Spanish Eyes
- 3 years ago
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Chapter 1
The Mark
‘Holy crap I can’t believe it actually came!’ Stanley Jackson said to his friend over the phone. Stan was a nineteen year old recent graduate of Churchill High. He wasn’t the smartest kid in his graduation class but he could top anyone one of them in slyness. Stan was always cooking up some scheme to either make a quick buck or get in some poor girl’s pants. Stan used to brag he had more lines than a Shakespearean play! Most of the time when he was up to one of his half cocked plans he would end up pulling his best friend Jack Travis in with him. Jack was a year younger than Stanley and had always looked up to his friend.
‘You really think it will work Stan?’ Jack asked Stan, they were talking about the liquid aphrodisiac Stan had ordered from the back of one of his many smut magazines.
‘Says right here on the bottle, four drops and she will be dropping her clothes!’ He smiled when he read the words on the Spanish Fly bottle. He was excited that he now had the means to get any woman he wanted in bed, he just didn’t have one chosen yet.
‘What about your sister, man?’ Jack asked. Jack had a thing for Stan’s twenty year old sister Mary. He had good reason, the young girl was a cute tiny thing just like her mother. Both the Jackson ladies were very short, very pretty and very, very busty! Jack had often fantasized of fucking the both of them and on more than a few occasions he painted the inner rim of his toilet with his jizz with these thoughts.
‘Man, Jack you are sick! Lay off about my sister. You probably want to do my mom too!’ Stan said to his overly horny buddy. As he thought about what he said he felt a stirring in his groin. Like most red blooded boys Stan had the occasional lustful thought and vigorous jerk session thinking about both his mother and sister. There was no way in hell he would tell Jack this secret though, even if Jack was his best friend!
‘So who we gonna do then?’ Jack said excitedly.
Stanley thought for a second, and then it came to him. ‘I got it! We should do Mrs. Keating. Her husband just left for Iraq a couple of weeks ago, and she is always inviting me in for cookies and lemonade after I cut her lawn’
‘That is great for you but what about me?’ Jack asked. Stan assured his friend he would come up with the perfect plan and to just be sure he got to his house for 6:00 pm. Stan told Jack that it was time for him to cut Mrs. Keating’s lawn anyway.
After hanging up with Jack, Stan called Mrs. Keating to see if her lawn needed cutting. Her sexy older voice sent chills through his eager young body. He was so excited from just her voice he almost missed it when she told him her lawn did need cutting and this evening would be just fine. After he hung up with his sexy neighbor Stan then waited three excruciating hours for his friend to get to his house. As the time ticked slowly he just kept staring at the bottle of supposed love potion and hoped.
Chapter 2
Mrs. Katherine Keating
Katherine Keating was a thirty eight year old married woman with no children. Not because she didn’t want kids, she adored children and would have had a whole brood if she ever got to spend enough time with her husband to actually get to making them. Her husband John was a Sergeant in the marines and hadn’t been home for longer than a six month stretch in the fourteen years they had been married. She loved him to death but she began to feel her biological clock ticking away. Now with his latest deployment to Iraq she would be without him for nearly a year. It made her heart sad. Not only did she miss him terribly when he was gone, she knew her chance at motherhood was going to pass her by. Perhaps that is why she eagerly accepted Stanley Jackson’s offer for him to tend to her lawn.
It made her feel so good to watch the boy work in the yard. She was always inviting him in after he finished, offering a cold drink and cookies. He would sit and tell her his plans and dreams sometimes he even shared stories of his latest girlfriend or a date he had been on. Katherine felt just like a regular mom when they had these moments. It made her heart swell. She just knew she would be a great mom!
