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And this same flower that smiles today tomorrow will be dying.”

-Robert Herrick, “To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time.”


With his hands bound behind his back, Isaac marched through the woods. Seila walked behind him, prodding him whenever he slowed down. This was their first date. It wasn’t going like he’d planned.

On one hand, an evening stroll in a secluded place was at least romantic. Isaac’s new roommate (a local) told him lots of townie kids sneak out here to Murray's Woods for dates or FWB sessions. It was a big place, almost 30,000 acres, so it’s easy to find secluded spots where nobody could hear you.

But the look on Seila’s face didn’t make him think she was in the mood for love. Neither did the way she kept poking him with the tip of a knife to keep him walking. This, he assumed, is probably not how townie kids usually do it…

It was a dark night with only a slender moon, but although she didn’t carry any light of her own Seila always seemed to know exactly where to step. Isaac wasn’t so lucky, and he stumbled frequently. And he still wasn’t sure where they were going. He fidgeted again, trying to test the ropes for give but finding no luck.

Swallowing as they stepped over a hedge together, he said, “You know, people are going to be looking for me if I disappear.”

“I’m sure they will,” said Seila, in tones usually reserved for when someone says that aliens were going to swoop down and kidnap him in a UFO soon.

Still, Isaac pressed on. “Doesn’t that worry you?” He ducked under a branch.

“Not really. I’m the easygoing type. No need to worry about something until it happens. Watch out for those roots.”

Isaac tripped anyway. She helped him up. He said “Thanks,” and then felt immediately stupid. He decided to try a different tactic: “My mom will be really upset if something happens to me.”

“That’s very sweet of her. A mother’s love is a beautiful thing. Keep walking.”

“How would you mother feel if I tied you up and held a knife to you like this?”

“Very surprised. You’re not the type.”

Isaac sighed and dragged his feet. She prodded him with the knife again. Who would have thought a girl like this was so good with knots?

They’d met in Sociology 100, the Tuesdays and Thursdays class they shared. Although “met“ maybe wasn‘t quite the right word; she just sat in front of him the first day wearing a top that showed off her entire bare back, and he’d found himself staring.

He‘d wanted to actually work up the nerve to talk to her then and there and every week after, but always found an excuse to put it off. Isaac had never been good with girls; or rather, he’d always told himself that he wasn’t good with girls so that he would feel better about the fact that he rarely approached them at all.

College was supposed to be different for him. Now that he was 18 and away from home and living in a new town he was free from everything he’d done before, free to be a completely different person that the people in his high school days wouldn‘t have recognized. A new Isaac, he’d told himself.

But then he backed out of talking to Seila after class and the New Isaac started to seem a lot like the old one.

She was the one who finally made the first move. As he was putting his notes in his bag after class one day she turned around in her seat (she’d sat in front of him again) and just said, “I need a date for tomorrow night. Why don’t you come?”

If anyone had asked, Isaac would probably have guessed that he’d say something dumb at a moment like this, or embarrass himself, or maybe just die on the spot.

Instead he replied, smooth and easy, “Yeah, sure, that sounds like fun.” And then, just as confidently, “You’re Seila, right?” As if he hadn’t been thinking about her constantly for weeks.

It was a pretty good facsimile of the way a normal person would act. It wasn’t until he got back to his dorm that his knees turned to rubber. His roommate had asked what’s up, but he didn’t answer. He was in shock.

How he’d ever repeat the performance come Friday night Isaac couldn’t imagine. But as soon Seila hopped into his car, smiled, put a hand on his knee, and asked if he could take the top down, it looked like everything was on easy street.

She suggested they take a drive out to the edge of Murray’s Woods. His heart rate picked up a little bit.

They found a quiet place to park. Things started to get steamy. Isaac couldn’t believe this was really happening.

And then, right in the middle of it and just as he was starting to feel brave, Seila stopped and said, “Hey. This is your first time, isn’t it?”

Freezing in place, shame made Isaac’s entire body flush. Then he stammered and looked away. The moon and the stars and the branches overhead peered in through the fogged-up windows. For a second he considered opening the door, falling out, and running away.

It was true, of course, that Isaac had never made it this far with a girl all through high school. Had barely managed so much as a kiss, in fact, to the point that he spent almost half the day sometimes thinking about it. His virginity seemed like a time bomb, set to blow up and humiliate him any day now. Or maybe like an anchor around his neck, a weight that he’d never free himself from until finally it sank him…

But when Isaac looked away now and mumbled a reply Seila just she touched him on the cheek and said, “It’s okay. I figured. I was only asking to be sure.”

Isaac blinked. “You don’t mind?”

“It’s why I was interested in you in the first place. First timers are a specialty for me.”


Putting a finger to his lips Seila said, “Shhh. Don’t talk,” she said, smiling. “Just do what I tell you and I promise this will be the most amazing night of your life. Okay?”

“Um. Okay. Yes.”

“Good boy.”

And then she’d suggested tying him up.

That seemed a little bit…advanced…for Isaac. But he HAD just agreed to do what she said. So he got out of the car and put his hands behind his back when she told him to. The only thing he thought to ask was, “Why do you carry rope in your purse?”

“For moments just like this,” she’d said, giving the knots a tug, and somehow this ended up sounding perfectly reasonable to Isaac at the time. “Is that good? Does it hurt?”

“It’s tight, but it doesn’t hurt.”

“All right. Now, start walking.”

Isaac paused. Seila had stepped back a bit so that the shadows of the trees covered her face and he couldn’t read her expression. “What do you mean?” he said.

“I mean put one foot in front of the other and go where I tell you.” Something about her voice had changed; she suddenly sounded much less friendly, for one thing.

“Why can’t we just stay here?” Isaac said, leaning against the car for support. Seila sighed like he was an idiot, which he was increasingly aware was probably a fair estimation on her part.

“Because I didn’t bring you out here to sit in a car all night. We need to go to a special place. This is a special night.”

“You mean because it’s our first date?”

“Actually, we both have a date with someone else.”

And then she took the knife out of her purse.

The tip of that knife prodded Isaac again as they kept walking. It was a wicked piece of work, twice as long as her hand and made from two separate pieces of bone, one for the blade and one for the handle. She looked very comfortable using it.

