Cu Matusa La Munte free porn video

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Salut,numele meu este Dragos ,iar astazi m-am gandit sa va povesteac intamplarea avuta cu matusa mea la munte.
Pe matusa mea din partea mamei o cheama Florina si are 34,adica dublu decat mine. Trebuie sa mentionez ca arat foarte bine.
Acum cateva saptamani parintii mei s-au decis sa mergem 3 zile la munte impreuna cu Florina si inca un frate al ei impreuna cu nevasta si doi copii.
Ziua plecarii a sosit,am ajuns si la mune unde ne-am cazat im urmatorul fel:
Mama si tata o camera.
Cei 2 copii o camera
Cealalta sora a mamei cu barbatul ei o camera,iar eu cu Florina intr-o camera deoarece amandoi eram siguri.
Eram cazati la Hotel Pestera,de langa platoul Bucegi,pentru cei care cunosc.
Prima zi a trecut normal,pana seara cand eram in camera cu Florina care imi zice ca se duce sa faca un dus. Eu am ramas in pat,uitandu-ma la televizor pana o aud strigand:
-Dragos! Dragos!
Ma duc langa usa de la baie si ii raspund:
-Adu-mi si mie hainele din pat ca le-am uitat acolo.
M-am dus,am luat hainele si am venit la usa.
-Intra,nu-ti fie rusine.
Am deschis incet usa si am intrat,matusa era chiar cu fata la mine in pizda goala si zambea. M-a vazut ca m-am inrosit tot ai mi-a zis:
-De ce te-ai rusinat,nu esti tu primul care ma vede goala.
Cei drept,mai auzidem vorbe desprea ea cum ca ar fii curva.
I-am lasat hainele si m-am dus inapoi in pat astsptand sa iasa ca sa ma duc eu sa fac dus mai mult cu gandul la o laba sa ma descarc.
A iesit,iar eu m-am dus imediat in baie fara sa-mi mai iau hainele.
Cand eram in cabina de dus si imi frecam energic pula ,m-am trezit cu matusa in baie ca mi-a adus hainele. Eram cacat pe mine de rusine,dar ea a inceput sa rada si a iesit. Nu am mai terminat nici dusul nici laba de rusine,m-am intros inapoi in camera sa ne culcam.
Stateam amandoi in pat cu lumina stinsa si discutam lucruri normale. Dupa o mica pauza de la terminarea canversatiei matusa imi sopteste usor la ureche:
-Dragos,am si eu o problema,ma poti ajuta?
Eu miras si putin speriat ii raspund:
-Daca pot te ajut,despre ce e vorba?
-Tu....Mai esti virgin?Nu trebuie sa te feresti de mine,nu afla nimeni ce discutam noi acum.
-Nu,nu mai sunt virgin,dar ce legatura are asta cu problema ta?
-Stii...De cand sunt singura acasa nu prea am mai avut parte de sex,foarte rar mai facem cand venea unchiul tau acasa ,si acum cand te-am vazut in baie ca te masturbai m-am gandit ca ti-ar place sa futi ceva...
Daca am vazut ca discutia incepe sa devina asa excitanta si ca matusa chiar e serioasa am inceput sa fiu si eu serios.
-Eu cand ma masturbam in baie,ma masturbam cu gandul la tine ca te-am vazut goala si nu am mai rezistat.
-Deci ti-a placut cand m-ai vazut dezbracata?
-Da,am zis eu cu jumatate de gura.
-Aaa,atunci hai sa iti ofer ceva.
Si a plecat la baie,lumina era stinsa si in camera era intuneric bezna.
Am auzit usa de la baie,iar dupa am simtit-o pe matusa in pat .
-Ce ai facut ,am intrebat-o eu.
-Nimic,doar m-am dezbracat.
Cand am auzit asta si la gandul ca matusa este dezbracata in pat langa mine ,mi s-a sculat imediat pula.
-Adica,esti goala?
-Da,nu asta ai vrut?
Nu am raspuns nimic,am incercat sa ma fac ca dorm sa pot sa o ating usor pe florina cu scuza ca "e din greseala",dar matusa mi-a zis:
-Nu iti e frig?
