RuneswardChapter 04 free porn video

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“I’ve three daughters,” the man said, his wife sitting next to him. The man was young, surely no older than late twenties or early thirties; his wife was about the same. Maybe slightly over six feet tall, he had sandy brown hair and blue eyes and his cleanly-shaven face showed a thick, lantern jaw. He was a powerful man with wide, hulking shoulders. His arms were long masses of corded muscle.

The wife seemed slight, maybe five-feet five-inches tall, but anyone would seem slight next to such a mountain of a man. She had dirty blonde hair tucked into a bun, some flyaway strands curling around her round face. Her eyes were more gray than blue but they seemed kind and innocent. “Aged nine, five and three. I love them all but the oldest has chosen woodcraft and the youngest has been picked by your order to follow them when she comes of age. That leaves the five-season-old and I worry if she chooses to turn away from smithing that I’ll have no one to carry on my work. We’ve thought about offering an apprenticeship – but my father was a smith, his father was a smith and so on up the line. My family has been smithing for as many generations as I can count and I want that legacy to continue. Our only hope is to adopt a young lad to carry on my legacy. We’d love a wee little babe but we only ask that he be no older than nine; after nine it becomes difficult to teach the ways of metal and I’d end up spending most of my time unlearning him of what he thinks he knows.”

“I understand,” the woman smiled. She was an older woman with hair that was once brown but was now more a whitish gray. She was certainly at least in her forties and likely much older. Her face seemed kind and gentle, her brown eyes loving and caring. There were few wrinkles in a face that seemed to have soft, well-cared for skin and her hands seemed the same; hands that were too young for her apparent age. She wore a long burgundy robe with golden trim as did all her order. She stood slightly taller than the woman when she was standing but she sat now, across a small table from the couple. “Unfortunately, I have no babies or young children in the orphanage. We had several a few seasons past – orphans who survived the plague, you understand – but most have already been adopted by families. To be truthful, we have few children here anymore and the ones we do have are destined for the Priesthood, I’m afraid.”

“I understand,” the man said with a sigh. “We’d hoped – a woman from a neighboring village had said ... well, there’s nothing for it now. We’re sorry to have wasted your time.”

“Please, Holy Sister Mendfred,” the woman pled. “My husband and I have come a fair distance; seven days on the road away from my girls. Surely there is one child you can spare for us.”

“I’m sorry, Goodwoman,” Sister Mendfred sighed. “I’m afraid there really... “ Her voice trailed off.

“What?” Goodwoman Tulat asked, hope in her eyes. “Have you thought of one?”

Mendfred shook her head, her face troubled. “There may be one,” she admitted. “He’s a troublemaker, though. Another survivor of the plague. He refuses to say his prayers, no matter the punishment. He won’t take Blessed Tyln’s sacraments either. He refuses to fast on Tyln’s Day.” She shook her head again. “I’m not sure I could put that on you.” She looked over between the man and woman. “Either of you. Though he’s only seven I’m not certain we can ever bend him to Tyln’s will.”

“From whence does he hail?” Goodman Tulat asked.

“The lost city of Beldrin, I believe,” Holy Mendfred replied.

“Beldrin?” Goodman Tulat gasped. “I had nae thought any survived!” The Goodman rubbed his chin. “I had family there; a cousin and his babes. I’m certain Beldrin knelt to Tyln. All of them. The Duke demanded it.”

“Perhaps that is the source of the problem,” Sister Mendfred pointed out. “People must come to Tyln’s worship on their own. Coercing them is not the way. Perhaps, now freed from the Duke’s power, the youngster rebels against Holy Tyln not understanding that Tyln loves all.”

“May we see him?” the goodwoman asked. “We’re not afraid of a little hard work if it means we can bring him to Tyln’s altar.”

Sister Mendfred stared at the pair dubiously, her face showing she was clearly torn. Finally, though, she sighed. “Please. Wait here.”

“Bring him to Tyln’s altar?” Goodman Tulat whispered in disbelief. “The gods are going to punish you for your lies, Elva!”

“We kneel to Deia, Ardt,” Elva replied loftily, her voice no louder than Ardt’s own. “She’s much more ... flexible ... when it comes to stretching the truth. Do the stories not say she tweaks the other gods’ noses whenever she can?”

Ardt shook his head. “Maybe – but never in their own church. And never to the faces of their priests.”

“We’re not in Tyln’s church, now are we?” Elva whispered. “We’re in an orphanage, looking to take over the care of one of his charges. One of his charges who doesn’t seem to want to be here, if I’m not mistaken.”

“Maybe,” Ardt admitted grudgingly. “I’m not sure it’s enough to stay his hand, however.”

