My Future Wife Flashing Before Letting Me Have Her free porn video

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Together, Carla and I found a townhouse in the city and decided to
take the plunge and move in together. We'd been dating for a good
eight months. Unquestionably, there was massive sexual chemistry
between us. But we continued to date and get to know one another
before rushing foolishly into a living situation that may have killed
our close physical bond. In time, we discovered that we had much in
common and we decided to go ahead and get a place together.

Still, the move-in worried me, not because I feared that I wouldn't be
able to get along with Carla, but that we wouldn't be able to afford
the place. After all, I was working only part-time, as a convenience
store clerk and concentrating heavily on school. Thankfully, Carla
used her calming charm on me. She assured me that she would get a
part-time job at the college or someplace else, to help out.

From the start, it was very clear to me that Carla was going to
absolutely love the freedom of the new place. Why? Well, what was
the first thing she did after the last moving box was piled
haphazardly atop a stack of similar bulk and the last lamp was left
leaning against the upside down end table and the last of our weary
friends shuffled out the door and we closed it behind him? Carla
pulled her tight halter off and kicked her pants down. She hardly
ever wore underwear and she was already running around barefoot, so
that left her completely naked. She then threw herself on the rug and
spread her legs and arms wide. I watched her light skinned body
writhing on the carpet. Carla was a voluptuous five feet seven, with
beautiful, natural, thirty-six-inch breasts. If she carried just a
little too much on her buttocks, it only accentuated her sexuality to
me. Lying on the rug, her slightly longer than shoulder-length red
hair fanned around her face and made her look especially wanton and

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Making rug angels," she said, fanning her legs and arms.

Then she raised her arms and looked invitingly up at me and smiled. I
was on her in an instant. Carla helped me pull my own shorts down,
spit in her hand and worked palm and fingers over my member. She had
me hard and ready in seconds and then I was sliding into her wetness
and she was very turned on and I slammed into her with great force and
it didn't take her long to be bucking and riding the waves of a
powerful cum beneath me. Then she got up on all fours and I drilled
her from behind, slamming into her ass, her generous buttocks making
slapping sounds with each collision of my groin. I felt myself
growing close. Carla turned her head and laughed and winked at me,
then slid away from my hard-on, turned around and placed her hands
behind her back, kneeling before me. "Wash my face with it, baby,"
she rasped. And I did, the cum slapping her forehead, jetting onto
the tip of her nose, slashing across her left eye and pumping and
trailing into her mouth. Carla swallowed every drop, then used her
fingers to rub the splashes all over her face. After, she licked each
of her fingers greedily and flashed me her guaranteed to make you melt

"Well, that's one way to christen a new place, right?" I said.

She nodded, collapsing on the rug, spent.

A moment later, I walked to the kitchen and returned with wine bottle
and goblets in hand.

"And here's another."

Carla grabbed the wine bottle from me and took a long swig of the
White Zin. "Fuck the glasses, baby." She guzzled again and wiped her
mouth with the back of her hand. "Yummy!"

She took another long swig, then passed the bottle to me. I drank
deeply and we curled up on the rug for a while until Carla went to get
our cigarettes. She smoked before we moved in together, but her
cigarette and liquor intake increased dramatically once we moved into
the new place. I smoked about a half pack a day then. Carla, too,
initially, but she quickly raised her nicotine habit to a pack a day,
sometimes a little more. I tried to get her to cut back sometimes,
but she told me not to worry about it. To be honest, I don't think
I've ever had a cigarette smoking fetish, but Carla's attitude toward
smoking and her cigarette intake certainly made me enjoy watching a
woman smoke. "They feed my oral fetish, baby," she would say and
giggle between drags. "Besides, they're kind of cute. They're like
little penises," she used to say. "Imagine? Kissing one this
little?" She licked the tip of the filter, winked at me and laughed
throatily. (Ironically, within the first month or so of moving in, I
quit smoking altogether, even as Carla raised her nicotine intake.)

We considered going out for some fast-food that first night, but we
were both exhausted and Carla confessed that she didn't want to put
any clothes on (and for the next two whole days, she didn't).

Then, lying there on the carpet, Carla took a long drag from her
cigarette, crushed the butt in an ashtray and I watched a lusty smile
blossom across her face.

"Uh-oh," I said.

She laughed. "Uh-oh is right! I have an idea."

"And I want to hear it."

It wasn't the most original thought in the world. It has certainly
been done before. Maybe you've done it. If you like stories of
exposure, you've certainly read about it. But we were finally
unleashed, on our own and able to do as we wished in our own place.
Therefore, we found Carla's plan quite exciting.

"Let's call for a pizza and I'll show myself off," she said.

I felt a surge rush through me. "Really? How much will you show the
delivery guy when he gets here?"

She looked at me for a long moment then said softly, "As much as you
want me to."

I phoned for the pizza. Unlike other scenarios I've read about since
then, where the woman answers the door in a towel and lets it drop and
such, Carla wanted full exposure from the get-go. I thought she would
chicken out when the moment of moments arrived.

The doorbell rang.

"I'm so fucking nervous," she said, gripping my hands.

"Well, remember, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

She nodded. "I want to do this."

"You're sure?"

She nodded.

The doorbell rang again.

"Answer it, baby."

I did. The pizza guy stood holding a red box. He was a scrawny k**
of maybe sixteen or s*******n, with thick glasses. I asked for the
price and he gave it to me and handed over the pizza. Then his eyes
went saucer-round behind his specs as he glanced over my shoulder. I
half-turned. There was Carla, lying stark naked on the couch, one
knee raised, the other leg resting on it, her pretty foot swinging

I knew what he was looking at, so I took my time retrieving the cash
from my wallet. Finally, the transaction was over and there was
nothing left to do but end the moment. The guy tried hard to thank me
for the tip, but nothing came out of his mouth except a weird dry
clicking sound. Then I shut the door, turned around and saw Carla on
complete display, her bald pussy lips literally coated with a sheen.

