Cu Matusa La Munte free porn video

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Salut,numele meu este Dragos ,iar astazi m-am gandit sa va povesteac intamplarea avuta cu matusa mea la munte.
Pe matusa mea din partea mamei o cheama Florina si are 34,adica dublu decat mine. Trebuie sa mentionez ca arat foarte bine.
Acum cateva saptamani parintii mei s-au decis sa mergem 3 zile la munte impreuna cu Florina si inca un frate al ei impreuna cu nevasta si doi copii.
Ziua plecarii a sosit,am ajuns si la mune unde ne-am cazat im urmatorul fel:
Mama si tata o camera.
Cei 2 copii o camera
Cealalta sora a mamei cu barbatul ei o camera,iar eu cu Florina intr-o camera deoarece amandoi eram siguri.
Eram cazati la Hotel Pestera,de langa platoul Bucegi,pentru cei care cunosc.
Prima zi a trecut normal,pana seara cand eram in camera cu Florina care imi zice ca se duce sa faca un dus. Eu am ramas in pat,uitandu-ma la televizor pana o aud strigand:
-Dragos! Dragos!
Ma duc langa usa de la baie si ii raspund:
-Adu-mi si mie hainele din pat ca le-am uitat acolo.
M-am dus,am luat hainele si am venit la usa.
-Intra,nu-ti fie rusine.
Am deschis incet usa si am intrat,matusa era chiar cu fata la mine in pizda goala si zambea. M-a vazut ca m-am inrosit tot ai mi-a zis:
-De ce te-ai rusinat,nu esti tu primul care ma vede goala.
Cei drept,mai auzidem vorbe desprea ea cum ca ar fii curva.
I-am lasat hainele si m-am dus inapoi in pat astsptand sa iasa ca sa ma duc eu sa fac dus mai mult cu gandul la o laba sa ma descarc.
A iesit,iar eu m-am dus imediat in baie fara sa-mi mai iau hainele.
Cand eram in cabina de dus si imi frecam energic pula ,m-am trezit cu matusa in baie ca mi-a adus hainele. Eram cacat pe mine de rusine,dar ea a inceput sa rada si a iesit. Nu am mai terminat nici dusul nici laba de rusine,m-am intros inapoi in camera sa ne culcam.
Stateam amandoi in pat cu lumina stinsa si discutam lucruri normale. Dupa o mica pauza de la terminarea canversatiei matusa imi sopteste usor la ureche:
-Dragos,am si eu o problema,ma poti ajuta?
Eu miras si putin speriat ii raspund:
-Daca pot te ajut,despre ce e vorba?
-Tu....Mai esti virgin?Nu trebuie sa te feresti de mine,nu afla nimeni ce discutam noi acum.
-Nu,nu mai sunt virgin,dar ce legatura are asta cu problema ta?
-Stii...De cand sunt singura acasa nu prea am mai avut parte de sex,foarte rar mai facem cand venea unchiul tau acasa ,si acum cand te-am vazut in baie ca te masturbai m-am gandit ca ti-ar place sa futi ceva...
Daca am vazut ca discutia incepe sa devina asa excitanta si ca matusa chiar e serioasa am inceput sa fiu si eu serios.
-Eu cand ma masturbam in baie,ma masturbam cu gandul la tine ca te-am vazut goala si nu am mai rezistat.
-Deci ti-a placut cand m-ai vazut dezbracata?
-Da,am zis eu cu jumatate de gura.
-Aaa,atunci hai sa iti ofer ceva.
Si a plecat la baie,lumina era stinsa si in camera era intuneric bezna.
Am auzit usa de la baie,iar dupa am simtit-o pe matusa in pat .
-Ce ai facut ,am intrebat-o eu.
-Nimic,doar m-am dezbracat.
Cand am auzit asta si la gandul ca matusa este dezbracata in pat langa mine ,mi s-a sculat imediat pula.
-Adica,esti goala?
-Da,nu asta ai vrut?
Nu am raspuns nimic,am incercat sa ma fac ca dorm sa pot sa o ating usor pe florina cu scuza ca "e din greseala",dar matusa mi-a zis:
-Nu iti e frig?
