- 3 years ago
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Ultimate love and ultimate evil 2000 years ago.
The Sun God was awake again. The top of His head was just visible over thehorizon at the far side of the bay and the first rays of His life-giving radiancemade the four poles on either side of the dying embers of last night's firecast long shadows towards Arn. A soft moan made him turn his head. Gro hungslumped in her bonds, apparently unconscious. Her hands, tied so high up thepole that she was forced on tiptoe, were blue and swollen and her strainedfeet no longer had the strength to support her. He looked up at his own hands;they'd gone numb some time ago. At least he was spared that pain, but his feet,lashed so tightly that the thin string cutting into his ankles had drawn blood,hurt terribly. He looked at the empty poles again. ?Only one day left'.
They had attacked their village deep in the woods three nights ago, the coastpeople. The inland tribe's warriors were out hunting and the remaining oldmen and boys didn't stand a chance when the superior force of better-armedraiders took them by surprise. Huts had been burned down, stores plunderedand most of the villagers slaughtered. Only young women and adolescent girlsand boys were dragged away to serve their captors as slaves. Except six, threegirls and three boys, who were singled out as Midsummer sacrifices. Gro andArn were last and after two days and nights in the cruel tie with neither foodnor water, it would be a relief when their turn came, even if it was a horribleway to end their young lives.
They'd been left no choice but to watch their fellows die and listen to theirscreams during the previous nights, so he knew exactly what was in store forthem. When the Sun God hid His face again, the fire would be rekindled andthe warriors of the hostile tribe assemble around it. They would take downtheir victims, Gro first, but only to tie her spread-eagle between pegs onthe beach and rape her, one after the other. The shaman first and the youngestmen last. More than Arn had fingers and toes. When they had finished with herand she lay like a rag doll, slumped lifeless, sperm and blood oozing fromher torn hole, the first to go had regained their strength and would turn herround to ravage her arse. After that they'd tie her to the pole again, thistime on her knees, and break her lower jaw to ensure that she wouldn't bitewhen they took her for the third time, spurting down her throat. Perhaps she'dsuffocate during the oral rape, like the girl they'd used on the first night.The next hadn't been that lucky. Her screams were still ringing in Arn's ears.They'd sliced off her budding young breasts and she'd watched them being roastedover the fire, cut into small pieces and eaten, while slowly bleeding to death.Almost; the limp body jerked feebly when her hands and feet were chopped offas special delicacies reserved for the most distinguished warriors. The othersfought over the carcass to secure a slice of the juiciest parts, her arse andthighs. When all had got their share, the leftovers were thrown on the fire.Acrid smoke rose from the pyre to tickle the nose of the Sun God's silvery-facedsister and make Her sneeze to wake up Her powerful sibling.
The first part of the feast lasted several hours, during which the next victimwas all but forgotten. Not completely, some of the men had milked his cockto make him spurt over a piece of roast flesh. When his turn eventually came,he was treated like the girl. Spread out and taken up the arse, tied back tothe pole to have his jaw broken and his throat raped. He was stronger thanshe and his slaughterers more careful, so he survived when they cut off hiscock and balls, cauterising the wounds with glowing embers, and even when hishands and feet were chopped off. Not until they sliced open his chest, wrenchedthe ribcage aside and ripped out the still beating heart did he finally die.
The other two boys had been incredibly brave and managed to endure all butthe last ordeal in silence. But they were a couple of years older than Arn'ssixteen summers. He looked into the rising sun and vowed to sustain his tortureas befitting a man of his tribe.
A broken voice croaked: "I'm thirsty", and he looked at his sister again.
By far the most beautiful girl in their village, even exhausted and dishevelledas she was now. Blonde and slender, with long legs, a well-shaped bottom and,in spite of her only fifteen summers, fully developed, firm breasts, gracedby large, dark brown nipples.
"It'll soon be over".
"I know".
They looked away again; there was nothing more to say.
The Sun God continued His journey and the tormented teenagers slumped intosemi-consciousness. Arn slowly regained his senses when a babble of exitedvoices reached his ears. ?Time to die', he thought, but then it was still plainday. He raised his head, squinting against the sharp light reflected from thesurface of the bay. There was something strange out there, three red spots,slowly growing larger. Out of an inland tribe, he'd seldom seen the sea andnever even heard about what was now closing on the coast.
The tribune Marcus Delius Peronius stood in the bow of his trireme, keenlywatching the beach and the dark forest behind it. He'd been at this place oncebefore and didn't expect trouble, but one couldn't be too cautious when exploringthese remote and wild tracts, so they'd come well prepared this time. He hadnot only his own ship, with thirty heavily armed and well-trained legionnaires,but two smaller supply galleys as well, carrying another twenty. People weremilling around on the shore, women and children among them, and one of theirprimitive boats was approaching. A half-naked savage, the man he remembereddealing with at his first visit, was standing upright, waving something. Itlooked like an enormous lump of amber. ?Good! They've been busy, or their womenfolkand children have, hoping that we would return', he thought.
An hour later, when the galleys were riding at anchor at a safe distance,bows turned towards open sea and oars out; he was rowed ashore with thirtyof his men. Bales of dyed cloth, gaudy glass pearls, copper and iron pots andpans, even a few knives were laid out for inspection and the savages lookedat them in awe. The man who'd been rowed out to the galley greeted him cordiallyand waved some tribesmen forward to present what seemed a very fine collectionof amber. The tribune looked them over, smiled and nodded, but left bargainingto his steward, an experienced tradesman, and strolled up towards the forest,followed by ten of his men. He wanted explore the nearest bit of it, but somethingcaught his eye and he veered to the left, where a ring of large stones fencedoff part of the beach. Up closer it looked like some sort of sacred place andhe was about to turn away, not to worry or anger the savages, when spottingthe two naked bodies tied to poles beside a fireplace. A glimpse of long blondehair made him go on, glancing at the beach to see if anyone was watching andif his men were on the alert.
Satisfied that there were no signs of imminent trouble, he entered the stonecircle to stop in front of the boy and the girl hanging there in their bonds. ?Humansacrifices', he thought and studied them closer. The boy looked about seventeenor eighteen, strongly built with well-defined muscles and a rather handsomeface. Prime slave meat. The girl was more than that, far more. She was exceptionallybeautiful, or would be when cleaned up and rested. Even now, as she stood there,naked, helplessly tied, in pain, she was utterly desirable. ?So alike whatI had to give up, almost her fair twin', he thought, imagining her on a bed,spread, vulnerable, her eyes begging him to be gentle, and felt his cock stirring.Just then her eyelids fluttered open and those eyes, deep blue like the Bayof Neapolis, locked on his, wordlessly crying for help.
