Liar Ch. 06 free porn video

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Hello Everyone!

I want to start by saying that I appreciated all the feedback I got on Chapter 5. I appreciated some more than others, but I appreciated it all.

I apologize for the obvious mass confusion and the only explanation I can provide is that Chapter 5 was originally a lot longer, but I decided last minute to break it up. Obviously that wasn’t the best idea. My ass still hurts from the new one I was ripped about it, but I’m going to take everything in stride and assume that the reason for all the harsh backlash was because I’m this totally awesome writer and you guys expect something more from me. Right?? LOL. One can only hope…

Anyways I just want to say a big thanks to those of you reading this. Thank you for sticking with me and having faith that I’d somewhat mend whatever damage I did with Chapter 5.

Also thanks to those who gave the positive feedback giving me inspiration to continue.

Without further delay, I give you Chapter 6.

Or Chapter 5, Part 2….whatever…=)




Sloane watched as the concern on Gabe’s face dissipated into disbelief.

‘You can’t help me out here?’ Sloane thought she heard him say. She wouldn’t know cause the statement was directed more towards the heavens then to her.

‘Un-fucking-believable.’ Gabe said pushing past her in the direction of the door.

She heard that loud and clear.

‘Look, I’m not happy about this either.’ She said following him.

‘That’s not what I mean-‘ Gabe started to say, before stopping himself. He didn’t want to fight with her. Instead, he centered his strength on yanking hard on the door.

‘What are you doing? I already told you it’s locked.’

Gabe ignored her and kept trying anyways. His efforts were futile. Aggravated he turned to face her, ‘Give me your phone.’

‘Don’t you think I would’ve thought of that?’

‘Sloane!’ He snapped before lowering his tone, ‘Just give me your phone. We’ll call someone. They’ll come up. Crisis averted.’

Sloane opened her mouth, then snapped it shut, ‘I kind of don’t have it.’


‘I must’ve left it in your room. Along with my clutch.’ Sloane said, telling herself mentally that she needed to stay calm.

‘You seriously need to have that damned thing taped to you.’

‘Why don’t you use your own damned phone?’ Sloane replied. She watched Gabe feel his pockets and his jacket. His face broadcasted the outcome, ‘Of course you don’t have it.’

‘We wouldn’t be in this predicament if some genius didn’t come up here in the first place!’

‘Who’s the idiot that chased me up here?’ Sloane replied heatedly as Gabe sucked in a strained breath to calm himself. He spoke after a long minute.

‘Okay we need to call a truce. Arguing isn’t going to change the fact that we’re stuck up here and God only knows how long that’s going to be.’

Sloane eyed him up curiously. He was serious.

This was going to be interesting.

‘Fine. A truce it is.’ She shrugged as casually as she could before excusing herself to take refuge on the far wall.

The sooner she got away from Gabe the better. She needed remain calm around Gabe or who knows what she’d say. The last thing she needed was getting upset and saying something she’d regret. Sloane shuddered at the thought of Gabe’s reaction if she let her secret slip.

It wasn’t the only thing that gave Sloane chills.

She wrapped her arms around her shivering body. The temperature had dropped since she was out on the terrace earlier in the evening, not to mention the wind was a little stronger up on the roof. As she leaned back against the wall, the cool surface sent more chills down her spine.

‘Here take this.’ Gabe said. She watched as he shrugged out of his jacket and handed it to her.

‘I’m okay, but thanks for the g-g-gesture.’ Sloane declined politely, unable to stop the involuntary chattering of her teeth, ‘It’s not that bad.’

‘Quit being stubborn and take it.’ Gabe said tossing it to her before taking a seat beside her.

Sloane was too distracted with pleasure her body felt from warmth his jacket provided to remember that she was trying to stay away from Gabe. Still warm from his body heat, Sloane almost pulled the lapels up to smell his scent on it when she remembered herself.

‘This is where you say, Thank you Gabe,’ Gabe said watching her closely.

‘Thank you Gabe.’ Sloane repeated monotone.

‘Why, you’re very welcome Sloane.’

Neither said anything for a long time after that. When the silence between them was bordering on extremely awkward, Gabe glanced at Sloane only to see her twisting the edges of his jacket, staring ahead wide eyed. She looked so tense. And nervous. He locked eyes with her when she snuck a peek at him out of the corner of her eye, before she bit her lip and quickly looked forward again.

Gabe couldn’t help but laugh.