It was a two sided coin with Kat’s emotions though. She really wanted to be a mother but on the other had she also missed sex period. She was so lonely all by herself while her husband was off being a hero. She would use her vibrator nightly but it didn’t satisfy the hunger burning inside her. She would actually find herself speaking out loud sometimes. ‘I’m a 38 year old fox dammit! I should be getting sex all the time. I am going to miss the prime of my sexual life if this keeps up.’ She said to herself while looking in the full length mirror. She stared and admired her body. Sure she had a little chunk but her chunk was in all the right places. She even noticed herself leering at her young gardener Stan when he was over cutting her lawn. She noticed he would also stare at her curvaceous form. She loved the fact she was able to give the youngster a hard on from just looking at her. She was even at the point were she would make sure to wear her two piece suit out on the deck to sun herself while he was there! She would lay there pretending to read a book whilst unbeknownst to him she would be gawking through her darkened sunglasses.
Anytime she looked at his strong youthful frame with the sweat glistening of his body it would cause her nipples to harden and moisture would form between her legs. She would look forward to the nighttime alone where she could masturbate while having pictures of Stan running through her mind. She loved visualizing Stanley on top of her sliding his hard young cock inside her, all the while she would be driving her favorite toy deep in her wet bushy pussy. She had even contemplated seducing the teen but she thought she could never take that step. Two reasons stopped her from doing this, first she didn’t want anyone to find out, even though he was of legal age, it would destroy her reputation in the neighborhood. Secondly, if she did let him fuck her she would want to have him make her pregnant so bad that trouble would definitely follow. How would she explain getting pregnant half way through her husband’s deployment? Every time she almost went to cross the line the timing was all wrong. If she was ever to let Stan get her pregnant it would have to happen a couple of weeks before her husband was do back or a couple of weeks after he first left. That way if she was with child the dates would somewhat match up. She might even stand a chance of getting away with it!
Chapter 3
The Plan
Stanley welcomed Jack into his house and the two boys went over the plan. Stan told his friend that they would go over to Katherine’s house to do the lawn. If she asked why Jack was there Stan would simply tell her he was going on a camping trip and Jack would be taking the lawn cutting duties over for a couple of weeks. Stan would tell her he wanted to make sure it was done properly, they way she liked it done!
Jack thought it was a great plan but asked Stan how they were supposed to get the Spanish Fly in Mrs. Keating’s drink.
Stan looked at his friend and said, ‘Simple I will have the bottle on me, when she asks us in for a drink you will keep her busy by talking and I will get the refreshments and at that time I will slip it in her drink.’ He was so confident of the plan he was almost cocky.
‘What the hell am I going to talk to her about? I don’t even know the chick!’ Jack asked his partner in crime.
It only took Stan a couple of minutes to work out the problem. He told Jack to wait there and came back shortly with some magazines in his hand. He had three issues of his mom’s Better Homes and Garden magazines. ‘I will tell her I thought a nice garden with a fountain would spruce up the backyard. You can show her the ones in the magazines. It gives us a reason to bring my bag too. It will be easier to hi
de the bottle in there anyway.’
‘Awesome Stan… You are fucking genius! I ever tell you that?’ Jack said to his mentor. He has told Stan that same line every time Stan would come up with a plan for the two of them. Stan would pitch his idea and Jack would jump in without hesitation. Jack was always happy to be under Stan’s tutelage. And this plan could possibly be the best one ever! Jack thought he might not ever get a chance to fuck some older pussy like this again. Unless of course he was to ‘borrow’ some of the potion and try it on his friend’s mom or even better yet his own! If he did get some though he would never tell Stan about his plan to fuck his own mother, some secrets one just didn’t share.
Chapter 4
Lawn Care
It was 6:25 and the two youths made their way to the house of their soon to be target, they had their poison in tow. When they finally arrived Stan told Jack to follow him to the back yard so they could get started right away on the grass. Stan wanted to get the lawn done as soon as possible to allow them more time with the pretty Mrs. Keating. As the boys opened the back gate their jaws dropped and their eyes bugged out. Lying before them wearing only a light blue bikini was Katherine Keating. She had her head in a book, from the look of the cover Stan could tell it was one of those trashy romance novels his mom read on occasion. She was so engrossed in the smutty novel she didn’t see the two boys right before her. As they approached her lounger their pricks began to swell in their pants. Katherine had one knee in the air while the other leg lay flat on the chaise lounge. The position she was in triggered her legs to be slightly parted and the boys could see the dark curly tuffs of hair peeking out of her tiny swim suit bottoms.
