Sarahs first love
- 4 years ago
- 39
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This is a continuation of Chapter 1. You might want to read it, to pick up some important details.
I want to thank LadyFalcon for her assistance by making constructive comments and editing this story.
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The day of my graduation, and a couple days after, were very busy. Mom invited my out-of-state aunt and uncle, plus my young male cousin, to my graduation. They stayed with us for two more days. Sarah’s mom hosted a graduation party for her with some of her relatives, including her grandfather. Sarah and I would have preferred to have been together without the parties, but our parents wanted to celebrate our passing another of life’s milestones.
I’ll never forget the phone call I received from Sarah the evening of her graduation party. It sounded like she was in tears, but she was laughing, and screeching, and yipping, all at the same time.
‘Sarah, calm down. What are you trying to tell me?’
‘When Grandpa heard I didn’t get my scholarship, he said he’d loan me the money for college.’ She seemed breathless and overjoyed.
‘Oh Sarah, I’m so happy for you!’ I was–I couldn’t have been happier for her.
Sarah related that Arthur told her he’d finance her college education on the condition that she honestly study to the best of her ability. He said that when she became a veterinarian, she could repay his loan. He hoped that by becoming a veterinarian, she would help take care of his prized horses.
I realized that Sarah and I would now be attending the University of Illinois together. We’d be able to see one another every day–I thought maybe we’d even be in some of the same classes. Things were looking up for both of us.
Earlier in the year, Dad told me he’d pay my college tuition, if I’d help him take care of the apple orchard and prune the Christmas trees. I was going to be his hired hand for the summer. Now that school was over, it was time to go to work.
The third day after graduation, it dawned warm and sunny. I was helping Dad spray the apple orchard, when something went ‘clunk’ in the sprayer. Dad stopped the tractor and checked the sprayer pump. He said the pump was broken and he needed to drive to town to find a replacement. ‘Son, it looks like you’re going to have the rest of the day off.’
Dad and I went back to the house and Mom fixed an early lunch. Later, I called Sarah.
I told Sarah Dad’s sprayer was broken and he’d gone to town to find a new one. ‘I have the rest of the day off. Can I come over?’
‘Sure sweetie, I was about to exercise Pegasus and Ardmore this afternoon.’
‘Oh I forgot to tell you–Kathy’s grandma isn’t very well, and her family drove to Chicago to see her yesterday. We’re boarding Ardmore for several days until they come back.’
There was a long pause on the other end of the line. ‘Steve, why don’t I saddle both horses and you can ride Ardmore? He’s gentle. I’ll see you in thirty minutes. Love you–bye.’
Before I could respond, Sarah hung up. That was unlike her. She and I could usually talk for an hour. I hadn’t seen her since graduation, so I was looking forward to spending some time with her again. However, I wasn’t interested in horseback riding. Although Sarah had let me ride Pegasus several times around their barnyard, I was still a novice rider. I could see myself being embarrassed or hurt by being thrown off. What I needed was an excuse to get out of horseback riding, but I couldn’t think of a good one.
After I hung up, Mom walked into the kitchen where we kept the phone. I told her Sarah wanted me to go horseback riding with her. She said, ‘Sarah only has one horse.’
‘Sarah’s keeping Kathy’s horse for a few days, and she said I could ride him.’
‘That’s nice. You really ought to try it. I remember horseback riding with your father on our honeymoon. It was a lot of fun. Enjoy yourself, and be careful.’
I went to our apple storage cellar and chose a couple blemished apples for the horses, and a couple nice ones for Sarah and me. By the time I arrived in Kolb’s barnyard, Sarah was dressed for riding. She was wearing jeans, riding boots, a cowgirl hat, and a gray t-shirt with purple letters that said ‘Purina Horse Chow’ on the back. Sarah had already saddled Pegasus with her saddle and Ardmore with Kathy’s.
When she saw me carrying the apples, she said, ‘Give me those and I’ll put them in the saddlebag with the other stuff. I brought along a small thermos of iced tea.’
I held them out to her. ‘The two blemished apples are for Pegasus and Ardmore. The nice ones are for us.’
She gave me a peck on the cheek. ‘You are always so thoughtful. You were even thinking of the horses.’
Just before we departed, Sarah’s dog Abby came running to us and was underfoot. Sarah said she’d have to tie Abby to her dog house before we left. Otherwise, she’d follow us on our horseback ride.