‘What’s so funny?’ Sloane asked strained.

‘You need to chill out.’ Gabe said laughing, ‘You’re so tense over there, you’re making me nervous. You don’t have to worry, I’m sure there are a number of things we can talk about that doesn’t leave you wanting to kill me and me wanting to strangle you.’

‘Don’t be so sure of yourself…’ Sloane murmured.

‘What was that?’

‘Nothing.’ Sloane responded quickly. ‘What have you been up to?’

As long as she could keep Gabe talking about his favorite subject he wouldn’t ask her about what she had been up to. And then she wouldn’t have to worry about lying to him more than she already had.

‘Not telling the entire truth is still lying’ she often told Ethan.

She was such a hypocrite.

The lie she had told her family all those years ago replayed in her mind, ‘It was a one night stand. The guy was from out of town, he doesn’t even know.’

She had tried to justify the grave statement by telling herself it wasn’t a complete lie. So maybe it was a two night stand. But she did live in California, so technically Ethan’s father was from out of town.

And he sure as hell didn’t know.

After she told her parents about her pregnancy and scandalous conception, Sloane swore she heard her father’s uproar all the way from California.

Abortion was something Sloane briefly considered before throwing the idea out the window. When her father realized that she wasn’t going to have one, he told her to return to Reston immediately…or else he’d fly out to California and drag her back.

His threats relented only after a combined task effort from her mother and grandparents. Sloane would stay in California only if she moved in with her grandparents after Ethan was born. When Sloane decided to stay, her father took her decision as a blatant act of defiance resulting in an unspoken strain on their relationship. Sloane had always been a daddy’s girl, so the drastic change devastated her.

She soon learned it was the first in line of many changes.

Sloane was sure she wouldn’t make it to her due date, she had gotten so huge in fact that she had went to the doctors numerous times to induce labor. Her son apparently inherited her stubborn gene and came a week after his due date. Sixteen grueling hours later Ethan had been born and Sloane’s life changed forever. With her scholarship intact for the next year, Sloane spent the summer settling into her grandparents’ home and adjusting into her new role in motherhood. When school started again in the fall, Sloane traded college parties and whatever sliver of a social life she had for a part-time job and a life dedicated to her son.

Had it not been for her grandparents’ unwavering support, she wouldn’t know how she would’ve gotten through the most difficult and most trying year. The heavy workload for the school year was only intensified by the stress of being a new moth
er. Not to mention a single mom.

‘Me and you, baby. It’s just me and you.’ Sloane would say often after coming home to Ethan drained and exhausted after a long day, especially during the times when the loneliness threatened to consume her.

‘Hello…Earth to Sloane.’ Gabe said drawing her out of her thoughts, ‘How are you going to ask me a question then zone out on me?’

‘Sorry, it’s been a long day.’ Sloane replied, ‘I’m a little worn out.’

‘Between Walker and JJ, I’m surprised you had anything left in you.’ Gabe said jokingly, causing Sloane to shudder at the thought of Walker. Gabe laughed at her reaction, ‘You didn’t seem to mind Walker when you kissed him earlier.’

‘You’re lucky you came out when you did. I was about to show Walker exactly what was on my mind.’ Sloane said. Gabe knew she was good for it, ‘At least I was able to walk away from Walker looking decent and not like I rolled around in the sandbox. Seriously? Was a tackle necessary?’

‘I thought I was saving you.’ Gabe chuckled, trying to defend himself, ‘You should actually be thanking me.’

‘Oh right.’ Sloane said sarcastically, ‘Thank you Gabriel Jennings for ruining my dress and messing up my hair. Oh and I think you messed up my elbow so thanks for that too.’

‘Very funny,’ Gabe replied, ‘I meant that you should be thanking me for helping you look more like yourself now then you have all night.’

‘Oh thanks…’ Sloane said offended.

‘Don’t look all hurt. You could be wearing a potato sack and still be beautiful.’ Gabe replied.

‘Listen to that line…’

‘It’s no line. I just have to say that it’s weird seeing you all put together. Shiny.’ Gabe said distantly, ‘Perfect.’

He was still lost in thought when he looked at Sloane’s gorgeous face. His conscience flashed danger, he cleared his throat, ‘You know, compared to the car wreck you were.’

‘This close to being a gentleman for once in your miserable existence,’ Sloane said gesturing with her thumb and pointer fingers, ‘Then you go and ruin it with an asshole statement like that.’

