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Liam put his fork down, sat straight up and stared at his phone's screen for several seconds. One new message, his home-screen read. He put it down without viewing it, finished his meal and once again picked up his phone.

1 New Message: Adelaide

He unlocked his phone and read the text.

Adelaide: I miss you. Are you doing ok?

Liam placed his phone down on the bar and ordered a vodka tonic, extra lime. He slowly sipped on his drink while exchanging some friendly banter with the other bar patrons. After about an hour and another vodka tonic he felt the buzz of his phone travel through the bar top. He finished the joke he was telling and picked it up.

Adelaide: Liam?

He waited ten minutes, took a deep breath and, against his better judgement, began to type a message back.

Adelaide was folding her laundry when she heard that familiar chime. She dropped the shirt in her hands and quickly walked to her phone.

1 new message: Liam

A smile started forming on Adelaide's face before she told herself to stop, preparing herself for a blow-off text. Don't be stupid. Stop smiling.

Liam: I'm good, Adelaide.

I'm good, Adelaide. That's it? You aren't going to ask me how I am? You aren't even going to call me Addy? Adelaide began to type a response then quickly deleted it. She tossed her phone on the bed and began folding the shirt she had dropped earlier.

I saw that, Liam thought as he looked at the three dots under his last text, indicating she was already typing a response. He put his phone down and ordered one last drink. He knew she wanted him to ask her how she was doing too, so she could thinly veil whatever it was she needed. I'll give you fifteen minutes before you can't take it anymore and text back, Addy.

Adelaide was now finished with the laundry and looked at her phone, then the alarm clock on her nightstand. Eighteen minutes. She picked up the phone and began typing.

Adelaide: I miss you Liam. I want to see you. I know it's been a long time. Can we just hang out? I am in my own place now, finally. It will just be me and you. I miss my wolf, don't you miss your bunny?

Liam hunched over and rested his head in his free hand as he read her message, and then read it again, and again, for several minutes.

"You okay there, Liam? Your girlfriend checking up on ya?" A pretty young woman in black asked, snapping him out of his uncomfortable trance.

Liam glanced up at the girl he had been talking to for the past half hour, already forgetting her name and said. "Nah, I'm single. Just some work thing I gotta do tomorrow. I better get out of here, you have a good night."

"Take it easy, workaholic."

Liam sat in his Range Rover and began to type.

Liam: I would be a liar if I said I didn't miss my sugar baby from time to time.

You know I fucking hate when you call me that, Adelaide thought and began typing.

Adelaide: I hate when you call me that.

Liam smirked and sent off his next message.

Liam: I can't see you tonight but how about tomorrow? I'll make a reservation at Imamura's.

Adelaide: Yay! I live on 1255 Green Mountain Road now.

Liam: I'll pick you up at 6.

Adelaide: See you tomorrow. Goodnight Liam.

Liam fought the urge to wish her goodnight as well, synced his phone with his car, hit shuffle and backed out of his parking spot. Tegan and Sara's Back in Your Head came pouring out of the speakers as he drove off. Of course, how appropriate, Liam thought.

Adelaide waited for Liam's goodnight text that would never come. She tossed her phone on the bed and walked to the living room. She stared at the large framed picture that hung over the fireplace. That must have been hard, Liam. I know your mother raised you better than to not say goodnight back. Especially to someone you love. Sugar, pfft. That picture, that day, that's love. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, that picture is a symbol of our love. 

Liam waited for the gates at the beginning of his driveway to open and drove up the hill, past his small vineyard. Before leaving his Range Rover in the garage, he picked up his phone and dialed the restaurant.

"Thank you for calling Imamura: St. Valley. This is Rebecca, how may I help you?"

"Hello Rebecca, are there any reservations available for tomorrow night at 6:30? Actually...better make that for 7:00."

"Let's see..."

"Two for Liam Alexander."