Stanley cleared his throat to let Mrs. Keating know they were there. She looked up with a start, her boobs giggling from the movement. The heavy sway was not lost on the two boys. Her cleavage was so ample Jack thought it would be easy to get lost in the deep valley between her beautiful tits.
‘Hi Stanley… Who is your friend?’ Kat asked noticing instantly the young boys’ enthusiasm as they presented it out front of their pants. She silently took in a breath, a shiver went through her body when she observed the two large bulges in front of her. The quick glance at the two boys’ crotches made Kat’s pussy instantly wet, the sudden uncontrollable chemistry her body was going through startled her.
‘Umm this is Jack. He is gonna help me today but don’t worry about paying extra. He is here to learn how to do your yard.’ Stan said.
‘Why does he want to learn how to do my yard?’ Kat asked.
‘Oh sorry, I am going camping for a couple of weeks and I wanted to be sure I had a replacement so your lawn stays nice. I want to show him how to do it right!’ Stan rambled on and for a split second he thought Mrs. Keating would see right through his lie.
‘Well isn’t that just mature of you Stanley! It is sweet you would worry about me like that.’ Katherine said and she could see the smile light up on his face as she made her praises.
‘Mrs. Keating I also have some ideas for your backyard as well. I told Jack about them and he can get started while I am gone then maybe the both of us can finish when I get back from my trip.’ Stan told her, setting his plan in motion.
‘What do you have in mind Stan, and how many times have I told you to call me Kat. Even Katherine would be fine, Mrs. Keating makes me feel old!’
‘Oh you’re not old at all Mrs… I mean Kat.’ Stanley caught himself.
‘That is better Stanley, so what is it you have planned for me?’ Katherine asked the boy.
Stan almost choked on his words, he knew what he had really planned for her but he wasn’t going to say. ‘I think a garden would really spruce up the backyard. Maybe put in a nice fountain with lighting? I got some magazines in my bag here that show some really good ideas. We can look them over with you later if you want?’
‘Oh that sounds so wonderful, I think I would like that a lot. You treat me so good Stan!’ Kat finished, ‘I am going to go back to my book now. You boys don’t work to hard.’
Unlike Stan, Jack was totally silent. He was so transfixed by this beauty before him it rendered him temporarily mute. After Kat lifted her book back up and started reading again Jack put the bag that contained the sex concoction and the magazines on the patio table and the two boys went to work.
Chapter 5
Kat really liked the idea of the garden it would bring a nice tranquil setting to the whole place. She decided to take a look in Stan’s bag for the magazines to see some of the plans. As she grabbed the bag it fell sending the magazines sprawling over her deck. Along with the magazines a bottle fell out. She picked it up to put it back in the bag and was stunned when she read the label.
Spanish Fly aphrodisiac. Four drops and she will be dropping her clothes. Guaranteed to have any woman wanting to fuck!
Katherine was stunned as she looked at it. She all of a sudden realized the whole nature of Stan being so eager to cut her lawn today. ‘Those cheeky buggers!’ She said to herself. The horny bastards were planning on drugging her and having their way while she was out of it. Kat although mad at first soon had desire sweep over her. She felt an all too familiar dampness form in her pussy. She knew what she had to do and quickly made up her mind to carry it through. She just hoped the concoction was for her! If they wanted to play this out she was game but she was going to set the rules and do it without them even realizing it. A smile pursed her lips at the thought of getting everything she needed, hopefully pregnant and a plethora of orgasms! The timing was perfect with her husband just leaving a few weeks prior and Kat being right in the middle of her most fertile period. No one would know it wasn’t John’s baby and that excited her even more.
