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Chapter One

I have been enjoying my time here in Rachel’s home. She has been such a godsend for me. Work has been trying at times, but I am learning a lot. Rachel gives me special jobs to do, and I get them done in the most proficient way. I’d like to think I’m earning my keep. She is very reassuring with her comments and praise. It’s been another long week and I am looking forward to the weekend and some much needed time off. Rachel has been hinting for awhile about letting me have Mark as my personal slave in the coming week. She has a business trip that will keep her away. She wants me to practice with him all week and then do a demonstration with him the following weekend at the Whipping Post. I can’t say that the thought of having the power over someone is not alluring, but I am still a little unsure of my abilities to command his respect. I’ve had my chances to top Mark, but Rachel was always nearby. This time, she will be nowhere around and he may try to act out with me. I am looking forward to the opportunity.

On Monday, the driver drops Rachel off at the airport before driving me to work. When she exits the car, she hands me Marks’ key and tell me that I have free reign over him until after my demonstration next weekend. I kiss her goodbye and tell her I will miss her. She tells me to have Mark comfort me while she’s gone. I luxuriate over that thought. I can really see some benefits to having the responsibility for Mark’s care. I’m thinking bubble baths, breakfast in bed, a whole lists of possibilities. Besides, I’ve been wanting more of his fat cock lately. I spend most of Monday thinking of things I will do to him this week. My day drags slowly, as I Rachel is not here. I do end up helping to organize her office while she’s away. I want to surprise her when she gets back with how organized I have everything.

When it’s time to head home, I call Mark and tell him to be waiting at the door when I get there. The drive is longer with Rachel not here, but I am still thinking about what I should do with Mark on our first night alone. When I get there, he is kneeling at the door, like a happy little puppy. That thought sparks an idea. I grab his leash and take him for a walk in the backyard. I call it a backyard, its more like 15 acres. He’s wearing his normal Friday gear, mitts, cock cage, collar, and gag.

He follows me, as I lead him around the grounds. When we come to a bench near the gardens, I sit. He comes close, and I stroke him on his head. He lovingly nuzzles against me. (at least he’s not humping my leg...yet) Kim is a dear, and brings me out a glass of wine. It’s something that Rachel normally gets, but I guess she is missing her too. I thank her and ask if she’d like to sit, but she thanks me and says she needs to finish dinner. I watch, as she walks away. She is such a beautiful young lady, even without the sexy maid outfit. Maybe I’ll have the chance to get to know her in a carnal way this week.

Mark is getting ancy, so I send him off to pee. He looks at me funny, and I clarify that I want him to go pee on a bush somewhere. He turns and goes off to find one. I’m back to my thoughts about Kim. Rachel has never involved her in any of our play, but I wonder why would she have her dressed this way. Mark is back and nudging me again. I guess he has done his thing. I lead him back into the house. Once inside, I take off his mitts and have him remove everything else. I tell him to go clean and put everything away and return for dinner. He gallops off to his room, while I go to the kitchen.

I’m watching Kim as she efficiently prepares dinner. I find out we are having a typical Japanese dinner. I’m excited. When Mark gets back, I tell him to bring the low coffee table from the playroom, then some pillows for us to sit on. I want to set the traditional Japanese dining environment. Kim tells me we are having white rice, with boiled fish, and steamed squash. There is also going to be miso soup and pickled vegetables. She has really outdone herself. The redolence of her cooking has my mouth watering.

Mark sets up the table and I help him arrange the pillows around. When Kim brings the bowls out with the food, she is surprised at our table preparation. I insist that she stay and have dinner with us. For once, she complies. She begins the meal by saying itadakimasu. She tells us this means, “I humbly receive.” I think it’s a great way to start the meal. The dishes are all set at the table. There are the traditional tokkuri and ochoko serving set for saki. Then dinner is a casual Kaiseki style meal that includes an appetizer of fermented vegetables, some sashimi, a bowl of miso soup, a serving of grilled fish, and steamed vegetables with rice.There are smalls of Soy, Karashi, and Wasabi sauce for dipping. Kim is very good and helping us with our manners. She pours the saki for us. Mark is having problems with his chopsticks, and Kim and I are laughing at him. I watch Kim, I enjoy the formality of the meal. She is very precise. The ritual of the meal is much like submission. Everything has a form, everything has a reason.

