Sue Ch. 21-24 free porn video

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Chapter 21

Fringe Benefits

So, with that resolved, the next time I was getting ready for a trip, I took my time in packing and left my case open on the bed, hoping John would notice some of the things I was taking with me. He always liked seeing me in sexy underwear and until then I had never taken any of his particularly favourite things with me, keeping them ‘for us’. This time I had, leaving them on top of my other things, so he couldn’t help but notice them and wondering if he would actually say anything. He didn’t!

Of course, having geared myself up, nothing happened on that trip. There was a man sitting next to me on the plane who spent most of the trip ogling and leering at me but even if he’d had the nerve to proposition me he would have been disappointed. I wasn’t simply looking for a grope and a fuck, I still had my standards, it was just that I was available, if someone I fancied came along.

I was luckier on the next. I usually hate eating alone and most times I’m away I’m entertaining a client or someone associated with the business – but at the last minute my client cancelled out of an arrangement, leaving me stranded. By then it was getting late and I was tempted to have a meal sent up to my room but finally I decided instead to brave the restaurant. I spent a bit more time in getting myself ready, putting on some of my special underwear – ‘Just in case.’ – I thought to myself.

Most hotel restaurants put women who are eating alone off to one side or in a corner, probably recognising they are vulnerable to predatory males and thinking that in that way a woman can somehow ‘hide’ herself. This one was no different but of course men who travel frequently know what’s going on and merely make sure they get seated in he same kind of area. It was just my luck to have one plonk himself down at a table near me, he was fairly drunk when he arrived and by the time he’d had two fast pre-dinner drinks and the first of several glasses of wine he was becoming quite obnoxious. My waiter was only a young chap but when he saw what was going on he did his best to protect me, first by moving me to another table and then hovering nearby as often as the demands of the few remaining diners allowed him to.

He was a good-looking young man, in his late teens I guessed, tall, blonde, with brilliantly blue eyes – the sort of young man featured in TV commercials and magazine advertisements.

Even though I had been moved further away from him, the man, who was getting quite drunk by this time, still persisted in staring at me with a stupid smirk on his face and on at least two occasions he got up to try to wobble over towards me and I was very grateful to see my protective waiter persuading him to stay where he was.

So by the time I had finished my desert I had had enough and when the waiter asked if I would like coffee I said – ‘No thank you – I’d rather leave before there’s any real trouble.’ He smiled apologetically and then, asking me to – ‘Please stay there for just a minute.’ – walked quickly away. I didn’t know what he was up to but did as he had asked and sure enough, in only a minute or two he was back.

‘The manager understands the inconvenience you have been caused and would like to know if you would like coffee and a brandy, or perhaps a liqueur, brought up to your room?’

On the surface it sounded like the sort of thing you hope a good hotel would do, good public relations. But I had to smile – what he was doing was so transparent. He hadn’t had time to explain anything to the manager, even if he was still around at that time – he fancied me and had come up with a way of at least getting into my room, after that he’d take his chances on getting into my pants!

So of course I said – ‘That’s very considerate of the manager.’ – adding flirtatiously. ‘I hope you’re going to be the one bringing it up to me.’ When I saw him blush furiously I knew I had been right and then, when he saw my grin and realised I knew what he’d been thinking he couldn’t help responding with an even wider one.

‘You can’t blame a guy for trying can you.’

‘I don’t – and I’m serious – I hope you’re going to bring it up to me.’ I repeated quietly.


‘Seriously. Room 422. How long before you finish here?’

For a moment I thought he was going to back down but I guess the look in my eyes convinced him he was really on to a sure thing and his hormones no doubt made the decision for him. Having had a quick look around the restaurant he answered – ‘Half an hour or so. Is that O.K.?’

‘That’ll be fine. Don’t worry about the coffee or brandy though, I’ve got a mini-bar in the room – just bring yourself!’

He did, though he was a bit longer than he had said he would be, taking time to get out of his waiter’s uniform and, I guessed from the smell of him, to have a quick shower after he had finished in the restaurant. He wasn’t a great lover but what he lacked in finesse and staying power he tried his best to make for with youthful energy. He came very quickly the first time – but within a matter of minutes was hard again and lasted quite a bit longer before he climaxed again. I let him rest for a while, got us both a drink, then, almost casually began to play with his cock and ‘hey presto!’ soon had it back inside me – and that time he actually gave me an orgasm too.

