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My name is Terri Muldoon but all my friends and patrons call me “Tits” its just a name that stuck from back in my c***dhood see I developed very young and was a big hit with the little boys they all wanted to see my tits so I showed them to them I didn't think it was a big deal and they got a real big kick out of it I even let a few of them feel them up I liked having my nipples played with it felt good and made me feel funny between my legs! My tits continued to grow rapidly and by the time I hit my teens I had this incredible set they sat on top of my slender frame and my ass had developed too well the guys were just nuts over me I had so many boyfriends it was just crazy and they all wanted my tits when we went out on dates I would wear a zipper down shirt and I never wore a bra I didn't need one my tits were so firm that a bra was unnecessary! I discovered an exciting thing when I was thirteen I was out on a date yeah my Mom let me date she was cool about those things she liked the guys too after she left my old man many years ago she just dated and lived with guys she was built well too her tits weren't as nice as mine but they were big and round and the guys loved them judging by the sounds coming from her bedroom they did! Anyway back to the date the guy I think his name was Jerry we were in a kind of lovers lane parked hidden by some trees he had my zipper down and was drooling over my tits then he took one in his mouth while feeling the other pinching the nipple and then he did it he bit my big nipple and I had an instant orgasm oh it wasn't just any orgasm I came from my toes to the top of my head and I felt something wet between my legs too I had ejaculated my own cum and it was running down my thighs I grabbed some Kleenex from my purse and cleaned myself off he was amazed and wanted to do it again so I let him just to see if it would happen again and I had an even bigger orgasm I let him clean me up after that one after all he made the mess! He was so hot and ready but I was still a virgin so I sucked him off he liked that! I became a real popular girl after that all the guys wanted to see if it was true...By the time I was sixteen I was a forty D cup and those tits were just as high and firm as ever my mother told me “Those are your meal ticket baby men will pay to see them but find yourself a rich guy who will want to own them and live the good life!” I laughed at the time but she was right about one thing men would pay to see them! I left home when I turned s*******n I had to see my Mom had met this guy and he had a son who was my age and we wound up moving in with them the boy his name was Randy he was a big guy not bad looking but there was something about him that I just didn't like and he was infatuated with my tits stared at them all the time he would try to walk in on me in the shower but I always locked the door then one night I was sleeping when I sensed I wasn't alone then I felt his body on top of mine I tried to fight him off but he grabbed my tits and pinched my nipples they were really big nipples by then and they stood out proudly well even though I didn't want to I had an orgasm and it was a big one while I was cumming he put his cock into my virgin pussy rammed it deep breaking my hymen and taking my virginity I went to cry out and he pinched my nipples again and off I went on another orgasm I was helpless to stop him and his cock felt so huge in my never been fucked before pussy and it made the orgasms for some reason ten times stronger I was moaning and thrashing underneath him my mind just kept exploding with sensation after sensation my pussy kept squirting cum he must be drenched with it by now my clitoris had nothing to do with it this was all coming from my tits and he just kept fucking me and pinching whenever I stopped cumming I was so wiped out from all the orgasms I let him cum all over my tits in the end then he whispered in my ear “Don't you fucking say anything or I'll tell my friends about your special tits and they'll all want to try it!”

He left me there in the dark my bed was soaked with my cum and the blood from losing my virginity so I had to change the sheets I knew right then I couldn't stay here so the next day I moved in with my friend Sasha she was a year older and had her own place and everything she danced for a living at an exclusive strip club not too far away she told me I could make a killing showing off my tits I was kind of scared about stripping for men but she assured me it was cool the place has great security and protects their girls very well! My Mother was upset about my leaving but I made up a story about how I needed some space blah blah blah and she went along I was going to be eighteen next week anyway I told her about the strip club and she thought it was a great idea “Make those tits pay off then hook the big one!” She told me she was always the coolest and I loved her for her support in my decision...I visited her once a few weeks later but Randy kept leering at me when Mom wasn't looking he even rubbed the front of his pants while leering gross!!! I got out of there fast after making an excuse and shuddered all the way back to Sasha's place where I took a long hot shower after I was on the sofa in a towel drying off when Sasha came in she put her things on the counter and came over she saw I was a little upset and asked me what was wrong I told her about Randy and she got so mad she threatened to castrate the bastard and took me in her arms she smelled nice and her skin was so soft that I let myself be held then she tilted my face up to her smoothed the hair from my eyes and looked at me kind of differently her eyes were smoky and her touch seemed to make me warm inside I had never been with a woman before and wondered if she was coming on to me then she asked me if she could see my breasts my nipples had gotten hard from her being so close and were poking through my towel I shyly let the towel slip down to my hips and she gasped at the size of my nipples “May I suck on them?” She said sweetly with a could I resist? I nodded my head and she bent to my breasts kneading them with both hands she took my nipple and licked it like it was ice cream “MMMMMMM good!” she giggled and took the nipple completely into her lovely full lipped mouth the sight of her ruby red lips wrapped around my nipple aroused me incredibly and she sucked like a newborn hungry and needy her tongue circled my areola while her hand continued to squeeze my other breast I was moaning a little and she liked that so to make me moan loader she bit my nipple well that did it I came and came hard my hips rose and fell and my cum flowed out of my pussy hole she was amazed when she saw this and said “WOW did I make you cum just by biting your nipple?” So I told her about my thing and how that always makes me cum whether its biting or pinching I told her about how Randy used that method to incapacitate me while he fucked me against my will...Sasha kissed me and said I was not to worry about Randy that she would take care of him...then she took my hand and led me into her bedroom she took off her clothes and she had an incredibly beautiful body lithe and muscular but very feminine she lay me down on her bed soon to become our bed and took out a large case she opened it and it was full of sex toys everything you could imagine including a large strap on dildo huge and black it looked wicked and made me hot to look at it she picked it up and smiled “That's for later baby!” She took a few gadgets including a g-spot vibrator and climbed into bed with me her hands found my tits again and her mouth my lips then her long fingers found my clitoris and massaged me there I was already lubed with my own cum and her fingers slid effortlessly into me I gasped as they danced inside of me and she giggled so its not just your tits that give you pleasure good I am going to make your pussy happy too baby then she slid the g-spot up into me its buzzing I felt like a swarm of bees in my pussy and she found my spot easily I moaned as it touched me there sending waves of pleasure deep inside me radiating into my brain pulses of pure pleasure I began to cum and she was cumming too she had her own vibrator shoved up her own pussy and as we came together our moans joined like a chorus of sex rising and falling like the tide it was amazing I never imagined that a woman could evoke such passion from me but Sasha sure did I reached for her my own hungry mouth seeking her lovely firm though much smaller than mine breasts I suckled her tits and ran my hands over her incredibly muscular body nothing bulged but I could feel her strength under the skin like a live wire her energy hummed and sang! Then she strapped on that huge black dildo and paraded around a bit letting me watch it bounce and dance between her lovely long legs I was rubbing my pussy and playing with my tits while she had her fun then she pounced on to the bed she put me on my hands and knees and told me to hold on to the headboard I did as I was told then she got behind me and began rubbing that big black head on her dildo between my pussy lips gathering my wetness on its tip “Looks like your ready for some hard fucking baby are you ready?” I told her I was ready and raised my ass up a little more and spread my legs even wider I felt it enter me slowly inch by inch she fed that monster into my pussy I never felt anything so huge before my newly broken in pussy was being put through its paces tonight I moaned and cried out in pleasure as she continued to fill me up when she finally rested her big black balls between my ass cheeks I was so full of cock I couldn't breathe then she grabbed my hips and said “Lets go for a ride!”

