Mom's Roadtrip free porn video

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nother good day. The sun was shining brightly. Not a cloud in the sky, and very warm. So why was I so unhappy? A few reasons, actually. One being quite obvious. My husband of twenty-four years ran off with another woman. That didn't help. I'm suffering from empty nest syndrome as well. No, not both my c***dren have left. My oldest is in-between his sophomore and Junior year at college. But this summer he took an internship in Denver. That left me and my other c***d Carla here all alone in our split-level ranch in suburban St Louis. At forty-six, I've matured somewhat in looks, nothing out of the ordinary there. My five-seven frame now carries about an extra thirty pounds or so in my butt, thighs and tummy. And my once firm C-cup breasts are hanging a bit low. I smiled though, as I looked at my fifteen year-old daughter. So young, full of life, drop dead gorgeous with curly long blond hair just like I.
Today she was at her friends house, where she was to stay as I drove out to Denver for a long weekend. It had been a month since I saw Jacob, and I was looking forward to it. Of course, I wasn't going alone. Two of Jacob’s long time friends were driving me out and back. I've known both boys since Jacob was in grade school, so I had no problem riding out to Denver alone with them. Both Aaron and Matt are good boys. Same age as my Jacob, at twenty-one. Aaron stands a few inches taller than my son at six-four, and he's built well and black. Matt is white, and just as built, although he's under six-foot tall by an inch or two. I've always enjoyed watching the boys in athletics during their school years, admiring their bodies as they slowly matured.
I smiled when I saw them pull up in Matt's beat up Buick. No, we weren’t riding in that. We had my trusty mini-van to take. I greeted them in the garage, as they brought their bags and put them in the back of the van. And soon we were on the road for Denver, which is well over eight-hundred miles away. It was a pleasant ride, actually. The boys kept up the conversation nicely on a variety of subjects. And they even kept it clean. I was happy at that, as I've overheard their conversations in the past from time to time with my son. Being boys, they can get quite crude. I also knew both boys enjoyed female companionship as does my son. Thankfully, they never went there either. Many hours later, we arrived at Jacob's apartment, with me pretty much worn out. Jacob gave me his bed, which I protested over, and he and the two boys slept in the living room. I crashed, sleeping like a baby that Friday night, not waking until I smelled the morning coffee.
After getting up and around, the day was spent with my son driving us around and showing us the sights. We had a nice lunch and dinner, before returning to his apartment at about eight in the evening. As we entered I took a seat on the couch, and Is aw the boys fidgeting. I smiled, and asked "Okay, what is it Jacob?"
He asked, "You mind if we go out? Aaron, Matt and I?"
I smirked, saying with sarcasm, "Sure, just leave your poor mother alone then."
He laughed, as he knew I was tired, as he came over and kissed my cheek and said they would be careful. They left, and I read. At first, I didn't find much. A couple of Sports Illustrated and some outdoor magazines. I smiled when I went into his bedroom and found the porn in the top drawer of his dresser. Yes, momma was snooping. But momma has a right too. Besides, this older woman still has a sex drive, one that my ex seemed incapable of, or wanting to, to take care of the six or seven years before he ran off with that divorced lady in his office. No, I'm not bitter. Much. I ended up in the bathroom diddling myself for an hour, getting myself off to a few good enjoyable orgasms. I then put his skin rags away and went to bed and fell asleep right away, with a contented smile on my face.
Waking in the morning, I looked at his clock, and sat up quickly when I saw the time. It was almost eleven in the morning. I quickly pulled on my jeans and my shirt and went out into the living room, finding it empty. Of course, being a mother, I was extremely worried, wondering where my son was. I didn't have to wait long, as the door opened just seconds later, and in staggered my boy and his two friends. All three look like they had a very rough night, as my son gave me a big smile, and exclaimed loudly "Don't pay the ransom ma, we escaped."
I was pissed. They were laughing. Well, they weren't about to tell me about what happened last night, and nor was I to ask. I was pretty damn sure that I didn't want to know. And smelling his face, I had my guess. I don't care what his face smelled like, I was pretty damn sure they didn't go to a fish fry. Well, the three of them showered, and away we went, taking in more sights. Youth is grand. None showed any fatigue during the day, save for that glassy eyed smiles they all had. Although they didn't last long that evening, and both Matt and Aaron smirked when my son got a phone call from some young lady at about seven. We were to leave very early the next morning, as both boys had to work on Tuesday. So I set the alarm for four, and after going out for breakfast with Jacob, we were on the road by six for the long journey home. It turned out to be longer as planned.
We were about sixty miles west of Kansas City, when the engine started to make a racket. Matt was driving, and as I sat nervously in the back seat, we limped off the interstate and into the town of Lawrence. We found the Dodge dealership after asking for directions, and as we got there, there was smoke billowing out of the engine compartment. I sighed when the mechanic looked at it, and shook his head. The van was only a year old, so the warranty was good. But since it was already early afternoon, and I now needed a new water pump, we weren't going anywhere. The boys understood, as they used their cell phones to call their employers, telling them that we couldn't even get out of here much before noon tomorrow. And I called my daughters friends house, telling them the same.