The chatter of crickets filled the woods, reminding him how alone they were out here. Isaac had never heard that noise back home in the city. He thought it was something they only put in movies and TV. It was actually relaxing in a strange way, in spite of his situation. It was a cool night with the smell of autumn in the air, and here, far away from the town, you could see every star in the sky.

As if reading his thoughts Seila sighed in his ear and said, “Yes, I love it out here too. It’s so romantic.”

“Are you a witch?” Isaac said. He blurted the question out without thinking about it first. Seila frowned.

“That’s such an ugly word,” she said. “People use words like that to try to punish you, like ‘bitch’ or ‘slut’”

“You, uh, didn’t answer my question.”

“You’re a smart kid, Isaac. Figure it out.”

“I did. You want me for a sacrifice. That’s why you asked if I was a—if this was my first time, and why you said this is a special night.”

“I don’t like that word either, ‘sacrifice.’ It sounds silly.” Seila kicked a pinecone. “That’s the kind of thing people say when they don’t understand anything. They go talking about ‘human sacrifice,’ like in a movie or something.”

“You’re still not answering me.”

“Well you’re right about one thing: We DO need to make an offering on a night like this. And I already told you that virgins are a specialty of mine…” She shrugged. “You’re a little harder to find, but worth the trouble.”

Isaac ran. It was a knee jerk response rather than something he planned. Still unable to see in the dark he fell almost immediately, then spent a few seconds lolling on the ground with the wind knocked right out of him. The sharp brush cut his face.

Shaking her head, Seila tried to help him up, but he thrashed “Don’t be like that,” she said, hauling him up in spite of himself. “I’m really having a good time and I don’t want you spoiling it.”

“This is just my luck,” Isaac said, hanging his head. “I finally meet a girl and look what happens.”

“There’s no luck about it, I picked you out on purpose. Don’t trip again.” She put a hand on his arm. “You were exactly what I was looking for. If other women haven’t gone for you it’s because you’re not bothering to be what they’re looking for.”

Smarting, Isaac said, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Just that you don’t put any work into these things. Most of us spend a lot of effort trying to start relationships. But the only reason you and me went out tonight is because I did all the work. What other woman is going to want to do that?”

“I just have a hard time talking to people…” Isaac was having more trouble walking now, as they were going uphill.

“I know it’s not your fault that you’re shy. But you can’t expect to meet anyone when you almost never leave your room except to go to class.”

“How do you know that?”

“I’ve been stalking you.”

“You have?!”

“Duh. Watch out for those branches. Anyway, I admit it’s hard having relationships with people, but most of us at least try. If you want the same thing, you’ve got to be willing to carry some of the burden.”

“That’s easy for you to say, you’re a girl—a woman. It’s different for guys.”

“This part isn’t.”

“How would you know?”

“I’m older than you, I know a lot about people.”

“How old ARE you anyway?” Isaac said, jerking his head around to try to look at her.

“That’s a rude question. Let’s just say I’ve been doing this for a long time. By the way, we’re here.”

At that moment they finally came to a clearing in the trees at the top of the hill, a wide open space with an incredible view of the valley and the town below them and, right in the middle of a circle of trees, a huge flat stone that all but glistened even in the dark. Surprised, Isaac stopped in his tracks.

“Go on,” Seila said, giving him a push.

“I need to catch my breath.”

“Go on,” she repeated. “We don’t have very much more time.”

Rather than explain what that meant Seila pushed him until they came to the big rock. It was a huge, flat chunk of bluestone about three feet high and about as wide as double bed, unworked but worn smooth by the touch of many, many hands over the course of—decades? Centuries? It was impossible to guess.

It wasn’t until he was right next to it that Isaac saw the painting on the surface of the stone slab. It was old and chipped, but still vivid: A dark, hunched figure with wings. Something metallic was mixed into the black paint so that the moonlight hit it the figure shimmered. It’s beautiful, he thought, without wanting to.

“It’s very old,” Seila said when she saw him looking at it. “Nobody even knows who painted it or when. Do you know who that is?” She gestured at the winged finger. “He has lots of names, but we call him Urian.”

“Is it…a god?”

“Don’t be silly, there are no gods” said Seila, testing the edge of her knife.

“Then why are you doing this?”

She took his bound hands and pressed two of his fingers against the soft skin of her wrist. Her pulse throbbed. “Feel that?” she said. “That’s what makes you alive, but it doesn’t make you human. Doing, thinking, feeling, those are the things that make us people. And it‘s the same with this.”

Blinking, Isaac said, “That doesn’t even make sense.”

“This is something people have always done, for tens of thousands of years. It’s human nature. There’s no point trying to stop it now.”

“You really are nuts,” Isaac said. “You can’t do this to me just because it‘s…tradition!”

“Of course I can. Where would we be without tradition?”

Before he could say more she pushed him to his knees and bent him over the stone. His cheeks pressed against the cold surface and his chattered. He tried to object again but it was hard to talk with his face smushed against the rock.

“I guess you’re not going to understand,” Seila said. “Oh well…” She scraped the knife’s bone blade against the side of the stone. “It’ll be over quick, I promise.”

I can’t believe this is happening, Isaac thought, but then she pressed down his head again and he couldn’t even scream.

His clothes came off first, Seila cutting them away at the seams and stripping him, the way a hunter skins an animal. He was aware, dimly, that she shed her own clothes as well, straddling him from behind, her bare flesh pressed against his. Even in his current predicament his body responded to the stimulus right away, resulting in an awkward boner squeezed uncomfortably between his lap and the sacrificial slab.

Imagining he already felt the sharp edge of the blade against his throat, Isaac squeezed his eyes shut. Drops of icy sweat traced a path down his face, leaving dark marks on the stone.

Please let it really be quick, he thought. Please, please, please. There was a distinct noise behind his ear as Seila kissed the knife, and then she whispered:

“Torzu! Zacare! Ca c noqod; Zamran micalzo od ozazm vrelp lap Zir de Satan apila gohed!”

