Taboo_(7) free porn video

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There was mumbled acknowledgement from within the house and their Mom sighed as she closed front door behind her, knowing full well that left up to two teenagers that would never happen and moments later the sound of the engine firing up came in from outside. The gearbox whirred as the car reversed out of the driveway and then the engine became distant as it headed further on down the street until it faded out completely.

Her brother was sat on the armchair when she walked in, plonking herself on the arm next to him and watching as he played whatever it was he was playing hooked up to the TV. When asked what she wanted she said she was bored and did not like being upstairs on her own.

She watched him for a little longer and then asked if he was hungry. When he said he was she offered to make tea if he would clean up. He told her that was fair and she scuttled off to the kitchen. She brought it out to him half an hour later and they ate while watching some trash on the TV. There was little on and they spoke desultory about nothing in particular.

Afterwards he washed up while she watched something on the TV and then joined her with a drink. They spent the next few minutes flicking through channels before deciding nothing was on. He pulled up the box sets on Prime but she shot down everything from X-Files to Bosch with the same “I don’t really fancy that” tone. In turn she floated the idea of a film and he mumbled something that sounded like an “OK” and she headed over to the DVD cabinet in the corner. As she read out title after title from Hitchcock and Spielberg, Cameron and Scorsese, Tarantino and Coraci he rejected each one as either “too girly” or “too boring” or “too long” or “not in the mood” and his sister grew increasingly frustrated.

“Well what do you want to do, asshole?” she asked him.

“I don’t know,” he confessed. “It’s just one of those nights isn’t it!”

“Yeah, I guess. I don’t know what I want to do, I just know I want to do something.”

That was the crux of it. He said; “Sounds about right. Got to love sociable friends, right?”

She laughed. “Preach that.” Then, “Guess this explains why we’re both single though. We’re not much better. Left alone for a few hours and we can’t even entertain ourselves.”

Her brother laughed. “Truth. I’d quite like to be entertained by someone right now to be honest. Or would that be, do someone rather than something?”

She looked up at him over the case of a The Burbs DVD. “Hmm.”

She read out a few more titles and he dismissed them quickly. When she looked back over he wasn’t even paying attention to her. His eyes were rooted to his phone and she stood, hands on her hips, glaring at him. She made up the name of a film and he gave her the same dismissive one word shutdown. “Oh, I’m sorry. Am I boring you?”

“When don’t you?” he said, eyes still fixed on the screen.

“Dick,” she said, launching an empty case towards his head. It missed, and from his lack of reaction she didn’t even think he noticed.

What happened next was out of pure boredom and frustration.

“That’s a bit ru—“ he went to say. The words were lost though and he grunted aloud as two hands from behind him shoved him clean off the chair and he landed in a heap on the floor, his phone skidding off under the table. Her uncontrolled laughing greeted him from behind the chair and he rolled himself over to see her laughing at him.

“You prick,” he said, on his back, laughing. “Not cool.” He extended his arm towards her and waved it impatiently. “Well help me up won’t you?”

She walked over to him. “Pick a film then, doofus.”

She took his hand, leaned over started to hoist him up. When she was off balance he yanked her arm into him and lifted up his leg so she fell directly towards him. He was already laughing when she hit the floor next to him. She let out an expletive and then hit him hard with her elbow. He laughed again and rolled away from her reach before sitting up. She too was getting up and she reached over to the chair and slapped him right across the face with one of the cushions. She put more behind it than he expected because the force knocked him completely off balance. He put out his hands to stop him falling back onto the floor, and when he looked back towards her she was on him, diving onto his back and using her hands to tickle him wherever she could. He jumped and heard himself cackling like a girl. His hands found her side and he concurrently jabbed his fingers into each side, causing her to flinch and recoil. She screamed out part in laughter, part in pain, and tried to get off him only to find herself trapped by his arms.