Then, we discovered there was some big thing going on in town, and we only found one motel room, with just a king-size bed. Great, it went from bad to worse. Actually, I wasn't worried about my modesty, I was more worried about the two boys being embarrassed by seeing me. And to top it off, as we checked in at just past five, I suddenly realized that we had left our suitcases in the van, which was inside the garage, which closed at five. Well, it was an interesting evening. I sat around the room with a blanket wrapped around my bra and panty clad body once we all took turns showering. The boys were discreet, behaving nicely as they put their jeans back on after their turn. For the night, the two boys slept in the bed, while I slept on the couch. They weren't too sure about this, eyeing each other rather suspiciously as I laughed at their antics.
The next morning, we woke up, and as I dressed in the bathroom, they did the same in the bedroom. We went to the dealership, and waited. And waited. Noon came by and went, and I was frowning. The service rep came out, he was wearing a bigger frown. As it turns out, not only did I lose a water pump, but this in turned caused some engine damage. I was assured that we would be ready to go by tomorrow at noon. So we made the same phone calls as the day before and the boys and I, this time carrying our luggage, took a cab to the same motel. I thought for sure we could get separate rooms. No way. As a matter off act, our room with a king-size bed was history. We got a room with just a queen, but also a couch that folds out, and a roll-away was available.
Well, we went to our room and settled in. I do think the boys were happy as this night they didn't have to sleep with each other. We had time to kill before dinner, so since there was a small shopping mall with a Dollar General store in it, I went there as the boys stayed in the room to watch television. I didn’t find much, however I did pick up a deck of cards thinking that if we get too bored, we could play, as they and my boys used to play cards for hours back in the old days. When I got back to the motel room at about four, I found the guys had gone across the street and bought a six pack. They looked up at me, and saw my frown, and Matt asked "What? You don't mind us having a beer, do you Mrs. Driggs?"
I sighed, "You could have gotten enough for me too, you know." I pointed at the small case, asking "Only a six-pack?"
Aaron and Matt laughed, and Aaron said "Okay," as he sat up and pulled on his shoes, "I'll run over and get some more beer."
I giggled, "Great, and I'll order pizza." I remembered what I had bought, and I said "Oh, and I got some playing cards as well."
Matt said "Great, we can beat you in a game of poker."
I laughed, playfully swatting his feet as I walked by the end of the bed, on my way to the toilet. An hour later, and we had eaten our pizza, and I was on my second beer. I was a bit surprised that Aaron returned with a twelve-pack, with me asking him sarcastically "You sure you've enough there, Aaron?"
He just laughed, as did Matt, as he said it was cheap and he can take the rest home with him anyway. So tired of watching television, as there wasn't even a ballgame on yet, we started playing cards. Rummy at first. The boys wanted to play poker, but I was insistent. Well, another hour, another beer for each, and I had beaten the both of them badly. And they were not being gracious losers either. The whining got to be too much, and I finally said "Okay, let's play poker then."
After each of us dealt through three rounds, I sighed, announcing "This is pretty boring stuff since we're not playing for anything."
Matt laughed, "Well, none of us are carrying much money, Mrs. Driggs."
Snickering, Aaron said "We could play for articles of clothing."
I glared at him, saying "Now Aaron, I'm old enough to be your mother. If you two lucked out and won, do you relay want to see a middle-aged woman stark named?"
Matt protested "What you mean luck out and win?"
"And besides," slurred out a slightly inebriated Aaron, "You're a hot looking lady."
I looked at him, and stated the obvious, "You've had way too much to drink, young man. It's affecting your eyesight." And then I turned to Matt, saying "I’d beat you boys badly."
He boastfully replied "We would have you naked in no time. And he's right, you are hot looking." He then grinned, "Let me get another round of beer and we can prove it."
Prove what? I hadn't a clue. All I remember was saying "Go for it, little fella."
He rolled off the bed, went to the in-room fridge and pulled out three beers, handing one each to Aaron and I, as we opened them up. And as I leaned my head back, I was thinking to myself, 'God, what the hell am I getting myself into?' I finished swallowing my beer, and said to Matt, "Deal the cards, boy!"
He looked up, exclaiming loudly "Boy?!" I smiled, as he dealt out five cards each, saying "Joker’s wild, as well as two's. Worse hand removes an article of clothing."
I picked up my cards and looked at them. A king of hearts and a two of clubs, and junk. I tossed thee cards down, and said "Give me three."
Aaron said he wanted two, and Matt took three. I looked at my new cards and smiled, as I had received the king of clubs, giving me two kings with the wild card. Matt said "Show 'em." and I laid my hand down in front of me. Both boys groaned, and I saw that Matt had three fours, while Aaron had three fives. Matt didn't say a word as he pulled his socks off, while I just sat there on the bed and snickered.