-Nu,in camera chiar nu era frig,mai ales ca eram si inveliti.
-Mie imi e putin frig,nu vrei sa ma strangi in brate sa ma incalzesc?
Nu am apucat sa raspund nimic ca deja m-a luat in brate si ma lipea de tatele ei mari.
Eram foarte excitat asa ca m-am gandit sa ma las purtat in jocul ei si m-am intora cu fata la ea sa ii simt mai bine sanii pe piept.
Fara sa-mi dau seama am atins-o cu penisul erect pe picior si ea a observat asta.
-Vad ca iti place ,a zis ea razand.Nu vrei sa il scoti tu afara sa il vad si eu mai bine.
Fara sa stau pe ganduri mi-am dat si eu pantalonii si tricoul jos si am ramas dezbracat. Matusa s-a dus si a aprins becul.
Eram amandoi dezbtacati in pat tinandu-ne in brate. La un moment dat mana matusii aluneca pe pieptul meu in jos si se opreste pe pula. A inceput sa mi-o frece usor ,iar buzele s-au lipit brusc si am inceput sa ne sarutam . Fara sa-mi dau seama,matusa a intrerupt seria de saruturi si a inceput sa-mi suga pula in timp ce ma privea in ochi. Mi-am facut si eu curaj si am inceput sa-i ating sanii ,iar dupa putin timp pizda,moment in care am observat ca era uda.
Am ridicat-o si am pus-o peste mine. Si-a fixat singura pula la intrare in vagin si am inceput sa o fut in timp ce o tineam de tate.
Era foarte larga si din cand in cand mai scotea cate un geamat .
Dupa cateva minute de futut in acea pozitie am luat-o si am pus-o in genuchi pe un scaun ,cu dorinta sa o fut in cur.
-Pot sa te fut si in cur?
-Normal,ce intrebare mai e si asta.
Si am inceput sa o fut usor in cur,pana cand s-a largit putin si am putut sa o fut cum trebuie.
Nu a durat mult si am simtit ca imi vine sa ejaculez. Am scos pula din ea ,am luat-o de gat si am trantit-o in pat. M-am dus deasupra ei si am inceput sa-mi frec pula pana am ejaculat pe tot corpul ei.
Ne-am intins amandoi in pat,iar Florina ma intreaba:
-Ti-a placut?
-Foarte mult.
-Deci mai repetam si maine?
Si m-a luat de mana sa mergem sa ne spalam.
Ziua uramatoare am fost toti sa facem un gratar,iar in timp ce ceilalti pregateau focul noi doi ne-am decis sa mergem la o plimbare prin padure. Prin noi doi ma refer la mine si Florina. Am purtat dialoguri normale,pana cand matusa mi-a zis ca o scapa "treaba mica".
-Trebuie sa fac neaparat treaba mica.
-Si nu te las eu?
Matusa si-a dat imediat pantalonii jos si a inceput sa urineze fara sa se gandeasca ca sunt langa ea. Ma uitam fix la pizda ei si ma gandeam cum am futut-o cu o seara in urma si ca abia astept sa se faca iar seara.
Matusa termina,se ridica si imi zice:
-Pe tine nu te scapa?
-Ba da,zic eu dornic sa-mi etalez putin pula in fata ei.
Si scot pula din pantaloni si incep sa urinez,o observ pe matusa ca se uita la pula mea cu un zambet pervers pe fata.
-Flori,diseara mai facem si noi ceva?
-Eu nu prea mai vreau sa astept pana diseara,nu vrei sa mergem noi acum la hotel,sa-i lasam pe ei sa faca gratar?
-Ba da.
Si ne-am intors la locul unde erau ceilalti ,iar matusa le-a spus ca se simte rau si ca se duce la hotel,iar eu m-am oferit sa ma duc cu ea.
Ajunsi in camera ,matusa m-a luat direct in brate si a imceput sa ma sarute. Nu am lasat-o mult timp si mi-am scos pula din pantaloni sa-mi faca o muie.
Ma uitam in oglinda si nu-mi venea sa cred ca propria matusa imi sugea pula.
Mi-a supt putin pula,dupa care se ridica in picioare si zice:
-Tu crezi ca eu sunt proasta? Doar eu sa-ti sug pula,hai sa ma lingi si tu pe mine.