Chapter 6
Cutting the Grass
Even though it was early evening, the air was still holding tightly to the heat. Even breathing caused you to sweat and the boys were soaking in it as they vigorously worked on the yard. Stan showed Jack how to pattern the cuts so it would look like a professional baseball diamond. He let him know he changed the direction every second cut to keep the grass healthy. Stan really enjoyed cutting Kat’s lawn and would have liked it even if he didn’t have ulterior motives in mind. Every time he finished he would look back at his handiwork and feel a sense of accomplishment. He liked it so much and did such a good job of it he was even considering starting his own lawn care business. As Stan showed Jack how to do his patented diamond design, Jack followed with the power trimmer, getting rid of any of the grass that was along side the fence. Stan cut the engine on the gas mower and took a quick break. The two boys started to chat about the plan again as they got some air and took off their sweat drenched shirts. Each rubbed the salty wetness from their brows.
‘I can see why she likes you cutting her grass man.’ Jack said to Stan, ‘You sure do a hell of a job. It looks like a fucking golf course or baseball diamond!’
‘Thanks Jack,’ He said to his friend. ‘It sure is hard work but the sites make it worth it!’ Stan said as he pointed over to Mrs. Keating. The two boys took their much needed break and lit up a smoke between them. They began going over the design Stan had for Mrs. Keating’s garden, even though it was part of the plan to get her to drink the Spanish Fly Stan really did want to spruce up the back yard. He wanted to make it look great incase he got a portfolio together if he started his own business.
‘Man it is hot out! Speaking of hot, you said Mrs. Keating was hot but she is inFUCKINGcredibly hot… ‘ Jack said to Stan. ‘Did I ever tell you, your genius man?’
‘Dude keep your fucking voice down! You don’t want to blow this
do you?’ Stan replied.
‘Blow what?’ The boys jumped when they heard Kat’s question. The two of them had been so wrapped up in their chat they didn’t notice her walk over.
Stan who was always quick on his feet quickly answered her, ‘We were talking about how to blow the grass away after we are done cutting it.’ He hoped she bought the lie.
Katherine didn’t really believe what Stanley was feeding her, she had heard her name during the conversation, but she let it go. ‘I’m going to get another drink, you boys want one?’
It was now or never for the two Stan thought. ‘Well we are practically finished and it sure is hot out here. Why don’t we all go inside your place where there is some air conditioning and then me and Jack can finish up later?’ Jack liked the sounds of that idea because he knew what it meant
The three of them walked back to the door. The boys made sure Kat was in front of them and they drank in her lovely ass watching it as it swayed to and fro. The boys had their eyes glued to the little dance of her ample cheeks and almost ran into her when she stopped to get the door.
Chapter 7
Putting A Plan In Action
Stan was almost falling all over himself going through the bag. He quickly grabbed the magazines and handed them to Jack. Katherine went to get everyone a drink when Stan stopped her abruptly. ‘Hey Mrs… I mean Kat I will get those, let Jack go over the plans with you!’ Stan made his way to the cupboard that had the glasses and got out three. He made sure he got two that were the same color so as not to get the drinks mixed up when he handed them out. He giggled at the thought of either Jack or himself getting the wrong glass and getting Spanish Fly’d. He quickly poured the drinks and turned to make sure Jack had Mrs. Keating engaged in the magazines before he opened the bottle of the love potion.
Katherine pretended to be paying attention to Jack and the garden ideas he was presenting but she kept her eyes on Stan through the reflection in window right across from her. She watched as Stan poured the drinks while at the same time kept telling Jack how interesting the plans were. If she saw Stan pour the stuff into her drink then her suspicions would be confirmed and the game would be on. She soon noticed after he was done pouring the three lemonades he made a slight movement with his hands like he was unscrewing something. She watched as he pulled the eye dropper from the bottle top and read his lips as he counted his drops. One… drip… two… drip… three… drip… four… drip. Just like the bottle had said she thought. The rush of exhilaration that ran through her was intense. Not because she worried about the Spanish Fly, unbeknownst to Stan she had dumped the contents earlier and replaced it with plain old tap water, but because she wanted it to happen so bad. She would play the helpless victim and let the boys ravish her body. She wanted to feel them all over her, she needed to feel them!
