Návštěvníci 3 free porn video

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Když Sára třetí den konečně vstala z postele, cítila se neobyčejně svěží. Zřejmě to způsobil ten celodenní spánek. To však ještě nevěděla, co si na ní Saturňané připravili. Kovová chapadla jí opět připoutala na křeslo určené na pokusy a roboti se začali věnovat sexuálnímu výzkumu jejího těla. Jedním dráždidlem Sáře dráždili klitoris, zatímco další umělý penis se dobýval do hloubi její pochvy a třetí si vzal na starost Sářinu kakaovou dírku. Všichni roboti se v ní tak dokonale doplňovali, že v ní rozehráli hotový koncert orgasmů. Ten v jejím řitním otvůrku jen tak lehce vibroval, ale ten v pochvě se jí kroutil na všechny strany a Sára měla pocit, že svým silným přirážením se jí dostává až kamsi do žaludku. Když se roztřásla v prvním orgasmu, zpozorovala, že k ňadrům se jí znovu přibližují ty samé přísavky, které tu poznala prvního dne. Tentokrát již ale uměly něco navíc. Nejen že jí procítěně hnětly celá prsa a intenzivně dráždily její vystouplé bradavky, ale teď Sára jasně cítila drobné elektrické výboje, které jí vzrušovaly na nejvyšší míru. Chvíli pozorovala jiskřičky, které probíhaly přímo od jednoho prsu k druhému, ale po chvilce zavřela oči, hlasitě, rychle dýchala a připravovala se na nával orgasmů. Ten se dostavil brzy poté, co miniaturní elektrické jiskérky začaly oblažovat i její rozkrok, který se v tu chvíli začal lesknout milostnými šťávami, které se v ní od posledního dobrodružství s „mucholapkou“ zase našetřily.
Sára v tu chvíli byla naprosto mimo veškeré dění a orgasmy s ní cloumaly o sto šest.
Vzápětí však stroje o ni ztratili zájem, ale stále byla připoutána na křeslo. Kovová stěna před ní se stejně jako prvého dne zprůhlednila a za ní stáli mimozemští vědci.
„Vážená Sáro, díky našim pozitivním výsledkům jsme opět trochu pokročili v našem zkoumání vaší civilizace, a proto bychom vás rádi o něco požádali. Už dávno jsme zjistili, že vy, pozemšťané jste zvyklí na partnerský život ve dvou. Proto bychom byli rádi, kdybyste si mezi svými spoluobyvateli na naší lodi našla partnera, se kterým byste zde chtěla žít po několik dalších měsíců.“
Sára nejdřív nepochopila jejich požadavek.
„Chcete, abych si tu našla partnera?“ opakovala. „Ale já se ještě necítím na nějaký trvalý vztah,“ namítla.
„Samozřejmě,“ odpověděl vedoucí výzkumu, „s tím jsme počítali a proto tento výběr necháváme zcela na vás. Na naší lodi se nachází přesně 394 pozemšťanů mužského pohlaví a podle důkladné analýzy vašeho myšlení by vám mohla vyhovovat více než polovina z nich.“ Sára ale dál odporovala:
„To si tu mám ve svých šestnácti letech najít přítele a žít tu s ním natrvalo? Jako v manželství? A co když vám řeknu, že nechci?“
„V tom případě bychom Vás museli poslat zpět na Zemi, abyste tam těžce pracovala spolu se zbytkem vaší civilizace pod dohledem našich vojáků. Pochybuji, že by se vám to tak zamlouvalo. Uvědomte si, prosím, že my jsme vědci a být na naší lodi je výsada, kterou z miliardy lidí máte vy a dalších zhruba osm set lidí“ odvětil Saturňan. V tom měl nejspíš pravdu a tak Sára raději souhlasila s vědomím, že si tedy najde chlapce podle svých představ.
Pokud má ten mimozemšťan pravdu - pomyslela si - tak bych si měla vybrat docela rychle.
Jakmile jí stroje odpoutaly od pseudogynekologického křesla, oblékla se do připravených nových šatů a vydala se bloudit metropolí na vesmírné lodi. Ukázalo se, že vědec měl vážně pravdu. Nejprve zamířila do kavárny. Hezcí chlapci tam sice byli, ale většinou již dělali společnost jiným dívkám, přibližně stejně starým jako Sára. Zklamaně si sedla a pozorovala mladé flirtující páry. Náhle jí někdo zezadu zakryl oči. Prudce se otočila a spatřila chlapce, kterého poznala nedávno, když ho k ní dopravil neznámý „tekutý“ živočich.
„Jé, ahoj,“ vypískla Sára, „přisedni si ke mně, jestli chceš. Jak se máš?“ pobídla ho.
