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This is a bit different for me. While there are two sexual encounters, the focus is more on the romance between characters and the story line related to it. So if you’re looking for the characters to jump in to bed together by the third paragraph, you may want to read a different story.

Thanks to my friends who continue to encourage my writing.




‘I’m a liar. There’s no better way to put it. I’m a liar and I’ve always been a liar. To flippantly say that I’ve lied about a few things doesn’t even begin to describe it because I’m not some run of the mill, average, every day, liar. It’s not like, I’m the guy who lies about how many drinks I had after work or why there are lipstick marks on my collar. It’s not that I lie about my income or exaggerate about my last round of golf. I wish it was that easy to explain. It’s not, it’s far worse than that. I’m a professional liar. My father was a professional liar before me and I learned from the best.

In 1974 we moved to Pittsburgh, PA. That’s where we spent a good portion of my teen years so in many ways, that’s home. Once again, my brother and I were thrust into a new school system and a new social environment where we would once again be called upon to lie about our family, our past, and our future. My whole childhood was clouded in secrecy and stealth, going from one last name to another. Sometimes we suddenly disappeared and mysteriously moved to another state within days.

The cover story I was taught for Pittsburgh was that my father had just retired from the Air Force as an officer in a division that required a fairly high security level. He supposedly had taken a job with a local accounting and consulting firm. But he actually worked for the CIA. My brother and I didn’t know the full extent of what his assignment was, nor will we ever know why we were in Pittsburgh. What we did know is that we were called upon to once again forget our past and memorize a new past, new names, new telephone numbers, new address, and a new reality.

I became rather good at it, in ways that often made my mother lose sleep at night. My brother on the other hand often struggled with the concept of being a liar. Mom spent hours quizzing him on his new cover, trying to get him to memorize the back story so confidently that he wouldn’t trip up in some social setting. Try as he might, he was always the weakest link in our family of liars.

I don’t know if it was that he had moral objections to being a liar, or if he was simply not as good at taking on a new character every time we moved. I hate to say it, but the fact that he couldn’t lie as well as I could made me think my brother wasn’t as smart as I was.

Unlike my brother, I took being a liar as a challenge. I would not only accept the new name and background, I’d develop a whole new personality for each new name, thoughtfully considering the back story and coming up with just the right personality traits and habits to go with the name.

As a junior high school student I found it rather easy to take on yet another new reality. It was all a game. Even my accent could morph slightly with each character I played. My personality could change in an instant. Just the mention of one of my ‘realities’ and I would change personality like putting on a different color robe. Guess I’ve always understood the concepts you hear from actors about ‘what’s my motivation?’ and ‘becoming the character’.

My name is Brad ‘Max’ Wright. Or is it? Hell, sometimes I get a bit confused as to who I really am. Now, if someone would call me Andrew, or Seth, or Martin, I’d respond. But I’d respond differently to each name based on the cover story, background, personality, accent, and even a different sexual orientation of that reality. It’s a trained response from living the life of a liar.

My talent as a liar was carefully developed through the years and honed by the very best. Recruited to the FBI during my college years, I was given detailed instruction on the fine are of being a liar. They trained me so well that at times I even had dreams that were from the point of view of one of my characters. My lies became realities.

Back in 2003, I even beat an interview by Roger Shuy who wrote the book on uncovering deceptions in the stories of suspects during interrogation. He wasn’t too happy about it either. But amazingly enough he became a great friend, even if I felt like from time to time he was analyzing me for his next research study.

Guess that leads me to where I am today. I’m a deep cover operative for the FBI. Most of the time I’ll live as someone else for a several months at a time. Once it stretched to four years. But it took months of debriefing and psychotherapy to pull me out of that character. Yeah. It does screw me up at times.’

Leaning forward to make my point, I continued, ‘Oh, don’t get me wrong. My life isn’t filled with danger and potential risk of life at any moment. Not all deep cover operatives are like what you see in the movies. My risk is simply of being found out by someone I’m assigned to observe. At worst I fear getting beaten up by a security guard and thrown to the street. I have a great admiration for those who work as high risk, deep cover operatives. Not that I envy their jobs.

