Postcards Ch. 02 free porn video

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Author’s Note: This is another Sean and Sheila story. For the beginning, try Kitty & Teddy, LLC. This is more a travel chronicle than a sex story, though some airplane sex is required. ,-)

Chapter 1

Depart: 1:45 a.m.
Sat, May 26
Los Angeles, CA (LAX)

Arrive: 6:25 a.m.
Sun, May 27
Honolulu, HI (HNL)

Travel Time:
5 hr 40 mn
2,556 miles
Flight: UA6041
Aircraft: Boeing 777-200
Fare Class: United First (Z)
Meal: Breakfast


The flight to LA turned out to be nicer than the flight to Hawaii. On the first leg, the narrow seats forced us together. We talked a lot about very little and a little about a lot of different things. It was a comfortable time, even though the physical crowding was inescapable. We even slept, leaning against each other.

The second leg, from LAX to Honolulu, was first class, including champagne. There was plenty of room. With the help of the fight attendant, we managed physical intimacy. When the time came, we could make a credible bed out of the seat. It was neither as comfortable or as relaxing as the crowded flight to LA.

The first surprise came after we touched down. As we exited the secure area, there were two signs with our names. I was not surprised to see one, because Helen is that kind of efficient. In that I was correct. Trina Brooks, the travel agent Richards Enterprises uses in Hawaii, came to meet us—at 6:00 AM on a Sunday. Unfortunately, it was to confirm that she had been unable to get the timeshare before Thursday. This happens when you book last minute for a holiday weekend.

The unexpected sign was from Columbia Pictures—again. This time Aaron Aldermann sent us a wedding gift, in the form of a young man named George Kada. His title was Event Facilitator, but he was a bilingual gofer. The studio sent him to provide us with celebrity service. He and Trina practically hissed at each other. In one of the smarter moves of my newly married life, I looked to see what Sheila thought.

Catching my glance, Sheila asked, ‘Is there any chance of getting a shower and an actual bed for a couple of hours. If not, we will crash in the club.’ That brought them both up short and they both recovered together. Trina said, ‘Let’s get you breakfast, first.’ George finished, ‘We can work on bed and bath while you eat.’ They glared at each other, but I knew the look. We would be well taken care of.


There is something about forced intimacy that is memorable. When people tell their stories, stalled elevators and flat tires figure prominently. Our first flight was like that. We were shoe horned into an overbooked flight, but Sean and I had each other for company. It was nice. I even slept a bit. The second flight had many more creature comforts and Sean punched my Mile High Club ticket, but I spent much of the flight on my new laptop. Not a bit of sleep. When we reached Honolulu, it was 6:30 AM local time, but past noon on my body clock.

At the exit, we found two people pleasers waiting. One was a travel agent employed by Richards Enterprises. The other was from Aaron Aldermann and Columbia Pictures. They had that look and neither wore a ring. It made no difference. If either one could get what I wanted, I would let them start an affair in peace. Sean gave me the go ahead, so I went straight to the point.

True to my first read, they answered like twins. Normally, I would bet they would be in bed before midnight, but it was early. My guess was before dinner, then food and more sex. Again, it made no difference. They were motivated to perform.

Breakfast could have been better, but I have had worse. Francine would have been in heaven. It was a buffet located just outside the airport. As we ate, Sean and I practiced nonverbal skills. He agreed that the two would probably leave us to find their own room. Normally, I would have taken Trina to the powder room, but I had studio leverage with George. Sean had similar pull with Trina.

When it came time to head out, I went up with George to pay the bill. As the attendant was swiping the card, I mentioned Aaron Aldermann and stated that I would let him know how grateful I was. Then I inquired about the plans. We would be getting backdoor service at a small hotel. The room was rented, but already empty. Provided we were out by noon, everything was good. I told him that he and Trina should stay close, but [wink][wink] I did not think we would need him for anything. George had the courtesy to blush.

When I checked with Sean, he gave me the go ahead, so we went to the hotel. Before eight o’clock Sean and I were in the shower. He shaved me and I shaved him. When we collapsed on the bed, I could not stay awake long enough to kiss Sean good night. My mistake. Sean kissed me awake to fix the problem.