„No, pořád je lepší dělat pokusného králíka tady, než otroka tam dole, na Zemi, ne?“ odpověděl mladík a usedl na volnou židli, „a jak se vede tobě?“ zeptal se.
„Taky si nestěžuju, po nikom na Zemi se mi nestýská a pochybuji, že mě tam někdo postrádá,“ odvětila Sára.
Chlapec jakoby nebyl překvapen.
„Takže ty taky na Zemi nikoho nemáš,“ poznamenal.
„Nejspíš je nás tu takových většina, jak jsi přišla o rodinu?“ zeptal se.
„Byla jsem jedináček, moji rodiče zemřeli při epidemii ptačí chřipky a než jsem se ocitla tady, tak jsem žila u nevlastních, kteří mě sice živili, ale bylo na nich jasně vidět, že se mě rádi zbaví, jakmile budu schopná se postarat sama o sebe.“ Sklopila pohled a odmlčela se.
„Ale tys tu chřipku nedostala, že ne?“ vyptával se mladík.
„Ne, nedostala,“ odvětila Sára, „proč se ptáš?“
„Aha, tak to vypadá, že si všechny lidi na svůj výzkum z nějakého důvodu vybrali z oblastí postižených nějakou epidemií. V naší čtvrti většina obyvatel včetně mých rodičů a prarodičů nepřežila nákazu cholery z kontaminované studny. Mámina přítelkyně ze vzdálenějšího konce města pila vodu odjinud a tak, když se to u nás rozkřiklo o té nemoci, rodiče mě k ní přestěhovali, abych to taky nechytil. Tím mi nejspíš zachránili život, protože jsem jediný přežil. Možná že si naše těla vytvořila na tu nemoc imunitu a proto si nás ti mimozemšťané pro nějaký účel vybrali.“
„Myslím, že tady je to o dost lepší,“ usmála se Sára. Mladíka její úsměv okouzlil. Rozhodl se, že uchopí svou šanci: „Mohl bych tě někam pozvat? Slyšel jsem, že tu maj pěkný kino.“
Sáru jeho zájem potěšil a v hlavě se jí honily ty samé myšlenky.
„No tak jo, ale vždyť se ani pořádně neznáme jmény,“ odvětila.
„Nojo, promiň, já jsem Johny,“ představil se. „Fajn, já jsem Sára.“
V kině se právě promítaly válečné filmy, které Saturňané našli v polorozbořených kinech na Zemi
a Johny cítil, že by se mělo něco stát. Stále na Sáru hleděl, ale z jejího výrazu pořád nemohl nic vyčíst.
Náhle se všiml, že se Sára třese, zvláště při drastických scénách, kdy tam krev tekla proudem.
„Kde to ti pitomí marťani vyhrabali,“ pomyslel si a vzal Sáru kolem ramen. Celá se třásla a tak jí Johny navrhnul:
„Nepůjdeme radši jinam?“
Sára byla ráda, že ho to napadlo, protože film se jí skutečně nelíbil. A tak se sebrali a uprostřed filmu se vytratili jinam. Rozhodli se vyzkoušet 3D kino, které jim mimozemšťané poskytovali, stejně jako všechno ostatní, zdarma. Usedli do velké hluboké sedačky, nasadili si speciální brýle a pak už se jen kochali nádhernou krajinou, která se jim vyjevila před očima. Sára mimoděk vzala Johnyho za ruku, a tak oba měli pocit, jakoby ruku v ruce letěli nad loukami a lesy, protože saturňané jim promítali jakýsi vyhlídkový let po nebi nad luhy a háji. Jenže po chvíli se obraz změnil. Pod nimi se zjevilo tak rozlehlé město, že nebylo možno dohlédnout na druhý konec. Sára ho nejdříve nemohla poznat, ale jakmile uviděla ohromnou sochu s pochodní v jedné ruce a s knihou v druhé, uvědomila si, že je to New York, město, o kterém se z knížek dozvěděla, že bylo zničeno v roce 2050, kdy se rozpoutala Třetí světová válka. Tohle však byl New York v celé své kráse a slávě. Náhle se přiblížili ke dvěma vysokým mrakodrapům, které Sára nepoznávala. Byly navlas stejné a dominovaly celé čtvrti. Ve chvíli kdy si začala lámat hlavu, proč pak místo nich postavili jednu jedinou špičatou věž, odněkud se vyřítilo ohromné dopravní letadlo a doslova zmizelo v jedné věži. Za ním se vyvalily plameny a oblaka hustého dýmu. Ještě než se Sára stačila vzpamatovat ze šoku, objevilo se druhé letadlo a druhá věž mu posloužila jako cíl stejně jako první. Nemohla uvěřit vlastním očím: právě s Johnym viděla nechvalně proslulý atentát na Světové obchodní centrum. Sáře vyhrkly do očí slzy, když po chvíli spatřila, jak z oken hořících budov zoufale vylézají lidé a padají dolů. Něco o tom četla, ale takhle „naživo“ to nemělo srovnání s žádnými knížkami, které to popisovaly. Když se obě budovy zřítily, Sára už to nevydržela, strhla si brýle z očí, zhroutila se Johnymu do náruče a usedavě plakala.
