- 4 years ago
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Hello Everyone!
I want to start by saying that I appreciated all the feedback I got on Chapter 5. I appreciated some more than others, but I appreciated it all.
I apologize for the obvious mass confusion and the only explanation I can provide is that Chapter 5 was originally a lot longer, but I decided last minute to break it up. Obviously that wasn’t the best idea. My ass still hurts from the new one I was ripped about it, but I’m going to take everything in stride and assume that the reason for all the harsh backlash was because I’m this totally awesome writer and you guys expect something more from me. Right?? LOL. One can only hope…
Anyways I just want to say a big thanks to those of you reading this. Thank you for sticking with me and having faith that I’d somewhat mend whatever damage I did with Chapter 5.
Also thanks to those who gave the positive feedback giving me inspiration to continue.
Without further delay, I give you Chapter 6.
Or Chapter 5, Part 2….whatever…=)
Sloane watched as the concern on Gabe’s face dissipated into disbelief.
‘You can’t help me out here?’ Sloane thought she heard him say. She wouldn’t know cause the statement was directed more towards the heavens then to her.
‘Un-fucking-believable.’ Gabe said pushing past her in the direction of the door.
She heard that loud and clear.
‘Look, I’m not happy about this either.’ She said following him.
‘That’s not what I mean-‘ Gabe started to say, before stopping himself. He didn’t want to fight with her. Instead, he centered his strength on yanking hard on the door.
‘What are you doing? I already told you it’s locked.’
Gabe ignored her and kept trying anyways. His efforts were futile. Aggravated he turned to face her, ‘Give me your phone.’
‘Don’t you think I would’ve thought of that?’
‘Sloane!’ He snapped before lowering his tone, ‘Just give me your phone. We’ll call someone. They’ll come up. Crisis averted.’
Sloane opened her mouth, then snapped it shut, ‘I kind of don’t have it.’
‘I must’ve left it in your room. Along with my clutch.’ Sloane said, telling herself mentally that she needed to stay calm.
‘You seriously need to have that damned thing taped to you.’
‘Why don’t you use your own damned phone?’ Sloane replied. She watched Gabe feel his pockets and his jacket. His face broadcasted the outcome, ‘Of course you don’t have it.’
‘We wouldn’t be in this predicament if some genius didn’t come up here in the first place!’
‘Who’s the idiot that chased me up here?’ Sloane replied heatedly as Gabe sucked in a strained breath to calm himself. He spoke after a long minute.
‘Okay we need to call a truce. Arguing isn’t going to change the fact that we’re stuck up here and God only knows how long that’s going to be.’
Sloane eyed him up curiously. He was serious.
This was going to be interesting.
‘Fine. A truce it is.’ She shrugged as casually as she could before excusing herself to take refuge on the far wall.
The sooner she got away from Gabe the better. She needed remain calm around Gabe or who knows what she’d say. The last thing she needed was getting upset and saying something she’d regret. Sloane shuddered at the thought of Gabe’s reaction if she let her secret slip.
It wasn’t the only thing that gave Sloane chills.
She wrapped her arms around her shivering body. The temperature had dropped since she was out on the terrace earlier in the evening, not to mention the wind was a little stronger up on the roof. As she leaned back against the wall, the cool surface sent more chills down her spine.
‘Here take this.’ Gabe said. She watched as he shrugged out of his jacket and handed it to her.
‘I’m okay, but thanks for the g-g-gesture.’ Sloane declined politely, unable to stop the involuntary chattering of her teeth, ‘It’s not that bad.’
‘Quit being stubborn and take it.’ Gabe said tossing it to her before taking a seat beside her.
Sloane was too distracted with pleasure her body felt from warmth his jacket provided to remember that she was trying to stay away from Gabe. Still warm from his body heat, Sloane almost pulled the lapels up to smell his scent on it when she remembered herself.
‘This is where you say, Thank you Gabe,’ Gabe said watching her closely.