Stanley brought the drinks over to the table and handed them out. Kat gave him credit in her head, to think of using two glasses of the same color and making sure hers was different showed a real slyness on his part. The two boys sipped their lemonade while Katherine pounded hers back finishing it up in mere seconds.
‘Oh my you’d think I was thirsty,’ she said and laughed. The boys’ eyes bugged out of their head when they watched her gulp down the tart drink. They both thought at least it they wouldn’t have to wait as long for the affects to happen. The three of them went over the plans together and Katherine totally played along. She actually hoped the whole garden scheme wasn’t just part of their plan to bed her because the boys had some really good ideas and it would make her backyard her own personal getaway. She had always like to lay in her yard and a nice serene fountain would make it that more delightful. The talk soon got away from the garden and the three were really enjoying the time spent with each other. Katherine always knew Stan was a great kid and she started feeling the same way about Jack. She thought she couldn’t have better choices to get her pregnant if her husband wasn’t going to do the job.
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A few years ago , when I was still experimenting with my Bi side , I went to Spain for a few days , walking round early one evening I chanced on a sex shop , .I went in and it was huge , I saw things that I hadn't anywhere else , I was in heaven.Going further in there was a sign for theater so going through a door I found myself in the room with cubicles and little video players , I was pretty nervous but went and sat in one and started watching the films, again the content was so sexy and new...
Spanish Carmen (second part) Carmen’s stare denounced a sarcasm and mockery. Despite this, the middle-aged woman inspired me so much as to feel in cloud 9. I thought I wish I’d fuck her brains out. She let my penis go, and stood up, beginning to get ready for disembark, say, get off the plane. I could hardly conceal my hard on the moment we stood up and I saw her in her complete majesty collecting hand baggage in the upper compartment throwing her hands up to reach a her stuff. Well, the...
MILFAs I was going back home by plane (I had been attending a management course in business at the capital city), I headed for the boarding room at the airport. I sat there while listening to music on my cell phone, waiting for a call to board my flight. That moment, I noticed a gorgeous, spectacular blonde, too young, twenty two years old, possibly, with a well built extraordinary body. She was so stunning that people in the departure flights hall were suddenly frozen, petrified at the sight of...
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Wife LoversNothing had prepared me for this, not even our wedding night when Oscar had taken my virginity had felt so new and so exciting. Surely this was the ultimate in sexual unity; his huge, thick cock buried fully in my tight, inexperienced vagina. Skin on skin, flesh on flesh, nothing to separate us.Surely nothing could feel this good.But I was wrong; this was just the beginning. Just as I thought that nothing could feel better than this incredible feeling of fullness and unity, Ramon began to...
CuckoldAs I was going back home by plane (I had been attending a management course in business at the capital city), I headed for the boarding room at the airport. I sat there while listening to music on my cell phone, waiting for a call to board my flight. That moment, I noticed a gorgeous, spectacular blonde, too young, twenty two years old, possibly, with a well built extraordinary body. She was so stunning that people in the departure flights hall were suddenly frozen, petrified at the sight of...
It was 1978, I was invited by my best friend 's family to accompany them on their summer break to a villa in Finnestrat ,near Benidorm. My mate Jackie had been going there on and off for eight years so to her and her family it was a second home. Her dad worked in the oil fields of the Middle East so money was not a problem for them at that time. We flew out in early August for a two week holiday. Jackie 's parents and her younger brother completed our party. The villa was a large, imposing...
This story, is rather my experience living away from home. Like so many people from Spain, I had to emigrate to work.Specifically, I am in Bath, England. Here I have a more or less decent job, but the subject of the house is a little complicated. I think I've been lucky because for a month I live in a very nice house, in exchange for taking care of the little boy they have, I can live with them. Besides that I work a few hours in the company they have.I am 24 years old and golden skin, but not...
Whilst on holiday with my family in Spain for eleven nights, I struck up a very limited conversation with Loma from Ghana, who was our hotel bedroom cleaner/maid. Loma’s English was very limited but she did engage and she tried her best, often filling in words with actions or pointing at certain things. Of the days we stayed at the hotel, Loma cleaned our room 8 out of the 11 times and each time I happened to notice that this beautiful black woman was not just well-endowed but she was braless...