My honeymoon proved what an asset an experienced friend can be, or not. I had packed my carry-on bag the night before. What I opened bore no similarity. Instead of two basic changes and three sets of underwear, I found one nice outfit, four sets of matched designer underwear, a one piece swimsuit, sunglasses and four smaller bags—a toilet kit, a small drugstore (strictly over-the-counter), condoms and toys, and makeup. On the top was a note: ‘Get tourist clothes to wear on the plane. FM’ You have to love her or strangle her.

We were short on time and I was short on clothes. Sean threw on a pair of shorts and a golf shirt. I held up the slinky black thing that Francine had packed for me. Sean made a valiant effort not to laugh, then gave it up. He made it up to me with a hug, then undid it by watching me put on the lacy bra and panties. There was no point in even asking about the corset. I managed to get the bag closed, with it inside, before there was a knock on the door.

Trina had managed to put most of her look back on. George had not tried. It would have been pointless to try hiding the hickey just behind his jaw. They both saw the direction of my gaze. Trina blushed, but George’s nostrils flared. Interesting. I opened my bag long enough to find an antibiotic ointment. George’s shirt was off before I had a chance to say anything. As I dabbed ointment on his scratches, I whispered in his ear, ‘Resale shops usually have old silk ties. They have so many uses.’ George did not reply, but his breathing quickened.

The irony of him getting some, while I was not getting any—on my honeymoon—was almost painful.


I have had spur of the moment decisions work out well. Hiring CC was one example. Seeing Sheila without die stille Mädchen seemed slightly off. It was already natural to think of them as a unit, though they had only been together a little over a week. It had never been voiced, but I knew that if I wanted a threesome, I had only to ask. Indeed, Jo indicated that CC was more sexually expert than Sheila.

All that was speculation, because I was getting very frustrated. For reasons that were now unclear, I had us flying halfway around the world, past the International Date Line, in just over a day. Nineteen of those twenty six hours were in the air, plus all the time changing planes. It reminded me of the dreaded Space A (seating if and when available) on MilAir (military transport).

Our time in the hotel was inappropriate, illegal, and worth every cent of the bribe. It said interesting things that the room was available this easily on a holiday weekend. Even more interesting, Trina had offered it with no sign of reluctance. It made me wonder how common this sort of thing was in Hawaii—and elsewhere. It would not shock me to learn that it was business as usual, at least for non-Americans.

Regardless, the time had come for us to haul ass, but Sheila had nothing both suitable and clean to wear. Correction, she had a matched set of lacy undergarments. I could loan her a shirt, but my pants would be hopeless. Fortunately, Francine had a suggestion. Sheila
put the old dress back on. Without the corset, the fit was snug, which meant the dress had been tailored. I might as well get used to that. In most cases, Sheila and off the rack did not compute and not just because of her measurements.

When Trina and George walked into the room, they both did double takes of Sheila, then a third. Neither chose to speak, but I guessed Trina had first noticed the same dress, then noticed the different fit. George was likely trying to figure out what was different. I told them that we wanted to grab some casual clothes before we hit the airport. George just nodded, but a light went on in Trina’s head. I caught her eye and looked pointedly at my wrist. Even though I wore no watch, she understood my point.

As it happened, we had to go only a block to find a strip mall. Rather than go to the T-shirt store, Sheila and Trina headed for a resale shop. I was a bit worried, because of the schedule, but Sheila clearly knew her way around. In less than 15 minutes, there was a stack of things on the counter, while I searched for my Army Reserve ID. Back in the car, I sat in front with George, so that Sheila and Trina could argue with the luggage.

Rather than park the car, George pulled up in front of the terminal. Trina got out and hugged Sheila. I shook hands with George, then embraced Trina as she wished. While I did so, Sheila walked around to George’s window and handed him a small package rolled in a checkout bag. George flushed, turned white, then blushed for real. What could Sheila find in a consignment store to produce that sort of reaction?

Once we were on our own again, we rushed through the lobby to security check in. We were in luck concerning the length of the lines. Even better, the lines moved quickly. Once through, Sheila and I headed straight for the restrooms. I relieved the hydraulic pressure and made it back out in plenty of time see Sheila emerge. Wow. I was tempted to brag about my girlfriend, because Sheila’s outfit brought out the teenager in me.