‘Thank you Gabe.’ Sloane repeated monotone.
‘Why, you’re very welcome Sloane.’
Neither said anything for a long time after that. When the silence between them was bordering on extremely awkward, Gabe glanced at Sloane only to see her twisting the edges of his jacket, staring ahead wide eyed. She looked so tense. And nervous. He locked eyes with her when she snuck a peek at him out of the corner of her eye, before she bit her lip and quickly looked forward again.
Gabe couldn’t help but laugh.
‘What’s so funny?’ Sloane asked strained.
‘You need to chill out.’ Gabe said laughing, ‘You’re so tense over there, you’re making me nervous. You don’t have to worry, I’m sure there are a number of things we can talk about that doesn’t leave you wanting to kill me and me wanting to strangle you.’
‘Don’t be so sure of yourself…’ Sloane murmured.
‘What was that?’
‘Nothing.’ Sloane responded quickly. ‘What have you been up to?’
As long as she could keep Gabe talking about his favorite subject he wouldn’t ask her about what she had been up to. And then she wouldn’t have to worry about lying to him more than she already had.
‘Not telling the entire truth is still lying’ she often told Ethan.
She was such a hypocrite.
The lie she had told her family all those years ago replayed in her mind, ‘It was a one night stand. The guy was from out of town, he doesn’t even know.’
She had tried to justify the grave statement by telling herself it wasn’t a complete lie. So maybe it was a two night stand. But she did live in California, so technically Ethan’s father was from out of town.
And he sure as hell didn’t know.
After she told her parents about her pregnancy and scandalous conception, Sloane swore she heard her father’s uproar all the way from California.
Abortion was something Sloane briefly considered before throwing the idea out the window. When her father realized that she wasn’t going to have one, he told her to return to Reston immediately…or else he’d fly out to California and drag her back.
His threats relented only after a combined task effort from her mother and grandparents. Sloane would stay in California only if she moved in with her grandparents after Ethan was born. When Sloane decided to stay, her father took her decision as a blatant act of defiance resulting in an unspoken strain on their relationship. Sloane had always been a daddy’s girl, so the drastic change devastated her.
She soon learned it was the first in line of many changes.
Sloane was sure she wouldn’t make it to her due date, she had gotten so huge in fact that she had went to the doctors numerous times to induce labor. Her son apparently inherited her stubborn gene and came a week after his due date. Sixteen grueling hours later Ethan had been born and Sloane’s life changed forever. With her scholarship intact for the next year, Sloane spent the summer settling into her grandparents’ home and adjusting into her new role in motherhood. When school started again in the fall, Sloane traded college parties and whatever sliver of a social life she had for a part-time job and a life dedicated to her son.
Had it not been for her grandparents’ unwavering support, she wouldn’t know how she would’ve gotten through the most difficult and most trying year. The heavy workload for the school year was only intensified by the stress of being a new moth
er. Not to mention a single mom.
‘Me and you, baby. It’s just me and you.’ Sloane would say often after coming home to Ethan drained and exhausted after a long day, especially during the times when the loneliness threatened to consume her.
‘Hello…Earth to Sloane.’ Gabe said drawing her out of her thoughts, ‘How are you going to ask me a question then zone out on me?’
‘Sorry, it’s been a long day.’ Sloane replied, ‘I’m a little worn out.’
‘Between Walker and JJ, I’m surprised you had anything left in you.’ Gabe said jokingly, causing Sloane to shudder at the thought of Walker. Gabe laughed at her reaction, ‘You didn’t seem to mind Walker when you kissed him earlier.’
‘You’re lucky you came out when you did. I was about to show Walker exactly what was on my mind.’ Sloane said. Gabe knew she was good for it, ‘At least I was able to walk away from Walker looking decent and not like I rolled around in the sandbox. Seriously? Was a tackle necessary?’
‘I thought I was saving you.’ Gabe chuckled, trying to defend himself, ‘You should actually be thanking me.’