„Tohle se nemělo stát, Johne, tohle se nemělo stát,“ vzlykala, „tím to tenkrát všechno začalo.“
Johny nejdřív nevěděl, co na to má Sáře říci, a tak jí otřel slzy a pak se jí upřeně zadíval do očí.
„Sáro,“ zašeptal, „to už nezměníme, teď už jde změnit jedině budoucnost“ a krátce jí políbil. Sára mu polibek oplatila, ale ten již byl mnohem delší a vášnivější a Sára věděla, že v jejím srdci začíná růst něco nového a překrásného. I Johny to tak cítil a tak se líbali ještě hodně dlouho, až nakonec skončili v Johnyho kajutě a navzájem se svlékali. Johny položil Sáru na postel a jazyk nasměroval na Sářina ňadra, které na ní obdivoval od okamžiku, kdy ho k ní přinesl onen neznámý tekutý živočich. Sára potěšeně vzdychala a ještě víc si na sebe tiskla jeho hlavu. Bylo to úplně něco jiného než dráždění od stroje. Johnovy dotyky jí naprosto uchvátily a zatoužila mít v ruce jeho mužství, aby mu mohla dopřát stejné slasti, jaké dával on jí. Jenže Johny jí teď jazykem zaútočil mezi nožky a tak se opět jen mohla oddávat rozkoším, jaké umí vytvořit jedině lidský jazyk na klitorisu. Krátce na to jí Johny dovedl k prvnímu orgasmu. Sára se konečně zmocnila Johnova tvrdého pyje a vpustila ho mezi své rty. Za okamžik i Johny slastí vzdychal jako před chvílí ona. Po chvíli mu v penisu několikrát prudce zaškubalo a vytrysklo z něj bílé semeno, které Sára s chutí polykala. I když to dělala poprvé, nebála se, neboť chuť sperma již znala. Johnyho penis však nechtěl klesnout. Stále se tyčil proti Sářině pusince a tak se Johny otočil a pomalu ho Sáře začal zasouvat do její skulinky. Sára se ale prudce vzepjala a narazila se na něj, až v ní byl až po kořen. Johny začal plynule přirážet a cítil se jako v ráji. Dosud se žádnou dívkou nic neměl a experimenty Saturňanů se s klasickou souloží nedaly srovnat. Za chvíli pocítil, že opět stane na vrcholu slasti.
Sára mu obtočila nohy kolem těla a tak mu dala jasně najevo, aby v ní zůstal i při vyvrcholení
S každým jeho přírazem se dostávala do stále větší a větší extáze, a když pak v sobě ucítila jeho horké semeno, vyvrcholila s velikým křikem, že se div nerozsypala celá kosmická loď.
Oba si vyčerpaně padli do náruče a dlouho se líbali. Johny se pak svalil vedle Sáry na postel a Sára si mu spokojeně položila hlavu na hrudník. Stále v sobě cítila jeho sperma, pomalu vytékající ven. Snažila se ho tam udržet co nejdéle, ale svírání poševních svalů ji znovu vzrušilo a tak její prstík zabloudil znovu do těch míst. Johny si toho všiml a nasměroval tam i svoji ruku. Ukazováčkem jí citlivě dráždil poštěváček a během chvilky tam opět zavítal i jeho jazyk. Nevadilo mu, že spolu se Sářinými milostnými šťávami slízává i své vlastní, zábrany tohoto typu ho nijak netrápily a tak Sáře za chvíli vyčistil klín téměř do sucha. Zůstala jen natolik vlhká, aby v ní mohl jako píst jezdit jeho pyj, který mu znovu stál jako svíčka. Sára si Johna přitáhla za vlasy na sebe, uchopila jeho penis do prstů a sama si ho dovnitř zasunula. Ve chvíli, kdy do ní Johny začal přirážet, pohlcovaly jí orgasmy jeden za druhým. Johny se najednou přetočil, lehl si na záda a Sáru si posadil na břicho. Tak ho mohla Sára milovat stylem „na koníčka,“ jak tomu říkali jejich předkové, zatímco Johny jí oběma rukama hnětl prsa a přidal k nim i své rty. Tentokrát měl neuvěřitelnou výdrž. Sám nevěděl, že toho bude schopen, ale dovedl ji obšťastňovat celou čtvrthodinu, během které se ještě Sára otočila, lehla si na něj zády a Johny jí prsa hladil zezadu. V této poloze se udělali oba naráz a Johnovo semeno ten den podruhé navštívilo Sářinu pochvu.
Ještě chvilku v ní jezdil, dokud definitivně neklesnul. Sára si lehla vedle Johna a spokojeně zavrněla:
„Johny, já tě asi miluju.“
„Já tebe taky, Sáro,“ odpověděl jí Johny a oba si spokojeně usnuli v náručích.