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PROLOGUE FROM PARTS ONE & TWO: Kenny Thomas is an eighteen year old senior who has spent the first three years of his high school career being kidded and ridiculed about his enormous penis!!! His mother has found a special school that specializes in helping young men cope with this affliction, and today is the first day of classes at BP Academy!!! Miss Diane Dawson is the director of the academy, and she has just spent over and hour interviewing both Mrs. Thomas and Kenny!!! At the end of the...

4 years ago
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How i changed a 30 gay into a 30 yr bi

Awhile back my hubby had met a 30 yr white gay male on line. He had told hubby he had never been with a woman before, but had a interest’s in getting with one to experiment to see if he would like being with a woman or not. We talked it over he really seemed to be a nice young man speaking to him on line as we had never met him in person, so we decided to invite him to our house to actually meet him in person. As one line he was in person, a mature acting well mannered young man, so after...

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Making Meiko

Making Meiko “Go ahead. I want to see you eat pussy,” I said, watching Meiko as she lay naked on the bed between the blond woman’s outstretched legs. “Lick her pussy.” I had my cock out and was pumping it up and down as my girlfriend played with the pussy in front of her. She got up on her knees and crawled a little forward, putting a finger into the hot pussy grazing her nose. She turned her head toward me and her long curly hair splayed across her face. “Okay, but it’s your turn next.” ...

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Blue HandChapter 9

There was a famous artist when Pyotr was growing up who made art out of colored glass. A holobook of her work had sat on his parent’s family room table. The main entrance of the Galactic Government building where he had worked had one of her huge hanging sculptures in the lobby. The rest of building was built around the glass piece of soaring angels riding a swath of the Milky Way. Each view of the sculpture was different because the details were so intricate. Glass beads shone like...

5 years ago
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Slave to a Big Black Cocksman Gay

Oh God, I could feel his thick cock beginning to press against me. He had greased me with K-Y lotion all over my asshole and his cock, and now I was on my hands and knees about to receive him.His cock head slid against my ass cheeks, seeking that warm, special spot. He moved it upwards until it caught the my crack, and a slight gasp left my parted lips as I felt it pushing. I arched my back as his strong, calloused hands found a better grip on my hips, and my calves raised off of the bed, my...

2 years ago
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My first dick

My first dick. I will not mention any names in this story and this only happened a few weeks ago. I was home alone so I was sitting in front of the computer naked and playing with myself while I was talking to a very gorgeous girl on Lush Stories (you know who you are). We were chatting away, she told me how she has never tasted guys cum before and that her room mate wanted her to taste her boyfriend's cum but she didn't know what to do, she was worried it was going to taste gross. My brother...

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Ganging up on Jenny Chapter 1

 Getting straight to the point, Jenny was a bouncy, big boobed beauty. Her long, golden curls glistened in the light, as she stood over the pool table, arching her back slightly, a coy smile on her face. Her lips were full and pouty, pink as a little pussy. Her long stems led up to her big, round apple shaped ass, which was barely contained by the fabric of her little shorts. One could see her puffy little camel toe strained against the front of the gray cotton, with the faintest suggestion...

Group Sex
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Liam put his fork down, sat straight up and stared at his phone's screen for several seconds. One new message, his home-screen read. He put it down without viewing it, finished his meal and once again picked up his phone. 1 New Message: Adelaide He unlocked his phone and read the text. Adelaide: I miss you. Are you doing ok? Liam placed his phone down on the bar and ordered a vodka tonic, extra lime. He slowly sipped on his drink while exchanging some friendly banter with the other bar patrons....

2 years ago
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Karma ch 2

This chapter is mostly fluff, and developing Courtney's character, though it does get better near the end. thank you all for your reviews and recommendations. I tried to incorporate them into this chapter. Having made my decision to attempt to be Courtney, I had to get ready. Going to the kitchen I made a quick breakfast. I was sitting there going over my new female memories when I heard the door open to our room. Britney walked out the door and to the refrigerator, while her back...

4 years ago
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Hot Sex With Latha Aunty

I am regular reader of ISS and love to share my first extramarital experience with the other readers. First I want to tell few words about myself. I am a dark, average looking and medium built 26 years young man from decent family from Hyderabad. My name is Sumith and got married at 24.I am very shy in nature and even avoid talking with other ladies but dreaming about them. This incidence happened 1 week back while I was working in Hyderabad. and I sent my wife for her delivery.I loved my wife...

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Rooftop Dreams

The concrete is colder than I thought it’d be. More abrasive. Like sandpaper and those small, painfully annoying pebbles that squirm their way into your shoes back when you’re a kid drunk off sugared drinks and running like a bat outta hell around the playground.Worry free.Innocent. Happy.The fucking good old days of pop tarts, staying up late eating jellybeans and watching Power Rangers. Fighting over Monica Lewis’ affections during recess. Scholastic book fares and the Harry Potter craze…...

