Návštěvníci 3 free porn video

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Když Sára třetí den konečně vstala z postele, cítila se neobyčejně svěží. Zřejmě to způsobil ten celodenní spánek. To však ještě nevěděla, co si na ní Saturňané připravili. Kovová chapadla jí opět připoutala na křeslo určené na pokusy a roboti se začali věnovat sexuálnímu výzkumu jejího těla. Jedním dráždidlem Sáře dráždili klitoris, zatímco další umělý penis se dobýval do hloubi její pochvy a třetí si vzal na starost Sářinu kakaovou dírku. Všichni roboti se v ní tak dokonale doplňovali, že v ní rozehráli hotový koncert orgasmů. Ten v jejím řitním otvůrku jen tak lehce vibroval, ale ten v pochvě se jí kroutil na všechny strany a Sára měla pocit, že svým silným přirážením se jí dostává až kamsi do žaludku. Když se roztřásla v prvním orgasmu, zpozorovala, že k ňadrům se jí znovu přibližují ty samé přísavky, které tu poznala prvního dne. Tentokrát již ale uměly něco navíc. Nejen že jí procítěně hnětly celá prsa a intenzivně dráždily její vystouplé bradavky, ale teď Sára jasně cítila drobné elektrické výboje, které jí vzrušovaly na nejvyšší míru. Chvíli pozorovala jiskřičky, které probíhaly přímo od jednoho prsu k druhému, ale po chvilce zavřela oči, hlasitě, rychle dýchala a připravovala se na nával orgasmů. Ten se dostavil brzy poté, co miniaturní elektrické jiskérky začaly oblažovat i její rozkrok, který se v tu chvíli začal lesknout milostnými šťávami, které se v ní od posledního dobrodružství s „mucholapkou“ zase našetřily.
Sára v tu chvíli byla naprosto mimo veškeré dění a orgasmy s ní cloumaly o sto šest.
Vzápětí však stroje o ni ztratili zájem, ale stále byla připoutána na křeslo. Kovová stěna před ní se stejně jako prvého dne zprůhlednila a za ní stáli mimozemští vědci.
„Vážená Sáro, díky našim pozitivním výsledkům jsme opět trochu pokročili v našem zkoumání vaší civilizace, a proto bychom vás rádi o něco požádali. Už dávno jsme zjistili, že vy, pozemšťané jste zvyklí na partnerský život ve dvou. Proto bychom byli rádi, kdybyste si mezi svými spoluobyvateli na naší lodi našla partnera, se kterým byste zde chtěla žít po několik dalších měsíců.“
Sára nejdřív nepochopila jejich požadavek.
„Chcete, abych si tu našla partnera?“ opakovala. „Ale já se ještě necítím na nějaký trvalý vztah,“ namítla.
„Samozřejmě,“ odpověděl vedoucí výzkumu, „s tím jsme počítali a proto tento výběr necháváme zcela na vás. Na naší lodi se nachází přesně 394 pozemšťanů mužského pohlaví a podle důkladné analýzy vašeho myšlení by vám mohla vyhovovat více než polovina z nich.“ Sára ale dál odporovala:
„To si tu mám ve svých šestnácti letech najít přítele a žít tu s ním natrvalo? Jako v manželství? A co když vám řeknu, že nechci?“
„V tom případě bychom Vás museli poslat zpět na Zemi, abyste tam těžce pracovala spolu se zbytkem vaší civilizace pod dohledem našich vojáků. Pochybuji, že by se vám to tak zamlouvalo. Uvědomte si, prosím, že my jsme vědci a být na naší lodi je výsada, kterou z miliardy lidí máte vy a dalších zhruba osm set lidí“ odvětil Saturňan. V tom měl nejspíš pravdu a tak Sára raději souhlasila s vědomím, že si tedy najde chlapce podle svých představ.
Pokud má ten mimozemšťan pravdu - pomyslela si - tak bych si měla vybrat docela rychle.
Jakmile jí stroje odpoutaly od pseudogynekologického křesla, oblékla se do připravených nových šatů a vydala se bloudit metropolí na vesmírné lodi. Ukázalo se, že vědec měl vážně pravdu. Nejprve zamířila do kavárny. Hezcí chlapci tam sice byli, ale většinou již dělali společnost jiným dívkám, přibližně stejně starým jako Sára. Zklamaně si sedla a pozorovala mladé flirtující páry. Náhle jí někdo zezadu zakryl oči. Prudce se otočila a spatřila chlapce, kterého poznala nedávno, když ho k ní dopravil neznámý „tekutý“ živočich.
„Jé, ahoj,“ vypískla Sára, „přisedni si ke mně, jestli chceš. Jak se máš?“ pobídla ho.