We burst into laughter shortly afterward, then Carla ran over and
kissed me deeply. The pizza was forgotten for several very long
minutes that turned into a little over a quarter of an hour.

"How was it," I asked.

"The screwing or the showing off?" she replied and that made us laugh


"Well," she said softly, "honestly, the screw was as good as ever, but
the free show was fantastic! I can't believe the high I felt from
doing it."

I nodded. "Welcome to the wonderful world of exhibitionism. I
thought you'd like it."

"Wrong. I love it. Yes, already. We're going to do more of that,
Tony. A lot more."

And we did.

Carla took to wearing very little around the house. In fact, she was
stark naked at home most of the time. If she got home from class or
the store, the first thing she did was pull off her blouse or t-shirt
and kick off her shorts. She never wore underwear. If she wasn't
going anywhere that day, she stayed nude all day and night. On many
occasions she stayed nude for forty-eight and seventy-two-hour
stretches. Carla called them her "nudie marathons."

My girlfriend was also often stark naked outside of the apartment,
too. She spent many an afternoon in our back patio, soaking up sun on
her nude body, sipping on a glass of wine or a cold wine cooler.

One day I got home and found Carla totally naked and sitting at the
kitchen table. A fresh bottle of Merlot was wedged tightly between
her legs as she worked it with the corkscrew. The bottle that we'd
left half full the night before now stood empty by the sink. I
suspected that she had skipped school that day and started drinking
and having fun early. Before I could ask her what was up, the cork
popped on the bottle. Then Carla raced over, smashed herself against
me and rubbed her crotch sensuously against my leg. I tasted her
smoky alcohol-laced breath and we kissed until she started to giggle.

"What?" I asked.

She laughed some more, went to pour a fresh glass, drank deeply,
hoisted herself on the kitchen counter, then spoke. "I've been bad
today, baby."

I went over and moved myself between her legs. "How bad?"


I moved my hand between her legs and slid my fingers through her slit.
She was incredibly wet. Two fingers slid deep inside effortlessly.

"Yes, do that," she slurred. "Give me more."

"First tell me what you did," I said.

"No! Give me a cum first. Now!" I rubbed her clitoris and slid a
third finger into her and pumped them in and out. It didn't take long
for her to start bucking all over my hand and she slumped against my

When she calmed down, we moved to the living room. Carla lay on the
couch and I massaged her feet and calves as I heard her story.

"When I got up, I thought it would be a good day to work on my tan,"
she said. "My all-over tan. So I re-opened the bottle of Merlot we
started last night - it was after eleven, after all -- and went
outside and lay out. The sun started making me horny. And thirsty.
I came back in for more wine. I didn't mean to drink it all. One
glass lead to another and then I heard people passing right outside
the fence."

She began to rub her bald mound as she spoke. "I got hornier. I
heard them talking. I wondered if they could see me through the slats
in the fence, even though it's hard to do. The thought alone made me
reach up under myself -" Carla rolled onto her stomach on the couch
and placed her hands underneath her mound. I watched her fingers
glisten as they as she rubbed them all over the outside of her pussy,
then several fingers disappeared into her slit. "Then it was like the
naughtiest thought just blossomed in my head. What if I cracked open
the back gate a bit, like we forgot to latch it right? I almost came
at the thought, but I held off.

"I got up and moved to the gate and it was like I was watching
somebody else's hand bring the latch up. Then I lay back on the
lounger and positioned myself so that my legs and ass were facing
right towards the door. I lay back on my stomach.

"The wind started to bang the door lightly onto the clasp, over and
over. Suddenly, I heard voices again and I knew it was those two boys
- you know, from three houses down - walking back from the pool."



"But why weren't they in school?"

"Who the fuck knows? I just suddenly got mega-turned on that I had an
audience! So I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I heard
the door bang several times and felt the wind gust over me and then I
heard the door creak and it didn't slam back and I turned around and I
looked over my shoulder and there they were - the boys - standing
there, both of them, just staring at me with their mouths open."

I slapped her right ass cheek. Carla laughed. "I can't believe you
did that!" I said. "You're going to get arrested!"

"Not for an accident," she said. "And that's what it was, baby. An
accident. We just forgot to latch the back door, that's all."

"Yeah, right. What did you do next?"

"Well, I pretended to be all flustered and I rolled off my tummy and
sat up and pretended to try to cover up with my arms, like this." She
sat up and did a half-assed (literally) cover-up while sitting on the
edge of the couch.

"How did the boys take it?"

"One was laughing, the other actually looked as scared as I was
pretending to be."

"'I'm sorry!'" he said. "'The door - it flew open by itself! We
didn't mean to see you!'"

"'That's okay, honey,' I said. 'Could you shut it now?' And he did.
The poor things looked so innocent and turned on and scared all at

Carla laid back and I dove into her. My lips kissed her nether lips
and she enjoyed my tongue delving deeply into her folds. I found her
love spot and probed. I toyed with her clit and made it swell. The
next few minutes turned her gasps and moans to squeals of orgasmic

"Carla, I love you dearly, sweetie, but you have got to be careful!"

"I know, I know, baby." She pouted, then smiled and kissed me on the
lips. When she moved away, she cast a sly look my way. "But I love
this so much, I don't know if I can stop."

About two weeks later, we were spending a sunny Saturday basking by
the apartment's swimming pool. This provided Carla with another way
to show off, although I was surprised that her hot-pink bathing suit
was surprisingly modest. I actually teased her about the suit and
asked if she was losing interest in exhibitionism. Hardly, she
explained. She just figured she was going to ease her way into more
daring public exposure.

A few minutes before we were going to pack up and call it a day, a
teenager arrived at the pool. He was a rather gangly dark-haired boy
who liked to hang around by the pool. Occasionally, I'd noticed him
with a couple of friends, but he was alone this afternoon.

The minute the boy dove into the pool, Carla winked at me and followed
suit. Uh-oh, I thought. Here comes trouble.

