I****t Monden free porn video

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Proaspat ras, s-a privit in oglinda. Implinise 38 de ani fara ca anii sa lase urme: ochii verzi, parul negru, cu tunsoare moderna, se simtea la fel de tanar ca in adolescenta. Divortul de Corina ramasese in urma, de ce sa pastrezi amintirile urate? Prezentul era atat de placut. Cosmina crescuse. In primul an de facultate, se casatorise, o partida buna, si si-a manifestat dorinta sa locuiasca impreuna cu el. – Am stat o gramada de ani cu mama, ti-a venit randul sa ma suporti si tu, i-a zis fata, lipindu-se toata de trupul sau, intr-o imbratisare prelunga, plina de afectiune, dar si cochetarie feminina. I-a simtit linia picioarelor, sanii apasati pe pieptul sau, abdomenul suplu, a avut un moment de deruta constientiznd ca fata prelungeste imbratisarea, dar s-a autoconvins ca gestul Cosminei este pornit din lipsa mangaierilor paterne. Orice copila, vitregita de alintarea tatalui, crescuta departe de acesta, ramane cu o neimplinire in trup, si cu un dor nelamurit in simturi. Dar cat de mandru a fost la petrecerea data cu ocazia mutarii fetei si ginerelui in apartamentul sau, cand Cosmina i se dresa pe numele mic, “Liviule, scapa-mi o tigara” , si “Liviule” in sus, “Liviule” in jos, fata lui il facea sa se simta mai mult un amic de-al ei, decat parinte, si asta il tulbura, mai ales ca ea, zvelta, cu formele trupului armonioase, provocatoare in gesturi si priviri, frivola in vestimentatie, nu facea diferenta intre el si ceilalti barbati, care o sorbeau din privire. Se comporta la fel de ademenitor cu toti. A intrebat-o doar un singur lucru: - Sotul tau nu este gelos? Observ ca sta foarte calm cand tu faci victime printre masculi. Cosmina i-a tras, strengareste, cu ochiul, zicandu-i cu o nuanta de perversiune in voce: - Suntem moderni, Liviule, nu facem loc geloziei in patul conjugal. Apoi a ras, parsiva, si-a apropiat capul de al lui, si-a lipit gura de a sa si, brusc, la mus**t de una din buze, dupa care l-a privit, fix in ochii, intrebandu-l: - Nu-i asa ca noi doi semanam foarte mult? Doar, aschia nu sare departe de trunchi. In timp ce rostea cuvintele acestea, avea pupilele incarcate de erotism, de febra, de tainice chemari. Barbatul s-a simtit strabatut de fiori, si avu pornirea s-o prinda pe Cosmina in brate si sa o sarute cu patima. S-a abtinut greu, iar mai tarziu, urmarind-o cum danseaza lasciv, aruncand ochiade indecente atat burlacilor cat si casatoritilor, invitati la petrecere cu nevestele lor, si-a spus ca, intradevar Cosmina i-a mostenit pornirile sexuale. Oare aflase de escapadele sale in locul acela deocheat, Club Voyeur? Un loc unde, sub masca unei asociatii culturale care, chipurile, studia monogamia si poliandria, se desfasurau, numai pentru membrii clubului, veritabile orgii. Care dadeau prilejul ca sotiile voyeuriste sa se uite cum sotii lor isi reguleaza amantele, iar barbatii voyeuri isi aduceau superbele neveste ca sa fie futute, in fata lor, de alti barbati. A fost atras de ideea sexului in grup, dar mai ales l-a tentat sa aiba sotiile altora sub privirile sotilor. Ajungea la niste orgasme formidabile in momentul in care, aflat deasupra unei tipe bine facute, privit de sotul ei care se