RuneswardChapter 04 free porn video

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“I’ve three daughters,” the man said, his wife sitting next to him. The man was young, surely no older than late twenties or early thirties; his wife was about the same. Maybe slightly over six feet tall, he had sandy brown hair and blue eyes and his cleanly-shaven face showed a thick, lantern jaw. He was a powerful man with wide, hulking shoulders. His arms were long masses of corded muscle.

The wife seemed slight, maybe five-feet five-inches tall, but anyone would seem slight next to such a mountain of a man. She had dirty blonde hair tucked into a bun, some flyaway strands curling around her round face. Her eyes were more gray than blue but they seemed kind and innocent. “Aged nine, five and three. I love them all but the oldest has chosen woodcraft and the youngest has been picked by your order to follow them when she comes of age. That leaves the five-season-old and I worry if she chooses to turn away from smithing that I’ll have no one to carry on my work. We’ve thought about offering an apprenticeship – but my father was a smith, his father was a smith and so on up the line. My family has been smithing for as many generations as I can count and I want that legacy to continue. Our only hope is to adopt a young lad to carry on my legacy. We’d love a wee little babe but we only ask that he be no older than nine; after nine it becomes difficult to teach the ways of metal and I’d end up spending most of my time unlearning him of what he thinks he knows.”

“I understand,” the woman smiled. She was an older woman with hair that was once brown but was now more a whitish gray. She was certainly at least in her forties and likely much older. Her face seemed kind and gentle, her brown eyes loving and caring. There were few wrinkles in a face that seemed to have soft, well-cared for skin and her hands seemed the same; hands that were too young for her apparent age. She wore a long burgundy robe with golden trim as did all her order. She stood slightly taller than the woman when she was standing but she sat now, across a small table from the couple. “Unfortunately, I have no babies or young children in the orphanage. We had several a few seasons past – orphans who survived the plague, you understand – but most have already been adopted by families. To be truthful, we have few children here anymore and the ones we do have are destined for the Priesthood, I’m afraid.”

“I understand,” the man said with a sigh. “We’d hoped – a woman from a neighboring village had said ... well, there’s nothing for it now. We’re sorry to have wasted your time.”

“Please, Holy Sister Mendfred,” the woman pled. “My husband and I have come a fair distance; seven days on the road away from my girls. Surely there is one child you can spare for us.”

“I’m sorry, Goodwoman,” Sister Mendfred sighed. “I’m afraid there really... “ Her voice trailed off.

“What?” Goodwoman Tulat asked, hope in her eyes. “Have you thought of one?”

Mendfred shook her head, her face troubled. “There may be one,” she admitted. “He’s a troublemaker, though. Another survivor of the plague. He refuses to say his prayers, no matter the punishment. He won’t take Blessed Tyln’s sacraments either. He refuses to fast on Tyln’s Day.” She shook her head again. “I’m not sure I could put that on you.” She looked over between the man and woman. “Either of you. Though he’s only seven I’m not certain we can ever bend him to Tyln’s will.”

“From whence does he hail?” Goodman Tulat asked.

“The lost city of Beldrin, I believe,” Holy Mendfred replied.

“Beldrin?” Goodman Tulat gasped. “I had nae thought any survived!” The Goodman rubbed his chin. “I had family there; a cousin and his babes. I’m certain Beldrin knelt to Tyln. All of them. The Duke demanded it.”

“Perhaps that is the source of the problem,” Sister Mendfred pointed out. “People must come to Tyln’s worship on their own. Coercing them is not the way. Perhaps, now freed from the Duke’s power, the youngster rebels against Holy Tyln not understanding that Tyln loves all.”

“May we see him?” the goodwoman asked. “We’re not afraid of a little hard work if it means we can bring him to Tyln’s altar.”

Sister Mendfred stared at the pair dubiously, her face showing she was clearly torn. Finally, though, she sighed. “Please. Wait here.”

“Bring him to Tyln’s altar?” Goodman Tulat whispered in disbelief. “The gods are going to punish you for your lies, Elva!”

“We kneel to Deia, Ardt,” Elva replied loftily, her voice no louder than Ardt’s own. “She’s much more ... flexible ... when it comes to stretching the truth. Do the stories not say she tweaks the other gods’ noses whenever she can?”

Ardt shook his head. “Maybe – but never in their own church. And never to the faces of their priests.”

“We’re not in Tyln’s church, now are we?” Elva whispered. “We’re in an orphanage, looking to take over the care of one of his charges. One of his charges who doesn’t seem to want to be here, if I’m not mistaken.”

“Maybe,” Ardt admitted grudgingly. “I’m not sure it’s enough to stay his hand, however.”