"Yes, I know Mr. Alexander, your number is in our system. I remember you. You haven't visited us in a while!"

Liam chuckled and said, "It has been way too long."

"I have you down for two at 7:00. Is there anything else I can help you with, Mr. Alexander? Would you like us to have a bottle of champagne ready for you two right when you get here?"

"Yes, that sounds good. Some Schramsberg will be nice."

"I will make a note. Have a good evening Mr. Alexander."

"You too."

Liam ended the call, scrolled through his music and listened to Back in Your Head one more time before going inside and calling it a night.

Liam parked in the driveway, checked himself in the visor mirror and exited his car. He slowly walked up to Adelaide's front door and checked the time on his watch. 6:17. He rang the doorbell and waited. A few short moments later Adelaide opened the door. She was still in her panties and bra, a set Liam had given her. Her head tilted to the side with a portion of her long wavy brown hair in a flat iron.

"Hey baby," Adelaide said as she leaned in to quickly kiss Liam before closing the door behind him.

"You're the sugar baby here, not me."

"Don't call me that…" She said, the last couple words trailing off as she turned the corner in the hallway.

Liam stepped into the Living room and focused on the large photograph hanging above her fireplace. It was a picture he had taken of her on one of the nights they would get drunk and have a photo-shoot. He would have her dress up in different outfits and pose for him, his creativity and her vanity coming together to make something beautiful. This picture in particular was special though. The look in her eyes… In that one moment Liam actually felt like she loved him. Loved him and not the money. Not the fact that she hadn't worked in two years. Not the trips. Not the spas. Not the clothes. Not the restaurants. Not the jewels. Him. It captured that one moment that kept him tied to her, even now.

"I have never felt more beautiful than I did that day," Adelaide whispered in Liam's ear.

Liam checked the time. "We better get going, I made the reservation for 7:00."

"I doubt they will care if we're late."

"You make that dress look gorgeous, Adelaide."

"It feels weird, you calling me Adelaide. I feel like I'm in trouble."

Liam laughed and extended his bent arm for her to take. "Come on, let's go."

When they arrived at Imamura's they were seated at a table, by the window, overlooking the river with the sun setting just behind the mountains.

"They remembered our table," Adelaide smiled and looked into Liam's eyes.

Liam looked back into hers for just a second before two champagne flutes were placed in front of them and filled with bubbly, refreshing, sparkling wine. They chitchatted with the waiter a bit, avoiding the questions of where they had been and placed their food orders.

"So, are you going to tell me why we are both here right now? Is everything okay with you, Adelaide?"

"I just wanted to see you. I miss you so much. It's been really hard to be on my own."

"It's been over six months. I know you are trying. I'm proud that you got that job at the spa. You are perfect for that place. You know so much about that kind of stuff."

"I have a special treat for you after dinner. I want to give you one of those massages you like so much. I can tell you haven't had one in a long time. You look tense, Liam. I have all the stuff at the house. I mean, I can give you the works."

"Why do you have all the stuff at your house?"

"Does it matter?"

"I'm just making conversation…but, tell me why."

"I had to quit."

The food runner placed their first course in front of them and stepped to the side while the waiter refilled their champagne flutes.

"For the lady, toro tartare with wasabi, nori paste, sturgeon caviar and a touch of sour cream. For the gentleman, wagyu beef carpaccio with yuzu soy and ginger. Enjoy." The waiter brought his hands together, smiled and left the table.

"Oh my God, this looks so good. I haven't had something this good in front of me in a long time," Adelaide said and picked up her fork.

"It does, I'm so hungry too. So, tell me what happened at the spa."

"Some bitches pissed me off. You know how I get. So I just quit before I ended up drowning one of them in the mud tubs."

"I see…"

"You see what?"

"Nothing. If you feel like you had to quit then you had to quit," Liam said and took a bite of his carpaccio. "So you jacked some of their products, huh?"

"I did. You're in for a treat."

