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Revenge from the other side.

Hello ladies or gentlemen. I am Emma, a 20 years old passionate student living in France. I am studying hard to become a doctor, which means that I do not have that much free time; I’m not going to parties with my friends… Oh wait! I don’t have many friends or boyfriends… According to my best friend Carol it is mainly because I am too shy and focused on my exams. For Carol it is a shame because she thinks that I’m “hot as hell”. Just a short overview of myself (even if I don’t want to, because I don’t like to show off…). Let’s go, I’ve got long dark hairs, green eyes, a quiet pale skin, pink lips. That was brief; maybe I should describe myself a bit more, just in case men are reading. Ok let’s do this, my weight: 45 Kg, my height: 1m65, I have got a pretty round bottom, and a small breast… (Now I feel confused, I am writing about my shames, writing is weird), I am always wearing classy clothed, not provocative but a kind of sexy, as an example I love to wear tight skirt with pantyhose, I think that makes my legs looks good. Ok, I think I just finished my overview, now I will start to tell my story, even if it is not easy to tell…
Two years ago, I started to date Marc (My ex-boyfriend). We went to the same college, have the same interest, it was a lovely time, a fairy tale. After college I started my study, so we decided to take a flat with Marc in the same city, which will make easier our relationship. After a few months searching for a job, he started to become distant and cold. He couldn’t find a proper job due to the economic context.
One night, I came home early because one of my lecture was cancelled, I was so happy, because I could spend a night with Marc alone without studying. When I arrived close to the door, I heard different voices coming from our flat. I opened the door and I saw two guys with Marc, I was confused because I have never seen them, and the most surprising thing was Marc, he was smoking, he never smoked before… He throw his cigarette by the window.
Marc: “Good evening sweetheart… I will explain it… Let me introduce you to Eric and Nathan, they are people that I met while looking for jobs”.
Emma: “Are you smoking?”
Marc: “Ehhh… Yes, but not often, just when I am with the guys…”
I just ignored him and went to the bedroom, it was quiet in the living room, no noise, nothing.
After a few minutes they started to talk about jobs, video games and some other stuff. I was so angry at him, he never told me, maybe because he was scared. Anyway, I decided to go back to the living room when I heard a strange conversation.
Marc: “I’m not sure I can do that”
Nathan: “It is a lot of money, and it is easy, Eric will drive the car, you just have to put all the stuff in it and your job is done”.
Marc: “Yes, but I do not want to keep all of this stuff in my flat, Emma will notice it and it is going to be a nightmare…”
Eric: “Come on dude, just keep the products in here for a day, not longer and you will get the money that you need for the next months, and you could pay nice dresses to your girlfriend, or a trip in spain”
Marc: “Ok… I’ll do it but only once. Give me all the details on this paper, I am going to see if Emma is ok”.
I run on the bed and get the first book I saw to pretend to work, Eric entered the bedroom really slowly to talk to me.
Marc: “Are you ok?”
Emma: “Not really, I was expecting to spend the night with you, and the only thing that a found tonight was a smoker and two unknown guys in our living room”.
Marc:” I am sorry about it… I promise I will not smoke again. And I will ask the guy to leave. What do you want to eat tonight? I am making diner and making you a nice massage after. Is that ok for you?”
Emma: “Yes… But we will talk again about this smoking habit later”.
Marc:”Ok. I love you”.
He left the room, I was a bit confused about what I heard before, I need to do something for it, but how?
That night Marc made me an amazing diner, a worm massage, and we went to sleep early, I was too exhausted to have sex that night. In the middle of the night when Marc was sleeping, I went to the living room to have a look on this paper. It was a map of the city with an itinerary and some drop points which ended at the police station… I did not understand what was going on. Just next to our washing machine, it was this big sport bag. I did not want to open it but I have to, in case Marc is in trouble. I slowly opened it, and discovered some smaller bags inside, filled with different stuff… I did not want to put the light on, in case Marc woke up, it was difficult to see but… It is… It couldn’t… It’s some cocaine… I am pretty sure. Why? Why is he doing that? At this moment I took the worst decision ever, I take pictures of everything and tomorrow I am going to see the Police.
In the morning, I said nothing about this bag, I just wanted to go to the police station as soon as I could.
I went to my first hour of lecture but it was too hard to be focused. I decided to go home pretending to be sick, but first I went to the police station with all of these evidences. I had an interview with one of the investigator. I explained to him the few things that I know. He guarantees me that my boyfriend will not be accused of anything if he accepts to be a witness during the judgement, so I agreed.
This night, Marc did not come home pretexting to visit his parents because his father may have a job for him. I was trying to study, but it was too hard. I put the TV on and watch the news: “A massive d**g channel cut off by police: politicians and policemen could be involved in this traffic”. Oh my god, it is happening… I watched the news the entire night to see if they are talking about Marc, but nothing…
