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My name is Richard and I work for a large brokerage firm in Atlanta, Georgia. I am the chief financial officer and make very good money. No matter what they paid me, I would still be in debt. I have a bad habit. I gamble. I not only gamble. I lose. I should have been putting money away for retirement, but we are in debt up to our eyes. I have been working here for the last 10 years and am a very trusted employee. Thank God, I had enough sense to put the house and car in my wife's name. A little about me. I am 46, 5' 10" and about 180. I consider myself in pretty good shape.

I place my bets with a black employee, named Ron, who works in the accounting department. He makes me look small in size. He is 6' 3", about my age, and would weigh in at 240. He looks like all muscle. I have been dreading the day he asks me to pay up. He has been letting my bets slide, and now I'm into him for about 50,000. I don't even like to think about what he will do, when he gets tired of covering my losses. His bosses want their money now, not tomorrow. I cannot figure out why he pays my losses.

The only time, he was ever in my office, was last week. I placed a bet, and last night, my team lost. The debt is now up to 60,000. There was a strange thing happened, when he saw the picture of my wife. I always have her picture on the desk. I know he was going to give me a time limit on what I owe, but when he saw her photo, he seemed to change his mind. He never said anything about her. He just got a funny look in his eyes.

My wife Linda is the area co-ordinater for the anti-abortion league. She mostly arranges demonstrations at abortion clinics, and doctor’s homes. Actually, her group is a pain in the ass. She is 100% against abortion, in any shape, form, or fashion. She is 35, 5' 2" and petite. She was a beauty pageant winner while in college. She still has her good looks and is sexy as hell. She is temporarily out of a job. They closed the last abortion clinic in this area, and she is awaiting them to assign her another place. Even though, she would work away from home, the job allows her to take time off. We have been separated before, and never had a problem. I trust her completely. Believe it, or not, she was a virgin when we got married. I am the only man she has ever been with, though many have tried.

It was after 4pm, on a Friday afternoon. My secretary had left for the day. All of a sudden the door burst open, and there stood Ron. Oh My God, I thought, here it comes! Now what do I do? I don’t have his money, and no way of getting it.

He never said a word, until he had walked over, grabbed me around the neck and jerked me over my desk. My face was about six inches from his nose.

“You got my money, you piece of shit? I’m not waiting one more minute. Either, start counting out my money, or I’m going to break your arms and legs, Then I’ll disappear for six months and come back and break them again. You hear me you worthless bastard?”

He shoved me back into my chair so hard, the chair slammed up against the wall. For a moment, I was groggy. I thought, he’s going to kill me, and there’s not a thing I can do about it. God, what do I do? How do I get out of this?

“There is a way out, if you do exactly what I say” Exactly, what I say!” “Do you understand?”

All I could do was shake my head, yes.

“You are going to write me a check for $60,000.00. You are going to write it on a company check, and it is going to be drawn from your business account.”

“I can’t do that. That’s stealing. They will fire me, maybe prosecute!”

“The books won’t be audited again for another month. I’ll hold the check, and return it to you, if you do exactly as I say. Do you understand?”

“NO, I won’t do it”

He grabbed an arm and started to twist. “I’ll break this one right now, just so you will know I am serious!”

“I’ll do it. I’ll do it”, I screamed. “But why are you holding it for a month? What is it you want me to do?”

“Sit back down and relax. Let me tell you a story. About a year ago, I was married to a beautiful woman. By accident, she got pregnant. Our doctor had told her she could not have a baby. Having a baby would probably kill her. We went to an abortion clinic to terminate the birth. Our appointment for the abortion was right on the borderline of whether she had waited too long, or not. Another couple of days, and they would not abort the fetus. Guess who was picketing the clinic. Guess who prevented us from getting her abortion. The clinic stayed closed for a week. Four months ago, my wife and baby died. Your darling, precious wife killed her, as sure as if she had put a gun to her head, and pulled the trigger. I want satisfaction! I want revenge! And I’m going to have it, if I have to kill you and her, both.”

“How do you want revenge, Are you going to kill her? What are you going to do? How does this check come into everything? Are you going to hurt us?”

“Shut your stupid mouth for a minute, and I will tell you! I am going to live with you for a month. I am going to seduce your wife, and get her pregnant. She is going to deliver my son. I am going to do this, with or without your assistance.”

“NO! No! She would never go along with that! I am the only man she has ever been with. She would never let another man into her bed. Besides, she doesn’t like blacks, She says you are all a****ls. Getting your women pregnant every year, and then wanting abortions.”

“You let me worry about getting into her bed. You just tell her that I am a big client from New York, and your boss wants me to stay at your home, instead of a motel. You know, like a family thing. Make me comfortable and happy. At the end of a month, I tear up the check and you owe me nothing. You still have your job and reputation, and your arms and legs are still in working order. You don’t do this, and you will wish you were a dead man a thousand times over. You Got That?”

“What if she doesn’t let you seduce her? What if she will have nothing to do with you? Are you going to **** her, anyway?”

“No ****, no forcing, no pain. I only want the opportunity to seduce her, and she will give me permission to fuck her. She will beg me to fuck her, not once, but many times. You have no choice in the matter. You can help or hinder. It’s up to you.”

“Okay, I’ll tell her you are our guest for the next month. You are so confident you can fuck her, and I’m just as confident that you can’t. This will be an easy way to get out of debt with you.”

“Tell her tonight. Tell her that I will be over in the morning. You have to work tomorrow, but I don’t. This will give me a chance to talk to her, and see what kind of challenge, she is going to be. No screw ups! You fuck this up, and you’ll never fuck up anything else!”

“Alright, I’ll go along with everything. Something you missed, if by some wild chance, however unlikely, you fuck her, and she gets pregnant, what happens to the c***d? I’m not raising a black bastard.”

“I don’t want no whitey raising my son. I’ll take him, and neither you or her will ever see either of us again.”

“I’ll tell her tonight, and tell her you will be by about 10 in the morning. Is that okay?”

“That’s good. See you tomorrow night, when you get home from work. I’ll be on your sofa watching your TV. Oh, I almost forgot a little condition; you might want to know about. When she is primed to be fucked, I want you to watch how a real man handles a woman.” You won’t have to be in the room, but I want you someplace, where you can see and hear her beg for my cock. We wouldn’t want to have any misunderstandings, would we?”

“You win. I can’t argue anymore. You know you have me exactly where you want me. You know there is nothing I can do.”

“WHAT! WHAT! You want a black man to live in this house for the next month? Are you crazy? Have you lost what little brains you had? NO Way, Jose! You can forget it. Get him a motel. Let someone else take care of him. I’m not having an a****l living in my house! Why? Why did you agree to this?

“If you will settle down, I will tell you. He is a very important client, and will mean millions for the firm. By doing this, I will get a hefty bonus. You know we can use the money. Since you have been out of work, we are just barely making ends meet. We need the money! It is only for one month. He will be gone most of each day, and I will be home in the evening. You will seldom be alone with him.”