But it wasn't. At least not that afternoon. Instead, I noticed Carla
treading water and talking up a storm with the new arrival. A quarter
hour later, they strolled wet and dripping toward my lawn chair.

"Honey, this is Tommy," Carla said.

I shook the teen's hand.

"He's visiting his uncle for a few weeks. New k** in town and no
friends. I told him he could hang around with us old folks for

"You're not old," Tommy protested. "Neither one of you."

Carla hugged him quickly, then released him. "Why, thank you, sir.
Flattery may just get you places, you know."

Tony blushed. It was a color I'd see often on his cheeks. In the
weeks to come, Tommy took to hanging out at our place from time to
time. Carla encouraged him to keep her company while I was gone. The
clothes she wore - or didn't wear - around him probably helped. More
often than not, Carla wore swimwear around Tommy. Occasionally, she'd
sport a tight-fitting and very thin halter-top that left her gorgeous
stomach and belly button completely bare. Faded cut-off blue jeans
accentuated the white top. She left her legs and feet bare and

One night I got home from the late shift and found Carla sitting on
the couch. She was wearing my black Playboy T-shirt with the white
bunny logo emblazoned on her chest. The shirt came down to mid-thigh.

Tommy was sitting on the opposite end of the couch. A can of Diet
Coke was at his arm's reach on the coffee table. A half-filled glass
of Merlot sat near Carla. Near the glass was an equally half-filled
ashtray full of butts. A cigarette was burning on its rim.

"Hi, Baby!" she squealed, jumping off the couch and coming over to hug
me. As she leaped, Tommy glanced her way and smiled. I knew he'd
just gotten a glimpse of her underwear.

I said hi to Tommy and returned Carla's hug and kiss. "Go get comfy
and come watch the flick," she said.

I said I would. "What are you guys watching?"

"Some cheesy horror flick on Home Booze Office," she said. I watched
her eyes dancing. They looked wet and sparkly and I knew she'd been
having more than the glass of wine I saw on the coffee table. As I
passed by the kitchen, I noticed the bottle on the counter and saw it
was two-thirds empty.

I walked into the bedroom and climbed out of my jeans. Then I turned
around and discovered that Carla had followed me. "You realize you
just gave our visitor one hell of a show, don't' you?"

"I'm bad, aren't I?" She laughed. She took a deep drag of her
cigarette and crushed the butt out on the tray on her nightstand.

"No, just wanton and horny."

"That's for sure." Carla blew a stream of smoke my way. "And the
show was more than you know."

"What do you mean?"

In answer, Carla gave me a smirk, climbed on the bed on all fours
facing away from me, then reached behind her and flipped up the
T-shirt. I was shocked. She was wearing underwear, but it was a
micro-thong. The silk hugged her crotch snugly, but a thin string
disappeared between her ass cheeks only to reappear and dig deeply into
the tops of her buttocks.


She laughed.

"I'm genuinely shocked!"

"Oh, come on, baby. Tommy sees more on the fucking cable channels!
And I am wearing underwear, after all. It's sort of like a thong
swimsuit -- only skinnier."

Sure. If Carla wanted to say her panties were like a swimsuit, I
wasn't going to argue. So I climbed on the bed, pulled down the
floss-string, then mounted Carla from behind. My erection quickly
grew steel-hard within her as I rammed into her. I looked down and
saw Carla's face half-buried into a pillow. She clutched another
pillow with her fingernails. Directly below me, I watched my slick
penis slide in and out, her buttocks jiggling and trembling with each
of my flesh blows. Carla's hands disappeared underneath her stomach
and pretty soon her fingers were manipulating her clit and driving her
closer to orgasm. Every few strokes, I felt her fingernails dart
across my balls and caress them. A minute or two later and Carla
buried her mouth deep into the pillow and I heard her muffled moans.
I reached lower, grabbed her calves, then slid my hands down to her
ankles and buried myself hilt-deep in her and jetted my cum deep
inside my vivacious and lusty and oh so daring girlfriend.

We lay side by side in the semi-darkness.

"We'd better get back to our guest," I finally muttered.

"Okay. In a second, but first -" She began to manipulate my spent
member. "I want to ask you a favor."

I turned to stare at her. "Don't tell me you want to --"

She quickly shook her head. "No, but I want to show him."

"My God, Carla, you've practically shown him everything you have!"

"Not everything. I want him to see me totally naked, baby, and I want
you to help me do it. Please?"

I was a bit reluctant. "He's pretty -- Um. Well, you know."

"Tony, he's probably seen a porno tape or two. You know how boys are.
And he's probably incredibly curious about girls. I know he's
curious about me. He's been hanging out with me a lot lately."

"And you've been giving him reasons to come back."

She laughed. "Maybe." Then she began to fondle me and nibble my ear.
"Please, babe?"

I sighed. "Okay, what do you have in mind?"

She flooded my face with kisses. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Carla told me her plan. I went back and hung out with Tommy and told
him Carla was going to take a nap, but that she wanted to be awakened
at nine for a TV show.

"That's about the time I should be getting home anyway," Tommy said.

A half hour later, at about three till nine, I nudged him and told him
I was going to go get my books and stuff out of the car and asked him
to wake Carla up.

"Okay. I'll go tell her it's time to watch her movie, then I'm
heading home. See you tomorrow, Tony."

"Right. Take it easy."

I left the apartment and took a long and leisurely route to the car.
I then got in and sat in it for a couple of minutes, thumbing through
a textbook to give Carla more time to carry out her plan.

When I returned, the place was dimly lit and empty. I called out and
heard nothing, so I headed to the bedroom and stopped at the door.

Carla was lying totally naked on the bed, legs splayed out. I watched
her toes curl, then open, curl tight again. One of her hands was
buried deep in her pussy. The fingers of the other were doing a
frantic massage on her clit. I stood and admired her for a full
minute as she got closer to her orgasm, then I spoke.

"You could've waited for me, Sexy."