In theory, it was a simple print, white and pink flowers on a red background. It was mid length, but I suspected it was a full length Petite or Misses size. It had to be, because the waist fit. This meant that Sheila’s incredible breasts filled the dress to overflowing. Woof. But, that was not all. Completing the outfit were a white handbag and white wedgie sandals. Sheila had her hair pulled over her shoulder, held in place with a fancy clip. It was how I posed it our first meeting. Peeking out of the handbag was the red silk scarf.

Sheila was discretely saying she wanted to give up all control. There was nothing I could do about it, yet, so I made do with a close hug. I whispered in her ear, ‘It looks like rain. I need to get out the umbrella.’ Sheila got a little wet right then. From that day on, ‘umbrella’ was a loaded term and weather references often carried double meaning.


My time with Sean was regrettably short, but I had other issues. I could tell Francine’s repacking was going to come in handy—the magic bullet dildo jumped to mind—but it left me short a set of clothing. Realizing I could find something at the airport, if necessary, I put on clean lingerie and the wrinkled dress. Temporary measures are rarely comfortable.

Our guides were at the door. My unkempt outfit was the first thing Trina noticed. George was oblivious. He was keen on getting us to the airport, but the three of us overruled him. Having Sean’s backing, without needing to ask for it, was becoming one of my favorite things. George need not have worried. There was a suitable resale shop practically next door.

The Clothes Line was a consignment shop, rather than a thrift store. As soon as I made it through the door, my camera came out. It was not large, but the array of bright colors was breathtaking. Francine would be jealous. It was the sort of place that deserved a whole afternoon, but I could spare 15 minutes tops. Since Trina had come in with me, I sent her to find accessories in white. I then asked the owner what she had for my size, knowing it was unlikely.

I assumed she would try a sarong or similar wrap. To my surprise, Ioki, the owner, took me to the teen section and began pulling out dresses. The second one was perfect. It was a red cotton print, with white lotus and pink hibiscus blossoms. It was thin enough in the waist, always the first problem, with the bosom designed to be loose and blousey. On me the dress was snug enough in the waist and almost adequate up top. I would have liked it a bit longer. though it was probably intended as full length, it was just past knee length on me. To compensate, the irregular bottom hem made the length look intentional.

I did not make it to the mirror. Trina’s face, when I emerged from the changing room, was sufficient. She had found a nice pair of cork wedge sandals and a white bag with gold fittings. Both hit the floor as she gaped. It is usually nice to get reactions, but this was a bit much. Ioki expressed her amusement with a birdlike twitter, then made another contribution. It was a lovely brass hair clip, lacquered white at the grips. I pulled my mop to one side and let Ioki set the teeth. Only then did I look in the mirror.

I almost did not recognize myself. It is rare that I find anything fitted to fit me and the bustier accentuates the problem. So I buy tailored. Since I have my clothing made, the styles tend to be uniform and conservative. There was nothing conservative about this outfit. It was flamboyant, sexy, yet still showed class. I knew Sean would love it. Out came the camera and Trina took a picture of me with Ioki.

On the way to the register, I passed a rack of mens ties. I grabbed a handful without looking. Some would be for Sean to use later, but a few would go to George. He could let Trina use them, or not. I also resolved to find something to thank Ioki for her expertise. That would be trickier. It was something to think about as I changed my things from one handbag to the other

It was fortunate that I had a puzzle to consider, because it kept me from worrying about Sean’s reaction. George’s was everything I could hope for, but Sean’s reaction made my day. He pursed his lips to whistle. Then he pulled me into one of his full body hugs. I smiled, at the thought of my Teddybear giving bear hugs. It was so comforting to give myself into his embrace that I almost missed his comment. I would never again think about umbrellas without remembering that moment.

Sometimes you have the best times when you are not having a good time.