Elva just shrugged as the door re-opened. The boy Sister Mendfred pushed in front of her was thin as a stick and needed a bath. His hair was black and wild, sprouting up everywhere and his face was set in a scowl. His blue eyes were a deep blue, a hint of icy calm at their center. He struggled against the priestess’s hands, trying to get away.

As soon as she saw him, Elva somehow knew he was the right choice. For a moment, she glimpsed what could be and she could see him hard at work at the forge, turning out beautiful marvels of brass and gold, silver and steel. She could almost feel the heat of the forge as he tended it. She could almost smell the molten metals.

Ardt, too, could see the future in the boy. Almost a stick figure now, he would grow tall and strong. His shoulders would widen, his arms become as corded muscle. He could see the thick jaw and steady face beneath the baby fat. Ardt realized he’d had a dream of what his son would be like hammering at the metal – and he realized that this boy was the one he’d always dreamed about.

“Here is the boy I spoke of,” Holy Sister Mendfred said, her voice a struggle. “You can see he’s willful, just as I said. His name is Yren. Yren, this is Goodman and -woman Tulat from the village of Hasp. They’re here to see if they want to adopt you.”

“Adopt me?” the boy asked suspiciously, his eyes narrowed and glancing between the man and woman.

“Yes, Yren,” Ardt spoke up. His choice had been made as soon as his eyes had set upon the boy. “I am a blacksmith looking to pass along my craft to one of my children – but I fear my daughters are choosing other paths and the fire from my family smithy may go out forever. The plague took away our hopes of adding to our family just as the plague took your family completely from you. It seems we might be a fit for each other; I’d get the son I’ve always wanted – and an apprentice to my craft. You’d get a substitute for the family you lost.”

The young man appeared to think that over for a moment. “Would I have to pray to Tyln?” Yren asked with a glare.

Ardt looked uncomfortably at the orphanage priestess but Elva spoke up before he could utter a sound. “We’d like for you to kneel to Tyln,” Elva said quietly. “At your own time, though. When you’re ready.”

“I’ll never be ready!” Yren shouted. “He took my mom and dad. He took my sister. I’ll never kneel to him again!”

“We can talk about that,” Elva smiled. “We’ll not make you do what you don’t want to do.”

“Now see here...,” Sister Mendfred started.

“Holy Sister,” Elva turned to the priestess. “You just told us that we must each come to Tyln’s worship on our own. I shall lead the boy by example but it is he who must make the compact. I’m sure, if we are patient, we can bring him back to worship.”

The Holy Sister’s mouth set firmly but she could not argue her own words. “Fine,” she said finally. “There is still the cost of his upkeep. He’s been here near three seasons at three coppers a season. We’ll need a donation of nine coppers to cover Tyln’s work.”

“Nine coppers?” Ardt asked, his eyes wide. “If we leave him, you’ll still be feeding and clothing the boy. I don’t have nine coppers to give you, sister. I could probably spare four coppers – but they were destined for the church anyway.”

“Four?” Sister Mendfred asked shrewdly. “That barely covers the cost of the roof over his head. I couldn’t take less than seven.”

“We’re not haggling, Sister,” Ardt replied. “Mostly because we can’t. Four coppers is all we have – all we can spare and that leaves only two coppers to return back to our home. We didn’t care to bring more with us; we were told the roads can be treacherous at times.”

“Fine,” Sister Mendfred replied harshly. “Four coppers then – as long as you promise to give five more during the next worship. May Tyln be merciful.”

Ardt passed over four coppers, counting them out on the table. “We’ll have to sleep on the ground on the way home,” he grumbled. “But ‘tis worth it to stay in Tyln’s gentle, merciful embrace.”

“Does he need to collect anything?” Elva asked, putting her hand on the boy’s shoulder carefully. Yren looked at her hand and then up to her, a questioning look on his face, but he said nothing. “Clothes and the like?”

“No,” Sister Mendfred intoned harshly. “Even the clothes on his back are the church’s – but I can’t send him out with you naked. Just take him and go.”

Ardt and Elva thanked the Holy sister and left quickly, before she could change her mind. They looked relieved that Yren knew to follow them. The couple had come on their wagon pulled by two draft horses. It was the wagon the smith used both to deliver commissioned work and to carry the purchased ore back to his smithy. The cart was long, with two axles, but it was open and aged, the wood just turning to gray from wind and weather. Ardt helped Yren up into the cab, practically lifting him over the cart’s fence with a single hand.

The cart had some sacks and jugs up front and a few bundles of cloth in the back. He eyed both piles for a few moments before making up his mind. He climbed forward, resting against the sacks up front. He reasoned it would be the better position to accidentally overhear the couple’s conversation.