Isaac screamed when she brought the blade down. He couldn’t help it. And then he froze, waiting for the pain and the sick, numb feeling of his own blood spilling all over him…

But nothing happened.

Maybe I’ve gone into shock again, he thought. Or I’m dead already? If so, it didn‘t seem that bad. Not good enough that he still wouldn’t rather be alive, but not much to really get worked about so far.

Eventually he dared to open his eyes. He felt that Seila had let him go and he sat up. The ropes slid off of his wrists. She‘d cut them instead of him, he realized. Whirling around to face her, Isaac stammered. “I’m. I. I—”

“Yes, you’re all right.”

Looking at the rope marks on his wrist, Isaac felt faint. “Why?” he said. It was all could think to say. Reaching out, Seila helped rub some feeling back into his hands.

“I told you I needed virgin blood,” she said. “I didn’t say how much. You didn’t realize you’re already bleeding? Here, from when you fell.”

Wiping away a little blood from the cut above his eye, she showed it to him. Then she pointed to the slab. His face had left a red smear behind. “That’s it?” he said.

“That’s it.” She actually smiled.

Isaac stared for a few seconds more. Then he exploded. “What the fuck? If that was all you wanted why not just tell me?”

Shrugging, Seila said, “Because that’s the way it’s always been: the unwilling sacrifice. It‘s a story as old as time. Of course, in the old days they usually wanted a lot more blood than that. But I’m a bleeding heart myself.”

She winked.

Isaac sagged. “I almost pissed my fucking self,” he said.

“Well that‘s part of life too. But see? You’re not hurt very much.”

She stroked his cheek. He flinched away. “I wouldn’t exactly say that.”

“Poor thing. Maybe I was too rough with you. The offering has to happen on nights like this and I’ve got to get it exactly right, so I’ve been a little stressed out. Forgive me?”

Seila took a couple more steps toward him. Despite the crisp night his hard-on was still between them. It brushed against her thigh as she got closer, but she didn’t seem to notice. Isaac could still hear the sound of the crickets. He tried to pull back but she wouldn’t let him. He suddenly found it very hard to look away from her.

“I…should leave,” he said.

“You certainly should,” said Seila. “After everything I‘ve done you don‘t want to spend a second longer with me. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if you never want to see me again.”

Her fingers traced the lines of his back. He realized that his own hands had come to rest on her hips.

“I’m going to the police,” he said.

“Of course you are,” said Seila. She brushed his hair out of his face and pushed him back against the flat stone again. “Anybody would do the same.”

“It’s just…I don’t have any clothes.”

“Oh, is that the only reason you’re still here?” Turning, Seila climbed up onto the rock and reclined, her naked body spread out in front of him. “I guess we’ll have to wait until we find you some. Let me keep you warm while we wait?”

She beckoned with one finger. Shaking again, Isaac climbed onto the stone and on top of her without quite realizing what he was doing. Their bodies fit together easily. She pressed her lips to his and he tasted her again, warm and trembling. It made his head spin. He tried to shake himself free of the feeling.

“Are you making me do this?” he said. “Is this…magic?”

“No. Do you want me to show you some magic? Come here.” She wrapped her legs around him, combing her fingers through his hair and pulling him down for a long kiss.

“This is part of the sacrifice too,” she said. “It’s not just your blood I want. The virgin offering is you. The living you.”

Cupping his hand to her naked breast she made him knead it. He gaped at the feeling of the hot and soft flesh.

“You asked about gods? Feel me now,” she whispered. “There‘s no god except my body and yours. That’s Urian. Nothing exists except us and the universe; we are god, god is us, and the world is our kingdom. Do you understand?”

“No…” said Isaac.

She pulled him down to kiss the sloping curve of her neck and shoulders, and giggled at the touch of his lips. “Then let me show you.”

Isaac lay with his cock squeezed between his body and hers, pressed uncomfortably on both sides while Seila ran her fingers through his hair and gave him long, open mouthed misses. Her naked body writhed underneath him, all soft skin and curves and the dizzying smell of perfume mixed with sweat.

Her nails ran up and down his bare back, clawing so hard that he groaned and his head lolled. When she did it again she drew blood, but Isaac didn’t mind the sight of it now. It seemed a natural thing, just like the pain. He kissed her harder, driving her down into the rock underneath him.

He thought it would be cold and uncomfortable for her lying there, but she didn’t seem to mind. Whenever he moved she raised herself up so that they remained pressed together, without so much as a whisper between them. He realized she was saying something between kisses. At first he thought it was his name, but then he recognized the hard, guttural words from before:

“Torzu. Zacare. Ca c noqod.”

“What does that mean?” he said.

Seila clung to him and pulled his head back to kiss the side of his neck, her hot mouth and quick pink tongue lapping at his naked flesh. “Say it with me and you’ll understand,” she whispered. He tried his best:

“Zamran micalzo od ozazm vrelp lap. Zir de Satan apila gohed.”

It was all gibberish to him, but for some reason it made him feel good, like the first time he’d ever had a drink, or his first kiss, or even earlier tonight when Seila had hopped in his car and the full summit of possibilities for the night dawned on him.

He repeated it when she said it, cupping her soft, supple breasts with eager hands while he did. Seila shuddered and writhed harder, the wriggling sensation of her hot body coaxing his still-throbbing hard on into even more rapt and painful attention.

She reached between them and circled her fingers around his scrotum. Isaac braced himself but found that instead of squeezing she simply fondled them before letting her fingertips slide up to trace a circle on the soft, sensitive skin at the base of his cock. He gaped again, momentarily unable to say anything.

“Remember when I promised you’d have the most amazing night of your life?” she said.

“Yes,” said Isaac, panting. Seila’s hands moved everywhere on him, his body becoming helpless underneath the spidery grace of her fingers.

“And haven’t you?” she said, nibbling his lip.

“Yes,” Isaac said again. She put a finger in his mouth and he sucked it. Sweat glistened in his damp hair.

“You’re mine now,” Seila continued, wrapping her legs around him so tightly that it became difficult to move. “My offering. My sacrifice.”

“I thought you didn’t like that word?” Isaac said. Seila tapped him on the side of the head.