Elva just shrugged as the door re-opened. The boy Sister Mendfred pushed in front of her was thin as a stick and needed a bath. His hair was black and wild, sprouting up everywhere and his face was set in a scowl. His blue eyes were a deep blue, a hint of icy calm at their center. He struggled against the priestess’s hands, trying to get away.

As soon as she saw him, Elva somehow knew he was the right choice. For a moment, she glimpsed what could be and she could see him hard at work at the forge, turning out beautiful marvels of brass and gold, silver and steel. She could almost feel the heat of the forge as he tended it. She could almost smell the molten metals.

Ardt, too, could see the future in the boy. Almost a stick figure now, he would grow tall and strong. His shoulders would widen, his arms become as corded muscle. He could see the thick jaw and steady face beneath the baby fat. Ardt realized he’d had a dream of what his son would be like hammering at the metal – and he realized that this boy was the one he’d always dreamed about.

“Here is the boy I spoke of,” Holy Sister Mendfred said, her voice a struggle. “You can see he’s willful, just as I said. His name is Yren. Yren, this is Goodman and -woman Tulat from the village of Hasp. They’re here to see if they want to adopt you.”

“Adopt me?” the boy asked suspiciously, his eyes narrowed and glancing between the man and woman.

“Yes, Yren,” Ardt spoke up. His choice had been made as soon as his eyes had set upon the boy. “I am a blacksmith looking to pass along my craft to one of my children – but I fear my daughters are choosing other paths and the fire from my family smithy may go out forever. The plague took away our hopes of adding to our family just as the plague took your family completely from you. It seems we might be a fit for each other; I’d get the son I’ve always wanted – and an apprentice to my craft. You’d get a substitute for the family you lost.”

The young man appeared to think that over for a moment. “Would I have to pray to Tyln?” Yren asked with a glare.

Ardt looked uncomfortably at the orphanage priestess but Elva spoke up before he could utter a sound. “We’d like for you to kneel to Tyln,” Elva said quietly. “At your own time, though. When you’re ready.”

“I’ll never be ready!” Yren shouted. “He took my mom and dad. He took my sister. I’ll never kneel to him again!”

“We can talk about that,” Elva smiled. “We’ll not make you do what you don’t want to do.”

“Now see here...,” Sister Mendfred started.

“Holy Sister,” Elva turned to the priestess. “You just told us that we must each come to Tyln’s worship on our own. I shall lead the boy by example but it is he who must make the compact. I’m sure, if we are patient, we can bring him back to worship.”

The Holy Sister’s mouth set firmly but she could not argue her own words. “Fine,” she said finally. “There is still the cost of his upkeep. He’s been here near three seasons at three coppers a season. We’ll need a donation of nine coppers to cover Tyln’s work.”

“Nine coppers?” Ardt asked, his eyes wide. “If we leave him, you’ll still be feeding and clothing the boy. I don’t have nine coppers to give you, sister. I could probably spare four coppers – but they were destined for the church anyway.”

“Four?” Sister Mendfred asked shrewdly. “That barely covers the cost of the roof over his head. I couldn’t take less than seven.”

“We’re not haggling, Sister,” Ardt replied. “Mostly because we can’t. Four coppers is all we have – all we can spare and that leaves only two coppers to return back to our home. We didn’t care to bring more with us; we were told the roads can be treacherous at times.”

“Fine,” Sister Mendfred replied harshly. “Four coppers then – as long as you promise to give five more during the next worship. May Tyln be merciful.”

Ardt passed over four coppers, counting them out on the table. “We’ll have to sleep on the ground on the way home,” he grumbled. “But ‘tis worth it to stay in Tyln’s gentle, merciful embrace.”

“Does he need to collect anything?” Elva asked, putting her hand on the boy’s shoulder carefully. Yren looked at her hand and then up to her, a questioning look on his face, but he said nothing. “Clothes and the like?”

“No,” Sister Mendfred intoned harshly. “Even the clothes on his back are the church’s – but I can’t send him out with you naked. Just take him and go.”

Ardt and Elva thanked the Holy sister and left quickly, before she could change her mind. They looked relieved that Yren knew to follow them. The couple had come on their wagon pulled by two draft horses. It was the wagon the smith used both to deliver commissioned work and to carry the purchased ore back to his smithy. The cart was long, with two axles, but it was open and aged, the wood just turning to gray from wind and weather. Ardt helped Yren up into the cab, practically lifting him over the cart’s fence with a single hand.

The cart had some sacks and jugs up front and a few bundles of cloth in the back. He eyed both piles for a few moments before making up his mind. He climbed forward, resting against the sacks up front. He reasoned it would be the better position to accidentally overhear the couple’s conversation.