“How old are you, boy?” Ardt asked a little while later. Yren had been staring wide-eyed at every passing tree and bush, each one meaning he was getting further and further from the orphanage.

“I’ll be seven seasons later this year,” Yren replied, speaking clearly.

“You know your numbers, then?” Elva asked, looking back at the boy fondly.

“Yes,” Yren replied. “Letters, too, though I don’t know how to read. Mom and Dad were teaching me ciphering and reading when ... when... “ His voice faded away as he dropped his head.

“I understand,” Elva said with a sad smile. “We lost both friends and family to the plague and, of course, we grew sick with it though our children were spared.”

“We’ll need to teach you up some, then,” Ardt glanced back at the boy. “If you’re to be a smith – a good smith – you’ll need to read and write and be able to figure numbers.”

“I – I – I thought smiths worked with metals?” Yren stuttered.

Ardt laughed. “We do. It is the bulk of our work. We need to write down orders, though – and read them, once written. We need to figure out the cost of things, which means we need to cipher. We need to know what ores we have on hand, how to mix them – all of which take numbers and calculations. A decent smith can probably do that by rote, without the reading or calculation; a truly great smith, though, will need to be able to read, write and do numbers.”

“So, I’m going to learn, then?” Yren asked.

“Yes,” Elva replied, smiling at her husband.

“I think my mom and dad would’ve liked that,” Yren said in a small voice. “They told my sister and me we needed to learn in order to make our mark in the world.” Yren stopped and Elva looked back at the young boy, watching tears streaming down his face.

“I still miss them,” Yren said softly.

“And you always will, Yren,” Elva said, reaching back to touch the boy on the shoulder. “Nothing will ever stop the ache you feel when you think of them. Over time, though, it will grow a little less until it becomes bearable.”

“So, I’ll be a blacksmith, then?” Yren asked a bit later, when he managed to get his emotions back under control. Cautiously, he looked between Ardt and Elva.

“Yeah, boy,” Ardt replied. “You’ll learn to be a smith. I’ll teach you. I’ll teach you to be a truly great smith.”

“And I won’t have to kneel to Tyln’s altar unless I want to?” He asked suspiciously.

“No need for you to,” Elva chuckled. “We certainly don’t. We kneel to Deia.”

“Deia?” Yren asked, his eyes growing wide. “Sister Mendfred agreed to this?”

“Not hardly,” Ardt snorted.

“There were certain ... truths ... that we kept from Sister Mendfred,” Elva admitted. “Certain things she didn’t really need to know.”

Yren just scrunched up his face. “Deia.” He said the word, listening to it. “I guess I could kneel to Deia.”

“That’s the spirit, Yren,” Ardt laughed.

After a few minutes of silence, Yren had another question. “How long until we get to ... er ... your home?”

“Days,” Ardt replied, glancing over his shoulder. “We live in Hasp which is a bit more than six days away.”

“Hasp?” Yren tested the word in his mouth. “I’ve not heard of it.”

“I’d be surprised if you had,” Ardt admitted. “It’s only a small village – though it does have a certain reputation.”

“We’ve a retired Queen’s Knight who makes Hasp his home,” Elva explained. “Sir Givens. He’s opened a training center just outside of the village. A great number of nobles send their children to learn swords and shields from him. I’m told the Queen and King hold him in high regard.”

“I’m sorry,” Yren apologized. “I’ve not heard of Sir Givens, either.”

“No reason you should,” Ardt chuckled.

“Will we truly be sleeping on the ground?” Yren asked, changing the subject.

It took Ardt and Elva a second to catch up.

“Aye,” Ardt replied, just beating out his wife. “We have some stores in the sacks you’re leaning on – dried vegetables, some flour, a bit of jerky and such – and a tent with some blankets against the back rail. We’ll likely do some hunting for meat – rabbits and squirrels, mostly, since anything more would be too much trouble to carry – and take on fresh water where we can but we’ll definitely be setting a camp at least most nights.”

Yren thought for a while as he bounced and jostled with the cart. Finally coming to a decision, he carefully watched the couple in the front even as he reached to his neck and opened the pouch that hung there. He fingered aside the worn note – a message from a mage named Gelbin explaining why no one but he could see the pouch, much less open it – and pulled out four coppers.