She pounded my pussy for what felt like hours I came again and again but just pussy climaxes until she reached under and grabbed my tits she pinched my nipples hard squeezing them between her thumb and forefinger I exploded in a mind boggling orgasm my body convulsed and I felt like I was being electrocuted from inside I cried out till I almost passed out from the intense waves I was feeling then she stopped and pulled her sopping wet dildo from my pussy it made a sucking gooshy sound as it left me then she rolled me over climbed on top and slipped it back inside me I wrapped my legs around her and she brought her lips to mine licking them with her long tongue I opened my mouth and she slipped inside I felt her tongue go so deep she was licking my tonsils her hands found my tits again and off I went on another orgasm...I must have passed out because when I woke up she was sleeping beside me and was using one of my tits for a pillow her hair smelled like wild flowers and spring rain and her body felt nice beside me so I pulled her closer and she wrapped her arm around then slid her leg over mine it felt so comfortable that as she went back to sleep I went with was so nice to have someone to sleep with I never wanted this night to end...
Sasha showed me a video about a week later we were in bed after having had sex just petting and kissing and she grabs the remote and says lets watch a video okay “Sure!” I said so she starts the video and I see Randy and Sasha they are in what looks like a hotel room somewhere I watch her getting him aroused then talking him into letting her tie him up so she does he's got his arms tied and now she draws back his legs and ties them ankle to wrist he has a huge grin on his face that disappears when he sees her put on a huge strap on dildo it's even bigger than the one she fucks me with a real BDSM type with spikes around the base I watch her lube the head and shaft and his grin turns to horror as he realizes the cock is for him he struggles but Sasha has him tied real good she climbs on top of him and says “Remember r****g Terri ? Now your going to see what it feels like to be ****d!” He shakes his head “No she wanted it she came as I fucked her over and over!!!” Sasha shook her beautiful head “NO! She came because you pinched her nipples and you used her orgasms to control her while you fucked her against her will!” Randy knew he was found out and tried to talk his way out of it but Sasha was hearing none of it and his cries were muffled by his underwear that she stuffed int his mouth she forced that huge cock up his virgin asshole and totally ****d him with it she was not gentle like with me but fucked him hard and fast grinding those spikes into his ass and balls when she felt like she had fucked him enough she pulled it out of him his gaping asshole was ringed with blood and she took the hidden camera from her purse and got a good close up shot I could see his insides glistening then she said “If you ever come near her again I'll get one of my huge black friends to make you his bitch do you understand me?” He nodded his head with tears in his eyes and I almost felt sorry for him... almost but not quite! She told him she had just video taped the whole thing and if he ever so much as looks at me funny she'll send it viral his horror grew when he realized the implications of that and knew he was beaten he promised and she left him like that trussed up with his asshole wide open I could hear him begging to be untied as she closed the door! She then told me she sent a guy back to untie him and the guy told him he would make him his bitch if he didn't obey Sasha's commands she told me he was so devastated and embarrassed that he would never try that again with anyone let alone me...
I loved her for what she had done for me and told her so she kissed me and told me that no one would ever get away with harming me while she had anything to say about it! We had some great sex that night I made us both cum by rubbing her clit with my nipples then I stuck my whole nipple into her pussy and kind of titty fucked her she loved that and told me so while she ate my pussy while making me cum with nipple pinches it was a wonderful night...The next day she took me to “THE PUSSY PALACE” to audition as a pole dancer the owner got one look at my tits when he asked me to take off my top and hired me on the spot LOL I didn't even have to dance for him it was great! I showed up for work that Friday night I had been practicing all week for Sasha who gave me pointers and special things to do like I learned to pick up money with my tits and how to make them dance to the music the guys were going to love that! I was a little nervous at first but after a few moments when the guys seemed to be really enjoying my show I relaxed and had fun shaking my money makers for all they were worth and the money flowed in...I had so much money stuck into my sexy almost not there g-string that it looked like a green bush I was careful not to hide my pussy as guys like to fantasize about that so Sasha says and I believe her then at the end I did something special I gave myself an orgasm by pinching both my nipples hard and the guys went wild for it the bouncers had to keep them back they were so horny for me...
It became my signature move the orgasm at the end no one else could do thisso it was totally mine girls tried to fake it and some did it successfully but no one came like me and no one else had these tits! I became a star almost overnight!

