I****t Monden free porn video

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Proaspat ras, s-a privit in oglinda. Implinise 38 de ani fara ca anii sa lase urme: ochii verzi, parul negru, cu tunsoare moderna, se simtea la fel de tanar ca in adolescenta. Divortul de Corina ramasese in urma, de ce sa pastrezi amintirile urate? Prezentul era atat de placut. Cosmina crescuse. In primul an de facultate, se casatorise, o partida buna, si si-a manifestat dorinta sa locuiasca impreuna cu el. – Am stat o gramada de ani cu mama, ti-a venit randul sa ma suporti si tu, i-a zis fata, lipindu-se toata de trupul sau, intr-o imbratisare prelunga, plina de afectiune, dar si cochetarie feminina. I-a simtit linia picioarelor, sanii apasati pe pieptul sau, abdomenul suplu, a avut un moment de deruta constientiznd ca fata prelungeste imbratisarea, dar s-a autoconvins ca gestul Cosminei este pornit din lipsa mangaierilor paterne. Orice copila, vitregita de alintarea tatalui, crescuta departe de acesta, ramane cu o neimplinire in trup, si cu un dor nelamurit in simturi. Dar cat de mandru a fost la petrecerea data cu ocazia mutarii fetei si ginerelui in apartamentul sau, cand Cosmina i se dresa pe numele mic, “Liviule, scapa-mi o tigara” , si “Liviule” in sus, “Liviule” in jos, fata lui il facea sa se simta mai mult un amic de-al ei, decat parinte, si asta il tulbura, mai ales ca ea, zvelta, cu formele trupului armonioase, provocatoare in gesturi si priviri, frivola in vestimentatie, nu facea diferenta intre el si ceilalti barbati, care o sorbeau din privire. Se comporta la fel de ademenitor cu toti. A intrebat-o doar un singur lucru: - Sotul tau nu este gelos? Observ ca sta foarte calm cand tu faci victime printre masculi. Cosmina i-a tras, strengareste, cu ochiul, zicandu-i cu o nuanta de perversiune in voce: - Suntem moderni, Liviule, nu facem loc geloziei in patul conjugal. Apoi a ras, parsiva, si-a apropiat capul de al lui, si-a lipit gura de a sa si, brusc, la mus**t de una din buze, dupa care l-a privit, fix in ochii, intrebandu-l: - Nu-i asa ca noi doi semanam foarte mult? Doar, aschia nu sare departe de trunchi. In timp ce rostea cuvintele acestea, avea pupilele incarcate de erotism, de febra, de tainice chemari. Barbatul s-a simtit strabatut de fiori, si avu pornirea s-o prinda pe Cosmina in brate si sa o sarute cu patima. S-a abtinut greu, iar mai tarziu, urmarind-o cum danseaza lasciv, aruncand ochiade indecente atat burlacilor cat si casatoritilor, invitati la petrecere cu nevestele lor, si-a spus ca, intradevar Cosmina i-a mostenit pornirile sexuale. Oare aflase de escapadele sale in locul acela deocheat, Club Voyeur? Un loc unde, sub masca unei asociatii culturale care, chipurile, studia monogamia si poliandria, se desfasurau, numai pentru membrii clubului, veritabile orgii. Care dadeau prilejul ca sotiile voyeuriste sa se uite cum sotii lor isi reguleaza amantele, iar barbatii voyeuri isi aduceau superbele neveste ca sa fie futute, in fata lor, de alti barbati. A fost atras de ideea sexului in grup, dar mai ales l-a tentat sa aiba sotiile altora sub privirile sotilor. Ajungea la niste orgasme formidabile in momentul in care, aflat deasupra unei tipe bine facute, privit de sotul ei care se