masturba, acesta incepea sa strige, “Da-ti drumul la sperma in nevsta mea, acum, ca ma termin si eu”. Simtind zvarcolirile trupului de femeie sub el, isi dadea drumul in ea, uitandu-se cum sotul ei, masturbandu-se frenetic, se stropeste cu propria lui sperma pe burta, strigand cu extaz: “Ce-mi place, ce excitant este sa-mi vad nevasta fututa de altul” Oare aflase Cosmina de escapadele sale? Sau, poate, doar avea si ea asemenea porniri perverse? Avea sa se lamureasca repede. Intr-una din seri, dupa ce a iesit din baie, cu halatul luat peste trupul gol, a sesizat ca usa de la dormitorul proaspetilor casatoriti, gazduiti de el, era intredeschisa. Vocea fetei lui se auzea foarte clar: - Te excita, iubitule, cand sunt imbracta in mini fusta? Si alti barbati se uita la coapsele mele dezgolite si la sanii mei provocatori, obraznici sub bluza fara sutien, nu-i asa ca te inebuneste ideea ca alti barbati ma doresc, si au simturile starnite cand imi privesc dezgolirile. A auzit geamatul ginerelui sau, “Ahhh, Cosmina, nu mai pot, esti atat de excitanta, atat de perversa, ma inebunesti” A simtit, sub halat, cum i se intareste pula si a ramas sa asculte. Glasul fetei lui s-a auzit din nou, parsiv, insinuant: “Te-ar excita sa sti ca am un amant, ca ma fut si cu altul, nu numai cu tine?” Cel din camera a gemut din nou, iar fata a continuat: “Ti-ar place sa ma lingi, dupa ce vin de la futut, si in timp ce ma lingi, sa te masturbezi, iar eu sa-ti povestesc cum m-am futut cu altul?”. Dinspre camera s-a auzit un strigat inabusit, apoi vocea rapusa de excitatie a ginerelui sau: “Ahhh, iubit-o, ce mult mi-ar place, fa-o, du-te, fute-te cu altul si apoi povesteste-mi” A mai auzit vocea fetei lui, chemandu-si sotul sa o linga, sa se masturbeze si sa-si imagineze cum va fi ea fututa de altul. A plecat catre camera lui, excitat, zicandu-si ca nu are dreptul sa-si judece copila, doar semana cu el, iar mai tarziu zvarcolindu-se in pat, fara sa poata alunga excitatia, si-a imaginat-o in bratele altor barbati, simtind ca imaginile acelea il starnesc, trezindu-i dorinta de a-si avea fiica.
In seara aceea, imbaiat, prospat ras, se pregatea sa plece la Club, dupa excitarea acumulata in ultimele trei saptamani de cand se mutase fiica lui la el, simtea nevoia acuta a unei descarcari plina de pervesiuni, care sa i-o mai scoata din cap pe Cosmina. Ajuns acolo, nu sa invartit mult prin incaperile scaldate in lumini multicolore. Pe la mesele joase, cu fotolii comode, special gandite pentru destrabalari, unele cupluri isi incepusera, deja, cautarile de parteneri, sau partenere, dupa preferintele si tipurile de perversiuni ale fiecarora. Se uita si el dupa o pereche, de care sa-i convina, si care, prin gesturile femeii, sa-l cheme la masa lor. Cand sa se hotarasca, a zarit-o pe Cosmina. Imbracata intr-o rochie cu nasturi, despicata pana la incheietura picioarelor, fara nimic pe dedesupt, dansa cu doi tipi ce o pipaiau in timpul dansului. L-a vazut si ea. s-a despins de langa parteneri, apropiindu-se de el. I-a zambit parsiv, si, oprindu-se in fata sa, l-a intrebat, tragandu-i frivola cu ochiul: - Am aflat ca vi si tu la acest Club. Sper ca nu te deranjeaza prezenta mea, e si placerea sotului meu, sa o pun cu alti barbati, si