With nowhere to know she retaliated the only way she could, ticking him harder and faster and their bodies writhed around on the floor for a few minutes as each one tried to gain the upper hand. He caught her again with a double jab to the side and she tried to jump stand to get away, he came with her and his weight offset her balance and they both fell back to the floor, laughing. She hit first, and pulled with him her as his body fell on top of her.

Out of breath they lay there on the carpet, a tangle of legs and arms with his face buried in the carpet laughing into the fibres. He could feel her laughing underneath him, and they giggled and heaved back breath into their bodies before the inevitable round two.

“You’re such an asshole,” he laughed.

“Yeah, well you cheat,” she said back. “Side shots are totally out of bounds.”

Her chest heaved up and down beneath him. He was conscious now that his groin was centred on hers, and in thinking this he felt blood starting to surge towards it in a way that made it start to grow. He pushed himself up onto his arms and looked up, his face barely an inch away from his sisters. She was looking at him the same way he was looking at her, trying to figure the other one out. Her lips were slightly parted as she took in air. There was colour in her face and the beginning of sweat on her forehead. He glanced down to the junction of their bodies, where his joggers clad groin rested against her pelvis underneath her leggings. She traced his eyes and then met his gaze. For a second they just lay in that position, taking breath and computing, and then he felt her bump her pelvis against his surge – which by now she must have been able to feel – and a breath escaped her parted lips.

He started to move himself and he scraped his groin against her pelvis, rather accidentally, before trying to get up. He felt another breath leave her lips, the warm air on his chin as he pulled himself off her. She found her arms again and brought them to his armpits, as if to prevent this, tickling him with lightening speed and causing him to grunt aloud and fall back onto her. She laughed again, and he joined her, his face this time on her shoulder. He breathed warm air onto the side of her neck and gathered himself. His member was now fully erect and she bumped her pelvis a second time into him.
He pulled himself back up and looked into her eyes, laughing, “cut it out, would you.”

She tugged at her bottom lip with her teeth and said, her voice was barely audible and shaking with a sort of nervousness, “make me.”

Make me. What did that even mean? Their faces were locked onto each other, groins pressed together and she had just encouraged him to make her stop ticking him. He looked at her for a second, searching her blank face for a read. The words echoed around the silence of the room, and stirred something within him. Had his sister just teased him in that way? It was one of those choice phrases that were entirely designed to bump up tensions in moments like this. Had she meant it as it sounded? That it was his sister, someone he had shared the womb with less than two decades ago, did not compute to him in that moment. There was no input from his rational mind that would explain what happened next. Later, they would realise, neither of them would be able to explain what happened next but with their faces still locked in their gaze he leant in and kissed her. It was not a long, passionate kiss but it was enough of one for it not to be a mistake. There was a moment where he thought she was hesitant but all hesitation seemed to be dispelled when he felt her kissing back.

He recoiled when his rational mind imparted its dictum and he broke the moment and pulled back, just staring at her with wide eyes. She did not respond and just looked at him blankly, searching his face with those eyes that revealed nothing. His heart was thumping.

“I’m sorr—“ he went to say but she rose her back to meet him and kissed him lightly and then placed her finger over his lips and said, “don’t.”

She kissed him again and he fell back with her to the floor. They kissed lightly and gently for a few moments and then she broke it off, taking in air as he did, and then said, “don’t say anything.”

Her lips found his, mouth slightly parted and they kissed again. Their tongues flirted heavily, tips daring each other to progress. His hand was on her side, her hand coming around to his hairline, fingers moving through to his scalp. They broke for air, his forehead resting against hers, and they expelled hot air between each other. Their eyes flirted but did not make full contact and then he restarted this forbidden dance and their kissing resumed.

Their tongues entered the foray and they made out like school kids in the back of a truck on a first date. The air around them became warm, they were sweating, and rationality was a far cry away. One of his hands was on her side just above her hip, at the gap between her top and her leggings and he could feel the coolness of her skin under his touch. Her free hand came around him to the small of his back and then down, onto his ass so that he was held in place. As she held him there he started to grind his body into hers, feeling the friction generated by the movement of his groin against hers and she breathed into his mouth against his touch.