“How old are you, boy?” Ardt asked a little while later. Yren had been staring wide-eyed at every passing tree and bush, each one meaning he was getting further and further from the orphanage.

“I’ll be seven seasons later this year,” Yren replied, speaking clearly.

“You know your numbers, then?” Elva asked, looking back at the boy fondly.

“Yes,” Yren replied. “Letters, too, though I don’t know how to read. Mom and Dad were teaching me ciphering and reading when ... when... “ His voice faded away as he dropped his head.

“I understand,” Elva said with a sad smile. “We lost both friends and family to the plague and, of course, we grew sick with it though our children were spared.”

“We’ll need to teach you up some, then,” Ardt glanced back at the boy. “If you’re to be a smith – a good smith – you’ll need to read and write and be able to figure numbers.”

“I – I – I thought smiths worked with metals?” Yren stuttered.

Ardt laughed. “We do. It is the bulk of our work. We need to write down orders, though – and read them, once written. We need to figure out the cost of things, which means we need to cipher. We need to know what ores we have on hand, how to mix them – all of which take numbers and calculations. A decent smith can probably do that by rote, without the reading or calculation; a truly great smith, though, will need to be able to read, write and do numbers.”

“So, I’m going to learn, then?” Yren asked.

“Yes,” Elva replied, smiling at her husband.

“I think my mom and dad would’ve liked that,” Yren said in a small voice. “They told my sister and me we needed to learn in order to make our mark in the world.” Yren stopped and Elva looked back at the young boy, watching tears streaming down his face.

“I still miss them,” Yren said softly.

“And you always will, Yren,” Elva said, reaching back to touch the boy on the shoulder. “Nothing will ever stop the ache you feel when you think of them. Over time, though, it will grow a little less until it becomes bearable.”

“So, I’ll be a blacksmith, then?” Yren asked a bit later, when he managed to get his emotions back under control. Cautiously, he looked between Ardt and Elva.

“Yeah, boy,” Ardt replied. “You’ll learn to be a smith. I’ll teach you. I’ll teach you to be a truly great smith.”

“And I won’t have to kneel to Tyln’s altar unless I want to?” He asked suspiciously.

“No need for you to,” Elva chuckled. “We certainly don’t. We kneel to Deia.”

“Deia?” Yren asked, his eyes growing wide. “Sister Mendfred agreed to this?”

“Not hardly,” Ardt snorted.

“There were certain ... truths ... that we kept from Sister Mendfred,” Elva admitted. “Certain things she didn’t really need to know.”

Yren just scrunched up his face. “Deia.” He said the word, listening to it. “I guess I could kneel to Deia.”

“That’s the spirit, Yren,” Ardt laughed.

After a few minutes of silence, Yren had another question. “How long until we get to ... er ... your home?”

“Days,” Ardt replied, glancing over his shoulder. “We live in Hasp which is a bit more than six days away.”

“Hasp?” Yren tested the word in his mouth. “I’ve not heard of it.”

“I’d be surprised if you had,” Ardt admitted. “It’s only a small village – though it does have a certain reputation.”

“We’ve a retired Queen’s Knight who makes Hasp his home,” Elva explained. “Sir Givens. He’s opened a training center just outside of the village. A great number of nobles send their children to learn swords and shields from him. I’m told the Queen and King hold him in high regard.”

“I’m sorry,” Yren apologized. “I’ve not heard of Sir Givens, either.”

“No reason you should,” Ardt chuckled.

“Will we truly be sleeping on the ground?” Yren asked, changing the subject.

It took Ardt and Elva a second to catch up.

“Aye,” Ardt replied, just beating out his wife. “We have some stores in the sacks you’re leaning on – dried vegetables, some flour, a bit of jerky and such – and a tent with some blankets against the back rail. We’ll likely do some hunting for meat – rabbits and squirrels, mostly, since anything more would be too much trouble to carry – and take on fresh water where we can but we’ll definitely be setting a camp at least most nights.”

Yren thought for a while as he bounced and jostled with the cart. Finally coming to a decision, he carefully watched the couple in the front even as he reached to his neck and opened the pouch that hung there. He fingered aside the worn note – a message from a mage named Gelbin explaining why no one but he could see the pouch, much less open it – and pulled out four coppers.