masturba, acesta incepea sa strige, “Da-ti drumul la sperma in nevsta mea, acum, ca ma termin si eu”. Simtind zvarcolirile trupului de femeie sub el, isi dadea drumul in ea, uitandu-se cum sotul ei, masturbandu-se frenetic, se stropeste cu propria lui sperma pe burta, strigand cu extaz: “Ce-mi place, ce excitant este sa-mi vad nevasta fututa de altul” Oare aflase Cosmina de escapadele sale? Sau, poate, doar avea si ea asemenea porniri perverse? Avea sa se lamureasca repede. Intr-una din seri, dupa ce a iesit din baie, cu halatul luat peste trupul gol, a sesizat ca usa de la dormitorul proaspetilor casatoriti, gazduiti de el, era intredeschisa. Vocea fetei lui se auzea foarte clar: - Te excita, iubitule, cand sunt imbracta in mini fusta? Si alti barbati se uita la coapsele mele dezgolite si la sanii mei provocatori, obraznici sub bluza fara sutien, nu-i asa ca te inebuneste ideea ca alti barbati ma doresc, si au simturile starnite cand imi privesc dezgolirile. A auzit geamatul ginerelui sau, “Ahhh, Cosmina, nu mai pot, esti atat de excitanta, atat de perversa, ma inebunesti” A simtit, sub halat, cum i se intareste pula si a ramas sa asculte. Glasul fetei lui s-a auzit din nou, parsiv, insinuant: “Te-ar excita sa sti ca am un amant, ca ma fut si cu altul, nu numai cu tine?” Cel din camera a gemut din nou, iar fata a continuat: “Ti-ar place sa ma lingi, dupa ce vin de la futut, si in timp ce ma lingi, sa te masturbezi, iar eu sa-ti povestesc cum m-am futut cu altul?”. Dinspre camera s-a auzit un strigat inabusit, apoi vocea rapusa de excitatie a ginerelui sau: “Ahhh, iubit-o, ce mult mi-ar place, fa-o, du-te, fute-te cu altul si apoi povesteste-mi” A mai auzit vocea fetei lui, chemandu-si sotul sa o linga, sa se masturbeze si sa-si imagineze cum va fi ea fututa de altul. A plecat catre camera lui, excitat, zicandu-si ca nu are dreptul sa-si judece copila, doar semana cu el, iar mai tarziu zvarcolindu-se in pat, fara sa poata alunga excitatia, si-a imaginat-o in bratele altor barbati, simtind ca imaginile acelea il starnesc, trezindu-i dorinta de a-si avea fiica.
In seara aceea, imbaiat, prospat ras, se pregatea sa plece la Club, dupa excitarea acumulata in ultimele trei saptamani de cand se mutase fiica lui la el, simtea nevoia acuta a unei descarcari plina de pervesiuni, care sa i-o mai scoata din cap pe Cosmina. Ajuns acolo, nu sa invartit mult prin incaperile scaldate in lumini multicolore. Pe la mesele joase, cu fotolii comode, special gandite pentru destrabalari, unele cupluri isi incepusera, deja, cautarile de parteneri, sau partenere, dupa preferintele si tipurile de perversiuni ale fiecarora. Se uita si el dupa o pereche, de care sa-i convina, si care, prin gesturile femeii, sa-l cheme la masa lor. Cand sa se hotarasca, a zarit-o pe Cosmina. Imbracata intr-o rochie cu nasturi, despicata pana la incheietura picioarelor, fara nimic pe dedesupt, dansa cu doi tipi ce o pipaiau in timpul dansului. L-a vazut si ea. s-a despins de langa parteneri, apropiindu-se de el. I-a zambit parsiv, si, oprindu-se in fata sa, l-a intrebat, tragandu-i frivola cu ochiul: - Am aflat ca vi si tu la acest Club. Sper ca nu te deranjeaza prezenta mea, e si placerea sotului meu, sa o pun cu alti barbati, si