Chapter 2

Depart: 2:15 p.m.
Sun, May. 27
Guam (GUM)

Arrive: 6:00 p.m. +1 Day
Mon, May. 28
Honolulu, HI (HNL)

Travel Time:
7 hr 45 mn
3,801 miles
Flight: UA2011
Aircraft: Boeing 777-200
Fare Class: United Business (Z)
Meal: Lunch


When we reached the gate, a virtual fist fight was in progress. It was virtual in the sense that both men were battling only with wills and words, but the intent for physical harm was clearly stated in their body language. My Japanese is rudimentary, but I gathered that both believed they deserved First Class seating, but only one would be able to upgrade. I waved an airline employee over.

It took little time to explain that Sheila and I were in First Class, but that we would be willing to move down if they could find me an itinerary I liked. He escorted me to the counter, where a senior employee performed her magic in the booking computer. Helen had not been able to find a flight to Kwajalein Atoll, but airline employees have better access. The solution was not perfect—no First Class was available—but we could get to Kwajalein on Monday and depart on Wednesday, skipping Guam on the flight back. The airline would refund the difference between First Class and Economy, pay for the hotel on Guam, plus give us triple miles.

That should have settled it, but I fo
rgot about Japanese honor. Lord protect us from those saving face. The two Japanese businessmen heard that we were giving up our seats. Accompanied by an airline employee named Kiku to interpret, they insisted on thanking us. Sheila stood two steps back, on my left, with her purse clutched in both hands and eyes down. The two businessmen were too refined to stare, but their eyes kept flicking to Sheila.

Things started the usual way. They insisted I take their First Class seats. It was possibly even a valid offer, which would allow both to step down gracefully. I declined of course. They politely inquired as to my name and occupation. That was when things became bumpy. One of them had done business with Richards Enterprises import/export division, which put him on the mailing list for the catalog. It was a small fucking world.

That put the conversation in a wholly different light. I could not deny knowledge, but I hoped it would end there. Things like the catalog were hot topics of discussion in Japan, but not in airport terminals. No such luck. The one without a catalog offered to take the coach seat in exchange for one. This was a serious offer, but one I was not going to take. A catalog was a cheap favor, which would get me a new business contact. This was also good face.

The PA interrupted the next comment, announcing First Class boarding. Sheila held out her cell phone, with the number displayed large. She was offering to exchange numbers. Since she had not been part of the conversation, this was irregular, I needed to introduce her. The question was how—wife or Vice President. I decided wife would be less complicated. Talking directly, I fumbled my way through the introduction. Foolish of me, but I am proud of my spouse.

The older of the two nodded, as if this cleared up an inconsistency. Normally a Japanese person of importance talks through subordinates. In family matters, this pattern is often reversed. The younger man was startled. The charitable view is that he assumed Sheila was an employee of such low status that she was not allowed to speak. The alternative is much worse.

He was quite embarrassed and tried to cover with a compliment and polite show of interest. Sheila did demure very well. She accepted the compliment with a simple nod of the head. Given that she was American, that was close enough. Unfortunately, the polite interest took the form of a question—how long had we been married? I did not have to answer, because Sheila’s color did it for me. Even the older one expressed shock.

That was it. Both firmly insisted on trading their First Class seats for our Economy seats. Honor demand it. In exchange, I promised to email them each a picture from our wedding. On cue, Sheila brought up the two of us on the merry-go-round. They were bowing happily when they stepped into the boarding queue. We could have gone at any time, since we were now back in First Class, but I wanted to give Kiku a gift. Again, Sheila anticipated me. This time she chose the four women, walking arm in arm in their ball gowns. From Kiku’s wide eyed stare, it was clear she recognized Francine. Then she gasped and covered her open mouth.

I was getting tired of these small world moments. I was not surprised that Kiku recognized Francine. She has a bloggers posting her every move, often with pictures. This went deeper. I later found out that the Beacon’s Sunday coverage had been picked up by AP, Reuters and BBC. Kiku had figured out exactly which wedding the pictures were from. This was not going well.

I never had a chance to say anything more. Kiku, in a very American mode, embraced Sheila and dashed off. I could not help but notice how much better Sheila was at running in heels. While we were working through the gate, the story was working through the airline staff. When we boarded, the Lead Flight Attendant helped us to our seats and stowed our baggage.