„No, pořád je lepší dělat pokusného králíka tady, než otroka tam dole, na Zemi, ne?“ odpověděl mladík a usedl na volnou židli, „a jak se vede tobě?“ zeptal se.
„Taky si nestěžuju, po nikom na Zemi se mi nestýská a pochybuji, že mě tam někdo postrádá,“ odvětila Sára.
Chlapec jakoby nebyl překvapen.
„Takže ty taky na Zemi nikoho nemáš,“ poznamenal.
„Nejspíš je nás tu takových většina, jak jsi přišla o rodinu?“ zeptal se.
„Byla jsem jedináček, moji rodiče zemřeli při epidemii ptačí chřipky a než jsem se ocitla tady, tak jsem žila u nevlastních, kteří mě sice živili, ale bylo na nich jasně vidět, že se mě rádi zbaví, jakmile budu schopná se postarat sama o sebe.“ Sklopila pohled a odmlčela se.
„Ale tys tu chřipku nedostala, že ne?“ vyptával se mladík.
„Ne, nedostala,“ odvětila Sára, „proč se ptáš?“
„Aha, tak to vypadá, že si všechny lidi na svůj výzkum z nějakého důvodu vybrali z oblastí postižených nějakou epidemií. V naší čtvrti většina obyvatel včetně mých rodičů a prarodičů nepřežila nákazu cholery z kontaminované studny. Mámina přítelkyně ze vzdálenějšího konce města pila vodu odjinud a tak, když se to u nás rozkřiklo o té nemoci, rodiče mě k ní přestěhovali, abych to taky nechytil. Tím mi nejspíš zachránili život, protože jsem jediný přežil. Možná že si naše těla vytvořila na tu nemoc imunitu a proto si nás ti mimozemšťané pro nějaký účel vybrali.“
„Myslím, že tady je to o dost lepší,“ usmála se Sára. Mladíka její úsměv okouzlil. Rozhodl se, že uchopí svou šanci: „Mohl bych tě někam pozvat? Slyšel jsem, že tu maj pěkný kino.“
Sáru jeho zájem potěšil a v hlavě se jí honily ty samé myšlenky.
„No tak jo, ale vždyť se ani pořádně neznáme jmény,“ odvětila.
„Nojo, promiň, já jsem Johny,“ představil se. „Fajn, já jsem Sára.“
V kině se právě promítaly válečné filmy, které Saturňané našli v polorozbořených kinech na Zemi
a Johny cítil, že by se mělo něco stát. Stále na Sáru hleděl, ale z jejího výrazu pořád nemohl nic vyčíst.
Náhle se všiml, že se Sára třese, zvláště při drastických scénách, kdy tam krev tekla proudem.
„Kde to ti pitomí marťani vyhrabali,“ pomyslel si a vzal Sáru kolem ramen. Celá se třásla a tak jí Johny navrhnul:
„Nepůjdeme radši jinam?“
Sára byla ráda, že ho to napadlo, protože film se jí skutečně nelíbil. A tak se sebrali a uprostřed filmu se vytratili jinam. Rozhodli se vyzkoušet 3D kino, které jim mimozemšťané poskytovali, stejně jako všechno ostatní, zdarma. Usedli do velké hluboké sedačky, nasadili si speciální brýle a pak už se jen kochali nádhernou krajinou, která se jim vyjevila před očima. Sára mimoděk vzala Johnyho za ruku, a tak oba měli pocit, jakoby ruku v ruce letěli nad loukami a lesy, protože saturňané jim promítali jakýsi vyhlídkový let po nebi nad luhy a háji. Jenže po chvíli se obraz změnil. Pod nimi se zjevilo tak rozlehlé město, že nebylo možno dohlédnout na druhý konec. Sára ho nejdříve nemohla poznat, ale jakmile uviděla ohromnou sochu s pochodní v jedné ruce a s knihou v druhé, uvědomila si, že je to New York, město, o kterém se z knížek dozvěděla, že bylo zničeno v roce 2050, kdy se rozpoutala Třetí světová válka. Tohle však byl New York v celé své kráse a slávě. Náhle se přiblížili ke dvěma vysokým mrakodrapům, které Sára nepoznávala. Byly navlas stejné a dominovaly celé čtvrti. Ve chvíli kdy si začala lámat hlavu, proč pak místo nich postavili jednu jedinou špičatou věž, odněkud se vyřítilo ohromné dopravní letadlo a doslova zmizelo v jedné věži. Za ním se vyvalily plameny a oblaka hustého dýmu. Ještě než se Sára stačila vzpamatovat ze šoku, objevilo se druhé letadlo a druhá věž mu posloužila jako cíl stejně jako první. Nemohla uvěřit vlastním očím: právě s Johnym viděla nechvalně proslulý atentát na Světové obchodní centrum. Sáře vyhrkly do očí slzy, když po chvíli spatřila, jak z oken hořících budov zoufale vylézají lidé a padají dolů. Něco o tom četla, ale takhle „naživo“ to nemělo srovnání s žádnými knížkami, které to popisovaly. Když se obě budovy zřítily, Sára už to nevydržela, strhla si brýle z očí, zhroutila se Johnymu do náruče a usedavě plakala.
