Little Megan Takes Cuntrol - Of Mom free porn video

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In taking control of Pop, Megan had shown how brutal slut she could be. But the next day things continued in a most unexpected way.

Mom came home after staying at the college the night before, she was greeted by her perverted daughter... and, well, If you thought Bryan, the Pop had trouble controlling this young woman, wait to you read how she treats Tina, her Mom!!


As Tina pulled into the drive her heart sank. Bryan’s car was gone, which meant he had already left for work, which was fine. Megan’s car was still there. That meant the bitch was still there. She had hoped that her daughter would have gone to her boyfriends for the night or had gone out to do something like get a job this morning. Silently she cursed.

The first year of going back to college had been hard for Tina. She had so much homework and the hour drive each way was a bear. But there were benefits. Her fit mature body and good looks caught the eye of several of her commuting classmates and even a few of the younger guys. It was nice being appreciated again!

One of the guys had invited her to a party. It turned out that it was a frat party and she was the only female there. After drinking a beer and realizing that she was going to be the entertainment for the evening, Tina had started to get up and head to the car, but stumbled and nearly fell to the floor instead. She never lost consciousness, but over the next three hours every part of her body was penetrated and they made her orgasm almost continually for the last hour of “the party”. She wished she could say that she hated the young men for what they did and had hated every touch, every lewd comment, every cock, finger, tongue and mouth that had violated her that evening. But the truth was, she had enjoyed it.

After the first initial jarring realization that they had d**gged her, panic had flooded her mind. But they had not been rough in their treatment. They made love to her. There were at least five of them that she counted and every one of them came in her pussy at least once. They had also cum in her ass and mouth and across her tits…. It had been humiliating. It had also been wonderful not to be responsible, and to just let it all take place. And when they decided they wanted to see if they could give her a one hour orgasm, she had thought they were crazy. 60 minutes later she was the one that was very nearly insane! She was also nearly deaf as the pounding of her heart in her head made her feel even more thick headed than the d**gs!

They had taken pictures too. She had vaguely realized they were posing her and with her as it happened. As she drove home the next day she thought they had taken them as trophies. She hoped she would never see them again. She was not as definite about all of the young men though. They had awakened some inner slut that had always been pent up within her and like the Jeanie released from the bottle, she was not certain she could ever bottle up that lust again. So she began banging more and more men at the college and she soon found she did not care that some of her classmates thought her a whore. She was living life on her own terms.

Then she came home one morning and there were pictures of her fucking and sucking the guys at that first party spread all over the house. She had scrambled around looking for each picture and swearing, not quite comprehending how those pictures had gotten there or who would have put them in her home where she lived the boring staid life of a middle-aged mom.

She had just found another picture beneath a pillow on the couch when she looked up and saw Megan standing in the doorway to the room. She had more copies of the pictures in her hand. She also had a smirk on her face. When Tina closed her eyes she could still see that smirk and feel that sinking feeling of falling through space but never hitting ground.

“Mom, you are a whore. A first class slut!” Megan had said.

“You can’t talk to me like that!” Tina had said sternly and begun to go over and take the pictures from her.

“Oh yes I can, and you had better lose the edge on that voice of yours Mom or Dad is going to find out just how hard your school work gets from a website I found!” Megan had said coldly bringing Tina up short just a couple of feet away. “You see, the rules have changed. You want to be a fuck slut at college and from the looks of things, you are off to one hell of a start. I don’t blame you. But from here on you do what I say and you are on my side of things with Dad, or he is going to get to see what a slut you can be and are.”

Ice could not have been colder than what filled Tina’s veins at that moment. Everything she had ever known, worked for and lived for as an adult was in the balance. Married at 18, she had helped put her husband through college as she raised first a son and now this spawn of Satan. She had decided to go back to college to get ”a life” of her own, but now….

That morning she had been forced by her daughter to dress in nearly every piece of lingerie she had and pose for pictures. She also had performed her first ever lesbian acts… upon her own daughter. It had been that or her daughter would destroy her.

Two years had passed. She was only 10 months from graduating. What’s more, in another couple months Megan would move out and go to college. 10 months. A year earlier that time could not get there soon enough. Now, as she turned off the ignition to the car and reached for her laptop bag her emotions were more mixed.

Just as with her first experience (yes, there had been others… several others) at the frat house, Tina had at first been repulsed by what her daughter turned her into. But over the last few months, it had become more… comfortable. Her daughter told her what to wear, how to dress. She gave her pleasure and gave her praise when she pleasured her!

She had even come to enjoy the anonymous touches of the men that Megan showed her to. Six months earlier it had all started by Megan putting a fake tattoo on her back and above her pussy. She had tied her long blonde hair up into a tight bun. Then Megan had put an ipod on her shoulder and earbuds in her ears playing Madonna’s erotica album over and again at high volume. Then she put a blackout hood over her head. She had just sat there, naked in a chair for a few minutes. Then her hand had been raised and her fingers were put on a cock! There was a man in the room!! She had been stunned, horrified and scared. But she felt Megan touch her hand in a certain way that they had worked out which meant, “Relax and just do it.” So she had. She jacked the man off without ever knowing who it was!