Her hand moved. She started to tug at the waistband of his joggers, pulling the material down over his ass. The cool air of the room breezed over his naked rear and he felt her nails as they scraped down his skin. Her second hand left the back of his head and came to assist until his joggers were beyond her reach half way down his thighs.

His erection bulged inside his boxers. Her hands were on his side now and she was inside the waistband. Not breaking the kisses, he moved his body up so that he was on his knees and leaning over her, lips still on hers, and unsupported by his hands. He took her hands in his and moved them above her head, pinning them down onto the carpet. She moaned out gently and then he left them there, above her head, as he traced her arms with his fingers. Reaching her armpit she shuddered, and then he traced her side down to the hem of her leggings and he started to pull them down. She raised her butt so that the material was unimpeded. Her kissing became more vigorous, more frantic, and more animalistic. He pulled the leggings to below her knees and then she took back over, pulling him back towards her so that his boxers were against her panties. She kicked off her leggings and then hooked her heels over his lower legs and pulled him tight.

They broke. He looked at her. She looked back. She bit her lip while her hands came to his waistband and started to pull at his boxers. He helped her when the material got caught on his erection and then it was free and he was naked from the waist. He opened his mouth as if to speak and she pre-empted him by pulling his face towards hers, moving her lips to his ear and as she spoke he placed kisses against her neck.

“Don’t speak.”

With one hand on his erection she used the other to pull down her panties. The smell of her wetness filled the air between them; the scent of their longing coming from her wet and swollen lips. He could see moisture on her puffy sex, below the thin strip of pubic hair over her pubis. Her pink hole waited for his desire to fill her. She took the head of his member and rolled her fingers over the head and down his shaft and then back. Breath left his body with a groan of appreciation. Her hand came back behind his head and she pulled him into a tight kiss. With one hand still on his cock she guided it towards her steaming promise and moved the head up and down her slit. She was wet and she was hot and as his head flicked her clitoris she moaned into his mouth.

She positioned the tip against her entrance and looked up into his eyes.

“Don’t speak,” she told him again. “Don’t speak.”

He leaned forward and the head of his member slipped inside his sister.

“Don’t speak.”

Her hands were on his shoulders now, and he dipped his hips and entered her further. She moaned out, her teeth tugging at her bottom lip. Her nails dug into his shoulder blades as her tightness accepted him. Her lips found his again. “Don’t speak,” she said in barely more than a whisper as he flexed himself again and slipped deeper into her.

He pulled back, and then dipped again, repeating the two-inch fuck a couple of times before breaking off from the kiss. He cupped the side of her head with his hand, and then traced a finger down the side of her face. He leaned in and kissed her and then said, “don’t speak.”

He dipped his hips and slipped his full length inside of her cunt, beyond the lining of her maidenhead and she arched her hips and moaned out loudly, her eyes pressed closed in a mixture of pain and lust and he took her in his mouth and they kissed like lovers and then she bit down on his lip and cooed out his name as their pubic hair meshed and he settled fully inside of her. She was wet and she was tight and each thrust, each movement of him inside of his sister, sent waves of pleasure through both of their bodies. As their explored their kinship in this raw, naked way they kept each other close, bodies and lips together. Her sex accepted him, got used to him and stretched around him. He was there, her brother, pressed against her womb while their lips performed the opening ritual of this dance of life.

In the moment they were encased in this bubble of euphoria brought about by the forbidden intimacy of perverting their kinship. He built his assault on her womanhood, slowly withdrawing and inserting as he built up a rhythm, the frequency of his balls slapping against her ass growing in time with her moans as they performed this intimate, illicit act and then it happened; as she undulated her hips to accept him and he increased his speed and intensity their blowout grew and then started to erupt in a cataclysm of euphoric discharge.