-Nu,in camera chiar nu era frig,mai ales ca eram si inveliti.
-Mie imi e putin frig,nu vrei sa ma strangi in brate sa ma incalzesc?
Nu am apucat sa raspund nimic ca deja m-a luat in brate si ma lipea de tatele ei mari.
Eram foarte excitat asa ca m-am gandit sa ma las purtat in jocul ei si m-am intora cu fata la ea sa ii simt mai bine sanii pe piept.
Fara sa-mi dau seama am atins-o cu penisul erect pe picior si ea a observat asta.
-Vad ca iti place ,a zis ea razand.Nu vrei sa il scoti tu afara sa il vad si eu mai bine.
Fara sa stau pe ganduri mi-am dat si eu pantalonii si tricoul jos si am ramas dezbracat. Matusa s-a dus si a aprins becul.
Eram amandoi dezbtacati in pat tinandu-ne in brate. La un moment dat mana matusii aluneca pe pieptul meu in jos si se opreste pe pula. A inceput sa mi-o frece usor ,iar buzele s-au lipit brusc si am inceput sa ne sarutam . Fara sa-mi dau seama,matusa a intrerupt seria de saruturi si a inceput sa-mi suga pula in timp ce ma privea in ochi. Mi-am facut si eu curaj si am inceput sa-i ating sanii ,iar dupa putin timp pizda,moment in care am observat ca era uda.
Am ridicat-o si am pus-o peste mine. Si-a fixat singura pula la intrare in vagin si am inceput sa o fut in timp ce o tineam de tate.
Era foarte larga si din cand in cand mai scotea cate un geamat .
Dupa cateva minute de futut in acea pozitie am luat-o si am pus-o in genuchi pe un scaun ,cu dorinta sa o fut in cur.
-Pot sa te fut si in cur?
-Normal,ce intrebare mai e si asta.
Si am inceput sa o fut usor in cur,pana cand s-a largit putin si am putut sa o fut cum trebuie.
Nu a durat mult si am simtit ca imi vine sa ejaculez. Am scos pula din ea ,am luat-o de gat si am trantit-o in pat. M-am dus deasupra ei si am inceput sa-mi frec pula pana am ejaculat pe tot corpul ei.
Ne-am intins amandoi in pat,iar Florina ma intreaba:
-Ti-a placut?
-Foarte mult.
-Deci mai repetam si maine?
Si m-a luat de mana sa mergem sa ne spalam.
Ziua uramatoare am fost toti sa facem un gratar,iar in timp ce ceilalti pregateau focul noi doi ne-am decis sa mergem la o plimbare prin padure. Prin noi doi ma refer la mine si Florina. Am purtat dialoguri normale,pana cand matusa mi-a zis ca o scapa "treaba mica".
-Trebuie sa fac neaparat treaba mica.
-Si nu te las eu?
Matusa si-a dat imediat pantalonii jos si a inceput sa urineze fara sa se gandeasca ca sunt langa ea. Ma uitam fix la pizda ei si ma gandeam cum am futut-o cu o seara in urma si ca abia astept sa se faca iar seara.
Matusa termina,se ridica si imi zice:
-Pe tine nu te scapa?
-Ba da,zic eu dornic sa-mi etalez putin pula in fata ei.
Si scot pula din pantaloni si incep sa urinez,o observ pe matusa ca se uita la pula mea cu un zambet pervers pe fata.
-Flori,diseara mai facem si noi ceva?
-Eu nu prea mai vreau sa astept pana diseara,nu vrei sa mergem noi acum la hotel,sa-i lasam pe ei sa faca gratar?
-Ba da.
Si ne-am intors la locul unde erau ceilalti ,iar matusa le-a spus ca se simte rau si ca se duce la hotel,iar eu m-am oferit sa ma duc cu ea.
Ajunsi in camera ,matusa m-a luat direct in brate si a imceput sa ma sarute. Nu am lasat-o mult timp si mi-am scos pula din pantaloni sa-mi faca o muie.
Ma uitam in oglinda si nu-mi venea sa cred ca propria matusa imi sugea pula.
Mi-a supt putin pula,dupa care se ridica in picioare si zice:
-Tu crezi ca eu sunt proasta? Doar eu sa-ti sug pula,hai sa ma lingi si tu pe mine.