dupa aceea sa-i povestesc totul. Avea o voce ciudata, parca plina de sensuri ascunse, iar privirea, iscoditoare, era, in acelasi timp, ademenitoare, provocatoare. I-a privit, prin despicatura rochiei deschiata la primii trei nasturi, sanii goi, rotunzi, tari , a inghitit in sec simtind cum i se intareste madularul sub pantaloni si i-a raspuns ca ea isi face viata dupa cum si-o doreste, el nu are cum sa se amestece intre ea si preferintele sexule ale sotul ei. – E in regula, Liviutule, s-a mai alintat Cosmina, apoi l-a indemnat sa-si vada de ale lui, subliniind – O sa fiu si eu pe aici, sunt cu doi care vor sa ma futa, unul in fata sotiei, al doilea in fata logodnicei, ele, amandoua, sunt la o masa in apropiere. Poti sa privesti si tu, daca vrei. Fata lui s-a reintors la cei doi tipi, iar el s-a auzit strigat de la o alta masa, erau sotii Codreanu pe care nu-i remarcase. S-a dus la masa lor, excitat si tulburat de intalnirea cu fiica sa. Nevasta barbatului l-a luat in primire inca de cand s-a asezat pe fotoliu. Zicandu-i ca i-a fost dor de pula sa, l-a sarutat, l-a desfacut la slit si i-a scos-o din pantaloni, indemandanu-si sotul sa o priveasca ce face in fata lui si sa se mastrurbeze. Cu pula frecata de tanara doamana Codreanu, a cautat-o din priviri, pe Cosmina. Aceasta, la nici patru metri distanta, era pipaita si sarutata de cei doi barbati cu care dansase. Fata a sesizat ca este privita de tatal ei, i-a tras din ochi si a coborat cu privirea catre scula sa frecata de femeie. Si-a lins, cu voluptate, buzele si s-a intors cu tot trupul catre el. Barbatii au descheiat-o complet la rochie, dezgolindu-i tot trupul . Aflati in spatele ei, au inceput sa-i pipaie sanii, soldurile, picioarele. Se uita la Cosmina cuprins de o excitatie totala. Codreanca, venita pe fotoliul sau, si-a ridicat un picior, i-a potrivit-o la gaura, si s-a lasat in madularul sau viguros. In acel moment, in fata sa, unul din barbati a ridicat un picior fiicei sale, sprijinind-o de pieptul lui, iar al doilea, din lateral, i-a bagat-o. Si in timp ce, privita de sot, Codreanca intra si iesea din pula sa, fata lui era fututa in fata sa. S-a lasat in voia placerii, privind cum Cosmina este facuta posta, se uita cum intra, cand scula unuia in pizda ei, cand pula celuilalt. Cei doi o futeau, alternativ. Codreanca se terminase, si, in genunchi, incepuse sa-i suga pula, zicand sotului ei ca o sa vada sperma lui Liviu in gura ei. In timp ce savura placerea, se uita la Cosmina. Fata lui se asezase si ea in genunchi, tot cu fata catre el, iar prin lateral, cei doi si-o frecau repede cu varfurile in apropierea gurii ei. Cosmina isi lingea buzele, era cu gura intredeschisa catre pulele celor doi barbati si privea fix in ochii tatalui ei. Cand jeturile de sperma au tasnit catre gura fiicei sale, s-a terminat si el in gura Codrencei. Iar strigatele sotului ei, “Ahhhh, ce imi place, nevasta mea are gura plina cu sperma altui barbat”, nu l-au mai intaratat ca de obicei. Privea la sperma care se prelingea din gura fiicei sale, si, desi terminat, pula lui nu dadea semne ca se va inmuia. Dimpotriva, era, parca mai viguroasa ca oricand. Si-a indesat-o in pantalani si s-a indreptat catre unul din cele sase baruri ale Clubului. Simtea nevoia