“When is he going to be here?”

“Tomorrow morning, about 10.”

“TOMORROW? YOU ALREADY AGREED, WITHOUT ASKING ME? Okay, let me calm down. If he’s coming tomorrow, you meet him, and I will go shopping for the day.”

“I won’t be here. I have to work all day tomorrow.”

“OH NO YOU DON’T! You just told me, I wouldn’t be spending time alone with him and on the very first day, I will be alone with him all day? I hate you! You know that? I hate you. Why did you put me in this position?”

“I’m sorry darling. I love you, and would not do this, if we weren’t is such bad need of money.”

“Oh shut up! You don’t know what love is.”

Promptly at 10 am, the doorbell rang. Linda answered the door and there stood a tall, muscular black man. He wasn’t bad looking, considering he was black. He was dressed in a tee shirt and spandex shorts, and was carrying a suitcase. He held out his big hand, and said, hello, I’m Ron. Linda felt foolish not wanting to shake his hand. His big hand engulfed her small dainty fingers. It was then that she looked down and saw the outline of what looked like a roll of sausage, between his legs. Her mouth dropped open in amazement. That couldn’t be his dick! But, what was it? Why would he put something in his shorts? Could it possibly be real? Maybe, they really are a****ls! Horses! She looked back up at his face, but he seemed to be looking over her shoulder at the house. Thank God, he hadn’t seen her looking at that monster!

She got him settled into the guest room, and the next couple of hours were spent in small talk. He was actually very easy to talk to, if you ignored his color. He was still wearing those shorts, and whenever he wasn’t looking, she kept glancing at the lump in them. She had never had any desire to see another man besides her husband, but now, she was curious to see if he was real. She wanted to know if any man could be that big, and she would never believe it, unless she actually saw it with her own eyes. After a couple of glasses of wine, she was beginning to enjoy their discussion. When he said, he wanted to take a shower, she showed him the bath, and told him where to find whatever he needed. In about 10 minutes, he was yelling, Linda, I can’t find the towels.

“Oh, Oh, the towels are still in the dryer from yesterday. Richard and I used the last two clean ones this morning. “I’ll bring them right up.” I yelled. I was carrying the towels upstairs, and as I got to the top of the stairs, I was looking directly into the bathroom. The door was open! Where was he? As I stepped inside the bathroom door, he stepped out of the shower. Stark naked! I couldn’t keep my eyes from looking between his legs. It was real!! I have never even imagined anything that big. How in God’s name could a woman take that inside her? Maybe, black women were larger than white women. I looked up and he was smiling at me.

“I’ve seen you looking at this all day. Would you like to touch him for a moment? You could watch him grow to his full size.”

My hand made a move toward him, but I jerked it back. “No, I don’t want to touch you, and you should cover yourself.” I closed the door behind me and ran down the stairs. I could hear him laughing. I was so embarrassed! He knew I wanted to touch and feel him. He knew I was fascinated with the size of his monster dick. I have always felt that blacks were below my station. I have seldom even spoken to one. What has happened to me in one day? For one thing, I had never imagined the size of their manhood. I hadn’t thought about it at all, and now I have been trying to glimpse one all day, then after seeing it, almost put my fingers around it.

My husband has a respectable six inches, and has always been able to satisfy me. Now, I keep thinking of a twelve inch dick, that is more than twice as big around than his. Would it fit into me? What’s wrong with me? Was it the wine? I’m not like this.

The rest of the afternoon was uneventful. Ron took a nap and then watched TV. I puttered around outside, trying to stay away from him. Richard came home a little after six. He came into the kitchen and asked how my day had been. I said okay. What was I supposed to say? Was I supposed to tell him I had been dreaming of a big, black dick all afternoon? I joined the men, after doing the dishes. They were laying back on the sofa, with their legs on the coffee table. Richard was still wearing long pants, but Ron had on a pair of boxers. When Ron crossed his legs, the head of his dick was visible from the bottom of his shorts. I was sitting across from them, and couldn’t help, but look. Richard caught me once, and looked to see what I was looking at. He knew I kept glancing at Ron’s crotch. Richard just looked at me, but never said a word. I don’t think he cared! What is going on here?

Monday morning, Richard went off early to work. Ron said he had a meeting at noon, and was just going to lay around and relax until then. He was wearing silk pajama bottoms, and no top. Naturally, he never wore underwear. I don’t believe he had any! Whenever he walked, his massive dick could be seen swinging back and forth. He set down on the sofa next to me, and casually took my hand into his. He brought my hand over his crotch and lowered it onto his dick. I was paralyzed! I didn’t know what to do. I could feel him through his pajamas. It was moving! Getting bigger! Oh My God! It was sticking straight up out of his pj’s. It must have been 12 or 14 inches long. It looked like a big charcoaled log! He removed his hand, but I couldn’t remove mine. I was moving my fingers around, and over it. My fingers wouldn’t even go half-way around it.

“Move your fingers up and down the shaft”, he whispered.

It’s like my fingers had a mind of their own. They were separated from the rest of my body. I stroked up and down as best as I could. It was too big for him to get much feeling from only my small hand.

“Use your other hand, too” he said.

I reached over with my other hand and stroking him was much easier. I was mesmerized by the feel and size of him.

He reached over and put his hand on the back of my head. He was pushing my head toward his black dick! My lips were touching the head!

“Open your mouth and kiss it,” he urged.

I couldn’t! I couldn’t take that thing into my mouth! I didn’t even like doing that for Richard. He had my mouth pressed against the head, and struggling was useless. He was too strong! I opened my mouth, just to lick it for a minute. It was smooth and not bad at all. I slowly tried to get the head into my mouth. My mouth was stretched wide, as the head went inside. I just held it there, and licked the head. My hands were still stroking the shaft. He must have been really excited, for I felt his dick stiffen, and get bigger, if that is possible. All of a sudden, his hand was on the back of my head and pushing me forward. Then, his dick started to spurt gobs of cum into my mouth and down my throat. He was drowning me! I was drowning in cum and couldn’t get away! I had to swallow, and swallow, still, I couldn’t swallow fast enough! It ran out of my mouth and down onto my hands. I thought he would never stop! It never tasted bad, as I imagined it would. Actually, I kind of enjoyed making a dick that size cum. It was a feeling of power! I licked all the cum from my lips, and brought my fingers into my mouth. I cleaned them too. I was in a daze. Sort of detached from reality.

“Was that the first time you ever drank a black man’s cum?” he asked.

“What? What did you say?”

“I said, was that the first time you ever swallowed a black man’s cum?”