© Leden 2004
Korekce1: © Leden 2012

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Pouting in pink lip gloss, cute blonde Kenzie Reeves takes seductive selfies. She slobbers on stud Markus Dupree’s thick cock and laps up her own spit from the couch. She licks his toes in a foot fetish interlude and gives him a sloppy rim job. Markus stuffs a red ball inside her asshole, and Kenzie screams in delight as she pushes it out of her winking sphincter. Kenzie loves watching Markus’ prick slide in and out of her butt in a hot anal reaming. She squirts pussy juice...

3 years ago
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After hours with the lifeguard

“That’s one pound fifty change, and your band. Pool closes in twenty-five minutes.” “Do I need to wear this?” The receptionist had given me a blue band such as one would receive at a gig. “Yes, the lifeguard will need to see it,” she replied. The receptionist was a petite girl, blonde hair sitting on her shoulders, wearing the supplied blue polo shirt all the staff wore. For a petite girl she had an impressive cleavage, pushing at the buttons on her shirt. I thought I’ll just show it to the...

4 years ago
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Jessicas Fantasy Roast Part 3 of 4

Story: #28 Copyright ©2005 Written: March 26 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa­_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 3 - Jessica's Back Still sitting there on the floor staring in to Gene's eyes Jessica began to speak "I know this is difficult for you to understand" Jessica said as Gene sat quietly listening to her spin her jungle tale about the old...

1 year ago
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ImageFap Facials

It’s been ages since I last bust a nut to an assortment of image porn. So I decided to backtrack to the time when busty boobs used to make me shoot a load of hot jeez.If you’ve been keen on your porn journey, you must still have memories of the good old sites we visited for a quick nut.Remember back in the days when an old snail was 10X faster than the internet connection? And yes, even if you managed to get a video to buffer for a minute, the quality was a fucking wreck. So much so, that you...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Under Her Desk

Under Her Desk Under Her Desk It all started when I got a new job at the Hathaway Corporation.? I?d just graduated and now held a doctorate as well as my first degree.? I was pleased with my new position as Head of IT at this large PR company.? It had taken me a long time to find a decent job and I had finally come out to Southampton in Connecticut.? It had taken all my savings to set myself with a small flat in downtown Southampton but I was determined to succeed.? I was almost fifty and...