After it was over, Megan explained that she was going to bring men home for her and her mother to share. Tina would always wear “disguises.” That first man had thought her to be another teen with dark hair or short hair and tats.

Time and time it happened. Once, she knew there had been at least three men in the room. They all came on her tits. She had stroked them all off. Some recently had fucked her. Megan’s boyfriends had each fucked her. One had fucked Megan and then Megan had made her eat his cum from her dripping pussy. It was so wrong. It was so gross. It was so… different at first and yet now. Now she wondered if she would be ready for it to all end in just ten short months.

She walked into the house and Megan was standing in the entry way to the kitchen, dressed as she always seemed to be anymore. She had on a form fitting black skirt, black hose, high heels and just a white sports bra holding her big full tits at bay. Tina tried to ignore it. Maybe she would just leave her alone today. The three guys at the hotel just outside of the town where the college was located had fucked her until the early morning hours. She was tired and sore. She did not know if she could do the “Mistress Megan” scene today.

“You have the morning off today. Go get some sleep. I want you up by 1:00. We have company coming over and you are going to be my little whore for a very special man.” Megan said it all with a very straight face and then turned and walked through the kitchen and out the door to the garage. A few moments later Tina’s heart finally returned to a normal cadence when she heard Megan steering the small sports car out of the garage and down the drive. As she grabbed a bagel and then headed off to bed with a million questions and fears running through her head, Tina was also vaguely aware that her pussy was moist at the prospect of handling another stranger's cock!!


At 1:00 Megan came in and announced that there was no need to hide her appearance, the guy she had lined up was an unknown. She led Tina, down into the basement and set up a chair in the middle of the floor. She then commanded her mother to strip. Tina had not bothered to get fully dressed. She knew it would be fruitless. So she pulled her shirt off and her full, heavy mature breasts swung free from the shirt. She then undid the zipper and snap on her shorts, pushed them down and then carefully folded them and put them on the back of the couch.

Megan was setting up a camera to film the whole thing. Often, after the men left, Megan would sit down with her mother and together they would watch the video. It was humiliating. And yet like so much of her sexual journey it was so much more. When Megan would take Tina's hand and put it between her thighs, she always felt a slight thrill at knowing how wet the younger woman got watching what she did!!!

"Come on, Mother, we don't have all day," Megan snapped. Tina jumped. She folded her clothes and put them in a pile next to the couch out of sight. It was one of the rules. Then she walked over to the chair and stood up straight, ready for inspection. It was part of the rules as well.

Finally satisfied with the way the cameras were arranged, Megan walked over and looked her mother over carefully as if she were a rancher preparing to buy a steer. It was humiliating. It was degrading. It also never failed to make Tina a little wet. It was so taboo and even though she had done it more than a dozen times with Megan, each time was so different and so wrong that it never failed to arouse her!

Megan reached out and let a fingernail touch the hip of the older woman as she walked behind her. The finger traced a path, wandering up and down, slowly over one ass cheek and then starting at the top of her ass, it pushed down; down the deepest part of the cleft. Instinctively and because she knew it was what was expected, Tina leaned forward, pushing her ass back and out until she reached the point where she could rest the heel of her hands on her knees.

"You are such a whore! A dirty old slut, that's what you are!" The finger slid down and circled the tight dark sphincter that Megan seemed obsessed with and so far Tina had just been able to keep off limits. She closed her eyes tight and tried not to show how much it bothered her. She heard Megan laugh and felt the fingernail roughly cross the puckered flesh of her sphincter. "Maybe I will let this guy cum inside of your ass! Or would you prefer that he came in mine, Mother?"

Once, Megan had handcuffed her to a chair and forced her to watch as the younger woman fucked a man older than either of her parents! It was still shameful to even think about. She could do nothing to stop it and what was worse, after the initial disgust, she found herself staring and then becoming aroused by the whole surreal situation! Megan had escorted the man out of the house and then brought her mother a warm wet washcloth and after unlocking her hands, had her wash her pussy clean. A shudder ran through Tina as she remembered Megan pushing that cum soaked cloth into her own pussy and leaving her there, threatening to let her stay that way until Bryan got home!

"When did her finger slid into me?" Tina suddenly thought with surprise! It was not in her ass, but while she had been distracted with her thoughts Megan had gone further... much further!

"Oh, you are such a wet slut! See Mother, you don't always have to be such a fucking prude!" The finger suddenly pulled out and Tina yelped as her daughter slapped her firm ass and laughed! "I really should call this all off. You are going to enjoy this far too much! Far more than you deserve!" The younger girl said as she walked around and stood before her mother. Staring into her eyes she said, "This time I think I am going to just put a gag in your mouth and blindfold you. Pity really. You seem to becoming quite good cock sucker, but I don't want you making a sound and so things have to be the way things have to be!" As she spoke, Megan reached up and took a nipple in each of her hands and slowly began applying more and more pressure while twisting and pulling the thick, meaty nipples! Tina agreed because she knew it was the only way she would stop.