“Don’t talk back. Just say what I say.” She used her strong legs to pull him down so that they lay face to face on top of the sacred stone. Over the edge of the hill, the lights of the town looked like fireflies now, dancing in front of Isaac’s delirious eyes.

“You’re mine now. My offering. My sacrifice.”

“I’m your offering,” Isaac repeated, breathless. “Your sacrifice.” After every word she leaned up to plant another nipping kiss on his mouth. “I’m yours. Your offering. Your sacrifice.”

She grabbed him in one hand and pressed the tingling, vulnerable tip of his cock against her slippery lower lips. He had to clamp down to avoid losing control immediately. She soothed him with soft whispers in his ear, punctuated with nips of her sharp white teeth, as she let him slide inside her, coaxing him a little bit at a time.

“Not all at once,” she said. “Close your eyes and feel it. Let yourself know every new sensation.”

She cupped his face with both hands and rested her fingertips on his temples. Isaac bit his lip. The tight, wet, intimate feeling of their bodies coming together was alien but somehow inherently familiar. “Oh god,” he said in a shuddering whisper when the last space between them vanished and the inside of Seila’s body squeezed his naked cock on all sides.

His trembling seemed to pass through her and down into the rock beneath them. “Yes,” said Seila, pushing against him so that he gasped. “This is god. Flesh is the only god that’s real. The more we feel, the closer we are to it. You finally understand?”

“I understand everything,” Isaac said, and at least for the moment he meant it.

The ripe red blush of blood under her naked skin, the tickling of the small, sensitive hairs on his body stimulated by the trickle of sweat, and the wet animal smell and sound made by the thrust of her dragging his cock into herself and then pushing him back out made everything else in the world seem fragile, flimsy, unreal.

“Be my offering. Give up everything you have to me,” Seila whispered, and he murmured his assent. She grabbed hold of him and clung so tightly Isaac imagined he might break, but even this didn’t make him stop.

His animal body assumed a directive of its own, spurred by the delicious sensation of naked skin on naked skin and the sweet, throaty sound of Seila moaning as her eyes rolled in her head and she grabbed his ass with both hands while he rose up and down on top of her, gripping him as hard as she could while she shivered and shook.

Their mingled sweat covered the surface of the sacred stone, mixing with Isaac’s blood, the precious virgin blood that was now spent and that he’d never again give any more of. She’d taken all of it that she needed and then taken everything else too, devouring him with insatiably hungry kisses, her tongue stabbing into his mouth while they both panted.

Isaac’s knees ached from the hard feeling of the rock underneath him, but he didn’t care about that either. Seila practically hung off of him as she squirmed, thrashing her head from side to side in the billowy cloud of her own hair as it coiled underneath her.

“Oh yes,” she said, stretching the final syllable out a long as it would go. “Be mine. Be all of you mine. Give me all of you, now, down to the last drop. Can you do that for me?”

“Yes,” Isaac said, gasping the word out before he was again rendered briefly unable to say anything at all.

The hot, wet burst of his orgasm took him by surprise. Seila sighed and cooed in abject gratification, putting her arms over her head and smiling up at the night sky while he squirted into her, continuing until he was spent but still for a while unable to stop, pumping uncontrollably on top of her while she held him tightly against her again.

When he finally rolled over the sudden sensation of the cold stone on his hot skin shocked him. Breathless, raw, exhausted, and unable to believe anything that had happened, Isaac stared up at the chilly night sky. Seila nestled close and put her head on his chest.

“Now do you see how much better life can be when you’re willing to put a little work into it?” she said. She teased his naked skin with the tips of her fingernails again, and they lay together like that in the dark for so long that Isaac lost any sense of the time at all.

“Uh huh,” Isaac said, still breathless, although he actually wasn’t sure he knew what she was talking about. She kissed him again.

“They say you never forget your first time,” she said. “And you know, I never forget it either…”

They lay together in the dark, until Isaac almost slipped into a kind of half sleep. Seila jarred him back awake by sitting up and then freezing in place, as still as a cat. She seemed to be listening for something. “Do you hear that?” she said.

“Hear what?” Isaac said, muttering. He was dealing with a sudden onset of heightened lucidity, as if the giddy madness of the last hour was a drug and now all of sudden he was crashing. With everything over he was increasingly unsure of how he felt about what had happened. He got down off the rock on unsteady knees.

Sitting up further, Seila said, “The Sabbat is starting. You really can’t hear it?”

“What’s a Sabbat?” said Isaac. He was looking at the remains of his ruined clothes, trying to sort out if any were salvageable and keeping Seila in his peripheral vision in case she did anything else.

“I’ll show you,” Seila said, touching his bare back. “In fact, you’ll take me there.”

“I will?”

“Of course. You won‘t have a choice.”

Suddenly uncomfortable, Isaac put his hand on his throat. It was hard to breath. Although still naked, all of a sudden he felt like he was wearing clothes two sizes too tight. “What’s happening?” Isaac said.

“You’re changing,” she said. “That’s what you wanted, right? Not to be the old Isaac anymore?”

“I don’t…I don’t…”

But talking was becoming difficult. Isaac tried to run but fell and landed on all fours. Seila watched with her eyes lidded, looking intrigued but also detached. Suddenly she did look older, less like a girl and more like a woman, full and knowing and strange. Isaac’s body shook so hard that he worried he might split apart.

“Why?” he managed to say.

Shaking her head, Seila said, “You said you gave yourself to me completely. Well, I need a little something different out of you to get the most of that offering. And it’s really about time you started carrying your own weight in life anyway…”

Isaac tried to reply but his mouth was no longer the proper shape for speech. His entire body stretched and distorted, muscles rippling and skin wrapping tighter. He felt his bones pop and shift into new arrangements as the diagram of his interior rearranged itself.

His last thought before the transformation overtook him was to wonder why he was suddenly rubbing his forehead against the ground. It was only then he realized what was growing out of his head: horns.

And by then it was over. Where Isaac had once been there was now a great, shaggy ram, its beautiful horns arching up above its soulful eyes. Seila‘s eyes shined when she looked at him.

“Oh my,” she said. “What a beauty you are. And I’ll bet you feel so much better, don’t you?”