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Signed First EditionChapter 5

I'm afraid that I'm going to have to make a small administrative note. The reader has been very patient with me thus far in my tale. However, to maintain accuracy with regards to the timeframe from this point forward, I must dramatically abbreviate some of my entries. As you notice the days flying by, please take note of the relative high points as I plunge recklessly toward the introduction and integration of one new major character in our little drama and a brief reintroduction of an...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 547

A father buys a lie detector robot that slaps people when they lie. He decides to test it out at dinner one night. The father asks his son what he did that afternoon. The son says, “I did some schoolwork.” The robot slaps the son. The son says, “Ok, Ok. I was at a friend’s house watching movies.” Dad asks, “What movie did you watch?” Son says, “Toy Story.” The robot slaps the son. Son says, “Ok, Ok, we were watching porn.” Dad says, “What? At your age I didn’t even know what porn...

1 year ago
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The Lee Odyssey chapter 1

The Lee Odyssey. Chapter 1I was a junior in high school when it began. I lived in inner city of Detroit and our high school was integrated. We all got along fine though except for the few catty girls both black and white. There were a lot of cliques and it could sometimes get nasty. I was held back a year due to an illness so I was 18 and a year older than most of the girls in my classIt happened at a basketball game. Lee was the star of the team. He wasn’t that tall but he could really play....

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the sex meeting

He told her to meet him in the bar and wear something sexy. She chose a tight low cut very sheer top. Her huge tits were stretching the cloth and she tweaked her nipples to make them stand out. Her skirt was short and barely covered her ass. She wore a tiny thong which was same as being naked. When she walked in she arched her back thrusting her big tits so no one would miss them. Every guy could not take their eyes off her. She was gorgeous and sexy. They wondered who the lucky guy would be...

3 years ago
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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 39 And the Beat Goes On

Peggy and Kathy had long before turned back to one another, choosing to ignore the couple fucking beside them. They didn't notice the changing of the guard when Cable switched with Bernie, nor would they have cared if they had. They were deeply engrossed in each other. Kathy drove her tongue inside Peggy's frothy labia, slurping and sucking at her, reveling in the feel of her legs clenched around her back. She elicited a soft shriek from Peggy by biting on her pussy lips between her teeth;...

2 years ago
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When John became Jasmine Part 2

The following story is a work of fiction based on my own dreams and fantasiesJasmine nervously waited outside the hotel for a taxi, it was only 5 minutes, but it felt like an eternity.Finally a taxi pulled up and Jasmine nervously got in, "where to miss" asked the driver, Jasmine froze, she had never been out dressed before and she had never talked to anyone whilst in Female mode, "i'm not sure" she nervously said, the driver turned and looked at Jasmine, "first time out dressed" asked the...

3 years ago
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The beginning

Like a bad country song, we knew things were not going 'right'. We endured and 'loved' each other in a platonic sort of way, indicative of a couple who had two children together. It was, however, becoming more and more clear that there would be no more sexual liaisons now that we had the kids. Life got more and more strained as we tried everything from counseling to dating each other. Your background had shown through, and I was aware you had been taught that sex was dirty and only for the...

2 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 11

Each afternoon, Susan, Jill and Ron would meet in the shady courtyard where Jill and Susan had first touched, to study and help each other though their classes. Others started to join them and they became tutoring sessions between students. The circle of students grew until it outgrew the small courtyard. Susan moved the sessions to an area beneath a group of large trees. Large pools of shade dotted the area, accompanied by benches and seats, even rocks that became the perch for students as...

3 years ago
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Night Tremors 2

After a long day of much-needed rest and much-desired anticipation, the sun started to go down. Meghann had stayed in bed all day, only getting up to use the bathroom or to get something to eat. She spent the entire day massaging her cum filled pussy. Every time she got out of bed she left a trail of cum drops. By sunset, she was empty and massaging herself without mercy. She could still feel his girth stretching her walls to the extreme while gushing hot cum inside her. She moaned at the...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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My Office Mate2

Manisha and I were back to the daily grind of the office. We were in different departments, but, due to the fact that I handled sales and her department handled the co-ordination of despatches and invoicing, we used to see each other a lot and often memories of the great time we had came back to us. When no one was looking, Manisha would give me mischevious smiles which would send my cock rocketing up in my pants. Some times the erection would become obvious to her and she would slowly show me...

1 year ago
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My Aunt Padma Showed Me Heaven Part 11

Hi friends, I am penning down my memories after a very long time. I hope you like this story too, as in my earlier stories. I am a 52-year-old man presently living in Bangalore. This particular incident happened in Mysore. During summer vacations, I had been to my dad’s younger cousin sister, Padma Aunty’s place. I was studying Engineering and was about 19 years old. Nodding, I got between Indira’s legs, pointing my cockhead at her love hole. I pushed my cock slowly inside. As she was well...

