Návštěvníci 3 free porn video

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Když Sára třetí den konečně vstala z postele, cítila se neobyčejně svěží. Zřejmě to způsobil ten celodenní spánek. To však ještě nevěděla, co si na ní Saturňané připravili. Kovová chapadla jí opět připoutala na křeslo určené na pokusy a roboti se začali věnovat sexuálnímu výzkumu jejího těla. Jedním dráždidlem Sáře dráždili klitoris, zatímco další umělý penis se dobýval do hloubi její pochvy a třetí si vzal na starost Sářinu kakaovou dírku. Všichni roboti se v ní tak dokonale doplňovali, že v ní rozehráli hotový koncert orgasmů. Ten v jejím řitním otvůrku jen tak lehce vibroval, ale ten v pochvě se jí kroutil na všechny strany a Sára měla pocit, že svým silným přirážením se jí dostává až kamsi do žaludku. Když se roztřásla v prvním orgasmu, zpozorovala, že k ňadrům se jí znovu přibližují ty samé přísavky, které tu poznala prvního dne. Tentokrát již ale uměly něco navíc. Nejen že jí procítěně hnětly celá prsa a intenzivně dráždily její vystouplé bradavky, ale teď Sára jasně cítila drobné elektrické výboje, které jí vzrušovaly na nejvyšší míru. Chvíli pozorovala jiskřičky, které probíhaly přímo od jednoho prsu k druhému, ale po chvilce zavřela oči, hlasitě, rychle dýchala a připravovala se na nával orgasmů. Ten se dostavil brzy poté, co miniaturní elektrické jiskérky začaly oblažovat i její rozkrok, který se v tu chvíli začal lesknout milostnými šťávami, které se v ní od posledního dobrodružství s „mucholapkou“ zase našetřily.
Sára v tu chvíli byla naprosto mimo veškeré dění a orgasmy s ní cloumaly o sto šest.
Vzápětí však stroje o ni ztratili zájem, ale stále byla připoutána na křeslo. Kovová stěna před ní se stejně jako prvého dne zprůhlednila a za ní stáli mimozemští vědci.
„Vážená Sáro, díky našim pozitivním výsledkům jsme opět trochu pokročili v našem zkoumání vaší civilizace, a proto bychom vás rádi o něco požádali. Už dávno jsme zjistili, že vy, pozemšťané jste zvyklí na partnerský život ve dvou. Proto bychom byli rádi, kdybyste si mezi svými spoluobyvateli na naší lodi našla partnera, se kterým byste zde chtěla žít po několik dalších měsíců.“
Sára nejdřív nepochopila jejich požadavek.
„Chcete, abych si tu našla partnera?“ opakovala. „Ale já se ještě necítím na nějaký trvalý vztah,“ namítla.
„Samozřejmě,“ odpověděl vedoucí výzkumu, „s tím jsme počítali a proto tento výběr necháváme zcela na vás. Na naší lodi se nachází přesně 394 pozemšťanů mužského pohlaví a podle důkladné analýzy vašeho myšlení by vám mohla vyhovovat více než polovina z nich.“ Sára ale dál odporovala:
„To si tu mám ve svých šestnácti letech najít přítele a žít tu s ním natrvalo? Jako v manželství? A co když vám řeknu, že nechci?“
„V tom případě bychom Vás museli poslat zpět na Zemi, abyste tam těžce pracovala spolu se zbytkem vaší civilizace pod dohledem našich vojáků. Pochybuji, že by se vám to tak zamlouvalo. Uvědomte si, prosím, že my jsme vědci a být na naší lodi je výsada, kterou z miliardy lidí máte vy a dalších zhruba osm set lidí“ odvětil Saturňan. V tom měl nejspíš pravdu a tak Sára raději souhlasila s vědomím, že si tedy najde chlapce podle svých představ.
Pokud má ten mimozemšťan pravdu - pomyslela si - tak bych si měla vybrat docela rychle.
Jakmile jí stroje odpoutaly od pseudogynekologického křesla, oblékla se do připravených nových šatů a vydala se bloudit metropolí na vesmírné lodi. Ukázalo se, že vědec měl vážně pravdu. Nejprve zamířila do kavárny. Hezcí chlapci tam sice byli, ale většinou již dělali společnost jiným dívkám, přibližně stejně starým jako Sára. Zklamaně si sedla a pozorovala mladé flirtující páry. Náhle jí někdo zezadu zakryl oči. Prudce se otočila a spatřila chlapce, kterého poznala nedávno, když ho k ní dopravil neznámý „tekutý“ živočich.
„Jé, ahoj,“ vypískla Sára, „přisedni si ke mně, jestli chceš. Jak se máš?“ pobídla ho.