‘Oh right.’ Sloane said sarcastically, ‘Thank you Gabriel Jennings for ruining my dress and messing up my hair. Oh and I think you messed up my elbow so thanks for that too.’
‘Very funny,’ Gabe replied, ‘I meant that you should be thanking me for helping you look more like yourself now then you have all night.’
‘Oh thanks…’ Sloane said offended.
‘Don’t look all hurt. You could be wearing a potato sack and still be beautiful.’ Gabe replied.
‘Listen to that line…’
‘It’s no line. I just have to say that it’s weird seeing you all put together. Shiny.’ Gabe said distantly, ‘Perfect.’
He was still lost in thought when he looked at Sloane’s gorgeous face. His conscience flashed danger, he cleared his throat, ‘You know, compared to the car wreck you were.’
‘This close to being a gentleman for once in your miserable existence,’ Sloane said gesturing with her thumb and pointer fingers, ‘Then you go and ruin it with an asshole statement like that.’
‘Creature of habit,’ Gabe smiled sexily down at Sloane.
‘So I’ve noticed.’ Sloane said returning his smile.
Locking away her dangerous feelings, they both succeeded in avoiding the big elephant in the room, or more appropriately, on the rooftop. She listened to Gabe talk about how he went against his father’s hopes of him being a lawyer in lieu of becoming a detective. When Gabe said that he had recently started his own private detective agency, Sloane tried to control her paranoia.
It would be nothing for him to look her up and discover the truth.
Unfortunately, the only savior from her paranoia was guilt.
With the absence of Ethan as she recapped the last 6 years of her life, not only did she confirm with herself how lackluster her life was without him but it left big holes in her timeline.
‘That’s what happens when leave out the most important thing in you life,’ her conscience scolded.
‘So was everything okay with Ethan?’ Gabe asked suddenly, successfully stopping Sloane’s heart.
‘Ethan?’ Sloane squeaked out.
‘Oh come on now. I was standing right next to you when Jude told you to call him. Friend… emergency…remember…?’
‘Right, my friend Ethan.’ Sloane said slowly, breathing out a sigh of relief, ‘Yeah, he’s fine. Everything is fine.’
‘Ethan is lucky to have a friend like you.’ Gabe said.
‘I’m the one lucky to have him. He’s like a kid really.’ Sloane said, smiling at her little inside joke.
‘Which probably explains how you were able to handle JJ.’ Gabe commented.
‘What do you mean?’
‘You’re a natural when it comes to that kid,’ Gabe said, ‘Between Connor and JJ, I don’t know how Jackson and Layla do it. Children are a handful.’
‘Interesting,’ Sloane said quizzically.
‘Oh come on, don’t pretend that you didn’t notice,’ Gabe looked her humorously, ‘Little Jackson Jr. is wild.’
‘He’s not so bad. He actually seems tame compared to mine.’ Sloane said mindlessly before realizing what she had just said. ‘Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god…’
‘Mine?’ Gabe asked.
‘Uh…mine? Mine…’ Sloane said grasping for a recovery, ‘Mine friend! I mean, my friend’s son.’
Gabe eyed her curiously, ‘You’re English is horrible. You need to get a refund from that college.’
Sloane couldn’t help but laugh. In the last minute alone she had went through so many highs and lows it was bound to end in mental breakdown.
Gabe eyed her curiously, clearly aware of her skittish behavior, ‘You’re acting very strange, you know that?’
‘I’m just tired.’ Of lying.
‘Clearly.’ Gabe said.
Their conversation carried on easily to Sloane’s surprise. Their playful banter didn’t escalate to the heated arguments they usually did. Sloane caught glimpses of the man from that night all those years ago invoking feelings from all those years ago.
She wasn’t sure how much time had passed when she let a yawn slip. Her eyes grew heavy as she laid her head on Gabe’s shoulder and listened to the soothing nature of his voice.