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A Day In The Clearing

We decided to find us a secluded spot somewhere as we hiked through the trails. We hiked along the trails until we found ourselves in an area surrounded by trees. Stepping off the trail and walking through the trees a short way, we found ourselves surrounded on three sides giving us privacy from any passersby and the sun caressing us on the fourth. We laid out our blankets on the soft grass of our little spot.We lay down facing each other, snuggling close. We began to kiss and caress each...

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Family Friend Jane Part Two

Family Friend, Jane Part 2When I was 18, my parents were on vacation for three months and left a family friend Jane, in charge of the house and the discipline of me. Jane had just graduated from college at the time, so she was about four years older than I was. She caught me going through her bras and panties, so she spanked me.As I grew older, I missed Jane and how her spankings changed my life. I went to college and moved away from my parents, and dated a few women. So I was surprised...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 38 Missile Antics

The door to the missile simulation room opened quietly. The instant it finished moving I could hear shouting from inside. “Don’t rush!” a female voice shouted. It sounded like Morgause, but the anger in the voice surprised me. “I’m trying,” was the response. This clearly came from Ingrid, and sounded more than a little petulant. There was a bit of a buzz emanating from the room. Worriedly I rushed through the door and looked around. I could see that Morgause and Ingrid were sitting side...

2 years ago
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Unintentionally Seduced My Bhabhi 8211 Part 2

Hello guys, I am a young boy of 26 years from Satara, Maharashtra. I am a normal-looking boy, with an average size tool. Now coming back to the story, this story is between a bhabhi named Isha and her devar. So, in the first story, I already told you guys about how we became close. Isha bhabhi also started having feelings for me. One day, I gave her rose and said, “I love you”. Bhabhi was expecting it and wasn’t angry. But Isha bhabhi turned down my proposal as she was already married and...

3 years ago
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Super Sister 1 Losing A Son Gaining A Daughter

Susper-Sister #1: Losing a Son, Gaining a Daughter By Heather St. Claire April 8, 1946, From the Diary of Martha Kent--These have been the most amazing couple of days. I have lost a son but gained a daughter. Yesterday started out like any other Sunday. Jonathan, Clark and I went to church in the morning, and came home to a meat loaf dinner--Jonathan's favorite! I cleared the table and had just settled down with a basket of knitting, when a strong feeling, really, an overhwelming...

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Sweet Sweet Boy

“This is the last time I let you drag me hiking with you!” I declared to my brother while struggling to assemble the last few parts of the tent I was going to sleep in tonight. “Was this thing designed by IKEA? There are too many extra parts, for God’s sake!”“Andrew will help you with it; we have to go so that we can go back before dark.”My brother and the rest of his college friends were going to attack the mountain peak and I was more than happy to stay behind. The group was okay, but I...

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Selena and JoeChapter 6

A rustling on the bed began to rile Joe from his sleep at he washed he cobwebs from his mind. He became aware of Selena slipping in behind him on the bed to spoon him, reversing the position they fell asleep in. "Good morning," she whispered with a kiss to his cheek. "Good Morning yourself! Are we sorry for anything that happened last night?" "No, not for me anyway. There was a lot of sexual tension building and I think we lifted it. My reasoning may have seemed flawed, that a first...

4 years ago
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Sali ke sath sex match

Dear iss readers i want to share with you a lively hot true incident of my life which u all enjoy definitely. If u like at please mail few lines. Meri sali bahut sexy lady hai usme sex kut kut kar bhara hua hai aur, uske har anga anga se kamras tapakta hai. Uska body figure bahut hi attaractive hai. Wo bahut hi sundar hai, ekdam gori chitti lumbe lumbe kale bal kareeb 5’4” aur figure 38-24-38 ka. Mujhe wo bahut achhi lagti hai aur wo bahut hi kamuk hai, ekbar sanyogwas mera uska sex relation ho...

2 years ago
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My Cleaning Lady Chapter 3

Though the house was pretty much clean, the majority of the rooms I actually planned on using, now spotless, Val was determined to finish cleaning every room. Heading downstairs to the only partially finished basement, I soon after followed her down. One of the projects on my "things to do list" was in fact finishing some repair work down there that had been neglected for years now. Just before his death, my father had in fact framed in one room that he had intended on using for a much...