“Oh God, Oh My God!!” I jumped up and ran for the bathroom. I grabbed the mouthwash and washed out my mouth. I could still taste him! I hurriedly brushed my teeth, including my tongue, and all around inside my mouth. I could still taste him! The taste was in the back of my throat and in my nose! Oh God, I actually let a black a****l cum inside my mouth. What was I going to do? Act like it never happened? Pretend I couldn’t help myself? Tell myself, that he forced me? Well, it was over, and would never happen again! A little voice inside my head, seemed to deny that. I was so upset, I took a valium and went to my room to lie down for awhile. Maybe he will leave, go somewhere. Anywhere! As long as I don’t have to face him!

In the bedroom, I could tell my panties were soaking wet. I was wearing a strapless sundress, with a flared bottom. I removed my panties, but didn’t seem to have the energy to put on another pair. What did it matter? After all, I was in my bedroom, in my bed. I needed to sleep awhile and maybe it would clear my mind. Put my thoughts in on order, so to speak. I was emotionally exhausted. The last thing I remember before drifting off into a sound sleep, was the memory of how soft the head of his dick had been.

Ron waited for half an hour before going upstairs. He wanted to taste that white pussy, and had no intention of waiting another day! Going to her room, he gently pushed open the door. Linda was lying on her back, sound asleep. He tiptoed next to the bed and slowly raised the hem of her dress. She wasn’t wearing panties! Her neatly trimmed pubic mound was just asking for his attention. From the foot of the bed, he inched his head and shoulders between her legs. He gently raised her hips, and put his arms under them. His mouth was only inches from her dripping wet pussy. He could smell her excitement. He touched her clitoris with his tongue, and slowly rotated it around and around. Then, he looked at her face to see if she had awakened. She had a smile on her face, but was still sound asleep. I wonder if she’s dreaming about me and my long tongue, he thought. It didn’t seem she was going to awaken, and this was the perfect opportunity to do some serious pussy eating. He stuck his long, thick tongue inside her wet pussy and licked up all the juices, he could reach. She was starting to moan in her sleep. After fucking her with his tongue, he went back to her love bud. Now, she was moaning constantly, and was becoming louder. He looked again, but she still had that smile on her face, and was evidently asleep. He gave his full attention to her pussy, licking, sucking, and fucking her with his tongue.

I was having such an erotic dream. Richard was eating me, but as never before. His tongue was bigger, and now much more exciting. He was reaching places and doing things, he had never done before. Why had he waited, to let me know how well he could eat pussy? Oh God, it felt so good! I was going to cum! He had never made me cum this way before. I had never really liked him doing this, but from now on, he was going to do it every night! Oh…, Oh…, I’m cumming! So good.

When she started cumming, I almost cum myself. Another couple of minutes, and I eased her legs back down, slid off the foot of the bed, and put her dress back in place. I closed the door, as I left the room. I wonder what she is going to think when she wakes up. Will she remember, or believe it was just a dream. The next item on the agenda, is to get my cock into that tight hole. I’ll work on that tomorrow. After all, I still have 27 days!

When I woke up, it was almost time for Richard to come home. I rushed downstairs to start supper. Ron had gone outside, somewhere. I was glad of that. I didn’t know what to say to him. I felt so refreshed, relaxed, almost as if I had climaxed. The dream!!! I climaxed in my sleep! I haven’t done that since I was in college. Strange though, I was dreaming of Richard, but it never felt like him. He doesn’t have that kind of experience. Looking out the window, I saw Ron coming toward the back door. He was licking on an ice cream cone. His tongue! That’s the tongue that was licking me! It was no dream, or was it? Did I only imagine it was Richard, but with Ron’s tongue? Did he really eat me, while I was sleeping? Do I want to know?

Ron came in the back door, and asked if I wanted a bite of his ice cream. He acted like nothing had ever happened between them. Good! I’ll act the same way, and forget the whole thing. It’s never going to happen again, anyway.

After dinner, I went to bed early, saying I had a headache. Richard came up a few minutes later, and wanted to know what was wrong. I told him, “having a black man in our house for another 27 days is what was wrong!” Then he had the nerve to want to make love! “I’ll let you in on a little secret, you are not going to touch me, as long as that a****l is in our house! When he goes, you get your wife back.”

“Has something happened? Has Ron gotten out of line? What has he done to make you hate him so?”

“He’s black, and that is what’s wrong! No, he hasn’t done anything else wrong. He has been a perfect gentleman, if an a****l can be called a gentleman.”

“Okay, I’m going back downstairs and sip a few beers with him. He’s really a nice guy, you know. Your prejudice is clouding your judgment.“

The next morning, Ron and Richard left at the same time. I cleaned the house, and must have picked up a dozen beer bottles. About noon, I took a long relaxing bath, and was lounging around in my bathrobe, when Ron came in the door. He took one look at me, and came over to the sofa, sitting down next to me. His thigh was brushing against mine. I could feel the heat from his leg. He put his arm around my shoulder, and pulled me against his chest. I had no will to resist! What was happening to me? Why do I let this black man touch me at his whim? I hate blacks! Still, he was so strong and masculine, so sure of himself, not like Richard at all.

“Today, Linda, I think you should prove something to yourself. I know you are curious, and will never be satisfied until you know the answer.”

“The answer to what?”

“Whether my black cock will fit into that small pussy of yours.”

Sitting upright, I said, “You’re crazy, if you think I’m curious about that. I don’t care if that monster will fit or not. I do know that it would stretch me so big, that Richard would never want me again. You go find yourself another woman! You will never fuck me with that thing!” I was curious. I was dying to know how it would feel to have a 12 inch dick inside me! He only ignored me, and stood up, dropping his pants. Naturally, he had on no underwear! He was already about half hard. He sat back down next to me, and put my hand on the shaft. Immediately, it started to grow. He reached over, and took the tape measure out of my sewing kit. By now, he was completely hard. Handing me the tape, he said measure, and see exactly what you are going to get.

“I’ll measure it, but I’m not going to get anything.” It measured almost 13 inches, and was 6-1/2 inches around. Even looking at him, and seeing the proof with my own eyes, I still couldn’t believe it!

“Now, here is what we are going to do. We are going to try an experiment. When you are ready, I want to try and put the head inside you. That’s not fucking. That’s just an experiment to see if a white woman can take me. Do you agree that it’s not fucking? I’m not going all the way inside. I’m not going to cum, so how can it be called fucking?”

“Well, honestly, I am curious. Do you promise that only the head is going inside? You’re just going to see if it would, as if we were really going to make love?”

“That’s all I’m going to do, but I have to get you ready. All you have to do is relax and enjoy the sensations. First, this sofa is not high enough. Stand up, and let me put another cushion under you. I did as he asked, and when I sat back down, my feet didn’t touch the floor. What was I getting myself into? Why was I doing this, with a man I detested? His magnetism? The unknown and forbidden? Whatever the reason, I was about to find out the answer.

