Ο πρίγκιπά& free porn video

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Αυτή η ιστορία είναι αφιερωμένη στον πιο συναρπαστικό άντρα του κόσμου, εναν άντρα που μου γνώρισε τον έρωτα, με έκανε πραγματική γυναίκα, έκανε την καρδιά μου να χτυπάει δυνατά, ζωντάνεψε κάτι ξεχασμένες πεταλούδες στην κοιλιά μου!
Σε αυτόν έχω ορκιστεί να δώσω όλο το πάθος που υπάρχει μέσα μου, με αυτόν θέλω να κάνω κάθε τρέλα, πιασμένη απο το χέρι του θα εξερευνήσω όλα τα μονοπάτια της ηδονής.....

Ο πρίγκιπάς μου...

Απο μέρες ονειρευόμασταν με το μωρό μου αυτήν την συνάντηση, για την οποία είχαμε καταφέρει να είναι ολονύκτια! Ο αντρούκλας μου σχεδίαζε κάτι ξεχωριστό γι αυτήν την βραδιά, ένα ιδιαίτερο περιβάλλον, δωμάτιο με θέα, τζινάκια και ατελείωτο σεξ! Μετρούσα ένα ένα τα λεπτά για να βρεθώ κοντά του. Φόρεσα το αγαπημένο του καρώ φορεματάκι και επειδή θέλω να εκπληρώνω όλες του τις επιθυμίες το φόρεσα χωρίς εσώρουχο!! Όταν άνοιξε την πόρτα και τον αντίκρισα μπροστά μου ψηλό, γεροδεμένο και με την πουτσάρα του όρθια να με περιμένει, σηκώθηκε μέσα μου ανεμοστρόβιλος. Αρχισε να μου δίνει παθιασμένα γλωσσόφιλα και ταυτόχρονα να βυθίζει την χερούκλα του μέσα στην ήδη πρησμένη μου μουνάρα! Εκει μπροστά στην πόρτα έχυσα πάνω στο χέρι του... Ούτε κατάλαβα πότε βρέθηκα στημένη στα τέσσερα πάνω στο κρεβάτι με τον παίδαρό μου να με ξεκωλιάζει και να με ξεμουνιάζει και εγω να χυνω ασταμάτητα!! Κωλάρα, μουνάρα, κωλάρα, μουνάρα και εγω να χύνω και απο τον κώλο και απο το μουνί και να τρέχει άσπρο ασπρο το σπέρμα απο τις τρύπες μου!!!!
Μετα απο κανένα μισάωρο ασταμάτητου ξεσκίσματος ξάπλωσε ο αντρούκλας μου στο κρεβάτι και απόλαυσε την τσιμπουκάρα μου! Δεν την χόρταινα την πουτσάρα του. Την έγλειφα γύρω γυρω με την γλώσσα μου, την έβαζα βαθια μέχρι τον λάρυγγα, ρουφούσα τα αρχίδια του, χτυπιόμουν με την ψωλάρα του στο πρόσωπο, πασαλειβόμουν με τα ζουμιά της και γκάβλωνα ...γκάβλωνα.. Σταματούσα το τσιμπούκι και καβαλούσα με την μουνάρα μου την πουτσαρα του και ξεσκιζόμουνα και έχυνα και μετά πάλι τσιμπουκάρα! Όταν γκάβλωνα τρελά ξανά καβάλημα, αλλα απο την κωλάρα αυτη την φορά! Καλα η κωλάρα μου έχει τρελαθει με την πουτσαρα του. Μόλις μπαίνει μέσα χύνει με την μια και ζητάει και άλλο πούτσο και άλλο πούτσο..
Σειρά είχε η πολυθρόνα... Στήθηκα, τέντωσα την κωλάρα μου και ο παίδαρός μου με ξεκώλιαζε ασταμάτητα. Χύσιμο ξεκώλιασμα, χύσιμο ξεκώλιασμα... Δεν θυμάμαι πόσες φορές έχυσα. Με έπαιρνε παντού, όρθια, πάνω στις καρέκλες, κολλημένη στον τοιχο, με το πόδι ψηλά, στο πάτωμα, στο μπάνιο.... Χόρταινα πούτσο και έβγαζα ατελείωτη γκάβλα!! Εχω τρελό πάθος με την πουτσάρα του!! Με γκαβλώνει τόσο πολύ που δεν μπορώ να την χορτάσω!!! Σειρά είχαν τα φιλαράκια μας, οι δονητές.. Το μωρό μου, μου έμαθε να κάνω παρτουζίτσες. Μου έβαζε τον δονητή στην μουνάρα και αυτός μου ξέσκιζε την κωλάρα και μετά διπλό στην μουνάρα. Πω πω τι γκάβλα αισθανόμουνα, ειδικα όταν έβαλε τον δονητή στην κωλάρα μου και μπήκε και αυτός διπλό τρελάθηκα... " σκίσε με του φώναζα!!! δύο πούτσες παίρνω η πουτανάρα στην κωλάρα!!" Μου έβαζε δονητές, μεγάλους , μικρούς και αυτός μαζί μπρος πίσω ασταμάτητα! Η τρέλα ήταν όταν μου έβαλε μια μελιτζάνα στην μουνάρα μαζί με την πουτσάρα του και έναν δονητή στην κωλάρα!! "Είμαι η πουτανάρα σου του φώναζα.. η δική σου πουτανάρα, κάνε με οτι θες, σκίιιισε με" Ούτε ξέρω πόσες ώρες με πηδούσε έτσι ασταμάτητα, ούτε μπορώ να μετρήσω πόσες φορές έχυσα.