For a moment, he looked at the shiny coppers and thought on that note. He couldn’t remember ever meeting anyone named Gelbin but the time around the plague wasn’t very clear to him. The note had mentioned that the pouch was the inheritance his mother and father had left him. He was cautioned that, while he could spend the gems and coins as he saw fit, he should never sell the rings. Gelbin called them magical and suggested Yren wear them. Yren had tried them on but they were too loose on his fingers. Besides, he wasn’t sure he believed in magic rings anyway. The rings had once belonged to his parents, though, so he’d kept them – not that he’d have ever thought to sell them anyway. Nor had he any chance to sell or use anything; none but the priests and priestesses owned anything at the orphanage and he was certainly not going to let them know about his inheritance.

Finally, he turned to the front and reached out with the four coppers. “Here,” he called.

Ardt glanced at them but Elva stared at the four coins curiously. She glanced back to Yren. “What are these for?”

“You paid four coppers for me,” Yren said, his face serious. “I would rather not be in your debt.”

Elva looked down at the four coppers and then up to Yren. She studied his face before nodding; she could see how important this was for him. She reached out and took the four coppers. “Thank you, Yren.”

The boy nodded and turned away, snuggling down against the sacks. He was scared at what the future held; the last time he’d gone somewhere new had been when he’d lost his parents and his sister. He didn’t feel he was losing anything this time, though. He would not miss the constant kneeling and praying to Tyln. He would not miss the beatings and thrashings when one of the Holy Sisters or Holy Brothers found him breaking some law or rule of Tyln he didn’t even know about. He would not miss the seemingly constant touching and fondling Holy Brother Dal subjected him to.

With the fear, he felt a sense of excitement and adventure. Goodman and woman Tulat seemed – nice. During the past two seasons, Yren had forgotten what nice was. Not only had the Sisters and Brothers beaten him and worse but the other orphans had enjoyed pointing out his failings to them – as if by pushing him down they were elevating themselves up.

Yren looked over at Elva and then to Ardt. Yes, they seemed nice. Normal. Maybe, just maybe, he could find a home with them.

Finding a comfortable position, he slowly drifted off to sleep.

“Time to wake up, boy,” Ardt called as he pulled the cart off the worn path. He steered the horses carefully; horses were expensive and he could ill-afford to buy more – especially this far from his forge.

He maneuvered the pair pulling the cart a few dozen yards into the trees; close enough to easily return to the road but not so close as to be seen from it. He would build the fire carefully to make sure it wouldn’t easily be seen from the road; no need to tempt fate. He reined in the horses within a short, natural depression.

“We’ll camp in the depression,” Ardt announced as he dismounted. He reached under the bench seat and took a brush and curry comb from the storage bin set underneath. He turned to his wife. “I’ll tend the horses if you and the boy can start dinner.”

“Dinner?” Yren squeaked. “I don’t know how to cook dinner.”

Elva smiled at him. “Well, I’ll have to teach you – but not tonight. Tonight, you just help me unload the cart and we’ll fetch some wood. Then, while I’m doing the cooking, you and Ardt can set up the tent.”

“I don’t know how to set up a tent, either,” Yren frowned.

“Well, Ardt can start teaching you all about tents tonight,” Elva chuckled. “Fair?”

Yren nodded and climbed out of the cart. He looked around tentatively. Trees stretched as far as he could see. They grew together above him, a canopy of green with frequent small, blue gaps letting sunlight filter down in a green haze. Grass and shrubs scattered the ground, dappled with bursts of sunlight. He could smell a dank, woodsy smell with a hint of mint and what smelled like peppercorn bursting on the slight, warm wind. He felt comfortable here in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time. He had the confusing, scary sense that he was right where he belonged.

Elva met him at the back and showed him how to release the metal pegs that held the back wall of the cart in place. He watched her as much as the metal. She was taller than him but thin and somewhere on the road she’d let her dark blonde hair down so it curled to the middle of her back and danced on the breeze. Yren couldn’t quite describe how he felt when he looked at her; she was just worn and comfortable – like the feel of his blanket on his bunk. Ardt, too, felt warm and inviting, though the big man scared him just a little. It was hard for the young boy to understand his feelings but he felt – safe. Secure. Again, as if right here and right now with these people were exactly where he was supposed to be. He watched her let the cart tail down, listened to the metal squeak as it lowered until the chains on either side of the tail clinked as they came taut.

“What’re those?” Yren asked, looking at the lowered cart wall.

“I’m sure you’ve seen chains before,” Elva asked curiously.

“Not the chains – those,” Yren replied, pointing.

Elva followed his fingers and laughed. “You mean the hinges? Have you never seen metal hinges before? On doors and such?”

“No, ma’am,” Yren replied, letting his finger stroke the metal. “All of the doors at the orphanage – and at my-my-my home – were done with leather straps or rope. Holy Brother Mitel was constantly grumbling because he had to replace them so often.”