2 years ago
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Re-Awakeningbybillywiggins©It came as a bit of a shock, but I can't say a completely terrible one. Andrea and I had just made love, and were lying in one another's arms in the warm afterglow. She had made some small talk about how it must be terrible not to have experienced an orgasm, or even to have sex for years and years. I wondered where she was going with it, when suddenly she sat up and looked at me, and asked me if I could consider having sex with her mother.Apparently they had been...

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The Business Trip

It wasn't too long after we started experimenting with adding other people into our sex life that I was asked to go to New York City with a client to look for condos in Manhattan. Usually I wouldn't do such a thing: one, I do not hold a NY real estate license and two, I don't know the market, but this particular client is both a celebrity who has brought me a lot of business over the years - buying 4 houses through me in LA - and also recommended me to many of his friends and that has led to a...

2 years ago
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ReadyOrNotHereICum Tigerr Benson Anal Rate

Nacho Vidal feels really angry because he doesn’t want to pay the car park. But as we already know, he doesn’t calm down if there’s no female in the neighborhood ready to give him a great blowjob. Tigerr Benson is the Spaniard’s new capture. She’s more than willing to give him a “helping mouth” just next to the parking meter in order to get his dick in her pussy afterwards. The intense passion between those two will lead them home to finish the job with...

3 years ago
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Second Chances Ch 00

It started off as a regular Sunday night dinner at his parents’ house. It was a tradition Angela Banks instituted when her oldest child moved out of the house seven years before. Now all her babies had moved out and they all came back every Sunday, just for her. ‘Hey, Mama’, her oldest child, Katrina Lynn, or Lynn, greeted her, bussing her cheek and walking in the kitchen. ‘I went past the restaurant today. When did Nia start back working there?’ she asked. Tania, or Nia, was her second born...

1 year ago
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NaughtyMag Cecelia Taylor Stunning teenager Cecelia is skinny horny and keeps her hairless slit ready 247

Job: Art student; Age: 19; Birthday: May 9; Height: 5’3″; Weight: 100 pounds; Bra Size: 32B; Panties: Thongs or crotchless; Anal: Rarely; BJs: Sometimes swallow; Masturbate: Absolutely; Lives: Las Vegas, Nevada. Cecelia originally hails from Wisconsin, but she felt stifled there, so she packed up her bags and moved to Sin City. In Las Vegas, she enjoys skateboarding, watching hockey, creating art and going to concerts. That’s all pretty normal fare for a 19-year-old...

4 years ago
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My Christmas Treat

It was the middle of December and I was on the phone with my new girlfriend, Kandy. She is a nurse and we met while I was in the hospital and we have since become friends and lovers. She has been at home recuperating from a cold. I continued the conversation on the phone and said, “You know Kandy, I can just see you under my Christmas tree, with only a purple bow tied around your naked body. WOW, what a Christmas treat!” She giggled into the phone and replied, “Well darling, it’s not...

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Mother Takes Matters in Hand

Helen finished her shower and stepped out onto the bathmat. As she reached for a towel she glanced briefly in the mirror. Sure enough Eric, her seventeen year old son, was peeping through the window. The curtain was a poor fit and there was enough of a gap to see through. Helen fumbled as she lifted the towel from the rail and bent at the waist to pick it up from the floor. She stayed that way for a few long seconds, her shapely backside and thighs directly in her son's line of sight, her...

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It was one of those days when I felt frisky as soon as I awoke. I rolled over in bed to be greeted by bright sunlight seeping through the curtains. It poured through the gap between them and formed a beam across the muscular contours of your body, which highlighted your tanned skin against the white sheet that was rumpled around your navel. You were still asleep and looked so relaxed lying there naked on your back, with a look of content on your face and one arm resting above your head. I...

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Lisa und Kelly

Mit unzufriedener Miene musterte Lisa ihr Spiegelbild. Heute geht alles schief. Sie hatten einen neuen Pickel neben der Nase entdeckt und ihre Lieblingsbluse war offensichtlich eingelaufen. Sie zwickte unter den Armen. Ihre Jeans schlottern ihr um die Beine und zu allem Überfluss sahen ihre Haare unmöglich aus. Sie fluchte leise und zog sich zum vierten Mal das Zopfgummi aus dem Haar. "Schrecklich..."! murmelte sie. "Mit dem Pferdeschwanz sehe ich aus wie zehn. Vielleicht sollte ich sie besser...

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