I****t Monden free porn video

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Proaspat ras, s-a privit in oglinda. Implinise 38 de ani fara ca anii sa lase urme: ochii verzi, parul negru, cu tunsoare moderna, se simtea la fel de tanar ca in adolescenta. Divortul de Corina ramasese in urma, de ce sa pastrezi amintirile urate? Prezentul era atat de placut. Cosmina crescuse. In primul an de facultate, se casatorise, o partida buna, si si-a manifestat dorinta sa locuiasca impreuna cu el. – Am stat o gramada de ani cu mama, ti-a venit randul sa ma suporti si tu, i-a zis fata, lipindu-se toata de trupul sau, intr-o imbratisare prelunga, plina de afectiune, dar si cochetarie feminina. I-a simtit linia picioarelor, sanii apasati pe pieptul sau, abdomenul suplu, a avut un moment de deruta constientiznd ca fata prelungeste imbratisarea, dar s-a autoconvins ca gestul Cosminei este pornit din lipsa mangaierilor paterne. Orice copila, vitregita de alintarea tatalui, crescuta departe de acesta, ramane cu o neimplinire in trup, si cu un dor nelamurit in simturi. Dar cat de mandru a fost la petrecerea data cu ocazia mutarii fetei si ginerelui in apartamentul sau, cand Cosmina i se dresa pe numele mic, “Liviule, scapa-mi o tigara” , si “Liviule” in sus, “Liviule” in jos, fata lui il facea sa se simta mai mult un amic de-al ei, decat parinte, si asta il tulbura, mai ales ca ea, zvelta, cu formele trupului armonioase, provocatoare in gesturi si priviri, frivola in vestimentatie, nu facea diferenta intre el si ceilalti barbati, care o sorbeau din privire. Se comporta la fel de ademenitor cu toti. A intrebat-o doar un singur lucru: - Sotul tau nu este gelos? Observ ca sta foarte calm cand tu faci victime printre masculi. Cosmina i-a tras, strengareste, cu ochiul, zicandu-i cu o nuanta de perversiune in voce: - Suntem moderni, Liviule, nu facem loc geloziei in patul conjugal. Apoi a ras, parsiva, si-a apropiat capul de al lui, si-a lipit gura de a sa si, brusc, la mus**t de una din buze, dupa care l-a privit, fix in ochii, intrebandu-l: - Nu-i asa ca noi doi semanam foarte mult? Doar, aschia nu sare departe de trunchi. In timp ce rostea cuvintele acestea, avea pupilele incarcate de erotism, de febra, de tainice chemari. Barbatul s-a simtit strabatut de fiori, si avu pornirea s-o prinda pe Cosmina in brate si sa o sarute cu patima. S-a abtinut greu, iar mai tarziu, urmarind-o cum danseaza lasciv, aruncand ochiade indecente atat burlacilor cat si casatoritilor, invitati la petrecere cu nevestele lor, si-a spus ca, intradevar Cosmina i-a mostenit pornirile sexuale. Oare aflase de escapadele sale in locul acela deocheat, Club Voyeur? Un loc unde, sub masca unei asociatii culturale care, chipurile, studia monogamia si poliandria, se desfasurau, numai pentru membrii clubului, veritabile orgii. Care dadeau prilejul ca sotiile voyeuriste sa se uite cum sotii lor isi reguleaza amantele, iar barbatii voyeuri isi aduceau superbele neveste ca sa fie futute, in fata lor, de alti barbati. A fost atras de ideea sexului in grup, dar mai ales l-a tentat sa aiba sotiile altora sub privirile sotilor. Ajungea la niste orgasme formidabile in momentul in care, aflat deasupra unei tipe bine facute, privit de sotul ei care se