"No, I --" She paused and arched her back. I knew she was close.
"-- I -- I couldn't, lover. Not this time. I really, really
couldn't. Sorry! Maybe next - Oh my God!"

Then she came violently. The cum slammed her back and forth and she
rode it and rocked herself to a shattering orgasm that left her
stretched and spent. She looked at me through half-closed eyes, then
weakly motioned for me to join her.

My erection needed relief. I climbed atop her chest and sat on her
breasts and pushed it into her mouth.

"Suck me," I said.

"No," she said. "Fuck my mouth. Do whatever the fuck you want with
me. You've earned it."

So I did. Carla made her mouth into a perfect O and I pushed myself
deep into wet moistness and plunged deeply. She took a lot of me in
her, then took more. When I came, she swallowed every drop, then
licked my penis like a flesh lollipop.

Afterward, we lay side by side, a candle lit on the bedside, and she
told me what happened.

"I heard Tommy come in and call my name. I pretended to be deep in
sleep, lying on my stomach. I was one hundred percent naked. Then I
rolled over and faced him and when I half-opened my eyes, he was just
standing there, staring, looking shocked.

"'I'm so sorry!' He yelled. I just waved at him, pretended to yawn,
then smiled. 'Don't worry about it, honey,' I told him. 'I always
sleep naked. Did you need something?'"

Carla laughed. "He tried to get his mouth to work. He was just
staring and standing there and I think -- I'm not for sure, but I'm
pretty sure I saw him begin to bulge down there in his crotch. I
don't think he's ever seen a woman naked before, baby, let alone a
slut woman who shaves her pussy bald!"

"Carla, the things you call yourself sometimes."

"But I am a fucking slut, Tony. I know it. I'm getting more and more
a slut everyday. I wish you'd call me that sometimes."

"Carla -"

"It's true. I'm a slut. But anyway, back to Tommy. He finally
mumbled that it was just about nine and my movie was starting. Then I
pretended to be in a hurry to watch it. I stood up, stretched and
said, `Okay, then, I guess I better hurry up and pee and get out

"He started to leave, but I asked him about the movie we'd been
watching earlier and how it ended. I walked into our bathroom and I
could just feel his eyes on my ass. He started to tell me about the
end of the movie. He never walked into the bathroom as I sat and
peed, but I could tell he was close to the door. Then I walked back
out and I pretended to have a hard time finding my g string again. I
finally gave up and walked to my dresser and took out another T-shirt
and put it on. He said he had to get going and I guess he did. As
soon as he left the room, I stripped again, flopped on the bed and --
well, you know the rest because you came in and found me playing!"

The Great Tommy Flash started a whole new chapter into the world of
exhibitionism for us.

After Carla's "accidental" nude display, Tommy started spending a lot
more time around our apartment. He became Carla's "swimming buddy" as
she called him. Tommy became such a fixture that his uncle, a single
parent who lived on the apartment complex grounds several buildings
away from us, worried that he was becoming a nuisance. Carla met him
at the pool one day and told him not to worry, that Tommy was good
company and that he was helping her with some projects around the
house. I was there that day and got to meet Tommy's uncle, too. I
watched Carla wink at Tommy surreptitiously when she mentioned the
projects. The only projects they got into at home were endless hours
of cable TV, plus the occasional Monopoly and Scrabble game. Of
course, Carla would be wearing next to nothing - a g string bikini,
usually, or a T-shirt that didn't quite keep everything concealed at
all times.

One night Carla and I went for a drive around town. She was wearing a
T-shirt and shorts when we left (she left her sandals at home), but
these came off pretty quickly and soon I had a very naked and very
brazen girlfriend masturbating by my side as we cruised the mostly
deserted streets.

We drove out of town to a porno shop to rent some flicks (our nutty
city refused to rent hardcore during those days) and Carla told me to
dare her to go in wearing just the T-shirt. Of course, I dared her -
and she did it! The shirt barely covered her buns. Walking around
inside the store, Carla stooped low to pick up various boxes on the
lower shelves and gave me several full moon shots. Each time, she
would turn around with a lusty grin on her face and wink and giggle.
The minute we made it back into the car, Carla brought herself to a
powerful climax.

Of all the women I've known, Carla has enjoyed porn the most. We used
to stop by about once a week and rent some flicks. Then she began to
frequent the store on her own two or three times a week. Many times I
would get home and find my nude girlfriend masturbating frenetically
as she watched a porn film. "Just getting a head-start, baby!" she
used to say. "Don't worry. You won't get left out." And I wasn't.

One afternoon I was heading out to work and Tommy showed up. Carla
had invited him for dinner and a movie that night. I went back into
the bedroom to tell Carla her young guest had arrived. Carla was
sitting at her dresser putting on some makeup. She'd just finished
showering and she was still completely naked. A lit cigarette dangled
from her lips and she dragged on it deeply. Although it was late in
the day, she hadn't gone to bed until half past four the night before
and had slept until close to one.

"I wish I could go out there like this," Carla said.

"Carla, don't push it," I said. "You'll either scare him off or get
us both into trouble or both."

She finally settled on a red Playboy T-shirt. When I asked her about
underwear, she shrugged. "Fuck it. This is long enough."

The T-shirt barely covered her crotch.

As she walked out of the room and I followed, I watched slices of
Carla's lower ass-cheeks appear and disappear with each step she took.

Carla pretended she couldn't find the remote for the TV and leaned way
over to change channels on the TV set.

"See you guys later," I called from the front door. Carla waved
goodbye. The last I saw of her was her legs on full display as she
bent way over to change channels. She kept her legs straight and
pressed together, which made her hourglass figure look more
curvaceous. Then Carla bent lower and gave me - and her target
audience, Tommy - a glimpse of a good third of her lower ass cheeks.