While they’re working drug kingpins and syndicate bosses, I’m a bit more benign. I infiltrate the business world. It’s all pretty dull actually. If I told you all about my daily job you’d probably fall asleep on me. But we’ve put away a dozen businesses that represent billions in illegal activity including money laundering, corporate espionage, importation of illegal merchandise, human trafficking and high-end scammers.

I now work out of a high security facility near Clarksburg, West Virginia. The FBI says it’s a facility dedicated to the national fingerprint registry and bio-metrics data of the FBI. But then again, they’re all liars too. I mean, come on! Who needs a campus of buildings that size to house data?

Call it confession. Call it a cathartic moment. Call it whatever you want. I had an experience recently that has caused me to rethink my life. That’s why I’m here.’

I sat in the darkness for several moments. ‘Son, are you even Catholic?’ the Priest’s voice from behind the wooden lattice asked.

‘Twice I was.’ I replied.



The Jetstream 41 landed smoothly with only a mild yaw in its final approach before touching down at the small landing strip in Clarksburg. The hum of the propellers pulled the craft to the gate as I gathered my briefcase and personal items. Other occupants of the craft were putting on their sports jackets and straightening ties to disembark in the silent rhythm of business travelers.

Within moments an older, but well maintained, black Suburban pulled up next to the craft. Immediately several security guards got out and began surveying the landing strip and plane. Two other black Suburbans trailed behind by several yards and moved into position. Clearly one of the passengers was a VIP. It certainly wasn’t me, so I glanced around trying to imagine which of the passengers in which of the dark blue suits was the one that brought out the escort cars.

Stepping off the plane and into the cool spring air, I saw one of our passengers heading quickly to the Suburban surrounded by a handful of men in dark blue suits. His ‘staff’ had noticeable bulges along their hips, outlining their poorly concealed firearms.

‘Mr. Wright.’ A voice called out to me.

‘Here.’ I indicated while trying to raise my hand that was laden down with a brief case and jacket.

‘I’m here to pick you up. Over in the black Suburban.’

I smiled to myself since all the SUVs looked alike. But the young FBI agent that couldn’t have been any older than 28 was just doing his job. He took my luggage and s
wiftly headed to the tailgate where he secured them while I got in the passenger seat with my briefcase.

Barreling down the state route and crossing over I-79, I glanced up long enough to see the green highway sign indicating the FBI facility. Pulling off the offramp and passing a local hospital the road quickly became desolate, moving quickly into the mountains. Off in the distance I could see the familiar main gate. Gate keepers decked out in equipment that would make any large city SWAT team jealous surrounded the vehicle. After clearing security, we drove through the campus. Each time I was driven into the complex I thought that it looked more like a small university than it did a Federal facility.

‘Max, good of you to get here so quickly.’ Austin stood, pushing his desk chair back with his legs as he got up to greet me. He stood up greet me. That’s usually a bad sign. Any time Austin stands up, he’s got a big ‘ask’. I could only imagine the assignment he had lined up for me this time. He reached out to shake my hand over the pile of folders, stacked neatly on his desk.

‘Like I had a choice!’ I replied mockingly. I gripped his hand. I always have respected a man with a solid grip and Austin had just that. He smirked at me before taking his seat again, nodding to the brown leather chair set out for me. The soft chair seemed out of place in the sterile office, white walls with just a few photos and florescent lights. I threw my satchel down next to the chair before looking back to the pile. ‘Okay, so who am I this time?’ I replied.

‘Max, why so short?’ He replied.

‘Look, Austin. Don’t spread more shit. You’ve already told me this is important by a ticket on the executive jet, and you’ve told me that it’s a big assignment by the way you’re acting. So what is it?’

He exhaled deeply before grabbing a folder and glancing at the title tab. ‘Jim Newton.’ He said as he tossed a first folder at me. ‘You’re an accountant with BDO.’

‘Fuck it, not again. Can’t you ever give me a cover story that’s any more exciting than a boring accountant? Do you have any idea how utterly exhausting it is, just being around a room full of accountants?’ I grumbled picking up the folder and opening it up to the summary page.