One guy came to every show he was dressed real nice and had lots of gold hanging off him there was another man watching him I assumed it was his body guard he wore shades but I could see his eyes dark and sexy peeking at me from time to time...The boss called me into his office one night and said he loved my work and that I was his best money maker he asked me to show him my tits so I did and he admired them for a bit then began kissing my nipples he said “Okay?” I said sure so he had some fun with my tits playing with them kneading them from behind feeling their weight and size then he pinched my nipples and I came he pinched them again and I came again he was amazed then he pushed his hand down between my legs slipping into my g-string he felt the wetness of my orgasms “now I have to change! My bottom is wet!” He slipped my g-string off “I'll give you a hot sexy brand new one okay but right now I need to fuck you a little!” I started to protest but then I saw his cock it was so huge and blood engorged I felt sorry for him so I climbed up on his desk turning over the picture of his wife and k**s I didn't want them staring at me while I let daddy fuck me! I spread my legs and said “Okay but you have to eat me first!” His eyes lit up and he practically dove into my pussy his tongue was long and he stuck it in deep I liked that a lot then he stuck his tongue up my asshole and I gasped with pleasure no one had ever ate my ass before he tongue fucked my ass then he went back to my pussy but stuck two fingers up my ass which he used to fuck in and out while my clit got serviced I had an orgasm from that rubbing my pussy all over his face his bald head was shiny and I rubbed it with my hand then he got up and grabbed my feet he kissed the soles of each foot I liked that too and he raised my legs and spread them wide his cock was right there in the channel of my pussy and he rubbed it up and down I guess he wanted me to beg for it and I did without direction from him he made me take his cock and guide it in and I did it felt alive in my hand pulsing and jumping as I stroked it into me he took his time and worked his cock in deep I was moaning softly and enjoying his cock he fucked me for a few minutes like this then he pulled it out I looked at him and he smiled then slid his cock to my asshole “Put it in Tits go ahead you know you want to!” I looked into his eyes and saw nothing mean just horny I wanted to try an ass fuck but his cock was so huge I was afraid he whispered encouraging words in my ear and I felt my hand close around his cock like my body wanted what my mind was afraid to do I let it happen and guided his cock to my asshole he began to push it into me and I gasped with pleasure and pain as his cock head stretched my virgin asshole wide he popped it past my anal ring and then he was into my ass channel I moaned and moaned as he pushed it as far as it would go into me and his pubic bone met mine with a bump “Like that Tits?” I nodded my head yes and urged him to continue fucking me there I loved the feel of him in my ass it felt so naughty I had fantasized about it but never dreamed I would actually be doing it...Barry that was my bosses name continued to fuck my ass then he pulled out and turned me around with my legs spread and my ass high he jammed his huge cock back into me and grabbed my hips his hips met mine with a loud slapping noise I hoped no one else heard us in here OMG the other girls would be jealous thinking I was currying favor with my pussy or in this case my ass....but I couldn't keep that thought as his cock pounded my ass his finger rubbed my clit and I came again and again without the added stimulus of my tits how wonderful this felt...He came with a moan and a roar I felt his cum splashing deep inside me as he filled my ass channel with it would he ever stop cumming holy crap I was getting full when he finally finished filling my ass he pulled out then I heard him get a camera he told me to hold still and let the cum leak out so I did it flowed out of my ass like a river pooling at my feet I heard it plopping and plopping as more of his cum exited my anal cavity when it finally stopped he had me push out the last few loads then he took some pictures and patted my ass I turned around flushed and smiling he said “Tits you are amazing whenever your ready I would love to marry you!” My mouth hung open I was speechless! “Think about it! Maybe you will let me take you out sometime?” “Don't say yes or no just think about it okay?” I said I would and went into his private bathroom to clean up before my show I thought about what had just happened and what he had said to me I enjoyed our sex but did I like him enough to go out with him...maybe he was kind of cute built nice with a huge cock hmmmm I would have to discuss this with Sasha maybe she could help me sort my feelings out about him....

As I danced that night I felt my asshole breathing as I was still dilated from his fucking I hoped no more cum would escape my jiggling ass tonight but screw it if it did the guys might enjoy watching that hmmmmm maybe a new part to my act...Have Barry fuck me before I go out then leak his cum out of my ass as I'm dancing WOW that would be a turn on for all those horny cocks out there I would have to tell Sasha about my idea....
Sasha was amazed at how I handled Barry coming on to me that I totally went with it and let him fuck me in the ass blew her mind she wanted every detail and I gave it to her she was fingering her pussy by the time I finished the tale....
“So he want's to marry me what should I do about that huh?” Sasha smiled a smile so wicked the devil himself couldn't have matched it “Let him think what he want's to think let him do what he want's to do within reason then see where it goes down the road maybe he's the one maybe he's not but hell honey have some fun finding out first!” She was right as usual and I took her hand and led her off to bed where we talked and fucked and talked some more until we fell asleep in each others arms...nice!
I went to work ready for anything and was not surprised when Barry asked me to come to his office so I went and he closed the door and said “Did you have as much fun as I did?” I said yes I did! He said “So can I take you out sometime it would have nothing to do with work just you and me having dinner...Okay?”
I thought for a second I didn't want him to think I was too easy and I eased up to him unzipped his fly took out his cock looked at it growing in my hand it was a really nice cock and he seemed sincere about everything so I smiled and said “Okay but we are taking this slow I am not rushing off to marry you or anything I am very young and want to have some fun before I settle down can you get that Barry?” He said he completely understood and was just going to see what happens between us...
I said then lets go out and see if we really like each other....Then I got down on my knees and began to suck on his cock hey I got needs it made me horny looking at it growing in my hand...what can I say he's got a great cock! He picked me up and I put my arms around his neck he kissed mouth hard and I gave him tongue he pulled my string aside and jammed his cock into my hole “I think I need a little lube baby!” I whispered into his ear and so he carried me over to his desk and got some...after lubing up his huge boner he returned it to my asshole “later you get some pussy!” I whispered again he smiled nodded and said “Saturday night I take you out and we have a good time!” I nodded back I was liking this arrangement work, fuck have fum get paid what could be better! “I'm on in twenty minutes so lets go baby!” I purred into his ear and his cock began to do its thing I was bouncing like I had a Pogo stick in my ass our tongues were dueling inside my mouth his hands were playing with my huge tits and I whispered “Pinch me!” into his ear and he took my big nipples between his thumb and forefinger and squeezed hard I came hard my pussy having spasm after spasm my clit rubbing against his belly hair I came like a good little slut moaning and humping until he finished with a huge load into me ass I saw a ping pong ball on his desk and had an idea after he pulled out and let me down I took the ball smiled at Barry and said “I need to borrow this!” and I shoved that ball right up my ass it blocked the flow of cum from exiting my ass Barry looked at me funny “Saving it for the show!” I said and he laughed “Go do your thing Tits knock em dead!” I grabbed his cock gave it a tug kissed him on the mouth went into the bathroom to redo my makeup a little primped my hair and I was ready! With my ping pong ball up my ass blocking Barry's cum flow I made my way back stage one girl slid up to me “Fucking barry again Tits? You got that man hooked baby reel him in!” I giggled and playfully grabbed her ass “Bet he would love some of this!” I purred at her she laughed uproariously “My man would kill me but I would if I could he swings a big dick and he's nice!” Her name is Amber Gold hot black with a killer body Amber always gets lots of tips and offers for sex which she turns down of course her man would kill her truly! He takes her to work and picks her up anybody messes with Amber winds up hospitalized or dead! We are great friends though and she gives me lots of pointers about my performance she loves my tits too always feeling them up I think she likes girls too but is afraid to go there maybe sometime I'll give her a little encouragement and see what she does...HMMMMM I would love to have her naked in a bed somewhere with lots of time to kill...
I broke from my fantasy when I heard my name announced and with a flourish I parted the bead curtains and made my entrance to a roar of approval from the teeming crowd “TITS TITS TITS!!!” they chanted as I assumed my position at the pole “Hello my name is TITS” I say and shake my hooters at them they explode with cat calls and groans of desire the music begins and I whirl away spinning and dancing I use that pole to maximum benefit even flipping upside down and my tits do not succumb to gravity at all they are just there sticking straight out of my chest the guys love that and the cash flows I pick out a guy from the front to tease and he is cute and very horny I get him going and soon he is chucking twenties my way so at the end of my show I decide to give them a treat and I bend over by cute guy and spread my cheeks I meant to just pop the ping pong ball out of my ass and let the cum flow but some air must have gotten in there when Barry was fucking me and the ball shoots out like a cannon it ricochets off cute guy forehead and lands in his drink the crowd thinking I meant to do that goes nuts then the cum begins flowing out of my ass and it is mayhem the bouncers hold back the too frisky customers and I shake my ass a bit letting it run down my legs then I turn to cute guy “Sorry I spoiled your drink baby!” He smiles then picks up his drink chugs it down and spits the ball into his hand to the thunderous applause of the rest of our patrons “Souvenir for you baby!” I say with a wink and a smile then I do my signature tit shake and nipple pinch and I cum for them on stage and when I finish the lights go out for a second and when they come back on I am gone! “TITS TITS TITS!!!” they chant until another lovely girl gets announced and then off they go again it is an amazing night and I am having a great time Amber Gold comes up to me and says “Great show baby but your making it hard for me to keep up with you! I like it though you challenge me to be better so thanks for that!” I smile “No thank you Amber!” I say and kiss her on the lips at first she is shocked a little but then she smiles and kisses me back “I'm not on for fifteen minutes want to come to my dressing room?”