"Sit down." Tina said and walked over to a box of items she had brought down to the basement. Retrieving a few cloth belts with D ring belts, she quickly had her mother's legs spread and fastened at the ankles and knees to to the widely spaced front legs of the chair so that her pussy was easily accessible. Then she took the last belt and from behind, locked it tightly around her mother's waist and around the back of the chair. It only took a couple more minutes for the ball gag and then blindfold to be put in place. "Oh, and I think it would be good if you don't hear everything we are saying this time too, so, here is one more special treat!" Once I put these in you, just sit here and wait. I will have your lover down once he gets here!" The last sound Tina heard before the ear plugs went into her ears followed by the big mowing ear muffs was the laughter of her daughter.

Then she was alone.

It felt like hours she sat there. Her hands and arms were free and she thought she could probably get herself undone without too much trouble. At least it would not be too much trouble if you did not count her daughter showing Bryan what a slut his wife had become! That thought kept her in the chair more than the belts!!

Finally she felt her hand being lifted up and placed on a firm cock. It was already wet and slippery so she started slowly stroking and exploring the stranger's cock. It was not huge, and he was circumcised, but

Tina nearly panicked. She was quite literally blind, deaf and dumb! Her mind also screamed at her that she was naked, vulnerable and helpless in a situation that she could not even begin to define. Were there several men there? Where there other women? What had they been told about her? Where did her daughter find them? Why were they in her house?!?! “My God, what if they come back some day!!!”

Taking a deep breath she finally got control of her fears. She was helpless to fight, so surrender held no disgrace. Besides, during earlier times with men that Megan had brought over and allowed to use her, she had ultimately found herself enjoying the role of a plaything for younger men. She had found that physical bondage in an odd way gave her moral freedom to accept and give pleasure in a way that she had never done before. She had been disgusted at first thinking about how Megan was turning her into a slut, a whore, a sexual object not only in the eyes of others but in her own eyes. But she had also found that when she gave into that wanton, repressed part of her that had been buried in a corner of her psyche she did more than tolerate the earlier experiences. She enjoyed them.

She focused her mind on the feel of the warm, hard cock that slid almost mechanically in her hand. She could feel the rim of its velvet head rub on her fingers as he slid back and nearly out of her fist. He was so big and her hand so small that she could barely wrap him in her fist. As her hand slid back down, she noted what she imagined to be the thick veins of his throbbing cock sliding through her hand. He felt so hard, stiff, and horny. This cock in her hand probably belonged to a guy the same age as her daughter. Tina imagined a young, college guy, fit, but not overly muscular, standing there to her side, hands on his hips, staring at her as she stroked his cock. When her hand reached the junction of cock and body, she gave the thick base a firm squeeze and immediately was rewarded with a small hip thrust. Tina smiled.

It felt good. It felt wonderful. She was no longer a mother, or a respected real estate agent or a wife or any of the socially responsible roles she filled. She was a woman. She was two hands, two tits, a wet pussy an ass and a fairly fit body. Most of all, she was a woman. There was a power in being that sex that she was only just beginning to realize.

Her smile grew as she felt the warmth of a large man’s hand reach down and cup and squeeze the breast closest to cock she was stroking. Immediately she was aware that the front of her breasts was tightening and she could see in her mind the way her nipples looked when they got hard. They were big nipples. They were fat and stuck out irregularly for about an inch from the rest of her breast when she was completely and truly aroused. She was aroused now and she wondered what the young man thought as he roughly handled the soft meat of her flesh and tugged on her nipple in a way that caused her so much pleasure.

The moan filled her ears for a moment before she even realized it was her own! The fleeting thought of “this must be how a hooker feels or a woman at a glory hole,” flashed through her mind. She had always thought such women were beneath her. She now wondered why she had missed both giving and having so much pleasure given to her.

There was a hand on her thigh and then pressure like another hand on the other. Then the pressure of the hands disappeared. They had been smaller, softer hands than the ones that now were kneading and tormenting her breasts.

Then she felt long soft hair flip past her thigh and she imagined a woman kneeling between her open thighs. As if to confirm her fears, the lengths of two forearms being pressed against the inside and top of either thigh made the reality all the more stark.

A hand moved to her mons Venus and pressed against her pubic bone. It was a feminine touch that moved in soft slow, sensual circles. Slowly, achingly slowly, fingers began working over the rise and down to either side of her pussy. Tina moaned again and she knew this time that she was soon going to be doing more than moaning; much more!

The slight fingers squeezed together the extra flesh to either side of her sex and gently shook the pinched flesh in a way that she recognized. Megan was between her legs and the thought of what might happen next both appalled and thrilled Tina. She had watched the video her daughter had made another time. It had shown her twisting resisting then surrendering and finally begging for the touch of the younger woman. It was so indecent, so taboo. She had almost cum again simply watching the lust on Megan’s face as she looked up in that video at the hooded head of her own mother with delight as she had worked fingers deep inside the womb that had given her life. She had shut her eyes tightly not wanting to see her daughter lick and suck her clit. Only threats of revelation on the internet made her open her eyes again. Then she had seen the lust, the intensity, and the arousal. She had not wanted to want it, but she had. God how she had wanted more and more!!!