„No, pořád je lepší dělat pokusného králíka tady, než otroka tam dole, na Zemi, ne?“ odpověděl mladík a usedl na volnou židli, „a jak se vede tobě?“ zeptal se.
„Taky si nestěžuju, po nikom na Zemi se mi nestýská a pochybuji, že mě tam někdo postrádá,“ odvětila Sára.
Chlapec jakoby nebyl překvapen.
„Takže ty taky na Zemi nikoho nemáš,“ poznamenal.
„Nejspíš je nás tu takových většina, jak jsi přišla o rodinu?“ zeptal se.
„Byla jsem jedináček, moji rodiče zemřeli při epidemii ptačí chřipky a než jsem se ocitla tady, tak jsem žila u nevlastních, kteří mě sice živili, ale bylo na nich jasně vidět, že se mě rádi zbaví, jakmile budu schopná se postarat sama o sebe.“ Sklopila pohled a odmlčela se.
„Ale tys tu chřipku nedostala, že ne?“ vyptával se mladík.
„Ne, nedostala,“ odvětila Sára, „proč se ptáš?“
„Aha, tak to vypadá, že si všechny lidi na svůj výzkum z nějakého důvodu vybrali z oblastí postižených nějakou epidemií. V naší čtvrti většina obyvatel včetně mých rodičů a prarodičů nepřežila nákazu cholery z kontaminované studny. Mámina přítelkyně ze vzdálenějšího konce města pila vodu odjinud a tak, když se to u nás rozkřiklo o té nemoci, rodiče mě k ní přestěhovali, abych to taky nechytil. Tím mi nejspíš zachránili život, protože jsem jediný přežil. Možná že si naše těla vytvořila na tu nemoc imunitu a proto si nás ti mimozemšťané pro nějaký účel vybrali.“
„Myslím, že tady je to o dost lepší,“ usmála se Sára. Mladíka její úsměv okouzlil. Rozhodl se, že uchopí svou šanci: „Mohl bych tě někam pozvat? Slyšel jsem, že tu maj pěkný kino.“
Sáru jeho zájem potěšil a v hlavě se jí honily ty samé myšlenky.
„No tak jo, ale vždyť se ani pořádně neznáme jmény,“ odvětila.
„Nojo, promiň, já jsem Johny,“ představil se. „Fajn, já jsem Sára.“
V kině se právě promítaly válečné filmy, které Saturňané našli v polorozbořených kinech na Zemi
a Johny cítil, že by se mělo něco stát. Stále na Sáru hleděl, ale z jejího výrazu pořád nemohl nic vyčíst.
Náhle se všiml, že se Sára třese, zvláště při drastických scénách, kdy tam krev tekla proudem.
„Kde to ti pitomí marťani vyhrabali,“ pomyslel si a vzal Sáru kolem ramen. Celá se třásla a tak jí Johny navrhnul:
„Nepůjdeme radši jinam?“
Sára byla ráda, že ho to napadlo, protože film se jí skutečně nelíbil. A tak se sebrali a uprostřed filmu se vytratili jinam. Rozhodli se vyzkoušet 3D kino, které jim mimozemšťané poskytovali, stejně jako všechno ostatní, zdarma. Usedli do velké hluboké sedačky, nasadili si speciální brýle a pak už se jen kochali nádhernou krajinou, která se jim vyjevila před očima. Sára mimoděk vzala Johnyho za ruku, a tak oba měli pocit, jakoby ruku v ruce letěli nad loukami a lesy, protože saturňané jim promítali jakýsi vyhlídkový let po nebi nad luhy a háji. Jenže po chvíli se obraz změnil. Pod nimi se zjevilo tak rozlehlé město, že nebylo možno dohlédnout na druhý konec. Sára ho nejdříve nemohla poznat, ale jakmile uviděla ohromnou sochu s pochodní v jedné ruce a s knihou v druhé, uvědomila si, že je to New York, město, o kterém se z knížek dozvěděla, že bylo zničeno v roce 2050, kdy se rozpoutala Třetí světová válka. Tohle však byl New York v celé své kráse a slávě. Náhle se přiblížili ke dvěma vysokým mrakodrapům, které Sára nepoznávala. Byly navlas stejné a dominovaly celé čtvrti. Ve chvíli kdy si začala lámat hlavu, proč pak místo nich postavili jednu jedinou špičatou věž, odněkud se vyřítilo ohromné dopravní letadlo a doslova zmizelo v jedné věži. Za ním se vyvalily plameny a oblaka hustého dýmu. Ještě než se Sára stačila vzpamatovat ze šoku, objevilo se druhé letadlo a druhá věž mu posloužila jako cíl stejně jako první. Nemohla uvěřit vlastním očím: právě s Johnym viděla nechvalně proslulý atentát na Světové obchodní centrum. Sáře vyhrkly do očí slzy, když po chvíli spatřila, jak z oken hořících budov zoufale vylézají lidé a padají dolů. Něco o tom četla, ale takhle „naživo“ to nemělo srovnání s žádnými knížkami, které to popisovaly. Když se obě budovy zřítily, Sára už to nevydržela, strhla si brýle z očí, zhroutila se Johnymu do náruče a usedavě plakala.