dupa aceea sa-i povestesc totul. Avea o voce ciudata, parca plina de sensuri ascunse, iar privirea, iscoditoare, era, in acelasi timp, ademenitoare, provocatoare. I-a privit, prin despicatura rochiei deschiata la primii trei nasturi, sanii goi, rotunzi, tari , a inghitit in sec simtind cum i se intareste madularul sub pantaloni si i-a raspuns ca ea isi face viata dupa cum si-o doreste, el nu are cum sa se amestece intre ea si preferintele sexule ale sotul ei. – E in regula, Liviutule, s-a mai alintat Cosmina, apoi l-a indemnat sa-si vada de ale lui, subliniind – O sa fiu si eu pe aici, sunt cu doi care vor sa ma futa, unul in fata sotiei, al doilea in fata logodnicei, ele, amandoua, sunt la o masa in apropiere. Poti sa privesti si tu, daca vrei. Fata lui s-a reintors la cei doi tipi, iar el s-a auzit strigat de la o alta masa, erau sotii Codreanu pe care nu-i remarcase. S-a dus la masa lor, excitat si tulburat de intalnirea cu fiica sa. Nevasta barbatului l-a luat in primire inca de cand s-a asezat pe fotoliu. Zicandu-i ca i-a fost dor de pula sa, l-a sarutat, l-a desfacut la slit si i-a scos-o din pantaloni, indemandanu-si sotul sa o priveasca ce face in fata lui si sa se mastrurbeze. Cu pula frecata de tanara doamana Codreanu, a cautat-o din priviri, pe Cosmina. Aceasta, la nici patru metri distanta, era pipaita si sarutata de cei doi barbati cu care dansase. Fata a sesizat ca este privita de tatal ei, i-a tras din ochi si a coborat cu privirea catre scula sa frecata de femeie. Si-a lins, cu voluptate, buzele si s-a intors cu tot trupul catre el. Barbatii au descheiat-o complet la rochie, dezgolindu-i tot trupul . Aflati in spatele ei, au inceput sa-i pipaie sanii, soldurile, picioarele. Se uita la Cosmina cuprins de o excitatie totala. Codreanca, venita pe fotoliul sau, si-a ridicat un picior, i-a potrivit-o la gaura, si s-a lasat in madularul sau viguros. In acel moment, in fata sa, unul din barbati a ridicat un picior fiicei sale, sprijinind-o de pieptul lui, iar al doilea, din lateral, i-a bagat-o. Si in timp ce, privita de sot, Codreanca intra si iesea din pula sa, fata lui era fututa in fata sa. S-a lasat in voia placerii, privind cum Cosmina este facuta posta, se uita cum intra, cand scula unuia in pizda ei, cand pula celuilalt. Cei doi o futeau, alternativ. Codreanca se terminase, si, in genunchi, incepuse sa-i suga pula, zicand sotului ei ca o sa vada sperma lui Liviu in gura ei. In timp ce savura placerea, se uita la Cosmina. Fata lui se asezase si ea in genunchi, tot cu fata catre el, iar prin lateral, cei doi si-o frecau repede cu varfurile in apropierea gurii ei. Cosmina isi lingea buzele, era cu gura intredeschisa catre pulele celor doi barbati si privea fix in ochii tatalui ei. Cand jeturile de sperma au tasnit catre gura fiicei sale, s-a terminat si el in gura Codrencei. Iar strigatele sotului ei, “Ahhhh, ce imi place, nevasta mea are gura plina cu sperma altui barbat”, nu l-au mai intaratat ca de obicei. Privea la sperma care se prelingea din gura fiicei sale, si, desi terminat, pula lui nu dadea semne ca se va inmuia. Dimpotriva, era, parca mai viguroasa ca oricand. Si-a indesat-o in pantalani si s-a indreptat catre unul din cele sase baruri ale Clubului. Simtea nevoia