All in all, it was a great meal. I thank Kim for her time and effort for this special presentation. She bows in her response and show of respect. I turn and bow in return. She is a very dedicated employee of Rachel’s. I want to do something to show my appreciation for all that she has done today, and for what she’s done before. I suggest that we share a bath together. I know it is an old tradition, usually reserved for family, but I want her to feel that she is apart of this family. She bows again, which I return. We leave Mark to clean up after us and wait for me by Rachel’s bed. He’s not too happy with this, and feels he’s being left out on all the fun. I lean into his ear, telling him he’s earned ten lashes from my dragon tail. He scampers off to complete his task. I take Kim’s hand and lead her upstairs to the Rachel’s master bath.

Chapter Two

Kim follows me up the stairs, and into Rachel’s room. I’ve been in her bathroom before and it can only be described as opulent. There is a very large shower, that could fit 5 people easily, with many shower heads that come at you from every direction. There is also a very large spa tub. It can also hold many people. The giant wall to wall mirror has several sinks, with all of Rachel’s things neatly in their place. When we arrive, I turn to Kim and I begin undressing her. She says nothing, understanding that this is my sign of respect for her. I slip her heels off, then reach up and begin to pull her stockings down. Her skin is so soft and warm. I turn her and unlace her corset and slip it off. Then I unzip her skirt and let it fall to the ground. Next, I turn her around and slowly unbutton her blouse. It slips from her shoulders. She’s now standing there naked, in all her alluring glory. I take her things and fold them and lay them on the dresser. Her skin is an alabaster, so soft and delicate. We stand there and look into each others eyes. She knows that I want her, but does she want me?

I put my hand on her shoulder and let it go behind her neck. I can feel her body trembling. When I feel her shaking, I know. I lean in and take her mouth with mine. Her soft lips are wet. Her arms go around me, pulling me closer. My tongue delves into her mouth, parting her lips. i find her tongue and swirl mine around it, taking her in a soft but firm way. But before we can get to far along, she stops me. Perhaps I’ve gone beyond her limits? But she stops only to undress me. She removes heels, and stockings. Her hands encircle me and unzip my skirt. It falls to the ground. She pulls my thong down with it. She slips her hands under my blouse and lifts it over my head. Now we’re both standing there naked. She takes my hand and leads me to the shower. At first, I try to guide her to the large tub, but she tells me that we are going to have a traditional Japanese bath. That’s where you clean first, then soak in the tub. Before she turns, I reach up to unlock and remove her collar. I want her to know that she is not bound as an employee to do this. I want her to do this with me of her own free will. With this, I follow her into the shower. She adjusts the water to a warm stream.

She pulls a stool up and sets it down near the warm stream. She wants me to sit, but I insist that she goes first. I familiar with the tradition of the most honored one going first. I kneel and take a cloth and wet it under the warm spray. I gently wet her skin. I use one of Rachel’s scented shower gels, and squeeze some into the cloth. I rub her short legs, from the foot to her thigh, massaging as I go. Then I move to her back, and continue to clean her. I use small circling strokes, and gently wash the day’s sheen from her body. I lean in and kiss her lightly on her shoulder. She moans softly. This is the first sound that she utters. I take the cloth and reapply the gel, and take her arms, one by one and clean them. I take my time. I want her to feel that I am here to serve her for a change. I reach around her body, and use the soapy cloth to wash her belly, and up to her breasts. My hand brushes her nipples and I find them hard as diamonds. I abraid them with the cloth. My hands cup her mounds and I squeeze them through the lathered cloth. Her head falls back to my shoulders. I lean in and kiss her softly on her neck. Moving up, my lips trace behind her ear. I can feel her body quiver in my arms. Her hands come over her head to hold mine, against hers. I run my tongue over her ear.