The busser removed their dirty plates and a short while later their next course arrived.

"For the lady, bone marrow with teriyaki sauce and five spices. For the gentleman, duck meatballs in duck broth with ginger and cilantro.

"I'm looking forward to that massage now. You're right, I haven't had a good massage, like the ones you give, in a long time."

Adelaide smiled and took a small bite of bone marrow. "Mmmmm, you have to try this." She took a small scoop and fed it to Liam.

"Goddamn…that is so good. Trade me plates."


They finished their second course and ordered a carafe of aged saké . One described to have fragrant honey aromas with a walnut cream finish. The waiter placed a large plate of sushi rolls in the middle of the two and pointed out which roll was which. Crispy salmon skin, soft shell crab, California, spicy tuna, and shiso leaf with plum sauce. They enjoyed the small delicate rolls and the saké for the next hour, laughing and flirting. For a moment there they both forgot they had separated. They forgot the pain. They forgot the loneliness.

Adelaide caught her breath from laughing and said, "I am soooo stuffed but I want dessert. We have to get dessert!"

"Were you actually thinking we were gonna leave here without getting dessert? Do you even know me anymore?"

"Let's get the s'more! Oh my God my mouth just started watering," Adelaide said with a grin.

"My stomach says no but my mouth says yes."

The two finished the dessert and Liam paid the bill. They shook hands with and hugged the manager, hostess, a few of the waiters and a couple of the regulars in the lounge. Just like old times.

Liam synced his phone to his car and hit shuffle. Before he could set it down Adelaide took it from his hand, scrolled to Back in Your Head and hit play. She set it down and they both remained quiet, just listening to the words on the short drive back to her house.

God, that feels so fucking good. You are fucking magic, Addy, Liam thought as Adelaide worked her oiled elbow into his quad. When she was finished with his left leg, she covered it with a hot towel and began to wipe off the seaweed mud mixture off his right leg. She pumped some scented oil onto her hands and worked it into his leg muscles for the next half hour.

"All done, sir."

Liam opened his eyes when he felt Adelaide crawl onto the bed beside him. She rested her head on his chest and again she reminded him of how much she missed him.

"Why can't we just be like this all the time? You belong in my bed, with me," Adelaide softly said.

"You're too expensive."

"Not for you."

"You're twenty-five, beautiful, funny, and smart. Don't you want to become something? You have so much potential. Don't you want to be something other than my sugar baby?"

Adelaide sat up and looked right into Liam eyes. "I fucking love you. Don't you ever call me sugar baby again. I love you and you love me. I still have the frilly ruff collar you bought me to wear in that picture. Remember? We both picked our favorite picture and it was the same one? You said you liked it so much because you could see the love in my eyes. That was the day I knew you were mine and I was yours. You looked at me like the sun rose and set with me. You love that I don't have to work when I'm with you. You love making me happy. You love spoiling me... You love fucking me… You love fucking me because you know it means something to both of us. You know you can do whatever you want to me."

Liam slightly pushed her off of him and began to sit up. "It's late."

"Where are you going? No!" Adelaide straddled Liam. "Stop, don't do this to me."

Liam placed his hand on her shoulder and tossed her off of him. Adelaide swung her open palm hard into Liam's face. Liam closed his eyes and took a deep breath and continued to get up. Adelaide brought her hand back across his cheek. Liam swiftly gripped Adelaide's small neck and pinned her down on the bed.

"Is this what you want?" Liam said with fire in his eyes.

"Yes," Adelaide said through a heavy breath.

Liam tightened his grip on her neck as she exhaled and pulled the thin waistband of her thong hard and fast away from her hip, ripping them off her legs. He ran his fingers between her soft bare folds up to her clit and rubbed it until her juices began to flow. He inserted two of his fingers into her warm, wet depths and moved them in and out as his thumb rubbed small circles on her clit.