Now she wondered what this c***d of the underworld was preparing to do to her again.

She felt the hips attached to the cock she held, gently sway in a motion that may have been a thrust and she remembered they were not alone this time. Some man whose penis she held in her hand was standing beside where she sat helpless. He was seeing things that should not be done. He was seeing her want them to happen. She wanted to cover herself in shame. Instead, she tried to widen her legs and rolled her hips forward so that she was more available for his viewing and Megan’s exploring fingers.

She felt her pliant long pussy lips then being tugged on and slapped in a way that was not painful but not gentle either. Those fingers pulled the folds apart. Further and further until they could stretch no further. It was something the young men at college seemed to enjoy doing as well. That thought sent a thrill racing from between her thighs up her spine and slamming pleasurable sensations into the most primitive cortex of her mind. She was barely more than an a****l to those boys. She was falling now into the pit of sexual need that she knew would compel her to do whatever she could to achieve satisfaction and to give pleasure.

The man standing beside her was stroking her hair affectionately, like a man might a lifelong pet. His fingers kept stopping with obvious annoyance at the strap that held the large plastic ball gag in her mouth. It seemed that he might well be as frustrated by the device as she was if not more so!! Then, to her surprise, she felt his hands at the back of her head and the gag fell loose! As she pushed it out of her mouth, unseen fingers pulled it away from her and then it was gone. Tina moved her aching jaw muscles and smiled. She was certain her mouth would not be empty for long though!

She pulled the stiff cock closer to her and bent and sucked on it. She could see in her mind’s eye, the man, big, strong, dark and handsome, thrusting his hips forward to allow her more access. Strong, dark and handsome…. “Maybe even a BBC!” she thought. She had never been with a man from another race and the idea caused her heart to skip a beat and a sudden release of fluids deep within her filled the vestibule to her sex as it had rarely done in the last few years.

She ran her tongue over and around the swollen glans of the cock. She tasted his meat and the juices that cooked it from the inside out. They were comforting, and reassuring. She thought she must truly be becoming a whore because the scent and feel of this cock and its tight nest of curls at its base gave her comfort and filled her with a lust that chased away all guilt, fear and resistance. She decided that she would make this cock want her as much as she wanted it!

She raised her breast in one hand and slapped the slab of man meat against it. She could feel the drops of missed spittle, cum and lubricant splash over her chest. She knew that it would make her breasts glisten in a most lewd manner! She smiled and did it again and again before bringing the somehow more stiff cock to her eager lips once again!

Something cool and hard was suddenly between the stretched lips of her vagina and before she could begin to work out what was happening a large something slid into her, opening her passage deeper and wider as it pushed its way into her core! Megan had shown her the collection of plastic, hard rubber, silicone and even glass vibrators and dongs the girl had accumulated over the years. She had told her that she was going to use each and every one of them on her just the way she had taken them into herself! It had seemed so crude and disgusting then.

Naked, bound, with a cock in her hands and unable to do anything other than surrender now, it seemed decadent and delicious as Tina tried to imagine which of the synthetic cocks her own daughter was violating her with! There was no sense in fighting the urge and so she did her best to thrust her hips onto the invader and capture it within herself.

She could feel the sensations of Megan laughing through the shaking of the arms resting on her thighs.

It did not matter. She was a slut, a whore; she was a wanton woman with needs, desires, cravings and a lust for sexual release! That was all that mattered.

Turning her face she leaned as far as her restraints would let her and pulled the hot throbbing cock into her mouth and relaxed as she took it deeper and deeper until it filled the back of her throat! She imagined a huge black Mandingo type phallus shoved deep into her skull though she knew that this in truth was just an ordinary cock. She attacked it and throated it, humming and moving the muscles of her throat in vain efforts to take even more of the man deeply into her! His hands were in her hair, holding her head, dictating the tempo and length of each thrust. His belly was now smashing into her face and nose with every thrust!

Below, Megan seemed to be intent on matching the man thrust for thrust with the semi-hard pliable thick whatever that she was running deep in and out of her mom’s birth canal. As the two cocks attempted meet somewhere near Tina's heart! Then Megan’s mouth was there. Where the girl had learned such things, Tina could not imagine, but she flickered the tip of her tongue back and forth forging a way through the fleshy sex of the older woman until she found the hard little pearl of pleasure and quickly circle it and laid it bare with greedy lips and a wicked tongue!

Tina began bucking frantically against her bonds. She was gasping between thrusts for air and was nearly as mad with need to have the cock driven back deep within her as she was with the need for air! The sensations and waves of pleasure that were overwhelming her from below were sending her in a storm of emotions and sensations toward a cliff like none she had ever known before!

Then every muscle in her body constricted and an orgasm tore through her body with a v******e that none before had ever approached! She felt a sluice of wetness wash out from between her thighs, spraying out around the faux cock cork that attempted to bottle her up from that end! Up top, the other cock suddenly reached its own limits of restraint and she felt the warm spray of thick hot cum in her mouth, on her lips up her nose and down her neck and across her chest.

It was like nothing she had ever experienced and for one blinding moment the entire world turned hot white and brilliant, just before it all went dark and she plummeted into the abyss.