I break our embrace after a few minutes. Then rinse the cloth and apply some more gel. I reach down between her legs and wash her swollen labia. I can feel that her lips have flowered with need, and her clit is peeking out from it’s protective hood. I wash her gently, letting the soapy cloth, run across her sex. Another moan escapes her lips. The cloth goes further, reaching her tight rim and my cleaning is done. I hold her again, letting the cloth fall cloth to the ground. My breasts are pressed into her back. My hands wander over her body. I’ve wanted to touch her like this since I first saw her in the kitchen that first morning.

She is the first to break the embrace. She rinses in the warm stream, then turns and motions me to sit on the small stool. Then she kneels before me and repeats the same ritual with me. My body is replete with need, as her soft hands play me like a instrument. She cleans every inch of my body with care and the utmost fidelity. The way her hands touch my skin, relaxes me. After such a busy and stressful week, it’s exactly what I needed most. The nervousness that I felt in the beginning, has melted away like the walls of a discarded sandcastle. She wraps her arms around me, pulling me close to her. Our wet bodies become one. She kneels up and pulls me into the warm stream, and we rinse the soapy film from our bodies. While I am squeezing the water from my hair, she is off drawing water for a bath. I know that this is the traditional finale to bathing. A Japanese bath is meant for soaking and relaxing.

We both enter together. The warm water smells good. She’s added oils and scents to the water. I lean against the back and pull her towards me. My arms wrap around her, pulling her back to me. My hands gently stroke her. We lay there for awhile, enjoying the calm and peace that this traditional Japanese bath has provided. I could lay here with her for hours, and we almost do. After running more warm water several times, we finally step out and begin to towel each other off. I take her hand and lead her into Rachel’s bedroom. She stops to reach for her collar, to put it back on. I stop her, to tell her she doesn’t have to. She drops her eyes to the floor, and tells me she wants to submit to me. That she has longed to do this since she first met me. I pull her to me, then give her a slap on the ass, and tell her to hurry up then. She smiles, with a lustful hunger.

Chapter Three

When we walk into the bedroom, Mark is kneeling by his wife’s bed. Leading Kim to him, I stroke his face. I put my hand on Kim, and guide her to her knees beside him. Both of my submissives, kneeling before me. I pull Marks head into my wet pussy. He inhales my scent, before kissing my pussy sweetly. Kim reaches up and touches my ass, stroking it, kneading it. I run my fingers through her black hair. I move Mark aside and let Kim taste me for the first time. Mark reaches over to touch her, and I slap his hand away. She licks my folds, placing a finger there. She enters me, and my head falls back. Her wet tongue dances around my swollen clit. I grab Mark by the hair and drag him over behind me, pressing his face into my crack. I spread my legs and let them both service me. The soft, wet touches of their tongues, have my stomach tightening. A moan escapes my lips, as they lave at my two holes. I push them away, and tell them both to get on the bed on all fours.

They scurry to comply. I get them side by side, and reach to touch their sex. I slip a finger into Kim, as I grab Mark’s thick cock. I press into Kim’s sopping hole, as I begin to milk Mark’s shaft. The smell of sex fills the room. I lean in and kiss Kim’s pussy. It tastes so sweet, and tangy. My fingers work in and out of her wet folds, that have flowered with my intrusion. She takes me inside her, and I feel her clench around them. I start to stroke Mark’s cock, and squeeze his firm shaft. Both are moaning with need. Just when I feel them both slipping close to the edge, I stop and give each a hard slap to their upturned asses. Each whimper in unison. I nudge Kim to lay down on her back. I tell Mark to play with her breasts, he doesn’t hesitate my command, and begins to lick and kiss her mounds. I slip between her thighs, and kiss my way to where they meet.