"I want her, Armin!" He turned to the blond giant behind him, one of his personalbodyguards: two Germanic slaves, whom he trusted with his life.
"You can't buy her, Tribune".
"Not at any price?"
The slave shook no. "She belongs to the God".
"But I must have her!"
"Then we'll steal her for you, Tribune". He looked calmly at his master.
Armin turned to his even larger fellow and said something in their gutturallanguage. Thor seemed to contemplate the problem, then brightened, rapped offa string of words, pointing to the narrow promontory shielding the Westernside of the bay.
"Go back to the shore, Tribune", Armin related, "Finish trading, then boardthe ships and sail away. When you've rounded the headland, send one of thesmall galleys as close to the shore as she can get. We'll be waiting there,with the girl".
"You can handle this on your own?"
Marcus looked from the eight legionnaires in their short tunics, chest andleg armour and boots, to the two fair-haired slaves, dressed only in theirnative calf length trousers.
"We are men, Tribune!"
Armin rose to his full six feet seven inches and pushed out his magnificentchest. Instead of the standard weapons: Short stabbing sword and spear, andthe three feet long curved bronze shield, Armin had two sleek knives tuckedinto his belt, while his fellow carried a razor sharp double edged battle axe.
"So you are".
The young commander smiled, punching the two men's bulging biceps.
"Come back to me".
He led the troop back towards the trading place, while the two half-nakedslaves melted into the edge of the forest. None of the savages seemed to takeany notice of their absence, preoccupied as they were with the display of hithertounknown luxuries; haggling fiercely with the smiling steward. Eventually thedeals were done to mutual satisfaction, judging from the smug smiles sharedequally by the tribesmen and the Roman. Galley slaves had brought new suppliesof water on board, with the addition of some live chickens, baskets of eggs,and two freshly slaughtered wild boars. It was a long journey to this northernmostpart of the continent and the main purpose of such a costly expedition wasexploring the unknown, but a bit of trading on the side suited the practicalminded Romans well. The cargo of amber was worth a fortune on the markets ofRome and the big bales of bear and wolf hides loaded at other villages a profitableaddition. Well worth dispatching three galleys and half a centuria of legionnairesunder the command of a tribune. At twenty-three Marcus was an experienced commander,yet still retained the audacity of youth and more than willing to endure hardshipsand lack of the comfort and luxury he was used to as the only son of a wealthysenator, if only his need for adventure was satisfied.
The Romans returned to the ships and the slaves pulled hard on the oars togain the open sea. Marcus had boarded the smallest and swiftest galley insteadof the ponderous three-decker and was keenly watching the disappearing shorefrom the stern. The savages were either looking after the departing ships ormilling around their newly acquired treasures. None of them seemed to noticewhat happened at the edge of the forest, where Armin and Thor sneaked up tothe poles and with a few quick cuts freed the girl. The tribune nodded satisfiedwhen one of them threw the inert body over his shoulder and disappeared intothe dense undergrowth, but frowned in surprise when the other hesitated andthen cut loose the other victim to carry him away as well. They had to havea very good reason for acting without orders, further endangering the riskyoperation. Marcus ordered the slave drivers to increase speed and the ten archers,he'd brought on board, to stand ready. The galley rounded the headland andsped down the other side until a short flash from the forest made the tribunecall an abrupt halt. The ship backed carefully as close to the shore as possible.When it stopped again, the two Germans broke cover and ran across the sandybeach, half carrying the boy between them. The girl was slung across Thor'sbroad shoulder. Seconds later, they splashed through the shallow water andwere hauled on board. Drum and whips made the slaves pull on the oars againand the lithe vessel beat a hasty retreat towards the two galleys further outto sea. It was over!
Marcus kept watching the shore until it had all but disappeared in the seamist, but saw no sign of pursuit. Satisfied, he turned to the saved youngstersand their rescuers.
"Why did you take the boy?" He frowned at Armin, who shrugged his shoulders.
"He's her brother, Tribune".
"How can you know that. Do you understand their tongue?"
"Some of it. She whispered a word, which is almost the same as brother inour language, so we took him too. Might make her a better slave for you, Tribune,or you can just sell him".
"Perhaps". Marcus smiled benevolently. "You did well, very well".
"Thank you, Tribune".
The two giants knelt to kiss the foot he put forward. On the deck beside themthe youngsters were watching their saviours submitting to the much slighterbuilt man in the red cloak. The girl slumped almost lifeless, apparently tooexhausted to move, but the boy had managed to get on his hands and knees andnow edged forward to press his mouth to the boot. Marcus nodded, satisfied,and looked at the girl, reading the same complete submission in her eyes.
A couple of hours later the small flotilla was heading southwards under sail,driven by a brisk northerly wind, the long oars shipped and the slaves restingin their chains. Marcus had transferred to the trireme and looked up when thecurtain shielding the door to his cabin on the quarterdeck was drawn asideand Armin led in the latest additions to his household. They'd been cleanedand the deep wounds on their wrists and ankles anointed with aloe salve andbandaged. Fed a light meal and all the water she could drink, the girl managedwalk unaided, but began to sink to her knees when she saw the tribune. Marcusgestured her to remain standing and rose to guide her hands behind her neck,kicking her feet lightly to make her spread her legs. Gro quickly understoodthe message and her brother copied the stance beside her. "Excellent!" Theirnew master circled them slowly. "Have you tried speaking with them?"
"Some, Tribune", Armin answered, "Their language is much different, but wedo understand each other. They are primitive forest people. The tribe of thebay destroyed their village and took them prisoner. Those two", he nodded atthe couple, "were destined for the Sun God, because they're very handsome".
Marcus stopped in front of the girl, looking into her eyes and slowly raisinghis hand to touch her left breast. She looked frightened, but didn't try avoidinghis caress. The young flesh was firm and her nipple almost instantly hard. "Don'tbe scared, girl, I won't harm you". He smiled reassuringly and touched theother breast gently, then let his hand slide down her firm stomach towardsthe sparse blonde hair between her slim thighs.
She went rigid and Armin spoke to her. "I promised that you won't eat her,Tribune".
The Roman looked shocked. "Eat her!"
"That's what they do with sacrifices. Didn't you notice the four empty polesand the ashes from the fire?" "Jupiter! Does your tribe do the same?"
"No, Tribune. We burn them at the stake. The smoke pleases the God".