Aaron dealt, and I was in deep shit. No wild card, and no face card either. And I didn't get anything to even come close to at least have a chance of not being the worse hand. Laying the cards down, I was proven correct, as I frowned and pulled my calf high nylons off. The next two rounds, Aaron was low hand both times, and I watched as he took his shirt off. I noticed myself squirm a bit, taking in the sight of his broad muscled chest, and flat stomach once his shirt was gone. I felt funny. My crotch was giving me a signal that it was liking this. And in my alcohol clouded mind, I was trying to tell myself that we should stop this. Aaron dealt. I tried for a straight, and I lost my blouse. Literally. I slowly unbuttoned my top, and pulled it off my shoulders, tossing it onto the floor.
Matt lost the nest two hands, leaving him in just his underwear. I smirked as I took in the sight, his obviously very large cock was hard, straining to get out from it's cage. And it hit me, he's aroused. This young man was aroused by my middle-aged body! I loss the next hand, and after pulling my jeans off, I saw the lustful gaze of the two young men. In their minds, I knew they were already having their way with me. And in my mind? I was wanting it. My lacy white bra wasn't doing a very good job of hiding my very erect nipples. and when I glanced down at my panties, I saw a noticeable wet spot had formed, right at the entrance to my womb. I choked out "Deal, Aaron."
He took the cards and dealt the next round. And he loss. My eyes bugged out when he stood and stepped out of his jeans. His white boxers did nothing to hide that cock of his. I was thoroughly amazed at the sight, as he took a seat back on the bed. He handed me the cards, saying "Your deal, Mrs. Driggs."
I took them, and I dealt them out. I smiled. I had dealt myself three queens. Aaron asked "Two please."
"Three for me as well."
I smiled, as I tossed all three queens down, and said "Three for me as well." Yes, I did it on purpose. I loss the hand, so I could remove my bra. I wanted to see the reaction in their shorts as I removed my bra. With a smile, when they saw I had the worse hand, I started to reach behind me, but I stopped, looked at Matt, and asked "You want the honors?"
He leaned over as I turned around slightly, and he undid the clasp at my back. He then used both hands to grab the shoulder straps and pull my bra of my chest. I heard Aaron saw "Wow!" once my sagging tits fell out of the bra cups.
I giggled, saying "Why thank you Aaron."
Matt inhaled, saying "They're nice." He reached a hand to them, and I playfully swatted it away, saying "The game isn't over, boys." I took a peek at they’re crotches, and the sight gave me a reason to smile. I guess Matt to be carrying a good eight inches, and thick. But Aaron's. Oh my. It was straining the fabric of his boxers, and he had a hell of a time keeping the large head of his cock from coming out behind the waistband. I sat there, a bit open mouthed, thinking that it must be a good eleven or twelve inches in length.
Matt had returned to his seat, and since it was his turn to deal, he dealt out the cards. I wanted the game to end. The card game that is. I discarded my two ace's and the wild card. Their faces lit up when they saw I had loss the round. And my panties. I smiled at them both, as I stretched my legs out towards Aaron, and leaned back onto my elbows. He was grinning as he crawled to me on the bed. He hooked his thumbs into my aqua colored granny-panties, and I raised my ass so he could slide them off me round bottom. I lowered my butt back down and lifted my knees up high, followed by my feet while he slid the garment up my legs. I was giggling, when he tossed them to the floor, my eyes watching his cock, the head of which was now sticking out of the top pf his underwear. I said "You boys going to let me beat your shorts off, or are you just going to take them off without playing another hand."
Both laughed, as they stood off the bed and removed their underwear. I saw Matt's. Yes, I was correct. Eight inches of fine white meat. And thick, too. I licked my lips, taking in the sight. And then there was Aaron's. I was in awe, seeing I underestimated that pussy buster. I felt my cunt get even wetter, seeing the biggest damn cock in my life in the flesh. He smiled and he pushed my knees apart, and leaned his face down to my snatch. I leaned my head back, moaning when I felt his tongue slide up along the inside of my slit. He pushed a pair of fingers into my tight cunt, and I felt more movement on the bed. A fleshy object was being rubbed against my partially open mouth, and I knew what that was. I opened my eyes, and opened wide, seeing Matt was squatting over my head behind me, his cock dripping pre-cum and ready to be tasted. He lowered his packer into my mouth and I groaned, as the first orgasm hit. A relatively small one, but it felt wonderful. The big one didn't take long to get here, as I screamed on Matt’s thick shaft, while my whole body felt like it had just imploded.
I felt Matt's cock slide down my throat, and then the feeling of something big entering my hungry cunt. I was thinking that here it goes, my poor pussy getting stretched out of shape, as my vagina walls expanded to take Aaron's huge black cock. And it happened again. I've never had it happen before. Two hard orgasms so damn close together, as my body convulsed with immense pleasure. That’s how we began the night, Aaron pounding my cunt like it had never been pounded, his cocked ramming through my cervix and bouncing against the back of my womb. And when he came, his pulsing prick flooded me, the feeling of which pushed me over the edge for the umpteenth time.