When I near her pussy, I kiss around her swollen labia. I can hear Mark suckling her nipples, pulling them away from her body. Her moans tell me that she has sensitive nipples too. I take one of her lips in my mouth, and suck on it, gently biting it. I thumb her clit in small circles. Mark is stroking his cock, while lavishing Kim’s breasts. I take the other tender fold into my mouth and nibble it gently, before biting it harder. She moans again. Her hips lift to encourage me, as I slip two fingers inside her. I hear the wet sound of her arousal, as my fingers begin to move in and out of her channel. I take her clit between my soft lips and swirl my tongue around the engorged nub. I feel a spasm from within her. The walls of her pussy clench my fingers. I suck harder on her clitty. My tongue dances around it. I look up at her and see her lust filled eyes, slightly hooded, and replete with need. I nod my permission to cum, and she does without delay. Her body shudders, and writhes in the throes of her orgasm. Her hips buck against my mouth, as I continue to finger her, curving my fingers up and giving her the “come hither” motion. She spasm with another blissful convulsion, right behind the first. Marks is pulling her nipples away from her body, further beguiling her. As Kim’s orgasm starts to ebb, I move up between her legs. I push Mark away, as I kiss my way to her mouth. My tongue invades her lips as we share her sweetness.

She wraps her arms around me, “thank you Mistress.” My core floods with wetness with her words.

“MMMmmm, you’re most welcome Kim.”

I roll us over, as we continue to kiss and tongue each other. She starts to move down my body, kissing my neck, then shoulder. Her hands knead my breasts, as her lips take in one of nipple rings. A deep moan escapes my lips, as she gives it a tug with her teeth. I reach for Mark’s cock and bring him closer to me. Kim teases my other nipple, before moving further down. I stoke Mark’s shaft and squeeze it, forcing a thick droplet of pre-cum to form. I look into his eyes, urging him to give it to me. He shudders in reckless anticipation, as I pull him into my wet mouth, licking his slick cum from his cock. Kim kisses the inside of my hip bone, before moving to my vulva. Her tongue finds my clit swollen and needy. When her soft lips brush my aching nub, I shudder. I moan around Mark’s cock which is now pulsing in my hot mouth. Kim is a very skilled cunnilingus, lapping at my sex. Mark’s cock is pistoning in my lips, bumping into the back of my throat. I cup his ball sack and squeeze them. He groans in reply. I can feel his cock pulsing. I have other ideas, so I pull it out, squeezing it tightly.

I roll over onto my front, keeping Kim’s lips on me. She is now on her back, between my legs. I look at Mark, his lust filled eyes tell me of his need. I tell him I want his thick cock in my ass. He gives me an ardorous look, and leans to get some lube from the bedside table. I arch my back, as I lay my head on the sheets. Kim is still laving my pussy with her skilled tongue. I feel the warm head of Mark’s cock against my tight rim. I reach back and spread my cheeks, opening up myself for his entry. I feel the initial pain but push back against it. I crave for him to take me without any warm up. His bulb pushes in slowly. He stops and lets me adjust to his girth. It doesn’t take long with Kim’s fluttering tongue at my clit. Oh god his cock feels good inside me. I feel my cunt clench with need. I press back and encourage him to fuck me. He doesn’t hesitate and buries his thick shaft into my bowels. He senses my need and starts to pummeling my tight hole. Kim reaches up and pulls at one of my rings, I writhe against Mark’s pounding. His grunts tell me that he can’t last long in my tight hole. That doesn’t matter, as I am so near now.

I feel the spasms start deep inside my core. They wash over my body. The force is something I’ve never felt before. My body shudders, as Mark grunts and begins to empty his cum inside me. Kim has latched onto my clit and is swirling her wet tongue around the sensitive bud. This sends me over again, my body awash with pure ecstasy. My frenzied convulsions push Mark’s withering cock from my rosette. I feel empty but well sated. His warm, sticky cum oozes from my hole, and mixes with my juices. Kim eagerly laps it up. Mark rolls off and lays beside me. I turn over and pull Kim up into my arms. We all lay there for awhile, basking in our shared bliss. Each of our hands stroke the other. When I feel Mark’s cock begin to stir again, I tell him to take my thong from the bathroom, place them in his mouth, and go sleep in my bed tonight. He hesitates, wanting to stay with us. I tell him that his hesitation has cost him another ten lashes from my dragon tail. He whimpers and complies.