“I’m going to—“ he went to say but she rocked her head back, body arching as she rode the wave of this climax and nothing but breath and whimpering left her mouth. Her hands left his shoulders and came to his ass, pulling him into her and preventing him from pulling back. Her eyes writhed in their sockets. A burning euphoria detonated from deep within her. Nerves tingled and exploded. She could see colours deep behind her tightly pressed eyelids.

In response he groaned out. The tension in his nuts building and then releasing with an incredible force. His nuts swelled and then, like a wine cork being released from a bottle, he came inside of his sister, blasting several thick ropes of semen deep inside her cunt and plastering her with his seed. Her legs cramped around his waist and the oily liquid of her sex coated the head of his sex. He collapsed onto her, their bodies slick with the sweat of their taboo.

They gasped for air and lay there, in that moment, in the afterglow of orgasm just gasping.

After a moment he took his slick member from inside of her and she winced a little as the blooded head of his manhood was removed. He then rolled over so that he was next to her. Neither of them spoke.

They lay next to each other breathing heavy for what felt like an age, just looking at the interwoven patterns of the plaster, which snaked across the roof. As his seed trickled down her thigh and her brothers cum lined her womb the enormity of what they had done came over them. She stood without speaking, gathered up her clothes dazedly as if she had just woken one morning after a drunken tryst and she left the room. He lay looking up at the roof until the sound of the shower turning on brought him from his daze and directly it stopped he got up and headed for the stairs.

She was coming out of the shower when he came onto the landing, her hair hanging damp over one shoulder and a towel wrapped around her waist. They looked at each awkwardly.

“We can never tell Mom about this,” she said, hovering in the doorway to her bedroom. He nodded, all he could do, and she afforded him a meek smile and then she closed her door.

Their incestuous indiscretion soon became a thing of the past. It was never spoken of again. They acted as if it never happened; there was little change in their relationship although she would look at him differently sometimes when they were together. The knowledge of it lingered between them as an unspoken entity. Their taboo. He often thought about what she said to him that night, the only acknowledgement of their taboo. “We can never tell Mom about this,” and the naivety of it tickled him as if he would ever let their Mom know that he had fucked his sister.


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Hello John Doe, Welcome to a world full of mythical creatures, this land is governed by multiple kingdoms, each mostly inhabited by a unique race. Why are you here you may ask? Well, lets just say I brought you here for my entertainment. And before you ask what I mean by that, let's just say I'm interested in what you'll do. Will you be a conqueror? A hero? A tyrant? A king? Or, Something else? It's All the same to me. Now as for what I am, Hehehehe...... Let's just say you better hope you...

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the last time

So me and paul had been meetin up for a while. Everytime we were at a mates house and it got late we would walk home together and admit to one another we were gonna wank wen we got home. Then we would say bye and go our separate ways. Nearly every time we would then meet ten minutes later at " the spot" and wank, lick, suck each other. But never penetration. So after a while I got curious so knowing I would be home alone for a few days I invited a few mates and "paul" over for a few drinks...

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Camping quickie

I’d debated whether or not to bother with this camping trip. Not that I’m against camping, and it was good to see this group of friends again, but when you’re on your own and your friends are with their girlfriends you feel a bit left out. The lads had persuaded me to come, when we’d arranged this I’d been with Jenny, but she had caught me with our landlady and dumped me. I think it was the fact that I was giving the landlady anal when she caught us that had swung...

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Glory hole at the office part 55

I was going to use Dom to extract my revenge, we were both the ones with the most to lose with those photos in the event they are leaked so it would be easy to convince him. The weekend was just me laying in bed, I didn't eat, I couldn't. Whenever I went to the toilet all that came out of my ass was cum. I was still in shock that there was still so much in there. My anger grew, but the revenge plan was all in motion. I arrived to work on Monday and spoke to my boss like nothing was...