Gabe’s eyes shot open. He looked around trying to remember where he was.
Sloane shifted against him and he suddenly became very aware that he was hard and even more aware of her body tucked into his. She was fit perfectly against him, resting her head on his arm as she curved her body intimately into his. He had his arm tucked around her waist, pinning her against him.
He’d been catching up with her before realizing she was fast asleep. Rather than wake her, it seemed easier to lay down with her. He had watched for a long time. Fighting the jealousy that surged through him every time she had murmured ‘Ethan’ in her sleep.
This was torture. He wanted her. Which was completely crazy. He reminded himself that Sloane was leaving soon.
His logic was lost with a groan when he felt her stir against him. He felt every inch of her against him. She stretch lazily, rubbing herself over his stiff cock before she turned in his arms to face him. She opened her eyes and blinked up at him.
‘Hello.’ She said breathily.
‘Hello yourself.’ Gabe said.
‘Why are you looking at me like that?’ Sloane asked, squinting up at him.
‘You snore.’ Gabe said smiled down at her.
‘No I don’t!’ Sloane said wide eyed.
When she opened her mouth Gabe pulled her up to meet his lips.
Six years of pent up emotion came to a head as Gabe delivered a punishing kiss. Sloane kissed him back, unable to tear her mouth away from his.
The sound of fabric tearing and rustling of clothes echoed into the night as he covered Sloane with his body. He felt her hands all over him as she untucked his shirt and unbuttoned his pants. He shifted quickly, spreading her thighs for him and pinning her underneath him. He groaned when she slipped her hands down and gripped his ass. He nearly lost it when she started grinding herself up and down the front of his pants, her thong and his pants acting as the final barrier to where he wanted to bury his cock most.
As he soon as he slid his pants down, he lifted one of her legs to wrap around his waist. He was unable to control the grin that spread across his lips when he found that she was wet and ready for him.
She moved her thong aside and grabbed his cock, lining it up for him. He moved her hand away and rubbed it along her slit, ‘What do you want Sloane?’
‘Please,’ she whispered and watched as his nostrils flared. She moaned when she felt him begin to push inside, whimpering when he stopped.
‘Tell me what you want Sloane.’ Gabe demanded.
‘Gabe,’ Sloane breathed out roughly, her eyes staring daggers up at him, ‘Do. It.’
‘Not until you tell me what you want.’ Gabe continued to tease.
He was unpr
epared for the quick shove that Sloane gave him resulting in him staring up at the night sky.
He looked just in time to watch her swing her leg over his body. She sat on his exposed cock, rubbing herself up and down his length of his shaft but not allowing him to enter.
She shifted slightly grazing her clit against him causing her to gasp with pleasure. Gabe watched spellbound as she bit her bottom lip, throwing her head back and repeated the motion. When she looked down at him to start unbuttoning his shirt, she resembled nothing of a sex vixen. Her green eyes seemed to glow with anticipation as her dark hair was mussed as if they already had sex. Most tempting was her full lips swollen from kisses.
‘A little eager, aren’t you?’ Gabe chuckled, staring up at Sloane amazed.
‘Feel free to stop me.’ She retorted, raising an eyebrow at him but not stopping her task of unbuttoning his shirt.
She frowned slightly when she got the dress shirt open only to reveal the other shirt he had worn underneath, ‘You have way too much clothes on.’
‘Let me help you.’ Gabe said sitting up as he shrugged off dress shirt and pulled the other up and off of him. His movement moved Sloane back onto his muscular thighs.
‘Much better.’ Sloane replied, kissing him hard on the mouth while she rubbed her hands all over his chest.
Gabe used his free hands to seize her hips and bring her closer to his waiting cock.
‘Tell me who’s the eager one now, Gabe?’ Sloane taunted seductively against his mouth. She was using his own words against him. He grinned against her lips as she lined his cock up at her entrance.
‘Show me what you want, Gabe.’ She said seductively licking his lips.