Once he’s left, I kiss Kim on her forehead and our legs intertwine. She looks up into my eyes and tells me that she would like to taste my whip sometime too. My lips curls to one side, and I ask her if she’d like to come to the club this weekend as my submissive. With a starry scintillation in her eyes, she nods, kissing me on my lips. She lays her head against my breast and I hold her tight, as we drift off into blissful slumber.

To be continued…….

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A few weeks after I’d had the threesome involving Mary, Cindy came to me and said “I didn’t think you were like that” “Like what” “You know what you did to Mary” “How do you know about that” “Me and Mary are best friends”, that’s something I didn’t count on. Later on that day Steve came and asked if I’d do some tidying in the store room, obviously I said Yes.At around 3pm Heather came to me and said “Right you and Cindy go down to the store room and sort it out Ok” she was a right little...

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CherryPimps Bella Rolland Adira Allure Look Fantastic Fucking

Adira Allure knows how badly you would love to taste that sweet pussy of Bellas as she moves those panties aside showing you just how wet and pink she is. Lucky for her she is the one that gets to bury her face in that delicious pussy. Bella loves feeling that tongue all over her clit and wet lips and just wants to get her own face down in Adiras beautiful pussy lips. Bella licks up and down with great intent and soon gets her fingers rocking in and out while her tongue dances on that clit...

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food fight

My name is Ally and and I love sex too. I also love getting dirty and we were going to do both this weekend. My boyfriend’s name is Kevin. We love to fuck whenever we get the chance, and this was going to be some chance. You see, my parents are distributors for ice cream shops and they have tons of supplies in a big refrigerator and freezer in our basement. Chocolate syrup, whipped cream, chocolate pudding, fruit toppings, everything. And our goal was to be wearing all of it while fucking our...

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Spizoo Emma Hix POV Queen

Emma Hix is a real life barbie….but with more personality!! This beautiful, blonde, babe know exactly what it takes to turn a man on. Dressed in her pink lingerie she immediately drops to her knees ready to please. Enjoy her wet, warm, tongue as it runs up and down the cock before fully engulfing it in her mouth. She spits, strokes and bobs up and down until the cock is soaking wet just like her pussy. Then let the pounding begin. She takes it deep in every position and moans in pure...

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Seduction of a Friend2

John found it difficult to walk so fast, his hardened member contorted in his pants. He knew it showed to all who looked, but he didn’t care, he just knew he needed to have her. Joe watched them walk past, his eyes following Sarah’s breasts heaving up and down. Joe saw the doors slowly closing and the last thing he could see was John pushing her up against the back wall of the elevator, his body pressing up against her. As soon as Sarah entered the elevator, John took control again, he knew...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 110 Spring Break Mission ndash This Ainrsquot Kansas

“Upgraded electrically augmented armor protection and camouflage. Lightweight kinetic charging power source will provide thirty seconds of digital imagery covering two hundred-seventy degrees of view angle. Impact gel augmentation distributes projectile forces across armor surface,” the text read. “UD target tracking utilizes multiple spectrums. Activate?” Uh, yeah. So how do I activate? It turns out that the armor and camouflage weren’t exactly tied to the goggles. Duh! Whoever made this...

4 years ago
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FTL III The End of The GreysChapter 3 The Wedding

Men, as do animals, have always had more than one mate. He that believes otherwise is blind, for he denies what is before his own eyes, in favor of what others tell him. Monogamy is an invention of those that would seek to control your every action. They would, if they could, control even the number of times a man relieves himself in a day. Guard against those that dictate/legislate their morality upon others. They have rules so that they do not have to think, question, or choose for...

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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 05

© 2011 All Rights Reserved Author’s Note: Thanks again to my beta readers and to estragon for copy editing. Ryan gave herself a mental shake as she got her guitar out. It was Saturday, and in seven days, they’d be headlining at the 9:30 Club. She thought she must be excited, she kept telling herself the butterflies in her stomach meant she was excited. She chatted with Lara and Mitch as they got ready. Nate came in a few minutes later, and Ryan was surprised not to see Jason with him. Mitch...