I was putty after that. I remember the boys turning me around, and I gobbled down Aaron's dark fuck stick with me on my belly and Matt enjoying the feeling of my cunt enveloping his cock. I was extremely happy that my pussy was still tight, while he took his turn pounding my twat. More orgasms for me, a lot more! don't know how long he drilled me, until he finally dumped his load in my cunt. And Aaron, still hard from me sucking his tool, was ready to expand my cunt once more. I was a tired old lady begging for them to stop at one in the morning, after each fucked my pussy three times. And it must have been a sight to see, the three of us in one queen size bed, with me sandwiched between them, as we fell asleep.
In the morning, I woke hung over and sore. And feelings of guilt. I separated myself from the two and damn near had to crawl to the shower. God it felt good. The shower anyway. My head on the other I said, guilt was starting to hit me hard. I felt bad for seducing the boys, real bad. And I wondered how they would react once they were awake. I need not have worried. I came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, and there sat Aaron on one bed, and Matt on the couch. They were looking at me, a bit meekly. I said "You two okay?"
Aaron snorted, "Hell yeah, we're fine. But how are you?"
I sighed, and sat on the edge of Aaron’s bed, saying "Well, I feel guilty by making you guys have sex with me."
They looked at each other, and they broke out laughing, and Matt said cheerfully, "Mrs. Driggs, you're the best lay that we've ever had."
My eyes brightened, as I asked "Really?"
Both got up and Aaron sat on my left, while Matt on my right, and they both wrapped an arm about my towel clad body, "Yes, really, Mrs. Driggs." answered Aaron, as he leaned into me and kissed my cheek. I smiled, my hands falling on a lap of each, and I could feel two very hard cocks. I turned my face to him, and our lips met, opened, and our tongues did seem exploring as I felt Matt open up the towel. I moaned as I felt his lips on my right breast, and his hands gently pulled my thighs apart. My mind was telling myself no. My hot pussy on the other hand, it had different ideas.
I broke the kiss, saying "No fella's. I just took a shower." Aaron pulled me onto my back with him, and Matt moved onto his knees at the edge of the bed, saying "We can take another shower"
I gleaned out "Oh god!" as I felt his tongue in my sex, while Aaron and I kissed while his hand played with my breasts, squeezing them gently and pulling on my stiff nipples. Aaron moved his lips to my breasts, and began sucking on my extended nipples and I looked at the clock. I closed my eyes, when the orgasm hit, as I cried out softly. And as I came down from my sexual high, I said "Boys, we, oh god!" Matt just pushed his prick into me, and he grabbed my ankles and held them high in the air as he started pumping me. Aaron was having a hard time keeping his lips o my tits, what with my hips bucking and all, as I said "Boys, we don't, ugh, have much, ugh..." I screamed out, this orgasm just like the big ones from last night, my whole body shaking. My tight cunt yanked on Matt's shaft., and I heard him below out a roar, as his tool drained it's load into me. Shit! Another shower. I giggled, thinking that at least we're not paying for water.
Matt pulled out, saying "Okay Mrs. Driggs, I'll go take my shower."
I groaned out "Good boy," while rolling over on top of my other lover. He smiled, grabbing my hips while I rose up and guided his missile home. I soon heard the shower running, and I said "Come on, Aaron, I need you to cum."
He grinned, his hands on my hanging tits, fondling them with all the happiness in the world. "I don't want to."
I smiled, "We’ve another five hours to home, you two can probably each do me on the floor of the van at least twice each before we get there."
He laughed, and I squealed with delight as he rolled us over, and soon he was driving into me hard and fast, with his arms hooking my legs and driving my knees up to my shoulders. I was moaning, groaning, grunting and enjoying every minute and inch of it, before we came together, his cock cream splattering the walls of my womb once more. Matt came out of the bathroom, and said "Okay guys, all yours.
As Aaron and I showered, I sent Matt down to get the van, and right at noon, we were on our way home. I was true to my word, as I enjoyed having a cock inside my cunt the whole way home. The boys switched back and forth, stopping every hour. For the most part, I sat on their laps while wearing a skirt and no panties, and I rode cock all the way back to St Louis.
While getting closer to home, and after just getting my cunt creamed by Matt, I announced "Okay guys, I appreciated what all you two did to me, and I'm just letting you both know that if you don't want to come and pay me a visit, that I'll understand." I stretched out on Matt's lap, feeling his cum drain our from around his shaft, and added "After all, you two have plenty of young pussy to get into once we're back home."
Aaron looked back at me in the rearview mirror, smiling, as he said "Well Mrs. Briggs, I wouldn't mind sampling your flesh from time to time."
I snorted, "Like, whenever you can't find a date?" I saw him cringe, and I said "Actually, that would be perfect. I don't want to be you boys first choice for a fuck. I'll gladly play second fiddle. Just give me enough warning so I can get my daughter out of the house." I paused, and then added "By the way, you boys have any other friends?"
They both smiled and chuckled at that, and Matt kissed my neck and fondled my breasts through my blouse. I was a happy little old lady, looking forward to more sex these two, and whatever studs they bring along.