sa bea ceva tare. In minte avea, fierbinte, imagini ale fiicei sale facuta posta, cu sperma prelingandu-i-se din gura. A comandat dar nu a apucat sa bea. Ajunse si Cosmina langa el. Cu rochia complet desfacuta, cu sanii, picioarele si sexul dezgolit. S-a asezat langa el, pe taburetele inalt, si l-a intrebat, cu aceasi voce ciudata: - Te-a excitat sa vezi cum am fost fututa in fata ta?. Vad ca si acum o ai tare in pantaloni. A privit catre buzele fiicei sale. Ea isi scosese varful limbii si-l trecea parsiva, printre buze, intinzand urmele de sperma ramase in gura ei. L-a mai intrebat: - Te tenteaza sa ma saruti? A simtit un zvacnet excitant in pula, dar a dat din cap ca nu, iar fiica sa, l-a intrebat, din nou, punand perversiune in voce? – De ce, crezi ca, asa, cu gust de sperma in gura, ar fi un sarut incetuos din partea ta? Si-a apropiat capul de al sau, soptind languros: - Hai, fii pervers, iti dau voie si sa ma futi, daca vrei. I-a pus mana, pe deasupra panatlonilor, pe pula tare si i-a strans-o. Nu a mai rezistat. Si-a lipit gura de gura ei si i-a bagat, flamand, limba printre buze. Cosmina i-a raspuns, parsiva, la sarut, in timp ce il descheia la slit. I-a scos-o si l-a tras catre ea. Avea picioarele desfacute. Si-a simtit varful pulii frecat de pizda fiicei sale. Era fierbinte si lunecoasa. Si-a incolacit bratele dupa mijlocul ei, si in picioare, cu ea razimata de taburetele inalt, a penetrat-o, incept, voluptos, simtind cum intra, centimentru dupa centimetru in pizda fiicei sale. A bagat-o toata, iar ea, si-a incolacit picioarele dupa mijlocul sau, si, gemand de placere, rostea, privindu-l fix in ochii: - E nemaipomenit, asa te vreau, sa-ti futi fata, asa, fute-ti fata, fute-ti fata, termina-te in pizda fiicei tale. A dat drumul la sperma, strans incolacit de picioarele Cosminei. Apoi au ramas, cateva clipe, lipiti unul de altul, rasufland agitat. Satisfacuti, amandoi. Apoi au plecat catre iesire. Cosmina si-a inchis nasturii de la rochie, s-au aranjat, un pic, amandoi si au iesit. La parcare, a avut cea mai mare surpriza a vietii lui. Dintr-o alta masina, zarindu-i, a iesit, tot Cosmina. In aceiasi rochie cu nasturi, aceiasi fata, mimica, gesturi, identica cu cea de langa el. – Surpriza, a auzit, dinspre noua venita vocea cunoscuta a fiicei sale, ai avut placerea sa-mi cunosti sosia. Noi doua ne-am intalnit, acum trei ani si cum intre noi natura nu a pus alta diferenta decat vre-o 700 de grame, la greutate, si o nunata la voce, in rest nimic, una si aceiasi, ne tinem de sotii. Asta a fost ceva deosebit, cred ca ti-a placut. L-au lasat sa se dezmeticeasca. Abia atunci si-a dat sema de ce avea Comina o voce ciudata, era alta voce decat a fiicei sale. Fetele au ras, au barfit putin si s-au despartit, Cosmina, cea reala, ramand cu tatal sau. Au plecat cu masina inspre casa. Si-a intrebat, jenat, fiica, de ce a facut acest lucru, iar ea, privindu-l excitata, i-a raspuns: Am vrut sa vad care dintre noi doi este mai pervers. Eu nu am ajuns la gradul acesta de perversiune, incat sa ma fut cu propriul meu tata, desi (a facut o pauza, la privit fix in ochii, continund cu parsivenie) desi imi doresc acest lucru si, cine stie, poate, intr-o zi, am sa ajung si eu, la fel de perversa ca tine.