He got on his knees in front of me, and opened my robe. He was surprised when he saw there was nothing underneath. He never tried to kiss me. I think he knew I wouldn’t. He went straight to my breasts, and started sucking like a hungry baby. First one breast, then the other. I was getting wet, already. He kissed his way down my stomach, till I could feel his breath on my love bud. He took it into his mouth and began sucking on it, just as he had sucked my breasts. I was so hot and feeling so good, that I almost had an orgasm right then. When he stuck that long, thick tongue inside, I couldn’t control myself any longer. I had the biggest orgasm of my life! All I could say was, Oh God, Oh God, I’m cumming…I’m cumming. The Dream! It wasn’t a dream! That is the tongue that made me cum. No wonder it was so vivid! Usually, a dream fades when you wake up, but mine was still sharply etched in my mind. No wonder! It really happened, and now it was going to happen again. I came back to my senses, and he was up on his knees with his monster pointed at the opening of my pussy.

I looked at him, and said, “remember, only the head, and you will take it out whenever I say.”

“Okay, I will. Now take your fingers and spread your pussy lips. Sit up straighter, so you can see every inch as it disappears inside you.”

I spread my lips, and he was rubbing his dick up and down my slit. It was almost like he was masturbating me with his big dick. Then, he stopped and placed the head at my tiny opening. He was putting pressure against my pussy, but there was no way that thing was going to go inside.

“No more! No more! It is starting to hurt. Stop pushing.” But he didn’t stop! He kept up the pressure, more and more! “Ah NO..NO..Not anymore!!! It won’t go! You’re killing me! You said you would stop!” I spread my legs as wide as they would go, to help ease the pain. I was pushing on his shoulders and chest, but it didn’t even bother him. He just kept up the relentless pressure. MY God, He’s going to split me into! God help me!” I was moaning and crying.

Suddenly there was a pop and the pressure was gone, but I felt as if there was a log inside the lips of my pussy. I looked down and saw that the head was inside, along with an inch of his massive shaft!

“Don’t move, please don’t move. It will kill me if you do. I feel as if my pussy is ripping apart. You said you would only put in the head. Now, I know I can take it, but it hurts too much. I could never be fucked with something that big.”

“Let me hold it here until you relax, and your pussy adjusts to having a real man inside you. Since we have gone this far, why not push it in a little farther when the pain stops? What do you say? It’s not like we are fucking.”

“I don’t believe the pain will go away, but if it does, maybe, you can put in a little more. Wait a few minutes. I hate to have come this far, and never really know if I could take something that big. Are you sure you aren’t going to try and fuck me? I trust you to keep your word. It’s not hurting so bad, anymore. Try pushing again. I’m more relaxed now.”

I was watching, as he pushed, and another couple of inches went inside. I could feel the walls of my vagina stretching, trying to accommodate his size. He stopped again, and it actually felt good. There was a fullness that I had never felt before. He pushed again, and was at the deepest point any dick had ever been.

“NO one has ever been deeper than that. I think you should stop now. I’ll never have anyone, but my husband, and his doesn’t go as far as you have it now.” My mouth was speaking those words, but my body wanted more. I wanted him to go as deep as he could. I wanted to take all of him!

He pushed again, and it looked as if there was still four inches to go! I was adjusting now. More relaxed. It hurt a little and filled me completely, but I knew now that I could handle a monster cock! Once, I had taken the entire length, he would remove it, and that would be the end of the whole thing. My curiosity would be satisfied.

“Try and slowly push the rest into me. Please stop, if I scream. I can feel it pushing my insides ahead of it. I don’t know how much farther, they will push.” While I’m talking, I am watching at the same time. Slowly it all disappears, and finally our pubic mounds are against each other. I have taken a 13 inch monster cock!

“OKAY, I have taken all of you. Now take it out and lets call the experiment a success.” As I said this, he twitched his dick, then again, and again. My Lord, I never felt anything so good. It was like he was fucking me, without moving his body! My juices were coating his dick with a slick film of lubrication. I was so hot, I could cum by just having him inside me.

“It’s time to stop! You said you would stop anytime I said!”

He very gently flicked his hips, and there was a slight in and out movement. That felt so good, so wonderful. I hope he does it again, before he completely removes himself. Then he pulled out about 4 inches, and pushed it back in. He did this a few times, and I started to moan. I couldn’t help myself. I had never had anything in my life feel so wonderful, so glorious. Oh MY God, he is fucking me! He promised! But, I can’t help myself. I want him to! Now, he is using longer strokes, as I adjust to him. There’s no pain, just feelings and what feelings!! I’m CUMMING…….I’m Cumming… with a 13 inch dick in my pussy. I never want it to end! I want to fuck this big black cock forever. I’ll never hate blacks again. Only a black dick could give me this pleasure. “Oh fuck me, fuck me! I’m yours! Do whatever you want with me, just give me your big cock for my pussy! I’m Cumming again!!! I can’t stop Cumming! You have to stop! Not anymore, No more! I’ll die! My body can’t take that many climaxes.” Then she felt his body tense, and all of a sudden it felt like a water hose had been inserted into her pussy! Squirt after squirt of cum flooded her insides. It seemed to be coming out of her mouth. Nobody could cum that much. This triggered another climax, and she screamed with pleasure. Cum Inside Me? Cum? NO! NO! NO! You can’t cum inside me! I’ll get pregnant! You put your seed all the way in the mouth of my cervix. Why? Why? You said you wouldn’t even fuck me. Now, look what has happened!

“Don’t worry about getting pregnant. I had a vasectomy 4 years ago. I could never make you pregnant.” Like hell, I can’t, I was thinking.

“Oh, Thank God. You wouldn’t lie to me again, would you?”

“I would never lie about something like that. Trust me. If you have recovered, lets go upstairs to the bed. I want to show you something.”

They went upstairs, and he lay down on his back. His enormous dick was still sticking straight up. “Come here and straddle me. Squat down over my dick, and put the tip inside yourself.” She did as he instructed. “Now lower yourself, until about 4 inches are inside you.”

“I don’t know if I can take you again”

“Yes, you can. You still have my cum dripping out of you, so my cock should enter you easily. Go slow, and let yourself get used to me again.”

This time, the entry was without pain. She was still tight and filled like never before, but all the juices had her prepared. She stopped when about 4 or 5 inches were inside her.

“Now, I am going to pump up and you pump down. If there is pain, you can control the penetration. Is that okay?” He began pumping up into her and she was controlling the depth. She was taking more and more of him, until their pubic bones were smashing against each other. She was screaming out one long glorious climax! After only a few minutes, he cum so hard, she thought he was going to blow her off him. She fell exhausted and completely satisfied at his side. She dozed for a few minutes, but awoke when he started talking.

“I will be here for another 24 to 26 days, and I want this to happen every day, until I leave. Another thing, don’t let that wimp husband touch you this month. Do you agree with me?”