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It was cold and rainy, a very raw day in December. I skipped track practice, not wanting to run in this weather. There were only two things in the world I really loved; track, and routine. I didn’t do well when my normal routine was broken, so my mom was really surprised when I came home right after school. The baby was napping and Dan was out of town, so we had the house to ourselves. She offered to make me some hot cocoa, and we sat sipping our cocoa at the kitchen table as she asked me about...

1 year ago
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Amandas Games

The girl called Amanda laughs and absent mindedly stirs her cocktail with an olive stick. She looks stunning, and she knows it - her red evening dress is split seductively down one leg from the thigh, showing plenty of smooth and suggestive young skin, and the low cut at the front hints at the curves of her small breasts. Her long brown hair cascades around her shoulders, but she is careful that her expensive, glittering earrings aren't hidden behind it. She is thin lipped in a way posh people...

4 years ago
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The Laundry Helper

The Laundry Helper By TheNewGerrie I was standing in the laundry room taking the clothes out of the drier when I did something that changed my life forever. I have no idea what made me pick up my wife's slip and hold it against my body. I was just idly wondering what the material must be like to wear when my wife suddenly cleared her throat right behind me. I think I almost screamed. I don't know if it was just the surprise of having someone sneak up behind me or the...

2 years ago
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Her Sensuous SearchChapter 5

The next morning Doug woke up feeling miserable. It was Saturday, so he didn't have to go to school. He spent the morning on the couch, making frequent trips to the john, each of which left him a little paler and weaker. He said he thought he was coming down with the flu. Sue fussed over him. She went to the store and bought a carton of Sprite. "It's much easier on an upset stomach than water," she said as she gave him a glass of it. "No, Doug, don't gulp it down. I know you're...

2 years ago
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The Blushing Rose

The faucet was tightened with a squeak, and the water was shut off. Inside a steamy shower was a young woman named Rose. There was a party going on at her friends house, and she was preparing herself for it. The red head had just finished with a long hot shower, making her bathroom quite humid. While she really enjoyed sauna-like atmosphere, she didn't want to waste too much time. She had to dry off, get dressed, and be on her way. Rose pulled back the glass shower door and reached towards her...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend Ke Sath Kiss Se Chudai Tak Ka Safar 8211 Part 1

Hello dosto, namaste. Main hu aapka dost Yuvan ekbar fir aapke liye chudai ki zabardast kahani leke aya hu. Ye meri nayi kahani hai. Main aasha karta hu ki aap sabko ye kahani bhi bahot pasand aayegi. Ye kahani meri aur meri girlfriend ki first kiss se leke chudai tak ki kahani hai. Jinki girlfriend/boyfriend hai woh jo main is kahani mein batane ja raha hu unhone jarur ye feel kiya hoga. To chaliye kahani start karte hai. Pehle mere bare mein bata deta hu. Mera name Yuvan hai, meri age 21...

4 years ago
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Her SurrenderChapter 4

Sloane could feel herself slipping away. Since the night that Jack had made her lick Cupcake’s ass, she was spending more and more time at his house. She saw the look on the blond woman’s face when Jack beat or fucked her and longed to feel the same way. She’d had glimpses of it when Jack spanked her or fucked her face, but couldn’t help but dream about going in deeper to that place. Every moment that Sloane wasn’t with him, she thought about him. When she masturbated, she thought of Jack....

3 years ago
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Khandan 8211 A Sex Story

Hi readers of indian sex stories dot net Shivani k liye ye ghr bilkul nya h. Use iss ghr m aaye hue sirf 2 ghante hue h. Kal hi to uski sadi hui hai rahul k sath. Rahul ek professor 6.5 ft lmba sidha sada dikhne wala ldka h. Shivani k thodi nervous h dari hui h but kush bhi h, or ho bhi ku na itne bde ghr m jo bhyahi h. Do floor ka makan 3 gadi rahul jesa ldaka. Shivani k iss nye parivar m rahul or shivani k alwa shivani ki saas rita(45) widow, shivani ka bda jeth pankaj(28) , uski biwi...

1 year ago
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Liquid Mind MachineChapter 11 Yasuko

Jessie watched as Neil slept in the early morning light. She pulled the sheet down and admired the massive tool as it hung down over his hipbone, the head resting on the sheet below. "It's not natural." She thought, "Someone so thin having such a large penis, she meant to make it hers and hers only." "And of course, all his money that she could spend along the way." She giggled and reached for it. Neil awoke to the warm feelings of Jessie's mouth, she had sucked his limp cock all...