„Tohle se nemělo stát, Johne, tohle se nemělo stát,“ vzlykala, „tím to tenkrát všechno začalo.“
Johny nejdřív nevěděl, co na to má Sáře říci, a tak jí otřel slzy a pak se jí upřeně zadíval do očí.
„Sáro,“ zašeptal, „to už nezměníme, teď už jde změnit jedině budoucnost“ a krátce jí políbil. Sára mu polibek oplatila, ale ten již byl mnohem delší a vášnivější a Sára věděla, že v jejím srdci začíná růst něco nového a překrásného. I Johny to tak cítil a tak se líbali ještě hodně dlouho, až nakonec skončili v Johnyho kajutě a navzájem se svlékali. Johny položil Sáru na postel a jazyk nasměroval na Sářina ňadra, které na ní obdivoval od okamžiku, kdy ho k ní přinesl onen neznámý tekutý živočich. Sára potěšeně vzdychala a ještě víc si na sebe tiskla jeho hlavu. Bylo to úplně něco jiného než dráždění od stroje. Johnovy dotyky jí naprosto uchvátily a zatoužila mít v ruce jeho mužství, aby mu mohla dopřát stejné slasti, jaké dával on jí. Jenže Johny jí teď jazykem zaútočil mezi nožky a tak se opět jen mohla oddávat rozkoším, jaké umí vytvořit jedině lidský jazyk na klitorisu. Krátce na to jí Johny dovedl k prvnímu orgasmu. Sára se konečně zmocnila Johnova tvrdého pyje a vpustila ho mezi své rty. Za okamžik i Johny slastí vzdychal jako před chvílí ona. Po chvíli mu v penisu několikrát prudce zaškubalo a vytrysklo z něj bílé semeno, které Sára s chutí polykala. I když to dělala poprvé, nebála se, neboť chuť sperma již znala. Johnyho penis však nechtěl klesnout. Stále se tyčil proti Sářině pusince a tak se Johny otočil a pomalu ho Sáře začal zasouvat do její skulinky. Sára se ale prudce vzepjala a narazila se na něj, až v ní byl až po kořen. Johny začal plynule přirážet a cítil se jako v ráji. Dosud se žádnou dívkou nic neměl a experimenty Saturňanů se s klasickou souloží nedaly srovnat. Za chvíli pocítil, že opět stane na vrcholu slasti.
Sára mu obtočila nohy kolem těla a tak mu dala jasně najevo, aby v ní zůstal i při vyvrcholení
S každým jeho přírazem se dostávala do stále větší a větší extáze, a když pak v sobě ucítila jeho horké semeno, vyvrcholila s velikým křikem, že se div nerozsypala celá kosmická loď.
Oba si vyčerpaně padli do náruče a dlouho se líbali. Johny se pak svalil vedle Sáry na postel a Sára si mu spokojeně položila hlavu na hrudník. Stále v sobě cítila jeho sperma, pomalu vytékající ven. Snažila se ho tam udržet co nejdéle, ale svírání poševních svalů ji znovu vzrušilo a tak její prstík zabloudil znovu do těch míst. Johny si toho všiml a nasměroval tam i svoji ruku. Ukazováčkem jí citlivě dráždil poštěváček a během chvilky tam opět zavítal i jeho jazyk. Nevadilo mu, že spolu se Sářinými milostnými šťávami slízává i své vlastní, zábrany tohoto typu ho nijak netrápily a tak Sáře za chvíli vyčistil klín téměř do sucha. Zůstala jen natolik vlhká, aby v ní mohl jako píst jezdit jeho pyj, který mu znovu stál jako svíčka. Sára si Johna přitáhla za vlasy na sebe, uchopila jeho penis do prstů a sama si ho dovnitř zasunula. Ve chvíli, kdy do ní Johny začal přirážet, pohlcovaly jí orgasmy jeden za druhým. Johny se najednou přetočil, lehl si na záda a Sáru si posadil na břicho. Tak ho mohla Sára milovat stylem „na koníčka,“ jak tomu říkali jejich předkové, zatímco Johny jí oběma rukama hnětl prsa a přidal k nim i své rty. Tentokrát měl neuvěřitelnou výdrž. Sám nevěděl, že toho bude schopen, ale dovedl ji obšťastňovat celou čtvrthodinu, během které se ještě Sára otočila, lehla si na něj zády a Johny jí prsa hladil zezadu. V této poloze se udělali oba naráz a Johnovo semeno ten den podruhé navštívilo Sářinu pochvu.
Ještě chvilku v ní jezdil, dokud definitivně neklesnul. Sára si lehla vedle Johna a spokojeně zavrněla:
„Johny, já tě asi miluju.“
„Já tebe taky, Sáro,“ odpověděl jí Johny a oba si spokojeně usnuli v náručích.