The tribune tried to let his eyes speak, "I won't eat you, just fuck you",and slid his fingers further down, parting her labia lips and probing the narrowopening. It was moist and she squirmed under his touch, but didn't turn away,not even when his finger penetrated her further, until it met resistance.
"She's a virgin!"
"She would be, until marriage, Tribune".
Marcus took a step back, licking the sweet juices off his finger, smilingtenderly. The girl seemed to understand and opened her thighs further, thrustingher pelvis forward, offering herself. ?So like the other one", he thought andfelt a stab in his heart.
The Roman nodded his satisfaction and turned to her brother. The boy stoodstock still, staring into middle distance, and didn't move a muscle when hisnew master's hands slid down his chest, squeezed his biceps and felt up hisstrong thighs. Only when they grabbed his scrotum and closed around his longslender cock did he gasp. Marcus looked up to meet his eyes, calm, but withsomething lurking behind the mask. Fear? Hate? No, surprise rather.
"Do these savages know of the pleasures a man can offer his fellow man?"
"If they are like us, the warriors seek comfort with each other on the longhunting trips, but we don't use boys", Armin answered.
"What a waste!"
The tribune went round to have a look at the strong back, put a hand betweenthe boy's shoulder blades and pressed. Arn stiffened for a moment, unsure ofwhat was expected of him, but when the pressure was increased, bowed at thewaist to present his firm boyarse.
"Very nice". Marcus grabbed the buttocks and drew them apart to reveal a firmlittle gloryhole.
"You're right, he's had nothing up here".
"Yet!", Armin added dryly.
"Not yet, no". His master confirmed and took a step back.
"You want him tonight, Tribune, or the girl?"
Marcus smiled. "No! Tonight I'll reward my best slaves for their cunning andbravery. Give those two a couple of tunics and some blankets. Feed them well,but only a little bit at a time or they may be sick. Chain them to the deckoutside, I don't anyone near them, except you, and to ensure that they won'tsneak overboard".
"I don't think they can swim, Tribune, and they wouldn't run away anyway.We believe that when you save a life, you own a life. They were already deadwhen you revived them to a new existence as your slaves". "Do it anyway, tomake their status clear".
"Yes, Tribune".
Gro and Arn looked in wonder at the plain and simple clothes. The girl caressedthe soft wool, something she didn't know existed, whispering her thanks tothe German, who smiled warmly back, gesturing her to cover herself and sitdown by the cabin wall. Thor knelt to close a shackle carefully around herbandaged ankle, then restrained her brother beside her. "Eat and drink". Arminindicated the mugs of spiced wine and plates of bread and cold meat, then leftthem alone. Still stunned by the quick turn of events and overawed by the new,frightening surroundings, they emptied the mugs and plates in silence. Arnput an arm around his sister's shoulders, making her rest her head on his chestand soon after they fell into an exhausted sleep.
It was late when Armin woke them up with another light meal. The three shipswere anchored close to a deserted coast and a contingent of legionnaires hadlit a fire on the shore, preparing to keep watch. The two teenagers watchedthe sun sink slowly into the sea, while munching the dried dates and pickledolives, once again marvelling that such things existed. A shudder ran throughthe girl's body when the top of the Sun God's head disappeared and she relivedthe horrible scenes she'd witnessed during the previous nights. Her brothertouched her cheek gently and she turned her head to look into his grave eyes.
"Will He be angry and hide His face forever?", she whispered.
"They'll offer Him another meal".
She shuddered again, imagining one of the other captured girls from her villagescreaming while she was gang-raped.
"But we belong to Him. He will not forget".
Gro nodded her understanding.
"He will be angry with him", Arn indicated the cabin, "That he stole us away".
"But the big men did that, not the dark one?"
"They're his slaves, he must have told them to do it".
"So we belong to him now?"
Arn nodded. "Until the Sun God claims us again".
"What will the dark one do to us?"
"I don't know".
She lowered her eyes. "It felt good, when he touched me".
"He'll do more than that".
"What men do to women?"
"Yes!" She munched another date. "He's kind".
"He'll hurt you".
"Men hurt women".
Arn didn't answer; there was no need. That's how it was, had to be, to keepthem in their proper place. But he wondered what could be in store for him.Would he be chained to the oars like the naked men in the ship's hold? Wouldthe dark one use him like a woman? But perhaps the dark one's tribe didn'tdo that. Yet he had touched him. Did it matter? The Sun God would soon takerevenge and claim what was rightly His. He wondered why the dark one daredsteal from Him. Perhaps he had other gods, he believed stronger. But no godscould be stronger than the provider of life, could they?
A boat put off from the beach, returning the tribune after his hot bath. Heclimbed on board, closely followed by Thor, and passed them with just a cursoryglance on the way to his cabin. Shortly after, Armin brought a covered traywith his master's evening meal and a little later two glass-goblets of mulledwine for the shackled youngsters. "Rest", he told them, answering Gro's unspokenquestion, "We'll talk when He's awake again". He nodded towards the dark horizon.
"He is angry", Arn whispered
"The Romans have powerful gods". Armin's teeth flashed.
"His tribe, very big, very strong".
Arn nodded doubtfully. The German touched his shoulder and left for the cabin.The siblings sipped the hot wine and, unused as she was to alcohol, Gro wassoon snuggled up to her brother, fast asleep. He stayed awake a while longer,listening to faint noises from the cabin. At first it sounded like slaps andgrunts, as if someone were whipped, then it changed to rhythmic gasps and groans,much like what he'd heard from their parents' hut on the nights when they'dbeen told to sleep outside and their mother had looked tired the next morning,displaying a severely striped arse. But Gro was surely the only girl on board?So the Romans did use men like women, even hurt them like men hurt women beforeusing them. He wondered briefly who was using whom, but decided that it couldonly be the dark one hurting one of the big men. Strange! He must be a powerfulchieftain to subdue much stronger men.
Had he been able to look through the cabin wall, he would've been even moresurprised. The two large German slaves were naked, kneeling side by side onthe edge of a bed, hands between their legs, grabbing their ankles. The likewisenaked tribune's slender cock was buried in Thor's arsehole, sliding slowlyforth and back in the hot tunnel. A short, sturdy whip lay abandoned at hisfeet, but the heavy welts decorating the two muscular arses proved that ithad been used recently and with great effect.
"Aah!" Marcus emptied his balls. "That was good!"
"Thank you, Tribune", the slave grunted.
The Roman withdrew his spent cock and went round to present the soiled meatto Armin, who meekly closed his lips around it, sucking it clean.