Adelaide moved her hands up to her breasts, cupped them and massaged upward, rubbing her palms on her nipples at the end of each stroke. She opened her eyes to look at him as he tightened his grip on her neck. He increased the movement of his fingers in her pussy and on her clit. She felt that he was capable of tightening his grip enough to not let her breath at all, never loosening it again, and it turned her on more than anything.

She arched her back upward and pushed her sopping wet pussy into Liam's thrusts until she felt a hot ball of energy build between her open thighs. “Yes, yes, yes,” she moaned as she clenched her ass and let her orgasm explode out and roll through her legs and belly, up to her nipples and back. Liam loosened his grip on her neck and Adelaide took several deep gasping breaths until her breathing normalized.

Liam got up, grabbed Adelaide by the hair and stood her up. He walked her over to the bathroom, instructed her to grab the edge of the counter and forcefully bent her over. He used his foot to tap the inside of her feet, making her widen her stance. He reached between her legs and slowly ran his fingers from her clit and back through her folds and hole, collecting all her juices before rubbing them into her tight anal opening.

"Lick my fingers, make them nice and wet," He told her while pulling her head back so she was forced to look at herself tasting her own juices in the mirror behind the sink. "That's it, that's a good girl."

Liam rubbed his wet fingers between her cheeks until her butt-hole was nice and moist. He grabbed the base of his big thick cock and tapped the head upward against her clit repeatedly before dipping it into her pussy. He pulled it out and began to massage her tighter opening with his engorged tip.

"Fucking do it," Adelaide moaned.

Liam pushed into Adelaide's asshole until his head slowly forced her ring open. Once his head was in, he pushed harder until his entire shaft was inside of her ass as far as it would go. He left it in there and flexed his cock repeatedly and whispered in her ear. "Make it as tight as you can, girl."

Adelaide clenched her asshole and let out a whimper as Liam's shaft began to slide out. She felt him tighten his grip on her hair and mercilessly shove his cock back up her ass. "Fuck!"

He continued to pump her ass, slapping his hips into her cheeks with each ever intensifying stroke. He gripped her waist tightly with his hand and looked up at the mirror to meet her eyes as he fucked her ass. That look; her beautifully fierce brown eyes. He felt the back of his legs tighten up and his balls tingle. His cum ripped through his shaft and came bursting out deep inside Adelaide's clenched hole. Liam caught his breath, let go of her hair and leaned down to kiss her between her shoulder blades before slipping his dick out.

Liam, wearing a bathrobe and holding a glass of water, was standing in front of the picture of Adelaide. Why can't I ever say no to you? Don't you understand that we are both toxic for each other? We will kill each other one day. Liam took a drink. This fucking cucumber mint lemon water you make really is delicious though… 

"Are you coming to bed?" Adelaide asked, wearing a short silk robe, standing halfway behind the door frame, her cheek pressed against the edge.

"Yeah, give me a second. I'm going to start a fire, it's a bit chilly in here."

Adelaide smiled and bit her bottom lip. "Okay, sounds good."

Liam started the fire, looked one last time at the picture of Adelaide and walked to the bedroom.

"I had such a great time tonight, baby."

"Shhhh, let's just sleep," Liam whispered.

"Okay, goodnight."


Adelaide opened her eyes and glanced at her alarm clock. 1:58 AM. She turned around and found that she was alone in the bed. Her heart started to beat faster. She got up to check the bathroom then looked out the window and saw that Liam's car was gone. She ran back to her bedroom, grabbed her phone and dialed his number. Straight to voicemail. She fought the urge to cry. She walked to the living room where the fire was still going and sat on the coach. She stared at the picture of herself, closed her eyes and remembered that day. She opened them again and looked for the TV remote. On the coffee table, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a stack of hundred dollar bills with a handwritten note on top of them.


I had a great time tonight too.

I saw that you had a stack of bills in

red envelopes. I know you are

having a hard time. I left you 10,000

dollars. It should be enough to catch

up and help you out for a while.