Now what?!!! First Megan is out of control exerting control over Bryan and now she nearly kills Tina....

This is insane.....

And it isn't over yet!!

If you like this, please vote and leave a comment to let me know. Otherwise, you can always shoot me some cash!!! LOL

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Hayden Panettiere and Megan Fox With Count Dracula

“Hey Megan.” “Hey sweetie. How are you?” “Great. And you my love?” “Hanging in Hayden, just like always.” “Well I’m changing that tonight. We are going on a double date and I don’t care how hard you protest its happening.” “But Hayden…” “Not another word Foxy. I’m picking you up in an hour and we’re meeting our dates at the restaurant. It’ll be fun. You’re date is gorgeous.” “I’m not looking for a boyfriend though.” “I know you’re not babe. Let’s just go out and have fun. More importantly just...

1 year ago
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Sorcha And Megan Join Our Staff And Lose Their Virginity

I’d met Sorcha and Megan seven months before the events of this story took place. They were introduced to me as two Irish runaways, by a client that I was seeing on the south coast. I met them on what was a scorching day for England, with temperatures hitting thirty centigrade. With our meeting and business completed, the girls took me to a local naturist beach and, inevitably, we ended having sex. Seven months later, as I stood on the platform, waiting for their train to arrive, the weather...

Office Sex
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As Paul lay there, he wondered how he found himself in this situation. Here he was, lying on his bed, next to his wife, Megan, at twenty five, the same age as Paul. Also on the bed was Mark, Megan's younger brother. All three were naked, the bedsheets ruffled, wet with sweat and sperm.How had this happened, Paul tried to understand.Today was Thursday. Last week Megan had received a phone call from her parents, asking if it would be ok for Mark to come and stay. He had got into a bit of trouble...

2 years ago
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Celebrity Trainers Megan Fox

Title:  Celebrity Trainers – Megan Fox (Part 1)Synopsis: Michael Bay, having been referred by Robert Pattison, tries to solve his problem and get a measure of revenge from Megan Fox. This is a story of kidnapping, bondage, brainwashing and rape.Author Name : SadoRuskiEmail: [email protected]:  MF, nc, rape, Mdom,  mast, BDSM, kidnap, abduction, bond, Disclaimer: This is fantasy. Fantasy is not real. Rape is wrong. I do not encourage rape or violence against women.This is part 1...

1 year ago
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Amanda Seyfried and Megan Fox

Amanda Seyfried arrived at the expensive inner-city hotel, walking up the steps in the sunlight, her large designer sunglasses shielding her eyes. She was making sure not to walk too quickly, otherwise her large breasts, supported only by the tight black vest top she was wearing, would bounce uncontrollably on her chest and attract far too much attention. She didn’t have a bra on today, just her top and some very tight jeans, hugging every curve of her ass as she walked up the steps into the...

3 years ago
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Papa and Megan Summer of Fun

I wasn’t there to watch her develop into a young lady, both physically and emotionally, that is as much emotionally as a teenager can be. But from afar, I noticed her development instantly each time I got a chance to see her. She was still flighty and fun loving; in fact, she was still my sweet little Megan, just a little older. Her physical development was more obvious, to me anyway. Not only did she gain a little height and weight, about 4’8” and 85 lbs., she was still a runt, really,...

4 years ago
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Megan meets her new neighbor

The warm sun blazed down on Megan Ruiz as she jogged along the footpath back towards her apartment complex, Her ample 32 D sized breasts bouncing up and down her chest contained in a neon pink sports bra getting the attention of many men as she past by followed by a view of her curvy, bubble butt in her skin-tight Lycra black leggings, her long blonde hair tied back into a ponytail and her striking big, brown eyes and red, juicy lips made her the perfect eye candy for the men in her...

1 year ago
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Private School Girl Megan and Antoine

?Megan Riley O’Rourke you are going to be a shining star.?  Megan smiled as she remembered her grandmother’s words of confidence on her fourteenth birthday.  It was both a happy and sad memory as grandmother Riley passed within weeks of Megan’s birthday.  The sun shone brightly on a beautiful fall day as Megan walked home amid the tall stately trees of an old Chicago suburb.  She waved to Mrs. Kelly as she wound her way toward her home.  Mrs. Kelly tried to be out in the afternoon when Megan...

3 years ago
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Megan Pt 4

I got over to his house that Friday night; he had several of his buddies over. That didn’t stop me from going in to see him. I let myself in and at first my brother kind of ignored me. I didn’t recognize any of the guys that were over. He just have assed introduced me, “This is my sister Megan.” The guys said hi, I kind of noticed them checking me out but I was too pissed to really care. I told Lex I wanted to talk to him alone. He just told the guys that him and I needed to talk in...

2 years ago
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Megan and Kyle v2 part 5

“So, the real reason I came over is I need to talk to you and Kyle. Do you remember what is coming up this summer? “Yeah you and Dad are having your 20th anniversary, right?” Megan said as I walked into the kitchen to be part of the conversation now. “20 years? That’s pretty special Michelle.” I said pouring myself a cup of coffee and sitting at the table with them. “Thanks, Kyle. “ Michelle continued, “We were thinking of going to Maui and were planning to have Scott and Ginny stay with...