„Tohle se nemělo stát, Johne, tohle se nemělo stát,“ vzlykala, „tím to tenkrát všechno začalo.“
Johny nejdřív nevěděl, co na to má Sáře říci, a tak jí otřel slzy a pak se jí upřeně zadíval do očí.
„Sáro,“ zašeptal, „to už nezměníme, teď už jde změnit jedině budoucnost“ a krátce jí políbil. Sára mu polibek oplatila, ale ten již byl mnohem delší a vášnivější a Sára věděla, že v jejím srdci začíná růst něco nového a překrásného. I Johny to tak cítil a tak se líbali ještě hodně dlouho, až nakonec skončili v Johnyho kajutě a navzájem se svlékali. Johny položil Sáru na postel a jazyk nasměroval na Sářina ňadra, které na ní obdivoval od okamžiku, kdy ho k ní přinesl onen neznámý tekutý živočich. Sára potěšeně vzdychala a ještě víc si na sebe tiskla jeho hlavu. Bylo to úplně něco jiného než dráždění od stroje. Johnovy dotyky jí naprosto uchvátily a zatoužila mít v ruce jeho mužství, aby mu mohla dopřát stejné slasti, jaké dával on jí. Jenže Johny jí teď jazykem zaútočil mezi nožky a tak se opět jen mohla oddávat rozkoším, jaké umí vytvořit jedině lidský jazyk na klitorisu. Krátce na to jí Johny dovedl k prvnímu orgasmu. Sára se konečně zmocnila Johnova tvrdého pyje a vpustila ho mezi své rty. Za okamžik i Johny slastí vzdychal jako před chvílí ona. Po chvíli mu v penisu několikrát prudce zaškubalo a vytrysklo z něj bílé semeno, které Sára s chutí polykala. I když to dělala poprvé, nebála se, neboť chuť sperma již znala. Johnyho penis však nechtěl klesnout. Stále se tyčil proti Sářině pusince a tak se Johny otočil a pomalu ho Sáře začal zasouvat do její skulinky. Sára se ale prudce vzepjala a narazila se na něj, až v ní byl až po kořen. Johny začal plynule přirážet a cítil se jako v ráji. Dosud se žádnou dívkou nic neměl a experimenty Saturňanů se s klasickou souloží nedaly srovnat. Za chvíli pocítil, že opět stane na vrcholu slasti.
Sára mu obtočila nohy kolem těla a tak mu dala jasně najevo, aby v ní zůstal i při vyvrcholení
S každým jeho přírazem se dostávala do stále větší a větší extáze, a když pak v sobě ucítila jeho horké semeno, vyvrcholila s velikým křikem, že se div nerozsypala celá kosmická loď.
Oba si vyčerpaně padli do náruče a dlouho se líbali. Johny se pak svalil vedle Sáry na postel a Sára si mu spokojeně položila hlavu na hrudník. Stále v sobě cítila jeho sperma, pomalu vytékající ven. Snažila se ho tam udržet co nejdéle, ale svírání poševních svalů ji znovu vzrušilo a tak její prstík zabloudil znovu do těch míst. Johny si toho všiml a nasměroval tam i svoji ruku. Ukazováčkem jí citlivě dráždil poštěváček a během chvilky tam opět zavítal i jeho jazyk. Nevadilo mu, že spolu se Sářinými milostnými šťávami slízává i své vlastní, zábrany tohoto typu ho nijak netrápily a tak Sáře za chvíli vyčistil klín téměř do sucha. Zůstala jen natolik vlhká, aby v ní mohl jako píst jezdit jeho pyj, který mu znovu stál jako svíčka. Sára si Johna přitáhla za vlasy na sebe, uchopila jeho penis do prstů a sama si ho dovnitř zasunula. Ve chvíli, kdy do ní Johny začal přirážet, pohlcovaly jí orgasmy jeden za druhým. Johny se najednou přetočil, lehl si na záda a Sáru si posadil na břicho. Tak ho mohla Sára milovat stylem „na koníčka,“ jak tomu říkali jejich předkové, zatímco Johny jí oběma rukama hnětl prsa a přidal k nim i své rty. Tentokrát měl neuvěřitelnou výdrž. Sám nevěděl, že toho bude schopen, ale dovedl ji obšťastňovat celou čtvrthodinu, během které se ještě Sára otočila, lehla si na něj zády a Johny jí prsa hladil zezadu. V této poloze se udělali oba naráz a Johnovo semeno ten den podruhé navštívilo Sářinu pochvu.
Ještě chvilku v ní jezdil, dokud definitivně neklesnul. Sára si lehla vedle Johna a spokojeně zavrněla:
„Johny, já tě asi miluju.“
„Já tebe taky, Sáro,“ odpověděl jí Johny a oba si spokojeně usnuli v náručích.