‘Have you looked in a mirror lately? If the shoe fits….’ He trailed off before opening the next folder.

‘BDO? Are they in on this?’ I mumbled while looking over the summation.

‘Yeah. BDO has cooperated and has a whole employment record already in place. They’ve back channeled us in and even let us redirect calls from their switchboard to the workspaces.’

I thumbed through the bio sheet of the character they had created for me. I didn’t respond to his comment, knowing that my academic background of an MBA was often used as a part of my cover.

‘But we have a twist to the story this time. We’re using your MBA background and your hobbies.’ He grinned with delight knowing that I had not gotten to that page in the cover story yet.

I shot him a quick glance before thumbing through the cover story file more quickly. Most of it appeared to be the standard stuff. But then I hit a glossy 8×10 shot of a gorgeous woman. A whistle came across my lips involuntarily at the sight of her. A petite blond with a hint of tom boy but curves in all the right places.

‘We’re going to be drawing on your photography skills this time too. We need a photographer who can get to know this woman, Jessica Quinn.’ Austin instructed.

I gave a soft whistle before commenting. ‘Not a tough assignment then.’ I couldn’t help but smile at the thought.

‘Easy there cowboy. It gets better!’ Austin smirked.

‘How can it get better than needing to get to know her?’ I asked, probing for the whole story. It was usually better than digging through the portfolio pile he was about to hand me.

‘Your cover is that you’re an amateur photographer who enjoys teaching beginners and friends. She thinks of herself as a model and photographer of sorts too. But she’s more of a model wannabe. You need to get to know her and build a relationship with her. Talk photo geek with her. Teach her some basics of photography. Then when she trusts you, start into the normal routine. Get your foot in the door to her boss – who’s also her husband.’ He tossed another 8×10 across the desk at me. It slid across the slick, high gloss desk with ease.

‘God!’ I exclaimed at the sight of his mug. ‘She’s married to this old shit?’ The guy was at least 20 years her senior. It brought new meaning to the concept of ‘trophy wife’.

‘Adam Quinn. This old shit is trafficking in young women, bringing them to the States and putting them to work in back street sweat shops. They’re the lucky ones. The pretty girls he pimps out to his clients.’ Austin explained.

‘So he’s a sick old shit.’ I shot back. ‘How soon do I start on this.’

‘We have you set up to go in as a consultant for the department where Jessica works on Monday morning.’ He said as he tossed another folder at me. ‘Of course, being the boss’s wife, she doesn’t really work there. She’s just eye candy for the movers and shakers that Quinn brings in as clients.’

‘So what’s the objective?’ I inquired.

‘Intel tells us that Miss eye candy is pretty oblivious. She doesn’t even know that she’s carrying a load of encrypted files on the laptop she hauls around. Our impression is that she’s not bright enough to turn the thing on let alone be in on a major sex trafficking ring. So Quinn has been letting her mule data about his operation on it. Hard to get busted with records related to ferrying sex slaves across state lines if you never carry the data yourself.’

‘So she’s not a target, just an innocent bystander” I pressed.

‘She’s not under our investigation. Of course if you do some ‘probing into her yourself’ I’m sure you might dig up something. Just be sure to put a condom on that probe! But we don’t care about her. Just find a way to get the data files and get out. It’s a pretty simple operation.’ Austin leaned back in his seat and massaged his forehead like he was feeling the onset of a migraine.

‘Guess I better get at it then.’ I replied, shoving the folders into my satchel.

‘We booked you for two weeks on this one. Shouldn’t take long. There’s workspace ready for you. Workspace L412.’ He instructed. The workspaces were a maze of suites where teams would set up temporary offices or ‘workspaces’ for the duration of any operation. We endearingly referred to the Workspace floor as ‘the rat’s maze’.

I stood to leave, prepared to relearn my reality in three days, a new name, new background, new job, new priorities. I was already wondering about the new character that I’d become this time. When I got to the door I remembered one last item. ‘Who’s my handler this time?’ I asked without looking up from the file I was scanning.

‘Billie Haynes.’ He said with a mild tone of self-amusement as began rubbing his eyes with his fingers.