I received a call, by midnight, It scared me, it was Marc’s mom, to tell me that Marc is sick and he is going to stay at her house for a few days. I was more than confused. Marc was maybe not involved? Or he did the job but earlier? I do not know what is going on…
A few months later, we were both witness at the court. We had time to talk about this adventure before, but we still feel uncomfortable. This judgement was one of the biggest of the century because very important people were involved.
82 persons were declared guilty and were send to jail for a minimum period of five years. I was feeling satisfied, except about a point, the speech of the last person to be condemned: “All of the traitors will be found and punished, we have eyes everywhere”. We went home and started to have a normal life again.
After a year we forget about it, Marc found a job as plumber, and I was still studying hard. But one night, before the Christmas break, Carol invite me to a party to celebrate the end of the semester and I accepted. First, we went for some shopping because all of my dress started to be old… Or maybe not, but I’m a girl and I need dresses and shoes. After three hours of difficult choices, I finally found one, a red dress, a bit short but it is only for this time, a nice cleavage showing nicely the side of my boobs and open in the back. I decided to buy a pair of high heels too and of course some pantyhose, extra tight to make my legs look better.
That night we went to a famous club, the Aghmar, music is nice, the cocktails are tasty and this place is quiet, no fights, no drunk guys coming to flirt like pigs, everything was nice.
The party went really well, we had maybe too much cocktails, but it is only for a night. I decided to go home, Carol just found her new “boyfriend” for the night, so I left the club alone. The city is quiet by night and it is a pleasure to walk with some fresh air on my face and on my chest making my nipples hard.
Suddenly, a police car just stopped by me. Two police officers came out and they were staring at me, I was feeling confused. One of them come closer and asked me:
“Papers please?”
I was really lost, why policemen are stopping a lonely woman in the street at this time of the night. I was not moving, maybe the alcohol was not helping. He had to insists:
Emma: “Sorry, I was trying to remember where I put them, let me check in my handbag”.
The other policeman come close to me and take my bag out of my hands. I did not resist. He took my bag into his car and started to look inside. The other one was asking me questions about my name, where I am living, what I am doing. After a few minutes the other one joined us, I think he finished with my bag, but he had another thing in his hands, a smaller bag, in plastic, looking like… No… That is impossible… It is d**gs, d**gs he found in my bag. I never did d**gs. It is a nightmare. What’s going on? I’m too tipsy to think, it is annoying. They put me handcuffs on and throw me at the back of the car.
We finally arrived at the police station, they took away all of my jewellery, my bag, my jacket and they told me that my interrogation will start in 30 minutes. I tried to explain and to contest but no one was listening. After 3O minutes of waiting in the corridor handcuffed to a chair, two bald guys came to take me to a room. They sat me on a chair and tied me to the table.
“What your name”
“Emma, I can explain everything, Ithink…”
“Shut up”
I was shocked, I couldn’t talk at all, it is not fair.
“Where did you find this d**g”
“It’s not mine”
“Ho, I see, it is mine maybe?”
I felt really bad, I wanted to cry, but I couldn’t, I needed to get out of here.
“No it is not your but I do not know where it is from…”
“What were you doing tonight?”
“I went to a party with a friend”
“I see, and dressed as a slut, you did not find any man to take you home?”
I couldn’t trust what I just heard. This guy is just treating me as a piece of shit…
“Anyway we have to conduct a body search to check if you have any other d**gs on you”.
I was totally scared and ashamed, after a few seconds, I asked:
“Is there any female officer to conduct it?”
“We are sorry, but tonight there are only men, and we have to conduct it now, it is the procedure”.
I did not know what to do, I know nothing about laws. One of the officer come closer, take out the chair and make me stand, it was quiet hard because I was still tied to the table. He started the body search by the arm, and slowly getting close to my boobs, I started to move so he takes my hair to make me stop and tell me in the ears:
“Stop moving or it will become painful for you”.
I stopped immediately, helpless. He started again where he stopped, going over my tits and then under my dress. He felt my hard nipples and started to smile:
“You are not wearing any bra, not easy to hide d**gs, I am curious about what I am going to find at the bottom”.
My face became red and I started to sweat. It was hot, the alcohol wasn’t helping. This guy is just taking advantage of his position.
Suddenly he stopped, the second guy came next to me:
“It’s my turn”
He slowly touch my belly going down my butt and my legs until he reached my feet. He stopped, maybe it is finished.
One guy went out, I was just staying there, in this uncomfortable position with one police officer still asking questions. The other one went back, with a box, he opened it and take out one latex glove. I realised what was going to happen. While one was wearing gloves, the other one take off my dress.
“Look at this body, such a princess”
“Yeah, nicely shaped”