sa bea ceva tare. In minte avea, fierbinte, imagini ale fiicei sale facuta posta, cu sperma prelingandu-i-se din gura. A comandat dar nu a apucat sa bea. Ajunse si Cosmina langa el. Cu rochia complet desfacuta, cu sanii, picioarele si sexul dezgolit. S-a asezat langa el, pe taburetele inalt, si l-a intrebat, cu aceasi voce ciudata: - Te-a excitat sa vezi cum am fost fututa in fata ta?. Vad ca si acum o ai tare in pantaloni. A privit catre buzele fiicei sale. Ea isi scosese varful limbii si-l trecea parsiva, printre buze, intinzand urmele de sperma ramase in gura ei. L-a mai intrebat: - Te tenteaza sa ma saruti? A simtit un zvacnet excitant in pula, dar a dat din cap ca nu, iar fiica sa, l-a intrebat, din nou, punand perversiune in voce? – De ce, crezi ca, asa, cu gust de sperma in gura, ar fi un sarut incetuos din partea ta? Si-a apropiat capul de al sau, soptind languros: - Hai, fii pervers, iti dau voie si sa ma futi, daca vrei. I-a pus mana, pe deasupra panatlonilor, pe pula tare si i-a strans-o. Nu a mai rezistat. Si-a lipit gura de gura ei si i-a bagat, flamand, limba printre buze. Cosmina i-a raspuns, parsiva, la sarut, in timp ce il descheia la slit. I-a scos-o si l-a tras catre ea. Avea picioarele desfacute. Si-a simtit varful pulii frecat de pizda fiicei sale. Era fierbinte si lunecoasa. Si-a incolacit bratele dupa mijlocul ei, si in picioare, cu ea razimata de taburetele inalt, a penetrat-o, incept, voluptos, simtind cum intra, centimentru dupa centimetru in pizda fiicei sale. A bagat-o toata, iar ea, si-a incolacit picioarele dupa mijlocul sau, si, gemand de placere, rostea, privindu-l fix in ochii: - E nemaipomenit, asa te vreau, sa-ti futi fata, asa, fute-ti fata, fute-ti fata, termina-te in pizda fiicei tale. A dat drumul la sperma, strans incolacit de picioarele Cosminei. Apoi au ramas, cateva clipe, lipiti unul de altul, rasufland agitat. Satisfacuti, amandoi. Apoi au plecat catre iesire. Cosmina si-a inchis nasturii de la rochie, s-au aranjat, un pic, amandoi si au iesit. La parcare, a avut cea mai mare surpriza a vietii lui. Dintr-o alta masina, zarindu-i, a iesit, tot Cosmina. In aceiasi rochie cu nasturi, aceiasi fata, mimica, gesturi, identica cu cea de langa el. – Surpriza, a auzit, dinspre noua venita vocea cunoscuta a fiicei sale, ai avut placerea sa-mi cunosti sosia. Noi doua ne-am intalnit, acum trei ani si cum intre noi natura nu a pus alta diferenta decat vre-o 700 de grame, la greutate, si o nunata la voce, in rest nimic, una si aceiasi, ne tinem de sotii. Asta a fost ceva deosebit, cred ca ti-a placut. L-au lasat sa se dezmeticeasca. Abia atunci si-a dat sema de ce avea Comina o voce ciudata, era alta voce decat a fiicei sale. Fetele au ras, au barfit putin si s-au despartit, Cosmina, cea reala, ramand cu tatal sau. Au plecat cu masina inspre casa. Si-a intrebat, jenat, fiica, de ce a facut acest lucru, iar ea, privindu-l excitata, i-a raspuns: Am vrut sa vad care dintre noi doi este mai pervers. Eu nu am ajuns la gradul acesta de perversiune, incat sa ma fut cu propriul meu tata, desi (a facut o pauza, la privit fix in ochii, continund cu parsivenie) desi imi doresc acest lucru si, cine stie, poate, intr-o zi, am sa ajung si eu, la fel de perversa ca tine.