3 years ago
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Legacy of a LegendChapter 34

It wasn’t quite at a run that we made it to the stable but close. “Jordris, grab a horse. Giemund, you know us by now from caring for our horses. We need another.” He nodded and told me a fair price that I immediately paid. “Okay, mount up and ride as if Elisif’s life depends upon it. Which I suspect it does.” We left at a gallop. “Lydia, Serana, this is the way we first went when we headed for Castle Volkihar. Be ready in case of animals, don’t stop, just ride over them.” We actually did...

3 years ago
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My Dreams Came True pt 2

Michael nudged me, I had dozed off laying on top of him. "Maddi, let me get up," he gently whispered to me. I tiredly did as I was told, climbing off of him. Michael started toward his bathroom, and soon after, I heard the sound of the shower going. I was about to get up and go to my own room when he called out to me, "Maddilyn Anna, get in here this minute!" I giggled at his use of my full name, that's what mother did when I used to get into trouble. I quickly got up from his bed and walked...

1 year ago
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Fucking my Roomate

Fucking my Roomate Part 1 I was 22 and I remember it was the day before my roommate's birthday. For the sake of the story let's call her Hillary. She is a lesbian (but I had heard stories of her fucking guys a couple of times). Good looking, great body (she was really athletic), and an admitted slut. But I had known her for so long it wasn't really a big deal. I did my thing, she did hers, and I never really thought about fucking her because she always talked about how sex with guys was "gross"...

2 years ago
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Just A Walk In The Park

It was a stupid argument, and Jenna had stormed out, just wanting some fresh air and a clear head. Her anger was still with her as she walked into Soapstone Park, she walked down the trail as the sun began to set, oblivious to her surroundings. The small lights beside the trail came on as she ventured further into the park; her anger starting to subside and she wondered why she even put up with his shit at all. She was attractive, had a good career and didn't need him, nor any man for that...

1 year ago
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The Foremans Foreskin

I had been working in the construction industry a week when the foreman called me to his office. As I made my way over I wondered what I could have done wrong. As it had gone clocking off time I was annoyed that the meeting would be eating in to my free time. 'Aah, come in.' he said as I stepped through the door. 'Have a seat.' His office was much neater than I thought it would be. As I looked around the room I noticed that there were no girlie pictures like I had seen plastered up everywhere...

3 years ago
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Collaring My Slut

Since meeting online last year we had been chatting and emailing, getting to know each other, eventually coming to know each others secret desires. The anonymous nature of the Internet allowed us to disclose things we might never had revealed otherwise. In doing so we had discovered things about each other our closest friends would never know, and in turn we had discovered inner desires we had never known existed; desires which now needed release. We both wanted more, but until this night… we...

4 years ago
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Little Arab ButtercupChapter 2

All had gone as planned. I had been able to secretly and discretely get my little buttercup out of her Northern Africa country. I had simply made very special plans with a French smuggler in the port. We knew who all the players were at the consulate. We kept track. We sometimes used them for missions that were not quite kosher, so to speak. I was good friends with the CIA operative in the consulate. His title was Secretary of something or other, but we all knew his mission here. And we had...

4 years ago
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Enjoyed Colleague In The OfficePart 1

Hello, sex story readers, Myself Amar and I work in an IT company in Bangalore. I am 5.10 in height, 62kg, 29 yrs old. I joined my current company 2 years back. After a year, a girl named Jyothi joined my team. She was 23 yrs old, with stats 36-26-32. Her boobs were very big and standing stiffly. Everyone on our floor was constantly staring her boobs when she used to go here and there. Please send me comments to Initial 2-3 weeks, we just had a casual talk during work. During lunch, snacks...

1 year ago
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Samantha plopped down in front of her dressing room table while struggling to pull on her panty hose! "I just gotta lose some weight," she said with a sigh, "I'm gonna die young if I don't!!!" After finally getting them on and adjusted correctly, she stood up and slid her size 44DD bra over her shoulders while harnessing her massive breasts in her custom made brassiere!!! She stared at herself in the mirror for several seconds until the tears finally began streaming down her cheeks onto her...

2 years ago
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I had approached the halfway point for my second time around, the sun had by now completely departed the upper horizon of our world, and darkness now replaced the once colorful sky. I looked up and sighed at the beautiful stars, so bright, and looking down on me like a million eyes of angels. The sight as usual was breathtaking. I continued walking and as I approached an area of the path, that had a scattering of picnic tables and benches, I saw a few friends of mine from the neighborhood...

2 years ago
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Chat experience

One day, a long time friend of mine from the chat came and told me "I wanna make it special for you today babe!" I smile and we go prive. There he gives me his cam, knowing how much that turns me on, seeing him craving for me, hearing his tender voice. He is a big handsome black guy. I was sitting on the window sill, teasing him, as ususal. First, I always like to play with him a bit, just give him parts of my body, slowly strip and offering only bits of what he knows it comes next, but now he...

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My Boss My Slut the Videos

I was walking down the street one nice summer day when I came up to a set of steps leading to an apartment building. Sitting at the top of the stairs was a young lady; it was hard to tell her age she could have been anywhere from 12 to 16. As I approached her I could see she was sitting at my eye level and when I was abreast of her I turned my head to look at her. My eyes beheld the wonderful sight of a skirt hiked high on a pair of spread thighs that led to the juncture of her panty covered...