‘Creature of habit,’ Gabe smiled sexily down at Sloane.

‘So I’ve noticed.’ Sloane said returning his smile.

Locking away her dangerous feelings, they both succeeded in avoiding the big elephant in the room, or more appropriately, on the rooftop. She listened to Gabe talk about how he went against his father’s hopes of him being a lawyer in lieu of becoming a detective. When Gabe said that he had recently started his own private detective agency, Sloane tried to control her paranoia.

It would be nothing for him to look her up and discover the truth.

Unfortunately, the only savior from her paranoia was guilt.

With the absence of Ethan as she recapped the last 6 years of her life, not only did she confirm with herself how lackluster her life was without him but it left big holes in her timeline.

‘That’s what happens when leave out the most important thing in you life,’ her conscience scolded.

‘So was everything okay with Ethan?’ Gabe asked suddenly, successfully stopping Sloane’s heart.

‘Ethan?’ Sloane squeaked out.

‘Oh come on now. I was standing right next to you when Jude told you to call him. Friend… emergency…remember…?’

‘Right, my friend Ethan.’ Sloane said slowly, breathing out a sigh of relief, ‘Yeah, he’s fine. Everything is fine.’

‘Ethan is lucky to have a friend like you.’ Gabe said.

‘I’m the one lucky to have him. He’s like a kid really.’ Sloane said, smiling at her little inside joke.

‘Which probably explains how you were able to handle JJ.’ Gabe commented.

‘What do you mean?’

‘You’re a natural when it comes to that kid,’ Gabe said, ‘Between Connor and JJ, I don’t know how Jackson and Layla do it. Children are a handful.’

‘Interesting,’ Sloane said quizzically.

‘Oh come on, don’t pretend that you didn’t notice,’ Gabe looked her humorously, ‘Little Jackson Jr. is wild.’

‘He’s not so bad. He actually seems tame compared to mine.’ Sloane said mindlessly before realizing what she had just said. ‘Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god…’

‘Mine?’ Gabe asked.

‘Uh…mine? Mine…’ Sloane said grasping for a recovery, ‘Mine friend! I mean, my friend’s son.’

Gabe eyed her curiously, ‘You’re English is horrible. You need to get a refund from that college.’

Sloane couldn’t help but laugh. In the last minute alone she had went through so many highs and lows it was bound to end in mental breakdown.

Gabe eyed her curiously, clearly aware of her skittish behavior, ‘You’re acting very strange, you know that?’

‘I’m just tired.’ Of lying.

‘Clearly.’ Gabe said.

Their conversation carried on easily to Sloane’s surprise. Their playful banter didn’t escalate to the heated arguments they usually did. Sloane caught glimpses of the man from that night all those years ago invoking feelings from all those years ago.

She wasn’t sure how much time had passed when she let a yawn slip. Her eyes grew heavy as she laid her head on Gabe’s shoulder and listened to the soothing nature of his voice.


Gabe’s eyes shot open. He looked around trying to remember where he was.

Sloane shifted against him and he suddenly became very aware that he was hard and even more aware of her body tucked into his. She was fit perfectly against him, resting her head on his arm as she curved her body intimately into his. He had his arm tucked around her waist, pinning her against him.

He’d been catching up with her before realizing she was fast asleep. Rather than wake her, it seemed easier to lay down with her. He had watched for a long time. Fighting the jealousy that surged through him every time she had murmured ‘Ethan’ in her sleep.

This was torture. He wanted her. Which was completely crazy. He reminded himself that Sloane was leaving soon.

His logic was lost with a groan when he felt her stir against him. He felt every inch of her against him. She stretch lazily, rubbing herself over his stiff cock before she turned in his arms to face him. She opened her eyes and blinked up at him.

‘Hello.’ She said breathily.

‘Hello yourself.’ Gabe said.

‘Why are you looking at me like that?’ Sloane asked, squinting up at him.

‘You snore.’ Gabe said smiled down at her.

‘No I don’t!’ Sloane said wide eyed.

When she opened her mouth Gabe pulled her up to meet his lips.

Six years of pent up emotion came to a head as Gabe delivered a punishing kiss. Sloane kissed him back, unable to tear her mouth away from his.

