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Ήταν Δευτέρα όταν νιώσαμε με το μωράκι μου ότι δεν αντέχαμε άλλο μακρια ο ένας απο τον άλλο αν και η προηγούμενη μας συνάντηση ήταν μόλις 3 μέρες πριν!!! Είχαμε απίστευτες καύλες, ανταλλάσσαμε τρελά μηνύματα, λαχταρούσαμε να ενώσουμε τα σώματα μας και να ταξιδέψουμε αγκαλιά!
Την Τρίτη το μεσημέρι ορίστηκε η συνάντηση μας. Όπως πάντα το μωράκι μου άνοιξε την πόρτα γυμνός και έπεσα στην αγκαλιά του!! Με το ένα χέρι μου έβγαλε το σουτιέν και χούφτωνε τις βυζάρες μου ενώ με το άλλο μου σήκωνε το φόρεμα και καρφωνόταν στην μουνάρα μου!! Μέσα στο πρώτο λεπτό έχυσα 3 φορές συνεχόμενες!! Με έπαιρνε με πάθος για μισή ώρα συνεχόμενα μια απο την κωλάρα και μια απο την μουνάρα και έχυνα ασταμάτητα!!!! Έχασα την επαφή με το περιβάλλον, την μια στηνόμουν στα τέσσερα, την άλλη με γυρνούσε ανάσκελα, μου σήκωνε ψηλά τα πόδια και καρφωνόταν στην κωλάρα μου με δύναμη!! Με ξέσκιζε και εγώ η πουτανάρα γαύλωνα και ήθελα κι άλλο σκίσιμο!! Πήρε τους δονητές και έμπαινε διπλό στην μουνάρα μου και μετά έβαζε τον δονητη στην κωλάρα και αυτός μπαινοέβγαινε στην μουνάρα μου και με τρέλαινε!!!
Αφού τελείωσα αμέτρητες φορές, ήρθε η ώρα της χαλάρωσης με μια περιποιημένη τσιμπουκάρα, απο τις αγαπημένες του!! Έβαζα την ψωλάρα του στο στόμα και την στριφογυρνούσα με την γλώσσα μου, την έπαιρνα βαθιά μέχρι τον λάρυγγα και μετά γρήγορο τσιμπούκι!! Το μωρό μου έκλεινε τα μάτια και απολάμβανε!! Την πασάλειψα με σοκολάτα και την έγλειφα απο τα αρχίδια μέχρι το κεφαλάκι και δεν άφησα ούτε σταγονίτσα!! Όσο εγώ έγλειφα την πουτσάρα του, ο αντρούκλας μου έπαιζε με την μουνάρα μου. Έβαζε κρεμούλα και βύθιζε ένα δυο .... τέσσερα ..πέντε δαχτυλα, μέχρι που με λύτρωσε βάζοντας όλη την χερούκλα του μέσα μου και γεμίζοντας την μουνάρα μου!! Δεν ήξερα τι ήταν το fisting, δεν είχα ακούσει καν αυτήν την λέξη!!! Τώρα ξέρω ..είναι καααααάβλα ατελείωτη!! Ειδικά όταν ακολούθησα την συμβουλή του και χαλάρωσα, πέταξα ψηλά στον ουρανό!!! Δεν υπάρχει αυτη η αίσθηση, δεν μπορεί να περιγραφεί με λόγια!!! Ακολούθησε νέος γύρος ξεσκίσματος.. πλέον δεν καταλάβαινα απο που έχυνα!!! Ένιωθα μόνο να στάζουν απο παντού ζουμιά και εγω να ταξιδευω σε έναν μαγικό κόσμο!!