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Becoming a male Succubus Pt 1

Part 1I originally posted this a couple of days ago but since then I have made some tweaks, converted it to 1st person etc. Hope you enjoy! Feel free to message me if you have to chat further :)It started when I turned eighteen.I was a student at a local upper school, in his final year of his education, otherwise known as sixth form, when his life changed dramatically. I knew it would happen of course; my father had taught me long ago during one of his brief stints at home before he left to go...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Elsa Jean Alexis Fawx In Need Of A Good Massage

Gorgeous, big-titted blond MILF Alexis Fawx desperately needs a good massage. Fortunately, young, blond, petite cutie Elsa Jean is a masseuse with great technique. Alexis can’t believe her good luck as Elsa begins running her youthful hands all over Alexis’ toned body, until Alexis is overcome with the desperate need to taste Elsa’s pouty lips. Elsa is surprised, but very pleased as she craves the older woman’s hot curves and wet, slick pussy. Elsa and Alexis can not get...

1 year ago
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Julie A Brief History Of A Housewifes Resurgence Episode 1

Julie chose not to wear underwear that day, this was the first sign that something was changing. You see we all know that life is a struggle, sometimes events challenge us on a daily basis and this can lead to a version of ourselves developing that we simply don't recognise and that's why we have to act to stop the rot and find that person lurking inside.That Tuesday morning Julie had seen a stranger staring back at her in the bathroom mirror. Her first port of call was to dye her hair, she dug...

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Riding With Honey

All that I really cared about was that the sun was out and the long winter finally appeared to have lifted. The day I met Honey, women were the last thing on my mind—for a change. I’d looked forward to getting out on the bike for weeks, and I’d set the whole of Saturday aside to head off to my favorite ride. There was a work emergency overnight, so I was about an hour later leaving than I planned and after traffic delays I got to the trailhead much later than I wanted. Looking back, fate was...

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24 Hours To Live Pt4

Fifteen-year-old Barbie clone Tiffany Standish was clasped tight on his lap, back to his chest, the kitchen knife threatening to sever an artery should any of the women step out of line. The white tank top discarded, Joel amused himself by playing with a pair of peach sized breasts that felt like two stress balls. And oh was he ever about to relieve some stress. The pleated blue skirt remained in place, from time to time riding up Tiffany's thigh when Joel's hands squeezed those sweet...

4 years ago
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Lesbian Photoshoot

Introduction: After a prank on a field trip, Kathryn and her friends get a surprise I arrived at the hotel with my friends. We were all on class trip to Washington D.C. for three days. Our school does this every two years with the seventh and eigth graders. Every yearnthe entire middle school goes to camp together, so I already know what its like to spend a few days together with these girls. I should probably give you some backgrounds. There were four of us in this room. There was me, Sayre,...

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My Little Slave

As she walks inside she looks around with wonder, admittedly my house was very impressive being a multi millionaire meant that I could afford a lot of very nice things like my mansion and everything inside it. “This place is amazing.” The young girl says sounding amazed at my lavish furniture. I lead her through to the living room, “please sit.” I tell her and she carefully sits on the sofa like she’s scared of breaking it, “do you know what you’re asking?” I question her wanting to know if...

2 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 32

Lucy began to open the door on her ride from the Four Seasons and the driver scolded her. "Please Miss, wait for me." He said as he jumped out and got her door for her. The Lenox doorman came right out as he saw the Towne Car arrive and held the door for her. "Any bags madam?" He asked as she shook her head and went inside. She enjoyed the pampered feeling of the car and being treated as someone special. As she opened the door to their room she heard the TV and knew Jeromy was back in...

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General SidChapter 17

At the sound of a knock on his door, Sid frowned and sat up in the bed. Exhausted from all of the activity before the battle for the citadel, the battle itself, and taking control after the battle, all Sid wanted to do was get a half hour nap. Looking over at the door, he said, "Come in." Fred opened the door and said, "I'm sorry to disturb you, Sid, but I thought you would want to know about this. There is a woman here to see you." "A woman?" Sid asked wearily. He was tired of women...