© Leden 2004
Korekce1: © Leden 2012

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Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en siru vayathu gramathu kama kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal iyarkaiyaana tamil kama kathaikul selalam. En peyar Vishnuvarthan, vayathu 27 aagugirathu, naan ippozhuthu thaan niraiya kama kathaiyai padithu varugiren, en kama anubavathaiyum naan intha inaiyathalathil pathivu seiya aasai patu en anubavangalai ungalidam pagirugiren. Appozhuthu en vayathu 19 aagiyathu, Coimbatore city side la engal veedu irunthathu. En paati veedu oru gramathil...

2 years ago
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Girdle Lover Part II

So Betty and I would meet whenever we could. One fond memory was going to a shopping mall helping her try on various high heels after dinner. Betty was still wearing her work clothes and it was such a turn on seeing her sexy cute size 7 feet with pretty painted toenails covered with tan pantyhose slipping into various shoes. I finally convinced her to buy these 4.5 inch spiked heeled bright red pumps which were difficult for her to walk in but made my cock hard as steel. The young saleslady...

4 years ago
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RomanceChapter 8

They put away the plane. The rest of the bridge was gone and there were rafts of rafters rafting the Russell Fork. Some enterprising soul had a Rent-A-Raft built down on the river. He waved them down when Jack drove the Jeep up to the stop sign. "You John Flintkote?" the burly bearded man flagging them down asked. "Jack," said Jack. "You know where I can find John?" the fella asked. "I need to see if I can store my rafts in his shed for the winter." "It would have to be the east...

4 years ago
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Beaver Tales Pt 03

Forbidden Fruit or Care and Feeding of Amorous Beavers Part 3 3. Stephanie’s Dream The last vodka had dulled the edge of her hesitance. It was now time to dance. Already a couple of guys had solicited her but had been brushed off. It was time for Dan to get off his fat ass and dance. ‘Ok, Dan you said you would dance later and now is later.’ ‘I don’t know Steph that last vodka you made me drink has gone straight to my head. I doubt I could even stand.’ Stephanie was disappointed. Well if...

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Angels Journey Chapter 49

There's no alternative really, so I nervously raise my delicate hand, feeling all eyes turn to me. A path opens up between me and him, and I flush. "Come forwards then Angel," he asks with a soft smile, and my high heels almost echoing in the otherwise silent office I walk up to him. Smiling he offers his hand to me, and I tentyatively hold mine out in response. He takes it, dwarfing it in his mighty paw and shakes it, "I'm truly sorry for what happened angel, I didn't know what sort...