"Yes, very good!" Marcus sank down on a chair and took a beaker of wine froma low table beside it, saluting the kneeling men. "It was a lucky day whenwe met".
Armin strained his head to look back at him. "It was, Tribune, for us".
That was two years ago, when Marcus' father was on his way to take up hispost as proconsul and governor of Britannia, bringing his son along as personalaide. The young man was already experienced after having served his uncle,then military commander of Judaea, in the same capacity and seen action againstthe ever rebellious tribes. He had fought with such bravery and ferocity inthe field of battle, that he'd won not only the respect, awe even, of his uncle,a hardened veteran not given to favouritism, but the common men as well. Hereturned home a centurion and was promoted tribune by the Emperor at the sametime as his eldest son, Drusus, who had been Marcus' closest friend since boyhoodand was now commanding a legion in the Southern part of Gallia Transalpina.
They had reached the mouth of the river Rhenum on the last lap of the longjourney and boarded a trireme, which would take them across the open sea toBritannia. The proconsul retired to the aft cabin, but his son stayed to watchthe ship getting under way. The moorings were cast off and he heard the command: "Oarsout!", but it wasn't followed by the usual beating of a drum to mark the stroke.Instead came the familiar sound of a whip hitting bare flesh, followed by thedeep bellow of a male voice. Another voice took up the chant and the two ofthem kept alternating regularly, supplanting the drum beat. Curious, he crossedto look into the hold where galley slaves were sitting on long benches, fourto an oar in three tiers above each other on either side of the ship. A familiarsight, as were the handlers, ready to encourage the human engines with theirwhips. What he'd never seen before were the two naked bodies dangling on eitherside of the central gangway, their wrists tied to a rope run from the loweryard of the mast. Every square inch of their hide was marked by the sturdywhips two slave drivers were swinging expertly to force yet another screamfrom a helpless prisoner.
?What a waste!', Marcus thought, studying the magnificent bodies. Even coveredin welts, some of them oozing blood, both men displayed a remarkable physique.Well over six feet tall, arms bulging with strong muscles, wide chests taperingdown to narrow waists and tight arses, and legs like tree trunks, they werespecimens of a kind of manhood he'd seldom seen, if ever.
"Pity", someone said in his ear and he turned to see that the ship's captainhad joined him, "To see good slaves go to waste".
"Why waste them, then?"
"Incorrigible troublemakers. I've had them for a year, but they've never adaptedto their fate. Always complaining and rebelling, breaking the rhythm, upsettingthe other slaves. We did try, believe me, there are many years of work leftin them, but in the end had to realise that it would be impossible to tamethem. So this is their last task, to serve as an example for their fellows"
"For how long have they been hanging like that?"
"This is the third day".
"And for how long are you going to keep them there?"
"Until they die!" The captain shrugged his shoulders. "Tonight, I guess".
Marcus watched the whips coming down another couple of times, then turnedaway with a pang of regret, but no pity. Slavery was a fact of life. Withouta steady supply of slaves, the Empire would collapse. That some of them proveduseless and had to be put down was inevitable.
"Do you know where they came from?", he asked.
"A wild forest tract near the northern coast of Germania, Marcus Delius",the decurion commanding the proconsul's bodyguard answered before the captioncould say anything.
"What makes you think so?"
"Their tattoos. Its twenty years since I was up there last, but I'll neverforget those. Warriors of their tribe are among the best I've ever met. Fantasticarchers!"
The decurion was about twice Marcus' age; a battle scarred veteran of countlesswars all over the Empire, who had been his second in command in Judaea. Hespat on the deck.
"A stupid waste. Criminal!"
"Useless slaves have to be put down".
"They're not useless, Marcus Delius. They are men, not animals!"
"And therefore useless", the captain interrupted.
"Only if used wrongly and unfairly. I know these people, Marcus Delius. I'vefought against them. I've conquered them. They are special. Fiercely loyal,fearless fighters. They have only two options in battle, victory or death!If they, against their own will, survive a defeat, they are dead. They do notbelong to their tribe any longer, but to the victors. Yet not unconditionally.They still have two choices, seeking death or transferring their loyalty totheir conquerors. If treated like trash, robbed of their dignity, they seeno purpose in staying alive, but if their master wins their respect, he'llhave the best and most devoted slaves in the world".
"Slaves don't have options, they obey", the captain growled.
"They don't? Then what do you call this?" The decurion indicated the torturedmen. "They have chosen death, defeated you, because you don't deserve them!"
He spat on the deck again. "And what's worse, you've robbed the Empire oftwo valuable lives".
The captain was about to retort angrily when Marcus stopped him with a raisedhand. "Not yet, Decurion! We'll put your confidence to the test".
The captain stared uncomprehendingly at him.
"Release those men, right now! I'm taking them over", the young tribune ordered.
"But, but you can't", he sputtered, "They're mine and I'm disposing of myproperty".
"They belong to the Empire, not you, Captain, and I'm representing the Emperor".
"You expect me to bow to a snotty brat like you!" The captain was splutteringwith contempt.
"I expect you to obey a superior officer!"
"No one but me gives orders aboard my ship!"
"We shall see. Decurion, have those men released".
"At once, Tribune".
The soldier touched his breastplate, calling two of his men to cut the ropes.The captain shouted frantically to the sailors to stop them and the decurionordered the eight legionnaires on guard outside the aft cabin to string theirbows.
"You don't really want a fight, Captain", Marcus remarked quietly.
"But you can't just confiscate my slaves. I'm responsible for them!"
"They're already dead, as you just told me, so I'm only relieving you of thecarcasses".
Two swords flashed and two bodies dropped heavily to the lowest deck. Thecaptain turned away, admitting defeat, and Marcus went to the rail, lookingdown at the slumped slaves. A couple of slave drivers approached them, raisingtheir whips.
"Leave them!", he called and the decurion joined him, shouting something ina strange language. One of the slaves raised his head, squinting up at themen at the rail and the decurion called again.
"You know their language?", Marcus asked.
"Just a few words which most Germans understand. I told them to come up here".
"I doubt that is possible, better send someone down for them".
"Wait and see, Marcus Delius. These men are exceptionally strong and determined".