Το μωρό μου όμως μου κρατούσε μια μεγάλη έκπληξη!! Με είχε προετοιμάσει βέβαια..."Κανόνισε να βρεθούμε και θα σε τρελάνω μωράκλα μου" μου έλεγε!! Και για άλλη μια φορά βγήκε αληθινος! Πήγε στο μπάνιο και άρχισε να παίζει με την τρυπούλα του! Όση ώρα άκουγα το νερό να τρέχει έβαζα την φαντασία μου να οργιάζει και με έπιανε ρίγος. Κάποια στιγμή με φώναξε και καθοδηγώντας το χέρι μου το οδήγησε όλο βαθιά μέσα στην τρύπα του!! Έκαιγε απο την κάβλα... έσταζε ολόκληρη. Αρχισα να παίζω με την τρύπα του, έβαζα το ένα χέρι, έβγαζα το άλλο, τα έβαζα και τα δυο μαζί, κρατούσα το χέρι μου μέσα του και ένιωθα την τρέλα του!! 'Ετσι όπως ήμασταν καβλωμένοι πήγαμε στο κρεβάτι. Μου φόρεσε την ζώνη και μπήκα στην τρυπα του! Τι φοβερή εμπειρία! Τι μοναδική ένωση!! Συνέχισα να του κάνω fisting και να ακούω την λιγωμένη του φωνή!!!Γύρισε κάποια στιγμή ανάσκελα έχοντας πάντα το χέρι μου μέσα του και άρχισα να τον παίρνω ταυτόχρονα τσιμπουκάρα! Δεν έχω αντικρίσει μεγαλύτερη καβλα σε πρόσωπο!!! Κάποια στιγμή άρχισε να παίζει με το χέρι του την ψωλάρα του, ενώ εγώ είχα βυθισμένο ολο μου το χέρι στην τρύπα του και με την γλώσσα μου πιπιλούσα την γκαβλάρα του!! Το χήσιμο του ήταν μοναδικό... γέμισε το στόμα μου σπέρμα, ενώ συνέχιζα να γλείφω μέχρι και την τελευταία του σταγόνα!!
Ξαπλώσαμε παραδομένοι απο την απολαυση ο ένας στην αγκαλια του άλλου και χαιδευομασταν τρυφερά ενώ σταδιακά αρχίζαμε να ξαναγκαβλώνουμε!! Δεν υπάρχει σταμάτημα σε εμάς. Είναι απίστευτο το πάθος μας! Μετα απο αρκετη ώρα άρχισα να τον παίρνω και πάλι τσιμπουκάρα ενώ το μωρό μου πήρε τον μεγάλο δονητη και συνέχιζε να μου φέρνει ασταμάτητους οργασμούς μαζί με τα λατρεμένα γλωσσόφιλά του!!!! Τρέεελα ατελείωτη!!! Όταν σηκώθηκε και πήγε στο μπάνιο πίστεψα ότι είχαμε τελειώσει. Με αυτόν τον αντρούκλα όμως δεν τελειώνεις εύκολα!! όταν με φώναξε καθόταν στην λεκάνη. Πήρε το χέρι μου και το οδήγησε στην πρησμένη του τρυπούλα. Και μόνο που την άγγιξα άρχισε να χύνει! Έφυγα εντελώς!!! Πήγε στην μπανιέρα και συνέχιζα να τον χαιδευω την τρυπούλα ρυθμικα και αυτη έσταζε ζουμια και έχυνε και το μωρό μου βογκούσε απο ηδονή!! Ήταν το ωραιότερο φινάλε!!!
Δεν υπάρχει τίποτα πιο ωραίο απο το να αντικρίζεις στο πρόσωπο του άντρα που λατρεύεις την λάμψη της απόλαυσης! Δεν υπάρχει τίποτα πιο μοναδικο απο το να σε παίρνει απο το χέρι, να σε εμπιστευεται και να σε γνωρίζει έναν άλλο κόσμο, το κόσμο της απιστευτης ηδονής!! Αυτο δεν είναι απλά ένωση, δεν είναι έρωτας, είναι ιεροτελεστια που για να την νιώσεις πρεπει να αγαπάς αληθινα! Όταν όμως την γνωρίσεις έχεις κάνει το ομορφότερο ταξίδι της ζωής!!!

