College Changed Everything; Part 2 free porn video

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Ive also been chatting to Logan, my old high school best mate, who happens to be back in town from college as well. We've planned to meet up tonight at a local dinner for a catch up.

It was about mid afternoon at the moment and I was at home in front of the TV when my mom came through the door.

“Jac?!” She shouted in, “you home?”

“Yeah mom” I shouted back.

“Come give me a hand please?”

“Ok” I replied, getting up and sticking on my trainers and heading outside.

My mom gets a half day on a Friday and must have taken the opportunity to go shopping.

“Thanks sweetie, just need a hand with all these bags” she smiled.

“Happy to help mom” I said as I grabbed as many bags as I could and took them inside. “Where do you want them?”

“Could you be a darling and put them in my room” she pleaded with a hint of a puppy dog look.

I couldn't complain, my mom has done so much for us and his was an easy ask from her. I ran upstairs with her bags and dumped them on her bed. I couldn't help myself and had a quick peek inside. “Holy shit” I whispered. There was quite a bit of sexy looking lingerie in some of the bags and some nice heels.

I heard mom coming up the stairs so I took my sign to leave.

“Thanks sweetie” she said as we exchanged a hug outside her room. She gave me a quick peck on the cheek again and broke the hug, heading off into her room.

I walked away and headed into my room. I waited about ten minutes and decided that curiosity was getting the better of me and wanted to see if I could catch my mom trying them on.

I crept out of my room and snuck to my mom’s. Her door was slightly open and I could peer in. I had just enough of a view to see and what a sight I saw.

My mom was indeed trying on her new underwear and fuck me she looked hot in it. I can't believe I was standing her perving on my own mom but I couldn't tare myself away.

She was trying on a matching pair of black lace bra and panties. Her boobs looked even better in them, snuggled and ready to burst. She then reached into the bag and pulled out a garter belt and stockings. She put the garter belt on and then sat down to pull up the stockings, then attaching them to the garter.

My mom then stood up and checked herself in the mirror. My dick was rock hard now and pressing against my pants. I had to pull it out to ease the pain. My mom was posing infront of the mirror and slowly touching herself up and down her body, giving off soft moans. Her hands recalled up her body and squeezed her chest together, a louder moan filled the room.

I started to slowly work my cock at the sight of my mom touching herself. One of her hands made it's way down to her crotch and slowly began to rub herself. More moans filled the room as her head fell back enjoying her own touch. I worked my cock quicker as I imagined being in there with her. Just as it was starting to feel good though,
“Mooooom!! I’m home” my sisters voice came from downstairs as she shut the door.

My mom snapped back to reality and called back “ok sweetie, just in my bedroom.”

“Dammit” I muttered as I stuffed my cock back into my pants and made a hasty retreat back to my room.

I stayed in my room until I needed to get ready to go meet Logan. I grabbed a shower, got dressed and headed downstairs. Kaylee was the only one about, she was watching tv in the lounge.

“Hey sis, where's mom?” I asked.

“She's upstairs getting ready to go out” she replied without looking at me.

“Where is she going like”

“I dunno” she heatably replied “got some date she said”

A date, I thought to myself. Images of how she dressed earlier and the thought of an other man potentially getting to see that. A bit of jealously and rage built up inside me. I had no reason to be but I was protective of her.

“Well i’m off out as well” I told her grabbing my jacket.

“Where are you going like?” This time she turned round to look at me.

“I’m going to meet Logan for a bit, is that ok?” I sarcastically asked.

“Who’s gonna sort dinner for me then?”

“You're old enough and ugly enough to sort it yourself” I teased her.

“Leave me some money then?” She pleaded

“No chance” I laughed as I headed for the door.

“You're a dick!” She huffed turning back towards the TV.

“Bye mom, love you” I shouted up.

I faint reply of “love you too” was heard.

“Love you sis” I smugly said as I walked out. She didn't reply.

I jumped in my car and drove off towards town and where I was meeting Logan. About 10 minutes into the drive I got a text from Kaylee saying “love you too!”

