RuneswardChapter 04 free porn video

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“I’ve three daughters,” the man said, his wife sitting next to him. The man was young, surely no older than late twenties or early thirties; his wife was about the same. Maybe slightly over six feet tall, he had sandy brown hair and blue eyes and his cleanly-shaven face showed a thick, lantern jaw. He was a powerful man with wide, hulking shoulders. His arms were long masses of corded muscle.

The wife seemed slight, maybe five-feet five-inches tall, but anyone would seem slight next to such a mountain of a man. She had dirty blonde hair tucked into a bun, some flyaway strands curling around her round face. Her eyes were more gray than blue but they seemed kind and innocent. “Aged nine, five and three. I love them all but the oldest has chosen woodcraft and the youngest has been picked by your order to follow them when she comes of age. That leaves the five-season-old and I worry if she chooses to turn away from smithing that I’ll have no one to carry on my work. We’ve thought about offering an apprenticeship – but my father was a smith, his father was a smith and so on up the line. My family has been smithing for as many generations as I can count and I want that legacy to continue. Our only hope is to adopt a young lad to carry on my legacy. We’d love a wee little babe but we only ask that he be no older than nine; after nine it becomes difficult to teach the ways of metal and I’d end up spending most of my time unlearning him of what he thinks he knows.”

“I understand,” the woman smiled. She was an older woman with hair that was once brown but was now more a whitish gray. She was certainly at least in her forties and likely much older. Her face seemed kind and gentle, her brown eyes loving and caring. There were few wrinkles in a face that seemed to have soft, well-cared for skin and her hands seemed the same; hands that were too young for her apparent age. She wore a long burgundy robe with golden trim as did all her order. She stood slightly taller than the woman when she was standing but she sat now, across a small table from the couple. “Unfortunately, I have no babies or young children in the orphanage. We had several a few seasons past – orphans who survived the plague, you understand – but most have already been adopted by families. To be truthful, we have few children here anymore and the ones we do have are destined for the Priesthood, I’m afraid.”

“I understand,” the man said with a sigh. “We’d hoped – a woman from a neighboring village had said ... well, there’s nothing for it now. We’re sorry to have wasted your time.”

“Please, Holy Sister Mendfred,” the woman pled. “My husband and I have come a fair distance; seven days on the road away from my girls. Surely there is one child you can spare for us.”

“I’m sorry, Goodwoman,” Sister Mendfred sighed. “I’m afraid there really... “ Her voice trailed off.

“What?” Goodwoman Tulat asked, hope in her eyes. “Have you thought of one?”

Mendfred shook her head, her face troubled. “There may be one,” she admitted. “He’s a troublemaker, though. Another survivor of the plague. He refuses to say his prayers, no matter the punishment. He won’t take Blessed Tyln’s sacraments either. He refuses to fast on Tyln’s Day.” She shook her head again. “I’m not sure I could put that on you.” She looked over between the man and woman. “Either of you. Though he’s only seven I’m not certain we can ever bend him to Tyln’s will.”

“From whence does he hail?” Goodman Tulat asked.

“The lost city of Beldrin, I believe,” Holy Mendfred replied.

“Beldrin?” Goodman Tulat gasped. “I had nae thought any survived!” The Goodman rubbed his chin. “I had family there; a cousin and his babes. I’m certain Beldrin knelt to Tyln. All of them. The Duke demanded it.”

“Perhaps that is the source of the problem,” Sister Mendfred pointed out. “People must come to Tyln’s worship on their own. Coercing them is not the way. Perhaps, now freed from the Duke’s power, the youngster rebels against Holy Tyln not understanding that Tyln loves all.”

“May we see him?” the goodwoman asked. “We’re not afraid of a little hard work if it means we can bring him to Tyln’s altar.”

Sister Mendfred stared at the pair dubiously, her face showing she was clearly torn. Finally, though, she sighed. “Please. Wait here.”

“Bring him to Tyln’s altar?” Goodman Tulat whispered in disbelief. “The gods are going to punish you for your lies, Elva!”

“We kneel to Deia, Ardt,” Elva replied loftily, her voice no louder than Ardt’s own. “She’s much more ... flexible ... when it comes to stretching the truth. Do the stories not say she tweaks the other gods’ noses whenever she can?”

Ardt shook his head. “Maybe – but never in their own church. And never to the faces of their priests.”

“We’re not in Tyln’s church, now are we?” Elva whispered. “We’re in an orphanage, looking to take over the care of one of his charges. One of his charges who doesn’t seem to want to be here, if I’m not mistaken.”

“Maybe,” Ardt admitted grudgingly. “I’m not sure it’s enough to stay his hand, however.”

Elva just shrugged as the door re-opened. The boy Sister Mendfred pushed in front of her was thin as a stick and needed a bath. His hair was black and wild, sprouting up everywhere and his face was set in a scowl. His blue eyes were a deep blue, a hint of icy calm at their center. He struggled against the priestess’s hands, trying to get away.

