The Black Seas Ch. 19 free porn video

Port Royal, 1706
After a couple months of rest Maynard made a full recovery from the injuries he had sustained by the hands of Blackbeard. During his recovery period Maynard kept was kept up to date on ship movements throughout the Caribbean in hopes to track any of the Black List targets.
He had lost his prized ship, the Ocean’s Innocence, which was the Black List’s most heavily armed and fastest ship. The loss wasn’t a tremendous blow to the organization though. Stretched out over the centuries his predecessors worked to not only build a vast network throughout the world, but also a vast wealth and commodities.
The tremendous blow to the Black List came in the form of defeat. The possibility of failure always hung present in any matter of life. And throughout the organizations lifetime there were many failures. Maynard didn’t count of this mission being a failure though. The Black List was already stretched too thin throughout many fronts and demons mixing in with piracy wasn’t helping matters any.
He considered pulling agents from other seas out and bring them to the Caribbean. He feared doing so would only make matters worse than they already were. The demon threat was at an all time high and the Black List were losing agents faster than they could be found, recruited and trained.
To make matter worse his network reported a strange new ship in the Caribbean. It was reported as the biggest the seas have seen yet. His thoughts had immediately turned to Davy Jones. Over a hundred years ago the then leader of the Black List and the Valkyrie, Ancel fought together to contain the demon. The Shedu Medallion was then entrusted to the Black List for safe keeping.
Now all he hoped was that it sat at the bottom of the sea along with what was left of his ship. If not, then matters had just gotten far worse than anyone could imagine.
He strode through the governor’s palace upon Governor Rogers’ request. Before stopping at the palace, Maynard’s first stop took him to the docks where his new ship sat waiting his inspection of it.
The Ocean’s Revenge was nearly an exact replica of the Innocence except it was lighter and faster but with less firepower. She was remarkable. He had given his approval and ordered for supplies to be loaded. It was to be ready the moment of his return in case the Governor decided to change his mind about their newly formed alliance.
Governor Rogers’ assistant was waiting outside at the entrance for Maynard. After a friendly and formal greeting he led Maynard into the palace. Maynard observed the various pieces of art and statues that lined the corridors and the adornment of decoration that filled the walls. He thought it looked nice and fancy. Not being much of an art lover he brushed its beauty aside. It amazed him how people, especially those with money, spent their money fruitlessly on such things.
Even his predecessors had collected things like art and decorated the current headquarters of the Black List. When a new leader took over or the location changed, the art was either reused or stored in one of the many underground vaults spread throughout the world that were own by the Black List. When he took over, he left the adorning art where it was considering his time more useful with more important matters than the placement of decorations.
Other than the artwork the halls were empty and devoid of life. Once they were outside the governor’s doors to his office the assistant bid Maynard farewell and left the man alone. He straightened his clothes and proceeded to rap on the door.
After a moment an answer from the other side bade him to enter. Maynard pushed the doors open and entered. The room was in the same state as the last time he was in the office. Governor Rogers sat at his expansive wooden desk with his elbows on the desk and his fingers interlaced. He didn’t make any effort to stand when Maynard entered and he took it as a bad omen.
‘Please have a seat,’ Rogers said motioning to the chair set in front of his desk. He grabbed a cognac bottle from his desk and pour two glasses full, handing one to Maynard.
‘I am glad you have recovered,’ he said warmly.
‘An unexpected outcome but yes I am glad I recovered,’ Maynard stated plainly.
‘Yes it has been unexpected on all fronts it seems,’ the governor agreed.
Maynard looked up in brief surprise but quickly covered his expression. ‘Difficulties have arisen for you as well?’ he asked.
‘Which is the whole reason the king has just given me full authority to do whatever is necessary to end this piracy. Because of that and our alliance I am sending two of my best sloops, the Ranger and Jane, to aid you in the capture of Blackbeard,’ he said pulling out a warrant then continued pulling out a warrant for each name he stated, ‘Henry Morgan, Jack Rackham, otherwise known as Calico Jack, Anne Bonny, known as Rusalka, and Mary Read.’
‘I guess you want them taken alive?’
‘If you can bring them in alive do so and if not than that is just as good.’
‘Very well,’ Maynard said downing his drink. ‘Are the ships ready?’
‘As soon as you are,’ the governor said twirling the glass in his hands.
‘Excellent, then I shall leave right away.’
Maynard got up and nodded to the governor and walked to the door. Before he reached it Rogers said, ‘The survival of the crew is of no importance Robert.’
‘Then I will show no quarter,’ Maynard said without turning around. Then he was threw the door without another word.

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