masturba, acesta incepea sa strige, “Da-ti drumul la sperma in nevsta mea, acum, ca ma termin si eu”. Simtind zvarcolirile trupului de femeie sub el, isi dadea drumul in ea, uitandu-se cum sotul ei, masturbandu-se frenetic, se stropeste cu propria lui sperma pe burta, strigand cu extaz: “Ce-mi place, ce excitant este sa-mi vad nevasta fututa de altul” Oare aflase Cosmina de escapadele sale? Sau, poate, doar avea si ea asemenea porniri perverse? Avea sa se lamureasca repede. Intr-una din seri, dupa ce a iesit din baie, cu halatul luat peste trupul gol, a sesizat ca usa de la dormitorul proaspetilor casatoriti, gazduiti de el, era intredeschisa. Vocea fetei lui se auzea foarte clar: - Te excita, iubitule, cand sunt imbracta in mini fusta? Si alti barbati se uita la coapsele mele dezgolite si la sanii mei provocatori, obraznici sub bluza fara sutien, nu-i asa ca te inebuneste ideea ca alti barbati ma doresc, si au simturile starnite cand imi privesc dezgolirile. A auzit geamatul ginerelui sau, “Ahhh, Cosmina, nu mai pot, esti atat de excitanta, atat de perversa, ma inebunesti” A simtit, sub halat, cum i se intareste pula si a ramas sa asculte. Glasul fetei lui s-a auzit din nou, parsiv, insinuant: “Te-ar excita sa sti ca am un amant, ca ma fut si cu altul, nu numai cu tine?” Cel din camera a gemut din nou, iar fata a continuat: “Ti-ar place sa ma lingi, dupa ce vin de la futut, si in timp ce ma lingi, sa te masturbezi, iar eu sa-ti povestesc cum m-am futut cu altul?”. Dinspre camera s-a auzit un strigat inabusit, apoi vocea rapusa de excitatie a ginerelui sau: “Ahhh, iubit-o, ce mult mi-ar place, fa-o, du-te, fute-te cu altul si apoi povesteste-mi” A mai auzit vocea fetei lui, chemandu-si sotul sa o linga, sa se masturbeze si sa-si imagineze cum va fi ea fututa de altul. A plecat catre camera lui, excitat, zicandu-si ca nu are dreptul sa-si judece copila, doar semana cu el, iar mai tarziu zvarcolindu-se in pat, fara sa poata alunga excitatia, si-a imaginat-o in bratele altor barbati, simtind ca imaginile acelea il starnesc, trezindu-i dorinta de a-si avea fiica.
In seara aceea, imbaiat, prospat ras, se pregatea sa plece la Club, dupa excitarea acumulata in ultimele trei saptamani de cand se mutase fiica lui la el, simtea nevoia acuta a unei descarcari plina de pervesiuni, care sa i-o mai scoata din cap pe Cosmina. Ajuns acolo, nu sa invartit mult prin incaperile scaldate in lumini multicolore. Pe la mesele joase, cu fotolii comode, special gandite pentru destrabalari, unele cupluri isi incepusera, deja, cautarile de parteneri, sau partenere, dupa preferintele si tipurile de perversiuni ale fiecarora. Se uita si el dupa o pereche, de care sa-i convina, si care, prin gesturile femeii, sa-l cheme la masa lor. Cand sa se hotarasca, a zarit-o pe Cosmina. Imbracata intr-o rochie cu nasturi, despicata pana la incheietura picioarelor, fara nimic pe dedesupt, dansa cu doi tipi ce o pipaiau in timpul dansului. L-a vazut si ea. s-a despins de langa parteneri, apropiindu-se de el. I-a zambit parsiv, si, oprindu-se in fata sa, l-a intrebat, tragandu-i frivola cu ochiul: - Am aflat ca vi si tu la acest Club. Sper ca nu te deranjeaza prezenta mea, e si placerea sotului meu, sa o pun cu alti barbati, si