It had been a while since our last beach holiday and we had chosen somewhere nice on the coast of Spain. Our first day on the beach was very relaxing and we had an early night after the previous days travel. The second day Linda went topless on the beach, not wanting tan lines and telling me that tanned tits were so hot. That day the beach sellers were around a lot more, ogling Linda’s ripe breasts. That night Linda was the one who initiated sex, she was so wet when I went down on her pussy....
I was on holiday in Spain with my wife and she was her usual pissed-off self about something or another, so rather than sit next to her in a moody silence all day, I left her by the pool and went off to explore. The pool was epic, running both sides of the hotel and all around were little bars and groups of trees offering shade and drink for those who needed a rest from the sun. It was one such bar I was heading to for a cold beer, when I heard an argument coming from a small bunch of trees...
It was a hot, sultry night...The streets of M****a were always packed during feria, so I ducked into a bar & there she was...the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen. She had eyes like almonds & full soft lips, the thin cotton dress she was wearing couldn't disguise the beautiful curves of her body as she danced. She came to the bar,"Hi My names Tod...can I buy you a drink?"..."Mojito...gracias",she said. We danced & talked until dawn...Before we knew it they were closing. "Would you...
We’d dropped the boys off with your Mum and Dad, who’d kindly offered to have them for the night, so that we could have a night out together. We’d gone for a meal and now we were looking for a nice bar in which to have a few drinks.We popped into a bar near our apartments and ordered drinks, we heard our names being called and turned to see Jill and Sam who were also staying in our apartment block. We’d met them on the first day and had got on with them very well, but we’d not really spoken...
Something was tingling, but it felt so distant... I was trying to open my eyes for what seemed an eternity. I would open them to find Suzi's smiling face, or my moms, Steven's, Penny's, the corrupt man from my nightmare, and once I dreamt that Casper the Friendly Ghost had come to help me escape, and was trying to wake me by sucking on my dick with his ghostly soft mouth. When I finally truly did open my eyes, I shut them immediately because the cleansing cycle had begun. My eyes stung...
He knocked on the Ms Dyers door at 6:59. She opened the door, wearing a hot pink robe and heels, her hair done in a ponytail, and lightly applied makeup. She walked him through to the spare bedroom. Instructed him to take his clothes off, leaving only his underwear on, and come out when he was ready. He walked out in his boxers. She eyed him up and down, clapping her hands "marvelous" she announced to herself. She then led him to the kitchen, where he noticed a rope, and a blindfold. She...
Welcome back, I’m on summer break again and you know what that means. Yep! I get to write. This summer, I’ve decided to revisit our friends from the story Shadows of Resentment. You’ve read about Darius, Derrick, Sierra, Dawn and Cameron. Well, in this story the girls are grown and have to deal with grown folk issues. Now, I will tell you that Andi edited this story for me, but I did tweak it a bit after she finished. So any mistakes are my fault. I simply enjoy telling a story. If you are...
What started out as a little Instagram flirtation between Emily and Ryan quickly blossomed into a full-blown mutual crush. So when Emily requested specifically to work with Ryan, he had no qualms with it whatsoever. After being postponed for way too long, their first first one-on-one scene at Bellesa House is finally happening. And with this being their first day back after such a long break, they both have a lot of pent-up excitement over being together, which really takes this scene to...
xmoviesforyouWith only three weeks of school left before our graduation, Joey and Suzi made all sorts of plans for the three of us to do together, and while I didn't really care to do any of it, I didn't have it in me to object. In fact, I didn't have it in me to object to anything anyone wanted to do. I excused Brad and Gloria I don't know how many times from their classes so they could go off and spend time together, they having decided they were perfect for each other after Brad asked her if she...