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Phil came to. He was somewhere dark and moist. Wherever he was he felt warm and very relaxed. Before this he remembered being in Rosa's chambers, the succubus's body entwined tightly around his. Flames had raged around them and Rosa's body had burned with blazing desire, but in the midst of it he'd felt cold, ever so cold. Succubi were daemonic sexual vampires. They drained a man's life force through the act of sexual intercourse. Rosa had sucked so much of his energy only the barest...

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Body and SoulChapter 11

Dan snuggled up under the bed covers and watched the sunrise through the window. He had the feeling that some critical point had been passed. Up till now he could kid himself into believing that he was unchanged inside this body of a ravishing woman. Now he had positive proof that this was no longer true. He could hear someone in the bathroom next door washing. It was the sound of his lover from last night. He had been in a similar situation less than a week before. Then his lover had been a...

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My Young Sissy brother for Mens Cum today

sharleesisterboyMY Young SISSY brother in Heat for Men's Cum, today!You used to prance around the house in your white underware, when Mom was gone, shaking your cute ass at me till I caught you, roughly, in My Big brothers arms and carried you to my bedroom floor. You giggled all the way, till I tossed you down on the dirt floor and you tumbled and smiled up at Me and lay on your tummy with your legs spread wide for Man-Cock. You know what I like to do to You, but, instead, I tie your wrists...

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Waiting for Nicholas

The wind had picked up, the night had grown cooler but she hadn't even noticed. The revolving light from the lighthouse played on her face, a face devoid of expression. Her mind was engaged, the voices in her head a jumble. As the voices grew louder and came faster her face began to change. Her mind was running the gamut, her life flashing before her eyes. A child of five and her first day at school, her mother's voice, "Stop your sniveling and whining. You are going to school on the bus,...

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Shamus JournalsChapter 59

The impromptu concert went on for about another hour with Sandra playing with several different people. The cook came in with refreshments when it was over. Sandra climbed into my lap and promptly fell asleep. I think everyone in the rec room came over and just touched her with smiles on their faces. They all said I was to thank her for all the fun and the great playing she had done all evening. Butter came over and said our room was ready if I wanted to put her to bed. I got up with her in...

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It Started With ChristmasChapter 3 Taking Care Of Christmas

Katelyn and I took turns using the bathroom at the apartment, and then we headed to the mall in my rental car. As we drove, I asked her how she and Jessica usually handled Christmas presents for each other. She was quiet for a moment, and then she explained. “Well, we do presents and stockings for each other. Mom always bought us stocking stuff, and she kept it going long after we knew Santa wasn’t real. And so after she died we agreed we’d each buy and wrap a few stocking stuffers for the...

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The Artist

My daughter comes to stay I’d always been an artist, ever since school l had loved to draw and paint. Mom got me my first easel and water color set of paints. I won some prizes in a local art exhibition and even got mentioned in the local paper. Now I have my own gallery and office, with a small studio out the back. The second floor I have made into a small one bedroom loft with kitchen and living room. There is a deck off the kitchen which looks down on the glass roof of the studio. I’ve...

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Blackmailed fiancee 3

The next day after Leon fucked me for the second time my fiancee called and said he was on his way home and that he wasnt going to leave town again until after the wedding,this was a surprise and relief to me that way I wouldnt have to be alone with Leon again. That afternoon my fiancee came over to see me before he went to the house to work I was very scared that he may sense that something was wrong because im not good at hiding things,there was a part of me that wanted to tell him but I knew...

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Two Exhibitionists Meet

Recently I had to go to New Jersey on business. When my work was done I decided to disappear for awhile. I turned off my cell phone, and a bus ride later I arrived in a mid-sized city I had never been to before. No one knew me or cared. I rented a hotel room and relaxed for the first time in a couple of weeks. After three days of sleeping and eating I was getting antsy. I hadn't even been able to expose myself to the maid. She always cleaned up while I was gone. The weather had turned...