4 years ago
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Friends wife Andrea Chapter 2

Monday morning soon came and I was standing at Gareths door waiting for an answer.I heard Andrea shout down good morning to me as I walked through to the kitchen while Gareth put the kettle on and told me to chill out for 20 minutes while he drove the k**s to school as Andrea did not drive.I made my coffee and went outside the patio door for a cigarette planning the week ahead thinking to myself.I heard Andrea come up behind me and she put her arms around me from behind, kissed my neck and said...

2 years ago
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My Brother Helped Me In Fucking My Sister

Hello ISS readers my name is Subhrant and I live in Odisha I have a average size cock 5″, athletic built body because I go to gym daily, the heroin of this story is my sister she is a sex goddess and anyone who sees her will die to fuck her. Her figure is 34-28-36 and see has a very tight and beautiful vagina. Now let’s go to the story, I never had any bad intention for my sister in the beginning but it all changed, one day we were getting ready for a party and I entered her room without...

3 years ago
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Fear or Excitement

Andrea the sexy five foot two blonde haired sub missive, had by now began to develop a trust and open relationship with her Master Ray, even to the point where she agreed to meet at a local coffee shop just before they closed at 8.00pm. She wore what he had directed her to wear, a front full button down Lacy effect dress with loose weave pattern which allowed her nipples to peek through, this dress stopped six inches above her knee and the main body of the lower skirt part was much more dense...

2 years ago
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Second Chance at LoveChapter 15

It didn't take Jenny long to get Darlene to open up to her. They went to lunch twice and went out one evening for drinks. It was obvious to Jenny that Darlene had needed someone to talk to for a very long time. Darlene had been raised in a very strict and religious family. She knew nothing of boys or relationships. She wasn't ready to be in the outside world by the time she went off to college. In her second year Darlene was raped. She had been out on a date with a football jock when she...

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If there is one cliché’ to describe how I feel in Milan during Fashion Week, it would be like a kid in a candy store! I was there on business though but I could not help but scheduling my meetings in the mornings so that I could at least catch some of the shows: Sander, Armani, Prada, etc., beautiful clothes worn by some of the most beautiful women in the world. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those shallow men who goes entirely in for the model type. I think beauty comes in a variety of...

4 years ago
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A first touch of silk

The day of skiing had been long and exhausting and I had returned to the lodge with the rest of the school group ready to relax and relive the tension of the day. Ten college girls and seven guys, including myself, were sharing the lodge together for this ski trip. After a quick dinner the couples slowly disappeared, leaving the ‘singles’ group, including myself, watching a TV movie. As the night went on the muffled sounds of the couples drifting from the bedrooms started to raise the sexual...

1 year ago
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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 4

Tabatha joined Alana and the 'H' twins the next morning and they continued following the fairy through the forest. "Where's Annalisa?" Alana wanted to know. "We decided that the settlement might need some protection, so she volunteered to stay behind," Tabatha replied. "Besides, several people were still recovering, and they got nervous when we decided to follow you, ergo..." "Annalisa stayed behind to placate them," Alana concluded. "Well, I'm happy you're here. You should...

4 years ago
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10000 Housewife Party

Introduction: Wife and men I am a married women that has the best husband in the world, My husband is one of those guys that loves to see his wife have sex with other men, i would like to share one of our adventures with you. This is a true story, i am a middle aged women that has been married to my wonderful husband for close to 40+ years, my name is Diane and i live in beautiful Queensland Australia. There is a trend going around at the moment in Australia which is called $100.00 Housewife...

3 years ago
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I think therefore Im a woman

It felt best to be alone, in the dark. So I spent the better part of the years locked away hoping and waiting for something like a monk. I pushed everyone out of my life and closed myself off. My parents had passed away long before any of that and I had no siblings or friends to speak of. Things seemed like they would never get better and I would often consider death as a sweet release. It was on that note that I recently moved to New York. If the change of scenery didn't do me some good,...

3 years ago
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The Lockdown Effect 8211 Steps to Prostitution

Rahul and Dona had known each other for over 6 years and have been married for 2 years now. The couple enjoyed an extravagant lifestyle as Rahul was earning a handsome 6 digit figure each month. When the entire world came under lockdown, things looked pretty good for the young couple. Since Rahul was working from home, he had plenty of time to spend with his wife, Dona. They fucked every day in every nook and corner of their house. Both were very open towards each other, and this, of course,...

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