As soon as she saw him, Elva somehow knew he was the right choice. For a moment, she glimpsed what could be and she could see him hard at work at the forge, turning out beautiful marvels of brass and gold, silver and steel. She could almost feel the heat of the forge as he tended it. She could almost smell the molten metals.

Ardt, too, could see the future in the boy. Almost a stick figure now, he would grow tall and strong. His shoulders would widen, his arms become as corded muscle. He could see the thick jaw and steady face beneath the baby fat. Ardt realized he’d had a dream of what his son would be like hammering at the metal – and he realized that this boy was the one he’d always dreamed about.

“Here is the boy I spoke of,” Holy Sister Mendfred said, her voice a struggle. “You can see he’s willful, just as I said. His name is Yren. Yren, this is Goodman and -woman Tulat from the village of Hasp. They’re here to see if they want to adopt you.”

“Adopt me?” the boy asked suspiciously, his eyes narrowed and glancing between the man and woman.

“Yes, Yren,” Ardt spoke up. His choice had been made as soon as his eyes had set upon the boy. “I am a blacksmith looking to pass along my craft to one of my children – but I fear my daughters are choosing other paths and the fire from my family smithy may go out forever. The plague took away our hopes of adding to our family just as the plague took your family completely from you. It seems we might be a fit for each other; I’d get the son I’ve always wanted – and an apprentice to my craft. You’d get a substitute for the family you lost.”

The young man appeared to think that over for a moment. “Would I have to pray to Tyln?” Yren asked with a glare.

Ardt looked uncomfortably at the orphanage priestess but Elva spoke up before he could utter a sound. “We’d like for you to kneel to Tyln,” Elva said quietly. “At your own time, though. When you’re ready.”

“I’ll never be ready!” Yren shouted. “He took my mom and dad. He took my sister. I’ll never kneel to him again!”

“We can talk about that,” Elva smiled. “We’ll not make you do what you don’t want to do.”

“Now see here...,” Sister Mendfred started.

“Holy Sister,” Elva turned to the priestess. “You just told us that we must each come to Tyln’s worship on our own. I shall lead the boy by example but it is he who must make the compact. I’m sure, if we are patient, we can bring him back to worship.”

The Holy Sister’s mouth set firmly but she could not argue her own words. “Fine,” she said finally. “There is still the cost of his upkeep. He’s been here near three seasons at three coppers a season. We’ll need a donation of nine coppers to cover Tyln’s work.”

“Nine coppers?” Ardt asked, his eyes wide. “If we leave him, you’ll still be feeding and clothing the boy. I don’t have nine coppers to give you, sister. I could probably spare four coppers – but they were destined for the church anyway.”

“Four?” Sister Mendfred asked shrewdly. “That barely covers the cost of the roof over his head. I couldn’t take less than seven.”

“We’re not haggling, Sister,” Ardt replied. “Mostly because we can’t. Four coppers is all we have – all we can spare and that leaves only two coppers to return back to our home. We didn’t care to bring more with us; we were told the roads can be treacherous at times.”

“Fine,” Sister Mendfred replied harshly. “Four coppers then – as long as you promise to give five more during the next worship. May Tyln be merciful.”

Ardt passed over four coppers, counting them out on the table. “We’ll have to sleep on the ground on the way home,” he grumbled. “But ‘tis worth it to stay in Tyln’s gentle, merciful embrace.”

“Does he need to collect anything?” Elva asked, putting her hand on the boy’s shoulder carefully. Yren looked at her hand and then up to her, a questioning look on his face, but he said nothing. “Clothes and the like?”

“No,” Sister Mendfred intoned harshly. “Even the clothes on his back are the church’s – but I can’t send him out with you naked. Just take him and go.”

Ardt and Elva thanked the Holy sister and left quickly, before she could change her mind. They looked relieved that Yren knew to follow them. The couple had come on their wagon pulled by two draft horses. It was the wagon the smith used both to deliver commissioned work and to carry the purchased ore back to his smithy. The cart was long, with two axles, but it was open and aged, the wood just turning to gray from wind and weather. Ardt helped Yren up into the cab, practically lifting him over the cart’s fence with a single hand.

The cart had some sacks and jugs up front and a few bundles of cloth in the back. He eyed both piles for a few moments before making up his mind. He climbed forward, resting against the sacks up front. He reasoned it would be the better position to accidentally overhear the couple’s conversation.

“How old are you, boy?” Ardt asked a little while later. Yren had been staring wide-eyed at every passing tree and bush, each one meaning he was getting further and further from the orphanage.

“I’ll be seven seasons later this year,” Yren replied, speaking clearly.

“You know your numbers, then?” Elva asked, looking back at the boy fondly.