I knew she would give in. We've been quite tight since our dad left and even though we treat each other like shit at times, we still really love each other.

I pulled up into the car park of the dinner and headed in.

I spotted Logan up the back in on of the booths and he saw me coming, standing up.

“Holyee shit mate” he smiled with surprise. “You said you had lost weight but didn't realise that much” he laughed.

“Looks like you found some of it” I joked back. Logan was still pretty much the exact same as he was last year but was now carrying a bit of extra weight around his belly.

We shook hands and shared a manly half hug before sitting down.

“How you doing man?” I asked as we grabbed menus.

“Doing really good. College is going good, in good form to pass my exams, even managed to get myself a girlfriend!” His smile grew at the last part.

I couldn't help but laugh “what's his name then?”

“Fuck you” he laughed “HER name is Nicole and she's amazing. Funny, caring, sexy as hell I may add, same age as us as well.” He really did seem proud.

“I’m happy for you man, seems like you're doing really great!”

“I really am but what about you! Last time I saw you, you could barely fit in this booth.”

“College!” I simply said “I turned my life around there. Started a new so to speak.”

“It going well then?” He asked.

“Really well, like you I feel confident about my exams. No girlfriend but I have now popped my cherry.”

“Whey hey” he laughed and I couldn't help but laugh with him.

We made our food order and just chatted away. Caught up on old times and having a laugh and joke like we used to do.

Must have spent a good hour and a half eating and laughing. Finally we got the bill and split it between us.

“Was really good seeing you man!” He said as we walked outside.

“You too mate, will need to meet this girlfriend of yours” I joked.

“See if she meets the standards?”

“I’m sure she will” I laughed with him, as we walked towards the cars.

“Who the hell is that?” Logan asked me as we stopped in our tracks.

“Umm??” I was confused and looked over to my car. There leaning against the bonnet was Riley. “Oh eh, that's one of my sisters friends. No idea what the hell she wants.”

“She probably wants a ‘ride’ home” he nudged me.

“A lift home most likely” we laughed.

We said our goodbyes and I headed over to my car.

“Hi Jacob” Riley said in a fake sexy voice.

“Hi Riley, what do you want?” I asked opening my car.

“I just passing by and saw your car and was hoping for a lift home, pretty please?” She leaned back further on the bonnet and pushing her chest out. She had an open hoodie on and a low cut top so her chest was on full show. “Make it worth your while!”

“Yeah ok sure” I said as I opened my door and climbed in.

She quickly skipped round and jumped into the passengers seat.

“I was hoping you'd maybe take me a small drive first, find a quiet spot!” She gave me a wink.

“Fine, where too?”

“How about the school?”

“It's way across the other side of town!”

“Exactly” she grinned.

I sighed and drove off. At first our small talk was exactly that and didn't carry much substance. We eventually pulled up in the car park of my old high school and I made sure I stopped in a more secluded part. Switching the engine off I turned to her.

She bit her lip before speaking “I want to see it again.

I didn't reply, I just unbuttoned my jeans, lifting my hips up and pulling them down exposing my cock. “Not get a good enough look last time” I teased her.

Her eyes fell to my cock and her eyes widened. Her mouth fell open but no words came out. “It's just so big”

She reached her hand out and grabbed my cock in her hands. My cock twitched at her touch but her hand held firm. “How big is it?” She asked.

“I think about nine inches hard” I proudly said.

“Oh wow, most of the boys I've been with are five, six at most. This is so thick.” She said as she started to stroke my cock, working the full shaft with her hand. “Can you get it nice and hard for me again?”

“Keep doing what you're doing and it will be hard in no time.” I groaned as she picked up her pace a little. My cock was growing in her hand and she added the other hand to work the full length.

“Hold on” she said. As she sat up in her seat, throwing off her jacket and sitting back on the seat on her knees so she could lean across me better. She got straight back to work stroking my cock with both her hands and with new vigour. Her hands worked faster as she spat some salvia down onto the tip of my cock and worked it in.