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Its Not about the Bike

It was the end of the week and I found, having completed all my work assignments that I had the Friday to myself. I threw back the duvet and looked out the bathroom window and seeing the cool yellow of a bright autumn day, decided to go for a morning ride.I grabbed a light breakfast, showered, shaved, put on my cotton undershorts, Lycra body-suit and grabbed my wind-cheating cycling top and headed out to town.It wasn’t long before I got into my rhythm and was pacing at a reasonable speed; I...

3 years ago
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The War1

He was married and had the most beautiful wife ever. I envied her. There were never really any women in the war. Only big dirty sweaty smelly men. Rob had naked pictures of his wife. Other men used to jack off to them when Rob wasn’t there beating his meat. I saw one of the letter’s his wife sent him, with more nudes and I got really jealous when she called him Daddy. Luckily, a big storm came in a day after and we were told mail could be backed up for weeks. During those couple weeks,...

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James Summer

It had been a long day. James found himself staring out of the window of the bus he had been sitting in for the last five hours, his bag full of clothes and other possesions sitting on the floor beneath the seat in front, cramming up his legspace. ”I’m gonna jump straight into the shower when I get home” he thought to himself as the scenery started to look more and more familiar. Returning home from college was going to be a refreshing change of pace, and a chance to recharge and earn some...

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BangBrosClips Vina Sky Vina8217s Sexy Beach Vacation Day 1

Vina Sky is one lucky girl this weekend. Her boyfriend is taking her on a beach vacation. The romance makes her so horny, and we get to see all of it! She teases him the entire car ride there by fingering herself and showing off her beautiful ass. They get to their first stop, a beautiful beach, and she makes sure no one is around so she can show off her naked body all around the public beach. They finally get to their hotel room and she wants to thank him properly for this vacation. She gives...

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Voodoo In HaitiChapter 5

Henrietta Nevins was one of those women who have been great beauties in their youth, and have led a life of elegance and worldly frequentation. She had been raised and kept within the wealthiest strata of society in whose circles she had shone with a beauty always enhanced by her costly elegance and refined sociability. Her education meant refinement and not precisely knowledge and her culture had the superficiality of an ornament and not the functionality of any given profession. In short,...

4 years ago
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The Coin

THE COIN.By  Miss Irene Clearmont.An adult drama in three parts in which women of strong temperament and passions play a vital part.Act IReign Of Irene, Empress Of The Byzantine Empire.Byzantium Late 797 AD. The island of Principo, Convent of St. George.Act IIReign Of Catherine The Great Of The Russian EmpireThe Russian Empire Summer 1750 AD. The palace of the Kremlin. Moscow.Act IIIIn The Midst Of The Russian Revolution.Revolutionary Russia Autumn 1919 AD. Lubyanka Prison, Lubyanka Square in...

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Sweet Little Lucy A Modern Day Fairy Tale

older girl more like nineteen or twenty. Lucy was a popular girl and doing well at school. Lucy had deep blue eyes and full soft lips and her pretty face was edged by long blonde hair. Her boobs were not large at 34C but on her slim frame they looked a lot bigger. They were firm with small delicate pink nipples while her waist was trim and her bum was, well peachy was probably the best way to describe it round yet firm. Lucy knew she attracted a lot of hungry stares from men...

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The Perfect Game Penultimate chapter

I woke to the sounds of a boardwalk bustling with people. I turned over on my side clutching my pillow close as if it was a lover. I was in a pretty good mood considering how little sleep I'd gotten. Then the memories of the night before all came barreling in at the same time. Andrew's arrival. The ring. My sudden desire to - Oh my God. Oh my God. Fuck. I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom, where I gargled three times and brushed my teeth twice, for a grand total of six...

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EvilAngel Ryan Conner Interracial Anal

Curvaceous, ass-blessed porn queen Ryan Conner flaunts her thick, cheeky rear and massive rack, teasing in a wildly revealing outfit. She worships black stud Prince Yahshua’s big black cock through a slobbery blowjob. Prince bends her over and fucks her pussy from behind. He throws her on the couch and drills Ryan’s asshole. Manhandling interracial anal reaming comes with filthy, ass-to-mouth fellatio. Finally, the blonde MILF drops to her knees as Prince splatters her with a hot...

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BigTitsRoundAsses Skyler Vox Skyler Vox Loves to Fuck

Skyler Vox is one of the hottest newcomers to the biz. She has a huge set of tits and a banging body to go with it. This week, we met up with Skyler to have some fun. First, she showed us her glorious tits outdoors by the pool. Watching her oiled up tits bouncing in the sun is a highlight all on its own. However, we didn’t stop there. Our boy Derrick Ferrari was the lucky bastard of showing this chick a good time. Skyler got her pussy stretched in several different positions before receiving a...