3 years ago
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Waldenbooks Can Wait

I found myself with a few hours to kill before the day’s scheduled book signing, so I decided to pay a visit to my new friend, Rick, and his younger sister, Carol;. We first met in the restaurant of the hotel where I was staying during this leg of the tour. His sibling’s attire seemed unusual for the location and in fact, was quite intriguing. I invited them to my table, where I learned that her church’s school bus had broken down, and Rick had to pick her up after her classes. They had...

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Sis replace my wife place

I had just got divorced from my wife. It was an amicable arrangement – amicable and inevitable. She was a lovely girl. Attractive, very sexy and good fun to be with. The sex was great but that was the problem. She just loved to fuck. Unfortunately it wasn’t just me that she fucked. She’d been through all my friends, most of her friends husbands, the guys at work and even the milkman. And that was just the ones I knew about. For my part I had to reciprocate. I’d had most of her friends and the...

1 year ago
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Sex with my motherinlaw to be part 2

"You are now mine." I said looking into the mirror beside me. "Look how good you look getting fucked Mrs T - go ahead look." I used her hair and pulled her face around to the mirror. "It’s good hey. Isn’t it?"  I wanted to hear her her words. Gail left me with my thoughts and my cock in my hand. The reality of what had just happened washed over me like the water from the shower head. My Girlfriend's mum had just sucked the cum out of the end of my dick and licked it clean without spilling a...

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Finding Bathsheba Book 2Chapter 2

Allison seemed unusually preoccupied with her pizza toppings, while Abigail rummaged through the office, looking for whatever it was she was looking for. Jack had just taken a huge bite of pizza when Allison reached over and dropped something into his can of pop. He looked at the can for a minute, then back at her. She grinned, so he raised his eyebrow. "Piece of sausage," she said, gaily. "Just like old times." Jack was confused. "What are you talking about?" he asked, around his...

2 years ago
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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 27

New characters appearing in this and the next chapter: Wolfgang Gretchen's Father, the leader of his Clan, 5'-10" tall, 185 pounds, 50 years old, black hair and beard going gray, blue eyes, a warrior Carl Petra's father, also the leader of his Clan, 6'-0" tall, 200 pounds, 45 years old, brown hair and beard, gray eyes, also a warrior Breakfast on Sunday morning was very low key. In fact Pat, our women and I were the only ones there when we ate. It appeared that most of the family...

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Office sex

Years ago, I got together with my bother and we went on a terror. At the bar we met up with some woman he knew from the pass and her girl friend.After several drinks we went back to the girl friends place.We drank some more and were have a good time and then my brother and the chick he knew disappeared.I was with this attactive 30 something brunette, great body and me horny as hell.We got into it and she said lets go up stairs to her bedroom. Once there all the cloths came off and she went...

2 years ago
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Disillusioned Hubby

It was Sunday and I stopped by my local sports bar to watch the game. I enjoy watching my team with other fans rather than sitting home alone. I grabbed a stool at the bar next an older gentleman that I had never seen in there before. I’m an established patron if this particular watering hole and it’s a small place, so I know most if not all of the regulars. Now when I say older I’m talking relative to me. I am twenty-nine and I would guess that he is in his late thirty’s or early forty’s. I...

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Lauren is drowned by her boyfriend

Lauren had moved with her parents to Ocascola in February last year. Starting at a new school had been hard. She was not good at making friends, she knew that. She was a very private person and she thought a lot more about life then the other kids seemed to do. They only cared about action movies, hamburgers and beer. Lauren loved poetry, philosophy and religion. She wanted to know more about life then the superficial crap that the American youth seemed so wrapped up in. And so did Scott. Scott...

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Tammy Meets Her Lover

John had been waiting for this day for months……and the day had finally come. The day Tammy had promised to meet him at his hotel room at the edge of town. He had played the scenario over and over in his mind several times, and each time the fantasy became more detailed, more elaborate—–more naughty——until it had gotten to the point where her name couldn’t pop up on the Messenger or John couldn’t look at her photo without feeling an involuntary spasm in his jeans. It was torture, and the waiting...