3 years ago
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Celebrity Trainers Megan Fox

Disclaimer: This is fantasy. Fantasy is not real. Rape is wrong. I do not encourage rape or violence against women. This is part 1 of a multi-part series. Please feel free to comment rate and appreciate. Any suggestions and requests for this or any future story are welcomed. Please include your username in the emails so that I may answer you. If I do not answer you email, it’s likely due to a technological failure. Thank you and...

4 years ago
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Abduction and rape of Megan

ABDUCTION AND RAPE OF MEGAN. I was watching the young bitches as they walked to school in groups or in pairs. I needed to get a bitch on her own so that I could force her into my car. Then I saw her, a bitch walking on her own, her high heels clicking on the pavement. She was young and pretty a gorgeous little redhead. She was wearing a short skirt and high heels that showed her sexy toes. She was just the sort of bitch I wanted to rape and torture. My cock went hard as I thought of all the...

3 years ago
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Papa and MeganThe Beginning

After we were married almost a year, I joined the Marines and Marty stayed home with our first born Danny and lived with her parents. It was a tough time for both of us, but probably hardest on Marty. After my discharge, I came home and started my life as many other twenty year-old fathers do. One kid became three and we moved and struggled just like any family until one day you turn around and Danny is graduating and in love with Shelly and her daughter Megan. Shelly lost her husband in...

3 years ago
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Papa and MeganThe Beginning

Introduction: Fisrt of three parts, lengthy. This is my 1st, comments welcome Martha and I have been happily married for 27 years now and we are still very much in love. Marty was my high school sweetheart and we were married a year after graduation. Marty is pretty, not gorgeous, but she carries her prettiness like the girl next door. She has a blue eyes, light brown hair, a girl with a smile that lights up any room she enters. I have only been with Marty, so my bias is obvious, but she was my...

3 years ago
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Megan and Kyle v2 part 4

Saturday morning rolls around and I watch Megan get ready. She has a spring in her step as it has been a long time since she has played her favorite sport. Since she is substituting on a team called the Pink Bitches, Megan has a pink jersey with a number 13 on it for her favorite player on the US National team. She has black shorts and sock and hot pink cleats. I see the outline of a black sports bra on underneath her jersey. Soon, I watch Megan pile into her black SUV with her friends Amanda...

3 years ago
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Megan 1

Walking through the house Megan wasn’t surprised to find that the house was empty, her mum worked late most days and she usually had to make dinner for herself and her younger brother John when he wasn’t out with his friends or at football practise, as it was a Wednesday evening, she knew that John wouldn’t be home for a few hours and her mum could be in some time after 9 that night. She walked into the kitchen and quickly made herself a sandwich before putting herself in front of the...

3 years ago
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Megan Justin

Megan looked at her brother longingly, then turned her head away.Why was she having the thoughts she was about her brother?Megan had recently graduated high school and was taking a year off before heading to UCLA, the same school her big brother Justin went to. Justin had come home for the summer to spend a little time with his younger sister, but somewhere along the line, things changed. It was a little sister/big brother thing. Something happened...The shower. It had to be the shower...A week...

3 years ago
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Megan and her Anniversary

Megan was hot. She was Asian, nice size breasts and a tight waist and hips. She kept herself tanned all year. She also knew a lot of her job was looks and she kept herself looking great. She was smart. She worked as a partner at a large law firm. That is where she met Issac. They both started as Staff Attorneys. Both Megan and Issac rose quickly, both working together and interdependently. They dated for a year and got married. She had only been with one other guy before Issac and she planned...

1 year ago
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Megan Pt 3

I didn't bother to ask him if he wanted me to give him a hand job, I just reached over, grabbed his cock and began to give him a nice hand job. My father instantly let go of his prick and put his hands behind his head, enjoying watching the porno and having his daughter jacking him off. "Mmm, that feels so good Megan. You are so good at stroking cocks!" "Thanks dad. When you are watching these movies, are you thinking it is you and I?" "Fuck yes Megan!" "Isn't it a bit hard? I...

1 year ago
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Megan Pt3

The day after my visit to my brothers’ house, I gave my father a call. I left him a message that I would stop by that night after dinner to say hi. My father called me back and left me a message, all he said was that he would leave the front door unlocked. I showed up at his house and let myself in. I called out for my father and I heard him respond he was upstairs. I went up stairs, my father had his bedroom door open and I could hear the TV playing so I walked in. My father was lying naked on...

4 years ago
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Megan Pt 7

The whole time we ate I could not keep my eyes off of her tits. Megan would bend over to tease me by letting me look down her top. She would play with her bra, adjusting it to see if I was watching. She got up a couple of times, her pants made her ass look so good, my mouth actually started to water from the lust I was feeling for my sister. When we were done Megan asked me what I wanted to do. I leaned in close to her to respond. "I want to fuck you sis. That outfit you are wearing is hot!...