© Leden 2004
Korekce1: © Leden 2012

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I guess I should have felt some sort of guilt but I didn’t. If anything, I felt exhilarated and I wanted to do it again. And I did. Over the next two weeks my boss became like my boyfriend. He would open doors for me. He would ask me nicely to do things. He drove me home to my foster parent’s house after work and picked me up there a few times. He didn’t have to do any of these things because I was technically an employee, in more than one way. First and foremost I served soft serve ice cream...

2 years ago
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Extreme BDSM

Masters extreme Bitch Part 1 The Phone rang i didn’t answer it. i couldn’t i was in the dungeon which my Master had me construct under his watchful eye and specifications to him alone under his strict command just for me and his use he said all those months ago fully fitted out with CCTV. As so he could go down stairs and have a break whilst be able to watch me from every angle tied up in many of the contraptions and restraints, the phone ringing was the signal he was outside and had parked...

4 years ago
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First bi Threesome MMF

In my first story I told about the first time my ex wife and I swapped with another couple. During that story I mentioned that Ron was stroking his cock in front of me while our wives were exploring in the next room. At the time I thought it was weird but now I will share the story on why he was comfortable doing it. After my ex and I swapped with Ron and Jessica a few times Beth said she did not want to do it anymore. Needless to say I was mad, to be truthful I was more aroused watching Beth...

3 years ago
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Room 123

"Honest to God Marge, I'm just hanging in there until he becomes vested in his pension plan. Then when I leave him I can get the court to award me half. What? No, I should be all right until I can land some one else. Sure. I'll get half of everything he has and the beauty of it is that the court will order him to pay my lawyer out of what he has left. No. Hey, he's a nice enough guy, but he just doesn't satisfy me sexually." I had smashed my thumb at work and had gone to the clinic....

3 years ago
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Life On The Road Part 3 San Francisco

Every time I travel with my job, the opportunities are endless: businesswomen at bars, wives stopping at Starbucks, stay-at-home moms shopping for husbands and family. The urges are everywhere. My problem is, I can’t just walk by without making myself known. I am a man. I can’t help it. The woman that you see at Starbucks is a woman on her way home from work. The woman that I see is a private fuck party waiting to meet someone that will make them lose all control of their inhibitions. The woman...