I stopped cold in my tracks at her name. Billie!

I’ve been trained to not react too apparently to any comment made by anyone at any time. It’s part of living your entire life undercover. Any hint of an emotional reaction to news could blow your cover faster than anything else. So I’ve learned to maintain a cool and calm demeanor to just about any news. But I wasn’t ready for this.

The expression on my face must have told it all. He wouldn’t look directly at me as I turned to look back at him. ‘You’re one sick shit, you know.’ I shot back.

‘Glad you approve.’ He dryly responded with a devilish grin. He knew he had had me this time. ‘Just don’t let your past interfere with you doing your job.’ His voice turned quickly to that ‘boss’ tone that he’s known for. ‘She’s not buying your shit anymore. Things have changed while you were gone. Changed in a big way. So don’t get all sentimental on me, just do your job.’

‘The bastard knows ex
actly what he’s doing.’ I muttered to myself as I took the elevator down another floor to the workspaces. I truly wasn’t looking forward to this. Billie and I parted on pretty harsh terms after a blown operation that should have cost us our jobs.

Fortunately Austin was the only one who knew about our indiscretions. He buried the info for some reason. Maybe he likes us or maybe he just didn’t want to fill out all the forms it would require to fire us. Whatever the case, he was throwing us back together again. It could be just a sadistic way of getting back at us for causing him problems.

Billie was a genius hacker and a pretty decent handler. She had been my primary source of information and communication with headquarters during three operations. We became too personally involved in our relationship during a routine infiltration of a web scammer operation eighteen months earlier.

She had played the part of my girlfriend so that she could come and go from the company that I was ‘working’. We’d meet for lunch or she’d pick me up after work, which got her in and out of the building. As the weeks passed, the front desk staff didn’t even blink as she came and went. In those meetings I’d pass off pertinent information and data for her to copy, scan, and correlate during the op.

I had enjoyed those lunch meetings. But some of my ‘co-workers’ got suspicious. Apparently we weren’t acting enough like a dating couple. So I started holding Billie’s hand, kissing her good-bye, and even letting other people see us sneaking a quick grope to ward off suspicions. Somewhere along the way, I started enjoying those quick gropes. So much so that I would do it when nobody was even looking. It was no longer just for show. It was for us.

Then it happened. One night when she picked me up at the office and I kissed her, it wasn’t a phony, make believe kiss to keep the cover. This time she kissed back. She really kissed me. She kept her eyes open and kissed me back, deeply, confidently, and so sensually that I instantly knew it wasn’t a part of our cover. I didn’t stop her. I kissed her too.

It wasn’t long until we were back at my apartment taking a long, extremely hot shower after having spent an early evening of passion together. The rest of that night we spend together she fell asleep in my arms and I knew I wanted her in my life. More than a co-worker and certainly more than a handler. She was my lover.

Billie was far more than some quick fuck. When she was in my arms I was at peace with myself for the first time in a long time. We shared everything with each other. Long walks in the park and long nights making love. I knew she was special when she fell asleep in my arms after the first time we made love. She even snored briefly. God, it was kinda sexy to me in some weird way. She was comfortable enough in my arms to relax and be herself.

I arrived at our workspace office and quietly looked inside. There she was. How do I describe her? She’s fantastic. Unlike the bimbos and younger women that I often surround myself with during operations, Billie was a real woman. She was all woman, and she knew how to treat a man. Of course that was my downfall. I could feel the uneasy sensation of my stomach tightening as I stood there in the hallway looking at her.

We both got to the point that we were fearful that we’d become too close and jeopardize the operation. Fortunately our foul-up wasn’t unrecoverable. But it was enough to send us scrambling into repair mode. We knew we were getting too close. We knew we shouldn’t but for some reason we couldn’t avoid letting our attraction for each other surface. And god did it surface. It boiled to the top in waves of passion.

She was busy digging through files and sorting materials for this new operation. From the hall I could smell that familiar scent she wears. It brought back a wave of memories that I needed to control. Her short brown hair was even shorter than I remember and she had added some highlights. The form fitting, dark blue jacket expressed her curves beautifully. The skirt was just long enough to meet FBI standards but when she sat down it drifted up to show off her legs. I remembered those legs. Touching them, kissing them, and exploring every angle. Yeah. I stood there for several moments drinking in the sight of her. God it had been far too long a time.