Μετά απο λίγη ώρα ξεκούρασης και ενώ ο ήλιος άρχισε να δύει, βγήκαμε να απολαύσουμε το ηλιοβασίλεμα στο μπαλκονάκι μας πίνοντας τα δροσερά τζινάκια μας. Όμορφες στιγμές, μοναδικές... στιγμές που έχουν χαραχτει μέσα στην καρδιά μου, στιγμές που γεμίζουν την ψυχή μου, που πίστευα ότι δεν θα τις ζούσα ποτέ!!Αφού ήπιαμε 3-4 ποτάκια και είχαμε φτιαχτει καλά ακολούθησε το πάρτυ. Δεν έχω νιώσει ποτέ ξανά τέτοιο πάθος, δεν ήξερα ότι μπορεί αυτός ο άντρας να με μεταμορφώσει στην μεγαλύτερη πουτανάρα! Ανοιγα τις τρύπες μου με τα χέρια μου και ήθελα πούτσους, πολλούς πούτσους! "Ποσούς πούτσους θέλεις πουτανάρα μου; με ρωτούσα ο αντρούκλας μου "Τέσσερις - πέντε του έλεγα ... θέλω στην μουνάρα μου, στην κωλάρα μου, στο στόμα παντού.. Εκείνη την στιγμή πραγματικα θα μπορούσα να παίρνω μέσα μου πολλούς πούτσους, δύο στην μουνάρα, δύο στην κωλάρα, αλλον να τον τσιμπουκώνω, άλλον να τον παίζω... τους ήθελα, γουστάριζα τρελά! Το μωρό μου τρελάθηκε απο την γκάβλα μου, μου έδινε γλωσσόφιλα, με πηδούσε, με ξέσκιζε μπρούμυτα, ανάσκελα, με δονητές, με χόρταινε πούτσους την άρρωστη .. και εγω έχυνα εχυνα ασταμάτητα και φώναζα " Θέλω πούτσους!!!!" Τρέεελα, όνειρο!
Κοιμηθηκαμε αγκαλιασμένοι και χορτασμένοι προσωρινά.. Πόσο μαγικό είναι να ακούς την ανάσα του άντρα που αγαπάς... Να τον αγγίζεις και να λες " είναι αλήθεια, βρίσκεται στην αγκαλια μου, δεν είναι όνειρο!" Είναι αυτές οι στιγμές που για κάποιους είναι δεδομένες και δεν μπορούν να τις εκτιμήσουν. όταν όμως μπορείς να τις ζήσεις κάποιες φορές καταλαβαίνεις πόσο μοναδικές είναι και πόσο μπορούν να ομορφύνουν την ζωή σου!
Η άλλη μέρα μας βρήκε ξεκούραστους. Το θηρίο μεσα μας ξύπνησε!! όταν άγγιξα την πουτσαρα του και την ενιωσα πετρωμένη, ενεργοποιήθηκε το ηφαίστειο!!! Έσκιψα κάτω απο το σεντόνι και τον πήρα ολόκληρο μέσα στο στόμα!! Εβγαζε απο την γκάβλα ζουμιά, τα πιο νόστιμα ζουμια του κόσμου!! Αφού χόρτασαμε τσιμπούκαρα συνεχίσαμε με πρωινό ξέσκισμα!! Στησιμο στα 4 και συνεχόμενο ξεκώλιασμα. Τώρα είχαμε και θέα.. τα καράβια μέσα στην θάλασσα! Κάποια στιγμη που με πηδούσε η μωράκλα μου, μου λέει μας παίρνει μάτι ο καπετάνιος απο την γέφυρα!!! Και όμως, μου ξύπνησε πάλι την πουτανάρα μέσα μου. Γουστάριζα τρελα να πηδιέμαι με τον αντρουκλα μου και να ξέρω οτι με παίρνει μάτι ο καπετάνιος. Μου άρεσε να βλέπει πως ξεμουνιάζομαι και πως ξεκωλιάζομαι! Γκάβλωνα περισσότερο... Μου κόλλησε η σκεψη ότι ήθελα και εγώ να βλέπω αυτήν την εικονα!! Πήγα λοιπόν μπροστά στον ολόσωμο καθρέφτη, στήθηκα, άνοιξα τις τρυπάρες μου και απόλαυσα τα κάλη του αντρούκλα μου. Είναι απίστευτα ερεθιστικό να βλέπεις έναν βαρβατάντρα δύο μέτρα να σε καρφώνει με την ψωλάρα του!! Ειδικα όταν μου σηκωσε το πόδι και αντίκρισα την πρησμένη μου μουνάρα γεμάτη ζουμια να ξεσκίζεται απο την γκαβλαρα του ήθελα να ουρλιάξω απο την ηδονή!! Δεν θα ξεχάσω ποτέ αυτην την εικόνα μας στον καθρέφτη!!!
Αφού πλέον χόρτασα την ψωλάρα του τον αποζημίωσα με μια ακόμη τσιμπουκάρα!! Επαιζα την ψωλάρα του με την γλώσσα μου ενώ με το χέρι μου χάιδευα την μουνάρα μου και αυτή συνέχιζε να γκαβλώνει και να χύνει!! Η μεγαλύτερη απόλαυση ήταν όταν ένιωσα τα χύσια του αντρούκλα μου πάνω μου! Σπέρμα παντού, μέσα στο στόμα μου, στις βυζάρες μου, στις χειλάρες μου!! Εβγαζα την γλώσσα μου και το έγλειφα και ήταν ότι νοστιμότερο έχω γευτει στην ζωή μου...το σπέρμα του λατρεμένου μου πρίγκιπα!!
Το παραμύθι μου τελείωσε με πρωινό στο δωμάτιο αγναντευοντας την θάλασσα και το πρόσωπο του αγαπημένου μου!! Εκείνη την στιγμη που καθόμουνα απέναντί του, την στιγμή που για πρώτη φορά απολαμβαναμε μαζί ένα γεύμα ένιωσα η πιο ευτυχισμένη, η πιο γεμάτη γυναίκα στον κόσμο!! Ένιωσα ότι έγινα η πριγκίπισσά του!!