I sat in the waiting room of the Medical Centre at precisely 9:00am as the letter from the benefits office had stated, I double checked I had filled in the form correctly; Name, Address, Date of Birth all correct and filled in with the correct coloured ink, I checked the other answers to their questions and found them all to be acceptable to my eyes. A few minutes after another man came in who was in his mid-fifties I guessed, smartly dressed and sat opposite me and like me checked his...
Sixteen hours later I was onstage and halfway through my set. The venue was just over two-thirds full and extremely smoky, the seating literally on top of the stage. So close that even through the haze of the stage lights and cigarette smoke you could see the expressions on everyone's faces and so it was easy to gauge people's reactions. Throughout the set my gaze was drawn to a particularly attractive blonde haired woman sitting just in front of me. She was wearing an extremely low cut top...
I was awoken about 3 am when my wife and her friend came crashing into our kitchen from a night out. They had gone out with a group of ladies for dinner, ended up at a bar after, and apparently my wife had offered her friend to sleep on our couch that night because she was in no shape to drive. I came down from our room to find them rummaging through the fridge. I was happy to find out they at least thought to take an Uber, because neither of them could hardly stand up straight. I helped them...
Copyright© 2003 by Carlos Malenkov Just his luck to get involved with a militant feminist. Back in the mid-seventies, a few of those dames had some weird notions... She patiently explained that if a man wanted access to her body -- specifically to her pussy -- then he'd have to let her have access, full access, to his. He'd have to be willing to experience the woman's side of it, to allow himself to be penetrated. "In other words, if you want to fuck me, Jimbo, no problem -- I might...
Author's Note: The following is a story that I proposed as a challenge on my blog. Alyssa Paige, Mindi Harris, and myself are all published writers who specialize in forced feminization stories. I suggested that it might be fun to do a round robin where we took turns writing in roughly 500 word chunks through fifteen rounds. I started, Alyssa was second, and Mindi was third. The following story takes us through part 8 of the story. I hope you enjoy. --Kylie Thirty-Two...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My mom was downstairs working in her office; I knew she was going out in a little while. I was cleaning up my moms' bedroom when I heard my brother come up stairs and go into his room. I peaked out of my moms' door and saw Hunter closing his bedroom door. I wondered if he was going to jack off, I liked sneaking a peak of my brothers' jacking off. I quietly walked down the hallway and very gently opened Hunters' door. I opened it up just enough to peer...
IncestHi, my name is Peter. I am a 19 year old white guy with blonde hair, about 6'1 and moderately toned. Last year when I was a senior in Highschool, I had a english teacher who everyone thought was just smoking hot. Her name was Ms. Finch. Ms. Finch was 27 years old with long brown hair, and a very curvy body sporting perky D-cup breasts and a tight ass. I would always talk to her after class because she was really cool, and one day toward the end of the year she asked me to come in during my...
Erotic FictionSarah was as surprised as everyone else in the office when a policewoman walked in accompanied by a woman who they supposed was a plain clothes policewoman. They went into the main meeting room with Kristal, but soon afterwards Kristal called out to the whole accounts team to join them.As the team trooped in and sat around the meeting table Kristal confirmed that both women were with the police which got everyone chattering. Sarah noted that the policewoman in uniform must have been Kristal's...
SpankingCountless nights I have laid in my bunk, waiting to hear the shower turn off in the bathroom, knowing that Christian would soon be walking out with a towel around his waist. The skimpy brown towels that are issued to G.I.s. I hear the water turn off and pretend to be reading when the door opens and I watch my best friend and roommate exit the bathroom and head to his bunk. The bulge under the towel moving left and right as he walks past me is not hard to notice. He opens his wall locker and...
Gay MaleHi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of Bangalore’s hot cousins. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...
Ella was mom's best friend. I found out by mistake just how close they were. Ella took me to the mall with her one day and after we shopped for a while she told me she wanted to buy me some sexy underwear. We went into the store and she picked out some really revealing undies and I was surprised when she went with me to try them on. She got me naked and then put on the panties and a sexy bra. She ran her hand over my ass and then across my tits and told me "That looks amazing on you. You have a...