“Oh God Yes!! I want you more than once a day. I want you day and night! If you say so, I’ll never let Richard touch me again. That little dick of his could never make me cum again, anyway! Could you stay until my period starts?” That will be at the end of the month.

I didn’t have the heart to tell her, it would be at the end of nine months!

Same as Blackmale...d Videos

4 years ago
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Unexpected Orgy

After finishing high school, I attended a prestigious southern university graduating with a double major in Finance and Chemistry. When I arrived down south, I was a k** in a candy store as I never seen so many blonde blue-eye women. Growing up in northern New Jersey, it was always dark hair, dark eyes Italian / Jewish American princesses. I was truly enjoying myself after the summer of fun with Tom ended fucking everything in sight in my dorm room.After completing my degree, I returned to NJ...

3 years ago
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Succubi World

beep-beep beep-beep beep-beep You stretch your arm out from under the almost uncomfortably hot, yet very familiar body lying against you on the bed. After a few seconds of blindly reaching, you manage to slap the snooze button on your Galaxy Note and let your arm dangle freely over the bedside. Blinking the sleep out of your eyes, the first thing you see is a large, round, dark blue ass and moist pussy, inches away from your face. A slender tail extends from the ass's tailbone and is lazily...

4 years ago
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Top baseball fan

Doe reaches down and digs deeply into her purse for the keys to her house. A contented smile crosses her face as she finds them and pulls them out to unlock the door, to the sound of the banter of her son, Jane, and his two friends behind her. They have just won the local Baseball tournament, one that many of the areas college coaches were attending. They were flush with excitement from winning. Jane had pitched an almost perfect game. Greg, the catcher, and Steve, the short stop had made the...

2 years ago
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The HeirChapter 2

Joshua woke first, very aware of the young woman still in his arms. He stroked her hair with his free hand. She sighed, and wriggled against him. Her eyes popped open and she clearly panicked for a moment. "Relax," he told her. "I am pleased with you. But it's time to get up, I think." As he sat up in bed, she quickly rolled out and adopted her submissive, kneeling posture next to the bed. He sighed inwardly, but thought, 'I suppose it's better than getting above herself, but I hope...

2 years ago
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Impersonating BrianneChapter 7

Rolling over lazily, Marissa hunted around for Alan. He wasn't there. She sat up. The scarves were still tied to the bedposts. Alan's shirt, which she had been wearing the night before, was on the floor, having been thrown across the room some time in the middle of the night. The bedsheets were rumpled. The comforter was on the floor. The sun was up but she still felt like it should have just been daybreak. Her body hadn't caught up from the jetlag. Marissa was sore, especially her...

2 years ago
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Trussed up spys

The party's just about to start you think fixing your tux in the mirror. "Dana hurry up!" You say loudly trying to rush your new partner. This is her first mission as an agent and you’re stuck going undercover at this ball thrown by some high level mobster's as a couple attending the party. This is your big chance to crack this case as long as your new partner doesn’t mess things up. "You better of only had 1 drink when you stopped down at the bar" you say as she finally steps out in her black...

2 years ago
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Latino Threesome

It was something about the way he gazed at me over his glasses. Kind of teacher like, but not really. I got a slight kick out of it anyhow, I knew he wasn’t interested and that fuelled me a little to try and tease him. The flight had just landed at Mexico City Airport. Beautiful Latin America awaited my arrival. The flight from Florida had been a bit hair-raising due to turbulence and I was now in desperate need of a sharp one. The alcoholic variety that is. The company had sent Mike and me out...

2 years ago
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Escape from GirlWorld

Escape from GirlWorld by kimmie oh Kirk came crashing through the undergrowth behind me. Ahead of us was a clearing and then more woods. We were both naked, our clothes having been taken from us shortly after being captured. We had come to Gaia on a diplomatic mission from the distant planet all males of the human species had been banished to after the Gender Wars of 2040. We had left our landing craft with a proposed treaty and struck out for the capital of the Gaian world....

1 year ago
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My Wife8217s Friend Maya

By : Jshnmn Hi Friends, This is Mann. Since a long time I wanted to write stories about my some personal experiences. So here I am sharing one of my experiences. My name is Mann, and I am a married guy, with a beautiful wife. Though my wife is too beautiful, but I could not control on my emotions for other beautiful and hot girls around me. Currently I am in USA, but I am going to tell you the story, when I was in India. It was just one year of my marriage, but I was not satisfied with my wife,...

2 years ago
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My Cousin Lost Her Virginity8230To Me

Hey guys, thank you for such an overwhelming response to my last story. This time, since you all already know how bad the COVID situation is in the US, I haven’t travelled to India since a long time and probably won’t be able to in the next few months. But, quarantine doesn’t mean I can’t have sex at all. So I did, and this story is about how I fucked my 19-year-old cousin! The COVID situation in the US is pretty tight, Indians in the US are trying to stay as close to each other. I have a...

2 years ago
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Ahhh Rosie

My name is Rosie, I work in a diner. I’ve been in this town all my life, I’m 29, basically still a virgin, not quite but nearly. I haven’t dated in, ohh it has to be at least 6 years. Not that I haven’t had the opportunity. I’m no glamour but I’ve looks enough. It was just after I met him and fell madly in love with him, that dating other men became unnatural for me… He comes in here everyday and over the years we’ve talked a fair bit, he still doesn’t know that I’m in love with him and I...

3 years ago
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Caught Used and Loving It

I knew I had time now, my wife had gone out with her friendsand wouldn’t be back until 10pm at the earliest. As it was only 6:30, I knew I could spend time getting ready before playing around on the computer and enjoying a nice relaxing but exciting orgasm. My cock was more than ready as I hadn’t had sex for over a week and no chance to masturbate either due to either the kids being around or my wife not being in the mood. So as soon as she was out the door, I looked out of the window to watch...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyVault Virgo Peridot PAWG Makes BBC Cum

In case you didn’t know, Virgo Peridot has a huge ass. Like a really big, juicy, and jiggly ass. I wish I can go on and on about her big booty but we gotta keep the show going. Today we have Virgo walking the block for us so that the whole neighborhood can see what we’re working with. But it wasn’t long before we have her inside to show us what her body looks like underneath her clothes. We have her show off her sexy body and damn, it’s something about her soft jiggly...

3 years ago
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Mamun8217s Lusty Paradise 8211 Part 2

(I thank Purna for sharing her experiences and since the events really happened, there was not much need to add spice. Please read part 1 to follow the sequence of events.) After Dad started fucking me, my cunt seemed to be always on fire. He would fuck Anita aunty and me also, so I was desperate to be fucked by many cocks. I found a site where men, women and couples posted their naked pics, clips and fuck videos. On an impulse, I put my boobs, cunt pics in very sexy poses, without showing my...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Sophie Anderson She Takes Two Big Black Dicks

Hot tattoo model Sophie Anderson takes two big black dicks in today’s XXX premium hardcore threesome by DDF Network. The leggy curvy businesswoman gets laid by Antonio Black and Mr. Longwood in this epic MMF fuck, packed with intense cock sucking, impressive anal gapes and hardcore ass to mouth action! See her big tits being sucked on and squeezed hard by the two painters who soon take their brushes out of their pants to paint her big boobs with white sperm! After some multi-dick sucking...