3 years ago
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Getting A Blow Job From My Best Friends Girl

This is a continuation from a previous story i posted, you might want to check that one out first: https://xhamster.com/stories/fucking-my-best-friends-girl-670975a few days had passed since i did the deed with my best pals girlfriend, i couldn't get it out of my mind and i got turned on every time i thought about it, one of my fantasies had come true, i like the thought of fucking friends GF's / sisters / moms because it is forbidden, something about the idea gets me horny but saying that i...

4 years ago
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My Time As A Sugar Baby Part One

When I started university at eighteen, money was scarce, so I looked for part-time work to boost my income. The majority of the jobs advertised were bar work or cleaning rooms in hotels. They paid the minimum wage and to earn what I needed would mean working long hours, leaving very little time for studying or social life. I didn’t want to go down that route; I knew there was something better out there for me. I just had to find it.A few days later in the campus coffee bar, I overheard a girl...

2 years ago
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Drinking Milk

I am thankful to ISS .Lets introduce my self-call me as Ramu. I am a final graduation student in Cherthala/Alleppy. I am a big boob lover and I like to suck lasting boobs. If any aunt needs to feed me contact me at Happy Diwali to Kerala Erotica and to all my erotic friends. My family had got invitation to attend the first birthday of my mamma’s son. My mamma’s son is still a child. They were staying in Bangalore and my parents told me to attend the function, as they are old. I went to Bglor...

2 years ago
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Meeting With ISS User 8211 Pt 5 A Rough Anal Sex

Hi readers, hope all of you are doing great. I will be carrying on with my narration about meeting up with Nikhil and having fun in the car. Later he kinda ditched me so I had a revenge sex with his roommate Aditya, as we got high on weed. I made him cum once, took it and  swallowed it. I made him horny again, riding him. It was an awesome ride while we were high. I woke up slowly with my eyes finding it difficult to open, adapting to the daylight. I found myself in the bed, wearing Avenger’s...

4 years ago
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RebirthChapter 9

I woke up early and just stayed in bed looking at my lover. She had a small snore that she always denied. When she woke up she looked around to see me looking at her. "What are you looking at mister?" "Oh, just the woman I love." "Ha! You love a lot of women and I have to share." "True but I love you the most." "Prove it." I started my journey till she remembered her state. Her bum got a single swat and I continued. Her scream five minutes later woke the others. With her hand...

3 years ago
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Tissues Ticklish Mom Goes ShoppingChapter 6

We passed by a few nice dress shops and department stores. I guess Ms. Connor wasn’t looking for a “nice” dress shop. But then we also passed by the one that has the slutty dresses in the window. The type of dresses the young girls wore out to clubs. I was getting confused. When we exited the mall entirely, I was dumbfounded. “I ... I don’t need to pee, Ms. Connor.” I said meekly. “Good,” She replied. “Get in the car. I’ll drive.” “But ... But I ... I thought...” Ms. Connor stopped...

4 years ago
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Carrying the FlagChapter 6 PTSD

The girl on the other side of the spa's front window was probably five years old. Nearly flat on my back, the barbers' chair fully reclined, I was sprawled out like a frog on a lab table, my pussy in her face. Clutching her momma's hand she fidgeted, her kneecaps dancing. She wasn't bored. Watching me getting my Brazilian wax made her eyes big. At least her pigtails didn't stick out like Pipi Longstocking's. She'd outgrown her yellow sundress with its short puffy sleeves, lace bodice,...

3 years ago
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Bare and Tiny 2

Although Jack thoroughly enjoyed Susie and her hot black snatch, his dick still itched for some new, fresh young cunt’s hole to revel and juice off inside. He loved the idea of variety. Each chick he was with sounded different, tasted different and fucked different. True, Susie was an exciting diversion until he found something foxy, fresh, girlish and either a red head or a blonde. He wanted someone with an angelic looking face and a box that boiled with insatiable urges and needs....