The sound of fabric tearing and rustling of clothes echoed into the night as he covered Sloane with his body. He felt her hands all over him as she untucked his shirt and unbuttoned his pants. He shifted quickly, spreading her thighs for him and pinning her underneath him. He groaned when she slipped her hands down and gripped his ass. He nearly lost it when she started grinding herself up and down the front of his pants, her thong and his pants acting as the final barrier to where he wanted to bury his cock most.

As he soon as he slid his pants down, he lifted one of her legs to wrap around his waist. He was unable to control the grin that spread across his lips when he found that she was wet and ready for him.

She moved her thong aside and grabbed his cock, lining it up for him. He moved her hand away and rubbed it along her slit, ‘What do you want Sloane?’

‘Please,’ she whispered and watched as his nostrils flared. She moaned when she felt him begin to push inside, whimpering when he stopped.

‘Tell me what you want Sloane.’ Gabe demanded.

‘Gabe,’ Sloane breathed out roughly, her eyes staring daggers up at him, ‘Do. It.’

‘Not until you tell me what you want.’ Gabe continued to tease.

He was unpr
epared for the quick shove that Sloane gave him resulting in him staring up at the night sky.

He looked just in time to watch her swing her leg over his body. She sat on his exposed cock, rubbing herself up and down his length of his shaft but not allowing him to enter.

She shifted slightly grazing her clit against him causing her to gasp with pleasure. Gabe watched spellbound as she bit her bottom lip, throwing her head back and repeated the motion. When she looked down at him to start unbuttoning his shirt, she resembled nothing of a sex vixen. Her green eyes seemed to glow with anticipation as her dark hair was mussed as if they already had sex. Most tempting was her full lips swollen from kisses.

‘A little eager, aren’t you?’ Gabe chuckled, staring up at Sloane amazed.

‘Feel free to stop me.’ She retorted, raising an eyebrow at him but not stopping her task of unbuttoning his shirt.

She frowned slightly when she got the dress shirt open only to reveal the other shirt he had worn underneath, ‘You have way too much clothes on.’

‘Let me help you.’ Gabe said sitting up as he shrugged off dress shirt and pulled the other up and off of him. His movement moved Sloane back onto his muscular thighs.

‘Much better.’ Sloane replied, kissing him hard on the mouth while she rubbed her hands all over his chest.

Gabe used his free hands to seize her hips and bring her closer to his waiting cock.

‘Tell me who’s the eager one now, Gabe?’ Sloane taunted seductively against his mouth. She was using his own words against him. He grinned against her lips as she lined his cock up at her entrance.

‘Show me what you want, Gabe.’ She said seductively licking his lips.

He responded by gripping her hips and shoving hard, filling her completely to the hilt. Sloane cried out as Gabe went stiff with blinding pleasure.

When he managed to get a hold of himself, his body was coated in a cool sweat. Luckily she hadn’t moved. He slightly loosened the death grip on her hips to raise her off of him. He slid back in, feeling her walls clench around him as he entered her deeply for the second time. She was tight and her muscles clamping down on him was making it harder from him to concentrate on not bursting before she reached her pleasure.

Slow and steady, Gabe thought, slow and steady.

Gabe filled her deeper than she remembered. Before she had a chance to register the initial discomfort, he gripped her hips and raised her off of him. If it was possible, Sloane felt him go even deeper when he slid back in. He took it slow thankfully, but after a few minutes his leisurely pace was driving her crazy.

Sloane gripped his shoulders as she took control. She met his thrust and moaned when it forced him deeper inside of her. He hissed her name when she did it again. He slapped her ass and spread her cheeks and when he thrusted up again, he sunk another inch of himself inside of her.

‘Oh god…’ Sloane moaned as she started riding him harder, grinding her clit against him.

‘That’s it, babe.’ Gabe moaned, moving her on him. She threw her head back in ecstasy, squeezing her eyes shut as she let Gabe fuck her from beneath.

She started to feel the familiar build up inside of her when he stopped abruptly. She tried to move but he tightened his grip on her hips to stop her movement. She opened her eyes to see him staring at her wickedly before flipping her over and pinning her underneath him.

‘Hold on,’ Was the only warning he gave as he wrapped her legs around his waist and slammed back inside of her. The air left her lungs and she raked her nails down his back so hard, she probably drew blood. He withdrew slowly and pushed her thighs open so far it was almost painful. When he locked eyes with her, he looked like a man possessed. She squeezed her eyes shut when we slammed back in roughly, drawing out a moan. Before long he was slamming in and out of her tight wet cunt.