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A Balmy SpringChapter 6

"Smooth move, Ex-Lax," Jeff taunted me, as he sent his digital defensive back down the sideline for a touchdown. I just growled as my inept quarterback gave hopeless chase. "You cheated," I grumbled, when he crossed the goal line. "Nah, you just suck." Jeff kicked the extra point, then grabbed his A&W and took a drink. "35-13. Com'n, Brown. This is almost laughably easy." Even while getting my ass handed to me at Madden Football, I enjoyed this opportunity to hang out with...

3 years ago
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To My Dear Friend

Thank you so much for all these years you have written to me. I’m hoping that this finds you well, and that you are happy. I also hope we can meet someday soon. You’ve always wondered why I’m here, and I have been sort of reticent about telling you. Not because I’ve done anything really wrong, but some people have funny notions of what is wrong or right. But we’ve been pen-pals all this time and so, since this will probably be my last letter to you, I figured you should know. I won’t...

4 years ago
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Black cockit went too far

My names Nat and for a while now my hub and I have been experimenting with the kinky lifestyle, but mostly BBC’s. We played mostly with strangers on the internet but a while ago, Conrad(my hub) let it slip to our smoke dealer(Tory, who happened to be black!) that we often played with black guys late at night in our sex life. From that moment on, Tory became a part of our kinky night games. It started slow(and so sexy!!) with phone talk then sending him pictures of me in the most dirty and sexy...

1 year ago
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Tranny Part 2

We were lying on the floor, Jeff and me. It was sometime like three in the morning. I rolled over and gave Jeff a big kiss on the lips. His eyes fluttered open, and he reached down and rubbed our penis's together. "Jeff, did you like me?" I asked him. "You, are an amazing crossdresser." He rolled on top of me, and he started to grope around my genitals. "So, if I became a crossdresser full time, would you like that?" I asked. "Like, have sex changing surgery? I could do that for you. I know a...

She Males
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Dont I Know You

I walked up to the receptionist and introduced myself."Hello," I said. "I'm Victor Jones. I have a four-thirty meeting with Denise Mitchell."She smiled back."Just a moment, sir."She dialled and extension on her phone and announced my presence to Denise on the other end. She hung up."Ms. Mitchell will be right with you.""Thank you very much," I replied. I went and sat down in a chair and waited.A few moments later, a young blonde woman walked towards me. She looked very familiar, but I couldn't...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Air Force Base Lonliness

I knew that when I married Kelly, there would be times when we were apart for extended lengths. Such is the downside to marrying an Air Force officer. But that’s okay because we loved each other and our bond was so strong that we could endure being apart for months at a time. Sexually, things were fast and furious when we first married. However as time went on and she advanced in rank, her away times increased which ultimately led to a decrease in our sex life. Once again, it was something I...

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AnneChapter 3

Strangely, to my mind at least, Monday started off like any other Monday. The network server went down (OK, it doesn't happen every Monday) the phone rang every time I replaced the receiver; although I had my local files on my workstation, there was an error somewhere, that took me over an hour to find ... and I hadn't seen hide nor hair of Anne. I held out until ten-thirty, then set off in the direction of the kitchen ... of course, the route took me past Anne's office that she shared...

4 years ago
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Something Old Something NewChapter 2

“Come on, I want to take a shower and watch some movies,” Priscilla moans. “Alright,” Clarissa puffs. “Let me get my keys.” She slips the keys into the door and Priscilla pushes past her and shoots upstairs. “Hey! What’s the rush?” she calls after her friend. “Sitting in that car mashes sand into my crotch,” Priscilla cries. “I’ve got to take a shower.” Clarissa laughs. “There wasn’t that much sand there.” Priscilla laughs herself and says, “It was enough.” Clarissa heads for her room to...