dupa aceea sa-i povestesc totul. Avea o voce ciudata, parca plina de sensuri ascunse, iar privirea, iscoditoare, era, in acelasi timp, ademenitoare, provocatoare. I-a privit, prin despicatura rochiei deschiata la primii trei nasturi, sanii goi, rotunzi, tari , a inghitit in sec simtind cum i se intareste madularul sub pantaloni si i-a raspuns ca ea isi face viata dupa cum si-o doreste, el nu are cum sa se amestece intre ea si preferintele sexule ale sotul ei. – E in regula, Liviutule, s-a mai alintat Cosmina, apoi l-a indemnat sa-si vada de ale lui, subliniind – O sa fiu si eu pe aici, sunt cu doi care vor sa ma futa, unul in fata sotiei, al doilea in fata logodnicei, ele, amandoua, sunt la o masa in apropiere. Poti sa privesti si tu, daca vrei. Fata lui s-a reintors la cei doi tipi, iar el s-a auzit strigat de la o alta masa, erau sotii Codreanu pe care nu-i remarcase. S-a dus la masa lor, excitat si tulburat de intalnirea cu fiica sa. Nevasta barbatului l-a luat in primire inca de cand s-a asezat pe fotoliu. Zicandu-i ca i-a fost dor de pula sa, l-a sarutat, l-a desfacut la slit si i-a scos-o din pantaloni, indemandanu-si sotul sa o priveasca ce face in fata lui si sa se mastrurbeze. Cu pula frecata de tanara doamana Codreanu, a cautat-o din priviri, pe Cosmina. Aceasta, la nici patru metri distanta, era pipaita si sarutata de cei doi barbati cu care dansase. Fata a sesizat ca este privita de tatal ei, i-a tras din ochi si a coborat cu privirea catre scula sa frecata de femeie. Si-a lins, cu voluptate, buzele si s-a intors cu tot trupul catre el. Barbatii au descheiat-o complet la rochie, dezgolindu-i tot trupul . Aflati in spatele ei, au inceput sa-i pipaie sanii, soldurile, picioarele. Se uita la Cosmina cuprins de o excitatie totala. Codreanca, venita pe fotoliul sau, si-a ridicat un picior, i-a potrivit-o la gaura, si s-a lasat in madularul sau viguros. In acel moment, in fata sa, unul din barbati a ridicat un picior fiicei sale, sprijinind-o de pieptul lui, iar al doilea, din lateral, i-a bagat-o. Si in timp ce, privita de sot, Codreanca intra si iesea din pula sa, fata lui era fututa in fata sa. S-a lasat in voia placerii, privind cum Cosmina este facuta posta, se uita cum intra, cand scula unuia in pizda ei, cand pula celuilalt. Cei doi o futeau, alternativ. Codreanca se terminase, si, in genunchi, incepuse sa-i suga pula, zicand sotului ei ca o sa vada sperma lui Liviu in gura ei. In timp ce savura placerea, se uita la Cosmina. Fata lui se asezase si ea in genunchi, tot cu fata catre el, iar prin lateral, cei doi si-o frecau repede cu varfurile in apropierea gurii ei. Cosmina isi lingea buzele, era cu gura intredeschisa catre pulele celor doi barbati si privea fix in ochii tatalui ei. Cand jeturile de sperma au tasnit catre gura fiicei sale, s-a terminat si el in gura Codrencei. Iar strigatele sotului ei, “Ahhhh, ce imi place, nevasta mea are gura plina cu sperma altui barbat”, nu l-au mai intaratat ca de obicei. Privea la sperma care se prelingea din gura fiicei sale, si, desi terminat, pula lui nu dadea semne ca se va inmuia. Dimpotriva, era, parca mai viguroasa ca oricand. Si-a indesat-o in pantalani si s-a indreptat catre unul din cele sase baruri ale Clubului. Simtea nevoia