The ram came to her. She stroked its horns, wound her fingers through its thick coat, and kissed the tip of its snout. “Now my lovely one, will you carry me?” she said. “Will I ride you to the Sabbat?”

The animal bent its knees in offering. She climbed onto its back, holding on tight.

Once mounted she gave a small kick to both its sides and the great animal ran on its strong legs toward the precipice of the hill, its hooves printing deep in the dirt with every galloping step, charging straight toward the drop and then leaping into the air at the last moment before they both fell…

And never coming back down. The ram carried Seila up into the black sky and she hugged him as tightly as she could as they flew through the air, naked with her hair streaming in the wind.

Together they rose, until the entire world was a shadow beneath them. And she laughed as they flew up into the equally shadowy sky, and vanished.


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Virgin Sacrifice

© 2003 He brought the young girl into Morigana's house and the three of them immediately went into the basement. A cool breeze blew in from an open window and swirled at the young girl's feet, snaked up her bare legs, caressing her thighs under her little skirt. The man held the girl by a wrist gently, but tightened his grip if ever she moved away from him. Morigana smiled faintly in a devilish grin and pointed to a table. Jack took the girl, sat her on the edge of the low, black...

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The Traditional Sacrifice

I never knew my mother. She left when I was very young. My family told me stories about her. They told me she loved me, but they would not tell my why she left. That truth came when I became an adult. It came after I was married, after I had a child of my own. My life was supposed to be normal until then, as normal as it could be under the circumstances. My people needed me to be normal. They needed me to have children. They needed me to love and to feel loved. It was a necessary part of the...

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Hedone 1 The Sacrifice

It was a Friday night like any other. Myka was going out with a couple of friends to her favourite club in town. Like every Friday she has gone out looking for a date. But every week she has gone home alone. Myka considered herself to be just an average woman. Size 10 with B cup breasts. Her hips were small but shapely showing off what she thought to be her greatest asset her ass. Though small her breasts were round and firm. Her areolar were small dark circles the size of a two pound...

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Hedone 1 The Sacrifice

Introduction: Myka tries to sate her thirst, is he enough Hedone It was a Friday night like any other. Myka was going out with a couple of friends to her favourite club in town. Like every Friday she has gone out looking for a date. But every week she has gone home alone. Myka considered herself to be just an average woman. Size 10 with B cup breasts. Her hips were small but shapely showing off what she thought to be her greatest asset her ass. Though small her breasts were round and firm....

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The Sacrifice

Warning this story gets rather gorey at the end Warning this story gets rather gorey at the end. Author?s note: This was a short story request sent to me by a reader.? The actual request was for a vulture, but as vultures only eat dead flesh, I modified the concept slightly to a giant eagle. To the reader who requested this story, I hope you enjoy it.  The Sacrifice "You have been chosen." The words echoed in Choya's ears as she was pulled from the crowd onto the platform in the middle of...

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Sister realised when heard about her brother8217s sacrifice

Srikar’s parents married in very early age and Srikar and usha born to them early. Srikar was 18 and usha was 15. Both were reading and sleeping in one room. Srikar’s parents sleep in anotherroom. Usha uses to go to bed early. Srikar was studying upto late hours. Sometimes he uses to hear sounds from parents room. In the beginning he was caring those sounds. But gradually he was enthusiatic and slowly started peep into the bed room of parents. Oneday when peep through the bedroom, he was...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book1 Chapter 7 The Knights Sacrifice

Book One: The Quest Chapter Seven: The Knight's Sacrifice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Acolyte Sophia – Western Deorc Forest, The Federation of Deoraciynae The two other elf hunters appeared silently out of the woods. Like Xera, they were gorgeous, tall and lithe, their bodies painted in greens and browns to let them blend into the woods. Their keen eyes flickered at Angela and me, their ears twitching in obvious curiosity at the sight...

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A daughters sacrifice

A Daughter's Sacrifice - Part 1 (wife, M/F, M+F, mmF) "I have to tell you something, Anoop," mywife, Kamal, said. She sat across from me overbreakfast. Bright sunlight streamed through theapartment window behind her back. Kamal lookedstunning as always. She wore just a flimsy chemiseand her cotton panties. That was one thing I likedabout her. She always seemed to be in a state ofsemi-undressed. "Uh-huh," I said. My head was buried in themorning paper. I was following up about the story ofthe...

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Penultimate Sacrifice

Penultimate Sacrifice By (Miss) Zagros Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu Copyright 2000 by (Miss) Zagros Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu Michael Odum was looking to see the world. The 18 year old brown haired blue eyed American with a southern accent was curious to learn Japanese, having been fascinated by anime and manga since before he was a teenager. Now, the first chance he had to get away from home, he was going to take it. His parents were, at first, against his decision to attend...

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Adrielles sacrifice

Adrielle’s sacrificeBy Dr. TroyThe ParkIt was a sunny spring day and Adrielle was taking a walk in the park after a shopping tour. Having no school today she decided to enjoy today’s wonderful weather. Adrielle was a very beautiful young girl with long blonde hair, a cute baby face and an astonishingly shapy body with huge c-cup breasts. She was wearing a short black satin dress with spaghetti sholders, due to the warm weather; very thin sheer to waist black pantyhose and open toe high heeled...

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A Rather Reasonable Sacrifice

A Rather Reasonable Sacrifice  A Rather Reasonable SacrificeByMad Lews?2006 all rights reserved Scottish Popular Ballads.1882-1898 O I forbid you, maidens a?,Tha? wear gowd on yer hair,Ta com? or gae by Carterhaugh,For young Tam Lin is there.????????????? ????? There?s no major motorway going direct from Kilnineve to Stirling. The A198 makes a major dogleg about Loch Lamont that adds at least two hours to the trip. The meeting was to be at one, and there was little doubt I?d be...

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Bikini Beach Self Sacrifice

1. The Penitent "You don't want to do that." The gunman's head jerked round, eyes flashing dangerously; had Brian misjudged things? Had he allowed his bravado to take him just a step too far? Would today be the day he drew his last breath? The boy could not have been more than nineteen; perhaps this had been a mistake; perhaps he was one of those in-between teenagers, where a mature view of the world had not quite caught up on the panic of being cast into it as an adult. He took...