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Facing the Past Chapter 2

"You still can't skip a rock, can you?" Chris called as he walked to the pond. It was a bright day with a stiff breeze carrying the scent of pine trees and fresh earth. It was a smell he missed, he admitted to himself. Pete turned around, saw him, and flipped him the finger. "Up yours, Kincaid. I don't need to skip rocks any more." He stood, took aim, and whipped the rock across the pond. It was nearly to the other side before it landed in the water with a faint plit. "True enough,"...

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Prologue She intrigued me before I even opened her mind—she was at least 40, gorgeous, and dressed to pick up. None of this is uncommon in itself, but (without my influence) it's odd to see women that blatantly dressed, rarer still when they're that age, and unprecedented to see someone that attractive trying so hard. I sat down beside her. Her hand was on my crotch before I'd even placed a drink order, and her tongue down my ear before it arrived. It wasn't until the cab ride home—her...

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Adventures in Swinging Ch 10 How It All Ended

After my experience with Dan and Lisa, I wasn’t actively looking for another “hotwife” couple. Shortly after I severed ties with the two of them, however, I received a message on our swinging website. I had reached out to Phil and Danielle shortly before meeting Dan and Lisa. I was not only intrigued by the photos they included in their profile, but also with their sincere and articulate description of themselves.Danielle was just my type of woman: blonde and petite, and with an exquisite...

Wife Lovers
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Hot love

I lay on the bed, naked, eagerly waiting for my boyfriend Nick to come and make love to me. He was in the shower, and was taking his sweet time. He loved to keep me waiting. As I waited there, I started playing with my nipples, pulling and pinching them. Slowly I reached down to my throbbing pussy and started rubbing my clit, then ever so gently I slipped in my middle finger into my love hole. 'Ahhhh,' that felt good. I started playing with myself, feeling the pleasure run through my...

Straight Sex
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Jennifers Dessert

Jennifer Marie Stephenson was apprehensive, but tried not to show it. She had tried not to think about her husband's business, but it was getting very hard to ignore. It seemed so promising at first. Her nerdy husband had spent years of his spare time working on his hobby. He had been a professor of chemistry at the local university. In his spare time, he had dabbled in the belief that he could develop a new formula and process for coloring plastics that would cut out some of the costly steps...

4 years ago
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Like Pieces of a Jigsaw PuzzlePart 3

The next three weeks passed in a blur. I worked Henry tirelessly with studies as the highest priority, me second, and apartment chores last. He was at the point where he could take my urine anywhere and he was so submissive to me that I thought his training might be close to over. His study habits were much better and I had high hopes for his final exams. I was right and extremely proud of his achievements. He had earned one C, two C+’s, and two B’s, much better than I had hoped—almost a...

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Angeliques experience with cock sizes

My wife and I recently were talking about dick size. She said she didn't understand why guys were so hung up on size. "Size doesn't really matter" she said. I said, really guys weren't the ones hung up on the size of a cock, but it was the women who were fascinated with it. I said "the women not hung up on size are the one's that haven't had a really big dick yet." "What do you mean?" she said. I said, "Angelique if you ever had a bigger dick, you would probably go wild as shit." "I think...

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POW Prisoner Of The WidowsChapter 6

Jamilah Hassan was a very pretty woman. Her eyes were a light brown near the pupils with a dark green outer ring. Their unique color, wide spacing and her high cheekbones gave them a very cat-like quality. Her nose was thin and turned up slightly, while her mouth was generous and full lipped. She had a slight overbite that made her somehow even more attractive. She had a nice body also. No, her breasts weren't big like Fatima's or her legs long like Basheera, but the package was still...

3 years ago
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Pussy Glory

I'm having my morning coffee and scanning the Sunday newspaper; she comes in all wrinkled after her sleep BUT FRESH and in her nightie. She bends over a bit and gives me the morning kiss. I kiss her back grabbing her waist with my left hand, lifting her nightie with my right and sticking my head inside her nightie; she smells GOOD. I kiss her stomach softly and smell the sweet smell of her still naked pussy. She's clean shaven with just a bit of pubic hair on her pelvis. I'm not letting her go...

1 year ago
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Filled To Capacity

One night I was surfing the web and found myself browsing the Yahoo personal ads. Some of the ads women had put up were simply hilarious, and the things they were apparently looking for in men were absurd. I laughed my ass off the entire night reading these ads. They all seemed the same, these women claiming they wanted a man who was loving, kind, honest, sincere, etc. I'd never read so much bullshit in my entire life. One thing they all had in common was that they wanted an honest man. Most...