sa bea ceva tare. In minte avea, fierbinte, imagini ale fiicei sale facuta posta, cu sperma prelingandu-i-se din gura. A comandat dar nu a apucat sa bea. Ajunse si Cosmina langa el. Cu rochia complet desfacuta, cu sanii, picioarele si sexul dezgolit. S-a asezat langa el, pe taburetele inalt, si l-a intrebat, cu aceasi voce ciudata: - Te-a excitat sa vezi cum am fost fututa in fata ta?. Vad ca si acum o ai tare in pantaloni. A privit catre buzele fiicei sale. Ea isi scosese varful limbii si-l trecea parsiva, printre buze, intinzand urmele de sperma ramase in gura ei. L-a mai intrebat: - Te tenteaza sa ma saruti? A simtit un zvacnet excitant in pula, dar a dat din cap ca nu, iar fiica sa, l-a intrebat, din nou, punand perversiune in voce? – De ce, crezi ca, asa, cu gust de sperma in gura, ar fi un sarut incetuos din partea ta? Si-a apropiat capul de al sau, soptind languros: - Hai, fii pervers, iti dau voie si sa ma futi, daca vrei. I-a pus mana, pe deasupra panatlonilor, pe pula tare si i-a strans-o. Nu a mai rezistat. Si-a lipit gura de gura ei si i-a bagat, flamand, limba printre buze. Cosmina i-a raspuns, parsiva, la sarut, in timp ce il descheia la slit. I-a scos-o si l-a tras catre ea. Avea picioarele desfacute. Si-a simtit varful pulii frecat de pizda fiicei sale. Era fierbinte si lunecoasa. Si-a incolacit bratele dupa mijlocul ei, si in picioare, cu ea razimata de taburetele inalt, a penetrat-o, incept, voluptos, simtind cum intra, centimentru dupa centimetru in pizda fiicei sale. A bagat-o toata, iar ea, si-a incolacit picioarele dupa mijlocul sau, si, gemand de placere, rostea, privindu-l fix in ochii: - E nemaipomenit, asa te vreau, sa-ti futi fata, asa, fute-ti fata, fute-ti fata, termina-te in pizda fiicei tale. A dat drumul la sperma, strans incolacit de picioarele Cosminei. Apoi au ramas, cateva clipe, lipiti unul de altul, rasufland agitat. Satisfacuti, amandoi. Apoi au plecat catre iesire. Cosmina si-a inchis nasturii de la rochie, s-au aranjat, un pic, amandoi si au iesit. La parcare, a avut cea mai mare surpriza a vietii lui. Dintr-o alta masina, zarindu-i, a iesit, tot Cosmina. In aceiasi rochie cu nasturi, aceiasi fata, mimica, gesturi, identica cu cea de langa el. – Surpriza, a auzit, dinspre noua venita vocea cunoscuta a fiicei sale, ai avut placerea sa-mi cunosti sosia. Noi doua ne-am intalnit, acum trei ani si cum intre noi natura nu a pus alta diferenta decat vre-o 700 de grame, la greutate, si o nunata la voce, in rest nimic, una si aceiasi, ne tinem de sotii. Asta a fost ceva deosebit, cred ca ti-a placut. L-au lasat sa se dezmeticeasca. Abia atunci si-a dat sema de ce avea Comina o voce ciudata, era alta voce decat a fiicei sale. Fetele au ras, au barfit putin si s-au despartit, Cosmina, cea reala, ramand cu tatal sau. Au plecat cu masina inspre casa. Si-a intrebat, jenat, fiica, de ce a facut acest lucru, iar ea, privindu-l excitata, i-a raspuns: Am vrut sa vad care dintre noi doi este mai pervers. Eu nu am ajuns la gradul acesta de perversiune, incat sa ma fut cu propriul meu tata, desi (a facut o pauza, la privit fix in ochii, continund cu parsivenie) desi imi doresc acest lucru si, cine stie, poate, intr-o zi, am sa ajung si eu, la fel de perversa ca tine.