I groaned loudly as my cock was at full strength now.

“God, sure that's only nine” she said in awe as her hands felt the full size of my throbbing cock.

“I think so” I grumbled as I enjoyed the feeling of her touch. “Think you can take me deeper than last time” I teased her.

“I have been practising?” She grinned and licked her lips as she leaned closer to me.

My cock twitched again as I felt her warm breath on the head of my cock. She softly kissed around the tip. Slowly licking up the small drops of pre cum that had oozed out.

“Mmmm tasty” she moaned as she then took me into her mouth. She was quickly showing a lot more effort than last time as she made quick work of sucking me in and out of her mouth. She could take the first few inches with ease and was really working it with her lips and tongue.

“Fuck that's good” I groaned as I put my hand on her head and helped clear her hair out of the way. She continued up her efforts and slowly got more of my cock into her mouth. She was nearing the same length as before and her gag kicked in and she splurged all over my cock and pulled off. “Fucckkk”’I groaned louder.

She grinned and went back down for more. Working the first few inches with her mouth and working the base with her hand in a twisting motion. She knew what she was doing.

Riley's head continued to bob up and down. Each time trying to get more of me inside her mouth. Every time she reached the three quarter mark she would gag and have to pull off. My cock and lap was covered in her salvia and she had dribbles of salvia down her chin which she wiped away with her hand and worked it onto my cock.

“How am I doing?” She panted.

“Mmmmm pretty damn good” I moaned leaning my head against the head rest.

“Better than Last time?” She grinned.

“Now that would be telling” I winked at her.

Her grin turned angry as she went back and sucked my cock with more vigour.

“Oh fuck” I gasped as Riley really upped her effort and took my cock deep into her mouth. As soon as her gagged kicked in, she let go and worked the head and jerked the base even faster than before. I could feel my balls tighten and my shaft hardening as I was about to cum.

“Fuck Riley, i’m gonna cum” I warned her.

She nodded and moaned around my cock as she kept working me in her mouth.

“Fuccckkk here it comes!!!” I groaned loudly as my hips bucked up and I exploded into her mouth. The first shout caught her by surprise and she coughed a little but she moaned loudly and took the rest like a pro. My hips continued to buck up and fuck her mouth as my orgasm surpassed. I let out a long low groan as a settled back into the seat.

Riley continued to work my cock, making sure to get every last drop of cum. My limping cock slowly falling from her mouth. With a pop she let go and it flopped onto my thigh.

“Mmmmm fuck, so tasty” she moaned as she licked her lips and sucked up the drops of cum from her hands.

“Didn't expect that” I confessed, gathering my breath.

“I love swallowing cum” she grinned as she sat back into her seat. “Just felt too good in my pussy last time to pull out”

“Yeah” I panted.

We sat for several moments, gathering ourselves before she spoke “you can take me home now” she smiled.

“Got what you came for?” I teased.

“Not totally” she winked “but next time!”

“Look forward to it” I grinned.

She reached across and grabbed my now limp cock “oh yes, can't wait to have this back inside me!” She leaned across and kissed me on the lips. Her tongue forced its way into my mouth and I was hesitant to kiss back with the salty taste of cum in her mouth but the passion gave way and I kissed her back.

We kissed passionately for several minutes before we broke the kiss. “Let's get you home gorgeous” I smiled as I pulled my pants back up.

We set off and the whole drive to her house she kept teasing me by rubbing my crotch and moaning whilst she sucked her finger. By the time we got to hers my cock was starting to grow and I was ready to go again but the cock tease said her goodbyes. We kissed again and she got out. As she closed the door, I put the window down and shouted out to her,

“Riley?!” She stopped and turned back to the car “What have you been practising on?”

“I’ll show you soon” she said as she walked up to her house, a big grin on her face.

I just chuckled to myself and drove off home.

The house was in darkness when I got home. The front door was locked so I figured either no one was in or everyone was in bed.

I grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and headed up to my room. There was no light on in Kaylees room but I listened closely and heard the faint noises of her sleeping. I went to check my moms room but there was no sign of her so I figured she was still out.

I got undressed and headed trough to the bathroom. I did my business and gave my member a quick clean before heading back to bed.

I lay in bed and checked my phone, I had a text from Kaylee and one from Riley. Kaylee’s was simply that she was off to bed and that she loved me. Riley's took me a little by surprise. It was a picture message.

It was a picture of a shaved wet pussy with a dildo inside her and the text said “I had fun tonight but I need you back in here x”

“Holy fuck” is said to myself with as a large grin grew across my face. This was going to be fun.

I put my phone away and dozed off.

I don't know how long I was out but I was awoken when I heard the front door close and the sounds of a clumsy person coming up the stairs. I smiled to myself as I guessed that was my mom home. She sounded on her own as well which pleased me a little. I didn't take anymore notice and dozed back off.

I was reawoken when I sensed my bedroom door opening and someone coming into my room. I sat up in my bed and narrowed my eyes trying to see who it was in the dark “hello?” I called out.

“Sshhh Hi Jacob, it's me Audrey” my mom whispered loudly back as she made her way over to my bed.

“Mom? What the hell you doing”

“Just wanted to see my baby boy” she hiccuped “I've missed him.”

“I've missed you too mom, but your drunk. Let me get you to bed.”

“I'm not drunk!!” She slurred, “I perfectly fine” as she collapsed at the side of my bed.

I turned the bed side light on “mom are you ok!”

“Nooo turn off the sun, turn it off” she said flaying her arms.

“Ok ok” I turned the light off. “Let me help you up”’I said as I gently eased her up onto my bed.

“Thank you sweetie, you always look after mommy.” She fell forward and hugged me. “I love you so much”

“I love you too mom” I held her against me.

“I had a date tonight” she spoke, “with a man”

“I know, how did it go?” I asked.

“It was ok, he was a nice man, treated me well.” She nuzzled into my next. “But he wasn't my Jacob”

“Mom..” I tried to speak

“He wasn't my handsome strong boy.” She went on “all night I was thinking about you. Your strong arms holding me like they are now. Your loving eyes looking at me. You want me don't you?”

She caught me off guard “I…”

She interrupted me again “it's ok baby” she moved closer to me “I know you where watching me earlier whilst I got changed. I heard you.”

I didn't say anything, how did she know.

“Did you like what you saw? Did I turn you on baby?” Her hands searched for my crotch and she kissed my neck. God her kisses felt good. “Do you want me? You can have me?”

Oh my god what was happening. I had a decision to make. God yeah I did actually want to fuck her but she was drunk. If I refuse her it might ruin my chance. Her hand was stroking my crotch and she was kissing towards my lips.

“Let me take you to bed mom” I eased her off me.

“Then you’ll fuck me?” She asked innocently.

This was new. I took her by the hand and led her through to her bedroom. I turned on her bed side light and could see what she was wearing now. She had the same black bra and panties I saw from earlier but was simply covered by a night gown.

“Like what you see baby?” She cooed as she dropped her night gown to the floor. God her body was amazing, my dick was growing in my boxers.

I held out my hand and took her to bed. As I helped her into bed she pulled me down with her and kissed me on the lips. I resisted at first but I caved in and kissed her back. Our tongues clashed together in a dance of love. It was hot and passionate. My mom was moaning into my mouth as our lips were locked together.

I pulled away, I couldn't do it. She's drunk.

She whined in furstration “where you going?” She cried.

“I just need to get something mom, you just lie there and i’ll be right back.”

“Mmm better hurry baby, mommas horny”

Fuck this was hard but i’m doing the right thing. I turned off the light and left her room. I waited for a few minutes and listened. Sure enough she'd passed out and was asleep.

I went back to my bed with a raging hard on and a fucked up mind. “Have I done the right thing?” I asked myself. I debated with myself until I fell asleep.