1 year ago
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Sex With Maid Her Mistress

Hi, This is Rajesh from Bangalore again. Thank you all for your comments on my old stories. As you know I m writing after quiet a gap and so many request that I really felt happy. This incident which I m writing today is a real incident and happen to me very recently. For those who don’t know me I m Rajesh, 30 male Bangalore. Now straight to story. I live with my wife and a son. We have a comparatively big house for 3 people to stay. Because house is big and to meet daily house hold needs we...

3 years ago
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Cliteckas Seduction Part 2

Clitecka’s Seduction – 2 My name is David and I have a problem. I’m 38 years old, living on the outskirts of Fuggledix, Alabama. I’m a fairly good looking guy, if you ignore the wheelchair. I had polio at the age of ten. That’s not my problem at all. My problem is I’ve become involved with a black girl named Clitecka. I’m white. And this part of Alabama has only been integrated for seven years. Anyway, finding a girlfriend has always been a challenge for me. Mostly, it’s because the women I...

4 years ago
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Student AssistanceChapter 29

We woke up together and showered. I will miss that when we get back to school. After me shaving and her fixing her hair, we went into her room and dressed for church. We went into the kitchen and made coffee. We waited for our parents. When they came in, we all had a light breakfast and left for Sunday school after everyone was ready. Our parents would go to the Masons’ class. We went to Karen’s old class. We were the only ones there. We went into the hall and found that the young marrieds,...

4 years ago
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The Shopping Trip

The idea of shopping for a suit was becoming less appealing by the minute, as the traffic on the A30 crawled slowly towards the retail outlet. “I told you we should have taken a different route," you exclaim emphatically. “Perhaps playing with myself will make the time pass quicker, what do you think, Darling?” you inquire with a wry grin on your face. You gently rest your hand on my thigh; just your touch is enough to send ripples of excitement throughout my body. I try to clear my mind...

Quickie Sex
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Youre Fired

"Mark!"  Olivia shouted her secretary's name from the corner of her office. Her head was buried in a file cabinet. Olivia was in her 40s and was a senior account manager at Wilson and Oldsten, the most prestigious advertising agency in the state. She was tall and blonde, with striking nordic features. She had a hard driving personality that, combined with her good looks, had fueled her meteoric rise through the company. Mark walked into the room. He had been Olivia's secretary for only two...

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Lost Empire 82

0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0130 - Gillese 0200 - Ellen 0250 - Tendra 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0805 - Toran 0808 - Radella 0881 - Handrax 0908 - Tara - Mara 1000 - Sherry -------------------------- Ungrown - unnumbered ------------------------ 0100 - Derry (father ship) Rescued from Tendraxians so far ----------------------- 4 on Shelby 2 in re-gen 8 on...

3 years ago
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Complicated Ch 06

Chapter 6 Max and I started meeting each other frequently during the week and some weekends at either his apartment or mine where we would immediately proceed to fucking each other till one of us passed out from exhaustion. I was amazed at how much my libido had shot up since the time I met Max. We never went out and we rarely got the time to talk except at breakfast. He always insisted on making me breakfast, which I was thankful for as he ended up making unusual but delicious things with...

2 years ago
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Sex With An Hyderabad Aunty

Hello all, i’m Prakash from Hyderabad, i’m a regular reader of iss , i’m 25 years with a good height of 5ft 10 inch with a fit body Its a real story happened one year back with an aunty who lives in Hyderabad. She was my online friend and her name is Prathima. She is 38 now with a good stats 36-32-38 kind of a puffy body with good color. She got married when she is just 22, she was a Brahmin. As we chat regularly we have shared a lot as friends. She called me to her home for breakfast on a...

1 year ago
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Wanks for the Memory

Wanks for the memory Relaxed, I lie upon the bed, My body straight, my legs outspread; My eyes towards the looking glass, I stick one finger up my arse. The other hand goes to my prick, And when it’s straight and getting thick, I put some oil upon the crown And then I rub it up and down Gently, until it’s getting thicker, And then I start to rub it quicker. When the juices start to come, I wipe them off with my left thumb, Which I then suck – oh, what a taste, A nectar sweet, too good to waste....

Erotic Poetry
3 years ago
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Alice Does ItalyChapter 3

While Alice was taking care of the men, I was doing the women. Even though they were functionally naked, all of them were still timid. They were all "high class" women, so they had a fairly sheltered upbringing. They were all fairly comfortable with nudity in sort of an abstract sense, since clothes were mostly decoration in this era, so the lower classes usually stripped for any work that might damage their clothes. They had even seen various sex acts both among people and among animals,...

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Garage Man

The church was empty save my father, mother, sister and, of course, me. In the front of us, sitting on two trestles was a plain coffin holding the body of my great uncle Ted. After the short service I said my goodbyes to my family and headed for the solicitor's office. "I expect he's left you his apartment," my mother said. "You always were his favourite." He was my favourite uncle, too, not that he had much competition. He always brought my sister and I a present whenever he called...

4 years ago
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1 March 2008Chapter 6

Brad’s eyes devoured Jennifer’s luscious looking body. Slightly taller than Abby with bigger breasts and a fuller figure, she and Abby made him naked. The girls embraced, breast to breast and sensually kissed. Brad could feel his cock stirring from the erotic display. Abby brought Brad closer encouraging him and Jennifer to embrace. “We are going to have so much fun together!” Abby smiled as he placed Brad’s hand on Jennifer’s left breast. She rubbed their bare backs watching them share...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Sadie Holmes August Taylor Body To Body Massage

Nuru first timer, August Taylor has come for a full body treatment. Her masseuse, Sadie Holmes can hardly contain her excitement when she sees August and her bountiful bosom. In the shower, Sadie makes sure to lather up her massive boobs, getting August’s body nice and soapy so she can use her as her own personal slip and slide during the massage. August has no objections, especially when they’re laying in the bath together and Sadie begins massaging her tight pussy. With...

2 years ago
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Painted into a corner

##        I was feeling a little melancholy. I had been pretty busy since moving from my small town in down state Indiana to the north suburbs of Chicago. I hadn’t had a lot of time to get lonely but tonight was different, it was my 31rst. birthday and I had no one to celebrate with. Everyone I knew, including my ex-wife of 3 years, was back in Indiana. I decided to drown my sorrows in a couple of cold beers and left for a little dive I’ve seen a few miles from my house.        I had been...