“Yes,” Yren replied. “Letters, too, though I don’t know how to read. Mom and Dad were teaching me ciphering and reading when ... when... “ His voice faded away as he dropped his head.

“I understand,” Elva said with a sad smile. “We lost both friends and family to the plague and, of course, we grew sick with it though our children were spared.”

“We’ll need to teach you up some, then,” Ardt glanced back at the boy. “If you’re to be a smith – a good smith – you’ll need to read and write and be able to figure numbers.”

“I – I – I thought smiths worked with metals?” Yren stuttered.

Ardt laughed. “We do. It is the bulk of our work. We need to write down orders, though – and read them, once written. We need to figure out the cost of things, which means we need to cipher. We need to know what ores we have on hand, how to mix them – all of which take numbers and calculations. A decent smith can probably do that by rote, without the reading or calculation; a truly great smith, though, will need to be able to read, write and do numbers.”

“So, I’m going to learn, then?” Yren asked.

“Yes,” Elva replied, smiling at her husband.

“I think my mom and dad would’ve liked that,” Yren said in a small voice. “They told my sister and me we needed to learn in order to make our mark in the world.” Yren stopped and Elva looked back at the young boy, watching tears streaming down his face.

“I still miss them,” Yren said softly.

“And you always will, Yren,” Elva said, reaching back to touch the boy on the shoulder. “Nothing will ever stop the ache you feel when you think of them. Over time, though, it will grow a little less until it becomes bearable.”

“So, I’ll be a blacksmith, then?” Yren asked a bit later, when he managed to get his emotions back under control. Cautiously, he looked between Ardt and Elva.

“Yeah, boy,” Ardt replied. “You’ll learn to be a smith. I’ll teach you. I’ll teach you to be a truly great smith.”

“And I won’t have to kneel to Tyln’s altar unless I want to?” He asked suspiciously.

“No need for you to,” Elva chuckled. “We certainly don’t. We kneel to Deia.”

“Deia?” Yren asked, his eyes growing wide. “Sister Mendfred agreed to this?”

“Not hardly,” Ardt snorted.

“There were certain ... truths ... that we kept from Sister Mendfred,” Elva admitted. “Certain things she didn’t really need to know.”

Yren just scrunched up his face. “Deia.” He said the word, listening to it. “I guess I could kneel to Deia.”

“That’s the spirit, Yren,” Ardt laughed.

After a few minutes of silence, Yren had another question. “How long until we get to ... er ... your home?”

“Days,” Ardt replied, glancing over his shoulder. “We live in Hasp which is a bit more than six days away.”

“Hasp?” Yren tested the word in his mouth. “I’ve not heard of it.”

“I’d be surprised if you had,” Ardt admitted. “It’s only a small village – though it does have a certain reputation.”

“We’ve a retired Queen’s Knight who makes Hasp his home,” Elva explained. “Sir Givens. He’s opened a training center just outside of the village. A great number of nobles send their children to learn swords and shields from him. I’m told the Queen and King hold him in high regard.”

“I’m sorry,” Yren apologized. “I’ve not heard of Sir Givens, either.”

“No reason you should,” Ardt chuckled.

“Will we truly be sleeping on the ground?” Yren asked, changing the subject.

It took Ardt and Elva a second to catch up.

“Aye,” Ardt replied, just beating out his wife. “We have some stores in the sacks you’re leaning on – dried vegetables, some flour, a bit of jerky and such – and a tent with some blankets against the back rail. We’ll likely do some hunting for meat – rabbits and squirrels, mostly, since anything more would be too much trouble to carry – and take on fresh water where we can but we’ll definitely be setting a camp at least most nights.”

Yren thought for a while as he bounced and jostled with the cart. Finally coming to a decision, he carefully watched the couple in the front even as he reached to his neck and opened the pouch that hung there. He fingered aside the worn note – a message from a mage named Gelbin explaining why no one but he could see the pouch, much less open it – and pulled out four coppers.

For a moment, he looked at the shiny coppers and thought on that note. He couldn’t remember ever meeting anyone named Gelbin but the time around the plague wasn’t very clear to him. The note had mentioned that the pouch was the inheritance his mother and father had left him. He was cautioned that, while he could spend the gems and coins as he saw fit, he should never sell the rings. Gelbin called them magical and suggested Yren wear them. Yren had tried them on but they were too loose on his fingers. Besides, he wasn’t sure he believed in magic rings anyway. The rings had once belonged to his parents, though, so he’d kept them – not that he’d have ever thought to sell them anyway. Nor had he any chance to sell or use anything; none but the priests and priestesses owned anything at the orphanage and he was certainly not going to let them know about his inheritance.

Finally, he turned to the front and reached out with the four coppers. “Here,” he called.

Ardt glanced at them but Elva stared at the four coins curiously. She glanced back to Yren. “What are these for?”

“You paid four coppers for me,” Yren said, his face serious. “I would rather not be in your debt.”