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My Sister Angel

I would like to introduce myself… Im Anthony, Born and brought up in Hyderabad (I stay at himayathnagar). Im new to this site. I have never thought that i would post something about my personal life, but the reason for me posting here is…. I need a female sex partner., Any age. Someone to satisfy me. I never had this feeling of ejaculating thinking of women, but yeah i had a girl friend when i was in college and we got physical but broke off cos of family problems. This incident is about me...

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Indian Volleyballers Part I

They Got More Than A Lesson In Sport Rick was a 22-years-old university Senior. He stood six foot one inch tall, and he had a well tanned muscular body. He had blond hair, and blue eyes. He looked like the typical well tanned southern California surfer, except he wasn’t in southern California. He was the captain and star player of an Upstate South Carolina university’s men’s volleyball team. Rick had indeed grown up playing volleyball on the beaches of southern California. When not in class...

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Calm down and cooperate

Introduction: This is a fictional story of rape, inspired by another work of fiction. I do not support non-consensual sex. That being said, I would appreciate positive feedback and constructive criticism. Thank you and enjoy! Elizabeth fished her key out of her purse, waving at her upstairs neighbors who waved back before walking into their home. She walked around the staircase to her front door catching her reflection in her neighbor-across-the-ways kitchen window. Elizabeth was 53, porcelain...

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An Alien AbroadChapter 26

It seemed my task was achieved. Not entirely in the original plan, but who cares? I had sired many a baby, we knew that; but it also seemed that there had been more male desire sublimated than had been realised. In various ways this had been released. It would take a long time, if ever, for the male lust to equal the female, which was rampant and ever up for it, so it seemed. But at least now increasing numbers of men were willing to partake of that most efficient method of procreation: full...

4 years ago
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Dressmakers Dummy

I was happy now that Kasia and I had moved in together. Not only did it mean that we no longer had to take turns going to each other’s place, but it also meant that I had closer access to a supply of her soiled panties. Kasia was a cute Polish girl, 23 years old, with deep blue eyes, shoulder-length hair trimmed in a cute bob, and a body to die for. We had decided trying to live together to see how we would manage as a couple, with the intent of marrying the following year if all went well. So...

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An Unexpected Adventure with Robin and Olivia Chapters 1 2

I was getting ready to move overseas for my job and since I had a month before leaving I asked my sister if I could stay with them for a month. While it was not ideal it allowed me to ship my things which needed the month for transit to South Korea so when I arrived I would be able to move straight into the company apartment I was assigned. I did not need furniture but there was my personal property that I would want with me. I work for a multinational IT firm and my four-year assignment...

1 year ago
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Massage 3 BBW

This story is about the time I worked at a hotel, as a masseuse. I had worked at the hotel for 2 and half years. It was a good time, but me and management had different… This story is about the time I worked at a hotel, as a masseuse. I had worked at the hotel for 2 and half years. It was a good time, but me and management had different opinions about a lot of things, so I parted ways with the company. The company had a great policy when it comes to uniforms. The uniforms were white polo...

3 years ago
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My Cousin is a Prostitute

The room she was pushing out of was located above a sex shop, the red neon lights blinking triple xxx's across my face as I crossed the street and the closer I got, the more I could feel my cock getting harder in my pants! It was unexpected but I couldn't help it! My cousin was a plump 5'6" with big natural d's and a really cute face. I always found her attractive but she was my cousin! It's impossible not to see those big tits but I had always tried to be a gentleman. But when I...

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Master PC Child of the ProgramChapter 29 Rejuvenation

That single release wasn't enough. I could already feel that warm blanket of my Charm reaching out again. It wasn't as strong, but it wouldn't be denied. Yvonne and Chloe had fallen to their knees with their own orgasms. The sensations I had felt had brought them to climax along with me. They looked up, the glistening wetness of my cream was there, covering Savannah, waiting to be cleaned off. I knew what kind of cleaning they would prefer, but would Savannah allow it? The tears that had...