“Now you have to bend over, face against the table”
I didn’t want to, it is so humiliating, but I finally did it, what else can I do? No one will hear me, and according to the law, I am guilty. I felt my panty going down until my ankles. One of the guy start to take a little bottle of liquid but the other one stopped him
“She doesn’t deserve it”
He put back the bottle in the box and went to take place just behind me. He makes me spread my legs.
“You see, it is going to be esay”
“Yes you are right, let’s check if she is hiding anymore stuff”
One of the guy place his hand on my ass and started to spread it to make my anus visible for the other. I felt one finger pressing my anus, it is really strange. I never did anal with Marc, it is tight and it is starting to hurt. One guy spanked my ass and tell me:
“Open it, don’t force us to hurt you”
I took a large inspiration and before I finished, he sticked his entire finger in my ass. I felt ****d, it hurts. I felt his finger moving inside me, it is a really strange feeling, it makes me sweat even more.
“Can you find something?”
“No it is too tight”
“Put a second finger then”
I was scared. A second finger? This one is already taking all the space. I told them:
“Please don’t, I promise, I have nothing to…”
Before I could finished my sentence, a second finger was inserted in my ass, it was burning and the guy was actively moving inside. The second guy took a glove as well and put his hand on my pussy:
“Nothing in the ass, maybe it’s here”
He put one finger in my vagina, while his colleague still had his fingers in my ass. My skin started to hurt like if someone was trying to rip me up. After a few minutes they stopped. I was ashamed, two guys r****g me with their fingers and I am wet as if I was having sex with Marc.
They make me put my dress back and put me in a jail for the night. I was thinking about my friends and family if they find out about it. Why no one is looking for me? Where is Marc? What is going to happen to me now? I do not know, and slowly I fall asleep.
In the morning, two other guys came to my cell to transfer me into a truck, I tried to ask some questions but none of them answered. I was still tipsy, and I felt like I was in a dream or a nightmare! I heard a guy in the corridor talking about me:
“There is no more space at the St Catherine women prison we will need to transfer her to another one, maybe the Larnion?”
The Larnion? It is impossible it is a men prison! That is insane. When we get to the car park, the truck is waiting for me. The two guys put me inside and told me:
“Your prison clothes will be provided at Larnion, they will take care of you”
The truck started, I was alone inside, only the driver and a police officer with a shotgun to watch me… To watch me? Really, I did not kill anyone. After an hour of driving, we stopped by another police station. About 10 men with chain get inside the truck and started to laugh while watching me. I felt so confused and ashamed again, my dress was messy, the police officer didn’t give back my panty so they can clearly see a large part of my ass and pussy. Two massive guys came to sit down at the back of the truck with me, one on each side. Hopefully their hand and ankles are handcuffed. They are about 50 years old, wearing beards, they have got tattoos, and round bellies.
I felt really bad, The two massive guys were staring at me and the other were encouraging them to do bad things to me.
After a few minutes, one of them asked me:
“What a young slutty women is doing in a full truck of male prisoner?”
I answered in a shy way:
“There is no more space for me in St Catherine…”
The other one started to smile and told me:
“If you stay at Larnion, you are going to need help or you are not going to survive a week, you need support”.
I was so happy, maybe those guys will offer to help me, according to how the others look at them, I think they are the leader.
“Yes I will, but I hope I will not stay too long”.
“Of course, like everyone. So do you want our help?”
For the first time in two days I felt better, of course I want bodyguard in this helle.
“Yes it will be a pleasure to be protected by guys like you”.
“Ok we agree, get on your knees now”.
I stared at them, mouth opened, I am so naïve, they are prisoners, they are not offering services for nothing…
“Get on your knees, we are almost at Lornion. If you can get us cum before we get to the prison, we will help you”.
Again I was lost and helpless, I decided to do it, I need support and I have no other choices. The first guy unzipped his pants while the other one was putting and holding my arm behind my head. His dick was big and dirty, it smells urine and shit, maybe he fucked a poor young guy in his previous prison. I started slowly to suck his dick top, the other one behind me started to force the back of my head to make the dick go deeper in my mouth. In the same time, the other guys came one by one behind me to finger my pussy and my ass. I was just a toy, a slave for them.
After a few minutes the guy told me:
“You have to swallow to sing the contract”.
I couldn’t say anything, I just make a sign with my head and I swallowed. I wanted to puke, the taste was horrible.
I did the same thing with the second one, his dick was as dirty as the previous. I swallowed as well. When I finished, we arrived by the entrance of the prison. The truck stopped, and the two guys looked at me and said:
“We will have to meet again, slut”
“What? But you said…”
“You really think we will fight for you only for a blowjob?”
At this moment I realised the hell is on earth and I am going to get in. I went out of the truck and entered to the prison escorted by a police officer. What could happened now?