3 years ago
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A Benign SomethingChapter 4

For the next several weeks, Gayle and I tried to meet for lunch, as often as we could. Sometimes our schedules didn't match, but most of the time, we were able to still find time to talk, either by way of the phone late at night or email during the day. And, with each passing day, with each conversation and email message I received from her, I wanted to be with her even more. Whenever the phone rang, I instantly dashed over and snatched it up, hoping to hear her voice. Likewise, whenever I...

3 years ago
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Being mastered

I felt his rough hands move across my exposed bottom, before his fingers curled around either side of my panties, low down, by my crotch. Next thing I knew, he’d bunched the sides of my panties together and jerked roughly upwards, pulling them taut and up into the crack of my ass. I felt totally exposed and humiliated. My cheeks (on my face this time) flushed red, as I could feel the fabric of my panties up tight against the swollen lips of my cunt, and rubbing against the sensitive bud of my...

2 years ago
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My Life as a DogChapter 2

Jack looked up in surprise at the large black dog which kept looking at him and starting out then turning and whining, coming up to him and permitting him to only very briefly pet or scratch before grabbing his sleeve gently in his teeth and tugging meaningfully telling him in unmistakable terms to come with him. He groaned in defeat and started to put on his fur coat and snow-shoes. He also decided to see if the dog would put up with a harness and pull sled, since he was insisting on Jack...

4 years ago
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Lil Sister

My name is Chad. I’m 42 years old and I’m a pretty good looking guy. I am not a body builder or anything like that, I like to workout, but I’m not too serious about it. I have a stepsister named Stephanie. Last week was her birthday and she just turned 18 years old. She has brown hair, bluish green eyes and these amazingly perky breasts. It was Friday night and her parents had just left for the weekend to visit some sick relatives, leaving Stephanie with me for the weekend. I asked my sister...

2 years ago
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A Vanilla Groom A Femdom Bride their

Chapter 1: More than Camping.At the riverbank, I was lying on the sandy ground, she is stroking on my cock while i was sucking on her pink nipple under the sun. Suddenly, on my right a yellow school bus appear. I can hear the loud diesel noise...I look at Pumpkin...?The alarm clock sounded.I awake, but the noise from the diesel engine remain...I get out of the bed and look out of the window, Pumpkin was standing beside a yellow skoolies.Pumpkin and I are best friends for years. We both like...

1 year ago
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Panties at the rest room

I was just on my way to the bathroom to have a pee before I went out when I got a delivery. It was a new bright pink lacy thong. I had never ordered them but checking the box I saw that it was sent to me. I got into the bathroom, dropped my trousers and boxers and slipped them on. I imediately got hard and found I couldnt pee, I didnt have time to finish myself off so I slipped on my trousers and with my hard on throbbing in my new panties put my socks and shoes on and went out. By the time I...

4 years ago
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Parivar Mein Sabko Khush Kiya 8211 Part 3 Chachi Ki Chudai

Hey guys! Here I am, back with the 3rd part of my story series ‘Parivar Mein Sabko Khush Kiya’. I got a great response for the previous 2 parts. I hope you enjoy the this part too about chachi ki chudai. So without wasting much time lets get started. So as I have written in the first 2 parts how it all started with my bua Preeti. Now in this part I will tell you how the second lady comes in the story, my hot milf chachi Swati. It is about one night. Preeti had to do some work so we were not...

2 years ago
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Hot Tub Fun Revisited

From Author: I placed this story in Romance instead of Group Sex even though it started out as group sex, it turned into a romantic coupling. For those of you who HATE a cheating wife, even though this one is justified I would like to leave right now and not read any further. I’m not looking for your kind to read my story! * Last month I wrote about some fun a couple of co-workers and I had in my hot tub. Well Andrea and Lynn told me that they had a few ‘close’ friends who they knew would...

3 years ago
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Hubby birthday bash

Aku nak citerkan kat korang pasal pengalaman aku kena rogol dgn kawan kawan suami aku. aku nie baru kawin, tapi takda anak masa tu,ntah camana masa hari ulangtahun perkawinan aku yg pertama kami diraikan dlm satu majlis sederhana oleh kawan pejabat suami aku. kawan suami aku pulak ada yg bujang dan ada yg dah kawin.Aku nie pulak dikategori dlm wanita yg ada rupa dan bodylah, walau tak secantik ratu dunia tapi kalau lelaki tengok mesti menoleh 2 kali, bukan perasan tapi kenyataan kerana aku...

2 years ago
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A Week In A Dungeon Day 1

Ashley lies on her hands and knees in a small steel cage. Everything feels cold against her exposed skin. Wearing just her white panties and a bra, she can feel goosebumps everywhere. She had just asked Miss Rose for a blanket or pillow or something to make her first night more comfortable. "I'll ask him hon," comes her short response. Miss Rose's heels echo through the dank room. Ashley hears Miss Rose pick up the phone again around the corner but can't hear the conversation. Ashley liked Miss...

3 years ago
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The Indomitable Rory CallahanChapter 2

I WAS FEELING THAT special lethargy I get from a day of sun and water. Slouched on the sofa, feet up, the television on some nameless sitcom, I sipped beer and thought about the day. It hadn’t gone quite as planned. Rory seemed to be having fun but, at some point in the afternoon, she wasn’t. Despite her laughs and smiles, I knew her too well. I could tell something was bothering her. Was it Peter? He’d been focused on her and obviously attracted to her. Yet Rory hadn’t responded in more...

1 year ago
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The 11th Train

I couldn’t begin to guess what it would be that year. And, as usual, the excitement left me feeling sort of breathless and giddy. All day, I had a hard time keeping my focus on work. (It’s never really easy. Working at home and telecommuting my graphic design suggestions through a PC leaves me with plenty of room for distractions. Now that both of the kids are in daycare, I can blast the radio and work in the nude if I want! But, I usually get my assignments completed by deadline and I love my...

2 years ago
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Verry Incestuous Relations

CHAPTER 1 BOY’S WILL BE (NAUGHTY) BOYS - DRINK UP COUSIN: After breakfast Margie sent her husband off on his regular week long sales trip. When his car had disappeared out of sight she went back inside to plan out her week. For the last month, she had been promising her mother’s sister, Cindy, that she would go and visit her. Since her mother, Mona, was still out of town, Margie decided that this was the perfect time to call Cindy to see when she would like to get...

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The Interview

There was a job for a personal assistant that sounded like an ideal opportunity to get back into work. Our kids were old enough to look after themselves for a couple hours after school until I got home and the job was less than a mile from home in Overland Park, Kansas City. Wanting to look my best for the interview, I changed three times before I was satisfied. My best skirt suit was very professional in my opinion. But after the way Greg stared every time I wore it I began to think it might...