“I’ll bet,” Elva chuckled. “It’s one benefit to being a smith’s wife; metal doesn’t wear out as often.”

“Ardt did this?” Yren asked, glancing up at the woman.

“Aye,” she replied. “You’ll be able to do it, too, in a few seasons. Once Ardt has taught you up a bit.”

“I really think I’d like that,” Yren smiled.

“It’s hard work, though,” Elva cautioned, “and very hot. The forge is not somewhere to play.”

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** AUtHOR'S NOTE: based on the ratings, part 2 was a little disappointing. It was a transitional chapter, not a lot happened. I hope that this one more than makes up for it. ** Dinner and two glasses of wine did little to calm Peter down. The steak was overcooked and the dessert skimpy. The waitress was a bitch and on top of it all, there was a ticket underneath his wiper when he got back to the car. Lauren said little during or after the meal. She'd watched him change gradually...

2 years ago
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Power Absolute

A/N: A couple chapters of not-necessarily-relevant drama to introduce John's powers. You can skip ahead if you wish. I groaned as I rubbed my temples in discomfort. The headache was becoming worse as the days passed. I had hoped that it would pass soon but so far it showed no signed of going away. It all started on my eighteenth birthday two days ago. Back then, it had been only a minor annoyance as I passed the day celebrating with my friends. The next day, it hadn’t gone away. I simply...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Sex with a Stranger

It was after I had left the movies, I stopped at an all night diner, there was a number of other guys close to my age there, as I entered I went directly to the toilet to wash up. After I was in the toilet the door opened, one of the young men had came in he looked at me and went over to the urinal. As he stood there I thought it funny that he wasn't making any sound of urinating.You know how it sounds as you urinate in the john. I looked back to see what was going on the guy was standing...

3 years ago
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My Wife Rose and the Pub Manager

One night I playing darts with the owner of the pub, he a tall black guy of 42 years old, after a few games we were drawing, he asked if I wanted to put a bet on the next game, I said sure what about hundred pounds. He said ok. I lost on purpose because I had something else in mind. I didnt have a hundred pounds to pay him. I told him he could fuck my wife Rose of 38 years old instead. Who was sitting by the bar talking to the barmaid. He agreed and I had to tell Rose that Steven was coming...

3 years ago
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The Countess

She's getting scarier, but there is no point in worrying about it. I'm totally hooked on her and whatever happens is inevitable. She has me tied down the usual way - on my back on the bed with my feet chained to the bedposts and a noose around my neck. She leaves my arms free because she says she likes to watch me trying to fend off the blows when she beats me. Creepy, right? Who knows what she will do to me this time? Cuts and bruises are par for the course. I always tell her "not the face!"...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Discovery part 2

A week passed, and after dinner, we were snuggled together in our loft when Mary said, “I want you to call Bob and Carol. I have been thinking about it, and I want to pose for a few photos. I figure if I have a couple of drinks, I will be willing”. My cock nearly tore through my pants as I thought of what she had just said. I asked if she was serious and she assured me she was. She said she had given it a lot of thought and really wanted to do it. I called Bob, and he asked if we could...

2 years ago
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TouchMyWife Kiki Vidis Round 2

My hot little Aussie wife Kiki Vidis gets up from an orgasm-filled night with another man. He’s in the shower and Kiki is still horny, but she’s a little shy. I take her to the bathroom, knowing Filthy Rich isn’t going to deny my petite bombshell. She gets in with him… they start kissing & making out which leads to Kiki jerking him off and then getting on her knees to put his fat dick in her mouth. We bend her over & inspect her pussy – it’s dripping...

4 years ago
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BlendersChapter 44

Over the next year Max Bale made Mildred Young fall in love with him passionately. He gave her the best sex she ever thought imaginable. Then turning into Katie, George enjoyed her craving appetites in bed. All the while 1142 was eliminating most of the Elites in America. Very few of them were alive outside the borders of America and Canada. It was saving the best for last. After six months, 1142 finally got in touch with West, Matthews, and Young. They talked telepathically so they...

4 years ago
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The equinox at 444PM 2013 and my Daughter

Here’s the short version: I graduated from high school at 13, MIT at 17 with 2 degrees and Harvard at age 21. My parents were very smart and I was a kid genius early in life. Yes I’m in Mensa, big deal. I met my wife at MIT and she was a kid genius as well. She did her double at Harvard. We dated while at Harvard and we were born just a few days apart so yes we’re the same age. Our daughter was conceived on our honeymoon when we were 18. Now my wife and I are 35 and our daughter turns 17 on...