Αντρούκλα μου ήταν μια ευκαιρία να ξαναζήσω το όμορφο όνειρο που μου χάρισες!! Πλεόν έχεις κάνει την κάθε μέρα μου ένα παραμύθι!

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ALL FOR ME-ALL ON ME I rode with my best friend, Sarah Goodlow to Sarah’s house after the varsity basketball game, for my big eighteenth birthday party, it’s my cumming of age bash. As Sarah turned onto her lane, she lived out in the country and her driveway is a little over a mile long. I noted all the cars on it. “Holy shit,” I gasped, “are all these people at your house? Sarah smiled at me and said “Anna, just be prepared to get your brains fucked out,” “How many guys?” I asked...

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MommyBlowsBest Blaten Lee Moms Punishment

Blaten Lee is one exquisite milf with a big problem. She keeps on cheating on her husband. But she keeps on getting caught by her stepson Codey. And in exchange for his silence, he wants some hot action from his stepmom. Today he asks her to give him a deep and sloppy blowjob. That is exactly what Blaten will give him. She starts by undressing while he is laying down on the bed. Showing off her awesome body. She then gets down to business and begins to service him with the best blowjob...

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As I loaded up XX-Cel this morning, I thought I would be whacking off to a porn site about spreadsheets. Office scenarios aren’t too uncommon in the world of premium smut, but this turned out to be another niche entirely. The name isn’t a pun on Microsoft Excel; it’s a play on XXL, a reference to the size of the big, natural tatas you’ll find within. But, of course, XXL may also be a reference to how my cock engorges at the very thought of these well-endowed beauties because I just pulled up...