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My Brotherrsquos Mates

Rebecca wants a fuckbuddy. She gets both her brother’s mates...I had been accepted for my beautician’s course in Sydney. So I took the long bus ride to the city from our New England country town: the quaint Northern tablelands of New South Wales. My cute Moree on the banks of the Mehi River. Nudging ten thousand people but like any eighteen year old girl I was desperate for the night life of the big city and more guys to choose from. I had sampled the several local guys I thought might be...

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Jessie Michael and ClaireChapter 2

I got a call a few days later from Claire. She thanked me for giving Michael a good time, and told me that I was welcome at their place any time. That was when I first learned that they were living together, and my heart sank as I realized how deep their commitment was becoming. Oh, well, I thought, at least I had him for one glorious night. As it turned out, I had a wedding to go to in three weeks. The wedding was in Elizabeth, only a few miles from Newark. I texted this information to...

3 years ago
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Their First Toys Ch 03

In the morning, Kathy and Jane smirk at each other as they get up, that they are naked, that their nipples pop out again. During the day, they go to buy champagne, agreeing that Jane looks older, old enough not to have trouble at the store. She doesn't, coming out of the store with grin. Kathy immediately pays for her bottle. Snickering, they agree to buy ice, and Kathy pays for a bag at filling station. Snickering again, they return to their room and put the ice on the bottles in their...

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The bet at the bar

Introduction: My husband was out of town and I was horny On Monday night I was bored and went out to see if I could find some guys to play with. My husband, Alex was away on business and I was horny so I went to a business hotel not far from our home. I was wearing a red skirt that was slit up the side, a see thru black blouse, red garter belt, stockings, a red jacket, red high heels and red thong panties. With the jacket buttoned, I did look like another business woman staying at the hotel. I...

3 years ago
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Mama Milkmaid That You Will Enjoy Every Part

Hi females this is me SHUHER and my sister LOVHER who would like to tell you out story that started as a mistake but now into a club of fun and enjoyment. I you wish to tell us your experience as we did over the past five years. I am 29 and my sister is 25 and we enjoy every minute of our explosive . This started all when I was a little girl I was very active and would run around the buile her it was doing and I loved to visit my neighbour. She was a very fond of me as she was having her 1st...

2 years ago
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Family Easter Gathering Chapter Two

Near the town I live around there’s an annual event, a sort of fishing tournament that most of the locals attend. The event takes a year to plan out and prepare for and then in two days time it is over yet again. My daughter and her husband, along with the three girls attend every year, camp out and have a ball. It’s not my kind of thing so I usually avoid it like the plague. Working in retail I get enough loud boisterous folk all the time and enjoy my relaxing home in the woods just fine...

3 years ago
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Mrs Clause

‘But why can’t I go? You said yourself that it was getting harder and harder to make the whole circuit in one night. I can help you unload the gifts.’ ‘Because I can’t take the extra weight. Every year the cargo gets heavier and the reindeer are at their maximum now.’ ‘Well, why not add a couple of extra reindeer?’ He paused trying to think why such a simple idea would not work. He studied the corral, stroking his chin, and realized for the first time he had more than enough reindeer.. ...

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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt22

Introduction: Pocket Pool Twin Japanese Nieces Pt22 It was about time that I could spend some time with Kayko. Aside from the kisses and hugs I got from her when I showed her the check, I had not been able to touch my wife all morning or afternoon. And with the invitation she was giving me now, I was on a search and destroy mission. Kayko had this naughty grin on her face as she began to slowly back up toward the den. I knew this was going to be good and I began to take my close off as I...