4 years ago
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Emily and Megan Pissing time

Emily looked towards the bathroom door, “one more minute!” She shouted back to her sister. She had to get ready for this. She studied herself. Her F cup tits almost spilled out of the tank top she was in, her equally large ass sat comfortably in the sweatpants she wore, and her dark hair flowed down past her shoulders. She took a deep breath, it was time to fuck her sister. Or rather, it was time for her sister to fuck her. Megan was into bondage, one of her ex’s got her started and she could...

3 years ago
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Megan Mormon American Princess

Megan had just arrived home for Christmas Vacation from Brigham Young University-BYU and seemed bum-ed-out. Megan had nearly failed all her courses and just barely passed; mom had gotten the word that Megan was into drugs and smoking marijuana. For weeks our parents had been silent with me around. For Later Day Saints my sister Megan is a failure. Megan hid in her room till dinner time. Dinner was uneventful, dad fired up the gas-grill on the patio. Everyone was silent as we ate steak, baked...

3 years ago
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Megans Run

Megan's Run CHAPTER ONE “Oh, please let us do it, Bill!” she pleaded. “It will be quite safe; and so much fun for me!” He looked dubiously up at her standing over him, confident and assured in her nakedness. “Well,” he began doubtfully, but by then she was at his feet, her arms around his knees, smiling up at him with infectious mischief sparkling in her eyes. He smiled back; and was lost. Now that she had his consent she was all briskness for a few minutes. Then, the simple preparations...

2 years ago
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Second Chance At LovePart 3 Megan

Every day that week I tried to talk to Katie. She refused to speak to me. She usually walked away the second she saw me. I spent the week in a state of shock. The girl I loved hated me. Megan tried to talk to me a few times during the week. She told me I was so handsome. She said I was too good for Katie. I tried to ignore her since she was the cause of my grief. The following Monday night after scouts, I asked my best friend Rob Stevens if he would talk to Katie for me. He said, "Sure...

2 years ago
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Megan and Kyle v2 part 6

“Good morning Carol, I am well, thank you.” Carol has been my executive assistant since I took over the business when my dad died. She had been his assistant for many years prior and had been with the company for more than three decades. “What is on the schedule today?” “You have a call with the bank at 8:30, Dwayne at 9:00 to discuss changes on the shop floor, a meeting with Megan and me at 10, lunch with the sales team, and at some point in the afternoon, you need to see Joe in shipping....

4 years ago
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Megan O’Malley was one happy girl as she rode her school bus home. Friday, the final school day of the week and the Winter break has begun. No school again for two weeks.Even the day was perfect; unseasonably warm for December the temperature was in the low seventies with bright sunshine as her ride started.Megan’s was the last stop on the route, as they neared her home an abrupt change in the weather occurred. Through the window she watched, as the sky became a kaleidoscope of colors; first...

2 years ago
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Megan Pt 6

My cousin's have average looks, kind of nerdy, neither one currently had a girlfriend and to be honest I know they had never been out with any girl on a date. I could only imagine how horny they were. I went over to my uncle's house on one of my off days; nobody was supposed to be home. I got there, went around the house, didn't find anyone so I got into my bikini and went out by their pool to sunbathe. Well as you guess, my uncle 'forgot' that his sons would be home around the time I...

1 year ago
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Desert JailChapter 4 Megan STILL Hangs Around Clarissa Takes it Off

It was now twelve weeks since the two friends had been falsely imprisoned. Megan was still in the cage, a largely forgotten figure as far as the other women were concerned. Every now and again the odd prisoner might look up at the trapped girl, for ever bent double except for the occasional night when Wanda, the one humane guard, let her out for a few precious minutes, but mostly she was just part of the background. The weather was unbearably hot by now and certain to get even hotter before...

1 year ago
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Meeting Sorcha and Megan

Summer in England can be extremely frustrating, two or three days of sunshine, followed by a humid hell and then thunderstorms. If you’re lucky, the sun will return a few days later and you can feel the heat on your body once more. There are summers when the sunny days are few and far between but there are those when it’s day after day of gorgeous weather and there’s no place better to be. This story took place a few years ago, when England was experiencing one of its better summers,...

3 years ago
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Megan Part 3

Megan woke up with a start a dark black feeling in her stomach from the vivid dream she had just had. As she opened her eyes she smiled as she realised it was just a bad dream and it was all over now. She rolled onto her back and looked at her desk chair which had the short denim mini skirt draped over it and the events of the day before came crashing down and she realised that she wished she was still dreaming. She thought back to how she had been innocently chatting online when she had...

3 years ago
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Megan At Last Part II

“Well I don’t know about you”, I said after a few moments of mutual silence, “but I’m horny as fuck right about now.” “Haha...same here, sexy. We’ve got all night to try what ever we want...”, Megan replied, giving me a very arousing look as she did so. “Shit, this is got to be just about the greatest day ever”, I thought happily to myself. It was just now a little after nine, and Megan and I had pretty much done everything except actually fuck. That was more than I could have...

1 year ago
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Megan Mom Get Busted

The only thing I don't like is working the overnight ten to six shift. You can't get a free beer after about twelve o'clock! Still, sometimes there are compensations, occasionally glorious ones. The following is an account of one such summer night. It was about eleven o'clock. I had just set up the radar on a back road and was now busy drinking coffee from a flask and reading the latest Irvine Welsh novel, musing how well he seems to understand those Scottish male traits of casual...