Afterwards, as we lay there smoking and finishing our drinks a thought suddenly occurred to me.

‘I don’t know your name yet!’

‘Mike. What’s yours?’ he asked, grinning madly.

‘Sue. There, that’s better – at least we know who we’ve been screwing with now. By the way.’ I added as another thought popped into my mind. ‘Have you had any dinner?’

‘No, we normally get a meal after we’ve finished work. I had something better to do!’ he said, still grinning like a cat that had swallowed the cream.

‘I thought so. Now, get on to room service and order something, I don’t want you fading away from lack of energy.’

I don’t think until then that he realised that I planned on us doing it again and, if it was possible, his grin got even wider still.

I got him to disappear into the bath-room when room service delivered – and couldn’t help a wistful thought or two about the times I had done that during the week-end that Brian and I had had together – and I paid for it in cash to avoid problems in trying to explain to my boss why my expenses included two separate meals in one evening. Mike had just wrapped a large towel around himself and while he ate I sat and watched him for a while then, telling him to carry on with his meal, I slid down on to the floor between his legs – and slowly began to eat him.

We went at each other on and off most of the night, dozing a while between bouts then one or the other waking and getting started again until, by about three o’clock in the morning I had to admit that I had really been well and truly fucked – and had a very sore pussy to prove it! Mike admitted that he too was exhausted and was as happy as I was at that stage to call it quits – so we finally rolled apart and slept.

The flight home the following evening was really the first chance I had to think over what I had done that night. It certainly wasn’t the first time I had in effect taken charge of a sexual situation, I had always enjoyed the strange sense of power making love to, rather than with a man, gave me – and of course I could never forget that I had virtually raped Brian that very first night. But I had never before had a night of just pure, raw sex with a man about whom the only thing I knew was his first name.

I was surprised to find that looking at it in that way made the memory of it even more exciting!

In fact I found that as I sat there, looking down at the swirling clouds far below us – remembering the sight and feel of Mike’s strong, young body – I could feel my still tender pussy not only tingling but actually getting quite damp.

When John made overtures to me that night I made a point, for the first time since we had been together, of telling him I was just too tired from my trip to be able to make love with him. He not only accepted my rebuff without a murmur but I had a feeling that he was almost relieved by that response and I couldn’t help wondering just what he might have been up to the previous night. I doubted he had been as energetic as Mike had been but then perhaps he had strengths he had never demonstrated to me.

I suppose that in a way, from then on we developed an unspoken agreement between us – that what either of us got up to when I was away was ‘private territory’. Often one or the other would make a special effort either the night before I went away or my first night home, not always, but more often than not. I guess in doing that we were convincing the other – and perhaps ourselves as well – that this was the permanent part of our lives, the other events were a side-show.

The freedom I and in fact I suppose, we had given ourselves changed my attitude to my job in several ways.

For one thing I was less reluctant to be away for two or three days, previously I had often tried to cram several things into one day, so I could get home to John at night. Now I gave myself as much time as I thought the job really needed, so of course I began to get better results, the clients were happier and because of that, my boss made sure I got regular pay increases or a bonus from time to time.

I also began to look at the clients in a different way.

Most of the senior people I dealt with were men of course and up to then I had always maintained a very cool, almost distant relationship with them, just to avoid any potential problems. Now I began to open-up more, be more my natural self – if one of them appealed to me and made a discrete advance I wasn’t afraid to respond – which occasionally led to some extremely enjoyable evenings! And of course, didn’t do the business any harm either. Not that I used my sex to push the business along, though if it had been my own company I might have had a different attitude. But if – I enjoyed myself, got taken to places I couldn’t otherwise have afforded, was given an expensive gift from time to time and at the same time – the company I worked for had happier clients, then I figured everyone was better off.

But of course all of that was still a relatively minor part of my life, most of the time I was home with John, my trips were interludes, worthwhile and mostly very, very enjoyable – but still just interludes.

We had our friends, his, mine and the newer ones that we had met since we had been together, we both enjoyed the occasional party, a trip to the beach in summer, the theatre or a movie when it was wet. I had persuaded John that we should fix up the flat a bit, so we did some painting and papering, got some new pieces of furniture and it was really starting to feel like ‘home’ to both of us.