He responded by gripping her hips and shoving hard, filling her completely to the hilt. Sloane cried out as Gabe went stiff with blinding pleasure.
When he managed to get a hold of himself, his body was coated in a cool sweat. Luckily she hadn’t moved. He slightly loosened the death grip on her hips to raise her off of him. He slid back in, feeling her walls clench around him as he entered her deeply for the second time. She was tight and her muscles clamping down on him was making it harder from him to concentrate on not bursting before she reached her pleasure.
Slow and steady, Gabe thought, slow and steady.
Gabe filled her deeper than she remembered. Before she had a chance to register the initial discomfort, he gripped her hips and raised her off of him. If it was possible, Sloane felt him go even deeper when he slid back in. He took it slow thankfully, but after a few minutes his leisurely pace was driving her crazy.
Sloane gripped his shoulders as she took control. She met his thrust and moaned when it forced him deeper inside of her. He hissed her name when she did it again. He slapped her ass and spread her cheeks and when he thrusted up again, he sunk another inch of himself inside of her.
‘Oh god…’ Sloane moaned as she started riding him harder, grinding her clit against him.
‘That’s it, babe.’ Gabe moaned, moving her on him. She threw her head back in ecstasy, squeezing her eyes shut as she let Gabe fuck her from beneath.
She started to feel the familiar build up inside of her when he stopped abruptly. She tried to move but he tightened his grip on her hips to stop her movement. She opened her eyes to see him staring at her wickedly before flipping her over and pinning her underneath him.
‘Hold on,’ Was the only warning he gave as he wrapped her legs around his waist and slammed back inside of her. The air left her lungs and she raked her nails down his back so hard, she probably drew blood. He withdrew slowly and pushed her thighs open so far it was almost painful. When he locked eyes with her, he looked like a man possessed. She squeezed her eyes shut when we slammed back in roughly, drawing out a moan. Before long he was slamming in and out of her tight wet cunt.
The sex was rough and raw and Sloane reveled in it. The sounds of their moans and frenzied coupling echoed in the night. Not holding back as his powerful body pounded into hers relentlessly, he reclaimed her body with a vengeance.
When Sloane started coming she bit her lip to refrain from shouting his name. Her resistance went unnoticed to Gabe, who roared her name as his seed filled her. He slumped down on top of her kissing her neck as he came down.
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xmoviesforyou------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Awesome Anne is as attractive, as effectively Anne found out that As she often serves in mass very early in the morning. She is very dutyful to serve the Lord, so she usually is first to enter, those cold mornings. Anne doesn't stop praising the tasty teen. This time, for her offering us lots of hours of free time for us three, thanks her key. So she...
Hi readers this is Alex again with a new encounter which happened with me a couple of days ago. And this time I was very lucky to have this experience with a very hot mature lady and I would love your feedback on my story. I’d been asked by my next door neighbors(Mrs. and Mr. Rao) to keep an eye on their house, which is in another locality (they stay as our neighbors in a flat, but they have a very big villa at the outskirts) while they were away on holiday. They where a nice couple, pretty...
Hi.i m telling my first experience to all of u. This was happened when i was 18 year old.meray walad ka transfer jub hamary apnay aabai illaqay mein hooa tu mein us waqat 9th class mein partha tha. Hamary kafi rishtaidar jis mohalay maien rahtay thay walad nay b usi jagga gahar khareeda.meray walad kay kuch cousins nay kuch buffalows Rakhi hoi thein aur wo unka doodh farookhat kartay they. Wahan say doodh lanay ki duty meri laga dee gai.mereay in rishtay kay chacha kay ghar mein un kay...
She was a looker all right--fine coat, double-breasted button-down pink blouse with black trim and with a knee-length skirt that hugged her bottom-- and it was a bottom that deserved to be caressed. Long dark hair, fair skin, green eyes emphasized with perfect makeup and lipstick the color of an oriental ruby. She was tall and firm on five-inch heels and her jewelry looked like the real thing. Her purse might have cost as much as my car. No one in Ruby's could stop looking.Normally the girls at...