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Making my sister a whore

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi.. My name is dilip. My age is 20. I am from chennai. My sister's name is akila. Her age is 19. She looks homely. Her face resembles that of vijay tv jodi no 1 VJ divyadarshini. If u dont know it search google for that. Her structure also looks the same. Her tits are small but smooth and sexy. Once my parents were out for purchase. I and my sister were in home. My sister was taking bath. There was a problem with our bathroom latch that day. So she...

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Sex SchoolChapter 6

When Mike stormed away, Sara and Jim went into immediate action. This was one of the scenarios they were trained for. Sara comforted Janet while Jim went to deal with Mike. "Janet, Mike definitely does not despise you. He is just upset that your fantasy does not include him. A little jealousy and a little shock will not hurt him or your relationship, if we can convince him that it is him you love. The foundation of his ideas of proper sexual mores has been shaken. We have to make him see...

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My Changing LifeChapter 7 The Holidays

When I wasn’t at the hospital, I was helping Chelsie get everything ready for Christmas. I made one more elf suit to fit Beth. Starting at noon, Christmas eve, we visited every place one of my girls new of that had children. I would knock on the door as Santa and Beth was my elf. The first place we went to, a 5 year old boy answered the door with his mom a few steps behind. I said, “Ho ho ho, marry Christmas” The boy turned to get his mother, “Mommy, Mommy its Santa” I plaid my part,...

4 years ago
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The Candle Part One

Tommy sat watching the television, his mother was talking on the telephone. ‘Yes Maureen, I’ll ask him and get back to you tomorrow, bye.’ Norma replaced the receiver and turned to her son, ‘Maureen was wondering if you could pop in on Saturday to fix her bedroom light, it keeps burning out the bulbs.’ Tommy looked up, his mother was always asking him to do little jobs for her friends, he didn’t mind, it was just that she said he wasn’t to ask too much in payment. This what not the way he...

2 years ago
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Lustful ViceChapter 18

The next time Zaria’s mother heads for the airport and her father is at the store, she and Yesenia set about scheming. “So with my mom away, tonight is going to be the night I take every last bit of cum I can from him,” Zaria brags. “You’re going to love it,” Yesenia encourages.

1 year ago
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Weekend Surprise Part One

The long day was finally over and it was Friday. The entireweek was a tough one and I was glad that I could finally just relax at home and do nothing. That is, if my children didn’t demand too much of my attention. My kids were fifteen and eleven years old and usually a real joy to be around. Today, though, I just wanted to veg. “Bye, Frank.” Wearily I waved to the night security guard as I walked through the lobby area. “’Night, Natalie. Any exciting plans for this weekend?” “Yes. Nothing,”...

Group Sex
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Debbie was my next door neighbor and the closest thing I had to a best friend since leaving high school. She had divorced her husband shortly before we bought the house and moved in and she had gotten her house in her divorce settlement. We met over the back fence one morning, I invited her over for coffee and we hit it off. Two weeks later we were sharing our deepest, darkest secrets. I knew about her catching her husband cheating on her and how she forgave him and took him back - twice -...

4 years ago
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Affair With Brahmin Mom And Daughter 8211 Part 3

Hi,everyone this is continuation of my story “Affair With Brahmani Mother And Daughter”. Thanks for your feedback and suggestions to my story. Please do as same to . Writers always want a feedback for their stories. Lets go to the story. I slept after janani gone from my place, next day morning, I woke up by the controller of my plant and he wants me there in 30 mins as the boiler stops working. I was in hurry and went to my office and working along with them to bring back the condition of...

1 year ago
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My Subsequent Experience

Let me continue from my previous post of my first experience of my nice plump female friend Moushmi with whom as I shared earlier it was only a touching experience i.e. touching those sweet parts of a plump female which I love, the nice cunt and bigtitties. As usual your comments welcome at hide and seek game To recap as we were playing hide and seek I had fingered Moushmi’s pussy, played with her titties and also innocently asked her what was the liquid coming from her pussy to which her...