3 years ago
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Ladyboy orgy in Thailand

During one of my many nights in the sleaze capital of the world Pattaya, Thailand I was at a certain ladyboy bar all dressed up in my sexiest outfit that the “girls” had ask me to wear in as I had shown them some pics of me dressed. Not that I could ever hope to compete with any of them! Chatting away with one of the girls a German guy came over to us and said that he having a “party” up stairs and if we would like to join him and his friend. I assumed he just meant the girl from the bar and...

1 year ago
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Brother Crahses The Party

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Tim; I’m a 21 year old college student and until about a month ago considered my life and my experiences to be more or less typical. I’m a fairly good looking guy and had never had much problem with girls. My sex life had been pretty typical as well, I had seen and been involved in a couple of wild encounters in my college experience, but really nothing beyond the usual college craziness. I mean guys and girls experiment in college and a...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Charity Striptease Part 3

(Read parts 1 and 2 first. Honest, it's worth it!)Those of you have been following this story will know that my wife, Sue, works for a charity and had agreed, much to my amazement, to perform a striptease for a group of our (male) friends. This was in return for very generous donations to Sue’s charity and in guarantee of anonymity and that everyone kept it secret, e.g. from their wives who are also our friends! Sue had subsequently agreed to a further session where the guys took nude photos of...

1 year ago
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Sex Studio Secrets 22 Jennifer8

Jennifer continues her tale about taken to jail at the border of Slobodia together with tasty Tanya.Jennifer assumed their invitation to interview President Peter Petrovic will ease the border crossing.Jenny and Tanya are held captive for a night, promote back into VIPs and get very astonished there.Jenny and Tanya are in the Presidential Place finally. Only last moment they find out who is whom!Jennifer gets very wet at my lap telling me the first part of her story with Tanya in sexy...

3 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 17a

Just a sip A week had passed since her run-in with Kal and his friends and Rowan was feeling hungry. She had spent a significant amount of time thinking about that night and how she had ended up saved from the same fate as the will-o’-wisp. Her guess was that the portion of her consciousness that remained inside the creature saw what was about to happen and managed to take control of the wisp for a few seconds. It used the opportunity to rip her out of Kal’s head, which was none too...

2 years ago
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Melissa Wont Let Go Chapter 4 Eliza

Melissa Won't Let Go. By Tanya H. -4- ELIZA. My dreams came horribly full of men and cocks. I spread my legs, my mouth, my tits eagerly for them, hitched my skirts, pulled aside my panties; I made it easy for them to take me and fill me even as I hated what I did, what I lusted for. A passenger in my own humiliation. Awareness came back slowly - grey light of dawn or dusk, a weight of bedclothes on my body, a warning of peeing. Fear rode me too; that I'd open my eyes to some...

2 years ago
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Sub hubby in the kitchen true story

I was feeling rather horny, we had planned to have some sexy playtime later in the afternoon, but my pussy was tingling and I couldn't wait any longer, I wanted tongue in my pussy.Cole was in the lounge watching TV, just relaxing in his favorite recliner chair. I went to the bed room and got his sub gear out of the wardrobe, leather body harness, collar, wrist and ankle cuffs and cockring.I walked into the lounge and stood in front of Cole, " take your clothes off, put these on and get int the...

3 years ago
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Kanes Cum Bucket Bitch ch3

Connie hugged and kissed me. Her tongue swiped up and down my face. I awoke to Kane's insistent licks. It was the middle of the night, and he needed to go out in the yard. While he didn't bark, he did give a throaty howl at the waxing moon. He trotted inside and returned to the comfort of my bed. I went to lay myself at the foot again, but he stood up abruptly and panted at me. "What is it?" The digesting cum in my stomach churned uncomfortably. I had managed to keep it down. I...

2 years ago
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Hot And Sensuous Massage

I went for a massage in Hyderabad, it was a M2M, and since I needed a good massage, I opted for M2M, with hopes that at the end I might get a happy ending. I was shown to the massage room and Sam, the masseur asked me to take a shower, and lie down on the massage table. I went to the massage room and undressed. I showered making sure I avoided touching my genitals too much as I would have been so embarrassed to have a hard-on before he even started the message. When I came out, I was surprised...