In fact as time went by I began to think that it was a possibility that John and I could soon be talking about a truly permanent relationship – then Vicki came on to the scene.

The two nurses in the flat below, that had been the mainstay of John’s extracurricular activities had been gone for a week before I even knew Vicki had moved in. Although I knew what had been going on between John and the nurses, I had always given a cheery greeting on the odd occasions I bumped into one or the other of them and sometimes stopped to pass the time of day. I don’t know what they thought – whether I didn’t know about their ‘spare man’ or that I knew and didn’t care – but either way, I wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction of being sure, so purposely kept up a normally casual, neighbour’s relationship. So, on one of those occasions a couple of weeks earlier they had mentioned that they were planning on moving, they said they had got themselves new jobs at a hospital on the other side of the city and because of the strange hours they worked, had to look for somewhere closer to where they would be. But I hadn’t actually seen them go – and I certainly hadn’t seen Vicki move in.

So, as I learned later, by the time I first met her, she and John had already started on their sexual adventure. We met at the front door one evening as we both arrived home from work at the same time. I couldn’t help noticing the remarkably attractive young woman walking down the street from where she had parked her car but was surprised when she turned into the building, just ahead of me. When she saw I was following she held the door open for me and as we were obviously both going to go up the stairs it was only natural that we should speak to each other.

‘Do you live here too?’ she asked.

‘Yes, top floor – and you?’

‘Yes, the one below, I moved in ten days ago, my name’s Vicki.’

‘Hi, mine’s Sue.’ As she heard the name her eyes widened fractionally but she said nothing.

‘You may have seen my guy around the place, John, he works at home most days so he usually knows more about what’s going on than anyone else. I’m surprised he hadn’t mentioned you – he usually has an eye for a good-looking woman. You must have taken over the flat the nurses were in.’ I added.

‘Yes I met them briefly the first day – they seemed like a couple of fun people – and I have met John, he was able to fix a fuse for me.’

‘Interesting!’ I thought to myself. ‘Why hadn’t John mentioned the new tenant? Was he up to something with her already?’ But, in my wildest dreams I could never have imagined just what they had been up to in such a short time!

We bumped into each other several times over the next few weeks, she was always so smartly turned out and beautifully groomed that I couldn’t help admiring both her looks and her style and, in spite of my suspicions I maintained the same casually friendly attitude that I had with the nurses.

Then John was involved in an accident, he was coming home by cab from a business appointment and the cab was hit by a car that had jumped a red light. John’s side of the cab took the full force of it and he ended up in hospital with a badly broken leg and concussion. I got the call at work and of course dashed straight off to see him. Although they had already cleaned and stitched up a nasty cut on his head from where it had hit the side window he still looked a mess with that side of his face badly swollen and already discoloured from the bruising. His leg had been broken low down, near the ankle and it was plastered and elevated on a frame. Naturally he had been given pain-killers and he was still very woozy from those and the shock but he still managed to give me a weak, lop-sided grin when he saw me.

‘Don’t try to talk love.’ I said when I saw how difficult that was for him. I leaned over and kissed his forehead then sat down beside the bed and held his hand, again he smiled weakly then, with it still on his lips he relaxed, closed his eyes and just drifted off to sleep. When I was sure he was settled I eased my hand from his and went in search of the sister in charge, who explained what she knew of what had happened, what his injuries were and that she thought he would be kept in hospital for three or four days, mainly to ensure there were no complications arising from his head injury. She said John would probably sleep for several hours and having found out what times I could visit, I left and went home to collect the things he would need for the next few days.

As it happened I met Vicki on the way in and when she saw the expression on my face she naturally asked if I was all right. I explained that John had been in a car crash that he was in hospital and that I had to take some things in to him. She was really nice, not just sympathetic but genuinely wanted to help and after some protest I accepted her offer of a meal after I had been back to see John that evening.

When I returned later he didn’t look any better of course, he was still on sedatives for th
e pains, mainly from his leg and after sitting with him for about an hour I decided he would be better if I just let him try to sleep, so having promised to return the following day, I left.