2 years ago
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Awkward College threesome experience

“Hey your name is Courtney right?” I asked her. “Yea” she said un-enthusiastically. “I’m Stephanie. I couldn’t help but notice you look upset. What’s the matter?” Courtney responded “Well it’s nothing really… I just… I think my boyfriend has a crush on another girl and I’m getting a little jealous… I hate wearing these tight clothes that make me look slutty, but I have to get his attention somehow.” “Well you look great, and not too slutty. He is lucky to have you and if he...

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Katys Dress Shop Gias Wedding

OK it's been three more years Tess is still a pussy slut but she now runs Katy's 2 a whole new shop in the mall on the other side of town. Katy and Jose are still together but now living together cause her hubby came home early from a business trip and caught them in bed.. They are still married and still fuck but she sleeps with Katy and he tries to handle it the best he can there daughter Gia is now 22yrs. a very pretty young lady in love with Jack her high school sweet heart. Gia now works...

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the nasty sweatystinkyhot fuck

y, run down apartment, has to be having no access to laundry facilities. On Saturday mornings, when most of Eric's friends were recovering from the night before, or maybe getting some homework done, Eric would be at the laundromat trying to beat the noon rush of other students who lived nearby. As much as he hated doing it, it needed to be done. And he would always rather get it out of the way sooner than later.Click clack click clack went the many buttons and rivets colliding with inside of...

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A Demanding Stepsister III Taken To The Edge

Since Christine had first began this little game of 'tit-for-tat' between her and stepbrother Jack, starting with her forcing herself on him in order to make him fuck her.Then in return, Jack got his revenge when he forced Christine to be his little slut and do as he wanted; fully complying to his every demand.Christine returned home after high school with one of her best friends, Sara. She was pretty; long slender legs with hips that shook with every stride she walked and large breasts.Jack...

1 year ago
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Oh So Friendly Part 2

Introduction: It takes a heap of sex to train a Texas Debutant. I want to hear from you, the negative as well as the positive. Oh So Friendly Part 2 I left home to attend Texas A&M and study animal husbandry and business administration. I enrolled in those courses by chance. My original choice was to get a liberal arts degree just so I could say I had a college degree. Then I met a young woman named Colleen. She took me to bed, learned I knew how to make sex last for an hour or more and was...

4 years ago
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Chachi Ko Passionately Choda Bhai Ki Shadi Mai

Hi, this is sidharth with age of 21 from gurgaon city (haryana). Meri family joint hai toh hmare ghare meh chachi ki family bi rheti hai. Chachi bhot zada hot and attractive hai, unki age 36 hai and unka figure 34-30-36 hai or unke 2 bache bi hai. Chachi or mera bond kafi acha tha hmesha se, chachi ko meri girlfriend wgera ka pta tha and kai bar wo mujhe mazak.Meh puch bi leti thi ’kitna kiya?’ tab mein bhot normal way mein leta tha unki ye batte but ek din mere tau ji k bete ki sagai thi and...

2 years ago
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lustful dad

I've always thought that my dad has lustful intentions for me. Well, based on his stares and the way he brushes off his body against mine, how he became extra sweet and more protective of me gave me the idea. my mom is currently working in new york as a researcher for a stock market magazine, and it has been 6 months since she left. I also have sister and a brother, both are away for study. I know you’re thinking im the youngest, but actually, I’m the eldest of us 3, though im not that old,...

3 years ago
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Prof Davis in the Dark

"...and this is the darkroom where we still do some old-school pictures now and then." Allison said as we toured the Journalism department. She was pointing at what looked like a regular classroom door, but it had a red light mounted above it and a big warning sign on it telling all not to enter when the light is on.Allison is the journalism teacher at the junior college where I work. I had seen her at several of our football games, but she was always half-hidden behind a huge telephoto lens....

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Me And Sam Chapters 20 and 21

Chapter 20 The Beat Goes On Wednesday morning! Only two more early mornings for me for the next few months! YAY! I was not a fan of early mornings. In a perfect world I'd go to bed at 3 AM and awaken sometime before noon. I quickly showered and shaved. Yes, my new routine involved running the razor over my legs and pits on a daily basis. It only took a minute or two and made me feel so much cleaner. I grabbed a pair of jeans from my drawer and a blue...

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My Sister In Law And I

New year is special and a few years ago it was very special ! I am going back to 1999! Exactly 20 years ago which is why I am posting this.It was the first year since Id been divorced and I was feeling a bit down as I missing my son, and to be honest, my ex also, so I went to the pub lunchtime New Years Day to meet my mates. It turned into a day to remember! We were all there on time at 11pm ! The drinks flowed then at approximately half 12 my brother Trevor arrived with his wife Angie."Hiya...

2 years ago
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A wonderful wake up call

I woke up laying on my lefthand side, feeling my boobs being gently massaged, and having my husband placing soft kisses down my neck and breathing cool air onto my neck. He nibbled and sucked my ear lobe and As I awaken I could feel his hard cock poking my bum and I knew he must be very horny. I turned over and laid on my back and my husband's lips immediately met mine as he moved to be on top of me. Our mouths opened and as we passionately kiss while he laid on top of me, I could now feel his...

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