I mounted Ardmore and Sarah adjusted the stirrups on Ardmore’s saddle to match the length of my legs. Finally she mounted Pegasus and we started down the tree-lined, dirt lane toward the road. We could hear Abby’s yips of protest as we rode away.
Sarah said, ‘Since you haven’t ridden much, we’ll take it slow. Ardmore is more than happy to tag along behind Pegasus.’ The horses set off at a walk down Kolb’s lane with Pegasus in the right wheel rut and Ardmore in the left. Ardmore seemed to like a position where his nose was abeam Sarah’s saddle horn, so I was almost beside Sarah.
‘Sarah, do you know how Ardmore received his name?’
‘Oh, he was raised on a farm near Ardmore, Oklahoma. That was his name when Kathy got him.’
I thought about it for a few seconds, and said, ‘It’s good he wasn’t raised on a farm near Floyd’s Knobs, Indiana.’
Sarah laughed, ‘Or near Intercourse, Pennsylvania.’
We continued our banter until we reached the road. Sarah said, ‘Let’s go left toward the creek.’
To the left, the narrow dirt road sloped gently down to a small bridge across the creek, through a valley, and ascended more steeply up the other side. It was deeply wooded on both sides of the road. The tops of many tall trees grew together above the road near the bridge, making an arch high above the road. The sun, shining through the leafy canopy, left dappled patterns on the dusty road beneath the trees. It was like riding through a leafy tunnel.
Sarah let Pegasus choose his own pace downhill to the bridge. He’d started to trot, with Ardmore and me on his left. I noticed that, even though she was wearing a bra, every time Sarah’s butt hit the saddle, her breasts bounced. It was fun watching those pert orbs spring up and down in cadence with Pegasus’ trot.
In no time, I sported an erection–rather uncomfortable, because it kept rubbing on the front of my jeans. I was trying to adjust my jeans when Sarah turned toward me and started to say something. She saw I was ogling her breasts, I’d been caught.
‘Like what you see, Steve?’
‘Um–yeah–and you have a cute butt too.’
‘Aren’t you a naughty boy?’
We rode on for a few more yards past the bridge. I’d failed to notice that she’d reined in Pegasus and he’d stopped. When Ardmore didn’t see Pegasus ahead anymore, he stopped on his own. I twisted around in the saddle to see what had happened to Sarah. She took off her hat, and pulled her t-shirt over her head. Then she calmly removed her bra.
Sarah had beautiful breasts. They weren’t large, but nice-sized, about the size of small coffee cups. They were nicely rounded and perky, with nipples that stood out, reminding me of the pink erasers on the fat pencils they give first-graders. Her nipples were surrounded by light pink areolae the size of silver dollars.
Sarah put her t-shirt and hat back on. Then she dropped her bra into the saddlebag, and urged Pegasus on. The rural roads around our farm were little-traveled, so Sarah wasn’t concerned she’d be
caught. It was unlikely anyone else would pass this way for hours.
As Sarah passed by, she said, ‘Steve, the look on your face was precious. If you’re going to stare, I’ll give you something to stare at.’
I shot back, ‘It looks like I’m not the only naughty one.’
Off we went again at a trot, with Ardmore closely following Pegasus. Sarah’s breasts were really bouncing, and I was thoroughly enjoying the show. When we reached the uphill slope, Pegasus slowed to a walk. A few yards more and Sarah stopped him next to one of our farm gates. She dismounted and opened the gate, leading Pegasus through.
‘Steve, are you coming?’
‘Sure. Now I know where you’re going.’
We were about to visit ‘our rock.’ I nudged Ardmore forward and Sarah closed the gate behind him when we’d passed through it. We were on the wagon track which meandered along the creek to a low water crossing on our farm where we forded the creek with the tractor and wagon.
When we were kids, Sarah and I spent a lot of time playing in and along the creek. We waded, caught minnows and crawdads, climbed the sycamore trees, or picnicked on a large granite rock beside the creek. We always claimed the rock was ‘our rock.’
‘Our rock’ was a mottled, gray granite monolith with streaks of pink in it. When the sun hit it, there were many sparkles that reflected from tiny quartz crystals in the rock. It was gently rounded on top, the size of a large school bus laying on its side. The end furthest from the creek stuck out of the soil nearly six feet, but the low end was about 18 inches above the water. The rock was obviously out of place–probably left there by a glacier thousands of years ago. It was the only granite rock in Jackson township that I was aware of. Dad once told me he thought the rock must have been special to native Americans, because we’d found numerous arrowheads and some pottery shards near it.