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SweetheartVideo Jaclyn Taylor Liv Wild Twining

Joey (Liv Wild) finds her sister requests very strange and something feels wrong, so she decides to go home a bit earlier and try to find out what’s wrong. When she arrives at the house, she catches her sister Sami (Liv Wild) in bed with her stepmom Sarah (Sarah Vandella). Joey is furious, she sleeps with her stepmom, and cheated on Jaclyn (Jaclyn Taylor), but more than anything she lies to her. The next day, Joey visits her sister in her room, she wants to give her one last chance to fix what...

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The affair in the girls locker room

Misty was late,For school again. But this time,She had a ligitimat excuse. ' Dentist appointment ' It was already after ten o'clock. She tried to get her Mom, To let her skip. But Mom had work to do, And no time for Misty's Bull shit. So after her Mom signed her in at the office, With hall pass in hand. Misty slowly made her way, Toward the girls gym. P.E. Was really not her thing. And after all she worked so hard on her hair and makeup that morning. And sweating in a filthy gym, Would fuck all...

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The Cheater Part 3

"That was pretty amazing, babe. I'm sorry I never listened to you and tried that before. I know you have wanted to try anal for a long time. But I always felt it was kind of dirty or very kinky. I guess my thinking kind of changed that night when I fucked Alex and Tom fucked me. And that reminded me of my experience in college. Neither experience was bad, and if I had to admit it, it was even kind of pleasant. But in college, I pushed it out of my mind because I did not consider myself as...

Gay Male
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Getting My Groove On In Boca Raton

Young girl takes matters into her own hands to seek relief from 3 elderly gentlemenI live in Montgomery, Alabama, with my mom Carla and brother Tristan. I’m 20 years old, 5ft6, and I carry, lets say, ten pounds of puppy-fat. I don’t actually know for sure, because I have never really been ‘in shape’, and besides, it doesn’t bother me.I wear my hear shortish, and right now it is colored blue. What else? I have small tits, black pubes, and I don’t shave.My brother is two years younger then me....

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Editing Reailty Book 3 Chapter 04 One Naughty Choice

Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Four: One Naughty Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies Sam looked so sexy in the shower. She let the water spray on her body as she leaned against the wall. My barely legal daughter, eighteen and nubile, made my dick so hard. She grinned at me, that mischievous joy on her face. She grabbed my cock and pulled me to her. I groaned as she stroked me, teasing me. She brought me to...

4 years ago
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Resolution With a RedheadChapter 21

We left after my history class with a few books going with us because of reading. We pulled in before supper to be greeted joyfully. The game was an away game and only Jimmy and Aaron were going. Actually, they had already left for school to ride with the team. Her mother wanted to see the ring which Agnes was glad to show her. Her father also seemed to like it. We stayed home Friday night with Agnes’ parents and had a good time. They got to know me better and I got to know them better. We...

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Vasha the RedChapter 2

Vasha did not like rising early. But the day was going to be a busy one, and rising early could save his life come the night. He left The Virtuous Harlot at dawn, enjoying the relative lack of crowds in the mud-ridden, grey streets. In another hour or two, every single road would be filled to the brim with people. But now, in the early morning, the streets were simply dirty and ugly and disgusting. Vasha preferred the occasional chamber pot being emptied from above to crowds pressing into...

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Scary Stories to Tell The Frat House

The abandoned house was plain creepy. Every time Heather passed it on her way to her dorm room from class it gave her the shivers. She remembered when she was in high school, all the kids would play truth or dare and it seemed that every game the house would be mentioned in a dare; ‘go egg the house,’ ‘go knock on the house door,’ ‘go in the house.’ Of course everyone who got dared to do any of those things chickened out. “Earth to Heather.” Her boyfriend Carl said. “What?” Heather said coming...