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Turnabout is Fair Play

"Turnabout is Fair Play" (Another Terry and Joe Production) (Kinda, sorta, the sequel to "Jolene") Joe adjusted his tie as he checked himself out in the mirror in the waiting room. "Not bad, if I do say so myself," he smiled and winked at the handsome devil looking back at him. "You can come in now, Joe," came a feminine, but very stern voice from the other side of the door. Whistling a happy tune, he took one last look at the sharply dressed guy in the glass and they...

3 years ago
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The Doctor

"Oh Shit! I am going to be late for my doctor's appointment," Emma thought to herself in a panic, as she slipped on her panties. The next thought through her mind as she fastened her bra, was how in the heck she was even going to be able to go through with the appointment? Emma had been on her way to her annual gynecological exam, when she stopped by her friend's house to drop something off for the upcoming charity auction. But somehow, Emma had ended up in a wild and exhilarating...

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Wifes horny boss

Last year my wife got a new boss, a lady by the name of Kathryn who is 55, divorced and has a daughter at University.The first time I met her I was soon undressing her in my mind and with my eyes. She has a great figure and keeps herself quite fit and she dresses immaculately.Every now and then she has invited us over to her large house for dinner and we have been treated to some fabulous meals. These times have also given me opportunities to find out more about Kathryn and also what she wears...

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One time at band camp

While I was in college I worked at a band camp for Jewish pupils with my fiancé at the time. It was a lot of fun and I met lots of great people. My fiancé being one of them. He was from a well to do family and my parents were happy we were going together. After a short courtship we got engaged. My fiancé being from a very religious family didn’t want to have sex until after we were married. I was okay with that. I’d give him blowjobs regularly though , because he said that wasn’t sex and I went...

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ConvergenceChapter 11 Tots

Syon Chao's mind emerged from his morning meditation with all the grace and beauty of a swan floating on a quiet, moonlit pond. Meditation had been the way he had solved difficult problems since his Grandfather had taught him how to meditate. He was very young, at the time, and the peaceful habit had formed the character behind the mind. The habit of meditating each morning helped resolve issues that had been left to the magic of sleep. Meditation also ensured his day would be productive, no...

4 years ago
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Joke for today

Signs That You Might Need A New Lawyer* During the trial, you catch him playing his Gameboy. * Every couple of minutes he yells, "I call Jack Daniel's to the stand!" and proceeds to drink a shot. * He places a large "No Refunds" sign on the defense table. * He begins closing arguments with, "As Ally McBeal once said ..." * Just before trial starts he whispers, "The judge is the one with the little hammer, right?" * Just before he says "Your Honor," he makes those little quotation marks in the...

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Enjoy the Silence

‘I know what you want. ‘I know exactly what it is that your body craves right now. You’ve been thinking about all the wonderful sensations along the edge of pleasure and pain, the sinful caress of rope against your skin, the hot kiss of leather cracking sharply against your naked flesh. You want to feel it so much, so bad, and you’ve been aching for it for so long now…but you’ve been telling yourself that now isn’t the time, this isn’t the place. You’ve been trying to control your needs, and...

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Janes story

I turned 18 a few months back and am doing temp jobs between school and university. My new job in an insurance company started a few weeks back and it was a real eye opener for me. I had just entered the front door when I bumped into a boy I knew from school. He was very fit and it was clear that he wanted to me as much as I wanted him. We quickly found an empty room and I removed my dress and thongs. I was already wet so I skipped foreplay and fucked him hard, we both came and fixed up our...

3 years ago
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B5 Chapter 6 The Contest Is Set

Chapter 6: The Contest Is SetBarocca entered the conference room, and sat down at the table, across from Tiffany, Clyda and Dee Dee. "All right, Barocca. Let's get this over with," said Tiffany. "Don't take it so hard, Tiffany. It's no shame admitting that you've been outmaneuvered. I've been doing a little thinking, and I've come up with a few ideas on just how I want the contest to be held, and what events will take place." Barocca began rummaging through her purse for some...

2 years ago
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Satisfied Unsatisfied ISS Reader At Her Home

Hi friends, Rakesh here to share my another wonderful sex experience with you guys. Let me introduce about me for those who don’t know about me. My self Rakesh from Hyderabad, good physique and good stamina with 7” thick and hard cock. I have very good experience in satisfying unsatisfied ladies before. I can fuck any lady for 6 hours continuously without any break because of stamina. Any unsatisfied ladies or girls from Hyderabad can contact me at or to have fun. Privacy will be maintained...