That night I got a call at the convenience store. It was Carla. She
was masturbating. She told me she'd been shameless around Tommy,
until he had to leave. She'd gotten so hot over her constant
"accidental shows" that she had made herself cum twice already. She
came again while I was on the phone, trying to concentrate on bagging
items for customers, ringing them up and giving them the correct
change! Carla promised me a hot night when I got home, but when I
arrived, she begged off, telling me her poor pussy was too tired from
over two hours of constant rubbing and dildo screwing. She promised
to make it up to me the next day, and as usual, she woke up horny and
she did.

One Saturday I was off and caught up enough on school work to spend
most of the afternoon lounging at the pool with Carla. Tommy joined
us after about an hour. Carla began to wear skimpier bikinis to the
swimming pool, but never her g strings. Eventually, after we were all
pretty toasted, we strolled back to our place for dinner. I fired up
the grill and Carla went in to change.

When I finally made it inside the apartment, I received quite a shock.
There was Carla, lounging on a wingback chair, with one leg d****d
over one of the chair's arms. She'd changed into a lime-green
g-string and a half-T-shirt that came about an inch and a half below
her breasts. I could tell she was topless underneath. What was most
shocking to me was the way she so brazenly chose to display herself
around Tommy now. There was no pretense of a long T-shirt to cover
up. Mind you, this was long before the days of the Wicked Weasel
swimsuit. I can imagine that Carla would have bought every single
style of that company's offerings if they had been around back then.
But then, the g strings she wore back then were not exactly overly
modest. This particular green suit was of the tiny triangle in front
and dental floss in back variety. In fact, the string was completely
invisible between her generous buttocks until a thin strand made an
appearance up top. Throughout the evening, Carla strolled around the
apartment with her ass on complete display and her half-shirt more
than hinting at what lay beneath it. In fact, I noticed her nipples
were erect most of the night.

As the evening wore on, Carla drank one glass of Merlot after another.
Some people say that alcohol inhibits the libido. Not so with me,
and certainly not so with Carla. She was quite tipsy by the time
Tommy announced that he had to be on his way. Carla had put on some
music and was dancing by herself and making me (and without a doubt,
Tommy) a very horny guy. Before Tommy could walk to the door, Carla
put down her glass and asked him for "just one dance, please." He
complied. Carla held him close. She had just lit a fresh cigarette
and she kept it pinched between her lips or between two fingers, which
were behind Tommy's back. The boy seemed pretty embarrassed. Carla
eventually grabbed his hands and actually placed them on her buttocks
and pushed his head onto her shoulder. I watched Tommy's cheeks glow
crimson as Carla seductively swayed their bodies around slowly. When
her face was facing my way, she smiled and winked at me.

As soon as Tommy was out the door, Carla stripped off her half-shirt
and g string. Stark naked and on all fours, she raised her ass in the
air and shook it at me from side to side. She craned her neck and
looked back at me and gave me a leering drunken sneer of a smile. I
stared at her beautiful round globes, raised for the offering. They'd
grown much fuller since I'd first met her, but she was all woman and
her fleshy hips and round ass curves only heightened the fact. From
my position by the front door, Carla was on full display.

"Come and take me, baby," Carla said. "I need it."

I came to her, grabbed two handfuls of buttocks and squeezed them
tightly. Then I stooped lower, spread her big cheeks and kissed her
pink rosebud. Carla giggled.

"I should be spanking your ass, not kissing it," I said. "You're
getting worse, my dear."

"I know, I know, but I really can't help it. Swear to God I can't."

"And you were right. You are a slut at times."

"A big fucking slut, baby. Now fuck me, baby, pretty please! Fuck
your bad girl slut!"

I did.

Carla and I saved up enough to get away to a beach condo for the
weekend. I was looking forward to watching my beautiful girlfriend
shamelessly display herself in one of her many thong bikini bottoms.
It was a topless beach and I knew that Carla would take every
opportunity to display her beauty. Little did I know that she had
exhibition plans of her own that would make my own projections of
things to come seem pretty tame.

"Baby, don't be mad," Carla said after a very satisfying lovemaking
session several days before our weekend outing.

"Mad? About what?"

"I have something to ask you. A favor, okay?"

I lay on my back and she slid her sweaty nude body across mine,
rubbing her shaved and slick crotch against my thigh. I found it very
hard to refuse Carla anything when she got in this type of
affectionate and sensuous mood. "Ask away."

"I want to take Tommy to the beach with us."

Silence made the bedroom seemed darker and it swelled over us like a
blanket. I sighed. I loved Carla's erotic games, but I wondered
about her fooling around with a teen like Tommy. "Carla, are you sure
you know what you're doing?"

She giggled. "Not really. All I know is that lately, I feel like I
have to push things further and further to get really turned on and -"

"I don't turn you on anymore?"

She placed open palms on my bare chest. "Don't be silly, Baby! Of
course you do. But it's like that rush that we've talked about.
Remember when you first told me about baring yourself in front of your
mom? That drove me fuckin' nuts! Then you started doing it in front
of her while I was there. I was totally turned on by that. But now
I've experienced being the one who does the showing first hand and I
love it. Totally! I love to show myself. It's just incredible.
Only I need an audience all the time. A safe audience, but one that's
also kind a sorta taboo. That makes what I'm doing even more of a
thrill. You know about that, right? Remember what you used to do at
home. That's the way I feel with Tommy. Don't worry, baby, we'll have
fun, too." She slid her right hand down my chest and stomach and
cupped my thick member and squeezed it. "Lots of fun. I promise.
But I want - I need - this other thing, too. Please? You don't mind,
do you?"

"No, not really," I sighed. "You know that you can do pretty much
whatever kind of erotic play you want as long as I'm your only real
partner and you tell me what's up. But Carla, dear, if it's showing
off you want, you know you're going to have plenty of opportunities to
do just that at the beach over the weekend. Maybe even around the
condo complex."

"I know, I know," she said. I smiled at the whine in her voice. She
sounded so young, so girlie, so desperate. "But I was thinking just
how fucking cool it would be for me to have a live-in audience for two
or three solid days. And there's that I'm-not-supposed-to part of the
whole Tommy thing, you know? That taboo thingy I was talking about."