2 years ago
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Thunder Refuge

The leaves crunched under the hooves of my horse as we trudged through the dark spruces. My shotgun in one hand and the reins in the other, I watched all around me for signs of life. The branches still hung low from the past weight of the snow as if they were bowing to the cloud covered sun. It was about sunset, but the whole sky was a murky shade of grays and blacks. The wind was picking up and great claps of thunder could be heard in the distance. A great storm was on its way. There were no...

3 years ago
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Its My PartyChapter 102

Later that night... Time: Monday, October 4, 2019 12:06 AM Doug walked into the one small bathroom near the lobby were they were sleeping for the night, and just a few meters in front of him Jessica was sitting on their sole toilet. “Oh, sorry,” he mumbled and he quickly turned around. “I should have knocked.” “No problem,” Jessica called out to the closing door. “The door is probably soundproof anyway. I’ll be done in a minute.” Doug was surprised to find Jessica waiting for him when he...

2 years ago
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The School Spinster Takes A Chance

(An Original Story by rutger5 - Copyright 2012) ____________________________________________________________________________________ “I’m telling you under the circumstances you’re doing the right thing Julie” her friend said to her as they sat sipping their coffee. “I know you’re right Lauren, but it’s so difficult. After all these years, heck my whole life really. I’m thirty seven years old and I’ve never made an adult decision on my own. Now I have to decide everything for myself...

2 years ago
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Tales of a HustlerMe and Lil Bro

Tales of a Hustler---Me and lil Bro---The Best Summer EverSummer had arrived non too soon, as usual. I never cared for the colder months. Fuck some snow---I can see it on TV.Out on summer break, my lil Bro Dustin had called and said he really wanted to come and spend some time with me. Only seeing him every few weeks at a time, the last couple of years had left him wanting. I told him one night in one of our intimate bro on bro talks, that he really needed to find someone closer to his age. He...

1 year ago
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The wife and I hadn't been getting along for some time. I'll have to accept half the blame, but only half and in truth I guess ten percent would be the more accurate number. My contribution to the problem consisted of my inability to believe that Nan hadn't cheated on me. She swore she hadn't and I just didn't believe her. We had been at her company Christmas party and there was ample booze flowing. Nan gets a little loose when she gets some alcohol in her and it sometimes can be fun to...

2 years ago
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The HeirChapter 9

I called Spencer and asked about the property Steve was leasing, thirty acres on the south side of my property (at least it would be mine eventually). When I asked if I could sell it, Spencer said it was up to me, but that he’d have to sign all the paperwork since he was still executing the will. He reminded me that the money from the sale would go into my uncle’s holdings and not into my pocket. I told him I understood that, and that I’d get back to him. I called Steve’s cell phone and...

3 years ago
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A Fresh New Start

I'd only been married a little over two years when I found myself staring at a pending divorce. I'd just turned thirty a few months before, five years older than my wife at the time. For unknown reasons (which I learned later) Christy my soon to be ex-wife had started seeing another man. I had no idea at the time that he was actually her boss. Naturally, when I found out, I moved out. The problem with that was, I really had no place to go. I spent the first couple of nights at a motel,...

3 years ago
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Older woman giving her good boy public blow job

This is a story my girlfriend text me about sucking a much younger guy in a car park. She's the woman in all my galleries, enjoy!Ok so a few years ago this young man I was chatting to came to see me and we went for a drink in the pub down the road from where I liveHe was only 18 and I was 32 so I was a lot more experienced than he wasHe had told me he was seeing other girls so I wanted to impress himI was wearing a leather mini skirt, knee high boots and a nice topWhen I sat down you could see...

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DesiIndian Wifes debauchery in America

I went to the desi party in the block around 7 PM on March 2012 in South Brunswick Manor Community, in New Jersey. It was a holi party hosted by the good Indian folks residing there. All residents and guests were invited. The crowd turnout was quite a large, considering it was a week night. Since it’s been a while the last time I played holi, it was in Bombay, when I was 17 years old, I didn’t know what to wear. So I decided on a white tee, which showed my muscles and pecks. I am 5’10’ in...