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College Expectations

College Expectations Part 1 Jeremy Sanders was a fairly normal eighteen-year-old, who had lived in the same small Midwest town for most of his life. Jeremy had just recently graduated high school, finishing with a fairly high GPA and a few academic honors. The boy had always thought of himself as a good student, even though he never had to try very hard to earn good grades. Ultimately he felt that it was his ability to "skate" through life that had contributed to many of his...

2 years ago
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College Friend After Her Marriage

Dear indian sex stories dot net friends, Yeh story ek real story hai jo meri aur friend k beech ki hai. Yeh story meri friend pp ki hai jisko maine uski shadi k baad base maje se thoka alag alag places par le jakar. My name is x and is story ki heroine ka name pp hai. Meri age 30 years hai and pp ki abhi age30 years nai. Ab story start karte hai. Main aur pp ek hi college me graduation karte the . College k time pe meri bahotsarigf hi to maie pp k ya college ki ladkiya pe jyada dhyan kabhi nai...

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College with a Cane Pt 0103

Note: This is a work of historical fiction. Though my wife and I met after I had completed my master’s degree, I loved my experiences in my undergraduate college. In this on going story, I will be exploring the way our relationship would have developed if we had met during our collegiate experiences College With a Cane, Freshmen Year, Part 1 ‘Erik!’ ‘Nnuuuuhhh—?’ ‘Erik! Wake up!’ ‘Hhhhhbbbbnnnrrr—‘ ‘Erik! Wake up you douchebag! Your alarm has been going off for 15 minutes!’ I slowly...

3 years ago
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College Girl Devoured 8211 1

Hello, sex story readers. It was my first day at college. Fresh out of the school. I still looked as if I should be in school. I looked like I was 15. Short height very slender body, breasts just starting to grow and short hair – almost a boy cut. Don’t get me wrong. I wasn’t ugly. I have great looks, I have perfect girl abs that let me pull off crop tops almost perfectly and I have a pair of properly toned legs. I also have a very good fashion sense that makes me quite popular among the guys...

2 years ago
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College Teacher Chapter Two

College Teacher. Chapter Two. I woke up with a start as I felt my cock being taken hold of and I hadn’t even got my eyes open when I felt the head of it being enclosed in a great warmth. I looked down my body to see Kit kneeling above my thighs, his head slowly moving up and down and felt his tongue running over the head of my erection that was firmly between his lips. ‘What a lovely way to be woken up,’ I groaned and saw him twist his head a little so that I could see his smiling eyes as he...

First Time
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College Colleague Ke Saath Sex Ussi Ke Ghar Par

Let me describe myself, I am Hiral (name changed) me freelancer hu, mumbai or pune aana jana laga rehta hai mene select ladki ke sath enjoy kiya hai par yeh meri pehli indian sex stories hai, jab bhi time milta hai me desi indian pe sex story read karta hu par zyaada time nahi milta. Mai dikhne me handsome hu but meri body average hai nahi slim nahi mota, mera penis ka size uttna hai jo ek ladki ko satisfy kar sake. Mujhe virgin ladkiya pasand hai jo phele baar maza karna chahti hai.. Mein...

1 year ago
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College Girl Part 5

College Girl Pt 5 By Holly Day (Please read College Girl parts 1-4 before reading this installment.) All week I was Hector's sex toy and he was mine. We went to another of those house parties. I'm not sure if it was my looks or the way that I clung to him that made the other guests recognize me. I was getting all sorts of lecherous looks from the men and critical looks from the women. Hector was viewed at as a valuable catch by the upscale meat market...

1 year ago
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College Rules

CollegeRules, or at least it has the potential to. Institutions of higher learning tend to be jam-packed full of sexually ripe babes first experiencing the freedom of not living with their parents. If you can’t see the inherent possibilities, you may need to see a doctor about your inhumanly low libido. I’m guessing you’re here because you’ve either experienced those possibilities for yourself, or you’re just looking to live vicariously through the magic of hardcore pornography. Just because...