4 years ago
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A not so boring business trip to Chicago

I was boarding a plane to fly to Chicago; when I got a nice surprise.I heard my name and, as I turned my head back; I saw this beauty woman Donna, who was married to one of my old Bosses…She greeted me with a kiss on my cheek and asked if I was going also to Chicago. I could not believe this sexy lady would fly with me.Donna was a real trophy wife; a beauty redhead in her late forties, with nice round tits and a couple long legs to die for. She looked hot, wearing a tight dark green dress and...

2 years ago
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Chain Reaction 8211 Part 1

Hi my name is Vijay and this is the first part of my story chan reaction I hope you like it. I am 25 years old gym trainer with a good body and a 5 inch cock . Coming to the story…. Sunday morning 10:00am I finally made it to my new apartment, it had been really tiresome to relocate. So as soon a I was done shifting I just dropped dead on my bed… I guess it was around 1:00pm when I hear a door knock , I quickly got up and checked who it was…. As soon as I opened the door I was starstruck…...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Miranda 03022017

UNM English major Miranda is quite something. One of the rare college girls to grace our beds, she nevertheless believes the Porn industry is where she needs to be. With her gapped teeth and about 30 pounds too much on her small frame, 20 year old Miranda is probably not quite the pornstar material she hopes to be. But then again, BBW is a thing so if she adds a few pounds, she’s sure to find some niche to make sucking and fucking on camera a long term income strategy. The best part about...

3 years ago
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The Reunion Ch 04

‘I’ve never had sex in public before,’ she spoke quietly. ‘Attempted once, at the beach, but a cop nearly caught us. That killed the mood.’ They both laughed. ‘What do you think?’ ‘It might be exciting.’ His hand reached in between their bodies, rubbing her through her panties. ‘Mmm. Been waiting all week to feel you touch me again.’ He kissed her, and brought his hand around her neck to untie the straps of her halter dress. Once undone, his fingers trailed down her chest and pulled the top...

2 years ago
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Something Extra0

And I really had enjoyed dinner with this guy. He was quite funny which is always a turn-on. And he was just touchy-feely enough to make my heart flutter (and a few other pieces) but wasn’t forward enough to make me think I was just going to be another piece of tail. Not that I would have minded as this guy was CUTE. And built. I’d gone to extra lengths for this date too. Normally I’m pretty laid back on the whole girly-thing. My hair is short, black and usually a mess. I’m pretty pale as...

1 year ago
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FillUpMyMom Robbin Banx Uber MILF Wants Young Stiff Cock

Robbin Loco has been neglected by her husband lately. Being an absolute sexpot, this is totally unacceptable to her and she intends to get her dick fix. She approaches her stepdaughter Brookie Blair and asks for permission to fuck her boyfriend Robbin Banx. After her initial shock, Brooke can’t think of a good reason to not let this MILF get cocked by her man. Brooke just has to seal the deal with her boyfriend Juan and he says yes before the question is even finished. Robbin lets Juan...

3 years ago
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Mi VidaChapter 30

Still Dave's turn: Late summer on the Gulf Coast. Still pretty hot, but not like July and August. Friday when I come in from work I note that bags and boxes are ready for tomorrow's boat day. Carlita comes to me first, Brin right behind her. "We're ready for the boat. I looked at the weather. I have a plan." "I want to hear it," I said. Kissed her, then Brindy. "We want to go out in the gulf," Brindy said. "Lita tells me that you went out and tied up to a platform and spent the...

4 years ago
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Caught Up in You

I awake when his dick enters my ass. He wraps me tighter in his arms and spooned up against me. His hand grips my left breast through my night shirt. My left breast is closest to the mattress. I’m most comfortable sleeping on my left side. I am wrapped up by him and cannot move. I am caught up in his body. His dick begins long rapid thrusts inside me. I am dry so there is discomfort but only for less than a half a minute. His dick is releasing so much lubrication that soon he slides back and...

3 years ago
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The Right of the King

The Right Of The King Lorena Mae, 1995 He pulled back, spent, satisfied. The therapy room around him was institutional, cement brick with a cold stainless steel table dominating the space. She laid in the stirrups, softly moaning. He looked at her empty eyes in the midst of a beautiful face and wondered what she thought, if she thought at all. She had been in institutions for most of her life, unable to communicate or even control her body very much. He liked to believe...