The sex was rough and raw and Sloane reveled in it. The sounds of their moans and frenzied coupling echoed in the night. Not holding back as his powerful body pounded into hers relentlessly, he reclaimed her body with a vengeance.

When Sloane started coming she bit her lip to refrain from shouting his name. Her resistance went unnoticed to Gabe, who roared her name as his seed filled her. He slumped down on top of her kissing her neck as he came down.

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Cyber Sex

"You're pretty and funny and I'm beginning to like you in a way..."He couldn't finish. Clara's big brown eyes were melted pools of chocolate at the Doctor's words."... now Clara, untie me quickly. He's hibernating between chess moves, but I don't know when he'll be back."Clara hesitated for a moment, but the Doctor's vulnerability moved her. She ignored her instincts and rushed around the back of the chair to fiddle with the knots. When his torso was free the Doctor reached down and loosened...

3 years ago
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A Look A Touch A Breath Ch 01

What attracts us to one person and not another? I sat pondering this thought on my back deck. Smoking a cigarette and sipping my wine. The stars were out, sky was clear and the moon was three quarters full and shining off my wine glass. Sitting on the lounge chair in my ‘Life is Good’ pajama bottoms and tank top, I looked for an answer in the swirls of dark liquid spinning in my glass. My hair stirred about my face as a light wind in the middle of May blew across my life. ‘Stacey! Are you...

3 years ago
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Gifts of the Future Ch 05

Rickie Estevez tracked down Cadet Karen Moss a few days after Brad and Barbie Seldon’s wedding and reception when Jay Hanson told him that Karen’s family lived somewhere in Pasadena. He looked up her driver’s license information, found her address and rode his new Harley out to the valley to hunt her down. He just had to know if she’d felt the same thing he did when they’d first touched and, if so, why she had avoided him the rest of that day… Her family owned a modest middle class home in a...

4 years ago
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Neighbour Thi Meri Girlfriend

Mera name piyush h!! Aur main mumbai m rehta hu!! Mera land 7 inch ka h aur meri joh girlfriend h uska figure ek dum perfect h uska name shalini h sare ladke collage m uske pichhe gumte h akhir gumme bhi kyo na ek dum gori chiti thi phir perfect figure aur height but bhachpan ki dosti hone k karan voh meri gf thi aab m sidha story p atta hu Ek barr uske dada-dadi aur mere dada-dadi , voh aur main gumne k liye mahabaleshwar gaye toh vaha puche toh muje uska behaviour kuch alag laga voh muje kuch...

2 years ago
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Company Christmas Party

My name is Jim and after finishing college, I got a job in accounting at a small company. I looked and looked for a job, and finally had a job interview with this company in late September, and was hired as of October 1 st . The company had several small stores that sold women’s jewelry and accessories, and I was responsible for keeping track of inventory, credit card transactions, and payroll. With the inventory, I was to keep the buyer aware of items that hadn’t sold for a long time, as well...

1 year ago
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How a Passionate Night With a Gay Male Escort Changed my Life

I came out as gay to my parents when I was around 25 years old. I knew that I wasn’t attracted to girls, but I was finding it difficult to have a meaningful relationship. I wanted hugs and cuddles, quiet nights with my partner just watching a movie and hot sex of course! I did meet attractive men of my age, but most were just wanting to have fun or wanted to explore. I wanted more, something more long term. And I guess it was because of this, that I didn’t find many partners. My sex partners...

2 years ago
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Magdalene House

CHAPTER I: SAINT & SINNER At the age of twelve Bess Scanlon was branded a whore and sent to the Sister’s of Mercy. Cast out in shame, the bloodless brides of Jesus branded her a temptress, never bound for heaven. Women who never glimpsed their wombs, who wilt the grass they walk upon and leech the light from the room, never took her into their hearts of stone. So in this heartless place of charity, the brides of Jesus beat her, to redeem her sin. Even at her tender age, Bess was just a whore. ...

1 year ago
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Popping Babies Cherry

I sat with my feet up on recliner stool waiting for the news to come on and the husband to come home and see me. I had shopped and bought the sexiest little piece of lingerie I could humanly find. It was black with red lace over the top, it was a nice push up to lift my full ample breast to look like two soft pillows of creamy white flesh. There were nice holes cut around my areola so that my pink hard nipples shown through. At the hips were small little tuffs of ruffles that ended in a...