4 years ago
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My First Sex 8211 Part II

Hi to all those who have read my part 1 and still remembers me. I hope u remember the favor she asked me in the end of my part 1. Sorry i forgot to mention,am a keralite .To be exact ,from ekm. In this story am gonna tell you guys how i fulfilled her wish ?A two hours dating by my dick with her pussy . So after the college day incident, we didn’t got any chance to continue our fun .Then came our final exams .So we got involved in the exams .On the last day of exam i had a plan but didn’t...

4 years ago
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Jade Part 2

The rest of the weekend was like any other weekend that my daughter spent with me. She didn’t behave differently, she didn’t look at me differently and her mother came to get her at 7 sharp. The same routine we’d been doing for years since her mother and I split up. The only thing that was a little different was that she spent most of the weekend in very little clothing, mostly panties and t-shirts, and managed to do a lot of bending over. Other than that things were pretty normal and that...

3 years ago
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KellyChapter 9

The ringing of the phone did not wake Kelly up Thursday morning. The poking in her ribs by someone in bed with her did. "Are you going to answer that fucking thing?" Laura asked. "My head is going to explode." Glancing down at their nude bodies, seeing the partial glass of wine on the nightstand, and feeling the dried remains of last night's multiple orgasms brought back a rush of memories. Kelly blushed slightly and peeled her sticky body off the bed, untangled herself from Laura and...

5 years ago
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Can This Be Happening Ch 01

As far as days go, this one started out normal. Ashley and Megan were sitting back talking with the TV setting a dull soundtrack to the evening. Ashley, statuesque and 115 pounds with long brown hair and green eyes, was lounging in a pair of shorts and a tank top. Megan, however, was her polar opposite. She was all of 5 feet tall and 160 pounds with short blonde hair and brown eyes. She was sitting back in a pair of track pants and an Old Navy T-shirt, trying and failing to twirl her hair...

4 years ago
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What goes bump in the night

The night was dark, as it always seemed to be when she was hungry. For 300 years it had been this way. feeding, then a few days of relative quiet, before the hunger came upon her again. She was aware of some like her, who fed every night, more for the pleasure of the chase than anything else. But Sue, did not. She had never like killing for food. She did not see the need, to end a life, just to satisfy a thirt. But, the thirst, the hunger was back tonight. Back very strongly. She would have to...

4 years ago
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Meri Behen Ki Chudayi 8211 Part 2

Hi dosto, aap ko meri paheli kahani pasand aayi hogi. Ab aage meri bahan veena ki mast chudayi ki kahani aap ka land khada kar degi.Ek lambi chudayi ke baad shayam aur veena bed pe aaram kar rahe the. Tabhi mera phone baja aur mere dost ne bataya ki aaj raat woo nahi aayega. Office me party he me bhi bahut khush ho gaya aur socha koy na ye baat me veena ko bata du ur dekhu ye dono aage kya gul khilate he. Mene veena ko phone kar ke ye bataki me nahi aa unga. Veena ne bhi ye baat shayam ko bata...

3 years ago
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Lockdown fxxk and her wish

Dawn and I are on lockdown and God its boring, we have watched Netflix, Amazon, Disney, ect ect. We started to drink a few on a night time to pass it away and whilst pissed we would shot the porn on! Dawn was not normally interested in porn but when she's had a few she would be like put the porn on and lets get down and dirty! lol.she was funny in drink she would like to dance about and act sexy and say let me be like that porn star and i'll do you like she's doing that bloke on that film!, I...

3 years ago
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My Pregnant Mom

I am Rajeev, a 15 year old boy living with my mom. My mom Sneha is 35 now and a widow. I have never seen my dad. When asked about my dad, mom gives a vacant look on her face and says he died long back. It was a mystery to me. I learned not to mention it anymore. Most of the time living with mom is great. Once in a while she gets into one of her rough moods. I could guess her illicit relation with the manager of her office. One evening I came back early from my private tuition. As I always carry...

2 years ago
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Risky Sex With My Girlfriend8217s Horny Aunt

Hello friends, this story is based on a real-life incident that happened to me. It was an incident that changed my life completely. Let me tell you about my girlfriend’s aunt. Let’s call her ‘M’. She is 5’8″, fair and her figure is 34-30-38. Her ass is so huge if I slap it on Christmas, it’ll keep shaking till the new year! :P Now, coming to the story. This was around December during the English holidays. I and my gf were in a live-in relationship as we have been together for 5 years. As it was...

3 years ago
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Neighbor Suzy part 2

“I know about you. I know you’ve been doing to her,” she said. “What are you talking about?” I asked. The website came up. It featured pictures of children between three and sixteen, boys and girls; all of them were naked. “I can sniff out people like you. You might it’s a talent. I also run a little side business,” she said. I looked the website. “That why when the police called me I let you keep her.” “It doesn’t seem like you care about the children,” I said. “I care very deeply about...