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The Fourth Sacrifice

I was tired and hungry when I finally reached the little town in the valley that I had seen from some distance, walking down one of the hills that surrounded it, hoping to find a place where I could eat and rest; alms given me either out of charity or in return for what little I had to offer: my body, which, of course, I had no means to save from being taken for free, and my skills in making it provide pleasure, which, when I was lucky, were rewarded by a friendly word, a small gift, or a bowl...

3 years ago
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Sow and ReapChapter 40 Darkness and Sacrifice

Over the last few hours, Yugi, Honda, Pharaoh and I had taken turns sitting with Joey, rotating an hour or so at a time in pairs. None of us wanted to be alone when the machines went quiet. Pharaoh and I sat beside Joey's bed. We had placed two extra blankets over him because he was shivering in his sleep. I was beyond tears. Pharaoh had stopped praying. Joey groaned and we both looked up. He winced. He had requested that we reduce the amount of pain medication he was receiving and that...

4 years ago
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The Sacrifice

The results of the lottery were no surprise. That's what happens when you irk a duke or an earl or a prince. He wanted marriage; she refused for the sake of her seven siblings and dying mother. So, when the next lottery happened, her name went into the bowl every time another virgin's did. Four hundred and sixty-three slips of paper that said "Anna Weaver" and four hundred and sixty-three slips of paper that didn't. They said she had even odds but the truth was she never had a chance. That was...

First Time
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A Mothers Sacrifice

Introduction: A mother offers herself to save her daugthers virginity for her groom In medieval times in Europe the law in some fiefdoms was that the lord had the privilege to fuck the bride on her wedding night unless the bridegroom could offer a certain monetary payment. The Latin term for the policy was jus primae noctis or first night rights. In this way the lord maintained his dominance over his manor, increased his coffers as well as experienced the obvious pleasures. This event takes...

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Croppers Sacrifice

‘Help me Cropper…I can’t stop it!’ Sara shrieked, raising her arms against the tornado. Cropper froze, unsure of himself. In a pact with the Magician, he’d led her here under the pretense of giving her the Blood Stones. Now, he was beginning to regret his decision. Of the remaining witches, Sara was by far the most powerful and the Magician sought to rob her of her power and add it to His own. For his betrayal, Cropper was promised the prize of his dreams: restoration to the full-fledged...

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(A Gothic Setting) He walked quickly down the street, rushing past the darkened houses on this, the dreariest of days. Necessity drove him this night, on his errand all too important. The most importance in essence. He paused on a street corner and looked up at the sky. Useless…the sky would be no comfort tonight. Large black billowing clouds rolled across the sky as the sun cast its final rays of sunlight across the world. He sighed as he gazed up at those towering castles of gloom. He...

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A Mothers Sacrifice

This event takes place around 1453 AD in eastern France. The story “Mother, John won’t marry me if the lord fucks me first! You know that is the law – and the lord enforces it on serious penalty. What am I to do?” Madame deLong to her child, “Christine, of course, I know it – that is where your older brother came from – the lord’s father fucked me on my wedding night and nine months later your brother was born. Your father could not do anything about it. It is a terrible rule that...

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SRU Ultimate Sacrifice

Note: This Story contains an exceptionally grisly scene. As always, The SRU universe and related Intellectual Property are copyrighted to Bill Hart. Thanks to Bill for creating this wide and grand universe. This story may be archived on any free site. SRU: Ultimate Sacrifice By Lucretia Alex was walking to the mall, planning on stopping by the food court to grab some grub. He cursed his car, which broke down yesterday. He looked like the walk could do him some good for at 23;...

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Mothers Sacrifice

-The author allows copying of this story as long as all disclaimers remain attached, credit is given to the author in the pasted version, and the author is sent an email (at [email protected]) containing the destination of the copy and the name of the person copying the story. -No animals were harmed during the writing of this story (save moths). -Any relations to actual people, events, or places are strictly coincidental (unless the relation is to you, in which case I find...

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Sex sacrifice

I was over at Peter's place with his younger brother Matt. Pete and I had fucked plenty of times before but his brother Matt was younger (21) and I didint know which way he leaned so I had gone over not expecting much. We started drinking and before long the subject turned to sex at whch time Pete whipped out a straight porno and put it on. I figured this was his sign that his brother wouldn't be interested...and beside he was his brother he couldnt' go there.After a while Pete kept looking...

1 year ago
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The Peasant Mothers Sacrifice

In medieval times in Europe the law in some fiefdoms was that the lord had the privilege to fuck the bride first on her wedding night unless the bridegroom could offer a certain monetary payment. The Latin term for the policy was jus primae nocti or "first night rights." In this way the lord maintained his dominance over his manor, increased his coffers, as well as experiencing the obvious pleasures. This story takes place in 1453 AD in eastern France. “Mother, John will not marry me if the...

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Sacrifice How far would you go to protect the ones you love? My dearest children: I have a confession to make. Your mother and I have been keeping something from you for the last couple of years. Please believe me when I say that was not by choice. You remember how it seemed to be. One day I came home in women's clothes and told you I was transgender, that I was going to transition to live as the woman I felt myself to be. You both were confused, and upset, but you showed...

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Anitas Sex Sacrifice

                               Anita's Sex Sacrifice                                             by                                                                              Jethro Jodhpur                                      Chapter 1        The phone call was most unpleasant for Anita. The voice at the other end told her that unless she made herself available to his representatives without informing anyone before hand, her son, Pradeep, who was in debt to them up to his eyeballs, would...

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A Reasonable Sacrifice

A Reasonable Sacrifice O I forbid you, maidens a', That wear gowd on your hair, To come or gae by Carterhaugh, For young Tam Lin is there. The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, 1882-1898 by Francis James Child I've lived all my years in the village of Chauterfield, in the lovely GrayThistle Glen some thirty miles into the Southern Uplands of Scotland. Chauterfieldlies a few miles south by southwest from a stark bluff that the locals call "TheMound". A spring issues forth mid way down...