3 years ago
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Pantyhose with Megan

The next week I went again to the charity shop to meet Megan. I was once again wearing my sheer to the waist tan pantyhose with the gusset removed. I arrived before her and studied the dvd's and books before moving on to the lingerie. I had selected a pair of stockings and a couple of pairs of pantyhose and had also found some very nice see through panties and a suspender belt when I noticed that there was another guy also studying the lingerie. He looked a bit unsure and embarrassed as if he...

3 years ago
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My stepdaughter and her father come to stay but was frightened by a storm

The storm was getting nearer the thunder was louder now than it had been moments ago. With looks of worry was on both their faces they decided to go to bed to hide from the approaching storm. I was pretty tired so I followed them up to my room shortly after I had been in bed about an hour when there was a clap of thunder over the house. I heard them moving about and there was a tap on my door, “Can we join you in here to hide from the storm?” They did not wait for a reply but both...

4 years ago
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Powerful Bodies

Agents Carla and Dorian scanned the folder on their desk. In just the past year, people with extraordinary powers had been appearing all over the world. "This is insane," Carla whispered. "Giants, invisible people, elementals, some of them are practically gods." "You think they'll turn against the organization?" Dorian asked. "Doubtful," Carla said. "They seem to be naked and very lustful. Most of our surveillance shows them having sex with people of similar powers." "Then they could be an...

2 years ago
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I Lost My Wife In A Beauty Parlour 8211 Part 2

I am Vikram married to a very beautiful girl now a woman Madhu. She was very aggressive and cooperative in sex but she had few reservations. This you have read in first part. Vikram was not knowing that on the night before departure when he & wife both got drunk, house servant a young boy, 5 years younger to Madhu, fucked her with her full knowledge. After he filled cunt she allowed him to sleep with her. But she also did not know that servant tasted cunt which she has kept husband deprived...

2 years ago
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Sinful Passion

I would like to start by saying that this is a NON-FICTIONAL story. This really happened, to me....I fantasize about it every chance I get..I have this great friend, who was married to someone I knew. He and she weren't always getting along. My love life sucked, my husband had left me to join the ARMY and I was hanging out and just having "fun".This friend and I would hang out at his bar and play cards. We had fucked before and it was really good, and this particular night, I wanted him...ALL...

3 years ago
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Losing My Virginity To My Neighbour Aunty 8211 Part 2

Hello friends, let me introduce myself. I am Gautam Nanda from a place near Hyderabad. I have completed my MBBS and presently working in Hyderabad. I am of 6 feet having a physically fit body. I had been away from ISS for a long time and experienced many sexual funs. But never got time to update them. So let’s start with the second half of my virginity story.  I think you remember my Shobha Aunty. She was a 37 years old sexy lady with a figure of 36-32-34. I cannot forget the fun she gave me. I...

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what do they wantPart 1

My husband likes me to dress in sheer revealing tops, go braless in the house and wear short micro mini skirts with no panty or just sheer and even crotchless panty.I never had suck clothing articles and the feel of the material was in itself arousing against my nipples especially. I am a Filipina and have very large nipples even when not aroused. My husband loves them and has even had me go to public places such as grocery stores, parks, malls, etc with no bra and clingy stretched cotton...

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Me Jiju And Didi Ki Chudai

Hi, I am Sneha from Muradabaad. I had done engineering and now married and having nice family. Come to the story when it was happened, I was from village culture and have one elder sister and mom dad. Didi badi thi aur unho ne bhi engineering chemical m ki thi. Aaj se karib 6 saal phele didi ki shaadi ho gayi. Jiju bhi engineer hee hai, and he is my and only my jiju. Hamari family bahut simple thi aur boyfreind hona ya aisa kuch bhi kabhi possible nahi tha. Dil m icha to hoti thi per culture...

3 years ago
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Impersonating BrianneChapter 4

The next two days in Las Vegas passed quickly. Wednesday morning, Alan woke up and went back to his seminars. Marissa took the rental car and ran some errands. After a quickie and then lunch, the two were in the exhibition hall, closing a sixty-five thousand dollar deal on some equipment for the restaurant's kitchen. Afterwards, he went back to his meetings, and she went back to the blackjack tables. The conference had a banquet that night. The pair ate and danced in their own little...