Wife Lovers
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Husband Told Me I Could Have Sex With My Stepson

I’ve been married to my husband nearly three years now, I’m 28 and he is 45, I was probably the cause of his marriage break up with being his secretary. He has a son and daughter 17 and 15 from his first marriage, which we often see, and I get along fine with.Four months back my husband suffered a stroke; he was paralysed from the waist down and needs a lot of help all the time. Jake my stepson came and stopped with us to help look after his father. Jake is used to having girls stop over at his...

2 years ago
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Travelling North Part 2

When I got on the plane in Manila to continue my journey to Frankfurt, my assigned window seat was taken. A child or woman was curled up in sleep or indifference against the cabin's wall. The plane's flight had started in Tokyo, and she or it had taken possession of the vacant seat.I was in a happy mood and let it be. After stowing away my hand luggage, I quietly sat down next to this rolled-up bundle.Close to midnight – I had not managed to fall asleep - the bundle stirred. What emerged was a...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Just Imagine

Just imagine……I woke up one day and find myself blindfolded and tied up. It wasn’t a severe tying, I could move a little, but I was held fairly firmly in an X position. Silence was in the room, but I was aware of people nearby. I was naked except for a bra and some tiny panties…No sound was made, but the gentlest of hands were placed on my shoulders. I tried to see who it was, but the blindfold prevented me. Was it a man or a woman? I couldn’t tell, but the hands began a slow gentle massage of...

1 year ago
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Derek and Amy Dereks Turn

As I walked into the hotel room hours in advance, my cock was rock hard with anticipation. The last time me, my lover Amy, and her husband Matt were all together, it was my dear love Amy’s turn to be in charge. Amy had Matt and I dress like two Fifties sluts. The kind of girls uptight parents used to believe would cause the downfall of society. It was both Matt and I’s first times with other males though not my first time dressed up. He is still fairly new to this as his wife just discovered...

1 year ago
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Shower Time

Laura was sitting in the living on the couch with Kyra in her arms. The two sisters were watching tv as JC walked into the house. "Okay, what'd I miss?" JC demanded, "Nothing. We're just watching tv." Laura said, moving her hand down to Kyra's flat stomach, JC watched Laura's hand dissappear under Kyra's shirt. "Whatever." JC threw his backpack down and walked over to the tv and turned it off. "mom and dad home?" Kyra shrugged, "Go check if you wanna fool around." Laura had moved her hand down...

2 years ago
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The NeighborChapter 4

For the rest of the summer it was getting harder for Tom. Susan would tease him to swim with her. When she was near him or knew he was watching, she would be adjusting her suit and she made it to always look natural. When he was standing on the pool edge, she would adjust her top, pulling it away just far enough to reveal her nipples (which were always hard). Walking out of the pool, with her back to him she would run her fingers under her bottoms at her ass, pulling the material out from her...

3 years ago
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Our First Meeting

As I drive across Virginia, I think about what might lie ahead. I'm finally going to meet my on-line lover, Jan. I feel a little knot in my belly. I'm a little nervous and I keep asking myself the same questions. Will I be what she expects? Will I be able to satisfy her? The wait is almost over as I pull into Roanoke, where we agreed to meet in a hotel just outside of town. We agreed to meet there, so if we didn't hit it off, we could part and go our separate ways, no strings attached. I...

2 years ago
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The burglar

I heard the noise a few moments after I turned off the bedside light. A tentative scratching at the back door, like someone trying to fit the key hole in an unfamiliar door. The noise stopped a moment. Then there was the unmistakable sound of the door handle being turned and the shudder of the door frame as the door was opened.The house was unusually empty. Steve and John, my flatmates, were at some sports event for the weekend. Kim, my girlfriend had said she would come around, but had not...

3 years ago
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Ek Raat Ke Liye Randi Bani

Hi friends, sabse pehle to thanks aap sabko meri pehli story aayi or response me mujhe kafi emails bhi aaye, or un emails me se ek lucky person ko mere sath enjoy karne ka chance bhi mila , uski story mai baad mai likhungi. Abhi ye chudai story continue karti hu. Ye baat kuch din pehle ki hai jab mai soch rahi thi ek randi kais eek anjan admi ke sath jise wo janto bhi nahi sex kar leti hai, usse kaisa feel hoota hooga.. Or meri bhi iccha hui ki mai bhi dekhu usse kaisa feel hoota hooga.. Uske...