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Drake Sullivan found himself awake in his bedroom, the morning sun's rays shone through his night curtains as he slowly rose from his bed. Drake chuckled to himself as he dragged his feet to the bathroom, letting the warm water rinse his body. Usually, he would be in a rush to get to the university, as a professor, he always had to arrive earlier than the students he was teaching after all. But after retirement not long ago, Drake was blessed with more free time than any man knew what to do...

2 years ago
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Carly MomChapter 14

Several days after Carly and family negotiated their new relationship, Carly had the opportunity to fill Linda in on the craziness that had occurred. Although Linda, who worked as a journalist had been away on a short assignment, Carly used email to bring her friend up to speed. As always, their friendship did not in any way prohibit the sharing of explicit details when matters of sex were discussed. Carly sent several messages outlining all the details of the day when everything broke,...

3 years ago
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Desires of Hogwarts Part 3

Introduction: I took advice from the advice I got and also decided to add some plot. Then I decided to say fuck it and disregard the plot of the books. Please, give me more criticism. It was a windy day at Hogwarts. Harry and Ron could hear the harsh wind howling outside the Gryffindor tower as they sat down for a game of wizards chess. They enjoyed the warmth of the common room, and the solitude of it so far. The roar of the fire their only companion as they battled for supremacy on the board....

1 year ago
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Vanessa and Kens Second Date

It had been a couple of weeks since Ellie and had our little trysts with Derek and Ken, and I couldn't stop thinking about it.  As much as I loved being with Ellie, there was something magical about that night with Ken.  We had talked about it, and I downplayed how wonderful it was to make love to Ken.  She told me that she enjoyed her night with Derek too, but she didn't really seem to make a big deal about it.  I wondered if she was downplaying it too, but part of me didn't even care.  Maybe...

3 years ago
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RetreatChapter 2

He awakens cold and shivering in a small narrow windowless room; it is empty other than a narrow single bed and a toilet. The first thing he is aware of is pain, he looks down to the source and sees his penis has a band around it, a band that has spikes on the inner surface pricking into the skin. “Jesus fucking Christ!” he exclaims in horror, What the fuck is this shite?” when the shock of his discovery wears off a little he then takes into account that he is naked and has nothing in the...

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Dreams IIChapter 8

"Hello Josh," came the sweet voice at the other end. It was Camille again. "How is my true love today?" "What the hell do you want?" he sneered. Again she called without Victoria being in the office. She was in Houston for an audit and he was supposed to fly out to San Francisco himself with Jane and her team. Josh jokingly called the city 'The Gay Bay, ' "To hear how the man I love is doing. I get the feeling that you are ignoring me. It can't be true that you think you love...