Premium Teen Porn Sites
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College week

When I got to feet from the door, but it was very loud. I didn't know him, I'd said "Hi" to him in the hallway, but I knew who he was, of course. I was surprised to find he knew who I was. "What's going on?" I asked him. "Hmm. Yes." He coughed, seeming a little nervous, but then smiled at me. "You've been selected, Miss Shenoy." "For what?" I was mystified. "We've had a change in policy for the college," he told me. "We're going to pick a few students each week. Here, this will explain...

1 year ago
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First Time For Everything2

Disclaimer: I Don't Either of these people, they own themselves. This is a work of fiction, I am not implying anything ever happened between these two people. I am not making any kind of a profit of this story. Daffney grinned and applied her lip gloss, tonight ...

2 years ago
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First Time For Everything

I have been crossdressing since my mid-teens, from sneaking a pair of my sister's knickers to sneaking into the gardens of my parents' neighbors and pinching underwear from washing lines. In my late teens, when I found girls and sex, I purged any clothing that I had and managed to put the ’urge’ behind me. I settled down and got married.Unfortunately for me (or not?), my wife liked to wear very sexy underwear, stockings, and very revealing outfits. This meant there were a lot of these ‘things’...

2 years ago
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College Party

*** The day finally came. The day of my party. I was putting the finishing touches on my party when people started arriving. I put the last of the beer in the jug and cups on the table. First Nick, Ben and Jimmy came. "Hey there bro whats up!" Nick exclaimed when he saw me. "Ah nothing just putting last touches on the party. Like it?" I asked. Nick looked around and said "Wow Kevin, its awsome. Beer stands? Ciggrates? Wow what DIDEN'T you get!". "Well looks like i got everything....

3 years ago
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College cumming out party

Aaaaaahhhhhh...where to begin? I guess it all really started in my teens, when I discovered the joy of dressing with one of my close friends. Like many others we started off slow, wearing panties and giving one another hand jobs and feeling at least a little bit like we were doing something we shouldn't be. After a few months of fooling around like this I arrived at his house one summer morning to find him dressed completely from head to toe in his sisters clothes. Tight, short, sexy little...

2 years ago
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College Days Ch 01

"What a sight for sore eyes!" I beamed, then gave my oldest sister a hug that lifted her off the ground. She was actually a step-sister, not related by blood but by marriage. But since I didn't have any memories without her in my life, she and her sister were both, as far as I was concerned, my real sisters. Colette laughed, "Okay, you can let me down, now, Mark," I set her down gently, still gazing into her pretty face. "I missed you, too." Colette gave me a kiss on the cheek and...

3 years ago
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College lady proffesor

Jr. College se Degree college mein jaane ka excitement that apne aap ko ab senior aur matured samajhne lage the hum (Main aur mere friends). Mumbai mein mostly colleges co-ed hain to ladkiya bhi sath thi aur ek accha group ban gaya tha. First year to aise hi hansi mazak ghumne firne mein nikal gaya. Group mein couples bhi ban gai. Baat second year ki hai jaise hi college start hua hame pata laga ke hamari ek favorite professor ne college chhod diya hai aur uski jagah koi nayi professor aa rahi...

4 years ago
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College Changes a Boy Part 8

Thanks to all of you for the kind reviews and the notes you've sent encouraging me to continue the story. I love sharing my twisted imagination, but it takes more than a few hours to write each chapter, so your encouragement is greatly appreciated! Thanks again to my collaborator, Mikki, who deserves credit for much of this chapter. I hope you enjoy. There's more to come if the interest is still out there:) *** College Changes a Boy - Part 8 Taylor Jordon Back in California, Chris...

1 year ago
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College Changes a Boy Part 1

All the usual disclaimers and warnings ... if you enjoy TG stories with all sorts of twisted activities, then read on. If you don't enjoy those things, or you're underage, or any of this is illegal in your world, then please move on to another site. This is a work of fiction, and is not intended to portray any real people. This story is the property of the author and may be posted at other free story sites so long as appropriate credit is given to the author. The author would appreciate...