Adelaide picked up the stack of hundreds and fanned through them. A frown began to creep across her face. The tears she had held back earlier were now rolling down both of her cheeks. She glanced at her late bills then back at her picture and walked to the fireplace. She gripped the stack of money tightly, closed her eyes and threw it into the fire. She opened them and watched the bright orange flames from the money flare up.

The next morning Liam turned his phone on and a message from Adelaide was already waiting for him. He opened it and saw a picture of money burning with the words "I love you" underneath. Oh my God, you freaking maniac. Liam smiled and began to type back.

The End

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Poker Face

As Kristen stepped from the shower she took a towel from the hook on the wall. She used it to wring the excess moisture from her hair and then toweled what was left of the shower from her lean body. She wrapped the towel around her body and then tucked the free end under the edge of the towel to hold it in place. She walked into her bedroom, slid open the closet door and surveyed the clothes hanging in front of her. She pulled down a linen blouse. It was a short sleeved-lavender blouse with a...

1 year ago
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Got Lucky Reading ISS Stories

Hello, everyone. I’m “AN”, Bangalorean residing in Mumbai 6 feet tall, little extra kilos having a 7-inch fat tool down there.I’m an avid reader of ISS stories since 3 years and I have read quite a few Intriguing stories which had my man leaking White gold.So here I’m trying to write one such story.Hope it touches u women right in ur pleasure points. It’s been a couple of years since I moved to Mumbai and decided to be an Introvert.This is when I became an regular ISS reader. I met my Sexual...

2 years ago
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The Torment of JAG

Sara ?SaraAll six women cringed as the rusty gate swung open; the blindfolds that covered their eyes prevented them from seeing the man that walked into the room.? Since their capture three days ago; they had been kept blindfolded, gagged with a ball gag with a removable plug in it, all of them wore handcuffs, ankle restraints, and a collar around their necks which were chained to the metal cots on which they either sat or slept on.  Three times a day they were individually released to...

2 years ago
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Night at the Movies

One of my most exciting times, and the most unexpected, was in an XXX rated movie house in town. The same movie had been playing for about a week and it wasn't crowded. Hubby and I had been out clubbing and I was a little tipsy, which means I'll try anything. We stopped in the parking lot and he asked me to take off my bra and panty hose. (I don't wear panties) I figured he wanted to have some personal fun on the inside. Inside, we found our seats. I was wearing a skirt, blouse, and heels. We...

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Morning Treat For My Girl

Morning Treat For My Girl By MK4Luvr What can I say; I have become addicted to my new lady! Now, let me explain; not only is she a complete knock-out, dark hair, eyes that could launch a thousand ships, beautiful smile and seductive lips. Oh hell, who am I kidding?! Her ass is this perfect heart shape that sits atop these long legs with the sexiest feet manicured to perfection. To top off the whole package is a stunning set of 38DDs with large nipples. They are so round and firm and I just...

Oral Sex
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An Incestuous Episode Ginny and Vic

"I'm just letting you know," said Joey. "I don't know what you can do about it, but that's what Peter told me." Vic nodded and the two boys parted. He thought about everything that his friend Joey had said that afternoon. Vic's 14-year-old sister Ginny just became a high school freshman about a month earlier. According to Joey's brother Peter, almost all of the guys on the varsity team had gotten a look at her and they were all more than impressed by her. They were almost unanimous...

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Daughters of Priapus

My dear sisters: I have been asked to give a history of my experience with Priapus, and my part in the revival of his ceremony. I trust that this account will not leave the walls of this sorority house. Here, as best I can recall and recount it, is the story. When I was in college in the early seventies, it was a very different environment than it is today. We were all so much more innocent than girls are now. I chose this college because it was, at the time, a very ordinary college in a...