"Are you sure that's all you're looking for in Tommy? A fun showoff

Her eyes grew round. "Of course! What do you take me for, a


"Good!" The exchange was corny but we still shared a laugh. Then I
asked her the question again. "Be honest with me, Carla. Be honest
with yourself."

She was silent for some time. Then she spoke in a soft voice. "Well
--" Another long pause and I watched one of her pretty big toes dig
itself into the bed sheet. "Anything else would be extremely naughty
of me, right?"

"You better believe it."

"Like wicked naughty?" She rubbed her pussy against my leg more
forcefully and I felt her slickness.

"Like naughtier and more radical than you've ever been, my dear."

"Then so be it," she whispered.

"What do you -"

"Shut up and fuck me, Tony." And then she pushed me back onto the bed
and impaled herself on my hard phallus. Carla rode me with wild
abandon. Her head hung backward and her hair shook from side to side
as she thrust herself up and down, riding the pony that I became for
her, and I pushed up to meet her.

Hot and sweaty, Carla looked down at me from within her dark tangled
mane. "Can Tommy come?"

I nodded.

She smiled and brought her mouth down and sank her tongue through my
lips and we Frenched. "Thank you, baby," she whispered. "Now, for
saying yes, I have a surprise for you."

Carla rolled off me and sank her face onto her pillow and pushed her
beautiful round buttock mounds high into the air. One of her hands
reached below and began a slow and steady massage of her clitoris and
pussy lips. The other reached around and opened up her ass cheeks,
exposing her perfectly round and very pink bud.

"Kiss my ass, baby. Lick my sphincter. Get me good and loose and if
you do, you can fuck me back there for the first time."

I didn't have to be told twice, especially when Carla turned her face
toward me and behind that falling mass of brunette hair, I saw her
wink at me and cast a smile-sneer my way.

I grabbed her sweaty globes and spread them wider. Her rosebud was
inches away. Then I began a methodical rim job, swirling my tongue
around and around. Gradually, it softened its pucker somewhat and I
probed it with the tip of my tongue. Carla increased her
ministrations. Both hands fluttered beneath me, dancing over her
pussy and clit. My tongue sank deeper into her hole, then deeper
still, as I began an insistent in-and-out rhythm that sent me ever
deeper into her most forbidden of entryways. Then I pulled back and
spit saliva directly onto her now gaping asshole. With one hand, I
lubed up my penis; with the other, I steadied myself on her ass cheeks
before pushing the head of my phallus into her gaping dark opening.
Carla grunted below me. The head of my member disappeared into her
asshole. I pushed deeper and Carla yelped. I asked her if she wanted
to quit. Her answer: "Fuck no! Go deeper." So I did. And deeper
still. Until soon, I was hilt deep in her backdoor. It wasn't long
before Carla exploded and began a wild bucking beneath me. This sent
me over the edge too.

Same as My Future Wife Flashing Before Letting Me Have Her Videos

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The Gigolo Chronicles V Cherrie

Nearly twenty-seven years ago, a baby girl was born with a full head of flaming red hair. Her parents took one look at the color of that hair and decided the baby's name would be Cherrie. Originally her parents planned on calling her Amy since up to then, they had no idea she would be a redhead. Her mother was blonde and her father had dark hair. But her maternal grandmother was a redhead as was Cherrie's aunt. I met Cherrie about ten years ago and right from the very start, I found she had a...

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Kathy Flashing At The Indy 500

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Kathy Flashing and Sex At The Brickyard

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Kathys Second Trip to the Brickyard 400 Flashing and Sex

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Kathy Flashing and Sex Traveling the Highways

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Flashing Wife

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This is part 2 of how my wife became a Hotwife

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How my wife became a HotwifePart 2

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Flashing after a party

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Kathy Flashing and Sex My Second Indy 500

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A VICIOUS ONE The story is completely fictional, all acts andcharacters are result of writers imagination. If you are under aged, closethis document immediately! In advance, please forgive if my English is not good enough. HERRIN PRESENT DAY Just laying there on the table and awaiting his faith to bring him more misery,he felt coolness probing his skin and going straight to his flesh and bones.Cold, that was the only thing he felt then. Numb has he become long time ago;num and resistless...

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flashing wife to ex brother in law

In 2016 I caught my wife sexting with a guy she knew from years back, he was her exhusbands brother. He lived 5 hours away from us so I know they didn't hook up. And this is the story on how it started and how I hacked into accounts and got to have fun with it in the end. Some may say im crazy and other will say good job. I had fun and would donit again if need be.She had been taking sexy pics for weeks but wouldn't send them to me. I asked who was she sending them to and she said no one. I...

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Flashing My 2nd Cousin

Introduction:My second cousin wasn't a hot guy and didn't know his way around girls. So I gave him a big long wide look up between my legs and since he was a college virgin, I gave him a helping hand.I’m really happy about all the people who been nice to me here & liked my stories. A lot-lot have said I should do more flash experience stories. It’s not like I wana get all known for the flash stuff but I mean I love flashing. Just don't wana bore yall by just writing that. So I dont know I...

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The story of how my wife became a Hotwife

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The story of how my wife became a Hotwife and foun

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Indian Wife Massage By Old Massage Therapist

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My wife and the photographer

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How my wife became a Hotwife Part 4

Where we left I was relaying the story told to me by my wife of just what happened in that fateful afternoon when Bonnie almost instantly changed from a wife and mother to a Hotwife in need of cock. She was being seduced by Hank...Hank is an older gentleman who seems to have the power to turn women into insatiable whores. He did this exact thing to my wife, and she has never been happier. As with part 3...this part was told to me as well by my wife some two weeks after the event. Bonnie had...