She asks I nod look around to see if anyone is paying attention no one cares they are wrapped up in their own stuff getting ready to perform so they never see me and Amber sneak away to a dressing room way in the back we go inside and Amber turns and kisses me hard pinning me against the door her hand finds my g-string and it fall to the floor then her fingers find my pussy and I gasp with pleasure “What did you awaken in me Tits am I a lesbian?” I shook my head no “Just a little girl on girl Amber a little fun and you can't get pregnant!” Her eyes were lusty for sex and she was looking at me like she wanted to devour me whole I liked that look! I slipped off her G-string and played with her pussy too our mouths found each other again and tongues were flying her hands found my tits and her long supple fingers felt real nice caressing me “Don't pinch them yet okay!” I purred into her ear she nodded and we made our way to a small sofa then I took over and laid her down I dove onto her firm amazing titties they were the color of chocolate cream with huge nipples that were very hard she gasped as my mouth closed onto one of them “Oh God that feels nice eat me Tits eat me now!!!” I smiled then kissed and sucked the other nipple before making my way down to her beautiful black pussy her labia was dark like mahogany and her insides glowed hot pink it looked so beautiful I was struck by how hot she looked and I kissed her there on both sides licking her labia then sliding my tongue into the hot pinkness of her pussy “Oh God Tits your gonna make me cum!!!” She moaned and pushed her pussy onto my tongue deeper and deeper I went I have a very long tongue some of the k**s used to call me Anteater before I developed and I became “Tits” Amber thrilled to my tongue and I wanted to make her cum so I moved my tongue up to her clit snaking it all around taking her little man in the boat and rocking him like he was in a storm at sea and Amber came for me and came hard I slipped my tongue back into her pussy deep and let her ride my face till she finished cumming! “Oh My God Tits I never felt anything like that before!” I smiled “Now that we're more than friends call me Terry okay but only when we're together I like being called Tits by everyone else!” “Nobody can make a girl feel like that except another girl I learned that from my Sasha!” Amber smiled “So that's who taught you to like pussy huh?” I nodded she's my lover but we fuck guys and have our own fun too she wants it that way maybe sometime I'll introduce you!” Amber said “Okay but right now its my turn get on your back Bitch!” I happily complied and Amber got on top of me kissing my lips and sliding her tongue down my throat she kissed her way down the side of my neck God how I liked that to my tits where she spent some time sucking and biting my nipples “Bite one real hard!” I told her and she did and I came for her she bit the other nipple and I came again “This is fun!” She said “I love your tits Terry!” I said “Everyone does!” and she made her way down my body her beautiful brown skin was glowing from her orgasm flushed with blood she shined like she had been polished I loved the way she looked and when her hot pink tongue found my pussy I came again and again...After we lay for a few minutes just kissing and touching this was going to be a lasting thing for I I knew as we seemed so natural together! “I am going to have to introduce you to Ty sometime he'll like you maybe even we can get him to do us both? What do you think about that?” I smiled and kissed her “I'm up for it if its okay with you!” She kissed me back “Only with you will I share him and only if he wants to share okay?” I nodded “We better get back or someone will notice!” I said “Though I hate to leave you you feel so nice!” I said snuggling my face into her warm brown tits...”We are doing this often okay?” Amber said smiling “You got me hooked baby!” “Knew you'd like it!” I said reluctantly getting off the sofa she kissed me again before I opened the door “Go out first then I'll follow!” I nodded smiled and vanished into the noise and pageantry of our work place no one even knew we were gone so wrapped up in their own performances all of the girls focus entirely on their part of the show improving experimenting learning always learning I loved it!
I saw Barry later and he said he loved the show especially the ping pong ball trick he laughed and said he almost blew his drink out of his nose when the ball hit that guy forehead and loved that he was such a great sport about it! I giggled “I know I almost shit when that happened a little too much air inside my ass made it shoot farther then I wanted it to but maybe that can be a part of my show I pick a guy in the audience and nail him with the ping pong ball and he gets to make me cum as a reward but only if he's a good sport about it like this guy!” Barry laughed “I can't imagine anyone not being a good sport about getting a chance to make you cum!”
“I loved it! You are a star Tits! My star!” I kissed Barry and said “Couldn't have done it without you and that huge cock of yours!” I left that night feeling wonderful from the success of my show and the incredible sex with Amber I was having the time of my young life!