Premium Big Tits Sites
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The Blizzard

Sometimes I can’t help but be disgusted by my own stubbornness, or maybe I should say, my own stupidity. Why, just an hour ago I was sitting in my car shaking my head at myself, wishing I’d listened to my gut instincts to stay home I’d felt earlier. But no, not me, I got ready and went to work. Heck, the weather predictors are never right anyways, right? Every school in the five county area was closing due to the weather reports of a monster snowstorm bearing down on our town. But of course I...

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Six Little Words

SIX LITTLE WORDS SIX LITTLE WORDS Book 1Chapter 1 Six little words, barely a sentence had changed their relationship forever.? ?I like to get tied up? she had told him casually.? Like someone would say ?I like to jog?, or ?I like strawberry ice cream?. ?Would you care to elaborate on that?? he asked.? ?If that?s not plain enough for you? she replied, a little snappy, obviously embarrassed at being caught.? The chains attached to her wrists jingled as she gestured while talking.? ?I...

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My naughty sister

100% fiction! So this all happened on a Tuesday night, my sister who is in her 18 had been left alone. I went to go visit my mom, when I got to her house she had just left with her friends. My sister had been left alone. As i knocked at her door I was able to smell the smoke of weed and some alcohol. So i didn’t know she was into that, as I talked to her I saw some pills on her bed, I asked what those were and she said they were x-pills. She was completely fucked up. As i continued talking to...

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Moments in a LifeChapter 20 Sarah

When Bob Lacy left Karen's apartment, he debated about stopping by Jack's house before heading home. At the New Year's Dance, Jack had invited Bob along with some other people to stop over and see his new house. The house was on Bob's way home, so he decided that he would stop. There where five couples at Jack's house. Some of the individuals at the house because of the alcohol they consumed were either sleeping or passed out. Sarah was there but Dave was sleeping. Bob started talking...

3 years ago
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Mom teaches

My parents divorced when I was 10 over some drinking brawl assed thing. Dad drank a lot & when dad walked out he said, I’ll see you again in divorce court. Mom started to cry un-controllably. Hell, I didn’t know what to do. I took mom’s hand & tried to console her as best I could. She & I just sat there. I started to talk to her. I said, “Mom “We’ll make it. We will be alright” “We will be fine mom, it will take some hard work but we’ll be ok, besides I know dad drinks too much and never once...

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Zero G

I'm sure I've been MORE nervous in my life, I just couldn't recall WHEN at the moment the countdown reached eight. I heard the ratcheting clank of the hoses separating from the external fuel tank of the shuttle, hoses which had just finished pumping in liquid oxygen to supply the oxidizer for the main engine burn. The main engines themselves were ignited a moment later, shuddering our compartment. The main engines would not actually be fired until launch of course but the shudder was the...

4 years ago
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The Equality Universe

My name is Alex. It is the year 2062 and I am a 28 years old. My life has developed in ways I could never have dreamt of when I was younger. I met my wife Melissa when I was a senior in college, she is an amazing, beautiful intelligent woman. Back then she was near famous around campus for her smouldering good looks. I will take you back to the day we first met. "Hi, do you mind if I sit down here?" I turn around. Staring at me is Melissa. She is wearing a short denim skirt with a...

2 years ago
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Our First Time

Semi-autobiographical. It was almost like a dare as it slipped past my lips. ‘ I want to watch you pleasure yourself.’ I watched his face closely to see how he would respond. At this point, his words meant nothing. ‘Uh, sure. I can do that.’ He squirmed in his seat, looking like a boy who got caught looking at naughty magazines, instead of the self-assured businessman that he was. I could hear the hesitancy in his voice. I saw how his eyes didn’t quite meet mine. I knew he wasn’t ready for...

1 year ago
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BarbaraChapter 24

As Bobbie made her way through the corridors of the courthouse, it felt wonderful to have Andy on her right and Kenny on her left, both holding her hand tightly. The thought of these two incredibly brave and resourceful children holding on for protection was amusing. Knowing them, though, Bobbie was certain they were doing it because they knew that she liked it and it made her feel good to hold their hands. Finding the door to Judge Callaway's chambers, before knocking she dropped to her...