A couple hundred yards from the road, the granite rock was in a secluded glen where the creek made a sweeping horseshoe bend. In the center of the horseshoe was a wildflower-filled meadow. Queen Anne’s Lace, Brown-Eyed Susans, and Chicory all vied to put on the best flower show. There was a limestone cliff nearly forty feet high on the opposite side of the creek from the granite rock. The cliff was covered with moss and a few scrub trees grew out at crazy angles. After a heavy rain, water would dribble out of limestone rock layers into the creek, making bubbles that drifted downstream.
Sarah and I hadn’t visited the granite rock in several years. It brought back memories–we used to lie on the rock, watching summer clouds or a solitary hawk lazily soaring overhead. One time when we visited the rock, I wove a garland of wildflowers for Sarah’s hair and she wore it home. Another time, Sarah showed me how to make little boats from sycamore leaves, which we let float down the creek.
The wagon track snaked across the meadow, past two huge cottonwood trees, some scrub oaks, and a thicket of willows. It continued near three mature sycamore trees on the creek bank near the rock. One of the sycamores leaned, with some of its lower limbs reaching over the granite rock.
Sarah reined in Pegasus near the first sycamore, dismounted, and tied him to a small tree trunk. I did the same, tying Ardmore to another small tree several feet away. Both horses were in the shade, there was plentiful grass to graze on, so they were happy–swishing flies with their tails.
Sarah removed Pegasus’ saddlebag, laid it on the ground, and gave the horses the two blemished apples. Then she removed Pegasus’ saddle.
‘Steve, you can remove Ardmore’s saddle too. We’ll put them aside for a while. I don’t like to keep them saddled for long periods of time, especially when it’s warm like this.’
Sarah swiftly removed Pegasus’ saddle and saddle blanket. I was still fumbling with Ardmore’s saddle, when Sarah came around his rump carrying the saddlebag and Pegasus’ saddle blanket. I glanced up and there she was, in that t-shirt, with her taut nipples holding the bottom of her t-shirt off her flat tummy. I couldn’t resist staring at her breasts.
When she saw where my eyes focused, she said, ‘Now I know why it’s taking you so long with Ardmore’s saddle. Hurry up–don’t you want your graduation gift?’ She stopped and faced me. Then she lifted the front of her t-shirt up to her neck and back down in a flash. She continued on toward the rock.
By the time I removed Ardmore’s saddle, Sarah was already at the granite rock. The sun was shining on the end of the rock hanging over the creek, but the higher end was shaded by sycamore leaves. She placed the saddle blanket on the shaded end and smoothed it out. She kicked off her riding boots, socks, and jeans.
When I reached the rock, Sarah was wearing only her t-shirt and a pair of white cotton panties. She sat down on the rock and removed our two apples, the small thermos of iced tea, two towels, and a couple condoms from the saddlebag.
I followed Sarah’s example and stripped down to my t-shirt and boxers and sat down next to her. As she was placing a towel on the saddle blanket, she said, ‘Steve, remember in the barn when I said I always wanted our first time to be with candles, romantic music, and a fireplace?’
‘Yes, why?’
‘We’ve always said this rock was special to both of us. I think it’s the right place, don’t you?’
My choice of place wasn’t as important as Sarah’s, but I agreed we always thought the rock was special.
‘I’m sure we couldn’t have found a better place.’
I looked at the items she had removed from the saddlebag. ‘You certainly prepared the most delightful picnic.’
She laughed her girlish laugh. ‘Guess what you’re getting for dessert?’
‘Do I have three guesses?’
‘No, silly boy. Come here and kiss me.’
I reached for her and she rolled back on the towel, pulling me on top of her. Sarah gave me the most delightful kisses. We kissed breathlessly for some time. Her lips were incredibly soft and her kiss was sensual–our tongues explored each other’s mouths. It was the best kiss I’d ever shared with her.
Somehow we ended up lying on our sides, facing each other. Her t-shirt rode up and I took the opportunity to put my hand under it, on her breast. My fingers found one of her nipples and I tweaked it between my thumb and finger. She let out the most pleasurable moan. Then she rolled away from me, and pulled her t-shirt over her head. Seeing her without her t-shirt, I sat up and joined her by removing mine. Her nipples were standing up, looking like turgid, pink raspberries. I hadn’t been aware how stiff my erection became, but could feel it poking through the opening in my boxers.