3 years ago
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College Prep

I was twenty-four years old. Not too long out of college and my life was not going very well. I just broke up with my girlfriend of three years. The girl that I thought was "the one." Hell, I was looking for an engagement ring for crying out loud. So needless to say, I was not the one who broke it off. But what sucked the most was the fact that we lived together in a one-bedroom apartment and neither one of us could afford to pay the penalty fee for breaking the lease, nor could we afford to...

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College Mom Full of Freshmen Cum

College Mom Full of Freshmen CumIt was Saturday at a large department store of the nearby mall where Marcie and her husband Paul had decided to go shopping for clothes with their son Jason who was a freshmen attending the local college. Paul also wanted to look at some tools while out and Marcie knew that always took some time since Paul loved tools and had many of them. But first they would buy Jason some clothes before Paul did that. Marcie being a good mom would help her son pick out some...

2 years ago
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College Girl Part 2

College Girl (part 2) By Holly Day (Please read part one of the story before reading this story) I was now part of the sex industry in a way I could never have imaged a year ago. The added income from the party and the promise of future parties has made life easier. My savings had increased faster than planned making a few luxuries affordable. I shopped at a couple trendy places and saw a couple outfits that I just had to have. However I still shopped at...

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College Girl Part 7

College Girl Pt 7 By Holly Day (Please read College Girl parts 1-6 before reading this installment.) The five of us walked around campus for a while. Mother was actively talking with Mrs. Wilson. Mr. Wilson was quiet for the most part, but occasionally added something to the conversation. I whispered to Kevin, "Have you told your parents about me? I mean about me having been born a boy." "No, I thought it better for them to get to know you...

3 years ago
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College Ki Girlfriend Priya

Hello ISS readers. I am Meet, I am from Chandigarh. Main iss apr apni pehli story likha raha hu. Agar aap logo ko pasand aaye to comment jarur karna. Girls, bhabhiya can email me on Main 25 saal ka hu. Height 5.9″ hai. Main Chandigarh ka rehne wala hu. Any girl, bhabhi and aunty can contact me on Main apni story par aata hu. Maine Haryana ke ek engineering college se ki degree ki hai. Ye aaj se 6 saal pehle ki baat hai jab maine college me admission liya tha. Meri dosti Priya(name...

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College Boy Grabbed My Wet Pussy In Library

This voyeurism trend has got on my sensual nerves lately. In fact, last week I had a college student ejaculate the cum of his life from his young cock on my big boobs – all because of voyeurism! Guys, this is Simraan and welcome to another hot sexual experience of mine! I had gone to the local mall with my female friend to watch a movie. After coming out of the screening theatre, we began window shopping. While we were roaming freely, my friend met one of her relatives who turned out to be...

1 year ago
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College Changes a Boy Part 5

Note: Thanks very much for all the great reviews and encouragement. I hope you enjoy this new chapter. There's plenty more to come if the interest is there! College Changes a Boy - Part 5 Taylor Jordon Nikki watched Brandon leave the dimly lit patio and felt the blanket of confusion and guilt envelop him. The satisfaction that he had felt moments earlier had been replaced by the memory of how he had changed so drastically over the last six months. He needed a minute to...

4 years ago
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College Fuck Buddy Akanksha

Hello, dicks and pussies! Here’s my first story though I’m very old to ISS. I have a wonderful sex life with over 7 partners till date with no strings attached. I’m Akash (name changed) from Hyderabad living in Bangalore working in an MNC. I’m not in a perfect relationship right now. I’m a workaholic and can’t give enough time (texting/talking every hour/day) to it. Let’s meet, have fun/romance/ sex is my concept. But again it is not like treating like a whore. It should be romantic sex. Let me...