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How my wife became a Hotwife Part 4

Where we left I was relaying the story told to me by my wife of just what happened in that fateful afternoon when Bonnie almost instantly changed from a wife and mother to a Hotwife in need of cock. She was being seduced by Hank...Hank is an older gentleman who seems to have the power to turn women into insatiable whores. He did this exact thing to my wife, and she has never been happier. As with part 3...this part was told to me as well by my wife some two weeks after the event. Bonnie had...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

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You have another few glasses of wine and carry on masturbating. As you masturbate keep on imagining yourself flashing. The more you think about flashing the hornier you feel. Your pussy is now soaking wet. Suddenly you decide it is now or never. You finish off the wine and go and get ready. As it is your first time flashing you decide you are going to go out in some sexy underwear. There is now way you could go out totally naked with just your long coat on your first outing. ...

3 years ago
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Angel Flashing Fucking Truckers Angel Lov

Angel Flashing & Fucking Truckers Angel loved to flash truckers & finally got the chance to fuck a few.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you look at Angel's pictures you will see a few of her riding over theyears flashing herself while riding around. She started off just flashing her titties to truck drivers many years ago.As she got a little braver she flashed more & more nudity to them & anyoneelse high enough to see in to our...

2 years ago
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Flashing My 2nd Cousin

Pulllleeeeze remember Im not a profesional writer okay. I dont care much about grammar. Just ask Mr. Linamin or howeverthefuck you spell his name. Yeah I tried flashing him to get my English grade up but didnt seem to go nowhere. Hm. Maybe he was gay. Not that theres anything wrong with it. - - - - - - - - From before I was even in junior high school, I was a toker. I could smoke weed allllll day and half the night and just love it so much. I never got to do it all day &...

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Another from the GurlTown Files Sherrie

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Kid Flash TG superhero

It was just another police award ceremony at the front steps of City Hall. Bart Allen, Kid Flash, 14 year old heir of the Flash tradition of super speed crime fighting, sped across the the southwestern United States on his way back to Central City to attend it in place of the Flash, who had been expected to accept the award for work that both he and Kid Flash had done. Flash was off on some sort of Justice League matter. That was all Bart Allen knew. There was no way Kid Flash would...

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A Day in the Life of Dr Smithers

Clayton Smithers was really glad he had listened to his mother when she told him he should become a doctor. Mom had always told him it would be a lot of work but worth it in money and prestige. She had been only part right. Hardly any work had been required, just learning the jargon and technical terms by studying books and papers written by psychiatrists who had taken the hard route to obtaining their degrees. Clayton Smithers had taken the easy route, buying his degree from the best diploma...

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Reality or PerceptionChapter 5 Number Four Sherrie

Well, the boat docked and we all parted before going ashore. Rachael told me that Jack would be there to pick her up and she would just as soon not have him see or meet me. He would probably get very suspicious when he saw me. I agreed, kissed her privately before we left the deck and wished her well. I reminded her of my numbers and told her to keep them safe. She promised to call in a week, just to update me. I watched her walk up to the railing on the top deck to join Susan and Mickey. I...

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The Wages Of Flashing

Is it really flashing if nobody sees?That was the question. Her husband had seen, of course, on drives in the country; Greg aiming his camera at her as she bared the body he was so familiar with, and that she was so familiar with showing him. They’d look at the pictures later, of her posing against a tree trunk with her skirt pulled up, or leaning back against the car with erect nipples teasing the tops of bra cups. On occasion she’d even played with herself, Greg shooting footage until he...

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A flashing wife gets more than she bargained for when boys photograph her asleep and naked

My husband Jack was away on a business trip and I was feeling a bit lonely. Just pottering around the house. There is only so much housework you can do before you go out of your mind. There was a knock at the door and two boys, one about 20 and the other slightly younger. They wanted to earn some money and asked if they could cut the grass or do some odd jobs. They look so cute that I couldn’t resist and I let them mow the lawn. They did the front lawn first then went around back....

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Warning - The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult or reading descriptions sex stories upset you, do not read any further. The characters discussed in this story are based upon characters that are the property of major corporations. Use of the characters in this unauthorized story are not intended to provide any financial rewards for myself or to claim any ownership of the characters. Cadet Survey Chapter 1 - The Problem Chapter...

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My Wife Misbehaves

Vanessa, my sixty-year-old wife, is super hot and very very highly-sexed.Most of the time that is a blessing to me although I cannot always keep up with her, despite my best efforts.She has an array of sex toys for her use when I am away on business or away for a few days golf. I am very happy for her to use them. She sometimes uses them, with my blessing, when I am there if she feels that she needs yet more stimulation.What I will not accept or tolerate is her going with another man although...

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Future Wifes exp with cousin

Few weeks before my future wife gone to her native which is 400 km far from here and return with her cousin brother.she explain that her cousin brother was failed in board examination and he was depressed in she bring him for a vacation.i accepted. the next day night she told, she caught him while he watching porn videos and mastrubating too.i think she was was serious abt that.but the next sentence from her is "he has big black cock".she was interested in that.the same night she told...

3 years ago
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Though I have given up for the past few years due to it becoming too risky and since I don’t want to risk losing my job or current relationship I used to flash my cock publicly often. You can even say I am obsessed with showing off my cock to complete strangers. It didn’t necessarily have to be with the intention of ending up in sexual participation from others, I am just an exhibitionist. I am also very turned on by the reaction of women upon seeing me stroking my hard cock for them. It all...

1 year ago
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Flashing at a bar

So for all you fans of our stories, you know that most of them are from Haley’s perspective but Haley’s currently studying for her exams and I thought I’d write about the last adventure we had. In May I had the house to myself for a month so we decided to host a couple or two at my place. To that end, we met two couples for drinks in the city just to have a fund night out and see if we clicked. That’s how we met Ron & Erica. As is usual for when we go out, half the fun is what Haley wears. As...