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The Lost Seduction of CMell

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Charity At Work 4 Learning the Hard Way

Introduction: the difference between a slut and a whore What time is it? Its Charity time! As you know I had finally found a fulfilling summertime job which would end up being a part-time job through my last year of school. I was the Assistant Manger at the Love Hut Lingerie Store with my ¾, lesbian new friend Patti. But mostly important, thats where I met George. Ah George. The first white guy I had ever met that could satisfy all my needs. He was tall, muscular, athletic, handsome,...

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Salt and Pepper Sugar and Spice Chapter 8 Two Girls in Paris

Salt and Pepper, Sugar and Spice Chapter 8 Two Girls in Paris On Monday, Jason walked into the apartment, and said to Ronnie, "Well, how long do you want to spend in France?" "Why?" "Well, I have all summer. They didn't understand, and figured that the job wasn't that important to me." "I'm sorry." "Don't be. With their attitude, I figure I wouldn't have been happy there any way." Ronnie wrapped her arms...

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rich boys love 11

when i got to my house about a hour and thirty minutes later i paid the cab driver the £70 i owed him. i ran into my house and my mom said "what you doing here" "kyle needs me where is my car keys" my mom pointed to my keys on a table by the window with flowers in a vase. i ran to get my keys and my mom said "is kyle okay?" "i dont know that why i need to get to him" running outside to my car i raced down the road like some kind of mad man over taking any car that was infront of me....

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My Cuckold Life Chapter1

I moaned, squirmed and convulsed as the vibrator tied to my cock suddenly kicked into an even greater speed. It stayed there for about a minute before it came down to a slow pace, slowly tormenting me to madness. After a few minutes it stopped completely and I relaxed. Well, relax is an overstatement. I don’t think anyone suspended from the ceiling of a tiny closet with an anal hook could feel relaxed.But I was grateful for the break from that cruel vibrator. At least I could think clearly now....

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Slut Wife Party Game

A few weeks ago, my wife Krista and I attended a party at her friend'shome. It was an informal affair, just drinks and snacks. There were about9 or 10 couples there, all of us married and in our late twenties. It wasa holiday weekend and everyone was drinking quite a bit. The host had madearrangements so those who lived beyond walking distance could sleep over.This made the drinking a little heavier than normal.My wife was a little tipsy. I could tell because she was flirting with allthe men...

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Planes Trains and Automobiles Ch 01 Penny

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Thinking back I recalled the numerous times that I had sex in a vehicle and I decided to write about those times in my life. My first thoughts were to rank the encounters from the least memorable to the most memorable. However since the best car sex partner ever was also my last, I decided to just go in chronological order. CHAPTER 01 – Penny 1963 CHAPTER 02 – Erica 1963 CHAPTER 03 – June 1967 CHAPTER 04 – Jackie 1969 CHAPTER 05 – Charlotte 1971 CHAPTER 06 – Pam 1975 ...

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My Personal Tirade

As you are reading this you know our economy is in a serious recession. The government mouthpieces tell us this is the worst recession we've seen in more than 30 years. In truth folks, this is the only recession we've seen in 30 years. In fact, the last one was in the early 1980's and it lasted less than a year; hardly a pothole on the economic highway. Prior to that we had runaway inflation to contend with during the 70's not to mention the Arab embargo which falsely created gasoline...

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The Breeders Life 4 Traffic Stop

I was left alone for the first few weeks after my procedure, at least while I was at work the vibrator was turned on. A mic at the desk well hidden so I could not see it and another one in the office which were both connected to the vibrator in question, meant their were moments in the day when I'd be brought to a juddering halt if I was lucky or I'd end up crying out either in pain or pleasure, depending on what was being said at the time. People had taken to walking by and calling me...

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Turning Poing Ch 7

Robert has come quite a ways sexually. From masturbating, swallowing his own cum and playing with own ass to sexual exploits with a much older woman. Still he has just scratched the surface with much more to come. I was on the bed laying on my back and Mary was on her side laying next to me. I could feel her big soft tits pushing naked and warm against my side as she sucked and lightly bit my right nipple and was pinching my left nipple. She ask if I wanted to ask her the questions...

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sex with kzn 2

jb ma apni kzn ko chod rha tha to achanak mere dosri kzn means us ki behn na hmain dkh lia wo shock ma a gai coz light chli hoi thi us na mere traf and mere kzn jis ko ma chod rha tha us ki traf dkh kr kha but aahista awaz ma usman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sania!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what r u doing ma dr gaya and ajeeb sa ahsas hona lga sari garmi 1 mint ma utar gai ma na jaldi sa apna kpray phna and us ki traf brhna lga tb hi sania...