3 years ago
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What Are You Doing HereChapter 2

Once the cash transaction was complete, I escorted June to my car. She smirked a little bit while climbing into it -- I'd had friends tell me it was like riding a skateboard, but it was the closest thing to a sports car within my budget limitations until the three years of alimony payments I had to put out to wifey number two elapsed. Fortunately, that wouldn't be much longer -- I kept telling myself that. As I pulled up to the lot entrance, I said, "Where to?" "Turn left," she...

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Two online friends meet for drinks

This is a story of when an online friend, Ashley, came to visit me in my hometown. Well really she was in town for work, but she made it a priority to make time for me one evening. My family was out of town for a bit of R&R and I had a golf tournament. Ashley and I are both married and dedicated to our vows, so we won't physically cheat. But neither of us were getting any passion or sensuality in the sexual department with our spouses and it can be depressing and frustrating. Ashley and I love...

2 years ago
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Ridden by Joanna

RIDDEN BY JOANNAPART 1 - RIDING AND SEXMy ex-girlfriend, Joanna, was a professional rider. Horseback riding, pony training, even horse breaking at times were the pleasures she enjoyed much. For a girl born in Montana, having a huge horse farm, that was somewhat natural. Her mother, as well as her younger sister, Ann, were successful equestriennes too. Myself, as a guy born in a huge city, passion for horses was a completely strange feeling. I had no talent for riding and I hated doing things...

3 years ago
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Masters Birthday

I have notice lately my Master has been very upset lately he has been growling alot more even at me some. I had decided it was time for some time off. Now just have to find the right one for him for in the state of mind he is in. Not just any soul will do oh no. A sweet young soul with the desire to taste the wild side of life. One that needs to be taught how to obey and please my master's every wish and desire. And if she touches him in the wrong way I will beat her myself!We'd plan to meet...

2 years ago
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Shopping Trip

I like to consider myself a nice guy. Not monogamous but a nice guy, regardless. This is a semi-true story of an encounter that I would love to have happen again. My job as a supervisor required that I verify data as it comes in via the phone with a lab to ensure no one tampered with the outcome. That's how I met Toni. I had been talking to Toni for over a year and had become sort of long distance friends, not unlike those that develop on the Internet today. I never had the opportunity to...

1 year ago
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Bill N HaleyChapter 5

Bill’s turn: Friday, the day before the wedding. When I pulled my company car (they gave me a sedan instead of a mini-van, last time around) into my driveway, my little SUV was already there. Haley’s driving it now. Insurance? Screw ‘em. Tomorrow I’ll send ‘em a notification that I’m married and my WIFE is driving it. I’ve seen Haley’s driving. She’s careful. Thought we could risk it. I walk in to see Haley and Deena sitting on the sofa. That’s not an unusual thing. I’ve had the two of them...

1 year ago
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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 45

The landing was, according to the older gentleman, just about perfect. The Goose is an amphibian and RCAF Station Rockliffe had a seaplane ramp for Royal Canadian Air Force flying boats. The Goose landed on the runway ... not the river. The old gentleman’s allergies must have been bothering him because he resorted to a florid handkerchief quite a bit as he narrated a quick history of the airfield. The saddest part of the impromptu history lesson was the changes to the base as it was being...

4 years ago
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Studentenleben in der WG

Ich bin vor einigen Wochen in eine WG gezogen, da mehr waehrend meinem Studium nicht drinnen war und ich hatte Glueck. Die Mitbewohner waren allesamt sehr nett und ich verstand mich praechtig mit den anderen 3. Da waeren zum einen Julia, 22 Jaehrige BWL-Studentin und ein sehr heisses Geschoss. Blonde lange Haare, super Koerperbau mit prallen Titten und einem ´Knackarsch der sich sehen lassen konnte. Neben ihr war auch noch Thomas, 21 Jahre, Auszubildender Elektriker in Besitz eines Zimmers und...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 494

Thank olddave195 for this one: Busty Mary Ann was stopped on her way into church by the self-appointed old biddies. They complained her overly developed chest was distracting the preacher. “I’m sorry but it is what nature has given me. What do you suggest I do?” “Well”, replied biddy #1, “perhaps you could rub alum on them when you dress next Sunday.” So Mary Ann did and the following Sunday presented herself for inspection. Biddy #2 approved. However as the preacher stood to announce...