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Back To School Days

“Two fifteen. Two fifteen. Where is it? Two oh three.” Ashley muttered to herself as she walked down the hall. Her first day, and if she didn’t find the room soon, she’d be late to meet with Mr. Hamilton. The early morning sunlight spilled in through the window at the end. Outside, the trees are just beginning to change from green to yellow and orange. A cloudless blue sky promises a beautiful day ahead. The fluorescent lights overhead were reflected in the shiny paint of the lockers and...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend Bani Facebook Per

Hello sabko ..Me rohit from Chandigarh i m good looking boy ..Ye story h mere gf or mere ..Merko girls se baat kerne me bahot interest tha h or rahega me her time girls ke bare me he Sochta rhata hu or ek din me fb pe friends se chat ker raha tha n merko ek girl ki request aai uska name priya (name changed) tha or mane accept ker le … Fir accept kerte he uska msg aya … Priya : hi Me: hi Priya: how r u Me : f9 Priya : love u jaanu Me : what Fir mane reply nahi keya ….Fir uska reply aaya fir se...

4 years ago
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For a sexy Polish princess XxX

Hello again 'Anna'... Well, I just wanted to write you something nice and horny to let you know how much you've captivated me with your raunchy little profile!After seeing your deliciously horny pics for the first time, I just couldn't stop daydreaming about all the naughty, sensual pleasures I'd love to share with you girl........you look so jaw droppingly sexy, just the kind of sultry little goddess I've always enjoyed fantasising about, ever since I was a horny young teenager! And yeah, I...

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BlizzardChapter 20

Alex was jumping on a bed barely meant for two and holding four. Max was up on her knees, naked as the rest of us, and spinning as she squealed and turned and laughed. I was still tired, and I didn’t recover from liquor and dehydration like I did when I was their--when I was nineteen. “If you’re going to fuck, can you be quiet and let me sleep?” Sam moaned with her eyes closed and her body tightly squeezing my side. “My everything is sore.” “Ah, sweetheart.” I kissed her hair. My mouth was...

3 years ago
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Good Things Comes to Those Who Wait Chapter 2 A Night to Remember

As it turned out, Clarisse had been a foster child herself, but I didn’t discover that until her former foster sister invited us out to their lakefront home for the fireworks on the lake. I had never met Clarisse’s sister and brother in-law before, but they had invited all of us out to their lake front home for dinner and the fireworks display on the water. They told us that we could spend the night because it’s an hour’s drive both ways, little did I suspect that spending the night included...

3 years ago
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Giant Cock Maybe a Little Gay

I was playing some basketball down at the gym the other day with a bunch of my buddies. We had a great game, strenuous, but fun. Afterword, instead of hitting the showers, Cody and I just stayed in our gym trunks and t-shirts and I went out for a couple of beers. Cody's a great guy. A 31 year old divorced stock broker, 6'4" tall and chiseled out of granite. We'd been work out buddies on occasion and the one time I'd actually seen him with his shirt off, I thought he looked like a fuckin'...

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Photoshoot Part 1 reposted to read easier

I sat in silence with my family eating breakfast. Everybody had different thoughts on their mind. My husband was flying out to Boston this morning for a week. My son and daughter were probably thinking of school. My thoughts carried me to that same time last night when my son asked me if I could pose for him, so he could take some pictures of his bike. How did he put it? He needed a babe in the picture with his bike. He was a teenager, barely turned 18, and his hobby was to ride motocross...

1 year ago
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First Hardcore Sex Is Always The Best

Jenna wants to get Nate in bed, but Jimmy, her colleague keeps getting in the way. She needs a plan to get Jimmy out of the picture to get to Nate. Jimmy had the hots for me since my first day at the office. He smiled and stared at my cleavage when I shook his hand. I could not blame him for peeking at my perky c-cup breasts. Even women had told me that they were divine. The way he licked his lips told me that he was picturing us having hardcore sex. I knew I had him wrapped around my little...

First Time
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BurningAngel Barbie Sins Evil Oil

Barbie Sins is one tricked-out and gothed-up fuck doll. With her creamy skin, black lipstick and beautiful titties, this savage beauty was built to bang. But when she pours oil on her vicious body and she gets nice and slick and sticky—well, that just makes her tiny asshole and tight little pussy even MORE ready to destroy some lucky guy’s rod. And today, that lucky guy is Markus Dupree. Markus was born to slay slit with his giant dick. And make no mistake, Markus’ prick...