Barry and I had our first date that weekend he picked me up at my place and I introduced him to Sasha who although she obviously liked him told him if he hurt me she would castrate his ass with garden shears we all laughed but I knew Sasha was serious remembering Randy and her dealing with him so easily Barry would have to watch himself around her but he is totally in love with me I can tell he treated me like a Queen anything I wanted was mine for the asking we had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant overlooking the Ocean the table was the best in the house and no other tables around us were occupied I imagine Barry made sure we were to be alone together and he booked those tables to keep them empty I had a good laugh when the owner appeared at our table to say hi to Barry it was cute ping pong ball guy he welcomed us and told the waiter to get us anything we wanted it was on him! He took my hand and kissed it “You are quite the show girl Terry I enjoyed every moment especially the end and he looked at my chest and smiled!” I smiled back “Maybe I can shoot you in the head again sometime?” We all laughed like loons at that but he winked and had a smile that said he would be back to see me...Good keep em coming back I thought I liked him anyway he was very cute! Barry regaled me with amazing tales of his youth and I told him some stories too we danced together as the band played a nice slow song his strong arms around me and my head on his shoulder I felt nice and safe we kissed and danced and talked through the night then Barry took me back to his place he had this amazing house on a bluff overlooking the Pacific I was impressed he said it cost a fortune but it was his mortgage free he said he never had taken anyone else from work here he had never mixed business with pleasure before... “Guess this makes me kind of special huh?” I said to Barry while staring out at the rolling sea...He cane up from behind me put his arms around me and said “Maybe someday you'll share this place with me it needs someone special it needs you Terry!” “We are having a great start lets keep it going and see where it leads us okay?” Barry just held me tighter and kissed the top of my head “I will be patient for you for as long as you need me to be!” “But I am determined to have you!” I unzipped his fly and stroked his cock “So show me the bedroom already!” Barry laughed and picked me up as if I weighed nothing and carried me off to this amazing bedroom with a panoramic view of the ocean with a huge four poster bed against the wall the stars were twinkling up in the sky and the moon was glowing softly on the waters reflection it was fantastic and delightful Barry lay me down on his bed and kissed me then he undressed me and threw off his own clothes I pounced on his cock like a cat with a play toy and was sucking up a storm then Barry took me and lay me on the bed then he got on top of me but facing the other way I had never done this before but I got the idea right away when Barry's tongue found my pussy and it was fun we did a lick suck for awhile then he got a little kinky he tied my hands and feet to the posts of the bed with silk scarves then he got out some toys vibrators dildos and some funny clamps that I found out were for nipples OMFG I came for what seemed like hours when he put those on while he was fucking me! After we had some fun doing that he untied me and I tied him up and had some fun with him too vibrating his balls and his cock I even worked a dildo up his ass while sucking his cock he came buckets it was so much fun!!! Later that evening he said he had two gifts for me and he gave them to me on the veranda under the stars with the sounds of the sea as background and a nice song was playing on his stereo it was perfect it was magic I was in heaven! The first gift was a long box long and thin I opened it and this beautiful necklace of gold and diamonds lay there on a bed of black velvet my breath caught and my mouth opened Barry was smiling and looking expectantly hopeful that I would like it “A gift like this on our first date Barry you are too much! But I love it just the same thank you!” Barry took the necklace and attached it around my neck “You should have beautiful things my love and as beautiful as this is you are so much more!” I kissed him deeply while in his lap fingering my necklace with one hand and rubbing his cock with the other then I said “What's in the other box?” He gave it to me and it was small and square I opened it and it was the latest smart phone with internet, GPS the works he showed me how to use it and said that his address is programed into the phone as home and that whenever I wanted to come home to just push the button and the phone would guide me here...He said not to worry about the service he had that all taken care of I loved it of course and we wound up back in bed where I did unspeakable things to him and made him cum till he could cum no more and we fell asleep together in Barry's huge bed I slept like a baby in his arms so warm and safe I was very happy...