For a moment, he looked at the shiny coppers and thought on that note. He couldn’t remember ever meeting anyone named Gelbin but the time around the plague wasn’t very clear to him. The note had mentioned that the pouch was the inheritance his mother and father had left him. He was cautioned that, while he could spend the gems and coins as he saw fit, he should never sell the rings. Gelbin called them magical and suggested Yren wear them. Yren had tried them on but they were too loose on his fingers. Besides, he wasn’t sure he believed in magic rings anyway. The rings had once belonged to his parents, though, so he’d kept them – not that he’d have ever thought to sell them anyway. Nor had he any chance to sell or use anything; none but the priests and priestesses owned anything at the orphanage and he was certainly not going to let them know about his inheritance.

Finally, he turned to the front and reached out with the four coppers. “Here,” he called.

Ardt glanced at them but Elva stared at the four coins curiously. She glanced back to Yren. “What are these for?”

“You paid four coppers for me,” Yren said, his face serious. “I would rather not be in your debt.”

Elva looked down at the four coppers and then up to Yren. She studied his face before nodding; she could see how important this was for him. She reached out and took the four coppers. “Thank you, Yren.”

The boy nodded and turned away, snuggling down against the sacks. He was scared at what the future held; the last time he’d gone somewhere new had been when he’d lost his parents and his sister. He didn’t feel he was losing anything this time, though. He would not miss the constant kneeling and praying to Tyln. He would not miss the beatings and thrashings when one of the Holy Sisters or Holy Brothers found him breaking some law or rule of Tyln he didn’t even know about. He would not miss the seemingly constant touching and fondling Holy Brother Dal subjected him to.

With the fear, he felt a sense of excitement and adventure. Goodman and woman Tulat seemed – nice. During the past two seasons, Yren had forgotten what nice was. Not only had the Sisters and Brothers beaten him and worse but the other orphans had enjoyed pointing out his failings to them – as if by pushing him down they were elevating themselves up.

Yren looked over at Elva and then to Ardt. Yes, they seemed nice. Normal. Maybe, just maybe, he could find a home with them.

Finding a comfortable position, he slowly drifted off to sleep.

“Time to wake up, boy,” Ardt called as he pulled the cart off the worn path. He steered the horses carefully; horses were expensive and he could ill-afford to buy more – especially this far from his forge.

He maneuvered the pair pulling the cart a few dozen yards into the trees; close enough to easily return to the road but not so close as to be seen from it. He would build the fire carefully to make sure it wouldn’t easily be seen from the road; no need to tempt fate. He reined in the horses within a short, natural depression.

“We’ll camp in the depression,” Ardt announced as he dismounted. He reached under the bench seat and took a brush and curry comb from the storage bin set underneath. He turned to his wife. “I’ll tend the horses if you and the boy can start dinner.”

“Dinner?” Yren squeaked. “I don’t know how to cook dinner.”

Elva smiled at him. “Well, I’ll have to teach you – but not tonight. Tonight, you just help me unload the cart and we’ll fetch some wood. Then, while I’m doing the cooking, you and Ardt can set up the tent.”

“I don’t know how to set up a tent, either,” Yren frowned.

“Well, Ardt can start teaching you all about tents tonight,” Elva chuckled. “Fair?”

Yren nodded and climbed out of the cart. He looked around tentatively. Trees stretched as far as he could see. They grew together above him, a canopy of green with frequent small, blue gaps letting sunlight filter down in a green haze. Grass and shrubs scattered the ground, dappled with bursts of sunlight. He could smell a dank, woodsy smell with a hint of mint and what smelled like peppercorn bursting on the slight, warm wind. He felt comfortable here in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time. He had the confusing, scary sense that he was right where he belonged.

Elva met him at the back and showed him how to release the metal pegs that held the back wall of the cart in place. He watched her as much as the metal. She was taller than him but thin and somewhere on the road she’d let her dark blonde hair down so it curled to the middle of her back and danced on the breeze. Yren couldn’t quite describe how he felt when he looked at her; she was just worn and comfortable – like the feel of his blanket on his bunk. Ardt, too, felt warm and inviting, though the big man scared him just a little. It was hard for the young boy to understand his feelings but he felt – safe. Secure. Again, as if right here and right now with these people were exactly where he was supposed to be. He watched her let the cart tail down, listened to the metal squeak as it lowered until the chains on either side of the tail clinked as they came taut.

“What’re those?” Yren asked, looking at the lowered cart wall.

“I’m sure you’ve seen chains before,” Elva asked curiously.

“Not the chains – those,” Yren replied, pointing.

Elva followed his fingers and laughed. “You mean the hinges? Have you never seen metal hinges before? On doors and such?”

“No, ma’am,” Yren replied, letting his finger stroke the metal. “All of the doors at the orphanage – and at my-my-my home – were done with leather straps or rope. Holy Brother Mitel was constantly grumbling because he had to replace them so often.”