The next thing I knew, she had pushed me on my back and was on her hands and knees on top of me with her lovely breasts dangling just inches from my nose. She kissed me on the forehead, but instead of returning her kiss, I twisted and caught a nipple with my lips. She pulled back, surprised, and it slipped from my mouth.
She laughed and teased me by leaning forward again, letting me touch one with my tongue. It tasted salty–but after all, she had been riding on a hot day, and I could ignore that.
The skin on her breasts was velvety smooth and softer than I ever imagined. Her nipples were rigid. I reached for the other nipple, and when she sensed what I was reaching for, she turned slightly so I could touch it with my tongue. When I flipped her nipple with my tongue, she took in an involuntary gasp as if she had slipped off the high end of the rock. I was finally able to grasp her nipple between my lips.
‘Oh…Steve that feels incredible.’
I couldn’t talk with her nipple in my mouth, so I mumbled something like, ‘Mmmff.’
After suckling her nipples and twiddling them with my tongue, I rolled her onto her back and started kissing her on the mouth and neck. I worked down her shoulders, across her
chest and breasts and planted some kisses at the top of her panties.
‘That tickles.’
Even though it must have been 85 degrees, I noticed goose bumps on her arms and tummy. She wrapped her arms around my head as I went back to nibbling her nipples.
Her breathing became irregular. She closed her eyes, and opened her mouth, saying, ‘Oh…oh…Steve.’ Then I felt her hand groping along the top of my shorts as if she was trying to push them down. I helped her by removing them. When I reached under her hips, she lifted her bottom so I could remove her panties. We were now both naked and I was kneeling beside her. What a stunning view–I’d never seen a woman naked before.
I quickly scanned her body from the silky brown hair on top of her head to her dainty toes. Her head was turned to the side and I could see her profile. She had such long eyelashes, a cute turned-up nose, and sweetly pouted lips that I loved to kiss. Her long pony tail trailed across her soft shoulder. As I scanned downward across her collarbone and smooth chest, my eyes stopped to take in the view of her lovely breasts with those kissable nipples as they heaved up and down with each of her pleasured breaths.
Her tummy was taut and well-muscled. At the top of her thighs, there was an exquisite mound covered by a wispy brown bush. In the center of the bush was an inviting valley. How I wanted to explore the valley. Beyond the valley of my dreams were two shapely thighs, and two attractive feminine calves and feet. I couldn’t recall a more beautiful view. Of course the view had its effects on me–I’d never ever felt a stiffer erection.
Sarah opened her eyes and said to me in an dreamy way, ‘Steve, I love you. I love the way you make me feel.’
‘Sarah, I love you too.’
She squeezed my penis, and before I had a chance to react, I’d ejaculated a couple times on her rib cage and stomach. She gave me a startled look. I was as surprised as she was.
‘I’m sorry Sarah. I didn’t mean to cum on you–it just happened.’
She put her hand on her stomach and felt around. ‘Kind of icky, isn’t it?’
‘Sarah, I’m so sorry.’
It wasn’t the way I’d fantasized sex with her would be. I wanted to be the ardent stud, who brought her to an unending series of powerful climaxes while I ravished her beautiful body. In short, I wanted to be Sarah’s stallion, and she would be my filly. Now I was embarrassed, my penis was limp as a wet noodle, the mood had been broken.
She sat up and kissed me on the cheek. ‘It’s OK. It was kind of cute the way you squirted. I’ll wash it off in the creek.’
Sarah stood up and tiptoed to the end of the rock at the creek. My eyes were riveted on her lovely behind as she walked. The rock stuck out of the water a little more than a foot. She sat down on the rock and scooted off into the gravel-bottomed creek. The water was little more than ankle-deep there. As she bent over to wash off, it was as if I’d seen her naked somewhere before. Ah yes, I remembered. She was nearly a mirror image of the lovely maiden in the September Morn painting, except Sarah wore a ponytail. What an irresistible, feminine figure. I asked myself how I was so lucky to have a girl this beautiful?