1 year ago
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TabooPOV Sarah Vandella Hot Yoga With Step Mom

My stepmom does yoga all the time. She is so fucking hot that I can’t help but want to watch her. She always tells me not to watch that it’s not appropriate. My dad was out of town and I knew she was in her bedroom stretching. I love to watch her ass in her tight yoga pants and her sports bra. She told me to get out, that it wasn’t okay to watch because she’s my stepmom. Then she said she tries to stay fit and my dad doesn’t appreciate it. I couldn’t help it, I got so...

1 year ago
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The Single Life Finding Her Footing

The Single Life- Finding Her Footing By RogerGirl The alarm goes off and I am up for my first full day on my own as Caitlyn. Now you may be wondering how my parents planned to explain my absence over the course of the next year, but apparently they saw to that too. Over the next twelve months, Clayton was travelling abroad. They even planned to be tweeting my travels. They really did see to everything. My first instinct waking up is to shut off the alarm and go back to sleep,...

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I love having sex with older women. I find they’re usually so much better at it than their younger counterparts, plus they don’t go gossiping to their friends after you’ve fucked them and quite a few of them are very grateful, especially the less attractive ones. I don’t care myself, as long as they’re over forty and not too fat, then they are fair game. My first oldie was a teacher from school. Miss Shaw was her name, Helen Shaw. She was fifty when I fucked her and still a miss. I was twenty...

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Danis Story Book II First Days Chapter V

Book I - Awakening dealt with a 48 hour period where our heroine realizes and actuates her sissy-self. Book II continues her coming of age story and covers the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she is introduced to further aspects of her new life. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as complete, the reader is urged to first read Book I. It is rated X, and deservedly so, as there is graphic sex together with all sorts of other wonderfully kinky things. Please be of...

1 year ago
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My First Gay Experience2

It was Friday night and I was sitting at home looking at porn like usual. When I decided to look at Craigslist which I usually did because I would get so turned on by all the cocks out there that needed sucking. Tonight would end up being a little different then most nights though. I ended up having a few to many drinks and posting my own add which I had never done before. I posted my add saying that I was 26 white good shape and looking for a nice big cock to suck. Now at this point in...

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Accidental WerewolfChapter 8

Rays of light coming through the blinds finally woke Cameron up. He squinted, wishing like he did each morning that the place had shades instead. He pushed himself up off the mattress, still in the old clothes that Ben had given him three days ago. He went downstairs to the kitchen to look for something to eat. He groaned when he looked in the freezer. TV breakfasts, TV lunches, and TV dinners. None of it appealed to him. What he could really go for was something savory, juicy. Some...

3 years ago
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Helping Johnny

Although Johnny was suffering from Down syndrome, he was very kind, polite and responsible. Unfortunately, the same can't be said about some of the guys and girls of his age who usually mocked and bullied him, despite having a healthy brain. I noticed that he is able and willing to learn and have a normal life. His disability didn't affect him or people who interacted with him that much. I considered him an adult, so did his parents and the people who really knew him. Those who didn't were...

2 years ago
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Just Another First MC Story

Copyright 2004 by LVWolfman, All rights reserved - June 29, 2003 Forward Welcome to my first published fiction (other than perhaps my resume.) While I'm a fan of erotic mind control stories, I've noticed that many of the first published stories by amateur authors fall into this genre and use many of the same cliches. This was recently explained to me as being the "Hello World!" of erotic literature. (For those with no programming experience, the reference books for almost every...

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Chronos ChroniclesChapter 30

"You are going to take some getting used to," Saul says matter of factly, as though his eyes had not just popped out of his head at my actions. I take this time to wrap the sheet around me, in a toga style. "Did you want me to warn you?" I look at him with an evil grin. If he is going to want me but not act, then I don't have to make it easy. I can just back off, if he gets too uncomfortable. Right now he is not looking uncomfortable, so much as just looking. "I can feel you Saul,"...