Elva looked down at the four coppers and then up to Yren. She studied his face before nodding; she could see how important this was for him. She reached out and took the four coppers. “Thank you, Yren.”

The boy nodded and turned away, snuggling down against the sacks. He was scared at what the future held; the last time he’d gone somewhere new had been when he’d lost his parents and his sister. He didn’t feel he was losing anything this time, though. He would not miss the constant kneeling and praying to Tyln. He would not miss the beatings and thrashings when one of the Holy Sisters or Holy Brothers found him breaking some law or rule of Tyln he didn’t even know about. He would not miss the seemingly constant touching and fondling Holy Brother Dal subjected him to.

With the fear, he felt a sense of excitement and adventure. Goodman and woman Tulat seemed – nice. During the past two seasons, Yren had forgotten what nice was. Not only had the Sisters and Brothers beaten him and worse but the other orphans had enjoyed pointing out his failings to them – as if by pushing him down they were elevating themselves up.

Yren looked over at Elva and then to Ardt. Yes, they seemed nice. Normal. Maybe, just maybe, he could find a home with them.

Finding a comfortable position, he slowly drifted off to sleep.

“Time to wake up, boy,” Ardt called as he pulled the cart off the worn path. He steered the horses carefully; horses were expensive and he could ill-afford to buy more – especially this far from his forge.

He maneuvered the pair pulling the cart a few dozen yards into the trees; close enough to easily return to the road but not so close as to be seen from it. He would build the fire carefully to make sure it wouldn’t easily be seen from the road; no need to tempt fate. He reined in the horses within a short, natural depression.

“We’ll camp in the depression,” Ardt announced as he dismounted. He reached under the bench seat and took a brush and curry comb from the storage bin set underneath. He turned to his wife. “I’ll tend the horses if you and the boy can start dinner.”

“Dinner?” Yren squeaked. “I don’t know how to cook dinner.”

Elva smiled at him. “Well, I’ll have to teach you – but not tonight. Tonight, you just help me unload the cart and we’ll fetch some wood. Then, while I’m doing the cooking, you and Ardt can set up the tent.”

“I don’t know how to set up a tent, either,” Yren frowned.

“Well, Ardt can start teaching you all about tents tonight,” Elva chuckled. “Fair?”

Yren nodded and climbed out of the cart. He looked around tentatively. Trees stretched as far as he could see. They grew together above him, a canopy of green with frequent small, blue gaps letting sunlight filter down in a green haze. Grass and shrubs scattered the ground, dappled with bursts of sunlight. He could smell a dank, woodsy smell with a hint of mint and what smelled like peppercorn bursting on the slight, warm wind. He felt comfortable here in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time. He had the confusing, scary sense that he was right where he belonged.

Elva met him at the back and showed him how to release the metal pegs that held the back wall of the cart in place. He watched her as much as the metal. She was taller than him but thin and somewhere on the road she’d let her dark blonde hair down so it curled to the middle of her back and danced on the breeze. Yren couldn’t quite describe how he felt when he looked at her; she was just worn and comfortable – like the feel of his blanket on his bunk. Ardt, too, felt warm and inviting, though the big man scared him just a little. It was hard for the young boy to understand his feelings but he felt – safe. Secure. Again, as if right here and right now with these people were exactly where he was supposed to be. He watched her let the cart tail down, listened to the metal squeak as it lowered until the chains on either side of the tail clinked as they came taut.

“What’re those?” Yren asked, looking at the lowered cart wall.

“I’m sure you’ve seen chains before,” Elva asked curiously.

“Not the chains – those,” Yren replied, pointing.

Elva followed his fingers and laughed. “You mean the hinges? Have you never seen metal hinges before? On doors and such?”

“No, ma’am,” Yren replied, letting his finger stroke the metal. “All of the doors at the orphanage – and at my-my-my home – were done with leather straps or rope. Holy Brother Mitel was constantly grumbling because he had to replace them so often.”

“I’ll bet,” Elva chuckled. “It’s one benefit to being a smith’s wife; metal doesn’t wear out as often.”

“Ardt did this?” Yren asked, glancing up at the woman.

“Aye,” she replied. “You’ll be able to do it, too, in a few seasons. Once Ardt has taught you up a bit.”

“I really think I’d like that,” Yren smiled.

“It’s hard work, though,” Elva cautioned, “and very hot. The forge is not somewhere to play.”

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Well it was a great four days. Went to Las Vegas to see NKOTB and did I get a surprise. My first night there I went to the Excalibur to the Fun Dungeon arcade before going to see Thunder From Down Under. While at the Fun Dungeon I felt someone right up behind me and I realized a man was pressing his enormous hard on up into my ass. Suddenly he said “Hello Iamawatcher”. Right then and there I knew that whoever was behind me was an Xhamster friend & I also realized that I would be in for it....