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The Airplane Ride HomeChapter 15

Later they sat in the air-conditioned comfort of the RV. They had met with Sam’s doctor. He assured them that Sam had a mild concussion and needed rest. Reluctantly, they agreed with the doctor that the best thing they could do was return to their home. Now, for the first time since John had caught Jamie fucking her 18-year-old son, they were alone. She wore the same semen soaked shorts and sweat soaked tee shirt. “When did this start?” Desperate to salvage her marriage, Jamie related the...

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Forever Kate Lynn Chapter 3

Forever Kate Lynn - Part 3 As they approached the ice rink, Jimmy started recognizing many of the girls from the ice-staking team who were already out on the ice practicing. The flutter, of Butterflies soon began in his stomach, but not as bad as the other two times. It was obvious however that Anne was getting excited and with excitement in her voice she turned to Jimmy and whispered rapidly some last minute wisdom comments, much like a coach does as the team is running out onto the...

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Revenge of a Goddess Part VII

Revenge of a Goddess, Part VII By Limbo's Mistress Chapter Thirteen After leaving the principal's office, I rushed to my locker and grabbed a spare pair of underwear from my locker. As I stuffed the lacey garment into my bag, I suddenly giggled at the realization that, should my activities with Principal Lewis continue, I was going to need to increase the amount of backup panties I kept on school premises. Hopefully he wouldn't make a habit out of keeping them afterwards....

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A Daughter Makes ScentsChapter 3

The following week he was working the midnight to 8 a.m. shift. When working on this schedule his usual practice was to sleep from about noon until about 7-8 p.m. Then he would spend a couple of hours watching TV with the family. He would see his daughter for only an hour or so before she went to bed. It was during this week that Michelle began to notice that her father was paying an inordinate amount of attention to her. She caught his eyes staring at her chest and she could sense his gaze...

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Daddy Avenges His DaughterChapter 6 Pressure Treatment

Yvonne and Sue were giggling together, excited by their developing sexuality, or bisexuality I supposed, as my wife Sally helped the post-orgasmic Becky towards one of the armchairs. Sally looked over at me, smiled, and blew me a kiss. A slight concern crossed her face. “Rog, how many fucks is that today?’ “Er, Seven? Eight?” I was struggling to remember. “Right. Bed.” Sally was so in charge. “You’re exhausted. We all are.” “I’m not exhausted,” Vonnie piped up, grinning. “I’m not...

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Wife turns into a wrestling dominatrix

Hi, I am Sourav. This is a true story about the transformation of my soft-spoken, timid wife into a dominatrix specialized in fetish wrestling. Now coming to the introduction. I am 5’8, an average-built guy working as a government bank clerk in Mumbai. I live in my flat (bought by my father) with my newly married wife, Supriti. Now Supriti is a very polite lady, 5’3 height but heavily built with huge melons. She belonged to a conservative Bengali family, so she always wore sarees. But I...

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Lusty Adventures of a Trophy Wife 3

Lusty Adventures of a Horny Trophy Wife (Part 3) Don Abdul ©2010 Suddenly Lynda recognized the advancing black sex gods to be the very objects of her most recent fantasies, Wyclef and Eddie the bar tender. Lynda felt an intense warmth rise from her core and spread quickly rippling through her body until once again her pussy was moist and her nipples hard in anticipation of a great night ahead. When they sighted her, they waved and then hurried over. “Lynda, meet my boy Eddie, wicked bar tender...

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EvilAngel Bambi Silk RoundAssed Rocker Chick

Tiny rocker doll Bambi Silk stuns in leather bomber jacket, heavy black boots and cutoff shorts. The cute, long-haired brunette seeks professional advice, confiding to a trio of sex experts that she’s insecure about her ass. Porn stud charmer Vince Karter stays to counsel and reassure the young damsel. She strips naked, revealing a mouthwateringly round ass. Vince sucks her natural tits and palms her moist slit. He eats her pussy from behind. Bambi deals Vince a sack-slurping blowjob....