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Jordans Coming Of Age

Oh fuck, she's reaching behind and unfastening her bra. I can't believe I'm doing this.Jordan stretches, up on tiptoes on a rock to get a better view. He leans into the window, one hand on the sill and the other firmly clasped on his hard cock. He jerks it back and forth as Cathy pulls the bra forward and places it on a chair by the bed.Man, look at those tits! Wonder what she's going to do next. God, I want to touch them. Please, please take off your panties!Cathy walks over to the dresser and...

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SisLovesMe Alina Belle Stepsister Muff Memories

Super thicc chick Alina Belle is pretty chill, which is why her stepbrother has always had such a good time hanging out with her. Today, she is back from college and she wants to relive some their favorite memories together. She has not been able to stop thinking about how they used to fool around back in the day, so she sucks his thick dick and drools all over his rod. Later, Alina is working out and her horny stepbrother wants to slide his cock in her tight cooch. She is game, so she hops on...

3 years ago
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Io e le mie amiche

Sembrava una serata normale quando scrivei sul gruppo whatsapp delle mie migliori amiche di incontrarci a casa mia. Sono una ragazza alta 1.80 con una quarta di reggiseno ed un bel culo sodo, ultimamente, non avendo avuto relazioni con uomini seri, ho capito di essere lesbica, o almeno credo. Appena le mie amiche arrivarono a casa mia ci sedemmo tutte quante sul mio divano in cerca di qualcosa da fare... allora proposi di giocare ad un giochino molto hot in quanto non mi è mai capitato di...

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Trip to the lake part 1

Trip to the lake part 1 Here in the vicinity there is an area in the mountains with three small lakes around some hills, woods, and Ofcourse to the lakes through beautiful green meadows with small clumps of bushes, shrubs and trees. On a hot Saturday in July last year, we decided, me and my husband, once again there to go to relax and sunbathe. When we arrived we found that it was quite busy so not what is normally the case. We packed our bag with towels, etc., and marched off to a place to...

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Warm Summer Night

It is a warm summer night, and the rain pours down on me as I stand outside looking up at his house. Even over the intense thunder I can hear my own heart beating as if it were screaming at me, telling me to turn around and go home. I mentally tell it to be silent as I start up the steps to his front door. The last time I saw him he was ripping my heart out of my chest. My fingertips gently slide along the wet cast iron railing on my left. I keep an eye on the windows to the right of the door...

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Hot As Hell Afternoon

Hi friends. This is Vikki here once again with a yet another incident. Girls/aunties/MILF’s who know me are already in touch with me on and for others, this is Vikki here from Bombay, 30 yrs old average build with 6 feet height and 7 inch drilling machine. I have fun during the afternoon as lonely ladies are free and so can I remove time as I am married too, so fun happens only when spouse is busy. Coming back to my latest pleasurable incident This incident happened between me and my net...

2 years ago
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My Dream Of Threesome Is About To Come True 8211 Part 4

Hi, Madan here. I hope you enjoyed my previous parts. If you have not read them yet, kindly read the previous parts for the connectivity. So, let’s start the story! September 26 (A little later in the day) I said, “Arey you were wasting time there. We have less time, come, dear.” Mami: I was just talking with bhabhi. Me: Ok, where is bhabhi? Mami: In her house. Me: That’s good. Let’s start the session. Mami: Yes sure. But one condition. Me: Condition? What? Mami: I am also thinking in a...

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Telephone Tease Chapter 2

When I entered our home, she was in the kitchen busily preparing dinner. The scent of a delicious dinner wafted through the air as I dropped my briefcase by the door and hung up My overcoat in the entry closet. I walked to the kitchen unannounced, and saw her standing in front of the stove cooking. Dressed in her strapless stretch-knit pink mini-dress and silver heels, she looked even more tempting and mouth-watering than the prime rib she was preparing. Silently I slid up behind her. She...