2 years ago
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Raggedy Andy

I don't get frequent urges to rape. At least, not yet. I do have a normal side of life. I'm 19 years old and I attend a local community college. I live with my mother and a 16-year-old sister. My parents are divorced and we never see my father. I even have a regular girlfriend who's a willing sex partner. It's just I like a bit of variety. A little force is kind of exciting to me. It would take a mental health professional to explain so I won't try. I was checking out prospects when I...

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Maja With MIL

Hi all… I am Sam with another lovely experience happened b4 3 months with saradha who is my brother’s mothers in law’s sister. Saradha is nearly 37 with fair complex but little fatty with hip size of 36 and 5.5 feet height. She visited my brother’s house to attend one of her relatives marriage function at coorg by the time I also had a visit to my bro’s house. She asked my bro and his wife to join with her but they had other plans for the weekend. Then she asked me to join with her as she has...

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Bimbo Ch 03

‘What’s wrong? Why am I only meeting weirdos?’ ‘You just had bad luck, that’s all,’ Sam comforts her. ‘Everyone knows you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince.’ ‘What if all you’re kissing are a bunch of pigs?’ Ellenor moans. ‘Oh, that’s not fair! That hunk wasn’t a pig, he just had a very small dick!’ ‘AND he was a bad kisser,’ she points out. ‘What do you care, if it’s only a One Night Stand?’ She looks at him sternly. ‘I deserve good quality fucking EVERY time,’ she...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Gina Gerson Two Timing Nympho Up to No Good

Hands On Hardcore has got Russian nympho Gina caught on film getting up to no good in a 4K premium glamour porn event that you simply can’t miss. This dirty little brunette is sneaking around her boyfriend’s back, fucking his friend, Josh, and nearly being caught in the act. When the brown-eyed babe’s man Luca Ferrero walks in the room to find his all-natural lady sprawled out on the bed naked, he doesn’t realize that it’s because she’s just shoved Josh under...

4 years ago
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Another Friend in Need

I don't usually rework my stories, but one of the comments I received back about "A Friend in Need" suggested a few changes that the commenter thought would make a better story. I'm not sure that what I've done is what that commenter had in mind, but I've made some changes both minor and major. The story is the same in places as well as different in places. And I've changed all the character names, because, as far as I'm concerned, this is a different story than it...

2 years ago
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Business mixed with Pleasure

Somewhere in the back of her mind, Sunny Newman had always known that she had, on some level, used her attractiveness to gain an advantage in her business life. She would never freely admit it to herself, let alone anyone else, but deep down she knew that being young and flirtatious had helped her greatly in building her business. At only 33-years-old divorced mother of one child, living and owning a business in Burleson a town of 41,280. Burleson is appealing to many because of its easy...

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Der Schuhverkaumlufer

Vor ein paar Jahren machten wir eine Rundreise durch Kalifornien. Wir, das sind meine Frau Steffi und ich Jan. Steffi ist eine groß gewachsene geile Frau mit langen schwarzen Haaren, dicken Silikontitten, langen Beinen und einem herrlichen geilen Arsch. An einem der letzten Tage waren wir in einem Vorort von San Francisco in einem Motel abgestiegen. Wie es für Frauen normal ist wollte Steffi gern noch in einem Center schoppen. Es war schon spät am Nachmittag als wir ankamen. In einem bekannten...

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Forbidden Attraction 2

Introduction: You guys have been so good to me… Thank you for reading! Comment and inbox me thoughts and ideas. Two years had passed since Mr. Connor and I took our relationship to a new level. It was also safe to say that we had sex in almost every room in the school… And thats not an exaggeration. Our situation was quite complicated. Tim and I (he hated when I called him Mr. C if we werent having sex) were spending so much time together, but we werent boyfriend and girlfriend…but at the same...