Champagne arrived without request. All the female attendants felt the need to touch Sheila. The males gave me appraising looks. It had to stop. I motioned the Lead Attendant over. She already understood that things needed to calm down. I cut the apology short and told her that Sheila would be glad to show some photos, but not for a couple of hours. I also told her about the two Japanese men in Economy. She assured me that something could be arranged for their next flight.

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Marty has a nightmare that he’s been sent back in time, but when he wakes up, he finds that it’s reality! His stepmom, Lorainne is young, thin, and super hot. Lorainne wants to take care of more than just the bruise on Marty’s head. She’s interrupted from pouncing on Marty by her dad calling for her. Throwing him his pants, Lorainne tells Marty to get dressed and meet her downstairs. Although Marty tries to sneak out, Lorainne catches him in the act and invites him to...

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TammyChapter 3

It was about 4:30 Wednesday afternoon that the Orange and Blue Taxi pulled up into the driveway at 51 Small Pine Drive. Reeve and Darlene Jordan paid the driver the eight dollar fare plus a fiver as a tip. Nodding toward the house Tammy's father said, "Tammy's home." "Reeve, I'm not stupid," Darlene answered. "I can see her car!" and gave him a playful swat on his shoulder. "Well, if she is home, why didn't she call us?" Reeve said. Darlene shrugged her shoulders and said,...

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Vanessas Erpressung

-Erpressung von Vanessa Es war der dritte Tag der Klassenfahrt bei der Vanessa die Aufsicht über ihre Berufsschulklasse übernommen hatte. Bis jetzt war es ein problemloser Ausflug gewesen. Sie hatte zwar die Klasse in der nur 2 Mädchen waren und ansonsten nur 20 Jungs aber sie wusste genau, dass sie mit ihrem Aussehen ziemlich schnell die Aufmerksamkeit der Jungs bekommen konnte. Das einzige was Vanessa störte war ihre Schülerin Sandra die sich auf diesem Ausflug immer so anzog, dass es keine...

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Lingerie Shopping

My boyfriend's birthday is coming up soon and I wanted to wear something sexy for him so I went out shopping for an outfit for dinner and some sexy lingerie for after. I really enjoy shopping and I was having fun hitting different stores in search of the perfect outfit. Once I'd found a sexy looking blue dress with a very short skirt. I tried the dress on and loved the way it hugged my body. The dress was tight but in a good way, it made my tits squeeze together just right showing lots of...

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The Creek Part Three

Logan was back down at the creek. He jumped in and resurfaced, the cool water nice on his skin. He heard laughter, and he saw Maggie and Sophie looking at his groin. His shorts had come off, and his erect cock was pointing to the sky. Logan blushed and started to cover himself up, but Maggie was already wading toward him. She bent down and ran her tongue up from the base of his scrotum to the tip of his cock. Logan sighed and closed his eyes. Maggie now had her whole mouth wrapped around his...

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Playing by the RulesChapter 4 How the Game is Played

Rule 1: Any woman whose name is written within this notebook shall have sex with you within the next 24 hours. Rachel February 17th Rule 2: You must write down the woman’s first and last name to avoid confusion. Xena Pride February 18th Rule 3: Once a name is written in the notebook it cannot be erased, or otherwise removed. Lindsey O’Brien March 4th Rule 4: The last female name written into the notebook must have unprotected sex with a random stranger each time...

4 years ago
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An Englishman in New YorkChapter 3

Ex headed downstairs the following morning, somewhat sleepy. The day before hadn’t seemed that long but the emotional nature of his and his dad’s car find had obviously taken its toll. That and the fact he was so keyed up had meant he found it difficult to sleep and when he did it was fitful, to say the least. Grabbing some cereal from one of the head height cupboards he got some milk from the fridge and was tucking into his morning breakfast when his dad walked in. “You’re up early Ex!”...

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The fuck pit

A slippery pole is suspended above a pit. The objective is simple. You wrestle on the pole while trying to hold your balance and hope not to fall into the pit below. If you do, you will get fucked hard.The first match starts with two young men sliding onto the pole and starting to wrestle. As they jostle the pit doors open and reveal a muscley black stud. Build strong and sexy he has a dick that is around eight inches big and as thick as a wrist. Someones ass will suffer with this one.As the...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Sarai Minx Fucking in The Rain

Sarai Minx is back with bigger titties and ass. She’s amazing, she talks slutty, she listens to directions and she takes dick like a good little whore. Jonathan Jordan is a gentlemen with a huge cock, he’s romancing her by the pool once it starts raining and he saves her with an umbrella. She is so pleased with his hard cock she just has to return the favor and put it in her mouth. She lets him pipe her down hard in the pool and she gets all oiled up and fucks him back with her...