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Dear Reader: If you have come looking for a typical Michele Nylons story I'm afraid you are going to be disappointed. I have tried my hand at something new and I don't think I have got it quite right. In fact I think I might have failed miserably but take a look and tell me what you think. Some of you will no doubt laugh at me for attempting this story but hopefully some of you will enjoy it. Be prepared to be taken on a different kind of ride. Love as always, Michele...

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The Sacrifice

You don't know my story, and the suffering I had to go through just to get my dream job as a magazine model. It is quite embarassing and I don't think anyone would have agreed to what I did just to get where they wanted, I'm ashamed honestly. My name is Kelsey, and what I went through to get into the national magazine was absolutely terrible. At first I didn't think it would be so bad, I mean when I came in I thought I was definitely beautiful enough that the CEO would accept me to at least...

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How to Handle Virgin Sacrifices

Glurg mumbled his incantations as the guards brought the trembling girl up to the altar. He with the two other senior priests held her in position. High Priest Plurger shouted and raised the sharp stone in the air. As so often happened, the girl jerked violently as she saw the stone descending to her chest. But Glurg and the two others were prepared and held her in position. The stone pierced her chest. Blood spurted. All four priests said the incantations appropriate to their role. Then the...

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Sacrifices Ultimate love and ultimate evil 2000 years ago. The Sun God was awake again. The top of His head was just visible over thehorizon at the far side of the bay and the first rays of His life-giving radiancemade the four poles on either side of the dying embers of last night's firecast long shadows towards Arn. A soft moan made him turn his head. Gro hungslumped in her bonds, apparently unconscious. Her hands, tied so high up thepole that she was forced on tiptoe, were blue and swollen...

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This may be archived/posted anywhere. Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! Sacrifices By Pretzelgirl Author's Note: My apologies in advance if this story flows a bit disjointedly. The entire thing came to me in a vivid dream (I'll leave as an exercise for the reader to guess which character I "played" in the dream!) The morning after, I dashed this off as quickly as I could, trying to recapture the whole surreal experience before it faded away. I've since edited it for...

4 years ago
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© Copyright 2004 This is an erotic fantasy. The characters and the situation are purely imaginary, and this story is not intended to be a guide for actual behavior. Any similarities between this story and actual people, or between this story and actual events that you should be ashamed of, are purely coincidental. If it is illegal for you to access and read erotic fiction, or if you don't like sex stories, then stop now. This story is copyright 2004 by Russell Hoisington. You may post...

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Aces and EightsChapter 5 Sacrifices

Day 6: Sea Caves Walter I was turning away when I saw movement and my pistol was in my hand and I stared in shock at the person laying on the wet dock. She was naked, her slim back to me and I walked over to her as I heard the rattle of chains. Kneeling beside the woman, I noticed several items about her. One, her face and body had been painted with some type of ink. Two, her hands were bound together with chain manacles with another chain which was only two feet long, was attached to her...

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Grim Fairy TalesChapter 10 The Sacrifice

That same day, Bobby chaired the first meeting of the Eastern Shore Commission. The media cameras flashed and whirred as they captured the charismatic Bobby. His dark hair was immaculately combed and his smile firmly in place as he introduced the Commission's members. He looked straight into the cameras, his eyes flashing with passion, as he made an impassioned plea for unity and a peaceful resolution to the Shoremen's rebellion. Bobby's fashionable white suit had been calculated to clash...

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Sexual Sacrifices

Sexual SacrificesBy Bbonz1NOTE: The stories contained on this blog and other places represent experiments in writing. Some succeed. Some fail. But hopefully each is enjoyable to read and even in failure they provoke a stimulating reaction. The following is an experiment in short cuts for short stories. It is a work of fiction. Do not try this at home. Narrative: War has split the planet, conflict shattering the peaceful borders into millions of shards. Warlords rule most landmasses, their...

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Small Sacrifices

Small Sacrifices IX JC cried out in rage at the sight of his beloved boyfriend lying on thefilthy ground. The blood that leaked out of him smeared over the floor on whichhe lay. JC approached Justin slowly, wiping away the tears in his eyes. Hecrouched down beside Justin, reaching to touch him when the boy cried out loud.Sobs wracked his broken body and JC was forced to return to his corner awayfrom his boyfriend. He tilted his head, banging it a few times against the bars. He cried outloud...

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Loving Husbands Ultimate Sacrifice

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional story. Ashley and Arnold Metcalfe are a happily married couple in their mid thirties. Ashley, a housewife and Arnold in mid-management with a well known firm. Their lives have have been stable and they were happy sexually. Arnold knew his wife was suppressing her libido by being conservative when they made love. He wanted his wife happy and shed...

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Ghost Girl Chronicles Chapter 3 Sacrifice

"" G.G. cries through broken sobs. Anger and sadness paint my features as I look at her. Silently willing her to tell me why. To give me some sort of explanation of how Ashley is ok, of how she's just sleeping. I hear a small whimpering and I realize it's coming from me and I start to cry fresh tears. "What is your name?" I ask her, a steely calm coating my voice, in spite of the tears flowing from my eyes. "Kylie, it's Kylie.." She says in a small...

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A Glastonbury Sacrifice

The full moon had not yet risen as the girl trudged along the rough path that traversed the top of the long ridge up the Tor. Even so, there was sufficient light for her to see the ruined tower of St Michael’s Church on the summit, silhouetted against the darkening sky. She looked down at the baby clasped in her arms, barely three months old, and wrapped the shawl tighter around it. This Midsummer Eve the weather was warm and clear, but there was moisture in the air and she did not want it to...

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The Witches of Deepdale Virgin Sacrifice

The witches of Deepdale gathered about the fire, their faces stern, with highlights shown in stark contrast by the firelight. Beatrix looked from face to face, while they waited for the last member of the coven to arrive. Beatrix sighed, she knew full well why Moira was late, as she had asked her to gather more details about the information that they were about to discuss this evening.It was nearly ten minutes later when Moira arrived. She stretched her hands to warm them by the...