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Meri Pyass3

Hai I am Neesha again aap logone meri story Meri Pyass-2 ko bahut pasand kiya aur dher saare mail bheje aur mujhe dher sara pyar diya. Mein ne likha tha ki meri next story mein mere mama aur unka dost meri chudai karate nazar aayenge……………. Raat ko chudai khatam hone ke baad humne ek bf dekhi film mein ek ladaki ki 2 aadmi chudai kar rahe thein woe k incest film thein jismein baap,beta milkar apni beti ki chudai kar rahe thein choot mein ek saath 2 lund ghused rahe thein aur bhayankar chudai...

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Our FIRST Timehellip

I can remember the night it happened like it was yesterday and I still wish today it would happen over and over again. I was sitting in my hot tub alone and naked like any other night, but this night I got a text from a life long friend Steven, asking what I was doing. I told him I was in the hot tub relaxing and asked what was up? He asked if he could stop over because his back could use the use of the hot tub. I told him surely and to stop over. I told him I need to put on boxers since he was...

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Evening of Love

The look of her eyes as always caused me to become aroused, while we were driving down the highway. As she drove down the road I could fell the familiar pressure of my cock starting to press tightly against my jeans, causing a little discomfort. After a couple of miles of this I pulled my cock out and start to stroke it slowly. I see her eyes drift toward my moving hand and when she sees what’s going on she gets a grin on her face, now attempting to drive and look at me stroking my cock. She...

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my cousin anna

well this happend to me a few years a go but i think i post it on here for you all to see a few years a go my cousin anna was liveing with us well i would joke a both her showing me her tits saying mom anna just flashed me but it was a joke i use to do that because she would allways dress in low cut shorts and late at night i could hear her useing her toys on her self from my room that made me horny and wanting her so i would listen to her and play with it till i cumed all over my bed well...

2 years ago
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ToughLoveX Karma RX The Intruder

All women are crazy. Sluts are even crazier but this broad was out of her fucking mind. When I say she likes it rough I’m under exaggerating. She likes it ROUGH! Rough sex is the only way to get her off. She wanted to have me play out a fantasy where I break into her home and do with her as I please so I sure did and hard as fuck too. I snuck into her home, crept up the stairs and grabbed her from behind. She struggled but it did nothing in her favor. I smashed her head into the mattress...

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Back Home for GoodChapter 2

Both father and daughter walked naked to the dining area of the suite where automatic electric microwave and ovens, hot plate had kept the food hot. Taran and Neelima ate and caught up with the family events and other issues. Both ate heartily. Their conversation flowed without any awkward silences or pauses from father-daughter matters to a couple issue as if they both cerebrally and intuitively adapted to both roles without trying at all. Neelima was gossiping about her professors some of...

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Standing Up to Life

Obligatory Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people and events are unintentional and are coincidental. This work may not be reposted to other sites or medium's without expressed permission of the author. (It will be given in most cases if asked) This story is copyright Tiffany Shar 2008, All Rights Reserved. Standing Up to Life Chapter 1: September 1994 I walked up to the bus stop, hoping maybe today would be...

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Coming out to my best Friend Part 1

Its my first Story ever, and i have to add, my first Language is NOT English, so i might have made a few mistakes. I was 18 at the time, he 19. I always knew I wasn’t “Straight”, so for me, what happened isn’t that much of a surprise. I am 6 foot tall, I weigh a little more than I maybe need to, but I am comfortable with my body, I am quite muscular though. My friend is as tall as me, he is very muscular and handsome. He keeps himself in shape and also has quite the good fashion...

4 years ago
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My first older woman on the way to boot camp

(Women will like this TRUE story more than guys) I met my older brother and several of his friends at a bar to say goodbye one evening shortly before I was shipping off to boot camp. I was leaving in four days and wouldn't be seeing him again. I was only 18 but had a fake ID as most of us did in those days when the drinking ages were all on the rise. My friend David was with me; he and I planned to just bum around together for the next few days.I ended up sitting between my brother and his...


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