1 year ago
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Helping my moms girlfriend

Martha was my mom’s best friend when I was at high school.They had known each other before my I was born. That afternoon my mom was busy at work and she called me to ask if I could go to see Martha at her home. She needed some help getting ready a special dinner to celebrate her mother’s birthday.Martha was a young widow; a mature woman, still very sexy.A while after being at her house, Martha’s eyes were shut tight, her head to one side as I tasted my first vagina ever. My mom’s friend had...

4 years ago
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Kathali Kala Kathali Aagi En Udan Oothal 8211 Part 3

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil kathaliyin thodar kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Nal iravil veetirku vara vaithu ennai bed roomku azhaithu sendraal. Naan avale ookalam endru solum varai romance matume seithukondu irunthen. Pinbu Viji romance pothum seikiram sex sei endru solinaal, iruvarum nudedaaga aagi kati pidithu urundom. Iruvarukum sema modu eri irunthathu athilum viji kuthiyil neer athigamaaga suranthu keezhe ozhugum alavirku irunthathu. Avalai paduka vaithu aval netriyil irunthu keezhe...

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Sanjana was a married woman of 35 years. She was at that time staying in one of the district in Konkan with her husband Rohit and her daughter Shefali. Sanjana was a beautiful woman with nice shape 38 28 40. She used to attract many people around her locality. Many man and young boys used to stare her tits and butts when ever she used to go to market or any other place.One day Sanjana was going to pick up her daughter from the school at 2 pm. Suddenly a boy of 18 years came near her and said...

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Das Tor 14

Ich wurde problemlos zu Hause abgeliefert. Ich war noch viel zu aufgeregt, um schlafen zu k?nnen. Also setzte ich mich an den Computer. Schwangerschaftest: Gemessen wird das Hormon HCG. Nachweisbar im Blut nach 6-9 Tagen, im Urin nach 14 Tagen. Und was sagte mir das jetzt? Ich alterte immer noch mit einem Jahr / Tag. Bedeutete das, 14 Tage w?ren umgerechnet etwa eine Stunde? Oder wirklich 14 Tage? Konnte ich ?berhaupt schwanger werden? Ein Schreck durchzuckte mich: Und was war mit A...

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The Bearing Girl

Back in the nineties, parts suppliers started to use women to deliver there goods. It made good business sense to then, as they knew when men ordered parts and a pretty face delivered them, that company would be first on the list to order from again. It did work as well, the women were always helped unloading there van’s and never had to hang around to get there paper work signed. When a man delivered there was never a hurry to help him and we would watch him unload the van himself,...

2 years ago
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Dream Fantasy Ch 05

The next few days, Ethan barely missed any school days, when he as there, we were always together. Since that day at the cemetery, life seemed easier to bear, it felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. Since that same day, my nights were mostly dreamless, Ethan didn’t appear in my dreams as much. I still had that kickass attraction to him, but I didn’t know if he felt the same way. There were times when he always managed to find a way to touch me, brushing our hands in class, having...

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The Collar Around the HeartWednesday Morning

I stretched and rolled over onto my side. Yawning, I opened my eyes — to find them locked in hazel green eyes gazing back at mine. The collar. It immediately dropped its gaze and blushed as if caught red handed. Everything rushed back; my birthday, my bike, the collarmaid. I had let that thing sleep on my bed, all night. It was now kneeling at my bedside, still in its shabby nightie and had presumably been watching me — gazing at my face while it waited for me to wake up. Creepy. As if for...

4 years ago
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She Was Promised Adventure

Lust was pushing its foot on the gas pedal, traveling down the road toward a very tantalizing destination. When Shelly got in her car, she almost didn't start it. She put the keys in the ignition and rested her hand there for what seemed like eternity. Then, the phone she'd tossed in the passenger seat, lit up with a message. I can't wait to see you The message sent a sensation bolting through her, forcing her hand to turn the key and start the engine. She pulled out of the driveway and down...

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A Fuck in the woods

I woke up on a hot summers day feeling realy horny. As the k**s had left home there was just hubby and me. I shouted to him downstairs that we should go out for the day. I got showered and dressed. I wore a tight low cut top with no bra and the shortest, tightest shorts I could find. My pussy was already moist and when I put on the shorts without any undies the crotch of the shorts rubbed against my clit as I moved. It felt lovely. My nipples were hard and poked through my top.I came...

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This match had been planned since she was 10, but she'd known this day was going to happen her whole life, practically. She just hadn't known who until her mother and Jerasen's had made the match at the Mute. She hadn't gone; it was an affair for adults, and not a word was spoken in the three days the meeting had gone on for. Mother had returned with a self satisfied smile on her face and a folder tucked under her arm. Jerasen was from one of the oldest families known to have...