“I’ll bet,” Elva chuckled. “It’s one benefit to being a smith’s wife; metal doesn’t wear out as often.”

“Ardt did this?” Yren asked, glancing up at the woman.

“Aye,” she replied. “You’ll be able to do it, too, in a few seasons. Once Ardt has taught you up a bit.”

“I really think I’d like that,” Yren smiled.

“It’s hard work, though,” Elva cautioned, “and very hot. The forge is not somewhere to play.”

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Their cries mingled with the sounds of the storm and, like the storm, gradually became softer. Spent, Dan remained atop her stretched body, but lifted himself on his arms. He lowered his lips to her breasts and slowly sucked and kissed each nipple. Lisa drew in her breath and quivered at his touch. His tongue traced some of the red lines left from the whipping and this too brought a response from the bound girl. With a catch in her breath she said, "All right, Captain," you've kept your...

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Amys Pool Party

The mid afternoon sun was still high in the sky over our Las Vegas resort's pool. We'd already been partying for hours, enjoying the music of the DJ with a large group of people that were all in town for a friend's birthday.  The pool and surrounding pool deck were packed as the energized crowd enjoyed the music and their drinks while sporting a wonderful lack of clothing.  Skimpy bikinis, surf shorts, tattoos, and bling were the order of the day. We still had a lot more sun in front of us...

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my fantasy44

when my eyes finally adjust 2 the dim light i can see that u are the only other person in the cell... there were top & bottom bunks on both sides about 2 feet across from each other a shower & a toilet & a sink... u stand & offer me your hand & tell me your name... 4 sum reason i am instantly attracted 2 i sit down on the bunk across from u i can see a mischievous gleam in your eyes as they stray all over my body & finally stop at the crotch of my jeans... your...

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first time i jerkoff with my cousin

i remember the first time i jerked off with my cousin this was in the 80's . my cousin was older then me he was 18 i was 15 but he was slow so he actually had the mental capability of a 15 year old so we got along great . i remember he just got back from a quick summer vacation to visiting his brother who was in the army and stationed out of town . i came over that summer morning thinking we would probably go swimming at the local pool, watch movies or sit around jamming to music that morning...

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James and Des

He walked down the boarding ramp to the plain in NYC. He looked out at the crowd gathered outside the gate waiting for people on the plain. He looked around. He really wasn’t sure what to look for. She had sent him pictures, but he didn’t know what she was wearing or anything like that. Then he saw the sign. ‘Duncan’ He laughed. That was his screen name under which he’d been when they had met in the chat room. They had talked for a while, and enjoyed it. Her boyfriend had just broken up with...

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Halloween Nte

Two black-robed figures stood in the candlelit darkness of a long abandoned crypt. The stone walls around them were crumbling and covered in knotted tendrils of ivy. Spider webs festooned the dusty corners of the room and beady eyes watched them from secret hiding places. "Hurry up!" Bradley Higgins said. "He's coming." Curses and loud crashing sounds came from somewhere near the entrance to the old cemetery. They got closer as a large figure barrelled through weed-choked aisles. Their...

4 years ago
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Cricket Match Lead To Bed

Hi friends this is my first story and I will be eager to get your responses. I’m from Kolkata let’s come to the story it was 1st January and we were playing cricket in the ground of our residential campus being a medical student and I have a good reputation in the locality and there are 26 families in our complex suddenly and I hit a ball for a six and the ball landed in the balcony of the 2nd floor of type c quarters in that particular quarter resides. A lady called Jyoti a 26 years old beauty...

3 years ago
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Selection of the Fittest

Keith and Karen had been hard at it for over an hour now, and showing no sign of exhaustion, as a married couple shouldn’t who were so very much in love with each other. But more than that, thought Keith, as his pelvic thrusts pushed his erect penis in and out and in and out of Karen’s muscular vaginal grip, it was practice and exercise that made their physical love so successful. After all, if you were going to do something, and to do it as regularly as he and his wife did, after all their...

2 years ago
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Trai main chudai

Ek bar mai apne office ke kam se new delhi se bangalore ja raha tha. Mera railway ticket office walon ne karnataka express me 1st ac me karwa diya tha. Mai apni yatra ke din sham ko ath baje new delhi station par pahunch gaya. Bahar december ka mahina tha isiliye thand bahut par rahee thee aur mai apni seat me baith gaya. Thori der ke bad train chal paree aur t.t. Aya aur ticket check kar ke cahala gaya. Humare coupe me ek hi parivar ke do auraten aur ek admee tha. Mera upper birth tha aur...