LesbianThink of training in three phases:1. Basic Training - is required to make permanent the rebalancing of the sexual roles central to a hot wife/cuckold marriage2. Advanced Training - is for couples who seek a deeper expression of cuckold devotion and preparation for the third phase3. Fetish Training - is where you build on your newfound perspectives to explore a variety of previously unimagined pleasures...Why is Training Necessary?We are all conditioned to accept a limited and distorted view of...
Fred was relieved when the door to their cell opened. Not that she expected to escape; it just provided a distraction from her clit. It was becoming harder and harder to keep her hands away from it. "Hey, hotties," Cunt Lustly gushed at them. "Me and the sluts need to know if you girls want to come down to my place." "You expect me to believe you'd let us leave with you?" "No, silly," Cunt dismissed. "I, like, live here. All us sluts with cool new names live here." It took a...
I was bent over so far that my forehead was resting on my knee, I didn’t know who it was who was fucking me this time, Callum or Sam. Each time I tried to turn round to see I was shoved back the other way. I didn’t really care, I was enjoying myself too much. I moaned, the sound echoing off the tiles of the bathroom making it sound as if I was embroiled in a full on gang bang. My unknown lover pulled his cock out of me right to the huge pulsating head, paused and then thrust it back inside of...
Thanks for the massive support for my Previous story ( My chat friend Kavitha with her First time) This is the second part of the story, Sorry for the delay, and my previous story I got hell lot of mails to my inbox, but I didn’t get any comment or likes on the ISS page, So please if you like my story, please rate your comments and like the story, who all are wanted to contact me personally still can send mail, and I will revert to maximum mails too. Let me start the story, She was exhausted...
Sven started to withdraw from inside me and I felt the stretched walls of my rectum closing down on the empty void as he retreated. My bum felt sore and bruised but it was also tingling deliciously from the fucking he'd just given it. I couldn't believe how hard I'd cum while his massive hard knob was tearing back and forth across my prostate. Every time he stroked forward, as soon as the engorged head rubbed against it, a long rope of cum had spewed forth from the end of my cock. He'd...
I have written earlier about how I am living a cuckold life now at age 61. There are few stories I have about what happened early in our marriage that probably led to my current lifestyle. This is all very true and I suppose this is where it all started. In the early 80s, my wife and I lived in Shreveport for 5 years; I had transferred from the Dallas area. We had one experience where another man came into our love making. (You might want to read my story (An Anniversary To Remember.) In...
Wife LoversLee and Max get some good news, and some not so good news. They settle things with the bad guys. Fate takes a hand, while someone out of Rosa’s past appears and causes a crisis. Includes a double occurrence of forced non-consensual homosexual sex. If you find that objectionable, sorry. Otherwise, enjoy. Jb7 A Dish Best Served Cold Ch. 7 Max lay back on the exam table, her feet in the stirrups. Squirming around, looking for a comfortable position, she wondered, not for the first time, “Is this...
My hands shook as I ripped open letter four. A tiny amount of spunk dripped onto the envelope before I discarded it. After reading the first few lines, I glanced at the towel on the bed. Picking it up, I cleaned the spunk from my face and body, but not before I swallowed every drop I could rescue.I had to wear the blindfold again. I had to kneel on the bed facing the headboard. I rang the bell in anticipation of the next session and placed my hands behind my back as instructed.This time I...
FetishRegardless of the title of this story, I have to admit right up front that our family was not a family that one would say was "loaded with culture". In fact, my sister Ronnie was not really a ballerina and had never been to a ballet. If the truth be known, she was not even a very good dancer. This story is about the time my cute younger sister Ronnie decided to wear a ballerina costume to a costume party being sponsored by the Police Athletic League on the West Side of town. My name is Louie...