I joined her in the creek, several feet away. I don’t recall if I splashed her, or she splashed me, but in a few seconds we were kicking the cool, spring-fed, creek water at each other like a couple of kids. We soaked each other. She squealed and started to run away, but I caught her from behind and grabbed her around the waist and stopped her. I placed my arm behind her knees, and swept her off her feet, with her arms around my neck. She turned her head toward me and I pulled her closer until I could kiss her.
With her mouth close to mine, I searched her open mouth with my tongue, and she did the same. When we came up for air, she said, ‘You’d better put me down before we both fall in the creek.’
I carried her to the rock and sat her on it with her feet dangling in the water. In her nakedness, her soft skin covered with drops of water that sparkled like diamonds, she was more beautiful than I’d ever dreamed. She looked up at me, and her sweet smile was melting me as much as butter melts in the summer sun.
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Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
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It was all overwhelming… Sarah was a good religious girl who had always contended that she didn’t want to get married, so the idea of having sex with anyone, let alone a rehab patient she had just met, was something she had never seriously considered. In the course of less than a month, the 23 year old nurse had gone from being a confirmed virgin to having now fucked three men she had never met before and having had her traitorous body cum time after time as she begged them for more....
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Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
My wife told me some while after we were married one night following a fabulous fuck session with my thick cum still swimming in her sweet cunt about how innocent she was before her friend Heidi “corrupted” her, Adding she was ever so grateful Heidi had. Sarah’s Mum Who was a.rather nice lady for a mother in law, RIP had told her all about sex, but very little about how it works or what to do when she got sexual feelings. Heidi’s Mum.had actually explained and showed pictures from a printed sex...
Introduction: This is a first attempt and is currently incomplete. Constructive comments are appreciated! Are you sure this is the right place for your meeting dad? It looks… Well it looked like nobody has lived in the old house for ages. The two story dilapidated house looked locked up tight. Even the shutters are drawn. Still wearing my school uniform I shivered when I felt a draft under my skirt. I hated wearing this stupid plaid skirt and white blouse but the Woodward School for girls was...
Sarah and I,d been married a few years when we went on holiday to Essex staying in a local bed and breakfast in Clacton. Some how we,d gotten Sarah.s parents to agree to babysit for our two young k**s so we had the place all to ourselves us and about 3,000 others that busy August. The first few days had been pretty cool and windy, but the third dawned bright and sunny with the temperature heading for the high seventies, the main danger too much sun. We,d met a nice man called Trevor the night...
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Die Mittagssonne brannte in den großen Garten. Die Luft stand träge, heiß. Einzig das Wasser des kleinen Pools versprach etwas Kühlung. Nichts regte sich, nicht einmal die kleinsten Blätter der dichten Hecke und der großen Bäume, die den Garten umstanden, rührten sich. Mittag. Sarah war eingeschlafen. Sie hatte ihren Körper auf einem gestreiften Badelaken ausgestreckt. Auf dem Rücken liegend, fühlte sie die Hitze der Sonne auf der Haut. Ihr Körper brannte. Schweißbedeckt erwachte sie und...
I hesitated for a few moments, thinking, should I or shouldn't I? I was now standing before him, he took my dressing gown off me because I was a bit reluctant. He Didn't like that. "Right you naughty cock teasing little girl! You're going to do what you're told now!" He swung me round and put me over the sofa. "Sir, what are you doing? Please don't hurt me. I'll be a good girl!" SLAP, SLAP SLAP. Mr Clark was spanking my arse. "Now take them bikini knickers down Sarah, I'm going to...
My dear wife used to tell me all about her teenage years and how she had sexy fun Without getting a proper fucking till we were married though she had a few close calls. She told me about her ex boyfriend Aidan and how he treated her and if I,d ever met him I,d have been tempted to just punch him and say “That,s for how you treated my wife You Bastard!” But Of Course I never met him. I,ll carry on with what she told me “I was impressed with Aidan. We went to the same school in London, he was...
Sarah is a wife and a mother of two. She has begun a search to clarify her sexual identity. In Chapter One, Sarah tested the waters looking at internet adult forums and participated in cyber sex. With a smorgasbord of sexual opportunities to consider , she is ready to embark on more intimate experiences. The next day I decided to raise the bar. I didn’t want to participate in more cyber sex which wasn’t much better than masturbating to a porn flick. There is a small incremental step between...