1 year ago
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Loving Erica Mf teen fatdau rom PART ONE

Loving Erica By SpectreOfHell Part 1 Sometimes you have desires you didn’t know you had. My daughter, for instance. She was f******n and gorgeous. I thought she was the loveliest girl on the planet. The kind of girl I’d wished I could have hooked up with when I was that age. Long limbs and slender body, a cheerleader, no less, with darkly tanned skin and black hair dyed with streaks of blonde. Exotic and stunning was what she was, with her B cup breasts and smooth, supple skin. I admired her...

2 years ago
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Mom Watched Me

I must have been about 19 years old when this really happened. From the time I was six years old, I had spied on my slender, dark haired mom bathing and dressing. As I grew older, my curiosity turned to something of incestuous lust for my mom and I would often think of her as I masturbated. She was very pretty and and petite and didn't seem to notice that she often turned me on as she would sometimes put on pantyhose or stockings as I watched. After such episodes, I would hurry to my room for a...

1 year ago
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Desires on Hold Part 5

Desires on Hold Part 5 By Michelle Jane 12th August 2004 We are having friends round for dinner on Tuesday. This is a lady who was in Hospital the same time as my wife and her Husband. She had, had a major stroke and it has left her with similar disabilities as my wife. Karen and Patrick have remained good friends since. This will be the first time we have actually seen them since I started on hormones. She knows nothing about it. Hopefully everything will go...

3 years ago
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Beautiful Girl in Caribbean Cruise Ship

This is when I first met my beautiful girlfriend, Samantha. This had happen on October, 31st, 2018, I was recovering from a recent relationship that was...let's just say it didn't work out well for both of us, so we just ended up breaking up and I told myself that I'll never make the same mistake twice, well it never did until 2018 I've received a message on my iPhone from my best friend Jennifer she had won a cruise to the Caribbean and it is suppose to leave in two days and, she said that...

3 years ago
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All American BoyChapter 20

I woke up alone in my bed the next morning, and after a quick shower I was out the door for my morning run. I took plenty of time to stretch before running since I hadn’t ran the day before, but was soon on my way to the park. I wondered as I ran a slow pace to the park, if Ms. Pierson would be there today. I had come to enjoy her company in the mornings and was hoping to see her again. Ms. Pierson had seemed to come out of the mental shell she’d always shown me in the past, and I’m really...

4 years ago
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Cuckold with another TV

My wife, Maggie, having found out I cross dressed slowly warmed to the idea but the rule was all to be in strict private. Evenings in dress and having some fun became a fairly regular thing. I was at the time on a popular TV site and chatted to the girls in the chat room. We were on there as both me single and us as a couple and Maggie occasionally logged in via this to use the chat room.After one evening chatting she surprised me by suggesting we invited another TV to visit and said she had...

2 years ago
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 24 More Sweetly Than Our Rhyme

Thou still unravish'd bride of quietness! Thou foster-child of Silence and slow Time, Sylvan historian, who canst thus express A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme: What leaf-fringed legend haunts about thy shape Of deities or mortals, or of both, In Tempe or the dales of Arcady? What men or gods are these? What maidens loth? What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape? What pipes and timbrels? What wild ecstasy? Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard Are sweeter; therefore, ye...

3 years ago
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The Submissive Position

The Submissive Position My little sister Pricilla said, “Come with me I want to show you want I learned at Jill’s house.” I knew that my sister had a sleepover with Jill the night before so I followed her into her room. She locked the door and started to get undressed. As much as I wanted that to happen I also knew that I had to get the hell out of there before I got killed. So I left. Before dinner she whispered, “I just wanted to show you the submissive position.” I asked,...

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Spotted a Slut

Spotted Slut. WARNING This story contains graphic and twisted themes if you do not like violence, rape, torture&hellip,please do not continue. Hi, my name is Kylie, Im 22 years old I have tan skin and a good figure. I have a fair sized ass and tits to match. I have medium length hair and dark brown eyes, I am 54 tall and I weigh 110lbs. Now lets start the story. His name was James and he was 25 years old with light skin and a toned body. He was bisexual but not overly gay in his actions. I...