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Ballad of the SamuraiChapter 31

It was a certainty in Greg's mind that a confrontation with the imposter Caliph would happen soon. The biggest unknown for them at this point was just how strong was this guy and how many followers did he have? Helen had already proved her value when she disabled the enemy's teleportation ability with regards to Jessica and her family. Greg's step faltered as his mind wandered on those thoughts. His training was at moments a complete ease and at other times an extreme opposite. He had...

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my white cousin

iwana talk about my background first dont worry it will be quick! ok im a half white/ flipino 5'11" im working out but not regurly but iplay basketball all the time im in a varsity when i was in college in philippines im 158 lb black hair brown eyes im pretty confidence to say im hot coz the past relationships i had is more than u could imagine if ill try to count them probably more than 15 plus those chick wid the one night stand. my dick is not that big its only 6.9" and im fucking pervert...

3 years ago
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Room Mate Ke Boyfriend Se Liya Chudai Ka Maza 8211 Part 1

Hi dosto. Kaise hein ap sab ? Me sex stories ki fan hu. Muje stories padna bahut acha lagta hai. But maine kabhi khud ki story nai likhi. To soch kyu na me bhi apni story likhu. Waise meri sex life me 3 stories hai jo alag alag logo se hai. Usme se me aj apko 1 story sunati hu. Mera naam komal hai. Meri age 26 saal hai aur mera figure 34-30-35 hai. Me dikhne me gori aur sexy hu. Me MBA kar rahi hu aur ludhiana ki rehne wali hu aur unmarried hu.Studies ke silsile me muje 1 month ki training ke...

4 years ago
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Dr BitchChapter 1

Katherine pushed down on the horn of her BMW, waiting while the old fart with the handicapped tag tried to parallel park. People on the street were staring at her, until she let go of the horn and sped off down the road. She resisted the urge to give the old guy the finger as she passed his car. Katherine was having a bad day, but then most days sucked. The pool guy and the lawn boy had just quit on her, saying they were sick of her constant criticism of their work. On top of that her...

3 years ago
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Cant Pick Your FamilyChapter 3 Party

It was a Friday, two weeks before Christmas, and Joey dreaded the upcoming holidays. The year before he and Tess had been cooped up in their hospital room and they had missed the whole pre-Christmas excitement. It wasn't until they were driven to the Di Rosa estate that the fact registered in their heads that they would celebrate Christmas. This year was different. They lived by themselves. There was no mother to bake cookies with them, no father who would complain about the size of the...

1 year ago
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BangbrosClips Atlanta Moreno Oral Exam

Atlanta is just getting home from University while her stepfather is enjoying the newspaper. Her biology lesson today made her extra horny, and when she finds out that her mom isn’t home she decides to make some moves. With no success, she tells a dirty joke, then she draws a huge dick on her homework to give her stepdad some hints. Although he’s not interested at first, she bends over to show off her juicy ass, which he can’t resist. She gets on her knees and starts to rub...

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Team Mascot

I had a love-hate relationship with Gym-class. I hated sports. If there was a ball involved, forget it. I was always the last picked for the team, and always hoped that my team would be shirts, rather than skins. The only things I did well were running and swimming. So yeah, as a typical gay-boy, I hated gym. But, I loved the locker-room. I loved the smell, the noise, and mostly I loved the chance to see my classmates naked. I had gym last-period, which sucked because our class always...

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A Delicious Jessie Sandwich

Introduction: The following is an account of my long-awaited first sexual encounter with my friend Jessie, coming with a wild twist. Some details are exaggerated for the enjoyment of the reader, but the integrity remains. Also, in the same interest, preparatory and hygienic details were omitted. The shot glass shook in my hand as I endured the most awkward 10 minutes of my life. Ive never been a drinker, but the alcohol was needed tonight to calm my nerves as I sat across the glass coffee table...

1 year ago
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Cruise to Nowhere

When my wife Alexis hovers over me like this I know I'm in for something special. Married six years now, sex still hasn't gotten anywhere near old. I look up at her dark sexy features, eyes gazing at me as her body remains tantalizingly close. Her hands are flat against my chest, her arms in position to squeeze her breasts together just a bit. Delicious breasts, small tasty, teasing me. She reaches between us and lets my cock just touch the opening to her pussy. Glancing down I see her...

2 years ago
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Mazi Anokhi Katha 4

Baher alyavar tya divshi parat talgharacha vishay nighala nahi. nantar parat tya doghinchya kantalvanya gappa suru zalya. kakubai aatyala sangat hoti: tu aata papad ani lonchi banavnyacha kaam suru kar. sharat mazya olkhichya ek bai aahet tya asla gharguti saman vikat gheun viktat. tyana sadhya asa maal denara konitari hava aahe teva tu prayatna karun bagh. barech paise miltil ani tuzya jawal aata barach vel mokla asto. mi udya pasun ethe nahi, pratyek aathavdhya chya shevti yeun tuza tayar...