My ex-girlfriend’s boyfriend is now really pi**ed off by this blog about her. Well, let me see if I can annoy him even more, by telling all you guys about how she flaunted her naked body to two guys.I used to be a keen amateur photographer and for my birthday, Sarah agreed to model for me at a photographic studio in the city of Bath, in the UK.She said ‘Let’s take a bottle of wine with us. I loose my inhibitions a lot more after a drink or two’. Oh boy, did she! We arrived at the studio and...
Hi stories readers! I am follower of this site from last 2 years and now I am narrating the story which was real incident happened last month, so moving in to story directly without any bluffing. I am 27 with 5.8 heights, fit personality and from Hyderabad. Heroine of this story is my colleague’s girlfriend. I joined recently to new company and transferred to Mumbai at client location .I found one colleague and his name is jai. He is cool guy and we become friends with in short time. As I was...
"This is an extract from a longer story that I'm posting as a toe in the water, so please forgive some of the clunky explanations and let me know if you like it or perhaps more importantly if you don't like it. thanks."I walked across the factory floor again, same time every day, well I had to pick up the figures, I was going to be in a lot of trouble if the reports weren’t done on time. Smiling and joking with some of the workforce as I passed by, then taking a deep breath before knocking and...
BDSMCarly left her meeting with Linda and headed home. Carly felt better for having told Linda about Stephen's phone call. But on the other hand, she had even more questions about the strange call in which Stephen thanked his mom for her willingness to talk about his sexual problems with his wife Paige. And then, needing intimate contact with someone, masturbated while Carly was still on the phone with him. Carly again reminded herself that Stephen was clearly extremely lonely. And that he and...
As she returned from the restroom, Daniella saw MzDominica talking with Janie the waitress, who nodded, turned and left. Daniella arrived at the table and sat down -- making sure to keep her legs spread, just as Mistress required. Dominica turned toward her slave and quietly asked, "Do you have something for me, slave?" Daniella was still holding the key in her palm. "Of course, Mistress," she replied. Despite everything, she found herself blushing as she lifted her hand, and stretched...
Hello everyone, writing this 3rd one after a long gap. I’m jay, 5’8″ athletic built, fair guy just looking for hook-ups. Coming to the story, it’s about a lady named “Rini” in mid 30’s who taught me the meaning of satisfaction. She was fair, 5’4 with a curvaceous body.. Huge but working as a banker, lived alone. I met her 2 years back at the gym. She was a serious type of person as in her age should be. She looked after her body very well, used to do a lot of squatting and was regular at the...
I have known Marie for a few years, due to my job, she is a lady , of about 57, short dark hair , nice boobs, and a nice well rounded bottom .One day last week she was really down in the dumps, so I asked her what was up, she said a friend, had told her about a sexual expierence with a man , and it had got her , a bit randy as she is a widow, and not had a man for a few years.Anyway I ended up chatting away , and she asked me if I would like to come round to her,s for a drink that evening , so...
"I've been thinking," Cynthia said. They were holding hands as they walked down the hall to the Computer Lab. "Careful, you could hurt yourself." "I know, and I promise not to do it very often in the future. No, what I was thinking was how people are consciously making Claiborne like other schools, socially speaking of course, despite the programming." "Oh? How so?" "We're pairing up, just like at other schools. We hold hands, we eat lunch together, and we hang out...
A little about my self my names rebecca i live alone im 27 and about my body im a curvy girl that men and women love some say plump i say the right size for passion It was a hot sunny day and was laid in the garden reading some stories on literotic on my laptop. Working on my tan I was only wearing a tight black two piece bathing suit that clinged to my curves and accentuated my large bust. I was drinking a bottle of wine with ice because it was so hot the stories and the wine got to me and...
This is an old story my husband wrote on Literotica after we did a roleplay. Hope you all enjoy it.._____________________________First off, I'll be polite and I'll introduce myself. My name is Rick. I live in a little dingy floating on the banks of the Seine. I used to work as a trash collector in my thirties and now I'm pretty much unemployed after I was fired because one of the guy's who's thrash I used to clear had me fired for doing something that him and my employer both found pretty...