3 years ago
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My Fucking Nephew Ltr 1

I don't believe what has happened in just three days, Every year when my husband takes his two week Canada Run (it pays triple pay) whenever I do not go to see Family in California, my brother's son comes up to stay with me. In the past it was to give him something different to do over the Holidays, but this year, the little 15 year old asshole came up here with his own fucking agenda in mind. I just found out what that was this morning. That little asshole, that fucking prick downloaded my...

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Hindsight 2020 Book 2Chapter 5

I stopped in and picked up sandwiches for us before heading back to the meeting. Rob and Samantha arrived right on time and joined the group. I had Joe Carlson provide some background information on how he used the UPC code technology at the Port of Seattle. After he explained the basics of the functionality and the benefits in time and money, it was my turn to say a few words. "Thanks, Joe. I want you and Craig to pay special attention to what they're presenting. That goes for every...

1 year ago
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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 7 The College

Father Reilly considered what the attendance at the College of Correction and Redemption might involve. It did not sound promising — severe self-flagellation at the very least would be the 'Correction' part of the course, he imagined. He made his way to the address he had been given, and found there a gaunt early Victorian building which looked extremely forbidding from the outside. There was no indication on the door that this was the College, but he was in the right street and the number...

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Boarding school and different lessons

One night we were doing it in bed after lights out and we got caught by the dorm mistress. We were taken to her room and made stand in front of her naked, thats how we were when she caught us. It was most embarrassing and she made us tell her why we were doing what we were and how often had we done it together and had we done it with any other girl. We both assured he we had only done it together and knew of no girls who would do that with us. She asked how many masturbate and we said...

2 years ago
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What Happened Under the Moonlight

She shivered in the cool air as she sat by the cabana waiting for him. Ruby knew he'd gotten her e-card. But what had been his reaction when he found it?Here she waited for him. Not wrapped up with a bow but sitting on the chaise dressed in a robe that covered her red bikini.Everyone had given him their birthday present except her. She hadn't brought anything to her friend's house when she spent the night.Except herself, and some things in a night bag...but she knew why she had accepted...

3 years ago
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Two WeeksChapter 9 Day Nine

Emily was a little bleary-eyed when she woke up the next morning. Her pubic bone was a little sore from all the pounding Mason gave her, thrusting his hard cock in and out of her pleasure hole. She was happy, however, because the crazy feelings in her belly, the tingling and itching and stirring in her lower abdomen had been calmed. He made it go away with his potent magic wand and left her with a warmer, rejuvenated sensation. She knew that he still looked up to her as his big sister, but...

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Gourmet Love

Jill quickly finished up her makeup and carefully pulled on her lace blouse, buttoning it up slowly, as she imagined what the night would be like. She was anxious to get over to Eric’s house, where he was preparing a candlelight dinner for just the two of them. Once she finished buttoning the blouse, she checked it in the mirror, deciding to unbutton one extra button and adjusting her blouse to show just the right amount of cleavage peeking around the slightest hint of her frilly bra. Eric, a...

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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 23

Genie followed Ken back to the X5 after leading Jane to her car and giving her the keys. Before they split up, she handed Ally something, then whispered in her ear. Ally grinned and nodded. The women were once again Up To Something. When they got to the X5, Ally suggested that she and Genie sit in the back. Before Ken could figure out what to use as a blindfold for Genie, Ally spoke up. "Genie," she said, "you should close your eyes." "What? Why?" asked the woman. Ally just smiled...

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Propositioning the Babysitter

Jack Niles was married for the last twenty years. He and his wife were best friends. They were each other’s soul mates. They had a healthy sexual relationship and pleased one another. Jack also had secret desires which he didn’t share with his wife. Jack was obsessed with breasts. His wife had a small chest. He begged her to get implants, however she was scared about her health. She would get real mad at her husband for ever suggesting that she needed implants. Jack’s obsession with breasts...