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Listening to JackChapter 21

Forty-eight hours later, Emily finally pushed the down button on the penthouse elevator, holding a rather special briefcase at her side, her little visit with Tobias and his friends finally at an end. She was wobbling on her high heels as she stumbled through the lobby of the Ravenwood, her whole body still shaking with lewd excitement from the aftermath of the marathon gangbang she’d just been a part of. As she made her way down to the main doors, she suddenly became all too aware of the...

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It Started On Skull Island Chapter 3

Brian Whatcom and Ted Campbell sat quietly in the early afternoon shade, relaxing sore and tired muscles. They’d spent most of the morning taking stock of the damage to their sailboats after being swamped or overturned by a storm out on the lake two days earlier. Brian’s craft would need a new mast and rigging, plus some fibreglass repairs to the hull. Ted had fared a little better, but would need a new mainsail before he could use the boat again. Like Brian’s, his hull would also need some...

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Meg An Undeniable Love

So my parents were away for the weekend. My friend Anna had an older brother who could get us alcohol. The night before he brought 5 cases over, Two cases of Natural (he insisted it for the newer drinkers) 2 cases of Yeungling and a case of Miller light. On top of that he brought over a bottle of vodka and Canadian whisky, and two Lemonades and two Cranberry Juices. I thanked him so much, I mean he hooked us up. So Anna, my friend john and I started setting up. We were the experienced...

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NubileFilms Maya Woulfe Vanna Bardot What Women Really Want

Sexy 50s housewife Maya Woulfe puts on a record as she waits for her husband, Nathan Bronson, to come home. It’s Valentine’s Day, and Maya really wants to set the scene for a sexy time with Nathan. As Nathan arrives, he is followed inside by Vanna Bardot, a hot girl who is Maya’s opposite in so many ways. Taking charge immediately, Vanna pushes Nathan into a chair and then turns to Maya. Maya doesn’t quite know what to do. She knows she should be upset that there’s...

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Blood of the Clans Ch 29

The birlinn pulled up to the shore and two MacRae clansmen jumped out and pulled it tight to the shore. James alit on ground and walked straight to Dunollie Castle, wasting no time in unloading the bodies. The guard opened the door before he made it to it and walked in. ‘Who’s in charge?’ was all he shouted out in the hall. Andrew’s youngest brother, Malcolm, shouted from the second floor. ‘I’m in charge, MacRae,’ and continued down the stairs. When Malcolm had descended the stairs and stood...

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Pining for MamaChapter 2

After our intense experience out back by the pine break, Dad and I put away our spent packages, zipped/buttoned up, and started making our way back to the farmhouse as the sun disappeared behind the Rockies. Instead of struggling through an awkward silence after all that was said and done, the experience seemed to liberate us and bring us closer together. By the time we reached the wide porch, we were already back to one of our favorite pastimes: arguing about regional and national...

4 years ago
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Tom Confesses

The blond next to him leaned over and whispered to Tom: “I still fuck, maybe later…..” Tom had been invited to attend a weekend night get together with two other couples in his apartment complex. He had become acquainted with the two couples when he moved into the complex after his divorce eighteen months previously. One couple was all male and the other all female. He like them both they were friendly had helped him get over his divorce and were totally non-threatening. Tonight they had...

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Sex With A Couple In Train

Hi, once I was supposed to go to chandigarh, as I was not having much work here in hyd I took a train route to chandigarh via delhi, I cud get 1st class ticket only in sampark kranthi to delhi. Train starts at 8 am, I got berth in a 4 berth place, once I got in, after few mins a cpl along with a small kid of 4 years came and occupied the remaining 3 berths, once the train started we introduced ourselves, his name is vikas & his wife’s name is madhavi, they were also coming to chandigarh for...

2 years ago
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Will This Excite My Boyfriend

Will This Excite My Boyfriend She entered my bedroom and I got an instant hard-on. Those old thin white tights showed off everything that she had to offer and her arm was across her breasts covering her nipples. Juliette asked, “Will this excite my boyfriend?” I replied, “You bet it will. You are topless and your pussy is clearly visible in those things.” Juliette relied, “You are an asshole. I am not topless, you can’t see my nipples, and you can’t possibly see my pussy that...

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The time i fucked my sister

I was 18 when I first had sexual fantasies about my older sister Nicole who is 19 years old (now 21). We were sitting on the floor eating lunch after swimming in the pool, while we were eating she crossed her legs and I could see her brown pubic hair sticking out of the sides of her bikini bottom. I found myself staring and getting a boner so I went to the toilet and had a wank fantasising about us having sex. Ever since then I masturbate almost every night to the vision of her naked in my...