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Friend8217s Girlfriend Rachel Had Awesome Lickable Ass

Hi guys, this is Mervin from Chennai. This is my first story. So, girls get ready to put that finger in your pussy and guys get your hand on your dicks. This is a true story that happened during UG. About me, I am a tall man with a cock that could satisfy you ladies. The heroine of this story is Rachel who is my friend’s girlfriend. Her stats are 28-32-34. Yes, she has a big ass. Coming to the story, she was in a relationship with my friend for the past 3 years. I met her after I got close to...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Kristen Scott Sabina Rouge Naughty Neighbor

Kristen Scott knocks on the door to a suburban home. She’s caught off guard when a girl her age, Sabina Rouge, answers the door and asks ‘Can I help you?’ with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. A bit embarrassed, Kristen apologizes for being nosy and says that she baked some treats to welcome the new family to the neighborhood – baking is her specialty. Sabina says that her parents aren’t home right now, then sniffs the baked goods and her eyes go wide with gluttony....

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Sexy MILFWife part 2

About 30 seconds later We decided to really ramp it up. Suddenly We were both quite vocal too. " You like this, don't you" he said " Yes baby" ... said. Then it got crazy, rapping fire skin slapping, and the headboard pounding off the wall. I was fucking ... brains out doggie style. "Oh God" ... moaned "Fuck me" . All of a sudden, .... got real dirty "Oh yes baby, fuck me harder...do it....fuck it". I was moaning but ... just, well...lost it. "GOD YES....BABY....FUCK ME" amongst the sounds of...

2 years ago
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Horny Doctor Sucks Me Off

I went for an exam today to find out if I have rheumatoid arthritis. The nurse was checking my BP and my temperature and was very friendly. When she was checking my BP she put my arm under her arm pit and lay her breast right on my forearm. She even wiggled it around a little to get it comfy!"That raised the numbers a little," she exclaimed in a cheery voice.I was a little surprised and all I could think of was, "Well, duh!"She just laughed a bit and said, "The doctor will be in soon!" I was...

Oral Sex
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Lands of the Mists

It is about ten minutes until school gets out for the weekend; however, ten minutes in Mrs. Kline’s math class can feel like an eternity. You can’t help but day dream away the complex numbers and equations Mrs. Kline continually throws at the class. Your mind often drifts away from this boring smalltown life that has become your fate, and whatever thought it lands on is always a welcome change from the boredom in which you exist. “Jay Masterson, would be so kind as to answer problem nine in...

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Secretary walks the walk of shame

Catherine has always been above everybody else in the office; after all she was the Personal Assistant to the boss. Immaculate make up, glowing red lipstick, blow dried hairstyle, tanned and every single day of the year without exception dressed in proper business attire. The typical high powered female business executive in a jacket and skirt, a blouse, shiny panties and fantastic high heels. Yes Catherine knows how to use every advantage of her heels, gaining a few inches in height to talk...

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My Real Slave Life First Time I Was a Sex Slave

One of the things you may notice about my fantasy writing is that a lot of the same themes play over in them. Part of that is because we’re dealing with my fantasies, but it’s also because when it comes to describing a particular scene I tend to base it off my experiences. I try to remember what things felt like, tasted like, smelled like and while I may change things around or amplify the bdsm aspects of the scene in my story, I’m writing based on what I can see in my head if that makes...

4 years ago
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How A Dick Feels

Not as squishy as you would think.Not as hard as described either. Penises are very smooth. They have very good skin too, you never see a zit on someone’s dick.At least I haven’t.Thank god.When something is weird about a penis you aren’t sure what to do or say. I have a tendency to overcompensate because I would feel awful if I was making someone feel anxious or alone for something they can’t help, like how their body is. So I don’t say anything. I’m not sure if that’s proper protocol. I also...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 17

"First thing is 8 AM," the voice of Michael Burke coming from my cell phone explained. "Maybe that is true for you, but first thing for me is 8:30 AM and that's about the time I will arrive at the office. So go have a cup of coffee and a donut, and put it on my bill." "Damn woman, I have way more to do than drink coffee. Okay, I do need to run by the drugstore. I'll do that first." I pushed the end key, then got my ass busy. I had managed the morning shower, but I still had wet...

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Basement Suite

To say that I had mixed emotions when Heather's slacker brother moved in to our basement suite would be too kind. I hated the idea. We had a bit of a fight about it too, Heather and I. His lifestyle was hedonistic. Whatever he wanted, he just did, regardless of consequences. Big screen TV. Put it on credit - no problem. Video games all night. Whatever. Drinking, smoking up, whenever. No job. No prospects. No chance of him ever paying rent. "With Mom gone, I have to take care of him. I just...

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Pauline The Slut Part 31 Meeting The Parents

Beth met us at the airport. She got into the back of the car with me while Donal drove. She had me take off my dress, then get down between her knees and eat her cunt. This continued for some time before she produced a dildo with a small strap. She placed the base of the dildo in my mouth and strapped it to my head. She then pushed me back down between her legs and had me fuck her with the dildo. It was a completely humiliating experience. She grabbing my head and using it to push the dildo in...