3 years ago
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College Sex At Its Best

A quick introduction about me. I’m a 20 year old straight, male. Although, I’m Indian, I moved abroad to attend college. This is a true story, but all names have been changed and exact locations will not be specified. I would appreciate any comments/feedback or questions about me at This story took place in my freshman year of college. Unlike India, the college life is completely different abroad. We get to pick a class schedule according to out convenience and do not have any attendance...

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College Life

DisclaimerThis story is a work of pure fantasy. If you are underage and/or repelled by erotic fiction about non-consensual sex then do not read any further.I would like to stress that in this story quite a few rather stupid clich?s are used. Therefore I want to urge those of you who cannot distinguish truth from fiction to please don?t read any further.English is not my native tongue so I guess that some errors could not be avoided. I sincerely hope that they do not disturb your reading too m...

1 year ago
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College Girl Worships My Big Ass In Front Of Boyfriend

It’s the season of graduates shooting out of college and finding their places on the high streets…I know it because I had a stimulating experience with a couple who recently graduated. You see, my company visits selective colleges to grab freshers straight out because it needs more workers to make more profits. (true story!) I recently attended a meeting in one of the prestigious institutions in the field of commerce in South Delhi. The meeting was in 3 phases each separated by an hour-long...

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College Celebrations Ericas Bukake

“It was a male blitzkrieg. Its Erica’s bukake moment. The spasmed sperm splash of every wanking and jerking Tom, Dick and Harry from the choir…plus a Mark and a Will… and her personal black skinned arse delighter…”Bernard really ought to give up smoking was Erica’s thought as she diverged from Chas and Beth in the vestibule. She had time to find the St Xavier’s Senior Male Choir before her own practice.....Her morning had been really pleasant, spent with Meredith. A senior dorm girl who had...

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College Annual Day Fun With Angel Of Class

This story happened in 2006 on college annual day. I was 18 yrs old then and studying my diploma in mechanical engineering. Her name was sarayu (name change). As it was mechanical department there were only few girls and sarayu is an angel in our class.I was the class topper then and everyone had a good impression on me. At that time I was a virgin and those were my early masturbation days. I used to jerk off daily 4 times and believe me my dick was really hungry ;).Few people in our college...

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College Ki Junior Ko Choda

Hi guys! Mera naam Aakash hai. Main Final Year Engineering ka Student hu. Aaj main aap logo ko apne sacche experience ke bare me batana chahta hu. Baat us waqt shuru hui jab maine use pahli bar apni college mein dekha. Ek to Engineering college mein ladkiya kam hoti hain aur jo hoti hain wo Chodne ke layek nahi hoti (Enginnering ke student samajh sakte hain) First year aur second year do saal tak achha maal dekhne ko nazrein taras gai thi. Acha maal dekhne ke liye MBBS college jana padta tha jo...

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College Girl

College Girl By Holly Day My name is Jamie and I am about to graduate from State University. It's been a long and strange trip and my life is just beginning. Four years ago I was Jim, a freshman just starting at State University and was looking forward to a new world. The thousands of new freshmen there were starting all over again socially. The high school cliques were gone and no one really knew each other. It was also the first time away from home for...

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College Guy Fucks My Tight Asshole In Supermarket

Hey guys! Do you know how one does crazy things when one is feeling horny? Well, I actually gave a college student his first sex experience and enjoyed the crazy adventure; all of that in a supermarket! I was at home, lying nude on the bed with spread legs and tickling my pussy with a vibrator. The feeling was super erotic, and I was getting wild sexual thoughts. My pink pussy had orgasmed a few times and it was in a sticky condition. The moment I shoved the vibrator in my pussy, I heard the...

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College Changes a Boy Part 3

Note: Thanks to everyone for your encouragement! I have plenty of ideas to develop this story and I'll keep writing as long as there's interest from readers. I also appreciate suggestions from readers and will incorporate your ideas where possible. I'll continue to post fictitious photos that could depict my characters here (no new photos for Part 3, but more coming for Part 4): College Changes a Boy - Part 3 Taylor Jordan "Do you like my room, Nikki?...

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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

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