3 years ago
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ICarly Carly has a new Idea

This story is OBVOUSLY fiction. Names and characters borrowed from nickelodeon studios purely for the sake of an interesting back story. Sam didn’t know what to do. Seemingly stiff, or almost frozen. Aside from Carly’s menstruations she didn’t even blink. Carly peeled Sam’s hair up and in into a tie. And she used a pink ribbon, which seemed to appear from thin air. She tied a bow at the top pinning Sam's locks. She then breathed hotly on her neck slowly. And in a low whisper she...

1 year ago
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HelplessTeens Kendall Woods E41

Petite ebony teen, Kendall Woods, would really like to model for Brutal Castings. She’s a little late arriving to her audition, but Master Bruno’s willing to overlook it, if she follows his commands. He thinks she may be hiding a killer body inside her flimsy top and jean cut-offs, but he needs to make certain. At his insistence, Kendall shows off her perky little tits, pierced nipples, big clit and round juicy ass! So good so far, slut. Now try posing on your knees! Like every good...

4 years ago
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Sordid ConceptionChapter 3

"Honey, a watched pot never boils," Sharon said to her pacing son. It was around 11:30 A.M. on Thursday and they were both in the front room of the house awaiting the arrival of Brenda. "Ha-ha," said her son as he looked out the window. "You would think she'd at least be on time." "She'll be here. I talked to her this morning and she was coming. Why don't you wait upstairs in your room? You can get ready." Brad looked at her and gave her a smile. 'Getting ready' meant looking...

2 years ago
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A Taste

It started out to be a really unpleasant day. Once again my twerp brother got me in trouble. My parental units are always taking his side no matter what. The little fucker got me AGAIN and I just knew it would be no use trying to convince them that I was innocent. FUCK!! My brother, Charlie, is three years younger than me and starts high school next year. Thank God that I don't have to share the school with him for more than one year! Well, I was late for work and I was already tired. I...

2 years ago
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With Girlfriend In Diu

Hey guys and girls, I am Shubham from Mumbai. This is my second sex story.Check my profile for my previous sex stories. Any interested girl can ping me. This story is about my trip to diu with my ex-girlfriend. Talking about her, she is a real beauty with a hot figure of 34c-28-36. No guy can’t stop himself from hitting on her. She lives in Pune and I live in Mumbai Due to our academics, we were lot busy and could not meet each other. As we have not met for a long time so we both knew what this...

3 years ago
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Jenny and Liz at the Poker Party

Jenny and Liz were high school seniors who had known each other since they were little girls. They had shared many meaningful moments together over the years, and now that they were 18 they were beginning to share sexual ones. In fact, the two friends were developing into sex-crazed little sluts. From initial experimentation with each other they had begun to explore all kinds of raunchy sex, with and without each other. By the spring of their final year in high school the two friends knew...

1 year ago
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Wanda Wakes Up

"So that's it," Jacob said. "What the hell do you mean that's it?" "Just what I said, I'll come by after work tomorrow for my things." "So you are just going to walk out on me and the kids?" I was furious. "I'm not walking out on the kids, just you. Look Wanda, we have tried but it's just not working anymore." "It's another woman right, someone who does the things I don't?" "You know that was never an issue with me. It's just that we aren't going to make it. It's...

4 years ago
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Rite of Passage Chapter Four

Two days later, the two sisters marched back into their village amid a chorus of loud cheering.Alana thrust the crystal over her head, the pink glow bathing the street.Homes were vacated, chores abandoned as people flooded outdoors to witness Alana and Ari’s return. The voices of the multitude rolled over them in waves and spontaneous music drifted in the air.Alana smiled, warm tears glistening in her eyes. When finally, she set the crystal in its rightful place, she sighed in relief. She...

3 years ago
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On the Lakeshore

It was hot that summer, with temperatures in the 90s and 100s for days on end. The only relief, other than just staying cooped up in the house, was to go out to our local lake and swim. We live about ten minutes from a state lake, built my the Corps of Engineers years ago. It was a great summer attraction in a state with few national parks. We used it often, Andrea and I, Carlos. We loved it. This day we drove around the park to find a secluded area of beachfront to set up for a picnic and...