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Layers Ch 03

My alarm startles me awake. I don't normally sleep so solidly but this time, I did. No dreams to remember at all, either. Just pure solid sleep. I feel really good and relaxed. Until I sit up. There's this dull ache way low in my stomach. It's not terrible but it's uncomfortable as hell and almost feels like the leftovers of being kicked in the balls. I grimace against the pain and rub under my balls gently. Too much masturbating and being hard almost all day yesterday, probably. I ignore it...

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Company With Men

Diane, a former prostitute wants to escape away from her abusingpimps and other men. She wants to change her life around to become abetter person. Diane wants to go back to school, and get a good job. But, it'sseem whatever she do, she always fail. Diane loves to dress sexy, sheis 45 year old, and has a curvy shape with a size 48 D cup breast. Diane’ship is very wide and her ass shake very heavy when she walk. Guyscan't resist stopping and staring at her. She just ignores them and...

2 years ago
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4 December 2006Chapter 4

Karen moved to stand beside Wendy. She and Dan kissed as Wendy continued sucking on his cock. “Wendy, please take off my skirt,” Karen ordered. She let Dan’s cock slide out of her mouth. It bobbed up and down to his pulse, the shaft glistening from her mouth. She put her hands on Karen’s skirt and slid it down her slender legs. She looked a Karen’s shaved pussy coming into view. She put her hand on Wendy’s shoulder, stepping out of her skirt. “You like the look of my shaved pussy?” “Yes, I...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 40 Owner Of A Success

As time went by and those of the customers who had doubts about their true rôles settled down, it proved that Jacqui's Place was a real little earner. The swingers even settled down. Karl whipped at home and was whipped at Jacqui's Place. Jason found it easier and easier to make it last and then, when he was ready, to come in quantity and with great pleasure, though Greta found it harder and harder to bear his floggings. Jacqui's next purchase was after two months when she bought her own...

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Eves Halloween Daddy and Mommy

So who's to blame? Am I who I am due to nurture or nature? Born bad? A teenage temptress. Or evil? Evil eighteen year old Eve? The Devil's spawn? Well it doesn't really matter you know. Because when you get right down to it "nature" is my parents and "nurture" is my parents. It's their fault! Daddy's and mommy's! If I happen to be highly sexed I must have inherited it. Or maybe I'd been influenced by the sounds that had emanated nightly from my parents bedroom over my formative...

2 years ago
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Loving Threesome

Hi  indian sex stories dot net dot net readers This is a true story of related to MMF threesome adventure which happened back in 2013. The credit for this adventure solely goes to the story “Indian couple loving threesome “. It is just because of this story the threesome adventure was initiated in my life. I am a regular reader of sex stories especially group sex (MMF). Let me begin with the introduction first. Hi, guys, This is Drashan age 25 born & brought in Mumbai in a decent family. I am a...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 5

Benjamin and I explored my suite for about an hour, and then I took him for a walk around the estate. The Waters Estate appeared to take up most of the county, if what I could see was any indication. The centerline of the property seemed to run north and south for about a mile, ending at the bank of a small lake. There was a very well kept dock, two motor boats, a shaded hammock, and some recreational equipment scattered about, which I took to be there for Andrea's granddaughters once they...

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Tortured Teresa the Dirty Stripteaser

My Mum Teresa hadn't done much, it seemed, in quite a while, since her last experience documented in her other stories. She dressed pretty conservatively again, and all seemed quiet and placid in our lives.This peace was broken one day, however, when I was walking with Mum around the corner, past the local shops. There was a group of youths in their late teens hanging around outside the shops, and although I knew their faces from experiencing their nuisance making and petty vandalism in the...

2 years ago
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The Pact Episode 5 the ClubhouseChapter 38

Iris Lezynski was having afternoon coffee with Noreen Travers. "Hey, I talked to some people at the club. They just opened a nice new building and said maybe you might want to come by and take a tour." Noreen looked at her friend, surprised. "I thought the club was for kids?" "No, there is more to it than that. Parents come all the time, and occasionally there are other adults. You really ought to get a briefing and a tour! Did you know that they're going to take a bunch of the girls...

2 years ago
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Hot Thai Girl And Her Indian Boyfriend 8211 Part 4

“Wow! I can’t believe that you didn’t cry! More than that I can’t believe that you didn’t let him do this to your nipples.” My roommate Ruvena exclaimed as she giggled. I was standing topless in our bathroom with Ruvena examining the love bites Dhruv gave me on my back. Dhruv had bitten me really hard. It was more than a week since that day still his teeth marks were very well visible on my back. Looking at them used to make both of us horny. “Somehow I didn’t feel the pain. All I felt was his...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 14 in Sickness and in Health

September 2022 “How was your trip?” asked Kelly once I sorted out Seamus and Riley bickering about something. “Pretty good. Straightforward, anyway. Just not successful, so to speak.” Kelly gave me an odd look, but before I could answer, the kids started up again. Seamus was teasing his older sister about something. I reached out and grabbed him by the back of the neck and asked, “Do I need to give you a lesson in barnacle clearance?” He grinned at me. “Think you can catch me? I’m not the...