The next day was fun too we took a shower together in Barry's huge bathroom and had fun with the soap Barry took me with my tits pressed against the glass I could see us in the mirror it looked so hot I came and came again...We spent the day together walking the beach swimming in the ocean I called Sasha and told her where I was she said she knew Barry would take me home after our date and was not surprised when I didn't show up that night...She said she liked him a lot and to have fun! I did have fun loads of fun so much fun my pussy was tired and my mouth felt bruised but in a nice way Barry and I spent the weekend together of course we checked up on the club just to make sure everything was okay then jetted out to have more fun I knew the tongues would be flapping about me and Barry but I didn't care not one bit I was having the time of my life with a man that clearly loves me and that was all that mattered!
We parted on Monday I had to get home and do some stuff Barry kissed me and told me to keep my phone with me at all times I said it would never leave me and that I loved it especially my necklace and I kissed him softly but passionately grabbing his cock through his pants I said “Save a load for the next show okay?” Barry smiled “Always a load for you Baby!” I watched him drive off and felt kind of sad I enjoyed being with him so much that I missed him now even though I knew I would see him at work...Starting to think a lot about Barry this could be more than just a good time thing...hmmmmm......maybe something more!
At the club I did my show again doing the ping pong ball thing after fucking Barry everybody loved it hit another cute guy splat he gave my nipples a good hard pinch had to make him let go I was multiple orgasming and starting to swoon but it was fun I let him lick my nipples after I enjoyed that so did the crowd! The other girls started doing some kinky things too word got around and the club was jumping and packed every night we had to have a bouncer to let people in as the building has a limit on people you can have in it we cheat a little but keep it safe just in case there's a problem...
I was leaving the club and had my phone in my pocket like Barry wants truth is I love the damn thing I send him super naughty selfies all the time drives him nuts I love it! Anyway I'm walking to my car when a van pulls up next to me the door on the side flies open and arms reach out and pull me inside it is dark and I think “Oh shit!” arms are all over me a gag is shoved into my mouth as I'm trying to scream and I feel a rag being placed over my nose it smells like a chemical and I feel woozy then I pass out....
I wake up in a big room there's a party going on and everyone is wearing a mask like Halloween my head is fuzzy until I hear “She's waking up show time!” a hand puts something under my nose and the fumes wake me right up then I realize I am tied to a kind of rolling dolly my hands are handcuffed behind me and my legs are spread open tied to the sides I struggle but I am held tight! “Welcome to the party Tits!” a guy wearing a Devil's mask says I have a special mask for you to wear and he shows me this leather head gear with straps and things “Don't put that fucking thing on me you bastard my boyfriend is going to kill you for this! Let me go motherfucker!” He slapped my face hard “You are our party favor and you are going to stay for the party!” He placed the headset over my face it had a mouth piece that held my mouth open and a collar that went around my neck a hoop in the back had a chain that he attached to my handcuffs so that it pulled my head back and I could not look down! “Let me introduce you to everyone!” he said and he rolled me to the center of a kind of stage that was set up with lights and I could see video cameras placed all around recording all angles...”This gentlemen is our entertainment for the evening her name is Tits and as you can see she has quite a pair!” “She has a special talent her nipples make her cum!” He demonstrated how by pinching my nipples hard I came of course I have no control over that no matter how scared I am and I was terrified! He bent down and whispered “Randy says you were the best fuck he ever had lets see if you live up to your reputation!” My eyes went wide as I realized who was to blame for this ordeal that son of a bitch I was going to kill him if I ever got out of here alive that is!
“Tonight we are going to perform a little magic we are going to turn Tits here into an Oreo cookie but I will need some help from the audience to assist me with this trick!” He picks two huge black guys who happened to be near by not coincidence they were part of the show I'm sure and they came up to the stage and took off their clothes hard muscled bodies gleamed but what got my attention was their huge cocks hanging long and thick and as I watched they were already getting hard in anticipation of what was coming...”Lets let Tits get our cookies ready for the cream shall we?” Everyone laughed at his joke everyone except me that is I knew where those cocks were going! The first black guy came up and though I tried to close my mouth I could not the harness held me wide open and he stuck his huge cock into me and groaned as I tried to push him out with my tongue seems it only made him harder and he pushed deeper into me I felt him enter my throat and gagged as he did he continued pushing until his balls rested on my chin!
I was gagging and gagging I couldn't breathe and then I heard “Come on Tits we know you like cock lets see you cum for us!” He told the black guy to pinch my nipples and I felt his huge hands feel my tits first before he took my nipples between thumb and forefinger and pinched hard I had an orgasm immediately my body betraying my mind as it swept up from my toes to explode into my brain I forgot about breathing and just came it seemed more intense after being deprived of oxygen for so long and lasted twice as long as usual then he pulled his saliva dripping cock from my throat and I finished cumming moaning and twitching my pussy contracting until it applause went up from the crowd “Nice cum Tits now for our other cookie half!” I tried to shake my head no but was too weak from cumming and the next black cock pushed its way into my mouth but this one was so huge my jaws practically came unhinged it was the biggest cock I have ever seen not that I am that experienced I'm not but this was one for the record books!

As he entered my throat I felt things stretching things that should never be stretched my esophagus was wrapped tight around the unbelievable girth of his cock I almost passed out from the pain until Devil's mask pinched my nipples again and I came and the pain joined with the pleasure creating an exquisite agony and when his balls finally rested on my chin I felt like he was in my stomach so far down he was...Dark spots appeared and swam before my eyes and I knew I was dying suffocated to death by an enormous cock what a way to go...then as I felt myself floating away suddenly I could breathe again and I took in gulps of air coughing as my abused throat contracted convulsed I gagged again and again until finally I just moaned....I heard Devil's mask say “Looks like that cock was a little big for Miss TIT's here lets put it to a vote where do you want this cock fucking her front or rear? Show of hands please! FRONT?” I heard him counting hands then “REAR!?” and a roar and a show of hands arose from the horny crowd! “LOOKS LIKE REAR IR IS!!!” I thanks God for that one I didn't want that thing back in my throat no way! I thought about all the performances I had given turning men on with my tits and body now here I was part of a sex show against my will I just had to get through this it is only sex after all...I hope!
“LETS MAKE AN OREO COOKIE!!!! COOKIES TAKE YOUR POSITIONS AND TURN OUR GIRL TITS INTO AN OREO!” I felt hands on my ass and I saw a hard muscled stomach and a big cock coming for my mouth he slipped into my mouth at the same time mister huge cock was fitting his cock into my pussy fortunately I was very wet from all the orgasms and he was able to work that monster into my fairly newly fucked pussy I moaned around the cock in my mouth as he slid deeper and deeper into me until finally he was all the way in I could feel him so deep inside me he had to be in my uterus butting up against my fallopian tubes it hurt and felt good at the same time to be completely filled by cock and black cock at that was something I never imagined having...He fucked it in and out a few times “SHALL WE GIVE HER ASS A TREAT BOYS?” Mister mask yelled out and another roar of approval broke from the horny bastards and I felt his impossibly huge dick retreat from me all slick from my pussy juice he then began to enter my asshole OMFG it hurt Barry had fucked me many times this way and that helped but Barry was not this guy and I began to dilate more and more stretching beyond anything I could imagine and still he was not in it felt like I was birthing a c***d in reverse his head like that of a huge baby and I heard loud moans then realized that they were mine and the cock in my mouth and throat was very busy too and I felt a pop back there it was his huge head popping into my asshole and the cock in my mouth pulled out long enough for me to cry out loudly and as the monster filled my colon the crowd cheered and then I was full my ass pressed against his hips his huge balls firmly nestled between my cheeks and the cock in front his pubic hairs were tickling my nose they were curly and short and kind of rough...”LOOKS LIKE WE MADE TITS INTO AN OREO NOW LETS FILL HER WITH DOUBLE STUFF CREAM!” Another roar filled my ears as the cocks went to work like a piston in and out of me in perfect sync meeting in the middle every time I was compressed by hips smacking my face and ass over and over harder and faster until they were a blur of speed driving into me athletes these boys were built for stamina they would not tire nor stop until I was filled with their cream I bore down with my throat on his cock while contracting my ass muscles as much as I could to make them cum faster and it worked cock in my mouth exploded squirting hot fluids deep into my throat then pulling back and filling my mouth I was told to swallow by the mask and I did as instructed then cock in my ass upon seeing his buddy cum got turned on and he furiously pounded my ass until he came too I felt his hot jets coating my inner body coating my abused insides with a healing coating of thick cum then he pulled out of me I felt air rush into my open hole so gaped was I and he covered my ass cheeks with the last few squirts of cum...Thank God it was over! “LETS GIVE A HAND FOR TERRY FOR BEING SUCK A GOOD SPORT!” The bastard knew my real name of course but it still stung to hear it spoken like this...
Then I was removed from the contraption and unshackled the head gear removed I thought they were going to let me go but no I was made to snort lines of powder that were placed under my nose I felt an immediate rush in my brain and an incredible urge for sex took control of me my pussy was on fire and my tits burned to be pinched I was handed over to the crowd who now seemed to be completely naked there were even beautiful girls there and they came up and wanted to touch my tits I let them they wanted to kiss me so I kissed them we wound up all having lesbian sex together with the guys cheering from the side lines by the time we were done I was covered in pussy juice then the guys took over and had some fun I was made into a cum dump with cocks spraying their hot loads into my mouth which I kept swallowing I was doing this with a big cock shoved up both my pussy and asshole then mask showed up and turned me into a human urinal the headgear was put back on and I was placed with a funnel going down my throat and beer was brought over and they drank the beer and then pissed into the funnel my belly became distended until I looked like I was pregnant then I was let up and the headgear removed mask came up to me and said “Looks like you have a full belly there Tits!” He poked me in the belly laughing then my stomach revolted violently and I vomited a huge stream like it was pumping out of a fire hose and it hit mask right in his mask I soaked him from head to toe with urine and cum he ran screaming from the room like a little bitch and everyone laughed then the guys cleaned me up and we went to a bedroom where I floated on a sea of cocks that slipped in and out of me again and again this I was enjoying hands touched every inch of my hot skin more powder entered my nose and the orgy continued the night was endless and every fantasy I had ever had was done to me I did things to guys I didn't think were possible I figured out I was in a college sorority house because I happen to see one of those symbols on the wall but I didn't care at that point it was cock and more cock pussy and more pussy until finally it all went black and when I awoke I was sitting on the curb at the club my clothes were back on though I could tell I had been hastily dressed every part of me was sore every hole felt stretched and abused my lips were swollen and puffy I just wanted to sleep for a year and then a car pulled up it was Barry “Terry where the hell have you been I've been looking all over for you!” I made up a story about having too many shots then getting lost and just kind of wandering around...Barry wasn't really buying it but I stuck to my story and that was it I couldn't tell him what had really happened he would have gone crazy trying to find those guys for revenge and it would have been a mess plus I didn't want him to know all the things I had done and that I had enjoyed most of them!

