The Black Seas Ch. 24-26 free porn video

Port Royal, 1706
Sounds like someone is in a hurry,’ Governor Rogers commented at the sound of footfalls echoing through the hall.
Robert Maynard turned slightly away from the window to the governor then to the door. ‘Let us hope he has news. We certainly can use some.’
Before Governor Rogers could say more, a knock at the door echoed through the office.
‘Come in,’ he said instead.
A young soldier stepped in. His face was slightly pale and his hair looked overly wet from sweat.
‘Sorry to interrupt Governor,’ he said once he caught the sight of Maynard.
‘It’s alright son,’ Rogers said. ‘What is your hurry soldier?’
‘I was told to bring this message to you sir as fast as possible,’ the young soldier said holding out a piece of paper to the governor.
Rogers took the note from the man and quickly read over it. He looked up from the paper and said, ‘Good work son. Dismissed.’
Once the door shut after the soldier Rogers turned back toward the eager Maynard.
‘It appears we have that news we needed.’
He handed the paper to Maynard to look at for himself. After reading the paper his expression changed from a smile to concern. Rogers caught the change.
‘What has you worried?’
Maynard looked out to the window for a few moments. When he turned back he said, ‘I do not doubt that the information is accurate but it does seem a little too convenient.’
‘Are you saying it could be a trap?’
‘I am saying it is a trap,’ Maynard answered with a grin.
‘Then if it is a trap, I can reassign a portion of the fleet to assist you.’
‘There won’t be a need for that,’ Maynard said quickly holding his hand up in the air. ‘I will take the Ranger and Jane. In a three way battle, we will have the advantage. With any luck, one of the two sides will destroy the other leaving us with the remains.’
‘I want this threat eliminated from the Caribbean Robert as was our agreement.’
‘And I assure you that I will fulfill our agreement. I have assets all over the world addressing this threat.’
Rogers sighed loudly. ‘To be honest Robert, I could care less what your organization is or does or what people you have where. The world isn’t my concern and as far as I am concerned not even the king’s concerns matter.
‘This is my sea under my control. I will not have disorder in the Caribbean while under my command. I brought you in to help and at the same time help you.’
Rogers was full of determination rather than anger. Maynard could see the calmness displayed by the man and hear the threat underlying his words. Politics of the world or even governments didn’t matter to him or the Black List.
‘I understand Governor. It is I that approached you after all.’ He pulled away from the window and took a seat at one of the chairs in front of the governor’s desk. ‘I am also a man of my word. Both of us have a common threat though they may not exactly be the same.’
‘I care not for what you claim to chase or say there is out there,’ Rogers interrupted. ‘The fact that you have assets and people that are able to help is enough.
‘But, I don’t like speculation. I like assurances and guarantees.’
‘Then I guarantee these threats will be eliminated. All I need is the two ships,’ Maynard said assuredly.
Rogers rubbed his chin briefly. ‘They are yours to use, but,’ he paused holding his index finger up, ‘but, if you return without the task complete I will put you in the same category of a pirate and I will have you hunted down.’
‘Then let us hope I prove successful.’
Dead Man’s Cove, 1706
With the Queen Anne’s Revenge leading the Dutchman both ships slowly slipped into the cove. The Radiant Discord sat anchored at the back of the cove. Lights shone from its empty decks and it put Blackbeard a bit on guard.
The fools picked a bad spot to hide. He commented to Morgan.
The cove was surrounded by mountainside that stretched from the water up at least a hundred feet into the air. There was no shore that the pirate demon could see or anyplace for climbing and the only way out was the way both ships just entered.
Then we have them were we want them. Morgan answered knowing different.
Signal Jones to secure the exit. Blackbeard ordered. Prepare the crew to board.
Morgan was taken back for a moment. For a brief instant he thought Blackbeard must have known the trap he was falling into but just as quickly dismissed the idea. The demon captain wasn’t a fool but like all demons, arrogant.
Morgan slipped away to fulfill the orders. He didn’t worry about the entrance/exit staying blocked to hinder the plan. With so many against Blackbeard, he had no chance to survive.
The Brethren insisted on using Blackbeard to their own ends even against Morgan’s objections, which is why he allied himself with the Djinn as his first mate.
Now like Morgan had foreseen was a mistake. It was too bad the Brethren wouldn’t see firsthand that he was right and they were so utterly wrong.

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