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The English Are Put in Their PlaceChapter 10

As soon as we were parked in the underground garage we got out of Blake's car. I was watching Karen and now that it was happening, now that we were actually at the office, she was not nearly so self assured. She stood by the car watching all of our co-workers stream toward the elevators. It looked like she was having a hard time forcing herself to take that first step. Once more everyone stopped and stared as we approached. But there were two of us now and I felt a little better now that I...

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Potential Part 3

Story note: Yes, the story starts slow. That is out of respect for anyone the story is based on or anyone reading who has been in a similar situation. In real life these things take years to develop. If you only want to read about sex, then the first part of this story isn't for you. Skip ahead to later chapters when the action gets going. The beginning is all about character and plot development. Potential by Bistander Chapter 3 Evil Secrets in the Girl's Club The next...

3 years ago
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A Very Barntastic Adventures

A Very Barntastic AdventuresAuthor: ikkitousenCelebs: Bridgit Mendler, Dove Cameron, Olivia Holt, Ryan Newman, Selena GomezDisclaimer: This is all fiction and I guess it never happened although thinking it did is hot. No one under 18 should read this according to the law. If attractive hot celebs doing all sorts of debauchery is not your thing, go read something else!Selena Gomez, Dove Cameron, Olivia Holt and Ryan Newman were all hanging out with Bridgit at her parent’s ranch home.“Girls, Dove...

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camping trip

So, a friend of mine told me about all the girls running around the campsite when he goes camping, so I thought I would check it out myself, so with a borrowed tent and some gear I ventured out. After I set up camp, I decided to check out the area and do a little hiking, while on the trail met up with another hiker and talked as we hiked through the woods, various subjects were discussed from cars to where the girls are, on our way back to the tent area, Don invited me over to his fire pit for...

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How I Became a Cum SlutChapter 14

So that was it. We had to wait until mom decided to go visit her dad again and spend some time with him. When she did daddy and I would visit Dan and play our new exciting sexual game. The time went bye slowly and all of us were getting really horny to have our play time with Dan. It took three weeks before we heard the good news that she was going to visit her father. The bad news was about grand dad becoming sick again. One day the phone rang and it was my aunt Betty. She told us granddad...

2 years ago
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HussiePass Nola Exico They8217re Scary8230 Big8230 Heavy8230

Hussie?️Pass is thrilled to have curvy up-and-cummer ? Nola Exico making her debut with us today, and why wouldn’t we pair her up with the one and only Brickzilla ?➕☝? for her first scene with us? During the Johnny ?? Robbins interview portion of the program ??? we learn that Nola thinks huge dicks are “Scary… Big… Heavy…”, so we’ll see how she handles our 13-inch friend! To get her juices flowing, Nola spreads and fucks her neatly trimmed twat with a rather large...

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WENDY NIGHTINGALE.???“Wendy's a nice girl.........................” That's what everyone always said. She was the sort of person you liked as soon as you saw her, and so bright and intelligent. Plump, 5'6” and so, so pretty. With the most vivid green eyes, you ever saw. She wore glasses and had the most stunning breasts ever. When she moved to our area on her 50th birthday she always had a smile on her face, and no-one ever saw her husband, so she could be a widow, or divorced...... After all,...

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Grubers Volunteers

Chapter One        The dim flicker of florescent lights filled the conference room with light. At it’s center two women and a man sat in silence. Shifting occasionally in their seats and looking nervous, they were patiently waiting. The minutes seemed like hours when suddenly the door swung open violently and in rushed an elderly looking man in a lab coat, two young females in business attire in tow.        He quickly broke the silence with his slight German accent. ?Please relax. I am Dr....

2 years ago
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Biker Lust The Beginning

Introduction: A fantasy that lives in my head about someone who knows who they are. It was a warm fall day. I was riding aimlessly around in the country on my Sportster. All summer long Id ridden around on these same roads and I was feeling quite bored. I had been riding along, lost in thought when I came upon the little wooded glen with the roadside cemetary. This was as good a time as any to stop and have a sip of water. Pulling over on the side of the road I parked my bike and stretched...