2 years ago
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COCKWASHED By Katharine Sexkitten cockwashed verb "kok.wah-shed" believing that there is no greater joy in life than worshipping cocks, leading to giving into the desires to suck cock and be fucked by cock, by frequently being exposed to it or repeatedly being shown that it is true and thereby realizing ones true place in life. other tenses: cockwashing, cockwasher, cockwash I have been cockwashed. It's like being brainwashed, but as opposed to some radical...

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Chanel and Ethan 23

I wake up in the dim light of my bedroom. Ethan’s arm is draped over my body as he spoons me from behind and I smile. I snuggle my way deeper into his hold, my ass pressing into his dick. Before sleep can find me again, though, I feel like I’m forgetting something. I look at my alarm clock and curse under my breath. I somehow manage to turn under Ethan’s arm to where I’m facing him. He looks so peaceful and images of last night flicker in my vision. He seems like someone more innocent than the...

Love Stories
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Introduction: Woman gets pulled over The sky was lit up with stars. the night drive in my bran new car seemed to fly by. I was cruzing along when I seen it. Flashing red lights in my mirror. Fuck I mumbled under my breath as I looked down. 20 miles over the speed limit. Not too shabby but I knew I could get out of it. Slowly I pulled over to the edge making sure no one would scratch my new baby. When I first seen him get out I instantly smiles. The way he strutted toward me you could tell...

2 years ago
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Enticed Pt 15 Two Great Tastes

Blaise and I spent all that Saturday together, first cleaning his house, then just hanging out.  I had cleaned the Lodge pretty thoroughly the day before for my private show with Ezekiel that was more than just a show. So, we didn’t need to go out there. Instead, we spent a couple hours shopping at one of the malls in Gate City. He needed some pants for work and I wanted to get a new pair of sneakers.We spent a bit of that time inspecting the adult novelties in a couple stores, but didn’t buy...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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The Bunker Part One

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age...

2 years ago
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Blond Hair

“It is only a short drive to church, and the service only lasts an hour and a half. Besides, all the guys will gripe at me all day tomorrow if I don’t go to church.” Ben was a short man, but strong. He was 26 at the time, but had worked in construction since he was 16 years old, and had grown damn strong because of it. The preacher came and went, the choir sang their songs and the people had done their weekly Christian service. The church wasn’t bad, Ben didn’t mind it for the most...

4 years ago
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Summer CampEpisode 28 Gulag

The next morning, things in the camp things settled down a bit. There was a new group of campers that had arrived and those new campers had easily adopted the new clothing-optional lifestyle. There were many in each group that found that going naked was sensational and freeing; those campers tried to be naked as much as possible. It was another beautiful day and virtually the entire camp that was not busy doing some activity was at the beach and nude. Even Jennifer, who had a spare moment...

2 years ago
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Chris and Nenas Big Day Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Day four at Whitby a day of Shocks. Gaby awoke to find Maddy cuddled up to him. "Maddy are you awake are you comming on the morning bike ride?" "Come on Gaby it is not daylight yet. No riding today." "No we have to get ready and by the time we are it will be time for the ride with the team." Gaby opened the door and walked out of the room along the passage there was a young soldier half asleep. "Hi thought this was just a dream are you real." "I only just...

2 years ago
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The morning traffic passes below the hotel window sun light d****s in through the thin curtains that gently blow in the warm summer air.A man lies asleep on top of the bed naked with a small portion of the duvet covering his chest.A gentle knock at the room door does not disturb himthe handle turns and the door slowly opens a petite maid peers round the door she spots the man on the bed oblivous to her presence a coy smile lights her face and her hazel eyes brighten slowly she walks into the...

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Dangerous Obsession Ch 03

He arrived by taxi an hour later but he wasn’t alone. He came in the door with a woman carrying a small suitcase and a tote bag. I took her to be about twenty-two. She was blonde with a whore’s body, who seemed as much taken with the boy as Doris was. ‘This is Linda, our new maid’ he said looking at Doris who had turned to the proverbial pillar of salt. ‘Linda, meet Doris your lady mistress and of course this is Cooper, our butler.’ ‘Oh they are so cute, Sir Trevor. I heard you both on the...

3 years ago
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Clean and discreet

I consider myself a somewhat happily married 36 year old mother of two husband has gone from being a attentive caring affectionate stud to a unavailable useless jockstrap. since he's started working for this corporation he has become Mr. Inconsistent. he always has an excuse when it comes time to spend time with me or the boys. He's called me up to say “honey I'm gonna be late getting home tonight” so many times and I'm sick of it, as I sit here looking at my wedding ring I'm starting...