2 years ago
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Pleasing my Boss and her clients

I suddenly opened my eyes and looked around the penthouse.Then I thought about the last two hours I had been there.My Boss Barbara was naked as I was and both of us had a huge black cock buried deeply in our assholes. My Boss was screaming wild in pleasure; but I was feeling that thick cock was hurting me…The black man pumping my anus was in his mid forties; but his hair was turning grey. He was a handsome man and he had a very nice hard cock. I felt him very deep in my poor anus. I cried and...

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Sex at the Movies

“I think we got here just in time,” Johnny says as he pushes his way through the double doors and into the theatre. Samantha follows quietly behind. Once they’ve found their seats, conveniently right at the back in the corner, the screen comes alive and the trailer for a new romance comes on. Johnny looks at Samantha and smiles. She smiles back, shyly. “What’s up, Sam? You didn’t seem so shy online,” he says. Samantha smiles politely and looks up at the screen. That doesn’t answer his question....

Straight Sex
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The Resort Third Day

The resort by Sylvia Wechsel Third day I'm so excited that I decided to write these words now, just before leaving for the disco... to meet my boyfriend! Today, as I woke up, the strangeness I felt was not so strong. I guess I'm already "getting familiar" with the idea that I'm a girl now. Before breakfast I went by Celia's shop, as I did yesterday. The difference was, of course, that I found it open, since it is a Monday. I entered the shop and after the usual "small talk",...

4 years ago
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His Sexpot S i s Chapter 5

"I bet you're awfully hot in those heavy overalls, Edward. Why don't you take them offand make yourself more comfortable," said Jodi as she took him into the lounge."While you're doing that I'll get you a drink. How does a cold beer sound?""Out of this world," grinned Edward, knowing he had guessed right. The hot littlebitch was going to let him take her and it was just what he needed. He didn't need tobe told twice take his clothes off. She wanted a good screwing, any fool could seethat. It...

1 year ago
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I Had No Choice 1 reedit

I Had No Choice By EFon (This is a long story and has some build up, but I believe its worth it to really set the plot. This is also a re-release of the original to hopefully clean it up and make it easier to read.) What am I going to do now? Im stuck in a no win situation, and the stress is killing me. I never wanted a complicated life, but Ive got one weather I like it or not. Strange thing is that while I know its wrong, I cannot help but love it anyway. Now I had some wild times in...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable Goa Trip

This is not a story, it’s a kind of dairy entry of me (Rahul) and my girlfriend (Rashmi)’s Goa trip. We are from Bangalore. If you like please give good ratings and drop your comments to us at It was exam time (demo and viva before the main theory exams) and I was dropping her 2 day before her demo. Its 1 hour drive and we talk of missing each other after exam as my gf will be moving to hometown. We think of trip in 1 week between demo and theory exam. Twist her parents will be visiting...

3 years ago
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A Golfing Day Out

You may have noticed, especially if you are in the golfing fraternity, that golfers love to name drop. Not about professional players they may have met. Or various stars of stage and screen that also frequent the swathes of lush grass and verdant valley. No, they, (professional golfers and aforementioned), pall into insignificance when your average club buddy is talking about the courses they have played around the world. Such as: St Andrews? Oh Yah, I've played there. Wonderful course and...

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The Photo by loyalsock

"I don't think we should be doing this," Alana said to her mother, "I know we need the money, and since daddy died things have been pretty tight, but to perform in a porno flick, I think you've lost your mind!!!" Vera Autry kept her eyes on the road as she wove in and out of rush hour traffic, but after letting her daughter vent, she calmly replied, "In less that two weeks the bank is going to repossess the car, in a month is will be the house, and unless you pull off some miraculous trick at...

2 years ago
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The Christmas Draw

It all started as a silly joke. My girlfriend Jennifer and I had been invited to a hen weekend for a friend from work. Someone in the group decided to organise surprise gifts, everyone was to buy something suitably smutty and sexual to be presented to the bride to be during the evening.Jen informed me of a new sex store that had just opened in the next town, and we decided to go and explore, so on Thursday evening when they stayed open late, we drove over to gift shop.It turned out to be a very...


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