1 year ago
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I’ve been browsing Tantaly for the last couple of days with a semi-hard dick, which isn’t all that strange for me. I am, after all, the world’s foremost Internet smut expert, and I spend my days looking at adult websites. The unusual thing is that Tantaly isn’t even a porn site; they sell high-end sex doll torsos. I never pop a woody looking at even the most expensive Fleshlight, but wait until you see the fucking curves on these headless fake ladies. I initially intended to just do a little...

Sex Doll Shops
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Posing for pain pills

Mary Hall kept asking herself how she had managed to get in this mess. Of course the answer was simple. After the auto accident she had been prescribed pain medication to which she had become addicted. After a while, no doctor would feel justified in continuing to allow her to have them, so she found herself in a predicament shared by many other people. . . hooked. She tried valiantly to detox herself but with no success. She just had to have relief. In desperation she began to find a source....

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Lunch Special

"Slow down Ann; tell me again what he wanted.""He said he wanted to take my back door.""Do you mean...""Yes, sister dear, he wanted to fuck me in my ass. You wanna know what I did, I'll tell you what I did. I demanded he take me home that very instant. Once I was home I told him I never wanted to see him again."Although rather surprised, none of this information from her sister shocked Jean. In fact, she found it intriguing and once hanging up she couldn't get the thought out of her mind. When...

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She brought out the freak in me

Shaw, was awakened by the golden sun streaming through a, slight slit in the black out curtains. He stretched his long muscular body. From his well defined long fingers to his bulging biceps, to his broad shoulders, his body comes to a perfect "V". The V ends with a dark purple, 10 inch , cut, fat head, veiny dick. Last night's activities have his entire body sore especially his eight pack core section, his long dark muscular thighs and that fat head that always seems to rise and shine before...

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I paused at the top of the stairs and watched from the landing window of our remote cottage at the snowy scene outside. It was a real Christmas card scene with snow still falling hard and each branch and twig of the leafless trees was balancing a ridge of white making it look really pretty. It was an evening when nobody in their right mind would be out driving or walking in the Derbyshire Dales. The fields that surrounded the cottage were blanketed in white and the hills beyond were obscured by...

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Punishment and Reward Via Remote control

Jamie lives half the country away. This would be fine, except Jamie is my submissive, is collared to me and is my lover and friend. In order to overcome these difficulties, we manage to use a couple of tools, and use them well. First and foremost, of course, is the airplane. We can scrape the money together to fly, one to the other or vice versa about every other month. It’s the days in between those visits, however, which are truly difficult. Our second tool is the phone. We chat about life,...

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Lacey came over with a friend of his it was obvious that they both had been drinking heavily they were both giggling and acting crazy but I didn't care so I had a couple of drinks to catch up you know and a short while later Lacey decides he wants a blow job so he drops his pants right there and tells me to suck his cock we've played this game before with other friends so I take off my clothes and drop to my knees I take his big black cock into my mouth and begin to suck him off he is enjoying...

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My first Black Masseur

As a teenager, I was a dancer and already looking for masseurs to relax and loosen up my body. I had read Tennessee Williams' short story "Desire and the Black Masseur" which turned me on so, although I danced with-and-was-friends-with black guys, I had not yet had an erotic encounter with any of them. While reading the classifieds for "Massage" one day, I spotted an ad which featured "Young Black Masseur," so I wanted to see what that was like. I phoned and made an appointment and the voice on...

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Accidental Swingers

Introduction: A married couple gets more than the bargained for at a couples night Funny enough, it all started in a gay bar. My wife and I had been in New York for a few months. We were adjusting to our new jobs and (sort of) to our new lives, but friends hadnt quite made it into the equation yet. So we were quite excited when one of our friends finally cajoled us into going out and meeting with a few of his friends. He was of the flamboyantly gay variety, so we met up at a packed gay bar in...