Σε ευχαριστω πρίγκιπα μου για το δώρο που μου έκανες!! Η κάθε συνάντηση μαζί σου κρύβει και μια νέα έκπληξη!!!

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A Simpleton Becomes Business Women 2

In Part 1 you Read Her Husband always started by kissing her, he used to lick her pussy and ass too. He also taught her to lick and suck his cock . He would also go down while sucking her lips, sucking her breasts , licking her stomach, waist, thighs, pussy, ass, back, everything, eating them biting them . There were bite marks all over her body in the morning. Seeing them she started to love him even more. And he was also very fond of her . in the first week they fucked like bunnies. It...

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I am Widower III

This will bring us up to present circumstances on this. Later in the day Angie called, ask if I would look on porch to see if I had a package delivered that should have been hers. Yes, it was there so not wanting to waste this excuse I ran it over as fast as I could go, knocked on the door and when it opened I stepped back, this was not Angie answering the door, but a absolutely perfect red haired lady with the cutest freckles you ever wanted to see. Come in she motioned and stepped back...

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The boy from the bush

The first week of Uni flashed by quickly, with lots of hazing involving alcohol, dares and fun activities centred around getting to know the student body. And there were quite a lot of hard bodied young men I was very interested in getting to know better. The Orientation week ended with a Bachelor & Spinster ball, something I was very unfamiliar with. Our 3rd year student advisors told us to go to the charity store and find ourselves a formal dress, the uglier the better. I scoured the racks...

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Losing Virginity With My Mature Girlfriend

The story is about me (Viraj), I was 23 and I had a fling with a girl name mary she was in her early 30’s. I was still a virgin at the age of 23 (not a joke) I worked at an MNC and been kinda ‘playing’ with mary, she’s in her early 30’s, very light skin for an Indian girl, about 5’6 tall, 160 lbs, she has a boyfriend that also work at pizza shop, mary and I never had sex, however she let me played with her tits from under her dress and touch her pussy from time to time while we’re alone in some...

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I must find shelter, or I will freeze! There was nothing around. It was an undeveloped part of land, so she decided to go searching off road. Come on, I must find something! Emma walked for several miles before she collapsed and passed out. When she awoke a herd of wild horses had gathered around her. Some had laid down next to her to keep her warm, saving her life. Horses! So many of them! There were 20. Mostly brown, some spotted, black or white. Emma pets the horse that slept with...

3 years ago
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Bettys life incomplete

You're Betty Boops, 19 years old white brunette with a very hot body. The first thing all men looking at when they meet you is your impressive melons(38DD). It's summer time now, your mom is away on a business trip and your stepdad is outside town with his stupid friends, who always trying to flirt with you, staring at your full chest. So, you're alone at your parents house, and it's time to have some summer fun. But it's a bit complicated in a meaning of having fun, because you have a...

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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 33

“Yes, we always thought it was a neat place to hide things as kids,” I answered. “But what does it have to do with what you were telling us?” “That is where what we found is being kept,” Ken told us just before a strong box appeared in the room. He sat it on the blanket chest at the end of the bed before opening it. The Sisters and I were shocked when we saw what it contained. Even Rose appeared surprised. “This is the Treasure of the Firbolg Kings. It had a dangerous protective spell on it...

4 years ago
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My Wicked WaysChapter 40

“Well, that was pretty intense! Alright, someone else’s turn! Who wants a chance to get fucked by Max?” I proposed a new round in the game, “in the bushes, of course!” “Sign me up!” the former Mayor of the town that became Haven, Simone D’Agostino, walked over to us to offer her services now, “I know that I was a naughty mayor, all corrupt and everything, but surely Max can whip me into shape, right, with that big fat cock of his?” “Just understand that this means joining my harem. That’s...

2 years ago
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Life With AlphaChapter 21 What Happened Next

So this chapter starts right after I was killed by a sniper's bullet through the heart. The thing about dying is, if you're killed a hundred feet away from the most advanced medical equipment on the planet, you don't necessarily stay dead for very long. What I'm describing next came to me second-hand, from news video, discussions with others, and video feeds from Alpha and others sources. The AARD building, its attached warehouse and the currently-undergoing-renovation extension...

3 years ago
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A Fantasy that goes too far Part 4

As it turned out, my wife’s conditional agreement was more difficult than I had imagined: A guy that we didn’t already know, socially, yet one that we knew well enough to know his background and health record. I tried to make a list but it virtually had no names on it. The idea of travelling on a short vacation, away from our home, would meet the first requirement, but picking up a total stranger would fail on the second condition.I then decided to, on my own and without my wife’s knowledge OR...

2 years ago
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Judys RevengeChapter 4

I had to piece my life back together in my head, and find space in there for this new phenomena. Nicki was wonderful about it, she completely understood that I had to exist in another world too, and helped me to get back there, walking me home, and leaving me at my front door with a brief, shy kiss. Sometimes I wanted to be with her so much it hurt, but I've always been an earthbound realist at heart, and so has she. We enjoy the moments we can steal alone together, and we try not to be too...