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Park Me Mili Mast Bhabhi Ke Sath Sex Enjoy

Hi friends mera name sumit hai, main 30 saal ka hoon indore me rehta hu meri height 5.10 ft and lund 7inch lamba hai main average body ka ladka hu, is story ko padkar ise enjoy kariye ???? And apna feedback dijiyega. Baat kuch mahine pehle ki hai, mai tab apne regularly job pe tha or kuch din ki meri chuttiya thi to me apne regularly rutin me tha park me evening walk par jana. Or badminton khelna. Ek din ek mast lady jinki umar 38 ke paas hogi (boobs 36 ubhre hue, kamar 30 and gaand 38) usne...

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Nubile Bliss 1

This is a story of an insatiable pre teen’s discovery of carnal wonders. If you don’t like young stories, please go to another category. Tom enjoyed working for “Pools Are Us”. He was both a sales rep and a back up maintenance man when things got slow. So for that reason, the company built him a very nice, Olympic sized pool in his back two acre yard. The new home was picturesquely situated in a well preserved woodland area. The next house was literally a hundred yards away and Tom...

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Fashion is Our Name Pt 08

Fashion is Our Name – Part 8 – Tense Meetings in London After a busy weekend, we were up in the dark, in a hard rain, with clouds to the ground. Anne and Helen dressed the twins in their warm clothes and had retrieved small size raincoats. The first wave for London, including me, was departing on the 8:40 train and had no time to lose. The others would follow in the Range Rover later in the day if the weather let up. From the train, I rang Tom Carruthers, who was in early and eager to talk to...

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EssenceChapter 2

I don't remember anything that happened in school today. All I could think of is what I told Mom. I couldn't believe how smooth I was with it. It was a "pitch for the angels!" Would she believe it? What I had going for me was my reputation for telling her the truth and the fact that she had been in a lot of pain lately. There was no way she could check the article, she didn't read French. I was crazy with hope that it would work. When would we do it? I would try to get her to suck me off...

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My Demon Prince chapter 2

>The Demon >  >She opened her eyes some time later and found the sun had set. Perfect. 'Time to put the spell together and cast it'. she thought smiling. She put on her cloak and grabbed the things, putting them in a bag. She left for the small meadow on her mare. She tied her mare to a low branch and went to the small fire pit. She lit the small fire and pulled out the things for the spell. Hopefuly this spell would work and she would have eather a man or woman to do the things she...

1 year ago
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My Wife My Mistress

Blindfolded, tied spread eagle to our bed, I think about the changes in my life during the past two years. I have been Linda's willing slave every since she caught me looking at domination porn on the Internet. My cock throbs and begins to harden, just thinking about that night. She was supposed to be out with her friend Julie at an after work party to unwind after a particularly difficult project at work Knowing she wouldn't be home until at least midnight, I dug my toys out of hiding and...

3 years ago
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My Evil Twin Chapter 16

Of course, once I hit the top of the stairs, I stripped naked like Mandy expects from me. She went to my room while I stripped and got some clothes out for me. She gave me a skirt and blouse, but of course, no panties or bra. I am sure George and Veronica would be seeing my naked cunt all night. I heard the door bell and then some talking. But, I heard the bell again and more people were talking. I took a quick shower and then grabbed my clothes so I could dress before going down stairs. I...

4 years ago
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Me And My Maami On Holi

Hi all, This is Mac from Mumbai. I am 23 Yrs old guy and have a nyc long penis to satisfy a women.Any Women who wants an Open relation or who wants me to satisfy her can contact me on ma mail id Now coming towards the story.This happened between me and ma maami Neha. She is nice white awesome babes with 34 size boobs.I shifted to mumbai for my job purpose and i used to live with my mama. Ek bar holi ka time tha and mama ko kahi bahar jana tha do din pehle holi se. So maine mama ko airport...

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Juries Judges and Jinn RevisedChapter 3

Next morning... I awoke pretty late that morning, half-expecting it to prove to be just a crazy dream, but when I found myself lodged between two bodies with a third atop me, that spoke volumes to me. I was naked, of course, and so were they. They were also very much ladies, of course. Dana Delany was on top of me, and she wasn’t asleep, either. She was wide awake and riding my cock like the pleasure pole that it clearly was to her. She had this intensely lustful look on her face, too,...

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