2 years ago
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Ronnies Three Wishes Part 2

Ronnie's three wishes Part 2 By Mark Dayette The next day was different for the Razorpack, everything would be different from now on. When the second in command of the group, Derrick, arrived at Kurt's house in the morning to plan what the group was going to do after school that day, Derrick was shocked at the new Kurt he saw. Kurt arrived at the front door wearing his mother's silky maroon slip. At first Derrick thought it was a joke and he was going to let it slide, but then he...

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Pool Boy

"Yes!" You shout with happiness as you have just secured your first client, which has taken you a while. Mrs Adams, Monday 10am. You write down in your new crisp appointment book. You have just set up your own business from the bedroom of your parents house. You had just moved to sunny Florida from London, England. You are 21 years old and have no qualifications. You don't really need them as you parents are rich and you have all the money you want. While in England you never really made any...

4 years ago
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Our Boy Alex

I was just 19 years old when I became a father. I was able to visit my little boy, but only when I could make the day trip to the boy’s grandparent’s house. They hated me for ruining their daughter so they made no effort to be nice. Over the years that followed, I worked full time, went to school part time and went to visit my son Alex as often as I could. This went on year after year until I graduated college with a degree in engineering. As the biological father, the courts would...

4 years ago
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Kathy CarlsonChapter 16

Hank smiled warmly at her daughter and replied, "I was wondering if you were ever going to stop your monologue long enough to pretend to be civilized. Samantha Conroy, I am very happy to introduce our host and hostess at luncheon today, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carlson." When the girl heard the name, her jaw dropped and she slid off the sideboard. Suddenly, she was embarrassed by her appearance and was obviously torn between fleeing the room and meeting the people she had heard about all her...

4 years ago
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Star Command Bridging the Gap

Star Command, Bridging the Gap By: Malissa Madison "Commander, we have a flash message from the Council of First Beings," said my Aide as I stepped into my office for the morning. I picked up the communication crystal and went to my desk, then pressed the security switch to make my office secure from everyone else before I slid the crystal into the decoder wondering what was about to happen now. The Holo display lit up and I found myself viewing the entire Council minus Ash' Nihau...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Daphne Dare Beauty Teen Daphne Dare Fucks Her Roommate

The Beauty Teen Daphne Dare just finishes moving into her new place and loves it. What she doesn’t realize is that she accidentally moved into the wrong room!! When Johnny comes to move in he is shocked that she has made herself at home. He wants her out, but this petite, young, slut will do anything to stay. She uses her beautiful eyes to seduce to Jhonny Goodluck touching his body and taking it out his dick to give him a good blowjob, then she places over the bed on doggy position and Jhonny...

2 years ago
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For BustyBecca18

'Miss Green, is Becca in class yet?' 'Yes Mr Keys, will I show her in?' 'Yes please, and you can head off for an early lunch, take your time as well. I feel she needs to feel some proper discipline and it could get unpleasant.' You walk in, and you look just stunning in the regulation school uniform with black seamed stockings and knee boots. Your hair is tied in two pony-tails and your black bra is clearly visible, holding its sweet cargo under your see-thru blouse. My cock start throbbing....

4 years ago
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Fucking Friends Sexy Sister Part II

Now after sometime we again feel that something burning inside. My cock again erecting and by movement of my cock she again start kissing shaft and getting wet mouth of her, speed of my shaft for erection got pace and it was again hard like a rock. During that process she caught that snake by its neck and direct me to stand up and drag me to her room viz a viz my room also while. We were approaching toward room she caught my penis in his hand and also rubbed it slowly slowly after reaching in...

2 years ago
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Beefcake Beefcake

Beefcake! Beefcake! By Rosie Roger: I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. Well, not just my chest, but it seems that my whole body is pulsating with the rhythm of my heart. Even though my eyes have long accustomed to the dimly lit anteroom, I don't even notice Erin beside me anymore. My eyes, my nerves, my mind are all fixed on the door and the moment that Martha will pull it open, starting the great entrance. I don't even mind wearing Erin's clothes anymore, all I want to...

2 years ago
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Kimi located the women’s locker room, went in, and changed into a white sports bra, loose grey shorts and her gym shoes. She put her street clothes in an empty locker, closed the door, went into the rest room and sat down in one of the stalls. After a few minutes, she heard someone walking quickly through, checking to make sure everyone was gone. A minute later, the lights went off and the room was silent. Kimi waited in the dark. Some time later, the lights went on again. That was...