2 years ago
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Bus Stop

Sheri watched him day after day sitting at the bus stop directly across from her 2 nd story apartment. He was nerdy, always had his face in his laptop, but he had a very nice build… workaholic she thought. She began fantasizing about him touching her, his hands moving over her body. She would sit and masturbate watching him sit there at the bus stop. For reasons she couldn’t explain she wanted him! She began referring to him as her BSB (Bus Stop Boy). It was 5pm and a rainy Saturday in the...

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Jimmy And Amys Forbidden Weekend

AmyI'm going to be late. It took forever to collect my bags and find a taxi. I hope he's still there. What am I doing? Will we have chemistry, or will it be awkward? I am crazy? Ha-ha, this is crazy! I am married, he is married. I'm so going to hell.JimmyI cry from joy. I weep for the realization that I will see you soon. It has been too long in the making. We have spent too much time behind our screens. Emails have not fulfilled my heart. I need to touch your skin, feel your breath on my skin,...

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Couple Seduction

It started out quite innocently. I would have never imagined where it would all lead and how our lives would be changed in an instant.My wife Jessica and I have been married for twenty years. But to be honest, the monotony of daily life was taking its toll. Feeling restless, we decided to seek out new adventures and meet new some new people. Over the years, many of our closest friends had moved away. So last year we decided to make a concerted effort to get out more and try to connect with some...

4 years ago
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Rainy night in london town

A total fiction story that represents no real person only by coincdence.Penny was a young bride of 2 months she married the boy next door type thing.She was out shopping and was getting ready for her first christmas that she was spending alone with her husband, but was seing her parents and in-laws later that evening, she was full of seasional cheer, she was just having a coffee ticking off her christmas list when her husband Cris phoned, he chatted for a few minuets but had to go.She drank her...

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DominionChapter 32

Thank you, everyone who has managed to reach this final chapter! Behold, the completion of the Dominion saga! Ragnarök It was the snap heard around the world. Augusta had been destroyed, crushed when Dominion’s castle fell apart, and then again due to the fiery mushroom cloud in the outskirts that Sirius caused and the mountain-sized moon that Dominion had dropped nearby. Shahti, Eric, and Eva had all narrowly avoided being pulverized. It was by some miracle, combined with a great amount...

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Rye and Ginger

He held the tumbler of rye up to the moonlight. It had finally stopped raining and he was sitting on a chair in the kitchen, with the patio doors open. The fresh scent of summer that was drifting in did little to calm him. The whiskey was warming his blood, but he knew he needed to stop after this one. If not, it would have the opposite effect. He wanted to forget about that bitch of a wife of his. The divorce was finally done and now he just had to pick up the shattered pieces and move on....

2 months ago
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The Forbidden Encounter that got me Hooked

The thrill of it, the risk, the primal need—we couldn’t get enough. That staircase became our secret haven, a place we returned to again and again, The faint smell of dust and old concrete hung in the air as the emergency staircase door clicked shut behind us. The narrow space was dimly lit, the faint hum of fluorescent lights above casting a muted glow over the scene. She stood there, her body framed by the cold, unyielding steel of the staircase. Her miniskirt barely covered her thick thighs,...

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Welcome to Camp Gatchasaka

R for language, violence and sexual situations. This story may be posted at free sites provided proper attribution is given. WELCOME TO CAMP GATCHASAKA Copyright 2004 by Scott K. Jamison The three escapees slogged through the forest, alternately blessing and cursing the half-moon's light. "How long since we left the car, Gregors?" asked the tallest. "By where the moon is, I'd say about three hours. But I ain't no Boy Scout anymore, Polanski." "My feet are sore. Can't we...

4 years ago
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A January Day In London

He’s done it again. The little shy boy routine, the wide oval eyes full of sparkle, the uneasy stammer. I’ve been with James for a year or so now. I know the tricks only too well because I fell for them myself. The story of a softly spoken, innocent looking guy who wouldn’t hurt a fly, but scratch the surface and you find the reality. * We’re sat in a backstreet pub in the centre of London, nothing out of the ordinary, and in fact we almost walked right past it, until James had taken a quick...