The decurion was proved right. The slave slowly got on his knees and raisedhis hands to try tearing off the tight rope with his teeth, but without success.He shook his head, looked up again and then began dragging his pain-wrackedbody across to his lifeless fellow. The galley slaves had stopped rowing andtheir handlers were staring at the two men until an angry shout from the captaindrove them back to work, a drum beating the stroke and whips lashing at strainedbacks. The crawling slave eventually reached his fellow and shook him awakewith his tied hands to make him kneel up. They exchanged a few words and lookedaround to spot a ladder, then stumbled to their feet. It was a long, painfulcrawl, but they never even paused to catch their breaths until they at lastreached the upper deck to stand swaying, looking from one to the next of thethree Romans. The captain was quickly dismissed as a known quantity from whomthey had no reason to expect mercy, but their eyes flickered uncertainly betweenthe burly decurion in his shining breast plate and the slender young man, dressedin a simple tunic and with a red cloak slung around his shoulders. One of themseemingly made up his mind, grunted to his fellow and took two steps towardsMarcus, dropping to his knees in front of him. He looked up briefly, lockinghis clear blue eyes with the Roman's brown, then bowed his head, mumbling somethingunintelligible. The tribune was about to answer when the decurion put a restraininghand on his arm. "Wait, Marcus Delius!", he whispered. The tied and tormentedslave ambled closer to fall flat on his face, prostrating himself and reachingfor his new master's right foot. Marcus almost recoiled, but felt the decurion'shand again and remained as he was, watching the slave grab his ankle to raisethe foot and place it on the back of his neck in a gesture of complete submission.
The two slaves had hardly left his side since then. As the decurion had predicted,they were unfailingly loyal, alert and obedient. They recovered quickly andtook to their training as Marcus' personal slaves like ducks to water. Armin,the brightest of them, soon learned to speak adequate Latin, something hisgigantic fellow never quite mastered. Thor, on the other hand, revealed a surprisinglygentle touch when helping their master with his bath or dressing and undressinghim, and could wait at table as elegantly as any top trained Greek slaveboy.Not even their first experience with their master's sexual tastes seemed todisturb them. They looked surprised when he, on the first night after they'darrived at the proconsul's country house in Aquae Sulis, ordered them to kneelat the edge of his bed for a taste of the whip, evidently wondering what they'ddone wrong. Yet Thor just grunted when his master's engorged member touchedthe crack of his striped arse and even reached back to open it. Now they routinelymade themselves available for his whip and cock.
(A Gothic Setting) He walked quickly down the street, rushing past the darkened houses on this, the dreariest of days. Necessity drove him this night, on his errand all too important. The most importance in essence. He paused on a street corner and looked up at the sky. Useless…the sky would be no comfort tonight. Large black billowing clouds rolled across the sky as the sun cast its final rays of sunlight across the world. He sighed as he gazed up at those towering castles of gloom. He...
Sacrifice How far would you go to protect the ones you love? My dearest children: I have a confession to make. Your mother and I have been keeping something from you for the last couple of years. Please believe me when I say that was not by choice. You remember how it seemed to be. One day I came home in women's clothes and told you I was transgender, that I was going to transition to live as the woman I felt myself to be. You both were confused, and upset, but you showed...
Dear Reader: If you have come looking for a typical Michele Nylons story I'm afraid you are going to be disappointed. I have tried my hand at something new and I don't think I have got it quite right. In fact I think I might have failed miserably but take a look and tell me what you think. Some of you will no doubt laugh at me for attempting this story but hopefully some of you will enjoy it. Be prepared to be taken on a different kind of ride. Love as always, Michele...
She looked up from her place on her knees at His feet to meet His steeled gaze, His voice deep and firm sending her deeper into her perpetual state of bliss “who am I? “ He practically growled out, His voice saturated with raw unfiltered need. She breathed in deep allowing the truth of the words as they formed on her tongue to solidify her choice and remind her what her submission would mean, as the words left her lips a warm peace cascaded thru her entire body...
BDSMEver since my daughter Tutun attained puberty, I discovered that the way Tupai, my 16 year old son looked at her, meant more than what is expected from a brother. I have noticed that tupai makes numerous efforts to get physically close to his younger sister. Tutun, the innocent girl, never suspected her horny brother’s intentions, as she was at ease with his elder brother’s company. I am bonny, a simple housewife, good looking beautiful lady aged around 40, leading a happy family life with my...
IncestIt was 1995, I had just turned 18 years old and I was in my freshman year at college. My best friend from high school, Sheila, and I were roommates and came home together for the Christmas break. Neither one of us had a car so we were still depending on men to take us around. She was dating a guy name Fitz and he had a car so he picked us both up from her house. We went out to the clubs downtown, at that time my city had a very hopping club scene, so we stayed out most of the night. While at...
Hello Everyone!! Thanks for your feedback. It really motivates me to write next past pretty soon. Those who don’t me, I am 22 year old girl from Gujarat. My figure is 34 27 36. I am not virgin. I lost it when I was 18. Story about that some other time. This story is about I had sex with my younger brother. His name is Mahesh.. This is my second story. Continuation of the first story “Beginning with Younger Brother Part-1” . Please give your feedback on to my brother or to me. To give you...
Incest"Will you be my Maid of Honor?" Jennifer asked Lara. Lara was Jennifer's fiancé Mark's, very affectionate sister."Really?" she asked, clearly surprised by the question."Yes, you've become like a sister to me and I think it would make Mark happy too," Jennifer explained. She had asked Mark what he thought of her asking Lara instead of her best friend Kendra, who Mark didn't like much. She stressed that Kendra would still be a bridesmaid, but since she lived three hours away, having someone local...
We met at a different house every time the club met. We might meet only once a month with all the members, but some members would meet in smaller groups more often if they cared too. We were young and old, male and female, beautiful and average, gay and straight, and we all loved masturbating. It had all began slowly, of course. I was the instigator. I loved jerking off. Much more than fucking, which I had experienced several times. But I had always returned to jacking it for my real pleasure....
MasturbationAt the loading area, Marlene and I stood together but twisted away from each other. The chair came along, we grabbed the outer bars and swung up over the emergency-stop rope. Together we pulled the safety bar down and put our skis on the narrow footrest.″So?″ With scarf over her face and goggles with mirrored lenses, she was muffled and inscrutable.″What?″″Are the pantyhose keeping you warm?″″You mean the tights you loaned me?″ I thought for a second and realized my ass was not cold. ″Yes,...
White women are overrated. And they’re not my standard of beauty. Black women are my standard of beauty. There, I said it. And I mean it with every fibre of my being. This is coming from me, Samuel Xavier. A proud bisexual Black man who’s bedded women and men of all races before coming to this shocking conclusion. I just wanted to let the world know how I feel. Seriously. After years of switching back and forth between male and female lovers, I discovered that the person most capable of loving...