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Megan Catches Mommy and bro

Megan had always know her mother was a slut. She and her brother had grown up listening to her getting her brains fucked out, and masturbating her brains out just a wall away. The headboard banging against the wall, her slutty, whorish cries, begging to cum. All the "don't stops", "keep goings", "mother fuckers", god yes's" echoed off the walls, and into Megan's ears. Not only had she heard her mother fuck, she had seen it. She never told anyone about it, but one night, she waited up to...

3 years ago
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Emily and Megan

“Fine, I'll let you have it this time!” Emily jokingly said. Megan pulled down on the handle and the door clicked open. She looked back at Emily, she smiled, blew her a kiss, and shut the door behind her. Emily couldn't help but laugh as she half walked, half waddled over to the door. She pulled on the handle and swung the white wooden door open. Megan already began walking to the back of the bathroom towards the toilet. “Looks like I won,” Megan teased. “I'll get you next time,” said...

1 year ago
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Megans Mardi Gras Fantasy Pt 67

I loaded a new cassette and batteries and we left the room. Megan pranced through the mostly empty lobby and her outfit quickly drew attention. As I had hoped, in the bright daylight, her dress became almost transparent! Her black lingerie, garter belt and nylon stockings showed through the gauzy material. Megan's breasts were equally exposed and I could see her nipples grow hard with excitement as soon as she stepped out onto the street!We bought a couple of Zombies next door and wandered down...

2 years ago
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Megan And John

Megan and John had been friends for a few years they got on well with each other and were like best mates. They had their own friends, Megan with hers and John with his mates. But they seemed to have more of a connection and John always thought he could talk to her more, being female, than he could with his own mates.  John was in his mid forties and Megan ten years his junior. John was quite shy and not an overly confident person, especially around women. Megan was very pretty with lovely...

3 years ago
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my sis megan 3

She squeezed my hard cock a little tighter now as she still jerked it up and down making sure that on the down stroke she jerked it really hard and tight. It was then that we both heard a little cough coming from the toilet part of Megan's bathroom and as we both looked round with Megan still holding my throbbing dick in her hand as we saw mom sitting there watching us. She was playing with one hand in a boob and her other hand was inside her Wonder Woman pants and was obviously intoxicated...

3 years ago
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Mike and MeganWednesday

Evidentially Megan's sister had decided to borrow something to wear to school from her closet and noticed me in her bed with her. That came as a shock to her... a big shock. "Oh my god!" Katie exclaimed at the top of her lungs. This woke me of course... "Ssssh! You don't have to wake the world." I replied. "You're in my sister's bed... I... um..." She said, still shocked. "Yea, so I am." I replied. "WOW, and I thought she was a prude!" Katie replied. All I could do was...

3 years ago
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Megan Pt 5

I was feeling horny, incestuously horny so I drove over to my father's house to pay him a surprise visit. I had the key to his house so I let myself in. I heard the shower running so I quietly went up stairs to surprise him. My father had the bathroom door wide open so I quietly peeked in to see what he was doing. He had part of the shower door open and I could see him in the reflection of the mirror. He had a raging hard on and he was jacking off like crazy. He had his eyes closed and I...

1 year ago
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Mike and MeganThursday

I don't know why, but I woke up sometime around 3am feeling really uncomfortable. Ok, I know why... it was a really gigantic emptiness that woke me. As much as I tried I knew what had to be done to get back to sleep, just had to hope he didn't kill me when I showed up at his door during this hour of the night. So I got dressed, shorts and a tank top, and drove over to Mike's house. I did notice a nice shiny key on the set he gave me that was definitely not to the car, so I hoped it was to...

3 years ago
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Mike and MeganFriday

I woke up sometime around 5am well rested, but I felt like I was gonna be sick. Mike was still sound asleep, actually snoring a bit. It was real faint, but definitely a snore. It was kinda funny actually. I couldn't laugh to hard though as I had to pee bad. I untangled myself from Mike as gently as possible trying not to disturb him, then went into the rest room did my business. Must have been all that wine last night, cause I sat there for what seemed like forever. Can the human bladder...

1 year ago
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Mike and MeganSaturday

I woke up sick as a dog around 7am this morning and was in the middle puking when I noticed Mike standing at the door with a concerned look on his face. "You alright?" He asked. "I dunno," I replied. "When it happened yesterday I thought it was just the wine, now I'm not sure. Maybe it's the food, I normally eat like a rabbit... you know salads and fruit, never anything really greasy. Yesterday I actually ate rabbit, and this whole week I've been eating different. My stomach is just...

3 years ago
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Megan By Paris Waterman It was a typical wedding. Two hundred or more guests, most from Sully's side. I learned that Shelly had a very small family and that only a few of her friends were making the trip from Philly to Jersey City. As best man, I was to be paired up with Tracy, the Maid of Honor. I wasn't getting laid there. She was engaged and her boyfriend was going to be there. Now I had banged Sully's kid sister Megan a couple years before, but between college and my baseball career it...

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