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My Husbands Whore

       My Husband’s Whore        The first time he raped me, I woke up with him on top of me fucking my ass.  We had on been living together for five months.  We hadn’t really known each other that long before we moved in together.  I was separated from my first husband who was a cheating and abusing asshole.  I met Mathis two months after I had kicked my husband’s cheating ass out of the house.  Mathis was 10 years my junior but he was hung like a fucking stallion!  He was just as black as I...

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Sex in bus roleplay

I want to apologize in advance for all the errors - English is not my native language.But I hope you understand the point.I do not know - maybe this is not the most ideal roleplay, but she and I really liked it and we continued the story.Let's start! Irina - girl from my roleplay - well, how she introduced herselfCrowded bus at rush hour, standing in traffic. A young girl, 19 years old, stands in a corner of the bus at the window, squeezed on all sides.She is wearing short jeans shorts,...

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Mens Colleges in America

Theodore Malvis is the name. Who am I? A tall, good-looking young black man who happens to be the hero of this story. Adventure is the nature of my game. Well, that’s my hidden passion, anyway. In my everyday life, I’m a student at Graystone University. It’s a small, private Roman Catholic school located in the small town of Graystone, Kansas. I found out about this school during the second semester of my senior year in high school. Back then, I lived in Boston,Massachusetts. I was a student at...

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Wanna Watch Me MasturbateChapter 2

It was a few months later and I was sleeping over my friend Rochelle's house. Her folks were out and we were in her room, messing around. I remember definitely that we were 13 and of course we were talking about boys and sex and about our bodies, which were beginning to fill out. And about masturbation. "Do you do it?" she asked. "Of course." Trying to sound grown up and experienced. I was experienced but I wasn't about to talk about my parents, as that was very private. "How about...

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Frustration of a Middle Aged Man

Steve Green is 46 years old and for the first time in a long time he has the money and time to do what he wants. He is married to Lisa, his high school sweetheart, and the only woman he had ever had a sexual relationship with. He loved her dearly, but over the past 10 years their sex life had deteriorated from seldom to almost none. Lisa had never been very interested in sex, and now it took alcohol, and a lot of begging to get her to spread her legs for him. He was at an impasse with her over...

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More TS sex

Some time passed since my first encounter with the lovely transvestite and I often remembered it in my lonely bed. But I couldn’t make the decision to seek her again. Maybe afraid from being seen, as she used to walk around near my office I started leaving office before dark.When I went out, before returning home I crossed around in my car passing by the zones were TS usually had their hunting zones, but decidedly I was only looking and thinking how it would be.One night I saw that the police...

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Seat of Discipline

"........now class this is important and I'm sure it will be on the next test, so if there are there any questions speak up now!!!" "Well that's just wonderful, no questions," she said a little sarcastically, "with the marks some of you are earning you'd think you'd have a question or two!!!" The room was dead quiet, when from the back row Zoey raised her hand, and in a sweet voice asked, "I have a question Sister Nora!!!" Sister Nora eyed the eighteen year old with a little...

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SIBLINGS First, a little something about me. My name is Cassandra James. I stand five feet, six inches tall, and have auburn hair and chocolate eyes. It should be said that I am 22 years old and I am the oldest of three c***dren. I have a brother eighteen months younger than I am and his name is Chandler. We also have a younger sister who is almost 19 and graduated High School last year. Her name is Charity. Yes, all three of us k**s have the first name beginning with the letter C. We...

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AllGirlMassage Sophia Grace Emma Hicks Tantric Lesbian Massage

Emma Hicks walks into the massage room to find Sophia Grace meditating on a table. She says hello but Sophia doesn’t hear her; she’s in a deep state of trance and has left the material world behind. As Emma’s about to leave Sophia snaps out of it apologizing that she was meditating deeply. Sophia asks her if she is there for an atonement session but Emma looks confused…she booked a regular massage and has no idea what Sophia’s talking about. Sophia explains what...