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A Night To Remember

‘See anything you like?’ Scott asked before taking another drink from his beer bottle.   I took a small sip of my drink before shaking my head.   ‘Not really,’ I responded, resting my arms easily on the railing in front of me. ‘Usually this place is better.’   My eyes continued to scan the dance floor of the club before drifting over to the area to the side, covered with tables and chairs. Every seat was taken, although very few were occupied by females that I would be interested in taking...

2 years ago
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Lara Jack to Melissa part 3

I was happy because Melissa had semester break and she had free time. After waking her up she had to get dressed but this time in a 'normal' way. She got a black medium length skirt, a blue t-shirt, her bra with tits, a body-forming slip with white hotpants, pantyhose, sneakers and the blonde wig. She had to do her make-up and after we had breakfast I ordered her to clean my apartment while I went out to town. Two hours later I came back home and Melissa was still cleaning. I sat down and...

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My New College Fetish Smoking Ch 1

Let me start out by telling you a little bit about myself. My name is Christy, I am 19 years old, and I have long blonde hair, blue eyes talland slim and can suck the chrome off my boyfriends ’ 1976 Chevy pickup. He likes the way I say that. He has never complained about my sucking and fucking ability. After I graduated High School in Tampa Florida, I decided to take a trip over to the east coast of Florida and go to gorgeous blue eyes, great build, nice tan and a tattoo on his groin area that...

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Seema Ka Chudai Safar Part 2

Me subah so ke uthi to mere sarir pe ek bhi kapde nahi thi aur meri chut aur jangho pe samir aur us admi ka ka sukha hua cum tha. Me utha ke nahe chali gai aur me jab naha ke bhr ai to dekha samir dinning table ke pass nge baith tha aur me towel me thi aur mere bal gile the usne mujhe apne pass bulaya aur mujhe ek tablet di aur kha is kha lena kuttiya.   Me uske kuttiya khne pe usko ghur ke dekha to usne khada ho ke mujhe ghich ke thapad mara aur kha kya dekh rahi hai randi ajj se tu kuttiya...

4 years ago
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Licking her cunt while another man fucks her

it seems so weirdbecause i've never wanted to have sex with a manor have my wife cheat on me but i keep thinking about licking her clit while some big cock fucks her pussyand my my tongue keeps going lower, licking his big cock while he fucks my wife, my tongue in between his cock and her clit, my hands probably holding his balls, his cum leaking out of her pussy into my hasnt always been like this. its never been like this.she's small and beautiful and faithful.i mean, that's what I...

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Masquerades 101 Chapter 4 Research

Tyler I approached Nicole, and stopped for a moment. She was eating a hamburger. I never saw her eat a hamburger before. She looked so happy at that moment. She took a big bite, and I watched her close her eyes and chew what she just ate in a moment of ecstasy. Wow. This was certainly a side of her I had never seen before. It's been a while since I've seen her just smile like that. She opened her eyes and looked gleefully at her side fries. She picked a fry up, dipped it in...

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Womens House of Detention

The voice rang out sharply in her ears. "We, the jury, find the defendant guilty on all charges. So say we one, so say we all." Heidi was stunned! She was innocent. Well, maybe not completely innocent. Yet, she didn't kill anyone. She was not a murderer. Sure, some jewelry might have wound up in her purse. Maybe a few checks had been forged. But, come on, Murder! She looked at the twelve jurors. They did not look back. How could they have believed that slutty bitch of a...

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My Fiance a Sex Surrogate

My fiancé, Randy, had been a sex surrogate to his stepmother for his father who was away on work most of the time. He wanted to continue his sexual relationship with her after we married. He contended that their physical relationship was central to both his and his stepmother’s identities. This made me pause in accepting his marriage proposal but I did. This story is about our meeting to sort this out. Our solution may help others if they find themselves in a similar predicament. I, Kimberly,...

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Moms Christmas Cookie Pt 2 of 3

My cock was bouncing up to tap against her as she moved into position. Then she grabbed my erection, stood it up, and wiggled it through her damp pussy hair. I drew in a deep breath of anticipation just before she slid me into her.She whimpered and I groaned in almost perfect counterpoint as she slowly sank down on top of me. She felt like pure heaven.“Your cock feels so good inside me, baby,” she said as the last of me vanished into her.“I love your pussy, aunt Cookie,” I responded.“Take a...


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