1 year ago
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The Peasant Mothers Sacrifice

In medieval times in Europe the law in some fiefdoms was that the lord had the privilege to fuck the bride first on her wedding night unless the bridegroom could offer a certain monetary payment. The Latin term for the policy was jus primae nocti or ‘first night rights.’ In this way the lord maintained his dominance over his manor, increased his coffers, as well as experiencing the obvious pleasures. This story takes place in 1453 AD in eastern France. “Mother, John will not marry me if the...

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A StepMothers Sacrifice

Miranda Hunter stood before her floor length mirror as she dressed for work, admiring her toned body as she slipped on her conservative underwear . She was 38 year old, but she had maintained a physique that many 28 year old women would be proud of. This was thanks to a healthy diet and two hours of exercise each day. Her husband Dale certainly appreciated the results, and they had a healthy sex-life, when he wasn’t away on business trips. Which, unfortunately, he was most of the time. However,...

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Grand Sacrifice

Chapter 0:1: Prologue As the beautifully warm and previously sunny day comes to it's end, the sky turns from azur to a light orange-red color, the shadows of the walls slowly creeping ever further until clashing with the darkness of the outskirts from the woods surrounding the plains and the city itself. At the turning of time, the dusk of night, the falling of the sun, even your shadow is streching long and tall over the backside of a small hill your sitting on. You're looking towards the...

2 years ago
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She looked up from her place on her knees at His feet to meet His steeled gaze, His voice deep and firm sending her deeper into her perpetual state of bliss “who am I? “ He practically growled out, His voice saturated with raw unfiltered need. She breathed in deep allowing the truth of the words as they formed on her tongue to solidify her choice and remind her what her submission would mean, as the words left her lips a warm peace cascaded thru her entire body...

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Hawaiian Sacrifice

"This is so romantic". "You look stunning my dear. You're going to look even prettier in due time".You did look ravishing in your grass skirt and lei. Your nipples were hardened from the chill in the air, and your breast were sitting up firm and full. "I feel so free being topless. I feel so sexy". "You are sexy love. I've always told you that", I said, placing my fork on my plate, indicating I was done with the meal. Taking a sip of the wine, I studied you,looking beyond your eyes...

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Sudha And Sruthi Too Many Men 8211 Chapter 1 Sudha8217s Sacrifice

Theirs was a happy middle-class family, since, after the death of the parents, the brother Siva looked after both the sisters, giving good education and good living conditions. Sudha was the eldest of the siblings, currently working in an IT firm. Even though being the eldest, Siva took great care for both of them. There was just 2 year age gap between the siblings. Shruthi was 2 years younger than Siva, and Sudha 2 years older. Unlike Sudha, Shruti was more of a jovial type, doing her...

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The Academy Part 5 Sacrifice

Chloe watched Kaylee as she slept. She was worried about leaving her alone, but she hoped she be able to give her some sort of advantage before she left. And she knew she didn't have long. She knew who she was. She remembered Tobias and everything about his life and what he did. She knew how to do things and that meant trying to make a difference for Kaylee, but also to get something back. The journey wouldn't be a hard one, but she knew there would be no coming back. She remembered,...

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Ever since my daughter Tutun attained puberty, I discovered that the way Tupai, my 16 year old son looked at her, meant more than what is expected from a brother. I have noticed that tupai makes numerous efforts to get physically close to his younger sister. Tutun, the innocent girl, never suspected her horny brother’s intentions, as she was at ease with his elder brother’s company. I am bonny, a simple housewife, good looking beautiful lady aged around 40, leading a happy family life with my...

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The Sacrifice

How many days had it been since she was first brought here? Keeping time was impossible when she had seen nothing but blackness for what felt like weeks. Amaryllis shifted to her other side, the tug of her leg restraint a subtle reminder that she was still a hostage. Her stomach was growling, would they ever let her eat? Was the plan to leave her here to starve to death? She had no way of knowing and no one to ask. In all the time she had been here, she had not heard another living soul save...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Sisters Sacrifice

Emilia’s heart skipped when she saw his car pull in front of her apartment building. She immediately ran to the door, stopping in front of the mirror as she passed it. Her brown hair was tied in a ponytail as it usually was, but she adjusted it until it hung just right. She smoothed her hands across her skirt before she made her way to the door and awaited his knock. When she heard it, she opened the door with a relieved smile. “I’m so glad you made it!” she declared, wrapping her arms around...

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Ultimate Sacrifice

November 11th 1997 3:44am My family and I had just spent the last two years going thru major drama. You see I had just gotten out of military school and was about to move back home. When my dad Micah Sr decided to moves all to the country in the northern part of our state. So the summer before the beginning of my Junior year I end up in Northrop High School. Any way the January after we moved my Dad was at work and torn his Achilles tendon and had to be out of work then he suffered a...

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Grim Fairy TalesChapter 14 Inspecting the Sacrifice

Taking advantage of the lull in the fighting, MG Manlius had called a Commander's Conference to review the JTF's progress and plan the next attack. He was immensely pleased that his troops had been able to break out of the landing area at Cape Charles so quickly and with so few casualties. Addressing the audience of commanders and senior staff officers, the general let them all know that they had victory within their reach. "The only reason that we're not going home right now is those...

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The Omega TouchChapter 24 Purpose and Sacrifice

Monday, July 20, 2009, 7:15 AM “NO!” Tricia screamed. “I refuse! We are NOT letting him die!” Snow Angel was tearing, and holding Joey’s head. Green energy flowed from her hands into his body. “Tricia! There’s nothing I can do! I told you. I can’t fix this!” Her voice was shaking in sorrow. “You HAVE to be able to help him!” She looked into Joey’s eyes. He was choking on his blood, shivering, rasping, and his eyes stared at Tricia in terror. “Joey, I am not letting you die! We’re getting...

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Priestly PromiscuityChapter 15 Sallys Selfless Sacrifice

The next evening after their usual practice, Brother John quietly signaled to the obese youngster to come to his office. Sally had spent the last hour wondering if he was going to acknowledge that he knew she'd watched them and, now that he obviously was, she was frightened. "Now, Sally." he said with a reproving tone of voice. "You were being rather sneaky last night, weren't you? Just what did you see?" "Oh, sir? I didn't mean to, but? Like? I know it wasn't your fault, Brother...

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