2 years ago
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Home At Last

Marisa took a deep breath, anxiously running her hands through her long black hair and looking at the clock once more. 9:32pm. It had been a few weeks since she had seen her boyfriend, as he had been travelling through Europe with his band. Jeremy was supposed to be arriving at the airport that morning, but he had called to say that his flight was delayed and wouldn’t be home until later that night and that she shouldn’t wait up for him. The weeks had dragged on without him; their apartment...

Straight Sex
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10th Ki Ladki Ki Chut Mari

Hello!   I am rocky , 19 year oldguy. I am from chandigarh, Ye meri pehli sex story h. Interested in females from 18 to 23 years old wants to sex with me can contact me on Chalo baki baten chhod kar seedha story par aata hu.   Jab main 9 th class(18 years old ) me hua to baki school ke students ne bhi mere school me admission le lia kyoki hmare vha par aas paas ek hi english medium government school tha.   To 9th main mere bahut sare dost ban gaye or kafi sunder ladkia bhi vha par aa gayi...

1 year ago
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Summer Camp 2

Having been awaked in the middle of the night not by a bodily function of my own but of my bunk mates I eagerly awaited his return. All day a ran the nights events as best my memory would serve. Clearly the cabin was cold and shivering I feel asleep, exausted by the days activities. I only briefly remember the shy boy who slept across from me pleading to share body heat in the middle of the night with a promise of his extra blanket. I was only to happy when he climbed in to my small bunk and...

4 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 52 The Wolf Bares his Fangs

Saitou: The last time we fought must have been the battle of Tobafushimi. So, it has been about... ten years. Kaoru (thinking) Ten years... (aloud) Kenshin, you know Mr. Fujita? Kenshin: He's changed his name to Fujita Gorou. He was the captain of the Shinsengumi third unit, Saitou Hajime. Kaoru: The Shinsengumi... Yahiko: Then you're the one after Kenshin... Saitou: Ten years... it's only two words. But to live it is a long time. Kenshin:... Yes... Enough time for a man to go bad....

2 years ago
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My Daughters Seduction

My name is Connie. I'm a single mother with a sixteen-year-old daughter named Becky. Her father was some guy I met at a party and foolishly took back to my place when I'd had a few too many. He never even knew the result of our one night stand. With lots of help from my parents, I raised Becky myself. She turned out beautifully, an intelligent, sweet-natured girl with a delicious sense of humor, lovely as an April morning. Our relationship is very different from that of most mothers and...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Jamie Michelle Harley Haze The Surrogate Vol 2 E3

While Harley’s (Harley Haze) out running errands, Jamie (Jamie Michelle) and Oliver (Oliver Davis) go at it again and are too “busy” to notice the text from Harley, “I’ll be home soon”. They’re caught red-handed when Harley walks through the door but to their surprise, Harley’s not bothered at all. In fact, she’s excited to join the fun. After all, she’ll do anything to help Oliver plant his seed in Jamie. These gorgeous brunettes drop to their knees and go to work on Oliver’s manhood. Jamie...

4 years ago
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Music Love Ch 03

Jake reached for his alarm clock, knocking empty beer cans and bags of chips onto the ground. He picked up the clock frantically trying to shut it off. It was 4:30 in the morning. I must have accidentally set this thing for the wrong time, he thought. Resigning to his lack of patience for the beeping of the alarm and his lack of coordination to turn it off, he picked the clock up and threw it at the wall. The fate of the clock was determined by the cease of sound. Good, thought Jake. No more...

3 years ago
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My ultament Fantasy

I always had fantasies growing up. I Pictured that they would all come true. The One i can never get over is my fantasy that all began when i discovered i was about 18 years old. id sit behind my computer jerking my cock to porn of women.On day came across this video of an orgy with a man, a women and a tranny. now im not gay so why watch this but it grabbed me in and my body felt warm as im watching it i just picture this being me. This sent my body into a craze as i came watching them...

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A Halloween Tale

A Halloween Tale by J Lewis A few harsh intertwined tales thrown together last year too late to submit for Halloween in ‘09? Forgotten about, then dusted off, they’re a group of far reaching tales involving debauchery, sadism, masochism, death and pestilence, all in one mansion? All with different victims.  Just about everything to present a Halloween story where anything’s possible? Darker, eviler, they’re based on the supernatural, unlike anything I’ve yet presented.  (That may be another...

4 years ago
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Chennai male masseur

This is preethi again. I am narrating a remarkable experience of mine with a masseur during last month. My Husband was selected as a winner in a lucky draw contest. The prize is a three days stay at a beach resort at . I was really excited to know this and we prepared for the stay and reached chennai. The first day we went for site seeing and rest of the day enjoyed in the resort. The next day we had a Spa Package. My husband was not interested in the spa treatment so he asked me to go ahead...

2 years ago
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Just One Hour with My Niece

Just One Hour with My Niece (This is the same story, just re-released with a different title.)By billy69boyI wasn't really paying attention to the banter around the picnic table. Mostly I was silently rejoicing that my beloved niece Katy chose to sit next to me, never mind that her husband sat on the other side of me. Their two charges were perched next to their dad, while my wife took the chair at the far end of the table. The drinks and the laughter flowed freely amidst the backdrop of the...

4 years ago
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My fantasy

I've always had a secret desire to be abused by another man while Joe was away and when I finally confided in him of this, he agreed to it as long as I knew it might be painful and humiliating. I said I understood and he set about getting another man to fulfill my fantasy. I awaited the day and soon Joe said he had to go out of town on a business trip and wouldn't be home for a day or two. When he left, I kissed him good-bye and went into the bedroom and came back out wearing a short black...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Kira Queen Raunchy Russian Bounces Fat Ass On BBC

Hands On Hardcore proudly presents Kira Queen in steamy interracial action, having her way with Bigg Baby’s big black cock. The gorgeous Russian is Bigg Baby’s personal bartender and assistant, and the tasks she most enjoys attending to are the sexual ones. Join the leading lady in this 4K premium glamour porn feature as she leads her boss into the bedroom and hops on top so you can watch the way her curvy ass bounces while she rides his pole. The pussy pounding goes on in many...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 83

LATE MONDAY NIGHT — SEPTEMBER 23 Just before Sheriff Tate, his wife and sister left, Jeff plowed out the driveway. Reaching the county road, he realized that there was at least six inches of the wet snow on it as well. Might as well go on down the mountain a way while the snow is still easy to plow, he thought, turning left and starting down. When he got to the Sperman's driveway, the county road had already been plowed out as well as their driveway. He turned around in their drive,...

3 years ago
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The Return of HoneybearChapter 2

Monday The following evening, she knocked on my hotel door just before 6:00. We had agreed to go to the hotel restaurant for dinner tonight. I opened the door and found her wearing a jacket. She came into my room and asked, “Can I leave this here?” She turned away and shucked off the jacket, laying it on the bed. I involuntarily sucked in my breath when she turned back around. She was wearing a frilly, emerald-green blouse tonight, with a black skirt. “Wow,” I breathed. Then I looked down...

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