of fiction for your enjoyment and all the characters are fictional. Please practice safe sex, respect others limits and know that bondage and discipline can be dangerous if done to extremes. None of the scenes in this literature are meant to be reproduced in real life. Be respectful to all women and to local ordinances and laws. I Absolutely love reading the reviews that you wonderful readers have been leaving, please, please, please continue to write and post...

3 years ago
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The Worst of Friends

Hope crossed her arms tightly across her chest and stared out the conference room window. It was barely nine in the morning and the day was already shit. Sheets of rain pounded the thick glass loudly and the swirling storm clouds reflected her black mood. A gentle shiver vibrated through her body. She never seemed to feel completely dry when she was in Seattle. She never felt warm. Fifty stories up, fuzzy red and white lights from automobiles were barely visible through the grey soup. She...

2 years ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Cadence Lux 10182016

Cadence Lux is a Black Cock Slut, and she knows how much you love the “BCS”. In fact, today Cadence is going to look you right in the eye, give you some encouragement to pull your dick out of your pants and start stroking. Cadence loves watching a man pleasure himself, and she loves talking to you while you’re jerking fast and furious. Which is exactly what you’ll be doing, because for the very first time in her career, Cadence is going to get railed by the Legend...

3 years ago
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My first affair

Hi this is a true story about my first out side marriage encounter. I've been married for 10 years now with my husband who I adore more then anything I would describe our relationship as highly passionate and we 're both open to new things. ..during sex we've both flirted with the idea of me sleeping with another man ..I.guess you could use the word cuckold but my husband's fantasy was never to watch but to let me enjoy sex with another man and come back to him all used and for me to tell him...

3 years ago
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Lustfull Love

Hi all reader, how ru ??? i hope u guys r enjoyin the stories here …My self ajju(name changed) m from height is 171cms n i hav 8″ cock which mostt of aunties lik … I am going to tell you about my first sex encounter with a Aunty. A day when I was coming back from my university late in the evening in the main area of the city belonging to the very elite class of the a narrow street I saw a lady was struggling to start her car. I looked at her and passed away she was in red...

2 years ago
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Holly Gets a RideChapter 11

Holly contacted Millsum’s HR department and set her start date for Monday, ten days away. She texted Ricky constantly, happy to chat with him at all hours and talk on the phone at least once a day. He would be away on business all next week, travelling to a client to work on a property purchase for the investment trust where he worked. That meant that they would have next weekend together, after which their work schedules would dictate when and maybe where they could meet. She fully expected...

2 years ago
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HobyBuchanon Cecelia Taylor Teen Cecelia Taylor Returns And Gets Throat Pied

19 year old Cecelia Taylor has returned for more rough sex. I start POV and put my fingers in her mouth and spit in her face. She begins sucking my cock and I begin to fuck her face and slap her. I put my fingers down her throat and bend her over and eat her teen ass. I put my hand in her pussy then I fuck her hard from behind. I put a ball gag on her and step on her head while fucking her. I spank her ass with a paddle then fuck her until her eyelashes are falling off. I flip her upside down...

2 years ago
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These contact nights were pretty frequent and took place at our house or at one of the contact’s houses and they were all big parties. Sometimes Louise and I would be the only women there and other times there would be someone’s swinging wife to join in the fun and, more rarely, there were occasions when other daughters were there too. Daddy’s contacts are all high profile people – he sees no special reason to involve anyone less. They include corporate managers, doctors, lawyers and judges...

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She was devastatingly beautiful  NATALIE  She is devastatingly beautiful.  It?s hard for me to describe her without immediately gettingstuck on the image of her in my head, becoming lost in her beauty, aroused,intoxicated, and completely overwhelmed. Her body makes me weak, but it?s her smile that breaks all of myresistance.  It?s such a sweetsmile, with her bright eyes sparkling and her lip gloss shimmering.  If you saw her, you wouldn?t be able tolook away, not the first time. Your whole being wou...

3 years ago
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Emily and DanielChapter 7 After Dinner

Evenings in the tropics are made for quiet conversation, a drink or perhaps tea, and contemplation of the horizon and the sky above. The heat is softening, helped by a breeze when there is one, even if it never gets really cool. After a day or so we settled easily into an after-dinner routine. Captain Drescher and Signorina Beatrice almost always joined us, while whichever crewman had the duty cleaned the galley to Beatrice's requirements. One evening, maybe the fourth or fifth day of our...

4 years ago
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The Private Life of Teachers

I set them off on a practical where they were making carbon dioxide by mixing HCl with limestone chips. everything was going fine, I was being pulled in a million different directions with students all asking questions at once, some not wearing goggles and others that just were not on task at all, all that is usual for a practical but then I see Connor fill a 100 ml beaker with HCl then start running back to his desk, right past me. "CONNOR!!!!" I yell about to admonish him for carrying...

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