Sarah woke up wet and horny that morning. She had had the dream again. She had been up on the stage naked, surrounded by strangers. They had stared at her nakedness, cheered her, complimented her. They had liked what they saw. It had excited them. It had excited Sarah. As the excitement had grown, her hand slipped down to the wetness between her legs. She had begun rubbing herself to the wild encouragement of her audience. Her hand had slipped deep within her pussy. At least, maybe it was her...
My daughter Sarah had invited her best friend to stay with me at my place in Paris for the weekend. Ever since I had divorced over ten years ago, Sarah had been travelling back and forth at regular intervals to and from Bonn in order to satisfy the terms the separation agreement. During all those years of visitation rights, she had never suggested bringing along a friend, but now I supposed she was somewhat bored with sitting around with dad for the weekend. I wasn’t used to having unknown...
Since a few months back you've been attending the same classes as Sarah, a cute little brunette with nice curves and big brown eyes, noticing her for her natural beauty and lovely smile as well as her independent character. She's always very friendly and social, but still doesn't seem willing to let anyone too close. She's been dating a few guys in school, but rarely for more than a few days. Even the biggest "hunk" in the school couldn't keep her interest up. To you, she's mostly just another...
Wenn ich genau hin schaue: Von Gegenseitigkeit meinerseits war keine Rede mehr. Bruno hatte mich so mit seinen Zärtlichkeiten verwöhnt, dass ich nicht mehr zum Nachdenken kam.Und nun, so bemerkte ich, hatte Bruno wieder etwas Neues vor. Seine flache Hand hatte ich ja nun schon seit ein paar Tagen gespürt, wie sie massierend meine Scham verwöhnte."Schließe Deine Augen!" warm und doch bestimmt erteilte mir Bruno seine Anweisung.Ich war folgsam. "Ziehe Deine Beine an!" die nächste Anweisung."Bitte...
Sarah and I had been seeing each other for a while and going out on dates together, she was very open and said that although having boyfriends - she was still a virgin. And the thought of just putting my cock into her tight little virgin pussy made me tingle.After about our fourth date together, I thought this could be the time - I invited her back to my place. We laid on the bed like usual, kissing and cuddling - but with her wearing such a short, cock-teasing skirt I felt the need to slide my...
You better ride a real stallionMy girlfriend Helena called that Friday, telling me she was real horny and needed to get away from the city during the week end.Our husbands were outside, both attending boring business trips.I accepted the proposal and suggested to go somewhere to the West.Some common friends had there a nice ranch with horses. We could ride out and set up a camping near to a closer nice stream surrounded by trees. On the first day we set our tent, rode and explored the...
Xander had no idea where he was. Which was an improvement. Up to that moment he'd had no ideas at all for a long time. His head was in a tight place. He could hardly move a facial muscle. His eyes were closed, all was dark. Something filled his mouth and his ears seemed plugged. His nostrils were penetrated with two slick, narrow tubes. Yet, he heard and saw and smelled. What he saw he could not describe. There were colors. There also was a throbbing. Slow pulsating globs rose as in one...
All I could think about is Mia. As I got dropped off at the front of her house, I could feel my heart thumping beneath the short sheer black dress that I was wearing. I knew I looked sexy in it and I had my reasons for it. I glanced at her neighbourhood. I had been to her house numerous of times before but I’ve never felt as nervous as I was then. I am Sarah, aged 17 and I would call myself reasonably attractive. It was just recently that I’ve admitted for my secret desires for girls and Mia...
Hiya, my name is Sarah. Im 13 years old. Im pretty (everybody says so), blonde hair, green eyes and pink lips. I live in California and spend a lotta time outside so its kinda hard not to get a tan you know? Im happy with how I look. Im slim (too skinny my mom says, always tries to make me eat more,) but I like it, all my favourite celebs are skinny! Im not tall but thats okay, can always find a nice tall guy to reach for me ha ha. My boobs havent started to get big yet but mom says they will...
My name is Sarah. I am a thirty-eight year old married mother of two kids. You will notice I did not say happily married because that would be inaccurate, although I’m not unhappily married. Like so many women my age, we are just treading water and just a little bit bored with life. At this point there must be a little more to life than raising kids and having my husband ignore me. Oh, don’t get me wrong. He does his fatherly duties by taking our kids to their games or attending school...