1 year ago
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Emma Kirsty and Rachel What a threesome

Hi, my name is Emma. I am 18 years old. I am 5 foot 9 and have long black hair. My boobs are 34 DD. Recently I have been thinking about lesbianism in my life and luckily I think I have some girls in my High School who are thinking the same thing. The first is Rachel. She is 6 foot exactly also with black hair and 36 DD breasts. She is a year older than me and someone who I don't talk to that often but is absolutely stunning. If I got the chance i would devour her all night long. The other girl...

3 years ago
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SampleThe Boy Across The Yard

TRUE STORYFor years I lived next to a younger boy,He was always attractive to me.His name was Ben.I used to watch as he would mow the grass take out trash and walk his pit bull. He was 5'3 big muscles short brow hair blue eyes.Our rooms were right across from each other normally hs curtains were closed.But today they were wide open,so I watched waiting for him to go in his room.(I'm a creep).Eventually he entered the room,Looking sweaty he took off his shirt, which was normal.But then he...

2 years ago
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Northern Winds

The cool wind blew in through the open window slowly, gently caressing her bare back till she awoke with a shudder. The nights had gotten crisper in this Northern region than what she was used to. She jumped up out of bed to close the window and couldn’t help but lovingly admired the moonlight that was splashing over the view of his nakedness. His breathing was even and rhythmic as he lay in a deep sleep. Her heart fluttered as the memories from earlier that evening flooded her mind. She took...

Straight Sex
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Fucking Bradleys Gay Ass

Fucking Bradley’s Gay AssBy: Londebaaz Chohan If Liam was not asked by his boss, he would not be meeting with these insurance company people. His boss asked him to see what they got and of course, Liam was also interested to see what they got between their legs, especially their team leader Bradley. It was already late in the day when they showed up for this conference. Their team leader Bradley looked charming as Liam sat to listen to their pitch but Liam was checking out Brad most of the...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 13

When the twins’ dad arrived home for dinner, he had news for the family. “I heard I’ll be getting orders soon. I heard that General Markus recommended me to be lateraled to sergeant major and assigned as the chief NCO at Camp Lejeune. It’s an honor to be selected for such a leadership post.” “Lateraled?” Ayame questioned. “Yes, dear. Not an actual promotion because I’m already at the top enlisted pay grade in the Corps. But my rank now is a kind of staff rank, not a command rank. The...

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Outward Bound Book 2 of the Tufts Family SagaChapter 3 Fine Feathered Friends

Jason, Ellie and Val winked into existence aboard the Harvest Moon and were ushered directly into a side alcove. The Marine Captain greeted them warmly but with clear deference showing in his manor. "Jason," he said, "you are to remain here with me while the ladies are boosted up. If you would like I could give you a tour of our ship and operations." Jason was nervous but hid it well, as he understood his part in this program. He was wearing civilian clothing that looked as if it might...

2 years ago
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First deepthroat experience

My name is Harry and I am an obsessed bator. I take any opportunity I can to get a cock ring on and lube up my rock hard shaft. This particular day my wife Abigail had popped out to go shopping for the afternoon and said she would be back with take away for tea. Now I know from experience that when Abi goes shopping I’ve got a good couple of hours that I can safely play with my cock without the risk of her returning. The minute I saw the car leave the street I was selecting which cock ring I...

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Aftermath Confessions Chapter 5 of 7 Trick or Treat

Author's Note: As I said before, these stories are hard to categorize... voyeurism, exhibitionism, a threesome, with some light bi-play and a hot wife. If male bisexuality offends you, please don't read the story. If you'd like to see an illustrated version, send me an email at ************ Chapter 5 - Trick and TreatCarol looked wonderful walking ahead of me into our bedroom, her cute little ass peeking below her swaying shirt tail. The top of her firm legs and inner thighs were visibly wet...

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Trial of the Century Part II

H. Bart Darrow, II was the last to enter the crowded, wenge wood veneer paneled judge’s chambers. The tropical tree, rich in color & native to West Africa, was chosen by an interior designer hired by the State in consultation with Jeanne Albritton. He took a seat on a navy blue upholstered French-style chair beside Judge Albritton’s desk. On one side, Chancellor Griffiths and the paralegal were seated. The 28 year-old staff attorney had not taken the time to commit her name to memory....