“Arthur, I miss our children already,” Molly said, in front of Percy and Nadia, Bill, Fleur and Gabrielle. “Mum,” Bill said, “We can stay here for a while, if you want us to?” Gabrielle said the same thing, going to Molly and giving her a great big hug. “William,” his mother said, “What about Gabrielle staying here, and you can go home to the Shell Cottage?” “Oh, Billy, please? Could I stay here with Molly and Arthur, they can get me to Hogwarts, couldn’t they?” Molly looked at her...
I Hope you people enjoyed my first post “Granny My Sex Slave – I”.In this post, I am continuing my sex journey with my granny. Contact me at “” any unsatisfied ladies, girls, aunties, and widowed ladies from any location. Let’s move on to the sex journey. Almost every day I spent most of the daytime at her house because my grandpa is not at home and I can stare at her assets whole day. One evening she was taking her bath One day we were having a little conversation about my studies and college...
IncestI work on the second floor of a three-story building. My office has windows but my view is mainly of our own parking lot and a warehouse on the other side of a line of very tall bushes from our company. The view of the warehouse is just the three huge loading dock doors. They stay open most of the day, even when it’s cold out. Lately I’ve been keeping a pair of binoculars in my bottom desk drawer due to a new employee that started a few weeks ago at this warehouse. The new employee is this...
VoyeurI was staying at my best friend Sean’s house Friday night; his parents were out of town for the weekend and he had the house to himself. Sean was a sophomore too, and he had been my best friend since middle school. He stood six feet tall and had a beautiful face with deep brown eyes. I had feelings for him for the previous few months, but I never said anything, not wanting to ruin our treasured friendship. I let myself in that afternoon and saw him on the couch just watching TV. I came and sat...
Lounges always have been my ‘office’. I play guitar and sing for a living, and the fringe benefits are sometimes fantastic. I never know what's going to happen from one night to the next. This night started out no different than most others. I walked up to my little one-man bandstand, sat down on my stool, and adjusted the guitar and then the microphone. I primed my tip jar with a couple of small bills. I usually play guitar and sing to the accompaniment of what’s known as MIDI files. They...
Office SexSix months ago, if someone told me I would be a bitch to a jailbird, Iwould have laughed in their face, but here I amSixmonths ago, if someone told me I would be a bitch to a jailbird, I would havelaughed in their face, but here I am! Let me tell you a little bit about mylife inside. Iam nothing more than my Mistresses handbag, there I?ve said it, her handbag, you see in prison, prisoners aren?t allowed to carry mobilephones or drugs, so they get some poor bitch to do that for them, so where...
My job as a state trooper has its occasional benefits.I’ve been a Florida Highway Patrol officer for about ten years. I used to patrol the I-4 corridor, I-95, and the Florida Turnpike in central Florida. But since I am single and they needed more surveillance in south Florida, I agreed to transfer down there.Right away I was assigned to patrol I-75 between Naples on the west coast and Fort Lauderdale on the east coast. I-75 is also known as “Alligator Alley” and the “Everglades Parkway.” It...
After the President had walked through the glass doors and into the hospital to be treated, a perplexed Agent Peterson stared after him with his mouth slightly open. Pharnuil watched the expressions flitting across the Agent's face for a few minutes keeping his amusement to himself over the predicament the President had just placed Agent Peterson in. He was quite certain that Agent Peterson was not used to planning anyone's schedule let alone trying to figure out how to get in touch with a...
Aunt Lisa, our mom’s younger sister, was staring us directly in the eye as we lay naked on my bed. What a way to get busted. We were so busy trying not no get caught by our parents that we forgot our aunt always comes to visit us the week of our birthday (only one day out of the week though, and its never the same day so we cant tell when she’s coming). There was an awkward silence for a while before she came in the room and closed the door behind her. I was expecting her to yell at us...
Before their Junior year in college, Kate and Chad decided to get an apartment together. A simple decision, really--for most people. But for Kate and Chad, it turned out to be the most complicated thing they could've considered. The reason, of course, was football. The first problem was Chad's coaches at Boston College. They were not in favor of the idea. Yes, players could live off campus. That was no problem--with other players. A player deciding to live with his girlfriend was another...
"So I wasn't sure why Vito Corleone stabbed that old fat Don," Tricia said in her English accent. She put down the spindle of yarn and rubbed her neck. "I know it was supposed to be for revenge, the old Don had killed the rest of his family, but he'd gotten away from Sicily. What would he gain by killing the man?" Kit Cameron listened to this with an amused smile. "You don't understand what revenge is all about, do you?" she asked with her soft southern accent. Like her friend...
Introduction: And introduction to Jias family and their fun Jias Awakening Ch 4 1/2 : Jessas Story and Family Secrets Authors note: This actually takes place between chapters 4 and 5. She got home from school and threw down her backpack beside the door. Again, no homework that day, so Jessa could relax. Next she stripped off her tshirt and skirt, leaving her wearing nothing but panties. Jessa looked at herself in the mirror, wishing that her boobies would start growing like the other girls in...
Hi, Iss readers this is Zain from Karachi, I am an engineer and working in a private company. Mai aap sab ko mera new sex experience ke bare main batana chahta hun. Now main aapko apni real story sunata hoon agar aapko pasand aayey to aap mujhey mail karien. Mai un dino engineering ke padhai kar raha tha. Mujhe hostel mai kuch problem ho raha tha to maine ek flat kirye pe le lia aur hostel chhod dia. Main ne khana pakane ke lie ek bangali naukrani rakh li jiski age lagbag 40 saal ka thi dekhne...
“Mayor and the County Judge have been on the phone for you,” said Sheila as Linda entered the office, her usual morning cup of coffee in hand. “Gee, now what could they want?” replied Linda, wincing knowingly. “The media outlets downstate have gotten the story and...” “And the local officials need a scapegoat,” chimed in Brad. “Sometimes Iʼm glad you won that election and not me.” “Right now I might be willing to trade places with you,” grimaced Linda. “Anything new?” she asked,...
*bzzzzzzzzzz*[MESSAGE FROM: ASHE]It was the end of season wrap party for the Top Lane, as many of the bruisers of Runeterra gathered as a means to relax and have fun after months of beating each other. The crocodile and anubis chatting over their past. The Demacian knight and the Noxian general trying to outbrag each other. The mech-riding yordle trying to communicate with the prehistoric...