Barry took me to his house and cleaned me up he saw my body and there were bruises and my nipples were swollen still from so many pinches but he said nothing to his credit he just took care of me he fed me and put me to bed where he held me until I fell asleep it was then that I decided to marry him and the next day I accepted his proposal and he was so happy he forgot about everything we had this amazing wedding with all our friends including all my friends from work especially Amber Gold she was one of my brides maids and she looked amazing Sasha was my Maid of Honor and my Mom gave me away the ceremony took place on a tropical island in the pacific and the reception lasted for days...
Barry looked so handsome in a tuxedo everyone said we made a perfect couple and we did our honeymoon lasted for months we went everywhere and did everything we could imagine and then we came home and that house by the ocean became our house and we named it “Serenity” Barry wants to have c***dren and I'm thinking about it but not yet I'm still dancing at the club and still having fun with Sasha and Amber who live together now I introduced them and it was like you never saw two people so hot for each other I come over for a threesome occasionally and we have so much fun sometimes they come over and we all fuck Barry he loves that I'm such a good wife....
P.S. I still see those sorority boys sometimes when they have a huge party I get a text message then I have to go visit my Mom for the weekend....I'm so bad!


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The Combined Adventures Of Mason Stanley Francis Jim The Women Francis Alex Richard Katie Sharkey and Harry


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THE PET Adventures 1 2

THE PET: Adventures 1 & 2“The chronicles of a devoted pet and her master”By Virgil KnightingCopyright 2012 by Virgil KnightingAUTHOR'S PREFACE This book contains a collection of explicitly erotic adventures, between a pet, and her master; their identities forever shrouded in mystery. Readers are highly encouraged to place themselves into the adventure, using their personal backstory and circumstances. CHAPTER 1LOVE ALWAYS THY LOVES ESSENCE Lying on her back, naked, pristine, she seductively...

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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Libbys Night Time Adventures I

Introduction: This is my first story, any advoice is welcome. Hope you enjoy it. Libbys great night time adventures (1) – Libby and Tiffany Libby was 12 years old when she had her first great night time adventure. Her friend Tiffany had told her how she and her older sister had their own adventures and all the neat things they learned on their excursions. The one adventure Libby was especially interested in was of Tiffanys mommy and daddy and the games they played at night. Tiffany didnt want...

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Some of the Dogging adventures that we have partic

Some of the Dogging adventures that we have participated in we did not tell anyone who my husband was, he was anonymous just one of the guys that showed up. Those are some of the most exciting dogging adventures we have because the guys do not know my husband is watching and participating. My husband say’s the guys treat me different, nastier and sexually erotic when they don’t know he is my husband. Now my husband wants to take it to the next step. He wants to hide and watch me with 2 guys...

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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson

The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson By Nikki Mouton-Cadet Let Timmy Johnson tell his story in his own words: Introduction Hi Everyone. First off, "Timmy Johnson" is not my real name. So, don't try looking me up in any catalogues or registers. When I was born, too long ago to think about now, my loving parents named me; Timothy Andrew Johnson. But, for some reason, ever since all those changes, they call me Timmy. I suppose, after all these years, I'm okay with that. ...

3 years ago
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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk part 5

Things like fucking your own Mom. Now a complete obsession in my life. Whatever I do. Wherever I go. It's all I think about. Are we going to fuck, suck, lick or fondle each other when she gets home from work and me from College? Where are we going to do it? On my bed? Her bed? In the shower? In the kitchen? On top of the washer dryer set to spin? Fuck, I'd even do it in the back seat of our car in the middle of the local Wallmart parking lot. Like I said. Obsession. Anytime. Anywhere. So...

2 years ago
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Brandis Slutty Adventures Ch 03

I woke up gradually, back in my hotel room on Saturday morning. I was lying in the bed naked, wrapped in a sheet. My body was achy, like after a good workout, but then again, I did have a strenuous workout at Tony’s apartment. When I got back to my hotel room, I was too tired last night to do anything except rip off my dress and fall into bed. I kicked the off the sheet and ran my hands down my body, no marks, a slightly tender pussy and asshole, a little dry cum on my legs, not bad for such a...