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Santas Reindeer Pony girls

Santa’s Reindeer Pony girlsBy Sarah        I bet you are all familiar with Santa’s reindeer.  Their names are Dasher and Dancer, Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid, Donder and Blitzen.  And on those stormy nights, Rudolph joins as the lead reindeer.  But those are just the names of the regular magical creatures Santa keeps at the North Pole.  Santa and his elves also keep a herd of enslaved pony girls at the North Pole, to help deliver presents to the fetish community.  And believe you me,...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Madison Summers Tempts Black Stepdad

Naughty blonde cutie Madison Summers has a thing for big black cocks, specifically her stepdad Rob Piper’s. And how can he resist the temptations of the pretty young thing? Whenever the mom is away, the horny duo take the opportunity to fuck just as they do in this interracial Penthouse porn. The ebony stud sucks on her all-natural 32C tits, and the petite stepdaughter hungily takes his girthy dark manmeat in a blowjob, before getting her tight shaved pussy pounded in doggy style and...

1 year ago
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New Summer Outfit

Ginny knew that buying her new summer outfit had been a mistake. It seemed fine when she tried it out in the shop, hidden by the heavy brown curtain. Perhaps a little skimpy for a woman in her early forties, but didn’t she have a new spurt of youth since her separation? In fact, in the shop, twirling around, patting her bum, pushing up the heave of her bosom, pulling in her stomach, she reflected that she really didn’t look bad at all. Many younger women looked much worse than her. But other...

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Hot sand Hot Blow Job

“Morning! Going up to the lake today. Come with!” I read the text from my friend Grace as I ran on the treadmill. Puffing a bit as I finished the fifth and last mile, I mentally reviewed my to do list for the day. A day at the beach sounded much more fun than tackling the mountains of laundry waiting for me in the laundry room. Without a qualm for the guilt my flashing-neon-to-do list was trying to inflict upon me, I gleefully abandoned my plans for a chore day. “beach sounds great. Time? Who...

3 years ago
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A nice night after a nice dinner

A nice night after a nice dinner Victor and I had a romantic dinner outside at a nice restaurant that night. On our way home, my loving husband said I was dressed so sexy that he could not wait to reach our bed to fuck me… he told me he would look for a dark lonely place where we could have sex… He drove along a country lane until we reached a dark quiet car park. There was nobody parked there, then Victor stopped the car and turned to me. That night I was dressed really sexy, a short black...

1 year ago
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Power Of Want

I decided to attend David's party along with my sister Diana. I noticed David looking at me, and I was looking at him. Something clicked between the two of us the moment our eyes met, my legs all of a sudden felt like jelly and my body was tingling and felt hot with pure want. I decided to walk over to him, swinging my hips slightly in my golden, silk, racy dress. We talked for a while about business and life in general but that soon got boring, we knew what we both wanted. He slipped his arm...

Straight Sex
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City of Sex

You are Jacqueline Nereleb, a member of the city of Ravnica. You're an extremely attractive young woman. You're about 5' 5", very curvy, with full ripe breasts and firm shapely thighs. Your pretty face is framed by long dark hair. Your body gets you a lot of attention from people which you thoroughly enjoy. Today, you turn 18, and you have to start making a life for yourself. Your plan is to join one of the guilds, make it big, maybe even guildmaster, and live as peaceful a life as you can in...

2 years ago
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Fatimas escapades Part 3

Fatima paced anxiously in the living room waiting for Irfaan to pick her up for gym. This was all his idea. He'd ended up being the same stranger from the park. She couldn't believe her handsome stranger had turned out to be the same guy she was supposed to meet as a marriage proposition. Her father's business partner had wanted Fatima and his son to meet each other.Irfaan was delighted to find out that Fatima was the same woman from the park. He'd been afraid that he'd never see her again....

4 years ago
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The Sea Whore

This story was written for the enjoyment of Adults only.  Please feel free to send me comments on my work,  I love hearing from you.  Send any comments to [email protected].                    THE SEA WHORE                     Written by 4play                                                         Chapter 1:  The CaptureJohnny     The day was sunny and warm as I headed east on I-10 from Tucson.  I was driving my new BMW convertible with the top down.  My car had been an early graduation...

1 year ago
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Having Sex with My Patient

My name is June and I’m a registered nurse. I was working at the hospital for a couple of years, but then have gone into private nursing. The money is a little better. I care for a few different patients. Most of the time, it’s just helping the patients take their medicine or giving them injections.I have a few patients that I care for in their private homes. My favorite patient is a man name George. He’s just so sweet and caring. His family lives out of state. His daughter had called the...


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