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How Kenny got his promotion

For the last 15 years I have been working in the same boring office and as a result I have actually worked my way up to quite a high up position, my own parking space, my own office, all of those benefits you get, and as part of my job I am responsible for and have to support the work experience fellows we have that do general admin duties and sorting out mail, there's very rarely any complications.One day I'm just finishing up some paperwork and can't wait to get home as I have a nice a lovely...

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A dirty email my friend sent me on Facebook

Now the carriage is empty except for me, Claire, you and a shy 17 year old boy at the other end of the carriage. My eyes are fixed on your tits and Claire, noticing, makes an annoyed cough. You notice and smile, looking Claire dead in the eyes. She gets annoyed and grabs my hand to mark her territory. You raise an eyebrow by this, so Claire wraps her arms around me and hugs me, gently kissing me on the neck, then working up to my lips. Looking back at you to make her point, you keep a cocky...

1 year ago
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One nice Saturday

Had nothing to do all day last Saturday, and I hadn't gotten laid in a long time, so I decided to go online and look for dick. I hit Squirt and the other usual places, and ended up getting what I wanted and more...I almost immediately got contacted by a young Latino guy. He was younger and twinkier than I go for, but he was really eager and Latino guys always have nice cocks, so I invited him over. Even though I had been completely honest about my age, I was still nervous that I was too old for...

3 years ago
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First Sex With My Bhabhi

Hey, this is Nikhil from Patna age 26 height 5.6 inches weight 65.Wid a smart and chocolaty look. I can’t describe my tool size as I’ve never measured it.But its big enough to satisfy a girl or a lady.So coming to my story.This is my first story here and it’s very true. Guys ye mera first story and I’ve never written all this before. So be patient while reading dis. This incident happend wid me 1 year ago.Mere cousin bhai ki shaadi ko 3 saal ho chuke the.And my bhabi is very beautiful she is...

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The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix Chapter 16

A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life? Thanks go out to Marina Kelly for her very valuable editorial assistance in improving the quality of this story. We find comments (good or bad) to be valuable in helping us to write a good story. Thank you. Chapter 16 It took a few minutes for Sally to be completely coherent, but she was alert quickly...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Zoe Bloom Dance Party In My Pants Party

Zoe Bloom cannot stop dancing! She has been going to all the cool nightclubs with her new friends and now, she is addicted to bass, a slave to the drum beat. When her stepbro finds her dancing in the kitchen, he asks her what the hell she is doing and then explains that he does not know how to dance. Well lucky for him his stepsis has all the moves. She offers to teach him and quickly finds herself rubbing her ass against the hard bulge straining beneath his shorts. He cant stop thinking about...

4 years ago
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A New LifeChapter 6

As I pulled the car into the garage, Aimee turned in her seat and asked Lily to take Natalie and Barbara into the house and assume their positions. Lily saw the look in Aimee’s eyes as one of concern and started to ask what was going on? In a stern voice Aimee told her, “No questions just do it.” Lily almost jumped out of the car, looked over at Natalie and Barbara as she said, “come.” After they left and were in the house, Aimee turned to me and said “I am going to be punished aren’t...

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Fooling Around On Friday

It seems that all the most fun stuff happens on Friday. Maybe it is because about a third of the people take the day off and the rest of them are thinking about the weekend. Never mind thinking about fun things to do not related to work!Anyway, it was Friday afternoon, and my coworker Becky and I were looking out the window watching the few afternoon fitness freaks taking their afternoon walks, jogs, and runs. She was commenting on various gals that went by, revealing various items of gossip...

Office Sex
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Slave to a Vampiress Part XVIII

Slave to a Vampiress Part XVIII - Tulip reminisces about her third date with her beloved Mistress. And ........ this is far as I have written. (I'm always a few months ahead of my stories, I've been coasting on this one since late December.) I feel like I have lost my audience, I went back and forth between Tulip's past and present way too much, which was clearly confusing people. Whoops. I have a really good finish for this story. At least I think it's a lot of fun, but I have'added...

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