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Legally Binding Ch 7

I had never felt so awake to all of my senses, or taken such pleasure in them. The droning of cicadas and the rustling of the nearby trees was music, the smells of the warm asphalt with a hint of gasoline and the very taste of the air were gifts to me. And my skin, Sir! In my on-going state of arousal every stray breeze was an intimate caress, every step a reminder of the wetness between my legs. It felt as though an orgasm was just moments away – and yet would never actually arrive. It...

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Friday Funday

Friday, and the efficiency at the office where Laura was working was winding down, most of her colleagues were thinking of the weekend and the plans they had made, but Laura had been buzzing with a restless energy all day long. By lunch time she had made a decision, she was going to clock off early, thank God for flexible working hours. In a very uncustomary way she caught a taxi home instead of the bus, and was almost running up the stairs to the small house that she shared with her partner...

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CarlieChapter 6

Still Carlie’s turn: First time THIS ever happened. I woke with the light leaking into a hotel room, looked over into the bed next to mine and saw a MAN there. He’s mostly asleep, I think, laying on his side facing towards me, hugging a pillow to his chest. I can be still for a bit, and I do that, just sort of studying. Hugging a pillow. I find myself just a little bit jealous of that stupid pillow. Oh well ... ease out of bed silently, pad to the bathroom, relieve pressures, wipe my...

4 years ago
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The Motorcycle Diaries Stranded

Fuck.Utah is full of assholes. I stood there on the side of the road with my motorcycle parked, helmet on the seat. I smiled and waved at the cars and RVs that didn’t come by very often, but nobody stopped. Some kids in a camper waved back, but that’s been about it.I guess they don’t get too many black people up in here. I drank all my water and the heat kept heating. I cursed myself again. The guidebook said this Escalante Staircase thing was an amazing sight, and it was. But it also wasn’t...

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Ryans Summer Pt 02

Chapter 5 The sun was bright and it was already searing hot as Ryan drove his car onto the parking lot at AquaSpa Pools. The air conditioning in his car had long ago ceased to work and he could feel sweat pouring down the back of his tank top. The parking lot was filled with cars so Ryan drove around back to the loading dock. As he parked and got out, he saw Benny Talbot working on the dock moving pool supplies into the storage area. Benny was one of the few friends that Ryan had. He was...

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My Busty Latha Aunty

Hi guys, I am Kiran from Hyderabad 24 yrs old 6ft tall lean body good looking guy. Now finally I am going to write about my first experience and sex story with my neighbor Latha aunty. She’s 34 yrs. Old and is a bomb shell she has a huge breasts 36d which are bouncing most of the time. Her ass is huge and round, this started before 2 years when we moved into this house and one day we had a power cut so der was no drinking water (cause we use a purifier), my mom has asked me to get some water...

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Deva Fucks My Wife

By : Raj Wanna B Cuckold Hi this is Raj please give your feedback at my id A snapshot into the fucking of my wife by Deva (more to come) I was naked by the side of the bed slowly playing with my cock. My wife was on the bed with Deva between her legs. Her cute feet were resting on Deva’s shoulders with her toenails painted a light pastel blue. She was nicely tanned from a recent trip to the beach and that contrasted perfectly against her painted toes. Her heels sat upon his bulging traps,...

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Mystery Dancer

About a month ago my friends and I went to a friend of friend’s party. It was at a large house, the entrance was bigger than my apartment. As the night went on, I was wondering around and made my way to the dance floor. It was there when I saw her. I was stunned, she was absolutely beautiful. I could not move my eyes away as she danced by herself on the floor, rebuffing any guy that comes close to her. She was slightly taller than me with a graceful body. Her hair midnight black, tied in...

4 years ago
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The Last Return

A continuation to an ending, of Wonder Woman's Sexual Misadventures. Princess Diana flew back to Paradise Island considering her future. She had to bring these 35 blocks of Amazonium back to the Amazon and then return to man's world and resume her duties there as Wonder Woman, the Amazon Ambassador. She had enjoyed her time on Wently Island and wished it could go on forever, but she was First Princess of the Amazon, next in line to the throne. Her duties and responsibilities to the Amazon...

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