1 year ago
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Love Or Leave 8211 Part 5

Anisha and Manisha are really enjoying their stay in the show. While Anisha still doesn’t know her connection, Manisha seems quite happy with Pratyush now. It’s still day one, but Samir has already been lucky with both Manisha and Anisha. Olivia and Irfan look quite happy as well as they finally fuck. Inside Mayank/Alisha’s room, Mayank has already taken a shower. As he comes out wrapping a towel around his waist, Alisha couldn’t help taking her eyes to Mayank’s toned body. She feels some kind...

3 years ago
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Student AssistanceChapter 12

Karen and I met in the cafeteria and got in line for food. We got our trays and found a quiet table. After praying, we started eating. Karen asked, “Where were you, Brad? You were coming up just as I was. Melissa is upset.” “That makes two of them. Paul is upset, too. He’s frustrated about Melissa’s new no-sex program. He doesn’t want to back away from a relationship to have a relationship with the same person. What’s Melissa’s problem.” “She thinks Paul just wants sex and doesn’t want...

2 years ago
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Locked away the conclusion

Tied up and helpless the way she was, for the last two hours, has made Ashlee frsutrated and soaking wet. To make matters worse, while I didn't want to rush my satisfaction into a quick orgasm, I did have the time to touch myself as i teased her, reaching between my own legs, slipping my fingers through my wetness on either side of my clit, sighing deeply when a finger or two would slip inside me.Of course, poor helpless AShlee got to taste my wetness, sucking and lickin gmy fingers eagerly...

3 years ago
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My Teacher My Man 8211 Part I

Hi everyone….. I m raj from Delhi. I am a fan of this site & i m here to share my real life experience. I will narrate my story in English as well as in Hindi. Telling about myself I m a bit chubby guy, 21 yrs old, have small boobs & a bit hairy & a bit chocolaty looks. This incident happened when i was in 1st yr of my college that is when i was 19 yrs old. We had our engineering mathematics subject which was taught by a new faculty Mr. Jitender. Telling about him he is in his mid 20’s & is...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 81

Rita and Cassie sat and simply stared at the cell phone on the table between them. Neither could believe the message it contained. Their parents were going to be away for a week and they expected the girls to get along in their absence. "This ain't happening," Cassie said to no one. She certainly wasn't speaking to her bitch of a stepsister. "What were they thinking?" Rita asked the room in general. "Look, Shrimp, I'm not changing my plans to suit yours." "Fuck you and your...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Casey Calvert Adria Rae The Gag Gift

It’s Adria Rae’s birthday. She’s all dressed up and ready to go out for a birthday dinner. There is a knock on the door and Adria looksconfused, then annoyed as she goes to answer the door. Her friend, Casey Calvert, holding a birthday bag, joyfully greets her with’Happy birthday!’ Adria remarks that Casey is way too early — they’re not due to go to the birthday dinner for another hour! Caseyapologizes but says that she just wanted to give Adria a...

3 years ago
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Unsuspecting Jerry

UNSUSPECTING JERRY, PT. 1. A little intro here, this is my second story and hopefully it will be better than my first. I took more time with this one so maybe you will see an improvement. Roughly ? of this is autobiographical with incidents I have personally experienced spread out through the story. This time I have added some photos that hopefully will help the story. Jerry was small of frame, 5' 7" about 120 lbs. With a boyish looking face, little body hair. He had been an outcast...

3 years ago
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Have FaithChapter 7

“Mom called last night,” announced Linny. “We told her you were taking good care of us.” “She didn’t want to talk to me?” asked a surprised Faith. “Oh, she did. We told her you were sleeping. And she said she would be gone another week; something about complications.” This was not good news at all for Faith. She felt her heart sink at the knowledge that her ordeal was to be extended. She would just have to work harder at finding a way to escape. But so far, there hadn’t really been a...

2 years ago
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Husbands Fantasy Becomes Hers

The story really begins about six years ago when my husband introduced a little fantasy to me in our bedroom. His latest dream work was to watch me and another man! Well I have to say that I was more then a bit shocked, I am not a prude or anything and have always encouraged my husband to openly talk about his fantasies but this one was different. We were both about 35 at the time and married for almost 10 years so I don't even remember what its like to be with anyone other then my husband....

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