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My Best Friend Linda

Linda was a good friend to my husband, Don, and myself. We lived a just a few doors apart from each other in a northern Dallas suburb. Linda was divorced and was quite a gregarious and outgoing person. She was also striking beautiful, with a lean and slender frame and large boobs. I often told her she could make a lot of money off of those boobs and her long blonde hair, but Linda, while outgoing and friendly, didn’t see herself as anything special. We’re all in our thirties, so going out and...

Wife Lovers
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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part XIX

Alistair was asleep in the marital bed when Julie came in and joined him. He woke and glanced at his watch, she had been with Jeff for almost two hours. “Thought you were spending the whole night with him?” he said to her. She slid up next to him and kissed him. “I’ve finished with him for now.” Alistair smiled. “For now?” Julie kissed him again. “Don’t want him thinking that if he just snaps his fingers I come running,” she replied. “You’re still the boss that way.” Alistair reached down...

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I took off my clothes as I walked into my room, stripping to my underwear before I turned off the light. I always liked the feeling of going to sleep naked, even in the winter - i loved the feeling of my own cool smooth skin, even if I had a bunch of heavy blankets on. As I slipped into bed, I flicked away some of my brown hair. My parents had never allowed me to do anything like having a boyfriend, but I had always had my little fantasies. I thought of how in this first year of living away...

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Cat Diary human point of view July 2020

This all started when I noticed a stray cat crossing my property a few times. Apparently, that is all it takes. Beware!When I was in the Army, back in the early-to-middle 1980's, I was privilrgrd to know and serve under some sergeants who were Viet Nam veterans. One of them used to love to say, "Do you know what the difference between a fairy tale and a war story is? A fairy tale begins with, 'Once upon a time, ...' & a WAR STORY begins with, 'This is NO BULLSHIT, because I was THERE, and I...

2 years ago
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Ed Kilpatricks The Lodger

Ed Kilpatrick'sThe LodgerSetting the scene:My name is David Jones and I'm from Glasgow in west central Sctoland. I turned 40 this year and while still single after a nasty divorce a few years ago, I've enjoyed the last year of freedom as my career has taken off in the right direction. I'm an IT consultant and while that will sound boring to so many people, it is still a relatively well paid job and has allowed me to travel. For the last year, I've spent quite a lot of time travelling between my...

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Cheating with my boyfriends uncle

I've done such depraved and immoral things in my life (despite being cripplingly shy) and I do feel shame about them, but I also love the fact that I did them. No matter how bad something makes me feel after I do it, it always seems worth it. I just love being naughty. I have so many stories to share with you all and I'm kind of surprised I'm going to do it. Being in Covid lockdown has been really hard on me, though. I have a wonderful boyfriend who I live with, and we're in a serious...

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I looked out the train window at the blur of green landscape as it passed. Going to stay with grandma had always been one of my fondest memories as a k**, the train ride just the beginning to a wonderful summer spent with her on her farm in northern Connecticut. Just me and her, lazing away the days and enjoying each other"s company. For seven straight years from the time I was seven years old to f******n I stayed with her, and for those summers we were inseparable.From the ages of sixteen to...

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African Captive for Sex Part 2

As the group moved along twisting jungle trails, Mindy realized that they weren’t headed toward the village. The heat, humidity and the trek caused Mindy to sweat but she realized she had a chill under her skin as her mind raced with thoughts of what would happen to her next. Finally, after several hours, they reached a small village. As their fellow natives approached, about 10 males and an equal number of females emerged from huts or from the surrounding jungle. It seemed like all the...

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A Close Shave With Five GirlsChapter 1

My sister and I are fraternal twins. I'm Michael, she's Michelle, we're both seventeen and seniors in high school. Michelle and I have always been close and we've done everything together. Um, no, not that. Not sex. I mean, we've seen each other naked. Lots of times. We've skinny-dipped, played spin-the-bottle with friends, Truth or Dare, yes, but no sex. It's not unusual for either one of us to come out of the shower, towel off and run naked down the hall to our own room to dress....

4 years ago
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The Christmas Party

It had gotten loud at the Christmas party. Anna wore her hair up except for a few curls that fell beside her face, and her black cocktail dress showed most of her leg as she sat on a tall bar stool. A tall man came towards Anna, she recognized him from work and smiled as he approached. “I hope you like wine?” He offered her the second drink in his hand and she smiled.  “That’s great thank you.” The man perked up, she couldn’t remember his name. She thought he may have worked in accounting....