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Michelle Morgan

Michelle Morgan Chapter 1 - New Job As far back as I can remember, I've always been a cross dresser. I'm male, and I've never considered myself to be transsexual, but I've always been attracted to femininity; not just as an admirer, but also as a participant. Yes, I do find females to be sexually and romantically attractive, but I also appreciate (and study) women in the way women appreciate other women. Your mileage might vary, but to me, there's a clear distinction between the biology of...

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Straightened Out

Straightened Out by Vickie Tern i. I was in a far corner of the restaurant and looking in her direction -- but not at her -- when she spotted me. Well, not me, not at first, what she saw was her dress. There followed a moment of bafflement, her eyebrows high because she didn't recognize the woman wearing her dress, but then her expression suddenly went guarded and her brows lowered. By that I knew April had recognized me,...

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The Soldier and the Desert Beauty

It was a dark and stormy night... No, seriously, it was a fucking dark and stormy night. It was cold, wet, miserable, and dark as hell. I was sunk in mud halfway up my combat boots My name is Basim Abd-Al-Aziz, Sergeant First Class, Egyptian Army. I'm a 21 Mike –a firefighter, and I'm responsible for all, and I quote, "Fire protection, personnel rescue, first aid and fire prevention duties" at Army Flight Operations Detachment, Ahmed Al Jaber Air Base. Translation: I'm a thirty two year...

2 years ago
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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 9

Autumnal winds and rain began to intrude upon the blazing heat of the sun, providing a number of spectacular thunderstorms during Lauren's first week in San Falino. Boquette appeared to at least have its fair share as the clear morning sky gave way to huge grey clouds, followed by rain that fell so suddenly that Lauren and Emma had to scurry indoors like frightened cats. She dried herself in her room and got out of the wet jeans that she had worn, hanging them over the bath to dry. For a...

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One experience with two blak men

Hello again this is EvA…I am a 40 year old tranny. I do not consider myself a cross dresser anymore, because I am doing that for so long that I have been transformed to a very sexy and feminine lady boy. I have been taking also hormones for 4 years, on and off and I already saw many changes…my boobies are growing, becoming poutier and have sensitive nipples. My skin is sooo soft and my hips are getting bigger giving me a pear figure… I also see changes in my feelings, being more sensitive and...

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Getting blowed up

Hi, readers this is Alex once again from Hyderabad. This incident occurred when happened when I was on holiday in Singapore when I finally plucked up the courage to visit my first nudist beach. It had fascinated me for a while and I decided it was now or never. I grabbed a towel and threw a few things into my rucksack and set off down to the sea. I had checked out the beach on the first day of my holiday and noticed the signs so I knew if I headed the right way where I would find the nudist...

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Blue Topaz Chapter 1

What an awesome night. It was the final night of winter break and an old high school buddy was hosting a party before we all left town again. I already had a couple of beers before I met Lindsey, a cute friend of a friend, and somehow started hooking up with her in an empty bedroom. I was sitting on the side of the bed and looking down at my cock disappearing in her mouth as she knelt in front of me. I down to admire her smooth bare thighs extending out from her short denim skirt...

3 years ago
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Mustang Niece

Mandy peered at the currying brush she'd just dropped inside Widowmaker's stall. Widowmaker, though he was perfectly nice to her, got his name from his propensity to kick and his stall had been equipped with plywood on the slats to keep him from kicking them out, or kicking through them. And now the brush she needed was inside his stall. Widowmaker stood placidly, facing her, waiting for her to feed him another sugar cube or apple. She'd been winning him over bit by bit ever since she'd...

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Sex With My House Owner8217s Wife

Free to mail me at Today I wish to share a sex story about my sexual relationship with my house owner’s wife when I was in job the and posted at Chennai. When I got a job, I had to go Chennai and after a period of few days I searched for a house and finally got a house where I could stay. The house belong to a Tamil family, where there were 3 members, a workaholic husband who used to go to office and then after office used to run his own business, a wife who was in her 40’s and was loyal when...