They say our lives are an open book, and there it was: Julie's diary, open on the kitchen table. Its siren call hit me in the gut, and I didn't need any Greek to understand, "Read me, Read me." I reached for it and was about to pick it up when it hit me. This was a line that maybe I didn't want to cross. It's not that Julie was terribly secretive, at least my spouse and I didn't think she was. Sure, there was stuff we didn't know about--she was a teenager, after all--but we were...
I am Rahul, I was moving into an apartment when I got a job in Hyderabad, I was getting moved into my apartment on the second floor. On the way, very cute woman came out of the apartment below mine. She was tall, thin, long hair, brown eyes, pretty smile, with huge boobs wearing jeans and a Redshirt. I said Hello to her, she responded, we introduced ourselves, her name was Sana. She had been living in the complex for about a year and gave a general idea about the apartment, after that she left...
It’s difficult to put everything in episode as this is going on for past 10 years. Writing this gives more pleasure to me as the thought of events gives me immense happiness. We belong to middle class family. My brother went for love marriage with a Telugu girl. Whole family was against but only for few months. My uncle went first to meet them then later my father and last we all. I was surprised to see my bhabhi as she was known to me as my friend’s cousin. Good looking but short in height....
When William Scott Hamilton was one week old, Randy reached a decision about where his life was going. It dawned on him that it was truly illogical for him to deliberately impregnate Chloe without marrying her. It was especially illogical considering that he could not think of any downsides to marrying her while there was a plethora of upsides. He came to realize that his previous belief of monogamy in marriage was just pure bull shit on his part considering what his values & outlook on life...
This story is complete fictional : never try to do it in real life! Vicky lingered in bed after her husband Richard left for work. She would wait until she heard either her Torri or or son Mark stirring and get up and start their breakfast. She had not realized that she had dozed off again until she felt little Torri's hand touching her shoulder. "Mommy, are you awake?" Vicky's eyes popped open to see her daughter sitting on the edge of the bed looking at her. "Uh, yes, baby," she whispered....
IncestHubby and me had been dogging twice before, the first time was with me in stockings and sitting in the front with the window closed and men looking at me and wanking. The second time was with me sat in the back of the car with the window down and about half a dozen men touching me.So onto the third time, im dressed in a pair of dark tan suspender tights, ankle bracelet and not a lot else lol. We drove to the spot where we had been before and I then took off my coat and got into the back of the...
Hi, guys, I’m Krish from Bangalore. This is my second sex story which I took a revenge on a girl who cheated me with fraud business. Coming to the story, I’m a horny person who is looking for a real-time sex, but it’s not an easy task to find real friends with benefits. I found a new app know as Qeep and started using it. In the nearby block, I found a profile with her WhatsApp number saying that hiring for a call boy. I got an idea and texted her in WhatsApp. Her name was Nikki and she asked...
The Arrangement! TJ Ryder ILLUSTRATED Blacked Wives and sissy hubby stories! Odd how life turns out! As a big firm lawyer now doing pro bono work for the court I ran acrossan old girlfriend; well, actually I had hoped she wouldbe my girlfriend in college. Sally B was still gorgeous at 35 and I recognized herfirst and then when I said her name as she sat in my officeshe laughed and said, TIMMY!...
2502 Ensign nelson sat at his post at the deep space observation base, it was a do nothing post, a post you get when you have pissed someone off, he still couldn't figure out who he had pissed off. He was on the 4th hour of his shift at watch when he got the proximity alarm, something was slowing from hyper light speed and approaching the station. He triggered the alarm, watching the monitors as the object slowed, he got a warning as the object had just scanned the station, he looked back...
9. REMOVING THE OFFENDING PART [c] The wedding now the divorce had come through, was arranged for Barry`s birthday, mid march, they felt it was his rebirth, and significant. The day dawned grey blustery and cool, the tiny party arrived at the registrars in good time, a happy bride, her groom her ex husband looking perhaps a little pale, and the grooms only nurse Audrey, the last two as the necessary witnesses. It was a short service, the bride given away by her ex, that to them seemed...