2 years ago
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Trial by Combat

The champion was looking daggers at me. A day ago, that’s all it was. I was standing in the crowd as Lady Seen pleaded for her life. This was the way it was now, the rich got richer, the less rich got fucked, and the poor were just grateful to wake up the next day. Lady Seen was one of the less rich. Her father had died, her brother had got himself killed in the crusade against the infidel. So she had inherited the estate. She was half-Saxon, so it was said, mixed race crap, I heard one...

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Shadow on the shoulder part 1 Coming home

Author's note: I used to post on Fictionmania under the alias MTG. That was a long time ago and effectively a previous life for me. Why get back into TG writing now? Why the hell not, my muse suddenly re-awoke. This story has similarities to a series called "Remix" that a brevdavis wrote on Fictionmania back in the day but I have deliberately made sure there are enough differences between that story and this. Don't have any more to we go. Part 1 of a series "Beep beep...

3 years ago
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Horny Sex With Mature Aunt In A Marriage

Hi, my name is Aryan, 23 from Bangalore with another sexual encounter. This story is about how I’made out with a mature lady in a marriage function. My friend Vikas had invited me to his sister’s marriage which was going to take place in Hubli. So I went to Hubli along with him in the car prior to marriage for preparation. Soon I got introduced to his family and relatives. There I’met Vikas’ Aunty Sandhya. She was a sexy desi Indian lady who had perfect flesh in her body and pure fat at perfect...

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Pennys Safety Net

I awoke yesterday morning to the sound of my wife's voice. Penny was on her way out the door to go to work. Through my sleepy head I heard her say, "Don't forget Bob, I'm going out with Tina tonight...We're going directly from work...Your mom will pick up the kids after school." I cleared my throat and asked, "Where are you going?". She yelled over her shoulder, "We'll probably see a movie or something." I struggled out of bed, thankful that it was Friday. I showered and dressed and...

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The Bluebell girl

Have you ever seen a mountain meadow? There are well-manteined lawns where the grass is cut and collected with great effort by men and women accustomed to hard work, and wild meadows where the growing grasses interrupt the view. A green and yellow wall that conceals, protects. Who sits between this herb is isolated, the sounds muffled. You can lie and watch the clouds that cover the blue sky sea, as crazy boats. Breathing the fresh and pure air. Smiling at insects flying through your space in...

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Jims WorldsChapter 11

There were no questions, so Doug went on to describe the training plan. This was divided equally between physical training and shipboard combat training. For the fun of it, the team decided to call themselves "The Enforcers." The Irzons quickly learned to stay well out of the way during an Enforcer training exercise. No Irzons were hurt, but several of the stubborn ones were embarrassed when they were zapped by the stun guns: the Irzons, too, had to change clothes after being...

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UniversityChapter 43

I read Al's draft in the morning, made a few comments and sent it back to him. Rachel was going through the midden on her table and came up with Sandra Wynne's card. While she phoned Sandra, I called Winnie. Luckily she was still at home. "I gather that when you became a widow, you inherited a reasonable sum?" "Is this a quiz programme?" I explained that I would be receiving a rather large sum of money soon. "Did you win the lottery?" "No. Both of my grandfathers left legacies...

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I love all the readers input from my stories before but I would like to respond to your coments so please leave a way for me to contact you if you have read any of my stories and try to clarify who you are if you have left one before please as the usual all comments are accepted. October, 1982 Walking back down to the old field brought back all the memories, all the wonderful moments of high school. I’d had a better time of it than most kids these days, and I remembered those autumn...

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Village FeteChapter 6

Professors Arnold Potts-Johnson, Joachim von Hatzendorff and Hiram P Hackenbacker from England, Austria and the United States respectively, were nearing the end of their allotted task of drawing up the agenda for the forthcoming Anthropological Congress to be held in a couple of weeks time at University College, London. Most of the work was complete and it only remained to arrange the field trip. Part of the purpose of the forthcoming Congress was to study vestigial ancient customs in the...

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Beautiful Nightmare Part 2 Dawn of the Dildos

The purple desert landscape gave way to distant hills with strange phallic bushes, some red some black some yellow,like spikeless cactus actually reminded me of double headed rubber dildos or is that a lezzy fantasy in the making, guess beside the hunger pains I was feeling lonely, as the marble tiles gave way to a gravel terrain, my mind went to my fuck me pumps, they are getting ruined, at this point I stopped retrieved the odd remote gizmo from my bag.The symbols meant nothing to me so I...