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Akkavin Thozhiyai Sex Seithen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru kama kathaiyil en akkavin thozhiyaai epadi sex seithen endru ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar ramesh, enaku oru thangai irukiraal, avaluku oru thozhi irukiraal aval peyar Yamuna vayathu 23 irukum. Oru naal aval en veetirku vanthaal, apppozhuthu ennai vidamal sight adithu konde irunthaal. En vayathu 21 aagugirathu, en akkavai naan peyar solli thaan azhaipen. Yamunavaiyum peyar solli thaan azhaithen, iruvarum nerungiya nanbargal. Yamuna adikadi en veetirku vanthu...

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The Glen Book OneChapter 19

Emory, Richard and half the warriors strode down University Avenue toward the abandoned video arcade, Arthur, Lancelot and the other half crept quietly along an ally near 15th Avenue North East to the rear of the building. Emory did nothing to try and hide his progress, walking openly down the wide sidewalk in broad daylight, as if it was an everyday occurrence in the University District to see a hundred heavily armed fairies, in full armor. People in their path shrunk back and gaped as they...

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Amazing Hypno Hal

Last night was crazy! Just crazy! After JUST enough booze, my wife Cara, and two certain men especially, started pushing me to show off my nascent hypnotic skills. I insisted I wasn't that good yet, but they persisted, as I expected.Hours before the party, Cara asked me to relax her with hypnotism as I had done a few times before. I did as asked, using her already established key "CARA SLEEP." Once she was under, I also added a reinforcing suggestion as my own reward. In five minutes, she...

Mind Control
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Micro Wave Man Ch 05

Jul 7, 2009 MWM Chapter Five ‘Got To Run.’ Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature audience. ...

4 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 23

Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father New Council Members ___________________ Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal - female Lyndeth - female Creton _________________________ "I need all of you out here right now!" Ukobach was growling as he concentrated. "We can end the last obstacle to the council ruling the magic dimension forever!" I looked at Ukobach, almost feeling sorry for him, almost....

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Notebooks on GirlMaking part 2

Notebooks on Girl-Making by Salome E Notebook I: Close encounter Chapter 2 It was breaking dawn outside, a dim sunlight starting to paint the streets around the neighborhood, and it was quite cold. I had my clothes just hanging over my body, but I didn't stop until a few blocks away. There were nobody around anyway, a lonesome area and being so early in the morning, so I just walked on and on until I found the first open cafe about two hours later, maybe. It was just to the side of...

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Little girl doing winter swimming and lot of sex1

This was thrilling experience to see brave young girl doing her outside nude activities in cold day, even it happened on 22 March, during school spring break, weather was like in winter, -10 (15 F) degrees and windy. My friend Paul, Head of the Ice Swimming Club invited me to witness young girl's exceptional durability to cold weather, but I saw much more than I expected. I was really frightened even to see girl's schedule for this windy day, which excluded much activities outside, but...

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Maragana GirlChapter 5

Vladim Dukov was a Spokesman-for-the-Criminal. He son Vladik was a police officer. It was only a matter of time before Vladim would become the Spokesman for defendants arrested by his son. The same day his daughter's school uniform issue was "settled", at least in Vladim Dukov's mind, Vladik arrested two burglars. Over the summer they had broken into several homes around the Dukovs' neighborhood to steal money and jewelry. In two of the burglaries they had killed family dogs protecting...

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Spoiled Rotten

I arrived home late once again from my tiring job as a car salesman. It'd been a shitty day since I didn't sell even one car and I was looking forward to coming home to my lovely wife Jennifer. She knew I'd been having a bad week so I hoped she'd be kind to me that Friday night. Once I opened the door I felt my blood boiling. There was Jennifer, wearing her little lavender silk nightgown that barely covered her firm ass, lying down on the couch talking on the phone watching Jerry Springer....

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Two Boys Caught

Chapter 1 Yes, caught, caught masturbating. Well, not each other, just ourselves, me doing my dick, Robbie doing his. But, still. We were sixteen, yes, horny every moment we were awake, both virgins, not even with steady girlfriends, up in my room, each with a copy of Playboy open, pants and briefs on the floor, stroking as we dreamed of fucking one of the beauties in the magazine spread before us when my door swung open and there was my mom with an armload of clean clothes. She looked, turned...

2 years ago
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Flying Fuckers Pt 1

Flying fuckers pt 1 As you all know promotions in the paki air force are based on a pilot’s performance both in the air and on the bed! Often this involves not only him but his entire family chipping in to help with his promotion. This story involves the family of Wing Commander Sohail Khan helping with his promotion by helping his reporting officer Group Captain Shaukat Ali help himself. Sohail Khan is a dashing officer in the flying wing of the Pak air force, Shehnaz his wife is a beautiful...

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