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Tim Answers His Wife Heather

Heather was on pins and needles waiting for her husband Tim to say whether he would or wouldn't join me and Heather when we met for our next masturbation session. Tim had come home from working on the food plots for deer where he hunts every year, and Heather had rushed home in only her robe. When Tim asked where she had been with only her robe on, Heather honestly explained where she had been and what she and I had been doing, and then she just hoped for the best. She had told Tim that she is...

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She Hulk Hercules

She Hulk meets HerculesBy lilguy [email protected] Hulk meets the drunken godNote- This was a commission I did the middle of New York City, Hercules was fighting his brother Ares as Osborn and his crew fought after failing an invasion on Mount Olympus. There were several super heroes and super villains fighting in the back round. The heroes were gaining ground pushing back the villains. But the Villain weren’t going down without a fight“Give it up brother”...

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Punished For Flashing

Another one I wrote for my wifePUNISHED FOR FLASHING My wife, Hazel, is one of the best cock suckers I've ever known and I love watching her suck another guy's cock almost as much as feeling her sucking mine. She's one of the few women I've known that really enjoys sucking a cock and also loves the feel of a guy coming in her mouth. I've actually known her have an orgasm from the feeling of a a cock in her mouth. What I really love though is bringing a friend home that doesn't know her penchant...

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The Humiliation Of Hercules

Hercules had returned to the mortal world of man. For the past few thousand years, Hercules never needed to come to Earth. Olympus had enough enjoyment for him. From the wrestling of great and powerful beasts, the nymphs he made love to, and the various amounts of wine from his uncle made him the happiest god of all. But even this was too much for Hercules, who needed something new. Hercules was bored with perfection and needed to feed his ego by having the mortals praise his amazing feats as...

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Miriam And Herbert

Herbert shivers and smiles.” Not as nice as yours. You know i love your tiny butt. How loud it is when i give it a good slap.” She chuckles and they both smile as the waitress returns and gives them each a glass of wine. They sip their drinks and look over their menus, both having to switch from their casual glasses to reading glasses, and order the same thing they always do when they come here. The menus and glasses were all to draw out the night and build the anticipation in both of them for...

2 years ago
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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 3 Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer

Introduction: Frank finds a virgin to make into his bimbo sex slave while his wife Alice is tricked into modeling for a stranger! The Bimbo Formula Chapter 3: Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Frank Even in her baggy dress, my bimbo wife Alice looked amazing. Her ass shook as she walked to our car, her curly, red hair falling about her shoulders. Yesterday, she had been a plump and somewhat doughty woman. I loved her despite that. And then she had injected...

1 year ago
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My wife the flasher

My wife has always had an urge to show off. It all started when we were teenagers. We ahd gone to a drive in and we were like all teenagers. We would park in the back rows and usually never saw the movies. On this particular night we were going at it pretty heavy. When I picked her up at her house she came out in a little short button down dress and look hot as hell. Well it didn't take long once we were at the movies for things to heat up quickly. Because the dress was a button up dress it was...

2 years ago
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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 3 Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer

Chapter 3: Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Frank Even in her baggy dress, my bimbo wife Alice looked amazing. Her ass shook as she walked to our car, her curly, red hair falling about her shoulders. Yesterday, she had been a plump and somewhat doughty woman. I loved her despite that. And then she had injected herself with the bimbo compound I had discovered. Now she was a perfect woman, large tits, hourglass waist, beautiful face, flawless...

4 years ago
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Sex Panthers

Maggie could tell by the way the music producer was looking at her that he wanted nothing more than to bend her over and bang her like a door in a hurricane. And who could blame him!? What, with Maggie’s long amber hair, misty blue eyes and lush lips? Her face alone was enough to make any man beg. ‘So, you ladies want to make a demo tape, huh?’ asked the producer as he starred at Maggie’s ample breasts. Maggie took the man’s chin in her soft hand and gentle lifted his eyes up to meet hers. ...

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Wife gets carried away at a photo shoot and fucks the photographer

My wife Kamilla is still quite beautiful and sexy. A 33 years old petite, 5 ft, black haired, with brown eyes and thick black eye lashes she is very attractive. She has a gorgeous figure maintained by regular fitness exercise at the gym. I have always appreciated her small well-proportioned body and small rounded breasts which form small perfect globes on her chest, not to mention her thick black hairy mound. Even after over ten years of marriage and three children, unlike me, she appears...

4 years ago
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Jasper Rambo Michele and Sherri

By LonewolfChapter OneShe sauntered her way across the living room, her naked feet gently padding across the soft carpet. As Sherri moved closer to the German Shepherd lying on the floor, she lightly caressed her naked body, raising her level of excitement. Since she was home alone and her live-in boyfriend was not due to be home for several hours, Sherri decided to let Jasper help her relieve the sexual tension she woke up to. She had managed to bring herself off twice already this morning...

1 year ago
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Fantasy about my wife and the black preacher

We have a historically black church down the street from us and last weekend they were selling homemade barbeque for a fund raiser. We stopped to buy some and the minister invited us to attend services. The next Sunday we did and invited the preacher to dinner at our house and he accepted.After he arrived, he and I went into the living room and made small talk while, Sue, my wife was preparing dinner. The minister made a comment about her being a very attractive lady, I thanked hi and told him...

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Cousin Sheryl

Cousin SherylI had a trip out to LA on business. I had finished the job early in the day, logged into Facebook it picks up your location. I was sitting around cracked open a Bud on the laptop looking at DN, getting horny after about a hour of surfing porn rubbing my dick. When there was a knock at the door. Looked through the peak hole thought I was seeing things answered who's there, I hear "it your cous' " a sexy ladies voice. I open the door it was my wife's cousin Sheryl. She was smoking...

3 years ago
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Fun with Bob and Cheri

Monday I normally don't go to the opening sessions, because they are generally boring, but that year, the keynote speaker was the world’s foremost authority on a subject that interested me. So I broke with tradition and got there early. I usually sit in the back on an end of a row, so I can escape with little notice if the speakers are boring. This time, I got there early to get a seat. I had coffee and pastry and sat in the last row. The place filled up quickly and there were only a few...

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