“More,” she said with a smile. Her husband continued pouring cream into her coffee. “More,” she said again, not even noticing the strange look that he shot her. “Say when,” he said. “Please,” she replied instead. “More...” “More,” she grunted. “Please. Please ... I need more.” Her husband tilted his head to the side. “You mean ... harder?” “Yesss,” she moaned. “Harder. Faster. More.” “Okay,” he replied, and resumed thrusting, as hard as he could. The next morning, Gia was all...
Becky and I exploring together...part 1I met Becky through her dad. He was my immediate supervisor and over the summer I believe that he saw that I had a good work ethic, was respectful to others, and always went the extra mile to make sure our customers were satisfied. I would be willing to bet that he didn't foresee how Becky and I would put those qualities to use. From the moment we met I was enchanted with her beauty. Her golden blonde hair was just past her shoulders in length,she didn't...
On Tuesday morning, although I was still very tired, I did my push-ups. I then jogged over to the Y and swam. After that, I looked in on the martial arts class and saw Annie kicking the air. She saw me and smiled, but quickly refocused on the teacher. I watched for about ten minutes, and saw that there were people at different levels, and that some were even beginners. In my estimation, there were about twenty people in the class, made up of two-thirds male and one-third female. Before...
ravenhawk12I feel as if I may have lost a few years off my life, let alone be able to get it up again.....yes...she's THAT amazing!!Yet, as we look at each other, that scalding gaze she's giving me as she casually fingers herself very slowly, I knew I had to do something....or i may temp fate...and death....and attack her once more!Then, i idea.I stand, her smile growing and her fingers speeding up their self-assault, as she watches me walk around the bed. At the side i stop,...
I had been in my office for maybe a half an hour after lunch with one of my buddies and a salesman and Kim when there was a light knock on the door. I looked up and saw the round face of our administrative analyst. Yeah, a less gentle generation would've called her 'unit clerk' or 'secretary' or just kept her femaleness out of the place entirely. I found her competent and likeable. "Heard you're getting married," she said. "News travels fast. Buzz met 'er at lunch." "Sixteen?...
Mera naam rohit hai age 23 saal,meri body kafi aachi hai me ek it company me kaam karta hu meri family gaon me rahti hai hum logo ke paas kafi khate badi hai, meri family me maray maa baap aur meri badi maa hai jiska naam rupa hai,wo mera pita ke bada bahi ke wife hai yani ke mera bada papa ke,unki aur unka do beta ke muat ke accident me ho gai the karib do saal pahela,rupa ke age 45 saal pati aur betao ke maut ke baad rupa akali ho gai the meri family rupa ke bahut care karti hai,baat tab...
Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Sven Falk Discovering about the Altar of Souls sent my emotions tumbling. To have something tangible we could search for meant we were closer to destroying the amulet. I was closer to losing my sister. And yet ... if no one knew where it was, we could spend months, even years searching for it. I could savor my time with her, revel in her presence. I shouldn’t be so selfish. I had Ava, Aingeal, Zanyia, and Nathalie. Even Greta was worming her...
Koby was the perfect name for a young man looking for sexual adventure, at barely 21 and in his first year at the local Jr College was the only young man on the School Cheer leading Team! Being a young black male had given his male school chums all sorts of unflattering things to comment on, as to his manliness! However being around a bunch of young white college girls that were still in puberty and interested in experimenting with sex and especially interracial sex. Had easily given way...
Going a bright red, the two girls retreated to their own sides of the table to finish their meals quickly so they could escape all of this attention.* * *"Considering how much complaining you did about my trip to that shoe store," the older teen observed dryly, "I can't believe you've dragged me in here."Intently studying the racks of clothing in front of her, Ruth dismissed the argument out of hand. "That was different. All you were doing was drooling over some stupid shoes that you could...