3 years ago
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A Vacation With My Daughter Conclusion

Please read the first 3 parts before reading this one. Thank you. Oh, and would you please vote so I know how I am doing? After my encounter with Lacey and Ashley, I was eager to see Ashley's mom, Caitlin, again. We hit it off so well during our first encounter that I was positive that there was more to come. Before Ashley left our room, I gave her our extra room key so she could come in whenever she wants to. She gave both me and Lacey a passionate filled kiss before walking out. "Be in the...

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Passionate And Wild Sex A New Beginning In Our Lives 8211 Part 2

Hi this is Samyer, please read the previous part on Indian sex stories to know more about me & Ni. Post our first sexual encounter me and Ni we used to talk on phone, skype and whatspp. I often used to ask her to undo her hair and be playful. Which she never denied but she never agreed for showing herself off on phone. She being a housewife was free during the day she used to call me during afternoons and we talk about our fantasies. One fine day we spoke on phone: Ni: aaj mera bahut mann...

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Our New Neighbor Takes OverChapter 7

He looked around at the three of us and saw that he has our attention. He smiled his normal arrogant smile and said, “I forgot to tell you yesterday. I’ll need you early on Monday. I want you to come over at ten in the morning. I’ll decide what I want you to wear and email you later. Brad, you’re welcome to come and watch.” I gathered from the invitation to Brad that he observed our lengthy conversation last night and he’s assuming I told Brad about our situation. His eyes moved over us and...

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we soon found 4 girls which we started a conversation about where were from and what we do etc. it was four of us and 3 of the girls. the girl i had my eye on was mixed raced (black/white) about 5ft5, 3-4 inches shorter than me, brunette hair, hazel eyes and a sexy gorgeous face. she looked almost like jessica alba, but only abit. her tits wernt that big, just a nice juicy hand full. however, she had the nicest big bum!! and it suited her slim body. she was wearing short denim jeans which...

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Saali Ki Chudayi Din Me

Hi, mera naam Prashant hai aur mai Pune se hu. Meri shadi ho chuki hai. Aaj jo kahani sunane jaa raha hu vo real hai. Mumbai me meri ek saali rehati hai (meri biwi ki mausi ki ladki) jo graduation kar rahi thi, uska naam Rohini hai. Vo pehale se muzse kafi close thi aur hamesh mere paas baithane ki mere saath ghoomane ka mauka dhoondhate rehati.Vo ek normal ladaki thi thodi si moti. Meri biwi delivery keilye uske mayake gayi huyi thi. To mai ghar me akele rehata tha. Ek din Rohini ne muze phone...

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Gaand ki deewanian

Dostoo aur auntiou aap sab ko mera salam, namastay. Main pakistan kay shaher peshawar ka rehnay wala hoon meri umer 35 saal hay aur mera import ka karoobar story main aap ko sunanay jaa raha hoon wo sun kar aap ka dimagh mauf ho ja ga aur aap sochain gay aisi aurtain bhi hain jo sex main pagal ho jati chaliyay story ki taraf. Mujhay maray cousin( ashraf) in phone kiya kay hum saray ghar walay us kay susral karachi shaadi kay silsilay main ja rahay hain to aap hanaray ghar main aa...

3 years ago
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Privilege pt 03

Mollie knew she was speeding. She'd lost too much time enjoying being humped and the melon size of her dog Clawed's knot filling the entrance to her pussy as he'd squirted his hot seed into her. And now she was late. Her concentration was shattered by the squawk of a siren behind her. The blue,red and white revolving lights on the cruiser lit up behind her, stabbing her eyes in the rear-view mirror, so she lifted her foot off the gas pedal and coasted to a stop on the shoulder of the...

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You Expected Less

       And there she was, standing majestically in the threshold of a cubicle, idly conversing with some girl behind a desk who should have been working, but had called over the Goddess carved of mahogany to make smalltalk. Her name was Kendra Coleman, or as I liked to call her, the Office Deity. The late-afternoon sunlight spilling through the office's floor-to-ceiling windows only enhanced her ethereal beauty.       I damn-near forgot to breathe.       I watched her from the break room,...

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My friend part 2

One minute I’m telling Kelly I’m a lesbian, the next minute the unthinkable is happening. I’m under her beautiful body and being kissed senseless. I couldn't think. Her lips felt amazing, our tongues were dancing, fighting almost. Her hands had crept to my breasts, and were now massaging them. I couldn't help it, I moaned out her name, “Oh Kelly.” My shock had subsided and now my hands were on her ass. I could feel Kelly’s hands creeping to the hem of my top, and my mind started racing. ‘Do I...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 30 Clinic Day 3 An Interesting Morning

Sometime in the night Sue's drugs had worn off, and she was in bed with me, naked. Finding my boner encased in her scorching hot pussy just seconds before I started to cum was a great way to wake up. Sue stayed where she was as my dick shrank out of her. Kissing was all it took to get me rock hard once more so she could start to ride me again. I don't know how many orgasms she had before she thought she could get back to sleep now. I was almost there again when she pulled me out of her....

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