Sarah, married and a mother of two, has taken a whirlwind journey of sexual encounters. Her friend Helen encourages her to experience one last erotic adventure. Each time Helen and I met, she gave me the gossip centered around the people I had met at her party. I learned that Artemis was fucking Athena even with a thirty year difference in their ages. Apollo and Ares are gay and expect to be married as soon as the state makes it legal. She told me that several men from the party kept asking...
It was just after six in the morning and Sarah stood naked, peering through the glass panels of her front door. It was the middle of the week and people were getting up and starting their day. Although it was September, the temperature was at seventy-two and expected to climb into the low eighties. The sky was cloudfree and the sun shown bright on the street outside Sarah’s house. After yesterday’s adventure, she felt more alive and excited than she had ever felt before. She had exposed herself...
Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
Sara experiences a totally new intimate relationship. Nothing was next, well, nothing at first. After the swingers party, my hormones continued to flow and I felt like a horny adolescent. Ted was the same old boring Puritan in bed. I found myself running to the bathroom after he finished his dozen strokes and pleasuring myself into a self induced orgasm. Spring turned to summer and I was a model mom again. The kids were home from school and we were at the pool and the park. Both kids were...
I have had a fascination for porn for as long as I can remember, since early in my teens. I suppose that is unusual for a girl, but nonetheless, I’ve enjoyed a LOT of porn in my life. And, of course, you can’t watch porn these days without seeing guys spray cum all over girls’ faces. For the longest time, I always thought this was hot, but having been subjected to society’s indoctrination that porn is about dominating and subjugating women, I just believed that it was not something most...
As I pulled up in the driveway, it was already dark and I was exhausted from what had been a long day at work. I quickly got out of the car and as I walked towards the door, picking out the right key, I noticed a light on in my neighbour’s house. A little bit strange, I thought to myself, I was sure that they were on vacation, but knew they had a daughter at college who often came home so put it down to that. I got inside and heated up some lasagne left over from the night before and took it...
SARAH’S STORY We had not had a vacation for a couple of year so hubby and I decided to take an exotic trip to Thailand for a couple of weeks. Winter was approaching North Carolina and a bit more warmth would be just the thing. We went for the Asia hotel in Bangkok for the first week and their Sister Asia Hotel in Pattaya for the second week, as the traveling times were extensive, we had about 5 nights in each hotel. The first two days we did the sites we wanted to see first and was having a...
This made me grin as I settled down between the stallion’s fore legs. He nosed down and licked my pussy. I had little difficulty curling up and tucking my feet through the stirrups. I pulled on the sling as I felt the monstrous ganz slipping into me. I just kept pulling up as my knees spread apart. I was so far on that I could not breath. The sling slipped past my head and I was able to pull myself forward and tuck my breasts into the openings where I was supported by my chest and the huge...
I was club hopping, in the hopes that I might be able to hop some guy’s club. The club would have to be a biggie, no simple night-stick or tonfa. I needed a massive weapon, that held authority and was wielded with skill. In short, I wanted a weapon of mass distraction, to distract me from Black’s massive weapon. My pussy throbbed as I looked at myself in the mirror. If there is one thing on this earth that I can sell, it’s sex, and the way I was looking there would be a bull market rush for my...
In a mountainous valley in the southwest, plans are afoot to take the war to the enemy. Col Lewis has been working an average of 20 hour days with no days off. This Sunday morning he has managed to drag himself out of bed and heads to the chapel in town. He sits at the back and can't help but doze, even in these uncomfortable pews, as the chaplain delivers a brief non-denominational sermon. He rolls in discomfort as his memories flash back to sleeping on the wooden floor of his grandmother's...
"Ohhhhhhfffuuuccckk! Oh God, feels sooo goooood!" squealed Mandy Kinison as she rode her lover, causing the bedsprings to creak wildly."Ohhh God! Give it to me, Fuck me you bastard!" Ms. Kinison panted, grabbing her left breast and squeezing it.Mandy Kinison is a twenty nine year old divorced woman. She is an attractive woman with shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes. She has a nice figure, a B-cup with flat abs, a nice ass and great legs.Her lover is sixteen year old Danny Parker. Danny...
I wanted to be fucked by a well-endowed black guy and my boyfreind. After placing an add on a swingers site that specialises in BBC.Neal and I recieved an email from someone who fitted the billcalled Peter. We called him and agreed to meet for a drink at a local bar.When Peter arrived he was everything I had hoped for, hewas huge.... everywhere. So we chatted, quickly drankup and almost ran back to our flat where I went and got changed while the guys got to knoweach other better. I slipped into...