4 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 4 RevelationsChapter 22 Holiday Engagements

Dave heard the slow flying jet and looked up from where he was reading on the patio. He saw the distinctive design on the tail fin and recognized the plane as an Atlantic Airlines Boeing 777. Given the low altitude and size of the plane, it looked like it was crawling across the sky. The aircraft radio for the patio crackled, “Circle Airport, Atlantic Airlines Flight 2, Salt Lake City to Raleigh to Sarasota is overhead. Crew will report in later.” Dave laughed. He recognized Ken’s...

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The Stag Do

Although most of the lads had partners they always looked for girls for 3 somes or more when in new cities “what happens on tour stays on tour” was always their motto. “This one is extra special tonight boys, for Mike’s big occasion I've done extra research. She’s such a slut I almost didn’t believe she was real, but I tested her out before you boys arrived. She really is an all access slut, and fit too!” They all started cheering and unconsciously upped their pace back to the hotel....

3 years ago
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When I had my first fingering, I was fresh out of high school and had just met the man who became my husband. He was a few years older than me but still a virgin and I was his first girlfriend. I too was a virgin. It was two weeks after we started dating that he wanted to fuck me. I wanted to fuck him too. He came by one night and we were out in the front of my parents’ house. We started kissing and he started to feel me up. He slipped his hand underneath my shirt and starting playing with my...

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Guide 1: "Cunnilingus: A How To"INTRODUCTION Eating a woman's pussy is about the most wonderful thing you can do for her. It makes her feel loved, admired, sexy, and of course it makes her cum like crazy. Many women prefer it to intercourse, and for most, it is the easiest way to cum with a man. You may have the littlest dick on the planet, but if you give great head, you will be appreciated as a fabulous lover. Yes, it's that important. Besides, lots of women expect it these days - you might...

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My Coworker part 1

I have been working in the Student Life department at Miami DadeCommunity College (MDCC) now Miami Dade College (MDC) for about a yearand I never thought about doing a story about this but now I am. Gusstarted working for in the summer term of this year. He is one cute guy.He is about 5'10 black hair brown eyes and about 180 lbs. one day Istarted hitting on one and he was like what the fuck are you doing I toldhim nothing. I went to the storage room to get some refreshments readyfor an event...

2 years ago
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The naughty family pt3

As I pulled onto the campus of the state university, I could feel the anticipation of the moment tingling inside me, mixed up with the horniness I had felt since I'd woken up this morning and called home. There hadn't been much conversation -- it's really hard to have a phone conversation with people when they're fucking, especially when it's your husband and daughter gasping and moaning between "Hello" and "How are you?"I had burned up the cell phone minutes, stroking my wet pussy while...

3 years ago
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How I Enjoyed Ritu My Girlfriend8217s Friend

Hey, guys and girls, this is Raj with another new sexperience, but the heroine of this story is not Sania. With Sania, it is now a regular activity. We make love ones in a week at my place. On top of that, it is always “how it all started” that excites us the most, isn’t it!! Also, I would like to thank all of you for the tremendous response to my previous story (link given at the end of this sex story). Anyway, coming to this sex story. This story is about Ritu, my girlfriend’s friend. We were...

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Silent Wank

Oscar felt a chill on his face when he awoke as a light midnight breeze drifted in through the slightly open window at his bedside. He savoured the feeling, letting the air cool him and calm him down. Heavily and silently he breathed, his heart decelerating only in the slightest increments. Staring up at the black ceiling, he recounted the glorious dream from which he had awoke, grinning. He could still picture perfectly the jaw-dropping figure of his imagined lover, the way her breasts felt...

3 years ago
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Ron Sally Craigslist Couple Part 2

After our first meeting went so well and my meeting Alice through them we set up another meeting at a hotel that was half the distance from our respective homes. It had been a couple months since the first time, and Sally was very into our meeting again. Ron had now been fucking her ass regularly and their sex life was revived. Sally wanted her due this time and greeted me with a huge kiss and she had no bra under her shirt and soon after I found no panties under her jeans. After disrobing her...

4 years ago
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Summer of Surrender Part 2

The school bell rung and the words of Miss Harley wishing her class a lovely summer break were lost in the chatter of fifteen upper sixth girls clasping books to their chests, pushing their chairs behind them and chattering excitedly as they made their way to the classroom door. Lottie hung back a little and blushed as she passed Miss Harley, thinking of the naughty things she had been imagining the exotic looking young history teacher doing to her for the last half hour of her lesson. She...


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