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My Own 4th of July Fireworks

I had been dating my future husband for only a short time that summer, but I wasn't interested in just him. Chris and I had been hot for each other for some time, but his girlfriend got in the way. Anyway that is another long story. It was the evening of the 4th and I worked and lived at a local resort. Chris ands some of his friends were hanging out with us watching some tv. As usual a lot of the girls were off with their BF and I was alone with 4 guys. Tim and I were lying in bed togethor and...

Group Sex
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Breach of Confidentiality Ch 02

Back at the home office, things weren’t going any better for Michelle. Her immediate supervisor Archie was on vacation, so she was meeting with Archie’s superior, Albert. Albert was at least as unhappy as Kelly had been. ‘I hope you understand that you blew the Blonde Concepts account, Michelle,’ said Albert, in a dreadfully casual tone. ‘That was a blue chip client, and your personal actions cost us the money we would have made as well as damaging our reputation. Now, make no mistake…I’m...

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my first time with another girl

This is a true story about my first lesbian encounter, it happened a couple of years ago (I was 14 at the time) when I had to be placed in foster care through no fault of my own, the family I was placed with were quite well off, they had two kids, a son & a daughter, the son was in his twenties and had left home their daughter (Chloe) was a 17 yr old student. Now due to the husbands job the parents spent a lot of time out at nights attending functions of one kind or another and while they were...

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Second ChanceChapter 17

“Ladies and Gentlemen ... The President of the United States!” The band played, “Hail to the Chief,” and Hawk walked purposefully to the podium. It was three days since my private invitation to join the cabinet as Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security. Hawk leaned into the podium and spoke clearly, but sincerely. I could see people in the pressroom leaning forward to catch every word. “Ladies and gentlemen of the press, standing with me today are nineteen of the best people America has to...

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Get a Telescope Improve Your Sex Life part 3

This is the final installment of the telescope story series that are hoping to become a video some day.Scene: Vanessa’s apartment. She’s only wearing a lace thong. The rest of her clothes are in a pile by the telescope. She’s pacing back and forth by the telescope. The alarm clock goes off. She turns it off, takes off the thong, and starts watching through the telescope. We see Brittany’s bedroom through the circle. It’s empty. Camera pulls back so we see Vanessa leaning over, nude, and...

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RuneswardChapter 29

Yren lifted his head and howled, his anger burning even higher. The one he wanted, the one he needed to kill had gotten away. He could not stand it, could not fathom it. Suddenly, his ire could not burn hot enough, his loathing could not burn hot enough. The one who got away was still in this world; if he burned everything, burned the world away, he’d kill that one as well. He raised his head again and howled anew, the fire of his rage rising high above him, towering above him, shooting a...

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For James

For James Chapter 1 By Incomplete [email protected]: A young pretty Asian wife falls into the hands of several sadists but must endure it for the sake of her husband. Story Codes:  M/f slavery real reluctant humiliation SeriousDisclaimer: Story contains themes of rough non-consensual sex, bondage and S&M, and is not intended for minors. All characters in the story as well as events are fictional. This is merely a creative, erotic piece for your enjoyment.The desert stretched...

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SamChapter 2A

The next day, after Cheerleading practice, I reported to Mrs. Reynolds at the scheduled time. When I stepped into the foyer, she had me strip off everything above the waist before she took me downstairs. Leaving my sweater, blouse and bra upstairs, I walked topless down to the family room, where she attached the weights and started the timer. I wandered slowly around the room, looking for some way to take my mind off the pain and the relentless pull of the weights. I couldn't focus on...

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My Best Friend

Introduction: a story about the perfect girl.. My names Kevin, Im the quarterback of the football team, straight A student, and quite the ladies man (if I do say so myself). Im used to getting any and everything that I want (seen as how my parents are the richest people in town). But as much as I would love to tell you Ive always been a good looking guy&hellip,.I cant. In the fourth grade, I was the tall nerd kid who sat by himself because he had no friends. And thats just how life was, no...

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