I noticed that two of the cameramen had followed him and filmed him as he laid there licking himself. I picked up the phone and said "I'm sorry, I don't know what happen, I mean I don't know, I'm sorry." I had meant that I was sorry that I lost it and called out her name and that I did not follow the script that they told me to do. I knew I was still being filmed so I just said that I was sorry. "Don't you feel sorry for anything dear, I loved it, I got off to, but I got to come...
Robby Echo walks in to his first appointment, he’s limping and by the look on his face, he’s in pain. When India Summer sees his face, she jumps to her feet to help. She puts her hands around him and leads him to the massage table as she asks him what happened. India is attentive when she touches him, she exhibits a caring nurturing quality. When she talks to him, her voice is filled with compassion for his pain. She assures him that before he leaves her office Robby will be 100%...
xmoviesforyouThis is a true story that happened about 20 years ago. I had broken up with my girlfriend a couple of months before and was concentrating a lot on my work. One late evening on my way home I ran into an old friend from my c***dhood. We hadn’t seen each other in at least 10 years so I almost didn’t recognise him. We talked for a while and he told me that he was married and had two c***dren and that he had moved back to town after some years at university. He said that we should meet and talk some...
“How was your day?” she politely asked. “Nothing new,” I said and moved towards the fridge. “Hmmp...” mom mumbled and moved her attention back to the papers in front of her. I recognized the tone in her voice. I opened a can of Coke asked: “What did you mean by that?” “I didn’t say anything,” mom claimed, without raising her gaze from the papers. “Yes you did.” “You still don’t have a date, do you?” It wasn’t really a question. Mom had tried to set me up with a neighbor’s...
Outside, there was already a crowd gathered and several requests were called out almost as soon as we left the building. We moved out of the way of the doors and a boy came up to me and asked if he could feel my titties. I bent over, put my bookbag on the ground beside me, and stood with arms behind my head. I noticed that Cindy did the same. As she turned back to face the boy in front of her, he stopped her and turned her to see her back. I didn't hear what he said, but she blushed...
Discover the first scene 4 You of the French Chloe Duval. The beautiful French girl who has only one dream: to become a model. Her best friend, James, a photographer, dreams of becoming famous. So they moved to the city together to realize their dream. James does his best to take beautiful pictures of Chloe and send them to modeling agencies. Chloe is starting to think about James in a different way, and now she wants more. Another photo shoot might be a good idea to make her fantasy come...
xmoviesforyouMy name is Jerry Smith and will admit that I am a voyuer. That is I love watching people have sex. You say I am a pervert. That might be true, but if you look close, you will fine a little bit of the voyeur in yourself and all of us. After all what is morality? Morality is merely a moral code designed to restrain the sexual impulses and desires of the homo sapiens. You take these away and he is a beast. If you doubt it just let the the human female go naked in the street, and you will see just...
Voyeur"come over here Justin." she said. I turned off my room liqht. I walked towards my bed. when I reached the bed, she took my face in her hands and her lips passionately met mine. I couldn't help but to stick my tonque in her mouth. she tasted so qood, so clean. she took my shirt off and felt me up and down. she kissed my abs and made me qet an instant boner. she touched my pants where my dick was. she pulled down my pants and felt my dick throuqh my boxers. she blew on the head of my cock...
through her window, slip in her bed and we fuck like animals. Then I back home to shower, eat breakfast and off to school. By third period I'm horny again. There's so much prime and untapped snatch at my high school and I want it. So I see Brandy, (hot black bitch too) peering through the doorway giving me a wink. I know what she wants. She assists in the front office so she's not really in class like the rest of the students. I raise my hand and ask to use the restroom. I bounce...
School Fundraiser by Le Chat Author's note: This story was inspired by the drawings of Splyf ("Visitto the Restaurant", "Dolcett Palace", "Westworld",and others). The story was written around Splyf's favourite charactersand was submitted here with his approval. "Welcome to Merle's Bar and Grill! A table for four?" The Malcolmfamily was greeted at the door by a nude waitress. She looked very youngbut, as Brent didn't fail to notice, her slender frame was adorned with a pairof fairly...
Many of the more well to do in the little town of Waterloo looked down on the Rogers family as did many of the not so well to do. There were many different reasons for this attitude, but they all had some bearing on the family’s way of life and physical characteristics. The men were short, wiry, towheaded, thin faced men. They all had prominent adams apples and their voice had a distinct southern whine. It didn’t help at all that they came from a poor hardscrabble background. Grandfather Rogers...
Tiny blonde cutie Coco Lovelock is out in the backyard enjoying a lovely Easter afternoon, when huge boyfriend Michael Swayze arrives with a basket full of eggs, ready to hide them for the egg hunt. Coco is so excited and immediately starts looking for the eggs, but one of them is hidden so high up that she can’t reach so Michael easily lifts her up to help her get it and realizes she’s not wearing any underwear under her cute dress. When Coco finds the last egg she opens it to find a note from...
xmoviesforyouHi: I am Shilpi. I am going to tell u an incidence that happened to me on 24th March 2008. Before that, let me introduce myself to u all. I am married for 1 year and 5 months. I am a fatty and fair woman with a very glowing skin. My fig is 38-33-40, weight 74 kg and height 5’ 6”. I stay in Bangalore and work for H**C bank in wealth management. As I am fat, I use to wear more ethnic dresses like sari or salwar. I wear saree strictly on the days of my period. I do not like to wear panty with...
I am rajveer, from Hyderabad, working for an MNC as a regional head, 5’9″ height with average built body, I like meeting and having safe sex with mature, married or single women (any female who wants to have a good time in bed), This incident happened when I was 26 years old, me and my parents had to move to a new apartment, and while going by the advertisements I found a suitable flat for a reasonable price, and wanted to have a look at the flat, my parents were busy so they let it on me to...
The shame, the paranoia, the guilt, I'd experienced it all in high school. I'd watch the other guys in the shower out of the corner of my eye, terrified I'd get an erection and be betrayed. After that you'd think I'd grow up and come out of the closet, but I pretended to myself as much as anyone else that I wasn't gay. I dated, I had sex, I got my first apartment, and still I looked at other guys out of the corner of my eye.My friend Hunter wasn't gay. Slim, tall and attractive, women d****d...
I had been chatting online to Jill for a number of years, I was still married at this time but I had the hots for this Lady despite her being 68 and me not yet 40 needless to say the chats were very saucy and when possible we would cam masturbate and dirty talk a plenty.Jill lived in Canada but had relatives in England so visited as often as she could. She loved to visit London York Edinburgh and the like so we quite liked the idea of meeting up in York. Me going away for a few days was nothing...