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Service SocietyChapter 3 The Third Degree

Dexter was working on one of the exercise machines intended to develop his upper body. He had no idea what the machine was called, but he had nicknamed it ‘The Bastard,’ much to Samantha’s amusement. It was some sort of progressive resistance thing that always made him work for that last inch of extension. He figured that Samantha must have turned the crank up on it, today, because it was worse than usual. “So you had a date?” Samantha asked. Dexter grunted. He hated the The Bastard, but...

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My Wife Made Nude And Enjoyed By Stranger

I and my wife travelled to our native place which is a small village around 150 km from Lucknow. My wife’s name is Nisha. She is 34 years old and is very good looking. She has 34-sized breast. Her ass size is 36. My wife is tall and well-built and very active in the bed. We reached Lucknow late as our train was delayed. It was around 11 pm at night. There was no bus at that time and taxis were also not available. Since we were very tired, we thought of spending the night at my wife’s uncle’s...

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Drinks To Sex With Super Hot Aunt

Hi guys, hope you all doing fine. This is Naren, and this time I am coming with an incident happened to me last year. I hope you all will enjoy and like my experience which I am going to share with you all. The incident happened to me with one of my Aunt and her name was Ekta.She was around 33-35 years old, and was married to my uncle who was quite aged than my Aunt. At least there was 15-18 years gap between them. So coming back to the incident I used to live in Bangalore alone as I was...

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My New Life 9

My New Life, a story by Dee Ramone © D. Ramone 2018 My New Life is an erotic novel by D. Ramone featuring themes of chastity and cross-dressing and descriptions of sexually explicit acts which those of a sensitive nature may find not to their tastes. It is not suitable for such readers nor for anyone considered a minor by the authorities in their country of residence. My New Life is entirely a work from Dee Ramone and any similarities to places or people, either living or dead,...

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Carmens Friend Tony

I had been out shopping when I noticed a man kept watching me as I wandered throughout a store. I eventually sat down at a small food court and sure enough the man sat down opposite me at another table. A few minutes passed and he kept looking my way, then he suddenly got up and came over to my table. "Aren't you Carmen?" he asked I didn't know why, but he had a familiar look about him and so I answered "Yes" "You don't remember me do you?" he then asked. I studied him for a moment and still...

2 years ago
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Slow Erotic Seduction Of My School Sister 8211 Part II

Hi friends, continuing with my story let me confess one thing. My story is 80% true and 20% fiction. Events happened as I am describing here, and they were a pleasant surprise to me .i never believed that in one vacation I could be an audience and performer of a wonderful sexual odyssey . After arousing nidhi with my playful touch, I got the news that my parents are arriving soon from office and will be dropping us at our grandparents house for summer vacations as they are going to USA with...

4 years ago
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Rags to Reunions

Author’s note: This story is hard to categorize. Without giving away too much, it contains straight sex, group sex, voyeurism, a little bit of self-pleasure, a little bit of exhibition, humor, grudges, nostalgia, longtime crushes, memory lanes, and ten years of pent-up attraction between a boy-turned-man and our female protagonist. More than anything, though, it contains love, and for this reason, I file it under Romance. Enjoy! **** Lily had her chance to escape it. To resist that seductive...

2 years ago
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My Cunning Friend Bangs My Mature Mom Neha

Hey everyone, I hope you all are doing great. I am Raj from Mumbai with a fascinating incident for you all. I am a 19-year-old guy pursuing my degree. It all happened a few months back and today I am taking the courage to share it with you all. I used to stay with my single mom Neha who used to work for a marketing firm as a manager. She left my dad a couple of years ago. She is just 43 years old and a good-looking mature woman with a nice figure of 36-30-38. My mother had raised me very...

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As I approached the door, the voices and nervous chatter became clearer. My ex-wife, Barbara, who I'd divorced eight years ago, was giving her two cents on every issue. I heard the naive laughter of my youngest daughter, nineteen year old Tracy, and the protests of her sister, Kelly, the bride. Twenty-one years young and headstrong, when she had called to tell me she was getting married, my silence deceived the shock and disappointment, but I recovered enough to wish her the best of luck and a...

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