4 years ago
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Alices True Adventures Prologue

Introduction: Beginning of Alices adventures Alices True Adventures Prologue – NO actual sex in this chapter but there will be plenty in future chapters I remained a virgin until……………. Everyone is 18 or over in this Adventure. I may not specify the exact age but they are all 18 and over. I was talked into writing my story from the time I was eighteen from my daughter Barbara. I hope you enjoy the first Chapter of my Adventure. My life all changed back in 1974 and at 41 I still keep in...

3 years ago
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The Curious Adventures of Teaganella Presents

A Requiem of My DreamsFor the readers who have followed the Curious Adventures of Teaganella Presents, from the beginning, then you know what happened in the last episode. And for the ones who read the Babysitter, part I and II, those two stories are more fiction about myself, yet with the non-fiction influence of my older sister and the lifestyle I witnessed in our house. I must make it clear that whatever happened in the Babysitter series, did not happen to me. What happened in the last...

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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Yukios Adventures Part 2

Introduction: Continuation of series. You may want to read Chapter 1 first. Yukios Adventures Part 2 **I want to take a moment to thank all the people who have taken the time to read my stories thus far and who have given me so much encouragement. Your PMs and comments really have made me smile when I didnt think I was doing that well. Special thanks to JetiJah, workingman, Stillagood1, and BadinAGoodWay for their time and suggestions to a new writer. To all the Unknown people who took the...

2 years ago
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Holiday adventures a new beginning

HomeDartmoor, in the winter as rugged and rough as the thorny gorse bushes that thrive on the hillsides, in the summer as beautiful as the woodland that nestles along the banks of streams that trickle into the rivers.It is my home of choice outside the bustling city of Exeter, where I’ve worked for the past 10 years. My job is a high salaried, its high-profile stressful working for the city council. Big budgets, hiring and firing people all the daily problems all add to the stress, but I love...

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Wendys Adventures

At the LakeI have never told this, or any other, story about my wife, as she is entitled to privacy. But with this being an anonymous story board, I thought I would tell a few of her escapades.My wife's name is Wendy. A cute name for a cute girl.We met when she was a senior in college and doing an internship in my office. I had a girlfriend at the time, and although Wendy and I were attracted to each other, we didn't go out together, except for lunch a time or two a week. Usually, the other...

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Night Adventures With Didi

I would like to inform all the readers of this story that this is a true story. All those who like my story can send me their appreciation on my email id Friends my name is Vishal, first let me tell you about my family. We are based in Jaipur and I have three elder sisters, Poonam, Sapna and Rekha. My father is a retired teacher and my mother is a housewife. My father got married at a very late age and subsequently waiting for a baby boy, I was born when he was 45 years. My mother is very...

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The Adventures of Samanthaalt ending

Earlier this summer, Nostrumo reposted a story that has intrigued me for years - The Adventures of Samantha. In all that time, neither he nor I could find the ending to that story. Anyway, in posting the tale, he issued a challenge to come up with an ending. Just about the time I was finishing up my little sequel, Nostrumo posts the discovered ending. Well, that left me in a bit of a bind. First, I had about fifty pages of text just about ready to post, but the justification, ie,...

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The Adventures of Samantha recovered original ending

Note: I am not the author of this. These seven additional chapters of "The Adventures of Samantha" were originally posted to the Usenet by Nostrume sometime around 1997, and were available in his site "Nostrumo's Book" until it closed. Nostrumo claimed at the time that this ending was written by the original author of "The Adventures of Samantha." I have no way to verify that claim, but Nostrumo's good reputation and the general similarity in style suggest that it's probably...

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The Adventures of Lady Belinda Ch 2

Further Relations of the Adventures of Belinda, Lady D’Airing, and her faithful servant Groat Notar bene – although the dramatis personae herebelow included are based upon some real people, living and historical, any resemblance between them and the people of the story is purely coincidental. Part the fifthe: In Which Tongues are loosened, and Schemes Revealed Both the soldiers and Colonel Duckett had inferred that the pay convoy would be on the move sometime in the next week, Groat needed...

2 years ago
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The New Adventures 8211 Part 1

Hi all, This story is about myself. And all feedbacks are welcomed at I posted this story, which is a very long story in Couple section because it involves both my girly side and my masculine side. So put your hands inside your pants and rub it. The story begins now. I was born like any other boy, but as soon as I entered my adolescence, I understood the other side of me. I was a cute boy back then, and whenever I started masturbating, I imagined myself as a girl fucked my strong men. My...

3 years ago
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Vennoas Adventures in SaltmarshChapter 5

“So, where shall we go next?” Aldalome asked the party once they had left the Council Hall. “I could do with a drink, and a warm bed to rest in,” Ehs said. Vennoa wasn’t sure if she wanted to continue being in the party, but the tavern did sound like a good option, so she kept quiet. “I must return to my people and tell them about what has happened,” Oceanus said. “You don’t have time even for one drink?” An’gari asked. “I’m afraid not. If you ever come to our waters, I will gladly take...

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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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Chapter 2 Adventures with Ricky

I was pretty bummed out about the whole situation because I had been hanging out quite a bit lately with a boy in my class...Ricky. I guess you could say that Ricky and I were “dating”, although I wasn’t really allowed to have a boyfriend....My parents would never allow it, not until I was older. None of my friends were really into boys yet. Everyone at school thought we were best friends. They knew we hung out a lot, both at school, and meeting up after school. But they didn’t know we had a...

3 years ago
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Solo HMT Adventures 04

Jun 16, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventures #4 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

3 years ago
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Solo HMT Adventures 05

Jun 28, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventures #5 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

3 years ago
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Solo HMT Adventures 06

Jul 9, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventures #6 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

1 year ago
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Solo HMT Adventures 02

May 24, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder’s Solo Adventures #2 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

2 years ago
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Kate Jeff Dean Adventures African Experimental Adventures

My wife Kate, our friend Dean or me are writers. We have read some of the stories on here and we see how many pick on Grammar and Spelling. We are using Open Office to write with. It does have spell check. But just the same worried that it may not pick all spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes. However I believe Kate, our friend Dean and I have a good idea for a fictional story. I don't really know what to put it under because it will include many kinds of sex. One other thing we saw...

2 years ago
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Adventures Leading to African Exploration Chapter 1

Introduction: Beginning in the U.S.A. but will get more intense African Intense Experimental Adventures This is Fictional and Please do not steal our idea. Id like some feed back please. katejeffdeanadventures at yahoo dot ca My wife Kate, our friend Dean or me are writers. We have read some of the stories on here and we see how many pick on Grammar and Spelling. We are using Open Office to write with. It does have spell check. But just the same worried that it may not pick all spelling...

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