I was club hopping, in the hopes that I might be able to hop some guy's club.The club would have to be a biggie, no simple night-stick or tonfa. I needed a massive weapon, that held authority and was wielded with skill.In short, I wanted a weapon of mass distraction, to distract me from Black's massive weapon.My pussy throbbed as I looked at myself in the mirror. If there is one thing on this earth that I can sell, it's sex, and the way I was looking there would be a bull market rush for my...
FetishI would like to share a new and recent experience my wife and I had on vacation - one in which I became a cuckold. I apologize for the length of the story but I hope that you will find the read worthwhile. I am 41 years old and my wife Leslie is 35. Our vacation took us to an adults-only resort on one of the islands in the Caribbean. The purpose of our vacation was to celebrate our upcoming 10th wedding anniversary. Although our anniversary is in March, we decided to go to the resort in late...
First Time'Genefusion' is an unnaturally weird process. The memory of the feeling of the bulky respirator on your lips, pumping you up enough to keep you the correct side of alive meets your dreams again. It has been the cause of many an unpleasant reawakening should your pillow fall into your face at night. You sit up, cold sweat dripping over your now tainted boy, causing you to shiver even more as your fingers run through your damp, black hair. 'Calm down... Calm down...' 'Shhh...' 'There... There we...
Sarah stood in the doorway to Mr. Leighton’s office; a corner of the large main house where the warden conducted his business.He was diligently reading a file spread across the green-hued blotter, an antique lamp off to one side casting a dim light across the stack of papers pinned under one side of the brown cover. She could see the name on the file. It was her’s.?You wanted to see me, sir?? The man looked up. ?Yes, hello, Sarah. Please, come in and close the door behind you.?Sarah swung...
Dania stood in the doorway, watching as a convict tried to kill her coach with a bat.Sarah deflected the blow with her own wooden bat, backpedaling and slipping sideways, keeping Stephanie, assigned on prison detail as her personal assistant, from positioning herself in a striking formation."What are they using?" she whispered to Isparana, who also stood watching the two women attack each other."My sister says it is called a 'shillelagh'. It is an ancient weapon used by her ancestors.""It...
Vella stood in the doorway, studying the figure of her coach sprawled face down across the cluttered desk. Sarah's hair was in a tangled mass fantailed over an open file. She was breathing deeply, obviously asleep. Her mouth was open and her arms were stretched towards the corners. Her hand still held a pen. Vella almost hated to wake her.Almost.Vella slammed the large trophy on an empty spot of wood, making certain to create as much of a bang as she could.Sarah's head shot up almost...
Sarah’s FriendAmy had the perfect figure for a model, her slim shoulders curved into a tiny waist and then out over the cutest of hips and down into long slim legs. Yet she looked on jealously at the only other person in the gym.Sarah was sitting on the leg press where her strong athletic legs were moving almost half the stack of weights. Like Amy, the woman was in her early thirties and like Amy the woman had long brown hair in a ponytail. Amy observed the woman discretely, her white...
Sarah stood in the doorway to Mr. Leighton’s office; a corner of the large main house where the warden conducted his business.He was diligently reading a file spread across the green-hued blotter, an antique lamp off to one side casting a dim light across the stack of papers pinned under one side of the brown cover. She could see the name on the file. It was her’s.?You wanted to see me, sir?? The man looked up. ?Yes, hello Sarah. Please, come in and close the door behind you.?Sarah swung...
SARAH UNDER CONTROLSarah walked to work that beautiful summer morning just as she did every morning. She walked with the sort of grace and confidence that could only come from knowing men enjoyed watching her. Even into her 40s, she still turned heads. When she had married Pete, some 20 years earlier, she had been a stunner, with breasts that stopped traffic, but now, all those years down the line, her regime of fitness, horse riding , healthy eating, and most importantly dressing the part,...
This piece is a chapter extracted from my novel "Toggenburg" a lesbian love story set in the mountains of Switzerland which I've posted in case any Xhamster reader might enjoy it. Toggenburg Thirty. “We are going to get wet!” declared Sarah firmly. It was a fair analysis as she and Daniela stood huddled in the doorway of the Hotel Toggenburg contemplating the wretched weather before them. It was still raining heavily and the wind was blowing the sheets of rain around...