4 years ago
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Last Wives Club 3 The Induction Ceremony

Glad you could make it. Expect to see me later tonight. Have dinner and then wear this dress down to conference room four at nine PM. Wear nothing under it, except shoes. Come-fuck-me pumps preferred. And stockings if you want, but no pantyhose. Talk to no one while wearing this. This was exciting. The text had come in on my new secret cell phone, which was the first item in the package that I had received when I checked in. It was in a small box within the big box and it was labeled ‘Open...

2 years ago
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Warp Your Reality

**Hello readers, I hope you indulge yourself within this story. Still, wouldn't it be nice if readers contributed to it? I would love to read your fantasies and desires. Please feel free to contribute. Please like my chapters, seriously, it disheartens me to see the reader count increase and the likes stay the same... Your likes empower me to deliver more chapters. So please like them once read. Thank You - ctd Let's begin ** You're Brett, a 29 year old dude living at home with your 2...

Mind Control
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The RitualChapter 4

I squeezed Rillnam, and then released her. I climbed to my feet, and offered her my hand. "On your feet everyone; we've got a ritual to perform. Follow me." I led the four of us to the door we'd entered by, and turned to Tonrath. Males seemed as slightly favored as leaders among the Craxill as they were among modern Earth, so I was appointing him my deputy. But I was in charge; it would be my ass if this didn't work. "Open it," I told him. Blinking, he said nothing, but touched the...

4 years ago
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Im the obnoxious little brother

That’s me! Your annoying, obnoxious little brother. The one that was always doing mean and naughty stuff to you when we were growing up. But you deserved it as you were just as devious yourself. When I was 11 and you were 14, you told me that if I played with myself long enough something special would happen and you were right. I came for the first time and that’s how it all started. From that day on, you created the little pervert/monster that would torment and play with you and for you for...

1 year ago
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Lulu Hong Kong 31 Years Old

1st Sex Story, here goes.The following is all true.I use a phone chatting app called 'Wechat' to find Chinese girls to sleep with.Wechat has a function that allows you to find people near you that also have wechat. From there you can chat with them and if they are intersted, you two can fuck. I have a very aggressive look so not a lot of girls contact me. But I always contact them.Only once did a girl contact me that was near me. Her name was Lulu. She was from Hong Kong. She left me a message...

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a visit to the doctors

My wife told me about this lat night (it's 100% true, she was almost crying when she described what happened) so I suggested she write it down, which she did today. Here's what she wrote:If my school file said anything about this – and I’ve no way of knowing if it did – it would have recorded that I as “sexually active” from a young age. My first proper sexual experience was on the back seat of a car with a friend of my father’s when I was just 14. He’d taken me shopping, bought me a suspender...

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THE CAR FIRE By Alyssa Davis I stood by the smoldering wreck waiting for someone to come along to give me a ride. The road was pretty desolate. My car had totally gone up in flames, out in the desert of west Texas. There was nothing I could do but stand by and save myself from injury. Traffic was very light on this road, and it was a long distance between towns. I figured I better stay by the wreck as my best chance to get picked up. After what seemed like hours, I saw a vehicle...

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Sex At Work In DC

To say that Rosy Dawn was only a call girl would be like calling a diamond tiara a headdress! This rambunctious, petite bombshell had several high priced clients eating out of her hand as well as her tight, juicing pussy. Several high powered politicians in the DC web could attest to the fact that being inside one of Rosie’s juicing, squeezing orifices was a thrilling adventure. It was a privilege and a pleasure to explore all those damp and dark places located beneath her skimpy,...

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Boy gets Fucked by Shemale

This is the story of my first she male. I had always been curious about dicks. I had always been attracted to women and I loved to watch a woman get pounded by a big cock. But after awhile I realized that when I tried to imagine the porno, I always imagined myself in place of the girl. One day, when I was sixteen, I decided to see what it felt like to be a girl. I had never tried anal before (I could never bring it up to my girlfriend) but I knew I had to try something. So I gathered all the...

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