My Mom When I hit puberty and my thirteenth birthday, I started jerking off every night to visions of my mother. I had seen her in her bikini at the beach and even in her bra and panties around the house lots of times. Mom was not a prude by any means. I have seen dad slip his hands up under her blouse to play with her tits and up under her skirt to play with her pussy too. Once I could see into her bedroom as she dropped her bath towel to the floor and put on her robe. I could only...
A Different Plane of Existence By Karen Page Edited by Angel O'Hare Part Six The morning dawned and Charlotte stretched as she awoke. Last nights conversation with Sally Archer and Sue Barker had certainly helped. It had given her a lot to think about but it also relieved a lot of the built up stress. Last nights sleep was the first full nights sleep since the accident. There had been no bad dreams, no nightmares and no night terror attacks. Jasmine watched on the monitor...
Note: This story works better if you press 'Start Game' in the 'Score' tab in the side menu. There are also some customisable options there. Jake Dover carefully walked up the steps to the front door. It swung ominously on its hinges. Jake looked inside, but the darkness revealed nothing about what he was about to face. Jake fought the urge to run away. Desperately, he looked back, but the others had already vanished into the dusky gloom; even his best friend, Matt, had left. Jake steeled...
GayTube Asian Cams, if the name is to be believed, combines a few things that most of us, Internet perverts fucking love: porn tubes, sexy Asian ladies, and live webcam sex. Of course, cam sites and video tubes aren’t quite similar, so what is it they’re really hawking? According to the subtitle below the spraypaint-and-stencil logo, this is an Asian Chaturbate Cam Archive. If you ever feel like you’ll have FOMO unless you watch the cam sites 24-7, this may put you at ease and give you something...
Free Cam Girl Video SitesThe Japanese ContractSome women merely walked into a crowd, while others made entrances, Kay Sommers emphatically belonged to the latter group, and her entrance invariably was spectacular. She stood now at the entrance to the international airport for Tokyo and every oriental head turned to stare at her when she deplane from the Japan Airline flight from New York. Kay was well worth their stares and knew it and reveled in the admiration that was her due. Tall and willowy, with shimmering...
continuation of my last story!___________________________________________________________I drove niki's car home and sat through my parents lecture about "trust" and "respect" blah blah blah, then i went upstairs and I was so tired I just said screw it im sleeping naked. in the middle of the night i hear somthing move at the foot of my bed. i was terrified for some reson and I slowly reached up and turned on the lamp, to find my brother sitting at the foot of my bed jacking off. then he came...
The Middle East is undeniably saturated with beautiful chicks. The region is populated with gorgeous chicks whose beauty would imprint your mind for days. I have had my fair share of dripping middle eastern pussies; It was a delightful experience each time. Those beauties know how to pleasure a cock and are always ready to go another round.Enough about my pleasurable sexual escapades with Middle Eastern sluts. The only that comes close to being balls deep in a soaking wet Egyptian slut is...
Premium Arab Porn SitesFollowing on from my last true story about my bi experiences,there is one more bi experience that i would like to share, that i cant any where else.I have accepted that i am orally bi if the situation arises but i am generally straight and prefer women. I am 5 ft 9, athletic build and a 7 inch uncut cock.Last summer i was invited to a friends stag do on the south coast, i agreed to book once i had my job security confirmed. Once booked i was in a small B&B a couple miles from my friends and...
Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers 3: By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Copyrighted 2002 Preface Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent has been reprimanded by the ethics review board of the Magician's...
This is just a bit of fun. It was supposed to be quite short, but it sort of got away from me. It pokes a little fun at the cuckold stories on the site. As such it could have found a home in ‘Loving Wives’ but I think that would put the emphasis in the wrong place. It could have gone into ‘Humour and Satire’, I suppose. Yes, I agree the tale is a little far fetched, and the moral issues raised are complex, but don’t let that spoil your fun! If it does – stop reading: there is enough suffering...
This story can be archived absolutely anywhere except where a charge would be made to see it. SRU: The Crowd Pleaser By Kathy Core Harold Embass raised the mallet high into the air, screwed his face into a tight ball and with all the power he could muster slammed it against the tiny pad at the base of the "Prove Your Strength" game. Tina, his girlfriend, laughed at the pathetic effort, rated by it as "Puny as a girl!" much to Harry's embarrassment. The few other people...
How on earth would humanity be able to overcome these impossible odds? Sarah had a clue: she had caused severe damage to one of the monsters with just a regular flare gun. Why would such a low-powered weapon have such a dramatic effect? She was determined to find out. Was it the heat? The light? If only she could study their biology up close… but that was impossible. Her only choice was to attempt to gleam insights on the invaders by watching their depraved actions over the security camera...
After the blowjob encounter with my ex’s Nanna I ended up texting her several weeks later. I was at my apartment alone on one of my off days and I’d been drinking and playing video games online from early morning to afternoon. I hadn’t had a hookup for two or three weeks and by the early evening I was tipsy and horny. I texted a few girls I knew but they were all busy at the time so I started to lose hope on getting some pussy and opened up my browser to start masturbating. I clicked through a...
“kamu dari mana rul?” tanyaku kepada nurul ketika dia baru kembali.“dari jalan-jalan.” jawab nurul singkat,tanpa ada menoleh sedikit kearahku.cerita dewasa ya sudah aku pikir,nurul sedang males cerita dan lelah kali ya sepulang jalan-jalan..dan aku pun akhirnya memutuskan untuk tidur,setelah membersihakn gitarku, hingga pada tengah malam itu,badanku digoncang-goncang oleh orang disebelahku,dengan sedikit setengah sadar,aku bangun dan melihat siapa orang yang berani mengganggu tidurku yangsedang...
I was a sergeant in the Alexander army and only twenty. Of course with the war a lot of us had been promoted to lieutenant. We were still scrambling to stop the Kane army from advancing into our country. The king was in talks with Sax to the east and they were more than willing to ally with us. The ancient Ori fortress was thirty kilometers from the border and half that to the enemy lines. If the tales were true it could be a strong base to work out of and had more than enough room. The...
Just a random story but true nonetheless...I was sitting outside a burger stand on a spring day eating lunch. The other tables were full and since it was just me, I didn't have a problem offering space to another customer. It was a way to meet new people. This particular time a man on a bicycle was looking to sit so I invited him over. We made small talk and talked about the possibility of hanging out as he was on his way to work. We exchanged phone numbers and agreed to keep in touch and...