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Goodbye Themyscira

GOODBYE THEMYSCIRA A sort of DC Comics fanfic... by Laika Pupkino ~ 2016 [NOTE: All I know about the DC comics universe comes from a few feature films and 4 cartoon shows, so this probably isn't even remotely canon. Let's just say all the discrepancies + inaccuracies you'll find here are because this takes place on Earth #27, where whatever I got right is the same as our world and whatever I didn't, isn't...] .. |||=|||=|||=|||=|||=|||=|||=|||=0 .. My name is Kip Trevor, and at...

3 years ago
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Desert JailChapter 2 Megan and Sun

Megan was left standing as the head of this strange and terrible prison walked off, leaving her to be dealt with by her subordinates. The senior of these barked at one of the others. "Any free space in Solitary?" "No, Ma'am! We've two occupied and one cell with no door." "As I thought. Well! You know what to do!" And the senior guard went off, sweating and thirsty, to get herself a drink and a meal. The other two seemed in a hurry to join her. "Take it off!" ordered the first...

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Nisha Ka Nasha

Hey hi… I m Raj from bagalore.24 an mba student. Coming straight to point. I was doing my internship as a part of my mba curriculum and my mentor was a girl named Nisha she was around 26 yrs and was new to the organization. She was really very sweet 5.” 6’ nice firm breast and a tight ass. In addition, the best part was her clothing and lovely fragrance and her great dressing sense. I was doing a project in finance. So she used to teach me all about financial planning and wealth management. I...

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My bedroom door handle turned and I looked up, to my surprise seeing my newly dumped ex-boyfriend entering and shutting the door behind him. I hadn't told my parents that I was dating someone new... I was sort of embarrassed at the quick change of heart after so long (and the stubborn teenage angsty fights for his love, since he was about 6 years older and my parents didn't quite approve, but they couldn't do anything once I was of consenting age.) So there he was. Right in my room, door...

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SummerChapter 2

"So, Jake, where do you normally take your naked, horny girls to show them off?" Summer was grinning as her fingertips flirted with both the shoulder strap of her top and the incredibly short hem of her skirt. She was turned to face me, her bare legs draped over the center console of the car. Though the wind was flapping her skirt again, all I could see were acres of smooth, tanned thigh; she had her hand on the hip that was facing up, preventing me from being able to see beneath her...

3 years ago
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Wet Fingers on a Plane

Me and my girl were in the airport waiting on our flight to depart...It was early morning and we had both been arguing so we were not in the best of moods.When we eventually got to our seats on the plane i put my head phones in and listend to some music and she read som mag.About half an hour into the journey i could feel her han rubbing my thigh. when i looked down i could see her beautifull fingers with her freshly pollished, bright red nails, rubbing up and down my inner thigh. I looked at...

2 years ago
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Littles LifeChapter 5

Little was getting closer but still could not see his target. In truth, he wanted to take to the air, but feared the men that had Riana and Brad would hurt them so he ran, and ran fast. "Little, are you almost here, I feel strange." Riana said as she was hit with a wave of dizziness. "Little, I... " Then she was gone. Little was so stunned that his running faltered and he fell. He ended up face down in the dirt trying to get his mind and his body working again. Then his mind snapped and...

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Animal Farm OrgyChapter 3

When Abby awakened the next morning, she was filled with shame. As soon as the reverend left the house, she knelt by the bed and tearfully prayed for over an hour, begging forgiveness for her evil sinning. Accompanying her husband to church the following Sunday, she was still filled with guilt and remorse. After the services that day, Reverend Walker once more excitedly watched little Marci Wilks and her brother get into their father's car for the ride out to their farm. The reverend...

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The Weaver And The WindChapter 6 Tower of the Wind

"How familiar are you with meditation?" I asked Cor. "Well, I've done it in Yoga class, and our drama teacher liked to have us do it now and then during class in high school, but I wouldn't say I do it often, or even at all recently." Cor answered. "Well, we do it at the drop of a hat, and not just us kids, but all our parents too. Its a basic tool in the arsenal of the Legion and the Guardians." Ren said. "At least you're familiar with the basics then?" I asked. "Controlling...

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