3 years ago
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How I Got the Name Posh Slut and Into K9Chapter 10

I came so loud then I awoke my hubby and had to pretend the plasters on my scratches had pulled against some of my skin hairs when I moved. For the next four days that same thought of being fucked by a dog or dogs would not leave me. I could hardly concentrate on my work and the only way for me to do any was to masturbate imagining it was happening to me. It never took any time for me to climax. At least that satisfied my taboo urge for a few hours. Taboo. It was very taboo. In those days...

4 years ago
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The way it is Now Ch5

Ch 5 The kiss becomes harder. More urgent for both of them. “Oh, Sarah”. He pushes the words out between belt lashes of tongue. She can only moan into his mouth. She pants, clawing at his jacket. He moves to put her down. She grabs hold of his lower lip in her teeth. Through her clenched maw she speaks acidly “Dont you dare” Option number two it is then. He moves from the center of the room. Trapping her back against the wall with his chest. She clings to his shoulders as he moves...

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Meinen wahren Namen verschweige ich, denn diese Geschichte ist keine Fiktion, denn das was ich schildere hat sich 2002 in Payrinac in der Dordogne wirklich ereignet. Meine Freunde aus Schopfheim in Südbaden hatten mich für 3 Wochen zu einem Urlaub eingeladen. Sie hatten in Payrainac bei Goudon ein Ferienhaus gemietet, das in einer idyllischen Lage in der Wildnis lag und sogar einen kleinen Schwimmteich hatte und in der Nähe viele Sehenswürdigkeiten wie Höhlen aus der Altsteinzeit, romanische...

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Call Girl Screws Teacher For Grades

Hi boys! This is Nithya Sen your favourite call girl back with another of my sexcapades. this happened when I was in the final year of BA English. I was a little lagging in one of the subjects Shakespearean literature since I was not so good in old age English. My teacher was Mr Roy. He was a real 45 year old pervert like the ones you hear in the news. He would never miss a chance to touch a girl’s body in a crowd. He always stood by a girls in class. Most teachers and students never went even...

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Dont You Know Lightning is Dangerous

This story was written in the universe of John Norman's Gor. I can't imagine he'd be upset at me borrowing his universe, as I do not own it or make profit from it, and no character names are mentioned. It was written for a friend, from her perspective... maybe the women of XHamster will enjoy it too. It's a male-dominated society, and slavery is prevalent... hard to explain in a blurb. But if you can give up your control, you might just like...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Small Town Girl Final Chapter

Shortly after returning from camp, I started my senior year in high school. This was supposed to be the best year of my life, so everyone told me, but I could not imagine it topping my Junior and sophomore years. Over the past two years I had transformed from a sweet innocent young girl to now, for lack of a better term, a nymphomaniac. Over the past two years, I had learned to love sex in all aspects. I loved giving and receiving oral from both guys and girls, and I had been fucked by two guys...

Straight Sex
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My three girl one guy sex party

My second year at uni was legendary. We were young and hot and constantly horny. My bicurious house mate Megan and our later addition Mathilde from France would go out on the prowl and if we couldn’t latch on to another young hottie, we would just go back and lick each other all night. Sometimes word got round we were having a party and girls would bring their girl friends just to be part of the action. It was not unknown to have up to seven dripping wet pussies at our house and after a few...

Group Sex
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06 More Magazines and Singing

Paul Macon and Paula Akron still meet at the shed from time to time to enjoy a “special” magazine. So do Fred Conyers and Frida Dayton, who both turned fourteen years old in June. This time, because I can tell you about them, we’ll look at Fred and Frida as they have their fun, but we’ll sneak a look back at Paul and Paula, too. Don’t worry, it’s within the rules. More Magazines, and Singing 6:16 P.M., Sunday, April 5, 2015 Honolulu, HI They could only go to the shed and look at Hustler...

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