3 years ago
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Love At First Sight pt 3

"I know what you're thinking and no, no one lives here." A relatively short man stepped out of the darkness. And I knew it wasn't the guy from before, his voice is deep and rumbling, this guy's voice is normal with just a hint of malice. Who was this guy? Where am I? What is he going to do to me? All these questions swirling around in my head, making it hard to think. "Who are you? Where am I?" I asked. I didn't know if I should feel afraid or relieved that I'm away from that...

4 years ago
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Einforderung von Sozialleistungen

"Ich habe ja schon viel gehört, aber so was noch nicht. Was glauben Sie wo Sie hier sind?", tobte Yvonne Kaufmann in ihrer Funktion als Sachbearbeiterin beim Jobcenter. "Wo ich hier bin?", tobte der etwa fünfzigjährige Spätaussiedler aus Russland Victor Damov. "Ich bin da wo ich meine Leistungen bekomme auf die ich Anspruch habe!" "Ganz genau. Und Sie haben sicherlich keinen Anspruch auf 400,00 € zusätzlich im Monat um eine Prostituierte aufzusuchen!", schimpfte die junge Sachbearbeiterin. "Wir...

2 years ago
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Vanilla Frosting

That night she took me to our bedroom wearing nothing but her engagement ring. Her smooth cocoa skin and hardened dark chocolate nipples caressed my skin as we professed our love for one another. After making love for over an hour I teased her about how she didn’t even need any dick tonight after she came so many times from the foreplay. We laid there nude enjoying the cool breeze from the ceiling fan as my hand rested on her glistening body. She began to squeeze my now deflated manhood and...

3 years ago
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EscapedChapter 9

Joe took my hand as we walked into the master bedroom. Once inside I closed the door and asked Joe if we could talk quietly. He told me we could and then asked what I wanted. So, I said, “I think mom is a submissive. I mean I think she has been a submissive before and I think she may be doing whatever daddy wants.” Joe said, “Why do you think that. She was quite put out when we showed up and tried to correct our ways. I am not sure this is what she is.” I said, “Well, it is just the way...

4 years ago
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Fish TankChapter 2

The astute reader, not easily fooled, will have noted that the beginning of the story has not yet been reached. Have faith; it draws near. By the time the fourth season of "The Fish Tank" arrived, its origins in a tender young sociologist's dreams were but a distant memory. Tank mania had swept the nation. Every network was trying to rip off the concept, but the original kept topping itself and hogging the ratings -- celebrity versions, blooper shows, the holiday special, "I Fish You a...

2 years ago
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Husbands turn Female Gigolo Gay

I am the world’s greatest gigolo. Well, at least I was the world’s greatest gigolo. My clientele were usually wealthy women with husbands who rarely spent two seconds at home, much less tended to the raging sexual desires of their hot wives.This is where I came into the picture. It only took a couple of hours a day to bring these women to their peaks and watch them explode in orgasms. I made enough cash in an hour to get by for a week. Occasionally I accompanied a client on a weekend getaway or...

2 years ago
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Cousins a Tale of Teenage Incest Part 3

Introduction: A Curious Teen Girl has her first sexual experiences and her Young Adult Cousin Disclaimer Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered Fiction although it has its basis in Fact. This is not to...

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Peeping Samantha

It felt so… naughty. Does this make me a pervert? Does it mean I’m depraved? The muscles of my belly were tense and I barely breathed. My family moved into a new house, about six months ago. After I had settled into my new room, I had discovered that from my window I can see straight into the bedroom of the neighboring house. The sole occupant of the residence was a man, about thirty, thirty five or so. And, well, he’s my subject of perversion. I diligently observed the...

4 years ago
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All Yours

Relieved, bewildered, excited and horny all at once, I picked my way through the flailing bodies on the dance floor wondering how exactly we would get away with it. “Again,” she had texted. And she would get it again, no doubt about that. The only question was how, and, more pressingly, where. She was looking directly at me as I walked towards her, sitting with her legs crossed in the centre of a low couch. She looked seductive, in control and serene – not at all like the nervous, unsure...

2 years ago
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The Skate ParkJamie

The Skate Park--JamieSitting on the picnic table at the skate park one day, just struck up a conversation with this dude that I had not seen before. Guess I was “feeling him out”. As one of the regulars, at 19, me and a few of my buds kinda looked out for the younger k**s, making sure nobody came in and started fuckin with them.Im telling “Jamie” that I was kinda like the “ruler” of the park. He ask me “ya, how is that”?Well, as one of the oldest, and more experienced boarders, me and my buds...

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