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My Teenage Slumber Party Part Two

When Natalie and I got outside Dan's flat, the sun was beginning to rise. We climbed the steps to the street and I called for a cab on my mobile phone. It was Friday night and they were busy but said they would get a car to us when they could, although it may be up to an hour. We arranged for it to pick us up on the street corner, not far from Dan’s flat. Still giggling, Natalie said she would text a friend to see if she could stay at her place, where the taxi could drop her off. But she...

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Grandmas Magic Resort Part III

'Grandma's Magic Resort - Part III'(or 'One Fam1ly Visits The 'Real' Happiest Place On Earth)an erotic journey by DizzyDSusan finally gets itAfter their dinner with Joni and Walter, Susan got a restful night’s sl3ep, thanks in part to the two bottles of wine they had shared, but when she awoke the next morning her mind was filled with the memory of what had happened between her and Tommy during their nature hike.As she lay in bed thinking about her son massaging her hard clit until she came,...

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BrattySis Andi Rose Rosalyn Sphinx Don8217t Pull Down Stepbrothers Pants

Rosalyn Sphinx and her friend Andi Rose are hanging out and making fun of various boys on their social media. The girls are still snickering when Rosalyn’s stepbrother, Robby Echo, comes home from school. He doesn’t bother the girls, just heads up to his room. Andi tries to ask Rosalyn’s relationship with her stepbro and Rosalyn defends him, saying he’s a good guy. After asserting that all guys are assholes, Andi gets up and runs off to Robby’s room to prank him....

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Magicians Assistant Friends and Lovers 9

Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers 9: By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Copyrighted 2002 Preface Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent has been reprimanded by the ethics review board of the Magician's...

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Swim Team

I was always the short one in high school, never taller than the normal people. The only people shorter than me were the petites and the ones with disorders. It was when I was seventeen that I met Kiefer. He was tall and handsome, well built for swimming. He and I were on a coed swimming team at the local high school and today my swimsuit had the swim teacher eying me with deep disapproval. It was black and backless, with the suit coming together just before my ass. Kiefer watched me swim for a...

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An Unfaithful Wife

An Unfaithful Wife by Vickie Tern The plot: A man's wife encourages his erotic fantasies and his emasculation by suggesting she's seeing other men. The caution: This story depicts sexual acts between consenting adults. Those who are not both of these things should read no further. The story descriptors: TG femdom wife humil creampie She was in a weird mood, I think. Or maybe a teasing mood. We were getting dressed for work, Cassie...

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An Unusual Seduction Part II

Carol had just fucked John, our best friend, and I watched while naked in the same bed.  As they fucked my cock spontaneously shot cum all over the both of them.  This was an earth shattering event for Carol and I.  We had always had adventurist sex, living out many fantasies but this was beyond our wildest expectations.  The emotions from watching Carol fuck John were overwhelming.  Carol's enthusiastic sexual response was unexpected but welcome. The picture of Carol with lust filled eyes,...

Wife Lovers
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DONNA My Physio

THIS HAPPENED IN 1999I had broken my ankle and as the casting came off I was receiving some Physio. I had to go to the hospital twice a week for this procedure, the young girl who was sorting me out was a pretty thing and I was desperate to fuck her. Tuesday came round and as hubby dropped me off I made my way to the Physio Department.Unfortunately for me another lady called me through, she was Clair and looked around 45, slim with no tits unlike the young girl. As we continued my therapy I had...

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The Letter Conclusion

After smoothing her skirt and tucking in her blouse, Catie managed to leave the stage unseen and slip out the main entrance doors. She hooked up with her friends that were waiting for her at the bus stop. Their days of being high school students were finally over and there was a great deal of hugging, kissing and tears while waiting for the bus to arrive. All that remained was the graduation ceremony and prom. Catie was asked again to reconsider attending the prom; she could even come alone if...


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