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Ramesh Had Sex With MomSis Mausi 4

Hello friends, this is Ramesh Kumar Pawa i am sharing real true sex experience of my own life this is my fourth story and in this i am sharing a sex experience with my mausi (mothers younger sister).friends i received so many e mails some of them i have replied also some girls/ladies asked me that they also want to enjoy sex with their son/brother but always afraid. For them my answer is this please do not not force any body to have sex please go for sex with mutual understandings.first plan...

3 years ago
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Changing Perspectives

Changing Perspectives Since as far back as I can remember I had always been fascinated by the way girls dressed and acted. This fascination was so strong to the point that I idled them and wanted to be one. The only problem was my mom and the rest of society didn't quite accept it. My mom had divorced my dad not long after I was born because of his alcoholic problems and he now lived in another state and rarely visited. When I was around three years old I would sneak into...

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Too Damn Obedient

The sun hung lazily in the afternoon sky, surrounded by pitiful wisps of clouds, drifting in a similarly lazy manner. I was sitting at the bus stop, minding my damn business; just me, myself, and my cloud envy. I suddenly heard footsteps emanating from my left as a stranger approached the bench and sat uncomfortably close to me. I have my own boundaries, so I very politely asked, " Excuse me,

4 years ago
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Diane my slut wifes encounter

Let me tell you about my wife, Diane. She’s this sexy girl who grew up in Minnesota. She has shoulder length, blonde hair, brown skin, blue eyes, a full mouth, and a body like a fuck doll. She’s 50, 40DD tits on a nice, slender frame, so it’s all pretty firm and outstanding. At the time of this story we’d been going out for about two years, and had been through most things sexually, but had never brought in a third person. I should add that Diane is a total fuck slut. She likes to be fucked...

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Breast Work My tits love wire brushes

There was no avoiding  seeing them and he knew  I couldn't avoid seeing them. They were right there on the  table when I walked in the front door after work. Each was four inches wide and  9 inches long and the hundreds of tiny  tips  sparkled in the lamplight. They glinted because he'd used the grinder on them while he waited for me. I almost went weak at the knees when I saw the big, blocky wire brushes. There was a hand lettered card next to them. It  said :  We've been waiting for the...

2 years ago
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Last weekend I indulged myself with a trip to my favorite department store. Looking and trying on all the latest and sexiest fashions, especially if they are revealing really turns me on. I wandered around the local mall, found my favorite store and before long found myself at the counter I waited to ask a young and very hot salesperson if I could try on a very short and revealing blue dress.While perving on his tight bum, I did not at first register that there was a hand gently caressing my...

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Jamie By Karen Elizabeth L. Copyright 2000 Being a four foot, ten inch tall boy at the age of thirteen isn't easy. I got teased a lot and I've never been able to put up with all of the short jokes. Worse yet, the doctor's told Mom that I couldn't be expected to grow more than two to three inches even with my upcoming growth surge. I was stuck as a midget forever. Tom Morris and George Harlon had just finished their daily round of abusing me, you know the routine; "Does your...

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Big Blue EyesChapter 32

“Something Broadway would be nice?” I said. “You know the show, URINETOWN?” Sandy asked. “Sure, ‘Follow Your Heart?’ You want someone to sing with?” I asked. “Yeah, Randall, you ready?” Sandy and I performed one of the many odd songs written for the relatively New Musical URINETOWN. She knew the song well enough and we had a blast playing off each other during it. When the song was over, Sandy and I clinched and almost start to kiss, when Carol starts to applaud, saying, “Wow girl – I...

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Salt and PepperChapter 3

Grace Adler had thoroughly enjoyed the large St- Bernard's cock as he fucked her pussy. But now they were tied together and her roommate would be returning soon. She watched helplessly as the large animal threw one of his hindlegs over hers and faced away from her, his cock still stubbornly imbedded in her cunt. Grace was only grateful that he stopped trying to pull out of her pussy. She stared down at her stomach, and could swear that she could see the outline of his cock pushing her tummy...

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Awayday chapter 1

We're off, at long bloody last. It seems ages since we last had a break and we are so looking forward to this one. You know how you get when you see the same old faces and sites, day after day, well you get stale don't you. You get into a routine or even a rut that is very difficult to get out of, well that's where we're at right now and we're on the road, going to the coast, to do something about it. Because of our jobs, Sami and I find it very difficult to concentrate on just the two of...

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